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The individual absorbs language before he can think for himself. Indeed, the absorption of language is the very condition of
being able to think for himself.
-Richard Harland-
NATR! "# $AT!%"RI$A& 'R"'"(ITI"N
'ropositions are the building blocks of any argument. The propositions are the
statements that carry our assertion to something )e are holding to be true in our argument. If
the term is the concrete e*pression of idea, the proposition is the concrete e*pression of
In +udgment, as a mental act, it pronounces the agreement or disagreement bet)een t)o
ideas, then e*pressed verbally into propositions.
$AT!%"RI$A& 'R"'"(ITI"N is a sentence in )hich the t)o terms ,sub+ect and predicate-
are combined so as to assert or negate something.
/icolanos are #ilipinos
(ub+ect 'redicate
Subject: the part of a sentence or utterance, usually a noun, noun phrase, or e0uivalent, that the
rest of the sentence asserts something about and that agrees )ith the verb.
Predicate: a )ord or combination of )ords, including the verb, ob+ects, or phrases governed by
the verb that make up one of the t)o main parts of a sentence1 everything in a simple sentence
other than names.
'roposition is the product of +udgment )hich may either be an assertion of one or
negation of the other. (uch assertion may be an affirmation of the sub+ect or negation as denial
of an attribute of the sub+ect.
5r. 5aniel 5. 5ial is the president of 46$.
$haracter building is nation-building.
(ome students are academically e*cellent.
All #ilipinos are hospitable.
5r. 5aniel 5. 5ial is not the president of 46$.
$haracter building is not nation-building.
(ome students are not academically e*cellent.
No #ilipinos are hospitable.
In the e*amples cited, )e affirmed and denied at the same time the terms 5r. 5ial,
character building, students and #ilipinos.
'R"'"(ITI"N A( A (!NT!N$!
(entences may be e*pressed in the forms of interrogative, imperative, e*clamatory but
not all of these are propositions since they cannot be evaluated as true or false statements.

INT!RR"%ATI6!. the form of a sentence that is used to ask a 0uestion.
7hat is the vision of your school8
Are you in or out8
7hat is your goal in life8
I4'!RATI6!. describes the mood or a form of a verb that e*presses a command or re0uest
#ollo) your desire in choosing your course.
5ream, believe and survive.
&et be your dreams be the dreams of the )orld.
!9$&A4AT"R:. a )ord, phrase, or sentence that is shouted out suddenly, often through
surprise, anger, or e*citement
This is a dream come true;
(hut up;
5!$&ARATI6!. stating precise legal position. stating and clarifying something, especially a
legal right, status, decree, or +udgment
I like your +oke.
%audencio $ardinal Rosales is the archbishop of 4anila.
46$ is dedicated to the development of the #ilipino as a leader.
!&!4!NT( "# $AT!%"RI$A& 'R"'"(ITI"N
(/=!$T. is the ob+ect affirmed or denied in the proposition.
'R!5I$AT!. Is the 0uality or attribute affirmed or denied by the sub+ect.
$"'&A. is the element that links the sub+ect to the predicate. It is the linking verb in
grammar. ,am, is, are, not- is the one that states the agreement or disagreement of the terms
A student is responsible in the pursuit of knowledge.
(ub+ect. student
'redicate. responsible in the pursuit of kno)ledge
$opula. is
TRTH $"NT!NT "# 'R"'"(ITI"N
7e can say that a proposition is true )hen its content is in agreement to )hat is reality.
Ho)ever it is false )hen the content is in disagreement to )hat is reality.
TR! 'R'"(ITI"N(.
4en are mortal.
The 'hilippines is an archipelago.
=ose Ri>al is a national hero.
#A&(! 'R"'"(ITI"N(.
The earth is the center of the universe.
Aristotle )as the teacher of 'lato.
The to)n of Angono is in &aguna.
'R"'!RTI!( "# TH! 'R"'"(ITI"N
@A&IT: 'R"'"(ITI"N
The 0uality referring to the proposition is its affirmativeness or negativeness. If there is
agreement bet)een the sub+ect and the predicate by having intermediary copulas ,am, is, are-
the proposition is affirmative. If, ho)ever, there is disagreement by having an intermediary
copulas ,am not, is not, none, never- are also indicators of negative propositions
@ANTIT: "# 'R"'"(ITI"N
The 0uantity refers to the proposition if it is universal or particular. It is universal )hen it
pertains to every member of the )hole number denoted by the sub+ect. It is particular )hen the
sub+ect denotes only some of its members.
Therefore, the 0uantity of the proposition tells us the number of the sub+ect being
affirmed or denied in the proposition.
In the proposition there are concrete indicators that )ill tell us the 0uantity of the
proposition. They are called the @ANTI#I!R( of the propositions
UNIVESA! "UAN#I$IES: All% e&er'% an'% whate&er% where&er% an'thing% e&er'thing% no%
none% nothing% ne&er and others that si(ilar to these.
All mayors are politicians
!very child is a gift
No cats are dogs
None of us id to be blamed
PA#I)U!A "UAN#I$IES: so(e% (ost% se&eral% (an'% few% at least one% not all% (ajorit'
and others.
(ome senators are la)yers
#e) of the participants are not ready to present.
4ost #ilipinos are forced to )ork abroad.
Not all nurses are interested to serve other countries.
IN5!#INIT! 'R"'"(ITI"N
Not all propositions have 0uantifiers that )ill tell us easily the 0uantity of the proposition.
(ome propositions may lack 0uantifying elements or they may not have 0uantifiers at all.
2. Tarsier is a mammal.
<. 4angoes are s)eet.
?. The earth is round
2. NI6!R(A& B the sub+ect term tarsier is universal since the predicate term mammal is
applicable to the )hole number denoted by the sub+ect )hich is tarsier.
<. 'ARTI$&AR B the truth content of the predicate term s)eet is not al)ays applicable to
the sub+ect mangoes.
?. NI6!R(A& - the predicate term round is applicable to the truth content of the
sub+ect term earth.
'R"'!RTI!( $"4/IN!5 IN TH! #"R T:'!( "# 'R"'"(ITI"N
2. NI6!R(A& A##IR4ATI6! 'R"'"(ITI"N B CAD proposition
<. NI6!R(A& N!%ATI6! 'R"'"(ITI"N B C!D proposition
?. 'ARTI$&AR A##IR4ATI6! 'R"'"(ITI"N B CID proposition
A. 'ARTI$&AR N!%ATI6! 'R"'"(ITI"N B C"D proposition
The A and I symbols are taken from the vo)els of the &atin 7ord A##IR4" )hich means I
affirm, an the ! and " symbols are the )ord N!%" )hich means I negate.
A propositions:
All men are endo)ed )ith freedom.
&evi $elerio is a lyricist.
!very child is entitled to education.
Anything that is good is commendable.
!verybody has the right to due process of la)
E propositions:
No lover of nature is a logger.
Nothing is impossible.
He is never an aetheist.
'lants are not minerals.
None of us is above the la).
7hoever violates traffic rules is not a la)-abiding citi>en.
I propositions:
(ome TFboli )omen are Tinalak )eavers.
4ost 46$ians are cellular phone users.
(everal national artists are literary )riters.
Three priests are heroes.
'lants are ornamental.
O propositions:
(ome schools are not state universities.
There are paintings that are not oil painted.
(everal actors are not comedians.
Not all businessmen are profit oriented.
4ost tyrants are not %od-fearing.
&"%I$A& #"R4 "# 'R"'"(ITI"N
In our previous discussions the categorical propositions have a sub+ect, copula and
predicate. These are the elements of propositions that logical in form. Ho)ever, there are
propositions that are not e*pressed in this )ay, but )e cannot deny that they are also
propositions. To translate these propositions )e have to arrange them by follo)ing this pattern.
@uantifier (ub+ect copula 'redicate
*eneral rule in reducing non+standard for( categorical propositions into standard for(.
2. 5etermine )hat type of proposition the given proposition is.
<. 5etermine the sub+ect in the proposition that is the one affirmed or denied in the
?. $hange the verb to CisD or CareD
A. 5etermine the predicate that is affirmed or denied by the sub+ect.
E. 'lace the 0uantifier of the proposition
A Affirmative I niversal
! Negative - niversal
I Affirmative I 'articular '
" Negative - 'articular '
(ome 46$ians )ork in factories.
0uantifier. (ome B particular
(ub+ect. 46$ians
$opula. are B affirmative
'redicate. factory )orkers ,the verb J)orkF becomes a noun J)orkersF-
So(e ,V)ians are factor' workers.
Tarsiers are mammals.
@uantifier. All
(ub+ect. Tarsiers
$opula. are
'redicate. mammals
All tarsiers are (a((als
7e glorify %od.
@uantifier. )e do not need any 0uantifier for the given )ord sub+ect.
(ub+ect. %od
$opula. is
'redicate. the being )hom )e glorify
*od is the being who( we glorif'.
No I5 no entry.
@uantifier. No B this is a niversal and negative ! proposition
(ub+ect. persons
$opula. are B this is negative since there is a negation JnoF in the proposition
'redicate. allo)ed to enter )ithout an I5
No person is allowed to enter without an I-
All e*cept /icolanos are Americans
@uantifier. No B the e*pression Jall e*ceptF makes it universal negative ! proposition
(ub+ect. /icolanos B the one denied in this proposition
$opula. are B negaive copula considering the negation JnoF
'redicate. Americans
No .icolanos are A(ericans.
The 0uantifiers, an'one% e&er'one% few% (an'% where&er% whene&er% nowhere and other
)ord related to these are regarded as non-standard 0uantifiers. Therefore, they must be
translated to A!!% N/ 0uni&ersal1 AN- S/,E 0particular1
!9!R$I(! N". ?
A. 5etermine if the follo)ing propositions are true or false in their content.
2. All politicians are honest. MMMMMMMM
<. 'entagons have four e0ual sides. MMMMMMMM
?. (enators are legislators. MMMMMMMM
E. Integrity is virtue. MMMMMMMM
G. 4an can live )ithout o*ygen. MMMMMMMM
H. An apple is a tropical fruit. MMMMMMMM
K. /amboos are grass. MMMMMMMM
L. Andres /onifacio )as the founder of Oatipunan. MMMMMMMM
/. 5etermine )hether the follo)ing propositions are affirmative or negative propositions
2. All men are created in the image and likeness of %od. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
<. !very human is open to all possibilities. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
?. Architecture is the art of building. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
A. None of us can comprehend everything. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
E. That sin is not forgivable is )rong. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
G. (ome cellular phones are not Nokia units. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
H. Ine0uality is never +ust. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
K. Not everything is measurable by numbers. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
L. Travelling )ithout food is tiring. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
23. All illegal acts are punishable by la). MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
$. Identify the given proposition as to A, !, I or "
2. There are actors )ho serve in public office. MMMMMMMM
<. Ten out of t)enty passed the board e*am. MMMMMMMM
?. 'oliticians are e*pected to serve the interest of the country. MMMMMMMM
A. 7hatever happens, I )ill be )ith you. MMMMMMMM
E. 7hoever )ins the contest, is an artist. MMMMMMMM
G. #ilipinos are not Americans. MMMMMMMM
H. Not all arguments are logically sound. MMMMMMMM
K. !very man is uni0ue. MMMMMMMM
L. #ilipinas are beautiful. MMMMMMMM
23. Any act that degrades a person is considered an immoral act. MMMMMMMM
5. Translate or reduce the follo)ing propositions into standard form categorical proposition.
<. A man is +ust )hen he respects others. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
?. A chemical is poisonous if it contains cyanide. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
A. "nly nurses )ill be hired abroad. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
E. All, e*cept the students, are allo)ed to )atch. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
G. 7hoever )ins the lotto is a millionaire. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
H. #ilipinos love to celebrate fiesta. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
A((I%N4!NT N". ?
A. Identify the follo)ing statements by )riting the letter that corresponds to it.
a. Interrogative c. !*clamatory
b. Imperative d. 'ropositionP5eclarative
2. #ilipinos are )orth dying for. MMM
<. Ono)ledge is kno)ing that )e cannot kno). MMM
?. (trength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from indomitable )ill. MMM
A. Never put off till tomorro) )hat you can do today. MMM
E. A country is best governed )hen it is least governed. MMM
G. If %od be for us, )ho can be against us8 MMM
H. #reedom of speech is useless )ithout freedom or thought. MMM
K. In the day of prosperity, be +oyful but on the day of adversity, consider. MMM
L. &ook before you leap. MMM
23. %od gives me hill to climb, and strength for climbing. MMM
/. 5etermine )hether the follo)ing propositions are
,a.-universal ,- or particular ,'-,
,b- Affirmative ,I- or Negative ,--,
,c- A, !, I, ". 7rite the symbols only.
A / $
2. !very virtuous act is commendable. MMMM MMMM MMMM
<. 7hoever appreciates art is a lover of nature. MMMM MMMM MMMM
?. 4ost "#7Fs are hard)orking. MMMM MMMM MMMM
A. (everal to)ns in &aguna are historically significant. MMMM MMMM MMMM
E. !verything that is not in the $onstitution is contestable. MMMM MMMM MMMM
G. Not all legal is moral. MMMM MMMM MMMM
H. #e) of us see the difference of honor to fame. MMMM MMMM MMMM
K. !very family is a basic social unit. MMMM MMMM MMMM
L. (ome acts of government officials are impeachable acts. MMMM MMMM MMMM
23. &ife )ithout freedom is not ideal. MMMM MMMM MMMM
$. $reate a proposition that )ould make the follo)ing terms univocal, e0uivocal, and analogous.
nivocal B beautiful
!0uivocal B chair
Analogous - )heel

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