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The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Fon!ation

"#R# No# L-$%&'( Jne $() *+%,
Rep0lic o1 the Philippine/
G.R. No. L-27586 June 26, 1970
PEOPLE O! T"E P"#L#PP#NES $n% COURT O! APPEALS, re/pon!ent/#
Arsenio O. de Leon for petitioner..
Office of the Solicitor General Antonio P. Barredo, Assistant Solicitor General Isidro C. Borromeo and Trial
Attorney Josefina Domino!De Leon for respondents..

Appeal) 04 certiorari) ta5en 04 !e1en!ant Erne/to Cenca 4 Ce.a/) 1ro6 a !eci/ion o1 the Cort o1 Appeal/
a11ir6in7 that o1 the Cort o1 Fir/t In/tance o1 2anila) con.ictin7 hi6 o1 the cri6e o1 ille7al po//e//ion o1 a
1irear6/ an! /e.en ron!/ o1 a66nition an! /entencin7 hi6 to i6pri/on6ent 1or one 4ear an! to pa4 the
co/t/) a/ well a/ !irectin7 the con1i/cation an! 1or1eitre o1 /ai! 1irear6 an! a66nition#
The 1act/) a/ 1on! 04 the trial cort) an! a!opte! 04 the Cort o1 Appeal/) are a/ 1ollow/8
The acc/e! wa/ a /pecial watch6an an! /ecrit4 7ar! o1 the 3ataan 9eteran/ Secrit4
A7enc4# In that a7enc4) the4 were 6ore than 1ort4 /ecrit4 7ar!/# It wa/ the practice in the
a7enc4 that when the /ecrit4 7ar!/ reporte! 1or wor5) the4 were pro.i!e! with 1irear6/
an! a66nition) which the4 wol! retrn a1ter their tor o1 !t4#
-n Janar4 :) *+(:) the acc/e! wa/ !etaile! at the Philippine Sa.in7/ 3an5 a/ /ecrit4
7ar!# He wa/ wearin7 the ni1or6 o1 the a7enc4 an! wa/ ar6e! with a pi/tol) Ithaca) #;&
cal#) with Serial No# *,,+%:') which ha! a 6a7a<ine containin7 /e.en ron!/ o1 a66nition#
The 1irear6 an! the a66nition were pro.i!e! 04 the a7enc4# The 1irear6 wa/ not alwa4/
/e! 04 hi6 alone) a/ at other ti6e/ the /a6e 1irear6 wa/ /e! 04 the other /ecrit4
7ar!/# -n the !ate an! the place 6entione!) Pat# Pal Sa0ate) who wa/ /tatione! at Pla<a
2iran!a a/ /ecrit4 o11icer o1 the /ta7e /how) arre/te! the acc/e! 1or ille7al po//e//ion o1
the /ai! 1irear6 an! a66nition# =hen a/5e! to pro!ce hi/ licen/e to po//e// the 1irear6
an! a66nition) the acc/e! tol! hi6 that he wa/ a /pecial watch6an an! /ecrit4 7ar! o1
the 3ataan 9eteran/ Secrit4 A7enc4 to which the 1irear6 an! a66nition 0elon7e!) an!
the licen/e to po//e// the /a6e wa/ in the o11ice o1 the a7enc4# The acc/e! tol! Pat#
Sa0ate that the owner o1 the a7enc4 wa/ one 2r# For0e/) who ha! the licen/e 1or the /ai!
1irear6 an! a66nition# Accor!in7 to Pat# Sa0ate) the a7enc4 wa/ n!er the /per.i/ion o1
the 2anila Police Depart6ent#
It appear/ that the a7enc4 ha/ no licen/e to po//e// the 1irear6 an! a66nition in >e/tion?
hence) neither the acc/e! nor the a7enc4 i/ a licen/e! po//e//or o1 /ai! 1irear6 an!
a66nition# The acc/e! clai6e! that he wa/ 6a!e to 0elie.e in the a7enc4 that 2r# For0e/
ha! licen/e to po//e// the6#
The i//e in thi/ ca/e i/ whether appellant i/ 7ilt4 o1 the o11en/e char7e!) con/i!erin7 that) at the ti6e
a0o.e-6entione!) he wa/ a re7lar /ecrit4 7ar! o1 the 3ataan 9eteran/ Secrit4 A7enc4) which wa/ !l4
licen/e! to operate a/ /ch /ecrit4 a7enc4? that) in the cor/e o1 it/ re7lar operation) the /a6e pro.i!e/
it/ /ecrit4 7ar!/) who are in the !i/char7e o1 their !tie/ a/ /ch) with the /al 1irear6/ an!
a66nition/) which) at the en! o1 their re/pecti.e /hi1t/) are either 5ept in the proper loc5er or retrne! to
the a7enc4 an! then !eli.ere! 04 the latter to the /ecrit4 7ar!/ a//i7ne! to the ne@t /hi1t? that the 1irear6
an! a66nition/ in >e/tion were 1on! in appellantA/ po//e//ion at the ti6e when) an! at the place where)
he wa/ actall4 !i/char7in7 hi/ !tie/) wearin7 the corre/pon!in7 ni1or6) ar6 0an! an! 0a!7e? that pon
0ein7 a/5e! 04 Patrol6an Pal Sa0ate to pro!ce the re>i/ite licen/e) appellant /tate! that the /a6e wa/
in the po//e//ion o1 Jo/e For0e/) the owner an! operator o1 the 3ataan 9eteran/ Secrit4 A7enc4) o1 which
he BappellantC i/) an! ha/ 0een) /ince April) *+(*) one o1 it/ appro@i6atel4 1ort4 B;,C /ecrit4 7ar!/? an!
that) /oon therea1ter) Jo/e For0e/ con1ir6e!) in the police /tation) the /tate6ent/ 6a!e 04 appellant) 0t
a!!e! that he BFor0e/C wa/ /till in the proce// o1 7ettin7 the /ai! licen/e#
The trial cort an! the Cort o1 Appeal/ con.icte! appellant herein) !e/pite hi/ prote/t/ o1 7oo! 1aith) pon
the 7ron! that the cri6e o1 ille7al po//e//ion o1 a 1irear6 an! a66nition i/ not mal"m in se) 0t mal"m
prohi#it"m an! that it) accor!in7l4) re>ire/ neither 6alice nor prpo/e or intent# It /hol! 0e note!) that the 3ataan 9eteran/ Secrit4 A7enc4 i/ !l4 licen/e! to operate a/ /ch# Con/e>entl4) it
6a4 le7all4 en7a7e the / o1 co6petent per/on/ to !i/char7e the !tie/ o1 /pecial watch6en an!
/ecrit4 7ar!/) an! pro.i!e the6) a/ /ch) with the corre/pon!in7 1irear6/ an! a66nition/# The a7enc4
i/ th/ /ppo/e! to o0tain the licen/e nece//ar4 there1or# Ha! it !one /o) there wol! 0e no >e/tion a0ot
the a0/ence o1 an4 cri6inal lia0ilit4 on the part o1 appellant herein 1or the po//e//ion o1 the 1irear6 an!
a66nition in >e/tion) e.en tho7h the licen/e were not in hi/ na6e) 0t in that o1 the a7enc4 or it/ owner
an! operator) Jo/e For0e/# Hence) the >er4 0oil/ !own to whether or not appellant i/ 7ilt4 o1 the cri6e
char7e! owin7 to the 1ailre o1 Jose $or#es to co6pl4 with hi/ !t4 to o0tain /ch licen/e) 0e1ore he 7ot /ai!
1irear6 an! a66nition an! !eli.ere! the /a6e to hi/ a1ore6entione! e6plo4ee#
Upon 6atre !eli0eration) the Cort 1eel/ an! /o hol!/ that the an/wer 6/t 0e in the ne7ati.e# The rea/on
i/ that appellant wa/ entitle! to a//6e that hi/ e6plo4er ha! the re>i/ite licen/e to po//e// /ai! 1irear6
an! a66nition an! to trn the6 to hi6 while he wa/ on !t4 a/ one o1 the re7lar /ecrit4 7ar!/ o1
the 3ataan 9eteran/ Secrit4 A7enc4) the /a6e 0ein7 a !l4 licen/e! /ecrit4 a7enc4# A/ /ch) tho/e
!ealin7 with it) either a/ client/ or a/ e6plo4ee/ thereo1) are entitle! to pre/6e) in the a0/ence o1 in!icia to
the contrar4 D an! there were none in the pre/ent ca/e D that it ha/ co6plie! with pertinent law/) rle/
an! re7lation/# =hat i/ 6ore) Jo/e For0e/ ha! tol! appellant that the 1irear6 an! a66nition in >e/tion
were !l4 licen/e!) an!) a/ an e6plo4ee o1 the a7enc4) appellant col! not 0e e@pecte! to !e6an! 1ro6 hi/
e6plo4er proo1 o1 the .eracit4 o1 the latterA/ a//ertion 0e1ore rel4in7 thereon#
=e are not n6in!1l o1 the !an7er po/e! 04 the po//i0ilit4 or pro0a0ilit4 o1 a0/e or 6i//e o1 the licen/e
o1 /ecrit4 a7encie/ to operate a/ /ch# The !an7er ari/e/) when /ai! licen/e i/ 7rante!
i6pro.i!entl4) withot ta5in7 the nece//ar4 precation/ there1or D prior to an! /0/e>entl4 to the i//ance
o1 /ai! licen/e D in ter6/ o1 a!e>ate 6ea/re/ to /ee it) inter alia) that the a7enc4 i/ a tr/tworth4 an!
re/pon/i0le one? that it i/ properl4 6ana7e! 04 per/on/ po//e//e! o1 the 6oral character nece//ar4
there1or? that onl4 tho/e ha.in7 the re>i/ite >ali1ication/ are en7a7e! a/ /ecrit4 7ar!/? that /ita0le
rle/ are a!opte! an! en1orce! 7o.ernin7 their !i/cipline) an! the a//i7n6ent) care an! c/to!4 o1 1irear6/
an! a66nition/) a/ well a/ the 5eepin7 o1 re7i/ter/ an! the entr4 therein o1 annotation/ or 6e6oran!a
/ettin7 1orth) at all ti6e/) the location/ an!Eor !i/po/ition o1 each one o1 the a1ore6entione! 1irear6/ an!
a66nition that the operation o1 the a7enc4 i/ e11ecti.el4 /per.i/e! 04 the "o.ern6ent#
Nee!le// to /a4) thi/ !eci/ion 6/t 0e !ee6e! re/tricte! in it/ application to !l4 licen/e! /ecrit4 a7encie/
an! to re7lar /ecrit4 7ar!/ thereo1# the owner) 6ana7er an!Eor operator o1 the /ecrit4
a7enc4) who 1aile! to /ecre the re>i/ite licen/e D in the ca/e at 0ar) Jo/e For0e/) a/ the owner an!
operator o1 the 3ataan 9eteran/ Secrit4 A7enc4 D /hol! 0e pro/ecte! 1or ille7al po//e//ion o1 1irear6/
an!Eor /ch other cri6e a/ 6a4 ha.e 0een co66itte! in con/e>ence o1 the 0reach o1 the law/ an!
re7lation a0o.e re1erre! to#
=HEREF-RE) the !eci/ion appeale! 1ro6 i/ here04! an! herein appellant) Erne/to Cenca 4
Ce.a/) accor!in7l4) ac>itte!) with co/t/ de officio# Let a cop4 o1 thi/ !eci/ion 0e /er.e! pon the Cit4
Fi/cal o1 2anila 1or appropriate action in accor!ance with the prece!in7 para7raph) with !e a!.i/e to thi/
Cort o1 the action ta5en hereon# It i/ /o or!ere!#
%eyes, J.B.L., Di&on, 'a(alintal, )aldi*ar, Castro, $ernando, Teehan(ee and +illamor, JJ., conc"r.
Barredo, J., too( no part.
The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Fon!ation

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