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Android L Developer Preview :

Know Everything About Googles

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Android L Developer Preview : Know Everything
About Google! Late!t "pdate

#hat to e$pect %rom Google! late!t mobile operating !y!tem

update &

Google announced Android L earlier thi! wee'

Detailed !ome big change! coming to the plat%orm thi! %all

Android L pic'! up where KitKat le%t o%%

(here are plenty o% cool new %eature!

)ere! a li!t o% main change! coming with thi! Andriod L relea!e

A New UI Design

A New UI Design
*upport %or +aterial De!ign App!
De!ign i! a comprehen!ive guide
,i!ual- +otion and interaction de!ign
Android L bring! in a new loo'
.ar cleaner and le!! cluttered than ever
(he new inter%ace
A 'ind o% %loating %eel
De!ign i! cooler with more bright color!
*mooth Animation!
(he new on-!creen !o%tware button!
/u!t %ollow the guideline! mentioned
0n the +aterial De!ign *peci%ication
"!e the component! and %unctionality
En1oy the Android L Developer Preview

User Eperien!e

.ir!t o% the new %eature! Google want! i! the "0

E$pect more animation!- more touch %eedbac'

2our interaction! don3t e$i!t in two dimen!ion!

(he phone dialer- which ha! ripple touch e%%ect!

+aterial color! that really pop

Loo'! 4ippy in!tead o% !lowing the device down

2our mileage i! going to vary depending

0t may !pell trouble %or aging hand!et!

I"proved Noti#i!ations

$he Noti#i!ations

5ow much more interactable than ever be%ore

A newer Loc'!creen in the L Developer Preview

+ore 0mpre!!ive

)ave the ability to pre!ent noti%ication!

0t! all very 6D and a big improvement

2ou al!o get a 7Do 5ot Di!turb8 mode

(urn o%% all the noti%ication! until you enable


2ou can turn o%% noti%ication! %or individual app!

(he 7*ound! and 5oti%ication!8 +enu


5oti%ication! are getting !ome twea'!

2ou can have acce!! to everything

9e able to interact with it %rom the loc'!creen

Double tap on a noti%ication to launch the app

*wipe to di!mi!!- and !wipe away to acce!!

0t3! de%initely more vi!ually appealing

(here are al!o :head! up: noti%ication! now

Appear on the top o% the di!play

Pro%e!t &olta

Google! Pro1ect ,olta i! addre!!ing the i!!ue o% a battery li%e

Google Promi!ed !lew o% new battery !aving %eature! in Android


L Developer Preview Provide! !everal new developer tool!

AP0! to better mea!ure and under!tand your app! power u!age

Developer! can u!e a %eature called 9attery )i!torian

Developer can !ee what ta!'! are u!ing up the preciou! power


Google i! al!o ma'ing change! to multita!'ing

2ou wont be 1u!t acce!!ing the app here- but al!o !ome %eature!
o% the app !traight away

2ou will not only !ee your mo!t recent app but al!o tab! open in

2ou will be acce!!ing your app !traight %rom here a! though it i!

an app o% it! own

(hi! i! a very bold move by Google to bridge the gap between

native and web app!

Google Now *ear!h

(he !earch ha! been made more cleverer now

(he !etting! ha! a ton o% u!e%ul %unctionality

(he app come! with a !earch bo$

5ow app! that Android L deem relevant will open up

*wipe to A!!ess the Dialer
#ro" the Lo!)s!reen

Added the ability to !wipe

(he dialer i! your only option

(he le%t to 1ump on the dialer app

Android i!nt %inal but it !eem! li'e !wiping

*urely ta'e the place o% loc' !creen widget!

2ou !ee there are !ome big change! available

0mprove! the overall <* general per%ormance

Developer! can get their hand!-on the Android

Android L pre!ent! many new e$citing %eature!

;hec' our Android ;orporate App

*our!es :
+onta!t In#o : ,(-.,(/01(121-
E"ail : in#o3brainvire4!o"
5ebsite : www4brainvire4!o"

+onta!t Us
+onta!t In#o : ,(-.,(/01(121-
E"ail : in#o3brainvire4!o"
5ebsite : www4brainvire4!o"

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