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Clenbuterol 200mcg Dangers in Research Settings

Posted on May 4, 2014 by Maxim Peptide

Clenbuterol is often sold as ventipulmin or spiropent, though this generic name is most common for those that are
attempting to purchase the chemical for a variety of laboratory applications. This is a sympathomimetic amine hich
is being researched for its potential in assisting animals that have breathing disorders.
The chemical could be used as a decongestant as ell as a bronchodilator. !nimals that have been diagnosed ith
a chronic breathing disorder ould be e"posed to this chemical so that breathing could be eased. !pplications of
this chemical in live animals is often paired ith clenbuterol hydrochloride or hydrochloride salt.
Clenbuterol is often treated as an antagonist that offers some structural or pharmacological similarities, including
salbutamol or epinephrine. The effects of this peptide are considered to be longer lasting and more potent than
these other chemicals. Clenbuterol is also more thermogenic than similar chemicals. Clenbuterol ill cease aerobic
capacity increases in an animal ith a stimulation of the central nervous system, o"ygen transportation and blood
This chemical can also increase the metabolism rate for body fat hich ill increase an animal#s $%R. This is often
used in research settings to rela" smooth muscles so it can be used as a tocolytic or bronchodilator. &i'uid forms of
this peptide are commonly prescribed to horses.
Dangers in Research Settings
%uch of the use of clenbuterol in research settings has been halted, particularly in the use of humans because it
has the potential to cause side effects that have been considered to be dangerous.
These include(
Subaortic stenosis
*igh blood pressure
&o blood pressure
Research on live animal test sub+ects has found that applying this chemical in in+ections that are over ,20 ug is
particularly dangerous and is not recommended. This has been found to cause di--iness, headache symptoms,
muscle tremors and gastric irritation in a variety of animals.
Some people have been found to be illegally ac'uiring this chemical and self.administering in+ections to improve
athletic performance or for eight loss. These individuals have reported diaphoresis, nausea, vomiting, tachycardia,
palpitations or myocardial infarction. /t is possible to detect the presence of this chemical in urine or semen. 0or
these reasons, the study of this chemical is restricted to smaller applications and in strict research studies, to
protect animal test sub+ects.
1ses in 2eterinary Setttings
3iven the smaller applications necessary to gain results, some uses of clenbuterol in veterinary applications have
been approved in other parts of the orld in food.producing animals, though this practice is banned in the 1S and
Clenbuterol is commonly used in horses to manage the treatment of allergic respiratory disease because of its
potential as a bronchodilator. /n this case the peptide is sold under the name 2entipulmin.
5hen applied to food producing animals it can be applied intravenously or orally.
The clenbuterol peptide can also be used to rela" the uterus of cos. This is commonly used during parturition
Clenbuterol has also been found to act as a metabolism stimulator in animals, though it is not fully understood hat
is causing this reaction. This is also considered to be a nonsteroidal metabolism accelerator. Those that are
researching this chemical hope to increase the safety of clenbuterol applications as it has the potential to improve
the muscle to fat ratios in animals to create leaner meat sources.
Speculations on Clenbuterol
There are potent effects of clenbuterol on the s6eletal muscles of animals hich are considered to be independent
from the reactions of beta.adrenoceptors in this area.
/n studies, presenting rats ith a controlled diet and clenbuterol there as a significant increase in the
gastrocnemius of protein, muscle mass and R)! content.
This research also sa the rats e"perience a decrease of the epididymal fat pad mass. 7rally administering the
beta 2.adrenoceeptr salbutamol did not mimic these results, even if the rat as given particularly high
! continuous infusion application of salbutamiol using miniosomtic pumps ere not shon to create a significant
increase in protein, muscle mass or R)! content. This indicates that the effects that are created by administering
clenbuterol to rats are dependent on interactions ith beta 2.adrenoceptors in the body in order to improve
Those that re'uire 200mcg applications of clenbuterol can purchase specific applications of this chemical from
certified vendors. This ill allo you to 6eep your vials sealed until they are needed to help ensure that they ill
maintain their shelf life for as long as possible.
$e sure to read all instructions to ensure that these chemicals ill function as intended and not brea6 don before
they can be applied to an animal test sub+ect. /t is advised that those or6ing ith chemicals must only use e"act
applications and leave the rest in an constituted state until it ill be used to prevent a brea6don of the chemical
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