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Following on from last month when I

spoke about fear causing resistance

to change which brings about the
tendency to create distractions in
your life, I would like to ask you a
question. What should you do if you
realise this is happening but cant see
a way to change it?
Lets circle around that question for a
moment. In my MasterClass I speak to
students about making a commitment
to THEMSELVES by showing up to class each month. When you are
part of a class that lasts for almost a year this can be challenging, be
cause you have Aunt Marys birthday on that afternoon, or youve
got the flu or some other situation that seems unavoidable. Adding
to this is the fact that students will energetically feel into the ap
proaching class and the potential shift that may take place within
them and if this brings up fear those barriers start going up and thus
external circumstances start to respond to that energy. Hence, the
babysitter doesnt show up, the car breaks down etc. These circum
stances seem real, they look real, they feel real, but as my students
know, these are just distractions in disguise.
When you succumb to these distractions you are placing something
or someone before yourselfand humans do this all the time be
cause we are taught to sacrifice ourselves for others. You are not ac
knowledging yourself as a creator, but rather being a victim to your
The first step is recognising thisbecoming consciously aware of
what you are creating. Taking the focus off the babysitter not show
ing up and acknowledging the fact that you are resisting change at
some level within you.
The next step is what to do about it.
So in answer to my earlier question, What should you do if you real
continued next page
JULY 2014

Shut Up & Breathe
News & Updates
Apply, Inhale, Repeat
Breath of Freedom

Golden Grove Psychic Expo

0408 857 620

Newsletter written and designed by Keryn Lee

ise this is happening but cant see a way
to change it? did you come up with an
answer? Well, the heading of this article
was a bit of a giveaway wasnt it. So yes,
you shut up and breathe.
The shut up part means to stop whining
and complaining about your bad luck
because luck has nothing to do with it.
You are a creator. Period. You either cre
ate unconsciously (by allowing old pat
terns to repeat), or consciously (by ac
knowledging who you are and what you
are creating and your ability to change
such creations).
Shut up also means to stop going round
and round in your head trying to figure
out why this happened and how to fix it.
It happened because there is energy
shifting and needing to come back into
balance and that challenged your com
fort zone and your sense of security. And
no matter how much the mind tries to
plot and plan and fix and figure things
out, you can never THINK your way to
freedom and sovereignty. The mind is
too limited to do that.
So thats where the breathing comes in.
Conscious breathing. Long, slow, deep
breaths that flow into your belly and
start to get the energy moving within
you. It gently and naturally draws you
out of your mind space, and centres you
deep in the core of your being.
When you do this you are letting go of
the how and why, and you simply
breathe. The stuck energies begin to
move again and when the energies
within you begin to flow, so will the en
ergies around you. Thus, when you truly
let go and allow yourself to be in this
space of peace and surrender, miracles
can truly happen.
When faced with any difficult situation it
from previous page
Bring your Body, Mind and Spirit back
into balance with THETA Healing

Release fears, phobias, habit patterns, stuck beliefs, past lives, and create the
foundations for a happier more successful life. Resolve issues from the past
energetically to allow all parts of you to come back into balance.

0408 857 620
continued next page

with Keryn Lee
is often charged with emotion, it is easy to get
caught up in the drama of it all, to get angry with
others, to blame others, to refuse to acknowledge
our own creation. Yet, we are the creators of our
own lives. The question is, do you wish to play the
victim a little longer, do you wish to play with stuck
energies, frustration and blame as you have done
for many lifetimes? Or do you wish to step out of
the mire of mass consciousness and be all that you
There is no right or wrong answer, no judgement or
blame. Just you as a creator making a conscious
choice. Because distractions can be a whole lot of
funfor a while.
Conscious breathing is the single most valuable tool
in changing your life. It is underrated, mis
understood and undervalued.
from previous page
So when you get stuck, when circumstances seem
out of your control, remember who you are . . .
shut up, and breathe.
Keryn Lee
Healing, Relaxing, Releasing & Uplifting

AromaBalance is a deep, sacred form of healing that uses pure essential oils and
intuitive energy healing to bring about healing at a very deep level.
AromaBalance assists in the release of old energies, emotions and toxins stored
within the body and helps you discover feelings of peace, harmony and wellbeing.
Treat yourself to this wonderful healing experience.
Gift Vouchers available
Contact Keryn on 0408 857 620 to book your session.
A huge thankyou to everyone who visited
the Body Mind Psychic expo last month.
It was great fun and as usual I got to
meet so many wonderful people.
I would like to send special blessings to
my stall helpers Tania Basheer, Kelly
Hamilton and Sharon Neal. All of whom
gave up their time to support my work
and share their unique wisdom and en
ergy with those who came by.
Although I was often busy and unable to
speak with some of you my trusty helpers
passed on names and occasionally mes
sages and I want you to know that I re
ceived them and appreciate that you
came to say hi as I do love to
connect with people on my
mailing list.
I also hear that some of you
actually read this newsletter
and enjoy receiving it each
month. Well, thats just music
to my ears, because I love writ
ing it and sharing with you and
I hope that it helps to support
your journey in some way.

Golden Grove
Psychic Expo
The next local expo will be on 19th and
20th July at the Golden Grove Arts Cen
tre. (The Golden Way, Golden Grove.)
These small expos are great for those
who get a bit overwhelmed by the larger
expos, they are also more personal and a
great opportunity to chat to the locals.
Hope to see you there. :)

Developing Intuition
Next class starts August

Next class starts November

Golden Grove Psychic Expo
19th & 20th July
What does your body really need?
Take away the guesswork with a
Biofeedback assessment

The ZYTO Compass system uses Quantum Physics and GSR (Galvanic Skin
Response) technology to measure fluctuations in electrical conductivity of
the skin. It then prioritises your bodys preferences for specific therapeutic
essential oils and oilinfused nutritional supplements which may assist
with your health and wellbeing.

No more wasting money on supplements your body may not need.

First session only $45 for full consult
Contact Keryn 0408 857 620

Develop your natural intuitive
and psychic abilities
This SEVEN WEEK INTENSIVE is designed to expand your intuitive
abilities in a safe and supportive environment.

Release blocks that limit your intuitive/psychic/healing abilities.

Experience an inter-dimensional journey and learn to expand your
awareness into other realities.

Participate in exercises to open the third eye easily and safely.

Having fun practicinguse your intuitive abilities to read Tarot cards
intuitively, for sensing energy, connecting with your angels and more.

Learn how to keep your body balanced and trust the messages you receive.

Learn body scanning, how to tune in to other people and objects, under-
standing symbolism and the crystalline realms.

Book to join next classStarts August
Location: Wynn Vale
Pay in full: $185
Payment Option: $45 deposit plus $20 per class x 7 weeks.

0408 857 620
So what do you do next?
Apply the oil again.
For this reason, during sickness or injury, essen
tial oils can often be applied every 15 minutes
to really support healing within the body.
For example, a person who develops a cough
might continue the 15 minute applications re
peatedly until symptoms subside, or until per
haps two hours have passed, then every hour
as the condition is monitored.
Every condition and situation is different so you
have to use your own discretion here, but the
purpose of this information is to help you un
derstand how the body works with the essen
tial oils.
Dont forget to inhale the oils when you work
with them to heighten the benefits. Just apply,
breathe and repeat.
* * *
Essential oils mentioned in this article are
produced by Young Living. You can learn
more by contacting Keryn on 0408 857 620
Some information came through to me from
Young Living speaker, Alan Simpson, this week
and I thought I would share his core message
along with my own insights on one of the
ways the oils work and why they sometimes
feel hot on your skin.
Our blood has a PH of about 7.357.40 and is
considered neutralneither acid or alkaline.
Essential oils usually give off heat in an acid
environment, so if you cut yourself the neutral
ity of the fresh blood keeps the environment
balanced. After a few hours bacteria starts to
grow and the environment becomes acid.
Applying an essential oil at this stage may give
off heat and be uncomfortable for 1015 mins
while it is correcting the PH.
During this time the essential is not always fully
able to do the specific job it was meant to do
because balancing the bloods PH is its first
An essential oil only lasts about 20 minutes in
the body so often by the time the PH is cor
rected the oil has left the blood stream.
Independent DistributorMember No: 1610881

Breathe deeply and allow each breath to flow naturally

No forcing or pushing, just allowing

Your body knows what to do
how to rebalance, how to heal, how to transform

Breathe and let go of all the hows and whys

Breathe and be free


No restrictions, no limitations
just you and your breath

Breathing in the expansion of you

Have the newsletter link emailed to you each
month and be the first to read about special
offers, workshops, articles and information.

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