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Something is a MIXTURE if it contains two (or more) substances that are not chemically
joined togethe! The substances in a mixture can often be easily separated from one another.
A PUR substance only contains one material and so cannot be separated in any way (unless
a chemical reaction ta!es place).
"ifferent ways of separating mixtures
#. A magnet can be used to separate $R%& from SA&".
'ow it wor!s( The magnet stic!s to the iron but not to the sand
). *iltering ("iltation) can be used to separate a solid (or #$#%en#ion) from a li+uid.
'ow it wor!s( The li+uid (and anything dissol,ed in the li+uid) passes through holes in the
filter paper but the solid particles are too big and get stuc!.
xample( *iltration would be used to separate the dirt from some salty water.
-. E&a%oation can be used to separate a dissol,ed S%.UT from a S%.UT$%&
xample( ,aporation would be used to obtain some %$e #alt from salty water.
'ow it wor!s( /hen salty water is warmed the water e&a%oate# lea,ing behind crystals of
0. "istillation
Ho' do yo$ #e%aate t'o li($id# that ae mi#ci)le1
2iscible means they completely mix and do not
form two layers.
Di#tillation in,ol,es ) stages and both are
physical state changes.
(#) The li+uid or solution mixture is )oiled to
&a%oi#e the most ,olatile component in the
mixture (li($id **+ ga#). The ant3bumping
granules gi,e a smoother boiling action.
()) The ,apour passes up from the flas! and
down into the conden#e4 where it is cooled by
cold water and conden#e# (ga# **+ li($id) bac! to a li+uid (the distillate) which is collected
in the flas!.
This can be used to purify water because the dissol,ed solids ha,e a much higher boiling
point and will not e,aporate with the steam4 5UT it is too simple a method to separate a
mixture of li+uids especially if the boiling points of the components are relati,ely close e.g. as
in crude oil and a water3ethanol mixture obtained on fermenting sugar to alcohol.
6. ,homatoga%hy
This method of separation is used to see what coloured materials ma!e up e.g. a food dye
7. Sie&ing - Si"ting
To separate a mixture of solid substances with different si8es.
xample ( mixture of flour and sand
.! E/taction
To separate li+uid substances that do not mix well and ha,e different densities
xample ( mixture of oil and water
S$mmay o" method# $#ed to #e%aate a mi/t$e
PRO,ESS /hat it is used for xamples
Filtation Used for separating
a solid or suspension from a li+uid. (Solids or
group of solids and li+uids in a mixture)
eg separating SA&" from
E&a%oation Used to obtain the solute from a solution (to
separate Solids that cannot decompose when
heated in a solution)
eg for obtaining SA.T from
salty water
Sim%le di#tillation Used to obtain the sol,ent from a solution eg for obtaining pure water
from sea water
Used to separate one li+uid from a mixture of
different li+uids that ha,e different boiling
points.(to separate mixture of miscible
(dissolved) liquids)
eg i. obtaining A.9%'%.
(bp:;9) from wine.
ii. %xygen or nitrogen is
obtained from air (a mixture
of different gasses) by the
fractional distillation of
li+uid air.
,homatoga%hy Used to separate out one colour from a
mixture of colours.(to separate compounds in
a solution with same properties)
eg for separating out the
colours in blac! in!
To separate dissol,ed solids in a solution

Words to know:
Mixture: Something that can be SEPARATED into two (or more) different substances. eg air,
sea water, earth, orange juice.
Pure: A material is ure if it contains onl! one chemical substance and so cannot be
searated further Filtrate: The clear li"uid that has been filtered.
Residue: The solid left behind after an e#eriment (eg the solid left in the filter aer).
Filtration: The rocess used to searate a solid (or susension) from a li"uid.
Suspension: $er! fine articles of solid mi#ed with a li"uid. %f the solid is in susension the
water will often loo& cloud!. eg flour and water sha&en together.
'(TE) in a susension the solid has not dissol*ed but in a solution it has.
Soluble: +an dissol*e
Insoluble: +annot dissol*e
Solvent: The li"uid that is used to ma&e a solution
Solute: A substance that has been dissol*ed in a solution.

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