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Curso Tcnico/a de Mesa Bar

Mdulo/Unidade 6662 Escolher uma Profisso/ Mudar de Atividade
Durao 25h
Forma de Organizao Presencial eLearning bLearning
Autoria (Formador/a) Ana Carvalho
Direitos Reservados
Este manual da autoria do Formador referido, o qual assume todos os
direitos de autor relativos aos contedos aqui desenvolvidos.
Foi entregue Talentus para sua utilizao como Recurso Tcnico-
Pedaggico no mbito deste curso.

Colocar aqui Logotipos do financiamento/certificao

Imagem do curso

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Objetivos do Manual ................................................................................. 2
Destinatrios ............................................................................................. 2
Pr-requisitos ............................................................................................ 2
Introduo ................................................................................................. 3
Capitulo 1: ............ .................................................................................... 3
Capitulo 2: ........... ..................................................................................... 3
Capitulo 3: ........... ..................................................................................... 3
Bibliografia ............................................... Erro! Marcador no definido.
Webgrafia ................................................................................................ 25

Objetivos do Manual
O presente manual tem como principal objetivo facultar ao grupo de formandos um
conjunto de ferramentas e orientaes a fim de os mesmos poderem explorar a temtica
relacionada com o mundo do trabalho e respetivas reas de interveno. Uma vez
exploradas todas as linhas orientadoras e partindo do material facultado, os formandos
tero de redigir o seu CV, cartas de apresentao e de candidatura de emprego.

Formandos do curso Tcnico de Mesa Bar.

Domnio das estruturas bsicas de linguagem;
Domnio vocabular e das tecnologias de informao;
Conhecimento da estrutura do CV e cartas de candidatura.

Depois de todo o manual estrar
feito e paginado, deve ser
actualizado o ndice, clicando no
boto direito do rato em cima do
mesmo actualizar campo

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Este manual servir de apoio s sesses Comunicar em Lngua Inglesa- Escoler uma
Profisso/ Mudar de Atividade. Nele se encontram as principais linhas orientadoras para
a dinamizao do tema, nomeadamente no mbito vocabular (Mundo do Trabalho;
Profisses), identificao das inmeras profisses( tradicionais e novas), explorao de
anncios de emprego, cartas de apresentao e cartas de candidatura de emprego.

Capitulo 1: Mundo do Trabalho/ Profisses
Explorao vocabular
Exerccios prticos.

Capitulo 2: Professional Life
Explorao Vocabular
Exerccios de leitura e Compreenso
Exerccios prticos de escrita.

Capitulo 3: JOB ADS & CV & Application Letters
Estrutura e vocabulrio especfico do CV e Cartas de Candidatura
Exerccios prticos.

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Capitulo 1: Mundo do Trabalho/ Profisses

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Jobs and professions
lawyer bookseller
actor/actress sailor
customs officer doctor
farmer mechanic
builder miner
architect model
consultant instructor
astronaut monk
air hostess nun
fireman nanny
waiter/waitress labourer
lorry driver office worker
singer baker
foreman shepherd
butcher hairdresser
postman journalist
scientist fisherman
surgeon pilot
cook painter
driver politician
accountant policeman
servant caretaker
priest teacher
dentist psychologist

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shop assistant psychiatrist
electrician musician
employee watchmaker
bank clerk reporter
nurse composer
writer tailor
student secretary
chemist soldier
plumber taxi driver
mason technician
engineer bullfighter
gardener translator
jeweller salesman
judge vet
shoemaker welder
interpreter carpenter
blacksmith diver
editor florist
crane operator machine operator
nutritionist receptionist

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Jobs Crossword:

1. Somebody who plays an
3. Someone who grows crops.
7. Somebody who fixes teeth.
8. A person who serves food.
9. Someone who fixes cars.
13. Somebody who catches
16. A person who plays sports.
17. Someone who stars in a
19. A person who sings songs.
20. Somebody who helps sick
21. Somebody who flies
22. A person who does
23. Somebody who teaches.

2. A person who helps a doctor.
4. Someone who delivers mail.
5. Somebody who helps sick
6. Somebody who puts out fires.
9. Someone who digs for metal ore
in the ground.
10. Someone who cooks food.
11. A person who paints pictures.

12. A person who protects a
14. Someone who cleans
15. A person who makes
computer games.
16. A person who goes to outer
18. A person who tells us the

1 2 3 4
5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12
14 15 16
17 18
22 23

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Capitulo 2: Professional Life

Professional life

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My Familys occupations

Hello, I am Kathy Barnes, I live in England with my family. I am 9 years old and I am a
student in the elementary school. My father, Peter, is 50 years old and he is a
policeman. He is a very brave man. I admire him a lot. My mother, Samantha, is 48
years old and she is a teacher. She is a very good teacher and she is very intelligent. I
have got two brothers and one sister. One of my brothers, Tom, is 25 years old, he is a
firefighter. He is also very brave. My other brother, Matthew, is 19, he is a student of
law at the university, but he works as a waiter at the weekend. My sister, Allie, is 28
years old. She is a nurse. She works in the local hospital and she loves to take care of
people. I will be a journalist in the future.

My Dream Career
In the future, I would like to be a journalist or a reporter. Thats my dream job.
The salary is really good and we can travel a lot and meet lots of people.
Journalists bring valuable information to people from all over the world, they
are honest, responsible and trustworthy. These are their main qualities.
Journalists also need good social skills, a good attitude towards work and to be
able to write interesting texts. I think I have all these skills and Im sure I will be
a famous British reporter.

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Capitulo 3: JOB ADS & CV & Application Letters

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RINY, Paulo Ingls Iniciao Wikispaces
J.MOLINSKY, Steven Side by side, teachers guide 2A, Bill Bliss
CABRAL, Ester & CASTRO, Maria do Rosrio Special Five, Areal Editores
OHARA, Francis- Be my guest - English for the hotel industry,
Cambridge University Press
FROMKIN, Victoria & RODMAN, Robert An Introduction to
Language - Harcourt Brace, 1993
RICKEY, Rosemary English for Customer Care - Oxford, Business
English, 2007
R. Quirk, S. Greenbaum, G. Leech and J. Svartvik - A Comprehensive
Grammar of the English Language - Longman, 1985
The Oxford Dictionary of English - Oxford University Press, 2003
Plataforma e-learning do IEFP


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