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The European Association of Hotel and Tourism Schools has initially been founded in May 1988
in Illkirch-Graffenstaden (F), broken up and recreated on October 6th, 2000 in Berlin to be
transferred to the "Lycée Technique Hôtelier Alexis Heck" (LTHAH) in Diekirch, Grand Duchy of

Title I : Designation – Registered Office - Objective

Article 1 – Designation
An Association with the designation "Association Européenne des Écoles d'Hôtellerie et de
Tourisme" (AEHT) registered as a non-profit-making association, has been created by the
persons and/or the representatives of the institutions named in article 5 of the present statutes.

Article 2 – Registered Office

The Association's registered office is situated at the "Lycée Technique Hôtelier Alexis Heck"
Diekirch, Rue Joseph Merten, L-9257 Diekirch. It may be transferred to any other location within
the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg by simple decision of the Association's Executive Board.

Article 3 – Objective
The objective of the Association is to promote a European outlook and dimension in Hotel and/or
Tourism Schools.

Article 4 – Duration
The Association has been created for an unlimited period of time.

Title II : Membership and Function of the Association

Article 5 – Membership
5.1. The minimum number of associates cannot be inferior to 3. The members of the Association
are the institutions here below, respectively their representatives.
see annex 5.1.1.
5.2. In addition to the founder members, membership of the Association is also open to
individuals and legal entities interested in the objectives of the Association, with the status of
individual, honorary or professional members, and, with the status of active or observer
members, to representatives of state Hotel and/or Tourism schools, as well as to any other
Hotel and/or Tourism training establishment whose application is provisionally proposed by
the Executive Board member of the country concerned.
If this country does not yet have a representative within the Executive Board, or in case of a
vacancy to this post, the application can provisionally be received by the Executive Board.
The Association’s Presidium or Head Office may also receive applications for individual,
honorary, observer or professional membership from individuals and corporate bodies who
are interested in the Association’s objectives and who subscribe entirely to these aims.

Article 6 – Subscriptions
The General Assembly fixes the entrance fee and the annual subscription rate, which is set
according to the category of membership (active, observer, individual, honorary or professional
members). This subscription is payable in the month of admission to membership of the
Association, in subsequent years the subscription is payable from January and by July 15th of
each year at the latest. Its amount cannot exceed 1,000.00 EUROS.
In addition, the General Assembly fixes the amount of the entrance fee, payable once by new
members, which will be not less than 150.00 EUROS for active, observer and professional

Article 7 – Admissions
A decision of whether or not to accept applicants as active, observer, individual, honorary or
professional members is definitively taken by the General Assembly.

Article 8 – Resignations and Exclusions

Membership can be forfeited:
• by resignation, sent by written mail to the President of the Association;
• by exclusion, pronounced by the General Assembly, for behaviour bringing the Association
into disrepute. The Executive Board will warn the members concerned of the measure
proposed, and ask them to provide explanations for their actions;
• by automatic exclusion brought about by failure to pay 2 consecutive annual subscriptions by
the time of the General Assembly of the year in question.
After a period of two years as from the date of exclusion, a member who has been excluded from
the Association can be readmitted as a new member in accordance with the provisions of articles
5.2, 6 and 7.

Title III – Administration and Functioning

Article 9 – Executive Board
The Association is run by an Executive Board consisting of an elected member from each of the
countries (which are members of the Council of Europe) represented in the Association, there will
be one member per country. The organisation of the designating procedures is laid down in the
"Rules and Regulations". The period of office of members of the Executive Board shall be four
years. Outgoing members may be re-elected. The status of active member is assigned to the post
occupied within a hotel and/or tourism school and not to the person who occupies that post at a
given moment.
If the office of Executive Board member becomes vacant, the Executive Board invites the country
concerned to appoint provisionally a replacement. This replacement will only be member of the
Executive Board for as long as the predecessor's period of office was due.

Article 10 – The Role of the Executive Board

The Executive Board defines the Association's general policy and the means of implementing this
The Executive Board normally meets twice a year; the meetings are called by the President or at
the request of at least half of the members, and more generally, as often as the Association's best
interests require.
The meetings are quorate only if a majority of the Executive Board members are present or
properly represented. Any member who is unable to attend a meeting can give power of attorney
to another member of the Executive Board, who then has the right to vote in the name of the
absent member. This right of attorney must be in writing, and expressly given for each meeting.
However, each member present is entitled to only one such proxy vote.
If the quorum is not reached, and if at a second meeting, called at least three days after the first
meeting, there are still insufficient members present, this second meeting is deemed to be valid,
however many members are present or represented.
Decisions of the Executive Board are by a majority vote of members present or represented. In
the case of a tied vote, the President has the casting vote.
Minutes are written after every meeting. These minutes are signed by the President and the
Secretary General.
The members of the Executive Board may receive no remuneration for the tasks which are
entrusted to them. However, according to the Rules and Regulations (see article 11) they may be
reimbursed, at least in part, for their expenses upon presentation of receipts.

Article 11 – Powers of the Executive Board
The Executive Board is invested with the most extensive powers, within the limits of the
objectives of the Association and insofar as they relate to the resolutions passed by the General
Assembly. It can authorize any actions or proceedings relative to the Association which are not
the preserve of the Ordinary or Extraordinary Assembly.
• The Executive Board monitors the activities of the Presidium, and is always entitled to ask the
Presidium to justify its actions. In cases of serious misconduct the board may suspend
members of the Presidium.
• The Board can open any bank accounts, post-office giro accounts or accounts with any other
credit company; it can allocate any funds, raise any mortgages or other loans up to EURO
5.000,- (five thousand), request any subsidies and call for any relevant registration and
• The Board authorizes the President and the Treasurer to carry out any actions, purchases,
transfers and investments deemed to be necessary in respect of the property and assets
belonging to the Association; and to enter into the deals and contracts necessary to the
pursuit of the Board's objectives.
• The Board appoints the Association's staff and decides the amount of their pay.
• The Board may delegate part or all of its powers to the Presidium or to certain of its

Article 12 – The Presidium

The Executive Board elects a Presidium, consisting of 1 President and 5 Vice-Presidents, for a
period of four years.
The President and the 5 Vice-Presidents must be elected from among the members of the
Executive Board. Since the function of Presidium Member is attached to a person and not to the
school which he or she represents, the Executive Board must proceed to a fresh election in case
of a vacancy within the Presidium.
The fifth Vice-President's seat is automatically allocated to the outgoing President of the
Association if he or she is re-elected as member of the Executive Board.
The President cannot be re-elected for a second term immediately after the first.
The Presidium engages the services of a Treasurer, a Secretary General and a
Translator/Interpreter, who work with the Presidium, but are not entitled to vote. They are
appointed by the Executive Board.
The Secretary General must undertake to carry out his or her duties in the Association's head
If necessary the Presidium may co-opt experts to the Presidium and entrust specific tasks to
The Presidium of the Executive Board is specifically given the following functions:
• The President chairs the meetings of the Executive Board and ensures the smooth running of
the Association; he or she is the Association's legal representative, and represents it in all
circumstances. He or she may delegate all or part of his/her responsibilities to one or several
members of the Presidium.
• The Secretary General is responsible for all administrative aspects of running the
Association, especially for sending out the various invitations to meetings. He or she takes
the minutes of the meetings of both the Executive Board and the General Assemblies, and
writes them up in the minute book provided for this purpose.
• The Treasurer keeps the Association's accounts. He or she is helped in the task by any
accountants deemed necessary. He or she keeps a regular record of all financial operations,
both income and expenditure, and makes a report to the Annual General Assembly which
approves (or rejects) the report.
• The members elected of the Presidium, like the members of the Executive Board, cannot
receive remunerations for the tasks which are entrusted to them. They may, however, be
reimbursed for their expenses, supported by receipts, in accordance with the Rules and

• The title ‘Honorary’ may be conferred by the Executive Board on any outgoing member of the
Presidium, and on any other person who can claim a special contribution to the Association.

Article 13 – The General Assembly of Members

The Association's General Assembly consists of the active members. Observer, individual,
honorary and professional members are invited to participate in the proceedings in an advisory
(but non-voting) capacity.
The General Assembly meets at least once a year, and every time a meeting is called for by the
Executive Board or upon a request by half of the paid-up members. The invitation to this meeting
must normally be made by letter or by electronic mail individually addressed to each member,
and sent out with at least a month's notice for the Ordinary General Meeting, and with two weeks'
notice for the Extraordinary General Meeting. In emergencies, the meeting can be called for in
any other way.
Decisions are taken at the General Assembly by a majority vote of the members present or
represented. Blank or spoiled voting slips do not count. In the case of a tied vote, the President
has the casting vote.
Any member who is unable to attend a meeting may give a proxy vote to another active member
from the same country, entitling the latter to vote in his or her name. This power of attorney must
be given in writing, expressly for each meeting. Each member present is entitled to only one
proxy vote.
The minutes of each meeting are taken, and are signed by the President and the Secretary.
The agenda is set by the Presidium.
Items proposed by a member cannot be put on the agenda unless the Executive Board has
received them in writing before the date of the meeting of the General Assembly.
The General Assembly receives the Activities Report and the Financial Report, and discusses
them. It approves the accounts of the previous financial year, and discusses the items on the
agenda. It appoints an Auditing Committee and two Auditors who should not be members of the
The General Assembly meets as an Extraordinary General Assembly in the cases set out in
Section IV of the statutes.

Article 14 – Special Committees

The General Assembly may set up and dissolve specialised committees and study groups. These
specialised committees may co-opt suitably qualified persons as consultants. The committees are
chaired by the President or by a member of the Executive Board.

Article 15 – Resources and Financing

The Association's resources consist of :
• income from its assets and activities,
• subscriptions and contributions from its members,
• subsidies,
• the results of acts of liberality, gifts and bequests,
• specifically created resources, if necessary with the agreement of the proper authorities,
• in general terms, any payment made to the Association as part of its training activities, and
intended to contribute to the achievement of the objectives set out in Article 3,
• contributions from members of the Association, as laid down by the General Assembly.

Article 16 – Book-keeping
Income and expenditure is systematically logged, and if necessary records are kept of purchases
and sales, by the treasurer.

Article 17 - Liability
Claim can be made only against the assets of the Association, and no member of the
Association, even one of its officers, can be held personally liable for the Association's

Title IV : Modification of the Statutes and Dissolution

Article 18 – Modification of the Statutes
The statutes of the Association can be modified only by a proposal from the Executive Board or
from the Presidium. The Extraordinary General Assembly, called to debate the proposed
modifications, must consist of two thirds of the active members, either present or represented.
Each member present can have only one properly drawn up proxy vote. If the meeting is
inquorate, a second Extraordinary General Assembly is called within six weeks. This will be a
valid meeting, whatever the number of active members present or represented. A majority vote of
the members present or represented is necessary for the proposal to be adopted.

Article 19 - Dissolution
The Extraordinary General Assembly meeting to decide on the dissolution of the Association is
called specifically for this purpose. It must consist of two thirds of the members, or their
representatives. Each member present can have only one properly drawn up proxy vote. If the
meeting is inquorate, a second Extraordinary General Assembly is called for within six weeks.
This will be a valid meeting, whatever the number of active members present or represented.
In either case, dissolution can be decided on only by a majority vote of the members present or
In the case of dissolution of the Association, the Extraordinary General Assembly appoints one or
more liquidators to deal with the Association's assets. Any remaining assets must be made over
to one or more associations with similar objectives.

Article 20 – Formalities
The President must notify the Court in Diekirch of the following within three months after every
General Assembly:
• changes which have taken place in the membership of the Presidium,
• changes made to the statutes,
• move of the registered office,
• dissolution.

Article 21 – Rules and Regulations

A set of Rules and Regulations will be drawn up by the Presidium. It will be submitted for
approval to the Executive Board and for adoption to the General Assembly. These Rules and
Regulations are intended to deal with the various points not codified in the statutes, especially
those concerning the practical day to day running of the Association's activities.

Article 22 – French version

The French version alone of the statutes governs the operation of the Association.

This version of the Statutes came into force

on November 20th 2009

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