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Integrating Instructional Technology

ISTC 301.030
Towson University, College of Education
Deart!ent of Educational Technology " #iteracy

Instructor: Deborah Fuller, Office Location: HH 210D, EdTech Center
Educational Technolog Center Office Hours: after class and other arranged ti!es"
E!ail: dfuller#to$son"edu E!ail is the best $a to reach !e" %istc&01 in sub'ect line(
)hone: *10+,0*+2-*1
Class Session$ %ay &'()une &', &01* +oo!$ ,aw-ins ,all &0..
+e/uired class !eeting ti!e$ Tuesday " Thursday .$00(10$00
1e will use 2lac-3oard htt$ and class wi-isaces site.
5ou will receive an invitation to 6oin the wi-i via your TU e!ail.
Ins.ire, educate and .re.are facilitators of acti/e learning for di/erse and inclusi/e co!!unities of
learners in en/iron!ents that are technologicall ad/anced"
Course Descrition
0aterials, de/ices, techni1ues and settings are .resented in an o/er/ie$ of the field of instructional
technolog" Lab e2.eriences are .ro/ided in the o.eration of instructional hard$are and soft$are"
0arland Teacher Technolog 3tandards 40TT35 3tate!ent

This course has been identified as a re1uired course for !an .rogra!s leading to initial
certification to teach in the 3tate of 0arland" This course includes !an .ro'ects that de/elo. our
candidates6 .roficiencies $ith instructional technolog and are aligned $ith the 0arland Teacher
Technolog 3tandards" These standards are online at$$$"!ttsonline"org" The
standards full integrated $ithin this class include standards+

I7" 8ssess!ent for 8d!inistration and Instruction,
7" Integrating Technolog into the Curriculu! and Instruction, and
7II" )rofessional 9ro$th

Other 0TT 3tandards are included in this course I3TC &01 Integrating Instructional Technolog"
The .ur.ose of the I3TC &01 course is to introduce .reser/ice teacher candidates to the /arious for!s
of electronic and digital technolog and to .ro/ide o..ortunities for engage!ent and reflection on the
role these technolog tools can .la in the teaching:learning .rocesses in the classroo!" The students
beco!e s;illed in so!e of the !an digital tools used in toda<s schools"
In addition, students $ill be e2.osed to basic learning theor and $ill be assisted in deter!ining a..lications of these theories and techni1ues in educational settings" This course is
designed to use the To$son =ni/ersit Conce.tual Fra!e$or; as a basis to !eet the 0arland 3tate!ent of Education certification and accreditation re1uire!ents"
7nline te8t for reference$
Teaching Every Student in the Digital 9ge$ Universal Design for #earning
Da/id H" >ose ? 8nne 0eer, 83CD, 2002 htt.:::$$$"cast"org:teachinge/erstudent:ideas:tes:
9uidelines htt.:::$$$"cast"org:.ublications:=DLguidelines:/ersion1"ht!l
The follo$ing is a guide to the 3tandards that the Integrating Instructional Technolog %I3TC &01( course is designed
to !eet@ the Codes associated $ith the 3tandards@ and the 8ssess!ent tools used to !easure the candidates6 abilities to
de!onstrate !aster of these standards"
:ETS;T(International 3ociet for Technolog in Education+Aational Educational Technolog
3tandards for Teachers [Available online at
teachers/nets-for-teachers-2008.aspx ]
0TT3 0arland Teacher Technolog 3tandards %TTS 48/ailable online at htt.:::$$$"!ttsonline"org: 5
InT83C The Interstate Teacher 8ssess!ent and 3u..ort Consortiu! %InT83C( is a consortiu! of state
education agencies and national educational organiCations dedicated to the refor! of the .re.aration,
licensing, and on+going .rofessional de/elo.!ent of teachers" [Available online at!ents/20""/#n$A%&'(odel'&ore'$eaching'%tandards'20"".
03DE 0arland 3tate!ent of Education+ 3tate Curriculu! [Available online at
http://www.!d)"!ents/vsc/ ]
To$son =
To$son =ni/ersit College of Education, Conce.tual Fra!e$or; 40ission, 7ision+Integrated
The!es and 3tandards5" Available online: http://wwwnew.towson.ed/coe/ncate/
Course 736ectives47utco!es, Standards and 9ssess!ent
Course 736ectives47utco!es Standard
1"Learn ho$ to use a /ariet of
technolog and !edia resources
-, ,@IAT83C E&,*
Class =DL $i;i, Feb 2 tools, Electronic .resentations,
>ecording audio, editing digital i!ages" Internet
searching and e/aluation"
2" 9ain e2.erience in .lanning to
integrate technolog into the
classroo! curriculu!
III 8DCD, I7 8DC@ 0TT3
-,,@IAT83C E1,&,*,-,G@ 0D
Co!!on Core"
T)8CH =DL 0odule and Lesson
&" De/elo. an educational
technolog .ortfolio that su..orts
s.ecific acade!ic content"
I3TE+AET3BT IIC@ 0TT3 1,2, &,
*, -, G, ,@ IAT83CE1,2,,@0D
Co!!on Core
Electronic .ortfolio of reflections and artifacts"
*" Design a !ulti!edia .ro'ect to
.resent curriculu! infor!ation"
I3TE+AET3BT II8D@ 0TT3 1, 2,
&, *, -, G, ,@ IAT83CE1@ 0D
Co!!on Core
Interacti/e electronic .resentation, $i;i
Digital 3tortelling
-" )artici.ate in !eaningful
co!!unication $ithin and
outside of an electronic learning
2, &, -, ,@ IAT83C EI,10
Online discussions:reflections on selected to.ics
9rou. lesson .lanning and class feedbac;
G" )re.are to use technolog
inde.endentl throughout their
education and their careers.
1, 2, &, *, -, G, ,@ IAT83CEI@ 0D
Co!!on Core
T)8CH =DL 0odule and Lesson,
E/aluation and use of Feb 2 tools@
," Connect their classroo!
e2.eriences $ith situations and
e2.eriences in the outside $orld"
0TT3 2,-@ IAT83C E2,I@ 0D
Co!!on Core
Class discussions on selected to.ics@ utiliCing the $eb for
infor!ation gathering, e/aluation and co!!unication,
=DL Lesson and $i;i

J" De!onstrate !aster of the
I3TE+AET3BT(, 0TT3, 0D
Co!!on Core ? IAT83C
0TT31,2,&,*,-,G,,@ IAT83CEJ
=DL Lesson and $i;i
Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance 8n students $ho !a need an acco!!odation due to
a disabilit should !a;e an a..oint!ent to see !e at the end of the first class" 8 !e!o fro! the
To$son Disabilit 3u..ort 3er/ices Office
%*10+,0*+2G&J( authoriCing our acco!!odations $ill be needed"
3tudents are e2.ected to !aintain a high standard of acade!ic integrit" classroo!
conduct, cheating, and .lagiaris! are unacce.table and are grounds for a failing grade in this course"
3tudents are res.onsible for adhering to the To$son =ni/ersit acade!ic integrit .olicies described in
the To$son =ni/ersit =ndergraduate Catalog"
Computing policies$
3tudents are e2.ected to adhere to the To$son =ni/ersit .olicies for res.onsible co!.uting,
Class Discussion and Participation:
)artici.ation is an essential co!.onent to this course including attendance, thoughtful .artici.ation
and .re.aration of readings:assign!ents" 9ccessing online co!!unity sites and e!ail during class is
not considered thoughtful .artici.ation" 3tudents are encouraged to share ideas, articles, $eb sites, ne$
technologies, and soft$are ou thin; $ould be rele/ant for class discussion"
3tudents are e2.ected to attend all classes and are res.onsible for content:assign!ents due to absence"
3ub!it assign!ents and .ro'ects on ti!e, or get .er!ission to sub!it late )>IO> to the due date for
full credit" E!ail instructor if ou are unable to attend class"
Technology +e/uire!ents$
((3a/e all $or; to our H: tiger dri/e and u.load ite!s to class $i;i and Dlac;board as re1uested"
++Ha/e a co!.uter and Internet access through the T= co!.uter labs or on our o$n"
++E!ail is the best $a to contact the instructor $ith 1uestions or concerns: dfuller#to$son"edu"
)lease t.e Kistc&01K in the sub'ect line"
+8t ho!e, single files !a be u.loaded to tiger account %H dri/e( using the Feb Dis; ft. in $eb!ail"
Hel. sheets: htt.:::$$$"to$son"edu:ad!infinance:ots:trainingdoc:shr22+/$+re!ote"as.
(()roble!s $ith tiger account: call *10+,0*+-1-1"
((3elf+hel. training docu!ents are a/ailable for a nu!ber of soft$are a..lications" Office of
Technolog 3er/ices %OT3("
Class Toics
>efer to class $i;i for each to.ic" There ou $ill find lin;s, readings, and s.ecific assign!ent
instructions" Focus on e2.eri!enting $ith incor.orating Lne$ tools6 in all of our $or;" %=se the
)ro!ethean Doard to .resent infor!ation and create a short acti/it for our lesson@ add a created
i!age+a collage or $ord cloud@ record sound@ locate $eb sites or $eb tools to learn and enhance
infor!ation, e!bed a /ideoMfro! Nou Tube@ incor.orate a social !edia tool("
1" =ni/ersal Design of Learning %=DL( ++ Learn the basics of =ni/ersal Design for Learning O =DL+
!ain goals are to fi2 curriculu! instead of fi2ing ;ids and to hel. students beco!e e2.ert learners"
7ie$ local and national technolog standards"
2" For;ing $ith i!ages and te2t in /arious for!ats"
=se )o$er)oint to collage and sa/e as single '.g and gif i!ages to incor.orate in .ro'ects"
3creen ca.ture techni1ues and 3creencasting for instruction" %$i;i, Teach the Class, .ortfolio(
&" For;ing $ith audio O recording /oice, locating and editing !usic:sound@ !i2ing trac;s for .ro'ects"
Tool++8udacit" %=DL )odcast and Digital 3tor("
*" Technolog Tools for Teaching and Learning O Feb 2"0"
E2.loring Feb"20 Tools and a..s for classroo! and student a..lication %$riting, collaboration,
conce.t !, /isual and auditor tools("
E2" Fi;is, blogs, Fordle, Tag2edo, 9logster, )reCi, 7o;i"
%Incor.orate at least - e2a!.les using Feb tools in our .ro'ects("
-" =sing Interacti/e Fhiteboards for Teaching and Learning"
Each student $ill ha/e hands+on .ractice $ith the )ro!ethean board"
=se 8cti/Ins.ire to create a fli.chart acti/it for =DL lesson"
G" Co.right:Fair =se Issues, Creati/e Co!!ons licenses and e/aluating online infor!ation"
%Class e2ercise and blog .osts(
," 3ocial 0edia OChoosing an online .resence" and benefits to education"
3ocial Doo;!ar;ing tools ++listing and sharing resources" %Dlog .ost and Doo;!ar;ing resources
J" 8..ling =DL in lesson design and teaching" %=DL Lesson and Teach the Class,(
Course <rading
Class =articiation and 9ttendance >10?@
8 co!.onent of this course is our .artici.ation including attendance, thoughtful .artici.ation and
.re.aration of readings:assign!ent, acti/e grou. engage!ent and a concern for others in this course"
Each class $ill introduce ideas for integrating technolog in teaching and learning" Nou $ill ha/e a
chance to e2.eri!ent and sub!it our .ractice" Tea! $or; ti!e $ill be .ro/ided to .lan lessons and
Technology Integration =ro6ects >'0?@
8 significant .ortion of this course is based on our .artici.ation in learning tea!s" This includes on+
tas;, one+ti!e thoughtful .osts, and interaction $ith our .eers throughout the course"
3o!e .ro'ects are co!.leted indi/iduall and others $ith our learning tea!"
1. T=9CA4UD# %odule and =odcast +tea!
0odif a lesson and analCe it for =DL .rinci.les and features and barriers $here =DL is not
e!.loed" >e$rite the lesson .lan to be !ore =DL focused, and then create a .odcast that e2.lains
$hat ou changed in the lesson and $h" Nou $ill not need to fi2 e/er barrier ou identif, but !a;e
a good effort to fi2 as !an as ou can" 8t the /er least, tr to fi2 a barrier fro! each of the three
2" #esson Develo!ent and =resentation. Otea!"
=se the !odified =DL lesson and create acti/ities:assess!ent .ieces utiliCing tools discussed in the
course %/isual, auditor, ;inesthetic@ utiliCe the )ro!ethean Doard(" )ost on grou. $i;i .age and .lan
to share $ith the class"
3. Teach the Class O%indi/idual or a cou.le .eo.le(
8s $e e2.lore Feb 2"0 tools, online sites, and educational soft$are, select a to.ic to further e2.lore
and Lteach the class6" )ost on indi/idual $i;i .age"
*. Electronic =ortfolio O a collection of artifacts to de!onstrate course acco!.lish!ents and
reflections for understanding"
2logging 9ssign!ents and +eflections >&0?@
During the course ou $ill be as;ed .ost to blog .ro!.ts in Dlac;board" >es.onses $ill be e/aluated
to ensure ou are reflecting on the sub'ect, ans$ering the 1uestions .osed thoughtfull and co!.letel,
and able to connect the to.ic $ith .rior ;no$ledge" =se this s.ace as a 'ournal to store our thought as
the se!ester .rogresses" The !aterial $ill hel. ou to co!.lete the .ortfolio assign!ent" Nou $ill not
be graded on for!at or sentence structure" )oints $ill be deducted for lac; of ti!el .artici.ation,
content that does not ade1uatel sho$ our engage!ent $ith course content, off+to.ic res.onses and
failure to co!!ent to .eers"
9rading: Aote: There are no 8P, C+, or D+ grades according to To$son6s grading .olic"
I* +100Q R8@ I0+I&Q R8+@ JG+JI RDP@ J2+J-Q RD@ ,J+J1Q RD+@ ,*+,, RCP@ GI+,&Q R C@ G-+GJ
RDP@ G-Q is a failing grade"
2log 1 B Tech 2io.
In the 0essage bo2 introduce ourself to the class"
>es.ond in t$o or three .aragra.hs to su!!ariCe the .ositi/e and negati/e of our e2.erience $ith
Ltechnolog in the classroo!6" Dra$ing on our o$n e2.erience learning $ith technolog, briefl
discuss a classroo! situation in $hich technolog $as used to hel. ou, the student, learn" Describe
the classroo! situation, the sub'ect being taught, the other students, the technolog:ies %for e2a!.le,
co!.uter:co!.uter soft$are, Interacti/e Fhite Doards, etc"( being used, and ho$ the technolog $as
integrated $ithin the instruction" Dased on our ;no$ledge, interest, access, and e2.erience $ith
technolog, reflect on $h and ho$ this classroo! situation ou describe $as effecti/e at ou
to learn" >elate a s.ecific e2.erience ou re!e!ber about ho$ technolog $as used to enhance our
learning or Llac; of use6 that !a ha/e i!.eded our learning or desire to acco!.lish learning a to.ic"
Finall, after bro$sing the class $i;i and course to.ics, are there .articular ite!s that; our
interest or that ou $ant to learn during the courseS
2log & + 8t the core of =DL is the .re!ise that often the curriculu! is disabled %and disabling(" It is
not fle2ible@ it often .oses barriers, and conse1uentl .re/ents rather than su..orts o.ti!al learning
e2.eriences" Fh or $h notS Fhat are the benefits of analCing the curriculu! for strengths and
$ea;nesses rather than focusing on the student<s strengths and $ea;nessesS Fhat are the challenges of
this a..roachS %Thin; about the & net$or;s of =DL ++ recognition, strategic, and affecti/e and the
!ulti.le !eans of re.resentation, action and e2.ression, and engage!ent("
2log 3 Social %edia
1" Ho$ could teachers and students utiliCe social !edia tools in H+12 schoolsS 9i/e & s.ecific
e2a!.les %refer to readings(" E2.lain one $a ou could incor.orate social !edia, an online
boo;!ar;ing tool or do$nloadable a.. in our class"
2" Fhat ethical and safet issues should be taught to hel. ensure and safe online use for
studentsS 0ention at least & e2a!.les" Consider digital citiCenshi."
2log * B Coyright %>efer to $i;i .age for readings(
Consider 2 co.right and fair use issues that ou $ere fa!iliar $ith and 2 issues that $ere ne$ to ou"
E2.lain and share an sur.rises, concerns, .ast e2.eriences or issues regarding co.right and fair use"
Co!!ent on the TE8CH 8ct"
Fhat are Creati/e Co!!ons licenses and ho$ are the a benefit to usS
If ou can thin; of a scenario that ou ;no$, or $onder if, it $ould be co.right infringe!ent, describe
it and $e can all $eigh in" Co.right is not a blac;:$hite issue and so!eti!es gets interesting"
2log 0 Evaluating 7nline Infor!ation %refer to $i;i .age for readings(
9uiding 1uestions for reflection"
1" Ho$ $ill ou teach students to be critical readers of online infor!ationS
2" Fhat are so!e s.ecific criteria and strategies to hel. 'udge online infor!ationS
&" Fh use one search engine o/er anotherS Include a L;id friendl6 search engine"
*" 3chool .a for Lsubscri.tion databases:ser/ices6" Fh .a for these ser/ices $hen students ha/e the
InternetS %7ie$ databases a/ailable through Dalti!ore Count )ublic 3chools"(
2log C$ Dinal reflection. >This should 3e incororated into your ortfolio state!ent@.
Technolog tools change the $as students learn and teachers teach" Discuss our thoughts regarding
this state!ent" E/aluate se/eral $eb+based tools tal;ed about during the course or found on our o$n"
Ho$ $ill the tools ou ha/e learned about change the $a ou teach and learnS
Discuss ho$ our beliefs and attitudes .ertaining to the use of technolog in the classroo! are
changing as ou shift fro! learners of tools to teachers of content /ia these tools"
Describe ho$ ou intend to use these s;ills and tools in our future teaching"
<rou +oles$
9rou. !e!bers $ill be as;ed to ta;e one of the follo$ing roles: researcher, editor or designer %o/er
the course of the se!ester each !e!ber should .la each role once("
Fhile e/er grou. !e!ber is as;ed to co!.lete all of the readings, the researcher is re1uired to see;
out additional technologies or research su..orting and surrounding the $or; co!.leted for the .ro'ect,
su!!ariCe it, share it $ith .eers and !a;e reco!!endations"
The designer is tas;ed $ith organiCing, designing and .re.aring the instructional e2a!.le or lesson" In
this role ou are as;ed to re/ie$ and decide u.on technologies and instructional acti/ities,
goals and assess!ent strategies" 8ll grou. !e!bers $ill ha/e in.ut, but the designer is res.onsible for
the initial .lan and follo$ through $ith the design .rocess"
Lastl, the editor is res.onsible for .re.aring the finished $or; to be shared $ith the $hole class"
8lthough the acti/it is a grou. .ro'ect and is onl successful through shared $or; and feedbac; on
the research, instructional e2a!.le and $riting, the editor ensures that the finished $or; is
re.resentati/e of the understandings, ideas and discussions held b the grou." The editor is also
res.onsible for .osting this finished $or; b the assigned deadline to the .ro'ect $i;i and to the
grou.6s assign!ent lin; under learning tea! .ages"
=eer 9ssess!ent$ The =DL 0odule:)odcast and lesson $ill be done in grou.s" Nou $ill be as;ed to
sub!it ratings for each .ro'ect, for each grou. !e!ber, including ourself" These res.onses should be
.osted to the rivate Dlac;board learning 'ournal .ro/ided"
>ating 3cale 1 R EUCELLEAT 2 R 8CCE)T8DLE & R AOT 8CCE)T8DLE
8cti/e in discussion
Contributed useful ideas
Focused and on tas;
8de1uatel co!.leted assigned role

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