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Yuva Public Speaking Greatness

Start and Finish should be extremely powerful

Communicate Confdence (Shoulders Back)
Humour : ahapanah !ussi "reat Ho
Share a #ersonal Story$Back%round: &'(s
!he #ower of #ause (for the audience to process)
)oice *odulation
+ye Contact
*o,e your hands openly
"i,e them what they want frst - Content - .e,er Start with History and
borin% crap/
*ake 'udience Comfortable - Food0 Bathroom0 etc
Smile0 Famous 1uotes0 Shayris
2 'ct of (indness Story
'udience 3n,ol,ement (Free Hu%s0 'nswerin% 1uestions by raisin% hands0
4nly Speak in the 5aun%au%e you are the most comfortable (Hindi0
"u6arati or +n%lish)
Customi7e accordin% to 'udience (Corporate0 Colle%e0 School0 8omen)
Power of 3 9 http:$$www/youtube/com$watch:
Social #roof 9 http:$$www/youtube/com$watch:,;t?7y=oul@#c (Busy with
clients0 im is e,erywhere0 people like to buy from people who are buyin%
Speak like 4bama:
2) Sharin% your Back%round: http:$$www/youtube/com$watch:,;C9
E) Closin% on a Hi%h .ote: http:$$www/youtube/com$watch:,;B(r<F.7S9
3f you feel the same ener%y that 3 do0 if you feel the same passion 9990
same hopefulness 99990 from 8ashin%ton to *aine0 and this country will
reclaim it %lory//
C) Confdence: http:$$www/youtube/com$watch:
3 ha,e 6ust one word for you -F!ommorowG
= years0 E2 months0 we are 2 day away from chan%in% the HS of '
!ommorow0 !ommorowI
J) Settin% the Sta%e: http:$$www/youtube/com$watch:,;dw1wJByHC@1
ust smile and stand there for C secsI/!hank you0 !hank you0 !hank youI
K) Counterin% Critics a%ainst Chan%e: http:$$www/youtube/com$watch:
Hope: 8ishful thinkin%0 it is not blind optimism or i%norin% the road
blocks//Les the lobbyist will f%ht usI3 ha,e been on the streets0 been
there//3 know this will be hard//But 3 know Hope has been the %uidin% force
behind the most improbable chan%es/ 3n the faces of !yranny0 in the face
of sla,ery0 *other !eresa did0
How to Begin A Speech with a Bang:
2/ Smile for C Seconds and Shut Hp
E/ Story0 ' Duote0 a number0 etc
C/ First E mins0 ooh man this is %oin% to be a %ood speech - F4h my "od the
word is %oin% to end in CM hours0 and 3 know one man who can sa,e usG -
Fla,or Scene
How to Open your talk:
thin% you say and last thin% you say
EB@E Nays a%o today0 3 made the crucial decision of my lifeII
How to Pace your speech:
#ause0 #ause0 #ause0 #ause: 5en%th of our pause and the location of your pause
will ha,e %reat timin%/
Tips for Managing Time in Public Speaking:
Cut out 2OP0 %et a watch0 keep your eye on the watchI(eep your eye on the
person in char%e
Memoriing !s" #otes:
5et it be extemperraneous - or%anic speechIit 6ust happens//
Tips for gi!ing a memorable speech:
!oday we are only %oin% to talk about one thin% 999 ???????
2) 5au%h0 people learn with pleasure
E) *ake it a show - %et them in,ol,ed asap
C) +choin% - 5et them say it - #ut the mike to them 0 Finish the sentence
please - #ractice what you ????
J) Stories:
Public Speaking $ules an% A%!ice
How to capture within K seconds:
99Smile and shut up000
99B@P of all of you are terrifed of public speakin%
998hat about you:: "o in the 'udienceI
How to make the au%ience feel comfortable&
8hat is the one thin% that my audience is totally sceptical about//
Honesty frst0 tell it all and tell it now
Social #roof - testimonials from past pro%rams0 what u are teachin% them does
Share your research early//Qthis %uy did his homeworkI
'losing your speech
Finally0 or as 3 conclude
Call to 'ction
Closer with a Duote0 powerful story or an illustrationI
!hank your audienceI
(ngage your au%ience
+choes - &epeat thin%s0 ha,e them fnish their sentenceI/
"et them raise hands0 claps0 turn around0 %et the blood Rowin%
+,ery = mins %et them mo,in% and en%a%ed
2) +xtremely relaxed
E) ! 8alker Secret to speakin% like 4bama
C) *akin% an entrance (looks like a billion dollars)0 Hsin% the teleprompter
()oice inRection)0 +ye Contact for at9least K sec
How to )se Humor in Public Speaking
2) Humor doesnSt mean 6okes necessary
E) Humor is always appropriate
C) Be Funny early and often (atleast e,ery E minutes)
J) "estures0 stare at the Cameras
K) Screwups by mistakes
How to use Storytelling in Public Speeches
!hey donSt remember facts0 numbers0 %raphs - only stories is what they
#remise: .etworkin% is essential
3llustration: ' few years a%o 3 didnSt know anyone0 started talkin% to someone in
the room0 J years later we %ot into a businessI
#oint: +,ery sin%le person has potential
Public Speaking in a Business Setting
2) 3f e,erybody did exactly what 3 said0 what would the world look like:
E) 8hat are the key words used in the audienceSs ,ocabulary: (u sound like
u are one of them: Nr0 5awyers0 'ccountants)
C) 8hat is the dress code:
J) 8hat is the one thin% 3 can say that would absolutely oAend e,eryone:
T* +alker
,on-t rea% Power Point Sli%es
#ower #oint should be flled with ima%es
Powerpoint +ithout The Sli%es
.o one cares about your problems0 3 am not dependent on !echnolo%y
#ot boring
.ocus on your Message/ forget the 0uestions
3 donSt know0 but 3 can %et back to you by E oclock/ 3 am sorry0 how do 3 make it
,on-t Turn your Back on 1our Au%ience
2et e!eryone in!ol!e%3
3dentify the audienceI
1atin%ra Sharma-s Speech
4 compliment you for this 5555 an% then wait
4 compliment you for this 5555an% then wait
4 compliment you for this 5555an% then wait

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