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This form is designed to get you thinking about your project in readiness for writing a full
research proposal. You will be given more guidance later on about how to design your project
but ultimately its design will be dependent on what you want to achieve from it and only you can
decide that.
It is important that you choose a topic that really interests you. Without this interest you will not
have the motivation to do all that is necessary to complete your dissertation satisfactorily.
Remember your dissertation will be a research report not an essay. o you need to set yourself
a !uestion for which you will need to collect data in order to find an answer. You need a topic
title that points you clearly in the direction of an investigation rather than a general area to write
What is the general subject area that you want to e"plore in your dissertation#
$%lease tick bo" &'
Strategic Process and Change
Strategic Marketing
Management and Leadership
Managing Finance
Managing People
Supply Chain Management
Professional Development and Systems Management
Creative and Innovative Management
Strategic Planning, Games and Simulation
Corporate Communication Strategies
Corporate "esponsi#ility and Governance
(. What is the particular !uestion you want your investigation to answer ) i.e. your topic title#
$*+ ) ,- words'
.nsure that you phrase your title in the form of a !uestion that your research will be answering.

,. Why do you want to do this particular project#

Thinking beyond the aim contained in your title/ what do you hope to achieve for yourself as a
result of doing this project# ..g. 0elp your career1 develop your understanding of a particular
management or business process1 develop your ability to tackle management or business

2. 3escribe briefly the main purpose of your investigation.
..g. Is it a problem you want to find a solution for# Is there something you have observed that
you want to e"plain# Is there some behaviour or activity that you want to evaluate#

+. In order to answer the !uestion of your title/ what information do you think you will need to
4onsider both your main purpose and factors related to it or likely to be affecting it. This list of
information will be your starting point for deciding your research objectives.

5. 6inally/ what sources of data do you think you might draw on to get your information#
..g. 7bservation/ 8ewspapers/ 9ournal articles/ Trade press :dvertisements/ %eople;using
interviews or !uestionnaires/ <overnment statistics or other 3ocuments.

Official use only
upervisor name=
Topic title=
$Yes' :s above
%lease tick= >
$8o' %lease see suggested
topic below
%lease tick= >

? ?

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