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Core Java - 5 days

Pre-Requisite - The participants should be aware of basic programming skills, and

should be familiar with some programming language.
Software: J! ".# or ".$ or %.& or '.& and (clipse )s the *(.
Salient +eatures:
". )part from teaching the language J),) for the participants, this course gi-es the
participants an indepth e.posure of the following salient points.
". /ow to create 0a-a applications on the principles of )gile methodolo1.
2. /ow to create robust ob0ects on the principles of 3b0ect 3riented anal1sis.
#. 4orking e.ercises on the basis of 53+ 6ore Ja-a Patterns.
$. 7earning Ja-a from a practical perspecti-e.
%. 4rite 0a-a programs to talk to 6 and 688 programs using J9*.
'. The course is completel1 hands on dri-en, with more emphasis gi-en on
training the students to use Ja-a language in writing real applications.
Java Training Modules Duration
J),) && *ntroduction Day 1
(ntr1 Test 2&min
delegate background and ob0ecti-es
timetable and practical considerations
J),) &" (n-ironment :with e.ercises; a1 " -"2& min
the Ja-a programming language
Ja-a design goals
histor1 of Ja-a
the Ja-a run-time en-ironment
Ja-a -irtual machine
Ja-a applications
Ja-a applets
the Ja-a software de-elopment kit
Ja-a class libraries
basic input<output
J),) &2 Ja-a Primiti-es :with e.ercises; a1 " -'& min
Ja-a s1nta. and datat1pes
-ariables and declarations
initialisation and assignment
arithmetic operators
relational and boolean operators
operator precedence
literals and strings
t1pe con-ersions
J),) &# 6ontrol +low :with e.ercises; a1 " = "2& min
selection, iteration and sequence
conditional statement
switch statement
indeterminate and determinate loops
while and do while
continue statement
breaks and labeled breaks
J),) &$ 3b0ects and 6lasses :with e.ercises; a1 " = 2$& min
what is a class>
defining classes
creating new ob0ects
primiti-es and ob0ects
the null reference
ob0ect instance -ariables and methods
passing data to methods
returning data from methods
local -ariables
calling an instance method
this reference
chaining constructors
a1 2
J),) &% )d-anced 6lasses 2$& min
o-erloading methods
class -ariables and methods
initialising -ariables
garbage collection
reco-ering resources
wrapper classes
J),) &' 6ollections :with e.ercises; a1 # = #'& min
creating arra1s
arra1s of primiti-es
arra1s of ob0ects
arra1 initiali?ation
cop1, sort and search arra1s
two dimensional arra1s
populate a -ector
access -ector elements
Set *mplementation
7ist *mplementation
@ap *mplementation
6oncurrent 6ollections
J),) &A *nheritance :with e.ercises; a1 $ -#&& min
class hierarchies
defining subclasses
inheriting -ariables and methods
creating subclasses
calling superclass constructors
o-erriding methods
using superclass methods
hiding -ariables
final classes and methods
abstract classes and methods
the Ja-a class hierarch1
run-time t1pe identification
J),) &B *nterfaces :with e.ercises; a1 $ = '& min
what is an interface>
defining an interface
implementing an interface
pol1morphism with interfaces
inheriting interfaces
the 6loneable interface
J),) &C Strings :with e.ercises; a1 $ = '& min
the String class
con-ert primiti-es to strings
con-ert ob0ects to strings
editing strings
test for equalit1
format output
the StringDuffer class
J),) "& Streams and +iles :with e.ercises; a1 % -2$& min
read and write b1tes
read and write primiti-es
read from or write to a file
random access files
file management
write and read te.t
?ip file streams
read and write ob0ects
ob0ect seriali?ation
data integrit1 and -ersioning
J),) "" (.ception /andling :with e.ercises; a1 % -2$& min
what is an e.ception>
the e.ception hierarch1
ad-ertising e.ceptions
create and throw e.ceptions
catch and handle e.ceptions
when to handle e.ceptions
release resources
designing application e.ceptions
@ulti catch Statements
)utomatic resource management
J),) "2 @ulti-threading :with e.ercises; #'& min
wh1 de-elop multithreaded s1stems>
what are the dangers>
the Ja-a thread class
create and run a thread
use the runnable interface
thread states
monitors and s1nchroni?ed methods
s1nchroni?e on -ariables
applets and multithreading
Swing "2& min
e-eloping 5E* )pplication using swing
ifferent 7a1outs
(-ent /andling
Test F iscussion

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