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The Boy Who Cried Wolf

~Once upon a time there was a boy who had to look after sheep.
It was a very boring job, just sitting on the hillside, day after
day, watching the sheep eating grass. He tried to think of fun
things to do but he couldnt.
~One day, he was so bored that he thought he would play a trick
on the other shepherds. I know,! he thought, Ill pretend that a
wolf is coming to eat the sheep.!
~"o he stood up and shouted as loud as he could, Help# Help#
$here is a wolf and it is going to eat the sheep#! %ll the other
shepherds left their sheep and ran to help the boy.
~ &here is the wolf'! they asked. $he boy could not speak for
laughing. %t last he said, $here is no wolf. I was just joking.! $he
other shepherds were very cross. (ont make jokes like that,!
they said.
~ I am sorry,! said the boy. $he other shepherds went back to
look after their sheep and the boy was left to watch his sheep
eating the grass. Im bored#! he said to himself. I think Ill play
another trick.!
~"o again he stood up and shouted, Help# Help# $here is a wolf
and it is going to eat the sheep#! %gain the other shepherds left
their sheep and ran to help the boy. &here is the wolf'! they
asked again.
~$his time the boy was laughing so much he had to sit down.
$here is no wolf,! he said. It is a joke.!
$he other shepherds were really angry this time. )ou are very
bad# )ou should not tell lies#! they shouted as they went back to
their sheep.
~$he boy felt very pleased with his jokes. He sat down in the long
grass, pulled his hat down over his eyes and had a little rest.
"uddenly, he heard a strange sound#
~He looked around and there on the hill behind him was a wolf# %
very big wolf# %n enormous wolf# It looked at him, and licked its
lips# , Help# Help# $here is a wolf and it is going to eat *+#!
screamed the boy.
~He shouted and screamed but no one came. It is just that silly
boy playing tricks,! they all thought. $he wolf ate the boy and
smiled a happy smile. $hat will teach him to tell lies#! he said.
The Boy Who Cried Wolf

~Once upon a time there was a boy who had to look after some
~One day, he was so ,,,,,,,that he thought he would play a
trick on the other shepherds.
~"o he stood up and ,,,,,,, as loud as he could, Help# Help#
$here is a wolf and it is ,,,,,,,to eat the sheep#!
~ $he other shepherds were very,,,,,,,. (ont make jokes like
that,! they said.
~ %gain he stood up and shouted, Help# Help# $here is a wolf and
it is going to ,,,,, the sheep#!
~$he other shepherds ,,,,,,, really angry this time.
~ "uddenly, the boy heard a strange ,,,,,,,#
~He ,,,,,,,around and there on the hill behind him was a wolf#
~ $he wolf ate the boy and smiled a happy,,,,,,,. $hat will
teach him to tell lies#! he said.
sheep sound shouted cross smile
eat were going looked bored

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