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Act No.25 OF 1956

An Act to provide for the establishment of an All-India Institute of edical !ciences.
"2nd #une$ 1956%
&' it enacted b( )arliament in the !eventh *ear of the +epublic of India$ as follo,s-
Comment- .he Act see/s to provide for measures that ,ould help in improvin0 professional
competence amon0st medical practitioners b( addressin0 the issue of medical education
1.Short title n! "ommen"ement.- 112 .his Act ma( be called the All-India Institute of edical
!ciences Act$ 1956.
122 It shall come into force on such date 315th November$ 1956$ vide !.+.O.No.2644 dated 6 - 11-
1956$ see 5a6ette of India$ )art II$ !ec.7$ p.1995.8 as the 9entral 5overnment ma($ b(
notification in the Official 5a6ette$ appoint.
#.De$inition%.- In this Act$ unless the conte:t other,ise re;uires$
1a2 <Fund< means the fund of the Institute referred to an section 16=
1b2 >5overnin0 &od(> means the 5overnin0 &od( of the Institute=
1c2 <Institute< means the All-India Institute of edical !ciences established under section 7=
1d2 <member< means a member of the Institute=
1e2 <re0ulation< means a re0ulation made b( the Institute=
1f2 <rule< means a rule made b( the 9entral 5overnment.
&.E%t'li%hment n! in"or(ortion o$ the In%tit)te.- 112 ?ith effect from such date as the
9entral 5overnment ma($ b( notification in the Official 5a6ette$ appoint in this behalf$ there shall
be established for the purposes of this Act an institution to be called the All-India Institute of
edical !ciences.
122 .he Institute shall be a bod( corporate b( the name aforesaid havin0 perpetual succession
and a common seal$ ,ith po,er to ac;uire$ had and dispose of propert($ both movable and
immovable$ and to contract$ and shall b( the said name sue and be sued.
*.Com(o%ition o$ the In%tit)te.- .he Institute shall consist of the follo,in0 members$ namel(-
1a2 the @ice-9hancellor of the Aelhi Bniversit($ e: officio=
1b2 the Airector-5eneral of Cealth !ervices$ 5overnment of India$ e: officio=
1c2 the Airector of the Institute$ e: officio=
1d2 t,o representatives of the 9entral 5overnment to be nominated b( that 5overnment$ one
from the inistr( of Finance and one from the inistr( of 'ducation=
1e2 five persons of ,hom one shall be a non-medical scientist representin0 the Indian !cience
9on0ress Association$ to be nominated b( the 9entral 5overnment=
1f2 four representatives of the medical faculties of Indian Bniversities to be nominated b( the
9entral 5overnment in the manner prescribed b( rules= and
102 three members of )arliament of ,hom t,o shall be elected from amon0 themselves b( the
members of the Couse of the )eople and one from amon0 themselves b( the members of the
9ouncil of !tates.
5.De"lrtion o$ the In%tit)te % n in%tit)tion o$ ntionl im(ortn"e.- It is hereb( declared
that the Institute shall be an institution of national importance.
6.Term o$ o$$i"e o$, n! +"n"ie% mon, mem'er%.- 112 !ave as other,ise provided in this
section$ the term of office of a member shall be five (ears from the date of his nomination or
)rovided that the term of office of a member elected under clause 102 of section D shall come to
an end as soon as he ceases to be a member of the Couse from ,hich he ,as elected.
122 .he term of office of an e: officio member shall continue so lon0 as he holds the office in
virtue of ,hich he is such a member.
172 .he term of office of a member nominated or elected to fill a casual vacanc( shall continue for
the remainder of the term of the member in ,hose place he is nominated or elected.
1D2 An out-0oin0 member shall$ unless the 9entral 5overnment other,ise directs$ continue in
office until another person is nominated or elected as a member in his place.
152 An out-0oin0 member shall be eli0ible for re-nominatin0 or re-election.
162 A member ma( resi0n his office b( ,ritin0 under his hard addressed to the 9entral
5overnment but he shall continue in office until his resi0nation is accepted b( that 5overnment.
1E2 .he anner of fillin0 vacancies amon0 members shall be such as ma( be prescribed b( rules.!ent o$ the In%tit)te.- 112 .here shall be a )resident of the Institute ,ho shall be
nominated b( the 9entral 5overnment from amon0 the members other than the Airector of the
122 .he )resident shall e:ercise such po,ers and dischar0e such functions as are laid do,n in
this Act or an ma( be prescribed b( rules or re0ulations.
/.Allo0n"e% o$ .re%i!ent n! mem'er%.- .he )resident and members shall receive such
allo,ances$ if an($ from the Institute as ma( be prescribed b( rules.
9.Meetin,% o$ the In%tit)te.- .he Institute shall hold its first meetin0 at such time and place as
ma( be appointed b( the 9entral 5overnment and shall observe such rules of procedure in
re0ard to the transaction of business at the first meetin0 as ma( be laid do,n b( that
5overnment= and thereafter the Institute shall meet at such times and places and observe such
rules of procedure in re0ard to the transaction of business at its meetin0 as ma( be prescribed b(
11.2o+ernin, 3o!4 n! other Committee% o$ the In%tit)te.- 512 .here shall be a 5overnin0
&od( of the Institute ,hich shall be constituted b( the Institute from amon0 its members in such
manner as ma( be prescribed b( re0ulations.
122 .he 5overnin0 &od( shall be the e:ecutive committee of the Institute and shall e:ercise such
po,ers and dischar0e such functions as the Institute ma($ b( re0ulations made in this behalf$
confer or impose upon it.
172 .he )resident of the Institute shall be the 9hairman of the 5overnin0 &od( and as 9hairman
thereof shall e:ercise such po,ers and dischar0e such functions as ma( be prescribed b(
1D2 .he )rocedure to be follo,ed in the e:ercise of its po,ers and dischar0e of its functions b(
the 5overnin0 &od($ and the term of office of$ and the manner of fillin0 vacancies amon0$ the
members of the 5overnin0 &od( shall be such as ma( be prescribed b( re0ulations.
152 !ubFect to such control and restrictions as ma( be prescribed b( rules$ the Institute ma(
constitute as man( standin0 committees and as man( ad hoc committees as it thin/s fir for
e:ercisin0 an( po,er or dischar0in0 an( function of the Institute or for in;uirin0 into$ or reportin0
or advisin0 upon$ an( matter ,hich the Institute ma( refer to them.
162 A standin0 committee shall consist e:clusivel( of members of the Institute= but an ad hoc
committee ma( include persons ,ho are not members of the Institute but the number of such
persons shall not e:ceed one-half of its total membership.
1E2 .he 9hairman and members of the 5overnin0 &od( and the 9hairman and members of a
standin0 committee or an ad hoc committee shall receive such allo,ances$ it an($ as ma( be
prescribed b( re0ulations.
11.St$$ o$ the In%tit)te.- 112 .here shall be a chief e:ecutive officer of the Institute ,ho shall be
desi0nated as the Airector of the Institute and shall$ subFect to such rules as ma( be made b( the
9entral 5overnment in this behalf$ be appointed b( the Institute-
)rovided that the first Airector of the Institute shall be appointed b( the 9entral 5overnment.
122 .he Airector shall act as the !ecretar( to the Institute as ,ell as the 5overnin0 &od(.
172 .he Airector shall e:ercise such po,ers and dischar0e such functions as ma( be prescribed
b( re0ulations or as ma( be dele0ated to him b( the Institute or the )resident of the Institute or b(
the 5overnin0 &od( or the 9hairman of the 5overnin0 &od(.
1D2 !ubFect to such rules as ma( be made b( the 9entral 5overnment in this behalf$ the Institute
ma( appoint such number of other officers and emplo(ees as ma( be necessar( for the e:ercise
of its po,ers and dischar0e of its functions and ma( determine the desi0nations and 0rades of
such other officers and emplo(ees.
152 .he Airector and other officers and emplo(ees of the Institute shall be entitled to such salar(
and allo,ances and shall be 0overned b( such conditions of service in respect of leave$ pension$
provident fund and other matters as ma( be prescribed b( re0ulations made in this behalf.
1#.Lo"tion o$ the In%tit)te.- .he Institute shall be located in Ne, Aelhi.
1&.O'6e"t% o$ the In%tit)te.- .he obFects of the Institute shall beG
1a2 to develop patterns of teachin0 in under0raduate and post0raduate medical education in all its
branches so as to demonstrate a hi0h standard of medical education to all medical colle0es and
other allied institutions in India=
1b2 to brin0 to0ether in one place educational facilities of the hi0hest order for the trainin0 of
personnel in all important branches of health activit(= and
1c2 to attain self-sufficienc( in post0raduate medical education.
1*.F)n"tion% o$ the In%tit)te.- ?ith a vie, to the promotion of the obFects specified in section
17$ the Institute ma(G
1a2 provide for under0raduate and post0raduate teachin0 in the science of modern medicine and
other allied sciences$ includin0 ph(sical and biolo0ical sciences=
1b2 provide facilities for research in the various branches of such sciences=
1c2 provide for the teachin0 of humanities in the under 0raduate courses=
1d2 9onduct e:periments in ne, methods of medical education$ both under0raduate and
post0raduate$ in order to arrive at satisfactor( standards of such education=
1e2 prescribe courses and curricula for both under0raduate and post0raduate studies=
1f2 not,ithstandin0 an(thin0 contained in an( other la, for the time bein0 in force$ establish and
1i2 one or more medical colle0es ,ith different departments$ includin0 a department of preventive
and social medicine$ sufficientl( staffed and e;uipped to underta/e not onl( under0raduate
medical education but also post0raduate medical education in different subFects=
1ii2 One or more ,ell-e;uipped hospitals=
1iii2 a dental colle0e ,ith such institutional facilities for the practice of dentistr( and for the
practical trainin0 of students as ma( be necessar(=
1iv2 a nursin0 colle0e sufficientl( staffed and e;uipped for the trainin0 of nurses=
1v2 rural and urban health or0anisations ,hich ,ill form centres for the field trainin0 of the
medical$ dental and nursin0 students of the Institute as ,ell as for research into communit( health
problems= and
1vi2 other institutions for the trainin0 of different t(pes of health ,or/ers$ such as ph(siotherapists$
occupational therapists and medical technicians of various /inds=
102 train teachers for the different medical colle0es in India=
h2 hold e:aminations and 0rant such de0rees$ diplomas and other academic distinctions and titles
in under0raduate and post0raduate medical education as ma( be laid do,n in the re0ulations=
1i2 institute$ and appoint persons to$ professorships$ reader ships$ lectureships and posts of an(
description in accordance ,ith re0ulations=
1F2 receive 0rants from the 5overnment and 0ifts$ donations$ benefactions$ be;uests and transfers
of properties$ both movable and immovable$ from donors$ benefactors$ testators or transferors$ as
the case ma( be=
1/2 deal ,ith an( propert( belon0in0 to$ or vested in$ the Institute in an( manner ,hich is
considered necessar( for promotin0 the obFects specified in section 17=
1l2 demand and receive such fees and other char0es as ma( be prescribed b( re0ulations=
1m2 do all such other acts and thin0s as ma( be necessar( to further the obFects specified in
section 17.
15..4ment to the In%tit)te.- .he 9entral 5overnment ma($ under appropriation made b(
parliament b( la, in this behalf$ pa( to the Institute in each financial (ear such sums of mone(
and in such manner as ma( be considered necessar( b( that 5overnment for the e:ercise of its
po,ers and dischar0e of its functions under this Act.
16.F)n! o$ the In%tit)te.- 112 .he Institute shall maintain a Fund to ,hich shall be creditedG
1a2 all mone(s provided b( the 9entral 5overnment=
1b2 all fees and other char0es received b( the Institute=
1c2 all mone(s received b( the Institute b( ,a( of 0rants$ 0ifts$ donations$ benefactions$ be;uests
or transfers= and
1d2 all mone(s received b( the Institute in an( other manner or from an( other source.
122 All mone(s credited to the Fund shall be deposited in such ban/s or invested in such manner
as the Institute ma($ ,ith the approval of the 9entral 5overnment$ decide.
172 .he Fund shall be applied to,ards meetin0 the e:penses of the Institute includin0 e:penses
incurred in the e:ercise of its po,ers and dischar0e of its functions under section 1D.
1-.3)!,et o$ the In%tit)te.- .he Institute shall prepare in such form and at such time ever( (ear
as ma( be prescribed b( rules a bud0et in respect of the financial (ear ne:t ensuin0 sho,in0 the
estimated receipts and e:penditure of the Institute and shall for,ard to the 9entral 5overnment
such number of copies thereof as ma( be prescribed b( rules.
1/.A""o)nt% n! )!it- 112 .he Institute shall maintain proper accounts and other relevant
records and prepare an annual statement of accounts includin0 the balance-sheet in such form
as the 9entral 5overnment ma( b( rules prescribe in consultation ,ith the 9omptroller and
Auditor-5eneral of India.
122 .he accounts of the Institute shall be audited b( the 9omptroller and Auditor-5eneral of India
and an( e:penditure incurred b( him in connection ,ith such audit shall be pa(able b( the
Institute to the 9omptroller and Auditor-5eneral of India.
172 .he 9omptroller and Auditor-5eneral of India and an( person appointed b( him in connection
,ith the audit of the accounts of the Institute shall have the same ri0hts$ privile0es and authorit(
in connection ,ith such audit as the 9omptroller and Auditor-5eneral of India has in connection
,ith the audit of the 5overnment accounts and$ in particular$ shall have the ri0ht to demand the
production of boo/s$ accounts$ connected vouchers and other documents and papers and to
inspect the offices of the Institute as ,ell as of the institutions established and maintained b( it.
1D2 .he accounts of the Institute as certified b( the 9omptroller and Auditor-5eneral of India or
an( another person appointed b( him in this behalf to0ether ,ith the audit report thereon shall be
for,arded annuall( to the 9entral 5overnment and that 5overnment shall cause the same to be
laid before both Couses of )arliament.
19.Ann)l re(ort.- .he Institute shall prepare for ever( (ear a report of its activities durin0 that
(ear and submit the report to the 9entral 5overnment in such form and on or before such date as
ma( be prescribed b( rules and a cop( of this report shall be laid before both Couses of
)arliament ,ithin one month of its receipt.
#1..en%ion n! .ro+i!ent F)n!%.- 112 .he Institute shall constitute for the benefit of its officers$
teachers and other emplo(ees in such manner and subFect to such conditions as ma( be
prescribed b( re0ulations$ such pension and provident funds as it ma( deem fit.
122 ?here an( such pension or provident fund has been constituted$ the 9entral 5overnment ma(
declare that the provisions of the provident Funds Act$ 1925 119 of 19252$ shall appl( to such fund
as if it ,ere a 5overnment provident fund.
#1.A)thenti"tion o$ the or!er% n! in%tr)ment% o$ the In%tit)te.- All orders and decisions of
the Institute shall be authenticated b( the si0nature of the )resident or an( other member
authorised b( the Institute in this behalf and all other instruments shall be authenticated b( the
si0nature of the Airector or an( other officer of the Institute authorised in li/e manner in this
##.A"t% n! (ro"ee!in,% not to 'e in+li!te! '4 +"n"ie%, et".- No act done or proceedin0
ta/en b( the Institute$ 5overnin0 &od( or an( standin0 or ad hoc committee under this Act shall
be ;uestioned on the 0round merel( of the e:istence of an( vacanc( in$ or defect in the
constitution of$ the Institute$ 5overnin0 &od( of such standin0 or ad hoc committee.
#&.7e"o,nition o$ me!i"l 8)li$i"tion% ,rnte! '4 the In%tit)te.- Not,ithstandin0 an(thin0
contained in the Indian edical 9ouncil Act$ 1977 12E of 19772$ the medical de0rees and
diplomas 0ranted b( the Institute under this Act shall be reco0nised medical ;ualification for the
purposes of that Act and shall be deemed to be included in the First !chedule to that Act.
#*.2rnt o$ me!i"l !e,ree%, !i(lom%, et"., '4 the In%tit)te.- Not,ithstandin0 an(thin0
contained in an( other la, for the time bein0 in force$ the Institute shall have po,er to 0rant
medical de0rees$ diplomas and other academic distinctions and titles under this Act.

#5.Control '4 Centrl 2o+ernment.- .he Institute shall carr( out such directions as ma( be
issued to it from time to time b( the 9entral 5overnment for the efficient administration of this Act.
#6.Di%()te% 'et0een the In%tit)te n! the Centrl 2o+ernment.- If in$ or in connection ,ith$
the e:ercise of its po,ers and dischar0e of its functions b( the Institute under this Act$ an(
dispute arises bet,een the Institute and the 9entral 5overnment$ the decision of the 9entral
5overnment on such dispute shall be final.
#-.7et)rn% n! in$ormtion.- .he Institute shall furnish to the 9entral 5overnment such reports$
returns and other information as that 5overnment ma( re;uire from time to time.
#/..o0er to m9e r)le%.- 112 .he 9entral 5overnment$ after consultation ,ith the Institute$ ma($
b( notification in the Official 5a6ette$ ma/e rules to carr( out the purposes of this Act-
)rovided that consultation ,ith the Institute shall not be necessar( on the first occasion of the
ma/in0 of rules under this section$ but the 9entral 5overnment shall ta/e into consideration an(
su00estions ,hich the Institute ma( ma/e in relation to the amendment of such rules after the(
are made.
122 In particular and ,ithout preFudice to the 0eneralit( of the fore0oin0 po,er$ such rules ma(
provide for all or an( of the follo,in0 matters$ name
1a2 the manner of nomination of members under clause 1f2 of section D=
1b2 the control and restrictions in relation to the constitution of standin0 and ad hoc committees
under sub-section 152 of section 1H=
1c2 the conditions of service of$ the procedure to be follo,ed b($ and the manner of fillin0
vacancies amon0$ members of the Institute=
1d2 the po,ers and functions to be e:ercised and dischar0ed b( the )resident of the Institute=
1e2 the allo,ances$ if an($ to be aid to the )resident and members of the Institute=
1f2 the number of officers and emplo(ees that ma( be appointed b( the Institute and the manner
of such appointment=
102 the form in ,hich and the time at ,hich the bud0et and reports shall be prepared b( the
Institute and the number of copies thereof to be for,arded to the 9entral 5overnment=
1h2 the form and manner in ,hich returns and information are to b furnished b( the Institute to the
9entral 5overnment=
1i2 an( other matter ,hich has to be or ma( be prescribed b( rules.
172 All rules made under this section shall$ as soon as ma( be after the( are made$ be laid before
both Couses of )arliament.
#9..o0er m9e re,)ltion%.- 112 .he Institute ma($ ,ith the previous approval of the 9entral
5overnment$ ma/e re0ulations consistent ,ith this Act and the rules made thereunder to carr(
out the purposes of this Act$ and ,ithout preFudice to the 0eneralit( of this po,er$ such
re0ulations ma( provide
1a2 the summonin0 and holdin0 of meetin0s other than the first meetin0$ of the Institute$ the time
and place ,here such meetin0s are to be held$ the conduct of business at such meetin0s and the
number of members necessar( to form a ;uorum=
1b2 the manner of constitutin0 the 5overnin0 &od( and standin0 and ad hoc committees$ the term
of office of$ and the manner of fillin0 vacancies amon0$ the members of$ the 5overnin0 bod( and
standin0 and ad hoc committees=
1c2 the po,ers and functions to be e:ercised and dischar0ed b( the )resident of the Institute and
the 9hairman of the 5overnin0 &od(=
1d2 the allo,ances$ if an($ to be paid to the 9hairman and the members of the 5overnin0 &od(
and of standin0 and ad hoc committees=
1e2 the procedure to be follo,ed b( the 5overnin0 &od( and standin0 and ad hoc committees in
the conduct of their business$ e:ercise of their po,ers and dischar0e of their functions=
1f2 the tenure of office$ salaries and allo,ances and other conditions of service of the Airector and
other officers and emplo(ees of the Institute includin0 teachers appointed b( the Institute=
102 the po,ers and duties of the 9hairman of the 5overnin0 &od(=
1h2 the po,ers and duties of the Airector and other officers and emplo(ees of the Institute=
1i2 the mana0ement of the properties of the Institute=
1F2 the de0rees$ diploma and other academic distinctions and titles ,hich ma( be 0ranted b( the
1/2 the professorships$ readerships$ lecturerships and other posts ,hich ma( be instituted and
persons ,ho ma( be appointed to such professorships$ readerships$ lectureships and other
1l2 the fees and other char0es ,hich ma( be demanded and received b( the Institute=
1m2 the manner in ,hich$ and the conditions subFect to ,hich$ pension and provident funds ma(
be constituted for the benefit of officers$ teachers and other emplo(ees of the Institute=
1n2 an( other matter for ,hich under this Act provisions ma( be made b( re0ulations=
122 Bntil the Institute is established under this Act$ an( re0ulation ,hich ma( be made under sub-
section 112 ma( be made b( the 9entral 5overnment= and an( re0ulation so made ma( be altered
or rescinded b( the Institute in e:ercise of its po,ers under sub section 112.

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