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kC1LC1ING Cu8 CPlLu8Ln

Arthur F. Blinci
VP Chief Risk Management Officer
Dr. William Chunestudy
Resource Education Specialist
David J. Fournier
Marketing & Communication
Lvery 10 Seconds
A Child is
Abused in North America
M|ss|on Crlucal
1he M|ss|on: ChrlsL-cenLered programs and
acuvlues for chlldren and youLh
! 1he Challenge:
" roLecung chlldren from Parm or Abuse
" roper screenlng of Lmployees & volunLeers
" roper Lralnlng of all Lmployees & volunLeers
on how Lo approprlaLely lnLeracL wlLh chlldren
and Lhelr reporung obllgauons
" roper Supervlslon of all church sponsored
programs and acuvlues
Are ?ou repared?
Sh|e|d the Vu|nerab|e lACs
1. Why ls Lhe Church lmplemenung
Lhe Shleld Lhe vulnerable
2. Who provldes Lhe S1v rogram?
3. Pow wlll Lhe S1v rogram Work?
4. WhaL 1ralnlng wlll you 8ecelve?
3. Pow secure ls your ersonal uaLa?
Adu|ts know how to
lnLeracL approprlaLely wlLh Chlldren
Safeguardlng our Ch||dren
Churches are encouraged to adopt policies that would provide a
measure of safety and protection for children

Two-Adult Rule or Never being alone with a child
Open Door Policy to avoid one on one situations
Adult Screening - Background Checks
Six-Month Waiting Period for new volunteers
Training in Child Protection

# SDA Church Manual (2010) pgs 168 & 169
NAD o||cy l8 20 & 23
LsLabllshes Lhe pracuces Lhe Church wlll use
ln screenlng and Lralnlng volunLeers who
work wlLh chlldren
rovldes LhaL screenlng and Lralnlng wlll be
done before an lndlvldual ls allowed Lo serve
Addresses Lhe challenge of allowlng
convlcLed sex-oenders Lo reLurn Lo
fellowshlp wlLhln Lhe local congregauon

volunLeer Code of Conduct
1. rovlde approprlaLe supervlslon
aL all umes
2. Pave aL leasL one oLher adulL
presenL aL all umes or never be
alone wlLh a chlld aL any ume
3. Ask Lhe chlld for permlsslon Lo
Louch Lhem for any reason
4. 8efraln from Lhe use of physlcal
or verbal auacks of any klnd
3. Amrm chlldren only ln an
approprlaLe manner
6. 1ake exLra care when Laklng
chlldren Lo Lhe resLroom
7. 1ake exLra care when
conducung acuvlues ln rooms
wlLhouL lnLerlor vlewlng areas
8. CooperaLe wlLh Lhe volunLeer
background screenlng process
9. 8eware of Lhe slgns of chlld
abuse and local reporung laws
and legal requlremenLs
10. Wlll conducL myself as a lovlng,
klnd, rm and professlonal
person aL all umes
11. aruclpaLe ln Lralnlng and
volunLeer orlenLauons
12. uphold SuA SLandards and
8ellefs aL all umes

1wo Adu|t
Child Protection
Three Year
Sh|e|d|ng the Vu|nerab|e
Once you complete the
course you will receive your
certificate of training

Then, you must click on the
start button to complete
your required background
Sh|e|d the Vu|nerab|e lACs
6. Pow does a Conference lmplemenL
Lhe S1v rogram?
7. WhaL klnd of 1ralnlng ls Clven?
8. Who sees Lhe Crlmlnal 8ackground
9. Who makes Lhe ueclslon on
10. WhaL does Lhe S1v rogram CosL?
lmplemenLauon |an
- ?our Conference MusL 8eglsLer wlLh
Shleld Lhe vulnerable
- Selecuon of Local S1v AdmlnlsLraLors
- lmplemenL and 1raln volunLeers
- MonlLor Local volunLeer Compllance
S1V Adm|n|strator 1ralnlng
Level 1 AdmlnlsLraLor
Conference Cmce Level
Level 2 & 3 AdmlnlsLraLor
Local Level volunLeer CoordlnaLors
AdmlnlsLraLor 1ralnlng 8ecelved
1ype of lnformauon 8ecelved
8eporLs on Compllance
L||g|b|||ty ueclslon-maklng
key Issues & uesnons:
" Who ueLermlnes LllglblllLy Lo serve
as a volunLeer
" WhaL can ulsquallfy a person
" WhaL happens lf Lhe Conference
ulsqualles a person
" Pow ls Lhe person noued
" Can Lhe dlsqualled person appeal
Conference Control
Lach Conference makes declslon on ellglblllLy
crlLerla noues local church
# Cn|y the Conference rece|ves the
|nd|v|dua|s cr|m|na| background
# Conference determ|nes L||g|b|||ty
# Ind|v|dua| |s L||g|b|e to Serve
# Adv|sory - Needs further kev|ew or more
|nformanon before hna| dec|s|on
# Ind|v|dua| |s Ine||g|b|e to Serve

Cost of Screen|ng and 1ralnlng
! $ 4.30 AdulL 1ralnlng Course
! $ 7.20 Crlmlnal 8ackground Check
! 511.70 Cost per Adu|t Vo|unteer or
! Add|nona| 1ra|n|ng for Adu|ts & Ch||dren
! $3.30 per seaL SLudenL 1ralnlng Courses (Cpuonal)
! AdulL Lralnlng courses avallable aL no addluonal cosL
for Lhe rsL year aer reglsLrauon ln Lhe S1v program
Sh|e|d the Vu|nerab|e lACs
11. Can non-uS Cluzens be Screened?
12. ls Lhe S1v Lralnlng avallable ln Lhe
Spanlsh language?
13. WhaL abouL CLher Courses for
Chlldren and AdulLs?
14. Pow does A8M asslsL wlLh Lhe S1v
program lmplemenLauon?
13. Where can l nd more Chlld
roLecuon 8esources?

Non-US C|nzen 8ackground Checks
WhaL lf Lhe person
wlshlng Lo volunLeer ls
noL a uS Cluzen, does
noL have a SSn card or
urlvers Llcense?
uoes Lhls preclude
Lhem from LllglblllLy?
Span|sh Language S1v 1ralnlng
Cpnona| C|asses
AdulLs & klds
kesource 1ools
Arthur F. Blinci
Chief Risk Management Officer

Dr. William Chunestudy
Resource Education Specialist
Shield the Vulnerable Program Liaison

The information contained in this presentation is based on general risk management principles and does not constitute
an endorsement by Adventist Risk Management, Inc. of any product(s), service(s) or course of action. It is the
responsibility of the attendee to make their own decision about the reliability and correctness of the information
contained herein. It is advised that all organizations should seek qualified legal counsel whenever dealing with
matters addressed in this seminar. 2013 Adventist Risk Management, Inc.
1PlS CWL8 Cln1 8LSLn1A1lCn Anu An? MA1L8lALS ulS18l8u1Lu A8L lAC1 8ASLu CLnL8AL lnlC8MA1lCn
Anu SPCuLu nC1, unuL8 An? Cl8CuMS1AnCLS, 8L CCnSluL8Lu SLClllC LLCAL AuvlCL 8LCA8ulnC A
A81lCuLA8 MA11L8 C8 Su8!LC1. LLASL CCnSuL1 ?Cu8 LCCAL A11C8nL? C8 8lSk MAnACL8 ll ?Cu WCuLu
LlkL 1C ulSCuSS PCW A LCCAL !u8lSulC1lCn uLALS Wl1P An? SLClllC Cl8CuMS1AnCLS ?Cu MA? 8L lAClnC.

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