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Saturday, August 23, 2008

Friction And Its Types

Friction is the force resisting the relative motion of two surfaces in contact or a surface in contact with a fluid (e.g.
air on an aircraft or water in a pipe). It is not a fundamental force, as it is derived fromelectromagnetic
forces between atoms and electrons, and so cannot be calculated from first principles, but instead must be
found empirically. When contacting surfaces move relative to each other, the friction between the two objects
converts kinetic energy intothermal energy, or heat. Friction between solid objects is often referred to as dry
friction or sliding friction and between a solid and a gas or liquid as fluid friction. Both of these types of friction are
called kinetic friction. Contrary to many popular explanations, sliding friction is caused not by surface roughness but
by chemical bonding between the surfaces.[1] Surface roughness and contact area, however, do affect sliding
friction for micro- and nano-scale objects where surface area forces dominate inertial forces.[2] Internal friction is
the motion-resistingforce between the surfaces of the particles making up the substance. Friction should not be
confused with traction. Surface area does not affect friction significantly, but in traction it is essential.

What is Friction?
Friction is the "evil" of all motion. No matter which direction something moves in, friction pulls it the other way. Move
something left, friction pulls right. Move something up, friction pulls down. It appears as if nature has given us
friction to stop us from moving anything.
Friction is actually a force that appears whenever two things rub against each other. Although two objects might look
smooth, microscopically, they're very rough and jagged, as this picture shows:

As they slide against each other, their contact is anything BUT smooth. They both kind of grind and drag against
each other. This is where friction comes from.
But friction is not all bad. In fact, it has a lot to do with life as we know it here on Earth. Without it, we wouldn't be
able to walk, sit in a chair, climb stairs, or use a mouse to surf the web. Everything would just keep slipping and
falling all over the place.

Coulomb friction
Coulomb friction, named after Charles-Augustin de Coulomb, is a model to describe friction forces. It is described
by the equation:
Ff = Fn
Ff is either the force exerted by friction, or, in the case of equality, the maximum possible magnitude of this force.
is the coefficient of friction, which is an empirical property of the contacting materials,
Fn is the normal force exerted between the surfaces
For surfaces at rest relative to each other = s, where s is thecoefficient of static friction. This is usually larger
than its kinetic counterpart. The Coulomb friction may take any value from zero up to Ff, and the direction of the
frictional force against a surface is opposite to the motion that surface would experience in the absence of friction.
Thus, in the static case, the frictional force is exactly what it must be in order to prevent motion between the
surfaces; it balances the net force tending to cause such motion. In this case, rather than providing an estimate of
the actual frictional force, the Coulomb approximation provides a threshold value for this force, above which motion
would commence.
For surfaces in relative motion = k, where k is the coefficient of kinetic friction. The Coulomb friction is equal to
Ff, and the frictional force on each surface is exerted in the direction opposite to its motion relative to the other
This approximation mathematically follows from the assumptions that surfaces are in atomically close contact only
over a small fraction of their overall area, that this contact area is proportional to the normal
force(until saturation, which takes place when all area is in atomic contact), and that frictional force is proportional
to the applied normal force, independently of the contact area (you can see the experiments on friction from
Leonardo Da Vinci). Such reasoning aside, however, the approximation is fundamentally an empirical construction. It
is a rule of thumb describing the approximate outcome of an extremely complicated physical interaction. The
strength of the approximation is its simplicity and versatility though in general the relationship between normal
force and frictional force is not exactly linear (and so the frictional force is not entirely independent of the contact
area of the surfaces), the Coulomb approximation is an adequate representation of friction for the analysis of many
physical systems.

Coefficient of friction
The coefficient of friction (also known as the frictional coefficient) is a dimensionless scalar value which describes
the ratio of the force of friction between two bodies and the force pressing them together. The coefficient of friction
depends on the materials used; for example, ice on steel has a low coefficient of friction (the two materials slide past
each other easily), while rubber on pavement has a high coefficient of friction (the materials do not slide past each
other easily). Coefficients of friction range from near zero to greater than one under good conditions, a tire on
concrete may have a coefficient of friction of 1.7.
When the surfaces are conjoined, Coulomb friction becomes a very poor approximation (for example, Scotch
tape resists sliding even when there is no normal force, or a negative normal force). In this case, the frictional force
may depend strongly on the area of contact. Some drag racing tires are adhesive in this way.
The force of friction is always exerted in a direction that opposes movement (for kinetic friction) or potential
movement (for static friction) between the two surfaces. For example, a curling stone sliding along the ice
experiences a kinetic force slowing it down. For an example of potential movement, the drive wheels of an
accelerating car experience a frictional force pointing forward; if they did not, the wheels would spin, and the rubber
would slide backwards along the pavement. Note that it is not the direction of movement of the vehicle they oppose,
it is the direction of (potential) sliding between tire and road.
The coefficient of friction is an empirical measurement it has to be measured experimentally, and cannot be
found through calculations. Rougher surfaces tend to have higher effective values. Most dry materials in combination
have friction coefficient values between 0.3 and 0.6. Values outside this range are rarer, but Teflon, for example,
can have a coefficient as low as 0.04. A value of zero would mean no friction at all, an elusive property
even Magnetic levitation vehicles havedrag. Rubber in contact with other surfaces can yield friction coefficients
from 1.0 to 2.

Static friction
Static friction is a force between two objects that are not moving relative to each other. For example, static friction
can prevent an object from sliding down a sloped surface. The coefficient of static friction, typically denoted as s, is
usually higher than the coefficient of kinetic friction. The initial force to get an object moving is often dominated by
static friction.
Another important example of static friction is the force that prevents a car wheel from slipping as it rolls on the
ground. Even though the wheel is in motion, the patch of the tire in contact with the ground is stationary relative to
the ground, so it is static rather than kinetic friction.
The maximum value of static friction, when motion is impending, is sometimes referred to as limiting
friction,[3] although this term is not used universally.[4] The value is given by the product of the normal force and
coefficient of static friction.
Static frictional forces from the interlocking of the irregularities of two surfaces will increase to prevent any relative
motion up until some limit where motion occurs. It is that threshold of motion which is characterized by
the coefficient of static friction. The coefficient of static friction is typically larger than the coefficient of kinetic
In making a distinction between static
and kinetic coefficients of friction, we are dealing with an aspect of "real world" common experience with a
phenomenon which cannot be simply characterized. The difference between static and kinetic coefficients obtained in
simple experiments like wooden blocks sliding on wooden inclines roughly follows the model depicted in the friction
plot from which the illustration above is taken. This difference may arise from irregularities, surface contaminants,
etc. which defy precise description. When such experiments are carried out with smooth metal blocks which are
carefully cleaned, the difference between static and kinetic coefficients tends to disappear. When coefficients of
friction are quoted for specific surface combinations are quoted, it is the kinetic coefficient which is generally quoted
since it is the more reliable number.
Kinetic friction
Kinetic (or dynamic) friction occurs when two objects are moving relative to each other and rub together (like a sled
on the ground). The coefficient of kinetic friction is typically denoted as k, and is usually less than the coefficient of
static friction.
Examples of kinetic friction:
Sliding friction (also called dry friction) is when two objects are rubbing against each other. Putting a book flat on
a desk and moving it around is an example of sliding friction.
Fluid friction is the interaction between a solid object and a fluid(liquid or gas), as the object moves through the
fluid. The drag of air on an airplane or of water on a swimmer are two examples of fluid friction. This kind of friction
is not only due to rubbing, which generates a force tangent to the surface of the object (such as sliding friction). It is
also due to forces that are orthogonal to the surface of the object. These orthogonal forces significantly (and
mainly, if relative velocity is high enough) contribute to fluid friction. Fluid friction is the classic name of this force.
This name is no longer used in modern fluid dynamics. Since rubbing is not its only cause, in modern fluid
dynamics the same force is typically referred to as drag or fluid resistance, while the force component due to rubbing
is called skin friction. Notice that a fluid can in some cases exert, together with drag, a force orthogonal to the
direction of the relative motion of the object (lift). The net force exerted by a fluid (drag + lift) is
called fluidodynamic force(aerodynamic if the fluid is a gas, or idrodynamic is the fluid is a liquid).

When two surfaces are moving with respect to one another, the frictional resistance is almost constant over a wide
range of low speeds, and in the standard model of friction the frictional force is described by the relationship
below. The coefficient is typically less than the coefficient of static friction, reflecting the common experience that
it is easier to keep something in motion across a horizontal surface than to start it in motion from rest.

Friction Plot
Static friction resistance will match the applied force up until the threshold of motion. Then the kinetic frictional
resistance stays about constant. This plot illustrates the standard model of friction.

The above plot, though representing a simplistic view of friction, agrees fairly well with the results of simple
experiments with wooden blocks on wooden inclines. The experimental procedure described below equates the
vector component of the weight down the incline to the coefficient of friction times the normal force produced by the
weight on the incline.

Having taken a large number of students through this experiment, I can report that the coefficient of static friction
obtained is almost always greater than the coefficient of kinetic friction. Typical results for the woods I have used are
0.4 for the static coefficient and 0.3 for the kinetic coefficient.
When carefully standardized surfaces are used to measure the friction coefficients, the difference between static and
kinetic coefficients tends to disappear, indicating that the difference may have to do with irregular surfaces,
impurities, or other factors which can be frustratingly non-reproducible. To quote a view counter to the above model
of friction:"Many people believe that the friction to be overcome to get something started (static friction) exceeds the
force required to keep it sliding (sliding friction), but with dry metals it is very hard to show any difference. The
opinion probably arises from experiences where small bits of oil or lubricant are present, or where blocks, for
example, are supported by springs or other flexible supports so that they appear to bind." R. P. Feynman, R. P.
Leighton, and M. Sands, The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol. I, p. 12-5, Addison-Wesley, 1964.
Other types of friction

Rolling resistance
Main article: Rolling resistance
Rolling resistance is the force that resists the rolling of a wheel or other circular objects along a surface. Generally
the force of rolling resistance is less than that associated with kinetic friction.[5] Typical values for the coefficient of
rolling resistance are 0.001.[6] One of the most common examples of rolling resistance is the movement of motor
vehicle tireson a road, a process which generates heat and sound as by-products.[7]

Triboelectric effect
Rubbing dissimilar materials against one another can cause a build-up ofelectrostatic charge, which can be
hazardous if flammable gases or vapours are present. When the static build-up discharges, explosionscan be
caused by ignition of the flammable mixture.

Reducing friction

Devices such as tires, ball bearings, air cushion or roller bearing can change sliding friction into a much smaller
type of rolling friction. Manythermoplastic materials such as nylon, HDPE and PTFE are commonly used for low
friction bearings. They are especially useful because the coefficient of friction falls with increasing imposed load.

A common way to reduce friction is by using a lubricant, such as oil, water, or grease, which is placed between the
two surfaces, often dramatically lessening the coefficient of friction. The science of friction and lubrication is
called tribology. Lubricant technology is when lubricants are mixed with the application of science, especially to
industrial or commercial objectives.
Superlubricity, a recently-discovered effect, has been observed ingraphite: it is the substantial decrease of friction
between two sliding objects, approaching zero levels. A very small amount of frictional energy would still be
Lubricants to overcome friction need not always be thin, turbulent fluids or powdery solids such as graphite
and talc; acoustic lubricationactually uses sound as a lubricant.

Energy of friction
According to the law of conservation of energy, no energy is destroyed due to friction, though it may be lost to
the system of concern. Energy is transformed from other forms into heat. A sliding hockey puck comes to rest
because friction converts its kinetic energyinto heat. Since heat quickly dissipates, many early philosophers,
including Aristotle, wrongly concluded that moving objects lose energy without a driving force.
When an object is pushed along a surface, the energy converted to heat is given by:
Fn is the normal force,
k is the coefficient of kinetic friction,
x is the coordinate along which the object transverses.
Physical wear is associated with friction. While this can be beneficial, as in polishing, it is often a problem. As
materials are worn away, fit and finish of a object can degrade until it no longer functions properly.[8]

Work of friction
In the reference frame of the interface between two surfaces, static friction always does no work, because there is
never any displacement. In the same reference frame, kinetic friction is always in the direction opposite the motion
and so does negative work.[9] However, friction can do positive work in certain inertial frames of reference. One
can see this by placing a heavy box on a rug, then pulling on the rug quickly. In this case, the box slides backwards
relative to the rug, but moves forward relative to the floor, an inertial frame of reference. Thus, the kinetic friction
between the box and rug accelerates the box in the same direction that the box moves, doing positive work.[10]
The work done by friction can translate into deformation, wear, and heat that can affect the contact surface's
material properties (and even the coefficient of friction itself). The work done by friction can also be used to mix
materials such as in the technique of friction welding.

Question :
During dry weather, rubbing a plastic scale with dry hair, attracts small pieces of paper. This is due to

Answer :

gravitational force

electric force

frictional force

muscular force

Question :
Which of the following is an example of contact force ?

Answer :

Magnetic force

Muscular force

Electric force

Gravitational force

Question :
A batsman hits a cricket ball which then rolls on the level ground. After covering a short distance the ball comes to
rest. The ball stops due to

Answer :

magnetic force

frictional force

gravitational force

muscular force

Question :
In liquids, the pressure

Answer :

increases with depth

decreases with depth

remains same at all depths

sometimes increases sometimes decreases

Question :
When two unbalanced forces act on a body, in opposite directions, the net force is equal to

Answer :

the sum of the individual unbalanced forces.


difference between the two unbalanced forces and is in the
direction of the larger force.

difference between the two unbalanced forces and is in the
direction of smaller force

MCQs Based On Thrust , Presure,Buyoancy and Density
1. Units of pressure are :-
(a) N/m2 (b) m2/N
(c) Nm2 (d) Nm
2. Units of Relative Density are :-
(a) Kg/m3 (b) Unit less
(c) Depends on the density of the substance
(d) Depend on the density of water
3. Pressure at a point in the liquid is
(a) Same in all directions (b) Greater in the upward direction
(c) Grater in the downward direction (d) None of the Above
4. If the area of an object is less then the pressure acting on that object will be
(a) Less (b) More
(c) Independent of area (d) None of the above
5. If cross sectional area of an object is more than the pressure applied by the external force is
(a) Less (b) More
(c) Remains same (d) None of the above.
6. Mass per unit volume of a substance is called
(a)Density (b)Relative density
(c)specific gravity (d)None
7. A buoyant force of 200 g wt. acts on a body dipped completely in water. If the apparent
weight of body is 100 g wt., then its actual weight is
(a)200 g wt. (b)100 g wt.
(c)300 g wt. (d)None of these
8. If the weight of the floating body is equal to the buoyant force then body
(a)Sinks (b)Rises
(c)Floats (d) First floats and then sinks
9. When a body is placed in a liquid, the buoyant force experienced by it is equal to the
(a)weight of liquid displaced (b)Density of the body
(c)volume of body (d)Density of liquid
10. A body immersed in a liquid will rise to the surface if the buoyant force acting on it is
(a)greater than its actual weight (b)less than its actual weight
(c)equal to its actual weight (d)equal to Zero
11. When a body is submerged in a liquid, its weight
(a)Remains same (b)Increases
(c)Decreases (d)Reduces to zero
12. A body weighing 200 g wt. is dipped in water. Its weight in water as indicated by thespring
balance is 150 g wt. The buoyant force acting on the body is
(a)200 g wt (b)1000 g wt
(c)50 g wt (d)250 g wt
13. A body is floating in upright position in water. Then force of gravity and buoyant force
acting on the body are
(a) In the same direction long the same line
(b) In opposite direction but along the same line
(c) At right angle to each other.
(d) In opposite to direction and from couple which turns and only anti-clockwise.
14. A body floats in vertical position, when its centre of buoyancy is
(a) Below C.G. of the body (b) Above the C.G. of the body
(c) At some place where the C.G. of the body lies (d) None of these.
15. In case of a body placed in liquid if the buoyant force is equal to its acutal weight, then its
apparent weight
(a) Is equal to the actual weight (b) Is equal to buoyant force
(c) Is greater than its actual weight (d) Is equal to zero
16. A block of ice is floating on water contained in a beaker. When all the ice melts, the level of
(a)rises (b)falls
(c)remains unchanged (d)None
17. A boat floating in a tank is carrying passengers. If the passengers drink water, the water level
of the tank
(a) rises (b) falls
(c) remains unchanged (d) depends upon the atmospheric pressure
CBSE Class 8 - Science - CH11 - Force and Pressure
Force and Pressure
NCERT Chapter Solutions and Q & A
Q1: Give two examples each of situations in which you push or pull to change the state of
motion of objects?
A goal keeper saving a goal. Hockey player flicking a ball.
Q2: What is a force?
Answer: Force is a push or a pull acting on an object which changes or tends to change the state of the
object. Actions like pulling, pushing, lifting, kicking, opening etc. are tasks we generally do in our daily
life. These actions often result in change in position of the object. We say an effort is required either to
push or pull an object, this effort is called force. The SI (International System of Units) unit of force is
Q3: Give two examples of situations in which applied force causes a change in the shape of an object.
Answer: a. A lump of dough on a plate. b. A rubber band suspended from a hook.
Q4: Fill in the blanks in the following statements:
Answer: (a) To draw water from a well we have to pull (force) at the rope. (b) A charged body attracts an
uncharged body towards it. (c) To move a loaded trolley we have to push it. (d) The north pole of a
magnet repels the north pole of another magnet.
Q5: An archer stretches her bow while taking aim at the target. She then releases the arrow, which begins
to move towards the target. Based on this information fill up the gaps in the following statements using
the following terms: muscular, contact, non-contact, gravity, friction, shape, attraction
(a) To stretch the bow, the archer applies a force that causes a change in its shape.
(b) The force applied by the archer to stretch the bow is an example of muscular force.
(c) The type of force responsible for a change in the state of motion of the arrow is an
example of a contact force.
(d) While the arrow moves towards its target, the forces acting on it are due to gravity
and that due to friction of air.
Q5: What is the relation between Force and interaction?
Answer: Whenever there is an interaction between two objects, there is a force acting upon each of the
objects. When the interaction ceases, the two objects no longer experience the force. Forces only exist as
a result of an interaction.
Q6: In the following situations identify the agent exerting the force and the object on which it acts. State
the effect of the force in each case.
S. No.
Situation Agent Object Effect
1 Squeezing a piece of lemon between the fingers to extract its juice Fingers lemon The effect of the force
is that the juice is extracted from the lemon
2 Taking out paste from a toothpaste tube. Fingers toothpaste tube The effect of the force is that the
toothpaste is coming out from the tube
3 A load suspended from a spring while its other end is on a hook fixed to a wall. load spring The effect
of the force is that the spring expands as the other end is on a hook fixed to a wall.
An athlete making a high jump to clear the bar at a certain height. Athlete athletes body The effect of the
body is that the athlete will jump on the other side of the bar at a certain height.
Q6: A blacksmith hammers a hot piece of iron while making a tool. How does the force due to
hammering affect the piece of iron?
Answer: The force due to hammering changes the shape of the piece of iron.
Q7: What force can do?
Answer: When a force is applied on an object, it: can move an object from rest. can change the speed of
an object if it is moving. can change the direction of motion of an object. can bring about a change in the
shape of an object. may or may not cause any of these or all of these effects.
Q8: An inflated balloon was pressed against a wall after it has been rubbed with a
piece of synthetic cloth. It was found that the balloon sticks to the wall. What
force might be responsible for the attraction between the balloon and the wall?
Answer: The force which is responsible for the attraction between the ball and the wall is
electrostatic force. When we rub the balloon by a synthetic cloth, it gets charged. When it
is taken near the wall, it will get attracted towards the uncharged wall because of the
electrostatic force which is the force exerted by a charged body on another uncharged
Q9: Name the forces acting on a plastic bucket containing water held above
ground level in your hand. Discuss why the forces acting on the bucket do not
bring a change in its state of motion.
Answer: The force acting on a plastic bucket containing water held above the ground level
are :
1. Gravitational force: It is acting downwards.
2. Muscular force: It is applied by our hands to lift the bucket in upward direction.
Although these forces are acting on the bucket but no change is found in its state of
motion because the forces are balancing each other and as a result net force becomes
Q10: A rocket has been fired upwards to launch a satellite in its orbit. Name the
two forces acting on the rocket immediately after leaving the launching pad.
Answer: Two forces acting on the rocket immediately after leaving the launching pad are:
1. Frictional force due to air,
2. Force of gravity pulling in downward direction.
Q11: When we press the bulb of a dropper with its nozzle kept in water, air in the
dropper is seen to escape in the form of bubbles. Once we release the pressure
on the bulb, water gets filled in the dropper. The rise of water in the dropper is
due to
(a) pressure of water
(b) gravity of the earth
(c) shape of rubber bulb
(d) atmospheric pressure
Answer: Atmospheric pressure
Q12: What are balanced forces and
unbalanced forces?
Answer: Balanced Forces: Two or more forces
exerted on an object are balanced forces if their
effects cancel each other and they do not cause a
change in the object's motion. If the forces on an
object are balanced, the net force is zero.
Unbalanced Forces: Two or more forces exerted
on an object are unbalanced if their effects do not cance each other. In this case, the net
force is not zero which may result in change in state of motion of the body.
Q13: Why does hair of the hand raise when the hand is brought near to television
screen once the TV is switched off?
Answer: The television screen becomes electrically charged and it exerts an electrostatic
force on the hair of your hand. This force is a non-contact force because, there is no
contact between the screen and the hair.
Q14: From the figure below, find out where the object will move in each case?
Answer: Case (i): The two forces acting are on the same direction. Thus the Net force is
the sum of these two i.e. F = 5N + 7N = 12N. The net force is non-zero, therefore the
object will experience motion in right direction.
Case (ii): In this case, the two forces acting are in opposite direction. Therefore the net
force is the difference of the two
i.e. 5N - 5N = 0N. Since the net force is ZERO, the forces are balanced and its state of
motion will not change. Initially the object is at rest, it will remain in rest.
Case (iii): Two forces acting are in opposite direction. Therefore, net force is 15 - 5N =
10N. Since the net force is non-zero, the object will experience a state of motion in the
direction of larger force i.e. Net force of 10N will move the object upwards.
Q15: Define Pressure.
Answer: The force acting per unit surface area is called pressure. The SI unit of pressure
is measured in newton/metre2, which is equal to 1 pascal (Pa).
Pressure = Force Area
Q16: How do fluids exert pressure?
Answer: Fluids exert pressure in all directions. Fluids exert pressure on all bodies
immersed in them and also on the walls of the container that holds them.
Q17: A force of 50N is applied on an area of 2m2. Compute the pressure being
applied on the area.
Answer: Given, Force = 50N
and Area = 2m2.
Pressure = Force/Area = 50/2
= 25 Pa.
Q18: What is atmospheric
Answer: Air exerts pressure
on all objects. The pressure
exerted by air is called
atmospheric pressure.
Q19: What are the factors
pressure exerted by liquids
depend on?
Answer: Pressure exerted by
liquids depend upon:
The pressure exerted by liquids at the bottom depends on the height (h) of the
liquid column.
Liquid exerts pressure on the walls of the container.
Liquid exerts equal pressure at the same depth.
The pressure of the liquid increases with the increase in depth(h).
The pressure depends on density(d) of a liquid.
The pressure of a liquid depends on gravitational force (g).
Mathematically, pressure exerted by liquid can be expressed as:
p = h d gwhere,
p = pressure of a liquid,
h = height of the liquid column.
d = density of liquid and
g = gravitational force.
Q20: Name the instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure.
Answer: Barometer.
Q21: Why do sea divers wear specially designed suits?
Answer: Since the pressure of liquid increases with an increase in depth. Specially
designed suits protect scuba divers from the huge pressure of the water underneath.
Q22: Who invented the first barometer?
Answer: Torricelli, an Italian Scientist (1643)
Q23: There is no atmosphere around many planets, then why there is atmosphere
around earth?
Answer: Earth and some inner planets have atmosphere due to force of gravity on the
planet. Due to force of gravity, gases in atmosphere do not escape. In case of the moon
and some other planets, the force due to gravity is comparatively too weak to hold the
Q24 Have you been to a place where you feel atmospheric pressure?
Answer: When we go higher at mountains or in an aeroplane during flight, our ears pop.
As we go higher, the atmospheric pressure decreases, and to balance internal body
pressure our ears pop. Stronger winds also due to low pressure region created.
Q1: Opening a door is an example of ._______
(a) Contact force
(b) Non contact force
(c) Spring force
(d) Magnetic force
Q2: What is the cause of change in motion or change in the state of motion?
(a) Pressure
(b) Atmospheric Pressure
(c) Friction
(d) Force
Q3: A charged balloon attaches to a wall because of ______
(a) Muscular force
(b) Electrostatic force
(c) Magnetic force
(d) Gravitational force
Q4: The unit of force is _______
(a) Newton
(b) Dyne
(c) kg. weight
(d) All of these
Q5: What is force?
(a) Push
(b) Pull
(c) both a and b
(d) None of these
Q6: A body is said to be under balanced forces when the resultant force applied
on that body is_____
(a) One
(b) Zero
(c) Infinite
(d) None of these
Q7: The ratio of force, acting perpendicular to the area, on which it acts is known
as ________.
(a) Force
(b) Friction
(c) Presuure
(d) Density
Q8: The pressure of the water at the bottom of the pond is _______ at the surface
of the pond.
(a) Lower than
(b) Higher than
(c) Same
(d) either lower or higher
Q9: As we go to the higher altitude the atmospheric pressure ________.
(a) Increases
(b) Decreases
(c) Remains same
(d) Cannot say
Q10: The force involved in falling an apple from a tree is:
(a) Magnetic force
(b) Contact force
(c) Electrostatic force
(d) Gravitational force
1: (a) Contact force
2: (d) Force
3: (b) Electrostatic force
4: (d) All of these
5: (c) both a and b
6: (b) Zero
7: (c) Presuure
8: (b) Higher than
9: (b) Decreases
10: (d) Gravitational force

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