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June 11, 2014 - List complete through The Voice of Isengard (up to but NOT including the Ring-maker


NOTE: Common characters and locations familiar to most LOTR fans (e.g. Frodo, Bilbo, Gimli, Saruman, etc.) have been omitted
from this list.

FotR = The Fellowship of the Ring
TT = The Two Towers
RotK = The Return of the King
WotR = War of the Ring

Algarond - The Glittering Caves of Helms Deep, much admired by Gimli in TT.
Amon Dn - Warning beacon of Gondor, located near the Dradan Forest, lit to summon aid to Gondor in RotK.
Amon Hen - A high peak holding the Seat of Seeing, where, in FotR, Frodo sat and made his decision to go to Mordor alone.
Amon Lhaw - aka Hill of Hearing, high peak across from Amon Hen, east of lake Nen Hithoel above the Falls of Rauros.
Amon Sl - aka Weathertop, hill in Eriador where Frodo was stabbed with a Morgul Blade by a Nazgl in FotR.
Anborn - Gondor ranger, rode with Faramirs company in Ithilien, saw Gollum scurry up a tree, later at the Forbidden Pool in TT.
Anduin - The longest river in Middle-earth. The Fellowship takes this river from Lothlrien to the Falls of Rauros in FotR.
Andril - aka Narsil, the shattered sword of Elendil that Isildur used to cut the One Ring from Saurons hand.
Later reforged by the elves of Rivendell and given to Aragorn, who called it Andril, Flame of the West.
Anfalas - aka Langstrand, a coastal region of Gondor, attacked by the Corsairs of Umbar in RotK.
Angmar - Former kingdom of the Witch-king in the northern Misty Mountains, fell to the Dnedain after Battle of Fornost.
Argonath - aka The Gates of Argonath, two enormous ancient statues at the northern border of Gondor on the Anduin.
Arkenstone - A wondrous luminous gem discovered by dwarves in the Lonely Mountain, coveted by Thorin in the Hobbit.
Army of the Dead - aka Restless Dead of Dunharrow; cursed oathbreakers roused to fight Saurons armies by Aragorn in RotK.
Arnor - Fallen Dnedain kingdom in the north, defeated by the Witch-king, refounded under Aragorn after the WotR.
Arwen Undomiel - Elronds half-elven daughter, Aragorn's love and later wife and Queen of Gondor.
Asfaloth - Glorfindels horse ridden by Frodo to escape the Nazgl at the Ford of Bruinen in FotR.
Ash Mountains - Mountain range forming the northern border of Mordor, blackened by the volcanic ash of Mount Doom.
Atanatar - Name of two kings of Gondor at the height of the kingdoms wealth and power. Gondors decline began with them.
Athelas - aka Kingsfoil, a healing herb used by Aragorn to heal Faramir, owyn, and Merry from Nazgl wounds in RotK.
Attercop - The name Bilbo uses to provoke the spiders of Mirkwood in the Hobbit.
Bag End - Hobbit hole of Bilbo and later Frodo Baggins, sold to the Sackville-Bagginses, reacquired and left to Sam in RotK.
Balin - Dwarf of Thorins company, brother of Dwalin, killed in Moria, his tomb was discovered by the Fellowship in FotR.
Balrogs - Maiar spirits (like Gandalf and the Istari) seduced by Melkor in the First Age and turned evil. See Durins Bane.
Bamfurlong - The name of Maggots farm located in the Eastfarthing of the Shire. Frodo and company stopped here in FotR.
Barad-dr - The Dark Tower, Saurons stronghold in Mordor.
Barahirs Ring - Elven ring recovered from orcs by Barahirs son Beren. Aragorn later gave it to Arwen as a wedding band.
Bard the Bowman - Man of Lake-town who slew the dragon Smaug in the Hobbit, founded the New Kingdom of Dale.
Barliman Butterbur - Owner of the Prancing Pony in Bree. Forgot to send Frodo Gandalfs letter in FotR.
Barrow-Wights - Evil spirits haunting the Barrow Downs, attacked the four Hobbits in FotR, dispersed by Tom Bombadil.
Battle of the Five Armies - Battle at the Lonely Mountain between Goblins/Wargs and Men/Elves/Dwarves/Eagles in the Hobbit.
Battles of the Fords at Isen - Two battles between Rohan and Isengard in the TT, both lost by Rohan.
Battle of the Hornburg - Battle between Sarumans forces of Isengard and those of Rohan, held at Helms Deep in TT.
Battle of the Morannon - Last battle between the Free People and Saurons forces, held outside the Black Gate of Mordor in RotK.
Battle of the Pelennor Fields - Great battle between Saurons forces and those of Gondor and Rohan in RotK.
Belfalas - Coastal region in southern Gondor where Dol Amroth lies, ruled by Prince Imrahil, mustered by Aragorn in FotR.
Beorn - Mysterious bear-man who helped Thorins company and fought in the Battle of Five Armies in the Hobbit.
Beregond - Guard of the Citadel, Pippins friend, saved Faramir from his mad father in RotK, fought in Battle of the Morannon.
Beren - Son of Barahir, legendary lover of the elf maiden Lthien, sired with her the race of Nmenreans and Dnedains.
Bert Huggins - One of the 3 trolls that capture Bilbo and Thorins company in the Hobbit. Turned to stone with Gandalfs help.
Berthiel - Queen of Gondor in the 3
Age before the reign of the Stewards, nefarious, solitary, loveless, had lots of cats.
Bifur - Dwarf of Thorins company in the Hobbit, cousin to Bofur and Bombur, toymaker.
Bill Ferny - Man of Bree, notified Ringwraiths of the Hobbits, set the companys horses loose, and sold them Bill the Pony in FotR.
Bill the Pony - Sams pony purchased in Bree who traveled with the Fellowship until they reached Moria in FotR.
Black Breath - Serious, near-fatal ailment afflicting Merry, owyn, and Faramir after their contact with the Nazgl in RotK.
Black Nmenrean - Evil Nmenreans who worshipped Morgoth, opposed the Valar and Elves, and followed Sauron.
Black Pit - Another name for Moria.
Black Pits - The dungeons beneath Barad-dr in Mordor.
Black Rider - aka Nazgl.
Black Serpent - Symbol of the Haradrim (Southrons), shown against a scarlet red background.
Black Uruks - Rare, powerful, and elite orcs, the greatest of Saurons armies. See also Uruk-hai.
Blackroot - aka Morthond river where the Stone of Erech lies, Aragorn and the Grey Company followed this river in RotK.
Bofur - Dwarf of Thorins company in the Hobbit, Bomburs brother, toymaker.
Bolg - Orc leader of the Misty Mountains, led orc army against men and elves in the Battle of Five Armies in the Hobbit.
Bombur - Fat Dwarf of Thorins company in the Hobbit, Bofurs brother.
Book of Mazarbul - Found in Balins tomb in FotR, recounted the events of the dwarves return to Moria and their demise.
Bow of Galadrim - Elven bow given to Legolas by Galadriel and Celeborn in FotR, strung with Elf-hair.
Box of Earth - Earth given to Sam in FotR from Galadriels garden, used to restore the trees of the Shire at the end of RotK.
Brand, son of Bain - King of Dale, grandson of Bard, killed fighting Easterlings in the Battle of Dale during the WotR.
Brandywine Bridge - The only bridge to cross the Branduin or Brandywine river from the Shire to Buckland.
Bree - Village east of the Shire where Frodo and his companions first met Strider (at the Prancing Pony Inn).
Buckland - Narrow stretch of Hobbit land located between the Old Forest and the Brandywine river, childhood home of Frodo.
Bucklebury Ferry - Raft ferry crossing the Brandywine from the Shire to Buckland, used by hobbits to escape a Black Rider in FotR.
Brown Lands - A barren and treeless land between the Emyn Muil and Mirkwood, once home to the Entwives.
Bruinen - aka Loudwater, River in the Misty Mountains near Rivendell; with Elrond'washed away the Nazgl in FotR.
Caradhras - aka Redhorn, one of the three great peaks in the Misty Mountains near Moria, site of the treacherous Redhorn Pass.
Carn Dm - The evil capital of Angmar, ruled by the Witch-king near Mount Gundabad in the Misty Mountains.
Carrock - A stony island in the upper Anduin, north of the Old Ford and a few miles west of Beorns home (Hobbit).
Castamir the Usurper - Stole the throne of Gondor from Eldacar in 1437 (Third Age), deposed by Eldacar ten years later.
Celebdil - aka Zirak-zigil, one of the three great peaks in the Misty Mountains over Khazad-dm.
Celeborn - Sindar Elf, Lord of Lothlrian, Galadriels husband, assaulted Dol Guldur during the War of the Ring.
Celebrian - Elronds wife, Celeborn/Galadriels daughter, left Middle-earth for the Undying Lands after her abduction by orcs.
Chetwood - Broad woodland northeast of Bree. Strider and the hobbits traveled through here before heading to Midgewater in FotR.
Crdan the Shipwright - A Telerin Elf, once wore the Red Ring Narya (given to Gandalf), sailed ships to Undying Lands.
Cirith Ungol - aka Morgul Pass, a passage near Minas Morgol where Frodo and Sam made their way into Mordor in TT.
Citadel - The palace atop Minas Tirith where the Kings and Stewards of Gondor sat.
Corsairs of Umbar - Corrupted Nmenrean pirates, enemies of Gondor, vanquished by Aragorns Army of the Dead in FotR.
Cram - Durable, portable food made by men in Lake-Town and Dale. Given to Thorins Company in the Hobbit.
Crazy Cob - From a rhyme of Bilbo Baggins, Lazy Lob and Crazy Cob, shouted at the spiders in the Hobbit.
Crebain - A large species of crow native to Fangorn and Dunland forests, used by Saruman as spies in FotR.
Crickhollow - Hobbit town in Buckland where Frodo moved in FotR; Fatty delayed the Nazgl here while Frodo escaped.
Cross-roads of the Fallen King - Crossroads in Ithilien where the north road from Harad meets the west road from Osgiliath to
Minas Ithil (Minas Morgul); a desecrated statue of a Gondor king is seen there by Frodo and Sam in TT; restored in RotK.
Daerons Runes - Runes invented by an elven musician, adopted by the dwarves and found on the west gate of Moria.
Din Ironfoot - King Under the Mountain after Thorins death (Hobbit), died in WotR.
Dale - City south of the Lonely Mountain, east of Mirkwood, deserted during Smaugs reign but restored after his death.
Day without Dawn - In RotK, the day the black fumes of Mordor covered Gondor and Rohan, blocking out the sun.
Dead Marshes - Inhospitable and haunted swamp through which Frodo, Sam, and Gollum passed to Mordor in TT.
Denethor - Steward of Gondor, father of Boromir and Faramir, went mad and suicidal after his corruption by Sauron in RotK.
Derufin - Archer of the Blackroot Vale, led a Gondorian army to attack the Haradrim, only to be trampled by Oliphaunts in RotK.
Dimrill Stair - Deep path near Moria, carved by the dwarves leading from the Pass of Caradhras into the valley of Azanulbizar.
Dol Amroth - Princedom in Gondor, ruled by Prince Imrahil and defended by the Knights of the Swan.
Dol Guldur - Saurons former stronghold in Mirkwood where he arose again to power as The Necromancer.
Doors of Durin - The west gate of Moria, destroyed by the Watcher in the Water when the Fellowship escaped in FotR.
Dori - The strongest Dwarf of Thorins company in the Hobbit, brother of Nori and Ori.
Dradan forest - A pine forest in Gondor given to the Dredain by Aragorn after the Battle of Pelennor Fields in RotK.
Dredain - aka Dredain, Pkel-Men, a stocky fat race of men unlike others, helped the Rohirrim on their way to Minas Tirith.
Dnedain - Part-elven men descended from the Nmenreans, including many men of Gondor and the Rangers of the North.
Dunharrow - A tall cliff top overlooking Harrowdale, Rohirrim stronghold and refuge hidden in the White Mountains.
Dnhere - Lord of Dunharrow, Erkenbrands nephew, fought at the Fords of Isen, died at Pelennor Fields in RotK.
Dunland - Land of Dunlendings, located at the southern end of the Misty Mountains, just north of Isengard and the Gap of Rohan.
Dunlendings - Wild, bearded mountain men of Dunland who hated Rohan and fought against them for Saruman in TT.
Durin - Great Dwarven King of Khazad-dm, eldest father of the Dwarven race.
Durins Axe, Helm - Great Dwarven heirlooms, found by Balin in Moria, but lost again when his colony was destroyed.
Durins Bane - the Balrog of Moria, uncovered by Balin during his exploration of Moria. Battled with Gandalf in FotR.
Dwalin - Dwarf of Thorins company in the Hobbit, younger brother of Balin, the first to arrive at Bilbos house.
Dwarrowdelf - Another name for Moria.
Dwimorberg - Mountain where the Dimholt forest and the Paths of the Dead lie; Aragorn and company went here in RotK.
Erendil - Half-elven Gondolin seafarer, Elronds father, convinced Valar to help in the fight against Morgoth in the First Age.
Ernil II - King of Gondor, son Ernil defeated Witch King at Angmar, but Ernil lost Minas Ithil to the Ringwraiths.
East Bight - A large, treeless clearing in southeast Mirkwood.
Easterlings - Men who lived in Rhn, the land east of Mordor, enemies of the Free People.
East-West Road - Long road that led through Eriador, taken by both Thorins and Frodo/Striders company in Hobbit and FotR.
Edoras - Capital city of Rohan, home of the golden hall of Meduseld, where Thoden, and later, omer reigned.
Elbereth Gilthoniel - aka Queen of the Stars, an ancient Valar power. Frodo calls her name to protect himself from the Nazgl.
Eldacar - Half-race king of Gondor, inheritance caused a civil war; overthrown by the usurper Castamir, he reclaimed the throne.
Elven Brooch - In the shape of a green leaf with silver, given to members of the Fellowship in Lrien to fasten their cloaks.
Elendil - Isildurs father, led Nmenreans to Middle-earth. Defeated Sauron in Mordor but died, his sword broken.
Elessar of Erendil - aka Elfstone, an eagle-shaped brooch with a green gem left for Aragorn by Arwen in Lrien (FotR).
Elessar Telcontar - aka Aragorn II, Strider (Telcontar), 26
King of Arnor and 35
King of Gondor. Married to Arwen.
Elfhelm - Nobleman in Thodens court at Rohan, fought at Fords of Isen, led troops at Battle of Pelennor Fields in RotK.
Elladan - Elronds half-elf son, Elrohirs twin, friend of the Dnedain, fought at Pelannor Fields and Morannon in RotK.
Elrohir - Elronds half-elf son, Elladans twin, friend of the Dnedain, fought at Pelannor Fields and Morannon in RotK.
Elrond - Half-elven Lord of Rivendell, father of Arwen, husband of Celebrian, father of Elladan and Elrohir. Old and wise.
Elven Cloak - Grey cloaks spun by Galadriel and her maidens that provided camouflage; given to the Fellowship in FotR.
Elven Rope - Very light, strong rope that can unknot itself when required; Sam takes it from a boat in Lrien in FotR.
Emyn Arnen - A range of hills in Ithilien, south of Osgiliath in Gondor. Faramir inherits this region after the WotR.
Emyn Muil - Range of impassable hills between the Anduin and the Dead Marshes where Frodo and Sam meet Gollum in TT.
Enchanted River - Black river in Mirkwood that made all who drank/touched it fall into a deep sleep and lose memory (Hobbit).
Endless Stair - Dwarven stairs in Moria from the lowest part of Middle-earth to the peak of Celebdil; climbed by Gandalf.
Enedwaith - The northernmost part of the Kingdom of Gondor, mostly grassland, where the city of Tharbad once resided.
Ents - Ancient tree people, unseen for centuries, roused to war because of the threat posed by Sarumans armies in TT.
Ent-draught - Drink comprised of river water from Fangorn forest, caused Merry and Pippin to grow in height in TT.
Entmoot - A rare gathering of Ents in times of need; summoned by Treebeard in Fangorn forest in TT.
Ethir Anduin - Delta of the Anduin, south of Pelargir in Gondor. Fishermen from Ethir helped defend Minas Tirith in RotK.
omer - Thodens nephew, owyns brother, Marshal of Riddermark, later King of Rohan; killed Sarumans orcs at Fangorn
in TT, fought at the Battles of Fords of Isen and Hornburg (TT), Pelennor Fields and the Morannon (RotK).
omund - Thodens brother, omer and owyns father, died in the Battle of the Fords of Isen (TT).
ored - A company of cavalry of riders of the Rohirrim. omer commanded one of several ored at Pelennor Fields (RotK).
orlingas - The followers and descendants of Eorl of Rohan, part of the Call to Arms of the Rohirrim: Forth orlingas!
owyn - Thodens niece, omunds daughter, omers sister, killed the Witch-king with Merrys help, once in love with
Aragorn, married Faramir after the war.
Erebor - aka The Lonely Mountain, once kingdom of dwarf Thrin, overtaken by Smaug, retaken by Thorin (Hobbit), ruled by Dan.
Ered Luin - aka The Blue Mountains, mountain range in the far east of Eriador; the Grey Havens lie on their eastern coast.
Ered Nimrais - aka The White Mountains, ran along the northern border of Gondor and the southern border of Rohan.
Erestor - Elf of Rivendell, part of the Council of Elrond who advised against destroying the Ring in FotR.
Eriador - Large region in northwestern Middle-earth, contains the Shire, Bree, as well as Rivendell at its eastern border.
Erkenbrand - Rohirrim soldier, Lord of the Westfold, came to aid at Helms Deep during the Battle of the Hornburg (TT).
Esgaroth - aka Lake-town.
Ettenmoors - aka Trollfells, a wild, mountainous region north of Rivendell infested by trolls, where the defeated Witch-king hid.
Eye of Sauron - The Lidless Eye, heraldic symbol of Sauron and metaphor for his omnipotence.
Eyrie - aka Eagles Eyrie, home of the Great Eagles in the Misty Mountains.
Fangorn Forest - aka Entwood, an ancient forest south of the Misty Mountains, east of Isengard, where Treebeard lives.
Fanuidhol - one of the three great peaks of Khazad-dm (along with Celendil and Caradhras).
Faramir - Heir as Steward of Gondor, Boromirs brother, Denethors son, owyns husband, rejected temptation of the Ring.
Farmer Maggot - Hobbit, lived in the east Shire, fed Frodo, Sam, and Pippin when they trespassed on his farm in FotR.
Fatty - aka Fredegar Bolger, helped move Frodo to Crickhollow and delayed the Nazgl who arrived there in search of Frodo.
Fli - Dwarf of Thorins company, brother of Kli, Thorins nephew, scout, died in the Battle of Five Armies in the Hobbit.
Ford of Bruinen - Ford over the Bruinen to get to Rivendell, the site where Frodo escaped the Nazgl on Glorfindels horse.
Fords of Isen - Fords over the Isen river at the Gap of Rohan, site of two famous battles between Rohab and Sarumans army (TT).
Forlong - aka Forlong the Fat, Lord of Lossarnach in Gondor, led 200 men and died in the Battle of Pelennor Fields in RotK.
Fornost - Ancient capital of Gondor in Arnor, north of Bree, fell to the Witch-king and became a ruin. Rebuilt by Aragorn.
Forodwaith - aka the Northern Waste, an icy, bitterly cold region north of the mountains of Angmar and the Iron Hills.
Gaffer - aka Hamfast Gamgee, hobbit of the Shire, gardener at Bag end, Sams father.
Galadhrim - the Tree People, elves of mixed descent (Sindar, Silvan, Noldor) living in Lrien.
Galadriel - Noldor elf and ruler of Lrien, wed to Celeborn, wears Nenya the White Ring of Power. Ancient and very wise.
Galdor - Elf, Crdans representative from the Grey Havens who attended the Council of Elrond in FotR.
Gap of Rohan - Opening between White and Misty Mountains, where the river Isen forms the western boundary of Rohan.
Ghn - aka Ghn-buri-Ghn, chief of the Dredain, helped in giving Rohan aid to Minas Tirith in RotK.
Gildor Inglorian - Nordor Elf who saved Frodo and companions from a Black Rider in FotR. Invited Hobbits to Woodhall.
Gladden - Major river of Rhovanion, a tributary to the Anduin, where it meets at the marshland called Gladden Fields.
Gladden Fields - A marshland west of Mirkwood on the banks of the river Anduin where Isildur lost the One Ring.
Glamdring - Gondolin sword borne by Gandalf, found in the Trollshaws while with Thorins Company in the Hobbit.
Glowine - Court minstrel of Thoden of Rohan, composed the lament sung at his funeral in RotK.
Glin - Dwarf of Thorins company in the Hobbit, Gimlis father, brother of in, attended the Council of Elrond in FotR.
Glorfindel - Elf lord of Rivendell, helped Frodo escape the Nazgl by having him cross the Bruinen on his horse in FotR.
Goblin-town - Orc dwelling in the Misty Mountains near the High Pass where Thorins Company was captured in the Hobbit.
Golasgil - Lord of Anfalas, a pastoral fiefdom, who rode to the aid of Minas Tirith in the Battle of Pelennor Fields in RotK.
Gondolin - Ancient hidden Elf city, destroyed by the Melkor in the First Age. Sting and Glamdring were forged there.
Gondor - Southern kingdom of the Nmenreans, founded by Isildur, became the seat of the Dominion of Men under Aragorn.
Gorbag - Captain of the Uruks of Minas Morgul, sent to Cirith Ungol, fought and killed Shagrat over Frodos Mithril shirt.
Gorgoroth - Vast, arid, inhospitable wasteland in Mordor which held Saurons mines/forges; crossed by Frodo and Sam in RotK.
Gothmog - Lieutenant of Mordor, second in command to the Witch-king, commanded the Morgul forces at Minas Tirith in RotK.
Green-hill Country - Hilly region in the Shire spanning fifty miles from west to east by way of the Stock Road; home of Woodhall.
Greenleaf - aka Legolas Greenleaf, Silvan/Sindar elf, son of Thranduil, member of the Fellowship.
Grey Company - 31 Dnedain Rangers led by Halbarad, accompanied Aragorn to the Paths of the Dead and fought in RotK.
Grey Havens - An Elvish port, ruled by Cirdan the Shipwright, where Elves were taken by ship to the Undying Lands.
Grey Mountains - aka Ered Mithrin, onetime northern home of Durins folk, source of the Anduin and Mirkwoods river.
Grey Pilgrim - aka Gandalf.
Grma - aka Wormtongue.
Grimbeorn the Old - Beorns son, could also take the shape of a bear, kept the High Pass and Ford of Carrock orc-free.
Grimbold - Rohan commander, fought in the Battle of the Fords of Isen, died in the Battle of Pelennor Fields in RotK.
Grishnkh - Captain of Mordor orcs that captured Merry and Pippin in TT, thought they had the Ring, killed by omers men.
Grond - Wolfs Head, Hammer of the Underworld, a 150 ft. battering ram forged in Mordor to assault Minas Tirith in RotK.
Gundabad, Mount - Orc stronghold at the north end of the Misty Mountains. Former sacred Dwarven site.
Guthlaf - Thodens banner bearer, rode with Rohirrim to help defend Minas Tirith, killed in the Battle of Pelennor Fields.
Gwaihir the Windlord - Lord of Eagles, rescued Sam and Frodo from Mount Doom after Saurons fall in RotK.
Halbarad - Leader of the Grey Company of Dnedain Rangers. Brought Aragons banner and fought with him in RotK.
Haldir - Silvan Elf of Lothlrien, met the Fellowship near the Nimrodel river and led them into Lrien in FotR.
Hma - Rohan warrior and doorward of Thoden, died at Helms Deep in the Battle of the Hornburg in TT.
Haradrim - aka Southrons, swarthy men riding Mmakil from the southern deserts who sided with Sauron in the WotR.
Helms Deep - A large, well-protected valley deep within the walls of the White Mountains; the Hornburg is located here.
Heirs of Isildur - Dnedain lords descended from Isildur, finally claimed by the last Chieftain of the Dnedain, Aragorn II.
High Pass - Pass over the Misty Mountains, leading from Rivendell via the Great East Road over Goblin-town (the Hobbit)
Hirluin the Fair - Lord of Pinnath Gelin (Gondor), came to the aid of Minas Tirith in RotK, died in Battle of Pelennor Fields.
Horn of Gondor - Boromirs war horn, heirloom of the Stewards of Gondor, found washed ashore on the banks of the Anduin.
Hornburg - Rohirrim castle guarding the entrance to Helms Deep. Site of Rohans battle with Sarumans forces (TT).
Houses of Healing - Minas Tirith infirmary where Faramir, owyn, and Merry convalesced after Battle of Pelennor (RotK).
Houses of the Dead - Crypt at the top of Minas Tirith, where noblemen were buried and where Denethor met his end (RotK).
Hummerhorn - Referenced in Bilbos song, Errantry: He battled with the Dumbledors, the Hummerhorns, and Honeybees.
Huorn - Ancient tree creatures like Ents that could hide in shadow and move with great speed. Fought at the Hornburg in TT.
Iarwain Ben-Adar - aka Tom Bombadil (Oldest and Fatherless).
Imladris - aka Rivendell.
Imrahil - Prince of Dol-Amroth, fought in the Battle of Pelennor Fields, his daughter married omer in RotK.
Iron Hills - aka Ered Engrin, mountain range in the northeast of Middle-earth, realm of exiled Durins Folk.
Isengard - Sarumans fortress, built around the tower of Orthanc, besieged by Ents in TT and abandoned by Saruman in RotK.
Isildur - Son of Elendil, after the Siege of Barad-dr, used the broken sword to cut the One Ring from Saurons hand,
refused to destroy it and lost it in the Anduin when he was killed by the orcs of Moria.
Isildurs Bane - aka the One Ring of Power, forged by Sauron in the fires of Orodruin, ruled the 19 other Rings of Power.
Islet - Small islet located at the Fords of Isen where Thodred dismounted in the First Battle of the Fords of Isen (TT).
Istari - The Five Wizards, Maiar spirits sent to aid the Free People in defeating Sauron.
Ithilien - Easternmost province of Gondor bordering Mordor, deserted by men but still contested land. On the way to
Cirith Ungol, Frodo and Sam travel through Ithilien where they meet Faramir in TT.
Keys of Orthanc - Two black keys of intricate shape that open the doors of Orthanc. Saruman gives them to Treebeard in RotK.
Khazad-dm - Dwarven underground city, later called Moria. Balin returned here to reclaim his kingdom and was slain.
Kli - Dwarf of Thorins company, brother of Fli, Thorins nephew, scout, died in the Battle of Five Armies (Hobbit).
Lagduf - Orc soldier who served under Shagrat at Tower of Cirith Ungol. He and Muzhash tried to escape but were shot (RotK).
Lake-town - aka Esgaroth, a small settlement east of Mirkwood consisting mainly of small wooden structures over water.
Landroval - Great eagle, fought in Battle of Morannon and helped rescue Frodo and Sam after they destroyed the Ring (RotK).
Langflood - aka Anduin, The Great River.
Last Bridge - Stone bridge on the East-West road crossed by Thorin and company in the Hobbit and Strider and company in FotR.
Lazy Lob - From a rhyme of Bilbo, Lazy Lob and Crazy Cob (Hobbit).
Lembas - Nourishing, long-lasting bread made by Elves, given to the Fellowship in Lrien in FotR.
Lights of the Dead - Candles of corpses in the Dead Marshes that nearly ensnared and drowned Frodo in TT.
Lone-lands - Hobbit term for the eastern wilderness, including Weathertop and the abandoned castles of Rhudaur.
Longbeards - Durins Folk, oldest and most important of the Dwarves, lived in Khazad-dm.
Lord of the Dead - aka King of the Dead, ruled the Dead Men of the Mountains in Dwimorberg and broke their oaths to Isildur.
Lrien - Lothlrien, forest between the Celeborn and Anduin rivers, home of Galadriel and Celeborn.
Lossarnach - Region and fiefdom in Southern Gondor, ruled by Forlong the Fat.
Marish - Fertile swampland on the banks of the Brandywine; the hobbits take a shortcut here to escape a Black Rider in FotR.
Mathom - Hobbit word for a useless item that no one wants to throw away.
Mahur - An orc in the service of Saruman, sent to reinforce Ugluks troop after finding Merry and Pippin in TT.
Meduseld - The Golden Hall of Rohan in Edoras, seat of King Thoden in TT (later, King omer).
Melkor (Morgoth) - Saurons former master and Dark Lord of the First Age.
Meneldor - Great Eagle from the Misty Mountains, helped rescue Frodo and Sam after they destroyed the Ring (RotK).
Methedras - The southernmost peak of the Misty Mountains, lying just above Isengard.
Midgewater - Bug-filled marshland in central Eriador between Chetwood and Weather Hills. Strider led hobbits through here in FotR.
Minas Morgul - Tower of Black Sorcery, Dead City, former Gondorian stronghold, became the seat of power for the Nazgl.
Minas Tirith - Capital city of Gondor, home of the Citadel, site of the Battle of Pelennor Fields (RotK).
Mindolluin - Mountain in the eastern White Mountains beneath which stands the Gondorian capital, Minas Tirith.
Misty Mountains - Large mountain range west of Mirkwood forest, home of Moria, Goblin-town, and Rivendell.
Mirkwood - Eastern forest where Thorins company passed (Hobbit), home of spiders, Dol-Guldur, and Thranduils kingdom.
Mirror of Galadriel - A silver basin that can reveal past or future events, though Galadriel can control what it shows (FotR).
Mirrormere - Lake east of Khazad-dm in which the dwarf king Durin saw the reflection of a crown over his head.
Miruvor - A reviving drink made by elves, given to Gandalf by Elrond and used in Caradrhas and Moria (FotR).
Mithlond - aka The Grey Havens.
Mithrandir - aka Gandalf, his elvish name and the one used most frequently in Gondor.
Mithril - A precious silvery metal, lightweight but incredibly strong, mined by the dwarves in Khazad-dm.
Mithril Shirt - Light armor given in FotR to Frodo by Bilbo, who had acquired it at the Lonely Mountain in the Hobbit.
Morannon - The Black Gate of Mordor, set between the northern Mountains of Ash and the western Mountains of Shadow.
Morgul Blade - Magical Nazgl dagger that breaks and poisons its victims. Frodo was wounded by one at Weathertop in FotR.
Morgul Vale - Valley west of the Mountains of Shadow, out of which a noxious river flowed past Minas Morgul (TT).
Morgulduin - The polluted river that ran out of Morgul Vale, under the bridge of Minas Morgul, and into the Anduin (TT).
Morthond - aka Blackroot, river of Gondor; Aragorn and the Grey Company follow this river to the Stone of Erech in RotK.
Mount Doom - aka Orodruin, the volcano in Mordor in which the One Ring of Power was forged, and destroyed in RotK.
Mouth of Sauron - Ambassador to Barad-dr who speaks with Aragorn and Gandalf outside the Black Gate in RotK.
Mmakil - aka Oliphaunt, huge, powerful elephants with six tusks used by the Haradrim in battle; seen by Sam in TT.
Muzgash - Orc soldier who served under Shagrat at Tower of Cirith Ungol. He & Lagduf tried to escape but were shot (RotK).
Nain - King of Khazad-dm, faher of Thrin, slain by the Balrog before the dwarves fled and renamed it Moria.
Nameless Things - Strange creatures underneath Moria that made the tunnels through which Gandalf pursued the Balrog.
Nan Curunr - aka Sarumans Vale, southern valley of the Misty Mountains where Isengard lies.
Nanduhirion - aka Anzanulbizar, the valley on the east of the Misty Mountains below Khazad-dm where Din killed Azog.
Narsil - aka Anduril, the Sword that was Broken, Elendils sword used by Isildur to cut the Ring from Saurons hand.
Narvi - Dwarven craftsman of Khazad-dm who made the Doors of Durin on Morias western end.
Narya - aka Ring of Fire, Red Ring, one of the three elven Rings of Power; given to Gandalf by Cirdan the Shipwright.
Nazgl - aka Ringwraiths, Black Riders; Nine lieutenants of Sauron, former kings enslaved by the Ring.
Nen Hithoel - Large lake on the Anduin, site of the pillars of Argonath, the Falls of Rauros, and the island lake, Tol Brandir.
Nenya - aka Ring of Adamant, Ring of Water, Galadriels white mithril ring, one of the three elven Rings of Power.
Nimrodel - River east of the Misty Mountains. After Moria, the Fellowship rested near it before traveling to Lrien in FotR.
Ninglor - aka Gladden River, west of Mirkwood, where Isildur was assailed by orcs and lost the One Ring in the river.
Noldor - Second clan of elves, greatest in lore and smithcraft, eventually remained only in Rivendell.
Nori - Dwarf of Thorins company in the Hobbit, Oris brother.
North Stair - The great steps of the Falls of Rauros.
Nmenor - Ancient island kingdom of the Dnedain, west of Middle-earth.
Oathbreakers - aka Army of the Dead, ghosts of cursed men of the White Mountains who helped Aragorn in RotK.
in - Dwarf of Thorins company in the Hobbit, Glins brother, went to Moria with Balin, killed by the Watcher in the Water.
Old Ford - Site where the Old Forest Road crossed the Great River Anduin and was passable by horse.
Old Forest - Large sentient woodland NE of Bree where Tom Bombadil resides and where Frodo and company got lost in FotR.
Old Forest Road - Road made by dwarves that crosses the Old Ford and passes through southern Mirkwood near Dol Guldur.
Old Road - Name for the less-traveled section of the East-West road leading east of Bree towards Rivendell.
Old Man Willow - An angry willow tree in the Old Forest who altered woodland paths and lured wanderers to their doom (FotR).
Old Tomnoddy - Another name Bilbo uses to provoke the spiders of Mirkwood in the Hobbit.
Olog-hai - A fierce, intelligent breed of troll that could withstand sunlight; the troll equivalent of the Uruk-hai.
Ori - Dwarf of Thorins company in the Hobbit, Dori/Noris brother, went to Moria with Balin and recorded their final days there.
Orcrist - Goblin Cleaver, also called Biter, the Gondolin sword borne by Thorin Oakenshield in the Hobbit.
Orthanc - Sarumans tower at Isengard (TT).
Osgiliath - Abandoned former capital of Gondor, lost again to Sauron by Faramir before the Battle of Pelennor Fields (RotK).
Outlands - Broadly, the southern fiefdoms of Gondor along the sea. Attacked by the Corsairs of Umbar in RotK.
Palantr - Seeing-stones, orbs that could communicate with each other; caused Sarumans and Denethors demise (TT, RotK).
Paths of the Dead - A haunted pass through the White Mountains where Aragorn recruited the Dead Men of Dunharrow in RotK.
Pelargir - The great port city of Gondor, located at the delta of the Anduin.
Pelennor Fields - Country surrounding Minas Tirith, site of the battle between Saurons forces and the men of Gondor (RotK).
Phial of Galadriel - Crystal phial given to Frodo by Galadriel in FotR; filled with water from her mirror, it shone with the
light of a Silmaril, fending off Shelob in TT and helping Sam pass the Two Watchers at Cirith Ungol in RotK.
Pipe-Weed - Tobacco, sometimes called Halflings Leaf.
Prancing Pony - Popular Inn in Bree where Frodo and company met Strider and fled the Black Riders in FotR.
Quickbeam - Young Ent named for his hastiness; the first to agree to war, took care of Merry and Pippin at the Entmoot in TT.
Radagast - aka the Brown, wizard friend of animals, protector of the forests, lived in Rhosgobel, warned Gandalf of the Nazgl.
Rauros Falls - The great falls of the river Anduin, located at the southern end of the Emyn Muil beneath the lake Nen Hithoel.
Ravenhill - Outlying hill and Dwarven outpost beneath the Lonely Mountain where Carc and Roc the ravens lived (Hobbit).
Red Arrow - Red-tipped arrows, Gondors means of summoning allies in time of need. Hirgon presented one to Thoden in RotK.
Redhorn Gate/Pass - The narrow and dangerous pass of Caradhras, hinders the Fellowship in FotR, forcing them into Moria.
Rhosgobel - Radagasts dwelling on the western edge of Mirkwood forest.
Riddermark - aka The Mark, another name for Rohan.
Rivendell - Elf outpost in the foothills of the Misty Mountains, home of Elrond, where the Fellowship was first formed (FotR).
Rohirrim - The horse men of Rohan, descended from Eorl and ruled by Thoden, later omer.
Rohan - aka The Mark, land of the Rohirrim northwest of Gondor.
Scroll of Isildur - Scroll left by Isildur in the archives of Minas Anor with a description of the Ring; Read by Gandalf in FotR.
Seat of Seeing - aka Amon Hen.
Seeing Stone - aka Palantr.
Shelob - A great, ancient spider, Ungoliants offspring, living in Cirith Ungol, stabbed in the eye and body by Sam in TT.
Shire - Homeland of the Hobbits, located in Eriador.
Silmaril - Three luminous gems of immense power and beauty. Melkor stole them and fled to Middle-earth.
Silvan - Wood elves who settled in Mirkwood and Lrien.
Silverlode - aka Celebrant. The Fellowship followed this river east from Moria to the Nimrodel in Lrien in FotR.
Sindarin - The language of the elves most commonly spoken in Middle-earth in the Third Age.
Shadowfax - The mighty, untamed grey horse given to Gandalf by Thoden; his speed and stamina were unmatched.
Shagrat - Uruk-hai Captain of Cirith Ungol, loyal to Sauron, wanted to send Frodos possessions to Barad-dr (RotK).
Smaug - Dragon who took Lonely Mountain from Thrain and the dwarves, killed by Bard the Bowman in the Hobbit.
Smeagol - Former Halfling name of Gollum.
Snaga - 1) A lesser breed of orc, used as slaves, warg riders, messengers, and laborers, in contrast to the Uruk-hai.
2) An orc in the garrison at the Tower of Cirith Ungol who whipped Frodo and was killed by Sam (RotK).
Snowbourne - A river in Rohan that flowed west from the White Mountains past Edoras to the Entwash.
Song of Erendil - Bilbos song written in Rivendell with Aragorns help (FotR).
Southron - aka Haradrim, swarthy men from the southern deserts who sided with Sauron during the War of the Ring.
Star of Elendil - aka Star of the North, white jewel worn by Elendil and his Dnedain heirs, Aragorn recovered it from Orthanc.
Sting - Gondolin knife borne by Bilbo in the Hobbit and later Frodo in FotR, Sam used it to wound Shelob in TT.
Stock - Hobbit town in the Eastfarthing of the Shire near the Brandywine river; the inn of the Golden Perch is located there.
Stock Road - Long road in the Shire leading through Green-hill country from the town of Stock through the forest of Woody End.
Stone of Erech - Stone where mountain kings swore an oath to Isildur, later betrayed. Aragorn held them to their oath in RotK.
Stormcrow - aka Lathspell (Ill-news), pejorative nickname for Gandalf, his arrival being associated with times of trouble.
Strider - aka Aragorn.
Swan - Symbol of Dol Amroth, Knights who served Prince Imrahil in the Third Age, defended Minas Tirith in RotK.
Tarlangs Neck - Area of land forty miles south-east of the Stone of Erech.
Telemnar - 26
King of Gondor, died of the plague.
Tharbad - A fortified town on the river Greyflood where Boromir lost his horse on the way to Rivendell.
Thoden - King of Rohan, omer and owyns uncle, fought at the Hornburg (TT), slain at Pelennor Fields (RotK).
Thodred - Thodens son, died in the Battle of the Fords of Isen.
Thorin Oakenshield - Dwarven heir to Erebor, led company against Smaug in the Hobbit, died in the Battle of Five Armies.
Thorins Company - Group of 13 dwarves, Gandalf, and Bilbo led by Thorin to recover Erebor from Smaug (Hobbit).
Thorondor - Ancient King of Eagles during the First Age, the largest ever, with a wingspan of 180 feet.
Thranduil - Silvan Elf king of Mirkwood, Legolass father, captures Thorins company in Mirkwood in the Hobbit.
Thrr - King of Durins Folk in Erebor (Lonely Mountain), Thorin Oakenshields grandfather.
Thrrs Key - Silver key given by Gandalf to Thorin that opened the secret entrance to the Lonely Mountain (Hobbit).
Thrrs Map - Map written in Moon Letters used by Thorin and company to reclaim the Lonely Mountain in the Hobbit.
Tom Huggins - One of 3 trolls that capture Bilbo and Thorins company in the Hobbit. Turned to stone with Gandalfs help.
Tom Bombadil - Ancient, powerful being, leads the Hobbits out of the Old Forest, rescues them from Barrow-Downs (FotR).
Took - Hobbit family of the Shire, more adventurous than others. Pippin was a Took and Bilbo and Merry had Took mothers.
Treebeard - aka Fangorn, oldest of the Ents, leader of the attack on Isengard in TT.
Trollshaws - Land in eastern Eriador where trolls roamed, where Tom, Bert, and William were turned to stone in the Hobbit.
Uglk - Uruk-hai in the service of Saruman, captured Merry and Pippin to take them to Isengard; killed by omers men (TT).
Ufthak - Mordor orc serving in the Tower of Cirith Ungol, caught by Shelob and tied up to die (TT).
Ulairi - Elvish name for Ringwraiths. (Ulaire Nelya means Third Ringwraith, Ulaire Cantea means Fourth, etc.)
Umbar - Haven to the south of Gondor, taken over by descendants of Castamir the Usurper, who became pirates (Corsairs).
Ungoliant - Primordial Maiar spider, Shelobs mother, allied with Melkor, destroyed the Two Trees of Valinor, ate herself.
Uruk-hai - Larger and stronger breed of orc, interbred with men, used by Sauron and Saruman in the War of the Ring.
Valar - The great, ancient powers of Middle-earth.
Valinor - The Undying Lands, realm of the Valar.
Variags of Khand - Allies of Rhn and Harad, mercenaries allied to Sauron, fought at the Battle of Pelennor Fields (RotK).
Vilya - aka Ring of Sapphire, Ring of Air, Blue Ring, one of the three elven Rings of Power, worn by Elrond.
Voice of Saruman - Chapter in RotK where Saruman uses his powerfully persuasive voice to ask for Thodens forgiveness.
Wainriders - Easterling confederation of men who united against Gondor under Sauron in RotK.
Warg - Canine beasts used by orcs as transportation and weapons. Fellowship was attacked by them before entering Moria (FotR).
Watchful Peace - A relatively peaceful period during the Third Age, from 2063 until Sauron's return to Dol Guldur in 2460.
Watcher in the Water - Tentacled monster who lived in a pool near the west gate of Moria. Attacked the Fellowship in FotR.
Weather Hills - N-S range of hills in central Eriador through which Strider led hobbits in FotR, at the southern end lies Weathertop.
Weathertop - aka Amon-Sl, former fortification of Elendil, site of Nazgl attacks on Gandalf and Strider and the Hobbits in FotR.
Westernesse - aka the Isle of Nmenor, kingdom of the Dnedain, located on an island in the Great Sea west of Middle-earth.
Westfold - Eastern region of Rohan where Helms Deep is located; defended by Erkenbrand during the War (TT).
Westron - the common tongue of Middle-earth.
White Bridge - Ancient bridge leading over the toxic stream to Minas Morgul; the Nazgl and Saurons army crossed it in TT.
White Hand - An emblem of Saruman: orc-soldiers bearing shields with a white hand were resistant to sunlight (TT).
White Tower of Ecthelion - Tall tower in Citadel of Minas Tirith where lie the thrones of the King and Steward of Gondor.
William Huggins - One of 3 trolls that capture Bilbo and Thorins company in the Hobbit. Turned to stone with Gandalfs help.
Windlord - aka Gwaihir, Lord of the Eagles.
Witch-King - The Black Captain, chief general of Saurons armies and leader of the nine Nazgl. Killed by owyn in RotK.
Withered Heath - Blackened region at the eastern extreme of the Grey Mountains where dragons bred.
Woody End - Forest in the eastern Shire where Frodo and Company meet the elven company of Gildor in FotR.
Wormtongue, Grma - Thodens disgraced former advisor in Rohan, follower of Saruman though he eventually kills him (RotK).
Woses - aka Dredain.
Zigil - aka Zirak-zigil (Celebdil), a great peak in the Misty Mountains over Khazad-dm.

Non-Canonical / Non-Tolkien Characters and Objects
Alcaron - aka Lord Alcaron, Gondorian Noble, ally, objective, and enemy in the LOTR LCG: Against the Shadow cycle.
Argalad - Elf, hero character in Middle-earth Quest.
Beravor - Dnedain ranger, hero character in Middle-earth Quest and LOTR LCG: Core Set.
Brego - Horse ridden by Aragorn in the Peter Jackson film (named after the Rohan King Brego, Eorls son, who built Meduseld).
Brok Ironfist - Dwarf ally in LOTR LCG: Core Set.
Caldara - Gondorian hero character in LOTR LCG: The Blood of Gondor.
Dagger of Noldorin - knife given Aragorn by Celeborn in the Peter Jackson film.
Dr-Buri-Dr - enemy character in LOTR LCG: The Dradan Forest.
Eleanor - Gondor noble, hero character in Middle-earth Quest and LOTR LCG: Core Set.
Emery - Gondorian ally in LOTR: LCG: The Blood of Gondor. (Possibly named after Tolkien illustrator Carol Emery Phenix?)
Eometh - Rohan rider, hero character in Middle-earth Quest.
Evenstar - Replaces the Elessar (Elfstone) in the Peter Jackson film, given by Arwen to Aragorn in Rivendell.
Ghulat - Uruk ork enemy in LOTR: LCG: Encounter at Amon Dn.
Henemarth Riversong - Silvan elf, ally in LOTR LCG: Core Set.
Kings Road - Location in LOTR LCG: The Voice of Isengard, probably the same road as the Road to Isengard in TT.
Louis, Morris, Rupert, Stuart - Troll enemies in LOTR LCG: Conflict at the Carrock.
Lurtz - Orc captain, the first of Sarumans Uruk-hai to be bred in the Peter Jackson film. Kills Boromir and is slain by Aragorn.
Mirlonde - Silvan elf, hero character in LOTR LCG: The Dradan Forest.
Mugash - Uruk enemy and objective in LOTR LCG: The Voice of Isengard.
Murzag - Uruk-hai enemy Captain in LOTR LCG: The Morgul Vale.
Rob and Bob - Two-headed troll enemy in LOTR LCG: Conflict at the Carrock.
Sharku - Warg rider in the Peter Jackson film who ambushed the women of Rohan, gloated about Aragorns death and died.
Thalin - Dwarf, hero character in Middle-earth Quest and LOTR LCG: Core Set.
Ulaire Cantea - Fourth Nazgl, Black Assassin, Lieutenant of Guldur in LOTR RPG (also an enemy card in LOTR DBG)
Ulaire Nelya - Third Nazgl, the Black Hunter, Lieutenant of Morgul in the LOTR Trading Card Game (also in LOTR DBG).
Ulaire Ostea - Seventh Nazgl, The Black Specter, Lieutenant of Morgul in LOTR RPG (also an enemy card in LOTR DBG).
Wilyador - Wounded eagle in LOTR LCG: A Journey to Rhosgobel.

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