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... through Bertha Dudde

Spiritualisation of soul and body....
What is the physial body!....
" #ill ans#er your e$ery %uestion in a #ay that it is
o&prehensible to you' e$en if you are as yet inapable of
understanding the &ost profound orrelations beause of your
lo# &aturity of soul.
(e$ertheless you #ill not be left in the dar) about proble&s
#hih oupy you and you are unable to sol$e yoursel$es. *nd
you shall be enlightened as soon as you desire light+
,he reonstrution of the hu&an soul happened in the sa&e
#ay as the disintegration of the being too) plae after its
apostasy fro& -e' after the solidifiation of its substane....
,he indi$idual tiny partiles' ha$ing gone through the #or)s
of reation for the purpose of &aturing' #ere gathered again' the
&ineral' plant and ani&al #orld released all partiles belonging
to a fallen being again and these united in the end and no#
onstitute the hu&an soul....
.ene this soul is the one fallen original spirit #hih shall
return to -e' to its origin' #hen it passes the final test of #ill in
earthly life' #hih neessitates its free #ill....
,his soul e&bodies itself in a o$er of flesh' in a material
body, and this consists again of countless spiritual
substances which are still at the beginning of their higher
development.... For all &atter is spiritual substane at the start
of its de$elop&ent' #hih already shelters &ore &ature spirits
#ithin #hih &ust be of ser$ie and thereby &ature fully....
-atter itself has a far longer path ahead of itself until it' too'
an e&body itself as a /soul/....
0et the ti&e e$ery spiritual substane ta)es to tra$el the path
an differ onsiderably.... Spiritual substane within &atter an
&ature faster' but &atter itself an also be dissol$ed %ui)er if it
o&plies #ith its ser$ing funtion #ithout resistane.... if the
resistane of the bound spirit #ithin &atter subsides %ui)ly and
it is helpful....
,his is the ase if it is in surroundings #here there is a
reognisable and onsious stri$ing to#ards -e' #hih has a
benefiial effet on all spiritual substane and also shortens its
path of de$elop&ent beause it is often per&itted to be of
1nderstand it li)e this+
Where an inlination for &atter still e2ists' #here no spiritual
stri$ing is notieable' that is #here &atter is being hoarded' it is
gi$en little opportunity to ser$e and this e2tends the state of
onstraint in this &aterial ite&.... 3ust as it an be onsiderably
shortened if the hu&an being does not stri$e to inrease his
earthly possessions and thus onstantly gi$es the fe# &aterial
possessions he o#ns the opportunity to be of ser$ie....
,hen the hu&an being hi&self' through his attitude to#ards
-e and &atter' ontributes to#ards a faster dissolution of the
latter and the bound spiritual substane therein #ill be able to
hange its e2ternal for& far &ore often and faster and also reah
the stage #hen all partiles ha$e o&e together again sooner
and the e&bodi&ent as a hu&an soul an ta)e plae.
4$en the soul/s earthly5physial o$er is still onsolidated
&atter #hose substane belongs to a one5fallen original spirit....
#hih li)e#ise shall pass the final test of #ill as a soul on earth
one day....
"f' during earthly life' a person sueeds in spiritualising
his body of flesh simultaneously with his soul.... #hih'
ad&ittedly' only happens rarely but is ne$ertheless possible....
then its spiritual substanes #ill join the soul and attain a
ertain state of spiritual &aturity' so that the beings of light'
#hih ta)e are of the fallen spirits' #ill also influene the
spiritual substane bound #ithin the for& suh that it #ill %ui)ly
reah full &aturity' beause a soul #hih ahie$es suh a
spiritualisation together #ith the body' e&anates e2traordinary
strength on all substances of a soul which still has to go
through the process of development....
,hus the soul ta)es its spiritual body along into the spiritual
)ingdo& and emanates these spiritualised substances
again as strength to the original being they belong to' and
this being #ill tra$el its proess of de$elop&ent in a far shorter
ti&e' beause the fully &ature spirit #ill also pre$ent a relapse
#hen the soul li$es on earth as a hu&an being....
For the body/s substanes ha$e been redeemed by its
ind#elling soul and an ne$er e2periene a relapse again....
"nstead' they #ill also e2ert influene on the soul in the for& of
strength and dri$e the latter into inreased spiritual stri$ing....
this is #hy the hu&an being should onsider it a $ery great tas)
to spiritualise his body as #ell....
#hy the hu&an being should do e$erything in order to
ahie$e this spiritualisation by not only helping his o#n soul but
also the soul #hose substanes ser$ed hi& as a &aterial o$er
during his life on earth....
4arthly &atter #ill fade a#ay #hen the hour of death has
* spiritualised body' ho#e$er' joins the soul and flo#s again
as strength to that original spirit to #hih it belongs' so that the
latter #ill notieably feel the help and' #hile in the hu&an stage'
an ne$er fall ba) into the abyss beause the already
spiritualised substanes pre$ent it fro& doing so....
Through physical suffering and pain you can still help
many of its still immature substances to mature fully....
0ou an still &a)e s&all sarifies of atone&ent for these
spiritual beings if you, in a conscious state, humbly bear the
suffering #hih is indeed aused by the body/s i&&ature
substanes but #hih' through your lo$e for e$erything that is
still unredee&ed and your #illingness to help' ontributes
to#ards the body/s spiritualisation.
,hen you #ill not only attain your o#n soul/s &aturity but
you #ill also help another original spirit to &ature faster if you
redee& e$erything unspiritual in you' #hih still belongs to -y
ad$ersary' through your lo$e and your #ill to help #here$er it is
"f this rede&ption does not ta)e plae the body #ill go its
natural ourse by dissol$ing and deaying and ser$ing the untold
nu&ber of tiniest li$ing organis&s again to gro# and then its
path #ill be &uh longer' but e$en these substanes #ill gather
again one day and the final e&bodi&ent in a for& on this earth
#ill ta)e plae.
Always remember that matter is spiritual substance at
the beginning of its development which already shelters
more matured spirit within itself, in order to enable the
latter to be of service, by means of which everything
spiritual ascends.
0ou &ust differentiate bet#een body and soul' and then it
#ill be easier for you to understand the purpose and reason of
physical suffering and pain and why Jesus' path to the
cross is presented to you humans, Whom you should
follow.... For .e arried the sins for you humans' .is soul #as
entirely #ithout sin and yet .e suffered indesribably....
And if you suffer, then consider that you, too, should
be willing to make a sacrifice for that spiritual substance
#hih ser$es you as an eternal form so that you #ill attain
perfetion.... !ou can also considerably shorten its path of
suffering, and your love should induce you to pro$ide
redee&ing help for e$erything that has beo&e sinful....
6ublished by friends of ne# re$elations of God 7"nfor&ation'
do#nload of all translated re$elations' the&e5boo)lets at+


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