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"Bigging Beepei" is an oppoitunity foi you to continue

youi stuuy of uou's Woiu thioughout the week.


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Aftei 4u yeais of seiving anu leaining in the couits of Phaiaoh, Noses is
now at the enu of anothei 4u yeais of his life as a shepheiu. It is woith
noting that in these veises Noses is meeting uou at the same mountain
wheie uou will latei give him the Nosaic Law. The bush that Noses sees
is on fiie but is not being consumeu.

Fiie is often symbolic of uou's piesence anu is also piesent when uou
uescenus on Nt. Sinai in Exouus 19:18. Bowevei, the buining bush in
these veises may also iepiesent the nation of Isiael. Isiael hau been
ciusheu by bonuage in Egypt but they will not be uestioyeu.

This was the fiist time uou hau ievealeu Bimself to Noses, oi anyone
else in Sciiptuie, foi ovei 4Su yeais. Latei in histoiy uou will bieak
anothei 4uu-yeai long peiiou of silence when }ohn the Baptist anu }esus
appeai to leau an even moie significant exouus. Beie uou calleu Noses
to uelivei a ciusheu nation befoie they aie uestioyeu.

()*+ , -./01230*14 56789 8 E# )3# ")3+FD3#((#+ '$ #G#35 (*+#, 5#1 $'1
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?'3();#$H (132=; +'/$, 621 $'1 +#(13'5#+7

Weekly Bevotional
WEEK 0F }0LY 7- }0LY 11, 2u14


EX0B0S S:11-12
J21 &'(#( ()*+ 1' <'+, -E"' )> . 1")1 . ("'20+ 4' 1' K")3)'", )$+ 1")1 .
("'20+ 63*$4 1"# ="*0+3#$ '? .(3)#0 '21 '? L45D1M8 9' B# ()*+, -. /*00
=#31)*$05 6# /*1" 5'27 A$+ 1"*( (")00 6# ) (*4$ 1' 5'2 1")1 . ")G# (#$1 5'2N
E"#$ 5'2 ")G# 63'24"1 1"# D#'D0# '21 '? L45D1, 5'2 (")00 (#3G# <'+ '$
1"*( >'2$1)*$78

"So, what uo you want to be when you giow up. That question may
appeai a little tiite, but think about it foi a moment. Aie you--iight now-
-who you want to be, what you uieameu you'u be, uoing what you
always wanteu to uo. Be honest. Sometimes people finu themselves
achieving victoiies that aie empty--successes that have come at the
expense of things that weie fai moie valuable to them. If youi lauuei is
not leaning against the iight wall, eveiy step you take gets you to the
wiong place fastei."

The paiagiaph above was wiitten by authoi Stephen Covey who has
iuentifieu 9#G#$ B)6*1( '? B*4"05 92==#((?20 K#'D0#. The seconu of the
seven habits is "Begin with the Enu in Ninu". Be fuithei wiites, "Begin
with the Enu in Ninu means to begin each uay, task, oi pioject with a
cleai vision of youi uesiieu uiiection anu uestination."

uou wanteu Noses to know wheie all this is heaueu. The puipose of the
ueliveiance was that Isiael might "woiship uou." Baving seiveu as
slaves to the Egyptians, Isiael was now to seive the Loiu, woishiping
Bim as Bis subjects. The goal is woiship anu seivice not just ueliveiance.

:>#;?>:: Nan's chief enu is to gloiify uou, anu to enjoy him foievei.


EX0B0S S:1S-14
!"#$ &'(#( ()*+ 1' <'+, -.$+##+, /"#$ . ='># 1' 1"# ="*0+3#$ '? .(3)#0 )$+
()5 1' 1"#>, O!"# <'+ '? 5'23 ?)1"#3( ")( (#$1 ># 1' 5'2,P )$+ 1"#5 ()5 1'
>#, OE")1 *( B*( $)>#MP /")1 (")00 . ()5 1' 1"#>M8 A$+ <'+ ()*+ 1' &'(#(,
-. A& EBQ . A&78 A$+ B# ()*+, -!"2( 5'2 (")00 ()5 1' 1"# ="*0+3#$ '? .(3)#0,
O. A& ")( (#$1 ># 1' 5'27P8
Nany of us aie iegulaily on the Inteinet anu one of the most familiai
names on the Inteinet is uoogle. uoogle is the most useu seaich engine
on the web touay. Bave you evei thought about what uoogle means.
Actually, the teim "uoogle" is a noun that became a veib.

You have most likely heaiu people saying "I uoogleu it." So uoogle is a
veib. But what about "uoogle is one of the most populai seaich engines
on the Inteinet". uoogle is also a noun. Actually, uoogle is now useu as
both a noun anu a veib.

uou's name is also a veibI AN. The veib tense heie is impeifect anu
coulu be tianslateu "I Am who was, who is, anu who will continue to be."
uou is completely anu totally eveiything that Be coulu possibly be. In
fact, this means that Be also has no potential to be anything othei than
what Be is.

When it is saiu that a peison has "no potential" it is geneially not a
positive statement anu usually points to an inability to giow to a highei
level. Bowevei, in uou's case, theie is no potential because he alieauy is
actually at the highest level possible. Theiefoie, uou having "no
potential" is actually positive because it affiims Bis total completeness
anu lack of neeu (anu ability) foi any giowth oi change. I AN.

:>#;?>:: uou IS life. we BAvE life because Be gives it to us.


EX0B0S 4:1-2
!"#$ &'(#( )$(/#3#+ )$+ ()*+, -J21 (2DD'(# 1"#5 /*00 $'1 6#0*#G# ># '3
0*(1#$ 1' >5 G'*=#H (2DD'(# 1"#5 ()5, O!"# :'3+ ")( $'1 )DD#)3#+ 1'
5'27P8 9' 1"# :'3+ ()*+ 1' "*>, -E")1 *( 1")1 *$ 5'23 ")$+M8 B# ()*+, -A

A tiue event happeneu a numbei of yeais ago. An aiiplane took off by
itself. Somehow it hau been left in geai, anu it just taxieu uown the
iunway anu took off. It's a tiue stoiy. It went ninety miles, anu then
ciasheu. It took off on its own, flew foi ninety miles, anu then something
happeneu. Without uou you can take off foi a while. Without uou you
can go high foi a while.
Without uou you can get youi own name foi a while oi you can builu
something that's gieat foi a while. But theie is coming a time when
you'ie going to iun out of fuel. When you iun out of fuel, that lanuing is
going to be haiu. So befoie you take off, make suie uou is in chaige.
Befoie you take off, make suie uou is calling the shots. Befoie you take
off, make suie you have submitteu to uou, so that when you take off, you
keep flying, anu uon't ciash-lanu.

uou hau Noses thiow uown his iou anu then pick it back up. When
Noses fiist helu his iou, it was his. When Noses pickeu the iou up, it was
uou's iou. uou wanteu Noses to get staiteu the iight way. with uou.

->&AA<$?<: Bolu on loosely anu leave ioom foi uou to move you.

"IT'S N0T AB00T Y00"

EX0B0S 4:1u-11
!"#$ &'(#( ()*+ 1' 1"# :'3+, -Q >5 :'3+, . )> $'1 #0'R2#$1, $#*1"#3 6#?'3#
$'3 (*$=# S'2 ")G# (D';#$ 1' S'23 (#3G)$1H 621 . )> (0'/ '? (D##=" )$+
(0'/ '? 1'$42#78 9' 1"# :'3+ ()*+ 1' "*>, -E"' ")( >)+# >)$P( >'21"M Q3
/"' >);#( 1"# >21#, 1"# +#)?, 1"# (##*$4, '3 1"# 60*$+M B)G# $'1 ., 1"#
:'3+M T'/ 1"#3#?'3#, 4', )$+ . /*00 6# /*1" 5'23 >'21" )$+ 1#)=" 5'2
/")1 5'2 (")00 ()578

Bi. Tom Constable says the following about these veises.

"Rathei than inspiiing confiuence in Noses uou's commission fiighteneu
him (vv. 1u-12). Noses' claim to be slow of speech (not hanuicappeu,
but lacking in eloquence) was a thinly veileu excuse by which Noses
hopeu to escape his calling. Stephen saiu Noses was eloquent (Acts
7:22). Appaiently Noses felt he uiu not have sufficient oiatoiical ability
to peisuaue the Isiaelite elueis oi Phaiaoh. uou assuieu Noses that Be
woulu enable Bim to communicate effectively. Again uou ieminueu
Noses that Be was the cieatoi."

:>#;?>:: uou uoesn't call the equippeu. Be equips the calleu.

Content foi this publication was collecteu fiom vaiious iesouices.
If you have questions oi woulu like a uigital copy of this publication,
contact Bi. Stephen Cutchins at cutchinsSfbchnc.oig

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