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Instituto Profesional Los

Leones Carrera de
Psicopedagoga Escuela de
Asignatura: Intervencin de la Lectoescritura I
Docente: Rodrigo Campos Ugalde.


CONDEMARN MABEL: Integracin de dos
modelos en el desarrollo del lenguaje
oral y escrito, Lectura y Vida, Diciembre de
1991, pp. 13-2

The proposed development of oral and written language that is described in this
paper, is inserted into the program to improve the quality of basic schools in poor
areas being implemented by the Ministry of Education of Chile from
1990 ( Garca- Huidobro , 1990). The program affects 222,491 children from 1385
primary schools in the country, representing approximately 15.1 % of total free
basic schools located in rural areas and extreme urban poverty in each of the

Basic Approaches :

The basic approach of the proposed development of oral and written language are:

I. Stimulation and oral language development :
The main proposals of the stimulation program and development of oral language
and its translation into educational activities relate to:

1. Meaning and recovery of the mother tongue and cultural identity of students .
The acquisition of the mother tongue simultaneously means the child's enrollment
in a cultural environment that shapes their thoughts, perception and
understanding of the world .
The native language, ie the language spoken by their parents and community,
is the natural means of expression for children . Just for being mother has for him a
high emotional value. Since it is integrated with their culture and their community ,
it is the process that allows you to capture and understand the world as through
her records and encodes cultural experience . Children learn through their mother
tongue to think, to plan and solve problems , express their emotions and fantasies ,
to receive and give instructions and rules , to internalize the values of their
community, to learn about its history and appropriate scientific knowledge .
Thus , educators need to know and value the native language and cultural
background of their students to ensure that they develop self-esteem and positive
self-concept and access the remaining school learning and the learned world. This
approach is particularly relevant in the case of children of popular sectors as they
generally face a
discontinuity between the culture (language) of their environment.

1 Condemarn , Mabel : " integration of two models in the development of oral and
written language " , Reading and Life , December 1991.

This position is expressed through the following educational activities mediated by
the teacher :
focuses not on his person speaking but listening with interest , questions ,
explanations, requests and other communication spontaneous instances of their
Listen spontaneous reports of their students without interrupting and / or
correct to speak of normative references .
Talk with students naturally and allows free conversation among peers. During
this conversational space within the classroom , students have personal

experiences or those of your group , tell news, movies discussed , ask for advice ,
etc. .
Models and encourages the telling of anecdotes for his human character,
light and brief facilitate communication .
Model the news narration by expressions like . " Knew what happened ..." " Today
I read in the newspaper ..." "I heard on the radio ... " that encourages students they
also have news and express opinions .

Moreover, the appreciation of the cultural identity of students results in
communicative experiences that allow exploration by the children of his
community and its historical past, through actions such as:
Invite students to conduct personal interviews , you know the past
community .
The place famous encourages community or famous or born in her characters .
You can be a singer, a hero, a writer, a saint, a craftsman, a sportsman, etc. .
Promote the collection of traditions that have been maintained or
lost in the community, for example, the walk around a plaza in the evenings
holidays, ceremonies, celebrations or parties santorales , typical recipes ,
traditional games, etc. .
Organize visits to interesting places in the town asking students to look with
different eyes what you probably already know .
Stimulate the development and implementation of projects that allow children to
learn and benefit from their cultural environment, such as: decontaminate the
plaza, care for trees , etc. .

Two . Enrichment of the mother tongue .

Taking as its starting point a consensual principle of pedagogical literature , "
accessed the new languages from the already known " . It is intended that the
teacher , in addition to respect and encourage the expression of the native
language and cultural identity of their poor students , take an active role in
promoting cultural , mediated through language .
This promotion should lead to a progressive students gain mastery of different
forms of language, including the standard language by which access to literature ,
scientific terminology and the cultural heritage of the society in general is
mediated .

The mother tongue of children naturally enriched in situations of daily life. When
these situations are repetitive or poor , enrichment is lower. The school can
become a place that facilitates through real or structured , innovative and always
full of meaning situations , performance and awareness of the students of different
styles and / or linguistic registers flexible and tailored to their context situational.

The expansion of the language of the students by the teacher, but overlaps with the
activities proposed for the development of the mother tongue , especially differs in
that the teacher or structure causes different communicative situations. These are
some of the actions to :
Stimulates imitation and role play , for example, asks students to imagine that
their little dog has gotten into the house next door and imitate the language they

would use given to the receiver. Also invited to imitate ways of speaking in
different circumstances as a sports announcer , radio or television host , the doctor
in his office , the teacher ( a) teaching a class , etc. . These imitations or plays also
facilitate awareness of the importance of social skills and their close relationship
with language.
Form groups for games dialogues with issues related to their interests . The
group invented a little story and roles are distributed , characterizing each of the
characters in relation to age, gender , personality , cultural context, etc. .
It stimulates the activities of " show and tell " in which students have the
task to select and classroom take an object , an animal or a plant that interests
them and explain to their peers their characteristics, functions with other things or
beings. Support students in the preparation of this formal and narrative
communication through explanations or borrow books .
Ask questions that encourage students to develop, clarify or better qualify their
answers or their approaches , especially when communications are vague ,
inaccurate , exaggerated or overgeneralized . The teacher can say, " Can you give
me an example of what you're saying? " ( Clarification ), " Do you really think we all
really are or behave like that? " (Mark ) ; " I could give more explanations or more
details to better understand your idea? " (Development ) . Questioning by the
teacher also serves as a model for students to formulate their own.
Create situations for "whirlwind of ideas " related topics of interest to stimulate
creative or divergent thinking , for example, make a poster , invent an advertising
slogan , draw a mural, to advertise to bazaars . It raises standards such as:
- "Everyone says all the ideas that go through your head without subjecting to
censure , not expect them to be wonderful or reasonable. "
- "Nobody criticizes those ideas for others. "
- " It decides which set or what the most original , witty or appropriate ideas are . "
Encourages students to develop different mental operations related to problem
solving , guided through the following steps :
- Define the problem .
- Generate possible solutions ( vortices ideas).
- Evaluate the different outputs or proposed solutions .
- Decide which solution is best .
- Decide how to implement the solution found .
Problems can arise in daily living or problematic situations in the community. They
can also be problems such as to eradicate a pest, cooperate in environmental
decontamination , avoid violent behavior , solving a problem of everyday life, etc. .
Invite students to discuss a topic in an organized, forum type . the
activity is facilitated if the teacher first presents an overview of the problem

or discuss the significance of the topic, for example: " the buses are a source of
employment for many people, but pollute the air." Then encourages everyone to
participate ( " What do you think , Paul, what says Rosario? ") To make their case ,
give opinions and defend their arguments or points of view . Try to keep the focus
of the topic, wisely plays the impulsive and encouraged to reach conclusions.
Transforms the previous activity in a discussion during which two students or
two groups are prepared and previously documented to defend their views with
convincing arguments. Discussions may also have a jury hear the reasons and issue
a final verdict.

Facilitates performing skits from readings or read stories
created by the students , emphasizing awareness of the need for consistency
between the situations , the characters and the way they express themselves.
Select a text containing dialogues that can take the form of dramatic reading . A
narrator and a reader is designated for each of the characters speak in the text is
assigned. The activity can be complemented with a setting and / or
characterization . Players must try hard parts so that when they do read with
fluency and intonation .
Stimulates performing monologues performed on the basis of oral instructions or
from memorizing a text. A stimulus may be identifying with a character or a special
situation : a child who first traveled to a nearby town , someone who has seen a
UFO , a coach encouraging his team before a big game , a character of the locality or
national history , etc. .
Stimulates creative drama, which consist of taking as stimulus mount a flight of
fantasy, an anecdote , observation of certain facts or phenomena representation.
The creative dramatizations are not part of a written text, but an idea of action
which may be expressed orally through a written scheme or pattern . They also
allow improvisation and are an excellent excuse for students to unleash their
Create situations that require conducting interviews . Interviews as described
under the heading of development of cultural heritage constitute a journalistic
activity that allows students to make a conversation with a person to learn about
her or the situation or institution it represents. The interview should be conducted
with a clear purpose : to be published on the bulletin board as part of a project to
make a report, etc. .

II . Learning and development of reading and writing .

Reading is a privileged mode of language enrichment , cognitive and emotional
skills of children is especially relevant in the case of students belonging to sectors
with low achievement cadenced . Moreover, writing is another form of language
whose domain activates mental functions described above for reading , increase
awareness of the characteristics of written language (metacognition ) , increase
reading comprehension , expressing personal creativity , retain and retrieve
content of courses of study.
The preparation of the proposal in relation to the learning and development of
reading and writing primarily intended to give teachers access to the theoretical /
practical knowledge accumulated in the field of written language. Starting off, if the
valuation of their pedagogical order that new learning can be anchored in a
structure of existing knowledge

( Ausubel , 1973; Gagn ) and having in mind the principle that " access to new best
practices only through recovery and significance of old ."
This theoretical / practical knowledge accumulated has its seeds in different
sources to establish an approach that integrates the contributions from different
disciplines to the field of learning and development of written language. It is an
integrative proposal of plural and multiple, not eclectic character , as appropriate
structuring of all that is proposed is maintained.

Two models are the main sources : the holistic model and model skills.
In this proposal, the term designates a structural model design applied to the
reading process is not a method , but a vision that would provide more insights
about reading and their traditional and current practices.

1. The holistic model.

Under the concept of holistic model of psycholinguistics contributions are included
sociolinguistics , discourse theory and theories comprehensive .
The contribution of psycholinguistics ( whose researchers stand Frank Smith,
1976, Kenneth and Yetta Goodman ( 1981, 1986 ), among others , is mainly
characterized by the following:
Consider the learning of reading as a process carried out on the basis of linguistic
competence . As to listening, speaking or writing, the process of reading and
become part of the language they share with the common and fundamental
characteristic of communication of meaning .

It assumes that the reader is an active construction of meaning in the text being.
His knowledge of the language would help you grasp the meaning directly through
the use of linguistic cues given in the text. These keys would be especially semantic
, syntactic , and morphophonemic lexicomorfmicas . The reader available keys
integrate text and supplemented by input from their experience. Redundancy in
the text facilitate reading fluency .
The reader confronts text, also apply other strategies especially sampling
prediction and self-correction confirmation of meaning. Metalinguistic awareness
about the ability to work as a language object language works , most would
facilitate the acquisition of psycholinguistic strategies the reader.
Estimated that children are competent users of oral language. This competence be
a primary resource for learning that reading is constructing meaning and that
writing is producing a meaningful message.
It postulates that the child is able to abstract the rules of operation
oral language by virtue of being immersed in it . Similarly , estimates that thanks to
early and intensive in written language " immersion" is provided to the child's
discovery of the rules that govern it , starting from the premise that the human
brain especially in the first five years , has a rich potential for extracting laws (
regularize ) the emerging information (Smith , 1971 ,
1976) .
The contribution of psycholinguistics results in the following to the teacher in
relation to the teaching / learning of reading :
- To provide students with an environment in the classroom that allows them a
written language immersion through labels , signs,

notices, bulletin board , calendar, written language learning games , records of
experience, classroom library , etc. .
- Provide students many experiences listening to stories told , read or recorded on
which they go along the lines visually but not read in conjunction with the
embodiment of shared experiences about books ( Holdaway , 1979).
- Encourage children to read "predictable readings " ( Condemarn , 1990)

know not decode . These readings are called predictable because children
anticipate what the author will say next and how how you will say. Professor Just
read a few pages and even lines , children call out , recite or sing the following
content . Because the text is printed on the basis of their oral culture and because
they use repetitive speech patterns or sequences or presenting successive or
cumulative facts.
- To stimulate awareness of the readers (metacognition ) of their contributions to
the text. For example , you provide texts to be read which systematically omit
words and are replaced by a line of constant length in order that the reader fill in
the omissions on the basis of their experience with language (procedure " cloze ").
The contribution of sociolinguistics is characterized by the following:
Stresses the importance of studying cognitive processing in the light of
environmental and linguistic context in which it occurs . Argues that children learn
language forms through its functional use .

All expressions of early language development is interpreted as the progressive
mastery of the child of a " functional potential " (Halliday , 1975). If the
development of reading and writing are seen as natural extensions of oral
language development in the context of development functions , the functional
potential will be achieved through exposure to natural and continuous use of
expressions of language expressions.
Believes that participation plays a key role ( Atwell , 1983). This refers to the
relation of text to context and involves choices linked to the message, the medium
and the receiver. The first choice in any communication is to determine whether
individuals participate in it. if users opt out of language , communication will not
occur . If , however , decide to participate , they will take a number of decisions that
affect their field , tenor and mode ( Harste , 1980 Harste and others, 1984).
Communications also take pragmatic decisions related to the environment will
entail the message. The representational form of language, either through reading ,
writing, speaking or listening , constitute only the user's response to the
situational context in which the language occurs .
It argues that , in addition to the acquisition by children of the rules
language , they learn other rules regarding the appropriate time to speak or to
remain silent , the use of key linguistic ( prosodic and / or gestural ) and the type
of linguistic code to use according to the requirements of the situational context.
Some examples of actions related to learning and development
reading and writing , based on the contributions of sociolinguistics are:
- Encourage children to read the world , naturally questioning the texts within
reach , in order to obtain their meaning ( Jolibert , 1991). These texts are of
different nature such as street signs , advertisements , notices, street ads, titles

books or headlines of newspapers and magazines , packaging labels and many
others. Children perform this purpose reading walks in your neighborhood or
school and increase their counsel in the classroom with the use of functional
printed texts that exist in your world environment .
- Promote reading records of experiences, ie texts dictated or written by the
teacher where it is printed in the experiences of children in different situational

- Make explicit to children in order to read and present therefore texts that meet
diverse needs and functions: read , letters , invitations , greetings ( interactive
feature ) : information search ( heuristic function ); reading game rules or
standards and instruction ( instructional function ), reading for pleasure reading (
recreational function , etc.).
- Apply the methodology of projects at the level of the classroom for their
importance in establishing contracts and correspondence with real needs and
shared purposes .
The contribution of discourse theory and comprehensive theories has the
following characteristics :
Both have in common with the psycholinguistic model the emphasis on the
importance of knowledge of language to the production of written text. The
difference lies in that comprehensive theories of discourse and highlight the
importance of replacing the sentence grammars grammars Support and recognize
the role of pragmatics to understand both.

The comprehensive theories about reading are concerned basically how readers
understand and remember the texts. To better understand the contribution of the
reader to the text , have revived the term scheme used in the past by Dewey (
1987) , Bartlett ( 1932 ) and Piaget , to apply to the structured organization which
exercises the reader interacts with the text as he .
Language models based on discourse theory derived primarily from literary theory
, rhetoric and stylistics (Brewer , 1980) and text grammars (Grimes , 1980; Van
Dijk, 1973 ), and comprehensive models of the cognitive and fields of memory,
intellectual reasoning , schema theory and psychology text grammars .
Native speakers of a language would be able to process , produce, receive and
interpret texts and speeches unified in their significant relationships and not
merely as a sequence of sentences ( Grimes. 1968 , Halliday and Hasan,
1976, Van Dijk , 1973).
In general , the structures and characteristics of print text provide a potential (
Harste , Woodward and Burke , 1984). By reading the user turn that potential into
an actual instance creating meaningful networks should be inferred from printed
keys, but that would not be explicit in them.
Both language learning as the structure would have on
common task of abstracting the underlying structures of a variety of discourses ,
sort in memory and use to support comprehension of spoken and written
discourse and production significadota either spoken or written texts .
A major scheme to construct or reconstruct the meaning would
constituted by the knowledge possessed by the reader of the text structure . The
textual structure ( either a story , fable, story , letter, etc. . ) Influence the
comprehension and recall of information read. Also contribute to the creation of
new texts , whether oral or written.
The main pedagogical actions from the contributions of the theory of
discourse and comprehensive theories relate to:

- To introduce children texts with clearly defined structures, avoiding the non-
significant reading isolated words or sentences and meaningless for them.
- Emphasize the importance of knowledge of the structure of the text by the reader
in the construction or reconstruction of the text you are reading .

- Observe the influence of various properties of the text on
reader's understanding and remembering information about different types of
- Provide various experiences of children reading and writing in order to
familiarize them with different structures that define different types of speeches
and grasp the meaning of adventures , fables, folktales , letters , recipes ,
instructions, etc. . This enables them to actively predict and remember different
types of discourse as readers or writers . It also encourages them to express
themselves orally and in writing on the basis of various types of structures and
contents of the speeches they have learned.
- Stimulate communicative writing texts such as greetings
birthday cards , letters , acknowledgments, etc. .
- Create instances of creative writing by students , for example :
anecdotes, jokes , riddles , stories, poems and more.
- Stimulate microperiodismo through writing news , features, interviews, comic
strips, training bulletin board , etc. .
- Encourage readers to make active use of prior knowledge ( cognitive schemas )
before, during and after reading to support direct understanding of the text and
the various functions of inference.

The contributions of science described , included under the name have a powerful
holistic model based explanations of genetic psychology regarding discipline that
studies the mechanisms and processes through which it passes "from states to
states less knowledge more advanced knowledge " in the course of individual
development (Piaget,
1979) . Notably Piaget 's emphasis on the interactive nature of the roles played by
the subject and object of knowledge in the process , noting that objectivity is not an
immediate data but requires a development work by the subject , knowledge to be
the result of an interaction between the subject and the object will be essentially a

Two . The model skills.

The contribution of the model skills traditionally used by teachers to teach
decoding and the authors of " primers " and word of teaching reading is based
especially in behavioral psychology , which although globally surpassed , has made
some contributions traditional that may be useful . In any case the use of these
inputs involves adhering to behaviorism or ignore their mistakes and limitations.
This model considers the reading unit as a complex skill , comprising a series of
sub-skills that can be clearly identified and sequenced . These skills and sub-skills
must be learned sequentially through direct and systematic instruction of the
teacher , who takes a leadership role in the learning process of their students.
Some of its main requirements state that :

- It is necessary to give a profound statement , break down language and text in a
series of subskills defined by their specific content.
- The sub-skills of reading and language should be directly observable and
measurable in order to check which have been learned.

- An analysis of task skills can be ordered in learning sequences through which all
students must pass in order to progress from simple to more complex skills .
- Accuracy and automaticity of student responses against units of language , show
the extent to which a skill has been learned , as well as a readiness to move
towards a more complex learning subskill .
- Learning subskills leads gradually toward levels more
high performance unit complex subskills involved in listening, speaking , reading
and writing .

All expressions of early language development is interpreted as the progressive
mastery of the child of a " functional potential " (Halliday , 1975). If the
development of reading and writing are seen as natural extensions of oral
language development in the context of development functions , the functional
potential will be achieved through exposure to natural and continuous use of
expressions of language expressions.
Believes that participation plays a key role ( Atwell , 1983). This refers to the
relation of text to context and involves choices linked to the message, the medium
and the receiver. The first choice in any communication is to determine whether
individuals participate in it. if users opt out of language , communication will not
occur . If , however , decide to participate , they will take a number of decisions that
affect their field , tenor and mode ( Harste , 1980 Harste and others, 1984).
Communications also take pragmatic decisions related to the environment will
entail the message. The representational form of language, either through reading ,
writing, speaking or listening , constitute only the user's response to the
situational context in which the language occurs .
It argues that , in addition to the acquisition by children of the rules
language , they learn other rules regarding the appropriate time to speak or to
remain silent , the use of key linguistic ( prosodic and / or gestural ) and the type
of linguistic code to use according to the requirements of the situational context.
Some examples of actions related to learning and development
reading and writing , based on the contributions of sociolinguistics are:
- Encourage children to read the world , naturally questioning the texts within
reach , in order to obtain their meaning ( Jolibert , 1991). These texts are of
different nature such as street signs , advertisements , notices, street ads, titles

books or headlines of newspapers and magazines , packaging labels and many
others. Children perform this purpose reading walks in your neighborhood or
school and increase their counsel in the classroom with the use of functional
printed texts that exist in your world environment .
- Promote reading records of experiences, ie texts dictated or written by the
teacher where it is printed in the experiences of children in different situational
- Make explicit to children in order to read and present therefore texts that meet
diverse needs and functions: read , letters , invitations , greetings ( interactive
feature ) : information search ( heuristic function ); reading game rules or
standards and instruction ( instructional function ), reading for pleasure reading (
recreational function , etc.).
- Apply the methodology of projects at the level of the classroom for their

importance in establishing contracts and correspondence with real needs and
shared purposes .
The contribution of discourse theory and comprehensive theories has the
following characteristics :
Both have in common with the psycholinguistic model the emphasis on the
importance of knowledge of language to the production of written text. The
difference lies in that comprehensive theories of discourse and highlight the
importance of replacing the sentence grammars grammars Support and recognize
the role of pragmatics to understand both.

The comprehensive theories about reading are concerned basically how readers
understand and remember the texts. To better understand the contribution of the
reader to the text , have revived the term scheme used in the past by Dewey (
1987) , Bartlett ( 1932 ) and Piaget , to apply to the structured organization which
exercises the reader interacts with the text as he .
Language models based on discourse theory derived primarily from literary theory
, rhetoric and stylistics (Brewer , 1980) and text grammars (Grimes , 1980; Van
Dijk, 1973 ), and comprehensive models of the cognitive and fields of memory,
intellectual reasoning , schema theory and psychology text grammars .
Native speakers of a language would be able to process , produce, receive and
interpret texts and speeches unified in their significant relationships and not
merely as a sequence of sentences ( Grimes. 1968 , Halliday and Hasan,
1976, Van Dijk , 1973).
In general , the structures and characteristics of print text provide a potential (
Harste , Woodward and Burke , 1984). By reading the user turn that potential into
an actual instance creating meaningful networks should be inferred from printed
keys, but that would not be explicit in them.
Both language learning as the structure would have on
common task of abstracting the underlying structures of a variety of discourses ,
sort in memory and use to support comprehension of spoken and written
discourse and production significadota either spoken or written texts .
A major scheme to construct or reconstruct the meaning would
constituted by the knowledge possessed by the reader of the text structure . The
textual structure ( either a story , fable, story , letter, etc. . ) Influence the
comprehension and recall of information read. Also contribute to the creation of
new texts , whether oral or written.
The main pedagogical actions from the contributions of the theory of
discourse and comprehensive theories relate to:

- To introduce children texts with clearly defined structures, avoiding the non-
significant reading isolated words or sentences and meaningless for them.
- Emphasize the importance of knowledge of the structure of the text by the reader
in the construction or reconstruction of the text you are reading .
- Observe the influence of various properties of the text on
reader's understanding and remembering information about different types of
- Provide various experiences of children reading and writing in order to
familiarize them with different structures that define different types of speeches
and grasp the meaning of adventures , fables, folktales , letters , recipes ,

instructions, etc. . This enables them to actively predict and remember different
types of discourse as readers or writers . It also encourages them to express
themselves orally and in writing on the basis of various types of structures and
contents of the speeches they have learned.
- Stimulate communicative writing texts such as greetings
birthday cards , letters , acknowledgments, etc. .
- Create instances of creative writing by students , for example :
anecdotes, jokes , riddles , stories, poems and more.
- Stimulate microperiodismo through writing news , features, interviews, comic
strips, training bulletin board , etc. .
- Encourage readers to make active use of prior knowledge ( cognitive schemas )
before, during and after reading to support direct understanding of the text and
the various functions of inference.

The contributions of science described , included under the name have a powerful
holistic model based explanations of genetic psychology regarding discipline that
studies the mechanisms and processes through which it passes "from states to
states less knowledge more advanced knowledge " in the course of individual
development (Piaget,
1979) . Notably Piaget 's emphasis on the interactive nature of the roles played by
the subject and object of knowledge in the process , noting that objectivity is not an
immediate data but requires a development work by the subject , knowledge to be
the result of an interaction between the subject and the object will be essentially a

Two . The model skills.

The contribution of the model skills traditionally used by teachers to teach
decoding and the authors of " primers " and word of teaching reading is based
especially in behavioral psychology , which although globally surpassed , has made
some contributions traditional that may be useful . In any case the use of these
inputs involves adhering to behaviorism or ignore their mistakes and limitations.
This model considers the reading unit as a complex skill , comprising a series of
sub-skills that can be clearly identified and sequenced . These skills and sub-skills
must be learned sequentially through direct and systematic instruction of the
teacher , who takes a leadership role in the learning process of their students.
Some of its main requirements state that :

- It is necessary to give a profound statement , break down language and text in a
series of subskills defined by their specific content.
- The sub-skills of reading and language should be directly observable and
measurable in order to check which have been learned.
- An analysis of task skills can be ordered in learning sequences through which all
students must pass in order to progress from simple to more complex skills .
- Accuracy and automaticity of student responses against units of language , show
the extent to which a skill has been learned , as well as a readiness to move
towards a more complex learning subskill .
- Learning subskills leads gradually toward levels more

high performance unit complex subskills involved in listening, speaking , reading
and writing .
- The acquisition of meaning is the Terminal performance read and write.

Typical actions suggested to the teacher, from the model of skills are:
- Encourage the formation of a visual vocabulary ( words recognized by children at
first sight) through the display of posters with keywords.
- Stimulate learning the alphabet letters and their sequence.
- Develop awareness of elements of written language such as words , rhymes ,
syllables, phonemes, phoneme association / grapheme , phoneme sequences and
combinations of sounds together.
- Develop structural analysis , suffixes , prefixes , plurals , words
composed .
- Develop specific skills and formal writing skills by:
Systematically calligraphic - Teaching model to better readability of the written
submissions of the students.
- Encourage the establishment of an orthographic awareness .
- Encourage the domain of grammatical structures ( syntax)
increasingly complex .


It is likely that many call them the attention they recommended as effective and
appropriate for classroom practices are based on two models: the holistic skills
and seemingly antagonistic in the current literature .
The answer is that both models do not have to be antagonistic , but
to be integrated for the following reasons :
1. an exclusive and rigid application of the model skills , tends to fragment the
reading and writing into separate units , regardless of the child 's linguistic
resources and texts available in their environment. This view shows the following
dangers for teachers :
! Have the impression that their primary function is to teach the
abilities and skills of reading and writing that appear in commercial texts.
! That emphasize too much the teaching of reading and writing in the
initial level without mediate immersion for children in written language .

! Not emphasize the functional character of written language and how the use of
different types of speech.
! Not using productive learning strategies as those described in the holistic model .
! Not taking into account that the level of intellectual competence of children at a
given point in its development depends on the nature and number of their
schemes , and the way how they combine and coordinate with each other.
Two . Moreover, the exclusive application of the holistic model , tends to be limited,
especially in the initial stage of learning to read and write, if you exclude strategies
typical model of skills, for example :
! Research data confirm that early and intense
phonics instruction results in better overall reading performance achievement (
Chall , 1976 , Groff , 1986).

! The phonological analysis , intended to guide the child within the system of
speech sounds through capturing the differential functions of words , rhyme ,
alliteration, syllables , phonemes , sequences within the word combination etc. .
favors breaking the code and facilitates awareness (metacognition ) by the child of
the constituent elements of written language and its functioning .
! These facts established by the investigation favor the better linguistic
performance and form the basis for the child to automate reading competence
necessary to apply the rich array of resources recommended by the holistic model .

The reaction against the behavioral models with their emphasis on the atomistic
teaching , ie , isolated from the skills of reading, is explicable , as is also explained
the fascination contributions of holistic models, however , we must avoid the
pendulum too lean in one direction , forgetting the importance of direct instruction
given by the teacher.
Every teacher knows that often is not enough to put the student in contact with the
object of knowledge and create the conditions for you to explore. Most contents
worked in elementary school , especially from the time such contents relate to
knowledge objects symbolic in nature , have a level of complexity such that it is
very difficult to assimilate without a type of aid much more direct and focused . "
School education , like all education , is essentially a social practice whose tasks
prominently transmission of historically and culturally constructed knowledge
organized place" ( Coll , 1990, 1991 ) and may be risky to extrapolate the natural
tendency to equilibration that characterizes the construction of the cognitive
construction of certain specific learning , for example structures : the mastery of
written language. The need to create opportunities for direct instruction or
students have strong support in the mediated learning experience ( MLE ) of
Reuven Feuerstein ( in Sharron , 1986). For this researcher , with marked
similarities to Vygotsky (1977 ) early early 30's , the development of cognitive
structures in the body is the product of two modes of interaction between the
organism and the environment : direct exposure to stimuli and the mediated
By E.A.M. understand how environmental stimuli are transformed by a generally
parents , teacher , siblings and / mediator agent or those close to the child. This
knowledge oriented mediator, his

affective , cultural membership , selects and organizes the stimuli around them :
they are framed , filter and label changes the random order of the appearance of
certain of certain stimuli for an orderly succession . The mediator enrich the
interaction between the child and the environment with ingredients that do not
belong to the immediate situation but the world of meanings and intentions
derived from generations of attitudes , values, goals and culturally transmitted
The child acquires thus patterns and strategies for learning and using learning
which become important ingredients in their ability to be modified by direct
exposure to stimuli.
Direct exposure to learning as it affects schemes
corresponding to the basic needs of the body , it is certainly a powerful
determinant of development. However, we can not consider that direct exposure to
learning the source of development of higher mental processes or generating

parameters ethical development or learning of specific cultural content . Hence,
direct exposure rates learning can not explain differential cognitive development.
This approach has particular implications for cognitive / emotional development
of children belonging to the disadvantaged sectors , whose genetic heritage and
maturational process are similar to the general population but who need learning
experiences mediated to benefit , ie , to be modified by direct exposure to the
stimulus and thus to integrate the culture within which to learn, work and live .
In summary , the proposed development of oral language and writing from
improving the quality of basic schools in poor areas in Chile , is an open proposal in
which all specialists, supervisors and teachers are learning together in an action
that we leads to reflection in order to attract new shares.
Through a time considered the application, we can see that teachers belonging to
the program are using new language to refer to the teaching / learning of written
language and applying their traditional strategies for skill development of reading
skills and writing they deem necessary to improve the quality of learning : using
selective stepwise or syllabary or read or write text they like, generating words ,
teaching calligraphy , etc. . Simultaneously, expressions such as arise : " I made
with my children walk for reading ", " this material is used for my legal classroom"
, " the kids loved that predictable reading ...", "they questioned that sign ", "
dedicated the late creative writing "," when I forget , my students forced me to
make the period of sustained silent reading " etc. .
Schools also samples appear fresh start : classroom library ,
daily functional murals notices, communications, greetings , recipes , poems, etc. .
signs with songs ode or guessing games , etc. .
Teachers are concerned about the spelling , but have found that students learn and
retain the best when they know their letters will be read by their peers or their
parents . So the integration of models is occurring there ... in the classroom.

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