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CALL !\o 9 5 Y. Q 2/ Dow.



, BY ITS ill TORL\.NS.
'1' H E ) ! U ILUDL \ D...\. X PER I 0 D.
Tm; POS'rHml OUS l'Al'EilS
01 Tlta L.U'I
F.I>ITZD .\Sil 00:\TI:.'t' ED
JOIT..'i lilt . ..\.S.,
Cf5 4 02. VOL. V
t:.le/ Drrw-

.l.SD CO., 57 u-1> 69, L UDO .\ TE lULL.
[.fU n,tu ,_....,_)
CJ ~ ~ " l " t Clf'.._
.Ll.BR. ', I i.Ull,
Aoc No l't(lll/1 '""'"'
Date 1:-:.(i/. { "'"'""
Call No ..... q..rl, .. A. . ~ J . 4 - . 4

ELETEli years hnve elnpsed since tho materials o l l e o t ~ d
by Sir II. M. Elliot for this work were first t>laood in
my bnuds for revision nud publientiou. In bulk tho
pnpers seemed sufficient and more tbon sufficient for
"" tho projected work, and it was thought tbot an Editor
would have little to do beyond eclocting e:-dracts for
publication nnd re\'ising tho pro.'\(!. With this oolief I
undt>?took the work, nnd it wns nrmounced as prepnring
for publication under my core. '\','hen the papers eume
into my possession, and the work of selection was entoretl
upon, I IJOOn found that tho MSS., so fnr from being
supembundnnt, were very dofieiont, nod tbot fer some
of tho most important rcigns, u those of Akbar ond
..luranszcb, no pro,-ision hnd hero made. The work
had been long advertised, nnd hnd received the support
of tho Secretary of State for India, not as n series of
Selections from the Pnplln! of Sir II. l\L Elliot, but
ns a continuous "History of Indin as told by its o11n
Ilistorinns." I hnd thus uuwittiogly undertaken tho
editing of a complete IIistory out of very incompleto
and disjointed mnterinls. So I had to determine
whether to make the best of tho m11tter provided, or to
fill up the blanks ond finish the work by my own un
assisted labour. Tind this prospect been presented to
me ot the first, I should probably hnvo shrunk from
undertaking tho task; for I should not only hove dis
tnteted my ability, but ho1e felt that the time and
lobour required wore grcnter than I could bestow. Dut
I bad put my hand to tho plough, nnd had promised
the publication of a complete bhltory ; so I re10lved
that it should bo as perfect as my labour and ability
could make it. Happily I have hod the leisure and
lul\'e been blc;;scd with health to fini.W my undt'rtnking;
but although I rojoico over tho conclusion, I port with
regret from a work whioh has occupied my cou.stant
thought ond for so many yenrd.
I am conscious that there must be many impcrfi!Ctiuns
and errors in tho eight volumes. The voluminous uxh:nt
of tho work would not allow of dolibernto study, for tho
utmost span of lifo I could hope for would not hove
for anything like full and oorllful study of every
MS. I hove bod to examine. Living fu.r away from
great librari<'8, I hove bod ncceiiS to few books IJ<>youd
my o\1'n limited oolleotion, nnd I ha vo seldom enjoyed
tho advantage of taking co1111sel with others upon doubt-
ful passages ond obseuro allusions. Tho completion of
the work hllll been my grand uim ; and to achieve
cud, I have often on when I would buvo preferred
to wait ond consider-to inquire for othllr copies of
ond to examine ond comp:tre tho statements of
other writent. Nearly, if not quite balf of the matter
contained in tho whole eight volumes, has been supplied
by my O\Vn pen, nnd a large portion of the othor hulf
hns requirW extensi >e revision. Besides nil this, and the
su pcrintcndence of the press, there hilS been tho long
anti weari!!Ome labour of going through many rodious
and length)' MSS., as ''ell as crabbed tmru!h-
in !Mlaroh or pas:;ages for publication, and often
with Little result.
One portion of the \Vork hns been subjected to very
sharp and hostile criticism. Sinco the publication of
tho second volume, in whiob some from tbe
Na8ir appoored, :\ajor Haverty Ius under-
taken a comploto tmnalntion of that work, and bas
published a considerable portion. )any years ago tbe
late Lord Str.mgt'ord chnraotorized Major na Vtlrty as
''a ready censurer of the errors and shorloomings of
hill procun;ors,
nod time hall by no means chunged
his dispo:.ition. llis work abounds with sarcastic
censures C!lllt on other writerll
but contains \-ery little
in acknowledgment of the as.<istancc he has recoi,ed
from tbe labours of hi., predecessors. It is no clilticnlt
mnller to criticise and point out erroro in the b(;.it or
tron"lations, esp..>einlly when the original texts Yary
and ure UQB()ttlctl. II suoh criticisms nrc couobc<l in
f11ir nod courteous tenus, lhy are occeptnble to both
an<l readers, but no benefit can accrue to nny
one from captious and Had
llijor Jlavorty'g oriticillms on tbill work affected only
me personaUy, they should have pas!'cd without
vntion; but for the credit of this publication, I hac
go no tbrough his ob3Qrvntio!lll serial iiU, in 11 fev
suwlumentnry to this I>rcfncc, and arn greatly rejoiced
l JvurD.Il ,.r U"Jl .Watul Nvcie-ty, Hhrl, t D-t.
that such an eager critic has found so little real cuuse
for complaint. I hnve tried to treat hia criticisms in a
calm and judicial spirit, and I have given him foil credit
for such reul improvements as his prnctical knowledge
and additional :MSS. have enabled him to mnke. For
these correetioll!!, but not for his manner of mnkiug
them, I tender my thnnks.
It is not for mo to pnss 8 judgment on the value of
this publication. But whatever its imporfectioll!!, it bas
beeu the means of bringing to the knowledge of Euro-
peans, th(l ml'rits and demerits of many some
t;>ntiroly unknown, or, if known at known only by
name and repute. It may be that valuablo writings still
remain und.isco\"ered; but until they aro brought to light,
this work will Sl'rve, not simply as 8 store of original
infonnation, but as a guide to the sources from which
critical and diligent invastigators may seck for bolp and
enlightanment upon obscure and doubtful matters. It
bring$ down the history of the Muhammadan Empire in
India to the olose, but it contains little relating to tho
independent dynasties of the Dakhin. Sir II. Y. Elliot
included the history of these dynasties in the 11\timato
scopo of his work, and had obtained a few MSS. for the
purpose, but no translations have been made. There
are materials from which these histories might be
compiled, and tbe publication of them would complete
the Musulman history of Musulman Iodin.
It only now remains to perform the grateful task of
expressing my t.hanb for assistance received. To llr.
E. Thomas I have been indebted for many valuable
hints and observations throughout tbe whole courae of
PllEPACP.. ix
the work. To Dr. Ricu I have written without hesita-
tion whenever I r<!q_uired inform11tion about MSS. in the
British MllSeum, and h11vo always :recei vod a prompt,
courteoDB, and full reply. I om also greatly indebted to
l\fr. Bloohmunu, of the Calcutta Madrasa, who has taken
n lively intereeL in tho progress of this work, and hM
pointed out errors and !Otlggestod improvements in tho
spirit of n true scholar. Distance has prennted
communioation with him, and I regret that I havo boon
unnble to profit more by his deep nnd extonsive lmow-
lcdgo of Mubammn<lun historians. The cnro nnd intelli-
gence with which tho work has been printed by lfc,.n<.
Austin bus I!Uved me much trouble, and deserves roy
It has Ue'n my constant intention to give full cn:dit
to those tmu11lators whose MSS. have been printed in
thC!IO volumes, to unmo the from which materials
have been dmwn, and to acknowledge every help that
hall boon rendered. II 1 have over failt'<l in doing
it hns been through ignorance or accident, nnd in spite
of my best
The lll'tioles in this volume are numerous, and it is
not possible to give 11 oomploto list of the tmnslntors.
Tho bibliogmpbical notices, with the exception of o fow
compiled by the Editor, 11re no doubt tho \\'Ork of Sir
II. M. Elliot, for although they have been copied out
foir by his omanucnsiH, tho original clrofls of many of
them still remain in Sir Henry's handwriting. Some of
tho Erlrnch:1 were apparently t:ronslated by munthC,.
Tho following list givc11 tho names of tho translators as
far as tho Editor has been able to IIOOeltain them :
LXXXV.-KbulM&tu-t Taw&rikh-Eclitor.
LXXXYU.-Taakira-i Chll;;lul&l-Edi14r.
XC!U.-Jauhar-i & Fuller.
XCl \'.-Tatkita-i R4m llulthu..-Lieut. Perl<inL
C.-T&rikh-i Ahmod i:iruih-sir .Fotlyth.
Cl.-&yan-i Wlild'-Li<aL Pritht.N.
CI!.- Tirikh-i '.({r Slnl-&li!.ur.
Clll.- ,. llao:Uilu-1 Futlib- lhjor Fullr.
<'XVI.- ., Sbah>.U..t-i Farrukh l>ipr- J::.li14r.
CXX 1.-Toiriltb-i lt.mhlm ll.'llin-llojor Fllll.r.
C MUbll'ari-Edit>r.
CX.11.-'ImMu-a S.''-!at-F..ditor.
CXLIH.-Nig:lr-nAtnai Hiad-llojor Full.r.
Copious Indexes to tho whole work, in lhreo divisions,
llibliogrnphical, Googrnpbical, nnd General, arc givn at
the end of this Volume. Tho wnnt of purtinl Indcxe.<
has ken tclt as the Volum1:3 han appetlJ'Cd ; but the
fooilities offonlod by the complete now
6nppliod will moru than oompensate for the tcmporory
inconveuicnco experienced dutiug the progress of the
1',UJ..iliJT,J N.fSlll/
AS TR-1:.\'SL.\Tb:D lli' \'OL. 11.
h the Pref l'<f<l'l'D"" h bu a !D!Wle to Mojor RnBtr' criti-
or 0. poruou of Uti. work. They hue outioud t.UU1 OShDijnoJ
)lojor Rawrty l>.
oint the ..,.titD rcl.ting to the Ohuahid.,o wit.b a
Dol<' the loltt ptint"l in diD "Diblioth..,. U.lic:a" 1WJ
tho t.o tho lndi 1 \)ffi<e onJ tho Ito yo! AiAlio :Net< If.
'l'bc:,.. llSS.J u.c.:oording lo .llbjor rLt\t'rly, u the nml
or :my" bt b:"
C01l"t.-d." 1bo Bliw.r or t.hiJ \1.'0rk uud tho
or tho .\lotio Sot i< ty and .... LdDD;;iu!l to l'ir H. Klliot, but
thoy Wtn> inh nor to tho pnatru tditioa. &ll'l 00 tho<r 1l1lS tho
t<1t u ,[. Mujor Jtanrty hn rollrct<..J thirtctn ll.SS., llDcl thty may
htU'lt till tXet.ll\'OC\'1 \l'bic.h hu Oltrihutl'w to them, but tbu
)Jt;S, uro ruJt nhi'A)'I the belL. Tbo intorpobtiont o( ii(DOront or lullf
acn""b..-t a.rv tluut omitiiuu--fvr tht"f ll-a!J auJ.
bewtld.:.r thf'l re"t'l1 r. 1(:-tz.,., ha1'e dazed awa) eome
""'" Ul tho tuto thAt I Ukl, lllld 1 ba gl"'ll.f odopt..-.1 nch now
rtuliuga as tetzn tc> bu impnTcmc. .. nt..t.
1.-l'ge 68. Tho opening o the hiotory or SuLuldigin gin-. ,r,jor
llat"trlyoca.aion for llll.tllabourtod nute. Tbotranab.tion lul p,..ea
of '"'""''W io u r.llou: "Uo boo! hio (Suboktipno)
Ml"'r nttd to b<l co lit I hy tho nnmo of llah-KAm; IIJid ti"'L hio
(JifOJ>Of) nrun ..... Jl4k; Blld t.but ot .. r-gh&il in tho 1'urkih Lmgullgo
it mllt-.1 Bab-Kam; and thAt tho muwog or K..,; &h-Kam "'oald
bo tho Blaclt T.;tar llull."
u.,.. it ;. obnow tloat tho .. ot..,.,. obont t!t.r-t44ft. is altOf."l.hor
oat><rtluou., llllll it may be Llottacl uut without making tmy didvrunco
in the 1<'1110 ot the llO-"*'S"- Tbil <au lw<lly been tho int.:ntioa
of tho outhor. Tho originAl ,.-oro. u given in tho print.ocl .....,._
J -')! v-Ii ) '.l.:r'- <. . s
U,till,.. f.:s:'. .,r-J .,.;t,:- r.
llajor Jt.svorty sives tho arinntl of clonn YSS. Tbo cllifur
n"'" are only in the ..-orda hm givu> u JM d 1J...gAd. lie
adopt. Oao fonn HWI: in preference to jnol. Alttr running through
all the ..-.riauta or tho otbu word, be """" to u... coaeluoi that
"tho word '""" bo ghft.gAtlo," ll!though tho foTDI !IMJI nonr
o..,. auro, and by arbitrarily that>Gintt U t or -;:!
bo brings forth h11 "Biodr. Tlltor Bull." 1'bun """'"' lu mllcum:
( Vol U. p. tho f"""'C in q 'lti< n io thus mnltd
)fu (Subuktigio'o) fothcr ,. . oollod Jd (troop), and in Turki th<r
ullalroop bo.U... (oa wh...,ADiliority I ,....,Jerf), 10 U.:.t tho meoD
ins or tho nnme Korci-h.Alo., it blnclr. ll'Oop.' From thio it will bo
'. th ,, tho lnulolatur hu di-.dt<l altos<lh<r both ;.; r of
10 nnd II, and \.,;,l or tho priot.ocl text, and bu givu1 th pusun'o
Turlci.h rtII1UD !h.. <'qllival.nt (tho Po:nian "''uiv..Jct, it must
bo mppo..d) or biJ Turkhh irklllUllr; ao ocoording tu lhil theory
... ..,. troop, and alao --troop, but wbt boeom .. or
tlao Porai011 tho lnuwotor yetb o"U J.J; ho..-o<et
i> .\tab c for a Jl'U'ly, a troop, et,., hut wbt .!:..- moy mO!Ill nmnino
' .
to bo )trO<cd. '' lila WlD"""'""'Y to follow him ilio olt=atiaaa
ofl<tt<'" ond ilie su- Ly wbirh be .,...;,.,. at lhc oourhion tbot il
W<'UDJ "Biaclt Wolf," ond thla to boo ill IOIDII way idootic..J
with bio "< Titar Bull."
Tho wholo of llnjor RAvuty'a or ilio translation in Elliot
tvidditJy 'J'riDJ:'I from bi1 if!OOI'IUICO Of tho m(IIDing of tl10 ... ord
gA.gAd, .,.hi<homoog olhtt mtaninge hu lhelnf"
multitude or pooplo." II be b!l4 eon suited hio 1liotionory, inttcad o!
indulging in su- ond altoratio .. or lcttm, would """" -
that the priutod hao cll'llt ond oobcn:nt m011ning, And thot tho
wbieb ba eenaurce is t%actaDd

no W(ircl iJ; c: titled.
Tb< uoint.elligible urdo of tho ll S. ba c.rlclioly lx.'<!o diacarw .. d, but
io t'avo!U or lbt llyd4 tA..wglad of ilio print.
ll.-ln I,.G 76 l!.jor llaverty bogi111 long nolo obout W.UW.d.
In thitbo .. t!JIUNID}" m><loriDg a P"*gJ> or Bashldu-d din at p. 47,
Vol. L, by "uniting 11ear tho fort of Din'.n, (tho .,...ttn, raU thu
Nurolciri.t.'' lleioAUd' or tho original pogo in Dinlnl
ito, "X ear tho fort of Din\na it m joinoo by the 'ltatcrw of NU.. and
:Kirit." Thi> .,... llllbo'll'll to ""' at tho time. I h I tho P....W.
"''nioo, whi(b renlrrrd as
tho ri.Ter SUrokiraft'' or that
river of Nur and Kiri.t." Curiously enough, ltajor RAvtrty cita tho
A ,.bio Tenion whieh my reading. Tho word are J
..-bicb lu! t..nslateo "into th river of Un XU. and :Kiril" Dut if tb<>
6rwt Jetter iJ the article ..., where be 6ud " ialb"? The wortlo
aay limply "into Nurokinit"; the word "ticr" m l!ajor Thl<rty'a
addition. Tbrre .. n be no doubl that tho .hahio lruolllntor Ulldent40<1
hio Peraian original to mean "the,.;..,., X4rokiml," and u tho Pcroian
te-xt hu that '" 'OUling, I made my tranalation oo u to be iD &<'<'Ord
with both Tn'liC)DJ. t:ratttlation Of Jli.nlnf, H the watfn of
N(tr and Kirilt," ahowa thnt the Ar<1hio trt111Jiator of Ra.hldu-d dCa
look a ...... though jurti&able, new or hit text, aud Joel - into
error. Y.ajnr Ra...n,. ..,ma 14 be ao .. -.u ..-ith " tho
Jo,..A of N itr" tht it io a pity be diol not d ... n'bc it more cfulin .. tly.
Sir JI. lf. Elliot'olmowll.'dgo dill not beyaud whnt this p .. s
RO. Yajor Ravrrty llJ": "In >ol U. page 269 of
Elliot a J)IUOfiil" ia tbUJ t...W.ted: Ou the ..,.. night that bo
(Y.abmud) \\'111 born, nn idol temple in lndi., ia tho Tioiaity of Par.
ah4war, on tho bnnb of the Sind, fell down I I' is nothing liko
&i-riD8 a 6oU tnw&latinn." The ..,nil of tht text are--
y f. "Y. )J\.:...1. "Job. ;.J $ .>.Y. "Y. Jl <.:.J.l1J $ ....,....:. ..} ;.J
'"" (! \,\; ... H ... Ji
Il '""'ld be clilllealt to makr a ...... Jlft'<ila tran.t.. a or thiJ thaa
tha one abc"' given. llojor R.oertf tnwlalion il, "Tho idol b:mplo
of Wabond or Bibond (it my also be read Wobind or llohind), whiob
wu aita<lted on tho conflnoo of Jlanh&l,ur, on tho bauk of the Sind,
oplit ... Thiuhon that tho rau!L is in tho tut, Dot in tho
tranalator. It any MS. gi .>.:.!>J inawod or 4. thut reading may
be ruadily .., .. ptod; but in tho aboen<:<l or auch rtl<lding, it would boto
bucn /loU to the text.
1\'.-l'age 90. lhjor Rtnrty ohjt to tl or IA4nf
lm" by ".r .. in the l'dl"ll" (Eili'' 1""" "llu'WI
onln<d him ID be mado ptUoDt'l" and his "bolo ( ,,.... to be od."
G/uJrnlmea.o iftf'tlrlitm," and tho word "d.-tiny"
i too lrong, it il not to be rpootd thut tho plundoring '""""'
be tlfHtod without killing. Haring UpiC =i thil CltD.'D"' lhj r
Ra-.rty <hoald buo betD ..,.,raJ to be J.iiiiJelf, aod ohould
not hue made ono ""rd into two by tronlllting gAdrwt u "plundtrtd
anti d-.pnilocl." In tho aame ho al10 objr<lo 10 "killed ao tho
tranltion or 1aAi6i vdlt'd, Md ""Y" the phMl04l d ... not moon lolld.
TrJJ.,..'U botb "mitfottu.oen and 10 that the word
do mftU H killed," ud lhe t.rPJulaUon wu allowab!e; but the
man in qul'!tion it mmtioned the tnn111l.ation ahoaltl ha,.\J
bo rn, Ylu'tid fell into milfortuno at l !uriknln."
V.-Page 91. The mcm>inK which lfjor &<,rty ui{:lll to tho
won! 6.1 iJ pnlrablo, and althouh I COD liJid no otht r authority (or it,
1 bne inarted it am""J the como:tioDL
VI.-l'ago 98. l!Jijor Ra<erty tranlates tho "ord<
.;,)} J ........:.IJ ll..... ;I.,-"'-I
by, "Ho wu a dtpooit.>ry or the oral tnulitiou wlurb 1u! ,..., wont 10
IWTIItc," ...... OO.Io a note: "Traohttd by lrr D ..... (}(lliol, r
27 ,, 'lltlfid to li.-tto to c:hronidt'l And Wl'itc bittory.' n A a.Uidr
mt-nn' "ob.roniole" IUld mcaM
hearing,'' thrro i Mme
warrunt for tho "'"'!ring, but bow it;. twiotocl into ". dpooitory or
tl oral lraditiono," I am unblo to dileoer. The wonl mrl1.t
H bittary, reL.two,'/
mar <me or tbete may
ba ldclu:lt.> tho trb "be wa1 "ont 10 mak." On nocon.ooitlulltlon ,.(
tho, I b&\'0 come to con(llnioa th11t. u ,n,.d' mQllnt "fumt',
report," 11.1 wrll 11..1 "bt:ariDg.'' tho pbrB5D uu1y l>et more DCt"umtuly
...,D<],rtd by, " Ho hew IIWIJ famono a!Dri .. whlrh lu! tued to toll."
Yll.-l'age 101. "......,.copy of tho .,.....k ooll<-d hu with two
ozetptioll$, Thirb b .. e I.:J\;_/" tho 'IroN I.:Jll..t" aiRDifyiog 'btnla,'
ttc., ftl t>lainly wriU<n as it io )IOMiblo to 1nitc; bnt in tho print<l
text .... bt."tUI aobt!titutNl, an<l Yr. Donoa or cou ..... follon
th rrinted tut." Aa lfr. Dowoon bad only lwo infrior li.SS., he
rtlinly follolltd tho itltellisiblc frinL and g .. a tho t.nualat.ion ( \'.,J.
U. p. 276) of "fto<l He woald han hesiiAt..J long
hoforo be OOOt"orted mttt"ghdn "birdt
" "fowls;' into "oa:rrierpiscons,'"
na MAjor Rnverty haJ done.
VIO.- l'ago 102. "Tho originnl !t!rl is =ll.r-) (not
m1i.l&n), whieh Mr. DoW&On rendera nHd murnJin/ and adds
in "note,
The former wortbo (aio) ml'J)ll litA>rnUy disca!!O$, but it (oie)
i al100 used forth""' di-of tho body polilio
n ... ,.,ndt oloo menn I mllrrin ' in tho body polilio?" Tho printed
text hM 'Nlroc o 1ltld, anti J tn.nltod tbio (png1! 276) by
and murmin," for -...hich tho dillliooaries givo full womlnt.
Tho words form one of those reiterotive phmaes of whlcb tho :PeroiAns
oro oo fond. I L-now nothing of =li.r-, end now thnt I do, I pref<T
tl1o text or tho print ond my oWD trooslntion to Mojor Rnverty'a
,..,adoring," (Tho lowyiog)ofhMvymtribulioonin taxet Md 011pplics."
Tho two ,;,. wbiob lfnjor Rnverty boa inserted in hi quotation oro
It is enay to '-' eeen tbnt by a priDter's accident
n word moon '' hus boon con,erted juto "wonll
IX.-l'S" 1 "Mr. Dowoon tn.nslotes (poftll 277): Ro be
no favool!l upon ony one, lind boooe opprehenoions abont hi
rulo took po!l....moo or lbe hl!llrlB of the peopl . " lfojor Rnvertr
TOndoriDg il, ".two of his aothurity was implnntro in beiliU of II
Jli'Opl." Tho diJfcl\n,., io not very great; but I prof..- my 01<'h
rendering, and bold to it. Major llavcrty qnntA>s tbe text-
J..> Jo.)} t..\ )...,;-.-.... ....,....,...
and hns incorn:-eUy wriUlln ...,;'
X.-:Pago 104. Mojor Rnverty traoo!Ateo tho pas..go which tooda
in the priDl-
by "h fi>uodod l!lll'omltowna." He odd n note: "In Elliot' India,
V'ol. n. p. 217, this pomgo ia tnuudatod, .enrol fortifiod pLace. and
lo\\'118 were foundod,. " and l>l<Jl'ltiatA>o upon the fnct that .. x does
not mono fortified plnoes." Tbo words on> rigbUy tn.nslotod, for Mrh

' wnlla, fortifications;" a.otl h6a11 metlDs
XI.-In theumo page 10-1, lfojor Rnvorty tnm!lotes tho wonlo-
rll ..,;L.k J r
by " illu5lri!lun &iyidn IUld digoifiod U1am4." This hod been rend""'d
in Blliot (Vol. n. p. 217) by" illuttriona noblea lind learned men of re-

pule." Tbo differuoo is and quito unworthy or notice; but & it
lw be<ll fonn.rd, it mar bo n>...ned thJ.1 .... tramlation it
pe.rtiAI, tbe other >mplote, llDd that 6d.,.dJ11 mc&lls " fu111ous, haing
a name,'' rathtr lha4
106. nero :Uajor Ranrty.,.. hit r.l, but not an blot. Tho ocntcno (Vol. lJ. p. 2i8), "Ro n;,tortJ to tho
nobl11, '' should reed u be COI'Itll"meci."
Xlll.-l'A"' 107. ltojor llanrty tran!l&t .. the
of lbo reign or l!olik AroiJin .. follow: "lh.llk AI'IAL!n-i 'Abda-1
lloiUk, ocm of SllltAn l!As'Ud, -dod the throne in the year 609 .u
at Gnnnlr itoelf, ond IIIIUmed lho or tho empiro or
Ghunlo." Ue oddt the foUowing note: "Tbo originol il .J,> _r
-J. Tho Jl&MaGO il lnula14tod in Elliot (Volll. p !!78) tb.,:
Molil< Arallln .A.bu-1 M..Uk (tic) o.otaded tho tb"'oo >...n. 609 {.D.
1115 ), and """'gll (I.,_;, .U /Jo.liOfU. of OAaal wttdtr Au .-.I.!
I wonder what lhl'Oilo he """nded ii it wu not that of the kin!;dom
of Obunfn? " Tbo wordo of the tut (p. 22) lll'll
.J t. .;.., .;.J {sic) <:.Y-'} dJ,.
...::-:.1.J .J,> ).J .,..;;; .Jll-J.r'"""} J
Th wordt will bi.Ar no olb"r nreaning thon thot ouill"od to tb""'
in Jo:lliot, CUJd llfnjor I!AT1lrty might b .. e ..,.,. thot thty ""turatdy
rvrr-nt tho tut. Adoptinc for .. .,. hil "'"' nyle of critititm, I
may .. ,. of hio lnlnalation 1 wondr or whot <mpiro it .... lht
llalik Arll8n """""eel the IOV<reignty of, If it wu nol thM or Obualn r
XIY.-ln page 318 l!njor Rarertr trmslat.oo the P""""S" ,..W,rtJ
in l::lliDt(VoL ll. p. 281) " tbeiDAcec <ibility oftho mounto.ino of Jt&!&t,
which ore in Ghor," by "tbo Ollturol of the ttn>ng
mountai.D.J whieh oro in Gbor, '' and he hu a Dote: u The word rtilidt
iJ n proj!Or ruunu, but tho plural of rdto#A, which m00111 'tt:roLg
mouot&ino.'" '[h. Wozdt Of tho priJiad IL!Jit ...
aod here the wonl iJ tnated morvlik a proper than a commo11 n0101.
A f, w lin,. lonr the ordtt of lho "ordo io, end .,... hATu
"rdtldl jiM I.'' Johoaon'1 dofinition iJ "Rtl.,'yol (pl. , .,.d,l), firm
(ouoUiltain, " H do.. not Si<e rd at, but be apin aploillll hio
plunal roocltl by "llrm (11\ountaiu)." lkninolci il tullor. llv MJI
llJoi!Jal is tbe fliminino of whiob bo uplaim:
Firm111 ..,
immoi:WI pel'Jlilb!ns, 111i ,.
Tho tnmiiJ&tioll in Elliot was mode
by a ...... M, wbooe rendering W1l4 .. hills or R.Wtlt." The IN/111441'
word ' ., has bean chcmgod into u mou.ota.i:tu" iu Sir licary
Elliot' own bnnd, so that the translation hu tho weight of his
authority. Tho word rdlldt is used in a curio111 way, but Major
ll<lcr!.JJ explaoatiou is worthy of oo111idcration.
XV.-In p(lgc 319 Ynjor llo.vorty'o :USS. onnbled him to oorreot
tho \fonls Faj which "ere ginm from lllO- prluted in
.lilliot (Jl'lgn 286), into
Fnj (dollle, pass) or Xboosnr.
He odd>,
"Kh11Citir i' tL wcllkuown plaoo, cuul is mentioned in n number of
pl""" throughout tho work." The couuction is lll)optoblu, but Cllulta
of the tDxt all'ord 110 ground for npo41<'11 snoor:s nt tho lrawilatoro.
X\'1.-Pngn 361. 1 willingly ooeopt tbo "'ndcring "f..tened up
the kirlll ni t.htir c.>OIJI of moil," or rather "threw bnclr (Ms sadl)
tho skirts o[ tbcir euut. of mail," iollcad of the wonlo, "tbrowiog
off tboir CO<lls or tnoil," wbiab appoor in lilliot, pngo 287. Tbot
tho her- 1hould tluow oil' their annour when ohout to creep under
and rip up two clop11Rnt. is, howll\'ur, not oo improbable M Ma-jor
lworty dreme it. The '\'fnt.rloo Lire-Guordmon i1 onid to bovo wid
tho l'rinco fugcnt U...t ho "wouW b11vo liked Jlgbtiog io his shirt
a!eevP.'i bt!Ul!.r thAn in tt. cuir11.'il.,.
X"TTI.-l'c;e HI. In JlG,"" 291 of Elliot there is a nolo 8JI followa:
"Snog .. j Surkh
a strong fort in Ohor, probably DeAr tho IlA.ri rhftl'."
llijor U4Vrty d .. m. thit "impo!05ible." lie oays, II It iJI tho DIUDO or
n P"""' ncar the lialmond river obout N .N. W. of Gb!Wllo ou the route
from tbnt city nud a!Jo from Xobul into GhUr." This is matuor of
opinion, ond may be loft to tbo rendnr'e judgmont; but .llajor Rnverty's
l('j)nl kcowled:lo must be 1.4koo. ioto o.eeount..
XTITI.-l'(lge 632. In page 302 ni lilliol there io tho following
P"-'""!."': "He took tbo oity of Yult&n, nnd RiudU..t.&n, Dewru, ote.,
and all .. for lUI tho lt'!l." Yujor 1\avorty hUB: "Ho poseesacd himoelf
of tho city of .llulttin, lltld SindU.t!iu nd Di..-nl as for Ul the 800-oo..t.''
A now lo SindU.lJ!n odd, "Thot i, Siwoltdn, a.1so Clilled Shiw-alrtliu,
hy 10mo lllnrlu wrikn ... SiWli!Jiu il turned into Rinditstlln in
Elliot'& llldia-" The printed toxl W.. "Hinditst&u," ond cgnio tbo
tn>.n.Iotor il bLuned Cor hcing true to his !.ext. I hal'e met with
\'Ot.. 1"10.. 6
RiwU.\IIn in TIIJ'ious forms, but 1 have not >ecn either "Sind""ao '' or
XIX.-l'aBO Hero a real nror is notoo. Tlou won), ia FJliol
(\ol. lL 303): "Afta Uoo nctory of Sandllll-tari, tho lful!hal prin',''
ohould .-1, "A.ner the mt.>ry of X.mdaDa, Tari (or Toli;, the llu,..hl
prinec.'' This fault in the punetu.ation waa ovorloHktd by tht"
XX.-P11go 539. Tho .vonlo l:)l,.. J},>-}..:.J 4 )I d-"'-_,..(.:.1
This i ttan luted in Elliot (p. 303), "The army of Kbilj OOIUiutiop of
all the I of Kh.,.Urizm." IUvdtf'a ;., "a b<ly of
(the tribe) , r Khalj, a po.n of tho Klnraruml fvrml.'' In thil tho
iim U.Alr is orpung<, and tbo bypoth< tical " tribe " a m!nfj.
tutt<l. Tho words ot tho text ""' not prcci!N!.<rally they reod,
"Tho omoy ol Kbilj out of lloo onny of tho .liJiwllri.amlt."
XXl.-l's 6-11. In pagv 31H or 1:lliot there is the followiog:
"Tho l'irozl at Uch ,.... coMigt!Od to tho .. ..., or the author.
On tho l'"'""""lioo of the army of n..briG> SUb in 621, :Sult.W
S.ald din cnenmpocl in light of Uch." lfajor lta<cny
ti'IID>laf.ulo, "Tho l"!niz! coUrgo of Ucholoab "<11 < to tl10
of tho author, tS"lhor with tho om.., of 1\81! of the fon:"" of
'Al:lu..J clln nabn\QJ ShAh.'' 'J'hio is an oadoubttl impoorem<nt, bat
the wonla in th prinl<d tut ( ..,;61.) 'lril1 not .Uo or it. AI., bo
<'l't'l', 3hjor n.,,,rty malu a obaot the "Khlthip," it mar bo
, tlmt me of bU. liSS. ha"" inotcod or, ond
t.lw runeudmt nL mar bo od.mittc<l.
XXIJ.-1'111' 636. Hero ll"ro io noto obout the dilfu .. no
betwecu t. ("nknting ., and u ma.king peace," and another mt't!I'IWILt
the .. bdo tho lm<e " (Jl".o'"" 308 ' in rnor rtn<e to tb ohon
'WC'trd u abin1" 1J.Iellll in .Elliot. Tbfte .l.l'e: ODWOr1bJ o( farther llOltct'.
X.'l:lll.-l'ogo S59. Tho com<:tiao about tho U 1&. in pago 309
or Elliot hod """" !Mdc, upon tho euggation of )(r. Thom .. , lot l'oru
Major n. .. erty'o book CAr.,. it/a I lA PotAdn }J;'
p. 111.
XXI\",-Pa;;e 665. lfajor !Urtrtr !Jton, abo .... that in the lMt
or p&!;O 310 tho .... ra. "(the authr "ahould ""inoeotod after .. bo"
tD pr.ral thromLiguity11bich baa ari0011 from fullowiJls the ted.
XX\:".-l'oo"' In pagu 163 of the printe-d text lbere is tho
rullo\rlog po..wLgo-
. ,.:L:...,.. _,., .:.... . ; ..... .u'J" ;I .. : .... d . .. .r _L ...,_.w:
..... , ... ..;:-,; ..., _. -(...
.:.:>.:.) J I;;.....J r..r. r-...;. u!:.i M.) J
lfjor Ranrtr llljll that "the print..t t.xt ia torT<Ot, except thot (""' .I.
ia oltered to r-..r. but r-=--..1 not r-) i1 11ll:." It i1 unpl"""""t to ci'"'
. lbt coutn<li lion, but I am li>n>od to ,.,. thAt tho print ba_, ,..!.J..J, not
r ) X thtn giTea the tran&Lltioo from Elliot (p. 311) thUI itnlicioed:
" 'ThB onl)' lft#plll ot tho enemy wcro 6a .. /iH ptnrl; aaol their
.,,.,.,, ditlJI IUid NIIIUII co03iat..J only ot , ., Ill!. '<trongly r tcned
...,J oew...d to;;t-thtt.' .\ 'lhiel.l' ODJ hclm..t' of now 1 ll: wMJid be
curioritil't ctrUi.Diy." (Xot gmattr perhllpo than tho cotton-armour
doe<ribo<l by tho aatloor on p. 36Z or ll<.Vllrty, nml 287 or Elliot.)
llajor L\(:rty' rt!IKL.tring it, "'Tho wbalo of th tle!em:il'o 111D.1 of
thsl host wue of pi 1 of the poor-be!llbl1, nam<ly, their e11i.._
aud body amo11r, .W,Jdo and hdmt.o, which were all ooliJ>8 of it, crudely
frunen..J nnd titehod, orcrlpping (coch other).'' Thia il a por<J>hmae
rolho:r tha11 tmalation. MAjor lto<orty it o aoldi<l, ttill I mlllt
- thst ,./J4 IJlllGllO otr.,.;o 1101 "dclemire armo," IUid ia rightly
tnnci,ted u weeroaa. .. Tbe other Jl4f't. of the it OJifll to
doubt. .b.'>l<t' kite', "bit liM bill,'' but of wbol? Formerly I took it
to mean biLl or himb ot' lllk, now I boUcYe that tbc wordo rcf<r w the
bemboo mtotiOilod iu lb pn>Tiouo ltllh oco, and thsl ths whole ebould
read: cmly w .. pou of tho oaomy wao bomboo, a!ICI ao
Lhcir armour and obieldo helmet. oonlined cotirelr of pi- (of
bomboo) otrongly bollUd nnd I!C1I'll wgdbor with row ailk." l lajor
lt4Ycrly quoWOI I latter \\ ril.teu bf all olll<er iu tho nuftlob Upfflition
in Doo.mb. r, ISN, wbkh ay., " h llllUI Ca.<!- ou hill
""""'work hclmt, a aart of cl ... 6.ttiog lkull a1p . llouod hill
looM owr tho hiP" bo Wc0111 a nu.noor of thin bAmboo or eauo rings
UD.llttl.ebt:J. to one anotbt.r.'' This 'IDI to make te.ttter cleo.r.
XX'\1.-P..,-e 672 n .... Yaj<>r llovety gin a loeal DAmO u
( or Xmnk<><
, and ..W. lhia not.o : " In Elliot, Vol. lL
pa;,oo 311, it L1 turnOJl into '..KUnr' in one pllacu, and sixtt.'\!U linea
undt1' i.oto Stirkotl '" Tbia abould hllve bocn otakod lbuo: "The
tnnLLotion i11 Elliot l<tup..Wu.oly lollow1 lbe tat i11 .....m., Kual,'
aDd low-er down '.XArkoti.' H ..\ the OOm.' or XAran-goe it
would be p.......,ptuou to r anything without oing tho )ISS., but
llajor Rlncrly from hil own sbowiai iJ not ry c<t!Wn.
XXVIL- Page 674. l{ojor Ranrtr' rendering u mont a<:<Onitf,
aod hu beoa. among tho C<>tTtioll!!.
xx-vm.-Pogo 681. Jo Elliot (p. 317) lbero i1 tho followins
po . .,..go : "Ho Jwl with biro iOmu travclleB' bread, which ho took
l'rom u b<lg on tho baok of the mule." lliljor RA,erty Riet a p:U11
ph.....,, uot a tranel#tion, of the md 118)'1: " l!o bncl along
with bin> on the ass, a few ckeo of, .,;th 10mo (litU") claiuty,
by way of proruiou for tho joumry, aflu the DWIDCf of tr<&riJOI'L"
To the wonl " dainty " I>At odd a nolA. : " lf eat, tllh, o;ttabl .. or the
lik, tat1!11 'lrith b.-1 10 it a .. ...,..,. : in Elliot it it ttyW
lr.ulltn' irt.l,' and the aM it turned into a male l'' Tbe n11 tering
in J-;lliot is literal. Tho won!< for the !'DOd aru .Nooi Hru4-i
,._(riyd, litrr:tlly "bl't'd Cor lrotUiog food." In tho line it
it c:aUod ltt]raA, which tho tliCltionnries explain u
trRnlling JUQ-o
1Vhat ground .iJI Uwn., hero for o.nimwh'"'"'ion. and \i!by aro
theoo fw limple wonlt ampliRod into " a row eaJ< .. of hr, ..U with
10mo (Jittic) dainty by woy of pron.ion for the jonmy ono r tho
manoer of tra:TeUm ,. 7 The word Cur Y.ajor Bavcrlft "au u a.u1]
"multt" it
loogoftr:" an tpithd
not a IULtDC ..
t liDd that tbo ....,.,.u ..-bo m .. tho tnnulatioll llru '!mite " ..,,"
an I af\<nnrds it to " mut..'' may bo m.lito.l with a
ruaon !or doing 10.
XXt:lL-l'oge 683. Upon tho Ia.<! line but ooe in pogo 317 or
J:Jliot, M o.jor R.avcrty flU OWl nntl J:l.Y" "
lmil4 u fi,rfjor M rt_.,d,_,,,_ .f'
Tho print.<! hQ .. r JJ .. kot..'" True, hut it woulcl b.vo
bo.o earulid to "")' that a noto gh-1'11 wbirh cne"uo " lor
tbt'i ltajor U..\trty adupl"ll
B:l.lkot" or u BIIMD.kot/'
and bU lCSS. mar jo>tiry tho ... but be dOill not ..... t ..... upoa
oar txploD&tioo of ib pooition.
XX:X.-l'age 683. In Elliot (p. 318) thro aro tho wo..U " ho
<amt wfth a body O( tD1.1l from bit ooliTe )[ojor llnrrty
quutct tho text; allows tl111t word fj11ui' rDC'AnS
NllOt:tioo," and
that it6d' mean& " follow<r-/'
dependents," and yet L!Cprwt!t his
(I!) ot tho '"ndoring "body of mon." llo fintl trtL .. o
tPGroDtiy in bU M:SS. fur <1l!A>ring tho word il6d' Into mliJd', and
translating ''to beikr his This may be right, but it it not. tO
dtc.idocllr .. to mrit adortiJm. When Rotcrtr r
in 1Upport or bit .; tbal indiridwol in qn..Uon ..... mt my
priat, aoJ did not tnnl att.flldal by a body or ......... " bo rors<to lbot
prieota and holy tll<n ofkn ban m&nJ fullo...-ers aoJ dioeipltll. ".\
bWDI><r of Mlotrora" u a pmerablei'OIIlkring.
5S3. l eamu>t admit Yajor R .. erty' impro.-.d
n'n<lrrina or tho wunl .-..I d ..;.;j::.J ;,J br: "ITo ,..,
call<'<! UJ'lOll IQ dditcr A d;...,UAO in the nudii!IIJ)O luill," but f AID UOl
1<1tU.6L.J wltb tho """'AI'' Mlodt!ring in Elliot (p. 318), "lli namu
Wtl'l montionl'fl in tl1o Court!' lt. so:ye rather,
Jloriog n.'OiWti 1t.
cowwcmorutivo ( pocoh or ode), ho came IQ C<>nrt." Or porhnpt
may e:rprou tho authorta monning moro clearly by 10ying, "llu Cftll'll'
to Court and lelivcrod a eulogjrtio peeclt. ''
x:x.xn.-Pgo 687. If., llijor llovut)r .. ,., tbrro ia nothing to
"""'*"l U.. U.llltioll of .Jl,df i ......4Jil i IAiA oil (tho wonls o(
tbu print.<<! tnt) by "tho t<rri!Qrie& of Lalr.b.nlmtl." How came
thtn, in pogo 3-H, to tnuiAlato tllrif i Ji/,;fl .c.u-11 (wt, p.
by "lhr ditr,n ot parta of tho U'n'itories of Lalr.hnauU" P
XXXIU.-Po;;o GOO. Tbii, 1a.t eriri&m upon Elliot (p. 320)
whl<h 1 h.aro IQ reriaw, u """" or it& kind. .. The won!
doe. not mann ho.....deaJer' any more than .,,-iHJf.r, (or it ais:oiflce
a wcrcbaul or trader.'' True, beyond question. Buc tbit portiular
morcbont WAI ol Uao hctld or. (IIJ/1111) or borooo. lf, .... ilnpp<uro,
ho WM OdO of 0 porty or murobllQII who liOld ho.-, wbol WOI lao, it
o bo....,..teolur?
.A D D IT I 0 N S .A N D C 0 R R E 0 T I 0 X S.
&1. JIMMo i. p!1>lloblf "d>o Ol calla! ('GOUirJ ri .... '),
wJWk b oflca -lioaeol ia U.. -!lo laudlloo\ I I 1Jolol11m l'qo!oUI
(cira IJIO) -.U M loy Nicolo Cni, od al o la!cr cbto &r-."-
J J-...tor Koyol.\.oiatie !ioOo')'. Tal. iT .... -
17, lloUn& -" Jo. -jhtroo.....n.;. 1u o (p. 04) 1llo wri
llpptsr' U. tbe f.3ta o( &wut.L il a T.nw. word ,.,.. a
ocw . ....t -1 poooiiiiJt.. lolaUlol.-.llo u-.u. lli<k
Ia tlw - ....W ,.,._.., lb. dot.,.m.w u4 II(IUO whlda kon ..
ls - rrod" ot c.. -r
Cl9. J.-/1-.-tllla.-H diu ILl'1' to be4blinphlud.
Tlo ""'be"' callccl Sluutll Jam61o-cl 41o it callccl bJ Walllol Jodlo-d
d1a ' .. \bdu r 1tahrou 0' T1m"bi,
tbfl J.'Ulb6 r (,eOC'r.l nd
the \lanbee ot l1)di.,' and we a'(! htt't that bt't l.lftiiUIH tfl(lt'l! or 1 c (
a ruli11g 'n the 1'rninru1 good tmWf yun btf<rt lbo
tatulffi hul4Jrical'tt'Vgnluany lfu.ltAmmJal!la rule Ua d1 '-' Jt411&. Jt,, u,
l" tlarl (-, tho TrAIIwullill1 whom ullu.tJLt 1buw 11
buc P"' (IQ a IOutl(ll) fNm illa'tw to Ult cow1 or t\QLt.l Kbb in ut
pnoi lUI &At l:tiU; ud tbe $il .. "li"t, whom i.bcy Jlmw u rulu o(
\h'bu in UU, WI:>. hU gt1n1d.oa Nia.oun..d din, of wh{n1
Wuoiolp<IW (..,./ ... ll.,., pp. 601, WI, ....J H-- lloalo>l')' or lbo
llkb..t.ol, U Th othtt. dla IOrWa. bon Lh llde f
.lhlibllol1at. ud ... t'"""" a-...t <{ l'Tm .. ,.,. ...... r AOJI;4o
Kili ....t willo Mlllorir .. lhct t....W. u ..
_,,... wi .. To1iu-cl 4l.o, lt.e llro!W o( d>o lodlaa JoU011u..! o!la, u
&!to ....
d .,. w..u. .... hi-u IKnCuy &o u. ]'CI'ilU
o!1cial. ud k'd tr .. COil poadnce 111\.ll J .&. .. -1
" &IJ J,Gio. lU"e' Ia flnib.&: toa!mt!lJ.
Wltda tan:lla' ia lla,_, be ftt'llDd at Wldlt rUe .t IH
broth"", oJ "hom w.o, cal.W ScDde'BeDdi JJnv, na.l:ed Lhal ptotua.ce
hlch w&l DCQJ' Ct-yloa. wbic.b be:W rtllff'eUllrJ O\t!f f4U1 Cb 11,
wMd ,. .. \1t' bn1 and noblt:A proYIDt\ ol &subr.m aal
WIU eellrd &Jj (OW. m' Sol), 1DdKtiUUWI .-bJ.t:h l'Oillt lo aiKf
J!,oatUOl; whtlol .. ulb<'t' brc.lhtr, coiled Aoclar (IA""' P) rvh<l 1\.,1.
fa .. fft'lioo o( p .. tJw coc! 111111)' il C1U dCiifT. foe tbi
la1..- t..hSda-cldia't IC!f!ODt. JU'kN. tbe bn Llatr rri- ot.}rl,
beat four tn numbrr. l'olt,, t lO, JPC!*l of tb tnut.. ill 1"""'* tbo
amt tftln II Lbt text, CbCJUIC'h l1t' p:nt. CbCI rrif' tbt }IC>t_.. tllt'n mwl1rd
atiil hlglar, Til.. o( pld, -wvnb lll'.oft thu 100 Dlllb o.f a1orn.'''
r.r o:t 0'-.-" a..t ,,,.,._ lo - plow P.-hld "'!' 1M ... or
tbe AM.' nloioot ......, T1/o.U. Clot...,_.., ltldro, ood _.,..., (N

., 72.. Z,rrlal!t.IJJ ... - .. 'fbe old f'rhnh a-=n'btl ("T"t'i.trlr that namto by
Polo; lht ir wrrc at iarbur. ea th. CblNM troat.Wr of
_ .. _,._,
.,. iP. "'S4d,lbe J[ua' ltl!ld .r;;., or .... u.,, u t'" 5:mk ot tM 1IOtc!

iJ. & C'f'MI t'IIJt iD wblch thft n<l q1t} t'Ollncil
holde iLl 'As tbn guunlly at tht tllfnUf, bu
etttt,.d a fMLitd ro.r tbr tJ( t.ht1 Gn't'l Cvuacil CIJt.-.1
Sing do DOt nill ia all tJw au,._ b.J oaly ill U.. eapit.W 61 ,.ut
proriaor., wtddt.. m bet. ,..,.,. ru\la;r wt1\to Hqb4ad. !4Uru,
lcoaJga ed Rlim. b the wllo\e uf tW Aau there an. tcrha
ollh- .<t., (R. .. bldud d<o,., Gtnoct br Kl.optb,/-. AI. ocr. il.
tvcoe d.):'- r.,,_
,. 24, Jiae 2. Pew .. ldtUtr' "*' .. ,tinr
,, t9tt liD a. For" ttuy.uro'' rtoJr/ .. two hundn:d."
- To Ertd-Mt.'' IW1d nHe t S.. Vol. 1.. p. 240,
.. &., Xo&.o N'u. 1, IDP 1i, twpnt.
"2G' I.A.. Ui ,..,h. Sial"! ...-.1 "WM.iad" ia:t.tS!or
.. t..n\ad, .. ....t ... .ao doubt corret.&.. ,..,... 1iit,
Not. !II
,.. 211
Uo4! 6. f'or .. lt'&i Dr\l.!ttcl bim,"' tk, rwt1 3b'Cul gue ordcn 10
UW tlwy wok bim pi'Uoof'f pJWilttrttl hi &nay."
... 271, lib 7 , ... '"\\1ln \lu'Cd ,.. \Uitl\l," rNll "\\'lwn. ltu'&;l wu
&d>rtaatf, (U. wbn he w.wd..(NU.J)."' Sere#.,.. PIP ur, n-
.. 271. 2, IbM 8. For tTD u C*lld rKJt tmd lit fan
hfm: ,... "' bU arr911 11\Qt t ia U1 IJ'OJI 1ot.r-,:tt .. '' 'nl d1Ubtfal Wo1dl
in thetA U were J,li .,...,,.,, litenlly ' na iron .bo.-tl," nl tl1r- did loa..
ariN aff!Jfd ao f'tLrthtr jnflrmAtioo. & 611 wa u1"'a .. a mi-priJI&
lor ,Ut uJ MlppoM'd to tDtU "'a litanrty
!' lh>tlrl ,;,..;a. pial. tl boa ploooloo pool -1 .
ad. a llau I armwa. .. Thil (i1W ula.t. UittOlt ...,.... .. tM puDt'f,
.. 274. So. VU.Itae a. To Lbtt 'ti'Otl" ud lllld (!) bttet,"' *-'l aote: Tin
fl'l rbJ" bt fiJf'Ont ron-tlJ rwdr.n"-t by. De \:tlew lh.llnf tarDoue
whJcb be UiC"ti tn t.tll" .,. JIII(C' tiT, Nu"- \'1 ,
2f&. S "'te 2, (or '" warda -e; f"ffflll ._. 1f'Ord .u
7f:-,. X.,_D,Ilat IO,R Ut Ntorala tbt prt .., r.11t1
e. -IU .-rr, .
., t-t. To'" n61U.l11>'1Wt.inl'' a1ld tbe Dot.ct: SH. VnJ. VIU. p!!JeiTl,NtJte Xt\'
., 286, line 2. I!Of
Uuho.r," rt#W u FIJ aad ad I QOUt:
Baurtfs fora u n. wunl f'i ....

"a brolld..-aypedally b&tnta. bro W'!Cfnhiu '' Stt "'" pqot nll,
!\ole .1:\"",
J'aoe:S<,Iiao IW. FO< t\-u, oir&Uir _,. o( ..n; ..,../ "tl.,owl"'l badt
U.. tkn111 e( thtoi.r c-.:. o( aail"' { .. w b,.. LWr lqt 6-tt).
.... N" ari"r. .. xn.
,.. Tth aot.t Da "llfkb. .W: lrajor .BIY"erty MJ'I "A ... oa tbe
U&hu.nd. nTfll" about !":S.W. ot t;UD:I n &he roos. ,,,. dty,
aDd alto frotu Jilllbul ietW tH.ut:
,. 3D2:, Jiuct t trum bou rm. To tbe woN .. add 1 &hjor
JlA"""J li.aklt that hit reid huh br oomi 1 n to
llC!a (inu vf tbe OIUUG .. Siwin.\n... St'!t' "'J"Y' ih1Rf v-ii, Sottl' X\'IU.
r ('ILMIJ{ftllb llnu 4, .PClr "Nand..wt.tari," ,.,.J u Nut1111a, 'flllt" ..
pr., pare "UI N'ettn XIX.
" #03-, uar tbr lnJ uf 2. To word .E.hru,.-'" add note:
,.,1. VUt. Su1. XX
.. 3Ut, line 2. I' or lo COODifpr'<lto> tbt Cllrtl of ibe rlathnr. Oa the rrv--ur.tliull ot
thf! u.y," rMII 'tonAi;ntd t0 the caro of the au.thur. th the
olli<c o( hi:lol ... =t: .. pol a tull .. p .n.r lllllnt11 Sbth. .I
... r'Milioc ot au &at f't'la:trel this al.&cnUaL twe ... ,.. pap,
:;, 1< XXI.
n J01J, p;:anrapb !!. }'cw .. cawd: b,.,., .. tl CUMd llact 1hlAt ad
'"' ..W 14 bo wob'I.W ,. Ill 1M ........,...-n.-., f
t.W /'WA,., A,_,,, p. 111.
" #10. Ia the tuali .. .Js...- dae word u be_'' .-..,.,
(\lit Mlhcc)."
a11, hot HJ. fL>f "roltlii.AaJ GDI.f ofr:a:r Jrill; ...., .. .., u tutln-Jy Of
r'- (o( bomboo) ......... r locoutd aod ........ , ................ otllt"
Mill '"J!IN r-tt uui, Snt.o XXV
., tho aod 1\fukolt ..U tt01t1 S.. Voi.YIII.ror
Jit, S'ot. XXY"I.
" 31 t, N"o. o, Jjhl ; Por .. duttfb.Ur 10 Deokot.,'' em me t'' DJknt aul.l
t.ll..-tL'1f"d lh dud ... ur a. lffl}tf'fl ,. u, t\IJIAo vI I.
,. 31;, l1111 but. Oil(), .. A (vrt fur hU rtftdfti.OO,'' add uolc: MJJUr ILmrt.f
:\188. ''t.he r.)rt Ctf l\.uan.kot'' int&ad o( the wonb "&.. ........... , ''
of tb11 pri1utt.l k-11. &. ''I" p.gc u. N(lk XX1.X.
31 !', liJu, J l. S. Xote L't:t . ..,.. sx.
It :us I lJ.tJJo or To It bh Da!Dt' "" ID4!0tioat'd in the c(1LU1,'' ..-ld ac,t4!
Tbcr &llthur' IUf ptrlup. be bettn nadmd lr Uo &<I
c.m o.W oldlrl"<l tolopt>< tp<h (la.liro)." S.. 11'0 ""'" ui,
" a 11. " lalldtll or 1111aop nu." Adopt ,.,. .....W.1, ,. lho ""'"
I o!dolo oC Hj..,.,:
. MS,OtOiolponJnph a. Forsir ... uwia" ,_,.s.l .. l\6)'1a(ll..,...):
,. 162. To S'lllC l a&l: See l'bclftw._,.olti.t. ... .. .-....."lana l.&. IMq.
1674, JIIC'l' ..a \"ol. ru4 p. lU.
.. tat nu. ro. .. TWDUt (l"i.ti\hl( ; ,_ .. T.lf*&."
" 1o 1\o,. 2, odd, I ........ IJ C\ol or ChoiJuod. Sot f ... Vol. Ill p.
409. , .... 1'1". p. ...
. 1. l'llllht .,..,,..t .. a ltftor lhrb<la, and lh-ollcrJWI.
" 4tl0. p,\, " ,. ... ,., .... , JldP'T /' rt.d h E--1 Jldflr.''
,. 60'11. in X ott 1. For .. z ... _,.,. n.d d ZfltfU,, ..
., Strib oul tbo uolc. Aj6dlwt '" tho r .. jlb liiOJlb. ittltlldtd
\ .SO
>OLtnlE Ill.
r.,t tOt , lad liM, rNl. u In th.iJ e111paiga. 'Yak.takb1, tbtl print. M tbt
Solt .. , .... .Wa by <b )ltwlltll." Yu. tubl- ,..lib Dull
d1dn. J..\ lbH. ol. L p. 2l);, Tile -1" ol Hrm. ...
rtln I to ia W ill in I. p.
" 201. " Uaaaa 1\lnJU'' Tht wuue it 10 wriUC!D ber a.tld l.a othtt Jlbt-.
ba.t th. blttB bnWII.fona .. uGbgu."
" I Ji.. r bl.(t.,m. To U.C ....,. .., ldd D(..:C ... Kart Of' E.r.ira."
,. 266. '"1M oLD." r-tNu 1&1."
"'tM7. To Tw11Rb :Uul: a,elcb1UA .Jd nnto:
,\ltnd..S tbe \la:rollt Sabr, 744 ,t..ll
.... I3U ._,.),"-T.n.N-< Jl.ur.I&'-IAI.
n 3$?. W-4&4r.f..J Jl....ta."' n.JM M..-IiJ.."
" 400. Por u 140.!1 read w 13.GS A.o.''
,, tUl. To the out. add p. Ul
"Ut. TotiHwvnl .. ... .,... .. y_.,..u..,"
" 4: 11, If W.. from bo($ola. For" hai:DB bJ Radaub,'' nU O\I'T
tho riHI'r, .. ud notA!. fit If/rd., (!Sp t stt.
,. t71. PCII' ..'',..,., ,_. Si.lJua."
.. t$1. To tM aoce 111114 nfU'I"Mes .. p. 401.''
.. 6-C.S,liae 8. To tbt wordtlll"ll'l," add Seep. 2.2t, .wpN.
,. Gl-4, auta. ., ... AI.''-S.umCI liga.t may prba(ll be lhrowa oa thia
s-ect by Lo tlw at"fla hkb.. u eoa.qDtcte of a ow, a
...a wa.oiU'OIIfvrtUr at tWVIll'JCO. butaot. n.loa
111 thrt prieeo or 1$0. Tbi il n:ftTrt!t1 bJ d11 o .Bahftr, itl the
Story p( lbe i''int Dsrwrs.h, "'Th two an, .._,be told Lb:e
.,...w.. .-... uu <bo ..... <bo -" 01.." .\.o ..
i EDJ1aad. mb1tW arlirl ohc:n h1ch rritt wbro a Yotf
11rtat ilh it, or a. i.u the high polltHal e..uittN011.t o( runtln daf*, th'an
wrre ol'lfhd Wr _. ill &M tiudl uJ aalitiftl .-ere C'll'O
r wilbt*.
,. t. w read &f'PJifl"ffd *'"
n 22, llat 2.
)l.aiu," r#lllfl " Aloin.'' IUMI fqr tbe DOlo )lfna P .... ru,,,.,,
" ll&la or :llbj lo .... ola &lll>di.WO. ol llupu iahallilii>J
Sisblad ud 1M Dab."- 1Jiod!D11!D"t

p. 620.
,, 64, 11 fuu::t /rom Jl(lf '
Kaia,' rMII" M1n:
.., 53, tod of panp.pb 2. l..aHrt '' tbt''
.. IU . .AIW &u t 1 t .. nng. t'm.hta, ol U. p. at."
; .. d . \AI so 1: "'Tte Clt>rrtd llli2M Y
.. 201. To"' \lidfaoi Rt.o'' addaootc: Jltvl""rl1" M"'lnli .R&o."
2bll. Add. ttt tU }lcmotr of Sbal\b Z.U. the uoa. rnca u u i
>ol. V.; aJ.o tL .,.r.,.... S.. 1'1 lm:o .t .\o. 5o<. h7,
p. 1611.
,. 307. To l'&lh Oitawi,..Wuot.r"S.. ...... ..U.gooiALS... llopl
ror DHCber, taa..
:121, l:ridr!lo. fUr It"' I ;:j,6JI, IUD: rrl D.opl," '-' limb fiblb (or Kh1n)
9ftictr Q( lhe K111f o( .u .. ,.s, .. and a.kl aoto: '""'"* P an. I
F lLoyid S.," ,...,.l!IIIJ!Id llq:'
., a.J, laoc &.., llu.-...1 l!Gor." Add .... . l'rubo'>IJ 1\aGti,
,... tho ..... ol - (.W. _... p. oonll o( .Aab11a,. -
, .... f ltl tllDta ad l.....d 11ML''
., 107, '2. .. I"..taa.." 8dd More probably Puaa.
640, t, Ppr ... '*14 Si\Wa.'' ud tor Uua, .. fWil
<tJiite ...
,. 661. u u_f,Qt/Jn.'' a4d aQtt<: This probably m.., e\'t'O i!uit ao\
a aaiLI'UJCriptioa of Lha&. -.rurJ...
" 41, 2. For "Kdln.'' NGil"'0ftw6.n" CJ1' oon"-" a.nll adJ
aot. frd, p. 103. aad JCIGJ'D.. -.\. Sot. lkq. r.JT 1&7i.1Ddll,
.. -t.S, iD aot 6. F1r .. ft6d ""41111.
" U, (Qtt hDn frum ..U. .. Xuj6rs." Th:i. .hould ao .WC..'bt be nad "Oaa ..
ja:,.., .... tnuD'tlft.
,, 1-52, ai&:lle .\ X:Utlim."' KuWa.."
.. u.:;, lu1Uno. r ... ... r114 .. Slh.'"
" I; .S. Iial 7 (roe boUo& For .. Llle .at." ,.,.1 .. tbe dwr lllae..''
., 187, hDI 2,. a. .. nlltl'' UlikrL"
,. lH, liM fl .. .. ( .. 1._\oale. ... Add .oc Oae t..llt of ta1..tW ti'IN."
., 2111. To ootoatloot olub!Oodd: n. l<th ,-..rlwfu oa lllotllh l!.amub.
TM the Jnl For cia,. oC Akbal'o <bth,- llloob
mna' .t .... i .l!f..r(, i. p.112. ..
" 2te. X to 1. 1'.- 4MJf ....t "'E4AI!f.t,.U.A."
n.J Pll.nt;npb :!. oAcm iB mytic .... rftl1 OUal uf
wbu u .,.lit.! Li.J.....J tA.i&. S.. VoL IV. I' 610."
,. 21SS, n"lb 2. Fw" rciulL'Il.'' ....41 "'adoptl'"
II !!18, J:IOitl a. J\,r .. rw.l II Siji.d.'' N.t!tn.,. tiT Sijlltan, Ill
rulj,(dYtl nd e.ltboogb tho bJU &nJri
1 i no tll>llbC.
ti1jbt I tl.t rig1at w.,ni.
278, p1U'IlJT'll111 2. 1-'t .. Kbui. Jaa.dba., Bbukip.l, Jilt.",..., gha\trl
C Khtr), J .. dha, Dh6g!Jil, aod Qbibb." S.. lll..,b ... ao'o .fl,
pp. 16<1, ll>7.
,, liu 2 trua tAJl Pur "Kulchin.'' f'f*l .. Kdtbtn."
300, J>U'P"pll2. r ... Full naa Tllloli," .- lh Kllh 1411J1ni."
.. J!On(rt('lo :1, luoe 8. For '.\lll\all," ...-l!.-....1 Kall."
,, 130, panrnph I. KhiDJ..,b.'' ,..,_,, .. KlWaa-awlr;'
" 18-t, 1. Fee Kta:' r-' .. GeMS. ..
,. 1:!$, Wio. To "--u" ..U- n.. ---l' Rlljl>l>, wbldo
"" npL"
,. 407. or .. 'I barol."' rMI u Tmttti.'' ad ...- 1M
.. t21. t. "la!aar, .. ,..,uJ.W,.,"
" UO. Ja aot-. .. TUI:.O.'' lli. BWcL....a N ... caJ.1fd w NW.a;
"Wlikb mt-UI .. dnrf.''-... (J . ..a .AJ.J.rl, ..-ol. i. p. 38.
H 40l. line l UIR." ;wJ 1.1 uuaa..
,. 478 . .\dd ouk "y.,. cia!< ofllodiAiri' dcatlo (101M),- louna \&.Soc. Uroc
fur ltHiO, p. t3.''
,, 671, liM For "8bJbri/' ,...I
''OLU\U: \"1.
r._-.100 11Gb>: "A<>d Dr, cll.d <M third :r-of lbo rdp of Jahr.,pr nd
kft 16 ,_ ot .. _ bohiod .u...-r._,.,, .rw..
" X' liM! .t DOte. ..
U:l, U...laod7. "llbmk Jildo," ._, .. lbhnob XbU."
,, 433.ndofll'dllldfJ!t.l"'g'nlpb. ,..J ..
" 60U, p!Ul\gnph 3, lia 1: ch.l.rt.''l/' nuJ drft'61Cil.'"
VOLIJ.\1 ,,],
.. ;t. [a oot.. )" ,..,.., ol
,. !GZ. t. Fl!t X:mau JU.r, .. rMI Kmnrar t\ls.'"
ao: 106. }'w *' Khb z....:..; ,..,. .. Kb!aa hma.a Khla."
.. 892\ lin G. ,\n r"'inQ.od diu," ._.,.,., .. (Jabbdb ZSblh)."
,. tQ-4. Mubakk.uu Sin&b."' n.ut 'lubbm SU:I&.h.''
\'OLl'llll \'IU
,. liD, liM 4 ftoaJ botua. _y.,. 'W"wwii B.W.. willa. rHtl "'Bb.l.o Wlth
Wilwflo R'l"
" IMI. To tbC! word 1\awlb add aote. "''1\.o tuDUcb licrl Khlt.D
""' p . ,, pp. l:!O, 133."

E:anninntioa of llnjor ltanrLy'o Critioiuu of tho Tbokdli
Nd,.'rl 010 lranlnt,,J in Vol. U. ot tbiA work xi
A.dtlitioo-. an I Com" - - - - .. uiil
!.X.X. .. 'O T,..,irU4. o o 1
I.XX X\'.-.1.-A.Jdlo-1 Ta.-aril4, of '<ablum lltll
L..'\.XX f,"oiAn-i Jlolw" .J.::;!tol>, of :lluluunma<l
IJ&.II KAJn,..,. KMn 13
L..'(XX\'11.-Toa.b"rai l'Mg4.1ai, of :lfubammad ll'll Koimwor
IQW, 0 0 0 0 0
L'(XX\"111 l'.lulgu/41, <Oinbamm .. J l>hAir, Tdwanl 21
l.XXXIX.-/IrAd.,../ J;.ra, of :lluhAIIIUU>LI 'All


XCJ.-TdrUA-i Jl.RJl, of Ru<tmn 'All 10
.X('ll.-TtirUlt-i .. .Y(u/irv: .z., .... t),.J. of C'hnnl ... iO
Xt'lll.-JtrAr-i Sn14AJ,. , of )hili in !'sitlikl. i2
X<' IY.-1it:kirn, of .ol'uan<l Mmllukbli 71i
Xl'Y .-XdJirood""' of llir-..1 llulwnunll<i lJ,.Jull oa
:X('\"1.-T.tbltlp""' of :m .. ldn
:XC\'11.-/I.A,.,../ Ta'<VU.i o o
X.C"\"111.-J/..U.,..U ""'""
o o
X.{'IX.-T.lrJU. JI..U.....J S!tdAI, of YU.W )luhAm"""l
li."MD 0
C.-Tolri.U- .1"-'1 SA<IA
<'1.-D.,d ; Jr.Ui', of Kh:dja 'Abdu-l Krim Kluln 121
cu.-TurllA-i ..r l...glr-.oii

("111.-Tdrl.U-i Jt ..,;:r;r,..r FtdiJt. of ,\fuhammod Ja'w
o I II
Cl\'.-JJ ... j Jlucoiu 151!
(;Y.-FflrlurtN- _Ytlairbt, nf ll.ubunmmd .l.a1An1. 103
C\1.-Tdr!U-i F- BuAd, of PonbAJ In
CYU -Jl.ulil:irlv-1 AJdnm, of )fw1lzA Bnouin
CYUl.-Jil-i .. J, of KulratllU.h 181
l'IX..-Jfun,..,.J C'nl. of Shih X awb KhU &Jn.
&mn-<1 drtulll 187 r-rd, o K"".J Mrn 1!2
l'Xl.-N1<6oi4-t .llAul, of Amir H.U<L>r lln...nnl 193
u! llhu!Jhn linuinl\.'luin 191
CXJ!L-Jf/..U.U...,._: r ... dri.U, o! Fanand 'AU Uu.ooin l!r.l
CXJT.-7ori.l.4-i .llolil-i HiJ, oi Ghu14m D&sit
('XV.-I"Addr flw/;Ar 8AJtid'l, of !Till'! ('IJanuJ lM - - 20t
CXYI.-TJriU- Slllllwlul or llina
Yuluunmud llukl..h - - - - - 232
CXYTI.-II"d.I-'Iti .lifrl - - - - - - 23t
CX \ UL-11 <Arw./ Jltr>qj, ,,f lfuh mi!Uid '.\11 Kh&n .\...aD 235
('XIX.-' of l'rtklr Kbuitu-<1 din 1fnluuumod 2:17
CXX.-l'.l rA r ol JUu ('balar .\lu - ::;s
- - 26i
CXXtl.-LMI- ,q,_vr, ul Ab6 'f&lib Lonloal 2:1R
cxxm-.J..&f- .I auf - - - - - 300
CX..'\IT .-TJr!lA, or 1 us:nf KV-bur- 300
CX)I.'Y.-floh.tdo-i f14A,...I, uf Xo"F&b lhubjab KMu - 301
CXX\'1.-Gol-o Jlolu.ol. I S ''it \'otr KhAn 30'2
CXX\'IJ.-,S.hlhH-1 .IHMr, of Sorilt C'brutl - 313
C:XX \'lll.-7: rJ.U.j )1-J -1 .,f '\1! KhAn- - 316
CXXIX..--'I..iA- d..,, nr Jfucf<'r&arw.J Ji'.Liro, of D.U 331
rX.XX.-/HIilrw-1 ol lliugb - 332
C.XXX.J..-.Vir.,;f_, .lfoli>-Rw<l. of l'awu Kh!u 332
CXX.."{ ri.-/IrlAo!,r,.l T"'nirll!., or ll ;,u,a. . 33t
CXXXUI.-!1.-,f,l.r/.i Jdu:tf, f liAroJim Singh- - 336
CX.."{XIT .. ''Gict, of l'aiyiol 'All a.Jt
CXX2.."T.-Jfnj,.n'u-l .llAMr, ol lLunlcb Tlril 3.\4
CXll"TL-KrUAifl .llJAdr, of 'lnl.yu Hu.ooin - an
CX:X X \'11.-Z.U..t-f .lill<lr, of t'tnnio 371
CXXXYIII.-Jfttld.l.h-r' XA14"''1 1lt1<'uriH, ol Raw
l'anhlld - - - - - 374
CX..'L' Jl.U.nUot, of Xawub lluhnLbt Khan 376

I'XL.-T.irW-i SW 'A''-, of lLmG LAI
- -
CXI.1 -SUA '.l"'--.a-. ol GhuLim '.\.11 Khu - 393
CXI.II.-'J...S<Io-t &'!.11, of llir (;hu!Am 'AU - 391
('XUJl.-,\IJ'<Ir-U.Oi DioJ, or S.UyiJ Gha!Am ',\11 - 396
CXLI\',-JI..,IlA.hw-1 T.nrJri.U, ol - - -
CX1,\'.-AAN/I Trclrl.U, of Ki>ohon llayo1 -Il l
CXT.n.-Jidw-/ Ji"ri of Mind llul14wlllo<l YGulr - 413
CXLYli,-TJrllA-" Il'"r!J, ol Soiyid lfuluunmn1 114kir'.\lf
1\Mn - - - - - - - - - - -
CXLVUI.-BIII'I-HII"'q of Faltlr TGutiru-1 din )!ultonll1Uit1 116
CXLI X.- l"titlgdr-i BMO.ri, of lWI&hu- Sio!'b 117
C'L.-Jdu'o-1 T.nrdri.U, of Fllldr lfuhaammd - 125
CLI.-Jtla-i J4m, oi Soiyi I .u.m..u Khnn - - - 130
C'LU.-.U:u-'w./ Jrwlid ami Z.u.lw-1 filwtrd' or )lu-
lwn.Jno,l Rim- - - - . - - - tn
('J.III.-.4lUdrdl-i Di.J, otlfubommod }ha- - - - t36
T-.irl.U, of Tbomu \\ ti!WD ll=!o HI
8UUOOIUPDIC .. Uo J,.-pn
Cf J:O(; ILU' DJC\L 1 S 1J U.
G.a;.."l&lL lJUU .. -



Tux author ha nowhrre gi'ren a distinrt tide to hill work,
ho it is a ml:hi.Wr, or abridgment, of tho
AC<ounu or anei nl SultAns.
Nithrr tlo name of the author nor the of the eompo-
l<ition i gi'rNI; Lut u., amongs1 the genenl audtoriti .. whih ho
menlion in hio J>,.,f..,.,, tho late!l is the Il:b<iiIIUW' Jhri !Jirl
or Mu'l4mad Kl&n, we my &irl) assume thl>l tho \\Ork was
writttn early during tho mign of Shih J:tMn.
Tho author tolls us that next to tho knowledge of Ood nnd
ffi " 'ill the mot ituporlBnL information W IICCjUiro ill do
rived frotu hial<>ry; nnd thnL acquaintAnce with lho oiNumolnn<tll
of form<r nnd their nobles and oounacllo,.,., i equnl to tho
<up of Jamhid ancltlw mim>r of Alennder; that it ai .. Jc.ds
to n:fle<tiuns upon tlau in;ubility or lringa nml kingdom., whida
:u-e ah1\,P trf6'1in; the road of annihilotion: for when exalted
:autocrnt, "ith tl,.ir i"'""nul families, tbei.rexp<'rienred mioile.,.,
their o:vuntlest armie<, and exhau.ll.,;s ,. ith all thtir
pomp, orlmlour and dominion, ,..., 8Wept from oft' tla enrtb,
and no n .. tigo of tbtun romAin.s, wbnL doom ...., inferior crt'aturt'l
After llw e moral reBeclic>O$, be proeeoda to in(orm u, ihBL
though he was endowed ,.ilh "' Ycry small capacity, ycL "" be
a..soc:iat& mueh with the g...,t, a.o.l ,;th the chief or the
!(OVernment, nnd luld beard l!!lllY historical nneedotea dwint; his
..-ith them, ho thought expedient w eombine thia
inrormMion with thai whieh ho hlld derived from :tuthentic
bi!ltorieo, ami eomp<l"' a work ealeulated to yield gratill.ation
to who ehonld peruse it. 'Cbe histories ho quote IU'O tho
TtirlkA-i Nnhmud 0/ut:Mrl, Tclrikh-i Sullu SA4Adlm-d til
Gllorl, Tarlkfl.i Sui/an '.4/liu-d din !Orifjl, Tarlkll Sulfdn
.M11Iwnn10rf SMA, Turikhi St<lldn Gltiydni.J din TwiJhlik SluiA,
Tdrll<h-i Suii.U. JlNr- SM!t, Turfk/1-1 Afil!lltmlll,
Ti:murl, .dkhar-ndnm or Abti-1 Fazl, Tahakdl-. Ak&rri, [l;btiJ.
111!'"4 Jailtfnglrl, a.nd .R4jdro11.
Ho devotes his work chiefly to the Sovcn!ip or DohH, but bo
wo .adds a abort or tho Kinga or OnjaT!t, Matwi. tho
Dokhin, Jaunptir, KAshmir, Sind,lllld all which
provio...,, al\er nndtrgoiog mom vieiwtudn, can1o to be in
cludt'd ,.,.ithin U1e Empiro or Jalaln-d din
Tbt eopy wbid1 I lu"' examined i1 unfortunately im1>nfect.
lt contAins nono or thOl!O minor histories, and not e3rry
dowo tho Debli hivtory tlun 962 A.n., before tho
Mee'<:lion of Akbar; but this is of very little eon.sequenet, for U1o
Jluk/./,&irvt T(IHdriJ:A hu been followed Terbatim by the better-
known .Klmliillltu-t Tmrdrlkl, which nbibits one or tho rn08t
impulent pla;iarims enn IndiA """ produ...,; for the
.KlmfMrl mention every oonceivnblo authority in existenc<>, but
carefully esdudn this ont, fro01 which, up w a. peri<><!, it
not only dtrived ita ehior informntion, but its very lnugoage, eveu
in IIWI.)' in.t:lnces to the lraruteription of tho t-tioal quotatio.a.
p.,fi><e, pp. 1 to 10-Praio or lndil\, i!B fn1ilA, ru1imnt.,
llowen, citi.., ele., pp. ll to 30-lndraP"l, Tu::hlikat.A.l.
Debli, pp. 30 to 35-Doseription of SMh.Jab,uAbAd,
pp. 31lto 38-Hilotory or the llindu Kings of Ujjaiu, Dehll, etc.,
pp. 38 to 8-1-Tho Ghunivide DyuMty, pp. 81 to UO-Tlo

GboriiUll!, Rhiljlt, Saiyid, and Afghans, pp.lllto
pp. 238 to pp. U3 to 290.
Svc-SvQ. The olume enn.iets of 362 pa.,"eel of
16 lines to e:.cb page.
The following exlr.lcL l! among lbo p:.osages copiod by the
EAul6Mtlri-t Ta.rnr!.U, and won a ridieuloua tendency to
aggemtion. [The tmnlat.ion WIUI made by a '""'"'" and wna
rcviod by Sir U. M. Elliot.)
only copy I buo of the Jf,I/;11/Diir!H To. is in
ot the Royal at Ludrnow.
.A. Dr-ciJIio" qf Jiintlulil,.
India l! a <cry W, country, aoJ it is 10 that otl1rr
eouotril!<l :uo not equal lo a buodtedth pan of it. Kot,.ith
stnoding its 1\ffil, it is populawd in aU plac.lS. It
abounds in all qoartert and every district witl1 eiti -, town,
.,jlll\g.e, eamnnemi."' foru, eitlldeJ., mo;qm" tempi'"" mono>
l<!riOll, cells, mngnifioonL buildings, delightrut gnrdens, fine lrt>r,
piM.taDl greon fild!, running !tro:am&, and im)"'tuou.' ,;,ers. On
:ill the publi I'OCids and st.wt troog bridges anr made ovr
every rivCl' anti rill, om! crnb:mkm,nLs al100 aro rnisod. Lofty
minarrt '""'I "' the dl.tan001 of Mcl1 lo iodieaw- tho roll'l,
nod at every two ino """ boilt of t:rong m:>!Onry for
lTnvt>llol'B to dwell in nod tnko rcot. At each inn can Le obtoinod
every kind of food ud drink, all oorto of mt>dioinc, anJ :tlllciud
of ncc.ary iot.rumenh and ntonil!. On all I'06<Is sludo,y
nnd lruitful lrcct are plnnted on both sidea. Wells nnd tnnks are
dog wbidt contain fioe.b and sweot water in aboodaoec. Tbn
P""""nl:')rs t!O J'03;li unlr tho badow of the IN .,
tbemsolveo, eMing the fruit>< nnd drinking wid water,
aa if thry were taking a \\Alk tl1e b<o<h of gnnleo. 'l'ho
meJThonl,., ll':\leomen anJ all travelle,.,., without any fesr of
thieve nod robbers, l.tlko their gt>O<I nod loads to their di -
I&Dt Tbe whole of this country iJ very fertile, and
the frodU<tion. of r ran, T<u-&n. nnd other cliuuues are not <qual
to th- of etn one proviute or BindU..tu. In thio country
tbtre are aiJo mines of diamonds, ruby, gold, lrilver, copp< r,
and iron. 'fhe aoil t. generally good, :&n<l to productive that in
a it yiddJ two trOJ"'t nnd in some ptAC< .. more. All kioda
of gruin, the sustoonnoo of httmrul lifo, t>ro brought forth in
qunlltitics tltnt it is beyond the power of pen to enumerate.
Qf tho<O productions tlto 1ukh<f/h rico is lbO be.t. ,.., ftUnlitie!l
ami fi:.vour arc boyood :ill praie. h t. cqu:.lly p:1latablo to
kings nod tho common people. 1L i! in tendomei.
and wL-etneu, and bas a a,"l't'Cablo .smell aml The
rirh anol great men, Mid tltooe who are fond of good tiring,
think tlo:.t no ollwr fooJ is o;o excdlent. eo of n:GnN t.nd
dtlie:Uo wte finl reiWI in eating the froif.8 of Hindutu .
..1. ott..., t.,.k would han to bc written if a full d.tail were
ginn of all the dif<11'Jit kind.; of fruif.8 "biob are trodueN in
prinl; nnd autumn, :ill their "'celn-, frn,.uoe, "od

Ta1s l\ waJI.Jcnown (lllnl'rnl hiBlory of Inditl. It w>. <!<lm
posod by Subh&n R&i Khattri, an inhsbiiAnl of
:.\lany copies fail to giYo tho of tho author,! anl the
.Jfa-<Uirul Umrmi quote. tho work mol'l'ly :1.! written :>
Hindu, wilhout his nnlDfl, in ,. f."llll!.'gtl whioh hM t.t.o
wrongly :a., .. btrinz "written in UindU.i "'
IL '"" writton in 1107 '" (1695-6 u1.), and oecopi,..l. '"'
oro told by tho nuthor, two yo:u,, in itt composition. Thi., how-
enr, may be doubt..}. for the work i1 rhiefty t> ropy from the
Jlrtk/lln 1'11-l Ta,<trlkll, coti""<l aboYo; there i no
neknowlodj,'IDCDL of tho extent to which the nuthor is indrbtNI
to that anonymou. work. NotwitbstiUlding which, he ha. tho
impud<nce to "' in biB PreEace. thai be haa -tolm nothin;
from noy one, but compo-"Uol tho work hitru<ll'-a dedanuiuo
which, u he wt111 under no n0<'1losity to rnnke it, of itself cxoit<'il
suspicion. of bia honesty.
The author indulges in the moral rellettioJU, and a.'igns
the "'uno real!ODI for wriling this history, M lu><l t>lready bc<-n
giYOD by tho author of the NJUAtn irvl Tn.,Orllh, !Uld ha..-o
quotod in u .. artido.
Tbit it the - .nib tbt .... itt tbe N""'-;. (.-ol n. p.
hm h la &&.ted t.h.t.t thG aut bar blm .. U lA lbo tmnalatw of b
.. ,., .. _ &IJUI, ... ud /NjhwlJ," _ .............. t .. lb..v..lbfllll)'
001'1 I ... ,._
o- o--m, Jt..,..w, m. i. p. !6,.
StrB!LfN ur.
The opening chpten, wbicb are the portion of the work,
a good of lhe prodncl.s of UindU.tio, omd its
Geo-,;rapby, u ltoown ill tho time of Anranpb. lle ce>nlincs
tho history of the Gbamivides to tho tranaactiona in India :Lion.,
ond in c<>nsequence absurdly rednecs lito number of their reigM ,
to eevcn. In tho reigns of the oorly Kioga of Debll ho doeo
uot enter into much more detail; yet, ootwithet.anding the brief
ueeo or tho Mrrative, ho oeco.siooally indulges in pootic3l quotll
tiona nnd noodle,.. digrossiOil.ll ; as wboro ho dC)doribea tho Se480DS
of aprin::, eummer, autumn, :wd winter in tho
hiotory; and gives u.s an MCOUDt of tho various in the
reign of Kai-Kubad; of nTeworu, and of a 14miue, in tho reign
of Joli\lu-d <lin; and of "ine and ito efl'ecta, in tho n:igna of
Sluwi.bu-d din and 'Aii.o-d din.
llit a"""unta of we reigns of the lirat four Moghal
aro copio.u, considering the oatve of tho work ; bat bo ha..
""iu nl')' litllo or Shah Jahan, himlelf on tlo groood
of \\'ari Khh' hawing :Uready written " copiou.o hitory of
tho\ Emperor' reign. Hill account of tho eoot01ta butwc'()n
Aurangtob ond his brotlutra ill very full, and he eloaes will
tho prriod wlwn thnt Emperor bM succeeded in gelLing rid of
bia ri vella, and hRl! no longer B competitor for tho throne.
Beyond this period ho entors into no p:.rtieulars, though be wrote
in tho lortiotb y'-"'r or the reign.
llo gives no MpMit. history of tbe monon:hies of
lndis, euch aa of the Dskhin, Beo;:al, Guj...&t, cto., mmtly
gios a brief account of each king' reign, whon be come- to
mention the final absorption of each proiuce in tbo Mut:lull
Eu!'ir&. Thus, the Kings of :.\lnltio of in the rei!!ll
of D,bar, tho Kings of 1\talw>. Gnjarit, Bengal, Kaabmlr, Sind,
aucl tho Dakhin ill the reign of .A.kb4r. Tho of the
Kiug of l\tultan and :KaaJunll' IU'O gi.-cm at greatfr length than
the Qtben.
The work ia better known to tho public by tho Urdu tmnsln-
tiou, oalluJ ll1e .A.' rditll-i Ma/lfil, of .M1r Shcr 'Ali J a'thr[, with
the poetical dC!Iignation of A!Sos, son of &iyid 'AU l'I1117Alflll'
KMn, and one of Dr. Oilehmt'a ehicf eoa.djutors in the editing
and eometing of his urful publicationa, 10eh u the
Urdu, n Lmnslntion of the G111;.td11, Kuliyat-i Smu{a, and
Nan-i Bttflt:J,. Tho btoginniog of this tmnslalion was printed
in Calcutta in a folio volume io 1808. Sher 'All Af- repl"&-
senls lh:tt ho hBS mtldo a literal tr<UUIMion, but added or
rejet"t.-d as he thought prop<"r. lle has maJe the greatest altern-
tiona in the aeoonow of the .Whtu and ,.,,u,., and tbe leut in
tho nooounts or forts, and none at aU in tho rovonues of the pro-
via..,.,, as be baa no means of bringing down the information to
bis own time. [He bM kept, be aya, many rel.nting to
tho miracles Md lliarvels of merely for eonformity with the
original work; and for the same reason be bas retained mMy
m:n-vellons mtementa about llindu dov- and tempi.,
although thoy oro contrary to ,..,nsoo, nod ho is not the rni\D to
believe them.] 'Ihe btoginniog of this ttaulation bad already
been made, when, at the iMtig;ltion of Mr. Hariogton, he ona
induel'd to continuo tho work from the time of tho Mubammadnn
Emperors. The portion never been printed, bnt is
atsted by M. Qarcin de Tassy to erut in manuacript in the
Library of tho IUintic Society of Calcutto.'
There is littlo LO indie:tte that this work was written by a
:RinJ6, except that the date of compooition ia reconled, not ooly
in tho llijra aud Jullls years, in tho ern of tho Kali-yug,
Bikramajlt., and S&li .. 6hana.
The KA11IJ..I11-t T<wdrl.tA prof- to be fottnded oo tbe beot
But.horiliee, no 10115 ibAu twcoty-10ven boing quoted by n:une, of
wbieh those whieh are the r:uooot are tho qf Alahmkd
by Manl!n8 'Uil51ln, Irlllqry qf Slllldn Slwtlui611-<l
Jfutin 41 t. Lltliufrt 1Ji..._i d 11'-'lowtoi TOl. I. p. 31.
' [h Ia ..m.... willt lht low!.- ad .mu- of tM&owdll111111mU, ..a
- ...
..n.ahool x_ .. _ ... llloir _.._ So it ....w
ap.,- 10 bn .--w '""" tbo P"' ot a lolo"al"'u raiUr llw Uiodll. s ..
Lbls. tboUfll pund tor P'"'WIIplioo u 10 the lllLbonhlp, b by m...,. oo
St111JL(N JlAr.
din (JAnrl, of Sulf6n .J.fcou-1 lht Klti(JI, Tcirildli Flro:
U.a.\1 by 'lnu.J din Kh&,
Lhe HWor1 ..
by HUAiu KMn, tho Hillqry o/ .Akbar by '.At& Be:; Kazwlni,
nnd tho Tllrlkh-i JJ,ohddiiN!IIlilll, conl.llining the of GujlllilL.
whether these woru were reolly rtad aDd o:mmint.J may be
qu .. tioued, for there ie nothing in this history whieh would aeem
to be derived from thee nnllSlUII -IOUI't<!ll of infomlation.
::lbny vtll'Se3, oomo to bo orig!n;U, llllol 10mo extrnetoo
ftom various authors, aro inserted in difforent J:'M"''lje3 of the
nuntivo, to which they were eonaidel'!d appropriat<".
[Colonel in his artie! upon Indian Hitorians in lh
Joumal of tho R4yal Asilltie Socioly Yol. iii.), hu
bestowod very great pmise upon tho nntbor of tho lllwltuttla-1
Taotdrlkh. He Myo, "His of the mOll! eartfully compiled
gu ral hbtoriea of IndiA 1 know of. Tho author eommeue ..
wiUo tho P6.udu, anl brings hi IIJlJT!Itivo down to the rnl of
U1e year 1107 A.U. was eootinued for l!OtnO years Inter by
:lnnther hnnd; lltld bore I tnlly mention, as nn inetnnce of bow
deoirablo it is to print tho texts of all the valMblo histories of
J ndL-. compiled in fom1er limes we rsn, that tho author of tloo
well-lmown wbo wrote his hi!tory when
Lord J wna Covomor-Gcnornl, h:w tt11llJ>(<rr<:d nlmoat the
wbolo of Ibis work to llis pages without ever once
mvntiouing aothor'a name. A more glaring iDStaoee of
pla:iari>m it woul.t b.- impossible to eoneeiYe: yM tile antloor of
tho Siy"r bas a replltalion, e!!pecl:>lly among EuroJ.*'ln
writo111, nnd the namo of tho medcst Subb(w RBI, the rent hi
torinu, ia prob:lbly wholly unknown. To mallo mttetll woi'IC,
Lhi dihones' eopyut eaya, iD U1o preface of his book, that loe
found " /n<' of on old book, prepared by toi>U mu ... nflor
ouo of tho lllnbruomadnn Emporon, whieb ho mndo uao of, but
it \VIlA flail or mistakC'O, which ho eornlcled. This is oothin" et..l
bot a bardw,i!d bto.hood; for if donl are mist3k .. iu Snbbin
I [TlaJo work ...t \t.t .,.,bor, whae .... 1oM J1ot bora rOU<I .... hft,o, &rl ... ,
giTrnla us. W..,.U.;tubt a. Aa&<ioSoa.qo 10 wlUtb l btfOmem.I.J
R.U he hu eori<J them .. n. anti very or hi.
own besi<l... di..boneal writtr traruobted the 111100 hi
tory into ll indU.tini, and giving it a now oamr, tb ,1 rdW.-i
M.rl...fil, it o[ u an origin:>! eompo>ition. ll e """' how-
ever, mor. looneot &ban tho other, u, though he drnioa that hi.
book i a tr:mlntion, ho ""knowledges 10ntr obligation."
Ll'1'3 Sir II. M. are thus in dircd anl.tlgonim;
but if Sir Urnry's judgment wns comet, Subh{ua RM \\'11.'1 til&
grent plngitlrit, oud be mUHL be deprived of tho prniu whioh
Col. L<'t1 hM O.,.towoo npnn him. Tho dt<'Onry or tho
TwrdrlkA ltlllkes it poosiblc also that the auth1r
or tho St!JOT \\1111 1'eraeious, when he s:Ud tbat he WIOO the book
or an old IIIUI .. M. Still, hk tatemnt Wl\1 diin;;tnUOUI, fvr
tho A1wlthall T u1U could h3.nlly have Wen unknown to
him, it "ouiJ hae bo<-n more houe.t to l.a" n1ado aome
di...,.,t re!<n:nee to weli-Jrno.., work. Th" ., .-ure <:>." by
Col. t- on tl1o author of tho A'rcli>A-i JltJtfil u till les.
de..<ef\od, for Sber 'AU, in bi titl&-pagc, l!t.ates lho.L hi lx>ok """
"dttied from ll1e contents oflhe Klm/awl"-1 Liko
many olhrr authors <>nJ lr:lDSiatol'l!, ho bus hie 0\1 n
lobourll, uut tho book iR DOL :t moro lranslntion. 'l'o
nothlng of tho of tho (>Oml.osition, t.hcro i n good d011l
of ntl<litionnl mMtcr in it, nnd ;, contains neeount of
which ho{IJ1<'nro long oncr tho d:tte of the K!ouldtlrt, uch us tho
of tho .BritWI Gorernnlent, aod diO building or
p. 1- Hin<lli.stAn, i&S vrotloct.. 1t.0d men, r- 12-
Deocriptie Orography of the 1u/xu, p. 28-llindu Haja.., p.
94-Tho p. li2-lluhommadan Kio!!f of Ochli,
.. ('floo""PIIiiP""T-DU.,._IDtilaliK""",.,,_,T..,...,IIA,
qui aG IW de pruile COifllidttm uanmotnt ((loiDate
MgiUI.Ie JCih A c:.u.e dola qu:t.atil6 a. (aitl qu' Af.oe a pcWO ailh 11011. paretoqDI
toUfea\ lola clt LM ewrtinnl baJ:an!i\r, de 1"111kUr Penn i1 tn a 1"1'4:hfl:t Ice.
dt Tr, llut.J,. LUtlnrltUI U(*"ttt tf ... )
p. 196-Reign of Babar, p. 294-Reign of 1Iam,y4o, p. 310-
Boi::n of AkhM-, p. 347-JWgn of Jahinglr, p. 4H-Reign of
Shih Jalln, p. 479-JWgn of Anrangzeb, p. 487.
Stu-Qnarto ; contoiniug 034 pages or 19 lin oath.
Tho m .. is one of the commonest works in
I udia, and is nol rare in Europe. Tllllre are aovcml oopies in
tho British Mnsonm. Tho Asiatic Society of Bonc:nl h111 n very
good copy, with t1 fow le3ves de6oiontllt tho ond, 1\0d thoro are
lifO eopi"" in U10 &yal Aaiatic Society' Libmry.
Seveml copies, oven from anth widely plncos as Lon
dun, D .. hH, Potn.o., ODd S.llUrulpitr, all ooooludo with
atnting tho date or Awangzeb'a death; whith, aa tho work
waa comf>061 in the fonieth year of 1m n.ign. mu.t have been
aJded by eome in a very arly copy ; for l.hough it
i ool improbable any transeriber abonld "'"I tho <bto of
the Em('C'I'Or'a de:Uh, yet, nn).,.. the original entry had been
nry early, so mlllly copies could not bavu concurred in giring it
in tho llllliO fonn and words.
[Tho Editor baa translated tho lle(lOUDL of DebH ; but hos
not thought it oooess:uy lo give ext111<1ts from tho historical
part of U1o work.]
Mtlro)JO/ilo" Pronilef! Dj Shtf/J.Jn!ldndlxid.
[In llindu CUJd Permn hiatories I bao n:Gd that in CUJcient
timoo lbe city of Ha.stin6pitr was the capiw of the rulers of
lliodU.t,n. This city stood upon the haole of the Gan
-, and
a great deal baa been written abolli the (l:,...t) extent and lize of
tloio city in th:lt O,"t' I t ;.., very pepulous at the pl'e'!"ot time,
but like wbat it was in tho.., old WI en
broke ouL loetwoeu the two tl1e Ksuravu :wtl pru,.
da111, tho latter removed from llaatinllpur to tho city of
pm.t on tbc Jumna, :wd made it their eapital. A lung while
io tho year 440 of DikrnmAjit, lt6j11 AnCUJg !'it

Touaar built the city of Dehli nllllr to AJ\erwuds
Rai Pithnur&., in tho ycnr twelve nnd aomething of
Bilcram6jlt, built" fort and oiLy to whieh he g&Ye his own wune.
Snlt6n Kutbo.d din Aibak ud Sultan Sbamau.d din
oeo!Upioo tho furL of W.l Pithanri. In t.he yenr666 Hijra (1267-8
A.D.) Sultan Ghiy&au-d d!n built IUlothor fortress, which
be e:Uled Shw-zagban.t In tloo year 686 rujra (121l7 A.D.)
Sultan Mu'izzu.d d[n Kai-Knbad builL another city of handoome
edifie on the J omoa, to which h tho of Kilu-gnri.
A.mir Khueru oxtolll this eity in hia Kirdnu-4 &'udnlir. Sultan
JaWu.d diu Kbilji fuundoo tho city Kllshk-l"nl (rod
and Sult6o 'Al!u.d dlo the city of irl and made tbern
thoir "'"f"'Clie eapillll$. Sultan Ohiy&su-d diu Sb&h,
in tho yonr 725 llijm (1325 A.D.), mised tho oiLy of Tnghlik-
&Md. nit too, Sultan )fuhamrnlld Fakhnr-d diu Jnun.,
foundoo another city. and el'llCLed in it a pabce of 1000 pillars.
lie also built some other fine manions of red otooe ). ln
tho ye:u 765 flijra (1351 A.ll.) Sultl'lll Firoz Sh'h built tbo
eity of Firoz.ibad, Md having cut tho river J umnn, ho conducted
the water to bis city. Three kot distiiDL from tloe city he noised
another io il " lony pillar, whieh nm remains
1t.nndiog on hill, nnd is llOrnmonly called the 1611 of l'lro:r;
Sh&h. Sui tin Mubl.ralc SMh fou.ndlld the city of Mubl.rnlt-abtid.
Jo A-ll.) X""irn-d din Jlum-
nytln llMh&h, bl\ving retored lllld repllired tho fort of Iodarprt14t.,
&<avo iL tho oaono of Dln-prut!.b, and ou:ldo it his royal re,i<lcnne.
Sber Slll.h Afghan, having pulled down the city known 1111
KW!hk-Sirl, built another one. Salim SMb, his 'IOD, in yoar
933 llijra (l64R A.n.) builL t.he fort ofS:illro-garh, which nill etnnda
in t.ho river Jumo11, oppoeito the eit:ldel of Shi'Lh-JILitiiDilbAd.
Althoogh eaclt of tloe rulers of founded a <ily, 11nd
made it tho ee:u of his govtnlmrot, mu io all pouu of the
domioion!l Duhli fnnooua os tho capital of nll tho of
Hindu&lan. lo the 10.18 .. 11. (1638A.D.),and in tl>o twelfth
Y""' or hi 11lign, ShaMhu-d din Muhnmmnd SMh Jo.h6n l34d
hih-i Ohbi S'hib- Kirnni o&ni a city n"'r Debli, which he
n:tmecl Sh6h-Jaban-ibM. Through the building or thia great
city, all the oiliee wbieb hnvo mcntiooC<I u boving boen
built by r,;nntt kiu;:o hove boen :md ... inalud .J undtt
general name or Shlib-Jlllan-f,w..J, jun as the many rivera
whiab roll tho Gnnge llro known only by lhu llROlO or

MvliA'IliAD li \ol K\mvAJt :IUtAN is tho AUthor of thi1
geneml bi.rtory, which w:u written in \.If. ll32 (A.IJ. I 719-20),
in tho !t'<'Ond year of iHuhammad Shih's reign. 31\tr whom Ito
names tLa work, though Ito dedie3tes no portion of it to an
of tlW Emperor.
In a v.ry wordy p..,r-, the :>uthor ioform5 us, tltat, from an
euly peri>d of hi lifo, ho took a delight in ,....ding bi.tory
of kingt and inti, anti that, in eoo(-qnenee of his entering tlto
of tltu Emperor Aur:>ng1eb, "tbc d .. troyer of 411 oign
of onpol'l!titiou nnd idolAtry," nod being employed in tho DAkltin,
bo ""' fur " long tiona proclnded from pul'l!niug hif
occupation. Uo uboequontly appears to ha,e boon roduo<od to
grent diatre..,, "li'Om tho oeournmeo of certain mi8CmLio Beaidont.t,
outl he oonc:<Jivod a di:,;111L for all tbD worhl and oorything in
it, insomuch tl1M uo ""''" for MY kind of <ODIIlioed io
his mind.""
lu the o &IDietiug eireu!Dl!W!ees 'luiyatu-llah Klt6n, IMt
of mioiate1'11," eaato foi'WAI'Il to as..<ist him, and be IC<'Um("lni.,.t
lhat <>ffi..,r on hit ,..turn to tho capital. While J'lll<iding thre,
be IMINns 10 havo beou conttnted 'lrith his Lot, for bo ttU. ut, with
aomo uult.ation, d111 ho considered tho corner of a ltou.., and au
ol<l mat 10 ml on, better thAn the lofty pal&eee of tho lordt of
splendour :wtl lll"o"11i6ceucc, a.od that he pumted hit old tludi.,.
with avidity. Do preferred wandering runoug Ute ploa.;:wt lcnv<'S
of a book to a ..,.Jk among the partt'll'eS of a llowe!'-,..dto ; he
altogethor abandoned lhc Crnitl.,;s attendance upon the gattlll of
tho proud and am>g:>nt. and shook sorrow aod Crnm
tho akirt.J of hi! heart.
While he \\"11.'1 l!O happily oceupiod in tho re.-ival of hill fonner
purouito, ho met with a severe nJ!Iictiou in tbo Ioiii of his
friend, who it spoken of in nell t.enns tbat wo aro ll<l to oon-
elude his bereavement to have been tlmt of his wire, whoo Dfttno
tho uuol OrientAl delicncy respecting foUJnlea hi. re-
vrnllng for tho iofonnlltion of hi9 reac!Qnl. "'fhe lire of grief
burnt up tho lt=est of his hopes, destroying the atoek of his
patience, and nothing reml\ioed to bUn but eighs and
From this stupor of grief be was IU'Owted by no human aid.
On this -ion an inoviail>l angel and a dinne inapiration told
him not to as ooe witbon1 hope. but to -upy hi mind
by empooin;; eome work, whieh might serve to hand down his
name to l""lerity. In .ompliAnte with lhla pbilooophieal od"l'iee,
110 l!e<rttly eonveyed to him, he add,..,..ed bim.Mif to bit task, !IDd
tbe ,...ult il before ns, which he will l"<oder tho pernsaJ
of any other history devot.edto tbe oamo peried unnoeel!.ary.
'l'ho Jinjl GHIlitrn-i Multarmmul-aluihl is -rroly worthy of tho
hntlOrtJ\Ut preliminories which bemlded it.s birth. Dut lhll author
did eon fino himaolf to this grnrml hieLory; ho wruto four
nRcrwnrds a much more imporlruat work, cnlll..J the
Ta:kimi Ohq!JhtrltJJ, which is tho ubjed of the nm articlo,
ru1tl he il tbo Ilad[ who wroto lho lntl"Odne-
tioo and C<>nehaion of tbe AMI<>biotJrnpM<al Htmoin of Jnlitbi!fo'
The p, work may be aoOJ!idorecl an abrid:ment of
Firuht.a. h rompri.!e$ a genmal history of India, indodin" all
tl.- minor dyu.qies; bot tho Kin;t of Deb II are not earned
down tban B6bou-; 3Dd :>t the aonduiou of tho aceount of
that ronqueror, we are promised a eou1pletion of the biotory of
tho Timurian frunily in """"""d YOI11mo, whieh premise has been
folftlil..J in lbo Ta:kirrti Cho!Jllnl41.

This lutory is inlo Boob and Cbaptuw, principally
nyloo ROH-gardem and &se-bu.sbes (Gu/lldn); and
as containt IO't'ell Boob, i' is entitled Haft G 1t.lt11n.
Preface, p. 1-Dook 1., in three Cbapten: Cboplr I ., The
Kings of p. 10: JI., Tho Kings of Jaunpur, p. 183;
Ill., The Kings or p. 103-Uook II., in two Choptl'l'S:
Chapter 1., Tho Kings of Gujar(lt, p. 225; II., l'ho Kings of
Khllode<h, p. 26'2-llook Ill, in one Ohoptar, The Kings of
lknglll, p. 276-Book IV., in five Cbap&.el'll: Chapter I., Tho
SultAn, p. 283; U., The Kin,"S of B!j&p<.r, p. 330;
III., Th of AJlmadllllgar, p. 382; IV., The Kingo of
Haidar&W, p. 417; V The Barid-hihl DJDaaty, p. 132-
Book Y in two Chapters: Chapter f., The J&tno of Sindh,
p. 4!36; 11., The Kings of llolt&n, p. 440-Book TI., in one
Chapter, The Kingw of K ... hmir, p. 449-Book VU., in one
ChaptH, TI1e Saints Md other Holy Penona:;ee of Hindut!n,
p. 469.
A ehort oxtmel is given as a specimen.
Sl7.1J-8vo., 496 poges of 11 linea -b.
This hiRtory ia not common in 1 ndia. l only know two
copies, of which tho best is io the posoeaaion of tho lh\ja of
Tirno, io Central Doib.
Til BtiAo1a111 Swftan,.
The narrators of ancient history, anu mach ioYe.tigotion,
ba "'Ia ted "ith great exaetn- and preeU.ioo dial. there wu
a bJ' name llasan, who lived in a of extreme io-
aud wu a aervant of one Gaogli, a Bl':l!1min, "bo btld
some rank and honour in the Court of Sultlln Mubammnd
Tugblik, King or Dehll. Thio possDl<od n email
pieeo of ]null, wbicb U1e King bAd grnntod to him for his
mainteJUnee, and he employed 1IAo3n to till One dny, as
Ra.san wu the plough, he uw a hole in tho grounJ, and
on examining it, he discovered there a jnr full of J:Oid
He cover.,.! with earth in tbo e:une manner u he found it,
and informed Gin;,..U of it. Gingli took Rnnnu to tlte King,
a.nd "'PI'!'!Icnted the mnttcr to him. The Sult(m Dasan
for his hun,.ty, ndmit!OO biro nmoug Uto eomrnandtra of n
hundred.' nnd tool\ him into his &vour. Gr:adunlly hit renk
incrta.od to .uoh n. ditl,'l"OO, ho IVM nppuintod, nbovo llll tho
)Iughnl morconaries, Oovoruor of Kulbargn
nod it. vidnity.
tho astrologer, his old mMter, on oumining his horo-
kUJ"', found igns of his boeoroiug " Kio:, and received a
promi.., from him that, in the days of he would
:wutne tho Mmo of Gingli M p:m of his royal title.
SultAn )[uhamm!ld Tughlik, being a nry cruel prince, put
tho of Sind, Dalthio, and Gnjarlit to death. Dut tl
Almighty Ood eaved Haoan from W..truetion. The SultAn
hainf: inv.,.t.d him with the title of Zaf!ll Khin, and <Onfmed
ou him Bhakbr, which was one of tbo dtl"ndenoiu nf Bhakhri,
infdglr, \\Ont to Gujarat, and thence turned his COUl"O towards
Tbotlo, whoro tho nrmy of death ottoekod him, o.nd eent him to
tho world or nonentity.
a melt th ("UUItgtl wbm wordt u ".Afr Jttd1tltl:' "tbe
11 w orflcrf"'./' a nn fl'\Tt"Do to the aewlyo{'Qoerled \fuaball; nl b, h cL ute
ll(Jiln d""' an Tolui'M l. p. i20. Bat Lhe origiaal or W1 anti p( all othen
whrrt lb. wvnlt oIU', (ire A.irQ .{ wb.icb wloiUW. imply tlt.At &hey trtra
CQmllld l..n a _.,_i [Set..,,..-, Vel. lll. p DOW.) No.t\1-1
II.Uk r* u ..... Tark .. uw b ,...., u - ...,.a..t ....., the
foMp -nn. Flriolua ..JJ. IWD u Algbl.L
I nit tby ntm1'td the __. o( R-h&d Cel. Brier .,.. iJ&all}zl. ._,
lUck .... C'' ,. b7 a-.. ;, _, --. ... dr wnu.. 1a .u lb
lts ot r .w. .... . \-w.l: 111u ;, ;, ..... 1a lb "''' ,.. .so
lbe ,.._ wkldo .-.! .,. f....O orion. lllhois ef UJ ...U. IUa n.,;,;..UU.
LlrW.t Xl:Lla ca11t ,, +\febJ.d-&.. Scou-' Da\WI, .-oa. G. p: '2, a4 .,..,
\"ol. HI . p.


(Tm.s work is aometimoe eMled TdrllJ. ., CA<zglt<Jhil, it mW!t
not bo eonfoundd with the history title by Mu
laamrulld SIWI' Wirid (No. LXX).."VIII.). The author of the,..,.. :\luhammad JUdi Kim'"'r KhAn, who bu
1\ln.>ady notieed M tho nulloor of tho Talimnut-i WaJ.o'tlli Jnlidll-
vlri (No. LV1.).
aod the EJ1jl Guw....., (No. L..X..TIVI.). The
Tdirai Chnglrtrlm ia a geneml history of the Chaghntii ftove-
l'lligOJI in two parUI. Tho first couuneneee with "" aeeouut of the
origin of the Mun;:ob, and of Chllllg!% Khin, aurl goes down 1o
the dcmtb of Jnhingit. The eoeood pnrt, wWch is tho rnoro
importnnt aod Ulleflll, begins with the d., of Jahinglr, and
ndJ wilh tho ooveuth yo= of :\lnlu\nlrnlld Shah, A.U. 1137
(17.24 A.ll,),
w writing nbout thiJ :.ttthor, Colonel Lees says, "I do not
know the exact limita of the p<riod within which thi1 author
llouriahll<l ; it it thRt bo wns with
Auraogzeb for a coo.idrable portion of his reign, and, for aome
portion or tho time, at lo&<t, luoJ good opportunities of obtnioiog
I>C<lurnto illformntiou. 1 find that in tho frty-fiftlo ye:u- of Wt
4JI"d, Vol. \'l. p.191.
r..i(lll, ho wen I, in company with the Paym:ut...- 0f1lor:al Killyat
Khin bin Anlwl Khan, KhAfi, to and .. be has
brought tlown h;. hi.tory only to tho sixth year of M oluamnwl
!'hlb't roign,or A.lL 1136,
and Khin hu eontino.J his to
the foortN!nth ye:.r of the same reign, or 1144 .o.n., we mny eon
elude that Kam-nr KMn was not the Inter of the two. Ilo open
hiJ history onodeatly stating that he oommcnc< it nftcr ho hrul
oomplctcd tho compilation oftbo Ilnfl Oulhma (No. LXXXVI.).
He continues, I humbly omve tbe students of bialory, regnrd
ICM of tho impropriety of the words I hMo uftod, or tho wnnL of
elc::nnco in my Lyle, to take into their ooniderntion, nod do mo
the jutico to romomber, tlu.t witbout any royal onlor, &nl witb-
out tho ail or as>islanto of any of the nobles of tho timl'8, .. hirh
in an unde.Uking of this important llllture is very nl'a.._l).,
how many nights I have t11n1ed into daya and rtrod, IUll
llllXicty of mind I hAve auffe....J, in eommunitating th
iofonnation oontsined in tbi9 history in a now form.' The author
...,... appoim.! Controller of the Houehold of Prinre 'luhamma.l
Ibrahim, nml reeeived an increaee of pay and the title of
Kh&n, in tho ocond of tbo roil\" of Dahr..Jur Shi<lt SMb
n:Jnm, anti ho rt"Ceivll<l a k/til'nl from tho Entpcror in tho follow-
ing Uo wns in a position then to know was going
on: and tho nppnrontly straightforward tBnnor in which ho bll8
his hitory inJpi""' the eonfiJcneo of tho
From inaitlcntal obsemotions in tho uf th& book, iL
ap1..aro that tho autlaor was tliordn, l.tkA..JII and lA<iMumti .. , in
tho tim of &hi..Jnr Shih, and that he arte"""'l" hld lhe of!ire
of <i<iro<;lta of lh tre:L,ury of the In tho lat...- \'<11"' of
tho work it is little mnre tban a reeonl of appointments lllld
pronwtionJI, \Tith tlt eoneomitant P"'-'nta :wd oiTcrin:--.'J
I {"!to liu the n.epl .\m!io Sorietf copy. llr. Uorioy !'lhe lloJal.hl!ie
SociltJ" fOfJ! b t011UJP1!'1i f,), aDt tMr ,.,:]
'l:!<to \lr. '111' Calalozot. IIDII Col. 1- Arll<l., lom. It A. S. (lin
,.1. til. p. 4.}0.]

) I

Al'f'tuilm of S!rtill J alul11.
l Yaminu-d danla X.!Jilf Kh&n, ' A tam Khan nnd othor noble
the of Shabriyb in the virioity of Libon. They
enterod tho oity, m3de ShAhriyor prioner, nn<l blinded him.
BuU.k1 and the other '!ODS of Daniyal and KhumJ were put in
chAins, :wd impriaonod in the fort or LAhore.]
DMfll of Balui<lur S/rti/o_
&hadur Sb'h died on thr night of tho 20th :\(uhnrrnm, 102!
1.11. (9lb Feb. c:onflll!ion imrnediatdy followed in tho
royAl camp, and loud cries wore htmnl on t\'l'r)' ide. The amil"'
nut! offioinla len tiro royal tents in tho rkuess of tho nir;ht, anti
"'<01 off to join the yotmg prim. \ boy f'I'"'OD Of 00 Jarty, ADd
follOWCl'll of tbo <Amp, Unmindful Of wh:tl faUilwJ in store for them,
, we,. greatly alarmed, and went oil' to the city with their l'amili"l'.
Rulli."" nnd nJ:nbond bognn to lay their hand upon the g.>Ods
of m:llly. The tM't we,. .., <rowd,..J that it ....., di!'lkult to
pa.s aldng thran, anrl hoUAt'f< could not be fount! to
tl.- peopl. Sovenal persons wero to bo """ ""'king rtfng. in
one littlo shop. FriouU. nnt! relntiona wtro unnblo to the
call, DU\tlo opon them, Gmt dU.totbauc<.:$ &100" in tloe llmlito
of the l'rincett, Rnd 110oe of tho groat men had any ho)Hl of
oaviug thir The ooiJi ro louJiy dm:md"l their pay anl
aiJqWRDct'!, ruul joining nru:crtmonious sorvnnts, thoy mnde
u .. of fiJUI and Abn:;ivu nnd bioi their hands on
thin; dwy foorul. rvuld t!u nothing to help their 80n>,
nor sou for their fnthers. Enry mnn luld to do io L:lkio;:
.,.,re of himolt'; and the ctne WAS like tho olay of j nd,."lllcnt.
lntormcr< brou!(ht in nw thnt Priru:e Karim. eon
of Prin 'Azimo--ih Sh{.u, had let\ his own Anti gone off
townrU. that of llbhibnt Khan nod KIIAouwAo, lloln of tbo
lllrlLUUI\.1) R.tDr.
lnt.e .KhA.n-khan&n, and no one know whaL his intentions wero.
Evory ono, smAll and great, looked upon 'Azlrnu-eb Sh6n as the
eueCilSSOr ; for he had soldiers, elephants, treasure, and
implomcnts of war tw()-fold moro than o.ll his three brothers.
Except ..!mlru-l umarcl Bakhshiu-1 1\fulk (Zu-1 fikar KMn), nU
tho royal nobles were in his favour. It WIIS probable that bo
would drnw up his forces nl ouco, "nd not give his advenorics
tiruo to GSSCmblo theirs.]

[Tru work is al,.., found bearing the nam"" Wdridal
3Dd T<irUA-i .J{Hfwzmmntf-SA<iAI. The aulhor .....,
Shafi'-i TehArinl, wboec poetieal souhriquot wae W'rid. IIe tdls
his reMC1'11 that he was born in Hind'listao, bit father,
.\lohammad Sharif, and his anceoto1'8, .,......, natives of Teharin.
Up to tho ;:c of forty-ono he bad dnne nothing to hand his
n&mo down to pottrity, and while he "'"" regretting bia wutod
lifo, nod conaitloring wltnt work ho should nD<lort11ko, loo Willi
'illitod by his friend, 'ln&yntu-llnh 'A tUfnt Kh&n, nt
wboeo inetlluco ho composed this history. He goos on to eay,
"Front year 1100 A.ll., tho greater pcrtiou or whot I luwu
recorded 1 have myoolt' lllld tb3t whiclo I hcanl from lrut-
wortby pe1110111 I took the utmost p3iM in sit\in:( and inquiring
into, and whatever statements I hM tho sligbtet doubt about I
dirArd..t But from tho of the war of the latt>
Sult&n )[ubamm .. l A'um up to the present time. or fur twenty-
two yea1'11, I hDYe e<!n cvorythiog with my own eyeo." The
work ia written in on but l!Dmewbat diffieult atylc. It
btgilllJ with the bitory or Dabar, and iodudCII ('lrt of tho roign
of Shih down to witbdrawa.l of Nidir Shlb in
I j:J9. Ho do.oa bl work with the following :
A ner the or N&dir Shah, a RoyAl Order \YM
issued to following oiTeet: All public should occupy
thffilaulns i.n the dieb.trge of their ordinary duti.., except tho
hktori&JU. These bould refraiD from reoonling tho e<ent.s or
my roigu, for p.....ent the reeord eannot be 11 pl!'ll!Wlt one.
Tbe roin.s of lm(Mtrilll or Supremo Oovornmeut hAve fallen from
my hnn.t.. I lUll now the 'fioeroy of Nadir Sb&h.' Notwith-
.unding that the noblea and great offieors of tho Court, h.....Wg
tbe..e molllllaholy rcfl<-clion.. of tho Emperor, in many compli-
mentary and Hntterlng t"OOOmmonded him to wilhdrl\w
tlilil order, His Majtlflty would not be sntisfied. Oolll!equently,
being belpl-. 311 tho histDriAu.s ob.yed tho royal IIWldate, and
bid down their peru."
Tho Mrk is oot " very long OM. Tho copy uod by Oolonel
WM " roynl ootnvo or 008 pages, 16 linlll! to tho
There ia a oopy and llcVeml extmc:ia of the work in the library
of Sir ll. Ellio1.
(N6tlir Sh!h), enlling Durluinul Mullr. lx!foro lllm, se111
him to the pl'eS(!DOO or Mnb.tmrnad ShAh, having dtennined
upon tl>i that I he Emperor of 8hould oome to
lu1vo no interview "ith him, :uul he hould not be spnrlng
of his monoy nnd goocb. Ho on pnrt wonld hold t'n$t to the
tl'l!Gty, and the soenignty and tho whole kingdou>, u formerly,
houiJ remain io tho pn .. es!ion of hi. brother }[ulk wu odmitl.ccl to the P""'enco for the pur-
polO of ddivering tli mtl!Sllge. Next morning Niz{unn-1 Mulk
went lx!fore tho Sh6h to arrange matlcts, and the Shah c:>mo
:Iii far .. the door of the lew. to meet !tim.
The following day Mah:unmad Shih proeeedod thore, riding in
"lighllitter. Aa ho tho lc!nt, Nadir ShAh eamo respoea.-
fully forward, :wu thoy, tBking ono 1Ulotber'6 81\t down
[nio """'"u.-... -. .. a
cl<riTIII CoL r- Ollid. 1o 111o 1-..1 ..
die lto)tl Atia&.ie SoDrty (!\A. Y"GI, a4 W. tpnelti'W ol tAt two
al>o q....,. ban- odop!RI; bcttlho .......... hod"- pkUcloot bySu- H. lot,
...S crmlnwlalool for him bra .,..,M.J
TnTm-I ClL&GB..lT&r.
togrthrr Upotl the ame JJIJWW. The eoff..,_be&ter snt prMenled
wlfee to N.Ur Shih, and ho with his own lw>dl eourteo01ly
it to Shih, and said, "Since you have
done me the honour to eome here, yon are my brothor, aod may
you remain in the empire of HindW!tAn."
After two hou,.,., MubAmtMJ Shah rotum&<l to hi.l own
nntl dilflll!ud among tho dejL'<tod chiefs of llinduttUil.
H hl>t! been determined that both Kingt should mnrch togothor
t"wards Sh6h-Job(lu&b6U. So on Fricby, tho 8th of Zi-1 in
tho ye11r 1101 A.n. (8th l\rtU"th,l739), the two Enopcrono ro:.A:hed
Debit N:u&b Burb6uu-l !llulk """ prc.sent thoro at the time,
but on the following morning he died. On the night of tho third
day from that, lhis ulnlonlinAry tireWlllltAnoe oeeumd,
that 'omo t>eople of RiodW!t&n raised a report tltAt MuhammaJ
Sh'h laaJ any with Nt.dir Shih. When tbi.l rumonr
pread through the city, evory man cut down with his nord
each Tllnqnihod one witltOut compassion. Tbe bearing
of tho murder of their mt.u, lost all self-control, and three
thouaaud or moro of thom wore to death.
About midnight, tho officers of N&dir Sloah, frigbtcnbll 11t1d
trembling, ropruocnted tho atnto of alfai"' to tbo Shah. The
SMh, nugry at being aroW!oo, 53id, "Tho moo of my t\rmy nre
maliciouly necuing tho people of Rindti.et6n, 10 thnt 1 should
kill a nuonlklr of them, auu tho signal for plunuer." But
w ben thio infonnation wo.s n>(l""ted over and over to
tho Sb&b, h l"iz.U hi.l aword, and in the Mo"'J.ue of Ra.adu-J
tbula (wbieh i.l aitUAt.U the court of tho of
the polit), he nudo sword a ataucbrd, and i .. ued
the onler for slau:;httr.
From that night till 6ve hours of the following day, man,
woUUUl, :wim.U, IWd every tiring thing >Yhich eame the ey<W
of tbu I'c,.,.w,., put to the sword, :wd from evrry hou,e
rattllatreamt of blood. At last Mnhnmmad Sh&h and
wcnlto the Shah to mnko intercession for God's ptGJ)le. Nadir
t Ltt, "A Tfgril.."
Shah, oul of consideration for him, willingly aeeedf'll lo
wihe!, gnvo ordel'8 liUIL tho PenoilUlB should immediAtely ceaa<
rrom further abn;lhtor, and d .. ist from tbia u..-mly work. lu
hort, a proclamstion of quart w:111 mado, and the ery of
glad tidiuga rcsoWld!'d on all idea.
After this, Nadir Sh6.h remained for some days, :mol collectin.,:
a gt"e'lt doal of treasoN ll!ld woa!Lh, h8 "-'L out w'lnlr'ds tho
capit:LI of l'ran. On tho way lo Lntd, tho ruler of Sind, who
Lwl oomo out with bootile design, was dclO-atod by Nalir Sh6.h
with nry little uonble, and obliged to obmit. On the day
Xadir Sb&h set out for tho capital of fran, a notioo Y>118 sent '
to Ful&d KMn, tho of tho of IJindU!tan,
iutilllA1ing that not ouo of the i>tr.ians in Uiu.IU..tan.

Tms rare work, imm!'diately afu.r t.he uu:ol rr:oilo.,. of the
Cf'f:ltor and the Prophet, commooes 'lrith an on
Hilotory. II informs us th:ot storieo of ancient hro<S Opl'r&to""
a warning to J'O"Lrity, and tho<e relating l.o the m:onner.. anl
enstoms of l:l'l'Ciftl men IUhi powerful mo!W'tM form a rule for
tho of tho world. For prool men Ml
Wlli'Tiono, 1listor.v ll tho lflll'eSI me&M of knowing whAt G.crt.
ono hu ]Wrfurmt'<l Recording to his powrr and
what lmlle wcro tn1ek by what bats, and ho\f tho gnrno1 woro
won; how tho swords of roonge wero dr:own onomit'i,
and how they \\Oro dctroyed; how some by their llrt.l, mMhinn
tioos and pruucnee, 81lVOO tbeiDJ!e!ves from tho haude of their
advCrPllri<'t, and bow othel'S, by the fOI"Cll of thl'ir nod
ooarago, oonqucred tho conotries of tho world; what hcroim
warrion hae di<tplayed, and how 'lrith d.-ir swonl'\ battle-atto,
arro,..., Weft and Ja:;ers. they ban cut olf or brok,n the head.s
.,r f-. and ... with night. the lieldl of battle "ith
the dwt of llll"ir fort. rom History aloo may be known what
le..rned mao llouri.hoo nt what time; when n pot! curn-
pol>Cd his poems ; nt what time o. cetUin work wu
compiled; wbnt '""' performed by a fniot nt aucb a
time; what phJticriao nt sueh o JWriod; what enli-
grnpher acquired forne in hls profeS!!ion, aocl ot whnt. timr.
"As the odvnntages, be continues, " of this brnneb of
learning aro cleMiy obvious, Mel tbe motives to study it bAvo
been folly shown, lbia mean :llld sinful pe:rson, tbie criminal,
hnmoful, for1oro, and abashed, omb:urnssed and distrcased ; this
drownecl io the ocean of and eiJl ; this bod ch<JJ'OOter tmd
blnclcfueecl one; this hoper of forgiveness f'rom God, the Protector
of l.'"''t nod small, viz. Mubammnd 'All, son of Mulmmmn.d
Sadik-al Basnl-al Nlli!bapun-al I:IAnafi, eompilecl tbia history,
wbieb is exlmded mnny othu similnr works, io nn ox-
ecediugly condensed form, and to tho extent of llis power look
great in adjusting Uo datos. ThUll tho poriods of tho births
nnd deaths of the different kiog11, and the netions of different
governors, mny be found in tho ootu-ao of thoso narratives. Be
baa produced " polihell mirror, in which tue ro!lootod all tho
saints, learned mon, poel!l, sovereigns, pbilo-
sopblll1!, ministers, 3/liyii.U, nod pbysician8. IIBving for
dived into tho depths of boolus, he brought out those
pearls !Nm U!ose OCCllllS."
Tho worka which hoqnotos 38 his autboritios nro thoRau.:atu-a
Sn(ti, llablb11 Siyar, Pirishtn, Raur.atu-1 .&.bah, '.A' 14mdra,
Jahtinkulltd, Ta$irolll-1 1l1knh6, Tfl1!kirlltu 8/w'anl, Zajur-
IIOI/Ill, TaiJakriJ.i .JI.kbarl, Flllufl-i 'A',am Kuji, Guddnll or
l:lamdn-U:Lh ilfustouu, .MidUdi, Af!41u-t 1iNarlkfl,
Nir.dmi!JI1o Wa&r<jf. .illil'qjjom, Majtililu-l .Muminfn, Lubbu-t
Tau:driJ.A, nod 'A'lmnglri.
ThB author dedicntcs his work 1.0 Burbt\nu-1 Mulk
Saiyid Sa Khan, upon whom ho bc!lowa n long nod lnbourod
eulogy. ]n other part.& of U>o work ho takes every opportUllity of
lnudiog hi.s patron, rmd nt pnge 32!l snys that be nlono is dapablo
of compeling wiili tho Mnhrattns, nl tho drcod of whom 1111 U1e
other nobles of tho Empire had at that timo lost heo.rt, ond
bocomo nlnrmcd. is io oooopliment to his patron' titl of
Durbanu-1 Mllli: tht his work its n:une of BurM.t111-l
Fldih-" tho drmonatmtion of victoriCll."
Tho work w:IS composed in A.n. 1148 (A.D. 1736-6),--<Wd,

aevwal yea" we lind the author dedicating to
patron, and gi'fing to it the name of Sl((ci, in whieh Lo mo.t llln115iogly ehang.-, omit.o, or
ad.U to render )lis book aoceptablo lo a Somnl,
instcad of a Sllr .
Tbe Burlul11ul Ji'Hiuh bu eertninly in its eloso
aU.eulion to t1Alo8, which make h a very useful book of
though in other Nltlpoola it i too short to be or nny pi\rticui!U'
value. 'fho ia n little o'xp:.uded to"nrda tho elo&o of
tbe Dohll hiiory, which is brought down to tho very yoar in
it wu written. lL is divided iulo au Introduction,
Boob, anol a Concluion. The Book are divided
into seven.! Ohapterw, and they o.gain are llUbdiv\ded into
tiona. Tho following Table will show the misccllanc'OWJ nature
of their conlenle.
Pmace, p. 1.
Introduction. Tbo and objoc:La of tho atudy o(
history, p. 13.
Boox I.-An Account of tbo Orontion of tho world, tho birth
or Adam and tho biit.ories of tho Prophets, Kings uud IMntol
nten who llourihed lletilro tho advent of Muhaounad, p. 19.-
0bap. i. Tho 0Mtiou of the \Vorld, p. 19 ; ii. Tho p.
21; iii. Tho learned mcu, p. 62; iv. The Empero111 of to
whom all tho Kingw or tbo world p;Ud tribute, p. 65 : S.C. l .
Tbo P..hda.Ji:w, p. 65 ; 2. The Kai!niAru, p. tlO ; a. The
A.tltAniAru, p. 70: 4. The Si>sani3m, or A.U.iru, p. 71.
BooK Jl .-fliotory of lJ:tthamntad and the J 01""" in WVCD
Cbapte..., p. 81.-0bap. i. The history of tile l'ropbcr.,
!' 81: g,..,, 1. Hia gcnt'31ogy, p. 81; 2. D.ia birth, p. 81 ; 3.
From his birth t.o hia miui.oo, p. 82; 4. From !til mill!iou lo hit
Jlight, p. 83 ; 6. Front his fight to his dc:atb, p. 84; 6. llit linaal
dt:JKoendauts, P 97 ; 1. ru. Wil'I!S, P 97 ; 8. His MU
aunt&, p. 08; 9. llili friends, p. 99; 10. Dls eatalo, p. 100.-
}f[JUVV.LD '.Uf.
ii. F6tima, p. 100; iii. 'Ali, p. 101: Soe. 1. Hi
birlh and death, p. 101; 2. HU childl"\'ll, p. 102.-Chap. iT.
llnim p. 103: Sec. 1. lfu birlh and death, p 103; 2.
Ui child,..u, I' 103.-Chap .... lmam Hu..:>in, p. 103: See. 1.
Hi bird\ and dilOtb, p. 104; 2. His p.
vi. Jm6m Zainul 'Kbidin, p. 106: Sec. 1. His birth nnd dentb,
I' 106; 2. llia children, p. 106.-Ch3p. vii. Imam .MuhMnmad
Jllikir, p. lOG : Sec. l. llis birth and uonth, p. lOll; 2.
chiltlron, p. 107.-0hap. viii. Tm(un J .. "fM Slldik, p. 107 : See.
1. llill birth and dl't\th, p. lOT; 2. llia childl"l'n, p. 107.-Chnp.
ix. Imam p. lOT: Sec.. 1. lli8 birth nnd d"''th,
p. lOT; 2. IDs children. p. x. lmt.m 'Ali, oon of
l\lu<a RuA. p. 108: xi. lmlun 'fald, p. 108:
s..,. 1. Ui birth and death, p.108: 2. Ut. childrC!D, p. 108.-
ClJAp. xii. Jmim Ali p. 108: Sec. 1. llis birth and d.ath,
p. 2. m. childrm, p. 108.-Cbp. x.iii. lmim liM&n
p. 108; xiY, Mulwnml\d :\Jabdi, p. 109; x.-. The
rtlativet of p. 110; ni. The of
l\luhamrnad, p. 112 : Sec. 1. Tho compnniona of hit 11i,;ltt,
p. 112; 2. The p. 116; 3. 'l'ho pl"<!tendl!<l oonvorta,
p. 119 ; His det>endent.s who hnd no le108 rank thnn tho <Oin
pnnions, p. 121.-0hap. xvii. Some of tho I' 122.
JJooK I fl.-The Khallfns, p. 126.-Ghnp. i. 'l'ho fin>L four
p. 126: ii. Tho 'Ununayido Kbnllf(\J<, p. 1:19; iii. The
p. 144; iv. Tho L!m:>lliiUI Klmlif3S wbo
ruled in E;:.ypt, IDjju and the ..-estern eouutrieoo, p. 148.
Doox: IV.-Some of the S:Uyicb who governed in Altdalll!i&,
p. 160.
lJooE V.-llistory of tl1o Pft"Si&o K.ingo, in nin<tem ClJAp-
toro, p. 162.--Chap. i. T&biritm of .KburLao, p. 152 ;
ii. S..f!lrillllt of S!Btan and Khor&Wl, p. 103; iii. SimC.-
ni&n, p. 1,:)3; iv. Gb:aznivides, p. 156; v. Duw.Uhidee, or
p. 169; ri. S:lljUkians, p. 163 : Soo. J. Thoo who
rei!llll!<l in ( rlln, p. 163; 2. Thoae who governed in R:irn1ltu, p.
168; 3. Thoso ruled in Ruw, p. 168.-0hnp. vii. Khwa-

rnm bah!, p. 1G9; viii. etc., p. 171; ix. Atabako
of p. li3; x. At!bab of .\Arbaijin, p. 17-!; xi.
AU'tbaks of 11nd Slilim, p. 174; xii. of Lurist&o,
p. 1 ;.j; xiii. Ghoriso.t of Khara..&n, p. 175; xiv. Kirita of
Hi rot, p. 176; n. Kiug. of l\lh,nJ:uio, p. 177 : Sec. 1.
Ancient King of lf42andarlt.n, p. 177; 2. :ModOJ'Jl Kings ot
Mhan.lario, p. 179.-Chap. ni. of R..tamdu, p. 182;
xvii. Kings of Siatin, p. lSi; Xl'iii. Sult&ns of Lar, p. 1& ;
xis. ShirwAnhalti, p. 181.
Boox VI.-Chie& of Arabi.'l, p. 188.- Cbap. i. SuiiAns of
Juitn, p. 188; ii. Rult&os of Yemen, p. 189; iii. Sult6os of
)fur and Sham, p. 192; iv. 1Iam:u16nit.cs, p. 196; v. ',
19G; vi . .A.!oad.ides, p. 197.
DooJC VII. -Jloue of Ohangiz Khan 11nd its bmnchee,
p. 107.-Chap. i. 'l'ho hou.oe of Clantlz KMn, p. 197; ii.
Dkhiaos, p. 213; iii. Chnopiuians, p. 214.; iv.
p. 21(i; v. Mozaililriall.'l, p. 216; vi. &rb:lda.rill Kings of
Sabtawu, p. Z"20; Yii. Sultan. of lbe IU.ri-Kulolu, p. 2"21 ; Tiii.
f Sult6.ns ot' tho Ak-Kuln1u, p. 222.
DtM>K Vlll.-'l'imur and his who ruled over tr&n
anl Tunin, p. 224.
BooK Kinge, p. 240.
DooK x.-O.m&nll or Ruu, p. 276.
lmK XI.-Shaibaoi descendants of Clwlgix Khan, p. 290.
XU.-Kings ot' Dohli.-Ohnp. L l(in::s "ho ru1od
befuro Timur, p. 29.> ; iL D.,.., odanl3 of Timur who io
Hind( .. tun, p. 299.
Dynasties of lliudt\.stau, p. 340.-0bnJ>.
i. Jl&hmaoi Kin!ro of tho Daltbin, p. 340; ii. Nixam-.h&hls, p.
343; Iii. Kings of Bljapur, p. 346; i.-. Kutb-!b6hi
King. of H:Utlarab&J, I' 347; v. 'Im&J-hahl Kings of Dir&r, p.
3JO; 'Oi. :&ridia ofDidar, p. 3:>0; 'Yii. Kings of <lujar6t,
p. ao 1 ; viii. Sultlloo of lli1w6, p. 3M; ix. Sult6os of
3Dd 8urh&npur, p. x. Su!J&ol or p. 355; xi.
Sult&ns of J 3uopnr, p. 359; xii. Solt.iua of Sind, p. 359 ; xlli.
Sullnt of :llultAn, p. :160; xiv. Kings of Kashmir, p. 361 ;
n. SultAns of Tibet, p. 363.
BooK XlV.- Muhammadlln reUgioll!l anu ll'lllmrd men, p.
364.- Cbap. ;. I.eam .. t SAr,.., p. 364; ii. Larnrd s ...
p. 370.
RooK XV.-Silfu and greot 83int.a, p. 383.
XVI. - Pocta.-Chap. i. Arnbic Pool$,
p. 302 ; Penoin Pocto, p. 39:3.
ll<loK. xvrr.- :Ui-llancont tince the establiah-
mcut or tho II ijm om, p. l07.
Uoox X\'lll.- Tribes of Anbiaaod Pcl""is, p. 409.-Chap.
i. Thow of Ambia, p. 409 ; ii. Thoo of Pcrtill, p. 41.2.
Oondusion-<Jhronologioal Tabli'S of p. 415.
Stn-Small folio, colliAining 420 J"',"t'S, with 18 linH to "
Tb Burlldll-1 i unknown. I am fortunat<t
enough to J?OIIIe'l" tho nnto;tmph of the author, writton in tho
year of compoition. and no doubt tho iueutic:al ooe p""""tted to
Xo.rib Sa'<t .Kltin, o.nol tolen from tho Roy3l Library. I
proeuml it in " OO.ur nt Lurknow.
(The Extrnola were tl'llllohted by a ,;: r. hi, and cofrl"1..t by
Sir li. :U. Elliot. They diff",r in l'f.'l!)ll't"l.lll'ront "new copy
of tho M'v-6/u- &jJ. belou:;ong to Sir Henry.]
To this ytGr (1121 A.n., 1709 .. n.), in CODSefJUtD of the
rebtllion llUd disturboneos which woro raisoo by Tnr& B&i, wife
of S>Jubhl., n of )ilr Ahnt:><l Khin, Govntor of Uur-
haurur, wa killed iu thP mbnth of s . ..r,.r. and tumult DI'Oi' ...
in d1nt city, loquat to what mGy b.! in the tiny of n-.ur-
.....,tion. In dty. &iyid Zainu-d din Klan
who '"'"' lrft for it protection, thot'(l WM nl110 tlto of tho
eompiler of lcnves, who was appoint..! maslrr of tb ro''&l
onlnanoe. Ahmad Khin had -.:nL tltm "ith to
defend tho of tho oiLy nod fortn;v tho bnstious.
Tbry u!t'l all their eiTon.s to save the city and n!pel
The laid to the fort for eighteen dap, and mado
groat endt"evoon to talce tho tity. Thy suoceoded in burning
many villa!;81'. 3nd mol or the ""'""abdcfrt who lwl aocomtlllniod
.Mir Alnnal Khan wero t:>ken pru.oners by tle eno.ny, who
e"lorted aom<thing or other rrom all of them. From
KMu 26,000 wero t:.ken, ruld in tho eamo
manner so111U gavo onu thousand, nnd othel'l!lle>J.<. Shomfl-d din
Mcount.nut of tho household exponslll!, being well
iu tho art of muaie, deelnrctl thAt ho waa a singer of .M I r A hmnd
Khan, and tlut1 easily obtAined his Tho nobles
thnt they wm> and, :siU!r sb1>viog, obtnined their
from the of dt!!>tructiou without p:>yin!( any monry.
"'ith Ahmo..l Khan, nineteen relati.-es of hia were 8lllin.
Zafur Khan, who WL1 one of the "'poetable iuhabiunt.s or
city, a1"l haJ no one to him in thou:;lo tcerely
,.ound .. J. <'3Cap00 into the <ity with the ;.rRIIIt,e,t difficulty.
Shnna Khan lhkhini, nmomed S:liyil Rutom Khan, one of
the chier nob lea \\ ho l'fSiIJ nL Billpor, in Dirlr.r, with rlw
1"-'"" to M'liove Burluinplir, 3Ud lU 111' bad 3 lnrgc r ......
the enemy mil tho aicgo Md took to Bight. Tiio Mnjc>ty
grontod tho govornonhip of .llurh&npUJ' to Sniyid Kh6n .
. Ul. ll.-Di'INery of the comjlO"ition of gnnpow,lor
. u. G 1.-'.\bdu-IL,h, eon of7.ahir, built tbe l<mplo ol' .
... u. fi,.,.t eoin.I by the ::lluharnmnd:u: The
Jmdr w:st eoin of Rum, ancl tb<> dirlllm of Persi:l.
"" IM>.-Fall of tl1o towrr in AlcxMdri:> in M
A. II. 237.-A gl'l'at fiery meLOOr r1..aN<I in 'AkAIAu, which
wu lor a long 1 imo I!USpeoded between "'"''on and earth.
A.ll. 212.-A dreadful occurred and in8ict..l great
damage tho world.
"" 211.-A terrible noise was heard in Akb16t about tho
an;> .\Lr.
time of mhlnight. and nttmerons men were ..tanned to In'
'hilt hailootouM fcll which wore one yard in diamoltr.
A.B. 2S2.-A f11mino raged in BaghdAd, and the inbabi-
tnnlll of tho city, to tho numb<Jr of about ono-fonrtb, wore sl.aned
A.n. 269.-Tolliln boiU a luge tower oer U1e tomb of
Yu .,,.ia, and it i.s one of the euriO!!iti"" of the worid
.&.n. 278.-Riso of tho Karmnthians in Kufa..
A.n .270.-Boob on Nnturnl PhilGSOphy wcrn written, and
the pl'll"tioe of selling and buying boob was firat introdoted,
A. n. 2114.-Tn Egypt aucb cbrltn prevailed, that lamps
kept lighted for three da yo, and in Ba...ra red and yellow atonn.s blew.
A.U. 288.-ln Bllhl'llin ALU S:i'fd ll<ll>tol bilentuo ohief of Ute
... u. 288.-In the W'M Abu 'Abdu.Llah introduced the doc-
trine$ of the SAl' M.
A.B. 32R,-Strus felt from the aky, which appc.ved like birda
of fire, ond which grontly terrified lbo pooplo.
A.u. 330.-'rbo Euphrates ovorflowcol with aueb violeuee, UIAt
half of the eity of BagbdiJ was iutlDdaled.
A.n. 337.-The Eurhrates again overflowed, and tbree-fonrlba
of tho oity was covered with w:uer.
ur. 340.-The rflux of the Por.ian Gnlf took place to auob
" degree, thl\l new il,nda appeared. Ro and were de- -
atroyed by the of an earthquake
... n. 319.-A great quiiiTel broke out between the SAra and
Su11nl fJ<lCUI, and the pravniled on AeeoonL of tho abundaneo
of tho of llubim BDd tlao a.sslstaneo of Mu'inu-d
A.n. Ml.-Tbe SAl',.. predominlt....t, and reproachful aeD "
tences 11!.,'1\ioet the fint Khalifil wore engraved oo doora and
auosquct iu Baghd{".l.
A.u. 31}2.-By the onleno of lu'iuu-d dauln Dllilamf, mourn-
ings for the of !mUll Hu.saiu ( peate be on him ! ) wne
openly obo.:rnd.
Br BJL.C."V-L PUT111J.
A.ll. 110nl. .. Rae for .. nrtuOWI Pll'l- , .....
iotrodu.,.od in the o:a11 by onlcrs of the desceocbot.o of Fatimo.
A.D. 3G3.-Tho 1/iu/&. of the d....,.,ncbots of ".\bb!o was
abolihrJ in ;lle.-ra, by onlor ofMn'inu-d din Allah 'A law(, anJ
the wordJo nbo<e mentioot'd were then also introduced into tho
A.u. 3GS.-'A7.du-d dnuhl scat money to coostntct tho of
A.u. 382.-A Slnikh came into the Oourt of tho Khnllfn of
Baghd&d from Y6juj nnd i\16juj.
"" 389.-Fings were first eanied in commemoration of tlae
dl'3th of lm6m Humin (J>eact' be on bin I), :md tbo or
., in c:ornmomoration of tbe event, were first n.'G<l with loud
c.rit'l and lamtntation,.
A-n. a98.-Tho S tnnl obtained sup<'riority ocr the Shl'ar,
and a g,...t canbqualce oco:urred in DoyuL.
A.D. 400.-The .!6m<t' Jl!t>,iid was builL in Egypt in tho time
"f Dakim-i Uillah 'Aiawi .kma'Ui.
A.ll. 40i.-Tbc Shf.,, of were put to by tho
nne! ttmrle Btri/11-l J[ulaultlM was tlenaolilae<l.
A.n of inten&e oot.l in the country ot' 'lr&lc,
which frozo t be water of 1 he watercours"'' nnd wcll8.
A. II. 428.-A famine raged in nil tho couutrie5 of tho
world, Blld nbuut one-touth of tho people wero stnrved to donlh.
A.n. dl't3rlt'ul C3rthquake ocenrred in Tabriz.
A.u. 4:J4.-A notherenrthq uake-u!TI!d which dl)!ltroyet.l Tabrlz.
A.ll. 140.-Tht wnll round the eity of Shi..U w:u
by Abu-1 .\luUrim, a Dailami chicl:
A.ll. 412.-.\ tlOIII<t oppeared.
-'-" 143.-,\ fight took pi- betw....,o the Snlr nnd the
SJ,fn in n-::hdad, and tho furmer were victoriou.
A.n. -144.-Tho quarter of Dagbdrul in wbich rcoidL-.1
was detolroyt!<l,
A.ll. 450.-Tiw Slf11t obtained power ocr Suu1! in
Dagbd6d by tlto l\54i$tanco of .Bast\snri (mny peace be lu him!),
VOl.. TJU, 3
X111LUOLU> .u.r
A.JI, 451.-Tbe 811HJl'- OYereame the SJ.i'u, IWU
A.n. 452.-A gre:al fmnine occurred in Egypt, :md the people
wero n:Jueed to a dnplornble eoodition.
A.u. 461.-'l"he Tigris overflowed, and &gbdad inun<lated.
A.u. 466.-A eonllagmtion took plaee iu noel
tho sepulchre of DMi 'Ummaiy:. was I.
A.H. 462.-Fnmine raged U10 country, nnd a P""Lilontinl
di&enoo broke in Egypt ; the klwtba of WM abolished
in tho country or lli.ij6z.
A.IC. 466.-Tbo 'rigru 'vas again swollen, and Baghilllcl
A.U. 003.-The Firingis rook tho Cort or Tripoli llfter
of ..... o years, and they :>4o obiAioed of Lhe furu ut'
Bluiaa, Taroul, and Akr&d..
A.U. 501.-The Firingis r.ook tbe forts of .U.yroot, Aylsit;
and th atronghold of Saldu.
'" 50/i.-Tbo fouodation of Lhe fort of Mn,bhod :lluknddM
wa>o laid by tho exertione of Amir 'Ali.
A.H. 614.-Tomba of A.brnha.m, J..,.., nud Jaoob wcro
ooverod in tho ravine. wM burnt, and somo of tho pillars of
Ynrndni tell down
. \.U. 617.'-A totAl eclipse or the SUD took pll\<e, 80 the
elAn! oppe:ored during the <by.
A.n. 1}16.'-'11 SAl' a creed wao promull:"led in tho oouutry of
-'" :;18.-S:.ifu-l !.16m L"S11ed, :Iller many ye:ore, a prohibition
to the men in l\tocea and that th woN. Ri..,
for a vinuous purJ'o!lt' .bould noL be cried out in tloo tl.:dn.
-'" GOO.-Wloito dust fell from the sky.
'" tiS I.-A ,..., = -n in tbe vicinity of ;\1<-din:t,
rul<l '"'" inondntod by Lhe river .
. \.u. GG9.-D:111ttl6Cll!l wM inuodoted by Lho uverOowin" the
atronm ..
I iD orig.

llt:lUU!\'ll'.L Pl!TITII.
\.R. GS'l.-A 1Mg8 Bood came :wcl inundated DsmUC!ot a
..ond time. 692.-The flAme appmred iu tho 'Vicinity of l\h'<lina.
A.B. 69-J.-Tbo wntct of tl1o Nilo fell, and n great fumio&
oe<:lltred in Egypt.
.u. 695.-.\ tem'blo famine rnged in tho cities of Emt anJ
Syria, and men ate dog!', Rod en l11cit own cltil.lten.
A.l. 700.-The ( lkhftnl nlmnnaes wero invonled.
A.B. 701.-A p;:stilemilll JUease broke out among men :wJ
all elas.e.s of aninlAis.
A.u. 718.-Tbe were prohibited l'rom pronouncin;;
tluir prediction in, and a f<>mine took plaee in
tho conlinnl and the islnnds.
A.B. 728.-Tho colltt-yanl of the temple of wu newly
laid clown.
A u. 731.-'fbo C\Dill wu the ity or AI ppo .
. n. 739.-A g=t earthquake occurMlcl in Wesleno 'l'ri110li
. \ . lt. 740.-}iro deseeudl from tho Lcn>cna on the eoo..ts of
Syria :wei burnt many boo
'" 716.-Tho pabeo of Kisra waa dcmolkbed on the 4th
of S:Uar .
. \.B. 749.-A dnmdful pln11ue mvngd thu cities of Egyplnnd
\.B. 802.-Fire e&ught the temple of )lf<'C3 lllld injured it.
.. n. 819.-A grest broke out in ono.t of tho cities
,,r tho world .
. u. 8:!0.-A comet uppean...J,
-R. 842.-Tht foundation of" JtJ,,,, wu I:Ud in
.A.n 844.-Tho Jam11' .Jr.t'IJ.,f WIIS comphte.l.
'" 802.-Diaeovery of the New World by
'-" 811.-A tol41 ediJ'" of the nn took pisco on tho 27th
of'ul lllld the 13n during the darknta! .
. n. 883.-A greru. plm:;u ocrurred in l1eeca.
LA. 88-J..-l>ant:l8<DS WAll burnt.
liUB.\lOLU) 'ALT.
A. II. 001-904.-Th< ri"ers were gnoally wolltD, and pcstilrn
tial dift'CUte broke out in all lhe cities of Rum .
.o.u. 903.-A Jtin.a' Jfa9id was foundocl in Contantiuoplt.
A.ll. 912.-The Portu,"W!Se toOk poo-.coion of .omo of tbt
e<m3Ls of IndiA.
A.n. 1012.-Tho modioin:il propertios of tobaceo wrre dis
ond it wM 11.'!0d in s.moking, as i' is now.
A.ll. 1030.-'J'ho water of the Bay of Couallmllnoplo wM
fnneu by of ooltl.
A.n. 10\19.-A disordor broko out in 13urllllnpur
ood tho Dakhin, wbidt o:ootiuued till UJ. 110-1, and d""troyeJ
tu.lf the
A.u. llJG-1119.-A auiTf<l in Durh&npur and
the Dakhin, and many men died of hnntr.
\.II. lJ 10.-Th" r:Un ..-ery c:opiouly in Jlurlaanpur, and
the rinr T6pti ro.., ,o high tlut it innnd.11td bllt-t<nth of the
oity, and d.,.troyocl ou&-fourlh of ll1o boll!C6.
A.n. 1148.-Towanls llio end 6f the ytar ouela " violmt
O<'tnrn.-d in K.a..hmlr, thnt il detroy<.J abuut two
tbou.,ud hooms.
.. Tns Gu \RD o Tar. \lillllT" it ..q po<"Uiir,. llllme, tht it pro-
bnbly rnpmout tho tlnto when tho work Wrul first oommonee<l,
1112 A.B. The llJllTalivc, bo\\ever, i1 brought dowo to tlld
yoor 1150 .ut., or ei;:lat Y""" Ub.""laeot.
'l'bo second volumo only of thid "ork brul oome into my po"'
ion, and in that i ,c,teol with rt'pect to the namn nntl
J>O<ition of the author. firot TOIUIIIt to hno bceu
tlovotoxl to rnitoollnnoons \Vo nro told ineirlrntolly, inn
at tho of Jlt'COUd volumo, thnt.
,,tll'r thingR, it. eooL'liued :1 'fn.-:ltise on Kno1flt"tl:,te. Thrre
I .,.uhl h:.vo btCtl oollaing on hitory, for thnt sobjoet is exhaust .. !
in tho .,.,.,nJ \'olumo. The Dlll!lt!l of autboriti.- ore not given
in :liiJ general fonu, but tl10 .Y<Uirl anti . ,;f.j
Ald>111"l nro qnutt>d. 'rho only portion tlmt can be conithrrl
>ri::inl i the fir.t t>Ortiun on tbu oluti lUlU oborvanreos of
and mini-let$, whib is profii$Ciy iUWJlr.ltc.U by quncatinn
front the Kurfan.
This work ;, very rare. 1 ha,e oen but one '"I'Y whieh
in tho!""" of S:>'idu-d tlln;.d Kbin, of
As btforo uttntioned. it i deficient in the tlrst volume. ll \frul
tmR...:ribed in 1188 ,,n., io the .\'t,l'oflk charactur.

On the Duties llllil 01>..-ervanee of and Jllinist.!l'tl, pp.
l to JO-Tbe 'U mm:>yiluod '.\bb.6,ide Khallfs, pp. 57 to tJ".!-
Ghaznividl'tl, pp. 63 to i8-Kingo of Dchll beforo Babar, pp.
;a to UJ - Timuri:w L>yn:uty, down to l\luhnmmad Shah, I'P
HI to 283-Kin:;s of the Dnl<hin, pp. 283 to 300-Sultan of
Oujnriit, pp. 301 to 316-Sult&ns of :\J(lld, pp. 316 to 330-
Saltilos of pp. 331 to 33.5- Sultllns of Jaunpur, pp.
336 to 339-Rulrl'll of Sind, pp. 330 to 342-Rulers of )fult&n,
1'1' 343 to 346-Suhins of Kashmir, pp. 346 to 367-Drief
D<.,eription of llindU.t(ln, pp. 35T to 3.58.
Sr:tE- I.Grgo So., 368 pag118, compriaing 22 line.
In tho oity of ;(grn there was a larp;o temple, in wbirlt tbel'l
Wtft numerow idob, aU :>domed and embllio.hed with p-iou
jowols nud valunblc pearls.. H WM the eu.tom for the iulith!IJI io
ro>rt to this temple liom far :wd near C'I'ernl timt in =h
to wol'l!hip tho idols. oml a eertrun f<'O to tho Oovrmment
w"" fixed upon ""'h m:w, for which he obtaiued admiu:wre. A
thtro was 1> largo eongi'O'!S of pilgrimt,n very eouaidernhleamount
" ... reolitod from them, nd pai.l into the royal trea..ury.
p=tice had bern oheorved to tho end of tho of tho
Emperor Slt&h Jah&n, Md in the commene<>ment of Aurnngub's
govl'TODlent; but when tho lnttor was infomtetl of it, ho WIIS
:lll!:T)', aud nbolihed the eu.tom. The
nobles of his Court rtpresontcd to him thnt a lnrgo aum wM
reoliud l\lld paiu into tho publie ln'Mnry, an.! tlL>t if it W<N'
al><>lihed, ll great reduction in tho ineorno of tho Stnto would
t<>ko platD. The Emperor oberved, "What you say ia right, but
1 have 'l:ell on tho enbjeet., and bno reBooted on it
de ply; but if you .. ;.b to augrnrnt the nvenue, thcro ia a
l t!tr plan of attaining that objed by exacting tho ji:yn. Dy
I hi menns will be suppt'CtllfOd, tho lfuhrnm31bn religion
ami tlo true flWth will be our proper duty will be per-
funned, the fin8nees of tho StAte will be incre3Sttl, and thr
infideb will be On bo:uiog this, all the nobles nnd
mini&tors of tho tl1rono admired and pmi!ed the wiadom of tbo Em-
pe...,r, who added, tlut " by tbis pion the money would be
tho in6dols camo sovoml times in a ycnr And paid only
little into tho ; buL they will P"Y Lhe jicyn only ODCil a
_,..,...., and the Oovt'nlmrnt inoorno will bo ioere:I&N!, which iJ the
gmnl Thi& ,...., highly appro"..! of by the nobleo ;
all(] the Ernf"lror ordered nil tho goldcu silver idole to be
broktn, and the Lemplo dmroyt'<l. Tho rorcouo of tho Govrm-
mrnt was much incrooed; it not only exceed..! lttco, bnt
up to sovcml kron. '.fho }ioy11 WM oollocted from nil, gront
nnl mall, DindU! M well robtl inSdcl, in all J>:lrls of the
Empire, wbi,h extended on idl'S to tho -. The Govcrn-
officers nlso mndo gre3t exertions in levying it, and iu no
.-a act<!<! with indolgvnco and partiality. CoJl.O!ocntly J,J,m
:>cquired grtat predominance. and tho Muhamma.lans Wtrt' co
drtadod thnt., for instnuce, if n !Jindti went riding on his ho111e,
an<l a peon of the nflief' which collected tl'" tax t:>ul(ht him, the
<Oiour of hi r...., iru.tantly ehnngec!, and he be:;:ut to eoax the
p<'OII; until ho bl\<1 ehown tho roeeipt for theji:u11 of tho ycru-,
he could not tir a tp from tho pi- without bein;: L'lkea to tho
office. Dut at present tho rule for tbeji:ya iJ U>tally a.boli.hod.
xcr .

Tn11 nuthor of tlus work ill RU!I!Am 'All, sou of lluh:unmftd
1\:IIAilll'hihib(l,Ji. lle giv .. as the imuwdia!A! r<:ISOU of \\riling
tho Tlirlkl-i Ilimfl, thnt coutempornricd, from cxces,ivc ntt:u:b-
ment to thu world, uo:;!oo:tcd to poodtr on their cxit
ouoo, either aa rognrda it.3 origin or end; nnd from thvir firm
belief, uncler tho deluoions of their eril pM-ion3, in the long
durntion of tlwir liv., in thi1 world of mutntiontt. pul'luod n
sumptuous and vain line of conduct. So Ice ent rtain..l a dt ire
to commit to writing n brief nooount of :md how they
eontroU .. I oppr...;ol'l and tynoni.IO, in tho bo("' that, whilo it
might provo n lusson to tho wise, it woul<l not filii to tlraw the
attention of iowlligent ...,..]vrs to tho W..tsbility of all e:orthly
pltMUret, Md t11o dumtion of human lifo, nod to indue<
them tu withdraw their all'oetions from thi world.
Tho ueeution of hit! intention WlLi, howover, 111Bp<mded for "
time by noo...,Hie!, which compelled him to travel from city to
city in oeardl of employment nnd eubaistonce, until atl11.fl. be Wl\5
fortunato enough to 14ke up lou aOOdc iu Bbopnl. Here, for ll
period of threo yearo, he aubai.ted on tho of certain
grrnt men and many einoero (ricnd.t, more l!l!peei:r.lly on the Ubtl'lll
support of :Xawab Yir Kb&n, 3 just nobleman.
undor whose ndminiJlrntiou r.lle inbnbitauts or tbo

T.Ul.llill-1 nnmr.
of Bhop81 enjoy tho of pe:w:e." As tho wants of the
author onre Una oupplietl, be ull.incol peace of rniud, and wo.
eunblod 10 compooo tire work which ,...,. lhe of his l,eart'$

Tho Tdrikll-i Uill<IJ wns compooocl in tho year 115J .\.H. (1741-2
A.D.) a' wo le:lnr, only from An ambiguous in
Prtfaee, but from au expre.s tJ,.,Jaratioo 10 tbaL efi'L at lhe
of the tnth cbaptr. Tho bbtory at.o rl- at that
ptrioJ, lhough W\\&nU the end of the \\ork th tHnty-foordr
year of SMh is montioucd, which wouh.l mnke iL
n year later, Only eix howcvrr, pretediug thill Jllllillage,
thu reiteralr$ tiro latemcnt tlrBI the work wn.o composed
in the yf4r of lfubsmmal SIU.b's ,.. lL may
be c:unidereJ alto;;tlrr a u..-eful com['ilation, ,.. it i ropied
from known nuthors, noel in tho lntter of it tho
nuthor writes of mnny n1nttor8 whioh C41ltO his own
uoorvutiuu or tit- ot his fricaul. Among3t tho whidt
ho moot quotM are two. ol' wbieh no tra- ean oo
ol.tained,-lho Sr"yorr-: IIidl anl tho Fai,;;,dl-i .ltl rri. Tho
fonncr is fn.')Ueutly from tho limo of lho Slnvo
Dyna.ty 10 tho reign of Farrnkh Siyar, nud must, thortfure, be"
gncml Ilistory ol' llulin. Tho frorn tho Fuiu:al-i
aru rarer, uu1 e:<tenl trom the 1imo of M11bmud
Uh:un:lvi to the time of )lobnnun.w Sbah. H "1'1*1"" 10 be
I>Ort)_y I> re!igioUt IOOrk, CODbloiU
OntO histori.aJ &ll..,.lot.e!, for
in tho '"'nclu;<iou, in the "I'"" holy ho any- thnt iL
W!l8 composed by Sbah Ghul(uu Muhlu-rl dtn, n111l dt'tliaated to
hi ll'iritualleachcr, S:Uyid Sb!\.b 'Ali Akb:u, al\er whuan it W"-'1
<nlleJ Fnikui.f., .U&rri. OUocr quoted aro
tho Ttirild.-i JJ,,JtiMRI, llabibll-1 s'!l'" K!rrtldMJirJI Tall'tirll:"
TurJJ:".; .dl:b<rr-JwM, Tarlkh-i Fnrrdlt Si!Jar, 1\iriJ.:Ir-i J""""!Jir&,
Jlit'-af-i Jia.'Utli, 1'driM-i Slwluihl. anu tho Turik/,.;
It is probable duaL tho !not two nro fiunilinr works uj,.guised nuder
unc'Ornrnon appellAtion.
Tho nntbor ie fond of indulging in poetic:al
RtiSTAll .u.r.
" ntrneee fr<>m the Knrin. and mnl""l ml<rlioM. But
quolation ha'l"e hem from tho following Extract.
This llitory i dirided into an Introduction, kn t.:hapkn
{14bnkQ), and ll CooeltlSion.

p. 1-Introdnetion, on the Croolion, in!!\"bility
of tho world, and rm Mcount. of Hind ht(m, p. 8-0hp. i. On
tho ll indu R6jM pr<()oding L<lllm, p. 66-ii. Tho ClhMuivides
and Ghorirm, p. 124-iii. Tbo Khilj' Sult6ne, p. 176-iv. Tho
'l'ughlikhlhl Sultans, p. 193-v. The Khi:trklui.oian, p. 216-
<i. Tho Looli Af:;hlln Sultans, p. 223-vii. The e.rly Tlmurilln
Kin!:"'- p. 2<5i-viii. The Sur Afghan Dyn,..ty. p. 270-ix. The
ruinor iuoltpendml Dy11:1..tties, p. 326-x. The later Tlmurian
p. !H8. ConeiU>ion-On the holy, leCll'lle.l, anl
n1< n and poet, ,..hom the author baa eonn.....t with, or htard
or, p. 69.5.
S11.a-8vo., eonwnin:; 651 po:;e., mch or 11 linee.
The only copy whieh I know of tho T<iriH-i lTidi was
obtAined fvr nlr by tho kindness of Miy6u Faujtl&r
Khfln, from tho libr:try of Nawab Siknndra Ugnm of Uhopft.l,
and being in tho possossiou of the of Y&r 1\Io.
hannnnd KhAn, tho pntron of tho outbor, it is JICrlnJIO nnicpar.
But thoro mny bo moro eopico in it is probnble
there sro very fow IM>yond the prccinet8 of thnt city.
(The which follow wero tmolntod by a nnd
roi.t...I by Sir H. M. Elliot.]
R;i9n Dj .Abu-/ Falh .J.Yd ,.,4 din Jfctl!nmmnd Slttilt.
Tbio Prince wu a lover of plea!lllre and indolrn..-.
.r J>Olitieal dutiet, and AddieU!d to loo.o hbitA, but or hat
" dipooition. Be was entirely hi
A a i wt!ll knoiVD, Utis Emperor, eo long u .Amlru-1
"'''nr<i nuMin 'All Khan lived, strictly by virtue of
tbc cfficitnl rnnno:;entent of thnt great &iyid, 111l thu an<ient

TARIKll-1 Ull\DT.
Ia- and e-tal.U!hed rules of hi anee!IGJS. Tho G<bievemtot of
1111 undertakings, l11o uf rul political llfFI\irt, nnd
tho executiun of all wars >nre carried oo in an oxeelleut nuwner
by the wilom of high nobleman. The Emptror decided all
di"Jloles witbout parti:llity, aecordin:: 10 tho ::.\JuhrunmadAn Ll\w;
out when II<JIM of thQ nobt.., nntiv.,. of thi!< country nod ofTu..Un,
overcomo by their evil pMSiooo, and merely through envy ami
ITI31iee, put tbat well-wihr of U1e <rrlllores of God to death, to
the greAt mortiliealion or poor people nod all good subjecL, tbe
Emperor beoame mtllltor of his own will, nnd, nctunted by his
youtbfuii'UIions anl folly 3nd prile, resigne<l himelf to ftivo-
lvus purouiu and tho eomp:uly or wieked and mlln eharater.o.
This c,.....te.l a spirit or and enmity towanb him in
tbose ,cry nobles whu, from tbdr malicious dipositioo, hod
l>een tho intrumonts of the death of H u3ill 'All Kh&n.
Tho Emptror, on A(<-ounl of the rtbdlioo of the nobles. the
fo-:tr Of hi OWD nmJ the tempt:ltioDS of bit &Til pa.-ionS,
1hnt up lle gate of jntico nud gave no onr to comrlaintl!. At tho
splendour and delight ot' tho garden of I lois world, and tho ver-
dure ami (ruitfuln .. of the fields or this tllrth, upon the
Oow of tho olrCllm of tho equity nod justieo of KinJ.!S, so tho
itheriug of tho tTCos of thia world is by tho hot winds
of the negligcneo and enrclCSSDe.."-' of rulers nud di...,n.sioll8 among
well-di!JIOSI'd nob! ...
In "abort time, many of the officr111 of this kingdom put out
their feet from tho pMh of obedience to tho aovcrei:11, ond mnny
the infidel, rebel, tyrants and enemies stretched the
lum<h of rapacity aol upon the weak-. nibutarii!OI and
the poor lllbJeels. G"-at disorders arose in tho eonntry, which
lllllJ be brioRy rolntod, according to each year of tho reign, u
God plcaae.
Fonn YEAR OF TilE Rsm:<.
At tho end of thiJ Sbarfu-d dnuh Irlldatm:md Klo6n,
with a body of noblea, was sent ag.>iost Raja 1\jit Singh, who,
llt:ST.ul '.U.r.
hning broken out into open mutiny, and taken roe<ion or
Ajmir anti S{mbhar, had reacl>e.l ., far u :\&maul. lie '1\"l\.i
ac:wmranied by Raja Jai Singh Saw,i, lluhamms.l Khan fun.
;;aoh, and Gor>'J Singh, RajtHfBhadAwar,at the hoad of an &rmy
of obout ouo hundred thousand horse and more I han two hundred
elepbante. RAjn Ajit Singh, on tho new,lo.t all eonro,-.e,
flod from Ndronul, nnt! took fogo in tho fort of Oarh-patl(.
ho l11lt! ouL for some time, and nL IAOL, mounting a cnmcl,
wont ofT lo ,Jodhpur. llo lbeo sued for pence, and modo over
his uu, Singh, to tl1e nobles to carry to Court. In tho
mc;m time, AjiLSingh WM slain by his young son, Ibkht Singh,
anl nhnnknl Siozh, oroo ""'cbing the Court, obtnin0ol inves-
titure ot' the chie(,hip. Tie rclltrned to hi rountry, aml 1,. earn
rulr. Hi &kht Sin;b, t...i ... ,:eol the fort of Xagor,
nnl hning olrhen out the Raja of thnt plaot", ...,.,m himelf
UUL<ter of it. In tbP MUle Y""'" RAjll Jai Sin.:h round...! "
nt uew <ity beta ffil tbe towllll of ..\ml r 1\nd San;&uir,
ami c:tllod it Joipur, after tho llllmo of Saw6.i Joi Sioc;h.
Niu\mu-1 i\lulk, being with tho went
loWJOrJs )lun\<U,bM nud Sambbal, under tho protenoo uf hunting.
'VIum Ito had gone as for 1\S tho Gouges, nMr tho town of Uarh
i\lukt"'lr, ho oneo turned Mido from hi con.,., tUHl pro-
ceedin; rid Kol anl Jaleo.u, ero -ed tho Ch1tmbal and wrot
t<manLs tho Oakhio. The Eml"'ror, on hearing of thi, twt
to :\lubariz Khan, aprointing him g<>Yrrnor of that
anl i1111tio:>tiog him to d .. troy llulk.
in coMideration of tbo obligatiur4 ho owtd,
went (rom flait!al'libad towar<b Nixamo-1
ooed fur but llnb&riz Klan wu dcbliutd for the
honour of rnnrtyrdom, eo he did not liatcn to his advance, nml
rnahly ogag..J in fi)lhl. Tho warrior, having boldly
fouc;ht, put many inllurgenlil to the won!. lly ebnnee,

Mubaruul l\lollt wu slain, anJ NizAmol :\lulk, in
obtain..! the or the Dakbin.
SUb, on being iofonnNI of this, ,..,. obli:!ool to >nfer the
pot of nliniotr, "hieh w110 ''amt<..J by Nizimu-1 )Julk, on
I"timadu-d dania Kanoru-d din Kh&n, on<l 1eot a fimmin to
NizAmul lit nlk, appointing him gocroor of tho Uakhin, nnd
ou him tho rank of vicegerency and tho titlo of
&of J(&h.
Y&An ov TILB Ra1o11.
ln tlot1 )'Mta person, bnvin:; "''"umed the name of St.bir Sh&h,
went w Kum&on, an<l "'P""'"ntt-d to ili Raja of thot plM,
wbwo namo """ }),.bj Singh, be was ooo of thn prin- of tho
hou"' of 'fimur, anl tim obtAined repasted ortlora ou the
funttiounrios I><Jo,. tho hills at KLiplir and Rudarpur, to the
efTt-et that duy ohoultl him a red tent, such as ;, nul for
the royal family, fill wdl oa some trooP" to him.
llavin;:: carri"l du..e ortle"' cll'cet, they coll..-t"l no lm thu
forty Rohilla. Slmikb 'A'mmntu-llah Klodn, wloo in
thoo dnyo ""' tho :;unlor of Mumtllibad and Somhhnl, wM
bcnL to quell the with o body of 61\<lon thou""'"'
Joo...,o !nllltwclvo olophnnl$. Jn n single he tho
llohHin nrmy. 'l'ho A fgh6n were di8perscd, nod many wrr ru
to the award. St.bir ShUlo !led wwnrd tho CMt., nml \\OnL to
Durhlinul i\lulk, who, having him, I!<'DI him to tho
Emporor, undor th ou,tody of i\lur!J KMu, a noble of hi:;h
rank, and h< ""' onler.-d w lw impri!oned.
:!itxnt Yua OP TilE llno:<.
A ..,.,.. in tho Emperor'& audi<'llce clonml"'r btl\\t-ell
:lluzalfu 1\h6.o Dlt<l Burhliuul :lfulk, b...:aru;e tho IaUer offic,r,
in tho province of OuJh, bod taken posseS!ioo of tl1c jti!Jir of
mnnIJ.IIirl. It continued many days, and nt IA.i l\llr J umll\
Y lit Kll&n wiL>I oppointed by tho Emperor of tho World w dooido
RUSTAll '.\Lf,
it. lle wos of opinion thAt Burhanu-1 :Uulk ehoul<l tho
goremo,.,.hip of Oudh, and Kb!o vffioo o(
tendnt of \he ordnon.,., The fom1"r situntion, in ""'"cqueoce
of tho of Durh6nu-I .Mnlk, we. gien to Uumffor Khan,
nrul HurbAnu l Mulk wu to be c.ppointed govfmor o l\18lw6.
Thw d...,iion IV3S approved and 3nd the ollice of the
""P"rimondent of onluance. wluth wu va.:Btod by Yuzall'ar
:Khh, wM to St.'du-d din Kil&n, in who110 (>lare, Sher
AfghAn Kh6n wu nppointed elownrd of tho houolwld. MU%4ffur
Khio, with the intention of going to the province of Oudh,
hiJ tent.s near Patpatgsnj, anl Burhauu-ll(nlk m:m:bod
towl\1\le ) Jalw6; but when tho lottM' .(,. ....... ho at once
el'Ollod tho river J umnl\, 11nd wont Oullh, Muz311'ar J nng
wa to!Uie<JUently obliged to proe...OO to Ajm1r, M tho government
of tbot province included t\6rnoulanJ S6mbbar.
Muhammad KMn l.Jan!;llSh Obaunfar Jan)l', with an army of
cighty tboUADd And more tlwt " hundred elplwtts, pro
ceedo.l to the province o Al1Ah6Md, to fight a:;t'int RajA
Cbat'l. After gt"':lt oxertioll! null mnuy nctiono, the fort. of
J!tgnrb, whore he rfidetl, was tnkn. Ohntn6l fiod for rofugo
to tho z,lllnd6n of JhomB and Purn3, o.nd tho wbolo t<:rritory
c::uue into the of the Khan.
BurhAnu-1 .\lulk 11'<1 "" army \he fort of Cbacbandj,
nc;>r Shi\Mb&d KnnnUJ. tho chiof or which WM lliudu II
.. '
Chandol:\ R&jput. lle """' bowcvor, not l1> be euWut,J; bot
Gop'( Bh.:wlnuria, who ao:omP"uiod Burh&ou-1 :\lolk. nndor
tho P"'t< ore of walcio;: !"""' went to Hindu Singh and told him
that it'"'" not lu quam! with \ho Eml'!'rur's noblo,
tlu>l ho should lc.wt tho fort for thrco dnp, Dnd he railed Ood tu
..itue. tl14l, a!Wr tJtr,.., dnys, wh<n peace would b. eonduued,
tho. p<....,.ion of the lurl should l>o re>torod to lum. Biudu
Sin;;h wu .t-ivetl, and loft tho fort., IWd wi\11 his family aud
property pitehod hi.o at some distance. Tb third day, by
tho order of Ilorb&nu.J )lulk, R'ja Gop&! Singh, broakio;; bi.o
word, took tbo fori and :mlnddti into biB own po<o<e:ion. C<>n
sequeotly lliod6 hoving no remedy, prep:u,.!to with
the onny ur Durb!Luul Mull<, whidt amount<..! to sixty
thuUMDd hon11, but, b:Ulled in his attempt, retrcott<l tuwllrda tho
of Ohatr.61. Aa ft punishment for violRiing his
Raja. Oopal Singh soon hastened townnb hi owu tl..,.truct ion.
A ncr his de:.lh, son, Antr:lt Singh, was c:ou6rmed in po!l>C<i
of thnt diet riel.
Tbo brother-in-law of Tahawwur AMn, named I
Afal, ..,.,.,rdin.; to the Em(lft0r'8 onlen, mCC"edoJ Tahawwur
KMn "" his heir in tho liiri of Sh'h Jahinpur. and took
P"'"'"ion of it. 'Abdu-llah Kbin anJ Zuhuro-llah Kh&n,
hrothe"' of T6ju-d d(n Kb6n, who had Red away toward
in conjunction with Kburrnru 'Ali, n
relatho of tho author, ""lloo:tt>d eight tholl!lalul horae of tlu
Rohilln tribe, anti advnnoed tbot city. i\luhnmmnl
A f:tnl o:lulo out agniu8l hint with n largo bcxly of 1\fgh&ns. A
mot fioreo bnttlo wna fought noar Ll1e city on tho bnuko uf thu
Gnrru. Muhau11nad Afzal wn.s slain, nod 'Abdu-llllh Kb6n
becnurc of the :m111mlan.
)Jir lhLhrif, who wu one of the prineip3l of tho
f:mp<"ror, oiJ>rt<l from this peri..bablo world to onr-
lutin; rr-,;ion, DUll \TU Luriod in ";anJen "hich be b:.J bino,...u
Twa1.rru Yu.R OP "11UI Ihaol'.
S"iyil wl1o w"" tTUiy a mnn of greal Yirtuo and
devotion, went on " FriJRy to tbe .Ttirm' Jlaljiol of Debfl, nnJ,
in order to Rllrnel atleution to tho wrongs of tbo opprctxl
n t:'S'llll .\ tr.
p>Jlo, prohibited the reuling of the klllllhn, upon whioh, tho
H!Ui..U of the artiUery, nnder the Emj'('ror' onltl'l, pot him
to dnth. From that dAy disturban""" throoglout the
And ( nc.mic- and .rebels g:Uoed more anl mnre po'iH:r
t tery tby. The Emperor greatly rrgrettod tiLl ecnt, hut to no
It wM rcportod w the Emj'('ror thAt tim bo...e rnrmy (tho

h"vlng croS3ed the had attuked Oiridhar
Doh6.tlur, tho {lovtrnor of nod plundered his cnmp.
'l'hr J;m,wror nlso received intolligcnco in this yrar that D&jl
R6n hMiug aolli'Ctod nn nnny of 100,000 hor1e, bad
rome to llaja Chotn;al, o.nd had brigl Muhammad Kbin
llu;,-..h iu The timo of the dcc:ulonao of tho Empire
lu\d arril, and in mnliation for beddin!! tbo ino>nt bl""'l of
Siyid :\!iran, no 1'1"" of l"l:j'('lling tho rnemy pmvrd ,.tf,..,tu:\1.
}.'ro'" that time to tbi the !"'""'' nnd dominion of thnt tribe ho.
tlaily iucrt'li....,.J. The siege of Jitgarb lt.-..1 fur oix months, and
''ithin tl1r fort onn dr of Oour """ oold fur ti;:hty TU) .\t
IMt, oblit:td Muhommad Kb&n to e<A<untc thP tort, nml ,
hntin;; ;;ivrn him of tlc bo,..owhieh hcluul)t!Uiulrrd
from hirn, nllowed him to depnrt. ln tho wny, lh Kh6n meL
with hi aon, Knirn KhAn, IlL tho head of thountl ho1'8e,
nntllxoth lillhcr aon rctnmed lo their unlivo rlly, Fomlkh-
'bArl, whirh had been foundod in tho name of 111nhammad
Farrukh Siynr. From tlutt time the po)'ulation inere l verr
dtw. aml :;raluolly iL hccnmo a very lJli'J;O city.
1n thio year, in the month of ShaUn," tumult"""" in
lh Jdma' ,1/,.;iJ, to avenge tho death of a ;\luulmAn who wa.
>lain by a llindu of tl namt ofSubh Karan. The lliodu "ere
...,i.ted by the Royai1111JI<r4Qdc/i (or writero). On,
a\,nut 3 ( .. clod,, & t!rM.l fight tOOk 111t Q \\t'IY.
kill.-1 "ithin tho and Shor Af;;h&n Kh,n, tho l'rntwror'
"'"'""'' hnving rccci<c<.l by tho ...._..i.tanec of
Uohnnul daula.
I Tl&ru"'ibouL tbG llabnli.M ll:r'e dclipaw.J IUII}tlf U tAtt lfl

TlRnffi-1 BD"Df.
TtUJ<n:l!l'o;H YI!Alt OF nn: RBtO:<.
:Multamm!ld Khan Glummfnr Jang wa nppointrd
01lvemor of tito provin.,.. of on eonditioo of his cbastiing
nemy. "'hn Ito went be I!Oruotim.,. fought with
tltrm, "''me times conninod at their aud in t!tia ro:mner
wanag<-d t.o prolong the ptnod of his gonroment.
FOURTI!&N"nt YP.Alt OF TUS nato:<.
was nffived 1\lnhnmm"'l Khan Gl=far
luol the Nerbadds, lllld join.J Xiumn-1
Bo was romo.-ed from the of :Mild, ond Baja Jai
Singh Sarii was appuint...:J in <tead.
In thi year Mlr Jumln Tnrkbao. ono of tho gr!".lt.eS1.
nnd A man of loaming nttd " friend of tho foamed, who
'"" enga..,"'OI in lle otudy of the notural ecicoccs, no
cot'llin:: to tho will of Ood, deJl"rted thiA tran,itory worl.L
1bi< ;\lir Jumb was called Mlr 'Thidu-llAh. He c:une to
Rinct.htan from S:unarkand in .earclJ of hiA C:uher, ;\lir Abti-1
'Vall, who bad becom ko:J of Bv be
. "
himclf 'l'ILS appointed kti:l of the pro.-inco of llengal, aod
whon Prineo !1.1 uhnn11ttnd Famtkb Siyar l!'nmo of
that province, be m3de hint his tutor. During tl1e time of tl.1ia
reigu he WM rt<koued one ot' the J;MllA't nobl of
the State, and had the conduct or all polilital alTAi"' in
bAUdo. At la...<t, throu:;h tho h<l<'tility of the Saiyids, he ,..,..
cleprivod, after tho ruul'llur of F:u-rukh :Siyar, f all the insio:nia of
nobility; out, by tbo favour or DW!ain 'Ali KhAn, ho WBB ngain
rnis"l to Ids former rank nndja!Jir."" well 1111 t.u tho ollieoof Sad1 tt
.,ulur. Jlo was n penwu of exreeiliug and ga'e
aWJ&y no ....., beal'll to aay, that as n-gar-WJ
tbe woru of this world, he hoJ only ooo deirt uoful61led, "biclt
WU thM he bad DOYtr W't'll able to any ptN>D A pre;ent of
one kror &r rupee.. lonod knowlellgo and learuoJ men,
rot. .
RUS'IAll .u.r.
b<eau.oe by m.,.ns of his l.:rning ho bl reochoJ tho Emp<ror's
Court. and obtainrd his rank.
In tho r.ame year, at the inrti:;ation of IUja Jt.i tho .-ilo
enemy toolt po.-ion of lUlri. and lho lUja l>inwlf addel
10 hw own territory many whith to tho
Emperor in tho vicinity of Amber. ]})Janka! Singh, Ruja of
M6rw8r, lltloked the district of Rewar[, which io lhirty koo from
Dohll, and took thirteen Inc. of rupeH from tho of
thnL r tnco. Tho onoonies in all pnrl8 of tho country stretched
out their hands to rava;:e and plunder.
W ::I lull< l'tim&d11-d dania K&mru-d din KHn, with
70.000 buffl', mord>.J from Dobll a:;ainal Uduu, the .Zmnl tltir
of Kora Jah&n&bid, who haJ killed J&n Kb&n. l'd&rU, on
.-iint; tho intelligence, "'tired from the clilriet, and Kamrn-d
din KMn MuruoJ to tho se31 of Empire through Kannuj :md
Khan, brother of Khllndaur&o Kh(u>, Mcomp.nic.l
by Jai Singh ami other RlijM, wl\IJ despMched with n llll",;o nrmy
a;;niMt the enemy, but being informed M SirOnj tlmt IUid
cro-.o I the N orbadda, Md gono to tho D3kltin, bo returned to tho
Sr.nnzUJV Yua or TIU Ratos.
to the Emperor'a ordeno, rtimoclu-d <bul3 Kamrud
din Kh&o Jong, with a large army, mllny elrphaut., and
hea,y ordnanrt', moeJ toward the enemy throu:;b and
Amfru.J umario Bah&dnr Samsamud dault. ;\fanur Jang, "itb
many nobl(!jj RajM. and :>t lho bead of au nnny said to
lltll'mnt to 90,000 bor<'C. autl a l..r..;o park of marohod
throu;;h the territory of .\(owtil. .But through tho
unrm-1 nL\"Dr.
tntioos of Raja Jn.i Singh, he '\"11.5 iudue<ld to give ordnt not to
commence :w adioo. On day, bo.-..-er, as ' All H!mid Kluin,
one or the <hief nobles, had left camp, be encountered by
" body of the enemy. Although ho bad 110 fon:e with him ml
the time, yet with few atterubnu he repuli!<!d tilt> as-oaibnt..,
and returned 1o the camp in saf.ty. A.e tle .AmfrH-1 umara
would not with tho oocmy, ooo af l11o uamod Tir-
and6z KMw deorted him, and departed with three hundn.d
horse .. -ith tho intention of going to Dehli: upon wbieh a P"rty
or tho enemy, acting, it ia enid, under tho intructioua or Raja
Jai Siugb, hlll'ttnf'd in pul'>uit, and having overtaktn him, sur-
rounded him on aU sides like a swarm f ant.s aud
'ir-aud!z Khl\n ahowed great counv,;c, :wd at\cr fighting nobly,
met with the honottr or martyrdom. or his follow .... aomo wcro
killeJ., and othero. fell pri.ooncr.l into banda of the entruy.
In tho menn time, ono of the cuomy, by narno lfollAijl, with
11 body or 45,000 home, overran om of the parga1101 af Raja
Jai Singh, and Wd siego to the fort of l>arnbhar. At\er UII'C"
dt>ya tho oily WM token nnd pluoderecl. It ill snid thnt
hundred inhabiuuts of the city were ldlloJ wounded. Tie
took a contribution of hundretl aod 61\y thou.and rnl""'
besides two elcphnnt.s oud aome bol'!!oa from F11khru-d din Bmnin
KMu, >iOD of Udli Mgb!n Kh!n, the then J.."<>vtroor of the pia,...,
IUid t'I:Lumed _to orpoae army or the blr I U11111rd.
Tho .Lmlrr-1 u111ara, docrived by ltajn J ai Singh, ntnming to
the c:3pitnl without once to n.tion, arried on the 17th of
Zi-1 bijja. ruoidu-<1 daul!l. wbo hM gone to OPJ'O"e the ooerny
ria X!(M\, with Piluji .Mnhratto., ne:>r N11rw:.r.
AL !ll.,L, h "'"" leaing the of th w:>r, returned to
Dchli on the 29th or Zl-1 lijja in tho year.
EIOUTEV<Til yy_, .. OF T1Dt R103.
Tho wcullo tho of Mew(or, which is ruled hy
lbo Jt5u!, reached tho city or lJ'dipur, 110d bning token 11 CuD
1409 ...
Jtt'STAll 'ALf.
lribotioo from lbc R!n&, turned towr.nls )JUrir, ploodtred
city of llirt&, took some tribute from Daltbt Sill)th, R'j" of
and then arrived at Ajmlr. The cbitf.t
from tboir !lnd wil.h tho otmot ttped vitit.ed the
tomb of the great lind venerable Khrija, ancl throce advanced
to tho fort. ofRupnt.gar. Raja Snwoot Singh hBd bwtied hitmclf
in atrcngtbcning lbo fort with heavy guM. Tbo of
the rncmy, tM>ing no way of sucoou, rolrcBtod, nftor aulfering
much 1.,.., towardt Jniplir. ln the mean time, Yt.dg6r KMn
Rllo, Sruyid Klrpt.rltu, and Najtl.bat 'All Khtl.o, the nephew of
Ilu.uin 'AH Kh&n, went to J:>i Singh, to requ0c1thi1 interposition
in coming 1o some ISCOOmmod.uion with tho enemy. All tl1ese
officoro, with the cooeurrenoo of Raj" J ai Singh, gave tho enemy
in. tho dU.trirt. of KiAbangarh a rom of twenty of on
tho 1'11'1. ol' the Emperor, to induce thm to return to tho D3kbin,
whoo tbty themoelns returned to Dcbli.
Thlrioz tbit year BurMnu-1 llulk Sa'a.lal. Kbio wf'Jlt towat<b
Kora 1ah6nab6d. The chief of tl1at tract, nllmod llha;want,
on of Udiru, who before this, having l<illt<l Jl\n KMo,
govmaor of tbnt plare, hnd greatly injured 1111d oppl'llllod the
p.a.onntry, on receiving tl1e neWll or tho UurMnu-1 ,\lulk' nu-
vllnto;J, mnrched forwnrJ with " botly of ''ngBbonds nmounling LO\n!l horso and fool. 'fhe nnoy ot' Uurhranu-1
l\lulk, himself nnd two thnu34nd hor.o,hnd not
ero- .J. tho G"nger, when sutld.eoly the army of tbnt
of thn inthlcl. spJ>f"lrod After both partiee lwl m<t, mueh
rnu..!. Bha,nnl Singh <bot an orrow whith
wounIN 13urh8nu-1 llolk in the anu. But that lion of the
6dl .. r coura.;-t immediately drew it out. and in turn lot that
vile infidel in tho forehead, and arot him to the uoxt world.
:Many of hi followers were a1ain, and tho re.t Oe-1 ""'"Y
llurh6nul )f ulk raturned to ealllp, ordered him
to b<o ftay ..t, ADI bU. skin to bo 6111id witl1 stnlw. llis bend and
thnt of hi" 100 were placed on tl1e poiott or nnd ont to
the CllVitAI.


In tho be:;inning or Sha'bin or too year tho eompilcr or tbi.s
work .aw with hi.s own oyeo the okioo and head! or both thooe
IIOioi'\Uuate wret<h .. hangjng in the b/i;;ar or Dohli ni!IU' the
Poli.e om ....
Tho )1nhrntta enterod the territ.ory of Dbac"war, tho
rhiof or which, Amrnt Singh, collected :w army, llllvnnccd fron1
the town ot' A tor with tho utmost intrepidity, nod g:.o oottlo at
tbe diatnn<e of " koo from that town. 11 i.s commonly rcporte.l
IML the llrmy or tho Rf.j3 eoll!!Urted or l!<lVCU tbon.t31ld horwo,
twenty tboUMnd foot, and fortyfi\'l! elephnota; while that or tho
in <ad"' am>uot.J to near one boodled thousmd hotll'. Tloe ...,...
continued for ouo month; and lllthongh the teni10ry of Bhada-
war lay cloeo to tho capital, yet that Emperor, tho a.ylum of
took no mt:L"Ure8 for the expuL<ion of thr fut". h i
.aid tbat one of tho brothers of the Raja, wbo had long cheriht<l
c hotrod a)!&inat him in his own bo!!Om, joined with the Mlemy, who.
"' hiJ IMtigatiun, len. half of his army Lo confront tho llnJ
IICnt tho other hnlf through the toWDs of Gohad and Bnrhad tQ
tho towu of Atcr, which they to plunder. 'fho Raja wn
nbligro to rolroAt, fighting all tho way with tho enemy, and got
toafo int.o the fort. A I though tho enemy had plundorcod much
ti'OIIIIuro and property, yet he took besidell a contribution of
twenty l<rl'>l of rupcee in ea.h and ten eleph:wta.
After this, in tho beginning or Zi-1 bijja of eame yt1lr, the
enemy's anny haYing ei'06Si the riYer JDIIllla, near tho
or the fon of SbokohAW. Wjl Khatri, tho
1:0ernor of that presented him one hundred and fil\y thou
oand aod an elephant., and thus uved the town. March-
ing the inaden bamt down FirozaW and l'lim6dpur,
whioh is five koo from the mpital, and Jlundorod tl1om. ami
then pNCI:OOed Lowarde .J f.l_,, All of a ,uddon, about dnwn,
BurMuul Mulk drew oenr, lmviog marched from Et&wa in
runuil of the enemy. At first, hi.!l nephew AM-I :IJaruuir
Knin S3fdmr Jaug, with thoUMrul horse, eame in
wben Ute :lfaluatw, with their lliUAI eon6denee, conoridering his
force to be amnll, surroundod him on all sidea. 1\ bu-1 'MMsur
Khan lowly rotronted, fighting .. n the way, till ho rll3Ched thP
"J''l by :Mull<, at tbe head of
horse. When tho :llahratw arpro:w:hed near, he !llddenly
cbary;OO tho army .,r tho.o rebels with hia envalry, like & wolf
fit!ling upon sheep, or a tiger npon A deer. Thus lhoso
seized by the lund of wero obliged to run away in alarm
tonrd.a the fol'l!l!t.
The )luluunmadan army p11111ut'd them, made he:i('S or the
Flnin, aml kept tho lxltllo rogiog for the distnnee of thirty-6vo
kOt. A body of tho invaders wcro ert.akeo near tho I&Dk of
rtimUdpur, thre. chiefs with about a thowoand men were
tU:eo pri.onus. Thoeo who escaped tbe "''""' tressed the
til-er Jumn:L Many or them miMrd the ford, and wero
drownccl in Ute river of eternity, but most of Utorn esoopl nnd
joini'C! their countrymPn. 'Vhcu tho prisooenr wero brou:;:ht "
before Mull<, be gae eaeb mau a rupee for bi.s
and m tbm all at liberty: but be three ebier.
lo:ldc..J with ebaillll. After this, Ito retun1od toward Sh,lt-
Jahliu&b&cl, !Tom whieb plMe .A.mlru-1 Nllllmi Kh,n-dnun\n w.S
aJvanriug with a OO.Iy oftwenty-five thollll:lDd horR, aome !1"n8,
anJ many eleplunLS, llt'tompru>ied by MuhAmtud Khin
Ghazanfitr Jaug, tho he:ld of twrle thoUS3Dd horse. The
army, wbieh in the of Zi-1 I<A'da had been ordered bv
lli! to p......eed the enemy, met
)lulk near the city of :.\lathura, in Ute or the mouth of
Zi-1 hijja.
One day, the 11mnrd invitrd Burb6nu-l l\lulJc to hilt
tents, ami prepared n feN" for hie roception. In Uto mi<bt of the
banquet it wu suddenly reported lltnL the enemv'a armv hnio"
J .. t 0
mar< hod throu::b the w.-o of Fathpur, and 1<3ing Dig, the natie
lund of B:ldn& J6t, on tho right, had arrived at Dtbll.

TAnrm.J mxor .
Malk, on bearing bit the finger of @orrow with the troth of
disuaetion, and, mounting an elephant, huteoed toward. th>t
city. H ia commonly o:lid dJAt rtim"-lu-d <bal" K:omru-d din
Khan, wl1o, with the intention of lho enemy, wo.s then
enerunped near KamAn l'ahari, abo returned to Dehll. In
the mean time. RAja Jai Singh, having marched from .laipur with
an army of fifty R'jput ho,.o and above
elepbmlll, advaneed M farM the town of Nimn\nu; but when be
lumrd tho news of Burb(tnu-1 Mulk's mnroh towards tho capital,
I "nurned to JaipU.. The enemy' army, having Meked the
village of Xabl, near Dehli, Wl.'Dt to the shrine of the
Khrij:l Kutbu-d din; but Ill they could not ndmitt4nte, they
rtundered inh:lbit4uts ol'tho plttoe, anti tho next day appeared
hforo Bamhpol<>. F..srly in the mon1ing, 3Ce0rding to the
Emperor's ordel1!, lluan Kh&u, the oommJUldlUlt of the
};mperor'a body-guard, eame out to oppooe him with a body of
one thotmnd hol't!ll. Jmmedilltely behind him, Amir
I\ !tan, nut! other nohlllS, with :> bcy:e army :>nd artillery, Mono ont
of the eity,and llood before the enemy; butM tboy ha4 not been
ordred to fi;;hr., they dil the battle. l\llr liasan
Khan an.! lU.ja Sheo Singh, howvrr, adYaDeed nnd Coagbt
aliantly. During tho lhe enemy retreated, oud picehed
their tents nc3r Tal Kator(l. '1'!10 uext mon1ing, on hcuriug the
neW>! of Durlu\nu-1 l\lulk'a arrhal, J.16jl R&o, the ebitf of tho
Mahratw, rode like a jaekal running away at the roar of tigt>r,
aud fled from lbo pbce. Kamrn-d din Khan, who hnd :ld
with Lhroo hundred lUOn, engaged in a severo ekinnisb,
And retired after lcilliog ome of his opponents.
As BorMnu-1 llulk had advaneed without ordv. and
\\;th tho enmy, he fell onder IIi. Maj.,.ty's di.plM8ure, :.nd
b<'ing distrl)ll.!led at this, Ito erossed the Jumnn without an inter-
vie" with tho Emperor, n.nd roturuoo 10 his own "'sidrutee.
When the Amlru-1 u11017rd autl l\Inbarnma4 KMn wore
to Debli, the Jala of tho .. ma,>e of )Jitrol, bel'""n Kodal and
l'alwn1, f.ll on their bogg:\ge md pluudon:d it. Conaeqneotly
llt"ST.ll! 'ALf.
the anny eurronoded the Tillage, llnd haTing sael:ed i1, ll't it on
fire. Tl)c .dmfrll-1 Ullrrrrd entered the seat of tho Em[>iro, :wd,
aecording 10 the royal orders, :\I ubammad Khan n:torned '<>
for ita prouetioo. Towards the end of the !Wile year
NixAmu-1 lllulk llrrivod from tho Dnltbio, nnd on Monday, the
16th of Rabi'u-1 awwlll, bad :m interview with IIis lllnjer.ty in
tid- t:a piul.
In the eommen..,ment or year 8000 of the Ratbor
:R6jp61s, omuog whom Wl'Nl eightooo tho rolMores of
Jl&ja Dl14uk:ll Singh, ...,..,mblod uu 110me iu tho tity of
S&lnbhar. Uh&nt their lrader, by wh.,.., hand. Shaikh
lllahyfu- Kloiu of Bilgrirn had been abin in the which
wu.s fought butwl'<!n SarbulruJd Kh6n and DhonkBI Singh, openly
dfllllk moe on Friday in tbu MujiJ of S&mbhr, "nd pro-
bibiwd m>UJ:i/0 froru e:Llliug 10 rraycr. It bap!>"oed that
J(Ayfltu-llalr Klu'ln, son of Jnm&lu-11:\h Kh&u, the govontor of
tLe, with 1> few men, went to them in the evening. After
soote verbal alttrclliun, tho mallr tnded in a regular fi::ht.
TbnL lion of the fitld of thrust Dh&tat Singh into
tiro well of destruction witb " alroke of hia lance. Tiro
roarket of the ao.,.-.eJ of de:>th WM tbroazlr tho 11.e O(
roc:kot., arrow, and Eightetn of tho oppanents
woro el.Un, nnd tho roat fiud nway. Threo followers of tiro Rh&n,
wlro were S.Uyids of N'n\ul, obtained Lhe degree of DJartyrdom,
and were interred oear the tomb of S:>iyid llua:Un Kb&n.
During thi1 I'tiut&du-d ciAo Ia Kamrn-d din Klr,n, \\illr
60,000 hoMJo and mt\ny clcphaut.rl nne! movod towllrds
:n&rba, the aative r""" of the S:>iyids. and llfilt 'Azlmu-llalr
Kb'o Zahiru-d daula ";th a la'l(O llrnry to prec...Jo him.
'At!mu-llnb KlrAn, for fear of hia life, plnted aovornl guo 11round
lrirn in the hap6 triAngle. S.lira-d dio 'AU Kh,n, Lrother
of .Kutbnl llulk and n,..m 'Ali Khin, who wu tho chief of


B6rha, w!Ur hundred baldly attacked that miserable
body. When the Muzhals fired thtir guns, a ((rec&l number or &iyids wero killtJ; bnt din Ali KUn, with a few
other Saiyids, to anoge their death, drew out thoir ewonb, anJ
reput..ed the Mughals to tho distance of three milll!l. Suddenly
tho wanderer of tho forest of wreteh..dness 3nd ruillfortune, by
name 'All Muhammad, a Rohii!A, at the direction of l'tim&dud
dlwb, and with tho hope of prtfermnt. Crum the =r
with 20,000 Robillu, and fdl upon the Saiyid.o. Tint be
aacriliel-d Oro good of the next world to tho dcsirut of thia earth.
nod booruno tho c.n of ictory to tho Truini. 'Azimu.llnh
Kh&u, having burird the Nlumed to Dehll laden with plundor, and liC<'OmJ""liN by l'rimadu-d da11la. It ,.,..
jo,t punishment of erime of pt""""11Wig the Saiyi.L.,
eoon after !.bey uff,red the c:U:mritiCII oecasionod by Xldir Shah.
In 01is yoar .NizAmnl on the condition of eubduing tho
l'llomy. was :rppointctl goven&or of J(gm nod Mlw&. p...,_'<liug
thro11gh Bunrlolkhand, he t\'3chl the latter proinee, nod a b:lttle
,..,.. fon;:bt ,.;tb tho enemy near town of Bhop", funndal by
Oot .\luhammod Khfm, wb""A et.l t son, Ylr
KMn, is uiU ruling over it with wi..dom and "'!Uity.
As the erookoJ mind of Nizf.mull\1ulk was bent towards such
things as wore comrary to wllllt his import&, Vi<. admini.;.
tmtiun, be alluwoJ di-tuTbanees t" b.,..Jc in tho connhy, 3lld
wit.b his ey.., opeu utTered for one or two cbys gmin to b6 sold
in his ramp ouo 1ir fur n rnpct". On of Ure turuulr.s nod
quarrels rni>ro by him, rn3lly pooplc were ba..tencd to their graves
,flllr tho stroko of ttnrvation, nud lll!luy Musulmll.ns, by tho
triolu! of UIAt uupriueipled mAn, fell into Ure banda of lho
my, and met with their d..,truetion. At la.;t, on being in
furmed of !.bit, )Juhammad Shlh ,.nt orders appointing BAji
!tao to the or Malwb. Niumu-1 llulk, ,..proac:bed
by the people, uml dcceivoo by tho enemy, ruturned to tho
pitnl. The lll11hmuas laid sicgo to tho fort of Kot.a ; and tho
Raja lied away in abrm, 11nd took refuge in G&;;rlw,
Rt"STAII 'M.f.
which il ono of the strongest fom in part of tho country.
The iohabiiADtll of Kota, to their hooour,
ra::t"ra and tho c:ity. At las1. pe.">C<! was dedarod, and
tl1o iuvrultr, having taken a eontn"bution of o-.eral IIIli of rDpet"'.
went toward.l Ahlrwa.i, the eont1lry of the tribe of Ahirs. He
o.-rmm thi district, nod bosirged the folt of KorwAi, tho
town ofSironj, which wulho residence of'hzat KhC.n,eon of Oiler
Kbfin Afgh{n. ' Khan fought very bravely for two montl1,
whoo p<l3CO wll8 mrulo. During tho ait>go of KorwM, tho corn
piler of this work went to tho enemy's romp. ()n <Cting the
fort encircled likn lio atooo of 3 ring by tho lll'IIIY which te
aeUiblc-1 awiU'ma of ants 3Dd loelll!la, the a:uety of those who
....... in it appeared impossiblo; but tl1e renlt dN:o>ied upee-
lolt ion.
When Nil.Amn-1 Mnlk, witb Ill! the pomp Md cir.:nm!lt4llec
attahing to hia high alation, ae<:omJI3Died tho i\lah,.ttae ag:Uo<t
d1o fort of Bhopal, Y ar Muhammad Khfin, ruler of tho place,
who waa eclobrated for his by dint of g=t bravery !llld
de termination, e:q>dled l'iiz&mu-1 Mulk out nf bia JIO!o<tO<iOilll ,
without ony injury from the i11oU'l!tnt... )bny ooblea
3111! other rel!J>I'(!toble people, on account of the rovngo nnd dOI!o-
lntion oommittod io lhu Emporor's domiuiou8 by tho Nlomy,
funnel J>rOtoction in lllrrilory, nucl lived in penco tran-
quillity under tho Khlin's just rule.
Tho oompil<r of thiB book, on the prnirs of th< Kh6o,
ln tbr onrmy' ramp at Sironj, and ""'"" to tho rity of Bhopal,
which ;. full of nobles and exeellenl people from ntl parta of the
country. In fl&<'t, from the dAy he had t.n Shib-Jah6.uiibM, and
travdllod tho coootry of idolatry, it was ),oro only tb:u
le f,,omd hl6m to be predomiu:wt.
1L is 1aid tlat llbop&l was foo.nded in the limo of RAja Bhoj.
Aft<rwarils by :ooc:ideot it was ruined :>nd reduced to onh
a natl on tl1e bordera of the lake, \\hich in and
drpth is tho gr<'l1lM!t of all the lnkt'l! in this e<mutry. When, by
n lucky accident, D._,t ){ubammrul Kh&n, aou of N ur :Mu-
TAllllill-I mxnr .
hnmml\d Kb&.n Afgh,n, of the tribo of Warakznl l\IIn-'i Klt:.ll,
1 from Rob to the <Ountry of I!indW.tan, be l\t Jaltil{b&d
hi wh<> were tho d...-udanto of the oame aneeotoi1J.
When Almighty God wishes to one of hi cruatnres to
some great. rank in this world or the next, Ho throws him
into difficulties and troubles, ami otlcr that exal!B his dignity in
that he may estimate ita true merits. And 10 it happened
that a mi.und,.taU<ling ,.,..,.. b<twetn tho brothno, and that
Khin of noble di"J>>"ition, alone, an<l without any man of rob-
len Jal61r.bad, :wd went to the province of M(s)wf..
Dy his judicious pinna and great he took po<&ion or
aovernl pnrta of thi pr.,.ince, ntttl at a most &lll!pioious moment,
in th fifth year of )lulwnmnd Sh4h' roi;n. CO""""I"'"'Iiu,t! to
A. IT. 1135 tl72a A.D.), laid tl foundation oi the dty of Bbop&.l.
Unoler his juot rule the lion and goat drank -ater at tho samo
pool. Ho -.u 10 gencroiiJj that cvrn flatim would cny !tim.
A gn>nt number of eainUJ nlw,.ya dined with him.
When tho fame oi his virtues rea<"hod the e:u- of tho ministers
.,r the Emp<'ror"a eonrt. bo was tir.Yonr.d by Hi .. ty, throuf!b
&i);d Husain 'Ali Khtn, -.rith a Rl<fo,WJb, fvo;K, kettle-
drums, naYIHLf, :IS well a. " title. But ho died.
After tbi! event tho eldm eon of tho noble Khllu, who wns
with Niz(lmu-1 Mulk in the province of the Dkhin, arried ill
ll1iA territory, and at " m""t au"pi<iotl.! time eat upon the
malllld, 3<hniniter.d justice, subjugatod " grl'lt ou111btr of tbo
rufr:lctory chiefs, and by his wi.e tho country from
tho banks of tlo Ncrbaddn to tho Yicinity of U1c of Sironj,
\11111 bromghL under his power. Notwithsta.ndiug that tho enemy,
having gained groat dominion, the eountry from &ttflra-
garh to the nburbl of Dchli, yet ondrr lbo good m3nagemeot
of thi. 1.'1\Uit.:.hlo (bief tho of hi3 territory were perfeetly
aecuro from tho rava.,oes of tho tynwts. For his aurpasaing
eourn,"" and wi8o :.<lminiatrution of the country ho reeoivod
grent favours fro111 the tbrouo, and was honoured with the r:wk
lW<.ola ..U. iL "1M lllinoja n.lL "-c..trol, .-.!. i. P 1.50.
:a1:Sllll .u.r.
of 6000 and 5000 horse, to::-thtr with tlto irui;;uia of
JIG/II nod Jlartili .
Aa above alated, contention, di.wfeclion, and di>eonl broke
out amonJ: tho noblOJO, and tho report of tlto enemy's w&S
noise<\ nbnmd. Tho cursed infidels, enoourngcd by tho mimtlo
am\ of the sovereign, particu]rly by tho hostility
and rtvuiL of tho ministers ot the throne, had booomo
pn..Jominllllt throughout nil tlte oountry. Thu indt..J, tho
"Emperor uf (rnn, by Mmo Nadir SMh, who, acquirl
tntiro J>O"tr 0\'111' th:u country, hnd up to Ba\kh and
KandaLir, now llW'<hed in thi3 di...,tion, "itb tlto di;;n of
Hindu-tan, and, as eome 80\y, at the of
XiWllul :)folk and Sa'6dat Khan. IL n.s eu\ldenly ftJ>Ort<d to
the Empcror that Nidir haYing invaded Kibul, o.u.! obliged
Niir Khan, tho w>ren>or of tl1e pro,;n<e, to join him, bad
CJ'O<IIOO tho Atwek and reached Tho Govemor 6f
city al110, unor a slight show of ..... u.wco, had guno over to
him. Notwitbstnnding n.ll this, tho cnre\01111 Eonfkror nnd the
uugrntcful nobles, baring oo\'l!roo tboir fncce with tho
of groM nt>gligeneo, wero :11r.Uting tho nppronehing miofortune.
the hail mnrthed past Lahore, the Emperor or
llindthtin wu compelled to fit Ollt nn Mnty. All thi del3y,
which .-.ioned tho disa.L<:ra, nroae from the Em-
peror' oonfiding ill the counsel of aoy of hiil miniltra.
Wbatecr plan was by ilie Klao-diWrin na oppoud
by )[nile, and rmd.
According t<> the of .mr Falthm-d dlu, the
of thil country, haYing preJ"""'d for wv with two hundr!
t!Joa#od bo,..e, fO<>t soldil'rll without uumher, fifll!tn hundred
elephanu, a.nJ many ficld-pieees lllld other guno, \rfl. Deh\1 with
tho intention of expelling the Emperor of !r6u. The army of
IlindU..tan, owing to illl immense oumbors, which nmouotod to

lmudreJ thontand, both bo,.. ""'' f""t, rould --ty lind
!""' to coeamp on. Towards the md of mentb of Zi-1
k.a'tb. the army DfAI" town of K:m1al, and, u eome
.ay, to lh AAiYice of I'Guma-1 ::'olulk, wu pla""'l all
rolllld in hro of a ring. tbi,tho eoldion of
( rin mn<lr ntt:tdtll from all ides upon the I ndil1M, aud cnrriod
corn, lllld wood, which nre eMelltinlly DL'<"'ry fur tho
maintcnnuoo or nlllll. Henoe the prioo of gmiu WIIS enonnouoly
high iu lho Durhanu-1 Mulk, one moruing, at the be-
ginning of Zi-t hiljn, entere<l the camp to pay his t\llpt>et.s to the
Emperor. TTft ""'' -rcely arriVed, Willi "'r<>rt<l tho!
twcnly thw.and hor'le of N6dir Slt8h'e army had plund"rt'<lall
his camp, equipa.,...,, and ill,llUitly
took his lene, beat tho drums of baule, and wont an. r tho
plandrror<. It i Ail that tbe whole ann;r of 1\"adir Shah
to fifty-five thou .;and fighting ho.,..rn( n, tkilful in tb
art of v.or and muroler, while othora m:tke it amount to three
hundred thou'laud hol'l<'.
No sooner had ,lm.lru-1 11m1ra Khan-<lnurio ho'llrll that
DurMnul M ulk had gone, than he :.lso, <ithout making ny
due rrparntion, to the field with a foreo which
ncordin!: to n111o, to aovcu tboUMnd, n.nd neeording to othc,.,., to
twenty thouiQ\Jid Durlui.uu-1 a ehort tirno nncr
tho onnire ha1l OOJlllged. Wllil WeD and dTri<"l ooforo
NMir Shah. That nobleman, renouncing his upon
the will of God, and ... ting o<eording to tho dictoiM <>f hi O\\D
thoi", prrril'itat.! malterlJ; bat Prooridenee di,com6tt'l all hi
plans. Ancr tha eapture of Bnrhinul the arny of Xadir
Sb'h &urroundtol .lmlral ""''"''on all .idts, and lqn to hoot
their arrow nnd Sre their guns, and the bs\tle m::eJ till the
of the d:.y. Tho Indian warriors, .,;yiU, th(IJk/u<, and
Rajpul, ao with their cruel swords that, bad Jln<L'nt lllld
Afriliyab live.! to tbia time, their livers would havo ll<'<mo walir
at tliO fiJ:hL of this dr""<iful battle. The r rilnlo, drrading tho
aworda of these bravo moo, loft the field, and, firing tboir guns
JttsTAll .Lr.
from a nn<l Crom quarters, made of the
corpses of Indiana, who prefernd d""th to fli(!bt.
AL la.L the lomiu"ry of the world set in Lho we.t,
with thij Appro.,cb of night dnrkoeM 8prood OVI!f the tarth J yet
up to tlai time no army eame to reinforce,..,-1 "''"r6, all
through tho connivance of Mulk, who, tho utmost
nnimoeity towanl1 the followers of hl&m, alwap hld out
tnco111':lgtruent to infidel and tyr:urts. It ia Aid that five
tlaolll!alld moo on tho 8irlo of Amlru-l 11marti met with tho
bouonr of m:t.rLynlom, au1ong whom were l\1 uzalbr KhAn, his
brother, Kalla!, 'Ali llflmid Khfln, Y8dg6r Khan, Lod1
Kblu!, nntl other noble.. In tho ovoning .A.mlru-1 11mnrd, witlt
a r.w of his men, returned frotn tho titld to oo I. nt, wounded
ond 110rrowfuL The noxt Jny bo ll'l in 11rrny :> now army, with
the intention of hnmrcliog another battle, and defeating N6dir
Shah, who had tremblt<l nt the cvun;:e dU.playtd. But the
Amlr fell, and dmnk !lao ""I' of mnrtyrdom.
H i aaiol that when Burbflnu-1 ruulk Ml into tho bandt of
Na.<lir Sh&h, the Sb6h inquired from him :ill tho Jl"rticulan of
thia lie Will infonna-d in l'l!ply thnt Kb.W-daurau,
who had fought with him that day, """"only one or tho rran"-
of tbo !<:rnreror nr UiudlttAn, thM, like bien, there wore
many other oohlt.,. anti RujM, po.-caood o( great and murh
cuwagr, in lw camp as "ell .., in all or tho kin;dom, anal
thnt nuy one of them wu "ell nMo to eopo with him. Uo ro-
eommcuolrd him, tberolilro, Lo .,.,eive something on account of
hi.. travelling U(ldl..,., and return to hU "'"' country.
Shah w111 eonfoumlod to bear this, nml peace WM dotormiuod on.
Muhnmmad Sh(,b, by tho Ad vi"' of Nizlunu-11\lnlk, rode to tho
tnt of Shah, whotM! aon came to him. The Prince,
nccording to his father's ordert!, snt below the throne, liko au
atlen<lant ..lJ1er tho interview, Mnhomm:W Sb'b dincJ and
return..! to ltut.
On santo dny Mulk, with his u.nnl
put c.u tho oflitio&l dress of tho .J.mlJ'II-/ umara, "birh bad IH.oen

T.otrm-I ID.'IDT.
promid to BurhAnu-1 who, on boing iofonncd of thio,
uotlcr tho impaleo of nmbltioo, reprcsemc-d to N&dir SMh,
.dmlr11f "mara Kh6n-lnur4o deeeascd WM tho only person ot'
impertAn"" in the government, and that now tl,.re was no man in
tho kin;;dom t>q.W to him in po.rtt or dignity; tb.n Xidir Sh'h
hould contriYe to Lake :'tlulwnmad Shah pri>unrr, and mako
hin.,lf master of tho country. Ha-ring oo tor gratitude,
doludod the bBSe av11rico of this worltl, and having no ehtuno
even tor c:ontmdioting hi$ own words, ho Ot:cnsioued tho geneml
alnu::hter :md oontentions 3nd di&Mtfre which ensued.
N6Jir ShAh, haing called Xiwnu-1 illullt, pla.:ed him in
ctbtody, and oonstraiood him to send for the Emperor. That
\<Andcrer in t4e ro,...t of eory o.nd mAlic., 'llithout
what might be tbo mult, wrote A under bi.o own hand to
tho ITcat that ho had le-I tho terms of poliCe, llOd tho con-
6nuatiou of it dcpendt-d upeu hill coming. Tlto 1aoodlt>1
Em(l<Jror, bo!ing dccivod by thntartful pel'lf(lo, rode to tho tent ol'
NMir Sluih, who onlen...! tho few persou who h:ul gone with tho
\ Emp<ror to be turn .. ! out, and the with Xiz!tnu-1
Mullc, Amir Khi.o, To'Mk KMn, Jbod Kb6n, Bihroz Kban,
and Jawallir Kb6n, to bo! plliCOO in Somo of hi
rnynnitlous woro to l'timMu-d Kamru-d din Kh4n,
nnu l;>reibly brought him out of hils tont imo Na\dir Shah'
earnp. At the onmo timo, officers of tho Slal.h wre placed as
!(Uard< on all the otli<-flll 11nd eonab!Wunen!A or )(uhamowl Sb6h.
IL iJ uid that Fatb 'Ali Kb6n, son of Khin, nnd 'AU
Autiil Kb6n, Md W<Dt in s:Ucty to th ir l&oUBcs. Khani
2:1min Khan, al!o, Ol!eAJ"'d ntlcr changing hi dothet1.
Tho noxt day, ll<'cortliug to Nadir Slu\h'a orders, Burh&nu-1
nod 'Azlmull3h KMu went to Sh6hJahilnaMd, for tho
of hit rule. Though all the.- ungrateful
J"'I'IIUM, through thir Mtlbition, hAd .. Jbtrod much to the
inttrffi.s of X6dir Sh&h, ytt, u Proidnee hAd do,;tined that tho
<Oert-ignty of tho lluue of Timllr abouJ.I be and
'[ Xldir Sh1harpoilla.d llurhlulu.Lllulk Tl'a/.11 ... aal,"-B,.._; JY.t.'.]
Rt:ST.u! '..U.f.
:\IobammO<l Sh,b's prolon,.....I, they in tho end gainl'd
nothia:: but tlwno and ciis;;race.
Aftmtard.t, Nadir ShAh bim..,Jf; with tho Empnor of ffin-
d itio, totem the fort of Dehli. It Aid tbat he appoiote<l a
p'- on ono .ide in tbe fort for tbe residence of Mubammod Sbih
and bi1 and on tho other llido he choe tho Diwan-i
KhM, or, 111110ma say, the G:mlcn of Hay6L &khh, for w own
He sent to the Emperor of Jiind!iat,n, as ton
pri"ouer, aorno food ond rino from his own tablo. Ono FridBy
hi own namo - read in tbe klmlbtt, but on lho ho ottlored
Muhouunod ShO.h's name to be read. his rolated that one <by
a ruutour spread in the city tluu N{uljr Shoih bod bceu abio
in tho l<>rt... Thi produced a general (ODftL<iOn, tho poople of
th city d.,troycd five thollSaDd
men of hil eamp. On be:uing
of thi, ShAh came of the fort. 11:11 in the golden m!UJ'id
which wao built by <bub, and gavo ordtrt for a
W"' ra1 For nine hours an indirimin31o alaughter
nf all and of ovtry d.gree """' commillcd. It ia said that the
numlttr of th..,. who were slain amount<!d to one hundred
thou..and.' Tho \o...,s and eah01ities of tlto people or Debli
wore oxcoedingly great...
Aflcr this violno and eruolty, NMir Shalt ro\leetod immen'o
which lao began to acnd to hie country on ClfJlhAnta
aml )lohanunlld Sblih wiluess<od with thoutmot emotion
ami in<lignotiou thee ontr3gos or N&dir Sh6h, which were oo-
caaione<l by tho rivnlry of \ho dii:UTected It i narrntcd,
that one tlay N&dir Sh&b, in IIi! public eoun. apoko aorne luu"n
nnl abai t wont. to Ni:z.&mu-l ::\lulk ad llurhlou-1 '.lulk, and
thn.,.t<ucd thm with pnni.hmeoL When tltey len tho eourt,
::'\iz&mu-1 Mulk, mth all the lyin!! and fraud to 11hieb be was
naturalh t..abituta!, spoke to Mulk 10me , . ..,. eon
. .
[ "'"'-'d""lllo.rlraooo ituaa. '-&.,. 11"..:11.]
1 [ 11 .... ,..... by "'liiT r- .a. .tot...u ot tho <ilr t1w owtr ::.,ooo-
attHl h' tlrC'Iell WM-r .)
1 ["ltlo Jlfokblt u..Lillt piUlldcr ....,..loll"' lllloat tfrtotr ,...., or .. pooo.-
T&RrKil-t m:mr.
and lumrt-rending word, told him that wont.! now be
to CK":Ipe lh hands of that Ito odvisetl th_v
both should at the moment go homo, oud, Inking :a eup of
dtadly poison, ptll'011t the to death, and &vrifico thea livM
to their l1onour. Alter this, of deceivers went bi
houll, nnd, having oxprosse<l hi ";11 to his relntion, nnd drunk a
cup of water mixed with >nnl hilll8tlf with a beet :uul
went to sleep. BnrMnu-1 llulk, vho was a true soldier, and was
not nw:tre of his perlltly, as soon :>S ho hMrd thi, drank a enp of
poi.on, :md wmt to the next world.
The ShAh of t rin, having brought eo mnny disnatora
and cal:>mitie3 upon, presented to 010 Emperor of that
country seven hol'!n of '!rk, 1CV<ral trays of jewel. and clothe,
imtilled into him eocne proc:opts ueuful to Emperors, granted
kllil'n/4 to tho miniete"' of tho throne, and, having len. Debli on
tho ith of Saw, returned to his own eoUlllry. Bo proceedod
through tho territory of Sind, and l1nviug token " largo con-
tribution from ita chief, who was of thr tribe of Dbattl, wenL to
" ruwdabt.r. h i.! ""id thAt .. n., tho Mpnrturo of NAdir Shah,
tho chiefs and Rojas of :til p.>rlll of sent l:.rgo aums of
mony to Sh{h, together with horses, lplwus aud
olhor property of VAl'iou3 kind.
Two J:ron of and three hundred de['h:w14 wtre sent
to IIi< Majety by :-huja'u-d dania, !,'Oeruor of the pro,..ineo of
Beugal. After Nddir Sh:lh had gono nwny, ,\mir Khan Wall
raioed to the r:wk of 7000 &nd the office of third and
IB'Mk Kh(m to tho tliu:6nl of tho 4Adli8Q. They won alao
received into the mYOill' of the Emperor, on which II<UDI
llullc, a:;:Un having recoui"' to hio fox-lib
nnd di,ple3Sed, let\ Ddt!!. Ho spent oomo duys M tho
vill:>go of and at wt, with tbo advice of Mibrparwar,
'fOt.. 1'UL
RUST.i.ll 'Al.f .
tho gmndmothor of tho 'Emperor, nnd on condition thnt Amlr
hould como out tQ meet him, mumed lQ tho city,
Amir Kb6n .on of Arnir one of tho chiefnoblm.,
wna appointed Oovcrnor of tho province of All!Mbad, whtro be
appliod hi1Y18<1f to the work of aJminl..tration.
A body of H.ta from ;\Iahflb:m, having rniood their hoa<h
in Mli><-llion, put llakim Kuirn. tho Fnujtlar of lbe Jrqrmtt
of Firol&bad, to death. anJ rarried oiF aU hit property and
tf1'.alfuro. Tho chid of lbeac iW!urgrnt.! proclnimcd thnt ho had
ASSUnu,J the nnmo of W6nt.v Sb&h. and more than iiOOO men
having ftodtool roond him, bo rnied gnat tumult and alnrm.
ZnhinHI daub 'Azimullnh Kh&n wont Dl(llinat him with a body
of 6000 bon;e, and made n end of him, detennincd to
.,..,.. tho Cbambol, pi"'<'e<'d to tnrilc>ry of Bhadiwnr, and
riMe Raj SinJ;h, son of Amrnt Singh, on the mn1mul of' that
principality. "But on account of the river being too full, be
could not cro111 it, and returned to Dehll.
Au army of more tlllln 100,000 ;\bltrntta horse otlneked
:\&.it Jang. aon of Naamul )Julk. ll, unlike hi l'atlrcr, who '
alwnye a.<sisted tho eu,my, """' tlto ora-l vittuon1 man of his
lime, anti poeo>cd eoumge rutd hu!llllllity. They burnt
..-illageor in tho tn\"irons of the city of Aumng'b!d. Upon
whiclt N6slt Jnng O<Jnirpod an nrmy, which say did not
l'Xceed 8000 ho,.e, rut<l o.allied out &om the city. N&.ir Jaug
fought nry brenly, and tlt"J'''t<hod a gnoat namb<-r of the enemy
to lwll, eo thnt, not being :Lblo to stond their ground, Lhcy took
to N'-'ir Jan;: purruod thm, and al tho datanc of
few J. r, eonrmy again m.:Wi! a &taml, when llto MwmlmY.n.s
put D sr""l number ot' thom to the sword. DJ the of
Alttu::hty God enmr again Bod, and Daji RAo, thi. f of the
,. ... grt"ntly -urrriotl at tho eoumgo of lion
of tho field of With great ignominy and shame, b
Mor!"'l on th banka of Uu. :'i.rbaJ<b, and as tho )Jalrratt\3
hod <Uffored !;l1'tll !0<1 io tlto bMtlt with N6air they turned
towanh IlindU..tlln, iu hope of rll'llging tbnt country;

TA'Ilflm.J DIXDr.
t.hoy hnd been informod tlont, although they Uoomclve11
btfore now reaebed Jo the very euburbs of Dehli, and so mony
mftgc& hod boon committed by Nidir Sb6lo, yoL tho Emperor
wns otill equully as ocgliJ:ent nucl indiffon!nt as over. 'With
thi.s idea t.hey gladly ero.oed thr Nerb:ldds. Malhf.lji, Pnuji,
and othl!l" ebitft of tho enemy's amoy, wbirh, M<:erding to !!Otne,
was no less tbno 50,000 horse, enmo through Duodclklllli1d M
far u the bomb of t.he Jutona; bnt sndJeoly, on bearing t.h:u
:Bfiji ruo, ltoviog fallen into tho claws of d!l<\tb, bad to th
de!Klrl o hell, thoy returned, without aacompli.!hiug anythiJJg,
towards &tt6.r&-gvh to meet R'j Sahu.
Ro;lui, nephew of R'ja Sibu, at tho head of 80,000 bor<,
fought "it.h Jomg, to nvongo tho dofcnt of D6ji Rao.
N&.ir Jaog in this b:lttlo also gave eoonplcto repul!Kl to tla
infiJeJ CDtllly,
Onu of tho by unmo Shuja'nd clnul.., who was a very
good "'"" and governed the proioee of &ngal willa t.he utmo t
justice, died a oatunl dNth. As ' was n s-t prot...,tor of hi
snbjoc:La, and exoeodinJ:ly juat, tho country, by virtuo of th011o
qlllllities, s-tly, Md tho I'OYenuo b3d 10 runeh in
..-! that oery yO>r be fieDL two kro,. of rupee to tho
Emperor; be:,ideo whirb, thirty t.hoiWilld horflo and au irumrn3o
body of infuntry received their poy from him. He also "'"L
thouands or I'"'""'"'" to tho ellint in all of tho eotwtry
aml cities. Tho Eotporor nhnmmnd ShAlt, and tho minil ..
of tlao throne, h"ving elout up tho J"'tb of juatice, ami otretchin;;
OUL the Jwod o( mpocity upon tit "llbj.,LI, drt"Oted them.dn
to MW'<ing '"'l\llb, wloioh nt Jru.t n\1 fell to tho lot of tho cnomy,
nnd tlwro WAS even 11 do&uieoey in tlte bed reveowo of the /;l,iiU...
z.,Joim-d d:aula 'Atimu-lbh Khiu, appoint...! to lbe
gu,,noorship of M&lri, wrnL to tho territory of DhBJii=r. nno.l
lutviug taken five fact of "" a contribution Crew R6j Singh,

,;on of Rija Antr.1t Sin;;!>, raise.! him to tbt llvJillll of that prinei-
He then pl'OC<'oo.d 11> Dati&, where he t'llmo to lUI ooJ"'.
with ito ebief, :md took seT eo IIJCI of from him in
return for tho renewal of his j&;lr&. From t.bat he went to
L" rdiliA, anJ apenL &Omt days in fighting and eqUAbbliog with tbe
Rajn. A. he contmry II> tho rule of tho former governors,
aftlr aoeuring tho satisfn<ltiou and nllinnet'8 of all tho rujn.s
who woro tho aormnLS of the Emperor, llpplind thonuwlvcs to tho
b'OvoruououL of tho provinoo, bo could not ovon on lor tho territory
to which he wBS appointed, through lear of tho onomy. Uo
p:as.od 001110 lime in quarrelling with theso ruju, and then
Mirza Mllnnu, tOo of l'timida-d daulll K.nmru-rl d(n Khio,
ms apJ>Ointed to the go.-emorship of Ajruir, anl he went w
that place with two thousand boroe. Although tho Rijas hlld
acqui,.J great &.oeendeney in that part of tho country, 10
in tho city of Ajrn(r, where the bepulrhre of tho Great Khwija
atand, the alaughteriog of C0\\3 and other practiCGII of llim
wcro prohibit<..!, yet be stayad there only for ono Md,
ll<W:Ordiug w tho ordora of his fllther, whu hAd inatruotnd him to
net in aubordinotion to R5ja Jni Singh, ho l01111lod tho guvcrnor-
hip of tho provinco to him, Md ruturocd to Dol&!(.
When Niz(<mu-1 Mulk tf.M.f Jt.b will!, inforrned thnt his aon Jnog hntl by his fimmll58 obtruuotl grrM 1\(lvnnto!(e!l and
,ictoriCJO oer the enomy, lfho Oed from lkfore bi. DRUII like a
<row t.:fore " bow ; that Islam IUid obto.iued a new hvttre;
that tho alloWliOees of the many offieers and ooh\iN under
him \\, re lh.ed to =><h m:lll' worth ; auol that Lo bad
intro.lueocl J""'C'C aud tr.wquillity :unoug hi. oubj..,t,-the fire of
ambition Md of a dc;ire w a&iot tho en,rny, "hieh
ho h:11l alway fdL, was rekindled in him. Iluing obtained
It-a .. from tho Emp.;ror, hn DIJI.tcllod "ith greot luuto toward
t),., 0\cbin, and nrrivod in n very abort f3CO of tim o.t tho
bank or tho NcrboddA. A1l " hAd but n Vtry little foreo
with him, \w rocci ved n reinforcement of ooo thow.ruul horao from
T.<Rrlrn-I UTh"Df .
Y&r M nhamm:sd KMn, who rulod o.-er tho gt'<!Ater part of tho
provinco of MalwA. llt>ving orosaed the river, he !lopped for
aome time in tho city of BurhAnpur, where a dispute aro.
btw,-cn the filther and son. ;U bar., the lAUer, who, indepen-
dent of being &ellliible and learned, was dutifnl, :u1d a
much bo.tter m:u1 than h;. Cather and ano: .. l01'11, notwitlutanding
that l1:sd posses!ed so much in6oeneo and power, voluntarily,
out of rellpeet to tho rights of his futher, fflligned nll concern
in tho allhlrs of government, nnil ut at tho gAte of tho sa<:rt"l
1hrino of ..aint Zainu-l where alJtO tho !"<!mains of Sh&h
'. (bm::fr (Anraogzeb) are All he was a .-ery wil!O m:t.D.
bad been cliogosted with worldly punuitl, and bad much
works of religion, ho withdrew his lwld from the poUutione
of this world, nod attended to tho exec>llenctll of the next.
Ni?.(unu-1 Mulk, who hnd booomo old, wne 110 much ontangltxl
in tho alluremcntl of this unpro6table worlu, that, although from
tho time of 'Xlamglr to the h had bow fnithleos it
h:sd proved to a :;-t number of il8 yet, through hi
s\1ln<O and ambition, he di<Ou....,..oo hie excdltnt son, and otill
-b to injure him, notwitlatnnding he man weU know
tltn wurld to be nothing and i'"'
Tmr outhor of tbia work wu KltUihMI Oh:md, a writer in the
durtlu( offieP of D<hH, in tho timo of l\luhnmmod Sh8h.
f.ltiJ,r, Ji"ao Ram, hc!tl rnrious employmenl.l in tho time
of Aurnngzeb ond l3nh&dur Shah. He wu nllin1t in t.lJOMCMioP
ot' Ruhu-llah Khan awl &bi'IUllAnd Khan, and when Shaikh
'A tiuIW. wM appointed ond btrkhhl ofL(t.horc, J iwau
Rt.m wtlll noooo his JKMkdl". Allor Uhore, he w:t.' "ll-
point< deputy suprrintendcut of tho ditca11l at Dd>li, IWd
in tho timo of &hM1tr Sh&h wM r:oiscd to the rnnk of 160.
he WM & bP aenraJ copi'l of <<!'lei l.o the
Emperor, for which he reeci ved a reward of LWO hundred rupees.
He woo in tho JeM Jl64 '"
The cld""t 1100, KhUb Cbnd, BUcteeded to hia fother'$ office,
nnd KhU8hholl Cbnn<l a.IDO obL:IinL'<l on>ployment in the diordnl
offi.,.., with which hr npl'ellSeS himself well s:r.li6ed, " ILS it
him to fu\61 the dutio of both this world and the
1 n the Empror under whom be was cmploye<l, be
r.>ll IU. work Tuikl.f Jlhownrrd-SluJM, to wloich bo gives
nleo tho honorific titlo of Nudiru-: Zamd11l, "tbo wonder of tbe
"orldt M it contnin'l, in >mbin:nion wilb anot.l1cr word, tho
dMe of oompot;ilion-1152 A.n. (1739-40 .-.D.); but the history
i <Arried down :. iew later.
Tho Sddiru.: Zmnd.,J is divided into two TolumC!!, one aAtled
tbo Mqjma'11l .J.klh&rat, the other Zubdalu-l .dlilllxil"dl, C!lch
diridel into two boob. of the W.torieal mauer.
the work tnati"S on arithmetic, ""trology, palmitry,
veni6c:nion and other irrelennt moller3.
The aecond volume "ill form the subject of a future notice.
The lint, or Najma'!I-1..4GA/xfrdl, is appropriated RS below.
Dook I. Account of tho wise nnd religious persons, frorn tho
Creation to tho limo of 1\fuh:muuad SbBh. A necslons of Mu-
h>mnmd Sh6h up to 'Umar Shaikh .Mirz(l, fnthor of tl>o Bmperor
A brit.f ACrount of the of Ambia,
Ttukitful, T6rin, Rum, SMm, nod r ri.o, from the of
Kaium'-rs to tho time of A brief of the
Ohorinn, &ljUkiarui, and otl1er dyna.tie.
Book II. llitory of Indio from JUj:> Judiahtara reign to the
timo of lbrahhu LoJf. A<unt of some of the UIOIJL ..-J,brsted
""int.o of l odi3, ouch as :lln'inn-d din Cbkhli, Kutbu-1 Akt6b,
and Dnd of the r.:formcrs of the Hindu toh as
,.. llamannntl, Kabfr, Raid!!, and Nonllk, with a notire of tho
Sh(o,trM and \' odautim.
Stt.t.-l'ho liNt Hook eoot>ins 331 largo Svo. of 19
line Mola.
Tho fir11L vnlumo cont3ins nothing of iutcrct. only uecful
or tho work i the history or 111 ullnunuo.d Sh6h.
Tho Ndiliru-: Zamunl i very raro. TIJe lllte &ufn-w Surfur
or l\loinpurl hod a perfect eopy, whieh his hei,.. hl>ft 1.-t i and
Kawab 'All Muhammd KhAn of JbajjBr has a very iml"'rft
cary' dd\eient in the otcQOd books of hot!. volume!!. The
of Tonlt has the lint boolt. Wilken' quoU. an I ndian
Ilitory or thi nme in the Derlio Library. I ranoot trace
the quote..! in tho ponioos or tle work aailable to me.
[lOrn it ., -!loo .-, lbe popen, ""' oopr .r .W ,..,k ia 1M
t Mln:boodl Diotori& Gunnid.,.., p. 204.
XC Ill.
l\1UJISIN S.{DlKr .
[Tn:s nuthor of this worlc, Multnmmod il1ttll$iD Sadiki, son of
l!Anif; was, a<e<>nling to his own enrolled in the
cnrps of Wala-lh6M. His work from tho death of
Aur:mg?'eb lO the dp.vtul'l! of Shah from lnlia oo tbe
7th Sal'nr, 1162 (flth 1739 A.n.). The cnrly of
the work i.! .ory brief l\1111 &nd the nally
begine with tho reign of Siyar. It ia written in a
very ambitious extran;:nnt 11yle, wHh a grt!al teodenty to
oxa:;geratioo. He trlls us, fllr intnnce, Nlldir Shah's 11rmy
con.1iated of " two kt,.. of Kt:nlbQ..Jo and ho makeo a
long and horrible sc.ory out of tho dtpo<!ition and murder of
l'nrrukb Siyar. Ho aU.tee that he was to the
work at tho "cam eat entreaty of Sbllikh 'A l&u-d din, au old
nod conottwl of .dmlru-1 umnr6 S:.ntamu-d dauiG in
all his military exploits, who related all the particnliU'S to him,
and frtoquoutly urged him to rompos<t a rouncded nal'r.ltive of
Tho work was oo doubt nmed Samsrunu-d daulr.,
who plnya a cnnspicuons pan in tho history. Arcnrding to
own statclllenl, our author srew tired of his work, and re.olvcd.
"not to fun1ieh historicnl deL1il1 l'eS!'f!Cting My more vain
htarted and ambitio ... princea at\t,r be hol described the
mll.."l!aCre cnusod by Nadir; but loo was 1ubsequontly pcrsuodod
by his spiritual in.!lructor, Sbab B:adr-i to write :1
tolol':lb!y full nl!1lonnt of them."
The whole Mrk h!IS bet-n well tTaDIated for Sir n. )I. Elliot
by the lAte llajor Fullr, witb the ex.,.ption of many pages of
mpty rhetorical From that ti'IIMlBtion this notieo
h1111 been compiled and the fo11owing Exlmota have boon Iuken.]
(AI'Wr the death of .tlmlru-T umnra llnain 'AU Kh&n), the
Emperor l\J uhnmmlld Sh(lla never cnmo onl of tho cit.ndel of
DehU except to enjoy tbe pleMurcs of an xc=ion or lo amuse
himself in fidol sports. He paid no attention to the aclmink'tr.l-
tion of tho kingdom, which lacked 1111 8upn:mo authority, and
through h;. in,loleooo, unrelieved by nny exertion, he Ml
eauao to nn ond. For wntor cen, notwith!ltanding il3 innnto
purity and exe<11ence, if it rem:Uns sta;;nant anywhere,
its c:olour ami mell. The Government of the c:oontry went o
c:ompld.ely out or the graap of his will that the faujrftirf of e<ery
111rkdr and rhrrkfa, nnd tho tuMddNJ of every city nntl province,
"ho possesaod tho strong arm of a militnry force, refut'\1 to pay
the dun on I:Atili#t andjd!fu land!.. Tbey u.eJ to send
mrely giR.s and presert to their lord and m:>..Ur, af'ur the
manner of and tc-qual, but put tho produce of lloo jtiuir
of the mmwrllllll'l'o, nnd tho amount rollocted from the I m perinl
domains (kldl;,fl), like food of digestion, down their OWIJ
thnma. The proud and haugloty of every rai..,.. their
in contoma<y, and the rebellious ond refmctory of e>ety
land fixed the of their inclinations on revolt and di.s-
obedieucc. ll08U upon hosla of the 1\lnhmt!AS
brought fordbly under their subjection the territory of tbe
Dakhin and the or Gujl\r&L and ::\UlwA, s.od raied th"
banner or aubjugation to aueh a pikh as lo pill3ge and hoy W'll>le
tho oitie5, towu, and villages nround and Dehli, nod to
leAve tbo good name :.ud of none, whether bigh or low,
unmolested. An ineol"'lion of the vile forees of the to
tho outlllcii'UI of DebU and itgra took pla<e regularly every yNr,
And, excluai ve or the booty of populous to""' they ulod to carry
otT by fo,..,. and forty or 61\y illet worth of P"'l"'rt from
the open country, i010murh that the rumour of the of
the royal house of Hiud, having roached tho lords nnd oummous
of nil of tho trlobo, NUir of Isf.tban in\'llded it with his
troop8 ft'lemblin:; th waTl.'!l of the aea, and aU tho natives
of tho proriu<:e$ of Kt.bul, tho Panjab and Dehli at oooo to tl1e
(WJ,ro Shah wu io tho Geld agaion :1'6-Jir ShAh),
din KJ.6n Dahadur, Jtfrogfm of the aublimo artillery,
planted l\11 iroo fortr!'lls os it wore oil 11rouod tho royal cnmp.
which wu five in by ch:Uniog
the heavy pit!Ce! of orciJian<"(mo n'quired 000 bulloeks
fvr tho drawing of their carriage., ond somo " thoi!B3nd or more,
1111 wdl 1111 livo or ton olephant..t to push eMh gun from behind,
xdu..ive of the people attached to t'f'ery oor, wbo by their expert
"'nlrhaneeo p:w it with ease onr rugged and diflieu!L pii>e<S),
Bnd tho medium nud light which oxceed'<i tho limit of
computation, nod were beyond thr power of noekoniog.
'fhe hravy shower of arfO\\ and the hail-tonn or bollt,
with the Tiolent polling of their fall. caDI<!CI the torrent of death
to weep the fabric or 1\ multitude of living forms, nnd de-
to the tiC:. of perdition a wholo bot of the ever-victorious
snny unler the eomuland of ..:lllllrn-1 ""' ml S:un .. wnu.d daula,
eoffiJ!I>ful in both world!. t.hallnjesty, tile ohadow of tho
High, on learning tho frightful nows of tbo u(l<lrior proWC!OS of
the fur<l<'iOU$ "'"" nbout to de.pntch a I!UitAble foree to
the aid !iDppert of that choieo fuourite at lilt' C..u<' of the
but throu;:h Fath Jnng NilAmo-1 :IIulk' oppo
sitiou, the !lugust and subllmn intention Willi not canied into
cffi'Ct. 'Abdu-l l\h'bud Khin addr-.1 the following re-
111Jltka to ,'(_.,.[ Jib Nrzamu-1 :llulk: "The 4!lmlru-l ""'";
Kban-daurio Dah,dur is so influtntial a p!'"'<ln, that if the evil
Pyo f.\11 ou the stability of his om1y, it wlll he tho eataAo of dia
p!'reion to the le: .. et of tho volume of the State, and a rftiOo of
J.\IIUAR-1 SAlls.oL
tlipping to the of re!<>lution the aervantt of the
Goemmenl. Tberef'ore the duty of aiding and aupportiog 6urb
" bigh-miuded and faithful indi'ridnal ill proper and on
all ; nod from (C('Iinga of generosily and good ecoae I luvo an
:lnlent d..;ro for tho aooomp!W1meot of tbe Aa thi.t
b!W night hnd como 011t of tho darlroes! of Fnth Jang's animo-
sity, in aceoro:.nce wilh tho will of the Almighty, how oould tho
first blush or U>o bright dawn of Sllfuty nnd security ami tho diso
of lbo brilliant euu of victory show its faeo without tho removal
of it.s mvou trmcs P Foth J aug bid l>i hand on the nrm of tho
nnd did not let it go until by divers o.rgumeol ho hnd
cli,.u,.de<l him from his fixed determination; "hilo tho tho
tboseo or tho Ado""!, writhed in the depth! or anguish, lWd bit
tho lip of n:worae with the teeth of
Tn ton<equeoco of the or brlru-1 IIIMrti Samo6mu-d
dania, ll1o rol>e of the ofliee of Jlir Bak/I.AI wAll b- towt..! on
GUziu-<1 diu KMn, eoo of Fath-J aug Niziwu-1 ,\1 ulk. Tho
fire of animosity, that l>:ld been rubyt'll,
kindlt'li nfth into Oames, RnMdur Jnng Durhl'lnn-1
l\lulk, from tho first dfiwn of bis prosperity till tho oloing
ealnrnity of his cnrt>cr, hnd entertAined tho do.ire of tho
dignity of .A.mlru-lu!lurrci, :md having waited for bill OJI(IOrtunity
a long lime, hoo krpL &Owing this wib in tho fioltl of

be hnd fully to hi! hopes mllizl'd on lho
of tbo Jato ineumbcnr., be h:W d.., moo it expedient to k..,p ou gooJ
Ierma with the Emjoeror; Lot on thAt 3Dotbtr had betn
in<<l!tod with tho eoveto.'d robe, he swen-ed Crom ll1e rath of con-
dli:ltioo, and ginlt'll tho of cunning more than
Wore in htening alon;: the ro>d of enmity. The of
lhnt had lreon rtfie<!ted in the of exhibition bad betn
<hangt'<l to wnr, Rn<l the brokon chain of friendship ""' tpliced
with the tord of contention.
[No account of this book hn.s been found l\mong Sir H. M.
Elliot's pnpon!, and there is no copy of tho work in his librnry.
'the following tmmlntion, by "Lt. Perkins," must therefore
spenk for itself. [l wos made from a MS. oolonging to NawAb
Zlau-d din. Tbo nuthor nn aye-witness of much tbnt
pa..'<Sod during Nadir SMh's stay in India, lllld su!Torod from
exactions. A momornndum on tho trnnslation atnles that it i8
complete," but &till tho work seems to have been speeinlly ,
dootod to NAdir Shah's invMiou. h bogins with a ohaptttr
!&cadod "Hidtnry of tho wonderful events thnt cnmo to pass in
HindU.tan in tho year of tuo llijm lltll," whioh contains nn
neoonnt of Nadir ShU.u's riao aud of tho beginning of his m3rcll
townrds India. This chnptcr nnd n few o1hcr pns.sages have been
omitted. The IMI words of tho lmnslntion have been printed,
but thoro is nothing to indieato wheil1er they end the book or not.)
March of fM Emperor qf Perlin to llipillutlm, n11d 1/w
8/oughtor n11d dtrx14latio" in that btautifullatld.
Slrl1Dgo events oea1trrod after il1e ofKaudal11l.r. :Before
setting out from lspaMn, NudirSMb brul despatched amossengar,
nnmed '.Ali Mard&n Khan, to IDnd1istfin, with full powera to
ormn.c:o with :lluhammrul Sb8h, the ruler of tho land, certain
matters of l\ nature peculiar to troubloll!l times, and troeb as it
berom"" Emptrol'!l to amieably wilh one auothr. Xidir
Shih .-.,:.rhed Kl\oU:llt6r; lluhammod Shih, i' ;. probablr,
broke faith, aud did not fullil his promises, although a
n:lmN ;\I uhammad Kh6n Turkom6n. waa arnt IQ
him ; lhit meounger moreover returned. The train haJ
long bt.>en lAid, and from these negoeil>tioDB sprang the apark thut
fired it. Ntidir Slt4h WM moved to nnger; be roeolvo.l on the
iovtuJion ofllindustftn; but though the appa.-.,ut motive has been
given nbove, the true caWie "'"" the wenknet!.!l of il.8 monaNhy

Aceol\lingly, on tho 8th of Snfnr, in the twentieth ye:.r of 1\lu-
bnmmllll Shllh'8 rdgn, A.U. lltiO, the Pcntinn Emperor set hii
filco !Qwnrds Kibul, wbo:ro he :urived about tlto nd of tho
The aettlement of lhe conquered territory ocoupied the Emp<ror
for four month.o and a half. Tbe march WM Otto eoatittu..! tu
Jilil6bid, a pllle$ \motU for its pomegrau:.t.,.,, which ,.,...
-.:hl!d on tho ltth of Sha'b6n. X &sir Khan, eon of the lAte
N&.ir Khiu, goventor of lho prorince, who during tltee OYot1
hnd been At Peohf<war, moved &om this town and oceupitl "
poition half-way ootwoon ',\1! Mnsjid nod Jnmlid, which pii\Ctl
is dislnnt nino k01 froon Pcshiwnr, to opposu tho
Nll!ir Kb&n had onon witten to i\luhnmu1ad SMl aouecrning
tho waul of monoy, but none of hi& represent:.tions hntl bt.-en
nttcnd"'l w. flo now wroto to tbo Ito hiruelf was but
ns a roa-buh withred by lito of autuntu, while
soldiery were no more thnn a Wled pageant, ill-providl!d and with-
out pirit ; he that, of lhe fiye y<:trs' Qbry dun to him,
one oalaty might be paid, tb:lt be might ati.,.(y hi.s
and buo oome little money at bia C!OIIUDaJld. Tho Sawab Sahib.
however, exdaimed before lhe a.ssembll!d di"iH, that hu ecmld
sec no need for nll this h""te and flurry; "loot! lte oot written on
the aubjed to tho Emperor and tho aud, if tho
matter WM not sottlod thnt day, why it would b.> ao the tll'xt?n
Tho WIIAiiiiiiJHt!ld/1, "ltco ho laid lhe doc11ment b.foro thoAmlru-1
um11rt! Babadur, nod told him, with fear nod trembling, in lho
Persino lnnguagc, what bnd oecuued in received an aoswet
whitth drove loim to his wits' end; "Know you not, Waktllat-
aaid the peJ'll()nage nddres!!OO, "thAt liWI a man of too
go-eat experience to be anngbl by aucb stories that are only modo up
to extort gold? .My house is in tho plain, a111l my imnginBtion
dwell3 only on what my oycs have IIOOll. Your houso is on a
mountain, and perhaps from its Sllmmit you have cnughl n
glimpse of, tho Persian hosl. TeU your employer tba' the
governor of Bengul bas been order-00 to romit lroa.snro nftrr tho
rainy 60350D, nod tho necessary snms will then be sent to him
without delay."
Tho Afgh(lns of particulnrly those of tloo Sal! tribe,
dcfentled the mountnin pn.sses, and for n long time checked tho
nd\-nnco of tho K!t:aJIJ&II invaders. If at that time "' weU-
nppointro army, under an experienced loader, bad boon sent to
tho mpport of the mountMneers, it is more thnn probnblo that\u would have been saved. 1u. it was, the enemy, ever
on tho wntcb to take !ldvnntngo of any negligenco on the pnrt of
r;tolo "marob on tho AfgMrus during the night
of the 13th of Sha'ban, entered Uoa Khaib:u- Pas;, while the
stars otiU shone above their hroda, nnd, m<>ving with tho rnpidity
of tho wind, fell suddenly on the foroo of Nw Kllan, when n
scene of and plunder enijued.
N r.dir Shah was now in possession of nll tho coanlTy ns fnr as
Attock, nod Muhnmmnd Shnh and his nd\ial11'8 could no longer
romain blind to the danger tbaL threatened U1eto. They under
st.ood. o.t length thnt this was no ordinary foo against whom they
hlld to contend, no mere plunderer who would bo sated with tho
spoil of a province and then return to his own country, but
lender of unshakeable rll$Oiution, who lrls com-so with tho
swonl II, oven at this junuturo, the E111poror bad sought to
concilinto :i11".b SAhib A':ozzu-d dauln BaMdul", Na:im of
Multftn nod Lilhore, nod had supplied this fierce chiof\nin with
tho of wnr liS suoh nn emergency required, tbm indeed
might the world htwo wilot!$11ed l\ very dilfereot result. All
wn.s, tho Emperor le.1rned from tho nows writers
nt" tho Persioo army to Attock, be, on the 1st of tho
ble--e.i month of appointed .(,..r Jib .Bah6Jur
SaliDMf, rtim&dod daulo Chin Bllht.dor W<Tzirll-1
MamJiik, and Amlru-1 ""'arti Bah4dur to be lJ,tlll .. hl'u-1 Jlnmdlik,
for tho defence of tho monarchy, and with hiJ own bands beund
on the hellds of the a mtiltibnml of Burh&npur workmnu
thip. That somo dlly those noblenleu lun tho ttity for llwir
...amp, which was pitched ni'M" the ShAI:un&r gnrde!UI. They ro-
ceiY<.J one kror of in =h. and tAanoo IWd munitioll$ of
'll'llr in llhundance. Dtideo their o...., troopt, 60,000 ho-mtn
wcro gi\""ell lo them. Now the time for lht.,.. chiefs to have
morcbt'll withont dlay, and, Mting in concort with the of
Mult6n nnd Lnhoo, whoso troops amounted to no 1MB limn
20,000 bold to hnvo ad-nnced to tho banks of
Jbulam or Cbinlib, and hnfo dosed llo road. nod p:wes a,."llim!t
tho inader by kilful dLspo-itions and by fore.! of In
t.,..l of this, tho army ttmained a .... bolo mouth encamped noar
tho Sh6lamar d<t.ained by sundry petty which I
cannot dolaiL
NAdir Shllh, toner N(..,ir KMn's dcfent, had entered Pesh&wnr,
whcro ho occupied tho rcsidcnoo of tho Kl1&n. liMing .. ttl..!
tho Mf:lirs of this diftrict be marched, on the 25th of
z6n, towards Attock, where tho army encamped on tho lillb
olay. The oon.troction of a brid
.-e hero cau.....t ineit:lblo delay,
but A'kll. Muhnmm!ld Will clotllched "ith a auoug force to devilS
tnto tho country, ttod ltavo oo menus of dcetruction untried.
A 'nzzu-d d:mln might now hovo displnyod tho anmo intllifon>uco
liS his royal; but, for from tllis, be drew together a number
of lrool"' at ast exp<llM! to nml on tho 17th of Ram.,_
lin fonned hi on lloe banks of tho lUt Xot ooin;; at
lil><'rty to move forurd until joined by tho Emperor army, ho
eontnt<-d himtlf with placing lou cannon iu tho best position>,
and throwing up ontrenohuoeul8 round hi!J onmp.
On tho +tit of SlmwwQI the Perain11 anny crossed tho Attock
on :. bridge of b011ts. On tho 8th the Emperor rcnolted
tho left of tho Olaio6.h ri vcr, nod on the encmmped
close to tho bridge of Shalt-dauln.'
Dot how to relmlo tho ruin nnd desollltion thnt overwhelmed
this beautiful country! WliZirib{ul, r'mnoabM, and Gujmrut,
towns which, for populntion, mighL almost bo e.1llod cities, were
lorellutl with tho onrth. Nothing was re.qpceted, no sort of
violonco romniued unpractisetl; property of all kinds bocamo the
spoil of the plunderer, and womon the prey of tho r:IYishcr.
On tho lOtlt of Slmwwnl tho Slulh and his nrmy crossed lite
bridge of Sh6h-dnula; thou, loaving fru- to Uto left the artillery
of tho Nazim, which wM in position nlong tho opposite bauk of
the Ravl, they forded tho rivc.r and ndvnnccd to tho Shflllltu4r
g-.u-dcns, which nrc on tho high rollod to Sbltlt-J ahanabad. ,\II tbat
t!my, from mom rill night, tho oonl.oolt W<IS maintained against
nnny of lho Jtli.:i11t, who repe.,todly triod lo foren his way back to
tho town. The brnveat put forth their strength and
many of tlte Ktt=allJt!Ahu fell. Yabya Killin, the elolest son of
the N/iJJim, out his way Utrough with a few followers, nnol
proceeding towt\ros by forced marches, reached
the enmp of Sahib JYII:lru-1 Mamtilik BaluiJlttr in the
>ieioily of P8nipat. Tho fighting wns rcnuwcd on tho 1 hh,
ant! tho plain WIIS stn.1wcd witlt the slaiu.
J3otla armies wcro now worn out with Ute strugglo, tlnd it "'AS
fonnd ndvis."lble to make terms. On the 12th, tlto .Nil=im
11'38 met by the Wll'<ir 'Abdu-l Dakl, and conducted
into tho presence of tho Sluib, Uto honour aut! respect
bcinjt sltown him. flo Willi COllrt.coUSly received and presented
with a el111plm.11 of gold brocade, a jewelled dnggor and a horso.
Tho Nd=im again repaired lo the presence of the SMh on tho
14th, D.lld P.'id, by way of offering, a &una of twenty /act of
rupees, n portion of which had been taken from the state coffers,
and the rewainder contributed by tho wealthicst inhabit.:mls.
l A mott. W'ODtW.rfulrutth I
then depsrted in all honour. By this Lihore
was fined fn>m horrora IUDODg wbieb death aud .IJ"liation
wore the 1 .... 1. The Shih, who was full of kindom for the
K6:im ( A'anu-cl doula), l(>ok mto his service hia l'eOOnd aon,
Hny,tullnh Kh6n Bh6dnr, aud Qppointcd him to tbu commanJ.
of five hundred
On thu 16th of the month the Shih eonlinucd his nliU'Cb
townrds Shah-1nh/m6b/tl. Ho tuhnoeed mpidly. LrMing his
camp eq uipago oL Shubdb&d, on tho 16th of Zl-1 ko'd" he
in tho neighbourhood of Karn81, where M ultnmmo<l
Shflb's llmlY nwnitod his coming. it is now lime to rolum
to ::llulwnuu.J. Sh&b, lest the thread of the n:ttralivc aboultl be
.1/ullmH,.rnd Slldll lt#cn tiN C11pilnl.
U lwo al.-ly been ahown bow A.-...1 Jib. B:lh6dur, Wa:lnt-1
and ..dmfnt.l Urntmi BniiMur, tho officcra
to whom bad bt .. n tntrusted the reoponsibility of l...,..ling an
&::ain't tbo Pcl'llian in.aders, remAined for a whole month
enc:>m(l"d oMr the Shfllllmar ganlena. When tidings Cllnte
thnL Nadir Slu'th had renobed tho bllnkt of tho Allock rivtr,
the eoonunndcnJ urged upon tho EDp<li'Or tlw of his
joining them iu Jll'I'IIOD, nod, with one a<Jcord, lly IIIOVN ror\\Rrd
in tho t:.rly dnye ofSiuwwBI. T.bc nntbor himaclt; Rdm,
:li'CODI(>&Dkod by his bclovL-<1 aons Rai Krip6 R6m anti Snl611
Fath Singh, 1 .. n tho capital on the lith of tho month, m tho
oervire of Jl'.cfrll-1 .JlomtiliJ. BIIIIW!Mr.' \\'hto
tho am1y r.a.:bed P&oipst, the author obtAined ltan to
W. hvmt, ,., ... ., aomo printo all'air.. requil't'd hi1 tIU<'nce.
Starti11g on lhe 17th, be roaebed Sbab.JahWlr&l oD tho oYeoing
of tho 20th.
On u,. 18th of the month i\l ubllUlllllld Shih, nnd the
illW!triuuJ Prim"' Ahmad is.ued from tho citadol (a,l), tloo
royal t>nd onollDlped neor Mubnronu.O. Gonj. Tho
[s ... .,..... P ;n.J
YOL. Tltl.
roynl cnmp reMhed on lhe 2ith, when tho oommandrus
paid their rospoets t.o His Mnjesty, and made olfcrinAS suited t.o
their rook.
Near Kamal Oows through n broad plnin a canal which issues
from tho Junmn river, near i\Jukhlispur, :md continues ita oou!So
to Sh6.b.Jah(UJab&.d. This place w>S found convenient for tho
encampment of the anny. By degrees news waaroocived of tho
progress of the enemy. H WM therefore resolved to advance no
further, but to take ndvantage of tho abundant aupply of wnter,
ao noo08811ry to U1e soldier, and fight to tho last. Tho Mlr-dliU.
wn.s iru;tmcted to construct :m earthen wtill :.round tho camp ;
behind U1is tho artillery wM placed in position ; and brave moll
were told off for tlto defence of the inlrcnclunents. In fuct, nothing
was omitted that oould eouduce to tho strength of the caotp.
This di5p09ilion, which could bnrdly be considered worthy of no
Entperor, was adopted partly to Bwnit U1o nrrivnl of Burha1111-l
Murk Bahli.dur, Ndr:itlt of Oudh, "ho hnd been ordered to join
tho royal anny. This nobleman, tlrough suffering rrom sickness,
by foroed ID!lrohcs at the bend of 30,000 horsemen, and
reached Kamal on tho 14th of Zl-1 ka'dn. This ntWil.ion t.o tho
strength or the created univarsnl j oy, lllld till uow thought
vietory acrtain.
Baltlt lho P-.ttinno and tli Muglin/4.
Burh6ou-llfulk, after his iotcriow with His 1\lnjesty on tho
14th, tho day of his nrriml, hod be<!ll dismissed to his own tents.
wns at thi!l brooghL to him that :. Persian foroo hnd
upon his which WM corning up in tho roar from
Plmipot, nod had pluuderetl it., :UJd committ<><l great slaughter.
Burh&nn-1 Mulk. with headlong impetuosity, misplaced in a eom-
mander, Dew t.o lhe !!l:Cnc of ncl.ion, Meompanied only by the fuw
horsemen who were with him, without lAking time to coUect his
ortillery, or to form his men in any kind of order. Soon be was
cngn,;;ecl in tho Utick of the 6ght, nor did he desist from hie
eOorl!! until ho had atllttered the Pcrwinns. The expe
ritno:ed in ..... y kind or tmt.agem, the atqniring of which ind..J
fonna pnrt of tho solditr's !mining, 8ed in nppnrent confusion,
followed by tho Nd:iln, who wall thus led into an amb111h where
8UIOd the Penli4n adnneed gun! with a powerful artilltry. The
nrrnies engngcd, nod tho shoota of the comb.>t.onts aod tho clAsh
iog of M<eoded to the braTtm.
Muhammad Shllb, of wbot w35 going on, ordered
.dmfrttl wma'l( to reinforce lho Tho A.mfr
tltal tho :u-my had not Ol]*ted a fight that day, and that tho
I!CIIdiors were C:OOSJUcntly quite unprtp.ved;
eoultl but add to Ute l!<lvority of tho defcM. h was fur bolter to
del:oy a battle until the morrow, when tb armr oould bo dis!"'S"l
:>ccording to 1110 roll'l of wnr, with advnneod nnd =r guords, nnd
their artillery, on wbicb everything depended io Jndi:oo warfllre,
could be pbced in tho frooLt Tho struggle would then lot one of
compomtive e:181l, nod a litllo akill would insure nn ctUty victory.
Tho moOI\reh WM <lliplea._-ed with theso objection., <llld adlressed
tho as a "cooecited But .dmlru-l11marri Ualuidur
was a cbieft.nin wbo hnl lbo good of hi m:utcr at heart; never
had lao been guilty or like di.ob.dieoe<!, and now, armin;;
birmlf and mollDting an elephl!.nL, be gathered round bim
1\[nMIIilr KMo Bah6tlur and a few horsemen, lllltbl!L eould bo
eolleded in tlut hour of bewildennent., Md to the
$UpJ>Orl of tho }tti=im. The struggle ao fiercely thai fireonn
and 3rrows were put aoide. nnd sword And daggtrs wero
into play. Dlood flowed from ppiog wounds nnd erim>Oned the
; the red cnps had tho appearnuce of
poppic&: "den..., amok bun; oer the field of battle.
The heroic elfort' or A.mlrwl """'"" ood hi3 of
vnloureould not prcvuil against tho Po,..innll, who for exco<'<lod tho
lnliont io anJ ltod, moreover II aJnnlllgll of hning
be<on pi11Cod in position by the Shall hirn;clf. Tloo :llugh.1la broko
("II It llut it olio -r ot WO<bloou hod ... ..,. fully prori><l ..;,h
u1illory, lloo P.niuo ... baft ..._,. ol>lo. - it."-l!.J!O>I Jr.uf. ]
:>t Md 111!<1 ; but .t!mlru-1 um12rd m3int:>iued the comb3t
until, mort<>lly wounded in tlw thee, be foil covered with glory.
Hi hrolher, M uzaffiu- Khan, bis eon l\luhut.ram Kb6n, All
Hamil Kb&n bU Jrola, and tome othrs atood by him to the
ht. BurMnu-1 Mulk and NL'Ilir Muhammad KMn &hAdur
Lccame prisoners. Tho rem!lioder of thu followen of .Atnlnol
, mmi, headed by R6i Majlia lUi .JliN<iimun, closed round lheir'o elephant, ruolved 1.0 xtrieate him vr to porih. Thty
the .&mlr' tent> by ocniog. This noblemAn' woun.U
mortnl, a.nol ho livl!d one day longer. God have moroy
on him l By bU decease, Kw J&h Bablidur boc:unol>llr-bak/u/11.
,.ere seut by tho Emperor's ordff 1.0 seW. tho property of
tho lnt<> noblem:1o, which it would han boon more gtoerous to
lenvo to tho hciro.
I lad lhe Empror himselrlt'<l his powerful AnDY lo lho auppon
vf Burbino-1 :\!ulk, there wonld hat"e bet-a uo eau.;e to lament
tho Joq of such a rddr u and who can 1:1.1
lhnt victory might uoL bavo srnilod on his n.rous?
Tho oon.;sequ<JIOOI of lhis dia<ter woro lomentn.ble; 101- lhe 10!1
uf ba,;,.....,..., lltld the great .. -:u.:ity of supplies that -1000 prevailt'd
(four rupees oould hardly purcbnso 1\ nr of flour) totally do-
the of ll1o little pirit they over Tho
p.,.iAD Empe10r .. ot a me.oa,;o olferin; to tre:ll for pen<e; fur
10 powerful, be """' not one to oerlook the advanm= of
ncgociolioo.' Wn:lm-1 mnmulik Kanf J ult - opposed to the
pmJ.o,ilion; but his olid not provllil on lho Ernp!!ror.
On the 16th uf the month .('Ia!' Jib B:iliJidur and 'Atimu-lbh
KJ.a, llc>hidnr "ere deputed to tho Sh611, to couclodollle negocia
lion; thoy rcluruetl to cnrnp lhllt t'Vening.
Tho nn' oby :\!uhonunad Shah rop.,ired in pcr!lllD to the
Pnian eamp. The monarch took wilh him " mall etl<lOn.
I [. Tho r ...... JU ...,.. alarm..! " .... , tJ.o.r load - o/ lloe !Jhtios ud ,.. ..,.
by thr -oltht'n of who btd the ball i'Ncn ifii/JJi1
lftl;ll,, fwm bon; ud t.bty tbouf,fbC.,lbll tr. uotw-l!l"t&Dding tht: W'IJ)l or artilleTf,
olio lodlom bddoowa,. -b - wlut....,.ld IL"f do..,. lkllho Emper..r
W\:11 olllaio oni!lory .. noody- ldioo."-&,_.. lr.UI'.]
'l:"mdato-1 illulk Amir Kh&n :&Mdur, Mu'tam3dud dAniA
)1uhammlld Jo'h6k Kbin BahAdur, Bihroz Khin, and Jiw .. l
Kb&n, wero among tho numba. S o.srn-lbh MirU, the Sh6b'
..,n, rec..ivod llia at the limits of tho <amp. Whm
they drew tho Sh6.h himself erune forth, and the etiquette
WIDill bctwo..'ll tho Persian nild Mugbal courts waa f:>ithfully
ohlcrvod. Tho two monareh8, holding one another by tho band,
entered tho noll seated themselves aitlo by oido ou
a IIIMwl. It was ns if two suns hnd men in tho EMt, or"" if
two bright moons shod their light at ono time! As Mubnmmal
Shah w:u uuMoomp,.niod hy :.ny one of his chief, tho aubjett of
eonvQI'83tion between the two Emperors h:u romaine<! unknown.
A 1\cr bad lasted aomo time, a rep:ut was prepared. tho
reroaill'l of "hicb were given to Amir Klain Bah6dur and the
other noblemen. Nothing tbaL ooortesy and ft<JUiro
"'"' omitted during tho whole oonfrenoe, whieh la.ted a quart<r
or the day, and Muhnmmlld Shah regained bia about tloo
thinl quarter of tho day. The$& proceedings retored tranquillity
to tho miuda of the soldiery : all looked forward with joy t"
renewed to a return to t!aeir beloved
and t ho aooicty of friends; but fate amiled nt fond hot"'"
for moro eufl'oring, moro bloodsiJCd awaited them.
The nutl1or has nlready related how lac obtained lon,o to viit
SM1t-Jnhlrn6b(ul, and loft tho :ll'my for this purpose when it hnu
rcnehed Pt'ullp.\t. Tho Empruor bad Laken his doporturo f\oom
the town the day before the writer re<aehod it. Strange to reiM,
DllDlbel'!l of poople of enry degree foUowod the royal atondanl.
Some thought thllll to enjoy " pleaant exeunion through tla"
Pan jib, while othra were of opinion that a b3ttlc would be fought
and won in the neighbourhood of the town, and tlallt their abeenre
would only be of hort duration. The writer sought in v&in for"
houae within tlao walla in which to p!Me hia wife and family; hij
could find no tuitablo ono. Under theso cirournsl01aees, Ito reooln l
to lonvo his family in their usunl residenco ouuide the to\\ II. Th
of tho eotrnnccs to tho w:as looked to, nod :.rmel
.. r1'lllllll abo,e the ordinary number ... re rntenained. The
nutbor now pr@pared to to tho nrmy, 3Dd aont on Ill.
ndYnncod leota.
But jnst at thi. time a report through the (ity of lbr
dtMh of .A,m;,...( umrti and the capture of Burbinu-1 Mulk.
llllllly the fale reporto cireulated, which there U. no noed to
record here, :wd auch WM thu st"te of tho town that, but for
the 'iJ:ilAnee of Kotw&.l llaji Flilad KJoin, it mu.t have bePn
}'Iunden.!, lUld tho Persian army would have found tho work
done. Tho l;oifl"tif, no ordinary on11.n, was at hi& poet day :tud
night; hit exertions were uuo>aing, :tnd, wherever thoro was :lll
apptariUiee of sedition, he aeized :llld puoilbod the J;Uilty parties.
The r-oa<b were infc.tod "itb llllllefaetor., and there was wety
for none.
llnving received certain tidinws of tho Po,.,inns bavin;r fomord
a arouod the royAl """Y and rend""' ingres to tho camp
imro,ible, tho antltor was oompt:Ued to relinquih hil of
prowL-ding thithH. IIo tborefure turned his :lltontion to his
n1cans of defcuco. Sentries were pl:lCed. and the ddrogloo ond
the writer him.wlf patrolled the U:dn at night to eolle<-t ne"s.
A supply of lead, powder, and rockets was lnid in, and di.tributed
tho people of tho qU:lrl{'r, who lil>!,'llll to tako heart. ThUll
tbo uights wero 'P"nl in wntehing, and tho JAys in tho society
.. r friend. This &tAte of thinga oonlinord ootU tho arri,.,.l or
Borh6nu-l Mulk Uaha.Jur &od Tahma..p Kluin J:ai(Ur, tho latter
the ropresontalivo of tho Port!illll ShAh.
Jlohatmnad Sltdlo'o f>nd riif lo ilt SMh. Entry qJ '""
monflrcM into 8/,d/o-Jahdmilidd.
Tb" r.sult. or l\luluunmnd Shih's to tho Em-
1""1'0' bas been oton. &me daya bter, on the 24th of Ute month,
oUaf J&h ...-u deputed to finally setllo tiundry but,
through aomo unknown enueo, this p<Jraoungo failed in hill
.W..ioo, and wu detained in the camp. Muhammad Shah
himoelf, negleding the of a fow weU-wihen
who Ad rued a further appeal to arm1, then paid a .-nd Yiit
to tho Per3ian Emperor on the 26th. Jllohammad Sb&h, u a
of this found it :ldv$1blo lO continue in the
Pmsian c::omp, and a part of the royal camp equipa;:e
to bo brought. This was accordingly dono. Dy de:;rooa all the
ohio nobles of tho State joined His Mojcsty. To all appcarnnco
they nctod necording to their inclination, but in truth under com-
pulsion. Nasql;rhl wero ordered to be iu nltondnneo on them;
the in renlity wore but spies on their actions. How strange
aro the freaks of fortune! Here wu an anny of 100,000 bold
and well-eq11ippcd horsemen, held as il were in captivity, and all
the of the Emperor and his gn\ndces at tho of
the KoJ;JJ/b<WII :lloghalmonAn:by appe<'reJ lO all to be at
an end.
A proclamation was iued to the army thu all migbl
who cho04, u lib lllaje:.ty himself was &beat to return to ShAh-
Jah8n6.Md. Tho soldien and amp followera now del""rted io
crowd, and, with the exception of the ebiof ond "
few of r&nk, who woold h:we tl1ougbt it " criloo to abnnclon
tlccir mMtcr nt Auoh time, tho Emperor remoinod nlone. Toh
ucd!cp Khlm Jnl6ir Wokl/11 Sallar11rl, Dnrh6nu-1 lllulk Dnhdclur,
nnd 'A>,imu-111\h Khan Bnhadnr, were !t'nt in ndv .. ucc uy tho
Sb&h to hnvo tho fort prepllred for his reception, and to IN'ttlo
v:u-ioua otbrr mlltten.
When the Shllb's camp equipage arrived from Sbahllb!cl, the
two Emp<ron aet out. They made tho journey seatf'<l togethtr
on an tlcvtlted car. lllab3tllmad Shah entered the d!Mel (ark)
in great pomp oo the 8th uf Zi-1 biija, sated
in hi! c::>r; the conqu<ror followed on the 9th mounted on "bor-e.
lly a c:lOt of tlte dice tf."o monarch who, " abort
while before, found the limits of llD empiro too narrow to contain
tbcm botlc, wtre now dwellers within tho samo four walls !
The next dny NMir Shl'ih returned tl1e Inclion ruler'! isit,
ancl tbo presenta otrered by the Jolter. When tl1o Sh&h
departf<l, t01llll"cls the doee of the <by, a !al.5e rumoar w:u; sp""'d
through the tom he hn.d been ""vorely wounded by a lwt
from " matclJioek, I aud thns were "'WD the aeeds from which
mllnlrand rapine were to spring. The bold d1amctera within tho
town colle.:tcd in gl'('at bodi,.,., C>Dd, witl1out distinction, COlli
maeed the work of plunder and de.truetioo. A of
fireanne and othPr mu>"ilts WM eoalinucd throughout the uight.
The dArkness of the nigbl and ill< difficulty of
friend or foe """' the eaoae of numbers of tho
being alnin in ttarro" Ianoe of tho town. SCAreo a spot but
was l4ined "ith their blood.
On the morning of tho 1 Hh an order wont forth from tho
Persian Emp<'ror for the olaughter of the The
.--It may bo imaginl'd; one moment aeomed to bne aufficeJ
for unhersal d<"truetiQn. Tl10 (Jham/111 cha11k, tho fruit me>rket,
the b!rlha!t bti:dr, lllld the building:a a"'und tho Jf,,j,J-i Jti ,q'
were atl fire to and rc.luced to Mb!lll, Tho inhnbil4niB, ono nnd
all, >Yero slaughwred. Here :ond there somo wa
otraed, bat in m<>Sl. plnees people were butchered oureoiatingly.
'fbe Porinns lnid violent hands on cvcrythinA" aud ;
doth, jcnia, dihell of gold anl """' aeptablo epoil.
The nutbor beheld lheso hoM"Ors from hl8 niBnsion. itullted in
the Wnklfpura Jlu/IQ/Ia ouwde the oity, IUOl<tol to fight to the
la..<t if net-ry, ADd wit b the help of God to fall at least with
honour.' Dut, tho Lord bo pmisod,lho work of destruction did uot
utend the JWU of tho t:Lpital. Sinet> the
de>y of JliW'llt Sahib-lciran A mlr Tim ilr, who DehU and
onlered the inhahitanta to bo mlol!l!:ICred, np to the time.
A.tL lllil, a period of 348 yrars, tho t:Lpit:>l hl!ld bccu free from
such viaitatious. Tbo ruin in which ils beautiful atreets and
LoiWint;a were now inroled was sucb that tho labour of JUIU'O
could &lone !Ito town to its formor stnto of grnndour .
rn "'lloo !aaalo c-olo"' the lloporial IHo.-."-Jowlo#i
' Wlut co.,.,. tbt mtltor olo bu cood d.u obbnTialal Croto Jba luL
But to n>tum to the mi!<rable inb4bi1Ants. Tho
I&V'd b4lf the day, whon the Persian Emperor onlen.J ffiji
Fulticl Klu\u, th kulorril. to prooeed through the stre.t.a nccoot-
p:tuicd by a body of PrMiillll lltlltlkthu, Bud proclaim "" order
the soldiera to demt from Dy th& violene<l
of the flames ub.;ded, but the blooohhocl, the de.-astatiou, and the
ruin of famili were irro(l&rable. For a long. time Ute u-ect.s
reuminod etrown with corpc, 1111 tho 1\Aik of " b>1111ltn with
d03cl Oowere BOd leaves. Tbe town was rtlneed tu Mho-. And
had the "PI""'ranoe of a pl>io coosomod ith fire. AU the regal
jewels and rropcrty and the contents of the treasury were wized
by the Pcrei&n conqoi!J'Or in the citndQI. Jle thus becamu po..e,..od
of ll'I'BSuro to the amount of 6is.Ly of rupees nml <overal
tholl!aod plate of gold to the vnlae of ouo kror of
rupoes, and the jewels, many of w!ticll uorinllro iu bcuty
br any in the world, ..ere valued Il-L abou1 fifty lrol"l. The
throno' tl!one, eonstructro nt qrct pnin in Ute n>ign
of Shili Jnb&n, hlld cost ooo kror of nopct!3. Elephant, horses,
and pret"ious otollll, wb4unr pleASed tbt conqueror's eye. moro
indeed thllO cnn be enumeratod, becamo ,poi!. In ohort, the
nceumulntocl wetl!th of 348 rhaogro in ll moment .
.Nmrub Stfhib TJTadl'u-1 mn11uilik eontribulod thirty fnc of
ntpees, besidoe elepbBol.s llnd his most valuable jewd4. Nsw&b
,(nf Jilt aloo <U!rtred an t'qUtll loss. Ttto property of Dorhinu.-1
who hAd died shortly nfter tho arri-n.l of U10 Ptroians,
Wt\ll likewie seized. It ntltouutocl to nbout " kror of rupct!!, and
hlld been bro11ght from Oudb.
Oo the 26th of Zi-1 wu celebmted, with pomp, the
of Nisir M:irx6, eon of the Persian Emr>tror, to a
I ["lipon lh eollcilatloua or lli Maj .. ty MuloAmmod Sb&h, lbe1......Jahrodiog
tbo blood of tho iau...,ul.''-b,,,_r /IJ'"dl'.]
' ['" Ilia )lajf"4ty bel&oW1d oD N.,.lir Shih, -itA bit on m:l:llliha\ Had. u a
portio; <lao r-1< ltu.f, ill wha - ott a naby op.-...lo of a 1inll
l tloroo en,... "-!Ill) ill ntth."""

.... ia w1o1c11 .... -.....ur
talltd .lJ*t ... , , lribalil ot llae
(See .,.,..., p. 79. ]
of Baklub, tbinl eon of his late Shih
.lahb. The ruler of HiDdU.!An pl'CICllted the brid.egroom with a
dro><S of honour, n neekl""o of JK'IIrle, a and a dagger ,.L
with pearls, and an dcphnul with lrnppings of gold.
Ou tho ht ofltuhamun, A.ll. 1162 (30th i\larch,l739), writcre
wereappointcd to levy mneom from tbuinbabil3nts under tho onlrra
of Tabmup KMu W alllu- Srllannl, Md lAy iL b.-fore the Shih:
but, in order that the inbabitans.. mi;:ht not be<Ompletely ruin .. !,
nohle of l.oth Stale8 were directed to !!Uperibtend the settlement of
th rauaom in the lwl of justiet>, where all mi:;M be ape<.'lator<.
Tlw town now offered a strange tpeetoelc. Emissaries of tho kol..-61
and Pcnriao tt!1M1kclll wandered from bouso to on<l front
etrcet to to tako ineototios of tho property, and mforco tho
nplK'amneo of tho cili%eos, ao thnt tho sum to be contributed by
eoeh iodiidual might bo Jixcd to his"'"""" IL wns
tho wih of the ShAh that tho townpoople should bo
from iolcoeo and t.rmtcd with lenity. Unoffendio:: pooplo,
and low. rieb and poor, nre day d.ty to
fti'J""r in tho ball of justioo, where they were kept from 111om
till night, oflrn later, and then dtparted, speculating in thoir
wntcloedno.s on what tho morrow mighL bring forth, and
to lind tberuulvce etill alive. )J{r ond
Khw8ja Rahmntu-ll11h openly, and two othor person iu secret,
loncl to their du.truction, Md 4Ctc<l u deiBtorw.
\Vitloout cvor arriving :.t lice tnrtlo, tbtir e:olumoii'S oceeptcd
ao oorh, They forgot tboy "ould ...,.p wh:u thoy eo""'
(,,.,w neither God nor man, and maltl'ftlted lbe poople.
Tho inventory W35 now ready. lt ftJ'pearOO from liU. that tho
contributions of lito ""pilal would amount to two The
Slo&h, therefore, 3Jli>Ointc<IJ(>:.f J Ah, Wn:rru-1 mamdfik, A t{mu-
llnh KbUn, Snrbulnn<l KbUn, Muh&ri?.u-1 Mulk, nud i\lurtn7.{o
J{h6n lo eoll .. t tho money. diviaions were mndo of nil the
city, nnd li.sto of the muAal/tu, with their inltabitanlt,
Ami tho contributioM to bo lnicd from 1!3Cb were prep:tn:d and
ginn w the above-namro 11111i,...
Xow lhe work of 'i'OIW.ion, nured by the Uan!
of the peoplo. By Nawab X!af Jab D:lhlldur :1nd Nawab Sahib
Wa::Jru-1 fll!lmdlik, by tho bttcr, who contributed
" great part of lho money lhe wen made in
lhe moo humane man1ur ; whtre lhe other three noblemen
presided, a.nd more particlllnrly in tho divioion of :Mubl.rizu.l
lltnru{llik, Uoo of the eitizons knew no bound.. Not
only was their money tUl'D, whole bmiliM were ruio.d.
llany ,,.aJio" ed poiwn, and otherf ended lloeir woes ..-ilh the stab
of n knife. The nulhor, whoso wM in the dhisiou allotted
to lUub'riul i\bm61ik, endured great pen!ulion.'
Oomp<Irl maik 611 Jluhammntl Shtill trifh Nadir Shall.
At a former epoch, the Monnreh of the Uni<erse and Euoperor
of Emperors, tho J\1ylum of lalam, wb .... throne iJ thAt of
Al.uandtr, and whooe court lhe thu most noble and
exalted aoverci:;u, N&dir SMh (onn.y hil kingdom endure for
ever!), found it to nod aonho5s:ulors to e<rl4in
afliaira with the oflitiab uf this euppliant in tho court of bt:lven.
We, ot timo, ooniK:nled to all tho dei'OAlldJ m:od& of '"; but
when, nt n bub"'JUCIIL poriod, Muhnnonol\d Kh&u Turl<umlu Willi
deputl from Kaodllbltr to recall these mnttere to Ollr memory,
tbe Officers eb:uged With the admioiJ;tratioO or thia realm f:oiiL.J
t<o oomply with lho demllllds of the gre.'t Emperor, and lions
sowed tho Bceds of contention. i\ t length tho Persian army
ei'O&Sed the of llindtiBtan, and tho lilrets of tho two
monarchic. met in banle on lho plain$ of Kamal. A great
l'ietory oign:>lized tho Jrowees of the Per&ino warriors. .Uul a1 tho
iiii1Strions Emperor, tl1c bead of tho Turkom(m tribe!!, ll!ld fount
of mruo!y virtues, treated us .. itb kindness, wo fdt by
bis frieudltip, whieb made oQr court the ol' !ram, and pro-
I hlln1 l1tr. om.itt.l'd 1G 111r-. whi.cb n:l.ato 10lcl)" to tho mt.hor'a lifrcringt.
Ft .. Wt.r utorted (.rom bha.
, iWDhmmwl Shih.
ceded in his comp.1ny to Sb&h-Jnbanab&d, where we offered for his
nceeptance a,\1 the tre:urlll'C8, jewels, and preeious things o IDnd.
Tho great Emp<>rOr, complying with our request, pL'tced. n portion
of our offerings within the eirolo of his acceptance, nod, moed by
the feelings of friendship, Daiurol to the similarity of onr origin
nod position, and by a just considorntion of tho favour due by 3
TorkomG.n to n dllSCendant of the Gllrganls, into our chnrge
lbe crown and senb. of tho of l:lindustan. In return for this
liberality, surp38Sing indeed tho kindness of n. father to his son,
or of brother to broU1er, nll the abo11L Sind, westwlltd
of the rivers A nod Sind, nod of tho Sanjnr stream, which
flows from tho lnttor, onmoly: Ban_gMiuH, the counu-y
of Kabul, Ghaznin and tho Kohistan, 8:11.8rat, the fortl1l$S of
Bltakkar and, Kbodabad ru1d L6yng6.on, tho Dornjat
with U1e Duli1cb and othe populntions, the province of Tltntt{l,
tho fortress of Mhima, the city of Badin, the pargallfl4 of Ohlin,
Snmwal, .Kehron, nnd II other pargantll! on the
harbours, with all fortJJ, villages :>nd culth'llted lands, jJaJ'UM$
nod ports Crom lho SOW'l:e of tho river Attock, tho l3ak3m8chak
p:t!ll!, and the numerous bmnohes of the river ncar Thatt6, to
whoro the river Sind and lhe Sind and Singnrh rivolel.s now
into tho ocean; together with wbnlc\'er of any kind is tbc vro-
duce of !nods watered by tho river Altook and its and
that m:ly lie westwnrd of the ri'cr Sind and tbe Singnrh rivulet;
all these have wo detached from our dominions, nnd annexed to
thoso of Persio. Henceforth tho office111 of thot powerful Stnto
abnll collect the rovenue and 8JCoroise all authority in the
nforcsnid countries, and lho peoplo, great and moll, dwellers io
towns and io plains, tillors of the aoil, men of every de;.,>roo,
shall be subject to their nnd tho ministers of this clcmnl
government shall uo longer hnvo swny runong U1em. But tho
fortress of Dawnr, the cities of Ttlharl and Dindmwnch, and
all lbe countries eastward of the rivers Attock. and Sind nnd
the Siugnrb rivulet, these remain uttnohed to the kingdom of
Jlllhmnmaa Sl.ti4' t!Urd ruil w tlu &urtiflH o/ Dnd
atparlurt o/ fM kltJ,r.
Oo tle 2!ltb of !.luharram the glory or the I'Mllmo of Bind
procerded to partake of llD ent11rbiomen' given by the rnhr of
t ran. A qunrur of the doy passed in rcjoioinga. A hundred
and ouo pieees of cloth, within '"hlch were precioua objC()ts from
foreign oountrics, and aover:U tmys of jcwcl8, offurod by tho Shah,
wcro ;u,ccptetl by the roynl visitor, who then toOk Ius tlopnrture.
All the noblee in the regnl anile, to the number of omrly ono
bundr...J, reeeived prNmt.s .uited to their rank. Thia ti:.ti\'lll
..,...., not without ita object, for the Sb&b bad MOiv8<1 to return
to hi own dominion. Thill 1mS as yet otcret, but on the Gtb
of SaW- tlo Afi"I464.AI. slaoding 3\ tho door of bit augu.t
midenre, with " loud voice m:lde tbo following pro-
clamation :-
" Soldilr11, the King of Kinga and Lon! of b<>nc6eenre, our
mut.!r, the protector of the world, conquered tho counrry of
HindG,t&n and it. To-morrow our netorioua b;wnc,.
mo.,.e towards 'Irlt.k. Be you prep41'ed In
Ou the morrow the Sh&b rode forth frorn tiro tit.\dcl, nnd
pitched biJ nrnr the Shll.lamtir gardeuo, fiv ko from the
town, ami. once more the government of RiodU.tan devolved oo
MubanmwJ Shih. On lho 8th of tbe month' ,\bdulllt'Lki Kh6n,
and II Khin, t'OD of the Jill.,-66 N6:im A'AXztHIIbuta,
""' .cot to Ubore with M onlm- rlil'eetin:: the latter to colle<t
and fo"',.nl a contribution of one kr1w uf rupee& Tbe m_,.-
gero, with napidity, reached Lahoro on the 2ht of the
l!&nle month. They were met by the Xoortib Xtf=un in the lienee they continued thoir way in company
to the city. The illustrious mes:.enger bere met with tho kind.,.t
110d "'""t courtt'Oill reception, and the fricnd.obip alruady exiting
bctwoeu the noble ntcrtniner and his gue3l wae IIIUQh loen'4ioed.
Through tlu exertions or Kiftlyat Klt&n tho dewtmd for " kror of
rup<-cs wns modified, and a aum or twenty loa bken in ldilion
to tho former contribution.'
Tidings having boon brought of lhc Shalt's ani val Ohllkgnrd,
n tlncc thirty k01 from on the banks of tho Mr""'
which a bridge of boall l>ad been formed, the &i/lib
Ncim and 'Abdu-l Dflkl Kh6n aet out to meet Uis Porsinn
1\Iajl'<ty on the 2itb of &far. Oo the 3rd of Rnbi'u-1 awwsl,
rnona"'h crossed the at the above-nom..! and
fomoed his camp on the right bclnk. The .. <Yilrra/1 Nd;in. anl hi1
companion entered the camp that Mme day. and were admitted
to tho presence. Tho N6=im met with great courtesy, and wA.S
hnnourod with several proscnta; beaides Uteso Uto Sh&h con-
fcrrod on him Ute jarmd11 of tho Ni:llmat of Mull&n (Snifu-d
daula lliht.dur, tho IIIIo NtJ:im, wna dend), to whieh Ui lllnjl'llty
lu\d caued to be allbed th acal of Mubnmmad Sh&h. D,.,..s
of honour Md Anbian bon!,. "ere to Kbdj:a 'Abdu-llAh
Kbu, 11ee0nd son of the lnte Saifu-d daul:a, to Kbw6ja IJayitnllah
Khan, and to the other chiofa in the Xd:im'l!llite.
Oo tho 9th oR:ob1u-l "" wnltheSbab'a camp was at Kahiw,l,
a viJingo on the bankl! of tho Chinab, the lArgest rivtr of tho
l'anjab. A heavy fall of min, aueh M is llSual in tho l'lliny
bQaiiOD, hlld occurred tho previous night, nnd tlu bridge
had beon broken, some of tho bonl>l being swnmped, And others
kn0<kcd to Tho rivrr'a width had so inereastd that it
\\M impo-<Sible to rceootruot n bridge at thi! point, but a
norrower f"'1'i wa.! found ncar the ilbge o Akltinlir, where"
bri.he '"" form..! b\ me3111 of iron tables. Oo the 11th the
.Ycim l'rei<h proor. o tho Shah's generoity.
The Pel'h-ian eamp broke up from Kaluw81 oo tho 14th, and
commoncrd crossing tho river 1\1 AkhA!uk A portion of tho
army lmd oll'ected its p.'l&<o1gP, wllnn the force of lbo 8wollon nnd
jt(ntup streBm carried nwny tho with n donfcning roar,
lllld hurJ,,J two thou.."lllld Ku:nlbdhl6 int., a watery grnvo. Dut
"" tho Shah WliS to r,..... the he him-
Tl>io _.lo oloo&Wtt!.
self, mounted on Mllhi-111ndar, tho powerful elephllot th2t h:W
been b<-.lto"ed on the Natdb Ntisim, in ee!lrcn of 10 ford, or aomo
spot suited to the formation of a bridJ;". However, it ia nio to
ttroggle deo-tiny, nnd Ilia Maje!ty C:illod in tho objeet of
hie ill1llrch; and it was consequently decided that tho anny should
bo ferried over iu boom at Kaluwt.l. The camp lnl! therefore
mo.-ed on the 25th, the pasollgo was commenced. By the 2nd'u 1/ml, throo quarltl'll of the anny and hAd b..-tl
landed on the oppoilo bank, and on the following cloy t.ho
NtL:im wna permitted to depart, his own xword being returned to
him, and his eltpbant to The KU=im and hi$ l<>n
reached Sla!kot tho anmo day. Tl1C Persian Empoi'(Or, who
entertained a grrot affection for the Nafl'tib Nu:ittt, dire.:ted an
tpitl" to be prt'pared and fonmrded to the rulor or Hind,
His to increase tho allowances nnd tho body of horse of
tbi chidlAin from senn to eight tlonilllld. Tbe ditriet. of
Gujarit, SWkot, Pu111arU.., nnd Anmngabad, from which wna
the of K&bul and Peshawar; also D&ngall
and other pl&c8, producing abont four /.:ro,.. oC cl4ull, and COO>ti-
tuting thoj6g(r of Nll!ir Khan, NtWno of KBhul: aomo clistricto
fanning the :amitfaru of Khal&-yf.r Kh'n '.Abbui, and of Gbhi
Kb&n of Multf.n, all of which IU'O e1111t of tho
.Attoclc river, 110d hAd for three yea111 made over to Nadir
Shah, the-e were now plaeed under tloe charge of tho NtJ,;,II,
aubjecL to a ye3rly pnyment of twenty klu of rupees. The
Ntiim wa.s at fi,...l lo:.tb to enter into tl1is atr.UlJ;"Iflnf, but
6oveml eonidcmtions induced hi no. Tho chief of these wt\5 that
if this u1atter were not thw; .ettled, tho Shah would an
anny in tho cowotry, wbieh would be tloe canso of numerous evils.
On tho 7th of the month the Shllb himself ei'O!Sl tho river,
and encamped on the right bank, the mo being made known to
nil by dischnrges of <mnnon.
Tho Shih felt the !;reGtest anxiety to reach Khor&.<&n,
hi Jl"li"'Dce w:IS required to put:> slop to
llont boo broken out in Dukbfui and Khwarizm, for Uae rulen of
ASAND rur:11 mnmus.
the!!t' .ountrir'!, blinded with pride nnd ignoranre., lwl withmwn
their nueb from the yoke of subje..tion. without a
halt, the Sb&b eros.! the river Attock on the 2lei of J umaua.a
s&ni, nml on tho of Sba'blin cMl his ehndow o.-er the
country of KabuL be man:boo by W1lY of Dl1111h hm:.'O
Hut to .omel. KhudAyar Khin 'AJ,IJ6si, of Kbud-
Bb&d. llnving m.Wo ll6t lllld Ghhi Khan DUdAhl obedient,
he remained somo time in the gu'cmmcnt of Bbllkknr.
leaving KAbul, tho Nnw6u Sahib A 'ntzu-d.
Hayatu-llah KhAn D:\Mdur, wbo governed the pro,-inoe of
Multan ""his fatbrr' drputy,lud be. n dirted to juin the Sb&h
whenenr army bouhl enter tho territories of Khud!-y&r
Killin, 311d to BS3iat in ttling tho nft-.ira of llont district.
HayC.tullo.b IDtan Jo,t no timo in joining tho Sblth and tho
lt6:. ' Marting on the 26th of Crom the fortt-ess of
Jamun, which bad &lion to his nrmg only a r ., <bys befol'\",
pa:;."'l night at Llilloro. On tho 23rd of Zl-1 bi.ija he lcl\
lllult&n to prued tow tho PersiAn cnmp by wnllr.
Copy of IIi &oW.' Ltt<r ol""
To exa.lted ..ud most uoblo of Khline, tho illustrious
Zaknriy{i Kblin, Nimim of tho prcvinct'! of LAitoro ontl Mult(lu,
"ith .....,W111lees of our \\'llmtr.t frind!hlp, ll<' it known that,
wh,_. His baa resol<eJ to I!Uike " tour this year
throu;:h the country of Sind, in ordu to chllotie e.Jrtain
rebellious olticfUiins in AUd whcren.. is dcomeJ
pr<>bnblo that one or more of tht.'!!O chiefs rnlly attempt to fly
to..-arda :Mullin, wbirla would rendtr it for lh" cauquer-
ing am1y to tbu rinr Sind, to ptlJ'SUe anal rapture the
fugitivt>l; :md whcre:ut between this powerful government ami
th3t of llindW!thn lhcro oxist.a !lOrfoct eouoord, it i1 uei!CSSnry
thAt the ilhutrious Nrl=irn should I.e prepared to mo<e from
Laltoro to..-ard.s Mullin on reoehiog an order to tlai effect, and
\<ith hia troops guMd tho appro3cllos to this city, that tit ... who
may erou the riYcr tlll.j be punished, and web energy dioployfd
for na may render unnecc<llllry tho eo-opomtion or
tho roynl forces. lu addition the Kl1an ou\y of tho
lciodly r...ungs or the EmP'ror of towards him, and
may upoet everything from bit gencroity. Writt..m ou
211 or J utn!W..s ean!, A. .H. 1162.
Entry of Ntidir SJ,d), krriloriu of Kluu/4-var Klldtt.
Of 11ll tho fronlior-chieJll none l'qDnlled Khndct-yAr Khf.u iu
tho of their possesions, the number of thtir solditrs,
and the fertility of their retOuroes. When lint X&dir Sb6.h
run nod tho Wlllld or Kandllh8r, thia ohici\Aiu formed vain
schmu or cbetking tho MVIlUee or the victorious Milly and
holding the u if impelled by &tality, an
enemy to hUru.olf or a monol'<'h fA,oureJ by fortune, whose sword,
liko tloo orb of light, hnd Bashed oor the world from ea8l to
west. N<>w, that the tidinga 11f the Shr.h'a admne<" broke upon
his dream of lAuded oecwity, be lei\ hit liOn in <ommand of his
troops, nnd biwsclf, with women oud wenlth, withdrew into
tho fortre.s of Amnrkot, a atroag plocc, urroWJd.! on two aides
by water and on the other two by s:wdlills.
When the Sh&h' llnny drew near, tho son gne up nl1 itloa or
fighting, and prcpnrod to do homall" to the EoJptror on oomlitioo
thal IWo father should be required lo appear; but these unns
were uot aceeded to, :md 111o fooli.<lt youth ,. .... kpt priaourr.
Tho SMb agAin moved rnpidly forwllrd to lay eirgo to AmiU'kot,
and the news or this admneo 6hook, as if ,.;th the abock or
an eanltqaakc, tho warlike reoolo of KJ10da-yu KMn. He
immediAtely sent 11wny hie womeo nd hie properly to the
oountry, but stayed \oebind ltim..ell' to mako :mangorneot.s tor tho
removal of tweoty-Lwo faa or rope<S, for wbicb canis:;e had
been procurable, and detennincd to follow on tho nlorrow.
But tho morrow brought forth uncxpoetcd evenll!, ror the
Shih, lenroiag that the (l1\mO till be !' ureol by a bo\.1
en...ot of the oct, pa.bed fot"Ksrd from Udgf.on, di,taut from
Am:orkot thirty /antr!h, on the eYt'lling of the 28th of Zi-1 b'da,
and uddenly surrounded the fort. aLout dAybroak on follow-
ing morning. I mmediotoly the &nlditry eommenced tho work of
d-.truction. Khn.U-y&r Khan, affing no path open to """"!"'
(arne forth with crieo for mercy, and did homage; and this
course, which ho should l1ave brforo adopted, proved his salva.-
tion. The mindful of the maxim that thero arc more joys
in forgiving than in puniohing, ree ivod him with kiu<ln .,, and
forgove hi! faull. 'l'ho twenty-two laCI found in tho fort and
10me jewels were seiud by the Emperor' a otlleen, and the Sb&lt
roh1rncd to where the eamp t<JUipa;,-e had 1>.<-n len,
and where Wt'I'C cd tho af!:,i,.,. of Khud&-yar Kh&n, who
hnol aceon'l'anied His .Mnj!'Sty sinco his sum'nder.
About tM hours before the d- of dAy lli :llaj""t! received
.\'azm-d daula in tho royal aodirnee tent. This nobleman wa&
tr.nted with oen moro tlmn former ond tho Emperor
obrrved that he mu.t have been puL to murh iocon
venirme in 10 long a journey. On the 7th the Xa"lb Xwrn
"""ived tokma of the e.toom in which l1o was hcltl by iho
1\boda-ylr Khan 'Abbi,.l, sinee his mbrni .. ion, hAd n:maioed
in the royal Tho mou:ul!h now, with muoifi=ce,
ruied him from tho dui and 1"'-etAbliho:tl him in J>O-cssion
of hi =nmllllfdrl, with the of ShAh Kull Khin. and tho
gor.mmeot of the province of Tloaua. The oonditions of thi1
arrangement were an onnul of tn l11r. of tD(l< ll.IIU
tho fumihing to tho monarch of contingent of two
thn11.-sod b .. ,.... under one of tho Kw 1008. Tho Kh,n,
"ho mi!!ht bae espo.-ctl'<l a nry ,JjfT,.,nt M the re:snli
of hi9 comluet, was dismised with the pn.$CnL of 11. horse to
bio home on the loth of Moharram, A.u. 1152 (12th April,
1739 A.D.).
N&dir Shih, boTing finally ettlc-1 dto of Tiindusl6n,
to "L his face tmv.uds tho country of where
frequent di>turbao.,... occurred, :acting thorn in his 1hle.
2i .\'D I R-X A: A
Tm history the of ;\lin! ;\luhammad :Yahdi of
M67,nudnrfln, who Nfldir Sh!lh 411 aonJidcntial
in all hit military espedilion. Tbe tharn<lcr of this d"taile-1
hiotory ie gcoornlly eulogistic; but !Ill tho autlaor survived his
mR.I!ter, and. baa not omitted to rt:'f'Ount the mad action tom
mittecl by Nadir Sltflb io tbo latter period of his lifo, fi1ith mny
l;o generally placed in his relation of the reoUI of thi p<'riod.
The liudir-wima waa trana!AIA>d into }'renda by Sir W. Junes nt
tho dCJ!iro of tho King of Donm(>rk, and is therefore well known
to Eoro('<""' Anotl"r n&nlo wbioh tbia work bo-ars i
T<irikh-i a. llmt IUllne is gcnemlly oppro-
prioted to the .,.luablo history of tho lfughols by din
)Jalik 'At& l\Inhk Juwnioi (.No. l:X.., Vol. II. p. 38-!), it mil
.ave conf11.oion not to J:ive tlae title to the XaliMitl'"''
The lifo of N'dir by ;\lr. FMI.Ser, who .,.,ilod himself of aon-
tNnporary records in IndiA, And UIU woru of Jona:.
n!Tord tl1e Englih readrr all tho infilrmntion be c;m desire on the
ubject ur thi tymnt.
S1n-8vo., 688 pa:;cs of 16 linea ea<b.
Tms is :m piece giving 1\D intere!ting
of several occlll'l'<lnces dnring tho downfull of tho Empire. It.
bears very mueh the !!lime ehanlter M tho Ba!Jtilli W<il.i' of
'Abdu-l Knrlm. The author is aboot dates, b11t they con
easily bo suppliod by the light which other bistorio.ns, Enrope:ut
11nd Asintic, abed upon the transactions be rocords. There
seems rea.soxx 10 suppose lhnt the :mtbor'a mxme WM Tnhm.U.p, lo
which he >ddcd tho litenny nnme of Al iskiu. Tho toxl, how-
ever, is not ery plnin on this subject. TJ1o mlo of tho work mny
perbttps bo derived from tho n11mc 1\SSUmod by Nt\dir Shlh on
his entering tho sonico of Shf>h
Sxn:-Lnrgo So., 314 pnges of 17lioee each.
Tom unique, but worthle.!S, "Sea of lli"lorit>S," eompri-.
nrLoount.t of tho Asiatic rnollllrohies. The volumo ia an autogmph,
in tho libmry of the Nawab of Tonk, with mnuy margiMI noteo,
also ap("ll'Cntly in tho lumJwriting of the author, cont:>ining some
additionAl infunnation on the meagre hi.tories in the text..
As tho to tho first book is not contained within thi
volum, wo are left in ignorsnc:e of tbo auLitor narn, oLjod anJ
authoritie;o. Ho w:is most probably an Indian, u be deals at di
prop.,rtionate with tlte B:Utory of India," bieh, ho,.ever, is
tnrriod down only to tbt reign of J ahAngir. It is that the
,olume iJJ in thiJJ portion, 11Dd thon all that follows in
tho book, 3ll at pres<lnt bound, originally belonged to tho 6rt
voluoue, which bogill!jD!IIMtbe second volume with nn irn-
sentence. From his history of tho Emperors of Turkoy,
it nppe.ra thnt tho nulhor visitod Mecca on a pilgrim"ge in tho
Yt!\1" 1160 A.n. (1 747 A.D.), which is all that wo !cant of him
in tho of the work. As tho second book coutnins "
short which w:.s wnnting in tbe lint, the ijlDOI'MlL binder
haa gicn it the precrotnee, nod tha.s tranJ""-.1 the prortr
From this prtf:v.e we learn thnL the -.nd book WM rom-
rnfficcJ in the year 1099 A.U. (1687 -8), a dAte which might be
O("'D to were it not twice iu the in whirh
also several other eorrepvnding dAtes are C'Onfimtative of
this. \\Ork i., nPVcrtheless, rorriod down bc!yond tit
time of NAdir ShAh's in\"118ion of Jndin, nud the date of 11M
A.n. (1711 A.D.) ia twice distinetly quoted towards the eml.
as "'ell o.s tht m:u-giosl uous, mAy llllve
added by somo other hand, there ill nn appe;u;u1oa of uni-
furcnity About the work which does not appear to this
iuJcnnec, and we ""' therefore led to the concla..ion, Lhat the
notbor lived to nn old age, nod was cngagod upon tho roviBion uf
thi.! work for more tllllD half a century. The P"-""'.;e. more-
.,, . .,., in 1\bich the writer &la4'6 th:!.L he n.itod in 1100
A D., seems ovidently uy u,. (l<l'IOD who wrolo tht>
of til vol11me. This compilation is dh;d.d into
del.n(:bl,l chnJ>krs, ono being dovotcd to each sep:1.rnto dynMty,
nud tho disre;;"rd of order ill of conn" ehieUy ..uribu!Able to the
mistake in the biudiog.
Seeond Book.- Prt'fnce, l'P 1 to 3-Turks, early l\1 ughala nnd
Karil-khit!iauo, pp. 3 to DynL'Ities, pp. 16 to 20
-Kin_g8 of Kirt, Khdrim1, Khan nud his d&4ffildaniJI,
J>P 26 to 90-Timur nnd hie pp. 90 to 122-
of HiudUi!t!n, pp. 123 to Hill.
Fint B.>ok. - Riudl anti Mubnmmacion Doctrio&S of tho
Creation, pp. 1M to 208-Mubnmmad nnol U1e twelve lm&u...,
J p. 208 to 290-Kiogs of 'Ajnm, Ambia, Aby-.iuia, Rum,
Egypt, tho Popes n.nd Khnllfns, etc., ele., J>p. 291 to 490-
S5m6ui., Uh:wJiridM, Buwaibidea, SsljUka, Atab.k, ete., 1'1'
490 to Nt.tlir Shah, nod Sullliua of Rum, PI'
693 to 7J5.
Stza-8 ..... , 74.5 l'"::el of 11 lines Ineluding
uotet', theae rntl3n n.u avtro,"O of 13 to a
Tltl Balirul Ta...Urlkh olfcl'1 nothing worthy of Extratt.
Tms work WM wrilton according to the cxpi'(!!O ortlcl'll ol' tho
Emperor !II Sht.b, by omo dependont of N
)lutnfa Kb&o, l\lo!tMab Jan llabfi.
S1za-8vo., 280 p:>;;ea of 171ioes ta('b.
work lt mcntioueJ iu tho un111rd 11.11 one or the
wom:es whcnro the moteritlla of that valunblo work were derived.
'fho Tciri.U- CA!Jht/61 (p. 21 .-tprd) and lite TurlkA-i NUdil'll:
z,,,u;.,l (p. 70 prd) are oometirue; called by thlt name.
Thro it no copy Cl( either of these woru among Sir TT-
Elliot' a MSS. An Exlnl<-t bearing the title of lhia la.t provtt
to be identical with tho Si!farw-1 Jll(l-(1};/tkloirlu.
[Tua 11M been to di>ver either the exad titl, of
this work or tho nnn>o of dto There is no eopy of tho
originBl MS. in Sir n. 1\1. Elliot's libmry, nor is tho work to be
found in the Britiab 1IDRom, io tbo Library of tho lndlll Ollire,
or in thnt of rhe Royol Soeicty. Tho following Ex-
tract have b.on taken from a tnwIAtion msdo by Mr. (now
Sir) D. Fonyth, and headed H i>tory of Ahmad Sh{lh.''
It is n work of soono length, rmd tenniontee abruptly about aL'
month before tbe dCOJ.o>itiou of Ahmad in 17M '" It '*
with lbe following cxorJinm.J
Tho occurrcoco of ott grc.,t ovenl.8, wlrich may not even hao
enlerf<l into the eoureption of tho lutruan mind, l.o.:oiOf'O ef .. ,r
and mnnifeat at its om proper timo, and in tho lit of txtm-
ordinary ond uolooked-for eveut.s, may be weoliooed the elevation
of .Aluusd Shih, aon of Muhammad Sb!.h, to the th roue.
And tho hitory of ovonta i detnilcd liB follows :-
i\lubammad Shah ball rec:tind frcm his an'Sto,.., dominion of
large extent, which they bl\d by dint of prowess and succ:c..,.ful
exertion Wn)jlted front other illustrioua tllld annexed to the
tmtories al.-ly unI<T their rulo. Dnt ill$tead ofbting imprt Kl'td
lvit!J tho inlJ><lrtnDOO or attending tO tho nffilir& or hi6 kingdom,
and turning his e:1ro1 t atttntion a. "'""""' an Empo ror to\\ards
the of the country, uh3mmad Sh61t, fro111 tho
comnl!neemcnt or bi reign, tho gre3le!'t enr.leo.<nWI
in bia go,rnmtnt, nding all his time in <JX>rl ruld rloy. This
neglect on tho part of tho So,oreign Wll.3 speedily lllkeu advautnge
T.<llrED-1 ..unun so.m
of ly nil tho amln and nobles, who usurped poASmion or'"'''" and
pnrgautu, :.on appropriAted to themselves tho revenues of thoso
provioc:M, whiuh in formor d:.ya wuro jlC'id into the Royallre:lllury,
and amounted to aneral/mm of rupee!'. From these proiocee
not one farthing found way inUI the Royal cbNl.; bot a aruoll
reeooe was still dtricd from those few kAulW. which U
yet remained fuithful their alll'giClOce. Aa the Royal trtaaury
bcenn1o gradually emptied, tho Emperor's nrmy wM reduced to
grtnt almits, and nt !Mt entirely brokon up; whilat tho nobles of
the Lwd, who in tho limo of former could never have
got together such au amount of we:.lth, or oo brge a fun:e, now
amassed lArge sum. of money from their own jaglra, and from
thoto Government land3 of wbieb tley had uiU!<i pos..<essioo, and
from the J"dgVI of other, " tmmtieth J>Orlion of which they
did not give to tho rightful owners. With this wcllltl1 they wuro
nblu to keop up u.n immcnso tullly, with which the Emperor will!
unllble to oope. l'bWI tho En1peror found himelf more cir.:um-
teribed tlt:w 1m nobla., upon .. hom be, in f:oct, be<ame depdldnt,
aud wu 11D11ble to depo.o or dispbce any one of them.
Thi:J st.atc of tl1ingo till t.ho prriod of N8dir ShAh'a
nrrival in llindU8t"', from fran, about tho yrnr lllil A.JI. A
Muhnmmlld Sh6h had no mc:ws wbntovor of rooiohwce, ho WM
<OmJIIOtcly U(IOU his noblea, with whoso forces ho wNJt
out to meet Nadir Sh,h. BuL owing to tho want of unity in all
the roun<il> and ""lions of the nobles. thty were unable to elTect
anything like " ,taod agnint him, and soon wen deft:.ted by tho
'fhe condition of tloo eountry nftcr tho dcp:u-turo of :li{ulir
SMh wna worse than bofuro. Tho amlr1 took what they liked. ,
'rho Emperor apruL wlu>t remained to him in sports auol
Be locked up loU. &on, Al1mad Shah, in one p:lrl of tho
<it..lel, nnL ,.-WJing him to appear in publi. Be kept him in the
t;"""'te.;L indigcnee, and would not allow hiul a.o iu tho
::nme of rlln.,ga,., ahootiJ1g, or any royal sporu, uclt
ns Joe practised himtclf.
T&BrJm-1 J..IDU.D S!UD.
At the time (of Allmacl Afghin'a first infMion) lfuhammlld
Shih wu sufl'rriug &orn no att.aek of paralyai.s, and 111>8 able
to on horseback; but he ordered hill chiti nobiM to act
11nd qutll thi on th frontier. For ibis PDtf"'""
Kamru-d din Khan Jnnu Wu:lru-1 Jlamtilik, Safdllr
JMg Mlr-diJI, Sa'AdAt Khin &hadlll' Zft-1 jlktir JD !J.
lhinl Kb'n Babl<lur, nnd Rajn hri Singh,
Ztimllllltir of Amber nnd Jaipur, with othornobleannd
their d"}l"rturo on the 18th of :\luharraol, in the lhlrtittll
yMl' of tl1o rtign. In tho of fifteen daya or so, tloi
amy hacl rroceedt'll fifteen mile>J (rom Dehli, when Dt\\3
dlDIO of Ahmad .A fJlb&n having reacbl'<l Labore "itb bia
Also now Mmo !hat Hayatu-IW KJan hBd guGrdod oil the
I-"'' and U., and had !eot a undtr S:td:lr Khin
K84ur P:1th6o to orr10se him. Dut Kllan immodintdy
went over t.o tho enemy \\ith hill whole force, and llnyitu-IIAh
Kblo, resistance no longer J>ONOible, llod, without striking
a blow, llDd Jell. oil his property nud trMure in Lahoro.
l'timidu-d dnula wrote to t11o Emperor, repn:. .. ntiog tle>t all the
llllrtfarr 110d nobill$ w<re dcelnring themsrlvos indoptllldcnt,
if !he Emp<!ror wuuld -.od his "OD Prinee A hrnad from
Dohli, 1.0 talco rbar<.,oe of the anny and to remain i"' head,
tiJC wnr could easily bo nn una to.
ShAh wl\!1 moet uowillin: to r-rt with any authority
to his oon ; but beiug in !:""'' s:lrnitH, nud cotnplet.Jy brlplllll3,
lte e.:ot for hu ""o on 19th ol' Sw, kissed bun io OJ"'ll
D-rrb.1r, gave him a >py of the Koran Alit! then diami"ed
him. lie would givo him any titlo or rnok to IU!lume, but
a auitable mrcirl of hor-, etc., nod &'idat
KhAn, hit moturlllll unole, was appointed hie counsellor, thnt he
n1i;:ht giYe him the beott advioo on oil oe .... ions. The
meut of all 11'&1' all'air1 ....., given over 1.0 1'timt.du-d daula.
\Vhon tho Royol army roAChed li6ebiw&ro, U1o spies g11vo
inform11tion that Ahmad Afghan bad n=bed Pbilor, which i
About thirty rnillle from ll6ehidm. The gencral.l entered into
dolib.ration, wlarther they sbouiJ eroM the Sutlcj or not; but
they eama 10 tlo I"'OIIiution not to do so, lest the tnemy, avoiding
1111 au.:>ek, should cro!ll over .,me other Thoy therefore
to rcmnin where tlwy wcro. 'rhey eoon honrtl tht
tho enumy bad crosed "' tho ford ue:1r which is
about twentv mil01 di..L:lni from J.\16hiwAra. and baviog bid
waue the couotry round about tho bigb road, ""' proceeding
tuward Sirhiml. A Ahm11d Afghan CArried on his1orr.on no signs
of.8Upl'rior Mink, l'rinco Ahmnd """ unJ\ble to lc11n1 wlwtber be
Willi willa lai$ army or bebiod, nod fc:niog lest be thould be io tbo
and suddenly filii on his army, he unltdl<!d two or thr..e
mil-. a d"y alon;: tle ri-.-er toward Ludl.iy&na in """"'b of tbe
lie then heard tl1at ,\bmad Afghan l>tJ'aight
on to Sithind with hia force, and hod 8ut that city on Bre, nod sot
po!ll!ession of tho trn:lr'll trenouro. When this intelligonc-c I'Cllehl'd
Dehli, the gn:nt..L c:oostllrllaliou and di..m!ly lllld tho
iubl1biWII.3 prepared to lly with tbir families.
News was brought tbM Prince Ahmad, "ith l'limadud
d<Lul3, had fallen h:w:k from tho banb of tho Sutloj and met
with Ahmad Afgh&n's foreo about six miles from Sirhind, nml
l1ad immediately reeled bnltorioa on four aidr.'l of his foree. Tho
enemy abo erocted batteries on hie ide in the Jlllrdns of Sirbiod.
A 6ro on both oide. WI>! opened oo the 13th Rabi"u-1 awwal, UGl
"" (3rd MArth, 1148 A.D.), and many mtn were killed in
both nnniea. 'l'ho firing ooutinuod for eight W.yo, whon Ahmad
A fgMn, eceiog that this kind of wnrfaro would never end, throw
up a b:lttory on a mound near the Prince's force, from which the
:;uiU throw their fire right into the Royal eamp, p31>ing over the
b.\tleries of his own 11nny. )fuy members of the !loyal army
\\Oro killed. The whole l't'SJ'(>nibility of tho war rt.ted upon
l'tiuo6tlu-d W.uln, and to him nll tl1o soldiers cried out to be led
into n general ACtion. Bat to this l'tirn{ulu-cl dAula woold not
C:Oil8ent, s:oyiu;; that the euemy would 11000 be ruined of himself.
Tho 101dic111 thereforo began to mue thcm!elveo u ll'CU.. as
they oould iD the camp, of a sudden, one dny, Ahmad
AfgMn eent a with melorw, apples, ete., and a teller to the
Prine<, desiring peace, and stipalatiDg tlml if the Emperor would
leave him Kabul ami Thattt., which Nadir ShAh hnd given him,
and all the gold wbicb Nadir Shah bad brouaht. from Debli, he
would et'liCU3te the country.
Tbo Princo eent thia letter with tho camel to Zul fikar J ang
Khan), wbo fonranled it again to l'timadu-d
lle :u1 nus..-er to Ahmtld tHghao that he WM to como nod
thro" as a @Uppli:wt before the Prince. and do bomllge
to bim, BDd he would then endeavour to pro<ure his pa.rdou.
S"''ing from this advice tbnt there Wll.f! no hope of his otipu-
laliou being to, Ahmad Afghan preP" red for a gt nernl
nction, nod em Friday, the 21st Rabi'u-1 1\wwnl, when tbrco or
tour glmrl" of the day h3d o.buut ei_;hl o'dook ut.
- be opened fire &om hi! gutl!, A b:ul frern n rcoobed
tho tent. of l'timlldu-d dnuln Btilillllur N usmt J 11ng, nnd Jl3Wing
through thn -truck tbe tm:Jr on his side, and, to Y
rut his nltontlants oml followers, who wero etnnding cle>\lo oround
bim, oOCBjl'd unhurt. His 10n, Mu'iDu-1 Mulk, was at the
b:ltteriea at the and !raring of his fnthor'a aceident, Co'lme
to him nt onco in great nud fouul him jut expiring.
A minute or two he di'!d. In tho mean lime DI'WS
ru-rivcd thnt Abmnd Afgh(.n hnd got iooido the
with hit nod '"'' llrihling there. :Mu'iDu-1 llulk l out
immoJintely to oppoo the enemy'a further pro;tre"", and thia
intollit:enco 1'03Ched tho Prince, Abul Mauur Khan &h&dur
(Saf,J . .r R'ja hr! Sin,gb, nnd the other crdiin who
mountr.d their with tbo grc:1tosl. oxpeditiou. They
well with the cnocny, tbnt ,.;tb tho ncrtioo,
and 11 dbplay of firy zel, they dutreyed 10me dt
fl':lted the Afc;hflu ;lrmy, nod followt-d up the for ouo or
two miles, at.uzhtering an..t wooudiog. The eutmy, wbo had
nL that limo lost !Jnlf hiij foroe, WI\$ unnble to withstand tho

TARfJ:IJ.I .&lilUD SIL<ll.
ntt.ack or &fdar J tong. and seeing " ftwoumble opening, bore
down on the right wing of tl1e Royal army, which bad been
by Iari Singh. St>fJar Jnng, on h<mring of the
atiA<I< in this quarter, ltft lill'inu-1 .\lull< and erune LO lbo
-itaoeo of the Prince' portion of th army, and his ron:e
commitLed the gre:ueoL hA ve10. Ahmad AC;,;h&o thou a.d with
the of hil men, and taking ahelt<-r in n small fort,
began to open a firo of =on, nntl k:illt'll a number of
men. To nttMk thil tort, evornllal'!.(ll guns woro broUf:hL np,
nod pbnted ready ; but night rome on 11<-foro nny atlllck wna
made. During the oighl Ah!Dlld, aedn;; thAt it w:u useless to
hold out nny longer 11:!\lint the superior for of the Prinee, who
had g&ined. decided advaob;e, be ruene<od his gDil5. nnd ooder
favour of the dtu-kn<M Red, no one knew in what direction. Tho
PrinC<l with his army rcmnined ooder orms tho whole night; aud
when morning came, tllt'y wrro 8urpriled to find no lmco of tho
Tho army remained in the position till tho 2.5th &bl'ul
awwnl, when met"'n;;o"' arriod rom J.hmad ,\.Jgbfin bearin;;
again the same for peace, vi1. tho ee<ion of Kibul
nod Th:>tli, nod the Mtoratioo of lbo money which Ntidir
SMh hl\d l:lken. 'floo J>rinee, however, would not Jiijteo to
lhi.'!Oo terms.
Aa tho enemy wna defe3le<l, and :.11 his
totnlly rooLed, all for were merely M tutL'I<II
to gain time oo u to hi.J t .... ant anl to biJ
llrouRht ouL Croru Sirhind. ''IDeo Abm:>d Af;;lt&n B:lw thnt
hi oLjoet eould not be l"'ioed by pt"'Cl'3ble mran, and that ho
could not ;;et out P"''Jll!rty from Sirhind, Ito c1uno out on tho
26th lo oOer bnttlc a!lllin. Tho Prince, too, eamo out to bnulc
with all his forces. Tho bnllle wns enrried on fur some time with
artillry only. The 8!1omy rctrented boforo the uperior Coree
of the Prince, and ,\hnoad Af;;hin himwlf a distAnce,
.-iowio; the two ""nif'l. Aa tlte fire appi"UG<bed him, he avoi1od
it and lied. l'bo artillery the wbolo day, but ec:..ed tl1oir
'MRTlW-1 Al!MAD SllAD.
fire at All that oigM the m n atood to their
arm.. Tho nrxt morning the b.1ttlo was renewed on all aides,
bnL Lhe Afghans could no( gnin t ho soperiori(y. Wllt'n two
wathl!ll of the day luod Afgh6n took tho ro:W to
Ludhiylloa in Bight, and 1enl a through Safdar Jong to
tho Prin.., that Jl{uhommod 'llikl KMn "'"" ooming to rnk.e "
treaty. &!'dar Jang, believing lhi.l to be lroe, withdrew hi men
from the pnnsuil, thus allo\\iD!; th enemy time to withlmw all
hi property ond lnml!uro townrda Llldhlylum.
BJW""IiiY i!ul'<l for pu.,.uit, and they wore ropOuded to "ith the
t:matett ala.,rity by lb army, who followed up and alw all the
umzgll'n', and thoso who were worn ou( with llighr., of AhmAd's
nrmy, nnd took alt tho awords, homo, nnd enrnela tby rould
finl. Whoever go( the plunder wu allo..-1.'<1 to k..,p it for him-
oelf: "' re p.UOnero, and the number of ho.--,
nml.,., which were captured, wu immooee. On tho next
day the IU'IIly halted, ami on Ute 2!lth Rnbl"ul awwal the Princo
ma .. hl'<l into Ludhlyina, a distance of twtnty mile-s.

At tha timo Safdllr Jang hBd tho full commnnd of thr :t.rrny,
nod uo ono could do anything wilhoui his orders. To him
the Princ-e garo his commands that !bould mm:lt tow:ud
to prevent the po<ibility of tho entrny att<!rnpling to
tnko that city bo bAd his Jlrongth a little.
S>f.IAr Jnog dil not to thi piAU, ond tndt'!\10nrN
to drlay by lcinl of !lnd two or thi'O' obys
nftcrwnrds, ha,ing marcht<l five or Hi:r. k01 from Ltidhiy6oo,
he nramplld, hoping thnt oo1r4 might te:l'h tlte Erntror of
wh ot ::oiug no. At l""t the eonnteJ that thr
Priueo, Sa"a.lal Khb Dalo6Jnr. and Safdar .Tang aboulol como
back to Court, and thnt Mu'luu-1 Mulk oud N88ir Khan
shout.l m:u-ch to L6J:roro nnd Kabul. The PTineo nt ofT hls
ttuta for D btl tbo nrxt dAy. and on the evening of the 23rd
be iuvcste-1 Mulk with the cornmnnd of tlto nnny, aod
ut ltirn otT townnla L&hore. On tho 24th, having ilrpatched Khb to..,.,U KAbul, be ad out hlmsclf io the morning
L!.RTKil-1 AIIllAO 91Uil.
for Debli, and hBving rea.1hed his first !Age, .. nt 3 lctt('T to the
Emperor, which his the 26th Thablu-o ani.
:Uu'ino-1 man:bed witb his foroe tl4ge by l!ta,"' to Uhore.
Iknill of Mullmnni!Ul S46A and <=<JIIiOII of ..dl.miJII Shall.
The Eml"'ror .. -as or 3 ...... k <ODStitntion . He
wu frequently subjoot 1.0 b.w fecl'll, an<l at this time ho was thus
omictcd, when ho one dny wM earrie<l in litter to tho l\hsjid
S:mgi Gnto, whieh WliS iuido the fort, Bod there in o!Atc
with all hit nobles and attndAnts. All nf a suddm be tainted
away. Re reeoered a little from hit fAinting fit, but his
speech hol ntirely lei\ him. ,cry moment tho Ernp<1ror'8
illn- ohangetl its symptom, and lw wa illl!eusiblo dnrin.t: the
"hole night. The next morning, on tho 27tb Rabi'u-s llni, in
the thlrt y-fint year ofhi reign, .\..B. 1161 (Ul April, 1718. A.D.),
tho EmJltlror br\':llhcd lrit ll\101. TLoe l'ho were p"""cnt at the
timr of lri \Vere of opinion that Ute wisest course to pureuo
would be In cnneeal from tho public the news of the ['ml"'ror's
di!Cith tiU tho arrival or the Prinee. ""'ltltcyaceordingly enjoined
triet ilrn .. on all tho"" who were aware of the melancltoly Oot
wltielt ltnl hnpfi()Oed. They then pullho corpse into tho wooden
tnso or a J.:uropoon dock, which was very long, nnd Lood in tho
lliy&t &kbh Garden, anl for " hroud tlty prorured a elotlt
from tbe tfd"";Atr of the kitchen, it was ""JUiroJ for tho
dinner l3ble. They Loried him in the gnr<loa. Lot1<>rt ,...,.., then
d<"'pntolwd to tho Prince, infomling him of the dangeron.s illtll)Ss
of the Eml"'ror, and ur!(iog bim to como to Debll with nil
po"-ible 8p<"'<l, but they made no m ntion or the Emperor
Tho Prinet, on hearing the oad no11, puhed on with nil h:tSte.
Beyond l'(,nlpat bo "ns met by a prner!l!ion bearing tho
Golden U ntbl'l'llll and the othr of Royulty, wbioh had
been eo! by J&nl(. Though the Prince, on -ing these
=bleatS, wu :;iveo to undrr-.IAnd lb:lt his father hAd died, he
did not wish to IISSUme bBStily the regal title, but proposed to
go on to Dehli GS W!ll31,;md there, having mourned for lili father
tltrOO or four days, ant! hMiug Jl"rformed nil the funernl cere-
monies, then to :W11me the tiue of Emperor. SnfJ.r J :w.!(.
seeing the evil tbnt W1\S likely to re6niL from thili, would not
permit such delAy. The Prince wns forced to submit, and
nssumed the Royal lT mbrolla nod till the insignia of roynlty,
amd the usnal rejoicings took plnoo. Tho length of Mu-
hammad Shilb a reign was thirty years nnd twenty-seven days,
dating his ascent to tho tl1rooe from the murder of Farrokh
When the Prince neoeedod his fntbor on tho throno of Dehli,
ho took tho titlo of 1\luj.Utidu-d din .Ahmad SMh GhAzl, nnd in
tho prayers and on the coins these titles were adopted, and to
dt'Ceased parent he gavo tho litle of Fi rdall3 Xr(uug{ili.
Abnarul SMh 1va. not n milD of intellect; all the pru:iod
of his youth till mnnltood had boon spent in tho and
be hnd had ahBO!nt.ely no experience whatonr of the nffilirs
of a king<lom, or of the c:area of government. Besides this, he
wns surrowtdod by aU kind of youthfalplcasurll'!, wbich every
person, $cdug tho turn of his mind, was nnxious to displny
before him to entice bis fnncy. As a natural constqueuce, Ito
gave himself up entirely to pMtimo tlnd sports, and lx!otowod no
thought on tho n!fnirs of th kingdon1. To
a country and wield " s<eptro is n mnltor full of dilfumlty, nnd
until an Emperor understands thoroughly himself tho good nod
bad tendency of every ho be fit for a. ruler.
For this reason .Ahmad SbBh was unoble to govern lbo orupire
entrusted to him.
ltl the naooUt Jumt'lda.-s afull, or one month after his -cnt to
l [Tht 1'Jrlkft,..i NIIU.ffilrf aa,-., The kagt.h or the mr or this frma.
trt. Nceaibn na the 11th 21-1 b'da, 11111a thirty reen mont.ha ond &wdte da)"&;
or ueordin; to the o!lirW IOCHJtmt !rom !lth Rnbtu- '"- dAr em
wbicla famtkb SltAt WM placed in OODJint!l'l.tllt, 'birtT yeal'l ele.n:o morn.h u.d
otgtu .... m. &>"" f>rtri r""'- n. WI..;..., Prlua> llin& Alucod,
IUid ... d.ulgba.<, Rurat ll<pm."]
.llUU.D SIL'tn.
the nwa WM brou;:bL from the DUbin tluL Z\iumo-1
l\lolk ,\Snf 16h, tho Nuzim of the D:>khin tubal, who :>Uso fii1N
tho offi<e of b""'l paymaster in the Royal Court, 30d whoeo son
0 Mzlu-d din Kh4n a< ted for bim, bad di,..J. 1 o hit pbM>, hi.8
young son Alunsd Khan Jnnq wa. appointed, ho
bcl"ore l\CIN with Alifaelioo Lo b;. for his father, wbrn
Niz&rnu-l Mulk cruno to Dthli in l\luh4n>ma.d time, and
thLI appointmmt was nud &1 once to pre<rot tho ehnee of :>ny
rdtellioo or ins11rrootiou br.-nking out, arnoog rival C3ndilatee. On
heering this newa, the Enoperor OO.towed on Abu-t Mansur
Kh6n &folnr JAng tho empty po;l of <l'tl::fr, \-aestod by I'tiul6Jo-d
daola's; and the vac-ntod by tho death of
NiUmu-1 i.\lulk, h be<to<.J on Zu-1 fikir 3MIJ!.
Tho sante d:>y, Jawt'd KMu, the hc:.d eunuch, who in ll time
of Shah bad the tntire onaua;;emeut of the lttTm,
nnd had tho nl-f to the womcu's apartmtnts, :111d altllou:;b SO
yearo old, could neither n>:ld nor writo, being contnntly in
the rn:.eooe of the Emperor, tl.ld n:pre.eoWd biro .. tf a. hein::
well up to busint.'IS and an man, (lrevnilt'd on the imple-
minll youth of an Emperor to appoint him dtiroglm of the
Dirdn-i I:AiilPI. a mn,> of 6000, thus rsalting him :W-
hi "'tlllll. The Emptror gove over tho entire mnnngl'-
menl of lito eounlry to biat. The No.wab, ,.ho 100 in th day
of tho fonno sovereign cnrried on a eecrot intito""Y with Ahroa<l
Shah's mother, who .,..... originally a daocing gut, now ot,.nly
governed tho ro:o.lm in concort with her, anti, contrary tu tho
cu.tom of all J,,,,.,.,, whore no mlllo don>t'stice ore allowed at
night, ho alway rem!Uoed in tho women's apartmenta l11l11ight,
and in tho d11y used to converse with low ehnractors, $Uoh M
lduj,uJuuiM, and did not luol< on the oohl<!l.
Cbrttrlr, qllnlilif4
arnllinltr!Je ofllt molh<r qf IM EmpYir.
U dluun B&i, tbe mother of Ahmad Shah, wu fi"'t introduced
into Mulwmm!ld Sbau's liatTfl io the beginning of hi$ reigo, and
YOL. Yut.
T.<RrlllJ-I ARMAD SllD.
rho ,....,;,tJ the title or UdbJ>m Blal, and for .ome time .. t
the favourOO. ono in tho aighL of tho Enapcror. But hor good
fortune d -rte<l her, and the C.ll w a au.t.o of abjecto... Slit'
the contempt or the "'"" ' lOI!l all Iter ltarac.-ler IIDd
aLnlibu, anc1 \\'118 not ovon at IML nllowed to aoo hfr Oll'll son.
Whtn, howtver, Iter ;on, Abroad Klaltn, tho throoo, her
t:u of propcrity daily incr_..,l, till at la.t h all
tho Bogama. Sbo WM first callod Bii Jhi SAhib..., nlkrward
"tho Parent of tho Pure, tho Lady of tho Sahib Jl SAhibn,
on whom bo !"'"""'! Then h \\AS .-alloo Hu:rat, al'terwaJod
Kibla-i ',\'lacn, in addition 1.0 the fonner titlu hdd in the de-...,. I
time, and nlthough dho hBtlalreAdy a mmwrb or t;O,OOO,
yot, owiu:; to tho iutinw:y abe ktpl up with tho Naw&b, alto
manage<! to hne the role of tlto whole Xntwida-
t:mding tho lowoeii!J of herori!:io, and the very bumblo !"Mition
wltieb sho hl\11 till latly tho fruits of her gonM'Dily ami
ooon b.oearuo kooWD and bnJ,..J. Firot of aU abe
g:>vo to :\11 tl.- younl{ ehildren of the dee"'- I Emt'"ror, who in
hi time I{OI no ffil)nthly pension, .50 " month. To uuwy of
th alae gut laN:"r ponions out of the
to many mol'll out of laor own prinle fund<: IUid ou
nny person who baJ mnnllgcd anyhow to bia '"'1/Co knoWD to
the bt'8towed thnrity. naviog callc<l lh famili ...
of lttr ehildr<n and e:mmlhiiJren, h clj,trihulOcl to tbm large
rnla or money, an! 6xocl monthly aalori'8 fur thtir mllin-
lontlndl. Ju 8bort, tho QuE'cn ami the look tho wholo
goernmont int., thir own ltAnl, anJ had
loft but tho tutpty till.
.. 'ktoml D11rrtiul IRMiou .
. \fter a<r:ol muntJ,., Abru ,J Kh&n Af.:b&n :::aio mole
hia with an army, nnd ero.-ing the lnalu,
direct for Labore. 'lu"lnu-1 :\1ulk marrhtt<l ouL front Lt\.horo,
ao<i el'O!P<io;; tho Ral with a lan;;e fol'<'t', wtnt to ntt<t him,
anal encam(llod two mil.,. from L&laore, where he threw up three
intrt'nchml'!lt.s. Ahmad Kbin, ei'OIIIIing tho Chincib
Jhelam, rcael1ed within six milee of hi& eamp, and tome
mart akirmi!hing iook plaoo; .Mu'inu-1 Mulk, -.'Cing thnt
the entrny't forct! wu 110 operior to hi own, would not eugn;o
in a lmttlo. Ahmad Kluin' force., in nil
laid the ,.UJa;;os and field on sida, till
they orri .. d iu the of Wore, doatroying all tho
lantry in its )[n'inu-1 1.00k no notice of this
de;truction to the country, it """' apparoot to his
The news of Ahmad K!uin'a auack spct-dily ..-hed the t:lrs of
the l\IIJ the OM=Ir, but no one of troops
to assiel :Mulk; on thu C<>Ulmry, tho ota:!11' W1all not a
little pl-.! to bear of bill ombamwmcut.
At laslnows nrrivO<llboll\lu'inu-1 Mulk bad, .-rdin:: to the
and instrnctio1111 of the ceded to Ahrnnd Alj;h{m
the foJur wrhdl uf L4hore, viz. Si8lkot, lrnMibacl, Par<anir and
\Vhieh bacl formerly belonged to tho ruler of Kabul.
N &sir Kl"n wa. appointed to ruanage theoe four mfl!.tilt ami oond
tho yearly rovenuo to Kabul. Ahuuld Khlin,
aliatied with this 3rl1lllj;l)nlent, quit lA...! tho Ponjab for K6t.ul,
aod rdlll'lled to
On day a number of opp...,...,J subjocu -..sembled themtrl voa
in tho OlnJliY court.ycu'll oppo!!ile Uaij Naw4lb's l'"tlff,
and waited thoro till he c:3me to w> to the Emp<'ror, when
they mol>l>ed bien and datniled All their srinliOl'<'S. Tbo
Nawib, u U!<tlol, tried to pnt tlmn oiT by fnir wo"ls nurl cl"toitful
proauies. and wi<b .. l to l'nlm thew tho }'&Ia", lut
was forcibly detained, his olotlw being bdd by the t.ooplL>, "h"
would not let him go till he ... uled for the I,.rmont of their
ftfi'I!CI.... llia clothct wtro tom to piecee, and tho
in tho laanl of tho oldi"" Tho ot'
1111> poya ;;rew alailylouMr. The Emptror went to Ua
motlur, ami thnt ho Wl\8 "Omtolotely overpowered hi
lrOOI'" aod hit reputAtion ...-... entirely gone : auJ tla rtfure
for asrul:luee from tho Qu-, EO as to from tbtir
imt.,rtu.nity. This guo rio to much discu.'lion. At l&.t,
ha.-ing IAkoo all the ontantont.a from tho three ho
tilcd;:cd them for monoy, to thu vnluo of &e\lllral far of " 'I'"""
but bo paid no ono thoir ll!llaries. The soldiers, on Aooount of
their wnnt of pay, and tho nobles through tho want of aome
controlling power inotmd of Uuir own aulhority, bee:uno help-
1< " reduced to oxtremitieo.
At this time Kiin1 Kh'n Af;;Un, who was lho cllief of
Karu10j and Farrukh&I>Ad, auol a noble in the Royal Court, who
held a ,,uv,..,b of 7000, and bad tho titles of K'iut Jang
1\a!mu-d daub, wboeo fat her had bold th..e hlllda
in tho time of tho former l'mperor, rondo atTt>ngcmont lor
\\llr upon Sll'du-lloh Kh&n, ton of tho Zamlnddr of AloiA 1\lld
in tho di.triet of &mbbal, on tho other 1ldo uf tho
(ian!!.., and got together a lalj;o force :wd artillery. Sa'du-llab
Khan h...ud of bis approoch, 11nd prepared to reoi.t hi. attaclc,
but 6nt tried tho effe<t of negoci.\tion. :But u K&int
Uu ouperiority in he ..ould not listen to any ucgocia-
tioo. A general batllo en.ucd. In the midst of tho baulo a
b:.ll lruclc Kllim and hirn. Sa'du-llah Kh6n rtlurtu<l wilb
in1n10n1o spoil to his own territory. 'fhe Emperor enltrtoiued
110 1\elings of dioplt:tSuro or ditti'I'II.S on hearing of this Lwoiness,
but tl w:ir seiuld upon tho favoumble opportunity for laking
r.,,.iou of tho hmW. of Ka!m Kh'-n, dtermioing that ..... b'1'81>t
a .onldr aa IUim bad h< o remu.-oJ, it should be a long limo before
>U<h another wok bill rlll'. At IA!t the Emr,.ror ba.l nothing
whotrnr to to anything that went on, ami tho Naw'b
in reAlity tho roi:rniog aoereign as far AS eonceme<l tho
umnn..:ing l11e rovcnut-s and goncrnl lllliUrs of tho eounlry.
'rhc l>mperor eonidcrod il to bo lbe most agroenhlo to him to
tul nil time iu nnd pleasure, tllld ho his :tiiUita
"" lt!(O that iL fur a milo. For a week tOJ:flhet ho
\\onll remain "'ithout -.oting the f&t't' of tillY oala and he
"uulllive in W. gardena fur ooo and two months at a lime.
&cond &Mila Mnflulr IIolkar.
Aft<.r the departure of Jang, AbJoad .Khin'a followers
put to denth the of Farrokltabii.I, who had boon appoint.ed
by tho H:q:lr. Ou heoriug tbi:l :1 6re was ldndleJ in the U":ir'
mind, and he det<-nnineJ to bke for himself of all
their IAndlt and hou!WS. 1'ho Rohillll.'l hAd greatly the suP"riocity
in numben1, and tb& <'t f'oree, unable to wilhst:lod them,
gave way. The mr:ir remained watebing his fon:o giving way,
Md 118 tho bottle dr&w near to him, hi3 cltpbanl was wounl'<i in
se.cral places, and he himtelf rec<i vocl a b>ll in tho ebin whieh
just gta7.ed the akin, his bc:nd,nud narrowly miing hi
luoed. Tho """iog thi, tumed the elrphnnt'o head,
e>rrind him ont of the battlu-fi.eld, nnd in ono day hirn
to tho noighbourbooJ ol' Kool, a Jiotanoe or forty milo,;, whtre hi
wound was hoalod. Tho .,,.,(J,.. of his :mny fled. from tho field
on oil aid<"!; uooo rrmaiMd with tho wr::lr. Tho whole ot' tho
tents and baggage feU into the hands of tho Robilla..
R&ja Tsri Singh, mMtor of 7000 hono, died. As be hac! no
son, his younger brother, l\l&dbu Singh, who was Jl'r:IDcbon of tbe
Rftn'- Mid had lived with the Rid Ml'e hio birth, w:>$ int:tlle.l
in his pi3Co. In tho confuion consequent on change of rulero,
l\lalh'r Holkar Moltntta Dubin!, who """' NJzit11 of the
J\11.hv& c:ountry, camo with " large foNO Mel oot down IK!fore
Jaipur. ;\l6dhu Singh, bcint: onnl.le to c:ope with ITolkar' (ore..,
tried the e!Toct of pl"loeful ncgodation; but llolkar would liton
to no tonn., oxoopt thoso of Singh giving up all hi5
and guns. in which - he promised to e\'laCIUI tho
country; if not, ho would t.'ko JIO'II<"lliou of the territory; nnd M
"'' ""rneat of hi:! intention, he laid wast.o the c:ountry of Jaipur
for about tn or twelve mill"', and the inhabitnnl of the tolfn
unnblo to got aupplioa of grniu and gmss. lUdbU Singh,
booin; Lh11s redoe<-.1, earn to Holkar, who..e men at ooee arizetl
nil his jowols Mid rnoney nnd plundon!d na they chose. Hnlkar
then dcnni-,ed U1 lt4j:>, and return lid to h!s own terriloi'J.
u arm. I Alll!AD SBA:U.
Tuo oro:lr .ant RAja Rrun UUS3io, hi tliii'ILI, and
Kiobor, who had Uao /U). of Beu!,'lll, to 1\talh&r Hollmr,
with a me..a,oo that he ought to him in pu.Whing th
inaJOdeooo of tho rebel ,Vghw. Th- two Ul!ed their ntm001t
of JlCI"IIIA!!ioo 10 inOueneo llolkar to oomo over tho Jomoa
by and wheu the .. !r!:lr board of lhia arrangement hving
'-a made, h" him5<:lf atarll>d, but thit time took none of
tl1o J6t.s, o"' with him. Ue gavo l11o whole cl13rge of tho foreo
iuto lfo)k.,r' hrmda. At that limo thoro w..o no groat "'"far of
note in RindU.otin who had a SUJ"'Mority OYtr the re.t.
l'h """'ir u.lld to go eomoti:ma to Holkar' tents, and Holknr
eamo to hia. Holknr left his tools two or throe mil.a ahead of
tho .. ,:Jr, and in this .. .,.y proc:td.d till thy .-hlld th
toootry of the Afgbbn.o. They had tbi.s tim rollretod together
a fureo ouo hunclrodfold ns groat 118 tho former oue. Hulkar'a
arruy, as it proceeded, bud wute the country, cutting oil' all
from the Afgh6n On the other of the
GMgea tho road iu tho band. of tho Afghans, "ho guiU'ded
it ou both 8idcs. A battle took placo betwoeo the two forces, but
Ahmad Khin Afgh6u was unable to withatan.! the and
n:untod along tho l""'ka of Uao rivtr, till be fo110d a forJ
where bo crosed, nud thcneo
The low no of Farrukbflbt.d, AlAitlir. and othen, fell into the
, .... -...ion of the .Dakbiolt. Tbty dt5troyad tlae hOUJ<.., an.! took
away Ill! plunder aU tbu guns, etc., and a Iorge amount of lreA!Iuro
which tho Ruhilla fon:c had been unBble to c:arry o.way with them.
Tl11 Afgbino, beean Uat tbe Dakhini foroo was u:nable to panu
tlom, tmcarnptd on the R(ungaowa. ne:u- B4rtilly. Tlao oco:ir,
CI'O!<,ing over the Ganges with his anny, went to nttaek tbo
Af;;llw5. Tho Dillini army rcmsinad oo this aide, and the
on the, otht.t side of U1.0 river. The IM:!r and
i)lftlh6r R6o 1cpsratcly in punmit of tho IU'my, which wM
cnrnmptd on the b:wka or the Hamgeoga. A running wu
up betwton the contending fo.....,. for aonml cbya. At laat
llav Afgb6na, from tbtneo with all their fiunilieo and
TA:lliAH-1 AU !lAD SU .CIL
to tho rMidenee of Kluin. Tho
H'a;:lr ami Malhllr followed them and biMkatled Aloia.
AhruJ Khin and Ss'dn-llab Khin firn in th., direction of
the Jumna, which i toWIU'dt the northrm bil!B, and h., a. for.!
M Uuryn, that thty eross tho ri vor theru, and having
Sirbind, might go on to Lahore. they were
afraid to nndet1ako this entrprise, from of the enemy. They
sent ofT their families into tho hilla, llnd hid Uromsolves in tho
thiekeost jungles of a &,,.,.t., whieb is one hundred mil"" in length,
and thirty or forl.y miles in brmdtb, and there remained con-
Tbe ''ietorious anny entrenrhe.l thernsdves ncr llrr""
jungloe, And held tlrem...<elvee in rtadin- for a During
this tinre the fo..- of the )Wtratta plittiog up into
smo.!l bodies, btogan rlunlrring Muricl&bid, :md all the cities
an(! patgmm of thnt pmrl of the country. These lllllell!!, lrl\ving
never been isiW by any plundtring army, had be<on in-
babitl'C! long time by mercbanus and bankers, wbo hod IJlU\.!!d
great wrmlth, which they kept in tberso cities. Tbo Oakhinl fol'llo
att11<k!'d Md rotuol\Cked tho whole country, not allowing a
man to .,.cape, and eery artide of money or 1ropert.y Lbty
eaniod ofF :u booty. .M<Wy of the old families were completely
ruined. of the oiiWI of moo, to IIIIVO themclvea
fro1n oommitted uicide.
The Afghin force, ..-hi<h ttmained con-ted in the jungle<,
now and then Mlliod forth lbc rcntlr tmopll, nud, having
modo attMkl, returned Lo their pla.e of lhelter. 'fhe
ont:lr' men were quite on the alert to attAclt in tl1eir tom; bnt
they eould not by nny meaut get tho enemy out of tho woods
into the open. '!'hoy then tried to blo<kado tbo foi", llnd cul off
all IUJ[>Ii"' of bot u they .-ived their aappli.., from
the JUja of Kuru6un in tho rear, tbo Af>l:hM army wu not in
tire le>Si li1My" time the =lr sent word to
the Rrij:r., to seizo on nll thoir snptliN; bi! message had
no t0<'CI. Although the ...,:}, had intrenched himaelf, wu
wntehing p:uienlly hi. lUld bod lrso sums of
TAllllrn-1 AlDL\D SH.m.
money in thia yet tho Emporor of gnve
himself not the about wlw ., .... goin!! on. Ho
'lt'&l employed cooumdy in pii'MUI'O and sport ; 3nd tho Nnocab,
who waa entrusted with tho wholo monagemeot of tho Empire,
Will busy JWlrolatiog in tbo publie mny.
When tho ..4mf,..,.f v111nni (Sa'&olllt KMn) retumc'<l Crom
Ajmlr, nod paid his rt!Bp'Ct1 nt tho Oourt ot DthU, Ito fouotl
the Ernporor'a eondition entirely. Tho .\'n..06 (J&wed),
in tho ab"ftloe of Ahru3d Afghan, of JJJr BaiMIIl
(Sn'Mnt J{hlul), who hlld gone Ajmlr to settle the
affairs of the R'jpu14, hAd ""''uire.J tueb an A<'>-ion of power
that it wa. olmost impo!<Siblo for him to havo more-to ftleh
A degree, in !Mt, tbnt when tho Bllkhltl wi.hll<l tltnL ho might
me ire some j6!Jlr and money l"'ll$ion in return for his ... rYite.
lllld the fortune whidl he b.,.J nreoded in tbo W3r, he Wl\8 Ull:lbl
to obtnio tho gmtiliontion of his wil, but, on tho
his rank and power bec:w1o 1omewbot dimiuihed. Although
h petitionod the Emperor, potitioDJI ,.ere macle ovtr t.o
tl1o Nmcab. Tho JJIIAAIII, who WM n miUI of good birth, ond
hGd uev.r been ..,.UJtomeJ to mnko hil tho
m.tium of any third P"rty, became grmtly tli>ll'l'>sc.l and
nnnoyed at this, nud relaxed in hia viaits to tho royal prccnce.
Tii seranlll prc;l him for their Jl'IY ; lout the Amir explr,ined
to them hi abject rondition, and sbowt.J it to th world, till
ht ho fortiOoo bill house with roc:kct.s anl other ami then
almt biru.lf up. .\nl it wu commonly report,..! that hG said
(wbetbrr true or fnloo) t.o hio friends, "There io no Em1.eror
hero. Why should wo go to tho dnrb6r of n ououeh, to bo
anl have our dignity l<.<senLIP To wbom Ehall I olalo '"Y <:38'!'
that I may 1., heard? It;, btttr t.o up nth He
then concerted t1 plot with l'tim&tln-.t daula, nnd tl10y botl
wibcd t.o bring the other nobiMI, who wre anytling but tatblial
with tho x and foand their dignity mueb ,,,...,nod by him,
to join with thent and creote an iusurrootion,
The Nmrub beard of tl1L. f>lut, and frightened tho Emperor by
TARrJm-1 .lRli-Ul SR.\U.
tho and ntlvised hin1 at once to del"'-"" Zu-1 fik&r
Jaug (Sa'a.Iat Khu) from hiJ rank and Ohuiu-d tlin
Wlll given tho title of .NI:tilllul .Jfidk atltl Amlrll-11111/lml, nnd
received lhe offiee of Jllr JPrk/IA/.1 and tho S4h<r./rlrl of
rtirnadu-d daub. obbin-d lla Sul.,tforl of .!jrnir ami Fnv<farl
of N(trnaol in the room of S.-.'8dnt Kl11iu with tlao titles
of Imtitm,..l JJ,tfk lf],dn-klulntit, bt-Ude\ all his foron<r titles and
rank. ThJ<i:l;,. of S!\'alat Khan, whida he bad in the
pl'lllfcnt reign, and which partly had bn in thu time uf
tho old Emperor, wore mourned. S:.'alt Khan wl\itod a fuw
.!:.yo rnorc, to - if b hoald btl restored to his fom1er di:nity;
but when lao found th11! it woultl not be 10, he soltl all his jowols
:Loti silver, p.1itl up llD<I di4ehargJ nil hL. 1ohliera, and requ ...
of Emp<ror penni--ion to go on a to )1..,.., he
pnto:>rt-d cnrytlaing for his journey thither. Tho Nr,.rtib
auodcd tho Bmporor to placo suns ncar S"'adnt Kh&n'e houe.
10 provtnt hi c:nming out.. aud no oue was allowe<l to go from
"'ithout to ,.a,it him.
On hearing tho newa (of tho npprooeh of Ahmad Abd&U), tho
Em(>''tor wroto a lettrr to the ot<..Ir, tellin:: him of tho iml"nd
ing war, 4Dd roqoesting him quickly to lini.h war with tho
Rohilll\9 and Ahmn<l, and then rl'turu to him. Tho lffl:Jr (S:>ftlar
Jang), before dais IHttr had arried, Md u-., a. h hlld IJW
what was goiu;: on in tho Paujab, opened urgociationa willa tho
CUNny, nod 011 the arrivnl or tho Emp<rur'3 llluer, ho rcceiloo
som Crom Sa'du-llab Khan Rohill!>, ond took frnm J, im
written promill<lS tO pay moro in tho futurr, on wloieb comli-
ho him to MJt.,in hi' ln.ruls. A lmaad KMn, too, \\1\!J
p<nnitted to kl!l'p his anrestml property, was grant!
him to givo all tho other IMds wbirh had lx:en ecit<od to
nny ono he ohoM. Having rondo in manner, Ito
rrtin..J. :\lahmtid Xblln, son of Ahmlld Kh&n, and tho brothrr
of Sa'du-llnb Khan Rohilla, ""me into tlao fl'il:ir '"rup,
their rrspeoll<, and thou dOJlllrlcd The Ku;/r foum
then toward.t Luckuow, and >ettl<-d tllllt pru<ineto.
T.<ulli:Ol .\OliAD !DUO:.
Tho news ot" Ahmod Ab<l611' rub. !lion daily Anl
tho from Luhoro brought ""rd dt:>t ;\lu'lnu-1
hud ocnt mother,.,,( family to Jnunnn, wh= they \l'ould
6Ut of rench of all pursuil. A II tho iuhbit.nnts of tho city,
tfdng their ruler lAke flight in thi rnonncr, off fornlli<'l
t<> I><hll nod other pen... to tho oouth-cast. When much no;:ocia
ti<U I..W hecu C'Uri.J on, and )!u'lnu-1 )lnlk beard thu Ahmod
J,aJ re.ldt&l the bub of tho 1 udlll!, and q;s iutcndin; to crou,
bo ornt him niue loa of
Ae the l"'Y of the dJicf offico..- and others in lite Ern(>C1'0r'a
tl'n'iC<l was very greot, nnd it hlld been allowed to run on for
twenty-two months, on the lith Jll\hi'u-e sl'tnl, tbo nnd
J""'ll' uf tho hnrtm, having ltft their po!ls, :.ssemblecl auho lArgo
gntt. which is C3lled lite Nte.w' nod, sitting down
OlofJied I hft Wllf for'llgt'l'l and the aurpJies of \\'&ter,
ttc., "loirlt ...,.,.. iu and 0111. A diaturi>ance
thl'l";>toed, and the Su:ir, Khan, lllld thu day .,nt
in his I'\Oi-.'Dlltion to the Emperur, becAU!e there were no
nml tho npcndituro from tho treuury was enormous.
.\Junod Abdlili, IMving his on the otlwr tide of
tho Ita vi, uoa!!ed over with his troops, and pitched his tcnt.l! near
L6hure. Jlln'lnu-1 Mnlk ol110 CI'O$sOO and in lite
!'\OAr of tho city, and prepnrationt wN'Ct modo for W.ttl. On tho lt
of Jucnida-1 &W11-al, Ahmad maJ a mo...,ment in M<"IIDCO "itlt
all li anuy, and" batt! took plate. Rija Kora :\lal ,..,..
t.i!l .. L .lialk, on bearin;; this aad n.,.s, ga..e up
hattl, and to roBerl that lioro :lbl, who had been tl
opf"'nent of peace, W&ll gone, and ae the Abdatu were fond of
munry, it would be J'ar givo deem anything they wish...t, and
pe11ec. lie therefore &mtt a meuago IA>llcia effocl. Alunnd,
that Ma'!nu-1 lltulk'e foreo was nil scattered, C<lllaiclen.-d
thio n faoul1lble opportunity. lie sent " message to l\lu'!nu-1
:Mnlk: "lly bll!inC'I\5 wu with Kora Mal: now tluct he ;.
JOU into the fort, and remain there. I bno nothing

TAB.rlrn-I l.1llL\D SIL\B.
to do with you or the city. The money wbitb l ba" demand.J
(rom you, do you gie me, either oolleell from tho or
from your own l't*>u..-; thclll will )[u'iou-1 Mulk,
being could not but eonsenL to e<tl')thio;; Ahm:ad
propos...J, Aluu:ad's men t<>ok or 1be city, which
tb<y l'l undortJ. .>\1\er A time, Ahmad, b:wiug mndo J>IWOIILM
to .dlu'lnu-1 Mulk, retired to Ki.bul.
Tm u tho title of tho momoirs of Khwnja 'A.bdu-1 Karim KMn
of KMhmlr, which full Mconnt of Uoo proooediD!,'tl
of NMir ShAh in India, and of tho reign of MuhammAd Sh&h
and AhmAd Sh&h. Part of this work lul been tn.nlared by :\lr.
Gladwin, nnd 311 of tho author'o to M-.
hns been given by M. Lnngles in his Coflrcli<JII
Yo!Jfl!JC4 (Paris, 1797-1836, Svo.).
Tho of <untenl!! will <how the lU!Ja-i
WaH' ront.ain valwabiP for the history of u,. perio.J
of which
It divirlod into live Chaptora, ooutttining tcveml
Chap. J. Ri!tory of M.dir Sb&h and hio mar<h to TiindU..tan
-Sec. i. Family of Nidir KuU U.-z; Ser. ii. Downfall of tho
Sofa vi Dyn,..ty, and r'-o of tho Soc. iii. Oontut with
Malik i\lohmUcl SbnbiHtani ; Ntl.olir Kull Beg obl.'linA the
title of Kh&n; Sec. i. Battle of Sht.h TahmLp with Uoo
Mghiwl who had taken po..ession of 'I nik and otl1r plAces ; the
power of tho Ka:o/MM, and death of Ashmf Shlih : Sec.
v. of TalunMp Kull 1\luin with thu nrmieo of
RUJIJ of tho 'furkouo&ns; depooitiou of King raJm&.p.
<Ue of Kin:; and other ennt.. of the oatu"':
vi. Contts of Tahmisp KuH Kh&n with the annios of
Rum, Buluclt 1111d Turkiattl.n, and hie overcoming the tl,_
anni .. , aflr baviog bceo defeated by NIUlp{ol P6..b!, the com-<'hicf of the army of Rum; s.,.,_ Tii. of
Nadir Kuli Btg Tahmisp Knll Khan to the throoe of Proia;
See- niL 'larch of Xidir Sb&h towanh Hindilstio, aud devna-
tatiou of the country; ix. Ho..lilities beLwcou tho EmJl<!ror
of India and t.lte King of Pnrsia: !re3Ly of 1!0:100 with which
coneludoo; Soo. x. Arrh-nl of beth kinga nt Doh II, tho
mtropalls of Indio, nnu tho cattSe of the gcnernl Soc.
xi. Events which hnppaned nner tho g9nornl mns!IMro.
Chat 11. N ndir'a return to Pel'l!ia, :wd vil<it to T6mn
and KhwArizm-&c. i. Departure of Nadir Sbfllt from Dthli to
Kabul nod Sind, nod the deliverance of tho people of I mila ;
Sec. ii. Evcnll which occurred duriog his stoy in Dehll; Sec. iii.
X6dir Sh"t't mArCh towar.l3 Sind, ruin of the couutry, anl im-
pri-onment of ill ruler; See. iv. X6dir Sb.i.h's punuit of Khud6-
yar Khin, f, ti.-al of N aaroz, with the of the plunder
of India, and lit of the presents dhlributed ou the .,..,...ion;
See. v . .M....,h of tho King from llir&t to Tumn, and it. oou-
qutot; Soc. vi. from lblltb towards lluldo6r&; S.C. vii-
Interview of tho Xing of T6.roin with Nlulir Slollh; S<oc. iii.
Ew>ta which oecurrcd duriog NAdir's stay at Dukham; Roc. ix.
of lho King from DukMra towards Oh&rju, nod his wnr
with tho rurkom(Wll, whom be conquered, with 110mo other ovnts
whioh happanod during period; Sea. x .\larch of Nndir
Sbub towar<U Khwari&m ; Sec. xi. Retum to and
1\larv; Sec. xii. Journey to M&znnd3r&o, aod the evcnll whiob
occurred there; xiii. Trans1ationt of the Olt.l and New
Ohap. lll. Deoeription of wlw the author in hit
journey from the capiul of Kazwio to the port of Uu:;hli-
i. Journey from Kazwin to B3ghd6d; S..oe. ii. Tombs of holy
men; See. iii. Aulbol"'a joumey to Mecca, ri4 Syria and Aleppa,
with" k6jifn; Soc. iv. Visit to aeroea tho deoottl; Sec."
ou r evnts which hllppenod 00 his W3Y Crom MI'CC:I lo lhe port
of llugbll.
Chap. IV. Evoota from tho nuthor'a ni'I"h'lll nt tho port of
1T ughll to tho do>th of Muhammad Sltlili- Sec. i. A ahort
account. of &ogal, et.o.; Sea. ii. Arrival of au ambassador from
Nadir Sb6.h to U1o Emperor; Sec. i ii. M:ll'C!h of Muhammad Shah
Muhammad 'All Khan Bol1illn; Sec. h. Account. of
Nadir Shah's death; Sao. Dcnth of the Nllwab Znlmriya
KhAn ; Sce. vi. E><podilion of A11mad SMh, D11rrani ;
Sec. vii. ll'lArcb of Ahmad, son of Shah, to oppose
Al1mnd Shah Durrlw{ ; Sec. viii. Battlo between Sultan Ahmad,
sou of l\lubnnun!>d Sh&b, und Ahmad Sh&h Abdiill ; Soc. i.<.
Death of Mnhllmmnd Sh!ih, lllld a short nooounl of his aooostora.
Chap. Y. which happened during tho reign of Ahmad
ShAh-Sec. i. AeCOlUiion of Ahmad Sblt.h to t.he threno; Sco. ii.
Death of Null11mmnd 'Ali Khan Robill.a, tbo contests between
his aons, nod tho quarrel of 'Alawi Khan nnd Nawub K&im
Klu\n, son of Nnwiib l\1uhrunmad Khan B.'>ngasb; Sec. iii. Short
of Nawl'lb 'Alawl Kluln; See. iv. of Jawed
Khan N01w&b Jlah&dur, und tho battles foogbt. by Sa!<Lu- Jaug.
The conclusion oontnius rnieeollauoous matter relating to
ccrtnin marvels, t be 5aW8 and sayings of wiee men, otc.
( The enlir:e work wns translated for Sir H. l\1. Elliot by "Lt.
PriehBrd," a.nd (rom tl1nL tmnsbtion the following Extracta l!avo
been taken.]
SIZB-146 pages of 19 lines each.
Na.lir 5Mb had sent lltuhamru:ld Kb6n on llD embassy
to Muhammllll Shah, Empe111r of !Iiud(ist(ln, But on llll<:ount
of the dilferenco of opinion oxirt<!d among tho nobles around
tlt!Lt a long timo elr<psed, no answer to tho letter
wu forthcoming, and tbo amb3S8ndor hitusclf did not return.
1Vhen Nadir eonidered the mntter, be c:uno to tho conelusion
tbnt hostility tow3rds him wu intended by the nobles around
tho tlmmo or llindustfon, llllU ho m:ldo up hie miud to marol
againt Kabul.
n.n.c;.J w.nrr.
Jr7.,,, lxfdl 1M aft<r mg arriml nl 1Iu91Ji tmlil ih rlnrtlo of
. Mttftammnd Shdh.
At tloia limo, in <Onsequeuc:e of tho weakness of llia lllajusty
MuhBmmad Shflb, tho want or unanimity amont; his nobloe,
Uw of tho l!altmllall of tho south h..d spread theuto"IYOI
over l.knb"'l ; and B6gltli fell into their hruuh. I bad oc,...iou
to'otor at the city of Firi.hd,up (Chandem:.gore), wbieh u in
bahit...t by a tribe of Freuchm<D. Tho city of Caloutc...._ "hich i
on tho otlttr aide of lhe ...,.t.r, and inbobit<ld by a tribe of' En;;lih
"bo han Mttlcd there, ia much mo,. lllld thickly ['Opu
lAIC<! than Firisbdinga. All tho different tribes of
lmvc got rliffonmt namoo, auoh ns tloo Fmosis (Freualt), ,\ugnoz
();:nglih), Walandlz (JTollandolil), rmd l'llrtngis (I'orluJ;'Ilt'l<U).
Tloe dtlightfol gardens whioh tho mt>ke, with a numbtr
of tr.><s gl'el>l and small, nil cut with large sheans :wd kopt in
onler, u in their own tountry, aro uc:et'dingly phin;.: and
rtfmhing. Tbe reason why th<y hue .., OWlY gardns i, that
a k)l'lmto fiunily, or ooo 1<! of inhabitant!, li.-.s in a at)l'lmte
hou.. Thrre i no difference .. to be ob,..,.,e-1 in any
of their mAIIoers :utd eusloma; they all jUJt as they
do in their own country. They hM'd churchC'!!, too. whcro thty
porfuru\ Divino aervico i11 cougre:;otions, and everything it
in similttr way o.econlin; to custom. :a.Inny trutloe
mou nud professors of difforenL aru have como from Eurore and
taken or their abode hero, and O<'CU)l'llion in uukiu::
carryin:: on their ttadJ! u tlY lo in thtir own land. A ::-reat
many of the Bengali3 have becomo 1kilfol and expert from l.<io;;
with them arprcnti.,.,..
At thry v:eel in oilier aru an I so nl..'O in a mililory
point of nro lho Europr3u distingulslll'd. 'fhia tho
l\tnhrlllw know well : for allloough thoro is so muoh protwrty
and bclongiug to l'<lmrnercial and \Vealtby men of
throe plriA in ant! llDl it woultl only !10 a
journey uf two 1>01 from Uligbll to FirbhdAn,"U, a01l although
KJIW&J.l 'ABDl'L K.\anr lillX:li".
tho ba\"0 DO fort, &I'll o few in numblor while tloe
)IAionatttU &ro.., numcrouJ aa antJI or locust.!, yet, in 1ite of 1111
thi., tho 1\[nhr:nt.a.s see tho unanimity nnd concord th:lt
among tho Europelll)s, nnd do not attempt to "l'Jlroacb tlorno,
much to them. 'floe fight with :;utili ant!
muket; boot when the limo fur tlSing the sword cllno.,, they
an- at tli,ruhantage.
One grt:t.t reason of tho ormi .. from the south in .. tling
i the of Xawab '.\liwardi Kh!o wilb Naw6b
Sufmz KloiD, son of :'\a"ib Shuji'n-d daula. Sartaraz
Khan, aft,., the death of hi1 fnthor, '""" induced by thr tcmp-
t.lltion loehl out by hi! to loy violent hands upon IUltl
injurt II6ji Ahmad, brntlwr of thi 'Aliwardi who hod
b<'l'll 11 t'Onfidrntinl friend of Naw6b Sbujoi'u-d daulo. 'Aiiwnrd{
l\h6n, too, bod been on hnn of with Sbujfl'u-d daniA,
an ..I was rpointed by him to uana:;o tho of '. \:timaMd,
in tho office of dtputy gonmor, and was so employed wbeo ho
umrdoed lowa!W :\lunhidib!W, fur the purpose of with
the 800 or ht. patron ou tlte improtriety of beiog inJo<td to
opprtu and 1yran.nize onr hi dt)"'nJent. by tho illy poe<h,..
of men, and wi1h the hopo of being able to dtlivcr
llAjl Almoatl from bill diffieultiri. Sarfor{Lt KM.n WM conoplot.oly
po<ll><3cd with tho idea tltnl loo Willi oomlng nod dis
hunet intcntioll!!, lllld marched out of Mu.-.hidabM to m<'<'t him.
An action IO<Jk pl:occ between tlo two armies, in whi<h Sarfnri:t
Khln wa. accidentruly killed by a onu.kotball fired by one of hit
own m<n. Hi army was ocau.NJ. Of hi. friend! and offieeno,
..... killed, others wrnt taktn pri,...ners, :md part fled.
Now tho followers nod friemuof S:uianh Khan say, tlull 'Ali-
ward! Kloln mad WIO of tho imputation ""a mean of ad-
vanring hi own viewa, lltltl thnt, though apparently bo como for
tho purpose mercly of bnving an inturviow and giving Advice, in
renlity hi intention 1vas to izo upou the property ami the
tiro of Kh&u. A l any nato 'A.Iiwllrdl EMn be me
mMttr of tho country and treuure, with alllhe we:llth of Ja'far
Khan, who bad fonnerly bern St.IJ<rJar of D.:ngal, and ....,.
the pn.Jrather of Sarflll'liz Kh6n by mother's aide. The
accumulated tre""urc of Sbuj&'u-d dllula, am! all tho
vnlnnblcs Gnd property of S..rfAniz Khan and his sernuls, f.n
into tl1e hand of 'Alinnli Kh(ln, anJ Gud alone kno'" bow
much it,...,, By dilltribotiog mony nod with kindneos,
by keeping on good tQrns with mil, anrl bohn.viog discr.>!'ily, ho
completely gnined over to his c:a'"" the hc:u1.< of all men far
and near.
Aficr tlu..., cvento, !lOme of tho relnthes And dependent of
Sarlhr(lz .Kh&u, who hat! fled mud thcu1selvl'8 from fc.u
of b<oing punkhed ami iuju...,.J, ""'"and took with
Ksaf Jab Babador :-ii16mo-l )lulk, ro!or of tho rrorincu in the
south ; and hM-ing led the troop of tho )lahrattu by
the roal of Orissn, they caused gr<"'l injury ond mis<>ry to I.e
infiietcd. oo the ioh:.bitant. and l),,, ruler.J of tho time.
The lire of laughttr wa. kind), I b.-tween tl t'II'O p:u1ies, and
the live of many of '.Aliwnrill Khan's army and a fow of the
6oldier. or the Dllkhin were .,.,.ificcd; t.ut, considering the
ot"'o;rth and finnoeg of the Governor of neithor p:lrly
""" !.o o&id to !.ave got the victory,
As tho rainy senson was tl1e Dakhini troop, were
iu anxiety about retunaiog; nbaudoned the CllfltCSl-,
tumd their r ....... outhw:anl, laden witll tho amoun'
of wbido is beyond UIJ power of dt'leription. 'Ali111-:u-di Kb&u,
from fcnr of war, pMifying tho nobles nncl tho Emperor by
monos of p"'scnl8 of and n'<juested that the
filJG,i.J,-.Aop hooLI t.. ghcn to him; and be exerted himsdf
with ;:n;nt acrinty in reducing thuJiroviu..., to obedience. :\over-
tho!...,, tlw M.hrnttn troops. who were fond of ,!;ood living, nntl
well experienced in everJ thing j;llod bad, them-
selves ou Lite frontier, aod came yearly committing thtir rava:es.
At W.t, afir fighting and qun,.,Jiin;:, :111d afkr mueh decdt h:.d
boon prnctised, tbuy Mme to M llgteerucnt on this J!Oint.,
that tho (lrGYioco of Ori- should bo mado over to Uce Malt-
'fOL. TIU.
'.IBDU-L 11:.\Rr M lOJ.rN.
rattas in exdum!; for fourth ohart> of tho ronnnes of lknglll.
whieh in the langllllge of thdr oountry is called clmut/1. 'Aliwnrdi
wu to keep the l'f'St.
&ngal it an estaoive country aoJ fcrtil. anol pt'Odo., a large
rovenne. Tho climate, however, ia very damp. on lloCCount of the
qunntity of min tlmt falla and it.o prorimlly to tho erut
Tbe inhabitanll of \hat diatrict, like thuoe of K:aahmir and
!llbantl:.rin, live cbio8y on rice. On tho 1st of the month
1\luhamun, in tho year 1166 .-.u., I loft MureloidAblld, nf'tcr n
110joum there of aeTen months, and M I W1L!>id of the 1\lah
ratt.a troop!', which "'""' IC3l.Lered over that part. of the connlz),
I cro""od tho river, 11ml &tt out in the dirootion of 'A1im6h(vl
(Potna}, by wo.y of Pureniya and Tirhut. Although tho in-
babiWits of Pur.wjya ulfer under ehronio di- from the
unlalthinl'Sa of their climat<t, yet, u the Naw6h S:>if Kh!I1,
brollwr of Kh!on, kt'll[>S his didtrict in completo ordor <1nd
di.KipUne, they are free and untouched by other umiti ...
The city of 'Azimabi.d (Patna} il a mll-populab!d 1\11d clean
place, and tho watore of the <hugea and Jumna, nnd oil tho cnMlo
of tho di.stTict round, collected together, Sow by the city, auolthen
take their cour<e through Den;:al to the ;re-t ocean. The
Europ<o:ua hero havo boil' good hoW!eS, nnl atO engogt'd in
commerce. 'l'ho le.well uf the liJ'O very good heroo, and
they earry them hand by hAnd to di.tant plac . The rice, too, of
'.A7.lm6bad il nloro ta.ty than that or Bengol, :md the rich men
buy it nnd it.
l'or !lOme time the b011lth of the Emperor bAd taken tum
for the 'lifO.,..., and P""'ing leuerw were ntly wriurn to the
1hyoicillll, Nawab Ho.kirn Al01i Khau, to oome with all
'"' c oct out from 'Azim(,bfld tognthcr, and P.'"ing by ll.nnl'e!!,
.AllahabU anl Farrukhibid, wo nrried at the city of
Shab.Jahin&W.d on tho lOth uf tbe month Jumlida-, in
tho y3r 1160 .\.IL, 3nd .,..ted &om tho of wAndering in
tho jungl .. and moasuring the d .. ert. The governore of proin-
aoJ the of!icc..,. of police in were not in any way
W3Jlting in the nnd polilooc<o, kindneoJ and ntltntion,
th3t they ahowoo to the Nnwdb Haklm 'Alawi Kh(UI, ou account
of his nntaral lvnimr, and fame, in which
they followed the example of the ""d rulers of tho
Kings of ( rAlt, R(un, Arnbi"> and Yaumn, and tboy exerted thom-
lttlvt'll to the utmOett to pie<>._.,. him.
At thi time the n.bnJ6r or governor of .Allab'"'d wu the
Nawab Amir Khan 'Umdatu-1 Mulk, pillllr of tho Stille, nod
thi appointment of governor was not J>lerutiog to him, nor WIUI it
a<rdiog to tl10 Eml"'ror'a oom!IWldo: but to
K:>mnt-<1 din Khan or rrime and Nawab
lf.SAf J6h Bab&lur, be bad on this pruteneo sent him n ltmg
way from the Court. For Amir Khan ras a..-;.., and intelli,,nt
man, nud "'M ecry day ..ctlin; the Ernfl"ror agnioai the Naw6.b
Kamn-tl dfn Kh6n 11nd tho l\lugbnl oud 'furnn nobles. Dy tho
forco of bM oboervatiollll, Bnd exccllnt judgmtnt of cbara<tcr,
he wu gaining his object ; .. they banihed him from Court oo
pretence of gi..;ng him the <IJ;uffuallip of AllihAbAd, wlticlt had
been sottled upon him for 110mo time.
the lapu of a certoio time, this Kit an adopted a wondrnnl
expedient. Bo to Court :Sa<&h Ab6-1 llhnur Khfn (!"ufdu
who wns oommuder-io-chief (Sdhib Jmr!J) of the ft6ni
troop!!, and able to oppose the T6r6nl, from Ilia proinee of Oudlt.
Ho hitn"<'lfrepairod tbitbtr (to Court) at.o, aod having ginn tire
appointrnrot of commllllder of ctrtillery (1/Jr-dlis/1), from whioh
Nawab Saiyidn-d din Kblut bad ejected, to S.Ud:>r JBng
Dllh,dur, be aceordiog to bi former matom, to
in oil hi objects by mean of his tloqutnca and snbtloty of
But one dny, 'l'hunodny, tho 23rd of Zl-1 hijj:., in the
year A.H., onr' of hi o"n with whom be h. ,J a
of long rtllnding, a. wero in tbe tublie hall of
nudicuco nenr thu J uti Gnto, woundod him in the aitle, nnd .eut
bim to eternity.
Kl!WJ.\ 'ADDITL K.\Rnl =
Emba#y front Ncidir Sfllih to lltt Emperor.
1\tahmtid 'Ali l3cg and 1r.lunud Klkrlm Beg, who hlkd bc<>n
sent by Nauir Slu'ih, nrrhed nt Court, 11nd hod tho honour
or Lhe threshold of roy.Jty. They brought with them
one hundred elephants, nod swords wiili golden handles, Meording
to the custom of llindlist.W, 1111d gilL JXtars and other golden
wellJXtDS which wore foreign lo Pmin nnd not genemlly used
there, "" well 35 " leltor full or expr-ions or friendship, and
them before the onligbtoning eye of nnjesty. Thoy
wore honoured by the gill; of ooveml precious roh<ls of honour.
After n ww dnys, they said tbnt Nadir SMb hlld sent a
,crhlll me!Sll,<>e t.O 'he effect, thnt iu consequence of his wo.ra io
Tlirlin nod Rum, ond Ute lnrgo nrmy bn kept up,
nucl bit h:.viog romittod tltre6 yonrs' revenue LO nU tho JXtpulntion
of t run, his trensury wll!l empty, :md if be (Mubnmmnd Shah)
would send fifl.y or sixty l!fC$ as n bolp to him, iL would be on ncl
Ill' grt!Bt fricntlship nud brotherhood, nnd he boo sont tho
elephants and the goldon :.rticle.s for tho purpose of getting the
money. As there Wll8 no mention wbntover made io tho letter
nbout tho money, l\luhMtmnd Shah clearcd the account by hit
nnwer, which wns : "When my brother Ute King uf
Xings wns UCJl"rting, he l!lliU to lilt), Everything that comes
written in 1> is right !IJIU proper, but verbal mossng!::!l nre
never to bo dcJXtnde<l on.' However, on account of tho womirne.."'
of my kin;rdom, nnd the boo behnviour :md e>'il dcing;r of my
ruloN nnd rebellious :urmi11ililr, I get no revenues nt all from my
ptovinees, nod my OXJXtndituro exceeds my income. Thia 8Dbjoot
il! not mentioned in your letter, nod therefore a vorbnl nnawcr is
ouite<l to a I message." The Obiun vessols, aandnl.wood,
eta., which W<'nl written for in tho letter, hd sent
with great core. Alibongh he weighed out the money of his
IUIBWer with words of ciruurnRpeclioo, OeV\lrthele..s, till thu newa
of N6dir's deall arrived, nobles, lftr..ln, ilio Emperor hiUlSolf,
nod eu bcggnn;, wero io nn noxiolll! stnte uf raind.
B.1TA . .'(-I 'II"XKr.
Jlorrf,r of Naora6 O.r4Mr. Batt/, Xn.,..ih S.rfrJ,r JtmfJ
anf lhf Hob/,. of .. 1.111110d Sluill. Ik<iroil'ull on J pi" fr q(
IM old rity qf D.M.
J6.wod Kh6n Nawab B:lh6.dnr, lhe eunuch, was of
gelling into hia own !rands, and willrouL a p.ulncr, tho wlwlo
direction of tho OovornmeuL of tho country, with tiro as-iIJmro
of N11w6b Kudiya, mother of tho Emperor. Tho Nt\w6b Safilnr
Jang Wn-.Jr-1 'a:.rm alao wM desirous of doing tho Mme thing for
So both the.<o men bec:lme enemies to OM another,
nnd raob 1-.aitcd for an oppcrtunity of provonting tho othur from
h.-lug a oloiU'er in the Go-ernment. l'iawM.1 &f,l:v Jt\Og Wlb
the fin1t to nnd <:riled into tho city Suraj :\tal J fit, openly
on tho pntenee of eononlting him taki.u!! ami .. uin!! in
order the rapital of tho Empire, but ...,-etly 1111J mally with tbo
objeet, that if tho Emperor's men :md li>llowen1 obould bczjn to
rai.., a they both together might be aiJio to extinooih
I he IJante of oppoition.
Tlroy nt a to tho Nawab B:lhtid11r to thi t-ff ... c. chot
without him they eoultl not on the nJfain1 of cho
Emplro. So, on tho 27th day of tho mouth Showw(,l, in chl
year 116/i A.H. (28th August, 1762 A.u.), ho ropnirod to tho
bouao uf tho :Jftdk, where !boy killed him In n prhtUot
closet, and clcrow hie body into tho river. 'fhe fillow"'" Qf
,,,sr "-'lit! thnt hia de:\th in this way \\lU tho I'I'MOU why tire
oiAughtrr on<l plunder wns not 50 b3d aa it \\ouhl othrrwio
lcAVo bt'<'D; betau"", in the evfnt of "batlle ami coute-ot tokio,
tic royal f<>rt, whieb Wll8 his an<l cho
<lwcllin!:-l<ou- of th eitiuns, would hno been oacked, and
nry many men on oocb .ides would have bee-n kiiiN.
thit event, N:.rib Kudsiya, who had been <f
Xawab lklh6.dur, uhibited her <llipleaouro. But lice JJ'11:lr
oeut to '"Y tbot in this matter bo W!IIJ not to blamo, bt't'nn
the phyoi<ion, Tluk(m Sh&ki KMn, had brought n ,-crbol
froon tbu Empnor to the elfeet that tho tiling thnL could bo
KUW.&J.\ 'ABDU-L L\1\UI K!I..CN.
done was 10 lo1hnd get rid of J6wed Kh6n. lle bod reprimaodeJ
tho rhysieion, and made II aklou AJmal Kbin his phyaiebn in
rootn. During the month J umlula-s in the year llGG,
there '""" II between tho ..,.;Jr and the :Emperor,
and the euemieo of tho t<Wt:lr apprised tlio Emperor in runny
ways that it waa &fcbr Jllllg'l intention to -t on the UtnJOe
.Buland-ak.htar, brother of ;\fubatnrnad Shah, ho wu
of tho l!aJIIO soot wiUt himself, -riz. a Sl.t'L 'l'be Emperor
ac<rdingly commandeJ that tho c.r;;ir ohould be dero-J front
his office of comutandnnt of Thi mea.uro hu did not
approoe of, and uked tr leae 10 go towart!a Ouclb, to put the
country in otder. Tho Emperor aod tho onomiea of Ute u-a:lr
looked upon tm. a. an pieec of goo.1 fortune llll.l a
secret viewry, 80 they forthwith aont him B khifal ond loiiYU to de-
1>31"l delaying and lingering, he determined that it wu not
nd,iMble to go to tho province, and holtod in tho eity, but tho
:Emreror had laid this injunoliou on him, that he would go to hit
own provinee, vit. Oudh. 'Vhon Uao qunrrol bot\l'oon tho parties
became known, tbe Nawib W nil', from fear the TUrin I
cltiefa, along witb the Emperor and common people, shoultlattnuk
him, leA. tho city witb alJ hit property aud baggage, and hall<
fur tome days in or tho garden of lamn'fl Kb&o aud tho
T6.1-bl0ra aod Khiuib&d. Thit delAy and waiting was plann .. t
in otder lh3t Sursj Mal J't anigbL arriYe. mon be came, ho
hrgl'd tho Empel'llr to nd 'lmt.du-1 Mnlk (Gbulu-d diu) anl
lntitimu-d dania to bim. and to toll Naw'b Kud6iya w eome
oul or tho fort and tllko up her .. Lode in Uto ltoll54 or J a'rar
Kh!n; '-11$0 ,..... well known to &rdar Jang thaL duulA had been tho or tho firing of mutkelil on
tbe dar or the r tl, and Nawib Kutlt.iya, in COIIH')Ueuco of the
anurdor of Nl\w6b &laiuur, hal bocomo tho enemy of hia flllllily.
The eau.c or s.t.tar Jang'a rurl-ure with 'Jmadu-1 Mulk Alir
.Bnkhshi was this, that nL tho death or his fMher, Nawib
Ghizlu-d din Klaiu d..,.....J, Safdat Jang haJ in.flntoeod tl
l:mptror, and bad fteOO from couliacnLion the and land of
BATKN-1 'W.aT.
'lmidu-d :aiulk, and had procured for him tho ofliec of JJI,.
BokA.AI, notwithwuling his youth. Be:UJes, ho had adopt..!
him as hil too, aod was his f'riend io all matters ; but for all
that he wold not his patron. The abort of tloo ntattcr is
that the Emporor unt thUs :w3Wer, " You obtained IMvo to SO
from 1 hil proviuco and went ; and now, for tho sake of obtlliniug
MSistanco from Sumj lllnl Jilt, you vex mo in this way."
At this oriei, the Jut men begnn to iujuro and pluudor tho
old city. Ahmed Sh6h seut for Nawab Zoi-1 6k8r, who for a
long limo hn<l been out of office, nod !iring in idlcnm at home.
lle hod hint conducted to hi3 presenco with all honour, with tho
intcnlion, that if -.rtttlr should ftbel, be would appoint him
to tbo office. Tlto next day Xnwab Snfdsr Jang eodt,.voured to
work upon the rapidity of the above-mentioned ruM, by holding
out thil hope to him, that if he would come oor to him, be
Muld couf<'l" upon him the office of .Mb- BaklrAI, from which
'JmAdu-1 !\Julie had been der-d.
When l!ll, amall and great., were of opinion that Safdar Jang
would be ictorioua, Zu-1 6k8r J:wg ASked tho Emperor for !rave
of absence. On pretence of going to pay a vidiL to tho tomb of tho
!ninL Sb(lh :Mnn\An, be wont and joined Ute fca<lr'l army, nod
engnged iu robbing nnd plrutdoring tho old city. At:COrdiogly
Alunnd Sb6h &Mdur, acting upao tho opinion of hi ntothur and
the noblee, bestowed tho offiee of coruotGndnnl of l>rtillery upon
Nawtib &mAmn-d dnla, rou of the late Kltin-duriu; nod the
kloifnl of tho upon U1a Nawtib Inti:r.Aotu-d daniA, eon of
Kamru-d din KhAn 1he late om=J,.. Narib S:uJu Jang, on
1hk, wu atruck with and took a young eunuch,
who bad be.utifol feotumo ud a good figure, and was about
thirteen yflln of who had been lately purchued by Nadb
Sbuji'u-d daulll., aod calling him Akbar Shtih, pla<".J him on
the and oontituted bim.self Wa:JI'. Zu-1 fik!r J :mg
ho mado Mlr BaMaM, and the other nobles be appointed to 1 he
diiTcn:nt office", both gtMtt. and mu:ill.
from tho 6th of tho month Rajab, in tho year 1166 .-.n.
and oontests commroc<'<l in varnrst. But how
call it fighting, when on tho oitlo of So.Cdnr J11ng there wero
60,000 laor!<lmen, llD<I tho hrul only omnll body or
mou, nrul they too, by of tho atnmgth of their cnomits
nut! tho wcakncu of their own p.,rty, wero Out
J rnw.t r.lato tho nctory of tho weaktst, :uuong my r<JN of
utraonlill3l)' inoidento; and tho rmoon why lb .. e alre3<1y half.
Nnqurrod and almo,t unanne<l men obl:lined tho victory. and
thr otLo"' wbo eonsidrn-J tho"tn!tle al.....ty eonquero,.
was 8PJl'lfOOtly tlai, that Xawab Saftbr Jnng ptre<-inl,
whcn he considered tho sUit .. or tho or the old rity, !1nd
tho 8ullillu!lSi! of tlao o.nuy, and WilDt of money, thnL !hoy
woultl of their own necorcl roturn to their nud
eo, "hi lot ho was in fear nnd nnxioty himsclr, ho inetilltl fonr
into the minds of chief.<, and did not eoiiJlidtr it ndiblo to
an attaek till in tho day, whm lblaunid KMn of
K11hmir, Bteward .,r Xawab 'lmadn-1 llulk, Ham &lhtawar
Rlu\n, and tile n:LuioDB uf Llae xa .. ab Kadsiya anJ otlat,.,,
t.avin; .,i.oed a large anny, and eniiN together tho laudt.uldrN
from tbP di.trict III'Oaud, BU)'J>Ortc.l by tlaoir nrtillery, ti"'Y took
up their pooitioo so,. tu hlll<'k up tho l'lltrnnce into eity.
Accul'\liugly tho of tlao city, with a viow to obtain-
in:; proteetioa for tboir fauailiMI nntl prop<rty, nnd ou of
their being of tho ""m" a-d and kincln.d tribe with tho
from the anny ol' tho rm:Jr in troops; 110d witlt Llae hape
of obtaining p,_n'-". di'M5"' nf laooour, anJ inc,_., of I"'Y,
eottn.'l tho omco .,r 'Inuidu-1 )I olk. Tlao ti'O<I(I of
),.,,..., e>IIN the dli.!Jhi

whkh :Sawab Sa'adat Kb&n anti
S3fdar Jang IJM leA. Lehind, lau ('Jm&do.) ktJil in ['rfL'('t
or<!"' 11nd nppointed )lalunud lOuin to thcir comm:md. Not
witlut.anding this etnto of ntg()(:iatlons Cor pcaco Wtul on.
Dut tho Jl1t and KntnlblaJlh $oldiol'l! ccducod to -.hes tlau oltl
<ity nod WakUplirand other plar.,.; aud tLe Naw&b opr<M
I (Bru.lod w\IAIM I.UH d.o (o),lbo iA>IW of S.'iol.u Kbb.)
B.\Y\li-1 WX!tr.
l't'!"'rt Lllllt ili.y haJ !:One to lhe{r Gate. So the
<itiZQIII\C'tre in a dil<mma <>o both sides. thtJi.t
aoJ KualbUh aoldi<"lw were carrying on tho atc.ack; it11ido, tho
Emp<'I'Or i.suod an ord<r that tlte of rotn wh<> jtoine<l
tho ahoul<l be teizod. On tbi.! pretest "iolcod and ill-di ...
P<>acd <oen followed their <>Wn devioca. Tho fil'!lt thing that
bapponecl hmnecliaw\y ou tho Emperor's ordor being it.uecl wu
lloat tho houtca of tho MnB of lltabmud dooet\lted
woro plundorod, btN31L<O thnt from their houses 1>1\lla nut\ rookot.8
fell by night upon the mmports, zmd in lhis way a world of 1100plo
wero injun..! awl wounded. Ad e>-ery one knew tbnt he WIIO
ilia brotbor-in-\aw of Naw(,b Shujti'ud daul:., son of tho tt'<J::/r,
who ><at with tho Emperor, they all bad lett their llunilicoo :wd
projl<'rty there, aod plundered. Somo peri>hed loy tho
&w,t, and oonto wtre drowned io the riHr. Tho thin:;
b.:arpenoJ to the huuoo of tbe Kbw&ja :\hbmud Bail, "ho
tho -t'iritual guide of the tro:ir. His house was outtido tho
city wlii!J, ami "" ho haJ l't'Cei"ed. a from tho omzlr to
k<tp hia minol ftL bo h:>d not rnonod out of hi place.
Tho J6t who wcnl by tbo nnmo of R6mdAI Among
pcoplo of tlont part, llUBckod his loou>e, ond onrried awl\y tho
property of :t number of moo who bl\d left their goods
thi bo.'eamo tho aouri.'O ot very great nftliction tu tho ['<'Oj>lc.
Oonileriug tho quttntity of property lhM woa t'Olll'Cted nc:ar
thr Kashmir Gale, which looked upon M a 1111f
the inhabitant ol' thot part may be .aid to bovo be<o tit wol'llt
olf. .\II, omllll and gn-31, !.eame involved io oonfU>ivn, Md
be;ao to oontpt..iuu and lameut.:atio01 ; lllld the
or the [<(le .... lib 11 \n-<ck, (@r ...... " in tho pMS<nce of Dim
who hears tloo prayers of all in deep th;< bad 110 r'""'
<>f refu:;e. At thi crii.! Sajlb Khin Rohilb c:uue "ith lO,UOO
horoo nod foot in Answer to lho Emperor'! cAll, and on tho
of tho month above viz. Sha'bin, he arri._od in oamp.
lamll'il Kh&n of lU.bul, who was .JIIr-hamMr to tho Wa:lr,
cud hntl n in tbc bouse of S:UO.bat Kht\n, rnndo n mine
Kll W K1 A 'AllDU-L .!Ul\1'}( KB&N.
under the lower of the city '.all, whidt w:>S ruljoining the bouo of
.KilJll:ru-d dln Kh6n, where tbcro was :> bo.ltery of the Emperor's
troops, aud on Ute 8nl of Shn.'ban they fired it. Notwith-
st.anding Uml il did not prodnoe sueb Ulliversnl doslruction ns
rnight bo expe<Jted, yet !llADy of the Emperor's followers, tho
ser>'n!lls of 'lmf.dn-1 lllul.k who were n.ssiating them, and who
were at work trying to frlllltmto the enemy's design, wore de-
stroyed ; 3nd a crowd of wen were wounded ond in de-
otroyed by tho stones of the tower that wore blovm up in the
di...,.,tion of the bnrning bo.ttery. Tho tt:n:lr' troops mrule nn
:md tho fruits of victory wero nf!arly visible on their aide,
wbon ' Tmddu-1 .Mulk Nir Bakhtllil, HC.fiz &khtliwar
XMn, Najib Kbftn others, opposed Uteot aud behavf!d wilh
grent. bravery, a.nd R Iorge number from both sides became food
for the nll-dcvouring swords. No.jib KMln Rohil!& wu wounded
by a ball, but both sides remained :w. Lhey were, neither porty
g<Uning tho victory. .At night Tsma'll KMn left. Ws battery, a.nd
went out lo the erunp of Safdru- Jang. Tltis was a lltluroe of
to the citizens, becnuse, ,vben the field of b<lttle ,.:WI close, lite
balls and rockets fell on ovcry ooo like lite blows of sudden
After Ws rotrent, the !ll1r Bcrkh4M, Bfl.fiz Bakhtawar Khan,
and others advanced tltoir batteries and got JIOflS!tSiliou of the
little fort of Finn-shah, and :tnotltor called Uto Old fort. After
, fow days iu fighting, Nawab S:Ud:tr J:wg ah:mdoned bia
intention of keeping to tho rond by tho river, on neconnL of tho
strength of tho ouomy's iutronllhmcuts, and marebed by way of
the TM-katoru. 1 u that direction ha added freab splendonrs to
tho city of the nugcl of death. The .Mir .Bakli811l und tbo otlters
then hastily strcnglhoued their intrenchments in thai qua.Ur.
Somo well-contested engagements took pl..:Q, nnd GosAin, who
was an officer of great bravery in &fdar Jong's army, W1l.'! killed.
W1tcn Sardar Jnng foWld that an cnlr:woe to tbc oiLy ou thnt
ide W.'IS impructieable, bo returned by Khizr6bad and the ri<or,
Tho sruno coun!4 of ensued. Daily the bark of life of
crowd of worriora of both Irides Boated dowo tho river of death.
t .. mleoo and a great des! of th" rca:ir came
L> the cvndwrion, that on acconnt of tt.eir b<oing 110 do,. to
the city and fort, doe enemy were enjoying reet. So be d&-
tennincd to l"<trt-at by a circuitous rout<-, and tbut draw the
enemy into tho plain, and engage him th<re. Acconliugly ho
rctrcntod grnduolly to n distnoo of twelve kOf; aud M he rc-
trcatod, 'ImAdnl Jllulk advanood his lrenrhoa. But ho tut
prevented by tho pmyol'll nnd tears ond ooouplniuta nud pcr.un
eions nnd p:mio of tho ritizens rom att3Ckiug his advuoAry in
lloc pl:liu and turning hia Bank.
While matters tood tbu4, StUyiJ J:.milud d(n Kluln, who h!Uf
been sent by Mull<, goyernor of the Panjib (who w..s
the undr and of'Imidu-1 Mulk), arri...t with 6000
boi'>IC.', wbi<b addoJ greatly to his strength. They wore ansiou
to io battle, as men who are conront...t hy cnemire, bat
Naj [b Kbln Dnh!dW" abo wad igta of disapproval.
[Tnt hitory of'.!lam!:ir Second, Au.,.o:;zeb bein:r .'Cism;:ir
1he Fint, it anonymous. Tho aulhor ;i'b neilhtr hi$ nanlQ nor
the late uf his eompo<itiuo. It begins ,..ith the ...,_,.iun of tho
and tcnninates at lois dMilh, recounting all tho t'<Dt.l of
the 1\ign fully. and in vlnin lan:rw>go. A few l"'"
have lot"" tranlatcd by tho .EUitor. Tho work bcgilll! with tho
Ext mol which follows.
Sm<-!l incites by 6, oontaining nbout 300 pages of t3 lineo
[Time in its ehan!!;cful tortuous rourse ia alwaya
forth oome 1mb e.-cnt, aul ntw Oo\\tn are enry d"y bloomio::
in the :;ardon or the world. Jn tlotu W.vo eventa bMc eomt to
I""' uch M hlll"O ne,er tutored into the mind uf mnn, ami
1hl'U it i tho writer's to given briar relntion,
Ahnwl Slolh, 800 of Muhtlmmnd SMb, eoec.>t<lcd to tho
throne of JlindU..ot{w, ami for aix Y""'"' three nlonths nnol
nino dAys. He ga,o up to n.le.s pu,.,uite. to tl,aouro
and and hi. "'i;!U ,.... brought to an cod by tloe
nmity "hieh he showtd to :."iumul Mulk Xsor J'h (Gbi.du-d
din Khan). at the instigation tf hi "''"'' tbe Khankhan'n and
loit motlot!l' Udluun B,i. llo wn.a sneec<ded by MuhAmmad
din, 800 or :Mu'izzu.d din Jahftndar SMb, IOU of Shih
',(!non Ualolldur Shall, eon of;\luhnnllnad Aurangz.el; 'A1nmglr.
Ghllllu-d din KbUn, being embiLtorod nh'llinsL Abound Slu\b,
,J,<lto romo,e him, and to mioo to tho throno other of
the royal race who woul<l rule under bU! guidnnec. .Ancr the
ltfeAt at Si.kruul...., Abuwl Shih Bed into the dlA<Iel ur

TllRrEII-t lli.Allant.s.n:r.
Sh6h-J.,h&u6t.a.J. Xaw&h Z:unani (Qol't'o
Nhir RoH.rzun Khan, and other people of p:ll-. at
Sik:t.uira, :t.Dd the Queen dongtt and Ulo Nti:ir
tog<'ther to raioe )luh.,mm:t.d 'A1izn-d din to tho throue, and
they infomtN tlu Prince of their intention. On tho 9th
'Xkibltl h.llin went to Ahm:t.d Sh6h on tho
pnrl of Glu\du-d diu, nud called upon bim to dimi Khllll
klllm6n front tho office or ra:lr, not to nllow hint to enter the
fortw, to r<'movo IJdbnm TlM from tho fortn.'ll-,, ruad to j,-i ve tho
robo of ,,.,"'' to him (Gh&.ziud din). AhmBd Sb6h, bciu::
unblo to belt> himself, ecut the robe and portfolio of .ra:lr by the
banda of '.c(kibnt llihrnud :Khan. Next dAy, 11th Sha'ban
1167 A.n. (6 June, liM .\ .D.), Gh!Wu-ddin ervo<e.l the river with
a t.ody of put the official robt. aul took hi.s 8CIIt in
the offi.,., witb the tuoal fomtalities. He tll"n din.:t.,J '.\kibat
-;\lahunid Khln to !!0 to the dwollingof the princes (tf"'rM aa!llli)
and 'A>.i1u-l ,Jaub. Aeeordmgly 'Xkibat )JIunul, taking
with biut Tbl,kur J)!o ptoloktir :llld Nhir R<>Zftftun Khin. went
thither, cwtl bringing forth 'Atitu-d dowl3, l'lacoJ hint on ltol'8<!
:>ml. IIC<'OIItpanyiug him oo foot, eonduetod bim t0\1<\nls
1'0)'111 p.'lii\Co. Gh&.zlu d diu mL him ou th woy, pnil li.s
homng;-. Other attenl:>uts of joine<l tho proer .. iou. On
reaching tho public lmll of nudiQnec, the Priuce wM phwetl 1111011
tho throne, Uao drums heaL onl., nnd ho tho titlo of
Abu-1 'A til Axlau-d din M.ult:t.rom:ld '.tl:lamgir II. D6lh8h-i
Ghlui. Uo waa born on the lith Zil hijjll, in tho year 4!1 uf
Aurangzf>!... 1110 Ilijr:t. (1699 .\.D.).
{;p to tbi.i time AlttllAd Sh6h L-ne ootlting of h:u ..-as
pal$iug until thn k<ttlo-dnun roused him from his lae<dlan<.>.!.
Soon alUI'W1trds Ghhiu-ddln's men, \rith ..omeAarmt attcndftol.i,
arri.-t'<l, out .\hmlld nntl hi! motbtt U dham D6.l, and were
about to make au cut! of them, when he imtlored litem to end
him to the botle of tho prince:;, aud thero confine him. So
plmo!'d hilll nnd his mother in one littu, throw 4 over their
hc:tda nnd took tbm to tho dwelling of tho princell.
Tho new Emperor was My-six years of age, and luld 6 sons,
the eldert of them .J'Oll1"8 ohl. lle nsed to rome
of his private apnrtmenla inte the lone or into tho
public hiLl! to say the pmycrs nt the 6 vo appointed times in the
congn>gntion; ho applied blrusclf to reading books of history, nnd
took no pleasure in dnnring or hcnring singing; bul he
never fuiled on lbe Snbbntb to .:ntend either tho JdmJ' -mo'fiirl or
the wooden mll'que wiwin U>e palncc.
When (previous to thia) Raghuo&th Rao, MBIMr Rao, and the
other l\lnhmtta clticfHamo to the nid of Gbiiz!u-d din, ho pledged
himolf te p:.y them a lntgllsum of lllooey. Suraj l\Ial olo
m!ldo peace with tho Mnbrotln!; they raised tho of his
forln!!!S, and he recovered his lnncls. Gluiziu-d din llnd 'A'kibnt
Rhin U>en Mnl the Ma.hrntm army Alunoo Sh&h, who
was at Sikandro. '!'hoy plundered the roynl ormy nod rnado
Nawllb Malikn Z:lmllnf &lhib.'\-mnltol, Nltzir Roz-nfztln KMu,
and mnny others prioonars. They plunclered the Indies of
moooy >nd jewels, and enlliug together nil the offieers or tho
palaeo anti groat men who wore thoro, they domnncled -payment of
the promised money, declaring tllllt. t.hey would nol lot t.he l:sdiea
go until it was pnid. Gbcb:lu-d din nnd 'A'k.ibat Ma.hnu:.d KMn
made tbelll4Clves mreties for the payment forty and the
Indies were then 8CDL te Dehli in 11 bnllwk eorriago witl> an old
tn.tlered covering, Buch 38 they hnd never riddou in before. The
Mllhmttos ci'OI!!Ied tho river, encnmped four ko. out of the city,
and thoro waited payment of the money.
Ghcb:iu-d din W38 nnnoyed nt tloo lll!j:Ondenoy obtained by
'.Dclbnt l\1ahmud Khan, and sent for him to make inquiries
about o eun1 of money wbinh ho hnd obtained. 'ikibat )lllhmud
.Khan aMWOred bitterly, nod Oh&ziu-d din, who hoo bcforo
thrown out hints about killing him to ShAdil KMn nnd Bnbfldur
Kh6.n, got up 3nd went out. No sooner had he dono so tbnn
these dospatcbed him wilb their swords nud dnggono, and
c:urt his body on to the saud besido tho river. Intolligcnoe of 1 bo
murder"""' brought to tbc Emperor when Saifu.d d[n MubaUlJllnd
Khan, brother of 'XIcib:u. :lli.hmud Khio, wu Ohutu-d
din cam on soon anl emb.,..,.(} and oon-
soled Snifu-d din. On that samo Ahmad Shih nod his
brougln out from thoir dwelling, llnd conuuctc.l to
another, where in tho erenin:: they were both deprired of their
sight, only " ahorL time aller Mllhmud Khan wu killed.
Dttrth of '. lamglr.
'A'IAmgir enltred into tho cell to have an inttniew with the
cfanmll, nnd there Dal&bflsh Kh6o killed him with his dn!l::,<>er.
.Afterwards tho c:onspinltor1 took tho C:Orpl!O, and throw it
down upon the 1mnd at the foot of the J:otil11 of Finn Shih. They
then out that he had gono to the to n..;t " d<uv-tlll,
3nd !tis foot having he fell from tho top of the
p3mpot.. Ile hAd reigned years sMcn nod eight
T..m!Kli-I i\lru'<,(ZILU-L FUTU'II
M U II AM 111 AD J A 'FAR S II M L l!.
[TaB following ia the which tbe author himself gives of
hia work in tho Profueo: " This work wn.s composed nt tho
of His 1t!3jesty, Abu-1 Sult{m l!ubnmmnd SMb
by his Sl'rVt>nt, llluhrunmnd Jn'fnr SltOmhi,
wltu P"""od hia Cllrly youth in the sorvioo of tho illuslriou;;
ntouareh, Shah Rukb SMh Safavl, illld towardd tho close of his
cnroor repaired to HindustAn, and Wllitcil on .Muhamm.ul Beg
Khan llimadiud. During tho primo of lifo, howow, for the
of 6ve-nnd-twQIIly yc:tn, be wns constantly with Ahmnd
Sultan Abdtill, more commonly styled Durlini, nnd ltoving
oceornJlliDiod hiru several times to Hiudust(lll, became well nc-
quninted with tho whole of roynl marobea from tho city or
RnndaMr to tho metropolis of Sbltlt-Jahlm6Md. At tlto b:tt.tlo,
which w:ut fought at with WiswO.. RloJ and Jtia
BMo, tho author WIIS himaelf on the field, and witoess.d
the with hia own eyes. Other particulars too be
ll':lttlL from porsom of credit :uul Mgaeity, and baring
thew aU down without any 11lterntion, he dl!'ligontod tbe work by
tbo title of .1lami:ilu-l FttfUh, or Tiotoriousl!fnrches."
The work is n short one, nod thn wholo or it wn.s translated
for Sir 11. l\1. Elliot by tho Into Major Fuller. Tho greater pnrt
of this t.rnn.slntiou ia hero printed.]
t (Tbil il AD m'Or, fof 1\halmaaacl Shih died in liGl A.n., tbirleen )'t'OI'f
hcfm \be b"'tlc whiqh is sbe ubjcd (I( t.bit work. In a. l&ur pclge llso book is Mid
toll> beto .-r!ttco ;. th tim of Sbr.h &hun.]
TKIII'Elll iliAX&ZILt:-L FUitTJl.

From Kandahir, which Sultan first deoobted and then
founded in its ate:ad, and Sultan Abrn....t at\t.-.r.uds
destroying tho lam-r city and replacing it by that of Ahmod
Sh!hi, tho roo to to K!bul was as follows. [ "''rip-
firr nfflJIIIJf qf IM ro11lt from Ka.ldalrtir b!l Kdb11l,
tmtl L<ilwrr, to Drllll.]
Tlnviug concludod a of tho mnroht>11 along th "bolo
length of the route, tho dark-writins P"" eutoMI into 11 nftrmtivo
of tlw baulo fought by Abmnd Sultan Abdall Durrlml, nml tho
II induot6nl chid< who bnd coalesced wit.ll him, "'!"'iuat Wiswu
Rai nud his deputy BMo, who wmt of tho lll:.hratta mco;
when, haoiug cugngod the infidel throng at tho town of P'ni("'t,
he by aid of power inHictecl a ercre defeat, and
uprllt<l them from tho face of Aindtl.itan, inwmuch tltu thy
ne<er nntu.,.J to ,...enter for a period oftwenty yt:U'I. 1\ow-
iueo Jli. Yaje5ty, l"'tent as Aluander, and famolllJ u
Solomon, the Ernt,.ror Ab6-l :llumfl'ar 'A'lam tht s....,u,J
B5lhah Ohllti Gurg8ui, hM gone from AllaMb8d to tle metro
Jl"lis of Sh8h-Jnhnnobad, OUL of tl power or tho owonl of ZCt-1
Jlknru-d dnuln Nnjaf Khan t rllni, nnd bas brought " body
1\lohrnttns in hi" ever-victorious train, for tho 83ko of clu111tiing
the AfgMn lluhiiiAB, this race hns gainod a freh fooliug iu
nnd A'sm.
In horl, tho author will explieitly relAte a n.!!Oful 8111111113ry of
tbo wo111lrou$ cvcuts that took plato at tho battlo of l'(lnlpat, IUld
the auniltiiBiion of tbe vile infidel !llahmtw; detAil in:: both
he hu "'''" with his own eye., and authentic
infvnnation he ha. a.:quired from other hiotoriaM in onry
quarlt'r. \\'htrtnr any oue t:b. has written a dilfcft'lll Tc.,..ion
lO that of tho author'., it iA entirely and uu"orthy of
er1!dcnet', and that man lwo, solely with a view to his own glori6-
e:ttion, ull<n.lf fnlJK'hoods without any foundation.
Now tbo author wM at tltal tiwo Comptruller or AfTnln tD
Snnl6r ShAh Pns:wd Khan, who was chiof over 12,000 ltonre,
\'OL filL 10
lll:BAllll.\D JA'l'.Alt
eomioting of Knznlbllshis, Abdllis, ObBMrns, Aim6.ks of IDr&t,
Jariuit, Wardili, Uxbah, Charkhi.l, Hutaki, !lnd
Ghilj&io; aa well as durtJgAa of Ahmad SnH6.u't stnbl, llDd
of tho paih nod !uJrlidr114 (eouricl"' and mc"<<ngllnl). IIo
formed the \'ID;;uud aol :W'&U...d di.-i.sioo of tho army, tUJd
during tho h!!at of r.he conflict wo wtro opposed to J hanku and
Mnlh&r R&o, two leadcre of the afOl'tiS:Iid .Mahrnltaa, aol from
all >idOll couriers kept eottaotly Ul intelligt"nce.
Nothing, more accurate r.han thit thAt I hnve ",
hu e1er met aoy one' igbt; nod aeeordiogly lhe moumNll.s
and tliJ"'>itiOilll of r.he ;wd or.het" putieulara or the action,
nnd of tho IX'rin<l thoy wore lruted confronting eMh other, will
"" fully deWled.
SultAn, llftr fighting nn notion with Jbauku nnd
Datta Patel oo tho baulu of the river A ttoek, in which they were
womed, them u IV u Dur:y' and S&.rau::-plir. Just aa
his >rouy waa the river ot Bury!, however, whU..r. n
portion of it hnd lfccted iLl anothr ..,.. mid'll'lly
acrow tho sll't'&lll, and another was atill waiting ID cro- , the
Mahmtlaa modo a vigorul18 attnek, nne! a tremendous oouOiot
ensued. The action hated for three or four gMri even
aa I on:: "" a ; ,,,...,., ended io tbc ultimate di..,.,m&ture o(
the l\lalamtW, 4000 of whom moL their dealb, the aurvivore
betaking tbem.oeles ID Shah-Jah6oih6d, .. here tlty remait . .!.
Oo tbia lido too, A lamnd Snltin baring opposite Shah-
Jahlwibad with his army and Nnjib Khan aud llt\6z Raltmat.
resolutly derotod bia enerp 10 tha tuk of rier
J nmna from alouW<ide Toki3 !llnjnun. Tho lltalmttas camo
out to prenut him, all their they
forood to we to witl>out t!Jeir objeel, llllli
l'('tre:liOd !'l't' Tho lrOOpa in pursuing them entered
,!:balhlahWb6d, and having pluud...OO all qu.artors of tJ,. eity,
rtlumed ID their own aunp.
day Alunnd Sultlw m3rched iolo Shib-1ah6.nab61, and
al the earne.t i.ut.ermwoioo of )(aliltu-z, tlo ""111<0rl of
T.rnnm.J FUTifll
.\IIlh:unmad Shih, and datt;hter oCFUTUkh Siyar he pro-
hibiu.d bia anny from pillaging tho dty. Thi m........, bo,.ner,
"'" not 1\ith oomplete aueeees, fur e-rery now and lhen
tho aoldiary laying violent lw!ds on tho inhnbitllute, till, nncr
ow interval or twenty day11, ho m:u-ehed any from thence, ud
pro<eedod to the city of AJ\er attacking and plunder-
certain Juh, bo uo ,...J the river Jumna., and took up bill
quarters at S'bit-bsm for the hot wcnther. On tho ncnr
n1proaeh of tho miuy seoaoo, ho UUirdaed oft' to Aoupshahr, and
laiu the foundAtion of a rAOioument, i..,uiog onlers to hi army
thAt every DIAD should a a.battbed bot for him!, eo
al1at tbo camp equiP":.& and might not be danaag..I
during tho r:UIIJI. Tho OX(M>rt thll\chers Mconliogly u!IOd their
utmost diligeuco in prtp.'\ring these o.bod,..
I o the iottrito news arrie<l thAt Wiadl R!i. and hia deputy
Dbio. haJ entered Sbll.h-JalainAbid aa tho "-! of an
numbering about threo /qa atad a half (;)1;0,000) of
and inlimtry. On tho IBIUO day, too, Nawab Sbujfl'u-d unum
U:a.bidur, 1100 ofSafr Jang rrflnl.jointod Ahmad Sultfw' anny
with 30,000 ho,.e and fool, and fif\y pioe.>O ofcannc.n. \ntr an
interview, Ahmad Sultin dirt'Cltd tho 1\awOb, along with Shll.h
Pall&lld KhAn, to strike his tent!!, and ropniriug :uJ quickly as
JIOo"iblc to Sh6bdnra, wbiah lie on this oido the river J umna, to
pitth bi5 ,..Jvan,-.,d canap theM', in onltt llaal the garrioo, whieb
,.,.. shot up in tho fort of Shib-Jah(w.W, might tak<> eo11r.1ge
to bold its o"n. Tho above individunl ll'llversed tho ditnnce
rut dirooted in the couno of lhrce or four days, wading with
extreme dillicully through tho ftoods cauoed by the min ; for all
tho oounlly and the I'OIIdl were covered with up to a
hor<e's elat, and tho Ilindan ud Kili rtreama wero
as 110 ford coulll bo diaooTerL-d. Uaving thUI reached
ShAhdaro. orocted th&ir teota, Mvoral AbdaUs 311<1 KlwlJ..
bubi!, who wue besieged in fort, embarked on of t-ts,
and M'pairod to lhe llllnnced camp. Tbt lhird day Ahmad
Soltin likewite and entered it.
As it wa.s tho miny season, tho l\11\hnttas did not deem il
to atwmpt tho passage of the rier JnlllDA, on ncc-onut
of the impetuosity of tho cnrr<:Dt, :md tl1o oncampmenL of tho
nrrny on tho oppoaito bank. Some of tho Afgbb chieftAins too,
I!Uch :18 'Abdu- Snmnd Kluiu, Kutb Jrmg, nnd othl!r.!, wore ol
Kuujpitrtl, coming to join the anny with ten or filleoo tlrowand
followers; but owing to the headlong fon:o of the stream, had
hnltl!d, :md were malcing nrnmgemenf.!l for As IJOOD ns
tl>is intclliJ:enco reached tlae em-s of DMo lllld W'.swas R&i, thoy
act their he:trts on coercing tho obialil in question, t>nd moved
towards Kunjpura. Ou arriving tltere, they entered into "
Rnoguinary conflict "1tl> tho i!aid chid'S; t>nd ultimately the
1\lnbratta force, from its \'liSt superiority in numbers, havi1rg over-
come them, pol tl1o whole body ruthlesaly to tho sword. 'Abdu-s
Snm3d Kbb lllld :Kutb J noJ; fillffered de3th, nod Nijabat
Klrlm WWI taken pri!!Ooor. At tht>t tiaM tho 1\lnbratta powl'r
had reaehc-d to such a pitch, tbnt they l1nd brought nlJ tl1e
oountry aa fnt ns tho river Attock under their !mbjectiou.
When tho DOW$ of tho defe:.t tlnd death of tho above-moniioned
obieftnin8 Alrmad Sultan, he expressl!d the doei>l::it
reo.;-rel; but no bonefil accrued therefrom to fh08o wlto bad
fallon. As tho rniny aelii!OU, however, h:\11 drnwn to a doae, he
oran:bt-d from Sbiihdarn with a ..-iew to 1100k revenge, nod turned
in tho direction of Kunjp(uoa. Direetly intelligeneo of Alunad
Sultan' movement re:l<!hed tho leadtr!!, Urey quittl!d
Kunjplir4, a.nd ru-riving nt the town of Plmfl"'t. encamped thoro.
On Uti& side, Abmnd Sultb, at tho hMd of hi army, consisting
of 60,000 cavalry and 20,000 intiuttry J'=NcltU, 2000 onm<l
nttd 200 pieces of c-aunou, .,pniroo to tho bank of tbe
rivtt Jumn"- righl opposioo to Panipnt, nerompnuied by the
of Jlind\rslan; lllloh as Nnw6b \Vnlna-1 mamdlik
Sbuja'u-d dnuln Dnb&dur, son of S.fdar Jang lln.badur t r8ui,
with :Jo,ooo honso lllld fool, ond 00 pieces of artillery ; AhlDlld
Kblln Dangah, with 15,000 horae nod foot, and 60 gtlllll ;
Najlb Khlm, with 30,000 horse lUld foot, and 30 guns; Hili
"RahmaL Kh&n Rohilla, with 2-5.000 bo..,..., and :
Do.nn.ti Kh6n Rohilla, with 12,000 and foot, anJ
J 0 gura; and .4'\do-llab Kh&n Afghan Roltilla, with a oimil3r
(o...,.,. c,.,..d Mreo.m in the oourso of three day, he
pitched his camp and pailion in front of tho MabmtL& nnny.
Tbo l\labmLL& thrn sent Kllk&
a n!nown .. t
lrador, who had 12,000 borsemQn under his eomm11nd,
Ghltzlu-cl din NogRr, for the purpose of pillJlging tlto bmfidm
who wcro in tho hnbit of bringing lo tho rump of A lnM1l
SuiL6n ancl tho chictll of Dinduatlm, .., a11 lo procnt their
rcetiving aurpli"ll. Accordingly, in the eoune of thre!O days, thu
price of grain roo to " rupee a dr in the Sult(ln" A'
><OOn u tho eoldiory dowru:a.Rancl <llipiritocl on a""unt .,f
dearth of pro'liion, Ahmocl Sultan mountocl oo
undor of enjoying fieldoporu; bot in tho very miclt uf
his .. ,.,rt, he clir"tocl llaji Nawab Alktiui
\A til Kh&n) to
:d\or omo in " eNiain di.,.,tion at th b..J of :?000
dtluntl""-' horoemen. Tho ):mer hod been priv:.tdy intntotN,
however, to go and chrLtiao Kill Pnntlit, nnd drivo him olr th
Mllld. TI&jl KMn, therefore, having cro""NI thu rir
Jumnl\, rt':loho<l Ghhiu-d din Nagar by foreocl rnnreb01 in a
and at ouco nltnckod them. Tho wAS cort"it'tl on
for two hours on both sidtl!l, but the M :.hmt tn
party wcro ovomnnlly tlofomecl, and a largo oumbor of them ftlll
a prey to tho lcMn swordll of tho Abtlfi.U hlllu1
[" .\b.....! Shih -w wllith;. oiKhuo . r- O.hll, ..u rit<htd
bb tet.U OD lht bdb or .bt Juusa- D ordft.J lllftb '""be -.;!, (qr ud.
INDT honemra wM f:IIJCI'I!l tfso ri.-cr 11' .. dro ..... with &.btir bonet., T'be
elwti D, ud rott .aqic I([Ullll. Welt lite dan!W' iaW IM .-.t. Ot
'"" sblnl r ""' ............. n. _,. "ru , ....... "'" ua
IL'Ibrl ... al. llit .L.a.("...J\Ia Oct. liGO .A..}. ad &1M ..-P wsa c:!eckd U.tno
[R Nal ..., 'WM t'".obUIII Pao4i1. -, TriU..l J .... ll .. Xlfl, Gil
Gnac llotr, ol. cl p.
[Tb nvi.!J-1 n .. w .. n.u aod 111o IIUJ coli bico '.\11 Khh,
an.ltbnl it ri1b1. 10 Grti.Dt Daft)
( .. Got.lnd Paadit wu U,tall1 DJlah1e &o ria, 11'01!!1 nt.rtme obelity and old If!':;
baL wu (MClfd w a bone and ft1 pffi.'ipitatt:11 ... -T. 16fV4f,. K4J,.. "'Ut
Ml otr bll b.rv, enJ Durrlnt klllocl biw."-.Y.,.,._,,.,,..., u .. I.J
Paodit bimaolf met "ith hit d'!#otb, and Ute ourviving ntlDJiliDI of
tho force Rod rumy, and betook to a plliCC or security.
H&jl Nawl.b tbn rejoined tho victoriou.s and
b Jdn along with him; whl'n'OpoD J:Tllin bootaDl
plentitul aud in the <tlmp mnrkets, and tho lban1 of
the b.!ing removed, th-y engaged in their military dulil1!
witb ual and cheerfUlness.
Tho t1vo vo..t armies, having Jixed their atanding campa at
diitance from ....,b other or twice tho range of a eannon-t..Ul,
nainlained tl1eir "'*Pectivo positions; nml tho akirmi$1., un
either aide 111<.! dally to engage ono anotb.,.., On one oe...,ion
daring this inttn-al a thousand eMit one carrying
2000 rupees will him ou hie bort<>, wero prueding fn>m
to OWD camp, and as tlwy "'ood in r ..... o(
tho Abdn.U nrmy, usod to maroh during tho night. Ouu of
the horoemen helon;;in!!: 10 tle party, haYio;; become uppn. .. ,J
with drooqin, s towanla moming, mi"'ed his nr.ld, IUid moved
towards tbe A bcla!i camp. Hning thos come &"" to Caee with
the l1011J1o pt<"CjDcQ, h got ...ugbt in the I!J'ILP ot calamity, ud
prep.uod for the rwd of ruin, bit uwo mouth it
diocov<red that they wem connyin;:: tn!!IWure to the llihrau.a
11nny; ao a number of the bui.W.t opirita oul or nery bnnd set
out the Maln11ttA cnmp without any order from Ahn10J
:;tt)t&n, and tJuriug thAI ohort pfflod or dawn ontil the rioing
tbo great luminary pillngod three or four hundred or tho boree-
me.u. Amoug the oumbct or U...... out in of booty wao
'Ak6 Suclnl Habehl, chief eunuoh to Sh611 Kuli KMu tlte
'Vnzir, wbo put one horaemllD lo death bin!Sclf, 1111d
cmiod of!' hi. 2000 rupees. The n:mniUil. of the party
gained tl10ir own onmp by a lligftl, aut.l ao eaenpud
frotu tho graop or d ... tb till their prt<lestioo.J day.
Iu like mnnurr, :u oncn as one or two of tho
1\TabmUa !tono went out for J!r:ISII and tllo Abdf.Jj aud
HindW.t&ni ldoea u ,..! to them on their wny; till nt
ll!llgth affaira n::1ched such pasa that uouc would stir out
T.mrxn.r FUT111l
fruitlaly from their position, wbid1 they had tum>undN with
intftllhmtnl. ox<epl wmebed D:lkod labotmn wh<l, soing
by-otealth into Op<'D country, used to dig op ::r- from tho
ground with tbtir fWu]><J6, ;sud offer it for sale. AA fOOD ..
Ahmad SuiUin "-me of lbt!!IO matt..n, bo di.wrA<l
Kluilljt.u J{lu\n, tho bend of the FU1lzni doiefs, who i
lwown aa Jnh6n KhDn, along -.ith three or four thoWIMd
l(M.albllshlt who were uuder his comnnnd ; aa ,.en M 1Uj1
N<Lif6b Kb6n Alkuzni; to mount every <by and round tl1u
'llnhmttll c:nmp at " Ullllnnco of two kill. from inlN'nebmcnbl,
ouo from the northern aide, and the other from tl1e eouthern ;
and whrnevcr any forager with grnss altould approach the enemy'"
camp, to p11t binl 10 death. The chi.& in 'luOIIion aeeonlingl.r
c:outinuN fur a ('WoJ of two mooth.s to patrol round the
int.r,orbed camp. obyin:: :md pilb,..;o;; rrery fon;;er lhy
:>erWJ, who auemp!N to convoy gr:Un, foddor, or !:fU1 to the
enemy; al\enrnrds they ll3ed 10 from ti8Ch other on the
-.1. and wm.
The )lahratt.'\ army being redneed to woat extrculitiee for
of gnt'l. foddtr, nnd grnin, mru-el1ed onL wilh imcnt to gho
bnttle :
nnd at tho lima of lhoir moving off fro1n their poaition,
eurh c\ouda of dual 1\SCOnded op to bmlVOII from bonomth their
boor., tho bright dlly oppearcd to nil eyos dArker nnd
gluomi.r thll11 tho nrorky tbadeor of a pitch-blnclr night; in 10
wucb th:tl two JM'I'SOM aeatod aide by aide could not di..tingniab
-h other. Ahmad Snltim then rommWionod Shah
Kh6n,- who wu both a gNIU ehiU\:Un and a.
weU u c:ommnoder of tho no,...wd. awl tldro9NI of ilio abble,
-tho lotlrltti,., and tho twb.. to go and procure iuf'o1'1113tion
1\> 10 the otole and 1treogth of the .llitbr:aU:\ D.nD)' The d1ief
in queetioo, toking tho author of tiU. work, and tm olhrr daunt-
' (lbrlhlm Kbh otAI,.Iballllo Bblo ofl'....a u I<> ocpl ... ofpooco
Jl.U iL rul ghl pi- olio Sb.h 14 bon tiM ol'<t-1'\'jO<Iod- Tho na
Aftf'C"WIU'd drht'll N gi.ft baWeby \be bunta ani rtproeohel orMt thit.Ct. lle fit
lha dill Jumt.JJo .., ll!i ..a. (lm JOJJIW'7, 17GI .. o.).]
lll]lJAlOLID 1.\'FAll SU.tlo!LIT.
''"'" ronlion from amongot his rtbtin< and d pendtnfs alon:;
with him, tho road to their camp in the inttmSe obscurity
with pnt'eet .,rtainty,"' lhfrt h3d been daily kim1ihes with
them on tl1u plains, And n thorough knowledge of all tho pMhft
had ncquirecl. In the eollll!r of Cour hoiiJ'II wo ru.d adnn.J
ha.It a J:o., wbcn a.t tha.t moment tho noiBe of nrtillery "'hNl
ttruek on tho oitivo rnl'll of tbo author aud bi5 comr:ules,
whil tho tramp of our },or> a' boor. abo ..-h. d tho rnra of the
enemy's gunnrs. They immediately thnt n r,,...,e from
tho .\ bdfili army ""' ondtr co<er of the drt. douds
of to mnko an ..,,.ult, nnd llrc<l soveml roumLI, tho 4!-hot or
whih JI'S" .. I elD"o by our horsemen. Th bot'><!mCD in qnestiou
IC1vin; tbus hAppily es.aped tho destn1ctivo cllioeh of tho'"
C3JlllOIIball, .vo turned anti rtporli Ute news to Ahm.'\<1
!>oJt6.n, that their anny waa steadily ad1>neing with tho resolnt<l
dottrminntion of giving bottle. 'l'hu Sult&n ,tbrn set !\bout dt
posing his troops in onlr r, anl th ir J'IUik..
Ahmlld SultAn took bia stnnd in tho cmtro of the nrmv, anJ
pbntNI 2000 e:untl well in adnnC> of li poitiun. In
rear of tho camelniols C!:lme 20,000 infantry bachl
l.y tho dom.,,ties of tho royal DthinJ th..,. 11.,...U11
WlU the band of muic, and in rear of thAt Alunnd Rult6n took
up his pol!ilioo, snpjl<lrled behind by tho .avolry.
eoonling oer 10,000 !!:lbrt, and lastly by the force compooNI
of Durr&nis, OhiljAI, etc. Tn renr of tho line 011 the righl-bnnd
oide wu stationNI 116jl JAMBI Khin D6nokz;U, who ttood alert
and ready for action nt lJ uiJJ!nnco of hnlf n k01; so tlnt when
ever tho enemy should make a a.o3alt upon any one of
tho diri>ioua thnt wrre dmwn up in f10nL, be might rondor it
assiotAnee. Ou tho ten Shuja'ud danln nnd others stood
to fumi.h ue<our, and to do hi. utmost to rtp"l tho enemy,
'"hencvor any revorao should bnppcn to one ol' those di,-isiooa
in u,.. front lin<'.
Bulb sidoe having nrmy....t their troops In line, atood confront
ing oach otb, till noon, when tho nnks of the two armies
appmred elcarly to each oilier' ight.l Then tho galhnt youth,;,
tntariog upon tho mnrtial otrifu, commenced tho bMae and de;tlt
out lu.ty blows, whil.t the gunners of birth
kindled the flames of w:1r by di luuoging their thuudcr-Toice.l
onluau', auJ the I'O<"ketmm of kill cote<uml the
thrmd of life of tbo heroes of tho bMtle-field by dllrtiug their
tl\leon-winged mmsi101. As for a musket l!llllet, tho beroc care.!
not what it might do, IUid in of aud
the only dread cntNtainoo by tho renowned and gallant com-
b.,tant.s was for n or the Right of a rocket.
From noon until only vhru of the d:.y nJmoioe<l,
the continno-1 to rage, the hrne warriors being ...anl""tly
in wielding :10d cpe<>r, and tbe woaod,.J in yielJ-
ing up lifo witlt groaus and agoniung cries. Dhuo nnJ Witwli.s
R&i, in lhn enrly p.ut of lho cnt;"!,""menl, mndo such inoe.-.. ant
assaul""- that Ah1113<1 Sultan wu under an rprehen,ion that be
would not be ablo to withtand them, :wd de<p.1tcled a 1"'11100 to
IIIOUITl tho lrulics or his household Oil flrol 8tOcdB 8Wift M tho
wind, keep them wruting iuido hi! priV!It 00 thllt,
wbentnr tho infidelo ohould gain the 8Up<'riority, they mi2ltt be
ready to rurauo tbc of and hotako themseln11 to tl1e
vorgo of and tho nook or security. Thnt dny, buwover,
1\l:Wtouu Khan Guru DulbUs, who """' ebid eunuch. liitf-dflr-
ilcti..Ai, and comllWldr of ei;ht or nino tboaAnd clanntlrs anol
bloodthi,.ty Ka.UIIbbh horse, walt posted iu rear of
Sultan. lie bnving tolnnted his foot 6rmly on tho plain of enn-
lo:ntioo, rau!IC<i groot olnughter with his kccn-t.Jgtd swo!'l.
Through the mtcrat...J elwgeoo of the Kh'n &nl bi$ adherents,
the p:>gan l\Libnut.'l8 wero unable to push ou a in advance of
tho they hnd first 1\SllUIIlOO; 1\0d nl tl1io junoturo llD
onler wM gi\'CD to tho mmblmtlo<Al ami j.caikllh, 11111 to
be !!lack in ket'ping up their fire, but to ton.,.me tho h!l.l'-
of tlto enemy' li"cs with the Rome of tlteir bulltt.e.
( .. Tb4 bittle .... (oucbt on Oth tl74 or 8th .N..t .. u. l8lt" (Wh JdOUJ, H6l .o..D.).-..UU4...1 JC...,_,)
liUILlYlL\D JA'PAR sn.HfLt1.
At lly Ahmad Sult,n' anc hall
<truck w-.u R6.1 OD lbl! foreh..W., and another hit ntw> on
thu ide. Front thfll!o bullot wounds both of them quickly
p=u .. t I be ros<l 10 the ""'''"" of po'rdition, and them.
,..., .,. to the t. ...... nnol pita of bell; wbilo the oubsiJed into
the olCo'p of IUlDibiiAtioo through the sword cots infliett'<i by doe
Kaz.lbash youth.
In a word, u -n u the :llahratturmy pt're<!ived iu thicllains
travelling the d-rt of perdition, turning ito r- from the field
of b3ttlc, it punued the path or !light; anJin au instant tbo
attDil of 1trifc and bloodshl'll became clear.'<i nnd purified, liko
the our&..-o of a mirror, from th ll>n!n.,.. of tho vile inJidcls' pre-
IICJlt('. Coarieta tlotn tonn:)'ed the infontJAtion 10 Shih P=nl
Kblin that tho WOrtbleS3 .Mnbmttas bad tfoo, nnd DOt
one of them waa left. remniuiug on thQ lidd. JhRnlui and
:lfalh,r, who were two cbiof3, planted firmly tho
foot of lability, kept li;hting at the lo-t of " /Qr of horsemen
in front or Shah p..,.nd Khlul; so thr 14Uer, being
with tho ne"-s of the in6dela' rotrcat, clmrgud Lbe opposod
to him, lllld """ O<"eUpied li>r two !JMri in dealio;r fortl1 blo..-.
and tauntS on thcno. Eventually they came 10 the d<tnoimtion
o>f and tAking tho route to Dubin, departed
from tho lield of battle. 'l'ho ( riut1 and Donini w..,.iors, who
were "ith Shah J>ano.l Khan, pw11nod them ; ptiog the
author of this work, who n>mainecl clo:e by him. At
l:urt Shllb Pn.sand }0Jlul reonnrkcd tb3t Ito woa going t.o offer 1m
to Ahmad Sull'o, lllld tohl me to go and =ry
oJF 10mu booty for myoelf.
Vihrn the aodoor lwl tbos received permisiioo, he put bit
to tho gallop itt comp:lny with G c:ouin of his own, aud om
attendant ; and on readllng their amp, follOd about 30,000
in&ntry makhloekm('ll, or eren more, going along with tn:lteh-
lockl at their baoko, llOd n3ked swOl'l!! in thoir b:mds. Wo thre
individualB through tho midt!L uf thum, howovor, Aud 111\<>r
""iing two alrin;; (.1-ttldr) of IAuen <::>welt, by whirls iJ ine:wL
TA:anrn.r lUYlW Il-L FllTtl'll.
or tbi!SO beam or harden, we returned
tho wid.ot of tlw. multitude nlllllbering op...-anl. of 30,000 eout.,
ud ao :..._tty .... ,. tb"Y impired with terror and coo>tem&-
tiou, that they had not tho power w use their
atill, wbillt n-torning w our own camp, a }Jahrat!A chief,
who h.W boon otalion.U in tl10 hindmool rnnka of their army,
and 1\':11 Occing tonrds thG Dakhin with six or eovco tlootWWd
lwl'60, hnp(l<lnuJ to ouoot 113 tloreo intlividualw. With a vio" to
a:tvo ounoelvoe from loiU'm, "" fired off our thrco matilhlQCka;
whoroupon tbat fol'ell turned awny from us, 1\Dd in a
dilfertnl dirteliou. The a11tbor, logetbu witl1 hi. two compan-
ioM, took from them " .ouplo moro camds, one of whioh carried
a keut ..... trum, aud tho other forage; arul we l'tH!ntered our e:unp
in saf,ty anJ let'llrity jual u li.-e !JIIllri4 of tho night re J"k'l,
at which limo the glad sounds of tho keuiiHirumo nre ftt'fl'
throol=b dte ed .. real .ky fivm the army of Ahm:IJ
SultAn &lid the chiell4ins of ffindU.StU.
In thi battl, out of the 1\labrntta le3<len, Shounher Baloidur,
who was the p,.,.bwC.'I JOn, and Ibrilhlm Kh!n!,
who had
30,000 Tilnnga Ga .. tft under his eommand, togutloor with tho
Oovtntor or the rroviooo of OujamL Ahmnd&MI, thrir
lootlll!. Out or thnL vi\Ot army too, consisting of tbreu lffrt ami
My tiJO<tMud cmvrury nnd i.nlnntry, only 60,000 60uls aue<:ood<'<l
iu rotumiog 10 tho Dakhin, oftcr undergoing n tlooul!:lud luuilihipi
uJJtJ uiffieulti011 ; while the remaind.r pursued tho rath of per-
olilioo, tither in tho field or on the mad, through tbo IWOM or
the holy warrion.
llril"" KIWI Glnll Ia u-of ,.,.. ru wUh o - io llio lwld bdllro the
polook1a of ll. clo lloooy,"" Be """ 10 a ........! io liM bo mtno1 .,. ol lloo JoUbo, aol .. ., aft<nnudo
.. ...w...t br lloo IIUo. Oil- -. ""'-1 io llle ,........, aol lit.
all ..., oo dri!W, wm oollcwl Tilooopo, w Gh<l!&. n.,. oi>Yinocl U.O -
,, .. bar"' ftr-1 '- rWod al Potodlcbeny. Tbe """ Or,JJ" u Wd br <bo
F-b ol \llo liy-1 ... - .... ..... clo<;Tod """' ""' .lrohic
f1unt w,.&..m a b1t U.o 1lrwd ..ogauJ." iD itA .Fmw-h, &,lJ-11 or l'ortura-
W4 '"' c.o m. mor 1lblr tou.n:lt.-&V' Jllllf""''"' TIJI. ill. p. 162. Urut
l>, rol li. pp. 112
All that the aatbor wilne!!<<l with own eyeo, as well a.
ho learnt from the couricl'll under his authority :wl other
aomrndC!l, every ono of whom wu on tho epot, ho bM incrted in
; and is l1is opinion, that !hero is nouo who cnn
poibly bo better acquainted with this engagement tlnm his
lmmblo self; becnuso tho (couriers) were under his
mAator'e onlera, and w111 m ... tcr! llsetotum, everything
that .,..,amd being reporto<l to the chief thl'Ongh him. When-
over any one else, therd'ol'\', out of ..,lfcooeeit, leU. a ditl'tmJI
talu to tbi, it i a tis.uo of lies and fM..:hoods, :lnd hL olal.t>m Ill
is unworthy of ert<lit.
Tho ever-vietorious"'h noel Dorriml wnrriora punmo<l
tho fugitives liS f1ll' as lho of Bal:lmgarh ond fnrldob&d,
which nrc lwelvo k011 fl'Om tho mctropolill of Shai1-Jah6n6Md, in
tho olircelion of .Akbnrab!W, nnd l'rom P&nlp31 to thnt spot muil
b. 1ixty k011. Wherever lhry founol the Yile Hindu .\Jahrntta,
thoy carried ofT their and equipments, and put tho inli-
Yidual thmoelves lo de:llh.
Somo of tho who wne mtber and rom-
wounded a p3rty of :md then let thom l('l,
"" in I h6 following instnnco. 'l'ho author of Ibis work, togttlll'r
with \iuhammoo Beg Kh6n llnmnd&nl rrnnl, who htt.l tho titlo
of lniklulru-d dnnln Flroz J!lng from tho Emperor of lliudu81An,
hnd about 20,000 horse tllld f<XIt under IIi commnnd, and wu
l!l"'lltly honoured and cat.,.,med by thn lnte Naw6b Xajaf Kh6n,
wu for oomo time in tlo <Amp of MAhiji Patel Sindhin, tile
)lnbr:lua; lll'ld Sindhi" was 10 eXCOS!!iely llune, that two pol'lll>n
u...d to bold him under both 11nn1 1<1 raise him from hi! l'ftt,
Somo """ inquired of Sindhia the re:LOOo of hi! bdn;;
whoroupon the lntter, l1enviug n doop eigh, replied: "When fate
ill unproFitioull, tl1e wiBCst plnns nro UD!Iuceesaful. J hnd pur-
ch"""'' a Bhalnrothnli
mnrc for tho of 12,000 rupooo, which
nutotrippo<ltbo cold winter's hlaat in speed, nod I Wll8 mounted on
hrr bck. At the timo when DMo and Wi.sw&s Rai met with
EF,.... lho ..u.1 ot u. au ... or w... J
T.fRfKll-1 FUTU'IJ.
their 1 got sep:unted LD a cfut.ance (rom JhankU, the chi<f
of my odhortuu. and wu Beeing a=y alone: wl1tn a yoa.u:;
:\lughal ridin,t: a Turid tbar.;er S<l out in pu,..uit of 1110. flow-
ever marh my 61<>:<1, I looked be bin I, there I hi bo,.o ohnking hill eara, and coming on ; till at
hull., tho mnro being ioonpablo of further exertion, he overtook
Ho lheu took away my steed nod acwutNmcut. aut! j,'llVO
1110 o wound in the l<'g, nying: 'This almll givu you n uutrk to
remember for yean to come.' From that ooy to tbo prctcut I
have ooutlnuc'<l oufi'ering from i.his t>ainfw wouutl, inomuoh that
I it
Another ennwrdin11ry incident wns litis. Durio; tho Bight of
tho )lahratta a party of them had ato['p<J at the vf SonpM, for the Plll'J'OS" of eatin;; brood and
drinlUng water; wl1en the K=lb.Wl and ALd&li "aniol'll c:une
up in rul'!!uit, and through fear of tbcm. the ::uardiom of the
...,.....; clooed ih gatu. .AJJ soon as the )lahraua.. ;ot int<Ui
geooo of their arriornl, eTcry one mounted hi hon<., wilting to
CI'CIIp<!, hut found tho J:'llO ilinL One of tloen1 purred ou his
IIUII'e, which he eanaehcol to bo a good galloJI<lr, thaL ho might
olenr tho w011l of tho semi nL a gallnut nuimnl, Ryioog
oil' tho !,>NUIIII liko 11 f11loou, !tuek amon!,'Ol lloo of
the wall, nnd tlwrc oxpirod. Thirty Jl'lll'll a;,ro tho author of this
work, hAJlJ>cniug to nlighL at that &emi, behold tho ho ... o'
l!l.cleton lixed in tho baulcment.a. Thit noblu !\at is lllmous
thron!:hout tho world.
Th..., oiu;:ular ov .. nll! took plate in the year lli-1 A. II. (1760-1
A.D.). Ouo ol" tho potb of lliodUst!n, "ith a 'fi" to iugnuiato
hiw...,lf with th Nawib Waziru-1 m;uuilik Shuj,'u...t daula
llahadur, eompoe<.J the following chmnogram of tLe 'ictory:
\fi.Jom grew diligbted and excJ..imo..). Coml
l!A)' the triumph or our X a rib be propitiouo."
Thia humble ioclividulll, too, ho.s written down all lhe.ct pat
licoliiN oxnetly u they happened, in onler thnt they mny be
uo:ulc Lo llib Highnuss's uudc...U.uding.
TD1l writor of tho Jd111-i Jaltdn1111111il waa Mum1T11r Uusnin,
4Umamod Mahar:at Xh,n, on of Hnklm Ghuhlm .Muhamm3d
Khan, eon of Haklm Ahtlwnmad K.uim, son of Uakim ::\1 u
ham111ad Silih. !IOD of ::\laulinl 'Abdu-a &Inn, aon of M.WW
'Abdnl on of lllllu!An6 Sbnikb Muhammad, son of
1\Jaullml. Shnikb 'AU, aon of 111AulauA Muhamm3d Aalnm.
The nput.stion which 110me of tiCl'IO ancestors aeqnin>d for
llfieoeo- and learoiug il dwelt upon b. tlae author at the dose t>f
hia ac:<lOIUit of tho Poet.a. He hie desc.:nt to Khwltja
Kohl, who loft BgbdM tu reside M IIi rat.
KlawAja Kohl A.stajh\ ill represcntod 38 a gront nint, who
Rouri!hoo in the timo ofSult&n Ru.s:Un ::\lim Haidar
.ap io the T6rild>-i RtnlMI, io io which le gives an
aecount of the onint.s Md doetcra, tlant ooe day M hia fnther
,.ent to tho Jama'-mn'liil in ffir&t, ho &\W thoro KJJw,ja Kohl,
,.bo, having read hill prayera, w:&a with bia foco tow:ud.t
tbe /;i/.JII io biJ modiblions. lle Mked the people who
thi! man Willi, and oo told of hia bo atood a.ide; 111111
whon tho Khwaja arose, with tho iulrntion of dop.uting, he nd-
"anted 1\od met him with o .. ory muk of t"Up'lCl. 1'ho Khw6j3
compiled a work on lloml Philoeophy and the llfieoce or ::llental
Pttrificatiou, which ia mtitloo Siytnt-1 .J.n<>dA.
llaulin6 :lluhamm&d .ulam, grandson o! Khrija Kohl, was
l.ot-1 I.UL(N-!I"llll.t.
loom in llirit. When 'Abdu-llAh Kb&n Uzbtk, the rulH of
1\l&arin-n Nahr, laid siego to Hirllt, IUld for nino
months, hisfathorand relAtwlll, amon_ot =r o!ho111, died, oithl'T
from .ome pestilential en- which h:.d broken out. in the dty, or
from fnmino. MulaAmmnd Allam, who nrvivod, WM then only
ye3111 oiJ, and, af\er the COD'Jnf'll of llirit, wu taken
aW3y by certain noblt-s of JlnkL&ra, Mir S:odrn-d din :llohammad
:ood Mull:. Tt.lib llirvi, to wbom he was mated. Jlo IY&S
brought up under tbcir .mre, and pasl!ed his in tho
aequi.itioo of knowledge. Anerwa.N.o, in the uf the
n!igo of the Emperor Ja.hliug{r, be came to Lal1oro, Md bt""'me
n l'"Pil of Sluukh Ba.hlol. llo went to dgm, nud baol 1111
mlen'iow with Emperor. As be Wl\8 tho nephew of l\Lutlba
l\Ur Kalb Mubaddi!, bo was T<rJ .lciodly reeeiYed by Lbe
Emperor, nnd obtained tho rMk o! hundred. Jlo roigned
tho royal aorvioo in A.1L lOGO, ll!ld rctnrnod to Lahore, whero be
died the ye:u :Uun-:u-d.s.
M:lul6o6 lllr Kal6o Mubaddi!, eon of Khdja Kobl, camo
from )I irllt to llindWrtan with hill grv.uullltber in tho reign ol' tho
Emperor Akbar. Jahin
.fr na a pupil of his. :Mlr Kalb died
Unulnna Shnikb 'A.H, llln.u6oai Sh:Ukh MullllmmG!I ud
Maul!mfl 'Abdu-l lJumio, also bclu in good repnto.
Maulliuf. 'AWn- &lim ....,.. Tory learned man. Ho !tad
been wue3tod by Shllikh Is'Uk, Sboikl1 Sn "du-Uah, KArl &drn-d
dln, nnu Shaikh Fatbu-llah Sblr6z.l. Ue wroto commentary
on Baiuwl He cU.J iu the first year of Sb"' JahAn'a ,;go.
.Mirak Shaikh Rini of Kburis6n, who was lbe tutor of Prince
J)o\rf. Slmkob, ILlld beld tho offico of Stulr, read aevornl at.audard
worn with MaulW 'Abdn &lim.
lluhaaunad S&lib ""''uired grst pro6c:iency in
modieine, nod WM n acholar of B.o.JcJmu-1 .Mulk Taktl KMu.
Hwm Tald of Uboro, who i l!aid to hno pol8eSliCd
slcill iu the pror. iou, llDd WI>U meetanccessf'ul pnctitiDD<lr, ns
one of hit pupil&
llluhrunmnd lUaim, nlin H:.klm K6im, diligently npplied
bimaelf to tho study of Theology, tho sovorol bmucbos of
Naluml Philosophy, Divinity nod Physics. llc
31$ pent his limo in getting lho Kur.W b) henri. For
time be was servant of A wir Kh(w, tho Goveruor of Kabul,
l> whoso dmth he led t> solito.ry life, ood died nt L6horo in
thu brginning of Fnrrukh Siynr's
Jlnkim Ghnldm hlubnmmad KhAn, after n
proficiency iu tho difioront bmuehe;; of letmting, look up his
residcnll!l iu ..:u-ly youth, townrdo tho end of the Eu1poror
Aumngzob's reign, in tho city of Aurnog6Md. He hod ru:quired
ptfll<llinn in Ooligrnphy, ood spooimons of his writing wore
long admired. He entered the service of the Emperor Fnrrukl1
Siynr nl tho oommcnccmont of his n:ign, througlt tho recom-
mcntlntion of l'tinutd Kb6n, whom ho hnd !.aught to write N<lkt..
He obt.nined lhe mnk of five bundrotl personal allow:wce, with
somojdglro in tho malull of Sakrnwa, in tho district of Kru1anj,
lllld the ]Jaruanq of A'zam nnd AI in Panjtlb. "\non tho
revolution c:au!l(ld tho Saiyids ombnrrnast>d tho affairs of tho
Empire, and the jdufr were c:oufis0:1led or ho rolirod
from publia life, And passed the remainder of his days in de\otioo.
He died iu MI. 1178 (1764 A.D.).
llluz:Ufnr llu!!<!in, sum,.med lusu'1, l\!ahtlrnt Kh6n, the
author of tho work now Wider co!Wdorntiou, Wll!l born in ll city
of Aunwg6MJ, in A.u.lll8 (1'706 . o.). He w:ISonly sovou yi!lltll
old when ho linishod tho Kumn, which ho read with his father.
He then commenced hi Pmiou lltudi.,. under tho tuition of Shih
'Abdu-l llikiut, who was one of his intimnto friends.
He lcnmt to wrile tho KJw:t-i Na&kl1, and studied some of tho
works which were compiled by his gron\lfatbcr. He went through
all tho .t:wdard worb on Arabie Gmrllmar, Logio. aud Rhotorio.
with lllnnl&n& Min& Nozar 'AU, brother of Hnkim Zainu-d din.
At tlo ago of 11ftoon, nt 1thor's sul;ll'lstiou, he commented
tho study o l'hyaic:, nodor tho in$truetiou of Hakim Muhammad
Husain, surnamed Bulaat Kh&u, son of llnkim Kh8n.
For six years he pr:u:tist!d i\[cdieinc under hi tutor, and ,<Jteo
the Emperor, Shah, loft. tho city of Debli to go ou
n hunting excursion to tho. vill<tge of Sioll, hi tutor, who wns
the Etu)leror's pby:;ician, flig ; upon which
OOOMiOu the nutbor, who WM then only years or ago,
w..s to !Ako ooru of his patients. lie infomtll 115 thnt as he
had t:lkcn P"ill!lto make mttl!tor of his profession,
Ito was oblo to curo mnny of them, and they o.-.,rcssed lhcir
tlmttl<i! to him in the presrnee of his tutor. During tho time he
was li!Jlflling also studied boob ou Natur:tl Plulosophy,
Divinity, Mothernaties, Aatronomy, Magic, Astrology, 115 well M
til her seiences, under the Instruction of MnulanA GhAirulullnh.
lie w:13 not, however, contented with thffil Etudies; he extended
them nlso to tho tronslnted works of tho llllcients, surh ns Gnlon
llnd Jlippoctmles. lle nlso turned his attention to compo-'rition,
:llld wroto the V.tifu-1 1\'bb, Siroju-11Itrji Jlin/l(jjll-1 llqjj, nnd
other During the time he was thns occupied, Ito nlso
collooted, for the Bllke of amu.sruulltlt, some very interebiing
"'lntivo to the great ruon of pru;t ages, rutd also the tnosL
select p:wagcs or :mcient and modem poets. Ho wns urged by
his friends to put all tho matter lao bad Ums nmiiSsed into :1
regulnr form, nnd connect it in sucb a manner as to nutko it fit
for publication. Although, in consLoqnenCI! of being one of tho
of Iris he had very JiUld ldiloure from bid
ordiu11ry duties, yet, for tho Sllke of his friends, he oollS<lntod to
lle<oU> tho b.lst p:.rt of his time to preparing tho work, and com
plewd it in ,,.a. 1180 (.<.. 1766-i).
Tho Jam-i JtrMn-numd is of an exceedingly miscellnueoo.s
and deals but little in Tlitory. Tho authorities are
not ruentioncoJ, but n great pnrt 3Jlponr5 to be derived from the 'Ufum nml the li\111im. The information
it contains is useful, nnd the tllloedotes interspersed llTO entcr-
uuning and inst ructive.
Th8 work is divided into fi,o Boob.
"OL. 'f111.

Prefact\ pp. 1 to 3-Book [. On lhe art of c:on.,.erution.
m!lllnera, repart-, etc.,. pp. 4 to 00-llook II. On
tho Uiotory o( tho 'Ummayitl01, 'Abb&sido, 'rdhiri<lllS, S.>fi',\ri,
S3mani!, Ghnniitloe, Ghori3n, Saljuks, At8bl\ks, lsma'ilo:mo,
To.rk, .Mug!Ws. et<., pp. 60 to 230-Book Ill. Oeognphy o(
the lt.,.en 3nd lbo W>lD<lrrs and UOIOIII mt'D of =h
eountry, and tho Poets or Indio, from Akbar's timo down to
1180 A.n., with oxtrMta from works, pp. 2!}1 to 821>--
llook IV. On tbo Aogl'is of Heaen and Earth, the Elemnt...
tho )fun.W.e Sphere1, the of Riers and
Biro. Q!Uidrupe<!.. etc., pp. 826 to 1230-Hook Y. Oo Writiu::,
LaugW>go, Gmmmar, Rhetorit; Philosophy, Oocrumont, tc.,
pp. 1231 to 1322.
Tho only copy which J bow or thi1 work is in lite ('<1:-ac&ion
of tb Raj of "''Y "' lltran..:tibtJ in tho 121:1
A.n. (1827 A.n.), (or Dip Narain Singh, tho younger brother of
R6j3 Udit Nluiin SingL.
Saza-So., 1332 containing 15 linu in eaeh pa;e.
F ,\ R H.\ T u- .N N Z IR r' S

A Hitory of lndia, composed by Aelam,
""" of IL\IIzu-1 :\n.Ul, and concluded in Ole YCilt
118-1 A.B. (1770-J .\.D.).
This B.iotory ia eomewhat ambitious in style, but of no groat
vAlue for its cont.onts. The author informs us in hi Prufnce
thnt, "in U1e of hiB when ho was ytt a tudcnt, in
tho city of Lu,kno" (m:oy God pr!6e"e it I), the
inpirer wbiope"'J ,e9er.\l tim in the ear or 0Ji1 III<SDOI pe .......
or mankind :Ill rullows :- 0 thou who nrt p:Unter or the
vnrions seen,.. of tho gallery of tho world, nnd tho of
the works of Nnture! Sinc.o to thnnk and pmio those who are
tho 'Yorshippen1 of God is in fact to thank nnd prail!e the
l'n.oator UimBelf, it is proper that tbuu honl.Lot
tompile a ... -..rk, tho hitory or Ole J>rorhl!, the, :\luhnmmlldan Empero..,., >nd tlo rtlic-iou; and
lonmed moo, by whOM holy exertions the of lbo
owJtry of Hiod(atan bas bn invilibly supperted.'
Inclcpend.rnL of thi divino affiAius, be mentions otb-. reasolUI
"bieh indu ... l to dt<Ote bit otteutioo to hiotory-'ueh "'
the uni<ereal dl'tire to noad biLoricA! "orks, combinod wilh tho
IXr<>xling ilillieully of procuring tlwm : Ole oagen1et to acquire
n knowled!l'l of l)&O IIIOIIIIOJ'8 om! CUB(OWS of tho nnciont.a, of
the a...,unt.a of of biographies of fnmout pt,.,.ons. :uul
of the "cwderw of Ole world.. In onler to oati>fy tbi.
lrell.UOIAD .I<L.\l(.
curioity, ho 0:1rly accuBtome<l himclf to make cxtm<lo frorn
booki! of and works, in order to conrpilo a
"bmory wbidr might tho rnC<t important and intcro>t-
in; matte,.,., oud whieh, &om it ludd and methO<Iir:>l eon-
t=tion and n....Jing eonciitues..., rui;;bt mteL the arprobcotinn
of the moot mind... Dot u 'all work. mnt be
performed at tho time destmed for tlrcm,' the L'\81< was dclayl
tilt he l.uld eornplelod his eludit-.."
bu had IM!eu fully ednrt1tcd, he roiled tho city of
F:Uuioo<l in .A.U. where he rn<-1 the "moot pui,:>ttt and
eultt.J N4zim Jau.; ;\ludabbiro-1 )Iuiie JU6'u-<l dAnia .\lon>ieur
Gentil. lllld through hi. iutcrot"'<ion for hi' livclihoool in
tJ,., mot hi;;h coon of the wort.J-bcnofiting ant! noblo rrrr;lr of
fiind1151(ru, "h'""' (>rni-o is bcyotul nil OX['r<-!!ion. ThM li;;ht of
the ,.Jifica of grcatno101 nod tlw """ of dignity showod him !(teat
nnd s:tid that ho himelf \\All fond of anrl
ahvay deotc.l hint>elf to tho tuly of hi.tories. 1L was thtr.-
fore kinblo author hont.l take pAins to write a nt<>St
mttre-ting ...,,..,unL of tbe trCJrr noLle of tbe Emp<rors
of IlintlU..tiu, the Prorhtts an<! tho mintutly
lcam,,J men ; to mako the horse of hi1 pen gnllop over tlr fit t.l oi
olOtJuencc, nnrl liko a diver Lriug out from the oee:>n of lri miuol
surh ,hioiu:; J>'!llrla ns might adorn with thtir li::ht,
auJ be ornamont.-o to the ear of ouriOJOity. Prepare, h, udt
u m!ly echo with the eon:: of Lh ojghl.iu;;aJe.. uf
tlte ::;ll'dn of kno,.lcdgt'.-
t'olr tleoe !tarrY auspie , ho commeoood to Jahonr iu
oollt ting tho hitoril!.! of H iodU..tflu, ami obtained from
plnccs " numbL'r of :mlheutic 1111 'J'tirlkh-{
Nr;du,u-d tlill .il!l!llml JJ,J./11!/rl, .llirdl-i '.4 lllul, and Firihtn.
Ho :>1-o 11!! that h can-fully ptru.."<''l otlwr t..>Ob,
I!Ucl! ""tho TariU- Bhu. '"' TtiJ r-1 Jln-dJir, Tarj' ne Yamhtl,
Tiri/J. -i FiNJC-AdAI, Ttiriklr-i .JI(t, Ilo/.iJ,.,. , SiJ rr, ll.111::alu-a
Sqfd, BtillflrJ, Wti1i'df-i Jiromiyimi,
.AJ.bnr-ncimu, Jului11gir-mimn, Sluih J,lui,ndma, '4/amvir--mit,m,
T&rlJA-i SAaA, eU,. "He ablnd3 ofthes
u...., which like -ueM!CI pearls were ""panktO from t'Odl otbtr,
3ud otruo;: tbtm upon one thread M\er a peculiAr pbn, 1.0 bo tf'-
mcmbeM!CI by pokrity, in this ohllrmiog gmden, wbirh i tntitlel
N6:irln, the Delight of
ThP author olatl-.. lhnt Ito "'rote his Piclilco in tho yo.u llSJ
A.u. (1770 A.D.), nnd dcdicnted the work to the "moel prudont
radr, tho gem of tho miue of li!M>rnlity, of mO!!t noble cxtmctioo,
tho olcct of tho wltolo cl'l':llion, tho le:ulcr or tho army of victory,
Shujll'u-d da111:\ Bahfldur, in tho hope that ho would nppro\'o
it, and that it noight go forth like the wind to tho diiT .. nnt
tnartore of tho earth, and like noadnlteratc-1 coiu might obtniu
cireulation throughout all c:onotries. Tho of I hi mirror
of tloo ... or!J are l't<jUO'ied to COOSidr the lillie !tbure he h:l<i
from bU. othrr ocalioM, and 1.0 removo with tho olotre of
kindness the 1lnn of which might ooil ill! eplnJuur,
nod to opore their
Tho nuthor dil'id"" his work into DD lutroductioo, thrC!C Hook,
a.nd n Conchaion ; bot the latter, which ia saitl to contAin "All
Mcount of the Primo Minister nnd the learned nntl l'lllij:iou of
1/ml (hi5) time," is not ooniAinod in tho I have
which ends with a promise to write moro conconliug Primo
ill!nilor, "hoo prnics ho i5 sounding. Tho I'ILri copy i nlo
olcficiQul in lhia Ooudu.sion, both contain nu nrcount of tho
famou. m<n of Aunw,eb's lime 3t the clo.o of loU. but
no other rrigo, either Lefore or .. ner it, 1138 any biogrnphielll
uotio:o of contemporaries.
Pl'\lfacto, I'P 1 to li- lntrodnction, Tbe Cl't':ltion, 1'1' li to
20-Buok J. Prophou, P&trian:hs, hlu!Uiuln.:W And I'P
20 1.0 122-llook II. The R6jas and Sultaoe of India, from the
limo of 1I6.m, pp. 123 to 170-Book III. Tlmur ami tloe
'l'lmurian to tho twelfth r= or Shl<h ni:;u,
pp. 171 to 620.
Tho FitrhnlrHI Nd:irl11 is very rare in India. I know of only
one copy, cwd is in the poS30>18ion of Nawab Tnki Kh&n of
Robilltband. l'rom the numerous crasuree ADd inlerliflcalioo I
tbould judge it to bo AD mograpb. There i.a abo a copy 10
England which ,... aftilahle to Dr. Lee, for he quotes it at p. 130
or hi! tl'lln.latiou of the Tractu of /Jaluta, but be d""' not
oolite in hi& Prcfaeo, where ho dcoorii>M the other worke whioh
he quotes, nor doCIJ ho mention tho Libmry in whieb it is to uo
fuund. Thoro is t\ copy in the Britl..h Museum, No. 0942, and
rone :Wo in tb Library aL Para (Fund3 Gentil 4i,
t<.tio of 102'2 p3p, of 17 lifle<t eaeh).
Stn-Largo So., pa;;es of 19 line11 in eaeb, d-lr
,. ritten.
In tho third ye:.r of AJun:.d Sh6.lo's reign, corresponding with
\.H. 1160, Ahmad Shah Duminl, with lhe renewed ioteulion of
ronqueriug lliodU.tan, arrived in the oeighbonzbood of SMra,
:>oJ 11ir )Ju'iou-1 )1ulk, aJ-. :\lir ManoU, Jell LAbore with an
:.nny for the 1"'.,-. of cxpeUing him ; but, boiug unable to lAb
tl1o field agninat him, he iotnmebed Tbo oobh,. nnd
1mr:us of Dohl! hoped thnt lllir lllnnnu might bo destroyed, nod
this dl!llimulu ovoot lhoy would take me:usures agllinst the
.Abd.ali. They would tbWl extirpate tho thorn wbieb U.o rti<'O of
the Tunnls h:..J piMted in their aide. The )Ur "'!""""''
from tho Empomr of D bli and hi! minilter for four
montba, but all in vain. Ho wu coooequenUy obliged to auo for
J""'':C, Bnu he ptrauaded the Durr&ul to return to Knnda.b&r by
:tigoiog to him four malllil&, viz. Silllkol, P:umrlir, Oujnrut,
11nd Aul'llngab&d, which had bolong<od to lU.bul from tho tiu.o of
'.1'!Amgir.' Tho Durrani, having n-ached Knn<bhar, coll...,t.J.
"' !at:;& force, and rvtamed with tho o conqutring
In 11&1 A.u. (1 i60-l A.D.) Alun3J by for.ed 104rch< to
I C.llll""' Culllllugbam't u .. t.'l/" IM p. 102.
Libore, and began to denai.Ue the euuntry. J o tho month of
Rabi'u.J awwal he crossed the Chitd.h, and ene:uup<'<i b<-tweeu
Sodra 1111d Wuhilb8d. Mn'inu-1 :llullt aLso, at tho t.Nid of "
formidablu anny, erossed the JU.oi, wluch fto1<11 uultr tbo city of
Lihore, ar1<l ha leota in front of the io1nder. Jlor aomo
tione Utero \1'&8 eontinood firing with w>n and Ullltchloeke, nod tho
wltolc country botween Ulo Rbi and ChiuiW was dt,.olatod by
tho nod committed by tltu Durril.ul. In those
days tho writer of these le:we>t Wll8 in lenrniog tho
Kurnn by benrt. In U1e erui, neither P"ny gniued any pll<-
ccptiblo ndvantago. Tbc Durr(ullo l!Uddeuly broke up their
qullrtl'tW, with the intention of eros!iog the RAI, and plundering
thu di-triet and city of Uh<>re. :\1ir illaon(l marebed baolt io
abrw to tho city, banieadecl aU tho fll1lef.>, IWd al.renj,otbenod
tho interior dofeoces. .Every day there wero kinnihee, till
at WL tho of prorisioD8 was clORd on all aid\lll. There
wu auch a doet\rth of eoro and gtaM that with tho utmoot
diOleulty two olrt of wheat flour could bo had fur a to
notltin:; of To for other than
rulu.-. or houae-thakh was ned to an impo"!!ibility. Thi
obliged lllir Mann(laud his n.nny to tnke tho field. Jlo enlliod
out "ilh right :tad lef't wiogs, and funned tho cmbc111 of wnr
into fiamc. Tho chief agent of Mlr Monnia was 11 annn Ullnted
Kora Mal, who had boon "com-ehD.ndler, and could e:u-cely c:>rn
his brund, but land now bome maswr of immcne rielaco, and hod
obt:Uoed keul ... droms snd flags, with sovemorahipoC Multoin.
With him, Adina Bl<g Khan Bahrfwa Jug
land for ec-rtaio reuons
['T1IIo A<llM ., Diu llec nu, - ..- ..m &.q-llr - ill lh-
""""' ... l>J _,.a .U.UO, ami .. <II a,..,......,. Cllaad..., ial>alliul of.._
illlc ot S..Up6t, _.. Uhoft. lit.., ""'""" "''to a Wop.! falollJ, &lid
-'r !if.o .,.., a doo1 ot 1ua u.. a1 A!Uhlbl.d. a. ... ,..., ...t ne
btc:AM atold.i.t-r, bet ...., tD haft Ll\.ro'lrG aide Uaat prol.-i-. b ""'" ..
D't- ... aW. .... ...t. !;ood-= ..... &lid"" bora ..... u"""' .r ... ,.;u.z.
ot K.uU ...,. IAdhiyU.. &oul whkb bwnblo pooitiola llo aoln."""" llll bt .. m*
ol Soltlftp4r, u ol!lee whicll he 1LeJd a1. tht WDt of Sldir Sblb'tl.aYUihD,
lJt Wnl wiLbr-u\ btt.rt at KbUpdr 1Sim Holhlrlu'par, whare toc:C&b CRM:kd.
onr bit nuaba. Tb pantculatl Htruted from a Uulc work callitd .4Jtfdl
tAilo some of oll'ence, anl l"l'ti...J to hill own gonmrunt
in the (nlanclhAr) D"'b. Adina B--.; now ...,(uetaotly joined
ltu'ionl a,"llinot the Md, availing himself of
his opportunity iu tho midst of bnttle, inBiructed ouo of tho
AfgMno of Kuur to prrl an enol to the ext.tence of tll:\t
unworthy wret.:h Kor3 lW by a muket-bsll.' lnoonsequuee
of his dtllth, the anny of llMnlisnll'<nl<la eomt>let.e dtftal,
nntl he WM obliged to send for hi horse, Md, advancing "ith
sorno of his personnl nttentbnta, proceeded to ki!13 tho tbresbot.l of
tloo Dum\ni'. who honou...J him with the grant of a TalUilLlc
liMraiiUltl tho till or El.U11.
RrirJII of 'A'ImllfJlr II.
In the third year of the reign of '.\'Jrungir H., tl1e mmlllter
Gb&xiu-d din Kbf..n, huiog rde:tSC<J G3uhar, the ell t
son of ',\'lamgir, from prison, took him townnl L&hol"l'. De
went n.t farM Lt'ldbiy&nn, nnd thon returned, and hnving went for
tbodauglatorof Mu'lnu-1 from TAlhoru, be mllrried her. ITo
dtprie<l the Emp-ror of till power whnte .. r, and eondo<ted all
tho all'airs of the State. A. misunderotandiog ,.,..,.. durin;:: this
)'I'M b. twe-en him Dod Nnjibu-d which M this day i
tho cnuo of llll tho dU.Orgnnizatioo which is ntining tho country.
NDjlbu-d daula, lu;ing found naeans ofst<>Miy eommuoie.ting
with tho AbdAli, inoit...t him to eomo to Hin<IU..UO. .Aceonl
ingly, in tho IK-ginnin:; of the fourth yi'AI' of tho rdgo, he came
to Dehll, nnd, having mva,....t it, proceeded to i\lnUm, whero ho
the inhnbitants, broke tlw temples, nnd hnving plun-
dered tho town or immellliO welllth in property and <'Mh, he out tho
.4.11- /ht EJc, wJoXII ia o(-..J.pti<, Ml <loo a'.orios II Milo o( Jtia allow
thu bt 111'11 hrrwd. artlal, u.mapnloml ud lkmrtima 11 wbn he
conrtlonl'lf, who ll,jll drdintd to IWIJPIT hhu 1rith ... ,., bo bo:.Ut>d .u,o-,
-.,. h boiltd hil owt1 jara: The poor Wftt.c.h ... -.TGI by tho interc.ioo o(
Adioa'o- but "lclt a bontU.r polo Ia IW body tTU oJ\crwuola. lloiltog or
IWf boiliD,<, - ............. - Ia - tlllo podool.]
< nb io ...-! 10 tltA --_, wlllda .._ .. K- llal klllNI
._..ltlr u. "'"'"'- s..rn-p1Wrl-' . ,.,,w c...u., ..... o .... I
tAo .. p. 103.
F.IRIUTOS x.urnrx.
nrynooe of llind.ttan, and nturned to Uhort'. whtro Joe g:ne
hio youn;eet soo the title oi Timlir Shah; lcti Jah&n Khao
th<re "ith the oleaigo.uion of mini.'ttr. W a:lrof ma...JI.k
Glohiud din Khlw m:.rehed 1m army inUI tho pnn of
,\llah6b&cl and Oudh, but returned to :O.bli "ithout moetin:;
with any uo-eo ... Najib KhAn and Kutb !'hr.lo, lllniug coll!'<"ted
" fon:r, plunder,-d the house of G haziu-d din Kh!uo, earritl olf
all tho cah, furnitura nnd jewels whidt wcro fouml in it, nod
nlso hi, :mlmt. GbUziu-d din, acnoblin; t\ body
of 111011, 1131 nntehing tho opportunity ofvun!!IIDDCf', but in ''!lin.
Adin:. Be:;: Kht\n, bein!: eoocly presS<Jd by tho army of the
Abdal!o, invited Malh6.r, &ghu :md other )[llbrntu ehicf from
tloe D>khin, guo them fifty flfCf of rnp<'<'l!, anl Ul
ott:ock tho oflieN"I of the .\bdali. lie firu o\e=mo tho Fauj.ftir
of Sirbind,' "1101!0 name '11"35 'Abdus Sam:..! Kh&u, 1111<1 who'"""
tation-d in th.\t eity with. o body of 20,000 Robilw, bono and
foot. AI r tubjugatin;: the "hole of that W.trirt, Adina
P"'''""''l to L6ho,.... When he reaeb-d that rity, Jah6n Klotin,
with J>rince Tlnnir, pitehcd his tentsl\t Kochehl-ror6i, tmd hning
intn:nchc,J himtlf, prt'p:u-cd for :lelion. Adina Dl-g Rlo6n joinr-d
hia forllia \lith thoso of tho llftthmltM, twd Jnhoin Kh{m, having
outt.,im-d " dof<'!lt, Red townrds with two luuHlred
hor.o, loa-i11g all li lrllallnre ant! property lo ho plumloruJ hy
tlw enemy' army.
Adinll !kg l<h6u, on tho aehiovement of lhia unoxp<'<ted
victory, ot"\ltr..J. tho happy occasion to he ctlcbroted by lut of
drum. Ire oli-mi..-ed thllahrotta anny to Dehll, and himelf
p,_led to Bat!l&, where he fixed hia btlld-qUArttro. He
then turn ... ! his attention Ul the appointml!lll Qf !;om<>rt
for tho I'I'OTinc.-a or )Jult&u, Tbau6, :wd L6hore. Soon :Uttr
tbia be di<-d :1 de:Lth, on the 11th of :llulmmun, in tho
.fifth yrar uf 'Xhnog!r'a and the proineo or U.loore
eamo into tho polll'ion of the Sikb.s.
Ghuz!u-d din h11iu sent Jb:wku 1\bhrnUn ogninat Nnjlhud
Tbe aulho.r writet it ShUa.riud.
claula, who, bc-iDg uoable to oppou him, depart! to SabrtAI on
lb .. baub of the where he fixed hit baUeri.., IUld pre-
J"'red for I'OlifWiec. He sent his t'tl<oy to Ahmad SMh Awati
1o ..,licit -ilu.nee. The army or Jbanku ion t.l him
and af\or four months' fighting, it cro......I tho GMgce ne:u-
Ihnl"ar, whe"' the ri.-cr wa.o found fordaLI., Mal ovcrr:lll the
country. Nnw6b daula, son of Wndru-1 rnamAJik
1\lo.nuna-1 ll!ullc Sl!.fllt\1' Jnug, who was coming to nid Najibu-d
nrr!vod ooon ltftcr, nnd cxpellod the 1\lahmttna from the
turitory of tho Afgb(ms. l:thaziu-d diu Khia.u, on rueeh-ing the
ncwo of Shujt.'u-d daula's nrrival, mnrchod from Dhli and joiDed
tho of Jhllllku. Ho then direct..! eomo of his to go
10 tho fort of Sh'h.J :ililult.b&d, and put diu (' &amgir)
to d,'Ath.
Iu tho mean time .\lam:>d Shih Ab<Uli reaodal tltoenviroM of
Sirhiod, and U.foau.J the antJY which """ qurt.:red iu
dun ditriet. On tho intelli;;euoo, Jltlt.nku advnnel'd
to "1'1""" tho Ab<lwl. Najib Kht.n, finding an opportunity,
joint.J tha Abdill's cruup at Sahamnpur, by for'<! marclles.
Jbanlcu, having sustained a repu!Be "L that plaee, ""'"" to DehU,
where he fought a very severe ootlle, but waa nt laat obliged to fiy.
'l'ho poriod of ' .. tho reign is Mid to be aix
yeora, nnd thot of hia life 'l'ho oveuta nbcvo re-
llltel took place in A.H. 1174 (1760-1 A.D.).
I will minutdy rotAte we Abdili's vi<tory ovr l11o Dakbin
o.rmy, wltcn we ent"r upon bis bitory io I eontent
mJ&elf hent with gioriDg n namr.tioro of it as follon.
When Jhaak6 ustaincd "defoau &om tho army of the Abdill.
and Bud """Y with Gbhin-d dla Klt&n, dtt AbJiill ..Uod
Dthli and 'acarnJI<'Il at Anupnaga.r. Shuja'u-d daula aloo eamo
tlrtre anl kiU<.J Ita tlueshold. .After tho r:Uay ICIILIOD, Bht.o
Wiat<fll R6.i, with tbe aoa of tho Raja W. muter, marched
fnun tiro Dnkhin at the head of 200,000 hone, 20,000 foot., and
300 i11118, llo entered the city of Delali, rutd ba,ing taken tho
from tho officors of tbo AbdAI1, proooctloo to Kuujpum ond
Sirhiutl. 'Abeln-! Samnd Khan and seven other offieQrs who
stationed at tho fanner plnce, with a' body of 20,000 !torso and
foot, alTered and After a battle of about one hour, wm
all olaia. :BbAo phwdored KnnjpU:a, 100t those who were takn
alivo to prison, and pitehod hi! tento on the banb of the Jurnna.
Ahmad Shah, ou bearing this aaJ ne,..., wrilhed like a aor-
JlllDI, Md kindlin:,: thb fire of anger, moved towtu'ds UlO CUCIII)' .
Although the ri'or flow,'() 1\ith great impetuosity, yot ho fordbd
it at Dagl1pat, and engaged with tbo enemy, who, not bo!in::
able to withst:wd him in the field, rvtreate-1 to Paaipat, anl
fixed their botteri there. Tho A b.UI.i baoieg.d their eamj,
and when the si";U had la.ted 6YC montlt., the euemy ouo
morning lcl\ their intrenehment.g, and ant their army iu
b.1ttlo tu'l'ay. Tho fire of nr.gcd from early morn o.nd
wna not extinguU!bod till ovcning. At lut tho gnle of victury
blow o.-er the ropl fias:-, and all tbo Dalthiu hoot wu cut down
by tho aworda of U1o wvrio,., OC their chief
none excrpt )hlb'r eavoJ hi. life. Tho dead lay atrewn aboaldtr
to shoulder from tho tlain of P!nipu 10 Ddali. About oinuty
tlaoll.l!alld petaollll, malo and fl1lJIAio, ...-ere t:\keu pri.oMrs, and
etemal ha[>pinoad by ombrneiug tho l\1 uhommndtin !Wda.
ludeod, nover WGil aueh n ertnndid victory achiovo<l from the time
uf A nair Mohmud Subulrtigin to the proaonl day by llllY of tho
Sui&Aua bnl by tbi Emperor of Emperon. thU ""nquosr.,
be appointed \\'ulru-1 m:udlik Sbaj''u-d d3ub to the
of Wr.:ir, :'<ajlb KUn to of &tlduM, and baYing granted
tr:aeu of laud lA> tho other Afgbias, and diomiased them to thvir
rce110Cli ve :lbodoo, retumod himself to Kc.ndllh6r.
Tho history of lbia sovereign will be giveu in lull dotoil in il.ll
proper place.
When Sowab Shuj&'ud <bub arried in bu pro-rinee, he went
to ki<11 tbe tb,...bold of Ru Majesty Wit' Chuhar Shih 'Xlam,
and obtained the high rank of Primo I am now goiu;:
to relate a full IICCOUDl or tlais Emp.:ror lllld IJU \\'i.e
Sluih '.-J'Iam, 1011 of 'A lnmglr I he &-rom/.
That prin"c of nqble extmetion, tho jowel of tho ero" n of
..,.,ercignty, a battle vrith Ghhiu-<1 din Khan in the fifth
year of his nnorabl& r:.thtt's and b&1'ing J.n D<hll,
pi'O<'eeded to tlo eatwnnl. None of the Ar;Jlan reeoivoo
him hO!!, thl"'n;;h of Gh6ziu-d din Khau. lie Will
obliged to ru.ort to thnt of tho world (Sbnj&"u-d clnuln.) in
tho fort of Julallhlul, where bo WM rospeetfully and h011pitably
Aftor om" dap' halt, be yroe<<ed to inndc llfnl:"l.
)fulwnmad Kuli Khan, of the pronneo of All,babad,
and Zsinu-1 Khan, joined bim. ne them to
n=in with the camp, nod orderod them to no :mny.
I o a few dny a force of nbout ono lnmclro..I thousand ho!"emen
w01 aollcete<l, nnd ho wont to t3ko Plllna 'AzimabM. After tho
dty was besieged, llnd moab blood wM 1hc<l, :mrlln, son uf Jll'far
'Ali Kh!n, Governor of tho provint of Jlcmgnl, a&emhlc.J a
ltarge an4l haYin.,; innted Firiogi annies to hitn,
wa,"'!d war with thn Emperor. Thou;;h the garrison wao on the
roint or being :wd )limn of to Hight, yet,
through tho diMifcetion of tho noble in \\hom tho J:onpcror
confided, and tho want of" Lrc:uouro, "hich can nevor bo
without poJI.iug dominion (dominion nnd ll'fasnre being twin),
dkaffcetiuu aro-e in tho Emp<'ror'a nrmy. Mnny, from
fCilr of sc.attity of rroi-ioos, went to their home, llnd otlltn "ho
had no hame joino.l wilb Ram S'riin and The nnny of
tho meL "it h n dcft.,t. Jon :\II ran
wns killod by a troko of lightning, and )!<'Me was conoludod uy
tho ngency of tho Christioos .
. illuh:unmad KuH Khun cnrno to A.ll6h6blld, !llld tho new1 of
'Aziznd din 'i!lamgir'ij death Sh6h '..!laru in Patn!l, on
wbidt h w:u mueh alllicted in hit mind; Lut IIIICJ'ibing tho e<cnt
to tbo wU!e di"Jl"'lalions ho ML upon the throno of
o<ereignly on the 6th of n\I'Wlll. Nawab Shuja'a-d
dnuln, afttr a fow clnyd, Lo tho boruor of his territories, nnd
havin; inikocl tho Emp<<rOr rom 'hlmib&J, obtaioe.l the bon our
or au iuu-rvie..-. and \\ o.s oxaltl to tho hel'l.'C!itary of
Wa:lr, anl aftoi'W1ll't!. ...,..mpani<-d him to ,\llihibad. i
tho Ole:lcll! or that
'1'e:lt tn:lD thnt tho or Stihib
Kimu Gu1'.;6.n (Tlmfuo) Hill re=ins: otherwiR, tlo .\Lclili
would not ha.-o "llow<,J one of his d .. c.rulant. to nr.-ivo.
'rho Jo:mJieror ow lixod his residence nt All,hUblltl, kept tho
eltlcet eon of Shuju'u-d dnul<> in his Court 1111 d"I'"'Y of his
rnthcr, whom bo pcrmilled to rolunt to tho provineo of Oudh,
which hlsJtiglr nod nltamgluL As it is at thi limo tho 1180th
yo:u- ,,fUto llijra,
iti thel\!fore
reign, which eonuncoeed from the mouth of Jumutla-1 a .. .nl.
)lay God n-nlcr llajesty kind to\\anU all wi<o and ).,ru,.J
mon, tow:trb the poor, and towards nil his ubjtd.! : and rn.:sy hu
;;he him to nlk in the path$ of Holy La" !
To relato in detail tloe e'l'ents or Shah '.\1am'o rei;n would
re<jDimaf>=to hi.tory. Tlte writer eont nt hiUbclftlurefol'll
wic.b (;hing thl'l :lbQ,e 6Uccinct 3COOunt of biw.
Nmrlik Out///,
Durhlmu-1 :\folk, iu consideration or tho vnlunblc h" had
rcnJun..l to tho Em-peror, wnselovnt<!d to tlto muk of fivo thuunnd
p(!l'OOonl nml tho eommnnd ot' fivo thoul!!lnd horoo. Jlu nlo ob-
taiul!<l tho title of BuMtlur .Ttmg lllld the govun1or<hip of nml
gn-:o.tly txoriLi himctl' in subverting nuJ dcotroying tho f\bcl.
Whou Jai Singh S:twal wnl! tnl ngaiot Cluirimno
Jat, th" gonrnor<hip of the pro.-iuce or Ouolh ., .... confcrl'l.'C! oo
Uurbarml )[ ulk, and with it that tiUe. IIo took euch tn<':llfurts
that uo ti"IICO uf rnolten. remnined within the of his pro-
vince. This is well kno,.n and requires 110 comm<DI.
,\1 tho timo of tho in<a<ioo of X .air S!t&b, he to Court
...-itlt all, llUd although by u.e f:rupcrvr nod
tho noblr, yot bo fought ,-cry boldly agninat tho Shub. After
tho actiou ho visitoo the ShAh, ancl wu recchoo "iili gre.u
there II aa error haoe-118-t .A...II. (1110 A.. D.) il m.c&Dl.
XClUlDl..\0 ASL.UI.
honour. Distrttsed beyond mMISure at the miafortunet whioh
affiirtl'd tbe tim!'!!, h poi3onf>l lulldlll;
Saf.Ur J""!l:
Abu-1 )fan.sur Khan, his sister' son, u his sueoe!ISOr, in whooo
foreh<'lld the light of greatn()!<IJ &hone, anti in wb<'"e appea1'1111et>
tbe n1arb of dignity lWd grandur wr"' eo0$J1icuous. At the
time of U1e inva.ion of Abmnd ShOh Abdall, who killod Nadir
Sb&.h, and h...t enme down with n numorold Army tD >nquer
Binlutlln. Safdor Jang, 'll'ith gmot intrl'pidity, 11ood fimt to bia
pound, llJld, with n view to precrvo his honour and fumo, fought
'""Y .... .., botll .. witb that hanly and -tabbum enemy. Althonc;h
Katnru-d din Khan, the mini-ter, hod fallen, and tho &on of
llilja Jai Siugh Saw&.l hnd ftod from the field: altho11;h Bt the
wnc timo tin new' of the d""th of the Em)"'ror was ,.,_
ooivw, anti tho roynl nnny wa. routed nod dU.pei'!ICd, yet ho
repule<l aul ddcatw hiou. Alter the Ri::ht of the AW6U, l1e
pia<:< I .\ hmad upon the throne, and os.uming office of
oM.:Ir, brought him to Delhi, nnil turned bis attention 10 the
adminitr:ltinn of tho Go.-emmmL A a at all tirni'S tl1o <reators
of otiturbanoe wero at thir work, a misundr,..IAnding IU'060
betwNn him nml tho Bmprror. For 11omc time he WM ""!!0,"01.!
iu a11J SUbdUing tho inSliJ'!:f''tlt&, 3Dd trif'd l(l <OI'J"Ct.:t
the conduct of Emprror, "'' being aililieted to lu.,ury nnol
pl1!31!ure, took no eare of his dutiti!.
Dut seeing that it was all
io vain, he len the Eonprrot". and went to the prorinee which had
been "'lligned to him. Alter eomo dnys he expired, nnd
auccro-dw by hi <On, the m"'t &C"'mrlihetl. and bn.Te
Jaliln-d diu Haidnr :o;J,uj&'u-d dania. ho io the time .,r Sblt11
'A1am obt:aiuod tho offirc vf mn:lr, nud cxcollutl nil comJ"'litof8 in
'II'Oaltb .ond nwk. Tho eon wu even aupuior to tb& fatJ,rr, and
an ..,count of him ,),.,u be given hereru\ur.
t Tho Jf,...;,.t..,..., 1' IMdio<l ..... Duoo (>!. ii. p. fU) ,;-
.......,. - tl ltla looiar iDt!uot1"' U.'""Jb .(.of Jib' tl.plicity.
'Tht 6r'nt.-l Jl..t .... 1' h' dWd of a &nortiCeat.ioa ia da (Urigl.
t. l. f' IUD). [S .. o_,n, I"P 6-1,
,_,. tl>o lll!mo.-.blo ...... of ....,.,_ o&lmat4 10 kia by :Sioblo-lllal1
.,uw., Jto-c-,, p. I!:!.
Tms i n history of the Afghan of Rohilklwul, ud dtaib the
traaoa<tiona betwrtn and tbe of OoUb witb @uch
copioomors to it worth tmnslatiou. lL was compilC!I
nt tho tleiro of Ooncml Kirkpatrick in A.u. 1190 (A.D. li7G), by
Stu.-. Pnl"hal, who !;iYes the following A't'Onnt of the '"""-"'"-'
which inJo,..J, him to the t3tk. lle aay. tbt one
day io cnmp, bchn'tu Dilgrim nnd Malta" on, hu was introtluced
in Oolunel Oollius'a tent by CnptBin (P) to IW.
broth r (General P) Kirkpntrick, wbo bal arriv"'l from
Cbudr, anl tho author"""' much pl..a...<i with his affability
and C!lnl..,eension, thnl be offtrt.od his services to thnt olliacr,
wbo bin. to givo an 3"ount of tho Afghans of Kntchr,
from tho tim" of ::'\ nw&h 'All )! uh:>mrud Kbaa, wh>D they lim
acquired rawer. to thP affair of l.aldong, in that Ill might
it into Englih, nnd fonvnnl it to tho King of Englnnd
(Famng). When he retumrd to the toot, ho bAd a tle<ple.s
ni;;bt : and be d<dam that if ho were to tell all tlte
wbieh -ul'ied and dislr:IA:t<J hi mind .Juring th11L night., a
volume \fould noL ouffiee. Finding on tho morrow thnt Ooneml
Kirkpatriok was uoL nbla fully to eomprebend his ,erbal history,
he dj tnnined upon writing in ordf'r that thAt. !:t ntl.:man
might at bislei.uro trans!At<t iL with aid of his "'"" t.l. Be
seL to work to cotn[>Oso his nnrrntivc, nud Guishod it
in 1\JArclt, A.D. 171().
The hiotory by BCLkhsb, of Fni1&1Jad, is aloo known hy
tho n<>mo of TcirU/Ii Fi1i: nml "" both of tr .. nt of
tho period, thero is great oi eonfoumliug tho
two works. Tlu work, though 11rilttD by " Hind6, not only
opons with tho u.uaii3Ud of the Deity, but pror..U,. to aoltlmte
l!ulwnmaJ, and tlte Chahi.r Yir besid, ....
Stzs--.8<o., 388 r"g"" of ).3 lin ua<h.
Prniso of tho Prophet, nnd hi fuur friends-Aee<>unt of
Naw6b Fllilullnh Kh&n-City of Rautp6r-The Ko.r ri<rr-
lntroJuction-.\rrivnl of tb Af;hans, lUI of
KAtrbr territory-Siulh 'Xlam Khan IWd lla.:w :Khan'e arrinl
in Katehr-SI'h '.\1nm K.b6n-llio of N:>wab Mubammal
KhUn-The eunuch dtfented Md lnin-S4ifud diu ruut<-d and
killed-lJefCllt nnd death of R6j11 lJnrnnnd Kbnttd-lJtoli.'llt of
thu R&j:. anol conque,t of the Kem(uln hill- Arri\'31 ol' ;\lu
hammad Sh&J. at 'Ali :\!uh:unowl Kl6u
rtturns to K.ttthr from K&llltlld din Kla&n
killed-Death of tle Empcror )luhanun . .d Sbah-X:mab '.\li
)!ulwnutnJ Khan ukes po eion of tho whole of
Katebc-Deatb of Nnwub 'Ali MuhnulnHIII Khan-KutLud rHn
10tin elnin-K61m Jnng of Saf<lnr 1Mg to
K61no l'"'l"'rty-Riso of Ahm:Ld Khan Hang"'"
auol death of Xu .. ul RAi-l>cf..u of S:.fdar Jon!:-X&wab
KhAn to :lid .\lunad Khan 1l311ga..b-.\luu. ,J
Khan deft.llted by Sardar J:wg, aud token pri100ner in tlto turen
of Jilkana-Wc.1lth nnd huury of ut'
matters with Sntanr Jang-1'iawiob Khan's retHro
front KMdaMr to Kattbr- DiJTrencca between 'Abclullnh
Khan, Faizu.llah Kh&n, S!l'dn-llah 1\h(m, and other NawAioo-
'.\bdu-lbh Klt6u'a Aniuu,..ity agAin"! ::\aw6b Fnizn-llah Klulu-
.\rrinl of Xadb '.\ Kltin and others in K.athr, IUid
allow:weel! maJo to tbem- .AIIo11ane.-s fixed for till' author'
IDM!cl' nod Nawab Sa'du.Jiah Khan-Death of Murt:ul. Kluw
-Dcatl1 or All&h Yir Kbin-Power gained by SarJ:.r Jnng-
J'wed Khan killoJ by &fchr Jang-...Uunad Sbih i.s difguated
with &f<IIIJ' Jan:-::-l"wt.b Sa'lliL Xhin a' tho inetig:l
lion of S:afJar Jang-Rebellion of &fdar Jang. and the ooule
which betw""n Zu-1 fikar J ang and Nawab
SafJar Jong-Sumj Mal Jat taken pritl()Oer by 'luuidu-1 Mulk-
Cnpturo of Ahmad Sb6h- Asccl1Bion o 'Azlz-d din
Dtidah&h to tho throuo- Daugbtor of Nawab Mu'luu-1 Mulk
brought from L6horu-Celebrntion of her mnninge-Ex.ohnsu
or turb:111s botwccn Naw&b Shnj&'ud dnul" and S11'du-llnh
Khtin-Nawliu 'lmlllu-1 Jllulk eomes to expel Shujil'u-d unul:.
froon tl>to of tloo Bonll of Nl\wab Faizu-llah Khin-Nawab
Ja'f..r 'Ali Kloin nod Kaim 'Ali Khin's Criondhip with
Sa'olu-llah Khan-Jaukol and olher Dakhin como
Najibu..d daula-Shuj&'u-d daub with tho nobility of Katthr
r...,.., I to loim-.Ahmad Sht.b oomes from KIW..Wo6r toail
Najibu-J dania-Tho due. of KAtehr join tho dunp of .Abrua I
Shih Uurrini-l.IMo and olher nbief$ of tho Uakhin oomo to
fight "itlo the Uuninl King- The Dillin ehiaf.t are dntrl<'l
by Surnj Jat; tloay proceed to Paulpnt; l{utb ShAh
;\lurniu Kinin an> elnin-Ahmod Shah mnrchcs from Amip
to punih t110 Dnk.hin chiefil- Nnw&b Fnizn-llnh KMn
renehe tlw cnrnp of lho King, nod joitlll with him in tho
rru.adc-Bh&o and other Dllkbin ohiofllsloin-Thu re-
tunoe to Dchii-IIo tnkl'C Sumj llbl Jot into hie favour, anol
eonliroos him in his poe.-ious-Tle Doab diatricu t.,
tho doicl's of Katchr--'Iwlldu-1 Mulk nod )ll\lh6.r in,t
Dcloli, and Xajibu-d d:lllll\ i.s expelled-The Emperor pi'O<ftd. to
the eutro prt tloo wuntry- Account of KUim 'All KhAn.
Goonoor of U<Dg:ll-Xawib Sbuja'u-d dul:. coma. with tJ,,
Yiew of expelling Ahmad .Kloin Bnngaa!o-Dtatb of Naw&b
Sa'du-1141 KhAu-Uundi Khan goea to Nawab Shujll'u-d dnub
to Httlo tho dispute which WlUI raised by Ahmad Kh&n
-'.Siouoglr l%dh(llo aloin by tho ll:lllds of DAitib6ah 1\hdn-
Surnj killud-Jnwlt.hir Singh Jtlt besicgcij Nojibu-d dnula
TOI.. 'flU.
in Ddtli-Go,"fmment of R!w. Sin:::h J't, Ktltri And
othe...-nigltt of Xadb Shuja'u-d dauls--Ui. ani''' at Katltr
-Bttle of 1\on-Tbe X>walis with the En;li-lt-
Doatb of 'Abdo-llab Khau-Arri,,.l of Rlom Chndar
Gan< .. h, )lt\dltujl Siudiy :>Dd otlteno-'Ot'l'lth of Ahmad Khan
of DuuJi of Nojilm-d dnul.., llltd
nutltority nequired by )foh:unmi!od Zfihil4 from
AIIIMMul to Dohll, and defoml of :MuhAmnmd Zlobita Klt6n-
Aocount of S:mknr Gnngitp(ll'-Denth of Snrdfir Kh6n Unkbshi,
nml the oxploitt of his l!Oos-Aitmad Khfin nnd loi1 Bon toke
pooe .... ioo uf his dominions and we:Ullt-EuJ:llgeuwnt lwtween
'Ioayat Khan and Ralizn-llltulk-Rlo:ue or tho do('lndool.!! or
7.4biL.'l Khim-The Dnkhin ebiof eomo to Ram Glt6t-Diapott
h<L.,..,o Rabmat KhAn and Abrni!od Khin, eon ol' the dt-
teutd lhkh,hi-Deatlt of Fath Kb&n Khan4m&n-Qu>rrel
lt>utn hi. son1-Gonrnor-Genernl Lon! ( Wam-n) Jla.,tin!r''
t.rrinl at t.nd hi! inten;ew with Na"6b Shuja'nd
daula--:Nadb Sltujil'u-d dania 8UI!JtC8lS the iovaion of Kat..!tr,
an<l llafizu.l Mulk IAin-Aount or )fuhnmmnl Yar 1\Mn
nfh r hi death- Mnhibn-llab Khan ""'' Fnthu-llnh Khuu-
Account of the llegnm of Nnwab Sn'du-llah Kh6n -lntorvirw
11<-twoon Fnthu.JW. Kll6n nnd Nnw4b Sl111j6'u.d dnni:-Nnwab
Shuj(l'u.tJ dnuln comes to Anwllll-lnll!rviiW lwtwcrn him nnd
Nnw6b i\luhommad Yl>r Kh&n-lntcrviow or .\luhibu-llnlt 1\hfln
with Najnf Khan nod flitb Khan- Nnw&b Shnjfi' rr:1chn
Biull anl there-.Muhammotl Bn.hlr C<lmr to C<loft-
r.-te .\n .. olA-.I.roount of Ylisuf Khkn of
oonf<SCOt"'l anJ it! inhAbiW!u roine.l-Xaw'b Slmj6'u-d dnula
Eallt ick at Bi!':lllti after the couquet-Di" n,.oion 11<-twttn
l\aw6b Shoi&'nd dnula anl the Goneml of lit Dritih re-
their moroh from l.:lldoog-Propo ol of tho formtr-The
(;rnrral' :lDd of Shnj6'u-d daula-
dauln' letter to the Ccuntil of lndi.,._l;encrnl Ohllm-
Jion' lcttrr to tho ume-Answcr or tho Council-Forty M"
of ftrnt to the membera of tho Couucil nt Cnleultn,-
)(rasllro1 taken by tho x .. wuh to tho newly-eonqueretl
trritory-Naw'b Yu Khan le11ves Shuji'u-d daul<>
-Ex!" noes of the author's mMle,_n,'3tl of Sbuj6'u-d daula-
Ooverumcnt of NMvllb '.A.safu-d aud resil(nation of l\lu-
hamml llieb Khin- 'Ruin of :U.-..hlr KMn-
AdnmeomenL of Mull& Almmd llimmnt BaMdur nnl
<lthe.,_lleath of :lluh'llllm"'l Khan-Confi...,.,; u of
th prop< rty of N"w6h S:.'lu-llah Khlul's U<-:..o:un n1 Fnit.lhM-
T.iberty of prioners obt:sinellll the eol of lire In of
-Ahmnd KMn ero-es tho Gm.t:.,.-Shnlo6mnt Khan, oon of
Jlakhhi-Sa',\rlnL KMn, .son of ditlo--Knlhl Kh&n, son of Jitto
-AbU-1 Kllsim IAiu-llukbUiru-d dsula an.! &..,.nt Kll&n killtt!
-Mirzl Sa'6dnl 'All to i\'grn--Arrival .. r MuhAmmnd
nieh Kh&n f10m X!,'l'll

1'111 is an n.lwinable lobrity of wbi<b is b:
no moans in proportion to its mrits. It it wriurn on the moJ.-1
or the llrjJllJclfm, hal is &r superior to tlto work of .\lun3>1
R&zi and 1111 olhen 1 have seen, both in &nl
Ut'!il .. the details of the work, tltere are
winor hieturioa of the cvl!llls ao-tiu; tho clodine of the
;'.1 ntoMreby, and of tho :llahratb.,, RohiiiM, nnJ tlu
N3wlb or OuJh, etc., whidt oomcy much inforn.,tion, dcriv,.J
not only from oxt<rutivu reruling, but cl'"'' pcroo1tnl ohtrvnlion.
'J:ho :;utho, Murtaza Hu.wn, known M Shaikh lllih Yur
'l!rnllnl nf Uilgrllm, says of himcll; thftt from 1H2 to 1181
A.n. (1129 to 1773), i.r. front Ute times of Muhnnuu...l Shah &q
tho midule of the of Sh&h '.\1am lt., bo hail thn hQnour uf
h<iu: rnl(loytd onur the following nob!.,. of 1. Sai);d
Lulnd I\.1aan Timi: 2. Miyi1 S:1;..bL Khau !\ai lut.Juri : a.
lluhamw:.l K'-iu1 Kbao; 4. 'Ali Kuli Khan 'Abbaoi lttJJt-
"II!J.W.I or ix-fulgered; 5. Khan ; G. .\I ul ... uunaJ
Kloan Jbn;;soh or Farrul<b&ba.l, beoidcs Ou
"""''IDL the opportunity was nffordcd him or bting liD G(tor iu
the IICtll"' in whieh they were rnga.,"t<<. Ho wa.t
introJueo,J, in A.n. 1190 (1716 A.n.), whon h wa. in hi forty-
eevcnth by his rriend :83jab 'All, to Captain Jonathon Scoat,
l't,.,iau l:l""rutary lo Wnrron liutin:,'8, "ho ap-
llA.Dntl TO-I A'EXLnl.
him one of hi.s mom/!., " tht\o which, in the opinion of
English gentlemen, there i.s no bi;;loer office ; and reeeiring <D
"'"'"'zemenl liwn bia intdligmee and lon of leamin:;,
he was inducecl to undertake this work.''
The JIIUi/lntu-1 Aklillm tonloina adesoriplion of tho Terrestri.l
Globe, its inbobited quarter, and llo seven gmnd diYisions of
the latti!r. A. aloorl aceoonl of tho wonders and curioaities of
tvery eoontry, a brif MC<>ont of the Prophets, grer.l kin;"'.
philosophers, and celebr:Uod and men of eoontries.
" Qootaliono," aaya the author, "from e.-ery existing work b&ve
b<"()o copied vorootim into lloit! work, Mil Momctimc,
when the style or the origiool was too lignmtive, altt\11\lions have
ke-n 103de in the extn.rte, roy objed being that my n!adtnt
miJ:hl acquire "<>In lmo..-ledge both of aucitnt IWd mockru
tylo of tlae Pef>li.-ln language, aud by obsening iu eht\ng ...
lmuld bo led to roflcot thnt every rublunary lhini subject tu
<hnnge.'' Tho ffi\SOD i.s eomowhat coriou., e.pedally ,.. thnl
naomi might bo moeb more .._.ily le:unt ftom tlae politi<AI
Yiri'!itudes he ondrtuesto re<ol"\1.
The author moreover eonr.,..,. be ha.! an eye to his O\Tll
interest in thia compilntion. " Ir the work shall ovor be potulled
by tho &nd English, it ia oxpt'()tO<I thlll, taking
into their eonaiu<ration tho troublt and old ag. of the author,
thoy will alnya clo him th" t>our of tMiotoioin(l thtir ldml
tonnl. l1im and his d.-ndanta, as this,,..,
the tirt Peniao work compiled under their aupi<l .. , "hioh Jlll
l\ bigtory of tho of tho Driliah l'mrire." This
8uppliontion hM boon grnnlo>cl, and his aon bll!l bcou mio!!d to high
uflioe onder tho British G11nrumot. Bo cooclud by s:ayiug
that this work wu oomposecl "hto be was io bl. ixtitth yenr,
a01l wu aubmiUeJ for the in.!po.-cliuo of Caplllio Soolt and Colond
olior beforo buing eo;:rossod.
It is probable that this work ;. n.moogst llooao u"el by
&'Utl in h1l &oeount or A.urang'Leb's in the two
of W. hi1tory whieb I have txamincd, tho rromiscd li>t of
llUII.L\Z.f RUSAl.'i.
11!!'. authorities is not gien, thcro iA no knowing what were tlu
which he ulletl 118 tho cllicf 80Unlell of hia information.
S1u-L.u-ge Svo., 8S8 ('3..- of 23 linea uaeh.
The Driti,h, afler the rnioy .-on, in the year 1178 A.n.
( lit>-l;..u.), mJlffbod, nntl in a pitched battle defeattod
Shuja'nd clAuln, who rotrcated to Luoknow. The conquQrortl ol
nncoo npon All8lu'ibUI, Ancllnicl aicge to itll atroug 1\Jrl, .vhioh
aftAor a ..lion reosiol.ance ; wbrtai.on tile :'\:"ah
ublig<ld to abandon nil his dominions. Tho Britih
u110lcr tJu,lr entire controllbo conqucrod but they did
nut kill or plunclcr tltcir llhjeeu ; nor did the rent-free holde.-.
awl remiuncro find any cause to complain. Shuja'u-d clAuln
courted too nllitlnce nod euppon of Ahnu11l Klu1n Bllnj,rah, roltr
of Fnrrukhtlb,d, ll.Sz Ralunat Klu1n, and I>W.dl Khln, chief of
Rbilla, & ... illy, ancl Aowali, "hich tilcy all cleelined. Then IJo
to Kalpi, but ho WJI8 driYcn thence by tile Dritikb.
At tili.s lime the Ernperor of DehU mauo no allinnoc with tho
Briti.h, and the district of A llahaboid was a,<igooo to him for
l&i ..,;ideuct. Be agreed to gmot to the Company
ioll of tho Bengnl provi11ce, iu for which he woa to
aunually tlveoty-five laa of rupee><. Moreover, le\"CDIJ
livo lae& given to him ,.. .a pre.ent. After oome yea"'
.Muo!ru-d dnul.., reiiug tho tronty, in<n'('Med tho to
h1cnty-seven l11c. of rupees; but when tbo Emperor l'<tomed to
l),bU, tllo otipob.ted were withheld. Shaj,"u-d dania,
m>king p<o:IUl witil tho Engtish, was restored to hia dominions of
Oudb, whore ho soon gnthered groat strength. In " fuw yclll'l!
Ahnmcl Khio Ban:;aob, DW.dl Khin, and other famou. Robilb.
cl,;, fa, dtoparted this life, l!.lld of all tilo lWhilla cbiru there re-
mnined not ouo to mieo tile st.nmlnrd of 110voruignty and TsUuit,
cxoept lliliz Rahmat Khin, &om Sbilb.JaJ,,npU.., &reiUy, l!.lld
l', I> S&mbbal. Shuji'u-d dania, itil lbo Aid of tb
Eu;:likh, iondccl lbo tcrritorica of BaJiz Ralurult, who wa.
11.1 DTI.\'11:-L J.LUJ II
killo.l in b.1tUe; hut tho vietory WM oullrqly owing to Dtitish
volour. The Rohill:. eouutry then camo into the power or
Shujli'u-<1 daub, ru1tl great tli.Lre:;s foil upon it, ti>r it; wa.s $:iven
up to his nnR>traioed de<ires. At leo;;Ut the :Sawib's ex-
iodnl;;eoeo brou;:ht on him a nro By tLo
British cl.iroctioos he m.We a tl't'llty with Fnixu-llah Khan, 1100 of
'All :Muhamm3d Xh6.n Rohi.lh, who obtsinod onder iL hi
ostntos of Rclmpur. Shujt.'u-d dAulo, still l<lbouring
undor his tormenting dic:l!lo, removed from Lnldong to Oudh,
1111d there died. His 100, )I ina Mani, aue.;,1!ded him, with tho
title of ..1. 1Ufu..J tlaula.
TnB "WORI.DREFL'P.artNG Mlnnou" Wll8 written by Shaikh
S.-.dikl, an inlmbit:ml of lhvi, noor the towu of
Kabar in Bobilkb:t.11.L Re <eveml authorilifll of the
ordinary at:lmp, as \\CII as oil tb011e mentioned in tho ElmftiMJ/fl-t
TcbrdrlkA, -.hich ho wouhl ovidcolly wish tho reader
to boliovo -.oro eonsultild by l>irn alao io original.
Thtro is notbing ooul in the work, bn' tho Biographies at tho
end aro useful. lL was eommenc:P.d in the year 11()1 A.IL (1777
.. u.), and be:us tho aamo date aL the cod; but thia ia evidently
u rni$tnko, tbr, tho close of tho Dnhll history, ovenl8 oro
brought down to lbe year 1193 A.ll. (1779 A.D.), "when twenty
yeara hod e13p61 or tho reign of Shah '(lam, and in
COnler or the kingdom people Mlirod lo ex<'I'CiiO independent<!.
Allah6blul, Oudh, Et&wah, Sbnkoh!tbnd, nod tho whole country
of tho ( Robillas) aro in tho pusscsaion or lhe Naw&b
W ulr iWu-d dnula, Md the whole country or Ben:;ni hM
b.lrn aubjcted by tho ltroog ann of the Ftriog(a. The country
of tho J{ts is under NajM Kb&n, and tho D:>khin is p:utly
under Nizarn 'All KhAn, p:utly uutler tho MnhraUns, nod partly
under Roidar N6.ik and Muhomml\tl 'Ali Kh!n Siniju-d daula
of Tbo Siltbs hold the whole foba or the Panj,b,
and L'hore, aud :\t altW.; aud Jaina:!V and olber pluees aro
held by Z4bita KMu. In this manner olhnr r.nmlmfdrl have
Ntablub<d themNl'I'M htre aod there. AD the world il w:Ut.-
ing in anxiout expeetation of the appe:u-aoco of lcn!m :Yahdi,
who is to come in the latter clap. Shih 'a'bm aita in the
fGlace of Ddtll, aod has DO thought beyond the gntiJiealioo or
his own pla.ouno, while his people :u-e deeply sorrowful aod
grio.-ously even unto It is to be rogr..ttcd
tim' those dO>pondiog nnlieipaliou oro not rccrtcd
to by tho proaonL fortunate generation.
l'ho nuthor us aonte informntion respecting at the
cloeo of hie work. lle tells us thAL his pl'Ogenitol'll arrin-d in
India as fnrly as tho time or Pirlhl Raj, :md that bo !mel a
bo<ly of foreign et1valry undr his command :lt Sonpat. Somo of
his are buried in SonpGt aod Ajmtr, whre thfy dil'd
wa,<>ing holy ......... In eonrse of time thoy movll<l into Ro-
hilkhaod, and IUja T'j KMn, of the KatchrzAi dan, Le.towod
and twelo other .-ilia!:"" io ]Ub:u- upon tht flunily.
Thore they bao continued to 1:8ide, Md amongst lhom h.-e ap
!"......,.. nl prod.i"' of oxeellenee and learning. In tho COUJ'1C41
of tlteir gtoealogy, ho states many an<l other im
prob:lbiliti06, whidt throw doubt upon lho eorl'OCIDOIS of tho
family tree.
Profaeo, p. 1-Jntroductioo, Ore:.tion and Prc-Atbmito Et%
p. 8-Chaptur I. Adam and tho Prophota, p. 27-11. Phil-phe .. ,
p. ll l-UI. Kings or Penria, in four Sectioll! (mnkdltu), p. 160
-[Y. Kioga of Arabia befu:e IslAm, p. 197-V. The Prophet
:lluhammod, in lie Sections, p. 206--VI. The 'Urnma);de
KlW!Jil, p. 36"2-VU. Tho "Abbf.side Kbalifs, p. 402-\'111. to
XX. 'Ibe Sam,nb, GhaznlriJcs, and otborllynasties,
p. 421-XXI. Khlindkin of Rum, p. 4.91-XXII.
of Rum, p. 494-XXJII. The Khflllll of tho Turks, in tbrt'e
St!C!tions, p. 611-XXIV. Cbangiz KMn and hill son, in fuur
Sooliona, p. 614-XA"V. Dmnth('S of the :Yughals, p. 610-
XXVI. 'l'itnur ond his eons, p. 648-XXVIJ. 'fhc Uzbakd, r
5&3-XX\'ill. Th Sa&m, p. 6GS-XXTX The ... ,m Climat ..
and tho Subas of Hind.U.tan, in t1fo Sec:tiouo, p. 670-XX:X
The Rtljaa of IlindU.tnn, in tinC()u Seetions, p. 69"2--XXX I.
Tho Suluins of IIindti4t6n from Muhnmmod Sam to the
time, in live Section, p. 630-XXXU. to XXXIX. SultAns of
the Jnkhin, Gujmt., ThauA. JlUUlptir.
and ultfiu, p. S&t-Oonclusioo, of IMrnod Docto,.,.,
Dcotcca nnd &in!.JI, tutd n brief of the A nthor, p. 92fi.
'l'ho only oopy 1 know of thi! work is a very clO:lll anol
oorrcet one, in tho libmry of Sa'Wud din Ahmad Kh&n, a
man of )[urfid,bfid.
Sm:-4to., 1378 pages of 21 lines eaclt.


[Tms work may bo called lhe Peera,"' of lhe :Yu;:bnl
h >Mist. of a Bic>grllphical Dictionary of lhe illu.triou. men
"ho han Oouri.-hccl in Bindlistan and lhe Dakhiu undr the
bou.o of Tlmur from Akbar lo 1155 A.u.
[" Amir Kam!lo-d cUn, lhe fifth 1\ll"""tor of Sh6h Nawb
Khan, front Khwlf to Hiudlistan in lho reign of Akbar,
whow arrvioe Ito ontorecl ; And his descwodD.nt.s hold in
110mo of tho highC$t offices of Stalo under tho auecooding
Emperors. Shlth Nawu KM.n, whoso original llftlltO Will!
'A.btlor Raz?.(Lk nl IIu>mini, wns born at Lahoro in 1111 A.IL
(1609 .-.o.). Early in lifo ho wont lo A.urang.ibiJ.d, where most of
his relatiee reeidod, aud Ito wns not long nppeintccl
Dl"'a" of Dirar. lla1iog incurred the di.ple:10ure of l'ii"&mul
Mnlk dow J6.h, by fnTooring the reTolt of hi.o aou N&.ir Jang,
he was aol inlo retinmenL H wu durin_; thi4
period that ho eomJ!<*d lhe Umard. After bo hw
pa..std fio YOUII in sec:IU!ioo, JiJ.:st J!h, in 1160 oL.n. (1H7
A.D.), abordy b.fore hia death, took him again into favour, and
"'instated him io tho Dlor<inl of Birilr. Sh6.h N:r.wh Xh6.o
enjoyt'd tho highut honours under Nuir Jang, the aon and aue-
tessor of ,(eaf J&h, and 811bsoqoenlly became t.ho chiof minitor
of Sruubat J6ng, tho Subaddr of lhe Dakbin, tu1d plnycd a
C11ospicuous Jia<t iu tho affairs of that portion of India, and tho
otrnggloo forsuprem3t'y between tho English and Frenoh. no WBS
UA.\8Sinaled iu 1171 A.H. (1757 A.D.). Gbulim 'Ali implicates
Dmsy in his murdtr, but th dull"ge nppen111 to be wilhoul
foundAtion, U!o natin lll.torian being no doubt miol.,J by lllB
The work wu eommenced by Sh&h N awu Khtin S"ms!mn-d
daul3, but he lei\ il unfiniobed, and in tho turbulent scMles which
aucceedod lW dcnth, hi3 hou>o was plundered, and W. manu.ocript
oeattered in various direeliuns. It waJ! eonaidcred :1.1 loot, till
:illlr Ghulam 'All, sumnmod the author of two
works, the Sarr-t ..lwtl :wd Kluruna-i A.m1ra,
and 1> friend of
Shah N nwliz I<h&n, collectod the gn'lller portion of the mi..sing
I anl reotored the work to it.s entire form with a fuw addi-
tiona, amongst which wo.s the lif of tho author, and "P"'fnee,
"hirb an accounl of the work.
[" Ghulam 'AH wns n pool UDd "biogmpbcr of pocla. no wa.s
born in 1U6 A.D. (1704 A.D.), but lbe d:w> of his death ;. not
J..nown. Jio wa.s at one limo llltiWhod to Smns{unu-d dnulll in
the of :tmanuensi... He traYelled into various pa:ta of
1 ndi<>, Md .Meccn and :Medin3, Md, acrording to the
.KAulthalu-1 Aj'U.r, after his journeys and pilgrim3ge he was
mucb bononred, during his residence at Aumng{lbc.d, by tho
Sulxuldn, and associoted in frieudly iotitUACy with the of
Nidmu-1 lfulk Xsaf J6h; yet with Utoeo tempr..-.Hona he uovcr
enga,"Col in tho rufai111 of the world.'
"Tho biogrBpllles oomprillod in the lim edition of tho work
oxteml to Obul{un 'Ali's own timo, nnd &re 261 in oumbor, in-
cluding tbelifi of tbe onthor by tho
At :> ubsequont period the son of Sanwunu-d d:lula, named
'Abdo-IJIAi Khio, complet.d tho work io its P""'eut for111, giving
iusertiou to liJI father's origimu lotroduclion, aud to the Inlro-
pt"'ft-tdlra of Ptnbo PoMII, tha Drud,. .. / J"',.. C)ODtiUaa
a err tu.lli"'UJU.l ot Lhe oC *""'' pwiic a or the t.r.cent!UJ. tht .ld.laGr
nwy opponwdty .,t ......... ""' hut ricol ...... io !rio ........... no
to the of Oudh OQMIPJ CIJ1t..ftn.h af t.b tlltuo trork..
btU. n. Wllklo
lD Lh.o on-.JI O,..Urly Jb,.._-.;,, t...L. ,,..

duction of 1\fir Gbul{un 'Ali. So tho work M it at prMeuL
atand.a contains ["Tho Prcfuee by tho Editor.-Tho Origiual
Profii"' of Sh&l Nawiz Kh6.n.- The Prolileo by Gbulam 'Ali.-
Tbe Lifo of Sh&h l'\ndz KMn by Ghulfun 'A !i.-an Indox to
thu Dio;taphies.- The Dio;;raphies arranc;ed iu alpMbelic:U order.
-Conelasion,;: a .bon lifo of lho Editor, 'Abeln-! Bai
(" 'IIte biographies in the second edition aro 731 in
giing t>u increaao of 6G9 lives not aontinoo in tbu forlllrr
edition. They arc nry al>ly written, ami aro full of importAnt
historie:U detAil; anl u tby include the lives of all tbo mot
eminrut men who flouriheJ in time of the )[ u:;lul Emperol'8
of tho lloase of Tinnir down to 1194 A.n. (1780 &.D.), tho
.Jfir-.i .. irll-1 umnnl mu.t nlwoys bold ir.. plaoc "" one of tho
moL books of rofurenco for tho &indent of Intllnn
llilory. 'Abdu-l IIni onumurntes no thnu thirty bUstorica
aul;;rDpbieal lreati. s from wbiuh he hu drnwn lhe llllltmalc
for his portion of tho work."]
C..h no! Stewart hu euriotUiy confua 1 tho oame11 of tlo
anthon of lhe .Jfu-tii1rllfm.rrti. Bo baa eompl<tely rnenoo
tho rolMioos of futlr son, ob.l!l'ving, " Tlti.. book liM
c01npile<l by 'Abdu-l H:.i bin
Abdu-r ltnulLk Shah NnwAz
Khl.o, And linisbod by ltio sou Sanll!limu-d A.D.1779."1 llu
lt ... "'1"'3U<i lhe error in the lbl of nuthoritil,. prefixed to hi
Rittory of Den,.oal. llu appea"' to IOUJ,,.J by U1o
bu-r oo!.l<mao's dilf,ront appellations: bia name being 'Abdu-r
RudJt, and bU. tith'l Shllb ll'owiz KMn &llJ
Snmllmu-d dnula.
[" '.\bdu-1 Hni KMn Wall boo in 1142 ... u. (1729 A.D.), anu
iu 1162 ... n. (1718 A.D.) 1\'11! elevatoo to lho rank of :Khlln by
SiAru XA:!ir J an;. wlto abo k,towed upon him lhe Dl iul or
Dir&r. Io the linto of S3labat Jan:; be l.ecaluo <Ommand:LOt or
D.tulAtuMl On bia futhtr's rnunler io 1171 .\.B. (17Si ... u.), he
was im[rl.wneJ io tho funreu of Golkonda, but be was ubn-
' "'' Lihnuy
p. 10 .
quootly relr:llf'<l in 1173 A.n. (l7J9 ..o..n.) by Niz&mu.d ohul:.
(nf J(lh 11., "ho trented him with dLtinotion, nnd r&-
intated him itt hi3 pA((rnnJ title "" S:>mamu-1 He died
in 1196 A.u. (1781 A.ll.). '.\bdu-1 llai' title vnri"" in Arnther
l"'rrlexin; way. It ""'" nl firt Sharruu-1 ohuln Dilanr Jnng.
When It& wtiS relt'lLed front pri110o, be 1'1>\'eicd ltis futhrr's title,
SAmimu.d douln Sam,fun Jan;(. Jn hi .\ppo tt<lix
to tho Nlllhiru-1 utJ/Iml he emits ltimelf Somcimu-1 nod
zi11 hi [tical name as &lritn. )lr. Bland rtf<..., to " work
in which ho is cnlled S:unsaonnl )lnlk Diluwnr Joutg.''
Stu-Fol. 1i in. by ill !21 r-::es. 25 tin"' in " P"gt
Jlnlldl"'t KM.n KMn-kMnU.,. Sipalllfltir.
1J<o:; ""-' son of OhuyU.. Jlt:: K&buli, and to
tho Sniyit of the pure Rn";,I'U etock. Kh6n-zom6u, son of
)!ahabot Kb&n, iu " hi-tory wbieh he wrote, traee the d...-.nt
of hi! ance<tont from the Prophet )to.,, Thoy wen oil men of
pooilioo nod wenllh. Ghuyur Dog e:>mt' from SllirU to K6bul.,
and scult.J among ono of tho tribeo of neighbourhood. Jlc
"'"" onrollod antong tho milit:uy follmvero of Mit?.a
Hokim, oud on tho of the hoohtnintt employment in
tlte of tho Emperor Akh.>r, when he
::;rutly iu the apiut Chitor. !leg in youth
WtiJI 3111001; the nn(l,/), of PriuM s .. J[m (.TllhAu;:ir). ond,
"''] llen-.1 Rlme ""tmtt"t he, in a 1hort thne,
r<'l'<ivc<l n Httitnblc mrwrb, nnd wo. modo Btl:l,.hl of
r ....... "'hen Raj u haioa ID3l " treaty &:;rt"'ment with
M u 'nzzam KMu Fs.thpuri nt Al16habad, nnd ramo to wnit upon
tl1t- tht< rity and it::s ''ith numt.rous
'"'hcneVI!r Ito went out, all mou, high ond low, gnzed
with nlorin::: t)'e-- at hi. followet"f. Thio :>nnoyed th PrinC'f',
who eaid one uiqltt in "Why should I be troubl!'d with
this man Ph 7.3mana nid thot if P' rmb;on wert' ::ivcn, he
t A. largw: portion of tbjtlrtltltr bn11 btf'n &Akm (I'Cim C.t .. J..,w.
:11.\-SIRL'-L UlUM.
wou!J that niglu S<>ttlo hu . Ttating reeeivoo dine-
tions. he went alone with a lleM"30t mt to thA dwelling:
of the RAj:., who WM drunk and wt Mleep. He ltft hi <Crvn.ut
RL door, ruul tcllitog tho RAjn's wrvnnt. to wait out<ido, bemuo
he hod a royal to deliver, he went into tho tent, cot otf
the Raja' hrau, it in " hawl, and came out. Tolling
the <eiTaQU tbot no ooo mut go in, b<cauoo be b3d an an'!Wer
to bring, ho took tho hrod anol threw it down hefor< tho Prince.
Orders were immediately given fur plundering the followers.
When t.l, .. ,. diN<Ore""l bad hop!"'ned, they uirr.oo!U, ami
all the R'j' trtolll;are and animm were ronS=ted to th State.
ZnmiDA Do!; the title or :llnbftl:>3t Khan, &Dol at tho
b<ginning of tho rQign of Jahhngl.r ho wns mioed to 11 111n118nb of
3000, and sent in command of an lll'my agaiut the Rint\. t
.1f..,'fnt 111tl Dan.
1\lo'U.marl Kh&n ShruaiF wns :1 oa.livu of Persi3,
of obscure ration. On hi aoruintt to Jmlia hi r;ood fortuoo
r3u. .... ..t l1i introdoetioo to .11Uln31 ::UaUni (Jilh&u!;ir). In the
tbinl yo:u- of we ,..,;, bo """ honou...-d with lloe title of
;\lu'trullfi<l Kh&n. Uo was B"khlllli of Ahatil f11r a long
ln ninth year died SulnimAn llc)( FidCal l(loloo, who
wag JJal.:ltA/ of tbo anny of Prineo Sh'h JaMn in the
a<:trln" the lUna. :\lu'tam!ll K.bhn "u thrn aprointN to the
offie..._ In th yc.,r, when lb Prince ""llS drroted to
nmke &rran:,..,mmts in the Dnkltin, the office of Bitkhlti wa.s
entnancd to him. Although loo had a rcputntion for
his of history, yet it appea.,., from "urk I/dxil-
'"'' 14 Jn44 :Jirl, whieb it written in an ruy ftowin!( that
bad little skill in writin::, M, not\\ith,tnnding
hl$ boldint; the office of A/,ul-11arlsl, ho lms noL only out
trifting mnt.ters, but has even narrated imp<!rfcatly im-
I (11oo Al>oo'j ... l ...,..... o( thlo Gobi- O<plet 0 J-Iiag p\aN Ia tho ldstooT
ol tho roigu ul OU>.I J.ohh, .yN y,,J. YJ.] '
TUJ is a flio;tnlphica!IICCOnnt of tho nobles of llinltht&n, from
tlae limo of Akbar to &h&dur Sbab, by Ko""l RAm, 10n of
lb::hun!atb l>as ,\::arwala, of Ka.nA in Dul:w.t.babr,
"rillm in the year U94 A-IL {liSO A.n.). h an naeoom
of all diguiLaril'A tho wa1U(lb of two bundrod, and of tho
Hindu !lij:\S who di-tinguisbed tbcm..,Jves durin:; th:>l p<riod.
H coulllin Vl'ry little more than th pAteniJI of nobility, privi-
lrg .. nraol irl!liguia bcz,towed upon CIIA!b f!OI'IIOD, and tho OCC3ic.n
of hi promotion. It is nltogothor n very compilation
corupar"'l with lho Jftt-aliru-1 Um11rd.
Su.E-8vo., 101 pages of 15 liues e:ada.
n rn<><lrnt history of tho EotlX'ror Akbar, 'vrillon by
Amlr RWJnin( Wuitl of Dilgr(un, wbOl!o llnct .. to1'11 cnuto
from iu Ambia. Tho work w:.s tom piled Rl iotancn
of "Muf.,khkharu-d bub BaiWiur Shoukat-i Jaug Willirun
Kirkp.1tri<k," anl eo mut baVD been written to\\'W\15 th dOO<l
uf tbe la.t c<'Dtury. It bears no date, and e:wnds
ouly to the eod of the nrenty-founb year of the Tlte
nuthor states tl13t he deri.-cd his lll3terials from the
of Abu-1 1-'ul, the JlunlakAab of lbd,tlni, the Tabakat of
Ni<luuu-d diu Ahmad, Firbhb, the .4Jobar-mfma of lllihdid
Fail( Sihriudi, tho Jla-chiru-1 umara ADd other works. llo adols
that he ttoed tho four p.uu of tho I1Mhrir .&bit-1 .Fu:l, 1111d N
pcdnlly mrntion tho fourth p:u-1, expreiug lti thnt it
so liltlo referred to by hi;toriana. Tho l11hd is n well-
known work, and hu onon boon printed, but in throo parts only ;
110, i\lr. Dlooluunnn &ays, "it look.! 114 if Am(r lfaidnr'a copy ol'
the fourth put WAS unique." Jlut 3 refcrenre modo by Sir n .
EUiot in p. 413, Yo!. V. of this work, shows ho had .... .., ...
to this rare (oOrtion of the work. The ..4Abar-a,.a of Ahu-1 Fazl
ia thu autlturity m:Unly upon, and tbo author aaya he "liM
omitted tlloee BDJ"rflnitits of I:w.,....age wbicb Abu-1 Fat.l em-
ployt..l for rhc toric:al
"TIU. ad dB Blocllmann, "is (>Uhps tle only
critical t.itorieal work written by a uatire," and t.o rarticnlarly
rcconuucnd! it to tlie notite of uropnu
Svo., 843 p3ges of 15 lines ueb.]
[d'loo-l..Uiorl, TO!. L pp.xal. 111111 310.]
lOJo. vm. 1S

[Tm: J"'rl of thi gives a genernl doocription of
Hindutlm, of i!Jl provineu, t>roduots nod pcoplt. It alo
gi vl'll n summary of tho hi.!tory as durivt'll from tho
Sanskrit works tmiJJlated by Fait! nnd others. Jl then notices
tho rise of tho )luhammadon and adds n auecinct hitory
ot' the reigns of tho nriuus .;ovcreigwo down to tho of
Aurangzeb. TIU. conatitutM rh lUst volwno of the work, and
conUilu are generally idtntical with tlt""" of the Ji'Aar/tlf41llf
The author hu bt-co seerely condemned by C..l.
L ' for glaring plagiari"'n in having atated thnt ho dtrivt..! his
mMtor from the "ork of an old 1/llll,.hl, without ovr moutioning
tho nrune o Uoo author of tho Khtdc!Miul Tmrtil'lkA. It bllll
b<lton shown by Sir fl. F:lliot, ilL No. LXXXIV., thnt tho
[{hu/d.fiJiu-t Tattirlkll its..Jf ia n gross pimoy of nn anonymou;
work called JltJ.:A/IJAif'lll Ta Jr/1:11, ""d it m>y hae ktu this
very wodt that Gbw&m Jiwo:Un naed md reforr-...1 to u the J>IO-
tloction o "some old .,,.,,..M."]
[h ;. the volume of Lbe work thal bu !.:.,.,me f.1moo.s.
and 1o wbieh the title Siyar11-l ,lJulaakllkhirill, "ltoicw of
Modem Times,'' i8 applioable.] 'l'bia oolllliot.a of 11
1 [1olll'llllo( Ro)"l ,\JU.Uo Sodtr, rnl ULJ
(Writtn cUMgrM u to tbe tSat.'t ,._,.,Jinr IUid ot tho Uti.. h may bo
.......... JlrU ..... A.Uerbt. N R.Yil"'llf' o( n .. ,., wb.ith lft:QU to be f.n\Un:J by
U.t tnMhtur ud \he Calcutta ..:li&of.- or .Jl.r...d4Uiri-,
")(_.._. of die x.a..," 1t noolcrt.l br Brigp, aad t.llowotl br ti" D. U.
georral W.tory of India from liOO to Ii'SG A-D- ll contains tl1ft
n:iJ:liS of the eenn Emperon of Hindutan. an of
tho of the Engli!h in Bengal up to 1781 A.D., 3ttd :a
eritiMI enminatioo of tbcir and policy in Drn;!lll.
aotl1or tn!<\I.JI thcso subjoei.JI with " flfttlom and
spirit, ond with a fo-, clearnesl! nod simplicity of very
uousUill in an Aintio writer, nod which juJtly cntillcs him to
pro-eminence nrnong Mohnmmada.n historians. ["[Lie written,"
enys "in tho style of privntc memoir1, thB
ucful ond engaging ahn(Mt which history cnn ; nor,
excepting in tho peculiArities which belong to tho M ubnmmodnn
cbarn<ter nod do we perceive throughout its IUIJ'
inf<riority to the hi.!torical memoirs of Ellro(Mt. The Due <It
:;;uuy, Lonl Clar.odoo or Di.bop Bumet need nol hue be(u
&bamed to be tbe oothol"! of !;lith "production.'1
The teetimooy which Gbul&m ITusain bean1 LO tho merit of
tho Englih u on tho whole ereciitnhle to them. Dr. Tennant
o!.N-rvee thot "of injustice and corruption, a. tho author
l'tllinly ocquill our eountrymco; ond of erurlty tLod
"" rulr,.., hb bring. not tho slightest imputntion. l:'roou
intimnto ocqullintnnce with this subject., nud his bio, if felt
any, being wholly ngllinal ua, we mny applnud our d-
onture,.. fur hnving obtninlld this houournble testimony to their
ebnmetcr. From wnnt of knowledge in tho lnnguoge, he oln
accll!e lhtm of b!lving suffo"--d thtullldes to b.
impo<'ed on by thir ooHmHr and 111rkdro ; nor doe be
that wos !'Ometimes committed thir inter-
ference. Ptr-isn writingo and boob ore not comnoitll-d to the
pftU and di.-min.otd by poblieation as in F.urope. Tbi'
author' )lilS., for many were hAllded al.out printtly
among the lle could, therefon:, llll\'O no foar uf ::ivio,:
offence to the Englih by whnt be brought forward. ThiJ is
intlcod Appnreut fraon mAny striotores he hM written nbundnntly
aovon; nor dors thtre 1>1!4'm MY intent ion to plo:\Ou by Onttrry
in o work thnt w1111 novur submitted to tho (>"tubal or tho English.
Tht P"'il!6 of Goddud, and of IDIUlY other iadi<idaals,
&o t.. found in t!Jo Siyarw-l Jlfa-alihkltir!, ., DO ex ... ptiuD lu
thi nmark, oinretbey :ue ;dcntly t.he tll'uoiont ol'oin .. rity and
3nd urne of t.hem, M of )Ir. 1-'ullartC>O, .,..,..
Yrill<n loug after the partie. eona'l'llcd had ldl the country.
"'it bout nny knowledge of ei,il liberty in tho llbtrael,
thi nuthor tJ.o IUU"'t onjoylllenl of it, anol from thw
circuntnoc" his wstimony hM become of t
Thu Si!Jarul jlfula-khkMriJt, or "MrulliN'II of tho \\lodcms,
,.,.. eoouplLed in thu yeru- 1783 by S:oiyid Ohulim 'Ali Khan
Talo&tnb&, 11 relation of Na'>Ul. 'Alhartli Kb4n. Hill filther,
J!i,JapL 'Ali Khan, held the Cloverumcm uf Dih&r in the
kbaddrahip of )bhibat Jang, as t.ho O<lib, or dt)Uty, of hia
ll )'hew and 80n-in-lnw llait..t lie ..... an.1'11'11ol'do
"r military !!<>Vernor, of Sonpat anl l''nirot, in the
of ::\lulllWomad Sluib. On tb fti;;bt of Shih ',(1om fro01
D hli t.o uoid the pon.eeotioo of Ch&.&iud din Khan, he ,..._
comJ<mi...J him as hi Jllr-l"'kii,J,I or chief paytuaol<r ; loaviug
nbtniued fur hi. ddw EOn GhuJAm H uonin, u..., po;t of .Jllr-
WIItmM nr princi(l31 sll<lr<!My; for his I!O<'IID<lton Fakbrud
dnula. tlont of J)Jtrtlu-i td11 or O\'Croet'r <>f tho houodoulu. Tloo
nl'ct"itic. of tloa Prince aL length lfitlfynt 'A II to
rtJlinquih hia station, and he retir.-d to hi jtlglr in Uib&r, wbero
hu rlivd """" .ut..r tho dopositioo of K! 'Ali .Kiuln.
IIi.; oon, Gbul&m UaidAr, al\erw.rl. u npn.,...ntati'" of
'Ali Khan in Calcntta, till W. $Up<Chl 10
tho En;lih oetaoioneJ hh! rcmo.-al. Ho wu then tn;:o.::< in
1"aric,us etn-icee under our owu uJ rtftheJ many
marks of fayour &om General Hoddard, whum be atu-nJtod on
II('Y<ral ontt1}1ri><e. In a !hort ho tayo, " Xo one
1'1"" ntly hui11g tood forth to write an ll<'counl of tho nobles
of tioce the death of Annn!!V'b, 1 ...;n briotly """'"'' wbal
I know on tha or hno heanl from trutworlhy and
uOUTator., to end tltal if horoaAer nny imelligcot
' TOUld&.'t ladian lliantiou, \"Ol. l p.
hU.torian abould bo indined to write the events of time.,
the thtcd of uol bo ootirtly l.rokeo.
lklyiug, ou tho Divine aid, I proceed to the ext<utioo
of my t.a.k, and will put. down iu de:lr !Jinguage, free fron
a!Mtru,.,neo, wb:.taoever I b:.n heard related by pereorut con-
sidered worthy of erediL If &ny mist.3kes occur, my i
dent.: lboso who havo fun1i.shed iuformMion mut IN

Somo furth!'l' p:>rliculnrs of the author mBy be found iu vulunw!
i. and iii. of the IU!Jittr, in which Extmeu
nre gien from IU. &ntobiographJ, which i said to bavo ""''n
prefixed to bit History, bot. it. does not apptar there in tlte
printed edition by 'Abdu-l llajltl.
This - tr:molllted iu10 Englkh by )lust.a!Tl, a Fttuda
ud pnblihed at Cakutta in 1789 in three qnarto
To>luwes. Tho hiotory of the tnnslator is not very wdl known,
but it Jpcoan from his Pref>eo that he """' iu En;.:lieh mJIoy,
thnt he waa a :.tuhammadno, and thnt be wu plundcn...!
u pilgrimage to ]\lt)CM. He '""" a Fl't'neb, Italian, Turki>h
nntl Jl waolu, nleo ll perft'l'l llllll<IOr of Pe .... ion
nud Hut although he prided him,olf "llOil his
knowlod:;u of ho wns not thoroughly in our
tougue, lint! it is to be regretted thot his \\M maun
into a of whielt bo wll8 not ,. for vonoion i
filii of (;;\llieim, lllthongb be that he "roultl not writo in
'"'Y other 110 ftoMltly." t\ lnr,;e porti<>n of the im-
l'"'""ion of hi work was lo.;t on iu to En:land, [And it ha.
" r:are book, only to be founu bere and then; in
libnrit. ... )
General Briggs ond<rtook to bring out a new trnnolntion, [but
he pul>IU.bed only one volume, about onNixth of tho
"bolo work, &nl this was wore &n amended ver>ion of tho ori:;inal
tmnslator' Englih I hnn a re<i!ion of hia trauelation.] A
portion of tho work relAting to tho traul!liCtions in Den gal hM botn
tranlnH..! in tho volumo of Scott's lfitlory qf IID Dretlll
001TI.&l[ lllldAIS JCII&lf.
Tlu! Siyrrru-1 Jfulr-nkhi-hiriH beta printed more than
once nL C:t.louttn. An .eli lion of tho firot Yolume wao
brought out there in 1836 by Uakim 'Abdu-l "Yajid, in a quarto
Tolomo of 63-1 pages.
'fhe work is well knowu to Engli$h from tle mQny
quotntiotlll and :W.t...,ta which b... made frou1 it in hi
Jf,.l<>ry 'If l11dilt.: (and GLulan1 Ilusain is" )luulrain hil
torian of thoo timet" whom l\lacaullly Ita. qo6tod And epoken
of with approv:U.' In foet, tho rtative tiidu of tbo hitory of
Gholinl JJuqill'a day., as it apptars in tho wnrb of F.nglioh
l'ellta almot ontiraly up<m lli nuth6rity. The limits nf
tho prc.cnt volumu will not allm of aueb lengthy "'"
the merits of tho work ""loire, aol it preferable to brio;;
funnud tho YiWll and latemcuta of other writl'I'S, m""t of whom
ure entirely unknown to the European reader, For tltc!!O roASOM
no Exll'll<ta from tho work hore given; but iti.. to be
d""ired th:ll " eomrltl< tr:lll>lation of tbi. hi>lory ol!ould I.e
ae.:.:s.iblu to the tudcnld of Indian bil!tory.]
.My 01 ctin.

Tm i an of Sigaru-1 MrdnkAkAirln by
FArun<l '.\li of who rtl!pecling bitnlf:
";: hi::hly <l.,;iroas to le<mt httory of th kin!!"
of fomtrr tirnt5, I employed myself in the tudy of tho SiJifln<l
.1(.,/n-oUUiri, tho onrinlled eompo,;irion of Gbulim 'Ali
Khan. A thi book has mMY beauties and wbieh
are r:al\ly f<UDI in any other work on hitory, it h:.. ncr IM-m
door to my heort; but iiS extreme prolixity not only demand
n long time for itt peru831, but oxbausts tho p.ticneo of r<drro;
nt thn rcquMl of some of my friend., T m:ldo nn nhtrnct of
tho work, nntl dcnominnted it TnrrdJlk/r."
Thi1 work eli ilcd into three parts. Port I. Dricf ""count
of the King;o of India, from the reign or Tfrnur to tho twenty
ycnr of i\lohamm:ld Shah, 1738 A.D. Part II. A full
<ICCOUUt of tho tr:>nsaetions in Bengal, '>him,b6d, and Ori"!>, to
the eommeneemont of English rulo in 1781 A.D. Part Ill.
Tr:ul..,..tiont from tho t..-enty-se.:ood yar of Muhammad Shih
up to the twenty-third year of 'Am' liSt .\.D.
h luis beon printed in a quarto volllDle, eoot.aining 611 f"'gel
or 191inrs .... h.
'fbero is anothor abridgment of tho Siynr11-l J.(,ln-akli/;Airll
by lfnulavl 'Abdu-l Xarlm, Head ll!astr of tho
b wa.s printed in Onlcuttn in one volume quarto in 1827, under
tho uaooo or Zubdalu-t Tatclirlkll.
T.l'RrKn-I l\IAMiLIK-1 Ill:8D

OII1IT.X l\1 D.\'SIT.
Tm it a compilation by Ghulam B&.it, undertakrn at tho o::-
geotion of au officer. Tho title is th" one horne tho
.apy ot Bomboy whih I have had the oprortuoity of eouwhin.;.
[But ian work bcnring tloc Iillo of Turll.lo-o'lltiit, \\loiclo i
probably tho samo"" tloi.J
Tho author tellt u.t of him"<"lf, thot be IIJid no excell!'lo<O of
perwon or mind., aucl \\M long liiut: on the income of a (t:" :M-n-.
of land whiob bod dtscendt:d to him from loi nncc..LOl'!!, wlocn,
LO bit tenurt, along with tho other r.ut-fr<<
tenure. in the province of Oudlo. W:IS reuuo .. l, lUlU .....
conaequently rtdue...J to the 1:ft3t""t tlktn:ss aoHI
Tho autloor in thi emergt:ney \\i<lo..I that, like his aueCOitors,
who for nhout throo loonod.rod y<Ard loo1d hoeu in the servico of the
Emperora of RindU.tan, ho at.., migltl enter the a.rviee of
"""'" &rnily. But olthougb, be obr""' thre were thou,.o.U
and hundreds of tho ... aods of po<>plo as iui
ooiGeam M himtlf,
wbo, ootwitb!Londing tho dedino of the empin>, euboisted UJKIU
tho hounty of tbnl honoo, he through his bod luck was diMp
point..I in that expectation, and waa obliged tu to It eruploymtoL
under the EngU.b, who were not..I for thdr gooerooity &ltl
eolltll;reo. He Maumod tho n:uno of a mum!ti in order to
ltia daily brencl, and throngll tloo gmoe of God and the !Undn,-., ur
his rnlllt", ho at L>..t obLainl'<lll saffident for hirnstlf
anrl chlldrtn, and pray..t God fill' the .. elfare or tho r:n;;li..b who
bad aupporteol hirn.
Iu the yoar 1190 "" (1782 .&.D.) bo wrnt to C.Ueuua, iu com-
p.'lny with l'tik&du-d daula Nasiru-1 Mulk General Ohnrle Burt,
who one n.'()oenoo him to write n briernceount or tho Rulers
of lliudU.l(lll, wbothH i\lusuhuful or Iliudu, on tho
both ol' bookt 11ml of oml teetimony. As ho eonidorctl grnti-
tudo pnrnmouut to all other bo nbtmctod prcrrding
nuthono, and noted ,town oJl that he hAI bearJ from his lilllaer
Shaikh &ifu.llob of Bijoor, who been during hi! whole lire in
tho roynl 81r<it<', &ncl ha.l attinl'<l the great !: of ono hull\lnlll
and lire Altlougb he obritlgru the account. <lrri,.J r,..m
other hi.torians, be did so without the omi--ion of any nlllt<riAI
point&; nod on tho e<ndnion of hi$ work, deliven.-.1 one wpy to
l1i patron, &ol rtUUnN ODO for bim.,.,!f.
Uo dues tAlo fro1n "bat worh he Mmpilf<l hia hit.,ry;
but iu tho rouroe uf it ho mentions incidentally, amongst othH!t,
the JlnAtitlturnl, Jlullrr'or-1 .Anll'<lr, Tdrikh-i Brlm-tur .. !tdlrl,
TurUt.-i }lwtlrtl, tho hi!!tories of Ifliji Muhanumtd Knndahclrl
ruul Nit.e'uuucl rUn Aluntl<l. As tbeso nro nil by
Firillt11, it il probnblu he only quot them at
lio npptar to hnvo tnkon hort tltno about don etHYl
pilatiou, fur flo it down to the lOth of RamnL6n ol' thu
.aruo ye..r in which ho commented it, namely, UOfl .\,II. (17t;2
A.n.), the twenty-fourth year of Sh&h l'l!ign, upon whoe
loeacl bo invokM a lole.-ing.
Tho wurk ia diridetl iuto regolar lloon and Uu
btgins with the Cl8tion, from the Patriucb<, llinolu
Demigod& ""'! JUju to tho Gb.amhirl.e and Sult6na of Dc!.li
du11u to tho reigtoing monarth. Brfure treating of lloo TimtiriAn
he introdoee! an liCOOWit of tho Rult, or Siul,
111uluin, Kn-hmlr, J .. unptir, tloo Bahnmul$,
of Bij(pur, Birr\r, GujarliL, Kh6rule.h Mid

I know of only two copies of this hitory. One belon!(O<l to
tho lnta FII'O'I. of llornl!.'ly, and 1 SAw at Kanauj
with tbe title Tou-arlA-4.
[Tho <<as tl"l\ by a fiiH,..hl, and reiSe<l by Sir
II. M. Elliot.)
S1Z1!-8vo., 612 l"';etl of 17 liure tarh.
ln 1020 A.n. (1611 A.D.), tho Emperor N6ru-d din
mdo over u,., fort of Surnt, in the prorince of Gujarill, to the
En::li3h, a::ainl whom the Firinzi of Portugal t-1' a mol
deadly enmity, and both ar& thirsty of -h other's blood. This
WIL the [hee where the E:n::liob I h<ir fiJ"t ""lllcmout
in India. Their rt'ligious bdicf is conll'l\ry to lhnt of the I'ortn
gue.<>. For i11stnuco, thoy eousitler ,J.,u Christ (may tho
of Cod rc.L ou him!) a servant of GO<I His prophet, but <lo
not admit that he wn.s the Son of God. Thoy are in no
obedient 10 the King of Portugal, but have U.-ir own kin:;.
AL pmenL, A.n. 1196 (li'S2 .. o.), thao f'""ple have ov..r
mo.t of Dindllstan.
The people of MnHb6r are for the tnOL p.'lrl infidels, :md thir
chief is called Ohni6r (Gimmy6r ?). Their m11rrin!l" ceremony
consists io tying aomo writing round tho neck. of Lbo bride, but
this is noL of much elf,..,t. for worntn an restrietro to one
marriage. One woman ban oevoral hw;band, and be
cohabits enry ni;:ht -..itb ono of litem by turns. The
t.lncksruiw, dycra, in bart, All exrepl Brahmins, form comwxions
with neh other in thi fn.hion.
Origiu11lly tho inndcl Khokhnrs of tho rt\njllb, beforo ornbrn<!
ing bltlm, oboerved a very eurioua eutorn. Among thtm lllo
ftOiyaodry prevniled. When one hmband into tho hoo'IO
or tbe woman, he left l!Ometbing al. tho door as sign31, tO that,
if :mother hmb&Dd happened to c:omo aL the same lime, be might
upon ,.ffiug iL return. Besides thil, if a daughter was hom, she
was taken ouL of the house immedintcly, lUld it wn.s pmclaimrd,
TKRrlrn-1 lLUIKl.I:A:-1 nii\0. 20:1
"Will any ptnon porclla!e this girl. or not P" If thre ap-
pean-1 any purcbutr, the was ginn to him ; olhtrwi.oe aho wu
put to doath.
It is al.., a tllltom smong lhe llalib!rb, llut in cue of
there hoing j!OVCMil brotlem, none except tho .Jdel i allowed to
morry, beeau.., in that there would bo mAlly heirs, nnol tli
pull'l! might arioe. Tr any of tho other brothors " womnu,
ho go to oommon strumpot or tho blltlr, but ho can
not marry. H tl1o oldest brotlcr die, tho survivo111 arc to keep
molli'Ding for him during 3 whole yoru-; and eo on in propor-
tion for tht otber brolhm. Amongst them >fOnico Dlllke their
ndvnnces to the
The )Jallb,ria are divided into llll're ela.N,.. 1f a pt'M!OD of
the higloe:-t ria"" tohahit with ooe of the loweot, he i Mt
allow,..! to eat until he h:sa and it l1o houlol10 .,.t, he i
eold by tloe governor to lhe people of tho low ... t d-. and i
made a tlAvo; uul- Ito manA;;e;o to C!-!'3po to "'""" plll"' wloem
ho ;. not n:eo;:niz<.J. In lhe ..amo manner, a !"'""'" of thu
lowe> I cln. -k for one or tho bighrst ; and if tho latter
food from the """"' of tlo formrr, be iJs de<
'Y'Wied frum
Tn& onthor nf this work is llllfl Chonw DM, "'" of Udoi Rai,
of :\lukund RM, eon :Mol, late tlut.,ll"'rl and
of tho Jltlrll""" of llirat, in truiuee of Utlali. He
II ''" he .,"" in tbe employment of :oi;awab K'-im 'Ali
Kla'u; anl in tho fi"'t year of tho br ',(lam2ir II., he
accomp>ni>tl tla Sa118b aud hi dJwghttr, :\njbu-n ::it..a Kla6o:un,
nlw Jlibi hh6nom, wife of the bto Narib, 1\ojmu.J daula
l'h6k Kh!ua, whtn !hoy proceedtd to Oudh, to hove an
vic" with Nnwlob 'Ali KhAn lftilch8ru-d doula n11<l Snlair
Jaug Klalm-kl>&nlln, tlae brothers of tlao dccca,ed NawAb, nnd
ons of Nuw6b Jllu'ltUnodn-d dnulo !ft'Mk Khlm. 'Ali Kb&u, hi orrivul ot Foitllbud,
tlttrtt'<l worhl, oud tbc dcntlt of thnt uololoanou """a henvy
blow to all hi1 rclatiQns o.od frirnd. 'l'ho rnmpiler, after
l>rmnl.uble Otent, wa:s, ho,.ever, kindly l'<tain.d in tho Eric<! of
I lao ,);au;:httr of tbe de3Sed NawU.b and hit 1<>n Shaftk 'Ali
Kla6o :wl .\'ka 'Ali KhAn. Shafik 'AI( Kh6.n, tloltr brothtr,
...... murh atT..,ted by the death of hia fotber, anl urvi<eJ him
<nly a few year.. He "u .uec:eedeJ by hill 1011, Jlu.ain AI(
Klh, wlao, baviog the same faoouroltlo r"'>"rd hirb his
hal towant. tho compiler, pennitted him, tho recom-
mcmlntion of Nnjbu-o Nisa Begnm, to continuo to recde bit
Although the family of tho deerosod Nnw&b """ ao kindly
<llif""'t'l tonrol him, yet, on of aomo e-rento which he
promioes to detail, a eonid<nlble chsn:;e took place in hi ri"'mn-
and he wao not .., eomfombly oitUDit<l u htfu...,,
uo employment "hlob eonld OffiiPY hi attmtion, and
not wiohing 1<1 waote hie time in he devoted himclf to
tJ1o 1t11Jy of hiL<>riea and biogrnpbkal aetallUlo of aucitnt
Kin)!!!. lu this ngree.-Lble p11rsuit bo wns libemlly nitoo by
Jurlhlrn 'AH Kh6n, 11lin1 Mii"IA Klmir6tl, Aon of Jlikmntma'ab
KMu, phyeicinn U> the Emperor .A.hmllll Shah. 'l'bis lCGrnetlmnn
a near rclntion oftho deee:\800 Nnw6b 'All Khan, 11ud
hlld tomo with him to Faiz6ba.l lie wu ono of tho
of tho tim, awl bad a tolerable knowl..tgu of mathr-
mAli"" and othor He bad collected a IArse numbtr of
hilorical And other works, :.nd a grt'lll part of his limo in
their B<ing B"'}U:tinted with the circuml.\llo anlt&tPJ>
of tho com1>ihr, be kindly lent him work on
ncb u Jiri>Ma, /11/.ib Siyar, JJ irdfi '.(lam, KIHtkiltJINI
AkMJrlif, a111l otlwl'l!. Dut not satiated with the l"'ruul of tbeao
'-k, the eompilcr aloo ....,nt tllJ'OU:!h tho Sh.ih-mimn,
iltijtirn/1, Rnm6!Jrwn, MnlrubMral, Bluignml, tranalntian
of tho JII(J JJaMI from tho Sanskrit into l'eniau, whid1 he
iu 01"11 bolsides other works which ho lxlrrowoo
!rom hi" friend".
Having by tb .. o ntO!lns obt:Uned nn with the
hitory uf nneicnt tim<l!, he wi..hed to compile " work
might embraee an li<'eount of the Riojas, and Noblt of
jliLSI Ja;:a, ll<(<>rding to the infaTmAtion dcried from tho OOob
abo' enumrat.,l. .U.O designed to continuo hi work up to
the 11!19th y<ftr of the Hijra era (1185 A.D.), to produeo & hit
U>ry of eontmporary Rings and Amirs, snd of thoec noblemon
in "hoeo employment h ll!l<l noticing at the t>me time all
tl &<to of ltitori,.,.l importance whieh O"Urred under hit 01\ n
obervntion long life of eighty yl!<\!1!. To thi ho al..o
intonchl to n<ld 1> ketch of his own :llld of bia :llleoaloN' livos,
tlnt bo might l!'llvc a memcnial t.o posterity.
From tho limo tlut the ...-riter c:uno lo OuJh, ..,mo allowanee
for blo mainten>nee"""' n1ode by Shujf.' daub,
the of Bib! Kbfuwn and Shafik 'Ali Kbin.
and bo eontinued to reeeie it for seventoon year.o, thaL up lo
118-1 .&.H. (1770 .\.D.), wben it 'l\1lS atoppod by n, . r B:lh&dor, on
aeeotmt of 10rno ntisunderstnnding wbieb aroo boLwen him l\nd
Dlbl Kh&nl\m, Thi3 involved tho 'Wiler in gront poeuninry dilre .. ,
al\er a years, wbon Doni Bnlolldur boonono blind, lUld
Wn& UOJIMYed Of his OUthonty, B.ll Order Willi pM!IOO for reatonll);
the paymente whioh ru.d boon withheld. Althuugh this ,.3!1
.ff..,teol tho favour of Bibi Kh&nnm, in whose immediato
rmployment he waa, yet he eo.Wdernd it to;, duty to make
eom ..,tum for the obligations whieb he was under to Xaw'b
Sbujf.'ud olaolo; and ":ss thai nobleman took groot delight in
gardena and oreh:u-d.<, and as every ehopl<r of thia "ork givea M
tlea.sure to the mind tru.n a walk throu;:h the ranrres of a
g..nlen, tho eompil<r thought it pro}'Cr to dedicate it to him, a11d
it therefore title of Cl.-rlu1r Gul=Dr Sl,.rjtfl, "The Four
R<>o Gardena of Sbujit.' ...
Tho work is ncvcrtboless divided into ftvo Uookg, fnrifully
1tylcd or "p:trlorres," an nppnl't'nt inconsiotcnoy dc-
rivud from tho fncl that li>ur is a fnvourito number, CSJle<:ially
with In gartlons, wlticb, lx>iug gcuomlly l!(}nnre nt\cr th"
Orioutl f11.1hioo, aru divided into four oven p<>rtiont, by two
transve"'o roads.
(Tho prectding A<eOunt of tbe work w,.. token by Sir H. :\1.
Elliot fron1 the utl10rs Preface. The ...-riter ;, nry eommnni-
catin in otlotr parts of his work as to his I'Jimily and p<-eooiary
matlrrs, :uJJ h frequently"' into long d<trul l\bout tbrm
anJ loa tmploymcul$. He lived to doe a;;e of eighty, and h&l
Rtn maJ.Y of the events whiel1 ho d"""ribo, eo thnt hi "orlt i.5
of uln, though it is bAt di-.un.ho. The nll
n.lotu to mO<lern Litnt>. They wero lrDD!IAlN for Sir n. :11.
Elliot by u111111hll, and hnvo boon iu his hllndwriting.)
Cllii1AR GI>LZn SDllM'r.
Book I. llitory of BnlltniA, MahM, Acwunt aftho
Snti Yu.,nn-IH. The TNln Yuga nud lbo AY3t.llr!!-IV. 'Tho
Dwap:ua-V. 'fhe K:ll[ Yuga: iliis book is divided into two
Part I.-The Raju of Dchli, now c:Uicd Sbib..Jnh6o,b8d,
&om the bt'j,-ioning of tho KAH Yugo, or the rei!l'n of Raja
Jutlhisbtnr, iu whose tlme tho great war took plnce, up to the first
irruption of tho Muluomm3<IAIL", as won from the RJid,.,ll and
Faizi'3 ll"l!dl>IAtion of the MaAaMdrola from Hindi into Pel'!lian.
Part II.-Tiistory of tho ;llubnunmnd1111s :lo<X'Ordiug to the
authentic works, and tho autltor' own observntion during :t
long life, &ow the of their power in India to thi!
the eightieth )'I!GJ' of hi! ago, and the 11 98th of uham.
tnadnu era, eorrcsponcliDg with tho twcuty6flh of Sb'b ,(lam'a
Pnrt T.-See. i. Oomrncnocs &om Ruja ,Tudhishtnr. Thirty
Rajas ot' thia line roled during a period of 1739 a rnonth
and 16 dayo. The followin:r are th,.;r oAms .-ii. Raja
Bis:uwa and his wl't'(l!to...., in number, 600
years 2 munth.s and 23 dnys.-iii. Rtlja Blr 'Babu and his
aucell!'S01'1!, aixtoon in number, reigned 430 years 6 months,-i,.
R!ja Dihandu and hi. autteSsan;, nine in n=ber, rtigned
3!i9 years 11 months :lod 27 days.-. R!ja Sakot.-,;. R6ja
Bikrrun6j!t.-vii. Snmuncln.rpt.l ; 1 undpol, aon of
un of Jundpol; Dc.op&l, son of Noipal; Nnr Ringh PuJ,
aon of De.opG.l ; S3bhp&l, 1100 of Xar Sio;;h Pal ; Lakbp61, !OOU of
Sabbpal: Gobindpal, of Lakhp!I; Snrbpil, son of Gobindpil;
B:llip!I. "<>n of Sarbp!I ; son of Dal!p&l ; RllJ'fal, .on of
Yebrpal; Dhimplll, son of l [nrpU; Mndnnpal, son of Dhimpal ;
Knrmptil, son of Mauaoplll ; Blkmmp&l, aou of K:lrntpAI. The
reig113 of lhe .. ixteen prior make up a ptriod of &$;'; J'eMS li
months and 20 dsys.-viii. Raj" Tilok Chand ; Dilr.ram Chand,
aon of Tilok Oband ; Karlik Ohand, aon of Dilrnml Cbillld; Ram
11.\ Rr Cll..UU:\
Cbaml, -on of K(lrtik Ohaml ; Adbar Chand, eon of R(lna Chand;
Kalyiu Chand, 110n of Adhar Chand; Bhlm Chand, .son of Kaly6n
C110uJ ; Girall Chand, """ of Bhlm Chand ; Gobin<! Claand,
110n of Gimh Chnud: R&ni wife of Gobind Cb;lml.
Tho.e ton rrin... ruled during a pt'riod of 119 yeal"!! 11 montl11
and 9 cbys.- is. liar Prom. Four R*j:ss of this family reign'li
during 40 :yottl'll 11 month 11ud 20 days.-Gobind Chand, son of
Hor !>rom; Gop61 Prt'm, bOD <if Oobind Chand; l>lllha P(ur,
F<>n of GopaJ Prem.- s. Dw S.n; &l'wal Sen, on or D:lhl
Sen ; 1\eshia Su, son of &lliwnl Sen ; Jlllldhu Sen, son of
ru,.hu Sur Sn, son oDl adlui S.n; .Bhlm Sen, of Sur
Sen ; Kanak s. u, ""n of Bbim Stn ; Hari Ston, son of JUnak
Sen; Ohnn Sen, oon of Hru:i Son; Nan\in Sen, son of Gban
Son ; Stu, son of 1\ Arllin Sun; l\1adr 81-u, son of
LUhman Sen.-xi. Ro\js Dip Sis Rijo. of tim family
nalod during 107 years nnd 7 months: Ran Singh, eou of Dip
; Raj !'in::h, son of Ran Ringh ; Ch11tnr Sin!(h, son of
Raj Xar Singh, ou of Claa1ar Singh ; Jinn Singh."""
of XI\\" Singh.-xii. Pith:auro. Of thi line fiva princ.e
filled tl1o tlaront durin;:: 80 yean 6 months and tO clnye: Ral
Abhai l{al, on of BAl Pithanr& ; Dnrjan OO!l or .\.bhai
Mn1 ; U d:U l\lal, eon or Durj;on Mal ; RM Yijru )fal, eon of
U.W Mnl.
Part rr.- Hillory llf the l'm)"'\'0 .... from the
reign of Shah6bu-d din Glaori, who 6rrt ruJ.,J in Hin1lfu.t6n, to
the thirtccmb yrar of' SMh '1\'a "'ign, A.u. llS7 (177!J A.D.),
a ptrio.l of &'35 r= Thi i di>ided into nino SectlonL
(Tho author continues hiJa Ji.t of eontcnr.. in gToat dtt.>ii.J
Kluillln Rclo, lOll of JlnlAar R<io, JlitAMttcr, Jill'(/ "' s .. roj Jlal
J41; a11d A'ppdji 6v IM JMthor RdjpUit.
In lltiO .\.U. (lH'i .\.D.) .1'pp&jl, Rio, :wd other ;.\l ah-
r:lll:L, hning collected " large fu"'o from ;\laha nnd Gujatit,
poured lit.e a tol'l'<llt upon Dlg :md Kumbbl:l', tlu>n bolll by Sumj
CU.\UAI Gt!I.2Q SJn;J,\'r.
Mnl J6t. hlid irge to those fort, nnd deva!tated tiro
country. The war continued for eovcrn\ months, and ended in
the tle:\tb of KMudl Rflo, who was killed in an action with
Surnj )fal.
Att.r the death of thiJ rhif, )Jahrattu, finding tbtm
H>lne un.\b)@ to t.and al:&in<t lh Jil8. turntd thciranns towanlt
tho country of Rajo Bo.kht Singh and Rathor chief, and
deuronded a contribution from tho RAja, who, immedint<aly on
tho lllt!' .. Jte, a council of wnr, and thus
l't\1olu lely oddresseol aU hiJ chic : "Alas ! bow deplorable is the
t<oll<lition of RAjJltil, thnt mtoan and contmptibl tribe from
the Dakhio dem..n<b tributo from lhtm ! \\"hre are those Rajpitla
;one who were ao lorave, tbu only teo of thrm could oppooe a
of Oro enemy, and who onee with cho l'dge of llwir
sword not only l>unihed tiro nbels who oc:eupied t11e most
secure anu imJXlllelmble vnllcys of K!lbul, but drove them
anti beramo mo.tera of their atrongboltl!? While tire R&jptit..
ot<upio..J lht ro:W bc-tw<M-n Kabul and India, no power could f.>n:o
iLl way into this OOUDtl) from tb..t direetion, nor tlid llny people
thtre dare to disturb the .,.,.,... of tb6 euLjt("l8 or rie ill re-
lk\lion ngniDEt th throne. Surely, tho biCMI of true .R<ijpul
ia nlto).,'<'tbor extinct." flo uttered mnny neb inBnmmntory
sentencs bcforo the nnd G Rlijpul, rouod Ly bit
broke ilcneo and aid, "'!'he Rlljputs of tlri time PQ$se50 more
eoum;o thnn thoee of fo1nncr agu; tire R&jo. of the prto<nl
time are not so bra .. or ao judiciotl.! in eomnun.l"" tby ere of
old."' l'tpliod Raja, "if tho ooiJiens of an army
be row3rds, blame is thMI"D upon the weak nOM and inability of
itt leader.,,
In MhorL, nRer a long distlll"ion, the rose up with six
othr p<'I"'Ons, of whom were his sons, two biil nephews, and
bi. friend. They all mounted their hoNct, and spurring
tbtm on, p.....,.)ed diroet to .!ppajl'J camp. whieb 1<:1.8 at the
of thirty kJ> from llrAt of Raja llkht Tber
ali;;btcJ f.rom their bones, :mil at once ulorvd tho tent or A:ppijl,
,.OJ., nu.
turning a de:>f fllll' to the guards who ,tood at tho door a.n<l tried
to prev<nl them from going in. The chief of thMO Lrne R'jpuLo.
approa.chin; the )fahratta chief, a.t cloltl to li
<UJ!hion, and freely enured into a conversation with him. Ho
..,.ked him, in the name of bia Rija. what be mean\ by coming
into this territory, and demanding contribution ftum tho ll6thor
chirf " I c:m1e replied "by tho foree of my llTm.,
nnd I ,Jomnnd the Tribute by right of might. H 0 ... 1 ple>Mll,
l will ponotrnto iu fow ya to the very pnlnees of your
"No, anid the R6jp6t, "you must not bo too auro of your
brary and power. God lw malic other non stronger thnn
On he3rioa: the!<! words, A'pp,ji's indi!,'11Miou knew no' bound>,
and atonte bl'f'&kingoo\ into Jl"'!'ion, ho began to abu"' him nnd tho
RAJa. The R6jplit could not =train him .. lf, ..nd, ioflonttd with
out IliA zger, and stabLing the ) Jabratto chief, put
an end to hie exi.tonee with ono bJo,v. IIariog stred hi.<o heot.d
from his 1-ly, he mado otr with it, anl took it to Raj B3kbt
Siuqh, while other comp30io0ll eug..geJ \\ith tho
wh,., with loml bouts, rnn townrd to tho death
of tleir Threo of R&jpuUI wero lain, ond three,
thnnj:h mueh woundL-d, escapt'd from tho hnmls of tho enemy.
Al'lor tl1o cloath of A'pp&ji, tho wcro (Q dcc:unp,
and r.turu lo lhoir eountry.
D. nth of'Alireardi K4dn, .Yti:<m (// .IJ<H!J''I.
'Ali..,.nli Khan, the Governor of Ueo::nl, and
J>au1s, louin!; no son, and sedn::: that hig end """ fut apprOOlch-
in :. PI"'inteJ hi &on ""' biJ aurtt'!.!Qr, and njointd
un hiln the obkrTan<e of two rreepl. }'i,..,l, that ho ohonld
never nt<r into bo.tililies with tl.e En"lib. that
be bouhl n<Ycr exalL Jll'far 'Ali KhAn to any greot mnk, c.r
ntrnl him with .uch power liS to iu,ol.o in difficulty,
in cMo of his revolt.
Struju-d dnula, however, 1!0011 forgot thce prorcpt.!o, and when,
Cll.\l!A'R Ot'LZ!IR SBiiH'T.
afln the deall of 'AliwnrJi KMn, bl- to poMr, he
took 'All K.h6n into his fuvour, nnd conferred on him
jd9lr, to 11hich he al"' :> troop of ho,.... and foot, oad
hi who! army unckr ha tomm..nd. The nL
Onlcutta punctually paid their annunl tribute, according to the
fixed 1'3t.. Bll.l. Sir6ju-d daol.., through his covttousne- an<l
pridr of power, dI1Wldt<l on in<n'll!e of tribll.l.c from ilirm, and
bcramo openly hotile towanb them. Aotuatl..! by hi@ \-anity
and preoomption, ho suddenly nltorkO<I them iu C3lcutt.., nnd
hovio!; phmdel't'd thtir proJ"rty 3Dd c:.h, put &-nl'31 of thir
ofliceNI t.o death, Md retun11'd to :llu,.hitlibl.d
.As tho Englih had taken no bcctl of bill movcmtmt, they
""uld nnt oppoe him 11! time "ith neceM; but :r.ncrw nb
they >IL..,tc<I a lArge army, aod rurched \,oldly lonard
Mu,.,.hidlib&a. Thoy Also brought over .la'fur 'AH Khan to their
in tor t, upon tho promise of mnking over tbo province of DNit:nl
t.o hirn. \Ybrn thir arrn> renehed "ithin one or two m:lrdu.A
from \lnNhid&bll, Sir6ju-d dAuln hanc,..J to oppose them.
Jn.'fur 'Ali Kh6n, who had tlu! comnmntl of allli forces, wilu>tl
to <"'('tnro aod urrender him to the English without any oottl
bein!:t fought; but Siriju-d d>ulll "'ao b. ame &e<luaint.od with
intention, :wu lei!iog in ,. helpless eituntion, scorrlly
embarked nlone in A boat all<l Red.
Mter his fii!;M the a.<i;ned the proYin.,.. ofn. to
Ja'fur .\li X.Mn, 11ho e!!tnblihod rule tbol't', nod appointed
hia clputica in nll ita All tho property or
danls wiU! taken and diidC!'I bolwe.>n him and the
Whrn Sirija-d tl ala had ;:one thirty A01 from Mu,.,.bidoii>il, be
ato11ed for n whilo, nnd ordered hi scrvnnt to In tho
and try to get IIOIOC fire for hi hukkn. tho ... runt
dis<mbnrked. aod ...,.,;ng tlte >llage of a dl11Y1'U., he appi'Oa<'hrd
it, 3Dd ,.,ked tho O<.'<upant for some nro.
It it said thnt the tl11rtr"" hod hl'<ln " eervnnt of Sin'ju-d
dllula, Dtl<l, being i:;oominiouly turned nut by him for rom fiUit,
he had become:lja.llr, and taken up Ills nboJe io this junglt. Wltoll
he nw the wrnnt of Siriju-d daula, "ith a rAo1/atll in hi hanJ
1tuddt.J with gttll!, he i=-tanUy reco:tnit.ed him, anol ,..ked him
how he bapp<'ned to be there. Th rnnt, "ho ""' itnpleton,
di-ven.l tho whole 100t1er to him; and U1 quietly
l3vin;; him t hore, went "1tb all peeJ to tho governor of the
town, and informed him of 1-iirajud
arrival. Ae orders for capturing the Nawlob had i,;ued by
Ja'fur ',\11 Khan and tho Engli!h, tho governor hnd reeoivl.'d
them on tho"""'" day, be embarked on n boat, anJ,
hning cized lbo Nnw6.b. sent him under tho rustudy of oomo
lrutJ rvnnts to Ja'&r 'All KlllLD, \\bo put him to death in
A.JI. llUO (1N7 A.D.).
lTaing o far gratified hi! Ja'&.r 'Ali Kllin with a
rclll'-'1 minJ d"'foted his attention to Ute ruana;<mmt of D.ugal,
anl t>Ok of :ill lbe wealth aud royal .. ,nipago of
Si..Uju.J bol:t, who bad involve<! himoelf iu tLia dau:;or by not
<obscrTiu:; Ute wi..o advice of hi gnwdfothtr.
S<ifdar Jng Sitruj .Jlnl Jut.
Whtn S:.rdnr Jnng wns appointed oltiof miuialor hy Ahmnd
!'hfolo, tho tlltrieta \1hioh, ne>nling lo tho t"'tnbliht'<l ctlOtorn,
COIOlnoo tho Jriulr ol' a \\HI' oleo grnnltMi to him.
l'arlolCoblld, whi,h is twelve ko- .U.tnnce from Slulh-Jnhltnab!od,
luul bt'f'n formMly a part of Utis Ja!Jir; hut aineo tho tim" of
thP tnt utinitrr, f'tima.Ju-d daula, Balrarn, a ntar rclnlion of
Stinj :.lnl Jot, h:nin;; put the of the miniot<r to death.
h!l<l m!l<l< hiwelf masttr of thi di.trirt, and gnvo him only
,.llllt ho likd out of it:a rncnuco. 'fht <pirit oi
Safdar Jon:; oould not brook thil o..q;:o, lllul he d maD<lod in rtrong
tcnns tho oumndtr of th< clistnrt SU.ntj Jat anJ Babam;
but tltty niU retaintd i<, and amwtr..J him tra.hrly
. \t bl, in A.R, 1160 (!Hi .<.n.), bo mU<:lted to Dthli to
punih thtm for their delny, nod !(IOU IWOver"l Forid6bal from
}lnlr(un. Having pitched hi tents thrrr, ho aloo demanded that
Surnj l\lnl thoolu re!ign all the plncN "hioh to tho
Emperor; b11t tho Jat on recei'oing tbia demand. to
!ortify hia pcU or Kumbher :wd other pla<ee with Iron;:
garrion<, gun, and all the munitions of .,.ar, ood haing
pru-e<l himelr for an cngllgement, addre:.sod tho miniltt r some-
timee with promi!I08 of surrender and somctimeo with of
J.i!Jhl Kuim KM.n ond tlu-1/alo Khan.
In llG2 (1719 .\.0.), when Safdnr JanJ: wruo cndtmvouring
to JIO<IIt"'ion of tho district.s which belonged to tho
Emperor, 1\ miJunderstaoding IU'088 between Kuim KMn, etc.,
the """" of Muhatnml\d Dangaah A(;::Mn, and Kh6.n
and other 1001 of '.\II Mulu.moud Kh&n Rohilla; and the two
pcartiot, the Af;;hAns and thB 1lohilb.>, went o for in tbrir
!lnimO>ity towonlo othtr th!lt tl.-y both h"'l to Mtwy loattlt:1 took place between thrto, and at la.ot the
ront.-.t entlt..! in tho deetroelioo of Kiim Kb&n, the eldtot 1100 of
J\luloammaJ Klo4n Bnn:;o.h. The Argb&m, after tho dtath or
their ehirr, took to Bight; and the Rohilln.> rtturoed viotoriouo to
their homes.
\Vheo the news of Kaim Khan's donlh beenme known, Safdar
Jnog len tho maltor with Surnj MAl Jllt uui!Clll.-1, noul irnmcdialoly
enmo to Dchll. With tho pcrmisaion of tho'ror, 110 soou
morehed to F'rrukhflb6d, tho residence of Kuiu1 Kh&o,aud con-
ti.....:ated tlll the property or the Afgbl\.D'I, lc>ving only r.w
villages euJ!icicnt for tho maintenance of Aluu"'l Khan ond the
other oon anti rtlatit!$ of :\lulwnml\d Kban. lie plaeoJ the
r<t3U. of tho Afghan. onder the of Rtija Nowul
JUi, who ..:ted u the Nawab's doputy in the J:Oernn,..hip of the
troiuco of Oudlt nod All6.1t6.blul, and himelf n:turued to D.bli.
Jaj11r 'All Eluin ond Kdim '.411 lOtill.
Jo'for 'AU Kh&n, "bo had joined with tho put
Siruju-d tlnulo, hia oi!rtu's son, "ho governed to
and himself boolmo of iho province.
'AU KMn, who wAS one of hi ntar nlations, >equirtd great
strength, aod " l:u:;o wrco on tl1e l!trenglh of hi oou-
ntxian wilh tho governor. J.l imn, 10n of Ja'tlar 'AH Kh&n.
"-me deputy of bt. f:athu, and, baviu:; 1\.oetnbled a largo army,
<'llg:tged in manogiog tho ali':Uro of tho pnmnces. He n..olv..d
on puuihiog Khitlim Hllclliu Khu, governor ofPiiraniyn, "ho
rcfw;od aubmi .. ion to J:;fAr 'All KhAn. ll"ving ru.'rehutl from
Mnkaiidt.blid, bo reached tho bauk. of tho river whial flow on
the other &i<lo of Punwiytl, 1\!ld pitdu.-.J hi tents tber<. ,\ lttr a
l>ridJ:e of t-u wu m:r.dt, )!fran det<nniotd to cr.,... tho river
next momin;;, uJ make a euddcu attack upon Kluidim Husain
Khan. A a loa.! coll<ettd a very lar:;e army, and ,...,
<Xeeedingly bold ami enterprising, Kh6dioo Hu>!lin Kh&n w11:1
J:1'Ciltly alru-mod, nnd prepared to cacapo during the night, leaving
the city of Purnniy:> to tho inVIItler. JJul, accidentAlly, about tho
middle of tho night, l\llta11, who waa in hi tent, wiL
!'tnlrk dAd by lightning. Wben hi army \\1\! ldl witbuot a
Je:r.der, many lied away for li-ar of Rb&dirn HUAin Khin, anl
doe ""'' with tl1o e:uup, returnt>d to Ja'for 'Ali Xb.,1 at :\lur-
sltidab&d. It ;. said tbt>t 1\Hnuo ""'very generous. Ono
[having ltnd no oceaoion to be.tow nlms) Ito aid, c,iJ i
libont to befAll rne," and tbuomc ni;;htloe wn. .. trw:k by li)lbtning
on<! died.
Ja'tlar 'AU Kloio, all.r :\liran'1 boeamo weak and em-
Kuim 'Ali Kh,n, lu oon-in-law, who tlorou;:;b hi.
kindne'l!l lt:r.d b<en enablod to obtain power, and au army,
joiood with tho and in ittd them from Oolculla,
took Jn'far 'AH 1\hlua prisoner. 1'hu J.:nJ!Iisb mado Kt.&i111 'Ali
K.bfw governor ot' &ugol nnd '.thim&bud Patruo, iu.ttad of
J,lfor K loin iu 1170 A.u.
SAu/J '.J/tu, protri Kulin}r.
Rl- )fnjtty, th o,.yJurn of tho "orld, Sh&b lludlulh,
U.ving ulxlucd thu Deputy SobO<Iut of thu province ol 't\tim6bud,
CU!.III(R Gt:l.ZI(Jl SIIUJ.f' r. 216
anJ taktn a contribution from him, to tho of, hid to Naw&b Sbuja'ud daola. The Nadb
.. Jun ... ..J to him wii.h honour. The Emperor, nc<:Ompanied
by bin1, wwt loii'1U'd. Jb!nsi and the fort of Kaliuj&r, "hicb.
were very &troog pl..,.., lllld iu the pos!ession of tl1o Bundela
lt&jM nml h[AJrAltiiS. Shoja'11-d claula with his army wom 118
fur as Mnhob&, whiclt is near t11o fort of Kr.linjr, nnd ovcrrnu
tho coutltry. Tho of Kaliujt>r wns obliged to Jl:l)' hint "
contribution ami tWO lo promise au lllllluo.ltribute.
Th< ditrioL of Jbftnsi, K81pi, etc., which bolonge<l lo tho
JluudeiM nnd othens, were af\er many battles and etrng:;le.' taken
from tlwnt, and anooxed to the domiuious of the and
Na,..ab Shuj<l'u-d danlL Afterwanl.l they c.-ltbo Ganges,
and pro< ,..r.,) to :\lahili-g!W, where they eo camp<..! in 11 T7 A.n.
(1763 A.D.).
Euim '..-In KAd inrila SMh './am arf Naotdb Sh11j<i'l
tluwl to twd a batik ;, full !Jill tri/!1 11.- E11!]filh.
When Kruoin1 'AI( Kh&u, Governor of tho proviuoo of Jleugnl,
1\lnlo!udlbbd nnd ',h[m6bAd .Patna, having fled from tho EngJi,Jo,
reached the vicinity of Bennre$, which bolongud to Shuj6'u.t
dnuh1, Shl1h '.\'lam ond tho Na>Ab were on tho bnnkd
of tho J umna, 1\t tho ghat of Blbipur, 'rithin !Ito bouwlar> of
Karrn, to l<llfle ternlll about the iort of Kalinj,.r, and eornl
pon<louee wu going on abotu the with R&ja lliudupM.
At that (!Me a was roceivtd by the :Wla letter
Xa>ab from Ali Khan, soliciting an iottn'iolt', and
rtque.-tiu:; ,...i.t!lllce, with promises of rentuuemtlon.
btory Mlpli ...... sent on the part or the Eml"'ror anJ tlJC
Nawab. 'Ali Kb&n therefore left an I when he
arrived at tho pluif of DibipU.r, pitched bia tont1 near the royal

Afttr All intet\iuw with tho Naw6b Shuj(i'n-tl
dauln, lao presented thom with a l:uge donation in <:llllh, mluable
lUlll co .. uu .. 'i o&s.
and eurioitit'-. and derived and coMoiAtion from
them. Uut os in tboec days,. question wM onder ciU.pute willa
RAja fliod6pllt, U1o :Emperor and the Nawab could not attend to
any other maUer tiU tbaL .., ..... ttled. Kl.tim 'Ali Khin, seeio;:
tht tlo Raja would nut como to amienblo Ierma, nud thAI
Emptror and the could not go to 'Axialabtid and Bengal
untiltbe dtpnl<l was adjusted, olr<rcd hi m...diation, and after on
interview with the scull'd the ')UOelion. A part of tho
e<>nlribulion n1oney, whieh tho R&ja bod become li<Lble to pay,
wu naliud, and for the rem:aindr Kl.tint 'All Kluau became
ur.ty. .after t.Jm, ho eutren.t..d tho Emjll'ror ant! tho li>r
IUI!!iAtaneo, and repN'IIent< hi! desp<lmto cinmDll!lanccs to them.
Ifo abo promised to P"Y monthly all the UJl''Des of their armieo,
till SU<h titne ss he mighL obtain net.ory ov.r tho and bimHelf in tho provinces of :md 'At!mablld.
Though 110me MY that the Y.:tnperor diol not wiAb to
in h .... titities, nenrth.leos it wa. at last d tcmlinoJ thAt the
1rovineeo of Bengal and 'Azim&bad bould be from tho
English nod given to KBsim 'Ali Kh(m, and alllo thAt tho
EngW.b 1hould be punished. on tho bt of Zi-1
h '.b, II 78 A.tL (20th .\pril, 17G.'.i A.o.),l the Emperor, Shuja'cHl
dnula Wnziru-11\lnm&lik and Kiltim 'All Kh(m mnrohod town..U..
'Azim&Md, M li1r .. &nares. The Englih who "rr at '.him-
abad Patna tr-embloJ like an ""!" n at the ol' Dis )b,j, .. ty
Slo&h 'A':Inm D&d.ohah nncl Nnwtlb Shuji'1u-d daub, ru1cl they 1>1!111
J>elitions to them, soliciting forgivene!lll for their conduct. They
dpatcd Shitah lUI on dillr part, promiaing gin up
6L(IJ, pay might be demanded 111 a eoutriLution, ami
obey any onlers thnt might bo given, proying also tbnt the Em
l"'ror :uultho Nawlb would return from Bonlln.'l! without atla<:k
iog them.
Tho r<"'uest of tho Engliah was not accodcd to,.Shitlib RAi wM
turned out of tbo comp, and tho roynl 1\rmy utl\rthed on from
llcnarH. The Eoglj.,.h, bcio;; inform...! of this, ln tho cit] of
[Thia iJ a yoar too law. Tho ....t dale lo ani :\lay, loOt.)
CU.lB.tR Gt;LZX!l snosr.
Plllna, and haYing M Bat-h P:oltan, M! from that
on the n...d to Btnarell, fixed their betteri,. tltore. Rely-
ing upon dt'Otiny, thoy to offer and prtpar.-1
to fi;ht.
Tho Emreror and the :Xaw&b, having marehed from flcnar .. ,
prooceded by rapid mnrche$, like an arrow allot from " bow, and
cuumpeJ nt fivo ko. from B.'l<h Pab&ri. Tho a<:tion commnnood
with tho eh0<1ting of nrrowa and firing of nnd it eontinuod
for two 'l'ho third day the bruvo Bud bolt! wnrriora of
Sbujl'u-d dnula' nm1y, mnking n vigorous allark, advancoJ their
batteri.,. rloo to P:>Mri, and engngod with the Englih, whn abo
8("'red no effort in re<i!l:ln<e, :uW e.urted thcms.lv011to fi!:ht.
'J'ho \\bolo tlay tho warriors of both aides atood firm
in tho 6ot.l. At the dose t>f the "ben tho Mtn appi'Oildoed
tho horiu.n, the aoldiera of both partiee .-1 to ND1bat.
aol th,, bautrioe nom:>ioed fixed in their fir.t But
::;buj&'ud dania, by tho advice of some ignorant and iuox-
I..ri rntn who were witl1 him, ...,.,.)k.J tl1o ""rriors of his
army from Pah&ri to own tents. Although Shujoi' Kuli
Khilu out! who were BL the rcrnoMlmtod \\iLia
him, auil r'\lntftrkcd thnL to remoro lhcm from their poiliun wout.l
bo highly inoxpedicul, bccmuso they hnd beon thoro witla
j111':il tliffioulty and t"ins, And in of it would bn ury
cliJ!lcuiL to l'l'gnin tho position, yet lbo NAw6b wont.! not litorl to
tbcrn, arul recalled the soldien1 from Pah&r!, ordered the
hattcri .. to be fixed no:lr his c:amp.
Tho l::n;:liab, cou.idoriog this :> fnour of God, ocetit-1 tho
position whtro tho b:nteries of the enemy lllld beon. The next
day tho Xawab couiJ not drirn the Eoglih from it. lu tlu""'
l!alllo day, tho wet l!<'abOD commeoeed, and rain lwgan to f:df.
Tbo pboe where tho tents of the Emperor aod Sbuji'u.d dania
were pitdaed bt>ing lov, nnd ...,.ter having collected thoro, it \\M
con>idered un&t for the eamp, and Bia Mnjroty and tho N'awab
"'treated to ThtkMr, which is thirty /.'Of east of Bonai'C'e. When
tho rains woro over, in eonsequenco of tho wnr hnving boon pro-
218 cn.l.llA.ll n.<s.
for sev....J aud thr ""llectioo Of tb&
t'roru th proviooes which belun:;.J to Shuja'u-d c!Aula bnin:; be<-u
dulayed on at""unt or tbo expetlilion, and :l8 tho nrmy which "ae
newly enlisted by tho Emperor ami tho Ne11vab fur this wnr with
the F:nglioh, :>a the veteran troopo, bt-gau to dNn:md
P-J the Emperor aod the Sawab aaked Kiuim 'Ali Khan f<>r
tht monty which he held promuu,J for the oxpco.. of the
army. Dut ho evtult..:l by frivolot .. oXCUM!S. As tho
dmutl for arre.trs created a mulillOUB lljlirit in tho army, and ns
Ki.iu1 'Ali Kh{m, that he ,.,.. importWlt\l anJ
tntreaW to pay money, wvold not come to a right uud-..
etanding, bot ,.. .. orte<l to unfair and dishonl'l!t expedients, the
EmJ><ror o.nd tho NAwt'lb took bor$h ugnitUII him, ami
bnvio'( e:\J}ed him from his tent, pot him onder the CUl!tody of ll
guanl. property of hi they could lay their b:wd.
u<h as elepb:wu :wd horsa, they ..oltl, and Ute army from
the proccec!B.
Wll!'n tho rainy ae:1110n wtl$ ovor, the Engliah, having maNhod
from 'Atim6bad, pitehO<I their tents near &k-'"' oppo:tlle tho
Emr<ror's 1111d the Xawi.b's camp, ala W.tan.:.! of 6e or ;ix too.
Lin.,. of intreu<lnn<'llt were preponod on either ide, and lito
Mtiun oommenood with guns o.nd n1UkcL8. A3 Naw&b Sbujll'u-cl
d3nlll hat! hca'Y nrlillery with him, Engli1Jit army could
not tantl it. and they at la..t to ens:'l:o in
el- cxunbat. \\1ttn n'COO""' ..,., had to thi kiocl of wart&re,
both J>:lrtic;o $1001.1tbtir ground firmly, nrul tho warriors of both
idcx, <X[liJrtly uing Lheir swo"l"' bows and arrows, de.troyecl
their opJ>OnenL.<, n01l iotreased thu in the market of tho
uf death. Tho br.lTU aud intrepid worriuns or Xawab
Shuj4'nd daub' Army, having own:ome tbo rnecuy, fi:ll upuu
Lia c:ttnp, and strctohecl out their hnnds to plundtr. They put
3 great num!.cr of thrn to tho aword, and bt3L tho drum of
triutnJh and eooquL The Nawib ordertd biuolditra not to lot
any ODQ eacape ali.-.. The army or Shaji'ud d3ula aarroundl
the enemy ou all iclC!I, and the Eugliah, haviu;;: no "ay Jell. fvr
Cll.llUR Gt'U.fll SIICIX r.
flight, llt oae tmd bario;; raol<ed Ito li, mlo a
ery d ... upon their opponruta. Slmja' Kuli Khan,
11li11 '(oi, \\lao was a oh<e of tlHo :Xawt.b, tJJd 1000 bone
uuJrr hit eomul&lld, oh.rn-ed tbe furiou. attack. of tho
rutd rried out to bit solditrl!, "Frie.o<h ! it wns for ouch day M
tlaia thnt )'OU on those anus. Funn a body, MolaL
onto clmrgo tho onmy, nod put llaem to tbo aworu." His
folluwoN teemed ready to obey tho oontmnnd. They rtnd tho
fulilut, amlllt\od up thoir hands in prayer. t.r., thinking doni
tlwy wouM rullow him, gnlloped his towai'\J.o. tho
front, but only tivo hoi"St!men out of four followed hion.
Of thoso e<lward who n!lnained behind, some took Lo Right, llllli
otbn otooJ idle on their ground. '(! with hi owurd
furioaly tho eaemy like a Rwtam. llo kille-1 m:aay,
and all<r outonishin:; of ,.,Jour, drank tho cup of martyr-
dom. Unio
abuwn bit loy=alty, be met with tloo nterey
of God.
wt ..... Shuj&' KuU Kh&n, Dli41 r.a. ..,.. lain, all his <avalry
nt on., took to Oio;hl, and uused great coofution in the arrny of
Nnwab Shuj&"u.d daul<L Tho English, b<:htg iufunm.J of thi,
with j!l't'O( impctno.ity 3ltaokod tho dh.U.ion ol' Hun!
Bnh6dur, tho dtpuly of tho Nawab. Tho R6ja, who hnd novor
"""" in netinu, c:ould DOl stand his ground, BIIU a, .. , without nt-
tmpling to fight. ..\.8 ho C:OIIllllMdt...J sev,rnl Lhouooutl, ooth
ul" hon1o auJ li>ot, hia Bight caused tho defeat ol" tlou amlie$
ot' tho I>lllperor auJ tho The Eaglih took of
the of the fu;;itives. .Although th .Nadb tri,.J
UlU<h LO rally them, and tried out (iu tho ... ord.o of .. Ya
brao ut<n, cu" to fight, aad do not put ou tho
doth.., of y<-' nono n>tlllltod, all1100;;ht ufety in Bight.
Wboo tho NAw6b aad tho r ...... 8..!, tloo .Engli..h
fell u1wn their campe. and began to plunder tbem. The Na\\tib
lwteot..J in eonfW!iou to\\ruds and hlted when ho 11.rrived
thcro. Tho Englih took posse8ioo of his suns nnd other
l'ropcrly. 'fho Emperor 11lso fled to Dconros. 'rho Naw&b, :Ulor
some dAy!!, to Allo\.b&b(ul, and stayed there three months
colloetinJt a l'"!;e nrmy.
The Engli1h, in the me:m time, laid liege to Ohunar. Slcli
l\lohamm:ad B:i<!hlr KMn, Goemor, oA'ereot oppoo!itioo, and,
opening his rtilltry from the r:uupart., fou_:!bt very br:anly. But
wht'D ,nral daJ a hsd Jl'L.""od, and nobody e:>me to rt"inforee him
(for the fort was n!V tutd the Nwab ..,... at .\lllllt
nbJid), be Wall to <ttpituJato, 30U tho fort io their
pod!esaion. ' llo wo allowt>d to gn to Nnw&b Shuja'u-d nt
A Tho modo on with Shlllt
ho WI.!! at lknom, and m:.rehcd >Yith him from that plaee to
Jaunpur. Tho Naw6b moved towardathe !<lime pl:aee at the beotd
of a lArge army, 11ith the intention of a battlt.
Doth p:trties CDCjiiOpOO near Jounpur, nt the di.tanee of two
or three from caob othru-, nud akirutishea took piBCo
them. Two or three English oOieera lull i uto the baud of of tile Nn.{b's :.rmy, ami thi obliged the Eo;;lih to
Jropoee of(......, through tbe ebie&, who at tbtir
rt'qU.,t advicd the Narib to otetpl tho ttrms. Benl Bohadur,
and !!ODie olhrr ohort-oi;:hted i;.,'lloranl dk>uadod him
from liberating tho Engli.Ja ol!iotl'll, nnd he would o::rco to
)"':tee. Thia crnlad enmity nod dinlfotion in tlte minds or the
Mughnl olticf1 the Nnwab, nnl they aecorJiogly ruttrcd
into ao the thnt if they
tho into the or the Englioh on the day of battle,
tbty !hould bo rt\\arJcd with appointrnut. in tho proinrr.
Tho Xawab, btiu;; appried of this, wa. g.-..atly alarmed, b.cnuo
the '"'"' lho most. powerful body in his nrrny. WltQu
tho armiu prepnred to engage, lho Mugltnls &tood nloof, nml t\11
tho Nawlib's nlfnin1 were i'eduead to n <lt8p<'rnto condition, nnd a
J.attle eonld bo htllllrded, he broke up bill enmp ncar
ntrtated towards Luclmow.
\\1W1 l>e roathN tiiAt plaer, Simru
G&rdi, who ,..aa at tho
I [ThtldY"ratartt "S1111tt00 .. ur u Sombre.'"]
CILULUt Gcr.z&lt strr1.1'f.

head of uu or th0053Dd Ganli Teliu;a
olJ.ien; Guiin
An up (.Jir, who commanded. aeveral boroo; auJ. 'Ali
Jk-.; Khan, Sbitab and Br.kir, who,
lwl nvt joined with the iru;ur;:enl, h:wteneJ. to mett
tloe Na,.aJ;. Najaf Kh&n, 'Ali Khan, .\'gh6. &h!m
and othrr ebitf.;, went oer to tlto Eoglih, nn.l the r .. t
of tho nnuy llf'<l.
On tho Oth of Sha'br.u, A.B. 1178 (1 Feb. 1700), tho Nawab
with hiM wholo family, aud all the prol"'rty which ho ooultl ""ll""L,
mnrchL<l frnm Lucknow townrd< Bareilly, whirh oolnngt.J. to II &liz
lbhmat Roloii!G, On leuinJ: Lucknow, tho Nawub cneantpL>d at
I>Gofi (\\ell), DI'Of Rullun-rtagar.
:'iawib Shuj"u-J J.aola, having ,...,..,bed Ban:illy, whieb formed.
tlto la'IUka of lllfit llahmat Rohilla, len hi family there "ith
Simru c;ardi, who was at the head of aeTernl thou.,..,J. hone 11111
foot ooldien. JI preeded to G""b "birh is
>iiUAt<ol on the banb of the <"'ngeo, thirty koo from Sh1!-
II met there th ehiel':. .,f tho )(ahraCta anny, and
111ttdo nn allillllee with thm. HaTing returned tllluoe, lw nne to
FurrukhaMd. Ow-aio Anup Gir, who wu n grt"L g.r11-ml sncl
ouo of tho oldr<L ;rrvauts of tho Naw6b, qunrrdl...t with hint
whilo encamped on tho bnnka of the Gl\ugca ncar Gnrh Mnktcnr,
M""nnt the l'"Y of his rcgiwonts, wul hl\ving u('IO"rto<l him,
went to Jawuhir Singh, son of SUr:lj i\Iol J(".
"hrn Nadb Shuja'u-d dnula arrived at .Fnrrukh&b6d, bo
rt<)U .... tl'l Ahmad Kh6.u anu )(uhauun:w KJu'oo
Duodl Khan, N3jib Klt6.u, anl othrr Ruhilla and
,\rgh.lo chitl1o, "' lend him their aid; but tl>rou::b f<tr ol' the
thy all r.fu.,ed to """"mplll!y hint. l;bb.iu-d din Klnto
'lmUu-1 who""" in th05l! days ,.ith Ahmocl Khan aL
Farruklo,bltd, Shujfln-d daola from Fnrrukh6b6d to
th< :\l . .lorlllUUl at The llnhrattas wont tltem to
tho terry of J6jmao, on the bnok of tho Gang\' 'Jho
leO. Alll.hfob6<1, nod camo to the snmc plttee, when Nnw6b Shuj!'u-d
' [Set n.ou, l' J6Ci, n)I"G.]
U.\Rr CR.\RAX D.ts.
daulA, Gllhiu-1 din Kh&n IWd tho resolved to oppo""
After an ol.-tinAte b#.ttle, the anny or tho took to
llight, ha'ring plunol...-..1 on their way city of Kora,
arrived :U. K<lpl. GbiWu-J din, with a fuw men, fled to Fan-okh-
dnula, dppoiuted in ubtaiuiu!f halp and
auisiAn"" in every quarter, dettnnioed to vcuttue alono to tho
F.ngli;oh, ""'' make f""'C9 with them, nther than WIWd<r from
to pin in a state of runb.1rmmcol llo Mcordinglr eamo
uttAtteruled tu 1\jmAu, where tho En:;lii!h l1ad ene:unpol. Wbrn
be approad,..,l the .amp, and tb were infonnl of bi3
eoming, their chiefs, who were very polite and nlfuble, inuncdintely
me out of their lenL, <Lnd proccled on foot to moot him. Thry
how,.J him grtat ho.patality and ,...poet, and, UtOmpawying hint
to thtir l<atto 11ith due honour, promised to ro:.<tore to him tho
pro,inces whirh had bctn in poesiou, BJtd told him that be
"._' atlihrtyto hi "hti'V\'t'r b likod. Th
having taken hi lea fr<m the E.Jglitb, pitched hi trnuo at tlw
of four /;a. from thoirs. Tie summonl'd hi! fnrnily front
Boreilly, ancl Btnt lhtrn to Luekno..-.
Simru, tommander of the Gardi regiment, who wu now in
tl1e crvic and in chr;; of the f11mily of tho Nawub, hnl OOen
fonnorly iu the employ of tlte En::li<h; o.nd, taking 8omo offence
at tl,em,ll.lld enLtred ',\ If Khllo, Governor
of Brogal. lllld when tho Khan was nintd, hnl entered at Bakoar
into tho crriru of Naw4b Shujt'n-d d:mla. As WAB now
mad, the tlrmnlrd hi nrnmder by tbc :-lawaib: but
the rtOpeWDg hi bra,.try and oonn;e, did not >Wiidcr
it pmper tn oomJly, buL di!mi,<el Simni from lais
Sim..U, "ho "M ";th family of the Na,.ub from
n ..... mv to Ludmow, le:unl the D , .. of hi di mimi OD th wav.
. .
On thi he (>flitionod for the arn-:t!'ll of hi py, nnd to
take mnures in tho event ot' l'l'fUMI. 'rho Nawfb l!f-gnm,
mother of Sbuj&'u-d daula. anl Bcni fl1h'dur, p>id him
what wa. due to bio1 D!at SbahAbad, and then dismiao,,J him.
..,.,..;,eJ hi pay, he went to Jawahlr Sin:;h Jat at
ancl The family of the Xawib, with tho Khioam
8alliba and othen, aniYed at tho Widi (well\, o=, on
the 9th ;\luh&rram, A.U. 1179 (28 Jane, li6S A.D.). IUld pitehed
their teniJI thol'\'.
A by tloi time thn irL witb tho F.nglih, I\ I
reaehcd l'huploiomau, near Allah!blld; his family followcol him to
tho """'" BuL tho EnglU.h intlmatod to him that ho
shoulol lo .. vo tho Indio.< of hill r.-.mily at nntl loim..Jf
M001Up311Y them tu where their chief ro<iclod. Tho
Naw&b Mted Bt'corcling to their request, nml, hll<ing emhukod in
a boat, II''mpaniod them to that eity by Willer, with only A li:w
aUenclauiJI. When an interview took plAce btm""n tho Englih
aud the on the vray b<twern 'A.zim&b'-1 t.ncl Makoicl-
ihU, th"Y how..! him great h03j>itality ond and wrotn
him a kttor, io whidt they re<tored to hiDl both the prorio.,.,.
... had l.een in ha )105'<---ion. Tby took from hirn tho
ditrirt of All&Mblld, with '"<eta! other mnlt<iil, the ADniW
ro1euue of which amounted altog.:thl'r to twele l6to of
aml ru.o tho dilrict. of Kora, nod gave t.lto,o to !'lo6h
B6<1sh6h. They 11lso promised to P.'Y tlao F.nt'ror
nnnuolly a "tm of fifty /act of "'fl'l"" on Aeeount of the proinccs
of nncl 'AzlmAb6.1, <uod luwing ploecd their offi,.,,,.. in tho
fort of A116Mh&.l,they erected n factory there. From tho 13th of
Rabi'u.J aww111, .\.rt.ll79, tho Xawub's nolo IVU n:;ain o.tnblihed
in the of Oudh :tnd .,\<l
Tbe Emtot'ror look
ur bio ...,.;.Jcnc in Sultia Khu..U's g:mlen at Al"h6bM. Tho
En=Jah :;vri!On<l the fon of .\llahib!J, ud ere-t.J o t&etory
in )fr. llooper was appoint.ed n ... ideut at the C.,urt
of tho Xawib.
TM En!Jiilt.
Row Ollll I auffieiently enol the c:ournge, and jutieo
of tho Englih? In br:il'ery RDlltMI e3onot. btl c:ompo,..,.,J to
[AUkhobld wu 1101. """"'!, boa,., wool abo.., ,... J!rm 10 lAo Etnpaw.]
ruBr CD.\lUl'\ IUS.
thm, IM!oa..ce, with only 10,000 foot soldiers, they marche-1 from
llak,udabid to 'Azimab6l, fighting against the army of
'Ali Khan, couiotiog of 100,000 horse :md fool, llnd neer
showed their bru:ka in b3lllo. J n the &"lme thoy rnlt"sed
four times wilb Ute of Shnjti'ud d11ula nnd tho Emperor,
whioh amounted to more than 100,000 inliwtry nnd hQno, and
ytt retreale<l from tho 6.1.1. lloreover, they have fou:;bt
"gnint the :lahrattaa atrd Gbhiu-d d[o Kblul. and alway with
a oimilar reruh. Hatim Tii, who li said to haYe be<o tho nry
modtl of genenmty, ha.l not pctlups sw:h a lib<-1-al minol and
ma:;nanimous &pirit aa thty have, "-ose, after obtaining virlory
ovPr Sirtiju-d dania, they gave the proviocM of Btof:Ol and
'AIm6b&d to Ja'fnr 'All Kh6n, rmd nfterwnrds to K&.im 'Ali
Kh6n, nntl after conquering tho provin of Oodlt nnd Allnh&b6d,
they retorro lhem both to Naw&b Sbuj&'u-d daul.._t Nauhlr-
mentioot'd os ju.t nml eqnitnble, but in juatieo and
tquity tho Engli!h are not inftrior to him. When luty ente!'fd
the city of Laeknow, and titiu aud town in the 1rovinees
of Ouolh and A.llibub6<1, u eonqurror$. they diJ noL hurt thtre
tn an ant, :llld in no way injurod or troabled any r<reon.
that many turbnll'llt :llld s..Iitious clu<r:klcnt
intigatoo them, :urd ('<'inte<l out to them the richrt1 of tiro poo])le,
tolol them lb:tt certain lmukcN pui!SO!letl great wulth, nrul Urgt'(l
tlrnl it honld be t'XRded from thuru, yet Ut,.o
allowt'd no mischief to bo don, but on tho c:outrary, punihod
thooe low infonne...., Md Cftlllion.J them l[><lling .urb
10onlo They llri<tly o,..lered tbeir ""ldio"' tn eoumrit
no a<t of or extortion upon any individual. )lr.
!IO<>J,.r 'll'liS long a Reoident at the Court of Shujlr'u..J
dnula, M<l yet, during tho pt!riod of EeveD or iht be
wu roo nerredited, uoithtr ho himself nor :my of Iris .. t\nnts
conunittod a singlo nt:l of iolcncc Agninst nny ponoon.
Lniuliu (P), "' Firing!, "bo waa one of the greaten of NA11ftb
Shujt'.'u..J dania's folloiYero, conducted himself in tho
CO.\JI.IR lit:LZAR Sltt'M'r.
exempl:uy a01l although be Syam 161, bi tlioraa,
10 pri..."'()U at. the innigalion of the flitrUf enemil!-1, .. till ho ga,a
him uo unn"''"'""')' p.'lin. In abort, th goodness of' tht.e people
i beyonol all bounds, nutl it is on of their own nnd their
honesty thM they are so lurtunato 3nd wealthy.
Jorullir tuul /lnf ; Sin!Jit, l<ill.t oj Simlj Jl nl Jtil,
ami IMir
To tbo month of Jmnala-uani. 1181 .-.u. (Oet. 1767), .lllwahir
Singh, 11011 or Suraj Mal Jat, Dl&r<:hed from Dig :aml Kumbber,
\\bich \\ere his rc>idnO"'t, to Mtho in the lAnk of Po'klw-, a
grent .acml pi- nf tho It ia Aituoted n<or Aj1nir,
within tho torrit.Qry of Rlojt> lll&d.lni Singh, aon of l!lljn
Siogl Kachhw6.ha; and Jadbir Siugh, ou reaching tho boundary
uf R'ja'a br,r->n 10 "'""::0 tl1o country aod
Jtlunder tho (lf"('le. He oerran "'""' places in tho territory.
"'hen ho rca.hllll witltin two stagll:l fru111 Pokhar, ho lenrut thftL
lJijni Singh, aou of R&ja llt>kht Singh ltutlwr, had also
come to Fenrin;: on of outra;;es IIA<l com
miu .. .J ou l1is way, he wroto to Bijai tlun b mu eu,pkioua
of :U6dl.U i'ingh, IWd if be would permit him, he would
come batho. 'l'ho R6ja wroto in rtply thnt ho 8hould como
only with 2000 but Ja,ahirSiugh,contrary to thio desire,
proceeodJ:,J "ith all hia whiob L-onsbwd of about 60,000
ho!'e, ouo /a, of foot, and one tho"-"'"'1 1"".,-e ou.all guru.
Oo tho 13th of Jumada edni Ito oolhcd iu tank, IWd baviug
hall..I 11 1\>w day3 there, returned.
'fho """, of his outra:;es nnd plundering hniuJt rt'llehod
i\Jadlni and otltrr 1Ujput chi tO, they <Ouidor.d it a
;;re:ot iunh, nnd contnu-y to eu.torn. All tho llfijputo
assembiL-d tflgother, wcut to ?olfidhu 10
tnko ruveugo. llladhu Singh replied thnt lo did nut think it
\\Ortly uf,.,lf to ol'l""" Jawahir ""'"" forcfthera
had been of tho lowest dr1 udent.. ml of hi.J llll<t\5
but that whosoovor liked migl1t go ngnil13t him. Aocord-
in:;ly D>ltl Singh and other lUjpul.l, to tho nombfr of !\boot
20,000 ho....,, llnd an "''u:U body of toldirn<, wont lo
oprooe Jawtlliir Singlt, who, 6ouing it cliffiwlt to his ""Y
rtsO!vO<Ito fight. A ensued.. Tl1t R4jruts lwwcd 30th
brncry and I'Oomge, that they de<troyed about 20.000 hoi"'()
anti fuot of tho anny of Jaw(thir Sin!:h. Many al110 drnnk tho
eur of de3lh on pul. Jawuhir Sin;:h, being nblo Lo
etnntl bttfore tho cruel sword of tho R6.j)Hii.A!, look to Hight alone.
and wilh greM difficulty nnd pain renrit<'<i Dig anti 1\ umbher.
Hi gunt<, tlopltants, horses, lre3Sur<, and nil tho furniture of
pot up, fell into the hllods of tho Raj puts, who, aflor Ill yin;:" few
tlayo on lito firld, rclnmoo to their n-re.:tiva re.idem'<'!.
Jawahir Singh fell gte!\t h&ine of thi dcf'o:lt, an I much of
\'anity an. I pride wbieh be bad entertained wu reduce<!. It i .aid
that Jaw&hir Singh lwl m:We a eolli.r IJia and 11111 gnat
frienLhir for him. Tlai3 eoldir. bavio:: ktn guilty of
irnproror a.t, wu tliJgracod. One day, when the .T!t chief
;:tn hunting with only a olltndantt, that ooldier, takin;;
hit word ond went to tho ploee \\h<'l'e Ja\\6hir \\1L!I
tandin;t Cllrclc.-ly \\ilh a few men. :uad I ruck him n t.low with
hit eword . .,yiug, "TIW. is tho punihmNtl of the dl;:roeo I
h.-o r ..,oived." tn one blow theru wns nn ontl of ,Jnwr.ftir Sin::h'
who det"'''"'l Lo tho worM of eternity in tlw month of
IIR2 "" (June, li68 A.u.). llu wn. eeetltod by hi>!
brothtr Rolon
Wlwn RutAn Siu)lh lcilloo loy a jnHr, lho mini<ltl" of the
oII'Vllti hi$ infant eon, lbujlt to hi.. plo<e, and
"'"""'' laim upon tLe m-1/ of tbo cltief .. !tip. No .. ul Singh
anl Tlhaw&nl ol Suraj )fal, but by auothrr wife,
rooo iu Of>f*"ition, and colleet...t an anny of )!ahratl.aJ ant!
otloen, to the number of about 30,000 lwroe, nuol an f<JtW
DUIIIWr or fool ..... Jdicrs. The of Ranjlt eallt-d tho Sikh
furc<11 from ThW> force then tntrred tha ltrriloril.'ll
or tho J6t, nnd trctched out tbrir hands Lo pluntltr. Although
Jlol!l ol'lmed them. Y.eL they diu not "ithhuld their
Cfi.\U.n Gt:LZ!R SUt:H'r
.\ t IMt., tho onnies of lunjit Singh, being collected, fought will
the Sikhf, auJ them ont of hi pol'"'<ions. Nuwul
IUld Bhllwaui Singh with the army toward
M&lw(L and Ujjoio. 'fho aon of B:Uiu Jat, who luul 1'3iMtl "
n!belli .. n in th trritory, and \Yi.<bt>tl to a part from it.,
and rooke binl<olf ill! mMter, wM also lmffiod in bib scbenes,
Dtul could not aueteerl in his object.
In doe mouth or SA!\r, JlS3 ... u. (.JW>I', 1769 A.n.), the town
of Kurnbber twiee liro, and "bout twelo or tbirtetn
tboltll:uul moo wero burnt. No nccount wM token of tho ani1ual
hollieS which were conmmrd.
In tho year Tukkaji Bolkar, son-in-law
of ;\1nlhor R&o,
Ram Ohlllld Gnncsh rutd other MahrnttM with a for-
mi<l:oMo llnllj of on& l of lton and foot froiD tbt D3khin, aud
""'oltod the trritory of RAnjit Singh. A great conflict took
pla<P b.tweeu tho .J&t und M<Lhrntto Md numorou! mon
on both aide. f, II in the liell But tho ""'" of blew in
" -
liwour of tho )f3braltt\ anuy, nnl tho .hits took nfur:e in tho
ma.t lbrtillod of their etrongbol<l8. 'l'hc "ohratiA Brroy O\'NTnn
nod pre:td dV&>Iation in tho <ouotry \llhich .. l to R.tttjit
Singh JAt, from X.,""' to Kol 1\nd .Jnle or. Tho J&ts,
Msenblro their foroPI, to opp<>o them, and nt lnt
ren \VIIS mnl betwl, D tho p.artit1. Th J&t< ga\'C "coutril>u-
tion of about furty-livo In or to the lllo!trnua<, tml
avc'<i the country from their ltprot!Atiou". lleing roston.'il to
tboir (tO .. .-ion<. thy lonni.hod the fear of the frum
th .. ir min<h. Civil f<tt<le h3d brokl'll out omong Nuwul Singh,
Ranjh SiUllh, oud other son out! Jlt3Ud.oua of Surnj Jut, nnd
grNl took in
Xajllf Klt4n, in tho ('Ommrnocmont of tho yror 1187 A.!T.
(1173 A.ll.), modo 311 irruptiun into tho tcrritoriCJ of tho
Jut; tho Biluchi.'l, )lc,.(uti., on.J oth .. r tribu aL.o joined itb
him. He brought mouy plaetoi \\hieh belongod to tltrm into hi
I (Ht W'IJ ulll'l .. , n.lalt'il LO 'falhat r,.,,., IrtJ .. , '"
i. p. llrul Vd', HI. G. p. lN.]
1 and bas <ODl.inued to pre\<! diturbans in tltrir urri-
tories up to this day, tho 9th of Jumada-1 .&ni, 1169 .l.B. (.\ug.
li'iii A.D.). He suWoed the JiL<, and mlucoo the Rajll:S to
ll! we bl\ve parti.:alnriz.ed in tlto ehapttr which
bioltit.ory. Najaf Khan took the fortre.s of Vig by storm from
tltu J At., who, 1\Ctordiug to oomc, also lOIII pot< .. or Kmubbor.
u wdl as .&grn, MntlJUrA, :Uimlroban, Kol, J nles11r
nut! Kim&, beside o>nny other mnlui/8, fell into tho po!!Stt&!ion of
lGA.n, who at the pr<!$ettt day, the let of tho month of
.Juna&JA-1 AW'Inl, 1192 .l.O. (1 Juno, 1778 A.D.), hu been
tngagl'<l for .ome time in besiegiDg tho fort of 111{1chthrL
.tm>unl of Bo!Jfil, Jlllh6ddL4tl, a/If/ Palnn 'A=lmd&id, <wd of
/A- tilfu o/ Cnll"olttJ "' J D< a.
\\'hen the English ltod out K&.im ' Khin from
B ' and 'Azlruihad Patnll, tlny tonfirmed tle
..on of Ja'fllr 'All Khan in the depuly-goHmor>Lip of llen:;al,
oud Shit6L RM in thot of '>6b!od Pnln<L The nnni!'1! 11hici1
\\tl'O otl\lioncd in tho.e provincCl! under the OOtnlllnllU uf thO
fornll'r governors were nil nud tho Ul"CI':try number of
'l'..liuh"' btll'kw11liJ;e1 wore enlisted, to bo k<IJt nt tho dipoonl of
till' tlepuLy-govcrnors of tl1e provincclf. lt it anid that n ,pry
pmctice wns introduCM'd into tho country, nnmdy, thnL
llt< begnn to ell !'OJlle thrru ... h,,., and that they
)ruhibite-1 otber traders t'rotu dcoling in U1o111 ae<ording tu fonncr
In the n>onth of Sb"'""" ll8J .u1. fFeb. 1770 \.D.), in the dty
of U.lcutta, "),.,... the En)!li>h n<h a otonn m;;oo dUlL
IUAny tntn ..,.,.,..,killed, and bou""" dtlroyt.J by tho force of tbo
burrieaue. In tho o;11me Y""' uch a drudful famine <>c<urred in
Calcutta, nnd ', lhot in pla<fl where four
mmmtlt of gmiu h.a.d been for n. rupi!t', t\'tll four wero
11ol thou to be obtainod for the money. C..ntoquonlly
utnny pcr.ollll died of hunger. It is aniu tlmt in llcngnl and
rn.ur.n GCl.Z.{R
'.\zim&l>.f:d abnut tltree million se.-eo hoolre<l thousanl mrn
were 10 t!..ath; and IDliiiY !Old r.ltrir i<>IU and
for grain, or for f..ur or eight a.oa a pi..,... On account of this
dearth. th En;lih rnt Mvtml bundrtd bo:ll.s from to
Foittlh&d for tho purpooe or p-uring grain. Thus the pried of
oorn was ttho mi.d in Faiz6b&d and Luokuow.
H i enid lhat in tho month of :Muharrnm, 1183 -'" {)fny,
1769 A.n.), 1ueh bowen! of hnibrtones fell, thnt tho wholt iry
of Oalcutta, tho English resided, W118 reduce<! to roin.
Several men wol't! killed, houses levelled to tho ground, and only
a fow men urvivoo. In the same month and tho umo
ha.iltonCll fdl al..o in the eity of
lL i. uid thAt the English are so ju..t and bont. that d.,
not intnfre with the we:tlth ohny rich men, bonkrrw, mn:hanu
aud 6thrr people who reside in their citi ... but., on tho eomtnry,
thy are very kim! to thO<e who lU'O ...-oaltby. Uut from thoe
ho are powtrfulthcy manage to obtain money by their
and .. lroilnc, nod by force if oec-Y: but are not
OPP""ht, and nover trouble poor pc!Ople. They am a womlerful
nation, with <'qUity nnd justice. Mny they bo
happy, and e<mlinuo lo administer jnstico!
Arrirol of Gorrrnor fh11t>ral Htuft'IIVI nl L11rknotr.
Whon, in 1198 A.n. (1784 A.D.), the nowa t!pr-M<I in Faiz&bfi,l.
Lucknow, and other plares under tho jurL...Jietion or tho Na\\ab
Wazlru-1 ,\'oafu-d dnula, ruler of tho provinre11 of Otulh
and Allah(.Lid, tltAl the Govm>or General, ITatiugo, ,.._,
coming from Cal<utla towuds Ludrno\'1', Nawab ,(oafud d:\Ula,
with a .-iew to wolcome him, marebed from that city on the !lth of
R.3bi'u-s tbl, aud encamped Ill JhU.i, ne:u- All!h6L(ld. When
int.elligcoce of the Governor G<lnoral's arrinl at B:nn,...,. wu
1'0<.-eivcd, tho Nawab d .. pat.:hed tho minister, flaicbr Beg Kh6n,
by A I mill 'Ali Khb, Go<ornor of Kon and
Etllwa, nn of great ability nod inftnonoo. They met the
Oovomor Oonornl nt Dcnnres, and bnving presentoo their 1111:n,.,

remained in attendance on him. Wben tLe Ooernor General
re:v-h<.J ..lllihib6.1, ::s'awab doo-d danl.r. ci'OMe<l the rinr, and
afttr an inwmew hAd takJ!n place betwll'll th- magnate., llwy
camo tog.ther to Luc:know. were made by the
J>Nplo on ac>u11L of the arrival of lbo Oonrnor for the
En:;liJh ArO very jlllit, oquimblo and humano.
D(4(>-uclioll of Piluriuu nl littrtllfdr.
Eory year, in tho month of tl.1isalc:h (April), tho people of
Jodi<>, particularly HindUs, reson to BardwAr, a piMe or
t:lnctity, for tho pnrpose of and a wr lMts for sever:U
daye. 11 is said that in Jumida-1 owwol, 1198 A.n. (April,
liS I A.n.), in the (Hindi) month of whn the
had colloc:ted os mual, such a deadly aro.o that lift""n Lun-
dre<l ptr.oos, mtn and women, died from it in lc than two
lwul'l. In tho same month lUid year llo...anda of lost
lhtir lht! from tarntion in Dt!Jii in a pare of live or days,
on account of the dearth of eom. Tho famine from
M ult6n down to lklgul lllld MAkludabaol, with euch viulence
lhot rwoplo wero reduceol w a nry dcplomble atote. They
lulk>ured undor double difficultios, ono tho Renroity of gmin, and
other tho want of employment, wbiob oqually nlfoctud botb
tho 1oldier nud tho lradosmllll.
J/r. Ila.-dillg, a.,,.,.,. int}II'Wllltfl nud .... 1 J.omr b!!
ordtn of lA Ei11g of Ellglond.
:llr. ll&>tings. "bo !ome years hacl ap["'inted
ly the King of England as Go.ernor of J.lengnl, Mwud&bU,
and 'Adntib(,.l Patna, ft"olted from hla oloeditncr, aud ['3id no
awntion ro the onler-5, that ho wa a of
of IndiA. Tbe King of England ltnt another gm'M'Oor
t Calrutta in hiJ plnee; and when he arrivt-d in O:lloutlA, and
1 [11Ji 1hCJrt E:dnct b. !xu Tdaincd. not fOT h a:u.raq, \lu.t fur h natitr-
Tt>W "' lb" ubJi'd..]
{The Dirll>u or tho E..t l.adfo
I'ILUUR Gn.z.tll iUlt:J.t"r.
wmt to )I r. that killed him by the
J>O,...r of lois
Af\er thio, tho King of Engbnd despatdord anothor offierr to
fill doe plaee of ;'\Jr. Bastings at Calcutta; but that gentleman
deelined to eh..,.go of the go,-erument. la.<t they d.,.
tonniood on fighting" duel, with tho unden.tandiog thnt tloQ victor
ebould tho offico of Governor. A day was aud
ou thot dny tltoy fought n duel. Mr. IIMtius,., e3CIII>ed, but
wounded his RntRgonist in tho nrm witl1 :. piotul-b:ll, who
obliged to return to Eogl.,nd.
The King of EnglDDd then contrived a plot, om) btnl to
Calcutto ubout four hundred E=pean soldienr, in a vul under
tho <"OUlDiaod of Mr. Macpherson, "itb :> letter to Mr. Ila.ting..
to d&e effect doal, ..,. m tlo- day. be load many bottll11 to 6;;hl.
:\lr. Matphm-on load dt!!p"tched with th- eoldira lO
rciufoft'Ct him, and to render aeniee to him w1Jenetr exh;f'llcy
might requin! it. Secftt i11>truc:ti008 were given to llr. M&eJ>hon.on
DOd tl&e 1<1ldiera to seize Mr. Hastings and forward him to Hil
liojeoty'e prlll<nro. When the ship rca<:hed ncar Mr.
i.\JII<lphensoo llt'nt tho Roynl leuer to Mr. IIutiug11, nu eolutt..l
loino with tho foro of guns ol' tho ship. llr. lliUitingo, hMing
read tho letter, embarked in " boat, nud, iu company of
tho ot hur gnglih officers who ware with hini in C3lcllLIA, Jlro
to welcome Maepberson. On hie npproubinJ: t!to
, .... ,1, Mr. p:Ud a ulute, and with " double of
the 110ldicr., wenL from the ship into Mr. lla.tin;;
INBt. Immediately on bo:>rdiog l.he !x.t, be ordered tho soldicl'll
to aurrouod llr. Jla.tings. and thlll! made loiuo a prioooer,
ohowod biru the orders for hu own arpoiotmenL a. Go,enoor, and
the warrant wloidt His )Jaj..,ty had gieo for the l'!"'lwnion
of llr. IJ ... tings, \\JoO lAW DO tcmedy but to oum:oJer 3
}>ri110nor. r. llloepheraou sent him to England in a aloil' under
tloo cuaLooy of tho gu:u'd which bad come out for that
110 tl>Olle,

[Tur. full title of this work is Turlkh-i Sh"/,ddnl-i F11rruU.
};i!JOr tta J,t;, j Jfull"""''aJ Sluih. The author, )lir.-'
hamuo:l<l n.,khtb, was a poet. :md wrote uwler tho .\'hob.
Nntloin:: hu be<-n foond about him h<-yond "bat be him"l'lf tells
u in hi p...,r..e. lle "'"'" a ""ldier, anl ,.ith Xawat.
"from the to tloH rnd of the ..-ar with
Alunad Shah AW4li." He bow in thi he
aud granted to three AI.UtiU bommrn,
which t-xploit ho obtAined apfllnu'"' nod l'l'wnrd.
wnrd1 he aervtd nndtr E:lt{m-kh{m&n (lutiz6tom<1 dnula), nntl
ohtninN1 n of 2000, witl1 his nuctatral tillo of l{Mwor
Khlm; but he adds tllftt lhi& title wns boyoncl hi droH!A, nnd ho
<MIItlent()(l with his timplo nnmo of Mnhftlll!Md llokhh.
Suborqtll'ntly he acied in with' lm&du-1 Mulk Ch6zin-d
din Kb,n. lie teems to hovo been a bold ollitr, and
lot hnd Rve,.,.l brotloers and friend rvin:t with him. Hi. name
f""'lutotly apr-r.s in lhe course of the wnrk "ben loo records
\\hat him!lf did or saw, a. in tho Extrntl whidt follo\0,
Tho work no speeial ...,)atioo to tho death of Farrokh
The author's intention to write tho hiuory of "the
lmmlrtd ytal'll from lhe of A uraoc:z.ob to tho pl'l"'tnt
I JOG (1182 A.D.) ; but Sir II. Ellint'1 Md
nnothrr in thr Library of the India Office ciO!lo with tho re\nrn
of Ntl.lir Shl.h, and the death Kltl<n, governor of tho SO.\ILI:D.I.TI F.uutt;Kil 811.\1\. 23-'1
Panjib. The lai!tory is "''Y !1llllliWJ up to the bt::innin; of
tbe rci;n of ShAh, ai\er whith it is vrrillPII iu litll
dolAil. The author hi; obU..<>atiota to the T Jriklo-i
.lluAmnnwd .-.:/,QJ,, but hu abo recorded "wh:.t lw:tnl front
trwotworthy , .. ..,.,nt, and whnt be SIW when oemn; Rultun anl
t<a;l,." lu hi! l',.,fiteo be mentions the works tltnt ho u.M for
hi< lutro<luction. Thoy nrc the U5Ulll authoriti .. : tho
oulmo, Tttl;11kdt-i Akbar!, JkbdlnafiWt' Jalulii!Jlrl, "tlw Joui'\Jnl
which Jnh{utgir himself wroto in 11 very plcnMnt "tyl<'," nnd
mnny other works. There nro aomo roferencu to hi own
poetical pro<luotion......,. poem of 700 eooplcts calll>d }lo/ttl-d>loob,
writtrn at Uhnrtpitr, "oao of the slrooz fortrt':.<e of Surnj ){Ill
JAL." and D.Dother eallt!d .. Rook of o,.,.]Jo," in 3000
ooupltl, writon by eomm:wd to celebrate tho """' of
In tloo eoor.l<l of the be of the in
tmn._ Ho "}lislly mention$ CaptAin Joo3thna S>tt,
''bo ... e lt:u-ning Mll ncquircmenlA he in nl for
ho i gntrful. He also tho
oanco 11ml kindn- which bo received &om Colonel l'oli<r nt
Sm:-0 inchOl! by 8, 670 p.ges of 15 line cnch.]
('\1teo went forth to trent with N6lir SMb,
tloo Author of thio work, with sevcml bonemt'll eonilin; of hi
brethren ami near relAliolll, by the !tnmgth of thir boru:s, but
with clif!i<ulty and much msnagt>meut, got in front of
elcphnnt. of .(<3f Jih XiU111u.l l{ullc, IUld arriod lint at the
battle-ficld. As wo """' before all, ..-e b:"l the lirwt -ight.
Tho Peninn others of army, bllrin;:: di$moootNI
a.od pitketod their !torte!, plundering nnd mDMtkin;:: with-
out tbi'Ck. Thy h:>J broken open the oheota with blow of
"""" nod ewor<h, torn in pii'Ces tho bng3 of gold ami il,-.r, tmol
having scattel't'd tho cootool-3 on the ground, wtro onjll\ged iu
pitkin; llotm op. Fomitore, t7JI""ialJY l11e culinllrf oteJl!ill of
oilvr anoi topper. fell intA> the band. of
"Wiotn we reaeh!d the of mtetiog, it clark, and every
ooo, groat and &mall, relllllined on tho pot b linot NGOCheJ. Hi
Majtr l'rro...,hed with " largo Ci>CQl1. of owu Md gull3 with
J:re:Lt JIrndour. Next eame tbe train oflbocbiof .....Ur 'Azimu-llah
Khan Zahln1d :&loadnr. B ill depluuot Willi in armour,
nncll1o hionolf rode in nn iron !toonill, nnd WM clotlll'd in nrrnour
from to foot, so tlult his eyca wero tho only parts of his
bcxly thot were villiblo. Bo was attended by n auitnble CICOrt of
men anol nnno, and made his obeisance to hi moonreh, BOd hi
IIUlam to 1ah. Next = tho Wa:lru-1 mnmdlil.: Dah&dnr.
All tho chicC. 'IVl.'ro mounted on eloplulnt.o dod in armour, in
,.ar Aotnl.u of in>o variolll'ly ornamented, and all the eloph:ont
riJ<I'I from the gtntffi to the least ,. ..... COYen:d with ann aud
annnur from hr..! to foot.]
('I'm i ono of tho works mentioned by Sir IT. M. Elliot ns
ntninin; mottrr for the history of ShAh 'J\1am. 1:1 e did not
obtain a COJIY of tho "ork, and All that i knoW'll about it is de-
rieJ froru a letter written to Sir llenry by Sir Waltor Elliot.
It oap, "The Wtih"dl-i .&;forrl is 3 mtre of an
individual of no note. Tbis Azfar! hod eome iut<rcourse with
Ghu16m .K6dir in hi youtb,Md gice a few particulars of .vent..
whi<h [>3..ed onder his o"n ob-.ervntioo." From the cxl,.,..ta
indC><M:d in this letter it is npparenl lhut the "" written
uncr tho death or GhoUuu KMir, wbioh O<!CUIT\ld in 1788 A.D.]
AL( KHL'i ANS.(Rt'.
TWI author of this work is ';\II Khin An.u!, Ibn
dania Kb8n, son of Sbamu-d
Khan SUik Taha .... wur
Bdog dot..! &om his e:uiy youth, as mot of th- authoN
My of themdns, to history and 8tndies subaidiary to it, and moot of hi time in the eomp:my of thoo "loo epoko and
Wl'OW of theo ltlbjtet.a, Jte UJ'OD Writing " J;<OOrnl
history; and M he had already written 1111 a'OUDL of the
Prophclf, he thou:;hL he eould not do better than do vote hit time
to " moro aooular Ililltory, embrncing tho live. of tho l\in1.'11 who
in times rolod upon tho earth; ao thai, through both hio
c:onobioed, loo mighL derie the double ro\\Drd of hopo of
hoavctl and upon earth. :Relying, tlocroforc, OJ'OO
tlte help of God, bo llllowed "the parrot of his tool:' to tsp:>thte
in the pnlen or language," ami after qending .. ery Jon:; time
upon tu. eompibtioo, h Nnpleted it in the y.or A.ll.,
"itb A.D. 1794-0.
It is a eomprtbenshe and tL<eful \\'Ork, as will from the
lioL of eontente given bdow, but P""""'lle uot!Jiog t.articularly
worthy of extra<l.
Th \\ork it t!h.jdNi into oiue Chopten, o.nd forty-niuu &<tiona,
fancifully called (b<thr) nod (mmu1 ""t""'livrly, and
heuco tho tiilo of IJI!hru-l "Tho Tcmpealuous Sra.'!

Pn-f>Cf', p. 1.-Book I. Io ix Cbaptel"': 1. Peoholidian; 2 .
.Kaiioia111: 3. Tawiifu-1 :UnlUk: 4. Sianiant; 5. 6.
Tul.h.u of Yemen, p. 8.-IL lo two Charte,..: 1. UmmnJides;
2. 'A hh&.iol..,, p. li-L-IU. In eleven CbaplM'I: 1. T6hiriam :
2. Salfiri.,,.; 3. &mlmiaus; 4. Olulzoiidcs; G. Glonri:ms;
C.. Buwnihidt'l: 7. Saljukians; 8. Khwarizonh6hia; 9.
10. Isnoa'flinM; 11. Chiefs of Knra Khital nnd Kirmftn, p.
112.-lV. In right Chapters: 1. Tho Orosnrs; 2. Tho
of Rum: 3. Danisbmaudi:\s; 4. &IIIias; li. MnnguchnkiM:
0. Rulm of Knr6man; 7. Zlilkadarino: 8. Othno6nlt, p. 170.
-V. On tho Slutr!fio of M"""" and )lt!<lina, p. 208.-Yl. In
four Chaptr": 1. Turk. tho son of Yafath ; 2. TatAr, and hi;.
3. The )[ugftu: 4. Puranjnr KMn, p. 211.-
Yll. In .... n Chapters, on CW.ngh KM.n anl hi1
r 219.-YIIJ. In five CbaptNS: 1.Ch:mbaniAnl; 2. 01<6niam;
3. )lunl!'ariSM: 4. Rulers of Kirit ; 5., p. 27 4.-
IX. In Si>. Chapters: 1. Timlir nod hi d-cndanh; 2. His
wloo rule<! in rran and Kbu.W6n ; 3. KJorn-kwnlu
Turl.a; 1. Ak-luiinlu; !i. S:tl!'nrlaus; G. Nft<lir Sh4h, Aluund
SMh Abdall, oto., p. 319.
Stzv.-L\rgo Svo., containing J37 pugtf, with 17 lines to
n pago.
work l known to mo only from n eopy iu tho Library of
the R6j of Brnre<, llnd I never of otlwr. A
1oondrotu c<>mmemary on the Klll'in the All\c 1itle.

F..I..KTR KnAlRU-D D(X )1UllAM1llD.
[Tm! Buthor of Uoie work IVM Fnk{r Khniru-d din A 116Mbiidi,
who abo wrote tho lllitory <>f Jaunpur tnlll!Llted by M:ljor
Pog<!OD and the !J4f, <wl-lltinut, to be btreallu notice...!. During
the Iauer pGrt of hie lire be ,....idcd at Jauupur. in the enjuymtm
of " rwueiou from tho Britillh Oovenunent, whith ho h:ul c:u-ned
princirally by tho a""i.olAIU:C which ho rendrrhl lO 1\Ir. Anderson
in bh ne-.,'Ocitiou "ith the Malorattas. llo lefi rvice of
Aocltntoo tltrougb aioknc, and was in the 'ervice
of onu of tho Imperial princ'' bu rttin'll to
Luclmo,.., and <>bt.Ainrd ome faour from tho NB"llb Sa'AIn 'All,
wbom ho greatly and wh050 ligb l<lunding title. be
recite in full M "l'tionlldu-d wao-d din I'tiz6du-l Jolauo
wau-l .Mw.limln Wnlru-1 ouun61ik 1Jmdntu-l l\1ulk Ynmiuu-d
daulat NUimnl llulk Nadb Sa'&dat 'Ali KUn U:lh6J.ur
Muh&ri% Jang.ft Tho author dird abom the year 18:!7.
Thu work my bo cotlliderct! as a llitory of tho rei;ns of
'Atamgir U. and Shah 'Atam, for nllhough il with 'rlmoir,
tb& lives of tbe Emp<rors bduro '.!'lan1gir are .U...mi .. J in a
very ""Y oeeupy alt .. .;etber only 2u p3;r. lle
mnin portion of tho work, tho rci,;n of SMh is
very full Rnu minute, aud the nuthor sbowa himself particuiW"Iy
wuU o.tqu>inted \\itb the ..&'AiN of SindbiA. The work i of oon-
aidenblc ltu;:tb, o.nd i dividrd into yeo.r.s no<l many doal'tcro. It
aoon llller recounting th& horrible cru(lties pmetia<-d on the
Emperor Sill 'Klllm and his fawily by I be iuliunous Obuliun
FXKJ'Jl KllA!UOD Dfll lllllLUniAO.
K'lir, atrodtie:; b& d"""ribos al length, and wla- eondu<l
be dcnoun<l.lll in tho strongO"t IMguo!!o: "The of lill tho
.,.lnmitifl! thai hnvo fulloo upon ,.oro tho nets of tho
traitor Gbu!Am KMir, whirh depriel tho Imperial house of all
itt honour anti di;nityl nod corui;.,""'led bia rd:ltiont,
and his tribr, lo
A ohnpter clt'l<lribes l11o dcalh of Olaul&n> K6.tir,
wla""e etll'Cer induced tho nuthor to give lti.s work the title of
'JI,rg/-ruirti(J, "Ilook of It edendt to 120{ .ur.
(1790 A.D.), 2nd was writtn before IJ>e cnd of tho rt'ign of Shlih
'.\1om. Tho hitory ill well written, iu oimple intelligiblollllll,'llRgc,
nutl dr"<!ne more noti"" th>n the limit.a of this ""rk will 2llow.
!:orne Extmcl.a follow, tranbted chi.Jly by the Editor, but a few
paaaagcs 3TO hy IIHtJWiU.
Sir II. EUioL'a e<>py bought nt Lnoknow, nml i n folio H
inthes by 9, eout.'\ining 600 ra::es of 26 lines to the rage. J

Mllliny 'Tmar1u-l Mulk Glui=lll dl11.
['lnuido-1 l\lnlk, nr'ter armnging tho revenue run! other molten
(upon the aoc--ion of .\'lornzir ll.), .. abooL a uf
tho cavalry onJ "" da(IA
"hieh hnd foil en into a nry
corrupt atnte. no removed tho Emptror from Shf.h.lrthan&bM
to P6nlpal, ontl then, Inking from !he offidal of the c1nalry
the I!U!dt whirh they belt! round the capibl., bo appointed hi
own oflieenr to mallll{;e them. The chirf of tho envalry, bcin;:
hurL by tho drri,otiou of their of income, nnd boing
eueotu1tged by tho Emporor Md eou>e of hi3 e<>uorillors, wci'IJ
elarnoroll3 a,:ain.L the n:lr, and ornt their telllll to him to
dll>Md their t"'Y The ll'n!lr rlirt.,h.J j\;ajib Kb&cn to inquiru
into the mnttcr, nod he ort his on, Z (rbltn Khln, to tho work.
Tho oldiers, di=tifi'il with their ll'akiu, ond ready for a
Ji!urb2flee, ltUI thirty Or forty of thtir mo.t violtnl !Paden
1 [Tbe wonl ''" to 'Ia.. HI widt-r lDaaaa'g thaa that an-ttd i1 ptp tan
W/If"'l. 'llwrtt w ro uricxu Ia the C4aJ.A, G.U.b, lho '" .. '"" (wvN)
lo .... u ...S.]
'lllll\T-X.tYA. .239
to ;t>t for their gritr.lnee:. These men, cornpbinin::
tbtir went to tbo of tha
rro.;ir, u.t, roll.,.,tin; thoro in " mob, rai.eol a great tumulL
Tho rett:lr hi'Mil tlai, anJ, proud of 1W an.! ('0\\H, erune
out to qull the disturbanee. Tho
!aim, nnal b<-pn to abuoe him in terans unmentioMhlr. Num-
bers gnthrred togctlaor from O\'llry &iJo, ancl the mob intrtrL<t<l.
They to..C olf hi rlothes, and in the stnagglo his turbnu oven
foil from his hend. Then thoy dmgged hiau through tho street
of Pi\.n[pnt tu t111ir cnmp. The cta:lr'a force, of tho
cli@turbnuce, nud prep3red to fight; but wlwn thry
!!aW thrir niMtor in tho hruub of the mutineers, tlaey wero lll'lp-
le>. Tho dairfi of the tiJ!Jh went to tho ll'r:lr with R(>I"J:i ...
anJ brouc;ht him a turb.-.n and soeh a.o thty roold
get. Tho t<W:lr, -ing how mght.eoed they weN, flew into a
ra_;e, awl ttvih.'\.1 them. a me!,g.;:e w&"' from
tho to the uffieer;, otrering to make hicnsdf r<poMiblc
for tluor pay if thy woold deliver over the INL!Ir t" him a
pri.40all'r, ami tllin:; them th.t if h& oseapcd from their hnnd,
they I\Onld hnr.l work 1.0 get their J>:IY from him.
Tho p>.ions of tho mob being somewhat quietccl, tlwir
, thought that tl&r OO.t way of n,ing thomsclvcs wM to eommuni-
cBto tho f:anporor' to tho tro:fr. Thry c:uno humbly
bcforo lain&, "ith importunities, nnd brought no elephnnt, 011 whioh
they orntl him. U:10an Klai\.n, one ot' the chief, la<ok hi I'C:It
in the/"'' with him, nn<lottentled him as hi1111<!fo111 tho door
of hi tut. 80011 1\11 the KYt:V had alighted, IJ""''" KhAn
abo di.,11ount.J fro11 tho elephant, ud mounting a horoo went
of!' to tho <3111p. Tho o<oo:Sr entered his tent, aod "''''"''" Ho
tiJtn in'luirecl "last h..d of H:Li:ln Kltin. anl on being
told, lao went out nnd mounttd :lD tlephant. fli o\\ n ollit<!ns
anl aololirrs were cnU.,.,tod there, prep3red to aot, anti only
fur tlir.'<tioua. llo them ordens to kill every man of thnt
rintons 1mrty, whoever he might be, and whercv<r thy
find laim ; not ono wM to be allowed to cscapo with lifo. Tho
R>hill:l., of jib KhAn and olhu adhuont.a r.n upon the iloomuJ
baDJ, and in a bon of tinm no tta<O uf was left.
)hny "ro killed, nnd a few with (only) a noao and two ""'"
""""l..,.t by 6ight. 'lm6.dnl )folk wa.s mueh hun and troubl.J
by tho trt the Emperor bad taken. In " few dny they re
to D .. bU, and he, leaving the Emperor under tho watch
of hia confidants, proeeeded to Ll&bore.)
'lmddu-1 .Jfulk Gha,ht-d dfn ui:tl qf .lf,'lnu-1 "lfltlk.
['Im(ulu-1 Mulk fo1111cd the design of rooovcring L6bore, nod
nonrdttd for thnL purpo3e from Dehli with " lnrgn t:.kiug
l>itb him Princ.t '.nl Gaubar. 'rbe_v W<Dl u if on a
ltuntio;:: <xeu,.,ion. Under the rulvico of Ad[n:> Beg Kltln, he
HOI ionurd f1'0m LUdhiyiml a undr tile ooonnl:llld of
S.Uyil 1milu-d diu Klt8n, ..-hidt acc:ompUhed marob or
forty or tiny loo in one day and night, and nA<hol Lahore early
on the 01omiog. The widow of ::'llu'inu-1 ::'ltulk
,...,,,..1, in htr dwelling, :.nd awoke to find htmlh prikJO<r. She
":18 rrricd to tbe Clmp of'Imadu-1 ;\lulk, "Ito, upun hr arri,nl,
\\Qitt'll "I"'" Iter, nod begged I<> be excuse.! fur hu hrul done.
Dning COU!I(IIL-d her, he kept Iter near hitnclf, and gno thu
trovineo of L6l>or& to Adina Jlcg Kluln for n trihnto of thirty
l11c4 of rupcts. Prince 'All Oauhnr \IM BIIIIUJt-d hy llw com-
plninl> ami rrproachu of tba widow of l\lu'iuu-1 .Mulk, nnd lri.J
to imluee 'lm&du-11\lnlk to reinllllc her; butt he miuilcr tlllid
uo ltt."'("tl to hi!! nmoD!trances, ::LO,J anuoyal him in t'rcry wa.y.
Tho "iJow, hurl b.r tho trenmentabo lmd r<cdnod, Itt )....., Iter
tou:;ur, anJ in a loud voice revilod and abu .. l tl11 w:lo. She
aJd.d, ' This condneL of yolll'S will brin; ditra, "I'"" tho
rralm, tlr>truetioo to Shllh-Jalta.ll!bt.J, and tli:;rnee to tho nuble.
''"' Ahnmd Shah Durriui will won ann;;e thL tJi!.
grnodulll<'t nnd puni..b
.\luna! Shul (Abduli), on bearing of this daring net of
'lmalu-1 camo h:ISl.ily to Lrihoru. Adina Uog ](lttin,
bcin;; uuaLiu lu r.,.U.t, B..t toward$ HlwalruJd lli""flr. 'lmauu-1
Jl alk wt. fri::ht< nod, anti by the good ofli.:es of Prince '.(1(
c:auloar, ho auetolt-.1 in tll'tiu!; a will the widow
of )Julk. Wheo Abmaoi :Shah drew uur to Ddoli,
'lmi&Ju-1 llulk lllll no re.oouree t.nt ubmi.iun, 1<1 he
t-.anlon orbit olftuee tbrou;b the mediAtion <>f tho". 'Vith
all tho marluo uf oontrhioo he wot forth to meet the Shah, ami
tho wiJuw iut<rceding for him, he wns oon6rmeJ in his r:mk anti
nflice, UJ'<)II condition of paying a heavy On thu 7th ut'
.Jum6ob-1 11wwnl, 1170 A.n. t28 17fl7 A.ll.), he cntorlld thu
fnrtr'"'' <>f Sh6h-Jn.h6n6bt\d, <>nd had an intorviow with
.Emperor ITo remained in the eity UI'Otrly a mouth,
l!lmtdorint:" the inhnbitrum, anJ very fow peoplo c .... -atoeJ bciu;;
"'hen ,\hm..t Sh6.h the tribute front 'lmUa-1
linlk, tho lstt r ak<l how it >niJ be p<Mible for him
I<> havo oue!t a "' of m<nr ; but h adJoo.l tllllt if a fun.-o of
Jlurriui a Prinee of the boose of Timur wore unt with
Lim, be tui;:ht rail!e a lar,:e -um frorn the lUIIIry or :,;irloioJ.
'fh .lWilll namod Prine& ',\:11 <hohar, but doatl'rin<ll loa.! been
grc>atly J"in"l nnJ by th "ilfulne"" atul ""utof
howu by 'lmr..lul Mulk uo their mttrch to h&oh'<'litte<l
'ltnfilu-1 i\lulk, hewing a tim:, Wnt into
Outlb, nucl Nllw'b ShujA'u..d dtlula n1nrchod bvhlly out ot' Luk
DllW to him, 1\Ud took post at Sumli. Oo>nllict between
th(tir (orei:d OU tOr several d11y,., buL llU mgrt:-tlllt'OL
..... lll'rive.t nl through the medium of Sa'tlu-lhth Kh&n, by
"hido Shuj(o'ud a;;re..J to pay Jive /#a or rup<!ca in oaob
to fun1i.h
Trmwtlio o/ lA yMr 1H3 .LH. (li'59-GO A.D.). Jlarlrydom
of '..! II.
'lma.\u.t {CMziud din KhAn), nho wao '' ry apprdn
i" uf .Nujibu-d Jaubt, D:ltta SinJ.hia aud Jbaului llab-
(S;r lJ . M. Ulllt aeletttd thb tr.+m tho .JUW,..-l .. lfdd.! bat 11 h
tttJm:,l frow tlw bi,_1;U NtllN'W iQ the vwacr.]
\ Ul., ,.IlL IG
ratb to a,iost him. anJ thorn several /Btl
uf ,..,._, on eon.tition ..C their espellio,.: him from the <Oillltry
which ho o<pi.J. The chielio at tho
hca.l of their ouuthem annies, stwkeJ Xajibu-<1 Jsula with
iulf.ttuo.ily. and be, as long u he wl\S ablu, li
Jll'nund ngn.inr.;-t that force, ,,.bie:h wa.' n. uumeroh anL!I ur
locut, till lMt, being able lO hultl out no longer, be took
in tho furL of Snknrt61. Tho sonthrons l:lid "it;;o to the
fort, and having lltoppcd the upplioo of groin, put him to great
ditl't". Sindhin, seeing Nnjibu-d daull\ reluocl to extremities,
""nt tor 'lmadu-llllulk from Sh&h-Jnh6mibatl, in unltr to eom-
pltr the mea<Ul'<' for ehastl$ing biro.
' l onAIu-1 supicious of tho .Eonpcror, anJ knowin;;
that 'lutiz.imo-cl daob Khin-khw6o ...,. hit doio f
nml'ltrcd that noble in the nry aet of ,.ying loiil prayen.
Ilo then sent )(ahdi '.All Kloln, of Ka-hmir,
tu th f.mJ..-ror, to repon that a mo.t taintly danttU. from
Koulh4r had arrived io the city, whu was loJ;;I-tl in /wli/"
or Firo Slt&h, and that he ,..M w.-11 \\orth .. <in;;. Tho
J-:mpNr, \\ ho """' Very filnd of viiting _faklrl, and
urh 1\ one ns hnd come from tho eonmry of ALnmd Sht.h,
oxtromely dt!!irous of treeing him, n.ud Wflut to hi1n
almot unntlemletl. When ho reached thu llJIJ>Ointetlplnce, hu
lo!'ptl Ill tho door ot' the rhtunbcr whrru hit Mains wero
oourtal .. l, nml liAhdi '.\II Khan relicvrtl loin1 of the worJ. whioh
ho hol in hb hand, :utd put it by. A a he out<""! the boo,
tho rolnAin ".re down an<l to grouml. :::\Iir%6.
U.ibar, IOU of T'zzu-d din, or the Emrc:n>r, ho!:iooing
to (''t (uultlay, drew hi. S\\onl, anl wuund"l loral ot' tl1e
ooo.piMito,.., Upon tbis th tf 'lmr.Ju-1 :\lulk
Ollrrounolo.J lUld took l1im !'riooou; anJ hain;; th aworJ
frurn hi..,, pl....-d him io a fJ'tla .. Hn, nnl "' nt him b:&<k to th
royal prion. Some eril-ruiudt-d )I u;;hola were txpo<tiug tho
Eml .. '"r in the dtombcr, nnd wloen they found !tint thoro un-
atwutloJ nntl alone, they jumped up, aud infticting on him
rcpcatel wounds with their brou!:hl him to tho !!r'OIInu,
Mil thon tbrew !tift booly out of the window, rtripplld oft' :lll lloc
clothe<, and tho corp'o lArk naked. After lying on the
:,trounJ for ei(!hteen hours, his body ..-as tabn up by oni.r ol'
!llahJi '.iii Khan, llltl burie-1 in tho ""pulcbrt of the Emptror
II um,yun.' Thi tra,'<ly """'rred on Thunoday, the 20th of
&hi' u-s ani, 1173 A. II. (30th A.D.). On the sBm<
<by 11 youth named ;\[uhiu-1 )lilbt, 8on of )luhiu-a Somunt, on
of IU.m Dakhsh, "'AS rBiod to the throu" with tho titlo of ShUh
J11h&n II.
'Ima.!u-1 Mulk im.;tnl lO snart61. anol e:lme w "" unlr.
14nlin;; with Xajihu-d thub. In tho the o
.\lun!\<J Shah Durrinra in'Mion prl':l.l! amon; tho pto('l.
'lmi>du-1 )lulk, in fear uf his SBW no othr means of >fcly
than in seeking tho prolloetion of Sumj Jllnl, ruod '"'eol\lingly
uopartcd without delay for thnt chiefs territory. Go<!, au
uecunnt of tho :urivru of SMb DLIJ'riul hall he related hcn.'lllior.
1-11 fo SluiA '.d'l<J ...
It;, a rlliltom among th Hindus that at th /,or. thPy
throw du.'11 upon oth,.r, and indulge in praetiral joke.. On
tho lith of Jnm5<1n-1 awwal, in tloe h>'cnly-oighth of tho
reign of IIis lojo.ty Sh&h when thi (("'li val oe<um,l,
Rlio :1\..,..j dt<<eJ up a peNOn in fino g:nmenla to
.-.p...,..,DI tbe Emporor, and applied lonz (olo mataches auol
a k:\nl to his lipo anJ doin. Tbe p<"I"OOD uas Jlactd on an old
hc..ttelld, witl a U,,J in hi nmlto, in the d"'" of a woman, to
rctorenl thll Emporor'a, ubom ho \'try tenderly lo''' tl,
BOll nlwayt kept iu hi rl'\enco wJ1e0 ho Wenl Ollt in a litter or
on no elct>hlllot. Tb< bod><tal was un tho abonldero of
a Tbe rite *'..,. If thU dcdh .,. av\ .. "U.O .J bJ th Of!. u.ry
Olllb>c- Dow" 1M ...s c-pon lolill'o llr.t..A IJ>., ol. il.
p. tU: Cicut l>d'o H-.y J t.U Jl,....,_ ol. II. p. la7: SN .ll'o"'f&m..
ol ai. p. IGe; uJ .J Rcl..t .n.., p 4;, l:lflc-DI'o /<J,., \'01. d. p.
w; ! i.L p. Z36: no., JJut..w, I LJ ... ,IlL u ..
p. 4n i 1- nnkliaa SMA .tbl., .. , p. U.

2H F.IXrR KIL.Uitt;.D Drli IIH lUll loUD.
tour men, ami bef.>re it .. -eot se.-er:U pt'T\Oonl of low e:>tc in
vf tbv Emperor's attm.4uta, with dut.l, utubrelb., anJ
<>ther ;,..;q,.., of royalty in tlteir h:a.odJ. In this manntr tbey
J...-.d.....l in rc:;ulu beating drumo, &DJ ourrounJoJ
a multitudo of >ptat.oN. 'l1t".Y t.....d by tho Ja!J(w.nomi
l"lnr. \llure the Emperor was !ittiu::. 'J'hia il104iltu...,
ltuntvtr, oo inJignntion in llio ;llojtty' noble n>inol;
unt, ull tht R rt'wnrd of five hundroJ rupees
to bu ginn to thoso persong, Sb6.h Nixumud olin, who woa nn
ncmy of ll6o, nrnilcd himclt' of tho opportunity, auJ.
J,,.. iUJ: ueeA'<'<It-d in kindling 'he Emperor' repre..,ut<J
'"" n.altor on His llnje<ty's part to Sindhio, in wbo:M>
""'"r ,(nand R6o ,....;Jtd. Tbo )lah6r6ja \\U hi::ltly in-
un bein;: iufurmeod of tbiJ di>""!'ftlhtl and imyudnt
1>nd immtd.iately ordtr<d that tbo ten.:. of .l'IWIl
lt6o 1houlJ La plttnJcftd. >nd tlll\t be ohooll La lfnl tu Raj
)lolmuunaol, dlirovnn of artilltry. oouncr waa tho vrder
J"'-... ,J than his tents nnJ aJI his <l<re ginn up lO
pluuJ, r, ami he ltitmdf "-ns scizod anol Jll&r,.J in front of n gun.
'fltn t:mptror, on being informed of tho or.lon which tho
hnJ ghen, one of biseunuch to tell tho
tlmt 1\lnjty Wll8 plu:tsed to panluu the ull'ondur; but thnL
lu ''''I""' M 4 wnmlng to otber:i, tho )lldturujn wouhl turn hint
nut ol' hi Ordcl'l! were tLC<:ordlu::ly by the
)Jaluln\j>, he wno &lied from gun, and was
'1 .. "''1 ; but he wns di,c.'l'.>o....J ""'I battitoheol frnm the rr'""'"""
I n:ulointd eon<ealed in tho ramp fur " f<w Jay auJ
an.r ..... hi proJ"'rlY .. t,ich w"" ld'L from the 'l"'il,
he went away to l!jjain.
Tmnt.KTH Yr.ut o mr. 1:!02 \.II. (1787-8 ... o.)
..Jirorilifl Df Chulam Jt,idir.
[When Ohulam Klulir Kln'ul anJ. lnta'il D;: Khh ltnl mn.fe
their wny into D.hll by tho comrhaucu or Nl><ir '.\.11
'IB1t.\ TS.OU.
Klin anl tlte t<>nninnce of the )Juglml ehic(, Ohul'm Kalir
&umed the tbitf authority. He began to opp...,. tho citittn,
and dcmanJe-1 mouey from the EmP"ror Tbt"'e pro....,.liuz$
runle Ernrror cry au:;ry. Gbulam Kalir wnL to lle
Eml"'ror to ll.!<k him f<>r Lho psy of the ooldit..., and fur 1101110
upplies to moinl.ain own dignity. The EmP"ror ropllo<l thot if
hn )>O<c"'l nny money, he woul<l not withhold it. Olulam
K6dir l'l'plied thnL ono of lbo Prineea mut bn pl""Nl in his
ohnrge, o thM Ito might go nnJ fight with tho MnhniLia. 'l'ho
Emperor told him to go out of the city to hunt, and that
Sulaim&n Shukoh ehould then be sent to him. He
dpnrtl, anJ fixeJ l1i nt':lr the koliJ, of !'Inn
Sltab. An.rwnrJJ the Priooo WM mounte-1 on au elt(hant
nod was bruu:;ht witb his retinue to tho Mlmp. Tho otlieert
pr.,.cntel their t14;1JN, and Jiw hunJred bol"te, a no;iment of fo<t
and four ;:un ,., . .., plaetd lU tbe door of the Prinoe'a ltnl as a
Glml&rn K4dir P""'teJM to tbc pnbct, nnl tbe
Emperor to procure money from somC\<hrro anc! 10 ght it 10
him for tho p:>y nf tho troops. At lhi juncturu a anessnge
""" brought to Ohul{un Katlir &om tho .illnliJw Z111mlti!1" (tho
dowager), to give him ten /au of npoe, on con-
dition of Slu\h 'Xlam being deposed, of Prince nod6r J3akht,
on of tho Into Emperor Alun:W Sb6h, !wing rnieJ to tho throne,
:uul fort ani! city being placod iu lili poseiou. Ohuhlm
K(llir a;;ro..J to thi, ron6rmcd tbe plan by hi wonl nl
cuvenant, hif devotion to tbc botL>e or Bat>ar. On tho
2Gth Slaawdl. 1202 "-" (31st Jnly, li88 A.n.), ho -..f'Ot to tho
pala.:e, attndal by liYu hnndred men, to demand money for the
oolJi,,.., ""d to exp"" his f,""" of tho Emperor. On tho Emperor
inquiring what ho meant, he ,...plied Lhat his en emit and detraetol'!l
had raieJ 1111pieion1 a:;:Unst him in Lho Empt'I'Or'l mind. and to
guard oznin<L thi be requil'8<1 !hat tlto elurgo of tho pnlac"
ohoultl be placed in tho baud of his own poople, 100 that he might
como and uato freely what he hod t.o repreeent. Tho l::mperor
216 F.U\IR KJUIRU-D D!)( lli:U.\l!li.\D.
t pli...I that be .,! tltineJ lo bo the ruin of tl roJ31
hou>e, :wtl Lllllt li nanlu would umd iufamou3 on tho of
hilory. Noitir MansUr' All KhAn ob!krv\'(}.lhal hma'il Kltin
wu P""""t with a statNnenL and ,.,,.......uwnt, anl Llut (for cou
firming h by Oilth} hu lmtl 11lso brought tho lluly Kutin. H
,..., c:alled furwanl, tbo compact W&3 cohlinned Uf>OD th lloly
Kurin, undr tho eignator..,. ot' hintaelf and G.Jml8m Klidir. Thr
l:mJ><tror icl, " I pll>CC myoelf uuder tho Jrotcttioo of tho Kurau,
aDd <Ubn1it to your
Honng ubtruullho Emperor's eoncnL, tho Nd:ir J>!aocd tho
;::.t.ti of tl,. pat..: in <hor;;e of Ghn!D.tu K6dir'e men. Four
thou'OUld horse """' J""'tod in and a.bouL tho polncc, nnd all
the eU\irone Wl'I'O in the I>OOes.ion of the men of Gbulllm Kadir
a,J tile Jlir-..4 (B dar lbkht). Thy took po""' ion of thndoorw
of the foonn\e bl!nl tho OUUUcbft witJtllODCS 01111 rueh,
ao iwd UJ"'" tht gwl3:utd fumitun!, and took tho m>rdrol .. and tloo
lture-rooms out of tho banols of lloo royalNvanll. A. few
attendants nod eunuchs Wt'l'eall that l'elllained with the 1-:mperor.
:Xo one .. ulrll "ho could ::0 out to wl1at wu ('MSinc;,
nnd thu J:mptror wna in groat trouLiu 11nd nnxiety. At that
Ill ment Prince Akbar On rboi i left: if you will
n, "" 11ill n\1 f.ll upon th""o tn1itotB, nod will
cnc<>unttr ma.rtyrdom." Ho ,..,plied, " ono ran
tM'!Ipo the d.,.,n. .... of the Almighty, then! i no conltodin;;
a;:niut dO(Jnl; tho powrr now in the banda of Prinro
rai"<od a g=t cry, drew his '"ord and rl-.1 it to hi
kiU him,cJf. Tho Emperor ntclwd tlw ol\or<l frouo
hill band, anJ put it lo hi own throat. A ery """"" frolll all wbo
wrre P"'" nt, awl the not-. aprt-ad throu.;b the Jat..:e. Gbulam
.Klulir , in nlarnwd. The Eonp<nlr, with great politent"'
c.ll.d him near, and placing IU.. he.&d. upon his u" n bl5oot, s:UJ in
hi< Q;Jr, "Twnly Inca of have been provillrd, build Ll1clll
bo expended in tho blll!iot.s of the MAbral.tao, &tJd uut in a "
that will bring Co UntO M<i Wting Jkgrn<e upon

On tbu 27th bhawwnl Ghu!Aou bning come 1o an

unJerotanJin:! "itb lma'il Bco;; Khin, wtnt into the P'"neo of
the Emt><ror, "lao wt.> 'Rated in hk prir.ate apartrnenl.lo, IIJld
to "}'<"'k faowin;;ly. The Emperor said, " I ,..Jj,.J upon your
1romio nnl your o:Ltb on the Kwiu, and k'1'1 mys< If iu trivnt.,,
tell me you ""loire, for I boe no (;bulluu Kadir
frownrol ond rttlird, "I no on you. llo who
of 11ittiug iu private np thf' claim to
At tbM noonwnt Gul Muhammad Khtin brought furwnrJ Prine
BLltlr llnkbt. Ohnlllm K6dir in!olcntl.)' slopped l'urwnrd, nt11l
took till' dngg,r &om bia ginllo, while hi ompanions
wr""t'.J tho twords from tho h:wd3 of the Prinoto. Tho
Eru("'ror'a J><'rtlonal atlend:mts and tho ei:;ht..,o l'rine..., wero
remov .. l to the ,.rtdlln.
Ghu!Am Kadir tloen took tl ... h>od of
l'rinoo n.Jir ll:!klot, IIJld ploeed him on the royal eat. Tho
ehi..f, "Ito "' re pr<ent made their oll'crin;;", and tho druno<
,.ere kateto to Jro<:I:Um the ruun of B..l6r lkht. lie thus
aoctnl<"l the throne on the 27th Shaww&l, 120! .-.u. (2'lud
1 Ji'!lO).
On tho 8th Zl-1 ka'da GhuUun JUdir hi otrm offictro
tn Dt-dllr Uakht for ten Ta., or rupee.>!. ne him-r.
aying thai thO hnptrin.J family hlld been ISWtpL cJt:lll, but hu
would eNid what ho euuld scrape togcthrr. lie rnL aume vr"do
or silver and other nrticles, and said tbaL ir moro wn11
applir11tion be made to Siudhia and the IUtjn. "ho wro
"''" oft'o;.,too tll'vards tbo Imperial throne. Rohilla 'All
Your i\l3jt.,.ly t!O into the private 11partmtut", fur
momy "ill nol be obwotol witboot some trouble.'' Ire "If
thoro i any more money, you are .... t.orue to it. I Mltue out of
the itlftj/Jn with:. .birt and :lD old pair of trow..:ra, "ltieh I &till
ho,e; but you know all awut Ghul6ru KAIir took tho guld
and ailver-onount"'l art idea from tlte aparttntnlJ of Shih
and tho prineot and princeil!eS, thrn piled thm in a heat> and
burnt them, and tho metal to tho mint to bo coined. llo
' [Tbil word and, u hue VAGd, ic probAbly it aD bbruillb1D of the won!
.,,.. .,r.m-., nJIU1.Uitllt.. ot tb1 Pnncca. (Si.<e JfT4, p. UJ.)]
218 l'AKrR Krurnr.n or:; l!Ull.l)l't.ln.
!oak 8tV<ral cart-loads of Sl\"OM, 1111<1 mu.-ktt, gin::
to the Emperor aD<l Prin<-<-s; "'RIO hi' g..vo to his (GJJ)pani"no,
and l(>lllO he aenl to the
Sluih 'A'lnm ami tho Princr'l wrro kept 111 priooer< in
)loti Moholl. Ohultlm Xf,dir that Prine Akbar ""d
Prin<o Sulaim&n Shukoh >bouJ.J he bound and whipped by tJ,e
CATJott-p....dtl"t. ShAh 'A'Iam "\\' hl>l<ver i to I.e
.lone, do to mo! The nre you11g nnd innO< nt." Bedar llnkln
now cnme in. Kadio uLuocd U>em, tuul put every nf
them in the hot unrume. Il<od6r &kbt. hving ""t thore a
little 1\hile, infurmed him bow to lind money, and said, ")1.1
are nt your rommand, threaten ll1cm, and o.>k for it."'
The ftmale nttcndntll of l"'lnco were bou11d, nnd hot
oil I.Kin.!; poured on the p:olma of thl'ir hnnd 11nd thtir fe!, they
::a information of two iee multi from whih a box of
ilnr and mounl.d waa wen. SJ,iJo '.(Jam ..-.n
in tho un ami eomplnining, when Glml'm Kudir 2nitl In
somo truculent Afgh808, "'fhrow this bnbulor down :mol hlionl
him." Thooo rn>'ll threw him du1vn, ftnd 1"''"'1 tho n.. dlo into
Li t>""' They kqt him down afo on tho ground for a time
...-itb blows of and Ghulatn Koldi:r Lk"'l him if
ho nnytbing. and ho n-pliod, "NaU>ing IiuL tho Holy Kurnn
me and yon." All ni,;:ht long ctnl his childrrn anol
tho "omn or hi palace kept up lond cri.,.. Ghulltm Xaolir ,...._
m.'intol that ni:;bt in the Yoti lJahall, and b .. rin; thest> .,,;.,,J,e
writ hod like a 80Ah, and his scrnul4 to anol kill
thoM who mndo thorn. But tomo of thrae mtn uro:ukd tho
or thr dlly of nnd held Uttir ht.nbr.
On the 9th ?.i-1 b'd"' Ghul6m Kadi:r uiJ to Bedar .&kht,
u Come out, uc.l [ -will show you a si!!ht . ., J1e wrut out
of tho door, nnd t down. ObuiAm Kidir lll1lt to Sbolli ,\'Jam,
nnd ni<l, " Fiml mo aomo or 1 will you to join thu
Sb&h .\'latn 11!1-ilcd and noprouhcd him, nyint:. "l 1n1
in your power, cut off my hNd, for it better to die than to li
liko thb." Obu!Am .KAdir l')>nang up, and throw himself upon tho
'lDB IT-X.OU."'ror' bosom, KnnlahAri Khan :md PurJil Khlm seized hi
hnncl, two of their """'1'\oiou belt! frol; K3nduhflri Klo6n
to111 nut ooo of his eye<, and that bloo.ltlli, r.oekle<> ruffian
tor. not the other with hi owo b:lllds, runid the u"llilin:l" of tho
Em(ror. Ghulim Kadir th!'ll g&Til oNI'!I tlo:.t lh" D<.JI
IanuM be ioto tho Y"" of Akl.,r, Shuk .. lc,
anl Bakht. Tho ladies camo from lhind t hrir curtain.
nucl threw at tho feet of Gloulhon Kllolir, to prny lor
noeroy; but lou kiekud them on their breaat.t, nud eullbcm
The htart of wliS in Oan11., nnd, overpowered wilh
he cried. "Gloul&m KaJir! eea yonr fury, and withdra.-
IOJ>nds from lhr.o hlrl'"o- (prin-): for if yoo do not, you
will h&rdly et!Cape from m." Soeing lots po'IOi<>n, Glmhim K{ulir
"""'"' and aid, "Pinion rul Lhroo of tho no, anol 1 "ill collliidcr
what to do with them anutloer time.n He then ol'\lercJ sorno of
his followers who wero prcsem to l>eatthun with stieks till tlll'y
,. .,. an.! to them in pruou. Then he <:illrd for
a Dlld AiJ,
Paint m.r likent .. J :at lmir., in
hand, np<>11 the b.,;,.t of ShAh 'A'bm, di;;::iug oat hi Ho
thn forbad Lis attnlant. to orin" au, fw..l vr water either to
Sh&h or his '!Ooos.
'rho poor Emperor kept ;:maning and cryin::, but oo onu
lule<ll'l him. dny llocl'r Bnkht aeut l\\O to
,J,., hi. woanck, aud ot<lcrcJ him to be uppli.d with
IIi aomwts reportotl to bini that tho poor Emperor's ey ..
, .. ..., running with bloo.l, and th&t tho (only) w:uer bad
to drink was wb.u Howl'!! from his ey.._ Ghulam Kadir
wnt to l:!b&h and him by tho bc:o.rol,, "I hnvo
inOiotod nll tloL erlty upnn you for your f:o.ul1.8, but I oparo
your lifo for God' .,.ko, otloorwiae l obould have no seruplo in
lNrin:; you limb t'roon On the 12th Z!-1 b'da he
into the jenl-boult, and t<>olc ou1 a ebeot and a box of jeweL.; b
IIIlO .. Teal copies of the ILmiN, and eight large b&.'<kU. or
books out of tho On tl1e 13th hi opi<S infonn .. l hino
' [A f.:l7 doo.bllulaau. h It ndotal.J writtm to lfallr, "Biylr," "tc.]
250 r.u:ra All.Ullt'-D DrX Ml'fi.\\BIAD.
thnt u.-o aittrs of Sulaiman 8hukoh, one fin an.!
tho four, h...t died from tbi .. t. Wbto he lo..,.ro it, he
anl .aid, " vt them be burieol wlotre they lir... One of
!oil mru wont to BeJar Bakht, and ""id, " Ghu!Am K6<1ir wanli!
th< jon-lt you l111ve." The Princo inun.,.liMtly bruught them
out of hio private tu1ol handc.l thew over.
Xext dny Obul&m K&dir. Ue<J&r Dnkht 1<ith him, went
to :\lnlika Zamauiy" (>oul Sahib<>

und Mill, "\\'here is
tho uumoy wM proutislld P" Thoy 1aid," \Vhut you
front 111 "'"''' filncy and olrrnm of \Yhun hrnrd
thi, fot IIDl ll f>CI'WU iuto the rrivate aparhlltllt .. With dircctiOUS
to Lrin;phcm Loth out, "iUa only tho garaucut..l otOO<I uprigltt
in. anl to Uf"'D all the money :uul nlualol whirh could
'"' fiund. .\eeonlinzly they took )lalilia l'..1mlniya 1>11d S6.hiba
)lalwl in the thry "'""' Wf'&M:f (6ci l'l..i i and
('Woin:: them in a ratlt, conducted thrm with thn.'ll hunl....J
atttuobuto to the :\loti altai!. '\\' orkmru were thm unt in
to Junk ddwn lhe roof and wnlls. Ntitlarr :'\Uir AlunnJ
lluminl, nor Tlu-:\jl Dhau, luad orer dn'3nul ut' plunder
in" tloo ladioa of the hnrtm; now nil tho vnlnablel!, the
of fifty or sixty yenrs, were brought oul.
On tho '.!ath Zl-1 kn'dn Gbulutn Kulir calllod Princo Aklmr,
Sulnim6n Shukoh, and the other Prinol!l', nintorn in number,
btfuro him, nnd with barah wortla enlld Uf"'ll tltecn to ing and
churu b<.f>re him. declinll ; but lm wouJ,J not lbten to
tloron, oaying th;ot he h.nd long beard pmi-. of thtir inging anJ
d3neiU\!. lie then oommande.J hi atltOJ3UtO tO OUt of thP
I'rin=' nooeo if tiY did Dot .in;,r. The Prinl"tll and boy.,
tlre wu no e.<:3pin;; l'rom his command. di.l 11.1 thr wore
olircct .. l, and and dtlllced. He wu try pl.....,..!, and :uk .. t
them wh;ot reeompcne they de.ired. Th)" Ai<l, "Our fatbtr and
cJaiJJnn 111'8 in
.....,.1 want of water and fliO>J
WU :t>k foor 80JnP."
Do j,'11f0 loi$ ooru,ent. n. dwn turul..l nll !cia Dltllltlant OUI of
[ll .. lJa th.,. l.odl.,...,., 'lriJon of l!..Jwn-s Sblll. Tllolot'lll"'""' adA.,.;bw
I tho Emp<M t'lltiUkh SiJU.J

tho room, and, l'IAcing hta upon tho knooa of Prince
1\0nL to loep, leaing bL! J<Word oud in !heir presence. Uo
ciOAe<l for au hour (><i'ol), and then guttin; up, he lapp<l
-aeh of thorn ou tho ueek, and s:>id, "Can .ueh {el'3vto) spirita
otertain lhe idea of ... i;niog? I 'll'lllU<J 10 lry your If
you hal auy Epirit., you would h:n-e madt an end of mo ""ith my
11\0rd nod :l'locn abusing them iu fuul disgusting word,
ho cnt them out of his prt.enco.
Aftorwnrda Ito called tor Bed&r llokht nnd hi bruthel'l!, nnd
pl&red wine beforo them. With his own hand he sevcl'31 times
filled the cup., and they oootinu<-d drinking tillevtniog, when tl .. j-
1:"1 up danced and and ""ted fully. .!. eunuch
came in, :1nd told him that a daughter of Sh&h 'A'IAm, 3 child of
1< 11 Y"""' old, hlll died of hanger and thint crouching on the
tnrth. lio cried, "Bury her just as sho il, in tho plnoo wbero eho
li .... " "'hen Rt.ja Singb he.rd or the-e thingt<, he Mill
l>r al a.ntl proviione for :-5hr.h '.l:bm and his children. Ghul'm
K!tolir w:1:0 :wgry-h aNtL for the R&jo, and frownillg aL him,
""l"''i "Wlut coneero hue )OU with tbooo ntcn Y yolU'
1""'1'1' Crom the Wlltch, for I will plllC" RoltiiiAI to keep ;,'ll:lrd."
Tho told him thot the day of "'tribution lhce d<-cd
'"'" nutl t hnt it wns not well to ofl'onu tho
llo rcpli<"l Lhal he wouhl do whatever camt Into his hurt.
On tho lith Zll ka'da (io) Wai Klu1ili (his my11llidon)
n-port<..l to him th3t ho lu1 probed lhe of tloc ap:utmcnlll of
Zamluliya an.t Sahib:. )fahalltill ho lu.l tll&!le them liko
"' w , that ho bad lrif'["-d enrybody, nnd th>t no hole bad bo<-o
loll. unoanilicd by hit fln;;c,., 1Te had founcl a few pcnrle. Ono
of Dedcir Dllkltl'8 1Adit11 hnu diet! of fright ;,t whnL wos pM<ing,
nnl now the Af:;lu\u, luwin:; stripped the IA<Iic!!, "cro thinking
,.!.out taking them with (without?) or bodi.:t'S.l Tie
ad Jed, Tbe JlO"r il in your but it is not weU to
caot surh shame upon tit honour of trinc:n." h all depenll'<l
ou hi pleasure, but Gbulam replied that when the Em
'..j}J ...
!"rot' lff"afttl plnoden!<l &thor' apotlmtnl, thy
l,ad dDUf" 'Y'OrM th:m th:at to hie \\oUJtu.
n saiJ h(\
''it shall be a for tho time, fvt my men bkt the
of kin;:t' conduct thorn homr, anl tako [<>Mion of
tiJOir J>CI'tOI\1! uitbout llc thrn ord""l \\'Ai Khili
l.o go oud tok" J"'Wion l\f the honso of Khnirun niso D< _,.m,
eitr ot' Sbt.h '.\'lnm, to strip her ami women onke<l,
nnd to "'""'h for jowel$. After toking nU they coul<l God, he
Rkod tho for golu, :>.ud they rt>plit.U, "You lltken
all wo ltae, nml we nre now re.-uly to die." At hi eommonu tho
tony-hart.-d 03rp<:lpre3den be3t tbtm "'thnl.lho bJ..,.f guh<l
from thdr mouths :wd DO!e.l. Thou they rl:ll:N the Prins in
t:laulam K&.lir hrard from Wai Kbaili of tho benuty of
tho .l:tn,;lt<nl of Haika and )liru anl "hen
ho wu ittin;: in tbo )loti )lalull in tho OYtnin::, ho
Utel!C uoluppy L.Jies to be pla=l before him without wit. or
euruin. llo \\"31! ple:lSI'd with their bennty, tbowe.l thm to his
boon l'Oinp:mion., and :.eud indet'elldy to nry one <>f thorn.
Wlttn lll'l(u- llaltht wns informed of tlti, Ito beAt himell' npontho
he3d nnl l>, and sent nn attcndnnt to tho ruffinn, 1.0
hint from netious. Ilo "Wltr\t power
hn thi IAvo to rio nuything A,"llinot llo (Bcdt'tr
U:kht) then wrote to RAjn who when
Ito r>""ltho letter, and went lo Ohnhim K&<llr. Tho R&jll collc.l
Ghul6m 1\.;.Jir out of th:It primle room, anl111irl to him, It
not ri;ht to d<:U thuo with tho dau::htcro of onenti..,. one
aolzes "'"' anl for the faulla of tlttir fatiiiI'J, Shah
'.\1am dil not any evil looks the danghtCI" or -iten
of your f.>rber; refrain from sueb p""''lt<iio::o." K'dir
anawN't'd (iH tof'ft lqfiU to 1M ttfl) thM he intcnde.l to tnke
th<nt into his llnmn and make them his courubint$, and "" for
["0 thlo O<Oina clto 'Eapm>riJ ,.;,\loy tnoliU.a 1<1 boft
JUdit K'Ma Ulto J hllf'l!ll pegoe:."-littno'l fj t.W Jl"94aJ hpirt, PP 101,
11 tl. 'rhtrc 4 no mutioo of tlds m W "Jmt*flt4JN, ud 11amtirc it rathu
ptat the lnlllltlon.]
tltu otbtr be "ooiJ l;ive tbtm to his Af:loan, IQ that
they a doauce c.f forth notn ol coUrl;<'
Raj" :\liyar Siu.:h, a:::.iG>t t1u: ,..m .. r Gbulim 1\&Jir, wont into
the room, <l a bhett over ( Prine- hra.U). :wJ. oent
tloom howe. J
Drqfh qf Gloulum Kill/it'.
[It tnid that on tho 18th o.wwol, Gloul6m Kadir
(r!lltr bd1111 by tM form Sindloitr), alnrtod off for
hi homo, with only faw triUited foJiowtN rnouutLI
on ""ill luon<u. lu the darh'" of the night hi comp3ttiun lo't
him: he went ouo wny. :wd thoy W\"DL :wotbor. l!o tnolo'llvnurtd
to lind thenl, but did not The ro..d " .. full of\\altor ami
mul, oud tho horse tnning hiJ! foot into a Jo.,t rolh.J Obul&m
K(a.lir to the Th> ni;;ht 'lt1Li tbrlc, anJ til l>tbtlo..t
\\itlo _,.; ... , ao that bo knew not which...,.,. to tum. W'!atn
the eAint'
Ito k.okecl Around. and !Otne inh:abttN
pLo, lao truc:ecI,.J tbitlur. On re.>chiu;: tloo ba!.iuuiou, be J>Ut
hi bead into the hou>e of a Tho matrr of the huue,
a iu :rouch a sute, bleed him \\hat \\t\.11 thu umuc.r.
Ghulaim Kr..tir answenl tlmt .' But lat. own Rttiuu t ... trnyl
hiau. llo took oil'" diannomlting from finger, Raul 11"''0 il to
tho houtkcotll'r 1111 nu iuJuccment to guard him nil d11y, nud tu
guitlc hint at night townrrb Chnllll-lrnda. 'fh, kucw of
inlumon cho.,.,ter nnol evil deeds. The brtth11u111
in day ;oaao by, hl\<loulfol'\-.1 ol th ban.U ol' tho rullian. nut! hi.
had betn r.\<ngt'<l. His mu uow iu hi f>UWtr,
aul hv madv tho door r .. t.
The brt1Aman 'll'tUL in ..arch of oom thief \lbo l\ooJ.I a1rroci>to
tbu be had Co gi..., IUIJ. wu J,.J by liortuno to tbo
tent of 'Ali ll:llaUur, to wlwm be eommuuicat..J hi intellit:enet.
'.Ali llalnidur obowed him attention, and ..-nl a lar;:t l"'rlY
of hnr>u fuM\orJ with hirn, wbilo he himclf folio"'" The
hons-l'mcn cntcrL-d tlu: ln,Ihmnn'

s('iz:ed tLtir t)ri&ontr, nnd
I [rho ,.-onh \,If the nowtr are Dot
bound him. With .arion inolignitieo tl ... y brought him to 'Ali
Balt&dur, who oent him to the of tho Mnhmtta.s,
under chor;:o of Raina KhUu, who put a chain upon hhllo;o, a
collar on hi node, and tonyed him in a to
Sindltill, by two regimrnts of and 11 lhou8llni.l
horse. On tho lth Jum&da nn(, under the ordcr1 of Sindhi..,
the ean of Gholam Kadir wen eut off and hnug round his o..,Jc,
hi- face blacltenL.J, and be was earried ro1111d the e.1mp and
city. Ncl olny his noao and upper lip woro tul off, and ho wn.
agnin parad<'<l. On the thin! day ho wl\. thrown upon lito
I)"'Ulld, hit eyes wtro tom out, :uxl bo ...,... once more earriod
round. .\fler that hi hrt.nda were cut off, then his fotl, and IMt
of llll l1is head. Tho corp!o wM thou hung ooek downwaniB from
a'""' A tflbtworthy pen;on relates llut " bbek do-.r, 1\hito round
the ey..,, and M onder tloo tree ami liektl<l up the blood &I
it drippt..J. Tho tlonlw stones Alld clods nt it, bot otill
it krpt dll'rt". Ou the third d.oy, the corpe di,..ppr>r...! a.nd tle
dog aloo vani.bed. Maharaja Siodllia the ean and eye-
b.,lls to tho Emptror Shah J


Tu.- work, which nloo e>lled ..J.IMHint-1 Nm,..i.fir, "A=nnt
of Hru-o wa. c:<lmpo.....J by 1lAf CbAlAr ll&n Kll)alh in the
y11:1r ll7a 1.11. (17.59 A.D.), the IBst ahet!Lo 6uoh.t only "
'"'"" l.efure his :-\s it '""' ld\ in an UliOOIIUO:CtN filliP"
it \\a. anl edit...t, after hio dt':lth, by bil Uii
Bhiu ll&fula, in 1201 A.n. ( 1789-9u A.D.), a.e ia abown by "
ebronogr>nl in !110 Prcfnee; bot "-!1 lbe work rolls \\itb tho
neceo-iun of tho uominlll Emperor Sbw1 Jnhiu the .Stcoml in
"'" 1173, it i ovidont thnt the Editor has nddt.U uothiug 14 hi
Jtrnndtilthcr'a labour!.
Thu E.litor tBlt g that when Chntnr .M&n bAd the road
ol" eternity, ho, M n gmnd.soo, was anxiouo lo lhi
of wh,Jom to eomo effect, in order wl1u \YGndf'r
in tho !,"Anlcn uf e!O<Iuenee might, by a elo-e illllpt.'<tiou of iu
btautic<, which Me endowed "itb perpetunl verdure, f,_.,.l the bn.J
of tlu ir h..:>rt expsnd with delight.
Tho Cltaluir Ghlui or Four Ganlen," i., u the llllme im-
pti.., dilil..!. into four Books, and is said by the Editor to eonlaiu
"" mueh information in a mall eomp&M that it re'lmbli"S tho
or<.-:m J'IA,J iu a cup. The biturieal p:>rt i " mrre
!llld of uo value, nor ttro llDY autboritiea quoted for it
mcnto; hoa otbrr pointe of intcrt, '''tcinlly
in tho 111attor of tho Diogrnphics of the Muhnnuundnu 1111ints,
.. t.ich IU'V wriUtn in a true hpirit of belief. tlwu:h tha \Inter
i. a EJin,JU. Tho :u:ooonl$ of the llindu jal:lr&. the !tin ...
rnries, anl the Tahil'a of tlte lwtnl)-tWO 1itl.u of
Hi ... luotan, are alo nseful, thou;;b it i. to w ""C:rtlted tl"'t
tl" l3tl<r are not given in sufficient dct ... ilto uo to ir ..
Mfo COIIIJri,ons ktw,'(;D its re&uiLS nucl thost gireu iu the
.tfw-i .4Uxrrl.
BooK I. 'l'ho Kiugs of from Juo.lhihthim to tho
titll nf \I empire, with a dtotitica.l ncoouut oflhc e,Nal
''" of\n proJl<lr, and of their Rulers ami S"inta,
I' 1.-11 \tt IICCOont of the southern of IndiA, nncl of
thdr Rulcro and &inl!, p. 147.-lll. ltincmriUI from Dchli to
the uill<rnt qUArten; or Inclia, P 219.-IY. Au U'!C<>UDl of tho
finlufdl/n, p. 232.
Tho e/uJI,ar Gol.Ao ;,. .omnton in Indb, and I ha,-e '"""
COJ'iu. none cotti:pic:uotl!!ly cxrt'llt th!lt in the-
po .a.iou ut' !lwt.b 'Ali Muhammlld Kh&n ol'
Sw.--(!Wltto, 660 pa..<?$ of 13lincs
[AooonoJNO to the author's slotement iu his Pr'(.raco, "'fheao
forming" volume of Wllfning for men of ea:,'ll-
city, aro chronicled by tl1e bnsty peo of the humblctt or
'All lbnihim Khan, during the &dmioistrntion of tho illutriouo
noble of cd..,tinl grnndoor, the eentrc of tbe cirelo of properity,
tho ally of lt>e-crubin; Titl<lry, the SUil of tbe MUilrnent of
wi.dom, tho unfurlor of tlae !t.Andanls of pomp and di:;uity, the
excdlnl prince bmrin; the hi;h .. t title-, the privy councillor of
IIi :'lbjeoty the King of England, the chief of mighty and
m:o::oi6c:<'nl rulc.,.,-tho C:oromor Georral, Charleot. l::arl uf
Com"lllli, may hiiJ;OO<I fortune la4 for eru!
At tho end or tho volume we are infonned thAI .. tbi book,
coml>U>L<l by tho illuntrious N"wnb lbrfiliim Kb&o B:lla6dur, "liS
completely written faom beginning to end by tho pen of Mull
Bttkheh Altho lowu of was Jiuiehed iu 1201 A.H.
(1786 A.D.).
'rhill work ia vrry vAlunblo for tho ele:u- and succinct
it givCJI or tho Mnhmttas. The whole of it WM il'lUllllntcd
for Sir 11. :11. f.lliot Ly the bte Fuller, and ia htro
printed with lho of somo nnimrort:wl puo:; .. , anl
tho accounl or the battle of PaiuiP"t, which h., bc<oo
dm"o fruua OJaotbor work written by one who took part in tlae
Su&-6 inchea by 4: 219 of 9 line; each.)
.As tho compreben,ion of tho dosign of thiA work ia
on n previous ncqunintan<>e with the origin aud gnenlogy or
1'01.. \""111. 17
Bi16ji R&o, eloquent pm will fir.;t prweeJ to the
of lhat subj.,<t.
Orir;i 111 d of lhl Jlll!.ral/nl.
Be it nol hiddoo, in tho lauguoge of the people of tloe
Dakhiu, these torritorie; and their dtJ>tllllenci<.. t111l!'d
" nnd the inhabit.awts of the region are style.!
"1\IAhrnttns." Tho Mabmtti diAlect ia ndopted cxclwril'tlly by
thOio and tho chieftainship of tho Mahmtlll!l ia centred iu
tho tribe. Tho linenge of tho BhoneiM ia dtrivod frona
tho l1dlpur Rf,jns, who be:ar tho titlo of R6ua; and the first of
the .... cording to popul:u' trnditiou, .vas ouo ol' the dt'll<tndMt
of Nouhirw6o. At the time hen tho holy Wllrrioro of the
anny of Tl&m suberteJ tho realm of (ran,
"'""" se:attcrod in e1'tty dinletion ; 1\nd one of them,
ha<in:: "'paired to Hindti.U.o, prvmote.J to tho of "
RAja. In a won!, one of the RAni' pro<.;cuy aftmraru quitt .. t
the trrritory of U'diptir, in oon.equeuco nf tloe mNI4-'ing aul di-
ordreed MJ..el of his oll':Urs, and hoving JI'O()OeUl..J to tho country
of t hu Dakhin, fixed hill nbodo iu the Camatic. Tho of
tho Dnkhin, regncding tho mnj<'aty of hi fnmily with rrprt nnd
ontvre<l into tho naost Amicable relntiooe with him.
Ilia ijep:ltnted luto two 1\'unilil!ll; ouo tho Aholill!',
tho other tho BhousiAS.
Jltmw qf Sa/,il]l, of IM ln'h4 of
S61niji ,. .. , firn imolled among tho number of Niz6m SMh'
retninrn, huL entered into tho vf lbnihim
'.\'Iii Shih, who was the ruler of the Kokan. In rtluro tor tho
faitMnl di ... of his duties, he ...,eived in jciglr the Jm)O-
or Ptlna, etc., \\btre he made a pcrmaoent ttttlment the
manner of the :nmlnfti,... Towanil the dt)j!O of his lif.
ottninr..J the high honour of s., the Emperor JnhAngir, ho
wu constantly in :uteodMee on him, while hit """ Sivaji ot3yed
t "dn.lallA." S.. GlUt Dd, nL. i. p. 1\.]
T.{Rllm-1 fBR.lllOI
a& th&ja!Jir. .\a Ibrf.him 8Mb for tho of two ytal"'
was th1'1'111tne<l with impen<lin:t de:oth, grt!'ll disonler and rou-
faion preniled in hnitorillll f'rom the long of hii
illor-; tnltho troops and retainet$, whom hr had L11ion"'l hon,
and there, for the P""l"'"' of gani>ning tho fort.o, and prut...,tin::
tho frontier of the }{okM, abandoned thrlll$t'lves lo in
eonoqucnco of thtir ma.ter'a indisposition.
ilfmwir of Sit-a, IM &Oil of Sd!tU.
UltimAtely, tho Emperor Aurnng-teb, tho bulwlrk of rc-
rculved upon proce>dhg lo Dllkhin, Md in thu yellr
HltM A.a. t..!otowL..I lntro on the city or;,1tbaol by
the mvour of hio Augul!l pmcnee. For ,. of
y..,. he lrovo to subnrt the rule; but a.
vali:>nt rhirfio.ino dirlayt!<l ntmO!t anJ :>rtivity in ul'boll-
iu; their dyna.ty, thir ext<nnination eoulJ not ll:ltit&ctorily
....,omfliohe<l. Towanl tho dose of Hi lifdime, !\
'""'' was roueludl'd with the on lhl'!e t<nn., viz.
that tlm'C per r<nt. out of the revenue drnwn fJVDI thn Im1rial
uumioiooa in tho Dakl1in ahonld b& :UioUed tu them by "1 of
"'" ,/, ''""'"'';; nn<l accordingly Ahsan Kb6n, couunouly cnll"'l
Mlr !>lolik, set out from the thresholtl ol' royalty with tho duau-
meuts :onfirmiug thi!,'I1\Dl lo lhe MahmtiM, in ortltr thnt, nnrr
tho t.rraly hnl IH>on luly rntifiod, he might bring tho chif of
thnt tribo to the court of tbc monarch of tho world. Ilo\1 rr,
bcforo he hal limo to dlher tbPo into thrir
eu-tody, n royal manbte wa i>sued, dire<tiug him to n'tnm nnJ
bark the paJ>"ra in with him. .\houl tl.ii tilnr,
Hi )bj ... ty '.l1nmgir1Jao<nl'd to :artlfll<
o( P:u-adiM>, at "hich p<riod ha Sh&h '.lhm ( 1.13hiolur
wu gra<ing the Dillin wit!t his prt n,-,. The latttr
s.ttll'<l tto P"r C<'llt. out of tlte prod.neo to the
as oar tltlwottiM on the lad fumihed them with tho
dvcumeul!l confinniog the ;rant)
' Souuprl, VoL TII. p. os.
Tnl!XD-I IDlLmnr XDAX.
Wbuo Sb&b (&biclur Sb&b) retumod from the Dakbin
to tL meU'Opoli, U&Ud. Khan rtmainod bthinJ to oflidate for
A111lru-l uumrtl Zu-1 Wr Khan in tho government of tho pr<>-
vincl's. lie n good und\rstantling with the ::\JnhmttiU',
nuJ ronducleJ an nmieable trc3!y on tho following ,i;c..
that in :lddition 10 the abore-mntionod grant or a tithe
'"' dnAmuldtl, n fourth of whatever amount eolle<:ted in the
country ohuuld be their propurty, tho other tb.rce-lo11rth
luuiU be pail! into the roynl exchequer. 'l'hi sy&torn of diviion
""" put in pra<tio: but no "":l'Uiur
tho r.,urtb blU't', whib in the of tlto Dakhin is callod
rAudh, W:l!l dcliY<rt-d to tho When 1[uhrnmw
].<'nrrukh Siyar tnt All Emperor on the throne of Uehll, Ito
taitll'd tbe wont 11111nrti Saiyid Jin.oin
'Ali Khau, the dti<f of the B6rlta Saiyid. llo di,mh-t..! lciru to
a olbtnnee from hio P"'"'nee by appointing hihl to the control of
till' province or tho .Oruchin. On reoohing his destinAtion, th
IAU,r applied himclf rigorouly to tho tlll<k 0'1.'11nizing thu
afl4il" of thlll kingdom ; but ro) al I etten \\frO
I<IICht'<l to thf aJ,I....s of the chid of the )hhratu.s, anJ moro
to R&jn Sr.ltU, orgiuc; Wm to in ho<tilitie$ with
Ju the ye:>r 1120 A.n. (1717 A.D.), by the Intervention oi ;\I u-
barncnw .An"ar Khan :Bnrhin1tlri lliiJ S:lnkllr!ji M:olh6r, ho
condnJed a P'"'"" ,.;,It tho )Jahratw.,' on condition that they
"uulol rcmin front clrpredations 1\llcl robberic, aml
woull mniutain 18,000 hor..cmcn 0111 ot' tlu'ir lribo wholly
at th s.rviee of Utu Nti::irn of tho Dakhin. At tho timb that
thi.o t""ty was ,.ti6ed. he Malo.! anJ ldiered tho docu-
mnut.t conlirmin:: the grant of tho fourth of tbe auJ
tho tr dt4hnwkf,J of' tho province of the Dakhiu, "" wull ns 1 Ito
proc,..,Js of the Kokan nod 01 hor territories, which wero dcsi!:ftAiod
u th<ir anti<'IIL dominiotui, AL the wn" r<riod ltajo Saltu
appointed Baliji, """ o( Baou ::-;&th (Biowa Xatb), who b.lon:;<'<l
' See rrl, Vol. VlL p. <GO.
T,Ufli7111 TBR.\IIOl
to tho d:w of Kokanl Rrahmin., to 611 the P""t of loi "'"II
tho Court of tho and in nil the di.tricll> of i:<
provinc<'S of tho Onkbin h appointed two rovenuo
of lois own, one to eoUe.t the " ck '"" lihl, and the other to
roooive fourth or th1111lh.
m11rd Ha.sin 'Ali, having ioerea.ood tho 111'!,..,;1,.,
held by B{olajl, tho 110n of &au X!th, and )Llbar,
olrputod tloom to uperintond tho nO'niN of the Unkhin, nod senL
them to join '.!lim 'AU Kb&.n. Afir tb death of Balt.ji,
tho on ot' Das(t Nolth, htt eon, nnme<l B&ji lUo, becmone hi
"'""cs::-or, and Bolkar, who wa. n !ICrvant of Bal&ji RAo, ha"<in::
ort:cd tho ateed of nL hi. mMter'a instig:ltion, at full I
from U1e Dllkbin to.vards Mti1,.6, put the (aulwldr) Oiridlmr
&ha.lur to death on th licW of b3ttle. After tbis
tho government of that provinoo Wll3 on Muhnrnmn<l
Khin ll:lng:L"I; Lut ol\iD!r to tho turbo Ito_. of the )b.hratt.13, loo
WM unnble to ... .,.tore it to proper order. On hi remota! from
ollieo, tho administration of that wns ontrnstcd to R&jr.
hi Singh S:s.rii. Unity of f:1ith anJ religion streu.:;tlnl
tho bondo of omit y betwtou DC.jl Rtio ami Raja J ni Singh ; :mJ
this eircum.oLanee 1\'&5 a soui'CC! of additional power and iofiuence
to tho former, in"'ruuch that dnriug the ) OClr 1 HG (1133 . o.) l18
lm<l the IIUdodty to advaneo nml u1ako an inroal into tho eonfint
of llindlltan. Tho grand q:lr 'ltim6dn...J cbula Kamru-d
dln Kh6n wns firot selootoo by tho Em[>eror Mulnmma.J SMh
to oppo.e him, and on tho aocond oco:urion :11uui!M Kh&n, the
brother of Snms6mn-d dau!A KMu-cbur8.n. lo, having
entered tho pnwinco of McihvA., l'ushod on far CIS Sirouj, but
D6jl Ruo return J to tho Dakloin without hazarding an tngage-
In tl1e 8e<OIIU yr<>r ofier lhe B&ji
Rflo nttempte<l nnother invll.ion of Hinthht&n, when the
m:lr 'llimadu.d dania Knmru-d din Khan Uah&unr nod lhn
)/Awlib Khan...Jaurin Khin went forth from Th!hU to Jlive him
On thiw oeca.iou aovcrnl en:,'llgernents took phtce,
\ iclory frllto the Jot of lh Vt.dr; ADd been ulti
mattly rooeludtJ., tley both returned to Dtbli.
In tbothird yMT from tho date, through the mrdiutioll
of .lmlul umard Kh(utclnnriln Kh{Ul the govern mont
f )16lwi. was on &jl lHo, whortby hia power ruJd in
fluen.., wM inem>cJ tworuld. The R6o iu qu.,.tion,
)U.Iw' with a numeroUJ lime-, -.oou the provinre
t> n >:Lti-fru:tory IAI of order. A bon< the some time ho ott.nekrd
tho lt&ja of Bbado\\nr, nod puUi11g him to Oight, dovastnll..t
trrritory. l'MII hu d<J'al<!hed !'il,ji with lh riW or
ut.Ioin; the L.iu;;J,,.n of Anbrb<..J (Do&b), which is !ituat...! ""-
the Gang, .. anJ Jumnn. At that cry time NnwiL Burhauu-1
hlulk lmJ movCII out of his own Jlrovince, aud A<lvnnced througb
Aulllrtx.llo the ieinity of .l::rr.>. Pilaj[ tlcroforo ero .. ,,.U tho
J umna, and in aetio hootilities thu above-natn.J
Xa"'"; bat having been vanjuibe.l in battle, he {on:.,! lo
u.ko In tligbt, aol rejoin Baj! R' An numlx:r uf li
nrmy wero drownrd while tho Jumn"; but tilt fur
who Wtt\' <nplurtl\1 or Lllken priourra, tho pr""ent.U oath
oue "ith two and a doth, and ;:a bin to
lt"rt. Baji lllio, b<.oco01ing du" n<a.,t and di>piritt.l wr mc...ting
with this ignomiuiut defeat, lurn<'<l his fneo from quortcr,
and proceodcd lownrds Dohll.
S.,m.amu-d dnula A mlrnl umllli Ihhador, eQO,J.t,rahle
dli.,..ralion, eaJJj, ,J forth from Shib-JaJ,&oib&ol with ioltnL to
dtt'<k tho enemy; but Baji lliio, nut deeming it expedient oL th
tin1o to kinollo tlou flnmo of wur, rotirod towMills s!:gm, aud
Am!rn-1 Ultlllr{&. ruu.,idring hin....-lf fortllD<LlO enougb in hninz
dlect.d .., mueb, ...,.tntered lbo mttropoU.. Thi.- wu tl 6nL
on which the extwded their a;,'!,\ressiOIII"" for
no to threaten tho cn,irons of tho metropolis. Though moi of
tho n1ou in tho l\lahmtln army ""' uncudow"'l with tbo
of noble and illu.triull6 birth, anJ hll!.banduwn, earpcuter., and
llhOJko.-pcrs :lboiUlJ thir euldiuy, yet., &a U1ey llDdor,;oall
""" of toil and ftiguo in pro....:uting " guerilla worfaro, Llay
TKRrJm.[ JBR.tOnl 1\JLL'I.
provo superior to tho easy nncl cffeminalo troops of ffind, who
fior the U!orl p.vt are of n1ore honourable birth :md c:.lling. 11'
thi8 wEn"o to apply their onorgies with ..... l to the pro-
fe:;,ion. and free them .. lvea from the tmmom orindolen .. , their
prowc'SS would excel thM of their rivn\11, for tho ariotOCl'MY evor
,., ...... more spirit th.on the vulgar herd. Tho free.bootens who
form tho v"u;:uard of the l\lahmtt.'l forces, an<l mtuUhing in
adnnee of their main booly, rava:;e tht mruy's conntry, are
('Ailed pulkdra/. (plilkdrnh ?) ;
the who tue !Mtioned heru
and there by .... ,,.of at a di..tan ... from tho for the
purpose of keeping ll vigilant watch, are otylod n1<ili, and cltMpp<rh
b oynonymoms iu th ir dialect with a ni;:ht-sttacl<. Their food
eonite chiefly of I'll llUldo of Jiurdr, or b<ijrd, tltil, nrllar/, with
o littl buucr :N pep)"'': and hence it i that, owing to tho
ir..,.cibility of their io never mol with in their
di.JoOitioca. Tho Ol'llioary tlress "om by tltt people rompriseo
" turban, tunic, (looso mn.utlo), nu<l jli.ughillli (sbott
dr:ll\ers). Among tboir horoes arn m"""' and among tbe
offcn6ho w1apcns ust>d by this triuo there are Lut fow 6re-armJ!,
of the mtn oong armed with >I'Ords, pean. or ..........
instt3d. 'l'be of military estnblithcd o.uong them
is this' t3Ch :iCCOrdiug to his grt\do, ..,.,.ives a fixed
iu eaeh aud clothes ycnr. 'l'hey taU their stnblca pdglill,
nod the who are monnted on th"'l,tei'S I<> a
officer are styled bdrglrJ.
BUidJ' E:rploi/4,
When Jl&ji H6.o, in tho year U53 ut. (1740 A.D.), on tho
ban!.. or tlul rinr bore the burden of his oxistrnce to
tho sbor.s of non-entity, hiK aon, Dal6jl Rllo, bocnme lllil sue
<or, after the mllllllrr of hi father, tn:::>ged vigorously
in tho pl'Ol<ooution of tho O'l,'llllnntiun nut! equipment
or br,;e army, ud the prcp:>ratiou of all the munitions or
"Ar llis continued to pa.u hi <by, 1nmelime. st nr,
sod M other tim .. with the Xadb .i..U Jal. At
lcnt:tll, in tho ynr 1163 (1750 .n.), Sahu lt&o, the """'or
of SnrnLMji, nwt>y, t>ml lho supreme 3nlhority dcrntr.!
out of the line of tho Dhonslns. Balajl RAo sdll<!t<'<l
another incli'fid.ul of t.hAt. family. in of Saini's "'" to
Ottupy the of R&ja, and ., 'ted him on th throne, whil8t
he r011erved for hirn,olf tho entire ndmini!lrMion of nil tho
nffnirs of the kingdom. then drgmded tho nurit nt
ebiof\ain' from tho lnf\y po!itioo Uwy hod hot.!, he dennd"<l th n
of tl1eir di;:nity inlluenco, and be,o
Kokani llmhmino, \\hO wem of lh samo dll!l<' M him>elf. n.
constituted hiN eon6in, Sndlll<heo llao, commonly cnlled BMo
R6o, his chief and ptimo minister. indiviolulll in
qu ... tion '""" of aruto undemanding, and eonvrn:anl
witl1 the proper mNhod of govemnlrnt. Through tho of
his Mlrrgetic couool, mouy undrl4kiugs wrro ront.ootly brought
ro a eueecss:ful iqu<, lho reuital of which would lent! to too
In ahort, be.ides holdin!( tbe fort,..,.. of Bijapur. be
took !"'<ses!ion anw of the >t of governm nt of
tim illu,tlions creigns, togolhr with dilri<t' yielding oixty
fqa nf rupees, nf\or forcibly wrrting it out of tho hand or Nit&m 'Ali Kh&n UaMd11r. llo likewilo tonk
into Ibr6him Kb6n G&nli, who hAd a well-or:;auiZA:ol
tr.Un of Enropc3u artillery with hi111.
Tlu! ..J.b<{(Ul ilfonnf'Cii.
Altmad ShAh AW!H, in the yu.r 1111 A.n. A.D.), (:Sm
&on1 the country of Kaodalt&r to flinolU.tAn, anti on the 7th ol
J um&da.-1 awwal of hnt! an inteniow with tho Emperor
'KIAruglr IL, at tho palace of Shllh.J ah6uab6d ; ho cxerd"'-"1 all
ki01h ohevcrity and oppression on 1he inbat.itsnllofthatcity, auol
united the dou;;h1<rof A':urud lin, own brotl1er to llaj ty,
in tbe bond! of wot!loek with his owu son, Timur Sbab. A 1\er an
T.UrJill-1 IDR.mOl Kll.\\",
intern! or a month, he rt out to coerce Raja Suraj )fa! Jat,
wbo. from dil4nt reriod, lud exttnded hi way onr tho
provin.,.. of as C.V as the nrirons of tho city of llrbli,
In thrH dayB he captured B:.IIUDgadl, mt a di>tanro of
fifueo ko. from l>ehli, which 'vas furnitbed with nil the l't'<jUiih
lliege, an<l wao wcll mllnnod by Sumj Mal's
AftN 11 gcocml m=<re of tl1e Jlllrrion, ho hML<ntod
towr.rds nnd hr>ving rnzod tbnt ancient 1\!loclunry of tho
llindus to the gronml, ml\<lo AU tho idolators f411 n l'rey to hi
rclonllc"" sworJ. Then ho returned to Xgm, 1111<1 dtllott.J hi
Commllnder-in-Ohiof, Jab(m Khan. to rrouco mil the foru 00-
to the J&t doieftain. At lhi3 lime" drradful J">lil<-utt'
hrok out 11ith gft!lt virulence in tbe Sbah'a anny. wthlll ),., wa-
fun:ed to ..b:lnlon his intention of cbaatiing Surmj )fill, and un-
willingly ni:IJ.e up his mind to repair to hi own kingdmt.
Ou hi return, a.. tuon ..,. he zucltl'd Debli. the Emperor
'.\1am;ir went forth with Xmjlbu-d d:oula Bah6lur, anl
an iutorview ,.ith him on tit nlargin of tho
when he ooro complAint. tt:,-..iuot 'lm,Ju-1 :\halk
Uh(ulud din B:o.h(ulur, who Wl\!t t\lthat time at Farrukh-
(bl>d, cngnged in uxciting scclitious tumults. Tho Sh6h, nfu:r fomn
11 matrimonial allianco "itla tlac daughttr of hilnto "njr,ty
i\luhammntl Sh&h, 11nd investing Najlbu-d dllulll with thu titlo of
..t/.mltu-1 "'""'6 and tho dignified post ol' IHtA'!IM, oot out lor
Laihoro. \ 10011 && h b!ld pion ted hid subliauo on tlaot
pot, he e<>nfurrod both tho J!O>'trnmeot or Uboro atul on
hi 100, Tinoair Shllb, aud leaving Jah6n Kllau t..laind with
bin1, proet'eded himo;el( to Kand3h0r.
Jah'n KhAn to Adina Jk:1: J\h6n, ho
at thnt time bsl wen up his l'el'idenee at Lakltl J&nglll, iu-
him with the anpremo eontrol or tho ttritory of tlh
Doab, alonr; with " I:Mrat or immenre vain, and ndortod tl"'
anot eoudliatory me:li!UI't!l towards him, wbcrenpou tho lattr,
this nmiMbfe attention 3S a mark or good (urlunc,
applied himsclr xealoll!ly to the proper Mlministmtion of tho
T.tJUDll IBR.mnl J;ll&S.
lloab. Whtn Jo.b6.n Khan, ltowenr, gummoood him to his
..,oc:e, be did not eonsidl!r i1 to hi! to wait upon him;
1<>, quitting tho territory or tho Do&b, he rtti....J into the hill-
c:ountry. .\fttr oecurrenoe, Jab6.n Klt'n appointod a per"'>R
naml'<l ){mid KMn to the clu.rge or thn Ooab, and II'Ul Sarbu-
lnntl Khan and Sorlhriz liblm, or the Abel"( trilw-, along with
him to ru-iot him. Adina Ileg KMtt, haYing uniu-d tho Sikh
nntion to own forces, nthnncet! to givo bnLtlo to l\lur(ul
KhAu, whPn Sarbuland Khl!n tho eur of martyrdom on
till' fl.-lol of netion, anu :\lurid Kht\n ami Sarfmz Kh&u, seeing
un ..,.our"" left them bot Bight, rvturnetl to J nb&n Khf.n, and
tho Sikh m;:.J all the dimiets of lbe l>u!b.
A eo<>n acti"e hO!'tililil"' Nojibu-d
dauls auol 'Imido-1 Molk, IAttu lt'l out fl'l'lll Farrukhiba.I
to"ard Dhtr, to oppose tho former, anl furward ... l lett"' I<>
116lijl Rio and his eon-in Dbio, Mlio::itiog aid, and inriting
rl" )11\hraua umy to espou. hit cau.... DUo, who '1\'M
ai"Y dteri>hinl( piMI! in his head fnr tl1e nttional
tlixouuut, e .. un.elll'<l :Sillji Rt.o lo dl'!!pateh an :mny for the
eonqneal of tlo territories of Hindu,tbn, "ltich he nffirm.d to
Lo thrn, M it wore, nn o.ssembly unworthy of rovcrttH'&, nud n
'"''" tlovoiJ of thorna.
Mtmoir of RoiJblllfll lido.
In 1171 A.n. (1757-8 A.D) R!lllhunlllh Rao," of
Rao, arC<lmpruriod by )Talbiir Rao Holkor, Shamhr lllld
Simlhia, tarti!Cl f!'llm the DaUtin toward Dohli at the
hrnl of a and irrtsi>tible army, to ubcluo tle dvminions
of Tlindut'" Aa l!OOII liS tber """'hed they tnrnod off
. .
to ShahJIinaW in eomp:my with 'Jm6du.t )lulk, the om=ir,
who wu tho instigator of the irruption modo by thi torrent of
After a sanguinary cngngtmenl, thoy
N njllu-1 danl" from tho city of Dtltll, nud conign.d the
lllftllag.mcnt or tho aiTAirs of guvemmcntto the tnru of 'lruadu-1
?.Julk, the rrm:Jr.
IU;thnnith Rio and lhe reot of the :\laluatta e!Jiel'$ out
from Dohli towal\u Uhore, M the 110liciuuion of Adina IHg
KIWI, of whom mention has been brieBy made above. A fUr
tho of DtbH, they arrivod Sirhind, wltre
fought lUI Mtioo with 'ALdu-s Samad Khb, "ho had 1>..-.n
in tho goermnent of that plaeo by lbo .Abd,li Shlih,
nod took hi on pri1oner. Tnruing away from thence, thoy pushod
on to 1,6horo, tlnd got randy for a. oonffit with Jah6n RMn,
who WM olotiout.J thoro. 'the latter, however, llcing nt
the paucity of hiJ troops in comparison with tho multitude or
tho eno111y, resohe<l once to...,]< 11:1fcty in flight.
in lh" mouth of Sh"'ban,ll n ... a. (April, 1768 A.D.), ... pnl"!lued
the ro3d to Kibul with tho utmost peel!, l\CcompAnit-d by Timur
l;IJiJt, I>D<J m .. Je a to tbe enemy or tho bf'&Y,Y ba.z:ta:;e
And prop< rt;r that ho had :aumulat....J durin:: his adminittration
of that r<_;IIO. :llahmtiA ebidbim ro!lon..J in pu ... or
Tiw<u- Shih u Car u the rivtr Attoek, and lhtn retrared their
IA'pa to Uhorv. This time the cxtmd<.J their awny
up to Ao the rainy EmSon hrul comm<"liC<><I, thoy dr-
livorod ovor tloo province of Lllhore to Adln& !kg Kh(ul, on hi
promiJing to a tributary olferiog of /new or
rupooa; nnd nnulo up their mind!! to return 10 the Dnkhin, being
amrioua to L<ohold ngnin their beloved at homo.
On reaching Dchll in Uoo course of their rtluru, tbry
rnalo atraight for their clertinnlion, lcavln;; on .. or their
warlike cbicftoint, named JankU, at the head of a funnidnblo
army in thd vicinity of t!te metropoli$. It chaoctl thnt
io tho lli2 .o..u. (li68-9 A.D.) Adina ]kg Kh&o pL..d
away; "hereupon Jankuji entruste<l the go.-erument of the
of L'hore to a cnlled sam,, whom he d;-
apatcbod thither. flo al!!O appointed Sidik Dtll( Kh,n, ono of
Atllnn Ik-g Kb6n'1 followers, to tile adooinitration of Rirhind,
and gnvo tho managrment of the Doib to Ad(un Dl".; Kh&n'a
widow. Sam&, nnor reMbing Lahore, applied limself to the
tiUk of govtruuwnt, and puahed on bia troops M far 1111 tho rior
Auork. In thn moan'fhile, 'lmMa-1 )Julk, tho ttcr:lr, ean.J
Shih '.\1am .. ir n. tAl sn!Tor manvnlom, in ... talition fur :lD
- .
andut an.l piAeecl the "'D of )!nbi'u-a Sunnat, !I<>D of
Kam Bakhh, 60D of .Aur.Uip on thu thNue of
DBit6 Sindhir., Janlniji's uncle, about thnt forme<! tho
dcil<n of invudinq the kingdom of thu lwhiiiM; whereupon
Najihu-<1 daula nod other Rohilla ohitti., becoming o'Ogni>.ant of
thi f..,t, and tho imngo of uJtimntt mi;fortuM re-
in the rnirror of the cry \HOlO numel't\us
lo-ttN'S to the ,\bdaH Sb.ih, and used f"'"'tuilioo to induce
t.irn to cornu to llindu8tan. The Sh&h, "ho ,.;y heart
on ar.>uut of T;mu.r Sluih and Jahan Kh!n ...,._n c:om-
J'<'IIe<l t .. take ro :md was brooding orr plans of
aount.J this friendly overture a !rignal ano1 ad him-
aclf at on.,. in motion.
Daur.. in rompony nth his D<lphow .Jnnku, .ncr er<ing the
J ndvnnccd nguhat Nnjlbn-d dnuln, nml 'I mltoiu-1 M11lk,
tho ,,.,,.;,, hn"tcnLod to Datta's to his reqn<"<l.
Ae tho number of tbo )Jnhmtt: GonountL"I to nenrly
80,000 horae. NBjibu-d finding his strength inndet'lunto
lo rik nn op<n battle, throw up iotronchmn!JI M Snl<Artal,
ono of tho}llaccs belonging to Ant<>rbed (tho Doah), ituatoo on
tho bank or the rir Gnnges, and thero held in re:ulin ...
t<1 oppos the enemy. As tho miny e<"'on prt!Oentt-d :.u in-
aumoounuble ol>;tade to Datta's movement, he wu forttod to
euponu military open.tioos, anl in the interim N3jibn-d d3ul:o
dft<p>tch.J lt'VmU 1-tte" to Nawi\b Shujlo'u-d daub, bL
Tho Xawt.b, urged by the promptings of .-alour and gallantry,
tartt-.1 from Lueknow in htight uf the, which fell .rillr
than in ordlonry yean, nnd hnving "ith tho utmost
epirit Md resolution trnversed the iutuvening N>lld, were
T.tnrKn-r rauxnr DUX 269
,,n in a wftl<hed muddy condition, nude the ito of
bis camp. Till the condosion of the rainy ..,...,n, ho,.enr, he
was lln:lhto to anile with :-lajihn-d c!Aula, owing to the ovor-
Bo"io;: of the river Ganges.
No oooner h"'l the raia come to cw end, than ono of tho
:Mnhrat!A ehidlain<, who bore the npjl"llnlion of Oobind J>nndit,
forded the lrt:un nt Dnltn'a comll)l1ud, with n p:>rty of 20,000
eM-:tlry, nnu allowed no portion of Ohtindpur am\ tMny otlur
populous tlnco lo cseapt eonflngralion ami plunder. llo then
betook hintclf to the spot where Sa'du-llnh Kbau, Dlind( Klt&n,
nml Hili lbhmnt Khan hnl nfter h;;viog riocn up in
srws nod quitted their abo.!...,., to alford succour to Nnjibu-1
dania. Th"'e thn-e, finding themselves uMblelo COP" "ith bin>,
took n-fu!!<> in lht furt>ls on the K:unilin bill.
Xaw6b Shoja'u-<1 <bois, being appris<.-d of thi5 eireumtance,
mouut.-.1 f!tt et....l of ..-lution, and in Rabiu-la"'al, 117:.1
A.IL (0<t. Nov. A.D.), lAking his troop thetlart
iu hit ll'lliu, he n:pair...J on the ...-ings of peed lo CMndpur. dooe
to tLe loality where Najlbu-d daula wM .AM Gobiod
Pandit h...t "'''"""! the latter's force as well ""' his CCIIIJRIIIion
to el mit<, by cutting oil' llttir supply of provisions, N<lwab
Sltuj('ud dnuln Bah&dur J.,.po.tcltcd 10,000 cavolr)', conietlng
of Mughals nml others, under tho eommrud of l\1in( Nnjof
Klu'ln :Mir Bltknr llimmatl ancl othu ..... to ulta.:k
the Pautlit' ramp. lle Also nftennnla seat off Amipgnr GuAin,
ruul R'j lnlar Gu<6!n in rear of The tendo,.. in qul.'lllion
!tJ>viug fought willt becoming galliwtry. and perfonn.,.J tl1o moot
valiant del, in rooting the enemy. Out of tho 11hole
of Golind PaoJit'a furcr, 200 ..-ere left in LIOO<I, Md as
m>ny uaoro , captured :>lin, wbikt a n.-;t numbtr "lr oY<I'
whclmed in watera of the Ganges. lmntl'll.tO booty oi>O fdl
into tho hanla of the \'itt.on., comprising every de .. ril'tiun of
n.luablo :;ooclt, together whh horees nod enttlc. Gobind !'audit,
who nf\cr euiTvring thi5 toto.! defeat had escaped from tho field
of batllo tho river Gauge6, :;ac himacll' u1 lo duJlnir,
TA'llflrn-1 mR.tHJll liillA.'i.
anl took to a p-ipibte fti;:hL 1000 aa
matloeal the ears of H&6z Khan and tlot rt>H of the
Ito billa they .allied forth from tbo foreou of Kamauo,
ood roraired to Xarih Sbuj&"u-d dBula's Cllmp. )fe:mwhile
Najibu-d doola w:14 n:ICOi!ed from the and mi.<fortuoes of
hi poltioo.
Na\\{ob Shuj(t'n-d daula l3:1h6.dur &Sl!tmbltd the Rohilla ehieC,.,
anol nd\'ice in tho following tmiu: "The tntmy luu
an innumrmblo nnny, his military prowo.M is fonnidubh, and ho
bu pc>'l!l-ion of m06t of the dilricta in your territory ;
il is thr..tore better for you lo mako oertur for l"'A"c-"
Enry ouo, both high rutd low, nppiAudtd tho Naw6.b' judicious
eooni<'l, ami Yoted that p:>cific negoeiationuhou\.1 bo imm..JiBtcl;v
entered into with lhttA ; thQ tru bad not yet W..n ttotabU.h..J
on a ...,.... baai5, wben tho n-. of Ahnwl Shih Abdall'e
approseh, anl of li a.rrinl on this side d Uho!'l,
tho !'ani of all. Datt!, with U.e tlmt t\'<f Iillo.! hi
lt...l, \\oulol notollow the po:diminaries of 1*"" to be to
a c.nduoion ; hut haughtily dil!ea.rdio:; tho aoaicaLio relatioos
that he wa. io pro"'' of rnotd \\ilh a H<p
alooa: the rond to DehU, with " iew to cnc:ounl..r tlw Abdnli
Shfob. ITo wa, Moomp:wi&d at thnt tiwo by 80,000 hor<emeo,
well nronc.l and
Whro tho Shloh set out from Ltihoro io tho of Dehll,
he lbnughl t<> himlf tbot on U1e 1"001 Lttweon theMe two
uwing to the passage toed fro qf the Mahmun trooP", it
would be diffiult to lind thriving ill3;;.,., and !:'Din and
would be nlm""-t uopro<ural.le. CoottqUMilly, in tho
mouth Of ]l;.bi'o-1 awwaJ, 1173 A.ll., he <roufd the rivtr Jumua,
aud .U.tarbed. De it not nok:oowo, that AntarboJ iJI the
gieo lo the ltwd lying the G:wc;e- and Jnmno, ita
frontier being Hardrir and the Kam66o hill-, which nro oituat&d
in tho northern quarter of Hind.
In ohorl, Ahmad Shah Duniol enlertd Antarlotd, and Najlbu-d
daula uod the oth\!J' Rohilla ebier., wbooe territorie1 aitUAll'd
T.mnm.I IB&.<nr:u KILt.". 271
in thAt kin::lom, rame 10 join the Sh&h. They like\\ioo brou;;ht
8WIIll of money, u well as and promiom, to 1\haterr
extent tlaty eonld pro<nre them, and them o.-er for 1ho
SIIAh'a Through this eoNlalauppart of the Ruhilla chit!'<, tho
Shah AJUil\1 rtdoobled lren;;th, and hAving diN<tl'd hit COI'J"'
of Dur..Unl, "ho were omployl'd in tile on skinnihin::
duties, to punuo tho onlimvy rout.e, and be in rcadin'"' f<r lilt
euJ,'11gcnnnL with JlBltC., proceeded himse!C to Uto c,..Lwnnl, t.y
wo.y of AnLArboo.
On this aido too, Datta, trnvelling with tho of wind
ond conlnctoo his army to Sirhind, whoro ho hop-
pencil to fall in "ith tho Shilb's kirmihin:: parties. A the
Dumnla aN superior to tho llAhratLA troopt in tho
l'apidity of dttir I!Yolutioll$, and in their ayotem of rr>lebtory
wartlln, tho momnL they confronted a<h othtr, D3lLA'a anny
was unable 10 hoJ.I iu ground. Being c:ompe!letl to gho "llf, he
retire<! to Dehli, "'"'rio;: op s running fight all tJ,e way, IUld took
up ll J>')"iti>U iu tlte rlain of B.ilnit, whieh Ji"" in the of
Shnh.JahanabSd. At that juneture; J'snkujl proposed to hi;
ncrhcw with hnusbty pride, lli44 they should try ruul xtrieate
thomaohcs from tlllir tnitie:.l sitn.tion, 3lld Jnnkltji nL un<-e
did exnctly his repcctoo undo auggqtctl. In fnl,
Datli nnd his dismounloo from Utcir honw8 nf\or tho
m:mner of Ute inhabitnnts of lUnd nbout to 1111orifieo their livet,
and bc.lldly omintnined footing on the liold of bnttlo. Tho
Dumnl tU13ilecl tho enemy with IU'l'OWS, uJ&tehloeka,nnd awurd,,
and 110 overpowered them as not to allow a aingle indivi<hul to
oecapo in a:U.ty fl'l>m tho ....,ne of a.:tioo. Thia event t..ok plae.o
in Jam'-Jr.-1 awwsl, 1173 .}..H. (Jan. 1760 .U>.).
JltJ!Aur JW.o Holkar
\a aoon u tbia intdligcnoc ra<heJ tho quiek esr of l\J'ftlbar
Rt\o Jlolkar, who at tht time was st.lyiog nt .Maknn<lnm, hn
uouaigued the aurrounlling districrts to tho Jl.:unca, anil miLking up

his miud, pi"'CftCC.,I in utTeme bute to Sumj :\bl J,1, and im-
ronuued lhftt Ju.js to join him in the Will' Lhe Dumoi
Tho btter, however, ruougly objeetod to ..,mply \\itb his
tstiog that be muo un:Wie to adVDn<C! oul of hio o"n
II'ITitory to engage in b ... tilit.ies with tlaem, till he bad not
ouffidcnt "ln-m:th to rik a pitched hallie; and that if tho tntmy
wtrc to rnako "" attsck upon him, he wouhl 1eek rolu;:e within
bi' furl. In tlu interview, it rnmo to llolkar'e that
of A nt.vbed bod ntovod of tlwir vill11;.td with
ln!l.ure anl proviio!l!!, with intent to uouvoy them to the Sh(lli'a
o;mp. anl had arrived "" lilr as SikAudrn, which is ono of the
dr(><'DInri .. of Aut:u-bed, at a ditanee of t"cnty
from Ddall towurda ilia east. IJe pu,.,urd them
l>itb the utmo.t celerity, anJ having fallen Upc>ll them, U<liver.:.J
them up to indil'!<'riminste plunder.
'l'he .\l>dali ShAh, hAving IJe.,o appriel of this rireum-
et.'n.,., dtputed Shih Aaland:\r Kblw aud Sb'h Pll!llnd Khiu
I>urriui, nt the bead of lS,OOO bor-e, to chaotioo llulkar.
The iudivilual.f in qut.tion, bnw;; J't'8Che<l Dchli from Xar-
naul, a dit<uore of soTenty ;.-.,., in twenty-four hour.o, and
hnltt.J during tlul day to I'CeOVct' !'rom tluir
a rapid ocross the Jumor>, rill ooon as half tho
wu O>r, ruod by using t Ito utonoat cXt>t-ditiun, aue<!caled in
rroohing Sikandm by suuri.$e. then eucoml'""""d llolknr's
army, nnl made a vost nwnber of hi men fall proy to their
relentle>a aword:s. Holkar found bimelf rcolueod to gnoat &trait<;
loo h.U noL even u.llirienL leiuro to wtn n a:.ddle on hi.:.
horae, but wa. c:umpellt-..1 to ruoont with mer<ly a l!:lddle-doth
uuol<r !rim, anJ !leo fur llli. life. Three hundred more honsomen
abo followed al\er him in the o.une dtlttituto pli.;ht, but tho
of his troops.. being eomplet<ly hernrned in, were
either ti:Uu ur carturM, and an imrncoo quAntity of rurcl
hou.,.hold ;;ooJ., ru. well :o.s uuroben ut' boi'O<S, loll into tho hnods
uf tho llurrAroi. About thU. time, tou, the nrrin.J ot
lJohli from Nla.ruaol, :111altook up tu. qunrttn in tho city.
T.tnr 1\11-1 IBR,(O 01 KlUX.
Fu,..... i fh, lftt!hin.
In th ;rnr 11i2 .\.11. (ii&S-9 A.D.), Ra:thun6tlo R,o, the
brothr of D&laji R&o, al'kr eouJiding lhe prvYinea of Uloore
and )!uh!on to A Kh6.u, and lta,iog Jankuji \\ith a lor-
midnl>ln army in tho ,-ieiuily of tho metropoli5 of Do loll, arri.J
at l11e dty of l'uu& nlong with Hahildur, lU
Bulknr, ond Jayloji Sindhiys. SadR.beo Roo \\loo woo
llGIIojl couin, nud his chief agent and Jlrimo miniwr,
bognn inquirics till to the nntl
rnaolc olurinc: tho invwion of IDod. ooon '"' it berouno npparent,
lh:t.L alter !*"lin!( the recnue Lhnl hnd l>ten lcviocl front
couutry, Oll<lthe P""'CC<b from doe rlundr.,d booty, the ray
of tlut oltlil.'ry, amounting to :about sixty Inti oC wu Uuu;
lhe vain illo<ion "llll diip:t.ted from Bh6.uji'a brain. 'lhe laud
dilike to Rao, moreorer, lwl now brukrn into ortn
eootuu ... ty llnl tli-eord, and 11cil6ji Roo, ,-exed and diluttl aL
liu<lin:r loU. owu bruthrr d..,pU.od and dU.p:ora,;l'<l, a ltt.u w
BhUoji, clo-eluin:t thot it wns e...<entiAIIy l't'quiite f<1r him now to
unfurl tho of ino.sion in ren:on lliudut&n, and
l'llllurt lloo foti;;ueo of tho campoign, iuco he nM >O 1\t\lllimltly
for tho undtrl3king. Jlh&o, witl1out po-itioly rcfuinz to
cononl to hi wihr, mnnaJ:ud to evllde cotUpliauee for n whole
yenr, by hnviug "'cour;e to prevarication nnd
JJi 'tU Rtio, tM ao of lJdfciji ./Mo.
m ... &.. R&o. Ual&ji Rao' SOD, who wa. nl<en yca.-.
old, olirit,-.1 tho comu\;ond of tho Army from hi anl
the lnttr wa. in n-ality dbplea..<eJ "ilia hi. recl'lrt., yet
iu the ymr 1173 <.II. 11769-60 .\.D.) be Mnl him off \\itb Uh6oji
io comJ""'Y )1Aih6r Bio, Pilllji Jbdaan, J(m Roo DhamAclsui,
Sham brr llahr..tur, S:.buli Dlic!ajl Rau, Ja.'"""' Ruo Bt>uir,
llalwaut ltlo, Onn...,h Rio, ond otler f.,onous ru1d wnrlike ll':ll.,.,,,
allon:t with a fu.,o of 35,000 cavnlry, were nlo aotintt-d
with Uh&o. Ibrahim lib&n G&rdi, who wu the 1np<>rintcndrnt
vot.. Yilt, 18
of th European anillry, lilwi!e a<'C'>m!"lllied him. Owin!r tn
tho eXtreme sultrinrS Of thO hot 5eaoOP, they WCnl obliged to
re.L other dny, and tlau$ by alternate marches ancl hnh.
they at ln:;tb ml<'hed Gdlior.
As oon.,. tho .tory of'Imitlu-1 nnd Jankuji Simlhioo
ha,iug eought rnfugo in tho forts to Surnj Mal J(tt,
aud the of Datti'a dMth anl ITolkar' dtl..,.t, as \\til
...., the rou1 nnd apolio.tion of both daeir wen: poar.d into
en"' nf JJiswi\4 ll6o nne! Ilhftoji by tho roportol'!l of ""'"and
tho d,.tailtre of intellit:<n<e, VML extilNnt'Dt aro<e, ""' that a
of t"o months took place a1 U\\&lior. )f:tlbar RAo
Tiolkar, who had rseavcJ. witt& lois lifo frnm the battle with tho
Durmnio, aud in tho mean time hod Jtuo's mp,
U.en from G"alior for Sh&h-Jah"ib6d by Rluio' ortlrr.
M the h nt1 of a fonnidablo army, ond ha<ing .. t .\'gm, took
.laukujl Sindbia 11long with him from thouee, nml near to
lois de<tination.
Ahm .. t Shah .\!,hili, on o.eeruinin!r this nl'Ws, .allied out
from city of to enrounter him; but tho lntlrr, finding
uunble to nwrl'ly made da.<hiug txrul'!lion
to tbe ri:;ht and left for " (,.,. day" afirr the j!Utrilla fa>hiou.
tho Sh&h, l>owecr, wout.l utver on.,.. refrain frnrn purouing
ltim, Ito wo.s ohinuuely fl)rt-ed to mnkc nn iguumiuious t(llrt'AL
b3<-k alonz the 1'011<1 he ha<l O<Omr, oul hanng r<tnrned to
t:walior, anol rt'joined Ubt\<oji. Tho miny 't'ai!OD wa
c:oming on, so AlunRd Shiah ero>'ttl the Jumna, nut!
h:><ing tno:uupeJ ol Sik:uttlra, gn.v'tl to the ofllcerw
of hi anuy, to P"'fll"' bou<,. of wood and gmos for them,...ln!l,
in place ot' tenta ond p:.vilion.
Bb6o !lntl Biw6s Rao, hMiug from OwAiior, afler
traTeHin!t many anc.t tr:w"nrin; di,.t.-,ntt .. , &i: :l\
tby renh..U Akb.uibud; Ilolkor :llld Jukuji, "' llMo"s inti
(tlltion, betook themrlvns to llolj" Surnj J(at, ou(l Lrnut:ht
him olon;: "ith them to hova AD interview with llloflo. The
bttr Hut out a !01 from c:amp to "'""' him, onol 'lmidn-1
T.tnlKfil IBMnnr KBA:X.
lfnlk, !lot ora:lr, al;o holol R with DhAo !'urnj
;\I at' Suraj ;\bl proposed d.1at the ramrai::n hout.l
be conoluct..I on tho folloorinz plan, .U. that thy ohoulol
tbl'ir extra """"Y guns, t<Y.;ethrr with ftrnale
relntiv<"", in tho fort of Jb6nsi, by the of ri .. r Chaonbal;
3Dd then pi'O('t'fd to wa.;o a and de.ultory t_l'lo of
wnrfnro nguiut enerny,..., is tho nsonl pl'ti(Otieo of tlw )[nh
rntca troop; for undor these ciruumstnners their own trrl'itory
wottld be boloiml their and a eoll!!l:UJt aupply of praieions
would not foil to l'Clleh their ramp io onfcty. lll1&o nnl tho
other nrter hearing Soi.mj 1\lal's obsorYatioos, approetl
or his dl'<iiun ; but Bi!w&a Rao, who wn nn intXJ"'ri"ncel
ynuth, intoxirateol with dte wino of arro;:tnn!, woul<l not
fQII<>w his Aolvice. Dhlt.o ..-eordingly carried on operati<>n in
confonnity with Biwa R&o's diredion, and oeL out from
.\kl.:lribAd ton'*rdi Duli "ith the force lbnt ho load ftt hio di!
J><"ll. On Tu ... tho 9th or Zi-1 bijja, 11 i3 A.ll. (:.!:l Stpt.
1760 n.), al..,uL the time of ri,;n,; of tho worM-illuminin;; "'"
ho rujoy..I the foliily of IJelooWing the fort of D, Tlu rom
manu of thn gnrrion thoro \\'38 nt lhnt to \'n'kub
'All Khl>n Dahmnnz!ti, brother to ShAh WaH Kh&n, tho rrimo
mini,trr of tho Durn\ni Shoh: who, in opito of tho multittulo
uf ltis f'ut,lflit'lll, woultl noL succumb, tmd ttpnrrl no
to ('toltrt lho fort with lho few martial spiriLS lloaL he hnd
with him.
Caplurr of /lot fori qf Dtltn.
Dh&o, t'OIIje<"tnrinz thAt llw fort of Debli would be leoid of
tl1e 1rote<-tion r auy :::&rri'"on, and. would
on bein:: b. i;:t,l, r.,n und.,. hio !llhjf<'tion, nnl tonk up ,.
l"'"ition ntar KhAu's mansion. with a multitnl or
troop. lhrihhn KbAu Ganli, who wa a ronf,lrrate of
"Bhr.o, nwl l1n<l the u{"rintendenee of the Eump""n nrtillrry,
plnutrd hi lhuudoriug tannon, witb llocir gunne,.,.,
the on the oide of the -anJy pbin,
tho lo>tthment.o oC the Oct.3:;on ToW\'r anl the.\'""'' ll1rj a m:1rk
(.,r hi guo;, onor\nn.rJ many ot' tho royal
cJiS..,.. F.:rery day the tumultuuut noi.e of att.3<k Oil all J>iJ.,
<f tho fur\ filleJ tho mind. of doe "ith alorm and
npprt'h<JHinn. The overBo\\ing of t.l\o Jumna [H''\"'ntt-d 3ll
iu,unnountable ob<t:lCle lO the ci'Oo>!lint: of th11 Durrlmi Shah'n
army, himh n:J it nlforJiug any ouceour lo the
'l'he Jlroviion in the were \'el'Y uunrly U)>tmdood, Y<>'kuiJ
'.\11 Khiln wM fol'(',od to enter into ot"goeiationJ fur pcaoo. lle
6,.,.1 n-movtd, his rdnti t\11<1 from llio
l;rl to thu domidlo of '.Ui :lbnlau Kh6u, anl thu,;:
<r.,..eJ the rier J umn:1 from lheoce on boon! a bo:1t, btt10k him-
.. tr to tho SMh' ""'"P On tho 19th of tho afo"""i 1 mon1l1
nnl year, Bluio atereJ the t'.!rt alou.:; wilh niwit Rln, anl
took 1-..iuo of .. n the property aol ="""Is that he <"Oull fin<!
in tho olJ "''""itorill5 of tbr royal 13mily. n. oloo broke in
the eilvt-r cciling of tb"' Ditra1-i li?ul , from which Ju:
t'JttractcJ oo much or the precioa9 metal M Ill IJe al.le t11 cuin
Uttl'll /nl'l of rupt'CS out of it. Nsral nr.lunin wa.
then "l'l"'intrJ by Bhf.o to dw post of J;Ov<rolor of tho fur\.
The Durr/ini Shah, nftor his with 0 <\ltll. which
lllrminnll iu the ur lh htiJ de.p>tch<!>l
N .>jibucl dnuln lo 1ho province of Ouolh "lth a
qillo, which WM :lS it were n trcnly ol' frionlhi(>, fur tho
P'"l._ of j; trhin; Shuj(utl<bub ll Kojlbu-d
bull betook him...,U' hy way of F. till\ a lo K>nauj;
llDI nOOUI tho ;lUJO lime :S:lwah olaul:\ Oll\rtll<l r ... m
Lncknow, made the ferry of "hich is one or the
rb<'f5 in l::la .. a sitlllllcd on thi.. ,jJo tho rior tlh oite
.,f hi ""'"!' An inteniew took I''""" iu that locnlit), nml "-i
"'""" tl fritnJiy ducnmen1 hoJ b, .. n rru..,,J, nnl tlto :\awAb's
h<-:111 hrul ...... 11 eomfortod by il>l ioccrv l'"'"'i""". he""'''"' to the
,J drtcnuiuntion of waitiug ou tho Sb(lh, anlllo etnl llak Raja
.l.leni lhhador, "ho that ti1110 !'0" or nud
T.(RrJm.I IDunni Ii:DKX.
inRunce th:ln hi other fuUowe,.,, to rule a. iroy onr the
loi. ab>tDC<'. 1\hen Xawab Shuja'u-d daula
approado.J tloo ShlJo' army. the prime minitr, Shih Wall
Kh&n, bOL>ot<ntol out to me-t him, an<!, baing him along
hint in the ruoL eourteoUll nnd respectful mrutorr, ofTonlel
hint tloo aroti6cation, on the 4th of Zil hiijn, lli3 A.n. (18th
July, 17ti0 o\.1>.), of his re.'!Jl""'" to the Sh&h, of
li>ldiug the 11011 of tho lntter, 'L'lmur ShUh, in hi cmbm(!('.
nmninccl mnc time in the fort uf Shlob-Jnhlln6blul, in
<'On<rquenee of the rainy atason, which prevented tlw honl'!l froon
stirrin::: a foot, anti deprived the eavnlry of tho power of 6;:htin::::
he nt a por""n nnmttl Bbaw(mi Sh3nkar PondiL to
Shuja'ucl dnula, with the following roecsa::c: " If io in>n
venitnt. fur you lo contmc::c. an alliance with your .. , you
hould at 1"""1 keep aloof from the eoemy, and rtmain
neutral to both J"'rlii'O." '[he abon>n:uned P.ndit, ha<ing <n>i>< l
the rirr Junm:., Xawab Shujli'u..l clo11b U.halur. ani
doliven..J tlciij The latter. after its drill,
olt"<patchrd his tunueh Ydkut KhUn, who """ ono of tlce
nldeot nnd mot <onfidontial sennnl8 of lWI gonrnmrnl, in tom
I'""Y with lllinll(llli Sh:.nkor Pandil, liDII roturcwol nu nnlltr
of this dccription : ".lo tho Rajus of this cmpiro nnd the
Rohlll11 were reduced to the last extremity by tloc
n::;re ,ion of Rar;hunlotb Rae, Dnttti., Ilolkar, and thtir uiJ<or
diunlt.,., tlll'y oolioiu-d tho Shlili to C!Oflll' 1<1 I linchiatim,
"ith tloo viow of 'niug thi!Uloolvti! from ruin, The ><td
tlcnt they li<lWcd lw. now b.gun to bear fruit.' Xeverthc:le-,
it ,_... be to you, from truo re::arol t;.r our anri<Dt
lnl'tulohip. my '*-t ondeavours shall bo w!<ld wwanu eonrluJing
Eventcully. Bhao propoo<d that u far aa l'irhinJ thout.l
be undtr the Shah's dominion, nd :dl on thi iclr of it hould
boJOO;( tO hint; but the wftofe mny >l'a:oOO WM iu Ul",.:oei,_
tinnt 1M. :leo e-.tnblishN.
lu tho intorim, ll&jn Sumj Ill J&t, who the po'tly
olownfnll of the Mnhmtta power, having cnovoo with troop.
T.\HKH-1 IBR.\00.1
in eompao y "ith 'luuWu-1 the ""':lr, from his J'O'Iitiuu nt
$ami .Badarplir, whieh ia situated at a dis!Jlnco of kiM from
!Jebll un thu en.tern eide, nml tm ... N . ..! llny kiM in one
without intonniu;; UMo betook hiiUII<'If to
whieh ;,
one of hl$ ft1r1l'l
.As tho troop5 =de rtpt'lltrd compbinte to Dt.Au
rt;ardiog tln of gnin n1Hl f.mage, the lalt.t>t, un
tho 29th of tho month of &fur, ll'i-1 " (9th October. 1760
.\.o.J. romovod Sh(,lt Jnbt\n, sou of Mnhi'u-s Sunu!Ll, sun
of E:am lhklo;h, eon of Aumn;;tcb '.\1amgit, aotl '""iu;.:
..,t.-d r.ho illu.trioUI Prince, &kilt, the l:mnd
oon of '.l'tam::ir IL, on tho throno uf De.bli, publidy roo
ftrrrd the di.;nity of tm:ir on Shuja'o-d dl>ub. Jli1 ubjett
was this, thl\t t.he Dumini Sbiih might become :wer>o to 1>nd
npicious of tha Na\\ab in question. Leaving Nar: .. t Shankar
Bmbmio, of \1 hom mention liM bum m:odo aboe, behind in tho
tort. of ShL-Jahinablil, be him .... lf set out, with nil hitnrti<:Wa
retainers, in the direction of K uujpum. Tloi I' !are i..
fitty-four lw tu the west of :O.IoH, anl vtn to the nort.h of the
pnrgn11a of Koru61, and it. ism dilrict tho otigin..J cultiotuno of
"hich "ero lloo Jtohillaa.
of lh (or/ o(
Bhao, oo tho lOth of Rabi'u-1 n"""' 1174 -'"(lOth O<tober,
17601, encornp.'\JON the fort of Kunjrnira with hi. lrwJ><, &tid
anhJoed it in t.ho L" inkling of an eyr by the of hi
cannon. chit fa an-ro in tho fvrt, of" loom """ 'AIlu-$
Samacl Khuo Atwi6Ji, governor of Rirhinal, who haul b<rn taken
pri!oner by R6o iu 1170 A.ll. (liaG-7), Lut haul
ultimnU>ly obtniu.-1 hia release. """ rl'lnu..! in the oorrntivu ,,r
.\alin:> Ik! Kloluo"oplliCi!..dings. Thrn "'""' Kutb Kh6n
Rohilla, U..lil Klo6n, 11nd Nijibat Kl,6n, all of tlae<,
s { .. To
( .. ..\ awa:t ltroa&htfld cvnt&U:!iJ81 a prriii)Q of Dte&tl1 aO,ltrO
ID1.''-.. ... a UuJ.]
in AotarW, ,.bo luld b. o gnilty of eonveyio;; lUNIiN to the
AWi.U :,;t.61t' e"lmp. reducio;: the fort, Uh(lo
' :-<.unad Khin and Kutb Khan undc!'j;O ...,pita! tuni<h
mnl, anl ktt tho nt in coolioemeot; wbilt lao allow,..!
Kuujpura illelf to bo sacked by his predatory hord'"
A. ""'" u tli iotelli:;encu rimcll& the Sh6.h's car, the llt'a of hiJ
wrath WClll agiwted; and notwithsumdiug thnt tho trcau1
of thu J umua hod not yet sob>ided su llieiently to odmit oriu being
fordol, " Nynl edict wM promulgated, dircetiug bi8 troops to P"Y
no rcgnru to tho eurront, but cress at onee from ono llank to tho
other. A.s thoro wM nn help but to comply" itlt thi,; 1111\ndoto, on
the 16th of the month of Rnbl'u-1 awwal,lli 1 A.U. (2Sth October,
1 i60 u>.), n.-.r on tho road to 1'6kp;lt, which is
aituat<.J fift,oen /.:01 to the north of Debli, they n:<i;;ned thcm-
lve8 tu lllld soCCffded in croo.iog. A numbcr were
awallowl!d up by the wnv.., and a small portion of tho ba.:g:t;o
nod qu>lrupN. to tbe army was lo.t in tho J>3l!'3ge.
As ..oon u tho intelligcnee reached Bbao's ear, that a party of
llurrolnis hal oro.'!$ed, sounded tho druon of rru.,,,,t frvm
Kunjpun>, Mill with his fn...,. of 40,000 well-mountod nnd
ctcnlll ._,,.nlry, ud a powerful train of Europcnu nrtilll'ry,
under tho 'uperintondenco of Ibrahim KMn OArdl, ho rupnirod
cxpudi!loullly lo P6nlpat, "bicb lies forty koa frv111 Dchli towards
tho wcl.
Balli thr Jlalmstla :Arm!! ami Ill Durrd11l.
The Abd&li Sh&h, after ero$Sing the river Jumna at tho uh<il
of Pik!"t, proeo:t'<led iu " ...-l!l!tuly direction, o.od eun11n&udal
Lllllt Xa\\ab Sbuji'u-d donla Bahi<lur and Sajlbu-d dllola ,hould
pitch tlwir t<nto on lei\ of tho royal nrmy. &JJd Dundi
Khau, U'llLul ;\lulk fla6z Ralttoat Khan, o111l Kh6o
au the ri;;ht. Aa Bbio pcrceivl!d th:1t it difficult
to contend O!;niot the Dum\uis in the opcu lldd, hy tho ndvico
uf his couusdlor ho moJo n pennnncut oncuulpltll'DL of his
LrUOJ>j iu tho out.kirts ot' the city of f'6nlpnt, 11Dd having in-
trenrhl'd il nll round with hio artillry, took np qu:t.rtol'll in
this fi>rmidnblo ro-itlon.
ln the intrim Gobin.! Pruulil, who \\1\S the of
dbtrid of Shukoh&bU, etc., betook hirn<elf to Ikhli at Uh&o'a
au;;;ttstion, with n bocly of IO,OO<l eanlry, llllll intcretpttd tiro
lraiiSJlOI't of '"IJIi<3 to Ute Durrinl Sh&h'a anny.

\Yhn the bai or the !''"'''' been overthrcmn (nt
1'6nlpnt), 31111 tho nrfnoe of the plain hlld """'" relil or tho
in-alent fot', tho triumpltont chompions of the \-ietorious nrmy
rroeero'li agorly to Jlillage lbe l\lahrntLG eotnp, and aueo<tll in
f'O"ii'S$in of an nnlimite<l quantity of sil.-.r anl j,.d,
WO cuonuoWI lrpbnt.... 1>0.000 ho,.,..,.,JOOO camel., and twu
or bulloelo!, 14ith vast :.mount of s;ooda and thnltl, nud a
count!""' '"'-''Ortrmnl of c:lmp Nearly 30,000 lnlHIUt'll'a
tuo, who clr.,tv their origin frorn tho llnkhin, tell into captiity.
'l'owords euing tho Abd&JI Sh&h went out to look at the hocli<o
of the, nntl found greAL Lrar of :t.nd runniug
>lre:tm prudu< .. l by the flood of J:O"' Thirty-two lnoond-
of .Jain litre ('()Unte<l, and the Jitrh, protected by arlillry, of
.. h immtn that it. eould ron lAin -.everal/on ,,f hurn:m
lingo,<'l e:.ttlo anu Willi completely fillod \lith
dead bodis.
.hi<t#i11alion qf Si111l!. iJr Janktij(.
Rio .Ki.hi :-:ith, 011 seeing J:>nltuji, who we. a youth of
twtnty. with a hnloomo and at that timo luw Li
wounded hand hanging in a lint: frnm hi3 noek, beeorno dr1ly
;.:ricn..J, nrulthe tears etMt.J frorn hi eyes. J:mkuji rnioo
Lead nncl cxoloimod: "ll i lcttcr to dio with oue'e frionds
lhnn to oua'- encrnielll.
The :-:a"ab, io nni><o with Sh'h W'nli .Khan, ,,.Jidte<l
Shah to Jnkuji's life: wlo the Sb&h utnmnn..I
lhrkhunlir 1\htin, and c:<>n.ultt><J lrin1 on the proprif-ly uf tire
(For A('tC)anw ,, tlt ... k-imd bet a.od bitt I,,'" '"frd, p. 144. nt. .n rk lt ml"Tt
.JUfn.t', and tU\4:11 lllt.J &sail-, bu' Lbl t'fhl egn:o iu 1b.t Ql.llla.)
nnnm.r rnWinl KILL'\. 28L
otep, to which tho li:han in qatiun retnm .. t a deddol nr,:ative
\t tho L'mo time, one of tbe,. 3t D:ulduir.lir Kh&n'
uz;:.,tion, "'<'lit anJ rut Jankuji' th-1., and t.uri"'l hint undr
groonl iniJo tho nry wut ia which be was impri!IOo<.J.
IbrtihJm .Klui11 G6rtli't .Dtvtlh.
Shuj6.'u Kuli Khttn, n powerful :utd iafturntinl 8or.nnl of tloc
XawAb Shuji"n-olllnulll Bahlldur, hMing onptun..! lbtihiou 1\h{on
tlarol on tho firlcl ot' boulo, kept him with tho Hnitl
eo:rnizonro in hi own tout. No sooner did thio int..tligtnt b.,.
MIM publi,, thnn thr Uarr&nl bo:;"" iu n body to rnio " violtnt
tuumlt, and domnrouly congn-g,ntiu; rvuucl lit door tf the
::;h&.lt' tent, clt<'b...,.l thM ThrAhlm Ganli's """k ''"" anwrahlu
lur tlor lou of 110 many thun-an.U of their fellow-countrymen, uol
that \\hotver to proleet him would incur tho l"'ulty of
their Xa,.&b Sboja'o-d d>nlll, that otek
in:; n-fuJ:O e:uouot 1>1' bin, pn>p:Lred for a with the llumini
fore._, wh""'"l"'" thtro rnul'<l a disturl''""" t\ 1
Shl1h Wtlll Kh&n took Naw4b Shuja'u-d dnub Miolo prh.11ely,
:uul him in :\ friendJy a.ncl nfTeetiOnt\lt
tone. proJ"l"u,l.
loo shouhl dclivrr up lbr&him Kh!tn Gtir<li to hilu, for tho
ako ol' tho wrath of tho Durruois: attcl nil-. n wrok,
when their <Vii pM<iOIIB hod been ruJnye<l, he WUUioJ rctnro li)
loim tho indiviolunl cnlru>lOO to his care. lu .hurl, Ashrnf'u-l
"'uzm (Shih Wall Kt.Bn), h:wing obt.oiunl him from the
:'\o>&b, apl'lio.J n '{"'i'IOnOIJ.:I pl.Wter to bis wound; .., that, by
the t xpiratiun of A \\tekt his career wu to a do. .. r.
Di=,..ry of BluiJJ;T Corp
Tho tmination of Bhaoji'a d.leer has been d.ifl'cn-ntly related.
N11wt\b .Shuja'ud daula, ha,ing mow1te<l nthr tbo vi,tory, took
ShiM DhAr Pnndit, G3ntsh Pnndit, and othtr al!OC'i.tlf'l of
Db& .. ji nlon:; with loim, nnd be:::nn wnndering onr tho Sdtl of
b.tlllc, a(:An!hiug the corpses of' the llihruthlohiero, and mot'f.l
T.tBrKBl lBB.Ulr
e;.pe.illy for Uh6oji d03d boJy. Tl1ey
the J"'D<>Il! of Ja.""1U!t RAil B:o.ldr, Pi14jl, DIHI S;,IJIJ&j! )i6tb
\\lw h3d fortv "word eull!, hin,. on .... n of
nnd, in like manner, those of other famuu eharaettn aloo came in
iow. lllo4o's eorp hrul not bot-n fuuud, wllt'n from b<nl'llth 3
dool boJy thn:e nluoble genlB uncxtwctodly shone forth. The
N<>wlot. [lnl'<ntllti iliose prorla to tho Pamlita mcmioned above,
nud dirt'<l.,lthem to lry nnd recogniu tloM liftlo' form. 'flwy
aucct>e<le.l in doing so through the acnr of n gunhot wound in tho
IO,nt, nnu nnothor on the sido behiud tho which Ohau hrul
recoived in furnHr dnys. With their eye b.1thel in t.-us they
clnirn d: is Bhao, th rulrr of the t Some
ent<rtaiu an opinion, that Bhao, ll6o's de:nlo,
I<'rfvnue-1 Jro<li;i of vnlour, :uul doen .liAJIJ .... r<l from -i:;lot,
nud no one enr <3w bim aftrrwanla. Two indiidual tun.e-
qurotly, l><th nlllies of ilio Dakhin. puhlidy assumed the
nmo uf UUo, and dna.,"gt'<< a numb< r uf l""'f'lo into their
do'<'titful onare. Ae a falaehood cannot bear tho one was
Hlntually polio death somo\\htro in tho Dakhin by order af the
daiof in !hot qnnrter; and tho other, hning udt0<11111 inourrectiou
at 11<-nnn .. , w:uo confined for some tirno in tho fort of Chuudr.
A Oer hi rijk111o, ot" tloo of lou diud
iu tlot uburbs of Gornkbpur in tho ycnr ll!J:l A.ll.
l\nw6b Shuji'l'ud daula. havinA' obtnint-d perrni.1lion
of tb to burn lloo bodies [of IJMo n111/ olh,.,. 1.
doJUt<'<i Jl6jo, liimmAt Bnhi.dDf and R6o Kaohi N&tll, hi
rnn<iJ>Ol au,nJnnt<. to rertumt ilia '""k of errmntiun. Out
uf all lloOO<t haJli'Sb and unfconunate b<:iugo [do 11trrirtof tlto
), a numwr mnintainlltl a pre<arioUI exit<'IICO ;::oint! the
,iolent tW:lulu uf death for !!Orne days; but nut \I itlttlnuding tiLit
tluy ..... 1 the moot strennoUII exertion to tlT....:t thtir in
divero di.wtiom from Pllllipat, not a in;;lc oaw \\Ill ,.,.eJ from
b<:iug olnin nod plundered by tho =tm.lmflirl of that quarter. Out
uf tho 11 bolo of tlte celebratt!d cbiufs too, "itla tloc of
t lTbtr Nl"r .... a* I11d (un.hcr idrutl.8u,Li.,.aar,( lbt ItO tifrd.J
t.tnrm.r I DJLlllD( '"IUN.
lialhUr Rao llolkar, '.\('lp6ji Gaihw6r :>.nd Bithal Suoloo, nol
auutl>tr ua efer able to the Dskbin.
oJ Bluio,J1' Wifr.
Uh6o" "if., in e<>rnJ"'DY will> Sbllmhcr &halur,
to U6llljl R!.o, nnd a p:.rty .. r eonfidcntiol attendants, lrMtN-.1
n loug ditoneo with tho utmost eclerity, nml betook hcrt>11lf to
the fortNM of Dig. There that brokou-he"rted Indy
fo two or thrco d11ya mouruiug tho lo>s of her hW!hnml, nod
1J:tviu$l 1hcn madt up ber mind to nu
111 the Dakhiu, R6jo Surnj ;'lbl Jut gnve ber ouo a
.uitabl ..... ort to aneod her, llOd oode her lldicu. aeeordin:;ly
reached 1ho D.1khin; bu1 lhb&dur, """ '""' aeercly
woundtd, died alhr arri.-ing at Dig.
qJ B.Uti}i.
Sborlly \,.foro tho of theoe dis."l>ltrt, BAI&ji R&o
bad mol'<'h!'<l from l'uu6. lie hlld only procet'd-d M lor ns
llbii<O, when, having bOI'n inlormed of the vent, bo grow tin.J
of OX .... ltiiiCO, IUid ehod tears of blood Jnmenliug tho loS of n SOil
nml n brother. 11 o then moed from whoro loo w .. 10 Sironj,
ond nbuut that very time : mes.oen;ter him from the
AW&Ii Shillo, with 11 mourning kltifat. Thu ltllo, feigning
obedicnrc to his eommonw, humbly drl'$._-.d lois pen.on in tho
khil'al, aod turning any !rom Sirooj. re-nllrt-.1 Ptin6.
} .. rvm of Dnd \\00, ho..-el'tr, he remaint.otl fur ,,,.o
month llfllirltl toith a banowin;; nod at< ho ,..,..,.ied
the ima:e of reft..,ted from the mirror of hi e<>ndiliuu, le
for hit 1Uo. to whom ho !;llO in choa;;o
hi, bftt l><ltV-.1 own, tho younger brother of tho lain
Bb"W. U6o, "bo bore the n:une of :M6dhu R6o, and had jwt
totcrcd lois twelfth exclaiming: "FuUil oil tho dutiell of
t (lit'"" lllt;ridmlltO IOU t'lf B'jl nr.o by. Mu.hl.mmi!IJ.aa WOa&l.n, llld bl
wu bn.ugbl op .,.: 1 ).ltili!lmm.adu.]
::<>O<lwilltonrds !I.U r .. chilo!, tre\tin!!; bim "" if be 'll't'l't'
your owu oon, aud do not pennit o.oy lumu to como uron
Uain;; Milthi, he departed from the "'orld on tho Oth of Zi-1
kn'<1A, 1171 \.11. (Htb June, 1761 A.o.j, au<l tle peri .. ! of his
nign wM t\\tnLy..ane
Jltitlhu lluo, ,,. q( JJulujf.
Rao, :d'tcr tho ot' his fathrr, wn< intruletl in
tho throne of Puna; nud R;;hunllth Rao con-
luctd thu nlmini,trntion of nJI'ains as t>rimo miuiater, after tle
tna.notr of the late UMo
.At'<'Otrnt of lk Jlhdo.
On of the "'mMbh1e incidents tbt e><curr< in )!alhu Rao'
"" tho of a eouor..rfcit \\ho, in tho JI!Al'
117:1 \.ll. (1711'2-3 A.D.), huing ioJuc .. J n nnrnbtr of rtl"ra<-tory
chamel<nl to flork to his sl3nd4rd, nud havinl! collrtlcl to;;t"llter
n. emtlJl ruuuunt of aucl eili-ch, with c:un1 tquip:\:.!e and
rAttle, cxcite<l nn iuurreetion nNlr 1 he fort of Knm7!1
"hich i-
itunte<l nt " di.tnnce of tweh-e koa fro111 .1 Mnl townrdJ the
JTu !!;AVo intirnntion to tho governor ot' the fort, who held his np-
l'uintnwnl of tho Puna thicfl, "" to hi. n:11nu nml
nunou<.J him by lhrents aud proulioc! into his pre8tnec. Tho
l.uta, who, up to that bad !J<,<u iu doubt \hrtlHr Dhao
'"'" clt-:sd or alive, hciog aprrehen.iv thi iuJi,idual ohuulJ
in ""'lity prove to bt Bh&o, proceede<l to wait "I"'" and
J'rtOtDtel oome euh :ltld ,.,.Juo.Llcs by way of ,\fter
that, tle Uhio in qubtion ltllnt into othtr J)(fT!JatUu,
nntl hMin;:- nmmont-d the revenu oflieerw frum all
NlUlmNiee<l t'iin;.; aud arpmpriatin; all the tlll>h, anl
'Vhntner ho,, eleplumt..., or ho fouwl with
Ollft hn lmmetlia.tely sent for, nnd kcpL in uwu .. e-,!'ion.
Thi prd<udcr to the nome of nlwnys kpt his f:u:c
T.\nnm.I mn.mn1 KD.(N.
half coel'N urut.r a both in public and on the pi""
tl.taL the wound on his i.-.1;;e was till anl f>tople
were comtltoly by the stntagem ; no oue c:out.l loave
the impuJrnce to O<'Mitiniu hi f<.atui?'O. In ohort, for tix
rnonth8 he in his impo<ture, until tho nowe rmehN
Piinli, whNl some went orer to him to ex.l\rnioo atrirtly into
e, nod diliCoerO<l that he was nut Dhao.
Al11mt tho Bmo R&o Rolkar was moiug frum tho
Dakhin towards llindusl6n, and his rond lmJpcnc<l tulia thrungh
the tot whoru tho protendcr in question hnd pitehe<l his
'rho Bbovc-mentionetl opieo di.closed the p;lrtieulnr. of the Clli!O to
:MalhUr Rl\o, \\Ito thought to that untill'&rl"ti Bioi, tho
hu Bhao'a .. ire,\ ern this indi"i<lo:ol with lwr own eye, aud
all her douhll be<-n removed, it would not do to in6irt
punilunent on tho for t<:.r th" lod) ohout.l tloink in
ber h""rt tht he 1>:\J kiiiN bor btL>b;wd ouL of pit" aud mnli.
For thi muoo, :\lalb6.r Rio merely took tbe inol'ntor,
and appointo.J thirty or forty to take are uf
him. fnnriU'>Il him from thn' to PunA. Tlu few '"'"kmindt<l
"hn hll41 gnthtrecl round him, were Alluwe<l to dop.1rt to
thir cvernl homr, ond Tiolkor proe<>Cdod to bis d-...tinntion.
When till' P'"''nurr WM brought to Puna, M(ltlhu nuo liku\\io<c,
out of rognrl for th fculings of the lnte Bb&oa decmetl it
proper to olofdr hi oxceution, nml kept l1im conlinetl in ono of
tho forf.ll within hi1 own dominioruJ. Str.lllgo to y, the illy
l"ool'lo in that fort did uot discover the Ji>lon of the
dairus, and lc3ga_ed with ltim, 1:10 that o.
fr<h root na <ry nrly foot. :\lt1lhu R:.o, how.
ev<r, hnvio;:: appri.ied of the cir<:umtanO\ll, d .. p:>ttlul him
froru that fort to anuthor slron!!hold: and in the oamc uy li
remol anl tr:1110for ""' <>Oll.t.tutly takiu; plACe frum -..riou
fort& in an<"<rMion; till '""' finally Nnfinro iu n
tb3tlioe to tho '"" on the ilnnJ of \\hich i
a dtroncl<'l\CY of the liokan territory.
T.{llrKI[.I IBIUIHY Knn.
Nmttih .V"wim 'An KAtln lJ<rhdJr.
The followin!t iMother of nu of "alhu Rao' r?i::O:
Bithal, d1.nl11 of :Sawih 'Ali KMn lhh&dur, odoied
hi thu M the llibr:>IWI wero devoid of in
and the oothority .as wottl in lUI inex-
perienced rhild, it would be :vlviablo to rnvngo J>uu&. J&uuji
Dhunola ltfjn of Gop.U R&o " rvnnt of lho Peshwl\,
antl '""'" more chiPfs of U1o Mnlrnltt> nMiou, nppruod nf tho
,,,,.,J,,', aud 1rd their furce.s io a eompn.cL JUM.S towtuds
l'unr.. When tlaey drew near its f'ronti<r, Ra:rhunMh Rfln, who
w:1.1 '[Mini Rfln' chief agnt nnd prime rninitcr, :;ot torrified nt
tho rnerny' number>!, and finJiog bimoll' incomptlont to rop<'
"ith thtm, ... tired with his mMter from !'tin,, Nawab N"azan
'.\li Khin B:t.Mdur then enured the city, And did not pare any
tlful'1 in tomplrting its d"l!trnction.
Athr oome limr, Raghunath Rk> reroered hin,elf, 110J
rntel't'<l intl friendly eommunkation with J'uujl Bhunb llnd the
othr chief of hi own tribe, by Opt'ning n titolary corre>poD
tlnrc "ith tbrm, he nUenotcd tho mind of thce men from the
Nowab. 1 n the nbove-nnmctl from tho
Nnwub on the preteneo of its the rainy aoa.on, nntl retnnted
to theia own territories. In the interiua, lln,::hun(ith lllo nnd
M6tlhu ltlto set out to eognge N"wltb Nil\an 'AH Khlm Dnlul
tlur, wltn, Jecming it expedient to tQ hi"
rclrtat rrom the position hewlii!O<topyin;.:. \\1tcn the bank
of the river a .. t(lverl bee:lm the site of hi tlldlrn('rnf'lll, an onlr
,..,., .. t for the troops to Cro.3 over. llalf tho ,.,,;,.kl of the
annr wa till on thL ,jJe, and h:olf on that : "hen llanlmnath,
tousitlerin:.: it a (at'ourable opportunity, Mmmrnr 1 a fnrion"
onslan;;ht. The ix remainiuz chiefs of th .. &b'o onny were
lAin, a. bout iVOO A cte., :lcquirtJ rtt.n1"'l "no\m by
1-"'llonlly :evrillring their Afur this <onflid,
tho :\11w&b lto<lily eroed tho river, nmltxtricnte<l him<lf frona
hio P"l"iloo4 posil ion. As soon 11! the flnmo of atrifo hAAl
oxlin:!Uishe<l, 1\ p<'!lClC w:u cotnblished through tho intervention of
;\lalMr R&o II olkar, "ho ho<l e<eaped with his life in >"'fety
from tho b:ulle with AW6.1i Shah. :BQth l"'rties eoururring in
the ndvnntngc of au amicable returned to t.boir
respective quarters.
Qllrrtl bi-1.-.m Rttglr-rua/1, R6h mtcl Jltidltu Rtio.
Wltcn Rnglmnath R(t9 be!,'llll to usurp nuthority over
tho rulwiuiatmtioo of ni!Uirs; Gopilui Bdi, Uao'o mothor,
growing eniou of his iuftuen.., inpin<l her !!On with evil
au.picions a;aint him, aocl planned ... ,era! stratagem., whreby
their mutual friendship result in hntred And animnily, till
nt longtlt Uuo bec:une ooninr!'d tftn.l he wonll aomo
d:.y be imprioned. <Jooo,.qnontly, ho mounteo1 his barso one
night, Md Red precipitatdy from Puna with only a few ll<lhr.,nt4.
Stopping at X i.ik, whic:b lieo nt a di..t;onco of eight from
P 6nti, Ito RxNI upon town ns hie j>lnto of rofugo nntl nbode,
nnd employed him!<!lf in collecting trooP"; inomuelo thnl Numdjl
S:mbr, th rtven"" >lll'Ctor uf Jh(&u.r, Ja.w:wt flo> Lud.
Ram llapu and 11\ilkanth .\la!t&JI'O, voluolt ....J to join
him, and enga.,<>cd in :l(ltive bostilitits ogaiu;U[adlu1 Rao.
AOOII Ungltunath R6o orriveol in this <'Onditiou dou to Pun6,
;\lddhu U6o WM nl"' to S31ly forth from it in rotnptmy
nth Trimbak R6o, Bapuji Goral RAo and Bhltnji umdi.
Wbrn t be line of baulo ho-,an to I.e for111od, b R&o
""'umed tho initiative in ntta.kiog his nolvel't':lries, nntl eucer<>dtod
in routing i\16tlhu Rfao's force by a of ov,rwhelllling
aso:wlts; and ovon eaptundtlto RUo himlt; together with
Singh JUo. Aner gaining thig: agreeaLio vidory. a. hr
nzu, to he in ':Uct.y
Antl his
thrown, c<>nld not uontnin ltint!dt' for joy. A1 Mon ru1 bo
rotumol froon tho to his tncompmeot. Ito Malod
M&Jhu Rfto on,. throne. anl rtmain..I hinL-.lf in front
of hint, aft<r the ounner of .Jav.,..,. lly .. niog aud coaxing,
T.<RriUI-I !BR.Uint
h removed f<HJ lr.I"O u( ftOOOJillltO from )ft\Jhu llft,'
mind, and "'l"l'!te<l him to rttum tn Pun&. di-mi!>iu::
lirn lo that city, ho him6lhrcut "itb lru ntiuuo :mJ to

Uaitfar N<iik.
the lap o of aome of )l!Lllui rtign," """"
olU.Iurbnnee ru'O; in the Dllkhin. llai<lftr X:iik Ita rio.; ,.,,onobl ... t
some l>ol!l nnd
with inllnL to sut.duc tho
trrritnry of tho ]lhhrnttas, .. , out in tho direction or Puna.
\lallou IUo tome ouL fro111 J>un6, And JlAahuu&tb
Rao to bi. .._.,.blanco from wlte.-.opon the l:mr juintl
him with "' body of 20,000 or his In short, tlory
mal'<'hcd with their combined foms :>;t<lintiL tho onorny ; Bud
on ""'enol occ.'\.ion cucounten took plnee, in which the lives o(
,not multitud( ,.,.,... de&roy.U. Althou;h Hilor Xiik',
J'T0h'l them><Jvr. 8U(K'riOr in th fidd, J'fl !"'""" WB! Ultirnatoly
ooudu<lcd on tho ntsion nod urronder of oomc row trnN in
tho royal duminious; after which Hnidnr Nf1ik retminod l'rurn
h""tiliti , and nturut<l to hi. owu territor_,.: .llalhu 1!4u
r<til\'<l 1o ""'I Itao to
Rdt/ mornmullf.
\\'lorn :> short had tlat>St<l after thi, tho illea of or<,:au-
iziug the afl'ai"' of l1indutan rutn.l into Ra;:hunith IIAo'
mind. For tho 10\ke of pn..,wrYiu;: uulw3rJ proJoricty,
hn firt ga.-c intirnnliun to Mr..lhu Ruu of hi intention, nml
ak<,} lois nnction. 'l'he !too in quction, who did not fetl him-
ulf eecure from Rio, nnJ conidt r.l auy inerm.o to
his powtr a aoun-e of greater waknt-- to hirnlr, .. I.m.,eol l1im
" rt(ly cOUched in the..e tcrrn;: .. wrro Lethr ror you to
remain whrru you nrc, in the "'!"'""" Rnglum6th
Rlo \\ould not litn to tLes wor.l, but m3rc:hcd out of Xaik
in HIIJ"'ny 11itb Mah6ji Siudhia. '"Iring tlrl'ft' powerful anni""
a.lung "ith him.
A BO<>n a he resched G...alior, he
Rani Cltattar Singb, who poue-<Sed tho country
rouod Ootu.l, and laid i.-,;e to the town itrlr. G ... Jb ;. tlte
name of a city, founded by the aforesaid Raul. H ia fortified
with towers and and il
k01 from Gw&lior. }ltidhu during tho continuanre of the
i;;, kept contnntly ending message to RIUJa Chattnr
hitn to in his oppO!Iition to Ra;:hun6th \lith n
elont heart, 118 tho arn1y of tho Dakhin should be
to his kingdoru tu reinforce tho latter. I u word, fur tho pcriol
of a yCllr tlaoy uel the most arduous endeavours lo CllJlturo
Gohnd, but failed in their object. During this e:lnl
paigu, tho um of thirty-two Ia of rDp<'e, taken from the Jl3Y
of the troore and tho purses of tho we:althy ban(..,,., ""' in-
curred by Rt;;huu&th R6o..,. a dbt to be duly l"fpai<l. Ito tht11
n-turnO<lto tlw Dakhin and on.Nhehnod \lith ham<,
and tnt<r....J the rity of Xisik. wbithtt )Udbu Raio abo rep.ire.l
nbont the Mmo time, to "' nnd inquino aller hu fortu111a. In
the coul'l'o of the ioten'iow. be expreseJ the d<'<'re-t regret fur
tho toila and tliuppointulent that the R6o hod rrulurod, nnol
ultimately roturned in to Ptina, nftcr thus 8prinkling oalt
on the f:l\lliug wound. Shortly rutl!l' thi.<!, 'l'anti6 ''"'!
hie frionds pcrsurLded Rao to ndopl" Br:almaiu's
son. Accordingly tho Raio nltcnded to the ahicu uf his
fooli.<h rountellon, Anl ael .. wd an individunl ror aloptiou. lle
eou..tituwd Aonmt Rao his heir.
Rtio' nl l''Na.
)!Ubu R&o no eooner became co:;niunt of thi' fact, tluu1 lae
felt C<!rWD that .R:l::;bunath R6o was mNitatiog mi>ehitf and
l"''bellion, >nd .-k.iog to uurp a shar' in the oo-creiguty of the
noalm. lle COil'"")Utntly !!<'tout fur :\'&.ik "ith a force of2:l,OOO
bor.eml'D, "hilt, on the other bond, Ra;hunuth lU.o nLoo or;:no-
izcd lais troops, and got ready fur wnrfruoe. JUAt nboul tlmt
ptriOol, howOfer, KAnkuma Tautia and Taluijl llolkar,' who were
ho of 1he m011t powerful and inlluontial n>Cll in RagLuo&lh's
&mly, .1..-lared to him that iL WS6 n_.31)' for 1hem to ...-ped
thdr former obligatioos to !lUdhU Rao, nnd therefore improptr
tu dmw tbe IIWOrd upon him. long they left.
tl11 Rao 11hre ho was, and from Xuik. R.1:;hun&th,
from the rneily of his troops, it lvontageous to
fi;:ht, prrftrred mduring di!grn..,, nnd ftoJ 11 ith 2000 odhcrcnL!
to the fort of Dhudhat.
:llllllu ruo U1en entered N&aik, ttnd commenced ques-
tmtin:;: his proptrty 411<1 bj, nnor which
be pit<hl'<l camp nt tlte foot of tho nboo-nomoJ tort, and
pla,J in most preeariou poitiou. For two
or three the ineeso:mt dL.dta'l,-e of artillrry anl muketry
r:luaed the fltmes of wnr to biWl hi:th, but P""ilic
wtre uh.<quenlly opened, and & linn tre:uy of friend-
hip ent.-..1 into, whereupon tho OAid Rao eanu do"n from
the fort, aud bAd an intf'l"View with )!Mini Jtno. Tho Iuter
tltrtl 1lh<ed he:td upon the other's f<-tl, anl ll.<kf.d !'">NoD for
hi offt necs. N t!"<L day, having mounted on his
own prh11tu rlephant, bo himeclf occupietl tho t wmnlly
n.ij:n"l to tho ntlondnnts, nnd continuc>tl for aovornllny trnvcl-
liug in thi frudtion till' diat:meo to Pun6. As oou us
Nttor<'l Puu6, IUo, tho lwhaviour of nu iu-
forior tn a ouptrior, nil bound in l1is kind And coruoliug
&oWIU'd Raghunath R6o. After tlmt hn atlt-etc..t n
omall qn>ntity of good.. Md a t'quipmont of hors&>
a11<l rlth:mu, out of his own <"IAhlihmeot, anl hning
t>Otitetl thtul all to;t>&her in on of llo m08t lofty and p3eiollS
ap>rtmttts, !!<>lioiteJ IU;bonlth Rao in a ""'peetful monner to
uke U[ lti tlt re. The latter tluo l>t'e:lnlr aware of hi
n rrinnor with the of freedom, nl r.Juebntly
mpli..J with )[6.Jhu Riw'a n-quiitioo.
(Thne Millet.,-" "'''l' doublfW in lbt llS. lalh'f oao uno d.uubt latcDdc.d
c.,, Tuk,JI]
[ .. fortin th Claudot I'Uif.''-Graal Oul!', tol. U. ( lOD.]
T.lltfED-1 lBU!llll ItO&:.'\.
ll<ija l!f li'"agpur.
AI soon as Mfldh4 R&o h!\d delivenod hi. mind from nll
nt['Nhension Rs;;hun&th Raio, be le.l his army in d.-
dindioo of in ordor to anngt" bimoelf on ]iouji
Dhontl:>, the lUja of that who hAd been an ally an.!
of Raghunath R&o, in one of hi Tho
R&ja in question, not finding himself capable of "''listing hint,
ned from his original rl"!idcnco; ao thnt for a of tbren
monthl MQdbU R&o WM ncthely in pU1'81ling llis
and thAt unfortnnate outtA>Jt from his native IAuJ
ns >Mtaatly fleoing befure him. Utimatdy, havin1; P"""'ul<..!
an ofTtring of fifteen of mpe<'S, he drew his fool from
the path of flight, ""d B<t out in wty and aeeurity for hi. own
NMMs &Pia full..
,\ner ehmirin:: the Raja of UUbu Rao eotereJ
Punt. with immtllll<l pomp anJ plrndour, nnJ amu.od himi!Clf
with and festive ent<rtainmcnts. llut ho wn.o 1\tl:lcked with
a fatnl dieaae, and hi, lifo was in dnngrr. On one oceaion
he loiil his head on R&o"s f<et, nntl asked for
gine.s for the of by;:one days. lla;hunnth Rt\o grieved
dt,ply on occonnt of hi youth. He appli<.J himelf ualou.l!
to eure tho ionlid, and wbenenr be found a in
nny quarter or di...,.,tioo, of an'<tue Brahmins and kilful Pandit.
ho 1<111 for them to admiui-ter medicines fur lot At
lcugth, wheo tho unu began to dcJ>air of living, be iruitntod
tho oxamplo of his deocMed father, and plnu<od bis youngr
brother, whose namo wno Xar&io Rao, uudor the darg or
lt&;huuatb R&o, and performed tho duty of reeommtntl
him to his care. yi.llt<l up his ... uJ iu the 1186 .ut.
(l7i:! .r..o.). Tho ullratiuo of his reign \\:Ill twdve year.!.
T.tlll101-t mn&lUll XlLf:\ .
.Yaroiin Jltib, 1011 of .&llti.Jl Ru.
1Uo, after oeo.tod on d1t throne of IOnrti;:nty,
"" iu:; to hi a tender a:;e. eommitted variout ada that produred 11n
ill-to .. ling among his adhereuL<, both groat aod mall, at PUn!;
m<oru e.pecially in Raghunath Rao, on whom he inflicted on
\.e<:omiug indignitie. Although )1tiuhu Rio lwl not oohMed
townrd hill uncle with the respect due to a relatiYe, yet,
bcyoml this rnuob, thnt he would not g11111t him to
mo1o nway from Pun(1, he bad treated him "it h no other inrhility ;
but uHc.J alwaya, till L11o day of his de..tb, tu ohow him lho at-
luliou from llll inferior to" suJl'rior; ancloui'plit.l him with
weslth and property f:u- tho limit.< of bia wanlll. In
ohorr., Ra:;huuatb Rao, baYing to fum pl:11111 f.;r tokiu;
X >riin Rao pri ... oer, first disdooed bi. aa-rd to &lh' Ram
136pU, who,...., :\IUhil RAo's prime au.! ILwiog oeJu.N
tbot artiCM eourtier froml>is :allo:;aoet", made him aD accumpli<e
in hio de<lj;ns. Sewodly, ba,ing inclaet'd Kharalt
Sou:h and Shamsher Singh, tho of tho bocly af 06rdl,
to juiu hia eun<pimcy, be raised tho atnn<l:o.l'\1 of iunrt'OCtion.
,\rcnrolingly, those two faithle,.. wr<ldt"" uno dny, undCl' tho
1''"'"1100 or domnncling P"Y for tho troops, mnuc Btl ou the
dour of Nnrruo lUo's BJinrtment, nml hiuo Lo gMlat
uitr<>8. Thnl helpless being, who !Jud not tllO CO)(
nitauco of tho tlc.,..itfulatrnta:;tms of the COn>J>irnto._, dt .. potehed
a tow imple-minded adherent! to OPl"''" tho inur.;<nta. au.!
tlwn ott:althily n:pain'd to Ragluw&th Rao'a hous,, Kharak
Siu:h auJ Singh, ot' the
J.urri"'l Lim, ud, un.hudting their aword., nt.>htd into
Raghun6th Rio's domicile. Raghun6tlo Rio fell wounded
in the alfrny, and Nariin Roo wae awn. Thi5
took pia ... in the year ll87 I..H., ao thal the period of
Nrliin R6o' mgn was one
UllrlaJ.[ IDILDirll KIIXI1.
RI'J" of JWo.
Klulrak and Shamhor Singh, throu;:h brairu th
fumes of nrro;!1UIC:C hnd aprt'!ld, in consequence of tbair control O\'l'r
tho whole trnin of artillery, ";th wilful Gnd hcaMroog
i1110lence ..,,toJ Ra:;hun,tb R6o on tlu throne of
without tho e<>neurrenee of the other doiefo; and tho uid Rio
rontinuod to livo for two months at Pun& nfter tho mJUJnor of
rightful After Rtl.o lon<l b<-on put to drnth, "
rrrtnin drgr..., of ehJimo JUJd remorse tho Pun& ehief.
and tho of their own ovenhrow tntered their mind..
R&m D&pu eon"}Urntly, in uni .. n with Trimb3k Ru<1,
commonly enlled Dnlhnh,' snd other, d<..,me<l it
advisahlo to p<'I'!!Uado n.,ghunAtb Rao tht ho should go forth
from Poiui, arHI employ himRlfin Th s:.H
!tao affl!rdingly uron their JUJd rn=bod oat
of Pun6., all.,nlied by tho Mnh.mUa ehief. As ooon u h hnol
got to tho divtnncu of two or tbroo stngts from the eity, tho wily
ehiers, by allegin;: somo obwnt!ll ltave rom Rn:;hun,th
1Uo to return, and rq>:lil'N from lh camp to the eity. Thoy
thf'Il aummooe.J to thm in prin.ll! nil th command.,. or the
nrmy, both great aDd smnll; when they came to tho unanirnouo
decmon, that it wtUJ ineompatiblo with justice to ncquiece in
R!o' !K-ing ioreted with aurreme authority, 30d
tlmt it would be better, u Nmiu RAo'a wiro was l'ix months
advanced in rre;;nancy, providing she sa birth 10" mle child,
to invostlhnt inf.'\ot with tho aovereignty, nnd conduct the atraim
or government a,"nllbly to the details of prudence. As 1000 ns
thy hnd wUiod the qo<.tion al\er thiJ l'aahion, a rew
of the chief toolr. up a l"'"ition in the out.Jrlrts of tho city oi
Poiu6., by way of protection, ronne.l a sturdy 1>3rrior agamt
1 he .Magog of turbulence. Rftghuo6th lU.o, hn.-ing become a war
or the dellillfls of the conpirators, remained with a lender party
I [GWII Tlu!l' ..U. Ilia "Triablltk l!ao lot-." The - -u...1 fr.ltD
u,; ... ll4llW> 16 mr ...
txnnm.J IBMllnl
in hia entampmnl. Baviog brooded over his IJ'Oubles, he ow
oo remedy lei\ but that or forsaking tlto country, aod was conao-
forcoo to retire tow...W. the Oaroalic. His object waa
to collect 11 sufficient force round him, witb which he might
n:tum to Ptina aod nenmc However, o"ing to tbo
report that :ottributod Xatiin Rao'e murder to him, every
blade of grnM that sprung from tho ground wna Milly to pluogo
".Jagger into hit biOO<l For this reMon, be found it imposoible
eith r to atay or reside in tho Carnatie, eo he haoteoed any tu
The direet confusion had found ill way into lhc kingdom, in
conequwce of the report of Nanun Rao's death. At that
rritical junctu"' the pretmdr llbao, who was eonlioed in "
auonghold io tho Kokan tarritory, l);og Adj&e<ot to tlto
eAlt the opportunity of rsenpiog by fmnd anti
etmta)lem out of hi prison, nnd lmviug indueC!l prty of lnijtl
to pi- them-.Jvea oodH hill orde..,., tnok of 80nt0 of
tl,. tum and di.triets of country. He wao just on the
point of waging opeu wnr, ltnd oot :dlah6ji Dnh&dur
out io the intrim from I'Ctna to tho Kokan territory for lho
I"TJ'O'"' of eoo"'ing him. On readtiog his dtstioalion, be en
io hlll'tilities ,.itb tho al'oreoaitl BhAo, whereupon tho
lnttor's a&!Otiotea took to flight, nnd departed 1m0h by hia own
to<lu. As J3h6o W"'' thus lei\ 11looe, Ito went ou bo<ml " llhip in
utlfr coo..otemation with a iw to a<re his life from thAt Torte:<
of pcrdition: deatlt him no re.pite, aud he (dl nlie
into tho bond! of Ute horo<1s who ACCOmpnnied Mahlljl Siudbin
1'ho Iotter brought him :1long with hltn to PunU, nn<l
rtlnOTtJ lito lw.t of DOe<rtaiDI}' from tbo mirror of OYf!r'f minl
Ultimately be tnooed th ill-f:uOO "retch to bo ltoond to a
rAinel'a foot, and parnded round tho 11 !tole town ; nrl.or wlaie!l1 Ito
{'Ut him to deallt.
Ttlllli:HI IB!Llonl KIU.'I".
S<llttfi Jl6tfJ.w JMo, 110n of lllio, 111rnanud tile Pn.lotea
Tllll Pesh11ti Sahib, the rightful of Nan\in R&o, "' the
limo of bi3 father's murder, wu dwelling iu his mother' womb.
"'hen he hod completed the time of her pregnancy, a duld,
in yesr 1188 A.ll. (1774 .LD.), bed a grate 0\"QT tho boroom of
its nu,e, llnol bestowed comfort on the illutrioca ehio&.
Ue \\a!! "itb the oppelltion of Sawai lladlui Rao
.tl.tiM'"' o/" /1.- Eu:JIW. Pfu1a.
Rnghun8th R&o, baring ranched Sural, tnm.J wwanla
the I<...Jers of tbe Englilb ami)", who dwelt on tho borders of
the aro, aod offel'1!d to tnko upon him-elf the rupoolribility of
tl way ovor variou route into tho Oakhin, and
to eubjul,outc that kingdom ao t"'n1ing with dillicaltit.,. "- tho
t'Cimmnude"' of tho Englih army woro po..,-ed of l>doquto
mc:lns for mnking on iovn.ion, and W..J their h.-..ds inOamtd .-ith
the intoxication or and inlrepidity, they took Raghunath
R,Ao along with them, !l.lld moviug '""Y fron1 Sarat with tbl'ir
valiant lrooJ"' exp"rienced in wllr, ond their lion-ll!'nried tbrus
ru tigcl'8, thoy aet ou' to conquer and annex the Dakhln
IU'ing travmt<l tho inter<ening ota,oe a rt-10lnte
they nrrived nt Nurghtlt, which id llituated ntl\ distance of twcuty
l:o. from Pun.. The )lnhrotta chieftains aLso ...Uied forth from
Pun( with n oody of retoincro, :md thdr nhancc
with the uuno!!t I"'I"'C'"f"'n"" at whereupon a lre-
mondous and a frightful !lnughtcr ensue<!, until the
I'Onlbot>uls ou both ide- neither the power uor the incli-
nation lrf' to ru;srul c:u:h other any more. .\ t length, by the
intnvoulion of the obscurity of night, the tumult uf wnr ub-
oided, oml tho worJ,J-oon,umiog 6re of guM oml mntchlock,
whose flrun .. :u-oe to tJoc bighi """'"ell, hid iL faeo in the
ashes of oi)lht; so that doe soldiery on tither aid<: were oblig.J
unnw.r XII IN.
to retire to th.eir l"fl'pt-etie quart-,.,.. lluriOJ: thAI oi::ht, tha
prudent bollizerenb rt!AIIa up llnir mimi to n pen; nrul in thn
rnnming, the dllefs of the rim! fon..., obtained au inttrview ami
t'fljoyed a confe.nntf'. The lt.-adcr.-
nq;oeiating a
truoe nml e<>nsolidnting 1!10 bol>ois of fricndhip, oMhered "I'
Raghunath R&o, who lond bc<>n the instigator of eonflict arHI
the originator of thi hMtile movement, to the .\lahmlla cloi.U,
00 or him a jtiglr, ;md him
\lith k:indnr tllld <oniderntion. They then tnrnr<l nwoy from
thAt quarttr with all thtir troor and followers, nnd rr['lired to
tlotir u.nal )!Me of
drielil bnd tho fix!'d in
thrir minl of takin;: enge:ureo oo the 111-fnto..J R'o;
)bloiji Sindhia B.-badur, rrumpt"'l by ht manly tuul
::<nerotlll diverted them from tlll'ir h.Mlon!: and crurl
purpo.c.<, o thnL the mMter wns nwrcifully ami kindly,
nnd the R'o in que-tioo, h:lriug been f'lvrnt..! "ith a j6.Jir,
rtffived ('"mti,.ion tn remain large. Tho wmdr,
however, drpartC<I from tho vnlo of to tho
d-rt of non-entity, "ithoul reochin;; hi for tin
tartEr of the wicked never enol ... u.
Jf11h4ji Sim/Mrr BnhMnr.
Wbeo lh& fourth yenr from tho birth of M&dlni Rao.
<ttm3med tho Pe.hw! S'hib, h"'l elap-rJ, :md l!eCurity anol rero
on tho minds of hh:h nnd low throughout tlro terri-
tories of tho D!lkbiu, l\hh6ji Sindhi" BltidllJ', "ho WJL;o di-
rin:rai>hed amon;: all the Ptio& for hi auol
dnring, tngneity and inlrlligcnco', hnving ntifiC<I his mind ns tu
the @ellhnrnl or that sot out to conquer Oohod. Tie
in talcin!! pruoner fl4u6 Chattar Singh, who wao in th
citadel, nn-. A si,.:o witb bnl\l lightin::, anoJ took
poese,.ion of the surrounding olitricls, nlong with tho of
Gilior, ,.,)lith illl a mountain "'tron::hold.
About the Sllnto time, o mutual fetling of envy nod hAtred

bad Lo...-me 6nnly implaot.....! in !.he min.U of )lim
Shall Khin and ;\loh:umn"'l Beg Kbfon Hamsdini,-who haJ
o the rbio f ofli..-n of State to the lato A ruiru-1 umarl. ll ina
Khan Jl..Juldur, and hi! dtsth bal partnt,..,
in the t:ovrrnmtnl of tho province of to thdr
each craving nf\rr !Lll of power and di::nity, which ir
1\ hinlrnnc" to tlw cxitcnce of friend.< hip and good f,, lint; Among
pqu3l nml eontonlpornries. At lnsl, Mnhnnunarl Kh&n
Hnmtu](,n{ ecizr<llho opportunity, during au intorviow, ot' Jllllling
Shnti' Khlm to nnd on thia oeo:ount, Af,(.iyub
Kbfut, "ho waa tho .illlr-i dtW>, ami of Antiru-1
Xojf Kh&tL Dnb6Jor' prolt!Jb, .,.,..,min:.: nlarmetl,
demanded euecour of )fah&ji Sindbia Bob&.tor. The latter hl
finnly in hi mind on repainDJ: to tho ;ublimo tb,..,.hol,J,
hut hsd not ytt lnllill-.1 tbo duty of payin.! his ""'JI, whtn,
uuder tho iuftaenee or SiudhiA lhhadur' destiny, .Hri.iyab
liban wa. kill..! by th b:Lod of an """""'in.
Sindhi:> DhUur army having oei'Wadowod the mrtrnroli
by its arrival, lw brought ;\luhl\mmd Btg Kh&n
anrr 1\ ir;::e, COinJ<Ictely under Ilia subjection, llll<l in th year
1 190 A.H. lrn\'l'nod tho street of the ml!!ropolio. Whrn ho
obtninu<l tho soocl firtnne of @illnting tbe Uu.,llhold nf
Mujesty, tho 1hndow of God, the Emperor Sluih
!Jo Wll.< lo:><Jod \\ilh princely rnvOUr.!, and <li>lioguihod by royal
umrk of 10 thnt he hcc:>mo the of tho oupportel'l'l
of ::overnment, and Hi Mnj.,ty's most at.aunch and influntial
A M idbit tho Pe>ibw& Slhib, a1 tho rr-Dl AU'!'i<ious
)otriod. punn, iu eontradi.tiorlion to lli undt, the rath
of ohodiruce t u the mooareh of Isl6m, !Llld ) (ahajl
D..Jul.dur i one nf thO!o who am contantly attorht<l to tho ev.r-
triumrhllnt traio, he oro it hapJI"'IS l.bL the plnt of this nntion'
l'roprnly hl\1 truck root 6nnly into the earth of goOd furtune,
and their nlfnire flourish agrooobly to their wishllll.

Tnt' i a very ucful little m<1nual of genom! hi.tory, comriiNI
in 1208 A.n. (li!l3-4 A.n.), by lUrza Ab(l Muhammad 'fabrlzi
J,fith6ni, ruul bdng eatriod down to modern Ml
of Europe and AmeriCG.
'flw author ill wrually known in India M t\b6 T&lib London!,
from hi 1o and odvcntum. in EogL>n<l ami Europo, an
amuin:; a.,.ounl of Wllil written by him on hie t'<tnrn in
Jb03, i welllrnom to the .Europe:w world by the lranslo-
of :\hjor Stf"'l''lft.
In tho l'ref:>ce to this work he leU. us that he had colletted
sevtml worka of bitory and trncl, anti bAd often l"'ruood tl1em,
lout found nmon
"t them none that eonl.llinNI a hitory of the
"holo world; loe then:foro thought that he woulol hitn"lf upply
tloia dc&cicncy, bot hod no leis11ro to elfll<'t his object till tho yttnr
aoovo memionrd, when he his Abtrll<!t. llo deeln,...,
hia inuntion, if he lives long enough, of eulnrging hilf "ork, and
lv>p< llont 1ome ouo else, if ho fail lo do it, will undertake this
Utwful J;oour, " beuue he has onenlionNI all lhe oeturrenrH of
the worJ.I, old and new, and given 11 eunu..,ltd aerount uf tho
Khali.., Sult&ns, and celebrated men, (rom tho bfo;:io-
ning to tho pr<etnt
llo quotas tho nriolb autborili"" ho nod, aud bftid .. others
of ronnnun note, be mentions a hi.tory of the .. ot' India
e<>mriled by him.elf, aml a cnlpcndiol18 Ae<Ount of tho kin'l'lon"
of anol .\meriea, l.r.lllslotoo by eome En;:lih IJ"Dtlcmnn
from his own tongue,. :. which in troth eoutnina vtry u1any ne\\
This is no doubt tho work of' JonntltMI Scott. lle
1101.)'1 tbl hit owu history is an :1bstrnct of eomu of
L17BBU.S Sf\",IR.
l>oob, aDd tbrrefore loe lo:&S entitlt<l it S:yar "" JnAii
"HIIIti, "Tho of Biognphin, and tho World-Beftoct.iug
The author was 1100 of H6ji )lubammad KMn, 11 Turk of
..tArbiijln, 1\ho '"" born and brtJ io hfilh&n, aul '!fa3 tloo lint
of the mmily who c:nmo to HindU.t.&n, where he w:u iorollod
DlllODlj!fL tho of N"w&b Jnng, tho wa:lr. Tho
fnther i3 callt<l by another wune in thr Prefaee of this work, nnd
in the .JrrjldAo-t Tattl.riA-A he i.; otylt<l Mabamm:kl. Beg Kb6n.
l\1irzA Abu TAlib WM bom at Lucknow, and waa employt<l in
posts of high emolument u.ndrr Nnw6bs Shuj{;'ud dnuln aud
dnut.. In tloo time of tloo latter ho hls and
came to '"'"" hi! auluitenee from th Englib. By tlttm he
\\'DB boepitably entcrt:oint<l, and indurd to vLsit Europe in 1700.
Bodied nnd wBs bllriod nt Lockuow in tho yonr 1220 .<.H. (1805
A.D.), as wofOAro from two ehrono::ram5 eompcN by .:lfr. B<lllo
at the reqoeot of :m..u Y U!llf Bakir, doceue.l's son, which
nro givon at p. 664 of tho J/ifld/rll-1 Toorlirlkh.
Besides tho Lubbu...r Si!Jar, be wrote seveml other treatisllll,
a Biography of tho Po.t.t<, ancient and mod nl, and "himM"lf
indulged in nnilie11ion, c,peeinlly on the subj. t of the fmaJ,,.
of Englruul, who to with the Angels of Pcuwli!l<),
&Dd bo was nlwaya oxp31intiog on tho bearl-rav;.bing ato..Uus ol'
tlto of that >Wllry, who ll.....! lo Olio; al tho public
&&*-Dlbliea." t
Prefaco, p. 1-Book I. On tho Prophets, p. 2-ll. On tho
evenla of tlto Khallfilto, in oenn rbaptu.-Cbap. i. The lint (our
KballC., p. 9--ii. Tho Jrnf.lll$, p. 11-iii. Tloo Umm11yidee, p.
12-iv, 'l'ho '.Abb&ltidlltl t\1\d their bmnoloes, p. 16-v. The
hmn'iliruls and their br:wclots, I' 17-L Tho S:liyid8, p. 19-
vii. The Shari&, p. 20-lii. Biogrepbies, in von ebapteno-
Chap. i. Tho Pbilo_ophrra of Europe, I odia &Dd Pel"<U.,
nud tho nlodcrnd, p. 20-ii. Tho eomp:\nions of tho Prophet, p.
I .z.u.t .... , ON.rrJ.,j, lith 'fOIWDe, . 'filib.
30-iii. Tho diriples, p. 31-it. The ,.,li;iona p. 32
'lli t..,eJ men of !.lam, r 34-Yi. Tu
Foot,, p. 37-,ii. Other celebrated mtn of X.l(un, p. 38-IV.
On tlw Soh,ns. in a p.,faee IUlol eight CIL['tero-Pr<filro on tloo
climot.,, :md real, onol the olol anl Dt\Y \\orJ,J,p. 39-
ChAp. i. Tloe Sultalls of !'lin, ineludiu:: tho Oh>znhid..,
Soljtik., Ohorions, etr_, p. 4/l- ii. Tho !'ult(uiN of Amhio, p. 68
-iii. SultAns of Rum, p. i3-hr. Tho Rulr,. of Egypl
nnd Syria, I' 76-v. The Xings of the We,;t, p. 82-vi. The
Sult6n1 of TurkiU'ln, p. 87- 'rii. Tho Kingo of F.uropr, I' 101
-iii. Th Rulera of HindU.ttin, indo lbo Ilindu R&jn,
the Kings of Oehli, of the Dakuin, K ... hm(r, anl other illllepeo-
dtnl kiu::-lorn, p. 100.
This work ie rommon in India. The best ropy I ha ott-o ;,.
in tloe i'f .,.,,ion of R.urn-d din &1r- .'iulrir of
131 !'4:;e.. -h ""mtriaing 23 liuOJI, dowly
_\ USA'F-1 .X SA F.
ketch of tho royal filmily Ouolh, wl"illen A.D.
17911. I l i " u.seful work, contnining alo ru1 nccounl of con-
tl'tnpnmry princ<.$.
Stzg-LArgo 8vo., 114. p:.ges.
Tms i a bi"nry of lndit., by Jugal Kilth><ar, fron the
1imt of Humn\'UD lO Shih _,nrun. It is of no \1llue, at J .,.t in
1he ('3>tagl'<l wioib 1 hl\\'8 examined. (Sir II .. M. Elliot' librnry
do,,. not a copy of this \\ork.]
THill ia 4 hietory of the Ro!tilla AJ;;haus, anu " lifo or 11 (lfiz
Rahutat Khan, wrilln by his son Naw6b ;'lluetajlib KMn
DahMur. Tho work boon abridge.! and trauslMe<l by l\1 r.
Ohnrlca Elliott. I have ocen severn! hi!torie!l or tho RohitiM,
but know uouo uporior to this nxcept the Gul-i &1!.mat uoticeJ
in the uexl tu1.iele.
Tho ln>tlllator obenveo in his [ntrodudion, "In the ori::inal
many trivial -UJTt nets are ootioed "hich 1 bavo alto;;tther
omitt..I : anl dte rtpeateJ en>miums lavi.hed by tl"' N "" &b
upon tbe ;;cnerooity and intrepidity of his laruented pa%\:nt, though
honourable to bit fOC'Iinga as a "<>n, wollld be d..,tued utra.-a:::-nt
by tho majority of, and inuee.! .... ould il<arctly &Until of
A rtSilnoe of nwty years in Ruhilkhaud, wbrro tho
memory of HD.fiz R:lhmAI Khlt.n i held in tho ltighctvrucration,
lllliY hnvc le.l me to 11.ttach a greater dogroo or import:mro
to tho work than it morito; but M ll{Lfiz A<tod a
part on tho thoMro Indir> for thirty yQlll"o, Wld wws ptraunnlly
Ollg'3;!od in enry great rtA:t!on rougltt durin,t: thAt tilllo, his lif0
way l"uroih .ome malelinb to nid in the compilation of" hiotory
of tltal period; n<l with this vie,, I lave tAken coullcmblo
p:Uo.s to correct eomo chruoological erron in tho
"It ia to aJ.l tb:u i\lr. Hlunilton' Uiotory or tho
Bobilla. will in aome P.,ru be found at \'JU'iaoeo ilb this
JWTillivo: thAt appears to lave derived hia iufur
mation from the frirnJ of the Nawib or Oudh, who .,.oulJ not
bo dipuoN to tp<'llk U.voorably of H&lh !Ubmat Kith, and a.
that work publi11lted obout the time of Mr. lle.<ling1' trial,
it mi:,tht been intonded to fn.n1o :\0 eunse for his J><mtiLting umy to join on the attnck in 1774 A.U."

Tn G .; Roll"'"/ - ,.ritten by Narib So'aht Yir Khan,
:;rond'!<lo of rum and nephew of l!.wsjib KhAn. h
!, mon> eopious than tbe Gulwlwi Rohmal, it prof011es
to follow tbat work a. it It is dividod into funr parta:
1. On the Grocalo::y of R3hmat.-JI. On 'Ali Mnlutmmnd
Kbun, llnd tho arrivnl of H&lh Rn.lunQl in 11&66
lbbmat Kh6ns ntlminitration of Kntobr, nod of the O\'OoWI
which O<Wrrod there till tho time of his death.-IV.
trntion of Katehr under Shuj,'u-d doula. DesceoJants of
ltAbmat. This work was lidao;:rnphod Ill in 111.18, in 221
amall llYo. p;;e. of 17 lines -h.
[Tho following Ext111tta :uul lranlated by
the Ecliwr. They will how how fnr work from tbo
Gulill6i Ralmal, os tmnlnted by Elliott]
[When Zabitll KMn intelligcnee of the (of
the Gong._.) by tbe :\hbralta., anal of tho deatM ot' Sa'Mtlt
Khan, Saclik Khan, nl Kamrn Kb6n, the wb n be laad
ttationrd ID go:mi the fo ... l, be W1U OtWpO'OI'fl'ed with ..,tonih
uaeut, &nd flod in l!fO!lt bewihlenurnt from Sak:.nil. He cross<..!
the Oanr;rs with " mall eM<>rt, and to the oanp of
J.'aizu-lbh Khio, carrying with him the intclligenco of tho
l1nhratlll atltlck llf>OD NnjibftbM. Faizo-Uah Kh6n nit!: " I
<'Ann he('() for the purpoM of glviug you. ; but M you
1'ill not listen to my worda, I ball now go bnrk to my own
On bearing thi d<elanation, Ubilll Khin ""'' o1ill
more downeaal, ud retumed to his own fon:oo. \\'ben he
Gt'L-I .
.-hod tllfl the good fortan of the Emperor
him into a ,..,. of ht'l!itAtioo, and notwlth.tandiug tho oumbor or
hi3 anJ hia powerful armament, he mode no to
crow tl1e river, Lot rttumtd to Faim-llt.h Kh&n.
\Vben h arriod, be founl Faizu-llab Klau cated on an ole-
pbanl, nbout to lrnrt. He mounted tho s:uno elrphant, and
proce<l...t "ith J'nitu-llab to Ram pur. Ou tho ncwa of hiA
Bight to reaching Sakart&l, his soldiers wrrv dipirite<l.
They l'lundored t-nrh "''" then acllttennl iu nil tlirootious.
On roceiving intelligllneo of lhe.o 1110\'ernenta, tho MnhrnttM
quickly ftdvno<'(!<l to Snkart!LI, and fell to plundering. 'rho
gnrri<on or the forL of Najibablid, who bOO hehl OIIL in tho
hope of relief, wtro dimayed when they or tho Bight nf
ZRLita Kh!n, and rnrrendeml tho fort to the royal forr On
toltin.; !"'"eo; ion of tho fort, the people and f3ruily of Ubit'
Khan, hio "''" Ghnlim Kadir, wvre in confin-
meot. ,\11 the miJt<rirl, the treasure and the artillery collerted
by Xajibu-d dania, fell into their hand..
Ou tho new of tho ad "'Ince or the ::IJ:.hralw lo\\-arda R&mpur
l"ll3Chiug tho obitf of IUtebr, all the iud1abil3nl8 of and
Ri""'" ootmbltd. Foru-ing to bo ettocl<OO by tho ;\lahmtl.'l,
thoy flo.! in tlilmay to Rareilly. Somo of them to Pllibhlt,
iutundlng to procOO<I to the hills. HaG l{h(m
wM ro
turning from FarrnkhAbuJ. to 'fi111ar when ho henrd of thu dcfcnt
of Z&bitn Khan. flo hateued to B.reilly, where he ehoorr...J onol
cnooura;;ed tho olief and offieers who wero lbero umbleJ., and
tried tu dwu:ldo them from remom; to the bill<. uiu that
the l\lahratU. hod no intention of attacking anol that it
theJ ,..,.1Jy did "'!vance, negodation! bo O("'D"I with them
and "ith tho If tl'f11lli were a;.....,d upon, all ... ut.l bo
well; if not, duy would fight. anditoN ftJ>lieJ. UCil tlarro
WM no furt"'-"11 of .treogth in Bareilly or Pnibhil: it \\AS th! refore
de.irablo to crrry olf l11eir families :wd property to tho hilh; for
after tloeoe """ in eeurily, they tbcmocl .... "uuld w
' [Uo iii'O...tlrtitlod" ID.llnl ia thll work.)
,..h ritloer lvr or fUr war. Hafi Rabruat
. .
eonoenud to thrir wil!bt. .Mtor ShAikh Kahir ha.l ttMreJ
Da,..,illy, IUiiz IW!mal took his departurt. and ltavinl( 'lnlyat
KhAn in l'ilibhit, he proeeeded to in tho ;kin of
tho hill. From thenco he with his followtro and doitfund
110t.lifro to five kJ dist:tnt in the bilh, nnd ourrounded
"itlo clroue junglo, which S<)CUIU it from the atll ... k of horsemen.
Thrro bo r.:mnined. There nlso arried Zubita Klo(m, in company
with Fttizu-Uoh KMn, who m:odo their wny through tho jungle.
Z6.bit11. Kh(no rrmftined at GILI:;'pur four cloya. lie then found
that i'hojl'u..J dnult> ,.,., eneltDlpcd at ndvanced
to bordro of hilltorritories 011 he:uiug of tho llbhmttn ouaek
Ul"'" K>tthr.
Klo'n went olf in gn':l1 ditn>" from to"""
Sloujl'u.J daub, and to solidi hia a&i.tance in llw
r.l....., of hi f=ily. talking over tho ooatttr, Shujfu.J
daula l""'tl"'ned any artion nntil nfler the arrial of Hafiz
ltalorll'l. ZAbila Khin WMe rt!""'tedly to fl.06< ltahruai. bt:;
gin:: him to como Tho chirf1 of Kattlor ulfcrtd murh
frocn tlor indemeney of the dimnte of Gnoglrur, and yicldin:; tu
their oolieitotions, 11 ofiz Rnhmnt pro-ded quirkly to
the hoginning of tho yent' 1186 A.n. (17i2 <.n,}, with three
or four thonnnd men, hon;e and foot. "'loon nppronl'iod,
Shujl.'u.d dnula nn<l tho Oenern.l S&hib wcut forth tu meet biu1
nml pay him due ...,.peel.
Alicr thy hnd down togetloer, thry trukcd nhont the
rtl<n>e of Z&Lita Khan' tmd of tho .. ulenoeut of hio
a1Tain1 .. ith the illahmt!A$. Aflrr morh dtbatc, Shuj''u.J
I aula llnl tle General SAhib >KDI tbtir trlll-114 "ith ll(}lnl' oflittn
of IJ/oliz Rt>hmat to the illaloratta Mnlur4. A d.,l us
oaitlllt tho intnviuw; but at lm;:th thellolomttu orut a
I tloc tlf't that th<y h:od e%ptodt..J fifty /nra of rut-, aud
thoy woulJ out J:ive up the lilmily of Z&bitn Kltan untiltli tum
vf money "" paid, nor would they loosn thtir hold ut.on his
trritory or the country of KAlchr. Tho ora1lf hnd several
meeting.., AUI the at lenf,'th agreed to take forty fnc.;
bot thty ,.. tturitr for p;>ymwt a deed onder the seal
of Sbuja'ud The Xaw6b said tbt he had entl't'<l upon
the m3ttcr out of regard to ll6fi'7. R:uulllll, and thnt if
II Ali-t would give bond for tho pllyment of dJo monoy, bo would
'"'"d his o"'" bond to the Mr.!ur. All the uf
Katehr "" pment at the Co110cil be.;ought R6.6t lhltmat
tlut be would without hcitalion givo his bond to Shuj&'u-<1 dnuL1,
to se.:uro pL'llOO for Zabitn J<hon, nnd thnt they wouiU all
M'!ist in tho payment of tho money. So nafix R:.bntat, w befriend
Zt.bita Kht.n, and to gratify the ebif$ uf lUt.ehr, gave hio bond
lor of rupees to :->huja'od dula. 'l11o latter then
exe<:utod hit bond, anli lM!nt it to tho i\fahmttas. In thie ho
undertook to (lAY them forty lnr.t of rup..e, when they luul retired
over the Jumua and enttrod Sbab-J.Uo&uib4d; and "'hen they
had ba.:k the fa1Jlily of Zibita Kh6n, and had '1\ithdmwn
thir b:mJ from the country of Kotehr.
On reeclpt vi' this document, tho llllthrnttM sent tho fontily of
Ztibita Khan to Sbuja'u-d doula o.nd Hafiz tlooy then
cro-;od the :md prvce..lod tonnJ., Shah-Jahiu&Md.
When Hafiz hc>N. th>t KIWI' family hod
rtncbod lla"'illy, he took lo:avo of Shuj&'u-d daula and Ucntral
Parkor, nnd went w Pllibhlt. Allor 1101110 d.\ys, llufi RnluooL
eai!OO urou tho ehilis ot' KnUthr for the muncy he had be.:ume
r..pou.ibl for at their aolieitation, anJ fur wbieh he had ;:iven llli
boud to Sbuj&'nd daula. Thoy II to lament thdr de$1i-
tuto condition, nnd modo all I!Orl>! uf oxeU&eS llllll ovlll<iolll!.
U nablo to do whnt he wil<hed, n 6Ji1. Ralunnt olid wbot h could,
and nt the aum of five /.rr out of IUs O\\D tre:.sury to Shuj&'u.J
'floe lt'<tlll of l\1ab6jl Sindhio and Toku llolkar, chief of
tho MolornLlM, wo.itL'<l tlp<lll 11 &6z Hnlnuot, nnu informed him
tlult their were :>bout to attock tht territories of Shujo\'u-d
<bola, and that if be ouiJ join tberu, be ,hon!J .._ie half of
wht.e<er terriwry should be conqnen...J. It' ho dedinL.J to join
thMn, tlory wouJ.I 1m l"flnm to hint
l'huja'u-.1 thnla'o bcD<l for the forty iJlCI or rupcet, no J"Lrt
of "hieh had paii, and give ur &II claim on tbatnoconnt.
rroid"l be wouM allow thebl a ,.ould make
no oppooition to their the Gl!.D.!\JS. In l'l'jly to th-
1'"''1'' ol, lhhm:1l roque.LM limo for eonoilcratioo.
Krpint; the M&bmtta wilh him, h "'Ill to inform
Slmj(.'u<l of wbu the ;\bhmttao pmp<>'<l, dtlll
to forc:;o all eloim upon himelf for tho forty 111_.
of rupCII nn eondition ot' hi! rem.,iaiut: noutrnl. ll "It
you llitlttntl me b:u:k my sealed bonol, nnd will hn<t<n l<l oproor
the Mohrnlt. I will th Molomlto .,,,Uf., on.! will
gu.,nl th f.>rJ of the Gonge!. we will h 'It the
raliM .. auJ drive from tlu country." Uron of
thio lttor, Shuj&'a.J d:mh imm...W.t.ty wrol<l a Ajly {t.rprtt.tin'
M grQ/ifl, di . .,), :.ddio; that be nt Saiyil Sh6h bn a
loi ror!'eS(ntatit, and that be would not dcvi.lto 3 b:1ir' t. ...... itb
rrom any the S:.iyid llouM Aftr
arrivnl, th Siyil promi'ed Ralnnot that thr IJODI ahoulol
h<' Murnr<l to him nftrr tho ropnlse of tho when ho
nll<l !'huja'u.iJ duln wouhl <lOOn mrcL Tho N:1w&b
116fl llnhmnt to bnnih nil "J'i<ion, for llwr11 WM no r:11.,0 of
tlifl!oi'u"ion tu_
twcen thorn.
lliiflt. RahmnL ... nt tho rrnkilll with 3 l'ro(lf'r nnowcr to
Shnj\'u<l cl:ucln. On tho "!!liio d:ly hr 11'111 Ahm>l Kh(ou, ton
nf the .. lrc, in oil hnste t"rom tn 1<rurc the forcl of
,\ day. llftemnnl, henring of the A[>prMch of
tho )laloron m:u.:bed from & ... illy by \ray of .(nwaln to
Di!auli. From tloot rlate be "'"t bo,k the tttrkl of tho :\I:1h
ratto, rojoctin:: their 1'"'1"'"""' lie tro't'<l"l .. ith hi
mall f.n:e to R6on:;b6t. \\h\'11 the )lahratb rcal.llf l'1!turnf'd,
thry iur..rmt<l their dlief of tho lillie to nifiz
RalunM, nud of tho l'm:tllnc.>3 or hi forte. Jlalfa ll.'llnntlt
nchnnti to the dirumce of tlcrt'e ko1 from Adttur, where
Ahound l\lo&n wna enrnmpe<l, nod iu eonl!e<1ueneo of tho eolerity
G!"L-f RAlUI.IT.
of his bis wbolo for<e had come up: be h:o<l with him
only four or fivo tho11'1Snd men. lror.;e and foot. Tho )(shnm.u
boo! .-iv.J infoniiAtion their of tiro limitcJ
nurubtr of !til rmn, lllrl to att:.ek him. Thy ero!SN
the rivrr clurin!( tho ni;ht, and prc!SIId onwnrd; but durin:: tho
drknr thry )Chl tl1eir way. and crune upon Ahma.l Klo.;n'll
whid1 3tt.eked. The pit:kets "hid Ahrnal 1\luin
bod thrown ouL wero tllld upon their nlporls the llltn
wore p<>tt'<l in tho buildings and gnrdcns of ruaclpur. Tho light
hotly nil dny from rnom till c"" and .. tltr
inmtct\!lo of tho Mohrntbs, tboy wcro unable to provnil
over thn mall hotly nf Afghan. Mer numy rnn had
"'hUn ou both KhCln, con:'idering t.he immcnit fJtce
array.J hirn, 1<1u a Lo Taku llolkor anl Sin.lhiA,
proJ*'in::: an intrrviow. They ,.., . .., only too gl .. i to aa lr.
Ahm.,l Kh&n wont with a few followers to them. The
)(ahrnu" .,,,,;,.. him with lbt'Ul, and tlteir r:rmp
Tbe reothcJ II&.62luhmat, while
ntnr .\oadJHir, thM 60,000 bad or<>OO the rlv.r, nnd
!Hid nttnck<l ,\hml\<l Khan. lie intnntly dre\Y OUt his r .. r<t!l,
nncl wa. to mnreh tor the relief of Ahmad KMn; jnl
thou the news <Mno thnt tho Kl1fin hnu gone to """ tn
ohit. T!ti67. Thllunafa chief;, and officers now ul"!ll upon him
tltnl it wai iuxl""liont with IUMII foreo to wa::;c wnr n,'l\int
tho h>-tA. l\luhibhu-lhh Kltl.u joiO<d him "ith two
Mtluu mn, anJ liai!taklu Kh'n al<u arriJ with lour
or fiye th,U!IauJ nlf)fe; ;ome othe.n. e:unft in, r.o that I.e now
tnllltrrcJ tro or tl\el<e t!J<)U3:&nl men. In lbe momiu: lli6t
I;"VO oroiN lor of 11;. Ioree> t> nttaek
the \hhr.IIW, onJ nil \\en! in, furthor nr,J,rt.
whn """-<n::lll anicJ from daula, anuounriu: thnt
hi army w:u ch><e at hond. As soon ... he hea"l thi, II tifiz
:RAiunat .. J to atlMk tho Mnbrntta. At the 3mc tim
the tLd <turctod for<t"S uf Shuja 'u-d daula, Goncrnl ChAmkln
(Champion) and Mabbub 'Ali Khan ellllneh, up 3t the
critkal moment, and opened fire "ith their guns upon the ) I ah-
The forces of the wero in dhi&ioll5. 'Mnhfljl
Sindhia opposed Sbujft'u-d daub, and Tak6. Holkar ottuke.l
Hftli2 R.'\lunat. Doth bodies of Mahrnttas fought 'vell and
bravdy; tho heavy fire of t.he Engli$b artillery and the
f!JI.,hing swords of the Afgb(ms made them re.:ede, t\nd they took
to Hight. hbb6jl Sindhia prulScd ovor tho Gauge! by a bridge
of bo:>ts, and on tho sido. T:lku l:lollmr wns too
btu'd pn1ssed by the Afg'hlma to ),., able to ; so he Bed
ou the same aide of the towards Samblml. Genom! Oh,mkin
(Cimmpion) nnd Mahbub 'All KMn orosacd the river in their
boats and attacked Sindhi>, when he pre<:ipitotcly abandoned his
ba,;:;n.,..., and <runp. and t.ook to ftighl, never stopping till he lllld
eo,ercd five kos. Tho Gcneml seized upon hu romp, took
evtr:thing he found, and pilched his o\vn camp upon the sp<>t.
U&Jiz 'Rabmat pursued Holkar for some dilltance; bat Ore
llahrnttna were mounted on swift horses, nnd traversed 3 long
ditnuoo in the night. Rlunat sterped ncar the bnLLle-
fidrl to ret bill men ; Roll:ar W<llt nearly to Sambhnl, nnd
he rut forward Iris ndvanoed forces to plunder thnt plnce, and
i\lun1dlibAd and lUmpur. Bl16z RalmlM followed with nil his
fore<, nnd when l:lolknr hoard of hi ner npproneh, be gn,o np
his dsign opon Rnmpur, nnd fied in gte.'t disorder from Snmbluu
l0\\tlrd8 tho ford of Phapbu. no the o.od
!J.,vin; it with great by swimming, Ito united his
fo""' with of Sindhio. Wlten Rnhnmt heard of his
cro.<>;ed nnd elfectcd "junction with Siudhia, he proeeeded
toMrds Pbaplni, lllld encamped upon tho bank of tho river. After-
wnrd!t he marched to join Shujn'u-d dooln, who was ene;unpcd
twelvo ko off in fnco of Sint!hil\, to consult with him noout tho
of Ah111nd KhAn. Allor mncb p>rley Sindhin ngreed l<l
release bis prioner for n ransom of two of I'UJ>C; aud on
p:\yment of the money, Ahmd Kluln obtoined liberty.
Gt!L-1 RAU\1.\T.
Sindhia then mllrchod off l<>w:.nls ))dill ; 1U6z Rahmt and
Shuj&'u-d daul11, by way of precaution, remaini!<l some day at
tho !!:IntO plACe, nnd tlao two had inltricWB.
Hi6zRahmatsent )lalhammadKb&nand Kh'u
I<> require from Sbuj&'u-d clllub the return of the bond for forty
faa, in with the verbol promise modo by ShMo
!lfacllln, his arakil. Shuj&'u-d daul& denied thnt be hAd tr
made any promise to retllnl it, ami that SMh Mad:ut could
nHer l13ve madesudo an Ba6zRahmat'efrinds ur;!'J thM
Shuja"u-d dnula h:t<l written a Jolter to fnithfully
adhere to the verbal urr11ngemeute made by Sh6h MAdan. They
then that Sh'h :lladnn ahould be brou::ht forwanl, tlau
lae mi;:ht be qui'Stioned upon the p<>int. Sbuji'o-d daulll uol
for hirn, Md llfter trying to bill!! him, Mired whnt it was thnt he
had Mid to J:l(\6>; Raluunt about the bond. Shah Jl!..<illn wos
uoe of the honourable Siyid ofSh,hibad, and dkming a lie to
1 ... d=!."'tory to bi honour, be t<p<lre the "hole trutlt, Md
notloing but the truth, Myin;:, "In nceordnnee with the direction\
of Hi 1 mMO " for tho rt.tor:otioo of the
Slmj& 'u-d daula got into a rage, and .:li,J it ""'"' all a lie
nnd a COD"J'ir:t")', for ho had never uttcrt'd " word of neh a
promi$o. Sh&b llllldnn throe or four times nnirmrd tho truth of
his atnttrnenl, nnd thu held hi tence. I{Ju\n :Muh:unnlllll,
eeing no hope of obtAining the boud, uttered aome abrp word.,
Al which Shujll'u-d daub :Uso wued wumr, ond went into his
private npannoonta in 1\ mge. did not deem
it adviSAblo to pr<38 further for tho restonltion of tho bund at
tiiM time, and, couocaliog his anoc>JMCO, he laid no more about
it. Sbuj&'u-d dania WM very mudo vuod with IIifiz Rahmnt.
ITo n>mninod &OVcrol dnys nt tho enmo plnee, and himself
in winning over 8(16z Rllhmat's ollictrs and eoldier!l.
AI the end of y.:u 1187 ... u. (1773 A.D.), Shuj&'u-d
drmb b11.11it..! himself in winning over to hi ide, by nrious
induoemonts, the people of .IUtehr, both small and grut.
llaning gained sev...,J drie! and officers of that country, he felt
5.\'.ll>.\T H& KR.tN.
full conlldooee, ana =hrd to oii','Cl lint doe couqneH of Eti'ltL
Tho deiAI!Iunoot.., whido hlkl been left thcro wlun their
nrmi returned to the Dillin, wero too sm..U in numbt-n to ufli r
any roitau<, anti retroatcd boforo him. He soon uu11lc himolf
of n.od prcparol to aottle its ndmiuislratioo. But
Jl(Lfi'l Ruhm3t -..-rote to him, ago.iMt. thi.._, ud A) in;;-
tlost tho country of ElAwa hlkl b. u confum:d upon him, after
tho b:mlo uf by Aboolkl Shih Dnrrin.i,.., tho :-/al\alo
full ... n. Th:u. :lftor tho uo.l of the war, ho had obtain.,.!
]>OW' ion oi a !'Ortioo of tho country, and
eir.:unounces luod mado it noceo>..ny for him to nllow tho lanJ to
,,._.. into tho b:mds of tho 111nh:->ltM, he was nbouL to tnko
uoctturea for it. Shuja'u-d dnula wroto in
01101\H thaL ho h.old DOt taken tho coumry f'rom ltuhmat,
from tho l\hhrnu3!1, <10 tlo"ro was no caU.'le of complnint.
H'fu llabruaL '"i""'t...Jiy ur;;eJ the reatoration of J::uiwa;
but d:wl.o, luniug ""'"r"l the oupport of Lhe rhif of
'"'" d<"iroos Ctf brin;;ing the qo ... tion to the l<lol oi war.
Su be wrote to Ham Rnluuat, drmancling peedy I.aym<nt of
lloo tllitlyfio lnt"4 of TU(" , wloi.Jo were due out of tho forty
lor wlliJ:b ho (Siouj(l'ud daub) hnd gicn hi bond to
thu :\Iohmttos. After thia hnl been aettled, tho question uf
l::tllwt might bo gono into. AO.r thia, Sbuja'u-d daula calltd
bk force!!, and to m""'h into Katclor.
JI(Ifrl R:ililiUit., ..:oing that l:;huj&'u-d d:.uh w;uo inttol UJIUU
"'" in reply," Tbe mouty "hido the .llahrottu
from you baa aln:-ady rttoai.!; to dtm:o.nd more frum 1uo
thou tho la.-o cith<r roc.>in!d or wed, and to 111oLo
it cxolll!l! for ttife and ,,lll"fioro, unwonhy of your
, .... ttiuo. J(, in epite of tV4!l")"thiug, you aro recolved upon ,,nr,
1 am ro:uly for yon." On rol.'l'iJll of thiJ leLtor, the drow
tugothor his llm:c, and l'ropnrtd to j>al<s the Ganges by way of'
Hili Raltmnt alao ordered bill euup to be piteh<'<i
uut>i<le of tho town on Lhe "(nwlllll eide.
{.i..,fral Clwnpioo, who '"" "ith Shnja'a-a .W.Ia, wroto to
Gt"L-1 RAUlii.IT.
ll&liz R11hmot, Llont, if ho would pny tho money,
or would prumioe to P"Y it in two or tloree he (the
Genrral) would, by own inftutJJ_., dfect a !""'"" and eau.-<1
l'buja'u-d daula to return to hia own country. J>ahlr Singh,
tlltrt!JI of Kalclll', [rogM Hdji; Rnlmwl to a .. tnl to Grun-af1
11tldtr ]. death bad deprived him of 1111 his friunU. and
""PJ>Orlcl'S, such ... . , and MJH!dally or 'In&yat KMn, hi3 son;
ho ItA.! therefore withdrawn his bart from the world, and was
,J .. iruWI of martyrdom. flo aid thAt he bad OOII;VI tltt mouy,
ur ho would ""ud it; :md that to ""k ollwll!! for it. to ,.;w it by
forco, or to bo any obligation to Shuja'u-d dauln for it, be
-onide"'d "" that ho would loavo the mutter to tho
art.iu:uncnt or Go.!, and would welcumo rrutrtyrdom. lle sent
an an.,..-cr to lito G.ntral to tlte efft. Tbtn be i. ... otd
a general order in thOIC word., "Ltt tltose who think fit :>e-
coutpony me, and ld those who oro unwilling dport. BMh man
uoay <lo '" lw lilu11. 1 ha<e utruty eoomics nnd fuw ti-icuU., but
tlti. I ltcd noc."
On tLe lith USS A.IJ. (24th l\Jarrh, liH A.D.),
U'fi1 Il:tbmu marched of Dartilly witlt a mo.lemte r ... .,...,
nul \Wilt toward l'lto aln.rm of "nr luwing spre:t.d,
uum!.ot-s of Algh(m !rom .Mou nud Fnrrukhllb6d, ruJd tho
iuhabiumts of Klltdtr, both aubj .. ..,. and t:rnngc..., oU..ying tbu
iuotiurt of clan.hip, ll'lthered. rowtd H&liz 1Wtmat. ZnmiJI
<10.,-, of the Rti.iJ.!.I tribe, who bad lited in Ullder hi,; rule,
<:IIIIo iu troup to "'l'JlOri him without summons, eo that his anny
invtt:ll\od in nurollHrv ovcry dlly. H(lfi2 lla.lunat Ulol'<lhedfrom
'f.Wcln, aru .. ino; tlto R6m-;;uug& nt tbo ford of Kiy&ra, be
tllttred Faridpllr, "'vcu k011 to tho east of :Bru-oilly. Shuja'u-J
!aula advantcd by auffi!&ite marrhe:o to Shab-Jal,inptir.
Frvm 1hrnee be utut on to Tilbar, \\here bo rtsted and
for l16li1 R:uwtn.t then mnrebed from l'11riJpur, Mid
rto$ing tho rivur cnoout{H.'<l iu tbo gro''"' around Karrn.
'l'hcru was then a Ji.IAnee of uot uturc tb4n or eight kOf
bttwtl'll tlte two arwies.
8A'AOA.T T&..R 1\JIXN.
Two or three day aftrr, Shuja'u..J .bola.. a<liu,:: on lite
of crtneral Champion, "bo \\'a3 the moot aceomplil.hd General of
tho time, mode" mn!'l'h towards Pilihhlt, and balled at the
of 1\hiMll, whore thoro wM a wide open plain. RCJ>Orlll of M
iolenu4'11 altaek on Pillbhil apread through both annir. Hatix
.IW>maL thereupon lei\ Karra, for tho parpo"' of
Pilibbil, anti in face of tho in the open plain.
Gcooml Champion eheored tho drooping of Shuj&'u-d
daulo, nnd taking tho command of the advanced forec, ho !elected
the po.ition for the gwa, and made the Deee53aJ'Y
for the bottle.
On lbo lhb SafAr Shuj6'u-d daulB advnneed with :lrmy
numbering 110,000 ho .. o nntl fool. IIlfiz Ralun111 went to
the loot of Fai'tn-Ibh Kh(;n, and Paid, ":l!y cod is ur:n at hand.
So lonz a I remsin alive, do not turn away from the 6elt!: bnl
when 1 t:,n, do not preJ;s Lh bottle, but lean the Jiclol
directly, 1\nd Boo with my obildrcn nncl dc)l(lodeuta to tho
This is tho conroe for you to take, lUlu if )'Oil ""I upon my
aolri..-, it will be the beuer for Anr ginn;; Llu:"" dit<etion!l,
be monoi.J his """' t.ul marclted a:r->inl lbo enmy mtb ten
thousand horoe nnd foot. He had pi'O<'coded only 3 hort distnncr,
when Lito Atlvnnced forru of the enemy eAme in sight, And ftrc '"""
frono e:>nnous and musket.!. Ahmad Kltan, @OD of lho
B<JJ.h.J.I, who had mslo a 8eC:ret a,..._menl with Shuja'u..J daub,
now feU t.ack, and sd tho of Bight, whido many otben
followed. Rahmnt had only nbout fifty 8Upporters lei\
when ho drew nenr to tho TelingM and Englih. He WAll
reeogniZfd by his umbrella, of which apiee bad ginn 11 desoripUon,
and a eanoon waa lutli.J him. He adl'lllle<"<l in tiont or
all bill comp.1nion, u-in; his utmost efforts. Tbo cannoo-b3lla
r.Il nil around, rutd Ill length one atmck hin1 on
He WILtl lil\ed of!' his hor, and oJter tnking 3 sip or two of water,
ho drank the cup of martyrdom.
SA il ( UU-L AK ilD8:R
Tnl6 is a gt>nrml hitory of lulin, compiled in 1200 A.ll. (1 i9l-G
A.n.), by Sarup Obo.nd Khntri. Although written by n
work OJI' n 11o11 if compo<O<l by A ;\luiulm&n, with
rral."' w God, tho Prophet )luhamm:\d, and all In f.1mily anJ
oompsnions. 11Je author give the following explauatiou of his
""'''"ns for undertaking dto taak; from whirh it \\ill be &een ho
hiotory wns oul1<>ericnt lo tho controYc,..ieij whieh rngod
o.mong our oniclnlt nl thai limo.
" h is owin;r to the curio.ity nnl of the En;lisb
tbnt the tree of knowledge ;,. plant..,J anow in this rouutry; and
it i also w the inquiitie Iirit of tho.t J>eople, and rarticularly
to tho zeal nnd of Sir John Shooc, GoHmorGoneml
of lmli11, I, nn old servnnt of tho Stole, nm ft>vouretl willt
tho honour of compiling a \\ork ou the History of th Hindu,
together with ao explanation of tho names of days, month,
yt':lrs and e.,..; the ""il!:DS of the Kings of Ddtli, "ith an u-
fllnno.tion of the words mmlndur, tn'allt&dlir,
hmrdl<iar, nnd tho mode of administration, both and
n10<len, with the of tho .u!Jut(6,.. of Deng:tl anu
tho ruennP ClUd pulitieal :Ufain of the
His of theoe rennue t<rm is anJ impartial, a.&
will be llOOD from the girn below. Tbe author entcl'!<
upon tho qucetion of the fmnda tro.etited upon our Government
nftcr tbo first acquisition of Deugo.!, o.nd if his nuthority could
have had nny weight amongl lodi3o of li time. wo
ahould ltne '*n rpared t.he introduction of tbo Permanent
1!.\Rl'P CR.\.'iD.
& lll<ment into Bengal. moot pr..:ititate and suicidal "'"""""'
rcoord..J in :utn>ls of
Till author quotes severn! nuthoritics for lois hi..dorioru uarru-
nnd nmongst them sumo which nro not procurnblo in thte
"" the bi.tory or MnhmOd Sobnktigin, by 'Uil!Jur!; tho
hitorio of SuMo B:thlolnnd Shah, both by Hw;aio Kluin
Af;;lulu; Tarii:A-i Ftro:. SAliM, by 'Izzu-d diu RluiliJ-
lb6ui; TurilA- J'rij, by Kbwija :Xiumu-d din Ahmal; TurlkA-i
AldJ<Ir by l.lirx! 'Ata Kuini; Tttll.fat-i .Aklxrr Sl.dJ.i,
by Slooikb 'Abbas biu Shoikh 'Ali !'hi'""'W: tle history of Sadr-i
JaMn <Oujnrilti; t.he hi.tory or ll&ji llu!uuniOAd Kaudnhlu-i,
oud the hilury of 1\!unowwar Kh6n. J think it not imtraboblo
thnt Uw nuthor uever onw one of theso works hero quote.!, nod
thnt bo mentions most of thtm at 1ecoud band, on Uoo nuthor!ty
nf tho k?rufti<flill..f 1'(1orar/k/o, which, M Usnru in Sorb C"""ll, is
itself not mcntioned. Tho SaAt!tu-1 Allo/Jd.r c:ru-rie. th hi>tory
lowu to tho author's O\\O periO<I, but 1 hue kept no rtWrd of
its tlivioioo, >nleoting myllt'lr "itlt taking a few extrac:tl 'lllilo
tbo manu&Crit't was in nly
Tho only wpy 1 bMo ec.-<o of thia work was in tho
of Conolly, " clerk in tho Offico of tho Jlo:ml of ltenuo
.\',;rn; Rlld sineo l1is deal I, uutwithlrutdln;.; nll my I
hAn not Li'ill! aulo to procuro it gain.
Pti'IOU' appointed by " ruja "' (trltiltLir, or revenue colloctoN
of ''"'or tbr"" JIIZF!I"- wero .,..11.-1 cllaruiloarb. Tbe
rt- uf 6yoptiru, or ",,.. callod ma/WjnRA, or w'li<Jr<U ;
D.n1l atnung lbe or who W<'I'U \\l"
thnn tho &cnernlity of their were entitlod d.A, anJ
thoo wt.o were we:tltbiesL callod ldh. The of all
liiiWH,. of lmdcs oud profeio111 wol'll cllfludlmr/4.
tho limo of tho etahliluuenl of tho Empcrora' power iu
Indio, tt.oso persons "ho rovcnuo to U1e Gonnmttlll ,,.....,
c:Uicd ::<wdnd<iro. Act:ordiug to oome writel'8, tbuse who "tro
held rC'tponaible to GonJ1WitUl for lho reeouo or eeveral \ilia:; ....
, -------------------------------
or s wtre caU,.J ::imnlll<idra, which won! Afttrwanh ..,..
>I'Tllpte..l iuto uml.clar. Ilowenr, iu the time of the
A kb:or, all uld tHUI! '"'"" put doll"ll iu the Guftnlrnot
re<onlt u :ttml,;c/tin or la'all,kclan.
Till offieo of at the cfupoonl of l11r ;;onmo,.,.,
1\Jld any penoon on "hom it WM conferred by tbcnl """
n tlut11tlh11rl. Nu t*"""o had s bt:reditary offirc.
'l'bu tenn (tr'llllllktltir i peculiar to Beugnl, nnd U! not known
cbuwhuro. In tho time of the Emperors, '"'Y [oCZtiOU "ho hM
botn from of old A propriutor of I:C\'cml ptJrqamn "M dt
a ::nmlmftir, And tho proprietors of ooo or two villagc8 wtru
written do"n iu tho rl'<.'Unlo"" tn'llwkd<in. \Vbcn a parrJaiUI flnot
btgao to loo brou;;ht under eultintion :uJd iubabit..J, tltllO(O, who
by O"D lllboor tot do\\n tho fo""'l in a tta<t of buol, aud
populate..l it, were by the title of la'allulltir jrngal
bllri; aud furulorly,. :unon;-< tlul higher or rtzi!Jfl/4, those .. bo
paid to tho Govemmt ot a reenue of i>OO rnpee!'. or IMyond it up
to 1000 or th- ho, like rovcuuu
of one or t\\ o

or Lwo or four hmAll drcuiL.c, '' ,.n, ('OU-
IIido.....t by thu Gucrnmcul M holding tbo ollico of ronnuu
collrctor, nnd were tenncd fu'IJJIIIkdArt. During tho rci;,<'ltl of tho
formrr Empurora11olhiug likol\ dumble se\tlomen\ of laud rovenno
'"'" noouo for a period of 370 years, booatlSO in th011e dnyo their
rulu \\Wl no\ firmly in \he country.
] n tho tiuu or Akbar, ill tho distrieto, bJ"!!o and ntoll, were
e35ily aut! uto&ureJ. The land WM mthodically liviu<..J,
and tho 1'\>\'fnu ol' eadl}>Orlion twd. Each di<i.ioo, \\bllttr br;e
or olll411, """ eallud a ta'uft,J.a, and iu propriNor a ta'llui</Jr.
If in uno J'D'lJI11in the JWnes of sev,ralf>"n.ou.t "ere 1 ut<red in
the Gov.rnmeu\ roconl u ill' alldw1, they ""' called tohl"'l
la'nflllkdtirl, or "HW;"rJ ta'allukdan. from tbo time of Forrukh
Siyar, atlili.., wen. ml.:tmaua;:ed in all tho IJI'O<ioe<, and no
C>Uiltrol wna nutiutainl'<l over tho Govemmenl official, or tho
:amimfur. All dns.cs of Go=ment officers nero nudirtt"l to
extortion nud corrUJlliou, and tho former gytm of rc;:u
hlrity and order WllS subverted.
'.\LT KH.!N.
Tm ie one of the mosL Oonernl IlisLorics of Tndin
which I know. It commences with tho l\Iuhlllllmt\dau Emperore
of India, but does not trrot of Lhem nt any length till it reMhe
the n'ign of Akbar. Tho llitory of the later Empire i
pnrtirululy (u(l, and would be worth tmnloting hnd it not
by the Siipnr-1 The author wltll
)!uhamm.J 'AU KlWl Anwri, oon or J(han, ouo or
Sh1mn-tl daulll Latfu-Uilh Kb6n, who enjoyed high bf!ircs
Fam1kh Si)llt and 1'he author wa. him!!t'lr
rltlroghn or tho Rwjtldrl 'Ad<llol o Tirlnit and Hajipur. llo
nrpmn! to h:.vo bold mueh eommunientiou with tho Europ<"nn
officers or 1\ia tirno. Tho work wM compoeed about 1800 A.n.,
and tho history is brought down to the death of .t(.nfu-d dnul"
in 1 W7. [This work is tho principal authority reliod upon by
in his menL work, TJ. Fall of 1M tt,pirt,
and ho otat.eo that onm or tho book is derived from the title
"MuufT:.r by "Xa\rib Muhmmnd Ria Kl6n,
10 famou1 in the Jrutory of "Some of" t.lto author'
"dtsooncbnts nre stillliing at
(Tho following Extrtl<lta been tmn!latcd by tho Etlitor
rroiU B poor copy, ml>do for Sir n. 111.
f:lliot. Size 9 in. by 6, containing 1006 pges of 16 lines codo.
The original copy front whieh it was tl>keo is doseribed aa Fulio,
i"'o"" of 2i lints tacit.)
T ltltrK.H-1 llli"ZUT .I.Rr. 317
qf JlviJam,.ad Sluilt.
[(17.t Qt(<IHn/14/lin .-j/A lltnl !}imt in p. 164, Vol. VII.
oul:; fQl/olri"!J iitm, a,,d that tltf ">>nl J>t!r!JM
for 11whtlllhro11!}Mut :) SuM of Tl1nlll>, 4 arkdra, 67
pllrgunr.,, 71,970,900 rldm1.
JJ[,.rdfr of :Na...Sh JJului.tlur lh Eunuc" Jdtct/1.
The grtat lvanccmcot of tho eunuch JawcJ, aud tho power
l1o htld in the of tbo State, grut
oll'cneo to Wnuru-1 Mamalik Abu-! :U:mslir Kh&n S:>fJAr
and loci him to farm a plot tho Naw8b. lie lil'lll called
to hi.s ille Ruraj :llol Jilt with his :mny, and then tnt l't'-:L<uring
anJ -thing m-!:f" to the Babaclnr. Ua,;n:: thno
thrown him oil' hio gual'll, &l<l3r Jsng invited him lo a ban'luet.
Safdar Jan:; pL.c..t a number of his tnuty men on the \O&tth in
tho palaeo of O&rll Sbnkoh, :>od having ['O"tod two huudn:J mtn
inoi<lo nud outti<lo tho psbcc, be ..,t down io grel\l >tnt lo ""ait
tho arrival of hi guf>t. When tho Nawi1b 11rrivetl, Sof<lar
Jang tldvnneoJ to roo.ivo him with cel't'mony nnJ {A[p>rt!nt)
cordiality. Ancr tho mual wns ovor, ho pvc his hnntl to his gmL,
contlnctod him into n prh'llto room lo talk Stnto .. m.ira.
h11<l not aairl nouoh before Saf.lar Jnng n&oume<l 1\ tono of
Mperity; but bdoro ho hMtoJ, he movecl tb go into his
priv111r rnrtments. Thereupon, 'Ali lkog Klul.n 11nd 1101110 other
Mughal offieen eamo out, dtspolchecl tbe Nnw&b "ith their
dagger. and a wont.., and hllving cat oil' bi.s boat!, thl't'w it outid, I
The !'law,h'o on W.olding thi, took tho alort11 an!
lled, and tho idleno nnJ va;;abond.s of the city (dl ur.ou his
equipage and pluuderecl it.
A all. of GJ.d::.iu-<1 din .J. "!f J6h .Ni=lim.,./ Jl11lk.
In thr muntb of Amiru-1 umnri (;bulu-ol din Kh&n
lei\ hi eun, Sl.onh&bu-J din l\luluuumad Kh&n, u his dqouty in
[S.. pro, p. 133.]
th<> offiee of Mlr Bakhshl, and proe.OOt>d tow:trds the D.lkhin,
taking with him MaiMr lt:io, on tho promise <>f p:>_ving him
money upon his arrivnl nL home. Ho nmehod Aurnogt\b6d at the
eml of Zl-1 ka'tla. Wben intelligence of his nrrivnt reached
Haidar6blul, Salabnt Jong, third oou of {tho Into) Ksai Jlill,
marcbt>d out with n great force to oppose elder brother.
)1Rih6r Bolo, being infornled of these designs, and seeing !hot war
between tlte two brotbem wns imminent, took tho nppqrlunity of
asking for K h6odeah :md Kh6npur, which were old dependencies
of Aumng&bt\d. Tie for""""' that tho struggle with S>lnb.'t Jnng
would be overe, :md he deemed it prudent to ftli'Ain from taking
nny pnrt in it, beeauso tho ollloib of tho Dnkhio were in favour
of lbo suceosoion of Snlabat Jnng. No fighting had tnkon plneo
between the rival, when Amino-! omnrC. (Ob.Uiud diu) died.
llis ndherents, nmong whom was 1\luhrunmncl Tbr6hlm Khhn,
nnele of tho nuthor of l11is work, rarriod his coffin to Dohll.
They nl$0 enrried with hi!! moMy nod oxoceding
a kror of rupei'S iu nmcmut, nnd dolivert>d them over to his son
Sl1ahltbu-d diu Muhammad KhUu. This yooog man, whenever
his late fnther W3S absent, bad doomed it bc,ot for hi! interests lo
be eonstanL in his nttcntioos lo Safdnr J 4DJ!:, nod by tbis conduct
ho hAd gained the favour of that miniter, who sh()wed him groat
kindnwo. When tho intelligence <>f his f:1thcr's dl.':lth orrhed,
ho oommunirnlod the fact lJ> Safdnr ooforo it wna gcmenilly
known, nod from thAt day tho minister ontled him his ndoptM
son. By the mini3ler's in6nencc, he wM appointed llnr JJnkluhl,
aud received the tillo of Amlr11-l umard Ghd.:lu-d din Klu1.11
'Imtldu-1 Jlulk.
Aller the murder of Nllwl'.b Bahadur. tl1e Emperor {Ahmad
Sb{L)1) &!It :1veraion for Safdnr Jllng, and extended his
fnvour to Iuli:lliiom-J dania, who. in eoo!equcnco of tho
tiom established hy Srud:.r Jnng imide ncl onl$ido of tbo p.'llaee,
bad ceased for 110100 time lo go to tho dmW.r. Ouo day the
Emperor thnt Snfdor J aug held tho grMt oiBee5 of
[Son ollholale K=ru-<1 dlo.]
di>rJ,.; k11ll and ora=ir. anl that the of of
(lhttolkluinn, nnd of with othor l""'s
bo let\ for olhrs. From that dny jl'l'e3t apprt'hen.ion filled
l.he minl of S..fdor 1:mg, anl h ut bim,.If eithtr to win uvcr
lntizamu-d or to remnvo him on! ot' tho wny.t
Y t>'kub Kb.U., 100 of that finitlar KMn who IM:\."3in3t"l tho
Airrl11mani RUJain 'All Khan, went to the tlarlJtir hy,
nJ Al'lr making hi .. and sitting n short time, h rose
quickly nnd asked lenve to go home. olnuln \\11.1 !tlr-
prisal. and said, "I am going to-tlay to pay a viit to the orw:lr,
bot whot rt"SSOn ill dt:lt for your atOking to go awny?" Ho re
plied, "There nro eomo Utounnds o mn annecl with r>nu
dnm:t-rs waiting- tht're fbr your honour; anJ. as ..oon as enr you
oit down, yon ...;u be Rl"'eJ in the nme way a& the Na,.ib
Bolullur wos. Beware, and do not go thoro until affairs of St.>!<>
are Th eautiou wu not t..,l upon Jntiz(lmnd lt>ula,
and br .. nl an ueu. to dte ""';ir. CommnniClti<>n abouL tlti
wenL on for Lvo or tltl'1!e an.! 'lm8du-l Mulk""" :tlso
sent to 1'\'t\&'IU"' ontl rn>ociliato lntil(unu-d dnula.
(In the conno of the." n!ocitiont) Safdar Jan;: aenL a
to tbe royal fonteol "ith a lrttr, anJ the counnM-
tlanl, who wa. A of SnfJM .Tang's, contrnry to
admittP<l him without tho royal pcrmi,..;on. On thh
repol'kol to the ErnJk'ror, he w;u hi::hly inet'nwl, anol order...! lito
nnd tho eunueh to be turned ont. All the
dcrendenls of Snf,lnr we .. turnrd out of the
lllrlre<, not ono was left. Thl"'' things troubled
Safdar .Jang, and f.or two or three there w..s a Ullk of !tio
nttarkiug the hou<e of lnlir.limu-d l.nJ'RO numbel'll of
men "'"'"mblrd beforo hi from momin:; until
and a :rea foree u aud othtrll eoUeetc-1 at tbr lulue
of dnult>; while mnny lea gathered togethrr at
the nbode.
' Ja;:t 1.0 t.e MA wt bit .... thil: nd bt fQ{Io'W"'o-l.hl'rt an 0D11 a
(ew .... nJ. 11 Uloe )I:). t&Ji.og "'arJDtd IWD W't'te ptttal1. iD raJua-."]
SafJAr JIWg, seeing that his fortnno had ebnuged, sent !<) Mk
for pertnkisioo to 1'1ltire to his province of Oudh. The Emperor
instantly sent him a letter w1der hia own signature, gmnting him
pcrmi:!Sion to retire somo <lay for the benollt of his he:Uth, IWd
to return .vhen better. lle bad not expected lhiilletter, and was
weatlynnnoyed; but naxt dny he took his dep:.rture, and marched
by bank of tho river. For two or three days rut<!r
tho city Ito waited in OXJ>'!'llatioo of a royal 6ummons,
and somotimtl$ moed in ono direction, sometimll8 in OJiother.
lnsidc the eity, dn1tln and Gh12in-d olin Khlln busied
in strengthening the fortillcalione, and in tluowiug up
intrcnehi!Ulnle onteide. They manned them with their own moo
IWd with the" royal nnu exerted themselves to levy old
soldiel'B and ffi!ruits. Solf'dllr J nng aaw that they were resolved
to overthrow him, :.nd so be fell compelled to prepare for bntllc.
ln order to reinl'orce army, he called to hi! :>.'<SIAnce SUrtlj
Mal Jato, and nls.> ludar Gosaio, Fonjddr of lladali, with "
stong force of fullowera.
By ndvicu of S(rnj lltal .Tat and S:Uauat KMo Zu-1 6kar
J'ang, tho lt'(lclr Snfdnr Jang brougl" out " young prince nod
rnieed him to the royal throne. As soon o.s news of this
the city, tho Emperor oppointcd luti7lunu-d daub to be oro:lr,
and made llisam Kh(u) Snms6mu-d doulo commander ol' the
nrlillcry. From tl1nt dny open hostilities eommooeed, and Safdnr
Jnng invested Sh6h-Jobfln&bAd. lle took th& old eity nnd tlte
l1ouses out..ide tho from thu luuul.s of the .Tats, and
plundered them. ''l'hen the contest had gono on for six
months, aud numbers of men lu1d bean killed. on both
llbhlu1tjn Sin;th Kaelthwith:. len his eountrx,
opproaclled the C.'llpit:U in lho hope of making peace. It was
suttled that Sofdnr Jang should rulnin the provjuecs of Oudh
nod Alluh&bM w; befo.-, and wa.s made wb01u he reooivcd.
tho robe of investiture.
After tho l'<)tircmeut of Jnng to his provinel!l!, the now
[Uu who lllhuad "' lho Emp<n>r.]
T.Unrn-t llt"Z.lFP .UU.
rea:Jr, nml Gluiziu-d din ('Tmlidu-1 Mulk) tho Jtmlrll-1 llm111a,
endeavoured to esubU.b me onltr in II Dut tny
nnd y aro .. },e,h,' n them, .. Jt ""e a.-tNt aeconJin;
to hi own itwd nnd ;ut<n:dtS. Mnlb&r Jtlto nud Jaynl'n illoh-
ntta MW arrived at the he3<i or ti(),OOO ho,.e, IUI<I
din) 'lmadu-1 "ulk, who,..,.. exl""'ting tlunt, ....,.,) .. ,.) to >lt.lll'k
nnl Jlllnih Sltrnj ,J6t for tho ho hnd tnkn "ith
s.,r.IAr JIUig in plundering the tnirou of
lutiutmn-d tbula, the OCCr, doi..,l to pt from Sumj :\lnl
nn ofTriu:; of 61\y lnu of A. tho [>rico ol' nml
lo B('JIy the '""""Y to dui P".'' of th tn p 'lm&du-1 )lulk,
pron<l of hi 'ietQry o<cr S.>t'dar J:mg, ,,,,.) m-:;e<J on by the
)bhmt tM, mnt'l!hed ont, nnd Sumj Mru in tho fort of
Kurublllr, ho took po, .... ;,n of hi ltrritury. In th <<>lUI<" of
thl'ft' 111ooth KhU.di Ro\o, n ,,f :\tAihar R&o, wu killtJ. anl
it bc-cnmo clc3r thnt tho tort cu11hl not bo redur"l without
br01y 'lmUdu-1 "ulk thn -.:nt )hhrnud l\b6.n, "I"'
b3<l l>een hi a/Jill: lrotu childbovd, to kin;:- up tlao al
lnt i> doula hal l'OOCI'iO<J the d .. of brin::in:: t l.o
lWI&taJ:&, tb IUthor, and tho Kadab .. &laa Raj:u,
\\LV;,t ttrritorus nnd pt:ooJIIl lmll :mfi't,rt-,,1 gnatly f'rom tho tn\ngt
Q( tlu )Jabrnu.u, to form a )..,.guo a:::aio.t thr:so nul'lludrn>. I lo
:oho bo1<-lto \\in Jang. \\l&o laaJ maJc
ilio.tiun, nod "itb their uniteJ fore<'" to drln tlw moL
of llin(ltt'lttm. hr rtuue t' an :i=:rt.' wir h
:\l:lla4r&j:> )Ja.Jhu Sin::h. Ram l'm=h, WJM Jan::. anal Suraj
)[nl .TAt, thnt 1\1 ROOD M tbo enrnp liM JlllchcJ nt Kol,
S3fdar hould firt jtoin him, IUid thcu tho N)'al ann_v
h ulol to .!:;ra. Bein;; joiu.d at thot ""piud by tho
Raj .. nn<ltbo Jots, tltry "''""to <o&nnume tluir work of .. uliug
the eouutry, arul of driviu:: tlu M>hr:atlA. tbu
Em)'trur (AllmaJ) md tJ.,. c ""' out f<r Kol auJ Sikaudrn.
On reaching tho of Sikumlrn, numbers of tho
royal """'11Dl8 !LOU of lhc ..dhetclll of the 11111lra in Dtte!lllonco
joined the l'&lllp. Other men came iu from :tU dinlclioos, 41ld
suit<Lble artillery wns obt.ained.
When tho Emperor marched from D.mli, 'A'Icibat :ahhmutl
Khan followt'd. He went to l nUZIImu-d dnula, and eouplained
of the he fult from want of appreciation by 'lmMo-1
1\Iulk. Intizlunu-d daula ahowed him great took him
to lhe Eml"'ror, and introduced him to the royalscrvieo. ll;wing
got lc:wo to go oul on pretcnao of brinJting aid, he went of!' to
tho to\111 of Khornja. now reached lbe roynl enrnp
thnl ) fnlh6.r Rilo had gone to Dehlf witll 50,000 ltorsc. to bring
one of tho royru prinll6 ont of Snllm;:rarh. l'he receipt of tbis
news greatly alarmed tho Emperor. hlalhUr Rao approached
the ropl camp, and at\cr consulting with )!tthmu.l
Khan, ol"'oed firo upon il with rockets :md mu.kets. Tho
Emperor, without even eonaultiug witlt his friend!!, rcsolvc.J to
go off to Dohlf with Sfthiba Ztunaot, his mother, 1111<1
tho aitruld with his patty. In the morning Intiz6mu..d d11ub
foullll thnt had not more tbnn tltroo or four lmndred nton Ml,
nna oil' to Dehli with tho Mabmtli\S in pursuit.
All tho artillery and erunp equipage fell into Utcir bands, nnd tho
utothor wM tnkon, nne! her eqaipgo l'luudored.
dny 'Inu>Jn-1 came up to tl1o M;,ertrd in which
there wns neither spirit nor power loti. ITo eousollld them, nod
by killlln .. s won them to lois own side. no wnitod on tho
Emp"""" mother, to JI''Y hi!t resp!>ets, nntl mnko his excues,
Md $Ito proeeeded on her """Y to Debit 'lm&dn-1 Mnlk rutd
l\lnlh&r 1Hlll w lkod n fow pM< on foot in nltcmlnncc upon her.
They fullowd to When Jaynpa ) lahmttn 511W
these two abirf luul gone oft', nnd lbnt ho alono coul<l not effect
tbo t'l!uuotiou of Knmlther, he rnised the siege, :mel "cnt in the
direction of Ntlrnn:nl. Surnj l\fal wns thus relieved.
Tho Emreror entered the fort, and on tho evening of tho samo
llo wa;o jinotl by Iutiz{unu-d dunlo, who d vised that B
force be plncetl t.mdcr hirn to throw UJl inlrrnebrnants
round the fortress. 'fbo Emperor replied : din

LIBTlrn-I lfl'UFF.UT.
J\ Mn 'lm&do-1 iA an old aJbnfttl or oor bola!', and
will not think or nny bartn. AfWt reecivin:t the n-
pros.inn of my wihe$, ho will not fail to effeel tbe ,.hbdranl
tho MnhmttM. The thing you ean do is to go anol ke<p
quiet t borne for " fotw dllys. n. aecoruingly ntire-1.
'Imadu-1 Mulk sent" letter to the Ernp<ror, olrnMIing the offi.o
or ll'O:ir, and a new disfriuution of offieel!. N PXL day he
e3mo to the pl'fttuee, and was ioLalle.J as ,.,__,., '.(kib3t
)fahrnud Kh(>u rerommende.l Alunad be dc-
poi!6<1, and aooUr prinoe 1'<\i.....d 10 tl> thf"ne in bi-
'lm6olu-l Mulk nnol tho Mahmtt38 woro ntmid of hi power, and
tlil not "'" h .. w to ut in ort"..{tion, ro they acqoil'3<'ed. Afttr
lawyers woro :wol were eon.ulted "" to th U'
ion of Ahmud Shah. On their nprro'lll. A hm . ..J
W:>ol nmovc<l from tho throon on tim lOth Slu .. b(UI, nnd .,.,( into
0 0
,\ft<r tba.t tbtoy WrultJ Uf"R tho roynJ princes \\laO
<><r in coulloemcnt, to 8elect one tn a-.:oul Lhe throoo. 1111 th
prin< were afmid, Anl no eun11<nt"l. At lcnt:th, nfttr much
huubl, Sult&n din, "''" of J;allAnJ&r 1-ih&h, eon ui
ThlhAdnr Shith, who during hi seclusiun had oluvnttol to
du,.,) .. -cirnee, w Jraii..J U(' D to aec Jt tbe "ith
tl titla of 'Aztw-d J(n :\luhnnunaol '.\'lnmdr ani (11.), on tho
l Oth liGi . u.
(;hhiu-d din Kh4n 'lmadul 1!ulk
was mntle l:f'II:Jr.
To 11 laya :Utor the ACC('ion of ',\'Jnrn!fir, the rtn:lr '(ruMnl
)lulk nntl Klu\n eauo.l tho lf"""'' Emp<ror
Ah=l anol his mutbtr t> 1..: blintlJ. 'l'h mnnner of th ir con-
trhitl:,: Uti. wn-... thou a INter unJtr the sc ,} .\hmaJ
nldm-cd to lht nC\\ Ernptrur, "hiclt rxcitt.J hi nprrc--
honiun. Ou po .olin: uf tl .. m>tt<r t '[malal \lulk . sn.;-
gcsteol that Ahnnvl hunl<l ho Jcpraed of' sight, nntllho l.tnpcror
IICCo"li";:l,t ,; onl ro f;,r the l>linJin;; J,oth of him aud hi$
motlwr. Tluir t'tllfrt..-1 tile l'ril"n.LO O.p:lrtlnenh ur tho
dcpe .. ,J mooal't'h, t""'ttJ hi on with "bich it is unfit to
t (Sot ,_,J, p. HO.]
m;H_\JUIAD 'ALl' lUIL'I(.
writ<, :wd blinded him in a cruel DIIUilltr. His motbrr, wloo
end-:>oured to obtain hi. wM tre:lted in the !alliO w4y.
'.(kibat llilunUd Khan, iu tho aerice of 'Imadu-1 Mulk,
nlhmard!l misconducted; nml hill guvo n hiut,
"loiuh was immedintcly ll<:ted U{)()U
nud tho offcndor was killod.' ... ol I'"''" Tt&iii!J of Cal..,lln.
:'\awf.b Illiaruu-d dnul& ::llah&bat Jaog (.\livanli Khan) dit.l
ol .lrot".l' n= in the ei;htieU1 year of his on
thn !Jth Rajob, U69 A.n. (April 10, 11.56 A.D.). Fmru lois t-:orly
h" load nb."Ulioeu fruru intuie.otin;: liquors, he lui<! no luvu
Md never eohn.bitt,J with :my womrn l\xct'pt hitt Qwn
.. ;Vc,. (Hi <lnughter'a oou), Sirajnd dnuln, sou of l'ooiuu-d
din KIAn Ibiont Jnn:!. nceceded him in lois gonnnnNtt
of Un:::nl, Dihar noel OrU.4., :nMJI,,f6.r, bdug in Brre3rs with bi.!'J
!>ir-5ju-d d3ola :;:> orJ,.,.. j;,, hit im(rL'I<>ruucnt. D111 h< ftt.l
from Oat..., and Uklk ,...ru6e iu Calcutta, under Lhc t>rotectiou .. r
:\I r. the :;reat ot' tbnt rl=. Wlu n
Siri\ju .I doulaw:>S infunne<t..ftloi, hep,..,.,...l..d to ;\lu,.,hiI6L&d,
Anol l'"'l'"retl for w:>.r. ln the tnouth of Ramnzato, lw lnrt"'l tor
c.,J,tttn, from a plnco caltoJ Mnnur-t:nnj, whido loo hncl built,
nul ott nrrhing nt CalcuUo, ho pitcht'tl hi tent.. oulitlr. l'loto
Engli,lo ;:onllcmen htld 11(11 1\ n1111l number of men, oul wort in
''.:tnt uf o:o llwy "'"r'' to iacc him io tho field.
Tl, ohut tbem.ulvt up in tho uld t<rt, tlu-,w up
an I atrew.:tl"nr:d do.- dd<ncoo. Siraju-d Jaula h:.d with him
Jlnty uf :::Ull:i and lar:::c uuml>tro of men; be gave orde..,. for the anl in ofnn eye heo'trl"'"""l
tl1t .. h. )tr. IJrnke, "cl'iug himttlf reduct.-d to &>..tremit.v,
\wnt on bo:ord hip with "''vtnl of his pc.'Oplo nnd AniloJ
'l'lm<o "ho wore lei\ bthiu<l hnl no buL tltey ndvnnccd to
'"'''Jtln the amu1unitiun \\'AI) exhnustetl, 101110 tlieJ
Jlohtin;.: with tb.e uluto"'t Lrn,ery; othrrg, witlt their wivea anJ
I (,;.o .. ,.,, p. UZ.J
T\RrKll-1 YUZAFF.I.Rr.
ebildn!o, "'"re made prii0oer<.
All their 'll'l'a(th and property,
which oxceedod COnlj>lltntiou, wns token from tho offiet'rll of tho
Company and othr ebif, and boe&m the booty of the
in Siriju-d nrony. This hnp(wned on tho 22nd Rnonnz<iu.
1169 -'.11. (.Jnno 20, li5G .\.o.), t\fo montlu anl t .. dn day- alltr
tho -ion of Sinijn-d dnulo. r ... toric. belonging to tho
Oompnuy at Kiim-baur, neruo llur-hidah&d, 'Vffe olo
by ordn <>f Sir0jo-d t!Aolll, and lrr. Wijh (Watt.), tho chiof of
tho factory, not! <Omo olhono, \\CfO uuula pril!oncn..
1'..-rrr!J oj' Calmita. l>rjrttl qf 8irtfjtt-d (/aula,
\fr. Dmke, tho go'mor of Cakutta, mn .. r his from
Siraju-d dnula, wrnt on board ehip with his pnrty, nud
I Madr>-, :1 lsrge b. to tho Conpny.
Other ofticeN, who >cnUred ov,r Benl:"l on
when tbty hoard of thr Ill"! of CalcuttA,
1 .-t thry conM from tho in "hirb thy pi"""'' nn<!
mndo thoir to 1\hlllms. At \\D Colonel Cli._, an
Qffi<r of tbe lllld a sen3nL of the Kin;; of En;:llllld, wl1o
hn<l commnnd over tl1c iu the Dakhin. In tl1o"" days
he h:ul fought a:;:oio't th Fl'<nch, ud had tskn f....,,., thtm ""me
of their pos..e.ion iu tho Unlthin, in l'l'COJ!'Ilitinn of "hich
KUn Jan;::, on of .A'..,r Jab, had him
tbr title of &ibit Janv, Re.olnta in \Vnr." After eonsultstioo,
Colonel Oli.e :<nd lbe from OalcutlD embllrW in hipo,
with Lwo regimrnts of Telingas and four componies of
}:uropc:m, nod Mile<l to rerovcr CnlouUa.
As aoon :lS tho y arriYtti at the port of Falta, they overpowered
tho men of Sirnju-d daula by thu tiro of their shiJ18, ruld making
thir wr.y up to C:>lcutt.'l, they anchored tbtre the fartory.
They sent propo!t.'lls of pcoeo to Siraju-d dnuln, Mking for
Mr. Drnke, nod olfcriog to psy ;,evrmlln-. of ruprt"'. on condition
of being allowt<l to rtbuild their fnctories in CaleultA. Sir&ju-<1
dn11la r<jocted the propo.;;al, nod did not n write an anwcr.
I 10 &.a. ..! almt lbo BloU Dolo.]
11 t'lUlllUD '.l.l.l' JOUY.
C..lontl Cli.-e thea .,..,)nJ to flgbL, a.nJ plac<d r .. nr ::-una in
J>Olullon. Nanak Chand (the C<>llllll..Udcr of tloe rl*"') onaJ,.
"'"'" louw of fighting, ho aoon 6ed. Colonol Olivo aml hi;
thou took po$se..ion of their old fllCtorics.
Tho receipt of this awoko Siroju-d duul!l from IW. tlreMn
ofo...:urhy.t On tho 12th !Ubl'u >, 1170 A.H. (Jan. l, 1767
.\.t>.), Lo from ::\lun!.ilkbad lo fight tho Englbob illo hi;
army auJ a good -ompltmcut of artilltry. On =eloiDg the pllll:c,
bo eueampeol iu a suitable P""ition, an<l a,..,., :>nJ muktts
" onec b.;;:w. Thll EngW.h enlcaYuured to, lllld their
troll/ from timo to time. Tlory lltnt a braTe and i.otolli,:;rnt
rtrou to Sinijn-d dAola. ""teQiMy to wilb him, bot 'ocrctly
to t:Lko notice of lloc wnya ftllll nrr:mgcmonts of lho tamp. lie
mnt there, and after discharging tloo roquirement.s of ctiqmLlr,
h., mal hi ob<ervntioll! nnJ returne,l. ln lloo couno of n fuw
tho Em:lioh prep:\red thoir forou, nnd one bd"uro
d yLrmk, fell upon tloe ._. uf Siraju-d daul:o.' tamp ";tb vulll
of uowkctry. and ponr.d uron it olouwero uf Tho
notu wm IJtlpl .. m:llly wern kil!C>I, :>nl many were wouudt>l.
It i l!lliol tluu the oLjeet of tho in this night ntt:><k waa
to 111100 Sirhjo-<1 daula, and mako hino pri.oncr; but in <UII
., qwuco of n thick fog, tim wny 111 hii lent W36 toi&l, tuul tho
tilr< uf muketcors p."lssud w:>y. So tllo NtLwl.b cCllJICd
tlw dangtr of t.eing killol or Cll(>tured. Thll Eugllitb return-d to
their iu triuuorh ancl in joy.
Siruju-J dauh Wl\S tetrifird by this attnck, and was afr.UJ tbat
it woul<l lie iollo.-..1 by :>nother. II o felt the dil!iculty of onain-
uiuin;< hi pooition, and hniug eali..J :r. council of war, ho pointed
out tho inutility of cho Mro:gle, and th"
of rtu-c:u. Tloc foundation of n ptB were soon lsid. Thu
ktoow of his we:tknt and 'fhay dt-
onauded e<>mpensntion for tho plumier of Calcutt:., whioh amouuted
to a '""'Y largo aum. Aficr 1ouoo pnrley, the terms ofp<'Mo wcro
>c!lltd, and the Xawib :>greed to p3y tho sum dema.nded. 'l'hcy
' (T1Ia-- apr.-..:" ooulllto.....,. oot ol hit..._")
T&Rfltll-1 )(l;Ul'FAJ!J'. 321
tl'<JUi.-.d t<'Ady monty, and Sirija-d daula gue tbem 1i..: plf.-ga-
n...,. Calooll3 to bold until tbo monpY was paid. \Vatu, the
of tho at Ka<iru-bh&r, obteiued hia ret..._.,
un tl11 t>f Siriju-d daub. Be now c:anied on tbo
tions aud between tbo two (lllrlie., and t'8M><-d the
thaob of wtl.. Sirloju-d daula took hi3 departure for
hidubtiJ, n.ul th Eugli.b engage.! in their commerce &1.
os heretofore.
'l.'ho of war uow broke oat in the Dakhiu botw<Cn tho
Frcuoh ruul guglih, iwtwc>en whom thuro bUll be<u l'lllllity for
fivo or eix huudru<l yMrs. Tho English pre-ailed, nnd thdr war-
obi!"', utttler the couunand of Admiral W 11lkcr J"ll BAdd"'
wrro aeut agni11>1t (ChanJeruagore), wbi<h i.t near to
Hu;li. 'fl.u l'rencb 11M >llilk ships in the river, leaving only
room f.,r the of their 0'11'11 ono at a tirue. Tho
Englih :;<A their hips th:>t tho frtnrh,
:>ud took of F .. Jis.d&nga. Thty abo look tlac
nar K&im-ltwr. !>lotL-icur Lis, the ctuef 11 tho l'rcnel<,
joined Sirijud and having colltded hi1 follo><l'l'lf, ho
entered into hiJ ;crvie with then>, anol n. uumlter of Tclin,t:M
"hom ho h:td tlrilled.
'l'ho Englih, being informed of this, sent their to Sir6jnd
.\nul<>, thnta& peace had bcon mndo with him, tho
cn<ntic. ot' ono anu.t lio lookeol upon as the enemies of other,
nut! friend as mntnnl friends. 'fh<y were faithful to
the 1\C:"'outeul they ha.l ami they require.! the Xawi.b to
dimi;1 \J. Ll.a, and give bhu no IU}'f'Ort. lli ue;;loct to
thi. ,-ould 1141 .. l a bre3CU of the treaty. Those who
"ere <>NtOteJ to LU, t.nJ "ere we!l.,.i.hers of Xt.,.&b,
......,e.tJy tressed him to comply, to di>mbs :ll. Lf.s, lllll not tu
lei litlch a ll<lno of conwnlion put :w tmJ to the "ith tho
l:ugU.b. Siriju-d daub talked anJ corresponded "itb u.
' [" T1ait Noo.olrar '-II obe Mm< ( he) -lbe Flncb call ;\1-iMir Luo,
a _,n vr Se uhmu John L:nr, Jmpt.rotlu of the Gaantclf io 17!0 ot
l'..U."-<Suf JlatarMrm, n.l. U. p.78. Note FtUlth u.raab\Of.]
on the 'll'ho ropreseuteol the "Saw'b llJid a lar;e fone
of bio OWD, ADd tiJal DO barm could coma to hi9 from
ncccpting Lite servicM of n Froneh ulfiL't!r ami hi! men. Siraju-d
wullll uro.;ed this upon the Engli.h vtkll, but he !lill trougly
io..iste.l Uf"'D the of .\1. L\s. So Siniju .. t dania of
nec:co.ity ent him G\11\y, ltut told him to proceed to Patnt\, anu
make no del11y on tho ro:W.
After tlti tM etJ>mie'! of Siniju-d <1Aol4, tltot is to X
)fir 1a'fu Klt!n, Iuj& DU!Abh IUm,Ja.,<>at Seth, and omo other>,
who were oorely tril'<l by him, t:lSSed their days nnd in
fear <Lnol hope. They came to :111 untlerslllndin: with oa"h other,
I\Od "'bemeJ for !h de-truetiou of hi,; lile and authority. Ri-
mo.!m.J aunt, Gh: iti IJ..g:am, dauglt<-r of Alivardi Kloli.n, who
wus innod agnin>l him for his of loer cosh nnol loou.e-
hold good, joiurl hl enemies I'C!rdly. Sir&ju-d onm
ruoood :\llr 1uh:unonad one of hi old to a
pri\-ate ml'f'ling, and g.tve him inst.roetion rot
secretly, upon which he proceNiod Lo enga::o ecry uurmploye<l
aohlicr he eould fhul. Dut nl\erwnrtls he clicl bis best to thwnrL
Siraju-d dania, 3Dd to on tlot Engfuh.
C..lond Clivo S6!.il-jrwg, bein,:: inlbrmed of whnt "'"" pa.Ning,
nnd of tho evils mrditAtoo, cMI Mide the trenty of pc:u:o nntl pre-
pared for wnr. lle morcbed from CBicuttn, to the great din.ay uf
Sir&ju-d who eougbt to con<ili:ue :>ud enconra;;o hi. Ol<l!
...thnmto. He ""''t Raja Dulabh RAm forwnrJ with n force to
choo.o a uilllble plnoo for throwing up intrcncluucnta :md oollect-
ing guno. Ral Dulnbh st:lrtrd QD bill eommi...ion. Ot>tnly be
applied hirn.elf to out tl1b onll'nl of hi' master ; lut in loi!
seeret be l011t no opportuuitJ of l!tlocming for bia onrthrow.
no was uareful to obcrve tbo conditions of tho with tho
English on bis own port and 010 the part of N:>w!b :\Hr Mn-
ltnmmaJ Ja'far, and he won ocr tho ollie,n of the army of
Siniju-d daola by offtrs of money. Mlr JllnlmmmaJ
oecupiNI himself continunlly in tho llllme way. So they ll4thered
large nun1bers around then1, 110d few were lei\ to Siriju-d daub.
T.umm.r l!UZ!.PFA.Rr.
Colont! Clive now approaohod, and Si.riju-d chula w:u oblige-1
to move from )lanur-:;anj, and proceeded with hi offirs to Tho Culooel, with a small :mny, which mi;;M oumbtr
throe or four thoU'!Mll mm, :ldvan<ed 'nth coul'ft:;:e and
danng, and opposite tho :mny of tloo On the
6tlt Shnw"'l, lliO A.u. (Jnuo 23, lifi7 A.n.), firo wa opon"d on
every n.nd cho becaulo wnmt.
\'Cry skilful in tho artofw:tr, and in uae nnd thoy
kept up och nn ince-!ltlnt fire that the wuro do>:of!'llecl, nncl
the beholden blinolrd. .Many were killeJ, nnol rooany wouncl!'tl,
Mir :'llnlan (tho eomm:uJtlcr-in-chief), n brave nml rr.oluto oronn,
who thn r;uhliog spint of Sir6ju-d dub, ......,,.; .,.1 a mrtnl
wound (rout a aannoo-bMI. lie 031L!N hirMelf to t.o convoyed
to hi master, and ditd alter speal.-ing a few wol'lt of aolieo
and devotion. Sir&ju-d cbola was moved olo'<lth.
ud ocnl tu umnoou )lir :Uuhamm:ld Ja'far. Tht totlicc r,
h.aviu; raohl>d upon a.n in&mous course, weot to him, Affilll
pani.U by""'"" othtr ohiet:.. Sir&ju-d dnula \\lis _::notly
ho to Mir Ja'far for U1o loo lo111l donn hino,
nud Mkt..! lilr hia adviec. Mir Ja'fnr :ld>'istd tlutt ruo littlt of tho
dy rvmnincd, ho ahould roc:tll hi!! ndvnnccd foreo \\ilhin tho
and put oil' tho boUle to tho next day, noluing ilont ho
would JlroviJo for tlou llnlcty of tho army nod the eouducl of tho
Siniju-d tlnulo directed lois tflll't!n,l\tohnn Lt\1, who \\llf eagrr Ill
fishl, to go anti atoll tho fighting until next day, and Ntum to tho
lines. Tfio tlitrt!n ropli.U that it "\\115 nD time for tunoiuc; baok ;
upon v.hido Sir&ju-d chula a.,..,Uu conferred lllir Ja'far, 'llbo
roiteratl..l hi. ad vi<'<'. The '""" bcwiiMred, Mol could do
nDthing hut follow tlot counsel Df )Jir Ja'titr. lie cnt tlnrt
orders recalling )lohu Lil, 11loo was fi;;hting mnnfully AI lou
pol. As ooon u tho tfl,.(m retired, many," bo were orrmatdood,
took tho al!onn, and Oed to thtir defences. A gtnrrnl 1unio
cnauOO, foUow!'d by a oignnl defcnt. On leanowg condition
of his arruy, Simju-d dnola wns filled with diantlly; be fonrt.J. tho
rnmi"' in front, and IliA h0!1lile IM'rnuJt.s ai'CKtnd him, and Oeol
in toll"::l'W llunhiJabaJ. Ou tho 6tb Sbaww&l h reMbl'li
arul. looked nrouud lor friends and help. Dutmi
fortunu ho. no friend. Evon MuhnnunM t,.j Khan, fnthor of
his wir,., mnd< no elforl to help him. To satisfy hie ho
OJK'IlN hi treasury, and .,.,.h 111&11 g<>l what wu his luek. llit
foll<lwnt, e:-ciog him helplno., cam.; I <>IF ""' UDltr
vario-us to tbe:ir hom .. tttAying a s.bort time at
lfamur;:m>j, on tho ith Shawwi.l, ho plenty <>f IUIII'f!!U,
nnd 14kin;: with him hi& favourite Lutfo-n nissa, his "ife anJ his
youn::eot dsught-r, and seveml othen, be departed in cnrta and
nth.r ehilo3 townrd llhngw&n-golll. Wbl'tl he wnt 111
Muham1untl t{ Khan, son-in-luw of i\1 ir
Ja'lbr, htl\ing henrd of his lli)lht, hwttoncd nftQr him with eovNal
uuu, aud dtonuwdod money uul je\hl,c, :wJ he was to ,;hc>
hiuo a l>ox of je\TeLt belonging tu Luuu-n nioo;:L )lir
thrn tumt'J back with hi. valoahlo prize. On rmcloing
lll}no:"'::ols. lbula embcorkeJ ou a, and went uo
hi ""Y to Patn:L
Il i .aid thnt when Siriju-d daula beard tho
3nny hod mon:bed fl'Um Cnlcutl:> to mllko w>r upon him, Ito
\UVW %\ letter to 1\loutif'!ut Lfl8, lu [U't.unim-, nnU
cnllud ILim to hi$ nit!. llo clirl!<lted Uajn Uo\m Nnr6in,
gunnoorco Bihar, to aupply hi no \liUo mouey. Tho Raja ... w tltnt
the .Xow,b' . star was on Ut< ,J,..,Iino, onu pul'Joo-ely mle a dtlay
.... dny in supplying the lll<ollfJ. :\leanwhilt,
loob had bf,n defeated at rtu.y, a.nd arrinod at
U. :wJ :\luhammnd Ali Kloan, a ditingui.hetl c:aalry
ofticr, ,.t off' in boats Croon Pntna, nnd wtnt na fur u llaj-mnl.!.l.
'!'ht>o th!') he:ad that :Sirajo-d dnula had wn made l'riJI<rntr,
and returocd to Patnu.
Sll:111-X :f YA
['l'uu CO!flpilalion commences with tho reign of Farrukh Siynr,
ani tud.. with fuurtb yCilr vi" the of Yubannna.l Shah,
bot was linimed before 1217 A.a. 180".2 A.D.).
Tho autltor Shoo DiH, of Luekuow. He wns movt'tl to
writo tho worlc by tho conilurntiou thot "Ito bad bcn rulowoo
to I'Omaiu a long timo iu the o.ocitty of ltanted, S<itmifie, and
highly talont.oJ had "J'<'Dl bi$ lifo in tho eerviee ot'
tho J:reU. JJo hlld moreover applied hionclf I<) a.quirin:; tho art
of writing with dL-gnncc, om! so ho dctcmlinetl to 8half the
rtulta ol" his ocioty in his composition. JJo nomed work
SAUA-mumr or JlulltnCitflnl-1 KaluJJJ, hf<,aU><e he had hotn on
term. of intimacy ,.;th tho grtal, :md dcri vod :wh'&DtA::e. from
no foll0\\'5 the fa<bion of hitoriaruo, and, o.lthough
Uitulu, O(M'na hie work like" dovout 1\fusnlwuo.
'rho wbolo of litis work hu been lronlnted for Sir II. M.
Elliot by "Lieut. Prichard, 11itb Re;;t. N. Tbe work run-
l.ios " good d...t of biogrotby !Ultl one<Joto, bnt tlto ("'riod il
e<>vora IU>S t...'fln altUdy l"vided tor by Extrucls from coutctu-
liOMlry wrilurs.J
ex :ex.
IKBTIS.A'RU-'r 'I' A W .A'RtKli
SAW.'u'i scron.
Tnl> comp .. ruJinm "'"" compo ul in tho r= 1217 A.ll. (JS()2
. o.) by S3wau Sin;:h, >on of Th&n Singh, a of the
)J(It)uir ft iJ profos.1rdly a tnet"e abrirJgm< Dl Of the
LuMu-t T111airlkh of Bh6ra Mnl, nnd tho Hatflkal11-l 4.ktil/m.

p. 1-llindu n6jM, p. 3-:\fusulm!m IGnwt of
Drhll; \luhnmmad SUm to p.l6-Bab..r, Af:;lu1n, nnd
llum&yun, p. 73-A khnr an<l J p. 9'2-Sluih ,Jah&n
anol ,\urangzob, p. 98---Shab I. to SHh '.l1nm II., p. 118.
Stn-8vo., 181 1'-'l:"" ..,...h 15 line;.
Tho Tmctirlkl <'ntain nothin:: worth
Tho only copy 1 have 80NI of this "ork is in tho 1""'"'-ion of
SubMn "Ali, of Amrohn, in tho di:rtrict of
lliR- i(T-1 A l'T .\'B. N't')1.(

Tm "Sun-reflecting ie a ucfol oompilolion writtn
io 1803 A.D. by 'Abdu-r Jhhm(n, better known Ill! SMh Nnw6z
Kh&n llhshimi, subcqnontly Primo 1\Iinister to tho nominnl
Eml"'ror AkbAr 11. The onme appears to be dcried from tho
p<>41tialtitle of Afldb, which tho author assnmed by of
Tho Jfit-41-i A.f11llr"'" wnt.'lin abundMil matter, as tho
Table of ContenL will tbow: and some of tho
tho countries aud citit of lllodli!tan, as \\ell na tho
articles, are well and cOrl'llCtly dl'3wn up. Tho
histori.W dowls of the first thirty yra!'ll of the nig.1 of Shah
'..rlam are troated in some dutail ; but tl1e preeeding reign
are ::inn in a more compen<liou ''"'P" Altogetler, M au hie
torieal work it is ot" little value. Tho Hitory oC )labanun3<lllll
Iml.ia .,.,mulcuetS ";tb th Kiu::"J; but in tho work tl1o
dttaii .. J hitory begins with tit llu;lul >O\"CI'(!igos.. Tle work
ill divided into 1\ Prefucc, t\\'b J>,rt, nnd n Coodusiou. 'l'lll'ro
nro "'''oral eltapte"' (.jrtjalfi, latrl'") in c:tub Pm, and ,,ovcr.1l
e<octinu (ti<Jnw, brillinnce.i) in cMh chapter.
I'Nfn..,: lt1'2!1rding tho origin Rut! of hi.tory, p.
6 I 7.-l'art I. in Eix cllaptc!'ll: i. Tho Cn!Blion of World,
rontaiuin:t seetious oo :\lines, .,f
tho Animals, lhw :ond his Uml>. and Ethic:.. r!' 7 w
12:.1-ii. llitTcn:nt kinJ, of ProJhtiJ, con .,...-tion> on Ad:un,
ldri, J>a....Ji..,, pp. 123to 214-:-iii. lllotory ofllnlumun:ld, wn
tainin= tions on hio De-ceudut,._ \Hv.-, Chief KhaHr, and
Friend, pp. 214 tO 249-iv. A<'<"UUIIl uf the Sufis, Saiut, l'hilu-
l'oet.s, ArtiiRl!. nnd nindu Sects in
pp. 219 to 411-v. of Ambia nntl PoF1!i:l; tho
GuunnJil nnd 'Abbll.<ido Khnlil<, nnd other Asintic clyn .. tiea;
U hori>n King" of Dehli, King of the Dakhio, mml tho
andout lt.ij"" of lodi:l, pp. 41! to l!lt-:-vi. The Kin<:',
their uot.l, anl 1ttini-t r-, llll<l tho celthrattd ""n;."t<l'll of t luir
llwe, with noticn of lndi:on mu io, 1'1' 194 to 741. Pan 11. iu
eiJ;ht Tho fi.,.t eveu nre deoted to :w necouut of tho
even divi.sion> of tho world, pp. 741 to S9G. Chop. iii.
detrib...a tho sovcn soas, PI' 1!91) tu !JJO. Tho Coneluiou i
occul'ied "itl1 n dcscript lou ot' tho "'OndCl'8 twd curioeilit'l ot'
ouuntries, pp. 910 to 1124.
Su.&-lto., 924 of 18 lines eo<h.

Tus nutl>or <>f this litlle work is M.Uitll, deecnded, both
on l1is futhcr's nntl mother's sido, from ancestors or some oon-
ideraiion in lrnlia. Tho fir,t of his pntcrnnl nt>c..,lOrs who
oame to L1din wn' Aliwardi KhAn Turkoman, said to bo do-
5cended from Sultan Snnjnr, tho Salj111d sovereign. llo nrrivod
in tho Limo or Jnh&n:;lr, nnd by hils bravery nod good qutLiilics
(especially that of being n good sporl.$tnan, nnd tho inventor
of n mooe of hunting styled'), obtained admission
into tho rnnk or tho Nobles of lhnt E>npl!l"Or, nod amongst
<>ther offices conferred upen Lim by his sucoossor Sho\h Jnh8n,
he wns appointed Governor of in sueecs.;ion to KMo-
c!Auran Khfut. There nre lnudntory nrticlO!J NlSJIBCting birn
in tho Ta:.kirofu-1 Umnra and Jfa..(r,jiru-/ U111ard. Ono of his
ancestors on tho mother's sido was tho eelebmtod Islam Khlm.
the minister or Shah JnMn, who wns nt <>no limo invested with
nlmost indeJ>CDJen' power in of lhreo u/xni or
the Dnkl>in ; so tbnt lho nuthor hnd re300n to bo proutl of his
honoumblc descent.
Tho ],tfWilibu-t Tmrdrlkll Willi composed by Mirza :ar6sitti for
tho instruction of his eon, Karirnu-Unh Kb(m, commonly onlle(l
1 Shlh Naw-U l\hb S:uncrunu-d doata Myt tblll thiJ U al10 t:MI(l(l Dawar; Oat
it 11tU lln'rotl ill tbtt tw'tnlfflnt nl Jlhft.ogtr't rtign, and OOU 1b0 hnutor
2<00 rope<!L II ecnrimcl olo ttri" of ............ the ,..;RM ol igl>IJ'
ttlmt1-1,_d-, 1.m1 thou.1nd 10)'111 rrdt 1ong-, tix bro.:ul. 1&. "'""' Jb:ed hKe tho
,mu or troL to poles, ad no wild animal, when oatc: CU&ht, could brtak
lh190Bh iho IIU!Ihes;
C."TIKDUt'-T T.\ II' .tlliKD.
1\nllu. It is n nbstmet hiBtory, ond il not shown
to wlant works the author i indebteJ for hi4 limilfld
Th work ;. into :w. lntroduction, two and a
Concluion. Tho finn Donk ;,. dovoted to tho Kin;;" of Dehll,
llloltan, Simi, Kn-bmir, Jaonpur, lkngal, aod Gujnrlot ; th
"<!CCnd to t1te Kings of tho D31thin, :wd i dil-ided into
"le:wulll,'" Rnd alftl", "linea.''

. \c:counl of II.indti religion nnd <m>k, p. 2; IJi,tory of
the IIinMt p. 9.-Uook I. Tho introduction of Il&m, p.
13; Tho Snltan of Dthli, p. ln : The Suhtn:> of lAhore anl
Ghnni, p. 1>2; Tho Suh(m of p. b4 ; Tho l'ulllins of
Sind and Tlonlla, p. 59 ; The of Kulunir, p. UG ; Tho
Suit aut of J ouopt\r, p. 112 ; The Suhan of B<-ugnl, I' I'll ; Tho
Snltlun of GujarAt, p. D:J.-Book II. Wnrnk I . Thr Sultans of
tho Dtkhin, suL.Iivided into six SntM!!. i. Tht Sultana of
Kulbnrg:> :utJ .\lunndab'-1, p. 104; ii. Kin;$ of lli,&pllr, r
ll5 ; iii . .Kin::- of Altm .. lna.;ar, p. 12'2; iv. Kin!:" of Tilnog,
p. l!J2; v. of Ditfir, I' 13G; vi. Kin!:ft of Bhbr, p. 138.
Warak 2. Kin;; of )J.1wa :wJ l!llnd.U, p. HO, 3. Faruki
Snlt'n of Kh&uclrsh, p. 160; 4. Rnlenr of :Yalab&r, p. 16!1.-
, nnd .fulvcuucs of c:!Alh provin(o <I' llinuu-
atan, I' 163.
Folio, JGG p:>ges "ith 2i lin"" to
Tho Turlk/1-i ,Jftftlld i rruc. Thu only copy whirll I 11m
acquainteJ L in one ttf the Uoy&l Librari, .. of Laol<uow,
Tho work " writtn duriug tho reign uf Slulh '.\13m, but
l\.9 tlu copy i d.,ficilllll in some p.1rts of thnt rtigu, the! pn:citl
year "ith the bitory c:oodau be "'""""ined.
'riiT. nulbor of this "ork was Ibn1&m Singh, a Snrsuti
Druluuio. ITo wns born at Druhmanabad, in the pro>inoo of
L6hore, rutu nt Malawnuur, mmr Lucknow. llis lilt her
wAS Hunlas Sinf:h, who, hn<"ing born in public employ under the
NMIibs of Oudh, is tho frequent subjoat of mention nnd eulog-y
in the latter part of lhi.s liistory.
ln tho opening of this work tho author proctls liko a
)lusu(man to "invoko thousands of upon the most.
exnltod Prophet, tho bcstowur of nwrey in tho world, thn IMI ol'
nil tho prophets, he who ctmied ltia $teed l.o tho field of tho ninth
he:wcu, tho messenger of God ll1e Orcator, )[u hnrmnnd the
closm, tho blessings of God bo upnu him, lll!d pea"<l upon
nil his and friends! "
The nuthor states that from hi! earliest youth ho wos a lover of
atndios, and used to devote hi lciauro hours to writing
ncc<>unts of King, R6j3$, nud Nobles of the varioua provinces of
IDnditst(ut : 38 his eicumstances were ns ombon'l\Sscd nnd
perplexed 38 tho notes he had taken, l1e wno not nble to
them into a book, till be hnd been honoured by tho
J''llronngo ot' Sn '&dat 'Ali, nfter whom he dcnominntea hie work
&'titlttl-i Jiilrr<l-" Etornnl Bliss.''
lli$ dedication is moro tlum usunlly eulogistic, nnd we mny
gness tho extent of bia gratitude U'ODJ his spooking of' his pntron
in tho following cxtnwngant rbnpsotly :- " Ono undctr whoso
govenuncnt tllc n.'lme ot' tyrnnny nod oppression is erased from
the page of tho world, nnd oofore {tho mention of) whoso
generosity tho Look of IIBiim is put lll!idc. T ho suu of whoso
bounty shine. from e:ut to west, and the fame of wb- genernl
b ne'Folenee 1w tltroo;hout tho whole world. Front tlte
dr<>["' of whoo liberality th prden of the world is alway
nnd from tho stream of muuificenco tho of tho
hopes of all nations are 1urpotunlly freoh. From tho fear of
"ho..e the lion crourhes near the dM'r, and tho blow of
"bu.e h:u-p 0\\0rd horten tho life of crutl Aft!:eS. Tit douds
of "bose min <'<!Ually over tho rich and tlto poor, IUid
tho ocean of whoe bounty benefits tho groAt ond tho smnll alike.
One who is eo liberal the revenue of tho ecvcn kgioo of tho
earth does not office for ouo day of his e:tponditore, and
thiLt the bei;;ht of Sa.torn and 'AyyUk is not to dtat of hi3
One from whose binh tho uhammadan world became
cnltod, nml fron1 whose bosphality the fame of 'Ali is incroased.
One \tho in establishing lllm has shown himself warrior,
and in promulgatin::; tho true faith is u linn and immonble as
the Polar Stt.r. One who ""embles Ariwtlo in wi.dom, and
whose minrl is <levotcd to the wolmre of his subjecU!. One "ho
;, equal to Sikantlnr in propcrity, and "ho by I.U 1w
oobjugntcJ tla whvle world-the Ru>l.t.rll of tlto .A;c, the Ui.rim
of the tiwt, a Kim in jWJtiee, B3hriw in IUtael<, de..otroyer of
tho foaudntion of infidelity and idolntry,
.. tnblisher ol' l olom
noll the 1\l<>ilorns, " prudeueo like thllt or l'lato: tbo
ebiof of all tbe !.'""'' men of the world, the on of oll Ute re-
no..-.ed noble<, tho tbt:atre ot' the mira<lt><o of Cod, ant! tho
arhie.-er of endltbS victories, the great .,.,:}, Nnwab Ynminud
,louin Ni-'nml Mulk MuMriz J nog Sn'(tdllt 'All KMn-mny
Ood ever incre.'l-'0 h1s prosp<rity Md wenlth !
" .I. mi.niltor ..-ho pro""ted tho '"''ld br hU "'itr and jll>lice;
lfo<'t<t or th ..... rei, ood pot..-! ot a oublo dUpoiitioa;
Tho moot (ortunote, bn.-o just;
One who liltu the un glvllO BOld to the wort.!.
A bnlVU unn who csa. O"rU\.'cnne a tiS'!r, au 1 ctatch a lioa.;
In otRagth aod OOOJII3'l' hu oo one eqUAl to hiuud!;
lland11 iJ Yritiag.
When he gi<es, be is a second ID!tim;
At lbe timo of baltle, he j_, onother Ruotnm;
Through oo j nstioo tho bcruls of prowl tyn10ta ore bo..-.d down ;
..UI his works oro readily nnd cxproitioU>!y dono.
From the excesa or lli liberality, bounty, nod generosity,
Ro mok011 an impression upon tho suo IWd moon, uo dio on n
It I wore to speak of his jmtioo,
The story of Nauahlrwllc would sink into oblivion.
The hta\'l!tlll before oo greatneA8 bow down their horub!.
Tho> foundation of -riolcnoo j_, o>ntiroly rooted out.
It he gin! up hia Iaino in the flcld of battlo,
..Uorm will oprcnd from Indin to Europe.
The wholb oounhy of Hiwlu.tAn iJ obodiont to him.
Nay, I am wrung, I mean tbo who!o world, from one axtrcmity lo
the otlu!r.
The dootiny or the heavens it oonformoblo to hit orders.
'l'lot.ory odom his ihg.
"'ho has sren his equal in justice lUld goncrotity?
Ho is tho greatest in alllho world, and superior to o.ll men of oouroge,
In strength like on clphnnt, nrul in bravery like a lion ;
])old in his h>art, both in tho cnbinet and tho field;
Head of all great men, and tho crown of all tho ohiots.
In tho timo of lli goemmen<, 0 orld, be happy!
If any pcroon ... t s protection from colamity,
Ho find rest nowhoro but in this oountry.
Como, oh Nania!
abut your lips ltompccoh,
:&cauae oo naok is too gre:at.
H n book be written in hio l'mioc,
It would otill be too small in the ertimotiDn of 4 ,..,. mon.
Hoa ann prutielo of dnst l!pMk of the lun,
And wbot uoount ,.;u bo Wken of it, it it open ita lipt?
0 God! k .. p this noble U'arlr for e<cr,
Wilb all his uneicnt ponap, wcolth and dignity.
:l!oy oo hndow bo pn!&<rTod to <O<er the world l
"lfay the hcruls ot UAltod nob! .. bo hio footAtooll"
Tblt it &be lnlhor' rttkAIJrq, M poercaJ ae.ipAtiG0
ud he HMn prowt of hi.J
talr:nl (or teriil!t:i.tioo, be il'ltmperiel teTUtl.:ntl" ot ~ t r y &lDOO..&. b..i.6 prott.
8.\'XDA'l' JKWD.
Al\er this fulome noMonse. we cannot e:<poot much trnll1
when he apeab of his oontfi.,tor; but the work is, nevtrtbel<5.
uoeful for tho bio;:mpbieal det!\ils \<hicb iL of tho X obi
who wcro .nost can"Picuous in tho hinory of Tncli:. frou1 l11o reign
of .M uhamul31! Sht.h to tltt oulhor't own Lime.
pn!ci.e daUI of compoqlion is not qi .. n, but ,., LoJ'tl
L3ko's aioge of Uhnrtpoir is mentioned, and Sa'6.dal 'All Wl\11 tlo
reigning NM6b of Oulh, the work must have been written
""'"'"''" the yeara 1805 and lSU.
Tho is di rillod into four Uooks.

Preface, p. 1.-Book I. The Ante-:\lohnmmO\d:m History of,
l ndi3, ohioOy from tho Mflltdh!ulr.ti and SM-i Slit/ik, in two
CMpl,..., p. i; II. The Gl=nlviJs and EmJ"'l'OI'll of Dellli, in
two Chal'ters, p. 52; n I. lliogrnphieal aec:ount of tho of
Tlindutf.1n, p. 384: IV. Ooogmphicl d""cription of tho sn
m:\fvel of the world, and m;..,eii..neous matters, io
fuur d13J>ter, I' 436.
SJZr.--9nu.Jl Svo., 501 pages of 1-llioes caoh.
fow Jl3ll.S are mi .. iog end.
The first. seeon<l, and thiJ'ti Bookt are too thort to bo of nny
aucl tlu-y n.o fOI' tho part mcro of othr
common worb. Tbe fourth llook ronny infonnation in a
useful. nncl :\ form, 11.od hM, tber.fore, IM:cn
eopiouly nbstmutcd from in the following pal! ...
Tbt St'ad<rt-i Jarnd " """ work. l hAYu ocnr heard of
any other copy huL thM in one of ll>c Rnynl Libmrie9 nt
Luoknow, which 1 should hMe supposed to on nutogrn[rh, but
tbot uy O\'f'D wbieb it !.>ken from it, is -10 V<ry full of fll'Ors
that J CliO lt:lJ'dJy tho to 00 free from thc1n.
tflln\\;ng T:xtmcts wore trnn>lntetl by rrrrmlllll, n01l rovi>eJ
by Sir II. 11. Elliot.)
lLUl..'\.tM SINGH.
Nav:llb Jlumtti=u-1 ]J[ulk Sarbulaml Khd11.
He wo.s cut inhabitAnt of L\m, and his nruu wns Mi17A Rnti'.
His fnthur, Mubamm<ld MlAl Khan, wu one of Ulo nobles of
Emperor Aurnugzcb. Min& R<>fi', who WM
tho <lilrd11 of Prineo 'A'Zimu-s Shan, displ:yod greut bm,ery iu
tho hnttlo with A'znm Shah, uncl obt.nined tho title of:llumtllzu.l
Mulk SarbuL"Uld Khan. ln the time of ){u'izzu-d clln J<>haiudar
Sltllli, when Prince' Azimu-s Shl'tn """ slain, &rbnlMd Kh&n,

hill obligations, Fru:rukh Siyar, son of

Sh&n, and :\[u'inu-d d(n. He wo.s deputed tu
Guj:uat on Ule pat' of .bad Khi\n, tho minist.!r; nnd through tho
recommendation of Katbu-1 J\lulk 'Abdu-llah KMu,
Farrukh Siyar, aftllr !Lis ncccssion, pardoned him for bis pA->t
and confua:red on l1im the Goveruorslaip of Oudh nod

.Aftu l!flme time ho became Governor of the of Dihlir.
Ho then obtained the mnk of aoven thousand, ..a well os n jdgir
in tho uba of L(tlaore, and tho office of aub111Mr of Kaibnl. lu
the limo of Shah he wns (l,"llin mnde
of Gujarait, and when l1o wo.s rentoed from
h a desperate bnltlu "iUa .Raju. Dlnnkal Singh R6daor,
who had beeu nppointed Governor in l1is plnee, and obtained
viatory over him. \\'heu l1e onmo to Xgrra, tho disple:.suro of
thu l.;mperor w:>s oviucod by prohibiUug !aim froau ottcmling
Court for ouu \Vhen th"t. period bnd ho
1\1\S admitted to an nudien by Muhammnd ShUh, nncl was
rui>NI to lho Govoruorahip of Allahabad. At llao time of tho
in \'ll!iou of NUir Sluih, he came to Court. Nadir Shah entrusted
him with Llao duty of enllcctiug the nmoreorucnt fixed upon tho
pt-oplo of Duhli. IIo depart<:<! to tho next world in 1153 A.a.
ITo """ n fitvourito of tho Emperor, and nlwnys victorious in
battle. Uo wns g<>nerous, polite, merciful nnd humane. Ho
always dr:lllk abe water of tho OaOJ>l!!, :uad during his c,oovernor-
ehip of Kabul, brge nms wrrf' llli.J out in t".ltryin;
il "' lho:-e It wu nhl by llanur RAm. his t,_ul'f'r,
fifty-six l.:ror1 of tupe in CA!Oh, independent of }>-,..nn:tl
nllowtmoe, hnd passed through his for the payment nf the
Nnwab's troop, and other n_..,.ry of the dilfonnt
olep>rtmeot.. u;. power may be readily from this
,\'lurub Burhu11tl Jlulk' toJOir>l tri/11 RU)tt Bha!JtMnl Ji7,f<f,qr.
!Ujs Bh:o;:want
Khiehar, Z'lnlwldr of Ghb:ipur, in the dis-
trict of Kom, wM the chief of tbe inurgenll of that tim. lie
WM n source of trouble to Jnn-nist\r Kltt.u, who haJ
m:orried tho sitcr of din KUn, tho miniter, nnd who
hnd ehnrj;e of the di!trirt of Kon.. On one """'"inn, wbm
Xaw&b &.rbulanl Kbio, Goemor of AIWlaWJ, r\one to
Knro., l(lllln nked him for his oid in detroyiug
Snrbul11nd Khlut thot it woultl tllkc murh time
'" oubdue DhAg .. .,.nt, "'"! he hnd no mouoy to p:.y lhe army; buL
tht, if Jan-nW.r Khan could proride bim with tbis u_.ry, h
Ilh:;'11nt. Jan-nisar Kh6n n.fued, and Sarbn
lnnd Kbt>n r.tuntL'<l to 13hngwnnt, who wa.' wotohing
tho opporluniLy or risiu_g ogniosl Jrutniur Kh&n, ollowe<l but a
ohort time to elaP'a, befo..,. he uddenly fell upon him. and h:>rin:;
JUL him to JMth, plundcl'M his eamp, atol tnok the laJj, .. of his
loou<ehold, ami dilributed them between hinuwlf onl hi rolo-
tives. Krtotnttl lin Kh,u, tho miuiotcr, w:L, furiou :ot this
iutelligenee, and, aided by all the or Dehli, he mnrded
Tldo ""'1 .. rally ..... J'Iilloll> . r -T;. l<>ld ia
.hw1 i the H.J;&t-.l ..d..h!tJ, the Jl., .... .tu.A,,.I ... w1 V .. tUh.J
T.twvf'IU aad tho nri.tA.f Jl....rrf. llllltiam 'All ('('Ounl wlll bt abovt
I Uti. c:allcd AjbtS, Adt.f'll. and (Jd"rd, in IOlU or tbiU"W'tl'l!ltl. Wt fMd
.S.CCIIl&a:ll ia p 1
" 11 LIM ti.,. ot U. c-ite. wllo, afttr ahibiUn1 the
d.1LU)' o( U.. bily, wcr. p.r&W b1a
Ill< .lf-.Ho,_l T-rl.U .. ,, Rip IW, tho ..,. fll to><>k tho
&OYensor' dau.btc1", who poitoatd henc-U 'e btt bonoar.
a:nint Bhagwllllt. The the f.ort of
GMdtur, nnd though the miniotur txer!<l every rlfort
him, they nll proved incO\:ctulll. In the end, bo lcfL
Muhnuuulld Khan of FarrtkhAMd, to prosceutv tho
nud hillll!clf ret to DehH. !lluhnmmnd IO.&u alju;tt d
tho matter by n:eciring a c:untribution, nut! then nlurnPd h>
Farrukhabful. At tht. llha;: .. nnt, more ewbohlcu.J than
rai-d the he:ld of arro,"""'" h> the he:uem, lllll took
of Kora.
\\ lon the ebarJl$ of that ditriet Wl\S eonfe....OO by Hi
Maj ty on nurhiluu-1 Mulk, he Wtnl there with " fonniol:.blt
nrmy. llhn:,..,=t, with a body of tlor.o thousnnd horwe, !lllltit-d
from tho of Gb6zipur, mod suddenly nppe:uw l>tl<oro llw
orony ot' tho Nnwab ou nrrivol, llf>Oll whiob occasion many or
loi1 ful10\1ers lUlled by tho Naw6b'a artillc;ry. llha!;want,
avoiding the fire of the Ml up<on Mlvaneed oliviiou of
tho army, waa bo:lde.J by Abu Tumb Kb:in. Thiltuflirt'r
'"" . t:oin, and Dbagwilllt tbcu attncktd the Xawab'a Wygu:orol.
)I [r Khutlayar Kbal, with li()()O hor., advaneeJ to owoso lhn,
nod \IIIli after a ..-vcro action. Tbu Nau6b"
t),.,ught it lte<:es..'ll\ry to move to hie upp<ort, and " oloso oouOirt
cnnctl. Shnikh 'Abdu-llah of Shaikh lluhnl Amin
l\h6n of Dilgrim, Duljan Siugh' rlmoullmrl of Kom, Dil&wur
};h(lu, '.\'zonaL KJ,(u) o.nd othur nttaoked and urroumh-d
who alfecttd to d011pie hi <Dtuy, buL """ alaiu by
tt..loanl of Dllljilll dm11 fAurl. Xaw8b Borbluul 'lulk
tLe .-ictory, ud tho bt11d
of was I<Ut to
Do it known tb..t Leal"' of p)'t'r "ould have to ll<l written
,,.,.. l to give nn IICC(Iuut of tho wLieh thu d!'tM"I
rluw&b or \\CNI I tu ntttmopl to d....,cribe tho nets ot' hi
SA' A']) AT JA 1\'l!D.
gtnctol!ity, patronAge, and libermlity. The Almighty God, by
virtue of the uc:ellent tb:lr.lcttr of tbA' gn-at noble, whose
rank was a.s high a.s the heavens, anl who po&>e>....i the qualities
of Rizwnn lle doorktep<'r of Parmdio, l1a.s the gau-s uf
properity to his descendants vc11 t.o this .-ery time. l\Toy the
holy God presl'rvo the foundation of tho wealth, diunity nod
authority of tbia hou to eternity, and givo vic10ry to its well-
wi.he,...; 3lld IDA)' the wickf'<l enemil't of his family, from which
tloe hole ofllinJU..tin;, benefited, be .. nfoonded and punihed!
;\lny tho desolnte<l worltl be lilleJ by his noble desc:endnnts to
tho tl!\y of resurtoction!
An tu:rouot ot' thn death of Naw6b Burh&no-1 'lulk, which
hoppenod at tho time of tbe ior<oiou of Nadir Sh&h, by a di,_e
in hit logs. has boo<n gien above. \fter hi drath it was found
by hit ac<Ouots tlL1t hi army bad -.ived tuo krort of rupees
in odnuoo. Nawab Snfd!\f Jang, hi eoo-in-lnw nnd euce..sor,
expunged thnt ouormous sum, und roigued all elaion to it. An
acoount of Nnwkb Sat\11\r JADg. and of his Aoet',..iou to the pol!'
uf Tio::arol in the time of t\hmad Sbib, son of :\luhnmmA<l
):;fuib, be c;inu
J'lfttluir(jju Jni Shog!t Smrtil, of 1M flibt.
Uis ane.,.tora have been &om llnoionl times tho Rt\ju of
.\mbtor. wu Raja DMra Mal, "h0<1e eon WM
ll!.jll Dha;;wio Da, and Raja ;\lin Singh """" tloo .on of
tlool Rtijn. Tlro. iu tloe timo of 1 ho Emperor Akb:lr, "ere rai>e<l
to tho diJ:nity of Amlrot-1 tomnra or grnrrals of the army. With n
iow to streuglbcning tho foundMiuu of his govcnunt-nl, Akbar
coun.-cted him.lf by marri"f;C with thi fADoily. Thy rt!Ddered
vnlunblc servireK and t ... rfonneJ S""'t exploit$, which Me narrated
in the histories of Dindtist8n. ;\I al1irijll Jai Sio::h wu vet:!
gtu<roW!, kind, "iu and brn\'e. AOtr his de:Lth, thirty kroro of
rU(I<CS were reekonetlto hnvo bct>n given by loion iu cloority nnd
rcwnnl. llo the 1!11Cti6co of harse aerurding to tho
,,.11-kuowo Hindu ewttom.
1'be of Jainagnr is a monument of his grr>tness. .\ ftcr
bU. de:.lh. Muhammllol Shah ):I'IIDted !\ kMI'ot to oon lt&ja
ltrl him in his Ju,,....litary dominion.. Thi
Prine, in tho U.1ltl fvugln Ahmnd lih&h Durr&ni, fled
from Sirhiutl, and wnL lo his .oontry aa has b<oto .,.fore n,lat d..
The d ...... ndants of RAja Jai Sio;;h S:..,ai art till in
uf their hereditary nnd mnintlliu gent stnlr. All
tho lamp of DehU hM betn long oinro 1\UI the
Uokhinie ()l..lnattM) have bken poo31!- ion of 1110L of tl1e citir
of llindut&n, Mtl tho R6jns of Joudhpt'tr, U'dlpur :nul othor
Chief. of )fan,ar h>ve beeoute wm, ami their dap "' if
thry ,.. .., "' al-a Rijo.s of Jaina::ar !'3Y " fix"l
nunual triuulo to the nnd enjoy" aLate of fl"llCO.
Nnoc6b Zttknn':;n ]{1,,;,, aon of Nntcdb 'AbtltH Snmnd Kl1<i11.
7Akariyn Khin was for mny ye:us Cove-rnor of Labore.
J,,..) m:lrriecl the of Kamru-d clin Khan. lie wu a jo-t.
ltarntless ond honourable nohlemnn, nnd !lll he fount! tho of
Uboro to be imilarly dif""!rd. their company wu vory
to him. In tho.e days the bigotC'd )luliC.S of LAhore u-. d to
cliJute with the Jlindlis on religious l"'iuu., nntl pe,.c'Cutrll
thm ; but tile Kh&u nlwny tried to adju't thtir
A Mughnl wns onnmoured of tho wifo of n Khnltrl, aut! r11111 n
lon::lng look uron htr; but the ntod ... t woman refu-.'\1 to
bi, MTAne- Tbe )I ughAI hit upon the exJ"'di<nt of moLing
an Mtomplice of tho wife or tloo wa.sbertnnn whom slto
and gnvo hor a lnrt:o sum of monoy. The Wl\!lhtrmllll' ife
""'Jped up " C'OI!tly nil anl tro" ro, >ncb u '"'" generally
"om by" bride, in tho ollor olollu. belonging to
tbo Xhattri'a wife, ""'' took them to hH in the e<tning. About
the ll:lltte time, the )I ugbal erlebratC'd in bio own hou " his
nuptials with n sbve-girl who lived with him, in thl' precner of
&ouoo Muhnmmadnut of his neighbourhood; aod, u is clono on
S.\'!10.\T J.l:WEI>.
the of mnrriages" !fWN:'lmea.ttt, etc . wrnl in
quantili.,. to the nri;:hboiU'8 ami frienck The not dl\y. with 1\
numb. r of.,.itked cloarvtrnl, ho WMit to the houe of the Kh:lttri,
nnJ detlored, that during doe the Kltttri'& wifo hod come
to his houae of her own froo will, ond having embraced the 111 u-
lmmmdn f'aith, hod !..en to him. The re!Atif<S of tho
woman \\ti'O mnoh aurrrioe<J AI thi., and ... ked tbe truth
was. Sho said that tihe had never seen tho who <LSsortcd,
by ""'Y of proor, that tloe marriage clulhl'.' which ah<> had worn
la.t night bo in the loon ; and whMl they .. ..,..bed,
onough, thrrc """ 1\mnd " fiUit of sueh llPJMel M i worn,
cording to .II.Iuharnmnlan eu.tom, ot the time of morrioge.
Great were the contHnation and grif or her relative_., and the
poor wornM in her ohome re<oolved to die. At lat, the onattrr
WM brought before tho Klu}n, nnrl nbout" hundred uhammndan
of tho of the who h:td the wO<t
me;ats, dotlnred thot on the }'rtions tho b.d in
re:tlity ccltbmted hi nuptinle. The Kazl of Lahore clccreed that
llindu womiUl, who h!ld eopollllt'd tho )(uhnmmadnn faith,
lo>d entcrel into "ith a Mubamm:ulon, uld not be
allowed to aponatiu ngnin. Tho Khan \\U much autpri-eJ, and
dferred hi dL'<!iion to tho do.y.
lu tho ni;;ht-timc, he dis;;ui-. lhintlf in the or afil/;lr,
and s ... t went to the bouse nr the \Toman. There he snw ooon
fakir sitting in corner, conver;;ing with eoclo other in this
wi.!!e. "Friend. we h:>Ve ob.roJ thil womnn for a long time,
and hiYo novtr fvuoJ !orr conJurt olhtr than moJ.,.t and tuoti
nMlt. How cout.l it bo that eloe went to the ocl ,.,,
married to him P Oool knows whnl UllC('ption loBS f'rActi.rcl."
The Klt&n, ru.,;og hmnl tloi, went to the quarter in wloieh
the :\t ughDI was rc.iding, and there hen"! 90rne pe<>ple saying,
"This }(ugh a I is foruiantor, linr, nnu irnpol!tor. \\' e rocvcr
nw the wife of tho Khnttrl coming to lei hoU5e; how then w ..
he married to hi The Klo&n retuml to his hou.,., and the
no:u mon1ing, ho<ing called tho "ift, pnt her to
JUR.'(,nl sn;on.
lorturt', he ccmfct-"<11 lhal the :\lu;:hal had ::i'n'll hr
money to pl31.'11 thAt briclal npp.ul'llllllongst tltu \\Oman' dotlu,..
'I'ho Kblt.n pul botb tho 1\IUJ:bAI aucl the wa.herman' wife to
cloatb. Many atories lik llliS or tho ju<tiro of tho ... id Kh6u
were relntod in L6hore. May God lo11;ivc him for his ius I
Ula Lskhpot Rai and J ... pat Rai, both Kh:utrit of Ubol't',
were -;erretAries and O<>unellore of Zakariyn Khlt.n, aud enlrustNI
with the roncluet of :all his ntrair.s. Allhou;:h they boll bool
....,.,i.-..1 the Litle of lt6j:a, yt they did noL thrmd:o
thnt npJollalion. Whcn N6dir Sb6b, nl\cr bia [tlundcr of Uohll,
retumt<l to his nstive couolry, he ordered thAt all the Jl""JI <>f
Uhore hould l>e tnktu '""'Y prisoucrs. L&ln Lnkht3l llni
lll&de him a flr't"'ODL of three (tlrl of rupt.'t$, "hidt \\Ol' aceepli;
and haYing tho rau..-eoJ the of nbool fiyo ban<lred tiiUII
elliid pt'OJtle, mnlu nml ftnmlo, of the Jlindu :ond )luhamnmclan
!JftSU.iona, be l,n a;-' o:un bebio<l bim in tlti.s "urld.
Roj11 JlnjU. R<ii.
Rajll :\1:\jlis Rdi, a Snl'llutlllr6hmin, inhnbitnnt of L6hore. wn.<
dira of Kamru.d diu Klulu, the h i ,;WW thu
nhbouglo be ,. .. the he:td or the miniollr's yot he coold
not "ritn n ICUI'l'. Ill clerh us;,d to all hi oflidal
r.orm. One day, Kamrn..<f dlo Kh(m ordcmllloe R&jn to 11 rita
in ltia lresenct, nnd having eeu l!:td 11riting, sniJ, "lt6j11
Majli-:lt&J, bo,. could yoo g<t theW zlrat of Uioolu"'An 'Aith
tbio ch;;nnt hnn<l lie t'i'plicd, "lily m .. t.r, j,'OO<lluok docs
not rrquire eilhtr k11owlrdgc or art, for it C. .aid, 'Fortune <qual
to 11 t.arlryrom i. U.ttrr ll111o a wbole lo:W of <cirnre.'"
lllajlio Ut\i wM \'CIJ' ucuerou ond n greal friend of tho ucc<ly.
IJurin;: lite "inter bo ;:a<e quilts 10 the fa! In \\hO
<lhoulche lllltt. nnd lrccl!l of !Jehli: nod from his uiapcn5nry nil
kitul!! of me<lirines were gheu to the pt'Or
1\oidlr Shih ,.,iz.J )Jajlj, RaJ, "ill1 a view to dbco.-er che
lre:tlsUh'S of Komru-d dlo Kh&n, oud itt his 0\\11 J!rC>tU<e, Alllml
S.\'.DIAT J.:w0. 3H
him wbero they were. He Nplied, .. 0 Kiug or l the
minittr i3 vrry luxurioiU and a great di'UIIk.ud; what he gela
ho Md lnye by nothing.n Ni\dir Shah, being ongry,
men ...... l bim with puuiluneut. .\lajlil n.u Lheo presented him,
from O\\ n a !.ores, with a of rapoei in cash, jewels o111l
other property, nDd tbat WM all procured from the
trea.ure of the mini.ttr. 1\i<lir Shah, at tho in.tig:uiou of 1>0n10
ur tho nobles of Bindu.tlm, who acted according to tho saying
that fl"<>pUl of tbe profu,.ion bate ""eh other, J'UI Raja
)fajlis Rai to the torture, and tut oil' ouo or hi$ ears. Although
tho \\hole tru11<uro of the minister was in his yet IJu
did nut discover it t.o any mao. He took tbe Emperor's
11ith him to hi hoaoe, aod having atobbed a d&J:gcr into
belly, clopart<Jd this world. Nadir SMh wM vHy orry ou
heMin:; of the and reonarkud thai ho wu a nro
of a grateful Bindu. He then urdcrcd the
sarvnuta t.o be punishul. In Bll the city of Dehli exdn111ntions
a.ro100 in praic nnd admiration of the departed toul of R.u.
llia vldest sou, Rnjn Khushhill Ra(, was superintendent or tho
bath nnd private ehnpel, nn offico whieh generally btlougo t.o tho
prime mini..ter.
D4ial of Ir.1roV1I Klui11, "'" af JIJji: Rh lUll
In th..., day a, H unnot KUn &billa, son of IIlli Jt:lhmat
Kh!.n, having eolleeted 11 force uf about 20,000 vagabonds and
M;hiWo, e....,_,J the Gange.; at Anuphnhr. lle laid itgo to
tho fort of Pllibblt, which wu in pooi!C:l.-lion of thu rninioter'a
ndhcrents, not! bcgau to Bp<!ad throughout tho
conn try. lie detennined that when the army of the
should oome ugninst. him, ho would fly to thu forests at tho fout
of tho Kumiuu bills. SU:at Singh a.:ut the f.1ther of
the writer of th""" pag'"' Rai Gurdaa, againat IIunnat Khan,
on hearing tlmt tho anny of the minister wM
aband.;nod the 1iege of Pilibhlt, and pitched his camp on tlo
bord.,.. of jungle. ltai Ourdi.s Singh punned ond came up

IJ> hi! encampment, upon whirh Hunnnt Khln eel his army in
army, and, after t1 very Eetent cn;;n;:ement, wa drf,.,.ted and Bt-l,
lf'ariog !!9me of his men in ambuh in a raviu'- Rii Gu..:Su
Singh, boiu: an nperiencecl man, obL:lined of the
ambuscade, ami with a body of hit c:orupanioos in :mn
went to tho plnee. Tho sdwmt of tho AJ);MnA being ti11L'
eerted, they fted away. A two tholl$lllld of them wrre killrd
nod wouud...t, and dedare<l in f#.vooroftho Sawab Watir.
1Tonna1 Khan too'k refu:o in tlte Rumiun hill.t, and lUi Gutdf.
Singh saeked villages which wore below the hill, and -..ithin
tho territory of the R>jn of Kun1t\Un. llo alo detennined to
innde hlru in the hill, but Rajn sent bill nmbn.adors. ruul
,,,..,J for pe:>""- Hunnat Khan 8.-1 beyond Kumilin juri.!
dietioo, and 1<>0ght protection under some other hill rhi.U. In
the mean tible a wa. ,..... iNI from ,(.,.fa-d daula,
of which the following u " copy:
"l\Illy tho tin<'<lro and fnithful R61 Ourd&s ho
from eril! It hns been repn outed by thr iotdligt"neers, thnt
p.......aod with lhe army placed un<ltr you o,iuot
Ilurmat Xbao &billa, you haYe ghen him a roouplete dcf,,.t,
Tbi$ i! ooui<lel'<'<l a mDOt vaiMblo on y<>ur P.'rL Y11u
take a written cngn;:tmont from tho llljuf KumMn
to tho effl'Ct ho will never givo prot..,tiou to onmies of
tbi! Stole within his dominiooo,and havin,:: dnuo thia, you hould
l'l!tum from diAL country. You conaider the!<! orill'I'S im
and net to tht!m!'
In hort, tho fMhrr of tho writer of this book took n dGnilo
ngreemrmt from tho R&ja of Kumf>un io this cfT<'Cl, nnd rotururol.
During 8nme di>)'S :\I3hilr4jll SUn.i Singh wll!l romovtl
from the ::o,nor.ohip of B:\ftill)', whieb was be.towed upon
other oflieial.
Btlli DaMllfttr.
A !M'I'>!OII named Beni, who WM first employed by U&jt<
\laba 1\nriin th of his ""Ler-veel, but latt.-rly wat
U'&D.\T JlWED.
by him on certain oecmaionK 1\:! a medium of commuui
calion with the aetuated by his OOd dispooition, be;;at
to coml'lain of \be conduet Gf his master before the Xawab.
Tho NnwAb at fin.t nppointed him to tho clmrgo of eertnin
distriel, but b1 the of hiJI fortune ,..... to the
hfight of tloe fulfilment of hi! dooire. lie became deputy of
the Naw&b, obt11inod lite title of Raja Boui Bahlldur. and was
exaltod with tb ::mat of the iooigui3 of the )fahi-ruuratib,
Xauh3t-khana, and R""lon-elclukl. This it the ""me Bcui
Bah&olur who, in the ronto.l.3 "ith tho Engli.b, nrtt'd very
tte3<herou3ly, and combined with them. The Naw,b, after bo
was < <l:lbli.bed in his kin.;-lom, dtpri-ed him of eight. " 1 do
not exP"ai tbat you, whu lmo sown b11rloy, will roap nt
lD >hort, liom neb eon.luet "" It:> beeJI bofuro mentioned, tJ.,.
Nawlib was very nngry 11ith Rkjn XnrAin, ontl kept him
for 501110 liwe uutler ouneill:lllee, lie ..... at wt ,.., rr ....
the inter.. <>ion of the groat and 11101 reopectA-1 moth,r
of Na11ab Wnziru-1 >\lnm(olik Shuj(\'n.;l dnui:L 1'ho moat ex-
lrnordinary pari of iL wM this, that during all the limo IUj ..
)laha :\Miin aull'ered tluo oerero lrt:\lment. the Xawab nevor
gave any nnnoynnco to hi6 father, Raja lt'm Nnrnin, or hi
lt&ja Pnrl&p Nnriin, who wore boih tiing.
Wbrn, in llSU \,IL (1772 \.D), lh [ronn .,. ufKAn111j, 11nd tho
country up to the boundary of Anupshnhr, I>M wrested from thu
JIO&l"""ion or UIO Dakhiols by the Raja Norloin 1\:U
appointed of it. At doe ,_,me tim, Rai Gurdb Singh,
the nuthor's ra.thfr, acoonling to tho NBwiLb's orders, llaving l'(lo.o
signed his oJJice as y in tho ditri<t of Rom, uolr :\lirza
Haitlar lk; Khin, was employed in the ... ulom ut of the nelf
o.cquiition. During the limo that ho wos employed, )lukh
thu-d daula, ooing disgu<ted with R6ja :llnha N .. obtaint-d
Xa11ab .u..t ... d dnub'o ood<r tA> <-.>nfi..eate
MaMrdja Bal.
lle WM a SakMiM Kanth b1 and an inluhitant of
dinner of Etiw"' In the ne<>mnt of hit r h.e sen' .. J
Burhion-1 llulk 1111 a writer: bat Nndb S:lfJar Jan;
gnve him tho tille of and appointed him tlepaty nud
in which he puni..hed the insurgents
of the provinct Althour:h the Xaw&b Wazlr 11$ided at
D.bU for yo=, yel, through tb good uaanazement of tho
:llah&r&jn. no di,turbanee ever """"" in tho onder hia
nM. the time when Mubanund Shah 13adhah went agniust
'AU Muh:lmnuld Khan, IWd btllieg()<lthe fort of llnn!;ash, bo could
not take il, it was made only of mad, anl he was <>eeom
l"'nied by all the nobles of his C<>urt. Bot whtn, aoniin!! to
the ordeN of the xa,n\b Wazir, tlao )lah&raja rtll"heJ the
he dcmoiL,bt'l! tho Willi of the fort in one d11y with the fire of
his heavy IWd hnvin!l 1nhnnued hill rtlputntion, ,.,,.
reeeived with diotinction by hi muter. It hM been above
mnrion..J thllt lWt!rija Nnwul R.\i WllS 8lain ancr ., bold
resistance in the boule with Ahan:W Khan Bao:ah.
Jlajn Kh,Mdl JMJ.
Raja R.U WA.!I tho lOU of :.\[:.h&n\ja Nuwnl nul.
Although h nbt..ini no ditinguihod employment under
\\'azit :Shujli'u-d dnla, ,:ret Nadb dauln, io conider:Uion
of tho of his :wce,to,.,., raieed him to tho office of Pay
ma.uer, aul wwe him ebar::u of All6bibad. llo lived till his
death in B lato of niHueneo nnl omfort.
Nn .-oh .J.'wf,1-d tl11ul wl 1M Rohi# '
Faim-llllb Kh&n llohllla, wlaorn Naw&b Shuj,'u-d dauln, at
tl& eonqu"'t of &reilly, hod plnced in posscMion of luo di
trich of lt6.mpur ond other mnh,il yielding a revtnuo of thirteen
/au of .. Ulaintaincd "" lone; 0.5 be grvat and
pomp, 3Dd taken greM raiM to his C:OUDtTy, he
realized double tho amount of from it.
)!ulwnmad 'Ali Kho;.o, bu 1011, sat pon the "'"""'d
with the of l'iawAb .&nfu-d daula. DuL Naiju Khi.n,
'Umor Khan, and his 1100 Sarbuhmd Kho;.o, with othn
Rohilla chief"" atltmptod to remove 'All Khan aud
instib""'ed bia younger brother, lluham=d "oo;.o, t.o
li.!Drp the mn.nnd. :\luhammad 'Ali KhAn "'"" I'D inti mote frioml
of Nnwnb daulm, and had from hitu mu<h
ldndn<'$3, 110 tbe Naw(ili wn>le to Ghul6rn lluhommol Khan to
the that it of no great eonsequenee thnt he bat! w.urped
the wrmml, but thAt.,&! he Ita.! taken 'Ali Khf.n
pri110ner, ho should him to Lncknow, wlwro somo omploy
naent might 1M' ;:;ivcn to him, which woull induce him to ab.t:Uo
from awnoying tbo osurpor. Ghu!Ana :\luhoananad Kh(l.n, appre
honive tlmt Muhnanrua<l 'Ali 'KhAn's would oc.uion
som with the advice of Najjti KhAn and 'U tnlll'
KMn, put him to dll4th in prison.
The Sa"ab, tlainrtiog for the blood of Ghul&m
Klt{ua, runrcheal from Luck now "ith a powerful army of his owu,
.;t(,.J by hi allie$. Gbullm eolle<lted
eiglaty tbouand Robillas tmd rniscd the of
rovolt, and ncl'l1lllced ftom Ramp6r with tho intntion of rtuoder-
ing tho city ofB:u .. illy, which belonged to tlao X!lwnb. In llao$e
day RaJ Clun!W. Singh hlld charge of Bnreilly in conjundion
with S:unbhu Xath. Depending upou tho gnucl fortune of tho
:Xnwab, ho propnrt'tl to dtfcnd lhe city, n.nd the Afglulns weTe
DOL to plunder it. Dd'ore the arriYal of the :Kawai>, the
amay of hnd reachc.l nnd Glmlllm lllu
bammad, who la.W eocompt'tl at fii'U "'- from the city, rnllde a
Yigoro113 aliD.ek on tho Englih b3ttnliotl8, and mo91
desperotely. :But the English, who iu b.lttle are very Ru.tams
&DJ hi'awdiyars, made a good otnnd, ami haiog confounded tho
Afgh6us with lite ehot of their gun, llaem a c:ompletu dtf,.,.t..
'Sajju KlaAn &Dd Sarbtlland Khan were ,bin, and Gbul&m l{

IlAllN.Ql SL'\OB..
bomnnd Kh&n Bed townrds il1o forest! under thP Kumaun
The compiler of this book \1113 with his futhor in this bottle.
Thu viotorloiCI nnny encomped for two months neor tho forest
to ebliStise tho Rohilllls, Ghulilm i\luhnmmod was obliged to
surrender. Wilb tho ndviee of tho English he wns sent prisoner
to Calcultn. IL is snid thAL be obtained leavo to go to Meccn;
but where ba went to nt\erwru-ds is not known. In short, Nnwiib
ASllfud danlo., proeooc!iug through lUmpur, cotcrsd U1o oily of
Bnrcilly io triumph. lle gtwo some mnhtilt of 1he of
Rampiir, tho ro\euue of which nmounted to about ten la!Jf of
rupeeo, as ;itglls to the other sons nod descendnnlS of F:tizu-Unlt
Khlin; tho re4t of the territory he eonfiacntud, 9Jld thu returned
to Lueknow.
At tho present time Bareilly and other have been cOOed
LO the Engli!d, :1nd n!Utough che juglrt of tho of
Fnizu-llnh Khan nro still mnintnined, yeL tho Englioh keep their
cy .. upon this tribe of Afghans, and in their wisdon1 deal \\itb
thorn willt eireumspcction nud pn1dcncc, ll5 ia ll!!l:ulial in
Cou/ttft betu:cc11 .EIIflli&lo and Ra11jlt SiHql Jut.
The impetuous army of the h<.d the greatest difficulty
in taking Lito fort of Dig belonging to ltaoj!t Siogll, nnd then
lnid eiege lo thnt of Blmrtpfu-. J"Swont RAo llolknr \'Colored to
pluuder tho eouulry round tle English iuod HCDL lUI officer
of hi, by Millo Aru1r Kl1tin, with a body of twenty thousantl
horse, towards flnrdwar. Amir K!Jlin crossed tho Gnnges, and
pillaged the eouulry up to :MurMf.bUd 9Jld Sambhal. The
Englillh officers at Bareilly, with the liLLlo force Lbey hod will
them, propered to repel l1im. Some of tho Afghan officers who
hod llecompanied Am(r Kluin mndo n eoospi rney against him.
A& ho could not stand his ground, ho ftctl, nod having joined tho
c:nup of J1111w:wt Rao liolkar ut great p:ort of hi$
rumy disper$ed.
War rnged for sovon months between tho Eonlish on ooo
\'.<D.IT UWED.
part aul Rlijn and Jll$waut Rao llolkar on
othrr, atul moru tho 6rt .. u thou.,..nd mn were kiiiN on both
iJ.,.. l1e daily confticu hffore Uha.rtpur form a nnrmth'll
"hiclt ht worlh n.nd on buth !11-iles sueU courage was
""""nat threw l11e ehh11lrie st<>rin of anciml.. into
" Such battles nnbody had seen in tho world, nor tho wi>Wst
mfn of tho wbold oanb b:ld heard of."
.At ht tho En;;lih, R"""rding to the ordrrs of tlwir Governor
Gonornl nt O:LicuU11, parJoned Jhnjit Singh for his fnull, nod
him b:>ek the fort of Dig. Thoy IIJ""Ul the rniny ""''"" AI
"athurll. Jll8wtml Sinzb Holkar fled to Lahore, and sought llD
uylum with Thlnjft Siu:!b. ite ruler.
lo "-li (lb05 A.D.). tlw brave Lord
mlll'ChNI toward nnd hMiug fordod the Sutlej, pitchtod
hq tote on tht ide of the Biy&h, twenty l:tn c.,.l of Uhure.
Gmat alarm tnoad amonz the r-ople of the Poojab. With-
out tlolny the Sikh ehiefd arouutl L6hort, in order to save their
lives GO<I rroporty, joined the """Y ADl ... ,..,iveJ
"ith favour. Cun"'lucutly, Ranjlt Singh, the rul.r of L6hore,
aont o mi.'lctiou of uxperitmerd mcu to exprr"s his nnd.
the pi'""'""" of the Briti<h Govcrnmnt. Through <:"""L
humility o.od llattcry, which politicians on enjoinoo to ob.crve, he
n:tAin,.u of uomioion,. Moreover, it WM throu!!lt
hi$ m<,liotioo that peace "a. eouclud.d hftwO!ell the Engli:.h and
Jll8wnnt llfio llolknr.
Tho llritisl1 Goverumrnt ,ante.! !lOme ditricl of the D;okhin,
part of Dinolllstan, to JM\\'l\nl Rflo, nd relievtxl the worhl
frou1 mBZO aud opprcsion. 1'hoy also allottorl SOIIlO listriet.s of
the Dakhiu awl :llalw&, and a J"'rlion of HindutAn, to:;ethu
"'ith tho fort of Gwalior, to )Jahh&ja Rao Siudhill, nnl
lur n lou!t limo eeeul\'<l th tOOJ>lo from unjust denuuulf. At
P"-..ettt, the eity of ..UI.arib&J, to;::<"tler ,.;tl, di.tri<l of
tho province of Dehli, nnu tho "hole territOry of llnndelkhand,
is in their 'l'ho rhiet"- oi>O of tho Panj&b and of the
eouutry bordering oo the hills submiion to thi11
\"0&.. YIIL

rowerful body. The aolmioutmtiun of the Bri!Ub
dilfcN iu no reapect from tbM of the great Nawab Wazir, "Ito
ie endowed <ith the grnudeur of tho Pleiades.
author gins in bL. Prefaeo his name and pattmity
Sai)id Soll&o 'Ali ul H...,.in( ul Mu.awi Satai, "''J out ..
that he 111!.5 a natio of Anlabil. in Xurbaij(w, from whonro J,e
tmelled 11.nd took up hio "aboJo under the auti<iout
aylum of Nnwab Shuji'u-d daula" at I,ueknow. Jn the oeeun<l
year of tho reign of Sa'U<Iat 'Ali, in 1213 A.U. (1798 A.D.),
ho to wrilo the history of Imlia frotn tho lim"" <tf
Tlmur to the dealh of tho Emt>ror Muhammad Shih. lie
enummtes tho autboritioe ho h:.s eoosuUed : Znjllrn&n,.,,
Wuki'til-i BJI>Jrl, Tdrikh-i .J.{Il, RriU1/Ir, 'A' lttRI-Iirui '.J.Mod.l,
.. dJbur-,tnur of Abu-1 Ful, JJ,,,t4n-i .tfJ;AMr-i .J.Arnouil, 1/;MI-
,.,;,.,, Turi.U o Suir-i Johtw:Jirl, Tnbtr/;dl-i J!l./;bori, the worl uf
Kh..Aj> AtabU Kuwini anti others, The latter part of tho
work is p:\rt.iCillru-ly -upi.-1 with tho affairs of the Nan&h or
Outlh, nnd down to tho aeonlh year of l11o rtigu of
S3'tl.dtll All, 1805 A.D.
Sir H. :\[. Elliot did not n <opy of tl1i.o work, but thu
abo" notioe h83 been drnwn from a translation of tho
Alld Tohlt of Contenl.3 whioh i amun;; hit l""pera.]
M A HIA 'U -L Ali B
Tms eompilation U. the work of I!&nukh Rcif, aon of .Hwan Dns,
eon or Hill lh'Wil Rim, a Khatn.
R&i R!m wu Goven10r of for many ye:m, from
the timo provinc:o wo.a made over to J ai Sin;:h
Saw61 by Muhammad Sh&h, to tle decliuft of til Jit
power. During lhia long interval of timo, lto is by hi.
grandon, lo have IV<)Uitted bimlf with !!n!el cnxlit in the
htimation of all mon. Tho author's gr.>3lgranolfother, Dya
Ram, was tflU'all to l\lubarizul Mulk Now6b Sarbulond Kh6n.
"'bilft bo prailld b;. own <tudioos li<position, he the
idlenl' of hit cont<>rnporaries. ITo oh!KitVtOJI that m08t vrol'l of
his time, wh tl1er from their nature, or on aocount of
their numerou worldly ameations, are averoe to ""'ding long
nnd clnbornto works of the gre3t writora nntl hi-torian, wbo in a
style of eorreclut!S$, and of l"')nent:r, have very be:tutifully
writton with their golden p>n, JUtd, by U1e aid of their wit tUJd
&bility, ::iven of tnoniU'<'b.o or paot agts; tloat u the
&ei<DCO or l.ilory is the mrAII& of glllheriDt! knowledge for Wi'lll
men, and affords exumplr>$ to intolligont ob.,.nen!; tllllt o.a every
narrntion ""'J""'linz tlu>"' who han ftouruh.J befo"' onr time is
" pN!Copt "l1ieh improves lho undo,..tnnding or mou, IUld
every 1iw:t fonnr time i a pro ,.Jeot which inereas. the
oe of pen10D6; and tbM M tho Indy of this
sdeuoe is very bcnefici:tl to 11ud rulora, and 11lso ol"'lU
the eyes of tho common petl, hy Bfronlin!; infiJrmBtion in nil
re,<(>fet..'< u-..ful to them; it bar! therefore b.n lor a lou; time tl1n
ardnt dr-iro of this gleaner .. r crornbs from tho t.1ble of
persoru to compile " book in a '<try @implo, intelligible, anl
concise LJIC. which fonn of hi.torical subjec""
and 1\ of fuet, cmbrll<ing "'' nocouut of the Jrrtat
RiljOJJ aorl powerful Kings or tho cxtcll!ive country of llindu-
.tlin, $0mo ohort utebes of tho Princeo of Pt"'i.' from tho
KAiinian, SWAnian and other dynasties, who nird tl mndmnl
of ou tho snrfaro of the oarth kf11re the promol!;atiou
of tho nligion; nn aeoouut of the erention vf
Admu, n hi,!Qr.)' nf the PropheL, ; Saiul.ll, tho rii!in!; of thu
attn of tho truo rligiou, memoi1'11 of the ;:t"'L Propht. till
t..ncl'orlor of mankind, hit holy eomJl&1lioao, oacred lma111,
rhilo..opbtl'!l, tiou men and thn 'lub=madMI Kin;;" who ru(,.,(
ovor tho tOUIILTit5 uf rrlut, Turon, nml llinIU.t{UI, nud who,
cnu8tod tho klmlb11 tr> bo nnd attd monoy euinod in the
nnmo of bl(un, oreetcd the atnnJnrd ot' power and prosperity in
the foot quartont of th \\uri.(, a detail of tho elirn:.t ... ,
tht etlrLratl <iti.., their rariti rmd woodt,..,., tit ::UVellloN <I'
the fumoiU >untries of the worlol, nn 3<>unl of tho European,
the NciV Wurlu "hich '""" t'Onl}ucrod by Lht wll!e pcc>plo, a
driail of tribe with it.s religion, t'mut
the crealiuu of the worM. 8uoh W&!l tho work he undtrtook
to eompilo from abstn.o:t" l.akn from cn.lible works and au-
thentic tlll1Tition"" with a \ir" tlw the and re:adt'N uf
it might., "ith n little ntlrntion, obtain I!AXJniulnnoe with tl1o
hitory of tho worltL This objeet ho wna noL nblo to oecomplil,
until hr nll't "ith a patron iu the per.son or Rai Sri Narltin, lois
matern3l unde, OD whom 3. riJieuloWJ ::u11l rul10me eufo,..iUIU
extomling throu,;h 1"0 pe..aes, which it ii W!t'lilt"' to
Tho nuthor tdls WI tloat hi" work was oornpild in tho 12Hth
y"'>r uf thu llijrn ern, or lorty-erooool of nnd tlo
chrono,;ram io the PreW:e, "hieh ;. funul'<l by
:IU1!U'C-L AKD8Kil.
l(ujmoa'u-1 Akh/.,lr with another wonl, gives lllao 1214 A.H.
( 1199 A.D.; but u lae oo.rric down the hbtory to th i220th
) tar Jlijr:> (ISO;; .\.n.), or the forty-eigbtb of Shah 'Xtam.
n from of the tranlatoJ which follow, it
io troroblc that nn incorrect dnte hM been a.sumed, iu order to
nmko it accord with the title of tho work. Though tho work i$
.n mere coml'ilation, it i;; u.."<lful in many nnd is well
"rittn. h is divided into eight boola (dltll<ir), and senral
(J;hahr), of "Lidt a full detail ia gin!ll b-low.
Tho .J(qjma'll-1 Akltlxir ill nuL uncommon. I know fiye or m
copies, of which tho bot ia in tho po>oessiou of Nnwl.b M I an
l<'nujdlu Khan, nf 1Jhop81, whose kinduc"' I obl.llioed
tho copy in uay
DooK I. Tho inLitntos Md notions of the aneirnl llindus :mel
their Rulers, in thirteen Chnpters.-<Jhap. i. Creation of tho wothl,
nnd tho appc:uunrn of p. 16; ii. Tho Rultas ""'! RAju
uf ITin.Jiast3o, from tho time of Man to doe tbya of Raja
J>&nd, lUther of .Tudhiohlhar, p. !!6 ; iii. R.-izo of Raja
,ludlai,Jatbar nml hi Dooccndaut, p. 50; iv. Diomwa :wd
hi lll'SeOnlhnta, I' v. Rujn Snrwah nod hi.-J
I' ttl; .-i. Rujt1 Dhuntbr ami hi Ue.eendllllts, p.lll; ,-ii. Raja
Uikl'tlmajit, p. 126; viii. Raja SamunJorpalantl hi Oeotendant.
I' laO; ix. Raja ;\laiUk. ChlWI llnc.l hill De...-uJ;on..._ p. }:U ;
x. liar PJ'('m llnd In p. 132; xi. !Uja J>nhl Sen
nuJ his Descendnnts, p. 133; xii. Dip Sen n.ud his
p. 13 xiii. R6i Plthaur&., Uac laat of theRaj:lll or Udall, p.l36.
BooK 11. H iwry of tho Pel'liaua, in six Cbaptrs.-Chnp. a.
Thtir notions re;anling lhe creation t>f the world and !llalo&bal,
tlce fll'>t fiu.ber of mankind, p. 142; ii. The foUowe'" of )bJuibUJ.
:and their mADtlcra and customs, p. 117; iii. Tho Kings of Per>iiL,
from Ute time of Kraium(,rs, who ill &id to btl tho firt
tu tho p.-riod of Dura (OariWI), eon of D&rah, who were calleJ
the lluluk.s of ',\jorn-some or th<ir conttmpoma: Prophets,
eruinenl Philosoph--Rile of Alexander the Grat, p. 16/J;
i1r. Ale<mnder the Great-Kings of who ruled after him-
A d ..,ription of Rlim, p. 252; T. The !lluluku-t Tawaif down
to tho rise of A rdBSbir Baba:;an. who ruled :\1\er Alexand<r, p.
296; ..;. The S...Uisns, from tlto time of ArdMitlr tu
period of Ya:ulajird, lhe laat of tho line, p. 290.
:S.>OK Ill. Hiahry of lhe in ten Chapters,-
Cbap. i. Creation of tlto World, p. 366; iL Creation of the JiDilll,
l' 366; iii. Creation of Adrun, p. 368; i'C'. The gre:n Prophm, p.
37-1; .-. Dirth ond rioo of Muhnmnuul cltief of tho Prophet,
p. 417; <i. Th great Khallfu, p. 461; ..;;, Tbo twelve Imame,
p. 171; viii. four Tmams, fouodprs of tho Suuui duolrinoo,
&nd tho ttn perooo who are id to have ::00" to Paradise, p.
181; ix. The 'Umrunyide Khallfus, p. 481; x. l'he 'Abbasido
:Kh.>Ufas, p. 4S:J.
B<>OK IY. Kings of Ycmon, SultA.Illl of l'r,n, Ttir6o and
otlu r Co11nhies, in cln Chap. i. The Tihiriao
or l\!uluke of Khur!laon, p. 533; ii. Tho SultA.n$ of
Khail or G&opana, p. 536 ; iii. Tho &ITalians, 1' 6-13 ; i>r. Tl
SamaniAn, p. 616; The Dnilnmito Kings of TnhariUin, p.
551; TL The Saljukions. p. M6; vii. Tho KhwirivnhRhi,
p. 663; iii. Tho p. 669; iL Tho Kum-khii.Ais, p.
ui7; x. The lam,.'ilians, p. 67'8; xl Chang!% Kh!w and hi.
D.......udant.a, p. 687.
:BooK V. Tho Klus- who reigned after Sult6a Abli Sa'id.
in Chaptn.-Chop. i. The l'lk!nians, p. 631 ; ii. The
p. 633: iii. Shaikh Abu le'h&.k King of Persia.
p. 634; iv. Tho :\luaffllrian., p. 6:.15; Y. of Kart, p.
0.18; vi. The Sarubd6riruus, p. MO; vii. The Sarw&n .. hA.hi,
p. &1.5; viii. Th Kari-lcUinh1 rut .,_ p. 648: ix. The .&lc-kliiuhi
Suh&ns, p. Gi>O ; x. Tho Safflui Kings. p. 6i>2; xi. O.,oqueet.
of Nidir Shih; Iii.. ,\hmad Shah Abdali, and hie
p. G92.
Boox VI. Tho 1\IobammaJn Kinge wbo ruled in Hindli..U.n,
in nine i. Tho. Kings, p. 706; ii.
li.Ull.\' U -L AKJIB&"R.
The Ghori:w., p. 723; iii. Tloe Khiljl Prin-. p.
Sh'h and lois p. 767; v. Khizr Khan,
auruam .... l RAy,t-i .\"li, and hb p. 79G; Yi. Tlao
Lodl p. 808; ..;i. Amir Tim6r anl his
Dv..,tnuanr.a, I' 822; yjii. Sher Shah aDd other Sur Afgh6na,
p. 879: ix. llittnry of Rumllylin after his seoood of
lliudut6n ami hi8 De.scendt\niB, to the time of Sb&h
DMh(.ta, p. 00 I.
BooK VII. 1'he Rulera of tbe different Proviocouf
iu eleven Ohaptert1.-0hap. i. 'rho Territory of tho D<Lkhin, p.
1188 : ii. Rulen1 of thu Dakhio, io twelve SectionJ.-Scct. J.
The Bahmonl DynAty, p. 1195; 2. Tho 'Xdil-hahi D,muty, p.
1223; 3. The Nirim-shailol Dynasl.y, p. 1234; 4. Tho Kutb-
hailai Dynuty, p. 1216; S. Tbe 'Imad-shllbi Dyoaoty, p. 1247;
6. The Barid-h&hi Dyot.<ty, p. 1249; 7. Rulers of Kh'nlllllh,
p. 1260; 8. Rulel"' of Yilri, p. l2S2; 0. Soh&nt of Gojanl.t,
p. 12,59; 10. Tbft p. 1268; 11. Batllo ";th llaidar
Nailt and hi 100 Tipu SultAn, p. 1293; 12. NizAmu-1 :llulk and
his Dco.nd3nt.o, p. 1299.-Chap. iii. The Eastern Kiogw of
Jaunpur, Jl 1307; iv. of Oris...,. nod n de.acriplion of tho
Provinee, p. 1310; v. Provinces of 1lengnl ntul Dih&r rutd the
Sultla.n and Govoroolll who ruled oer them, p. 1312; vi.
Provinces of All&h&b&d nod Oudh- Na-.t.b llurh6uu-l M ulk
Sn'adal Kbrua nod Dosccnrlnots who governed them, p J:J.j.);
viL The Rohill" Afght\01 who ruled in the territory of
p. 1389: viii. Tho lbn:;ash Afi;hans of Farrulth&bftd, p. 1398;
ix. The J6t Chi, p. JIOJ; L Naj:U Kh&n, p. l.U2; xi. Tho
P:wj'b and the folloll'ti'S of Xioak Shah called Sikl11, p. 1416.
Jb>K Y:UI. Oi.-ifion of Countries aeeordiu:; to tho En2li,h
-DiJconry of tho Now World-Thir mode ofGO<frllntrnt, in
fio Cltaplen.-Chap. i, Tho Sen Climllte, as by the
English; and MCOunt of the Countries of the New World, "!aida
were conquered by them, p. 14.23; ii. An account of tlae Pl .. nH
ruad lhe Sl.tll'll, p. 1426; iii. The Earth-Rivertl-tho four
uivisiou1 of the wholo World, p. 1429; iv. The Countries of
liAllSnill JLU.
Europ<'-the C..nqut>SL of the New Worlu-U C..1111trie. of th
fuur Contintnta, and the Contitution of the European Stole,
p. 1430; v, Tbe pot-doiont of the Enzlih in Ea.ropo anol
JlindU.tnn, aud tho tulea of lhvir GovN11ment, in fivo
1. Tho of England, ,. hirh i tho
originol conn try of these pooplo, p. H.OL; 2. A 111'
the City of London, the se-'1 of their Oo<emmenl, p. 146-"l:
a. Tho rules of their Govornmrut, p. HO.S; 4. Kings of
EnglanJ, p. 1471 ; 5. Aecount uC the Ea.t india Co111pany,
p. 1481.
(Th following Extmrts tranlated by "'"""ltl,
autltWived revi.ion from Sir 1L :\1. Elliot.]
Th Jut. <If
Amon!: the fonner chi& of the tribe of J&t..,Jbjja Jat ...,..
pro-eminent. Uc wM li :fimlmlar of a villa::"
oilnot.d between Dig and Kumbher. Ue bod in alltndlince ou
him a body of nearly one hundred ho111, conisting of hi
Lotion. Tho Elrong f11rt of Thlin waa tlto plneo of hi n'8i<lenoo.
I le led a predatory life, :lOU displ,.ye<l ;::reat wu"'!;" in e<ery
exeun.ion. H died, leaving lwhind him three eons, uamC<I
ChUrim:.n, B:Wan and Raja Ram.
Tho first-nBml'd sou Wt:<:ledl'd him in Uu of tho
tribe, nod as 1m j,'OO<l fortune proved m .. water.< riehly fertilizin:
the fieltJ of his 04n!Or iu lifo, he, OU tho OCCUtrl'lltO Of'
thr tumult which followed elo..,ly on tho death of Aurnngzd,
revolted, nn<lthue laid the foundation of fortune. Muuamm>l
f'arrukb on ......ndin:; lbe dtopatehed IUja
Siugh Sawai with lUI ovorpoworio!t to ch3Stioe Chunim>n.
and as tho Raja, after" iege of onr year's do.,.tion, sncc,..,ll'd in
ro'<luoin:; Uhur&m1111 to tho last extNmity, lb. llltler h:.d o:>;;a<"ity
tnou::h to eow U1o -' c.f 1ru<lenre io tho Jield of fortuuu.
into a lea;::u "ith Saiyid 'Ali Khan Rarluo.
"ho \\Min eha ... .;e of tho entire odmiuiatmtiun of tho afT11irs vf
liAJlo!.\'trL ArrnnsR.
tho StMe, and jMlous of the power or Raja 11li Singh, h re;;cu.U
otore of hi tre:uure :md from tit of mill-
f<rtllDc, which ,.,.. likely lo as oevere as of
RAja Jai Siu;;b WM to raise the of dw fcm of
Tloun, and return with malieio\1$ feeling cngooderell in him
by the defeat of hie

This circumsbnco m:We Chura-
"'"" oo Brrog:ml., thot tbe plant of hia spirit
::rew up and touoh.U tho vuy lle!\vens. A.t tho time whto
lluuin 'Ali KMn fou.,:bt nth the army of .\lohammod ShAh,
Cbumonan was 80 l'""'umptuoll!l that he rept3todly fell on tile
camp of the Em[lilror, and engaged in plunder. llf thu eon-
tinned to incur public odium, till tho founh of the reign
of Sb,h, when JUja Jai Singlt anl odt< r a ,jn
or O<Jte were dttdlO<I ... ith an for<:e lo .... tuce the fort
of Th6n, llrul exr..nninate him. They their utolMt
txertions to cfft'llt tho pu.rpose, nud as tbe earthly career nf
l'huniuuw was ot an hill brothel', J3.,dnn Siuglt, lca:;-uod with
RAja Jai Sinttb. !(liVe him all tho infurmALion that mi;:ht tend lo
th min of Ohlir&man, and thueby onablod tbe R6jo \0 "l"'u
::;11<' of the strong fort. Chlir&m:w, on aeeing his all' <ll'-J"'mte,
humt himself in the of the fort. Rlljo Jai Singh
hvollc<l tho fort to the ground, and CAOaod it to bu ploughed up
by a yoke of n.o.e.o.
l.Uja llad&n tbrongb tbe of Raja Jai Singb,
l4m& tbe au..,. -or of Obuniman, whose son, :lluhkam Siogb,
furtitod the in conaequcnoo of his father', oft'once.
13:\tlnn Sinl'h, on obtaining lhc chielohip, built tha forts of
llhnrlpU.. and Wairn. 'fhc fort of lllmrtplu- was modo very strong,
if not impregollblo. Tl.te ditd1 round it is so deep tbat cen
the imazinotiou can out psss one hAlf or ilil depUt. I u rampart
i 10 wide that it e:u1 admit of the pas-a;e of sccrnl c:u-riac;C3
nt a time, Beaidcs it ill surrounded by rorctoUJ.
It is llnid tbot !Wlan Singh WM in the bBbit of
Cl'cry tl"y quiekilnr of the weight or" )liu. Be had hundred!
IS..,.,,._ ,.ol. \'II. P1
IL\llStrKJI n.H.
of ooncubin<ll ami twenty On f,...Jing his ,J,fcctivoln
loilattn and fin,Jing 3mongst lois"'"' Suraj l1alto be tb@
mooL sa!tl'dou.s and wie, l1e pl:.eeJ tho n:ios of gov.mment in
hit luwtho, a.nd &om the ca!U of SL3to to 1....s the
remainder of hi lifo in -luion and paace, which he enjoyed up
to the year 117! A.B. ( 1760-1 A.D.), when he diel II ia saiJ of
him th3t., in conoequl!llce of hill numerou.s descendants. he U3N
to inquin wheu any one of them <nme into bia presence,
38 to who the penoon "'M
Stimj who, during U1o lifetime of hi father,""" entroted
with thr entire adminittralion of tho afli&in of the Statf', lrougly
fortifit.od the potl8 of K umbher IWd Dig ; Md on hi tillher'e
dtath, "h'o be attaioeol abeoolnle po><er, ho employed extr
tion for tho extension of hie territory. The Mcliuiog alate of
tho Empi"' of J)ohU all'orded him ll10 meant of o!&kiog onc,...h-
mont 011 the royal Urritorill.!. In tho of .t\Jnnad Shah,
be wu ou friendlytenna ,.-ith Wuiro-1 :\I=Aiik S:lr.lar
and thurhy placed hit nffilira on n finn bMU.. Ho AlforJ.,J
eory ai<l and couoteuauce to the @<hem .. .t of s.fdu J ang. Iu
tho ye:tr 1164 '" A.D.), when JMg diroote<l A
second limo hia anny a:;aia-t Abm.J Kb!o Suraj lbl
netoJ iu co-opl'l":ltion with him, tho hc .. l of"" o!Tt-ctivo
Tho w:ar terminating in r:n-ourof&fduJaug, Siiroj lhl obt.aintol
po....,..ion of tho province or Xgrn, and the miU!tor of
the wbolo territories of M .... at, and a ttaoL of land .. (;uo u the
neighbourhood of JkhH, yielding Dlore than two A-ron or Ml{>ceo.
Tl1is extell!ioo of bill lerrit.oriPe eultod hit dignity to the nry
ltonm, and contributed t.o ausmenl tho ot:reugth of hia fon:o tl
nearly one hundred tho<u;:utd hor nnd foot. Di ... t.o wore
in the enjoyml'nl of all the bll'Min
.. of a good govermnenl. I u
tho yel\r 1170 (1756-7 A.D.), wheu Abmnol Shih A!Mlill
was on hi march t.o lliodwt&u, m010t of tlto inlull>itaull ofDchli,
both high nnd low, look in the of Sur:oj Mal,
wlto ntndod hit prolktion t.o""nls them, and teeated them all
with tho respect due to lbeir i ve ronks.
)!Ant.l.'IT-L AKIII!.\R. 3().3
Jnhlln Kh6.n, the of tho arrny of tho
.Ab.lili, moved at the l1eaJ of an on,.,.belming to npture
tho r..rt of Knmbher, and Slinj proeeeded in an undaunted
spirit to ...,.;a him. In tho yt'llr 1173 A.a. (Ji.'J.'I-CO .<.D.)
Oh6zlu-d din Kh6.u, IH:iug diamayed by the npproocb of
Alunnd Shah AW61( to Dindl!stAn ognint the ?!Jahrntt:li! with
whom he lutd into a lra:u, rook refuge with Sliraj
Mal, who receinl him eo11rtee1Uly, anl prote<ted him for a
lime in his aJveraity. In rhis year, &1,..,, Suraj )[al took pos-
M>ion of the fort of Akbouib(u) fron1 tl1o Emperor of Dohli.
the legitimote aon of 'Alomglr Second asceuded tbo
throne at' his father in the E:l!lt, uutlrr the title of ShAh
and !Sajlbn-d daala Ruhilla the I'IWIJl;;ment of the
all'aira bf and appointed Jawin Bakht, tbe eldet aoo ot'
Shih '.l1am, as the Sunoj :\131 fclt an lltllent Je!ire
for the po!!Sesaion of UrbH, a01l with this object hu mol"'heJ
eArly in the ycnr 1178 ur. (176-1 ,,o.) with n con.idernbl.
forte thnL pla.:o in the epirit of pr .. IOUlinanL
Najibu-1 daula, d"""ling the prow UP and otrength of ::iuraj lbl,
ent,....trd him io oltiet-t tenns to m3ko peaee; but Suraj Mol
1\!fuwd, and prtpared limself for a.-tion. After both arrni""
w<ra drawn up in battlu :trmy, Surnj with n email fol\!e,
unfortunately ndvonced too f:u- beyond hi army to eurnio oue of
hi &nd \\hile !tanding bttwetn it and Wl of hia Potmy,
a party which, aft.r hning been plunl red by Slinj anny,
wore ""turning to tbt ir enmp, on hin1, modo an nltaek
on loirn llll<i put him to doath. Thit ovent brouJ<hl on, in the
twinkling of "" ''Y'' tho diocomlituro and of tho
irnoneuoc fo= or Sumj Mal "'illiout a fight. A droumotance oo
uon1oted <an b< -ribed w rho bot to tho d'rte of
ProriJenee, and victory, "bieb ;. in ita gift, tell to the lot of
Najlbu-d daule.
Htiraj Mal, bowovor, hnd &eVllml tons, among whom Jawahir
Sin;;h, the most ngneiollf, meeee<leJ him. To avenge tho t!tath of
bia rather, J awahir i:iingh IIIAtclleJ "ilh .. con.i<ll!rable forte
Najtbu-tl daub, by R&o Mahmtt.a anti a body
of tlo Panj&b Sikha. Najilln-d daul:t, blcing shelter in tho fort
of Dcbll, 3ppliod himself to strengthen tho b ... tions nnd bmlol of
tho fort ami rity. Jawllhir Sin;;h encamped round the t:auk of
Kiiban Ub, ten mil,. di.tant from Dehli, anl LliJ sie::o to tho
city. C.noonading ond musketry c:ontinWl<l fur four mouths,
when lllo roJ.lOrl of tho anivnl of tho Al;d(tli troops diAposod
Najibu-d daul<> to purohase and be otTcre.l eooce><ions
to the Tho WM cou<lnd..J through the inter
pos;tioo of Rao. and both p:mie$ rernllined in their
independent positions.
Lltc in the year 1179 A.JI. (1766 A. D.) Ragbu MahT!IIln o:uue
from tho Dubin, """ig-d Gohad, and drnanded tribut< frou1
Jaw6hir Singh, whieb obliged the latter to detuto to him, for tho
purpose of nC!;OCinting pent!(', GoMiu JiimmnL Bahlldur ami his
brother J\mrio Glr, 11bo bad fonnerly, on the defeat of .Nawab
Shuja'u-d <loula loy tho En)!IU.b, let\ the Xaw,b's NI'Vieo, and
entered that of JawAhir Singh. Thoy now, froru avurioious
excited by bribes offered them by tho l\hhmttn-,
deviated from re<:titudo, nnd RAghU to betray Ja\\ihir
Singh into his bandi. Ja,.&ltirSingh, on lean in:: <flhi.s t,...rbcry,
despotchl'l a portion of his anny in which ho oould place conli-
denoe, with instructiona to full on them unawnrt's, with n view to
them to their TIJe two brothtH'tl
14 iog th.- arri'-al
uf the in a b ... tile "JJirit n::ninst tlu m, t:ae up all for
loot, and to 6ight with some of their innnedinto attentlaut&.
'l'hcir c<JUit"ll" ond Wlll1l all carried otT u t>hmder.
ln "hort, RAjo J:.,.&hir Singh bceame masttr of mo.t of tho
neighbourina: tenitorie11. But in eonsequeoco of his bnl"io!t
ntt:lined euoh glory and power, hi1 trido was into
vanity, nnd l1i4 mind Y>ith the inwinMion of utHiiD"
c ..
his oonqu"'ts li>r nod wide. In tho year U82 A.ll. (1768 A.D.)
he tailed on Raja lladbu Singh, son of Rijn Jai Singh Sa"'i,
to ""rrundcr the pilrgamt4 in tho neighbourhood of llhartpur. 1 Bnt
I [S.-t ,. ,., p. 22S )
lUHI.\'t'-L AR!
'" Raj:> :ll.&.llul Sin2b JiJ not""""'' to hi$ eall, JAdhir
quol'l't'Ued with loiln, an,J fitted out" exl".Jition. Under pr
tonco of performing oblucion in tho lko naar Ajmlr, Ito mnc'Chotl
in that direction. i\ll<hu however,<: aw:are of hio
hoottilo anli'ntion, p'-1 " lt-et of hi troops nnder the
ooncmoncl of l!Arsah!i Kholri, a eontidential dcJCncienl, with
instruction to opposo Jnw(,hir, who wn prcpurod to tnko tlw
lield ...;tbuut nny Thid Rajput foreo met Jawahir
Sin.;h in tbe or Jaiu:pr while on hi ""'Y l.ock
from tho lnko. .to obtinnto bnul took plnco, ancl the
chnrgllll maclo by both pllrtic' ooe..,.iocul nucnbors of slaiu.
In eons..'qnrnee o the bold :md atl!leki of tLe valiant
Ja,.fshir :'\ingh' lroopi could not stnud
ground. R&jn Ilars.,luii, Gun .. (his brother-in-law), nncl
nlOlll of tho brnve diliJllayed their vnlonr, but fall nL
on the fill of b3tUe. C<lnfideuco and tailed Ja.,,bir
Sin::h. With a dtjeetl bean be ntrt-:ttod tow3nb Bbartpcir,
:ml lwe3nw, in consequoncu of his irulfc><tual er1cnrnehmeut ntnl
<li"g-moeful Muru, the onhjoct of public IIc at I:Lt
:;lutt<..! hi1 von:;e&nM by w=ting tb. territory of Kam6u trorn
llaja Singb. IIo then P""""''l"'-' from Dhnrtpcir
where a \'illnin, whose ttnme is not known, JlUI him to dnlh
in \"iowing an lepbont-fighL
Jawahir brothl't, ltatnu Hiuc;h (MOUIPr or Suroj
)lal). 5UC<'<"I<..I him. Tlaii Prince ""moinod contnnUy in n
of intoxirotion, ond WlllltCII hi8 procious momont in
nnd iodolenco. A fow ctfter hi ueessicn, ht a.,riunly
dir"'ed to gain a lmo\\llge of alchemy, anl "itb tbis '"iew
m!lll ovrr a lor:;o quaotit y of gold to a of the Mmo of
Riop(u1nnd, who hnd given out llrat hu was n very al<ilful nlcolre-
mit. 'his individnnl, lcowever, opproprintod tho gold to his
own 1130, atotling Ratnu Sin;;h with e.-..,ire otorie. Wl>en aub-
tcrfu;;es ou his )W"t cx .... Jed thtir r.aoonablo l"'uud., Uatnn
Singh th.,Ment"l him wilh 11UDillhmonl; and tho impostor, boing
AJ!proberu.ivo of the fg:;.j of bit buuour, if DOt hi$ lifll, COD
ducl.d him unsttend...! by any Mranta to his own place, under
of showing hiw u.c rucbomical by hi ln.
On his .m .. t there, be put Ralau Sio;;h to death by slabbing
him with n knife. This event coming to tho knowle;lge of the
aJbtrents of Raun Singh, they imm.di:uely killed tho daromh.
RnlalJ Singh ruled only nino months.
On his death, Kherl Singh, his I!Dn, only five yters of a:;e,
was irutaOed by tho miniRlcrs of tho Stole, nnd Nuwnl Siugh,
ton of Suraj M"l, ..,.. appointed regent; but one month ol\er-
wnrds, when Kherf Singh died, N uwul Singh became indepen-
dent, nod on the rrddl.
Tltit l'riooe, desirous of oxtonding hie torritorioa, wreoted,
in tho y..,. ll96 A.n. (1714 . o.), tbe furl of Balomgvb from
.Ajit Singh, &<D of llagn J&t. li e nllfO oven-nme tho
force whieb loud been orden!<l to give aupport to .Ajit Singh. and
he became mMter of and other ploefS
ing to the crown. rtulto c:<>nquesls made him 1111<11mo an
air of haughtine...., until Kbio,
by command of llis
Maj .. ty Shah boited the ot' fur his
e:tpuJ.tion, aDd in W!"L':'ting from him the of
FnrldabM. lle waged wnr with N uwul Singh in the ocigbbonr-
hood of !IJiobl and Bsrsinl. llowag 10 fortuu&.te that, nol\ith
et.nndiug :l bt:ing to his disa.dvautag<!, he guinPJ a
complte vietory o .. r :\u\\ul Singh, who being thus doomed to
sustain n d!foat, fortified in tho fort of Di((. Najllf
Kblt.n, in a hort limo and ,..ith little oppo<ition, eiToctccl tho
rcslomtion or niJ tho nsurpod LorritoriL'" W)lioh were in JIOl! .. ion
or "Xuwul to Uto very Wltllt of Akborllba.J., and
aft.erwnrt!s marobod 1.0 bt'<!iogo tho fort of Dlg. tho fort
11!\d bo,.u iu a ol.ato of for two yea"' Xuwul Singh died.
Rauj!t Singh, son of Suraj Mill, who WM then at Rhnrtpur,
on hearing of hio bi'Qther'a ,Jt,.th, hi\S<A!n .. l to Vi;;, applied
to sl.,.ll;;lheniug tho gotes and of the fort, nud nnimotot!
tho eourage of Uto B kill...t llull' Ahmad Jih6.n
I [lito,.,.., p. il:l7.)
Rohillo, who had boon employed by Nu1vul Singh to protec:t
fart, but on X uwol Singh's tJ, atb aotired to tl JlO"' .-ion of it
him1olf. H ;.. through tho exertions of Ranjit Singh, thnt tlw
besieged held out for eleen months more, wlttn, on failure of
aopvlies, Ranjit -ing the d ("'rate ble of hi
surrendered. A fow dl\ytl afterward, Nnjnf Kh4n CApturt-d tho
fort of Kumbber; but tho frts of Dh.artpur o.nd W:Ura, with
some other plac:es, ftnl:Uned in the pono5>ion of Ranjit Singh.
After tho death of Nujaf Khiin, when Lho 1\to.hrllttas obtaiurl
o. fuoting in bit territories, Ranjit Sin:;b profi ed -ubj..:tion tu
Sindhia tbo commander-in-ebicf of tho .Mahrntt4 fore<'.
Sintlhia, being plea,od with him, committed to his cluu..:, on lh
.,.....ion of march of hi army in the direetion of J :Una;,'11r,
tho forL of Dig and Kumbbor, which Najnf Khan bad annexed
to hi own territories.
When, in theY""" 1218 A.R. (1803 A.D.), the Britih o<ere:une
tl1o !11ahrnltM, :md took posicssion of their torritorict, Rnujl t
Sio;;h was prndnt enongh w admowledge o.tenHibly the
aupNmney of tbe British; but in the following yenr, ou tho
oCC4ion of the man:h of united foroo of tho Mabrntlll chief,
D.mlat R'o Siodhia and Ja.,.1lnt Rao tho Britilll,
l1e joined tho 1\lahrntw, in grntitulio for fom1er good will
ami reg:u-J for him. When, io tbe p3rt of tho Y""' tho
Rrititb, aftor the wi..!on1 or their policy and
tho strong foru of Dig and Kishnngnrh, gnllnntly
determinlod to talr:e the fort of Bhartpur, ho with a valiant body
or .1&18 mn:hed boiJiy to re i><t them.
h is said that lhcu Jat.s, in opito of tho &nporior elrength of
the Uriti.h, fell upon tbem regardle..s of !if as mothe of lire,
committed groat Altmghter, and thus displayed their valour to
tho ll<lmiratioo of all who witne!!Scd or hMrd of tho filet. But
when ruler.s of Beu,"lll and Bihar, tbe poll!ntatos of
Dakhin such "" Hai\lar ami Tlpu Sululu, tho :Mahrntw ami
otlwN equal to Ru_<lllm aul lfnndiyllr, hn.e been woNted by
the British army, what eould be expected from thnt poor and
RJCr.]I..S booly? Their 6;bt "ith tlte F.ugll$h i ju.t ... thAI or"
WU"'J.tlito "ith :m eloplllUit, or of "nwth "ith 6re," !'"""' with
n luw.k, 11r a goat with a lion I these En;;liHbmrn
emulate :;rl':lt heroes who liWJr" iu onoicnL lti,tory.
'l'lw Mohrnlll\ chiefs weru prc;uruptuuua enough to ooutinu
opl'o'iut: nnd hara._<Sing the English, tltllil suoh time 38 the nto->t
eult..t Gen"ml !.:Ike, by prudent trukes of polioy, anl
r oott of kindollil3 BOd l'e'.!l'rd, !("ioed oer R:.njiL to
]>>W'O tho iotc...,.ta of tho Dritih. n. to Ranjit
tho f<tt of Dill; arul Kiohan!("rh, and then made rrr.,ra
timt r,,. tho c'l('Dlsioo of the :ll"hrnttA.<, RBDjit Singh njoyr4
" """'" in dii'('Ction of tho world by hi nttllrlunent
lht r.,glih. He died iu tho lntlcr part or tho y .... 1220 A.ll.
(180G A.n.),lcnving hU. nnutu inunortnl in tho pages of history.
T/11 En!Jhlh Compa!f
Tho Company, or the Englih mtrdtl\nto, oent their 111
lit lllden "ith the production< of J-:uropc for we, and ot ...
itb moury in caoh to goodo in DindU.tan.
"'"""'need their bll8iness in llti8 country in tho limn of tho
Emptmr Ntirud din JnMugir, nnd obl.llirwd from him nrnl
bouXI < litr the reidenco of thtir in tho pcrL of Snrnt .
..\t\trwnnl, Ly the Emperor's llrcy took sovoml tlnr,.,
from tho th"Y ctablihed their lltctories
in :IIAdrns, and other rt3res in UindU.-toi11,
In tho of l\luhamml Auran;:uL '.fiamgir, tbry oh-
tainod ""nni.-ion to build a lileton in Bm!!al. and thtu thv
.-- 0
laid tl fuuuU...tion of the city uf Calcutta. As ton" "" tl11
rulr,.. of lntlia did not molet tltrrn, tho of the Co111f'1uy
tnid tnxll'l into tho royal treasury, like other me ... tmnts: but
whru ll11y were opp, by Chnlld(, Sllhib, governor of A rrot,
nnol Sir&ju-d dnula, grnodon ol' Jang 'AliwarJi 1\hau,
ruh r of IJugal, they submitttil tluir complaint Lo thrir
nud; "'iuforc.:d by a roJal army, they took pc-,_ion or
A l'lt and By llu.y esublitbed tbtir dominion
in Bengal and lliloar. Dy tloe aouoialaoce of Almighty God, and
good fortune, and tlorooglo the aitl of their armit-a, they
u lou 1-n kfo"' mtntion...t in this brief
repeated ietoriC!J over Shuj(o'u-d dauln, aud with ;:rta& mt.,."IWli
mity and gt'Dermity re.tored tloe oountry to him which tlwy bad
eonqutred. Hot a. a mea.ore of precaution, they plaood a
division of tho Englib amoy on the frontier of hit po-.ion.,
tho of whirh wM to bo pnid by him, and an imclligenl
ancl wi.e En_;lih oOitl'r..,., al!OO O(lpointed to remAin 10ith him.
After his death, the En!!li.b r.-iY...t the ..U.tricll of Bcmllrl"8,
Joonpur, GhAt!pur, aud Clouoar, from olllola, io roo-
eid<r.o.tioo of hi ruufirm...t in the mnn.d, and tloce pl-.
wotl! Mntx...t to the C..mpany's When Xo3ru-d
dnulA cxpirL-d, after tho quolling of the olisturb:wc .. naited by
W'azir 'All KhAn, anol thu at<.,..ion of Naw&b Sa'(idat 'Al[
Khin to tho .,on,.,f, one-hAlf of the Oudh t.rrilory 1111 cedw
to the C..nopany.
In the nd of the year 1217 "" (1802 A.D.), 1\Udhli R&o
len this {'<Mable ....,rid, and 13,\ji Rao, oon of Itagloun6th
Rio, IUett'<!dod bino. Jlaing l><u olet...,.tod by Jaaaol Rio
IJolhr, in con<'qUCDt:t! of his miuU.tor'a dcft'<ltion, Ito rtqnt.,.tl'<l
:usi.stauee from the Lord !lluquis, the GoYtmur-G..uml, whu
onl hi brulhcr, Gonerl\l Well .. t.y, at dee head of a furmidablo
nnny for his auccour. ]faving Lhu.s ret.<overed tho of
PUDa, ho WM again eatabli!!luod firmly upon tho nuwmrl.
RAo Sindhia, Jaaaot !tao, aod Raghuj( Gho.l8,' the
l\lahrntln cltiof. lmvinjl eoonbioood together. rrerarN to 6glot
with the J-:nc;lih nmty. Tho &l't'iug them
dipo...d, ordered <.i<neral W'elbley nnd othtr officen1
nl 8blliuoo, in 180:1 A.n., eorrespouding with 1:!18 A. II.,
to euinguhb the fire of their op!'O'itiou, ou.d wn .. t from them
the forts and the cities wloirh lilt'y hd (Onquel"'l<<. De nlso uL
large aup[lit"' of ll'll:lbUre in aU directiollll, and, u IOAS beflt men-
1 [l' .. nr .. o""""'" or ".Ub...S.," bot .... .,., ,.ol. nr. p.
tioned in thi wnrk in lhr hi,lory of lhe
were evel')"' here victoriou, MJ nil th& hrritory 3.111 furt
of the-e rcbrl3 frll into lbc hnnds of tho Dritish wnrriol"".
Oaubt RA<>, Raghtijl GhOl<l&, and other rhid ned for p<'W',
wUirb tl .. y obtained, an<! tnjoy<.J tran<Juillity and cas<>. Aord-
ing to tloe GoVl!mor-Gonem\'s onlcrs, some of the conquered
citie. nnd forts wrn restored to thmn. JM\\'IIllt R6o J!olkAr,
ho,.-,.tr, continnfO<l otill to be rcfradory, and buint; ldl. the
Dakbin, now kintll ... l tho fire of rekllion in IDndu-ton.
In thoo days Alo RMjit Singh J&L revolted, and bt-!:nn to
betmy inuoonHuation aud imolenre. M:nny English illin
in "ith him, and on all idl'S ronnl their QIOP lbe
fo"""' of J03"1llll RAo commene..-1 plundering. General Loke
with J:rtnl vnlour nml prudence did not move hi8 foot front Lite
Gcltl of firmness ami pcraoverancc, nod with gl't'nL kindnl"'t and
favour restored the forto of Dig. Kilumgar!t, etr., to
ll:tDjit Sin,:L., and m;ule an with, hi whole
efforts to tht oxpulion of Jn'!Want Rao. who, in hiM <'XIn:me
alway a took cnro lo ke<p him,.,lf at n rlistanoo from the
Engli.h artillry. ADII fou;rht nfttr the fl),hion. n ..
to the of lite PAnj&b, whttv the br.1ve Genor:U
nlso bohlly pun;uc>d him to the environs of l.&horc.
Iu Ute mtmn time, the Governor-General, tho Lonl
bavin:: l .... o remo1e.l from hill offiee, "'turned home, IUtl the
honoumhlr, the gr.:.t and noblij Lo"l Cornwalli, the now Go"
ernorOnml, tho pmie of chnrnctor nn<l good
conduct ia boyond the of ant! iu \\Ito,_., time
aod by whose and wi..Jom the conque,t o.-.r Tipu
Sultan ,.,., achie\'ed, carne froon tho lo\\ords tho w...,tem
parL of tho country lith tlto intention of quelling the di>l-
o'l tumult.a which tho had rni!l'<l. Dut on
the 5th of tbe month of Rllj>b, 12'20 A.B., "ith tho
lOth of Ortobor,lSO.) \.t> .. he diC<I of some dia....., in the virinity
of Gh11.ipur; and nil tho English offieel'i', M well "" oLitcr people
of all mnko, \\Ore much overwhelmed by aorrow nt his tlr.,lh.
Genrl'lll, l\e>..'<lrdin.: to ordoro of the Govommeut,
purchlll!e<l peru:o from JMwnnt Jt&o HolkBr, nl the Cllt'""'" or
some trel.nro atul tho n--tomtinn of tho conquon:d territory to
hint, whioh belonged to the R3jputana elates; thi, Uae
Gcncl'lll returned from the territory of tho Panj6b to Dchli.
In the< dy., the end uf year 1220 . .H., .ud the close of
tho forty-eighth ye:tr of Sh&h '.\1nul reign (m"y hi
d9minion and be prolonged to !) ;\bht.r&ja
Holkar carne from the J>"nj3h to R&jputana, nnd there
rni<NI tho truldard of triumph anl succCHs, "'!lnblisbed hi4 rulr,
and G 00\V in exaetin; <ontribution from th rujt
and Rat. or thot territory. The Englih retoinod tho clistriciA
uf Dehll nnd Jtgm iu their own Jl<l'"'ioo. Gnral Lake
triumphantly p,..,...eJed from tho eapitol to tho t:L><tem part of
the country, llnd Mr. Dnrlow hnvlug b<-Nl appointed to officinto
in plru:e of the Oovf'l'llor-Geoenol, took the mana;emrut of the
Government alfnint into hia bond".
In hort, all the rhid< nnd proud tuloro of IJint!U.<t&n,
11ho,.e luab touched th heavn, and who &om thir dignity
and pomp elnime<l C<JWIIity "ith Satunt, having considered
lh ir "3fly lO li< in rel"'ntanc and could not
th<ir bca<l from their of n!pect to thil! powcfol
J>OOple, ant! all the rebellion and turbulent cbsr.\<torswho alwa)
b11..d of pride Md .,.Oily "ilh the nail of tumult
nnl quarl'(ll, put tho cap ol' their upon the J."l''UUU of sub-
mi.,ion, and did not pla<e their fuot beyond the loouocb of respt!CL
to lhi body of wiae men, who, from their great humanity nn1l
lib<-rality, have eubdo...t evry one of tlair 'Vboevcr
tltir proteetion \\M murh honourod, rrop('Cted, and trenltod
with great kin<lnc<J!, ""'! thoy 6xt'd an allowaurc for hi mniolt n-
anee. Xot";thl:mdinz that the Englih are fow in oumhf.r, JCt,
by their prudent ""'"'"'"' nnl onperior wisdom nod understaud-
they have introduct.J such mana:.:emmt iuto the
conquered by them M ne,cr WIL! known in tho of nny

U.lllSI1KH Mr.
ancient rulrN, although thy pcses!t'd much power anl
more nomtrou.
For tho .,...mlilfL of their aubjeet.o :lnl lr..nqaiflity of all the
ptople they hnve courts in all their cities nmltowns,
thnt, in flll't, in 3{'Jll'<'hniun ol' their l"JUity and jolicr, tho >ra)f
anJ the lion livo in the ""'"" den with tho go:u and tho deer;
aoJ the and"!"'"'""' oit in i.he :uno nest with the falcon
nnd hawk. 'l'he powerlitl Oy beforo tit weak, IWd rubb,,...,. :md
oho1v tho wny to bonighted lmvcllons. All
""'L und"r thtir protection, and :11l 31'0 comfort...! by thrir junict',
If a brief actolllll of th rul .. and ro;uLuioiLi whidt are m...Ie
the5e P'"'ple for tho adminstmtion of justiee wrre
it would much lengthen work. Tho judge, nt lhn time of
llenring eomplaiulS, look on nll, poor 11nd rich, and
mean, with an imp:utial oy., anJ puni,)t thm to the
lnw, in proponion to the atrodty of thir dn..b, thot othor
may take wnrniog from tlwm, nod aroitl to commit. rrinw. ..
Almighty God PN'llrrve tho ahrulow ot' thoir fJ\VOUr a!lll kimlues
OVtr Lbt hr...J. of all M lung M tho worlJ CXit!

Tms or Xcws'" ""' COOll'"''"' by 'lnaynt lln-ain of
MultrrJ fur tho inrtruelion uf hi< oon, I111.titl llunin, nnd the
odifi:a.ti111 of of hi1 nu,J ncupit'd him niJu,
Tht're i!. n
Uhin;r "bat4:vrr in u to \\!UTanltCJ mue:h \\.Volt- uf tirut.
f.,r the Jn .. "'turi<'J.I portion i., a lllt're tr:m-,tript (rom hi:!:
wilho11t a ..-ord of novelty. goo;:rllphiral dmpttt is m...,l
u..,rul, even in that tbtre little uot 10 be fount! in tho
/Iml/katu-1 .J.UI/m. 'ln&yat Husain dOd not himself mention
hi8 lluthoritic<, tho tmn"<!riber of the cropy I bnvo uNi ndd!
in B potooript the montrou.t IISSl!rtiOU th:tt tbe ;lUlbor ..... <OU
oalted no I 4 than fo11r hundred :.nd eighty-four work. in the
t'OUI"$t! of hi <t>mpilatino. 'I1tis infonnntion Ito profcoot8 to hno
derioo from the author
Tho oxnot yenr of completion is not uwntioned, but ns notice
is t.akeu of tho de31h of Sh6.b '.t\1am, IUld the of Akb.-.
II., lhe work rnru.L lmve bfo'U eomplet,..J '"b,equentto 12'20 A. H.
(1805 \.Jl.). 1'ho EU.hif,-1 .J./;/i!Jdr is not divided into book<
chnpters, but tho promiuout diviftious and nro
the following. Some miaellaneous mntlN',., ncb a.s " "history of
ant neceso:orily omittod in this Bbstrad of contents.
Prcfilec, p. 1; Or.,.tiou, Jiuns, MuhntnmnJ, Oroeian
l'hilo."<>ph"' Eastern J>otls, p. 2; V"tt'11ilication, CompMitiuo,
.\.uonomy, aod Phyooral Gtvgraphy, p. 101; The four
aud early Arabs,!' 119: 'Uutmayides, 'Abbuidt!>, nn1
tho Dynn..tioe which in their p. lH; Ohnnglz Khan,
untl the Dynasti011, StUJn,is, p. 17:.!; Kings of Jl indtistau.
lliutltis, GIL'lnirides, Ghuri&ns, Khilji, etc., to ,\kt.:lr 11.,
p. 201; .\labratw and Eu;:Ji,b, p. 314: Kiu.," of tho
D.,khin, 1\lio.lw6, Bengal, Juuul'ur, Multliu, Sind, and
KMhmir, II 322; DolScriptive ncoount uf tho Suba!! of Uiutlus!tln,
p. 381; Oouoluion, p. 423.
-125 P"gu, e""b <Ootainin!( 25 lines.
Tbore is nothing in the olume worth tr:mslotion io this place.
I know of only ouo oopy of tho Ka.Mjitl ..dkltbdr, which 'vas
trnn.scribOO in 12G3 A.H. (1817 A.D.) for NawBb Dault\
)iuhammal 'Ali Khan Bahoidllt, by '\rtan '.\li of
Bareilly. It it dean and comet.
Tms work is nn :.bridgmeul of tho Klmla1qtu-e Tmrd.rikh, by
Urnrao Singh, of Bennres, continued dnwu to Ute nee.,..ion of
1\1 uhnmmad Akb3r IT., or mther to the appoiutmont of Sir E.
Colebrooke o.s one of tho Oorumiasioncrs of the "Ceded and Con-
quered Proinces," nn cr:. of irnportatree to the nutltor, na ho
to have been employed by tho British Goerumcnt in tho
Revenue Depsttmont. 'floe work in a rnanlll.'t" which woulll
lood us to supposo it tho pruduouon of a M usulrnl.u roUter thllu
a HindU.
The Zubllalu-l .AkkMr is divided into seven Books, of which
tlru fi"'t 6ve are nbatrnctod frorn the Klt111ft&1tl11-t TntNirlkh, a
}>Orlion of his labour which the n11thor tells llS occupied him
fil'teen days. He Also iufonn!< us thnt he was fond of studying
and reading arabic nnd }><11"8ian worb, and W38 seldom
engaged except in tlre."o agreeable oecopalions. One day,
rending the K!tUidutlll-1 it oomo into Iris he:rd Utet hu
would abridge lh:lL work, because he found it tedioW! to poruao
!!<>long n history, which wns in 656 pages, eaab num-
bering 20 lint'll, ami he wishOll to save others tho trouble ho had
experillnced in turning O\"(!J' so nrany leaves.
Prefice, p. I.-Book I. Description of Hlndtistan and the
8Uwt and tarkrira dependent on Dehli, \\ith " atntOIU&nt of tl>o
reonuea collected from cnah, p. 4 ; 11. Tho Knllt:lvall llllll
p. 29; Ill. The IDudU. R&jns from U.u tin1o ot'
Paricbit, inahuliog no account of Dikrnm&jit, p. 15; IV. Tho
111 u!Jnuunodan Sovereigns of Ohnznl, Lahore, nod Deltll, ht-
cludiug the Ghaznhidcs, Ghorions, Stove Kinga, Khilji, Sniyid.
Zl:OD.\TU-1. AlillO.IR
and, p. 77; T. Tha TimUrian Dyna.ty from Jlahar down
to the of Aun.u=b' rl!ign, indudin:; an &<"COunt of the
Slir Af;;h&n p. 123; VI. From tho reigu or B<LMdur
SMh to tho tl!1ltb of Shilh 'alam, inrlwling an account or Ni'ulir
SMh, tho Abdalis, Rohilla.., nnd Dn;;, p. 2-33;
VII. A=s.iun of )lubarnm . d Altb:u IL, the '"'l'ture of the
fvru of 'A li;:ul" KamnUA, tlc., :wd the dunuou of rei;:na from
Judhi.hthar to Sbah 'A'Iarn, p. MG.
'l'hts wurk cout:lin5 nothing iu uut.ttt!r or worthy of
The ouly which I know of the ZuWatu-1 Aklobar i! in
the ion ui tltc .<;,u(r Btk!IM of '.\li;,;arh. It coutni111< 612
)'ages, with lB linllll to tho page.
MlTN'I'.\KJIA.B.f 1\UliLaSATlJ.'l' TAWXJti'KH
Tms is not nn of tho Kllllllinlllf T111r<irlkl1, ft.'S the
llnDIO nti;:ht frlld Ill! l\i U(Ii>OSC, but " brief abstract llilory of
ludi3, modt 1\itlJout any nof,reuce to that work.
The Jl.,Hful:Aab lua uo Pref:lce, and begins ,.ithout nny
(1\'fiminary prai"" j but at tho end, tf10 CO)'yisL that it Willi
l'Offi)'OSOii hy 1\ porsun IIAIIIOc( llam J>aroh6d. Jt is of 110 USO
<lctpt t<> the ""'""'' b. .;iumr. h ill cbiclly deuttl to the
'fiwtirian S J>3_;e only ltf'ing given to tho period.
w!.ich ('nlC<f,J tbenl. Tho work eml< '1\ith tho ...,., .. ivn of
,\kb3r II., ami CJOnt.ain -10 l,gg of Hi eaoh; but ..omc
tab(., odcluJ from tho Jdmi Jam ol' Suiyid Ahuuul KMn, by
which lho volumu ill exraml.d to 84 pn:;"'
The oni.Y cop_,. I knu\\ of b.loo;t to '.\U
Khan of Jhnjjnr.
NA \\' .!B .\lullABBAT
A o&N><R 1L Tiistory of Jodi<> from tho timo of thn Gbnznivitles to
tho ncoessiou of )[uh:umnlld Akbnr 1 I., nt tho ciOf!o of the
ycnr 1806.
The nuthor Nnwab Muhabb.u Khan is not to be confounded
with his oontempomry nnd nllm05Jlka, tho areond son of DaiS-.
Rnhmnt, favonmbly known as tho nuthor of Rlli::u-1 n
!_!tn.rtlntnr tutti dictionary of tho PushtU lrtn!!tL.'lg<t, in
Penoian. A mauuscritt of his \Vork iu the India Libmry
has been much quoted by Dr. Bomhnrd Donl, in lia .Anuot<ltioos
to tho Uistory of tho Afghans. The snmc wrilor is nnthor abo
of the poom called having c.1llcd his two
chief works, liko the an thor to whom this article is devoted. nncr
his own Garcin de 'l'Msy dei'OLM an
articlo to him in bia Jii.toiro tl f11 Hiudoui tl
Tho stylo oi tho nuthor of the ...dkhbcir-i ;J.{r,habbat is slol'nly
and II.'! is onen observable in works ll'l'illen in lutlin
by loreigners from Algb6niat&n. He dwells with pcculinr plwmro
upon tho deeda of his anc<l'!tors, 3ntl is very pl'l>ud of a
which ho tmce! througiL Diler KMn, Daryl> Khlm, Saul,
Abrnhm cmd No:.n, np to Adam.
The work is in too nbri<lged a fonn to bo of much except
tonrds Lho end, where tho author expands the narrative, giving an
minut.e u.:eount of the Durr8nl inlillJiolll!, nnd some of
\'ol. i. p. 366.
tho of 'XInm's reign, whirh he M!!igtt! only
thirtoon )'\'lira, conlmry to tho osonl modo of rockoning. Certain
J"lrlioo also of tho ""il."" of 31111 hi uc:cessors Gl'll
upon, whon he h' tho opporlllDilf of recountin:r tho
of D11rya Khan. Khan JAiuin l.o<li, &h&dnr Khan,
Dilor KhAn. and othor of the author rate o.nd fiunily.
J n hL Pref3Ce he quotet oMeml 11uthoritio .. , M by
.\hu-1 Fnzl, :m nnonyrnous history of Sbnlot\bu-d din Ghori, nn
Bnonymous history ul' 'A lAn-d din Khiljl, lloo Tcirlkloi Ajugllil/111
t.y Hu11:1iu Kh6.n, tiro z,,,,,,..,..;"''' by S113ml'u-d din, the 1imur-
',Jmn of ll;hifi, D&b:lr' )lomoirs, the 1.'",/U-i ..ikoorl by ',\ta
JJt.:: Knxwini,tbe Kitalri ,1A:hrShtW by !'haikh llbhdaJ Faizi,
tho Tnh<rlotll-i .JHarl by dln Ahmad, the ll;l,ti/ .,iwJ
of )lu'uun:ul Khtln, tho of Jalo6nzir, the Ttirikli
;.'llt/i.lo-Julttlnf by W nti Kluin, tho Turlklo-i '.l'lnmgirl by :llu-
hnrumnd K6:tiou, two work under the nnono of TtioJk,_i Bu/uHur-
Sh<lhl,the Ttlriklli .JittAmno.wJ-SJ,d!JI, AlonmJ-Siuihi,Sio6h .tf lam
the TurikiH KultiHiri by Mnn16n' l:', the Jf.,,,;.
6hurnl, Rumtl!J'f , the DAti!Jaroln,
SillgAti""''' BnttioJ, the ll<ijtiron lJb&o RAm, and
RuJn Tari1JI!Ii11f.
ot' tllc.o!e 31'11 or or.lionry eurrcnry, nud of\oo qnotrd
in l 'rofneca without being rt::ld, Tho and even the
rxi.tonro of the nuouyonou. work, my bo doubted. Ue
nrntiona the bitory of din aul )bhmUd by
'l'nturi, and the Turilh-i Ftra:.-8/.Jt.i by 'Juu-d din, tltou,.h
"hy either bo quote.! is impo.iblo to "'Y inASmuch M
only two lioi!S nro dovotNI to Fl= Rhah's reign. nud only
thirty p11ges to the omiro Khiljl and Tughlik ln
tho Ghll'tnivide dynMly ho follows the worda and the deleatie
nrmngement of the Tmnlrlkll, \\hieh he does not
quote, ucribiog, like work, only ._ ... n rt'ign to the whole
lyna.ty. Tbi$ ;, llllother iru;tanee of the hamelws fmuJ of
which we hue abowo tbe autloor of the Kl111lti<nl himself lo b3Yfl
bt-en guilty.
X.\W"A:B .)ll;U.I.DO.\T DI.tX.
Ue infotm1 us that in tho lalltr p>rt of hi> hmory ht kno-
6ted by the verb:tl inform3lion derin,l from hi3 fnthrr, undt,
brotht,., ami other tru.tworthy l"'"'ou.. Uu quotes lll>o '""
uuw works, tho Darvti-i Dlltr! lllltl tho RiMila-i J>ilul, "hich
m0$l l'robnhly rolnte to the Mhievcutonts of hi.s rut-ton.
[Tiurt Cftn be no doubt tlml Ito either used tho Turlk!.i
.Jlau:iltJi FwluA, t.h Turlk/.-i Jbrli.him KAa11, And the .W,or-
,.;wi Tli111l, or if ho JiJ uol, thai ho and the authons of theto
,.oru Ill! copi<-d from the wuo uri;;inal authority.]

Tho p".r., , no account of the arrival or tho author's ant ... IOI'I
in II ithltl,uin, tho Prurinrch, 'All, 'A bdu-1 Kadir Jll(m!, Sftl(tr
lllna'uJ, tho twolvo tho oonqucHt. of Bikrl\m&jlt,
>ntl other micciiMcollll matters, !.' 1 ; 'l'ho GIIM.nhit!Cll, I' 100;
'l'ho Ohorirlr<, Khiljl!, etc., p. 121; B&bnr, p. 150; !'1umtiyun,
p. 160; Akoor, p. 197; Jahan;:lr, p. 208; Shish Jmhr.n, p. Ziti;
.\uran!;'zcb, p. 351 : Bab&.lur Shih, anJ an of tho
6bm, 1.' 420; Jahaud!r :;;bah, l_.arrukh Si.YJ'r, etc., I' tau:
Mub3mmal Shah, ..-ith aeeounu of the English. J at, 1\awat.,
of Oudh, Nauir Shah. tc., I' 187 ; .\.htn3d Sbr.h, p. 6-JO;
'.\'lnut;;lr II., p. 699; Shah i'2U; Akbar,
p. 708.
Sllv.-8o., eonttLiuing 782 pngCII, or 17
I hnve oc-en one ropy uf th;, work, aud tla;at is in tho
I"' ion of one of tho de.ccouant! of the author.
f l'he Extracts, translatrJ b_1 a ,,,unJ.i, Wl're :Sir II.
oflht city of Calculi by Jfl'. Chlinak (Job Cllor111XA),
qf l!tr EnuiM, lifHo.
Cnleultn formerly WM only 11 illn:;r, tho rcvrnue of which """
"""igmJ for the exp<nJics of tho ll'lllplo of K(lli Uev[ whirh
thrrc. As iu the llen:.:ali lan;ua;o the worJ, .K.vtn anl
Knt mean the 1roprictor of that K&Ji, in of time, by the
u:IIO.\It-1 :UrlllBB.l'f.
eli.aion of I, it to be t:l!led C>leutb.' I uow proee<.J
to an ucouul of the founJ:uiun of tho city, :wd how tho Honour-
able ComJany'e factory was maiDtain<d &t Gbolgbit
anl \lu.:hl-
pura, ut:u- lltkhli. :;uJ,Jenly, at about !llllSet, when the Eo;lih
oflio:-n wtre at their Jioner, a viuJenC. bore at'Otie iu th" ri'er, awl
fell with aueh upon tho shore t.bat the fnetory wM in olan:!"r
of foiling UOWD. 'J'ho offioonl r:lD out in great conternntiOII OliU
thtir livoa. All tho goods nnd proJl"rly wenl rltstroy!'l by
tho wnhr, nnd a fow men and severn! nnim<W loot tlocir lhcs.
llfr. Ch&u<>k, lhoir having puroha.sed tho Jlont.ra.i llligh,
w!Uch blon!;l)l tu the Oomp3uf n,;ent at Oholgluit, noor tho
city, CUI down the trc .. , and foundt'<i :0 tho bui!Jing>l or
which"''"" rai<...I anol three stori"" high. When tho com
poWII wa.o and the were rca.!y to b. roo(uJ in, tho
nobles and chi..C m n amon:: S:liyida lUlU )lu,;lul, who wre
grmt" \\eDL to lli.r, or UU;hli, 1\IIJ
declaml tht if the wero >llowed to &I!Ct'lltl
lolly horues, tiHy, tho would b.. gTl'o'ltly tlihonour...,J,
14>ting the JlC'I'IIODS of their femal<B would l>a oxp<"''" t>
view. 'J'hufnujtltlr oont" report of tho mnuer to Nnw&b Jn'l11r
Khl111, ru11l clirtettcl tho aud other prinoiplll
uf the piMo to il... They :LU cuonpl!liucd bcl'uro tltu
N11wtlb, uho ;,,uccl ordon1 to tl1e to the clfoot thnt
auothor brick or titnl>ar should be allowed to oo mi<J<l, 'fho
fmuiltir, inunt-diotl'ly on roecipt of the onler, prohibitl<l all tlw
m:...OII!I nnd from carrying on the work, anJ orolcr,l
tbot no onu houlr.l ,;:o to tbe laetory. Th"" the work rvmainoJ
uufiniheo<l. i\lr. Ch&n>lr, with great indi;;ut.tion, P"'P.'ml to
fight; l.ut ,.. he I a very mall force, and only one ,rut I Wlh
l...,.nt :Ol uno., \\bile tim 1\bo woro joined by thu
po\\<MUI j;1ujdur,
ltoJ a...emblod in great uunober, ho taw nu
A.-J\ iu t:1lc:ing any ho.nile mfSSure thtnl, anJ \Hl'f
' T11l a. nM try ar CJOmp:rehco.Rb1t.
Cnllrd (1.1Jtllt br Omar,.-F,.,,_.IIt,_ p. t:Sl.
UW nuuct wu .\ Grme"a Fr4IU
p. 2.81.
obliged to nneltor. llo lmd n bumior;: gill. in hia shir.
with which, by eone<ntr:>ting un'a rays, hu burnt the river
r,..,., of the eity u 1M ,.. ChAnderna,."'n. With a 'fie..- to
aongt' this injury, the farif<ldr wrote to tbe puliee OUition Ill
with o"lt,.. to slop tbo vr ""' Tho llulmtrldr
ingly, iu order to i>rtwent tho p.1.!!sa:ro of tho prepred nu
iron chain, each liuk of whieh ,.,... lu Ira in weight, anti havin::
maJe it in equal to tho of the it ,....iy
and made it linn to tho wrul of the fort. 'Ihe elwn bein;
f'li.ltntled atro tho the \'t .. "'l was that inlN"Ctpted; huL
)[r. Chluu!k cut through the chain with a "vord, nod
wont on hia way.' Uo look his vee&el out to sco. and procoodotl
tuwnrds tho Uakhiu.
[n tlto<!e days the Emperor Aurangzeb was in thAI part of tho
kin;:olom, by bi.o enemy for provL<ion, 1111<l hi.
""" reduct!d to at.llrvalion. U(>OU this the chief of tho faetory in
tho C:troatic seut vessclslndon with grnin, shoriuggroot considero-
tiun for the throrll', nud proved ot' service. The "Empuor
w&!l much plro.""'i with the people, and desired to know
the IIonour:ablo Company' wioln. The Englih thief ro-
.. ted him to a ltwnd and .farm6n, giving p; rmi.ssion lo
e<tnhllsh fuetorica in :Ill p>rta of llto king.lnm, and porticnlarly
in Bengal. Tho roqueaL WllS grnntcd, tlll(l tho royal oroel"'
tho Uono11rablo Comp>ny' hips from CL'-'lm dotieo,
a su.DI of thl'fe thotl.<311d rnpeea u a Jlftlthuh lll bo
P"'"'"ted to tho 1"'/duhl of tho pori, and J>t'rmisi<>n for
the oot.obliahmont of fiiClorlcs, wtre isaued. Mr. Ch&Mk roturnt!J
"lth lhe royulfarman from tho D.1khln to llungnl. IIo sent hi
a;rnts with tho J" J:hnrh and l'>mo presenl3 to J:s'lilr
ani\ obtain..! p<nnis..ion to erect a faetory in Calcutta. }[r.
CMnk aeroroin:;ly MW fllclDry at tho plaoa where ho
a chored aner returning from th D:>.lchin, which is knovu by
tho name of Oh&nllk. Ilo foundt-d the city and !'Ollulnted it,
}a \ht aecowsl ot Job <k ta Onne' 1'npaAI.I, p. 212, thil lordnf of
tb uva. &l TW.Dp6ta il.-etioARI.
.umun.1 lrriUllBAT.
M.! 1:1''0 a to tho trnde of Bengnl. Thnt f.1etoryia "ell
knowu to this 1lay by namo of tho Old Fort.
Cnlcoltn i a city,aituatedoo tho bauka oflhe Bhaglmti.
h ia a Iorge port, and tho gr..-:u Dltlrt of lhc t,.,..le <f the llouour
able Company aDd their dt pcndont.s. Small '"".t called .. zi"P
(l""l"'?} every yt::.r '"''" with this l"'rl from China. EuroJ"',
and uther eoontriee, and r.lrn&t tU all fiOine nre at anchor
then.. Iu these dny thi city i.& the reoioltuee of the chi1f
Eu,;:lih nud the city nnd its deprmlouoies nro oon.idered
property. Tho buildinl:S are built .... tirely uf m,..cnry,
pl"-lon-d with lime or muJ. The land, on n<CQDDI of illl vicinity
to tho- i very b,...,ki;h and damp, llDd loouee the bou-u are
ni><...! two or three tori ... hi,:l. The lower apartment- are not
fit to .,.. inhabited. Tloe Loilolings are like thoo of Eur<>[>l',
airy, p:dou.;; nnd Tho city ia ,ury nnl
nil rouetrueted of Iorick. the the lJengnH,
Aronrninn, anol ol11or inhnbit:mt.s, are nlo opulrut merchant.
Tho \\At..r ot' dte wclll, on ae<ounL of its bra<kih quality, i not
drinhLit. If :my p<roou driuh it, Ito is to uff.r. In lite
hot and rainy it OOeuiiiOI' peculinrly biUr nod Mliue, au.J
wnnruemly drinkiuc; wnt"r i procured froon Tho ea i
forty k .. distAnt from elty, :mel tho cbll and Oow of tho tide
oe<nr twery day nnol twy night. At full moon the hore rlllllte
in foor three day3 with uou<u:LI violence. Jt pn.>;rnl a rurious ami
wonolrrfol "<<Ot; it titre\\ I oome boats on the nod breaks
otl1trt to thoso whidt aft' not nf':ll' tl1t!' 11hure ft'<"eit"e tJO
injury from it, :wd thcn:fore no bo,,t, lar::o or fmnll, io ld\
t!Jtrt u11nurhun.'<l. In thr oan1o manner, lownrdo the cud of tho
lnnllr month, tho wnltr Nil in witl1 greaL iol<nao fpr three dnya
and These his:h nrc e31l<d ltomti>t in the Bn;;uH
:::. nud thaL whioh t.akea plaee dnily iJ urmcd jo., ir
A nmt fort lowal'll tloe 100th, out.oide the eon<tnlot,..J
an, r tlw Eu;;li'b Dtodtl, io "''1' mandlun. Its pni>e i
boyoncl nil eJ<['re.iiou; it ill well wonb The wall whidt
roeircles it appears in every direolion low from ont.<ido, just
like tho embankment of 11 Ulllk; but looking nt it from tho inside
nppeart! high. Very large nnJ. lofty buildingg oro oreded
";thin it, and much $kiil is ho'ru in tho entire construction of
this foo-t . Thco aro many other wonderful nnd exeellcnt wor'ks
in thl$ oil). As tho beouty of the buildings nnl variollll
lhPro is no city \iko this in U1e whole of Hindustlm,
oxcept whidt is Ita only dof!'llts
nro that the air is very insnlnbrious, the water br...,kish, nut\ the
soil d11mp, to such n degree that the floors of the houses, :Uthough
modo of bricks nod lime, oro still, from the of
nlwaya clamp, on<l tho walls also oro wot to tho height of two or
three cubits. For four month in the winwr the ellmnte is not
llO unhealthy : but for eight months during tho summer nnd.
miny is very injuriolll!.
Cnlcutta is a wonderful city, in the couotry of Boag.
It ia a specimen of both Chino and FllnU1g.
It builuings oro IU>artnttmcting nod deligbtfnl.
Their hoods nre ex<llt;cd to tho height of-the sky.
The de"""'tio"" in them by skilful per110n1
truiety of good colonn nnd beautiful dmwings.
l'l'Om lbe bcoudy or tho work.o of tho Europon<t.orti..u
ThO- 000 ... of tbO opeotalor oro O<Orpowred.
The ht-wenring Eogliilunen who dwell in them
All l!p<'&k tho truth Olld ba<e good ililpaoitions.
All...., tho so oro their oooupAnla.
How can lsuffioie11Uy indite thoir
The roods made of pounded brick ore oo level,
That tho mornios; lroezt-s owoop away elJ tho rlirt from them.
In elJ tbu Ian"" pereons whose faces are liko the moon take Uoeir wl!lk.o,
So thnt you would Ill) the eorth wna bathed in moonlight.
Otto iolike the moon, tho other like the p!Jlnet ,Jupiter,
Tho third sbowo o boouty like tbot of Vonu...
A.s a multituuo of per$0nolike tho plonol>l room io ttl"cry tliroclion,
The etrcote truro tho re5011l.blttnoo of the lfilky Way.
.Uffi!l.( Rl lroiUJIO.\ T.
You will-. if ron so to tlt all tho c:nd.ltnt thiogo of tho
All thins:- which ore producrd in any put or the inhobitbl ""orl<l
Ate r .. anol in ita kJr ..-ithout dil!kalty.
If I nttt'!!lpt to ..,.;t.. in prai"' or the manel.o of tho oity,
Tho P" will refu'<l ita offire.
lint it it ....u known to all or rr dctn"'
That it oombia ... thol>eauti,.. or China and Farang.
Tbo gTOUDd ia AI JovoJ 8!1 tho face or U10 ky,
tho ronds in it are u otl'lligbt 1U tho Uno of tho "!'tor.
Peoplt> go out to walk on tbrm,
And there thor together like the planets.
Such n city .. tbil in the eeuutry of tho lluognlls
Nobody has = or beard of in the worW.
Allll' of Farci,Jtlnga.
Chanlcma::ore, alitU Far(L..,)ao, i t..-clve from c.tleutta,
and thrl"f' a t:LOr1 in it to the Fnnoh
It iJ a mnll town on tho bnnkR of' tho Jlhtlgimti. An offioor on
tho part of tho ur Fmnee remnin there to !:OVrn tho town
and th c:omm rcial affairs of the place. The hne
no eenrcn1 with it. In tho Qmo mnuncr, Choehro (Chins11m) i
in posor,sion or tho tribe nf Walanulz (ICollanders). Tht. is
a liuJ,. to the outh or th port of H u::hli, and is one kac to the
north or fnr8.sdtlngll.. In like m:mner, (&mmpore),
which i nlso sitnatt'tl oo tho stream, nndopposito to Ohinnk,
liAS a foctory or tho tribe of Danamir (Doom:u-k), by wbieh onme
the a tat ion itself ia .. metiml'f <lllled. In th- piau no other
rule prevnil than thnt of tho nntioo which tho faotorirJO.
I resumo my original subjt'<'l. NnwAb .Jn'lilr KhAn,
toward. tho elo..<O of hi life, built on hi om proprrty, 1\hiob
to tho east of tho city of a J;,frti, n
mo"'Ju, a minnrot, " I'Ol!Orvoir, ami a IAI".,:o well. Ito nl!IO
rnisffl hii tomb at the foot or the stail'l Of Lbe DlDJUt, with lb
view that by iliat rne:\tll it mighl not -o get injurt<J, :md tbat by
the forlun.Uc eontiJ,'llity of the mo.quo, prnyN1< constantly
be m:ld iu hi uamr. As tnl approached, hMin; no son,
he tpoint.J u hi rep..-ntativo anJ suc_..or Sarf.uh Kllim,
hh Jauglattr'o oon, hom he '"''' hroo;ht up f"'ru
anl eon>i;;neJ to hi caR all publir t.....sure, the buried we:llth,
furniture, nud nll the nrportruning to tho Nizum nnJ
the Emperor.
Ik l'oztl Ytorr of tAt R<i<JII of Altmad ShJJ..
In tlois ytar, 'Imidn-1 Yolk (Ghuiu-d din), hnvinJ: oecun....t
tloe ooncurreoco of )!alluir 1\t ohrtlltn, ntt:>ekcd Surnj Mru J ill,
11ho was ono of tho depcndenlll of Salilar Siornj ?obi,
taken refu;:e in one of his forls, w"'te to Ahmad Shih
ancl l ntizirno-<1 dula, dont if 'lmMu-1 ::IIulk, join-.!
by tlae ,:llruoratta, hould a<quire J><>WEr, Ito wouM assnr.dlr
min tho Empire "" well u ho Wnzar:lt, lutizfunu-d dauh
aw the ovil, oud porsundt'!l the to prol.'l!ool, on prelluo
<f hunting. to11ardo Sikaudrlo, whrre llolknr suddenly
"'"'I an allAd< upon the "'.nl anuy. Aluoul<l SUb with Lis
n1othcr, I nt.izinoo-d dnula, ami somr other folio\\ rl", ftrd. All tlre
noyal eatnp the ini:.;nin of royalty ""'' tlundcrtd
by tho Rl\jjllll8. Jllalikn. Znoroloniyo, tile daughter uf Farrukh
Siyllr, with ollll'r !allies of tho royal loousdoohl, "''"' >plnnJ
by the Mahnma Mod .....,i ... J iuto his ::ndrro, ruocl the honour
uf the f:>noily of 'fimur ..-iv..t a desdly wound.'
'I mlulu-1 ulk, on rt''il'l of t hi itaelligeu<f', abnndoned tlou
of tho Joit'1 lcu'!s, nn.i in <'Ompany with lllAIIour R&o Holhr
ruod daula, tho eomorounolruot of arti lhry, returned to
lJdoH. The"', in concert with tho rhief offi<eN of IIH tlorooe, loo
ti,...t kill,...! lntiunou-d daula, hi. maternal undo, and tben
&AUmed tloo rank ....-dr fur; under the titlo of G!.4;;JI-J
Cr:ant 014 ( llttt..., e( 1M .S. ii. p. 78) .._,.. IMI'df t.llJit thvr
wu l'haruitn:d. Soott >' dat unt r tllO ontet)' uud plualc4r. ab lalliu
.,., '' .. 1'\'leca.N accl tu.n&1.1Jid with an .. , t\ W lkhlL-SOJu., tf lM m.-..
,..L u. p. :!19.
Jl" Jllrdn. He rook Ahmad Shah and hit mother pruoner>,
and them with every indignity. The j!aD uow tuniS to
other motte.-., and, if Oud pl.-...e, till' p,.... nt subjoet eball be
b rrea f\ er
The Jfulmummtfflli8 oml Ckrilillfl4 ;,. .Ualllxlr a11d Dtlkkill.
Let it not be bidden from the ooinJ.. of th058
whu uudoruuul the vnluo of tho gems oriutoUigouee,thnt. t>rovioW!
t<> the ri. of lluhamm .. iaui!m, the Jews anl rhe .. IU&d
intereollhe, as merc.hrml.ll, with most of tho )>Oris of tho Dnkhiu,
eurb M J>alnii.r I and others. Having beeo1u familill.r with the
l'""l'le uf tlmt oountry, they Clltllblishod tllfir residenre in ftomoof
tb6 eitieo, nnd built boueil aud gardt-no.
In rhi mnm1or they ojonmed for many YMN. Whon the
gront slnr of llluhn.mmndnnim appe:u,.J, nnd tho rays of thnt
suo hone from the- to tbe we.'l. O""'lually
tlw countrieo of iliudust6.n nntl the Dnkbiu wero nlao benefited
l>y the li;bt of the i\lulwuruadan law, and of the
lllnoulmnn "ith that country began. of tho nud
rultlll of do"l country pou..,J the i\laloamm:ldan The
R6ja of the port of Go:., l){bal, and et.e., nllon,J all
t bo 111 wtulmaWI "ho enme there !roo a the dilfe,..DIJ"orta of ,\rabia
to ttl "n thr .ea-.hore, and trenteJ witlt great honour
and re.pct. For Uais oalll!o tho J cwa nnd Chri.ti:m burned with
tloe fire of en.-y and But wheo the oountrie. of the Dakbio
aul GujnrAt cumo inLo the l"'''ession of tho Kings of Dohlf, nntl
lIAm wn.< eotablihod in tbem, tlo I::nroJ>"D put tho ""'' of
tilt nee nu their lipo, And noV<r a word of nnimo.ity or
otpo-ilion, till at len:;th, ubuut the -"""" 000 A. II. (H96 <.D.;,
""' n wcokne.s and di,;ortltr found Uaoor way inLo the gnemnoent
of tho Sultao of the Dakbiu, the Portugu"O Cbriotiaus ro<cived
o"lm from Kin; t<> build their forti on the !lhoro of tho
'fDJ., ,11.
SAW.tB llt:O.\UB.\T
Indian O=n. To the :fl!llt 90 I A.U. (1199 Lll.) four ehiJ>'I or
the ""m" f""'ple arrhod at tho ports of Kandaria
and. Kalikot
(Calicut), an<! hniDJ: m:We thrntUin.,. atqoaint.d with the rir
of the place, they rctnrnl'<l to their o" n conutry.
''essels and nnchorcd at Kallkot. 'fho
petitioned Uto chief of the plaoe. who WM calltl
S&nmri r7..nnoorin), to prohibit tho ;\luhamm3d:uJs ITotu int-r-
'With .\mbia, that thy would IH>u fit him
much ntore ti1An the could. Th Samnri, how
cnr, no heed to their praye.,., bnt the Chriti3tJ' 1><-;:>n
to dral har-hly with tho in all their tl11uo'*"-
tiqn. A I I.\St Ute Samuri, biug rnl\okod, gnvc ordt"' that
tho (.'hritinn bould bo lain nnd plnndel't'tl. Seventy
of muk woro dotroycol nmoug tho Ohriti:\11!, aud lhon who
romninrl Nu\>arked on tho vo<rl, nl thna &wed thtuotlv '
They lonl .. l nt':lr the rity of Koji (Coehin), the dtif .. r \\)tid
,,., at h""'tility with the Stuuur!. Th. y obtained bt Jl(nni:!Oi n
to Luild " fort, wbioh thr oumpl< IN hurriedly in " 11 oltort
timr. Th< y a mo.quo on Llu onl m:We
n (.'hri<ti.m rhordt of it. "M the firH fort whidt tho
Cluition built in Iudi11.
\\'ith thel\mC oxreditinn thty fort nl Kanur(Cnnnnorn),
nnl tn thuir cntir:e NIJ..>n;;od in tho lr.ulo of I><'JlJlOr
nnd dry .t.tingc.r't nthcrs ftt1m in tlu, 1Uunv
trnflic. On this account thf' Sfunur( an 11rmy, ancl hGving
kill"l the son of the dticf nf C..hin, plundered cvuntry Anl
1'1!tnmrd. The hei,.. of tJ,.,.., who were >!:3io roll<d"'l
thl'ir to...,._ r.ti"fd the sbmlanl of eonftignty, and ""'tored tht
-pornhtiun or tbe country to ito forull'r tate. By tho a<lvirc uf
the they built $hip of "ar, nnJ the thief of {'nuanoro
followed their ex3mple. This txaited tlto nngcr of tho Slunnri,
who immcne lre;mtro upon nn nrmy mied for till'
t Thfl pn nf J:;n,ltf, fn.m whkh ihit t trot -m to b. &aken, IIJ I
i lhlh.! kd ftom ib TVIIII ...... TO"L iY. P u.,. ba
Knibl'' i bc&t the lithO'!npbtd origuW, ..,klc:h, 1111111. .ti.lkm nn IUQrb fttMG
1M hat Kud.uia....
AKJIMRl :ll.C1.\BB.\T.
purpoc of l\tl1oking Coehln: but 1111 tho Firlugi.s lllwaya ga
their a.<>i:!lAnee to it.. <hi f, th Samori returned twieeuuucet> ,fuJ.
He \\'liS nl IMt obliged to senl his to tho Kingi of
Eg,rt. Jedda. Oaldtin, anti Gujor6t. <'Omplaining to thum of
tho of the Ohristinns, and imJIIoring their .Ud. ll
abo at tho 3me time repre:;eoted lheir towal\la hhim,
nml thus cited tho wrnth well tho of tho!IC Prin<ts.
The SultAn of F:,:ypt, :\lanur Ghori, ,nt one cf hi offioa.
unmcd Autir Hurun with thirteen ehips (!JimJ/,.) thll of fu:htin;
men :11td monitions of ar to.,-anls tho coa.ts of llindutAn
S111tf&u .1\tnlunud of Gujnnh ni'IO eevoml .!til"' to OPP"-'''
the l'iringi, and de"J"llehod them from the P"rll of DiU, SuraL,
GOWL. Tlubnl, :wd OhM<I. 'flu E<typtiiUl ve.sel tourloed firt at
Dhi, anl joinin:; thu,o of Gujnrnt. Miled towanla Chn.nd, "bore
tho l'irilt:lj haol !IS-"'"'bl.U. Till fon:c '"\,< angmcutc..l by
forty ... of sr.muri, and 8<>1110 from tho port or l)(,bal.
\\'hn lh jUDctioJn wM efr...,tl'd, a fire<hlp ,,r lho Firiu;is.
without obocn-od, mddtuly full O(K>II llwir n-ar, nuol thr
wholt surfn:o of' tho water wa.. in,tantly in n bla.-. )lnlik
th rhief of Diu, lllld A.mir Hu,aiu, to op(lo"
the wmy, but nll to no aYail. ohiJl" """"
t.akNt t.y tim nunorrout drnnk tlto owcot
nllr of martyrdom, and tbo Firiugis rthlrD<-d vkturious to
their l"'rt.
It""" during th<"'c hys th>t Sultan Sslim of Rum obtAined
" vi< lory onr tho Ghori Sultt\ns of nud thir dynr,ty
do.ed. Tho Sarnuri, who lhr ori;illlltor ol' all tle... diS-
turbances, "M lilo.,.,rtl'locd, nnd tho Firiugis ohtlliuod eomrolot.
power: 110 mod a "" that in the month of R&tn:u.An, 916 A.U.
(D<-e. 150!> . o.), thy romo into J{(,Jikot, set tho J,m'"""'i;J
on 6n-. :uu! rn-tpl th city wilh lho broout of plunder. i\ext lay,
tho 1
aln.lli collected in largo nnd filliug llJl<lll tlte
Cltritin, killed livo bundred '""' of rank, and m:my were
tlro" twd in the "''"- Those who aped tf1e oword ilcd to tho
port ot' Kulim Hniog cnttred into friendly relation
with Lho :amill<lUr of Lh:U place, they rre<rted a furtres.s for llwir
aboatlulf;h from Lhe city.
In tho oamo ye:u- they took tho furl of Goa, belonging lo Yti.uf
'adil Sh6h, who rotook it by atmtngem; af"ter a abort
Lho Firingfs, bnving tho governor of tho pla.oo with
"""'"of goltl, S.,"t1in botAnoo il.ll mAOlens, and they made tl1o
furl, whib WIL' ex-.lingly atrong, tho 1<'31 of their Goveroment.
Thi. m:.<IQ 10rrow and grief prey upon the he:Uth of tb& Samuri,
\\ho u:pind in 9"21 .wt. (1616 A.D ). Ilia brolhu, who ouo-
<<'C'<ied him. roUed up the urptt of de.truetion, and pllJ1!U,.J tbe
path of friond.hip with tho 1-'iriugi._ Ro gave them grouud
for a furl U<'lll" U1e city of K(lllkot, nntl took an :t.,"TTO!nenl from
that ahould be ..tlowod to sond four ships IAdQo with
JOJl(l"f nnd clry ginger to tho port. ot" Ambia. For MillO time
llto Firiugis oU.crvod tbl'$e terms; but when Lhe fort wiiS com
they prohibited bill trading in th011e :u-ticles, and be:;un
a;:ain to practi!!e all kincl8 of ty=ny and potseeiUion upon U.c
foUowrrs of Y.lim.
In likt> manner, tho Jews 11f (Crangannre). oboer<iu;:
Lhc of tho Samurl, adnut>rd tbeir foot bey<>Ud tho
pro[' limit, and modo n gn':lt miUly )[uhammndiUls drink tho
of martyrdom. Tho Slunurl, of his concCI'iou,
mnrchod townrd CmnJ::lnorc, "'''I so entirely &xtirp!ltod tho
Jew thnt not a trace of them Will fount! in tl1a1 land. .\1\r
thi., joined hy 11ll the llu.ulm&n of l>t>lnU, he proet>rdod to
Kilikot, and biJ sie::e to the l"orl of U.o F'uiugis, whirh he
I""<Ju .J with difficulty. Thi io...-..1 the power ani
1'"'1" vf tbo Palnll.ili, who, """'rding to the terms of the
ori!!lnal O!:f"Ot'ment with the Fitiugls, brglut to send U.eir hi1,.
full of dry ginger, to tho porta of Arnbin.
lu tho yen.r 938 A.fl. { 1631 A.n.) tho Firingis founde.l " furL
nt J6li(,t, k()lj from KC.Iikot, nml provont!!<l the uf tho
l'nluMi """et.. AbuuL Uw o:unu dnring the of
Burlui.n Niz4m Sblih, Lhe Chri:.tiAno buill a fort at Rivadnuola,
Dt:lr the port of Cltaa.l, IUld took up thtir resideneo Lbtn>. In
AXI!0.\11.1 Yl:li ... BBAT.
the reign of Sultan &h!dur Shah of Gujlllit, 941 .a.n. (16M
A.D.), took of the port& of Swath, Dnm!n ttnd
Vi6, whirh to the Kings of Gujr.r!t, and in the year
943 A.n. (1M6 A.n.) thor fullr es:tabli!hed themielvea at Crnn-
gnnoro by force of arma.
At thi3 time Sult!n Salim of Rum dotonnined to expel the
Firingls from tho portio bf Jn,Jia, and make master of
them. With this view, in tho 944 "" (1537 A.D.), he
desp:>tehed hi miniter, Sulaim&n lla!Ahah, in command of one
hundred -els, aud be, having wreoted the pert of Aden from
Shaikh 'Xmr, aou of Shaikh DaUd, wbom be pot to d-ath,
ailed to lloe port of Diu, :md thero mado prop:>rntion for wnr.
Ue WM oe:u-ly victoriollt, but, fo>r want of prori.ions aoltreAoure.
he was obl;j:,'ll to rotum unsullOOSSful to Rum.
In the ye:u 963 .-.n. (1556 '-D.) the T""&s (ChriotiAns) were
in poo....,ion of tho porta of Hurm6z, Muk:\1, Surnatrn,
Jl:.roolure, Ceylon, :sod Ben,"lll, to tbe
vrry bonlm of China. Jn all ther pi"""" they built their forte.
But Sult!n 'Ali Jlal eaplure.l the fort of SumAtra from them, an .I
the chief of Ceylon al110, haing subdued tho Jtiriogl, exf"'lled
thm from his dominiouo. The S&mori, chief bf JUHl<ot, bting
muoh harn.<fled, hia to 'AU 'Kdil Shtlb Mol
l\l Ol'IA:U NiUm Shi.h, ioetigatiog tlom to '1\'11.1!0 a holy .,.,...
tho }'irinJ.ti$ nod turn them out of their country.
lu ()79 ,l.n. (1570 A.D.) the S4muri besioged the fort of
Jfiliut., IUld Niz&m ShAh Md 'Xdil Sbi.h beieged that of Rln-
d3odo. Tbe fum1or, through his courage, was auO<el!Si'ul in
enpturing the fort ; the lntwr, on neoount of the infidelity oi
thl'ir wbo were deotied by tho temptations "hido tho
Firingis offered them, murnr-<1 wilhQut ful611inl! their object.
From thia time the Chri.tian bec.-ame mofil nudtleious in
J'('fl!eCution of thol\1uhammtldan, in eo f"' that they!tr.tched out
thtiT rapacio111 hands to phll'lder on their retum (rom J eddn eo me
of the Em)ll'fOr J &ltilu-d diu lluhammad Akbar, which
bad "11iled to ll..u without their pmnisoion, :md they tr.ated the
)lmulmw with groat .. nrity an<l conteml't Thty burnt <l<>wn
thf port of '..!dilabAd Farilu, which belong....J to 'A:uil Sh,la,
und enlir..Jy it. In the guisu of murchontJ;, t.hoy aloo
c'me to Dallal, ond wihNI. by cunning and d ..:itful mmn-. to
"bbio J- i<>n of it; bat it.! Kh'lfijn ',\lia-1
mordmnt of Shlriz, being nware of their new1, killed ono hun
dred nut! llfty of their moo of mnk, and dcvotl'll himl'lf to
xtingniah tho fire of miocbi.C.
,E.ibli.Jtwrnl of Porrer '" l11dih.
Be it known to men of curiosity lhal from tho dote lhnt the
. hipa oftbe Emperor Julalu-d )luhammod Akbar were cir....J
ly the Clritiao!, the -.oding of ...... 6 to the {'Crt.! of Ambia
oml Per.i<> \VM entil'flly do>'ed, nolonly in the J)akhiu llnd nongul,
Lut in otlll'r provinCC'I or Hind6stun, bce:IW!e it wliS conoidc.,.J
I "'""th the royal dignity to enter into t=tie "ith the Firild.,
nud to them "itbout entering into My un1lt: I'll tanding wa. to
throw liv011 and prop<rty into danger. The grnpcror's noblt-,
however, ch as Nawub 'At..lo-r Rahhn Kl>&u K ht.u-lcMnlln, and
uthen;,luving eute .... l into an a;"" mnt .nth them, u."tod to eeuol.
t l1oir O\\ n hir,., and alT:>irs continued in this courr for son"' time.
When Empt"ror Nuru-d din ){uhnmnmtl JnMngir ascmuled
tho throne or DeWi, there existe-d J!re:lt dioeurd and
hotwoen th of Port11gal, France, <t. o.ha
tho blood of .... h othr, they l"ftld tho 1111n1e mil book of
lultr....J nnd malice. Contmry to tho manner in "hioh I mel b<len
trcattld, the Enlp<ltor gmuted lito Eu;:li!oh a arot. in SUI"llt for the
treetion of !Mtory. This \\"M tho lim atttlomut which the
J:nglah made on tbo coaets of India. Before thi, they aloo
oec:taionniiJ brought their em-goes to tho ports of llind6st6n, and
loaving IJOld them returned to their native eountty. Altu-
Wllr"fl!. tltty also b<.'gAD to establih thfir fa<-tmies at diff rtnt
11,.. in tho Dalibio and Bengal. In tho time of
'.\'lnmgir, founded the oity of Oalcutt.n, Ill! tteCOunl of whkh
J,as IM:eu given above, and nquil't'll no
.\KUBAR-1 liliUABB.U. 3!'11
Balli of .Vrtvab Jf.,:".ff,zr Jang, .,. Nbimu-1
.lft/1: .J. "!f Jtih' ll11ttghl", Natrdh .-Lu<l'firu-tl tfiH Ellun,
of Gopdumu, a llt..xooillwl qf ZW.Iillil blum Kloaa,
Nawab Jllng, of Kaw6b Nizlunu-1 Mulk
&nt' Jllh, M tho iutisntiou o>l' liuonin llosL KMn, ali11 CbllndA,
nidenL uf .\ddt (An:ot), joined tbe Frt'oth of Pln11jari (Pon-
tliehorry), and iuvnde.l Auwuru-d clin KllUn Shahl'unnt Jllng of
Gop&mao, who bad b<-en governor of A rkt.L front Lbe time of the
,..iJ Xa,.oib Xiumu-1 mth tbo intention of the
Jloco from him. A grc:.L bnttle enaued, Ntlw6b Shnh6mat J:mg,
ltolvover, hn1iug fought very boldly, and giv.n proof of valour,
fcll in lieiJ. XilArnu-d doula Jan;::, the !lea>Ud
sou of Nnwab Ksaf J6Jt, 11ho hnd succcc'llcd hint in
or tht D.akhin after hi$ death, on the new of the dcft'GL
of bia sit'l'' !!On, ntlli'Ched to punih ;\l=lfnr JM;; with a body
of 70,000 horse oml a l11c of foot-soldier:;. Ylaviug reached tbe
port or Pbiolj .... i, be enc;a;;.-1 in b.ulo on th< 26th of lt.biu-1
likhir,ll()a A. H. (21th :.If arch, lii;O ,\.D.), nud b..'<AIIIl' victorioWI.
:.lluZ4ffi>r Jnug wtU uli,c. Niwuu-1 :.lfulk the
l\holo rainy <'aSOD iu Arklt.
Tho Frtnch ot' l'huljur(, having mado " with
lli11111lat Kbou anol othr Ali;b"' chief,; of the c....natic, aud
"'nant.o of l'ii%8mu-d daala, mode thm blinJ to tbo oblisntivo
they owed to llwir master, with tho temptation of lund rmu
ricbe<. Tht c J>'<>ple P""JWN to t.ake cunniug "nd
ditful nnd joining with lito Christian Frt'uch of
l'hUijuri, m:oJc au nttnek in tho night of ll&o 16tlt l\lubarmno,
lllll A.B. ll9tb liiiO \.D.}. Tlory maJe NizAlllu-d
dnulu drink tho red cup of manyrclo&n, nnd nner his dMth the
Eniol Afgh6nA and Fr.mch miod Muz.:o.ftiu- Jang I<> lhe chief
obip of tho Dnkhin. This N<1...ah. ,.;t.h a body of tbo Afsh,us,
to Phltljnri, nnu lu11ing employed a grent number of tho
Chriti<ln .Freuelo, l>nrcbas.,J npJ!OrL of him .. lf. In th"
<ame year he proet-...Jed 11ith an army of the AfsMna nod tho
Frenda to Ht.idarib&l, and p.esing through ArkAl, th
territory of tbe fonner tribe.
By the revolution of timo a ditrerence ai'OI'e between )(u-
uffar Jang and tho Afgbkn., whida tumed to OP" u hostility.
On tho 17th Rabi'nl nwwal of tho eaid hoth pnrlirs
prepan!d for b:lule. On one tood )luzafi"At Jt.n:; and
llae Frtneb, and on tho other the AfghaM. Himmat Khftn
and the other Afgluin ohiefileull"on!d the consoquenees of in.,"l"Gti-
tude, anl were slain. )luufTar Jan;: also, having t'Kcin..J a
wound in his hll!ltened to hi grMe. tnis tho
Freneb enlen!d the ,..rviee of Amiru-1 :\lamililc S:>llbat Jtu>g,
the third son of .Tfth, and having obtained po'!<!S!iou of
Sbikitkul (Ohi=ole), lUjbculdnr, Ne., thy aoquin!d
lnmgth. Thtir sway utend..t to ditrerent J.arls of the Dakhin.
Jo'or " long tiono they hod kopt up IUl iotereou.-.o with thi
rroYioe, but nobody took thm into tervier. )fuzalfllr Jan;
wl\S Uao first who employed them, :>nd brought Uaom iuto lnnJ.
belonging to )luhamrnaJ.Gns.
When tlao Fn!neb had u,;. of rower, tho
Englih, who nro vor on thinot for Lhtir bloO<I, also 'cntuml to
encro.><h upon the territories bolongiog to the
takrn of somo pnrta of ll10 Dakhin, they mauo thrm-
aelns miUiter of tho of Sural, aou Pl't'<teJ fvtori<-s
in Th-ogal. Thy obtaioeJ ordera from the Court uf
for tho exemption from hilt of their good, nnd they finnly
ettlled in Ben::al. Aa the French b1IJ put Xadb Anwaru-d
din Kh!an, of Gopamnu, Govomor of ArkAt, to death, nnd having
nomionlly oh011en a I"'M!On as ebief, had gained ground in the
l>akhio,X3w6b :\lubnmm:>d 'All Kbfln, his110n, made friend.thip
with tho Englilt officeN, who in all rcspecta gnvo him their
Mm.t.oce, aud 11-ed their beat eft'ort.s to extirpate the In
1174 "" (liOO A.n.) tboy luid siego to tho tort ofPhuljnrl, nnd,t: wrested it from the hands of the Freurb, lc.,.elled all tho
buildin::a in it with the ground. Shikikol, R'jb:lndnr, and otlur
po!se.aions of tho Fronch, tlau conquest of whieh """" b<nnu all
ex)k>etntion, r.n of themselna into thir hands. Mu-
hanunod 'Ali Khan Jang, by the fuvour of tho Engli.h,
beC4nte governor of Ark&l., under the tide of Walaj(lh Amlru-1
Hiud 1\tnhAmiiiJ\d 'Ali Khan lbhadur :\fansur Jan g. H.e g,..o
hinuoelfup to tho of the English ofliec111, and apont his
whole lrre in tho enjoymnt of pleasure nod At present
the territ.ory of Arlcat, like Bcn,"lll, iJ onder the awt.y of tho
English, ruo will be shown horonfter.
T.XR(KH-1 SB.(U 'XL.\l!

lLL"\U' U'L.
[Tn11 author oflhio little work wna :i\lanu :UU or i\fcina Ul, eon
of U:.Mdur Singh l\lunhi. Sir H. M. Elliot'a MS. extends I
the twenty-fonrlh ytar of lhP reign, and nt the end Sir Henry
lio1 written, "Tmpent'Cit Dll uonnl." lt is tltP common lifu
of chi< Emperor, and W:lS 01<d by Colunel for his Lifo
of Shah Xlnm.]
Tm life of Shah '.(!ant was written hy a Mughal named ObnUm
'Ali Khan, who wu fonnrrly in the ..,meo of Prince :'dirza
JnwAn Bnhadur Sh6h. It gives nt tho end tho dale uf
tho deatb of Shih .(!om, bot the bitory iu reality tops far
short of that ovcnt, jut previous to Lite blinding of the Emperor
uy Ohulum Kadir in 1788 ,1.11. Thio work wna o&ed b
Coloall'l Francklin.
Stn-8 by 6 indaes, 232 l"'l:es of 13 linea eneh.
'I:ll,(DU-S SA'.!DAT
MrR 'ALf.
work Will oompoed in 1223 '" (1808 A.n.), by Ghul&m
'Ali [or Gce<mling to :llr. l\lorley,
)lir OhuiB.m '.\11! bin S,,iyid :lluh:unm:d Akmal Kllf.n) at tlo ro-qu'-lll of
Cvl. ]}aillio, Resident nL Lucknow. It contAin an nocouut of
th of OuJb, from Khf.u to Sa'aJ>t 'Ali. t>nd
.-omo particulnn tho in JwhilklonoJ
which make it worthy of h alo )!iv01 many inten'slin:;
detail relatic to tho all'airs of llindlist!n, tho .\l:llonUtll..
the Dnorlnl tllo Nizlllll$, thu Sikh, etc. The work
rondu.\os with the arri r.U of Lord :\lin to u Goemor-Gon "''
in 1807 A.D. J hBo he:tnl that is nnother work of tho
""'""author, called oither Im6mu-t &'Ud11l or Jla'tfm .. , &'u,fal,
\\bioh ovrr tloe oame ground, but in muh l,'l'f'lller dol:lil.
Tho nutloor gives tho following aecouot of himself. 'Whtu I
'"'" ti::ht years old, Joe wu ummoo..! by his tiUiocr from R3i
:n:.reilly to Sh6.h-J llh6n,b8d, though he"'"' (IIMod umlor
tatol'l', his idltoes! rrucnl& him &e<Juiring any In
COIII<'qUMICO of Ghu""' KBdir's pi'I>C....liogs, hi flllh<r lrft ll..toli
on n to M-ccn, nnd our nuthor n>(IRiroo to Luekuow,
"hre, of devoting himself to his tndie.!, he
gret opponent of the lo:lrncd moo of tho city, 1\lld Vllioly triL-d
to 3"1,'110 with then1 U(IAD fill IIDU huullieienl promi<es; n
tbel.u, be thUJ, by que.tionable and illicit uoaonged to
' [O.Lll"'"", p. OS)
""'Jnire a true Jrnowledge. Meanwhile the news arrived of
his father& dL'3tb in tho D.tkhin, after having perfonnfd hi
pilgrinmge. Jlo waa thus torccd lo anti rentain in thnl
eoWitry for the period yecus, after which he r.tun1ed to
Ius native lanol. D o aays he ml'!llion all thi!M circumtances
in onlfr to oxcuAO his md dclicirncy of learned acquircrucnlll."
of lJS. Svo., 6-16 of 15 lin .. eac:b. [Tbis work ha.
been priutt-d nl Luck.uow.]
Droth qf <Hitltwla.
(Th re aro many tories cumwt about tho di.._...., with
"hicb Nnwab Shuja'u-d dnula wo.o afl'eeted ; of them
op)'Oed to 1111 rca80n, and so unworthy of eredroco thAt
tbty ""' not worthy of; """'rdol. Wh>l wu COlht:mtly
AllinnC<I is, thnt be load 11 bubo which suppurated.
Ointment wu applied to it, but so far from btAiing, tloe wound
wnne from doy to dsy. II o lived for a month and thirtc<>u
day nl durin!! which time, thot form which lond been
noted lur ito bhvnrt preportions !:""' thin and .Jendtr a.. a
thn:ad ; and hi.. arno looked likr r-eed pt'US in his slccna. H t
died on tho of tho 14th Zl-1 kA'dn, 1188 A.ll. (l7i6 A.D.).]'
t ('"l"h"'"isDD( o(U., Nor)
k1ld ia tb11 St#flTMI J(.,, ..... .uum., about Dlli Rhrnat Kblia"t d.luKhhr. Dt>
(Jul-i Jl.,A,..I it JIi!le, ud I& ]'A that b11 dif..'d q( a c:a.u.J: ia lllDdl H.t

[TR1S work WM written by Sniyid Gbulam 'Ali, the author of
the preceding work. Ilo states in his Prefuce that he wrote
tho 'It111itlu-& &16tlal, oont:uning memoirs of U10 anttestolil of
Yruninu-<l dnula, Nizamu-1 Mulk, Na-..'lib Sa'Mat, 'AU Khtn
Daltltdur Jnng, at Oolonel John :BIIillie'a
by .vhom it WM highly approred of on pcriUial. At his
reeommcndation, he then went away in expoetntiou of employ-
ment, ant! nfter @pending 11 short intervnl nt Oawnporc 1\tld
Oorakhpur, e."lmc to F:tizabad, whore he, for certrun reBBCns, re-
mnined a tOnsiderablc time. During his stay, he longed for an
opportunity of aending his patron some present, by which he
hoped to be recalled to. his presence; when ho hd the good
fortune to hear from a pei'!!On of known vel"3aity, who had hccn
nt nil tho engagements, nnd had soon with his own Y""
a whole world turned topsy-tun7, nnd whoso nnme he shnll
be disclosed on Siting oconsione, ru1 accomt of the battle be-
twl!ell tho chief of tho Dakhinis, SadMhi!O Rao :Sbao and the
SMh Ahm!ld SMh Abdt.H. Although these ovont.a bnd lleen
chrouirlcd in the 'Imdtlu- &'Mol, they were not equally
well authenticated nor 110 fully dct:Uled, bcing merely reeordcd
briefly, and in with conflicting st.atemeots. They
were introduecd nmong tho cxploita of NawAb Shuja'u-d clauln
(Mojor Fuller tr.n.b!Um ealla blm "llr.1olu> O.yley."]
lbh.llnr; bat u llld main of lhe work was eometbio:;
ebe, many facta were omiul; toD!KI<)Oeody be h,..J
deLtrmin...J. 10 eompooe a little book tbia
incident. P4rlly from the bent of bis oWD iucliwuion,
nod partly for the ake of pl01Sing Colonel B:liUie, of whooe L'l.te
for hitoriCAI .-..-eftrclwt he TM well nware, be wrote lhe1<0 fuw
nnd atylt.J them tho Ni!Jar-nrima-i 1Ii11d. lle coooludo.
with u hopo Lhntlhot gendomM willlu\Vo Uto kindue"<! to r.onoe
his work, and that tho public will cb3ritobly oxuuso all ita lhult.:l
nnd fnilinga, etc.
In a "ube'qU<'DL p.'\,::o tho author iofoMD!! a. thot his nuthority
woa " .,r tl,.. Wllned Rao Kbhi R6.o1,
who W1t.5
in the .,M'ice of Shuj.i'a-d dnnlo of Oadh, an.t "'"' at the iattrviow which the :lfabraua envoy Bloawani
Slwsltar bad witb him. " He jot wh3te .. r loapptned
bo to"' hi y.,., and the of these line. clotho..! the f'acu
dot:liled to him \\ithoul incl'e3SO or d,-era.w in tho ;,'>.rb uf

This work trt\vclo over some of the ground alreAdy aort.-.1 by
the Ttfrlkh-i J/mihlm KM,., ruul l11ere lll'O strong indiuatiune thM
our author b11d .. to that work when ho wroto this. Thu
Tlirlkh-1 Ibrtilllttl Kl1d11 wu.s fuoishcd in1786 A.D. 'l'ho Nilfdr-
m.lm'l hcors no Jnt.\, but written nfter t11o 'Jmlllltt lS.,t'titltrl,
"hirh \\till not liuiohcJ till 1808 A ll. So Uoe oral iufonuntion
which the author ri.-ccived mtUt lu\e OOcn of more
lbau lwtnty Y"""'' t.nding. TJU,. ,..,rk io written in 111uch
greater drtail tl"'" tho Ttlrik4-i Jhra!.lnl Klta, and tho lanc;UAoe
U. m>ro W>vured high lluwn.
Tho "hole work \YU traa-lau.d for Sir B. :Y. Elliot loy Uoe
late Fullor, and liom that lJ'aDI:uioo tloe followiu;::
Exlrn<'ll bavct bu "'"' n.
Sus--j) iudu:a by 4, 21!0 P"C.'I!ll of 9 lines -"J
' [Svprd, P 277.]
.d.hmml Shah' Rui.r of lui .Army.
Tho over-triumphant anny or SMh, consisting of IW1'11ty-
four ,..,rps, ot' which consisted of 1200 ho11!en1en, were drnwn
up, anned oml ncco11tred, M the loot ot' the mound, under the
eonnnaud of tho uodor-meotioued ehiefil: lhrklni.rdlt.r Khhn,
Aahratu-l W11zm Sltflh Wnll Kh{lD, Sardflri Sard{!.rflo SorJnr
Jnb!n KMn, Sh&lt P;L8lUld :Kh{!.n, Nasir KMn Buluch, Dnrk-
burdar Kh&n Saktn:L'Bh, Zntnrnlah Khlm Kulw:mighi\.oi, nod
Khan on lttml Mugho! . Out of the wbolo 21,000 lto1'3C-
rueu, 6000 were who encamped all round the royol
p:.vilion nL the distnoco of hnlf al<t>ll; nn<l the ""'t of the army
w:t.S mnged under the nbo<e-nnnted leaders. 1'wo tbonfilllld
for the tl'llliS}K>rt of 1AciM1u, etlcl1 eruuel e.urying oou
&ltullill (a 11\vivel-gun) ami two llluliiiiCMI (men to servo it), as
wsll 11!1 40 pieces of and camet.. la.Ieu with
1'0Cketa, were counted nmong the roynl troops. A long with
Nnwab Shuj&'u-d. daulo. Bal!Atlur were 2000 ""vnlry, 2000 in-
f.mtry, and 20 guns uf clilfuront calibre; and with Nnjibud
dauln 6000 cavnlry and 8000 Rohilln inlantry. Along witl1
Dnviodl Kh(m and ITa6zu-l :ltulk ll!.6z Huhmnt KMn were
eountod 18,000 Rohilla inr.-.otry, 3000 or 4000 rMnlry, nud
some guns; while with Ahmnd KMn Bangnsh FnrrukMb6di
thoro wore only 2000 horse nnd fooL altogether, besides camr
lollowe111 nnd attcntlaut.s and a few !."IU".
The totnl foroc on this side wao reckoned nt40,000 cnvalry and
sevel'l\l thousnod infuutry; out of which number 4.0,000 cnvnlry
and 10,000 The men of tho roynl nrmy were of sevrnl
1 'l'hit to be (\lr n Out or tbe 2.J of cnalry, 0000 ho.ttil!
tarm were pltJdd,..." [.._..\hmad Sbfths annreo!lliuHl of !U
'fhlt a.utborit1 dltir,oJ.f IU lO the nWDbtor of QltQ 1011 IJUill otld
tither iltriH1d it frotD tbe Qt from tbl' 104QlC JOhl"Cf,)
[lfajQr Fulkr wu lu doall\. 1botat lhi.' pu&lg-t', A.11d \\rote bh tt'I:W'lation iu
poad.l Tbere 1mt to bco omi!liffo:n in 1bt toll.. Th corr-.pcmJiog pAJaage-
iu lhtt MMbHI Uf&: ''l'bc ll'llolo ILMDJIJUOU.UU:d to 40,.000 tll)d
different denomination. Fir<l, Dorriui of tbe .._,me tTibe ""the
Sh6.h, every one of whom oo well c:tllod ironhcart.J,
"sma.hcr of tho lu>rdoL rook; eoconol, K:nmlbai!ohf, of \Yhom
were equal in l'tren:;th anJ ruaoibl prow""s to Rut&m 1\n,l
Xarim&n; third, Kalmllo, wbo u.oe-1 the fur-l,.trMA4, all youth
with fmmN ;tordy M olphanl$, ru1l moonteJ on et<>e<h of
breed, lQUking liko nlnuni.Aius auol to the
dert; liourth, the valiant llnl dorotcd ami 4000
U.<ihiMIIi, well-drilleJ nn.l OXp<'tt hot, two of whom rude one
enmcl. mado up 2t,OOO rnvnlry. anlthrm wuro nloo 1000
116111nchh, who wero rcokoned tho wruliko torco, mnl u.uJ
to receive tnQney from Thc:ir narm.o.;
Were inrnb d 00 a roll in tiJO lJnJ;h.J.i' offi .... ; they wore
nllpick.J nnol N<pericuct'll <oldiero of proved :.ud loynlty,
nnd nuol iml"'tnou wnrriors. ]k .. iolcs, wn..
n fom> not L,ken into at'l'uunt, whirh "'-' tyled the COI'J"! ot'
!fnfim , fur in company with eada Durrini Yt.:re fuur Y''lim
horsemen. The cor!' intcmlod solely for nnd
pillaging enun1y; aol lHn ... , Allor the Durron!s mnde n
in the heat or n b.1ttlo, tho 11rlim followed in t<nr of th.,n, and
p...,..,..ut<'d tlooir nttak. Th .. o """" Abela!! . fllimU..<Ito bo
mploycd for the (lllrp<l&C of cutting off oupplic, and annkiu;:
predatory forays. nod whate,cr .poil fell into thdr lonntl, they
to r.tain, but no aot..i.tenco """ ;;r:mt.U them
&ri'll' 1Jhlto'1 T1'00p.
&d!L.h<O RAo Bhoo, hsnnz hC'IIrd tbc nrwa that tho Shah
hrul been hololing n ruviow of I is troops, and that tho roynl nrmy
roscmblin!! tho wa,es of the sea \111.5 propnrlng to mo,e, cauur
""''er:ll m&rcht<B tbi eil of Kuujpura. and l..W an of
.ooo .. t of b h thirty o' ,.,nd .,...,cd ud "" d!.-
n.ounk .. nu;ll, huiag ,.vr .. tJl and two thnntand 11111 g1nn,
raiTitiC! ttr btll)apj to Kmg. 'l'bNt aumbcra "<""- rrvra. the
om.... iJ1 <burr ol ll>c royal -.!.."I
his own ecldicry. In elfect, tho mouter of the (terrible
from il.!l nwnbers as tho day of judgment) bolonging to the Rl\u
in question was to the under-mentioned detail. Ibrab!tn
Xh&n, besides the body of borscmen mentioned bolow, of whom
oulr 2000 aecompanied him, bad 9000 Gardi carbineers, with four
pieces of ordnaru:e to ewry 1000 men. His full complement Willi
6000 cavalry; t lUo Rolkar, 5000 ca\'lllry; Jhnnkuji
Sindltill, 10,000; Appajl G..ikawar, 3000; Ja.wnntRao Paomr,
2000; Sbnm!her JlnMdaT, 3000; Piluji, J6.dlia's sou, 3000;
Ditbal Slteo Deo, 3000; lhlwaat Rao, " balf-brolbor of Bhllo,
who, on nil trying oocnsiou, dnshed forward in ndnnce of the
7000; DiswAs R5o's i,llah, JJOOO; and App{tji
1\lt.ngwnb, 2000. In n word, there mnstered 51,000 wnrlilco
cnvnlry, suitably nrmed Rlld mounted, nnd 11,000 infantry,
with tho (}&rill carbincers, 200 pies of artillery, ruJd
camels cnrrying rockets, Md sovcml others camburnk.. The nrms,
horecs, equipmeuls of this force wero in soeb excellent order,
lh11t uo one or Ute royal or Hindlislaui armii!S !too over rt'ru:beJ
so Uigb :> etntn of diJscipline. Out of all tho irregubtr troopg
O.C<.'<>mpo.nying Diswas Rlto and tho body of Chorghori ])hoi
Uoere were nc:\rly 20,000 CAvalry, aa well M 2000
RtljpoiL horse, nlong willt the UYCkilf of tho R&j>S of Knohhwllha
nod Rutbor, and other people belonging to lloo toroos of
cltielil ot' H'uodo1 oxlraelion, who hl>d tuo.Uy, through f011r of tho
ravages or tho Dakhinis, put tho ring of obedience in their e:us,
o.nd dooming submiuion to the!!e chiefs tho means of from
disastor, bMteued zealouly to comply with their introatlons
As for N6rnd
Slmnkar, who hod bcon left behind with SOUO
Cll\'rury and :1 of military et.ores, with a view to
protect tho aity of Dcllli, his dutnchmcnt "118 in addition to
thil. It is a well-known r....,L the whole Dnkbin ... mo along
with DMo, nod I therefore !IS!!ert, however luge the equip-
' ["lbrllhlm Kblu1 Ollnll bad 2000 b.,.. arul 11000 Gtrdl foot...,lclim, w!U.gwu
atd r"ar cuauma. 'Iho MahntU...- daicti' own anl'l" OQUO m.en. -
.UAU,../ .lloAd._t.]
' "rrTO."-.d.lilldr.]
ment nnl nrmy whiclJ h<>11 been enumer:ucd np}K'At, it but
a triOe ilfler all.
fuin; at b.t rea<:bod PlnlJlCII. the Bh&o eneompa..ed that
<ity, aU<! iuL-ing encamped anny :.round it, gave
directions for the excavation of n ditch aU round own
luun diately after tho of the cmlr, the UltO
,;gorouly to tho work, an<l hnving in "'nry
short OJKICt ot' timo dug n ditch twenty ynrd bi'03d, ant! clOOJ><r
tbo tlaP height uf au rnnl it tlarir !!al'<g1Urd n:;aiaa t
tbe eorony's fire, ant! having thus J:&incd eonfidenct, larld tlacir
gromttl with linaml'l!.S and intrepitlity. Db&o hnriug fil<cd UJI'IIl
this pt..-. in hi> own minl ... tl .. ..,en. ur trifd .... t tlllllnlt,
took up quarteN tbt re, r>Dd phulling hi artillery M iowrvnlo
cnnucct.-1 by olanins 1111 nloog the uitcb, closet! tho or
acee. :::Unt the tnemy. Th Sht.h IIJivin:; likewie nrri....,.J
the ha-al of hi, army, terrible o.s Uao dny of judgmtnl, within n
di!.t:lii<O of four KilO, dirocted the tXCM'ntion of 1\U or..Jiunry <!itch,
sueh A< \\:1.'1 UulLily dug e\'01)' day. 'lho pionet"' to
ordc..,., olug n ditch act.wdiug to cu,tom, And plnct.J nlong tho
brink of it rm n4nttis of' tlhtik t:l'C<:.<, or whntver else !hoy eouhl
fiod; but"' " lou;;er lay ,. .. , up ted hrr. thllll at oth-. pln.o:..'>',
the u ... ruion of a l:uw:r dit<:b thnn w .. undtrtoken.
TJ,. JJ&tiQ o, Tlr<4 .fur Pt' ..
Rh&o, notwithsl:lodin;r his ruat p<>mp, mighty vnlour, nnd
nunll'ruu! ""SSO'iate, lot lll'arl, and tho form of Adnr-
sity in Lite mirTOr of hi< undc,.hnJiug, Itt lip th eurd of
finnnt_. from his hand, nnd knuckcd at tho door uf hnmblo
solicitotion witlt the utmo<l importunity. li:&.hi lt6j, who is
the uamotDr or these inriJent... la.u tblla related the
"An indi>iduru by nnmo Glloe!!b J>nndit, who oecupitol tlao poHt
of ncwwritcr on behnlf of tho nbove-nnutioncd lt&o at tho
l!Aln:D GlltrLUI 'ALf.
Co11rt of No,.ab Shuja'u-d dnul<> Bn},(ulur, :md enjoyed the
honour of being admitted to his preseue<J, be:,'Uu, :iller tho OC<:Dr-
reuoo of the$l! evl'llt1l, to make o,erturus for peaeo nl the inlllnoe
of the aforesaid Rao. llloat ot' dw Hindi notes in the
diall'<lt Ito wrote to mo with his own hand, 11nd the pith or their
conteot..J was this: 'Do you solicit flis llighue;;s, lllld urgently
pcraundo him to tltio course, ,iz., in combinntiou with A>lll'lltu-1
Wuzr(\ (Shah Wnli Kh6n). to throw optm tloo door of peace to
me, and if n pence be> oondut!ed, immene fnvoura shall be .J1owu
him in return for it.' Accordingly, ou one oeei\Sion he sent His
Tiighnes the impression of his hand in nffrou, toget!tur with a
sworn agreement, and a white Dakhini turban, with a wrpcch
studded with diamond!l, by way of :lD intereb:m(!e of turban.,
aoil I presented it for doe n"Pieioua iOHpt'Clion. Frorn u.;$
likowioe tho customary prcent wns maJo in return, and by d ...
grees 1 brought His lliglonoss' mind to this, that lw ontercd
iutu " cousulllltion with A.sltrnfu-1 \\'uu{, ou thu Rbj<'Cl; allli
whatever nppearcd in writiug betweuu them waa noldn....:!ed
to Al1rnfu-l 'Vnn!. thtough tho medium of your humble ervlllll.
[Lm!J NIIIHIInliolllf ripon /he propOIWI.] AftC'r all, tho cormuuui-
cntions led to uothiug."
:UUXT.\lill.\lll:-1' TA W.(RTKli
.A.uTnOR 1\luushi Sodfumklt Dchlawi, whoso portic:.l wa'
Thi< i a hi.tory nf India from the timu of the Gh:.t.nhi<les to
tlio closing aecnes of tho M ugbal EmpirT, and tho """<'i!<ion of
Akb.v 11. It writtrn "ith much peroonal knowledgu of tho
Inter tmuoactiom, into which tho En;::lih begin at U> 1M!
inttodu...J. ll at llo nd of the Grot R<><>k an
:I'>UDL of tloo revonues of th<> lntr )lughlll Emviro, "ith n taw
p4rticullU'$ more intelli:tibly n.-ronle.l llUUl i.o w.UA!
with Hindu-t&nj nulloo.,.; and :ut actvunl vf tho IUja. ol' the
northern hillH, R6Jtultlun nwl tho Dakhiu, llDd their
douuuion.., at tho nd of tho lloCUnl Book. Thou:;h it i.t not
mentioned in lho 1'1'\'fnoe, "" from evtml p>rts of tho work
Umt it wna tODl!'O"t'll iu tho Y""" 1234 A.U. {1818-lU A.D.).
Soldi.-ukb open hi bi.tory with a eritie:olaecouut ofFirihto'
nntc-Mubnmm:.dnu IW>lil>tl, which hu oc>nduums as iu overy r""pect
untrunwonhy; bul after that br follows him iblpli<itly to tho
tinlc or Akbar. Tho hi-tory of lhu IUiuor IIIOD3l"VlJil.'3 ia tntircly
ab.tracted fNin tb!ll and he clhid,. his work iu tho
manner. ".J, .. n be ftotd1es the earlior l.l u;;h"l monorrhs, he a
hinl6ulf of tho olhor ordinory or iuformntion, 4Ud intor-
his a<unto ,.jth at11'Cdot ... , in which the 1riceipal lletol"'
are represunttd ll!l Jnhingir, Sbllh JRhan ond otlwr noloo luditw
duuw:ters; but in rc:ility the storit are fllllliliar in the as
@bowing lbe jMtiee, ingenuity, clemency, or vigour of older and
more potentates, such as So laim(m and Nnushirwnn.
1'heoe misrepresentations probably arise more from ignoroneo lh:ill
Tho real vnlue of the work commences only from tlae reign of
Shah nud indeed tho :mthor states thnt it was ebieOy hi
6bjeet to write a full and connected history of the period tom
meneing with :BahMur Shah to his own time, in which he hns
been, h must be confi!SSOO, entirely successful; but tlu\t in ordor
to render tho work conlplcte oa a Genom! History of Iodin, he
freely cxtncled n brief n>onnt of tho severn! countries nnd king.
of lndi:. from every historic:U couorosition procumble iu hi11 tirnt,
nnd espeoially from Firisht.n, from whom be coofcses ho bns
copictl verbatim even whnrc be suspeett>d error. Whore he
quoleil origin:tl works, :IS the Tdrikh-i G11oJJla nod Iabaktl?-i
it is evident that bo obtains them seeoud-haou froot

11te :ualhor \<ll!! born Dclll(, nnd died at :to ad\'anted ngo 111
Allab(ablid sub;roqueut to tho introduction of our rule. 1l is
uuder.<tood that he was em[lluyod at tho dose of l11-<t century
under the Dritisb Government in aonoe offioial cnpMity at Chumir.
He wrote scvcml other works and tre:>tises besides this history,
among which tho IamLl!IU-1 JM1illn, which an :1ecouu1
of tbo Hindu Sluistr.\1!, customs and tribes, is u.itful,
and exhibits grent rowers of observation. 1\luch is of an aneedo-
tieal danrneter, but ill not less vnlonblo on lhnt nerount.
Tlw same Litle which tlais history bears is usonlly given to tho
TtirJkh- BtHidwrl. Another contains a history of Tlmur nnd
Sh!lh Rukh 1\Jirci, with letters wrilton by the l:.tter tD tho
Emperor of Obion, in which he endeavours to efl'oct bis comer-
siou to tile llluhammadnn Jhith. It nlso contains the Mughnl's
corrc;;pondonce with Saiyid Kbizr Khan, EnlJ>cror of Dehli, and
h11- nn t:iing nu account of Transoxiann. Another is
tbo .Jluntaldwb-i B badal.
The nuthor us that when rele!lSod from his official duties,
Joe "'rut. at age of oixty-five, to reside at AII&Mb&d. For
tho P"riod of ten years Croon that time e11gn::oo him'!CIIf in
lit'l'lU')' or<!Dpations, and another Lueilill$, no lo.
tlonn 12G,OOO lines of crc iu Pursian, Urdu and Bh6.khai, l>CS'idl:ll
narly 5000 of 1'""'"-
h after the"" lnbonr thnt bo oomoncneod his IIistory, in
which he profu. ... -s not to liA'e foUo"ed the plan of othtr hi.,.
torinn<, "><ho, being in tho service of powerful kinWJ,
uhtaiued rewanl Alld promotion by their OatteriL .. -bave madt
mountains out of rnole-hith, anti sun oil!. of atorno. He, on tho
contrary, who hud ouc fooL in the grave, and wisbod for n<1 other
l't"'mP"n"" than the prsi,., of honest me11, "ho ><fled too
but tlmL which tho Almighty might be plrMod to 1,-ive him, who
hot! no object in gloVn:t n!U'I'ativo with lies and
and \\l1oso only rornr.lning ambition wQ.S to lrnvo ...
j:uod onme behind him, wu detennined to ..,;to without ftar
ur favour."
Under this deelAmtion, it is ing tu flml him takio;; rvrry
orportunity to prai.oe tho Engli.b, txpre.. ... ing bit fur
tho evil 1\-om which they bud tonvrd his country, 311\l contrMtin;.;
thrir adoniuhotmtiQII with thAt of the :\lubamiii3J:\n. "'ith :o
unusunt 11ith his countryn1en, \fhich hill 8<JCUre
M Allliloab&d him to expro.-s without n,_.,rve. loe tho.
his opinions nt the end of tho introductory chnptrr:
"At lloi time there i neither Rfli our RAj"- nor 1\lusulm\n, but
nuly :\lahratta.., Firin;;lo and Sikhs. Ood forbid ll1at the Firing/
hould imitatu tho .Musnlm6ne in earrying on" looly wnr ll!,'llin>t
infideL.! '"" to poor J"'Ople it would be a o,... day jul;;meot.
Hod bo pmised that Lh<>o wrct.,hes are now tho aufforers! From
th day th.u the rule of the F.ozlih h!li! b.n e>tablisbL.J, e.-en
tho wing of a gnat loas not boon injnmd by tho bln.t. Although
it must lw- aelwowled!;t..l that employment in their ,..nice is a.
r.aro as a phamix, yet thHo is enrenle socurity under Lllllm. 1
luwo myorlf eeou the depredations of tbe Ml;h6no ro11ud Ihbli
1111J God dcf.nd tU from them ! IL makes Lloe nry
of the body eL,nd on end to think of them. Two hund"'d
I honMnd men wero <lrtroyed in Lhe'o m-res. and the hordt.
of tho enemy we"' number. Such atn><iti_., forsooth, J"'rpelnatod in eompliance with their ...,ligion and bw !
\\'bat ""...d tbry fur tho ...,ligiun, th law, the houour and rtpu-
tation of tlte 4UII'erers P IL wM enough for uch bigot.o
tltnL splendor 11ecrued by their to the faillt of M uhnmm3d
(A br:;e portion of tbi3 work hu been for Sir H.
;II. Elliot b\- a '" '"'M indulin<> tho histories of tl :Xizllm-
Sh(lhi and Kutb-Sh&hi dJillltir, the history of )falabar (3k, n
'"'"' tho Tu/(/irlu-1 .JftdW.idlu, "'"no p:wiioulnre rolntiu:: to tlw
of Nipal, etc, for which them i uo room in thi \'olumr.]
'lho n11thor <li<id"' his. bitory, :tre>nliog to the flUieiful
l:tn;:u:t:;e of E""tora oathoiS, into hru palacdl (l,.r) , The lir:t
I ubtiividod into two m:ru!ion {lltnM/1), tho 1>0o<l into t n
mnnion and duunbcrs (morm,, whid1 in tho aoeond Book
aru culled by 1101110 ove"'igbt lllljm).
Preiaee, p. 1: Introdurtiou.'p. 0-"Bock. I., in tuo Clptero:
('Imp. i. The lohawividrs, p. II; ii. Tho King< <f lldtli, !'
::-o.-&ok 11. in ten Olnp. i. in .,{'( $"'tious: I.
13aluuruti Sovroigm. I' 880 : 2. 'l'ho '.&dil-Shnhl, p. 986 ;
:1. Nizam-Shl\.hi., p. 1001\; J. Tho Kutb-Shlth!, p.
6. Th 'Imad.Sl,ih!, p. lOiO; H. 1'h p. 107 J:
l 'hop. ii. of Gujarat, p. 1096: iii. Tl1o Kin;: <f
\lalwR, p. IIOS; h. The Ruler <tf Kh:utd<ll'h, p. 11611; Tb
1\inJ:ll of lkngal, p. 1186 ; vi. rho of Jnnnpur, p. 12(/0:
vii. The Kin2" of ThaLIA, p. 1211: viii. Th .. uf ;\loltun,
I' 12:16; iL Th" J\ings of Ka.lunlr, I' 12-lS : x. The Ruler;
<>( \lr.Jabir. p. 1314.
Sslt-Svo., pn:;ts .. "ith li11ints p:lgt.
1 know of only one copy of S:t'IU.Oukh'a history,
nutogrnpb of the nuthor, in the poion of hie finuily nt .\ll&h-
ubt.d. From thie my own wae taken, and from the work bein:.:
unknown elcwbere, it m:lY be presumed thtre is uo
Slmja',..,/ !laullr.
Sbuj(&ud daula (a!Ur hi dtft'at by Shih '.\1am and tho
English) wont to conKoll with Aluuod Kh&n In reply
to Shuja'u-d daul3. Ahmad KJ,{n lbnga.oh .aid, "J recommend
yon to ;:o to the EngU.b attendl-.1 by only one or two hundred
unarmed men, and eoll!rtoin no fear, because lhy are yory wi""
and lib<-ral, and it it not to be expected tbot tl>ty will lnmt you
otherwiso tlton in a becoming manmr." dnuln, at\or
cJ, lib<-ration, saw that th old man wao right, :wd ng..eW with
him that what he had eaitl ""'" best. "I hnro got with met
he lt>id. "Pome very nlanble preenl$ to give them. The lilet
k, two boy of noble cxU'l>Ctioo, teo or twehe Y"""' of ag<,
who belong, JX'rhnps, to tho fAmily of tho King of Englnnd,
f.llleo into my hnod, and I ha<c thtm with moeh
j;l'\.'llter rnro zmd alfeetion than my own ons. They nro runoh
pll'n.l'd with me. an<l thoy th:.t, if I take lht'Dl to
tbir own p<'Ople, they "ill do me nmrh good. Altlwugh no
duporulonee e:>n bo placed upon tho worda of boye, I 100 tW
other chao.,. of our,._. I will !!0 to tlte Eos:lioh ae>nling t<>
suggrtioo. Let lho event be what it may, J wllllnnneh
my boat on lite Tho Naw!b, having len Ahmad Khan,
}...,......,..,1 in diroetion with about one thou.and of hi
ecrvunl.t!, including biB own fumily. It hnpp<'nod that at this
limo Lor.l en ""0 wu a vuy experienced officer, had jolll
arrived from Eu<;lnd, am! hnd proeetded from Calcutta to
Allahibad, on the p:ut of tho Honourable Comp4ny to settle
pending dittpul.el!, and to obtain the liberty of the lM boy
who hnd boon tnken by Shuji'ud dnul:.. Whn the Naw6b
:.rried at wlti,h i ix ko from All6h8Wd, Lord
Clio, llr. Stacy, nnd sorue other in tho King's servieo,
came to ., him. The ;;entlt'lllen took oil' tbeir
bAtt, and hownl all mnrk of r""I*L, &I'<Urding to ru>tom
of their country, nnd behaod "ith nffilbility. Thoy ltOO<i
h<:furc him d<>'ing their baml After Utat, thry con
ductod him with honour into tho fort of All&hubM. At
this Slu\Jo 'Klnn1 chnngod rolour. Whnl p:I8Se<l in his mhul ho
know alooo. There ia no room to ay more about it. .\11 thi11
honour anl rto-peel which ohowed to tloe
wtre very digtLting "' Sh&h '.Oaon.
Btni who had 1:000 tou.U. the district of lliwira
and J.uclonow, ako cam with all spe<d. and sou,.<>ht the pro-
t<'Ction of the English, fc:>ring ].,.t, by bt>ing separat..J frum
Shuju'ud tlq,ula, some mil'hiuf uoight b<fall him. ARer howing
evory hospitAlity and tho Euglih iutimntcd to tho
Nnw6b that thoy would not toko tho country which formorly
to him. Sbuj4'u-d <!Aula urrendored both tho boy
whom he had kept with such care to Lord Clive. The Guvernor
Genna! sent them to Eo;:13nd, and af11 r this it wu J'NI"""''I
to doe !\aw&b, thM at all tiw01 th11 Eogli.h amoy \\ould oo
to a.<Si.t him, and oo woul<l oo kept at hi 3!
whcreYer he ehoso to plllco il i bo hould therefore mako a P"'"
iiou fM pay from tho roV<nuo of his territory. it
WM ngre<Jd the abouhl tnko ten ana in thu rupet,
nne! should give up six ll/1/l.f on nrl'OliUl or the army.
'J'hi.4 being done, tb Euglih ....,om mended Shah .\'mm to
him, eaying tw he bad separated himMif from tho l\awah,
auol load taken their .;Je ooly with a view to hi5 own inl""'
and that the oudot to "' isL him by making oomo pro-
viion for his maiolonance. Tho di.triets of AlWtib&d, Kum.
ond Xarra, might bo oer to hirn. At this timu Shuj,'u-cl
wM a 111ere eipher. Whatcr he rc<!ehod ho cot.-iclored
a. ,_..;n of Cod, nod wna atifiod. Such honours and dittin
guishcd I Ml:itmont were beyond hla and ho know not.
lUI IOIIlcbody ""\\'bothH all thi wllll reAlity or a
Jlo btec>med it a li\..-our o J>rovidenco tO l!i!C h.iml!clf ill uch A

tate after hi. di..t,..... "\'>'bAt eoul<l be bad h n t
ac<cpted? ITo "o"'ft<i I<> thr propo8.'ll8 of the Englib "ith nil
his b ... rt. H O:li<i tbnt hn wa! a sh1vo of thAI oobl bou, and
lu houiJ bo very happy 10 r,nder it any ,"" in hi& JIOWer.
After this tho Eoglih wero going to nbmit another qtu,tion.
Rat the Xa"ib, int<rruptiog th m, if tlY wi.lud t>
I'C<'Ommtnd hirn to fur;:ivo tb,nt ungrateful wretch, hu would not
Q>eept nil the fAyou,.. tlo.v ""' on him. He woul<l
s:;o to 03leutln or England nnd rumnin thore, but they shoul<l
'"Y nothing in behalf of ll< ni Daha.lar. lie would proeeeJ
>,'> him in tho mnnner ho thou:;ht OO.t. Tl1u En;:lih also
thought that Deoi Jbhudur ..... a """'" &nu lm "ho bal
loetu rai.k.-d to euch nnk only throu:;h tl1t fAvour of Sbujt\'ud
dauln, dmt Ito lull! rult'd inwnd of tho Nnwt.b bimolf, and yvt
lmJ b.!hnl'd towanl.s him with ingratitude. ne ..... ll ' rv:uu l>f
tl1o N:.w&b, might do with him wlat ho likvd: they hnd no
r .. m.,ru w;tb th:u wntch. But thry re<jue.ted that the Xa"ab
W1>uld grant them ono fuvour, which w1111 nol lo lAke his lifo.
Shujii'u .. t Jnula and ha,;nz,lepril him oight, fixed
n daily allowance of tn rDJl"<" for hi wbsioten.,..,
Tho NawAb, very hntPY and dt._:.,rful, warehed thence 1111d eame
to Faizah6d. He pa1J uo auenlion to tJ1e old anny nnol lhu
Mugbnl, so thnt U1cy dispc"'ed in all directions. 'l'he truth i
thot within tJ1o lw thrve huml....d )'f6r.o, Hum,yun and Shuja'n-d
d.mln uro tho only two potentates who b"vo rceovtrvd tlwir lost
kingdom' ,.n.,r mot mo."lloas vid-itults. 'fl..- btter even
txeeedcd the furmor in repect; for II nmayun, afttr oh-
hU. kin:,:dom, did not enjoy U1o of it, because hu
.. "'o divd. But Shuj,'u-d daulo., after onlrging from n SL:llt
nf tho utmost nddtd. th power of am1,
tho nf Etawa and Ruhilkh:utl to bi.l former dominion.
and ruloJ in IP'oal pr<>!perity ond luppino for ten or twelve
afu:r it. His d-.tda.nt.s aho tojoy their po"er 10 this
day, anti nt P""'rut, among the )(uba.utmlldunll, tbero are nt>
jtrioeeuo fortuno.te. The N awab, aftr ditsmi:Wng the oiJ army,
organized a new forco in imitation of the English. Ho taaght
the aoldier3 r.he use of mUHkota or mntuhiOI!kll. He mR<Ie stYer:ll
divisiom, e:10b <."()uutiog one thousand meu, nnd gnve them tho
app<'lbtioo of Bark Bnkht J.bttnlion, Md Dru!l.
lnat<!l\d of K umnid!Uis IUid Captain!!, he called tho ofliccr;s by the
unme of Salar. In short., bo imrodnced everything iulo tho army
entirely contrary to, and Ill varinnco with what premilod ooforu.
'Slltll '.A' 111m.
SMh '.\.1nm angrily <lomandetl from Nnjnf KMo <tD aecouot
of tho rovenues of AllaMbau :wd the di.lricu 1mdor his charge,
nnd nl6o tho payment into },is tre4Sury of all tho money ho hnd
nppropriotrd to himself from the in<.-ome of tho kJ,tifi&lt tii!IJ,cll,
ITo Khan from lite Governor.hip of the 1,rovint<:
of Allalulb!id, ttud appointed Shukru-lln.h Khan in his stead.
Nnjnf Khuu preJ>Med lo dispute the matter by forte. lle replied
tbnt in rendering lo Shujll'u-d dauln, teu lltr.f of rnpO!ES
lmd been Bp<'Ot when bt wns Gghtin:; ulono for thirtecll nnd
tbnt money ought to be repaid i.o him. A j,"l"Cill misunderstanding
>l'O<le between him and th King, nnd nt IMt the Eugliab bcenm<'
medintors. nod caused throo l11'tt1 of MJpee!r to bo given lo Najnf
Kluiu by the King. Twenty-six lttr.. of rupo"" from tho rcvouue;
uf il<lngo.l, out of which two (QrR were to he :umunlly paid to
Nnjaf Khan; thirty flit& from tho r.lniJd nntl the proineo of
All6.Lublul; nbouL fivo or l<ix l1rr from Shujll'u-d
and "" oqual amount from of Nnjibu-d dnula :\lid Jla6t
HnhrnnL Kbnn, viz. altogether about &c1cnty lllC<J of rupeos, were
to be paid to the King. All this may b considered to
l1ave been done through t kindnostt of tho J:;uglish, who thus
enabled the King to live very comfortably. AhmRd SMh nnd
',(Jnmgir b.'>d not e1cu dreamt of such wealth liS ShC.h '.!lam on
joyed Lbrough tbu favour of God Md the lioornlily of the English.
Afu>r time, Zu-1 fikaru-d unuJ .. W:lS appointed, on the ptli'L
uf Shah eollcotor of Korn, ond Shllkiru-d dauln governor
of All"ab6d. The English returned to Beu;;u!.
lr\.'")\"'T.I.J;U.IBI:-T T..\WAltTKIL
Tl.t Co111pany.
To Englaool the ruling power ill pos.-....1 by two parti.,., on
the King, 'llho i the lord of the St.ate, and tho other tho
llonoumble Comp.ny. 'fbe former gocna ov<r bia own
POuntry J and tho L1tter, thongb only aubjeeuo, tho King
in power, 011<1 ore the dire<:to ... Of Olt=ntiJu 31T3i.....
:rnll tany on traffic in the fortigo cououic.,_ such "" India,
Chino, Rum, nnil other iIMd!J end ports. They them-
lves remain in tlto ir own eountry, like sobje<t> ot.Nient and
tmbmiM.iive to their Kin;.
C:XL \'".
.. DA "'1.\'L.
Tbe )lot F.xeolh nt of Hitorio " tl title of a work wriltm
by 'Juuu-d din 'Ab<lu-r rnhm&n bin Alun:ld (jl in thu middh of
lhr foorl..,oth century; but the hi>tor. .. .., ha oow nod.r coo-
iuemtion Wft!l eompoood by I<ilulll l>r.y61 }{/mlrl, of
"ritttn for the purpo'<' of b-ing pn Died to Ch.oodu Ul.
111inirtcr ofHnidllnihliu. h WM eoonplctcd in 1826 A. II., nnd took
lin yf:lro to compilr.
euormotL-. \\orlc i n. U"tfut compilation, but ..
lillln ori;;io31ity. lt. dtiof mlue in or
,-.pious ab.!tmct. of th Rtinuiynnrr, .Jl<tiiUbhW.II, nod 001110 of tho
p.,,ww. reol of tho work is a mere rif3imento from
oothoro, gro;;mphi""l as ""'' M hi.torical, nnd gcucmlly
without nny intlicotion of the sou"''"' of
Tht .1Jm!fid-t T<tlftirlklr i divided into seven Dooks.
BooK 1. eontaim an epil(lme or tl1e Shiu Pwin, 11nd ""
of tho ten A \", p. 10; D. Trnnslation of the
p. 226 ; 111. Tmnsllltion of tho Bh6gnvat Pur{um. p.
1014; TV. Holy man of the Uindus, p. J.IG2; V. An epitome
of tho Mnlulbharnta - an ncco1llll of tho Hindu n.ntc-l\1 u-
hnromntlnn RtijM-the i\!nhllmmlldan Kings of Ohnzno nnd
DehU, from l\Jahmud to Akbar II., and the Establiobrnent of
Jlritish supremncy, p. 1608; VT. Tho lle.enues of tl1o ditrarcnt
Pro,oinoes of IIindW.tan Peroio., p. 2968; TII. An account
of tl1e seven olhnBLes, noted cities, and -.ondcrs of tho world,
p. 3022.
The work closes with an Mcount of the Bmbmins and KhMrl$,
nnd nn eulogium ou Rrljn Ch<Ludu Lal.
Stz:e-Elophnnt Folio, eon!iating of 3128 pages, each conl.!lin
ing 19 lines.
'l'hert nro only two copies of thi11 work, both 11f which belong
to tho fumily of the nuU1or. Ono is plentifully illustmtcd in the
portion dovokl to llimlu .M ytbology nod History.
Tho work is written, iu the Jl"flS which :tre not copied or
tmnslated from otbors, in n very flowery style, which, thon):th
<"orrect in its stnacture, is in its cxtruvaganre.
For insln.nce, n high-stmiuod panegyric is npplied to tbnt royul
puppet., Akbar U., n mere ponsionnr of tho Dritisb Go,ernmeot,
entirely divested of llil civil, milit<Lry, and political power,
within tho n11rro>< of own Snoh fnlsorno nod
hypcrbolicnl p:wegync, if h<latowed upon Akbar tho G rent,
'vould he oifcnsi vc enough : but when the subject of it is Akbar
the Little, iL becomes absolutely nauseons.
JL';(:SU-L FrRD .. H'S
:.\IIRZ.( YU'SUF (.
"The G=lcns of so caJle.l, we aNO infonned, for the
the work ooni11t.s of ohfiJ>Iers,
nnd the ) fuhnnunndnn Pnrndi!Hl I!Ontnin ns mnuy J!nrdcn.s.
The nuihor may perhnl"' have .. l hi iden from tho famol13
TaU"arl.t4 of Ibn )lo'in, compo""<l in A.ll. 808.
Thia work eon.;.,"'-3 of bilorical t..bloo, howing tbr Prince of
the !evernl :.\luhnmrn3flllll Dynaaties of Asin, Afric:>, nml
with the tlntt .. of the birth, Md ciN>th of cauh ovtrei!!ll,
and the !"'rio.! of bi!! and life. The ubles are
prel':!eed by n brief Intruduction. The Ji uinrt-1 Finlr
tho of tho lilfreut tho rolcra of Syri:1,
Ambia, Egypt, Shirwnn, Lar, Rhwarism, uud Ilindu-
llm; tho luaa'!lions, !'laljuki., Atnbako. Sbm6.nillo.., Shorlfs of
:\l<eea, and and tevual otl1er
tlyn.a::lies or minor iruport.,ne .....
The work WI\. O!>lllfl'> .. l in ll2G (A.D. 1711), by Min&
Mubonunod but ""rnpleted by 'fnjnmmw in
\.H. l2H (\.D. who, findiu!! iu tho library of lti patron,
)[r. Monts:;no Turnbull, of the CiYil Srrrice, an incomplote
oopy of the ,fiminu-1 Firdmtt, Added a .ennth ond chapter
to 8upply tho doficicncy. 'fho ixth cbnptor of tbe orlginl\l
rootsiDl! an nl'<:<lnnl of tho Kings of DhH to the do'" of the
Afghbll Sur flyo .. ty, as ,..JJ as an of tho ll3lunlllli,
XizAm-Simhi, '.(dil-:)bahl, Rutb-Sh&bl, and FAniki o,,,a.tie:;,
nnd tho King" of Gujnrit, Mulw{l, J'nunpur, &ngnl, Kuhmir,
Mnltan, and Sind. Thure nr.., uo doubt, perfect of tho
orl!;innl. complete io ei;:bt ...,. tho onme impli<. fo
d10ptr, addeJ by Taj:unmw llunio, there i.; an :aoont
liiRZ.< :liL"'U.lUUD nsnr.
or tho i\lu:;lml of 1 udi:>, aud in the chapter nn
aeeount of the Wnl.-. or Oudh, ami the of &uga.l
and Biltu.
The tabl,.. luve f>e<,p eompiltd from tho h<->liiOui'Ct'l of infor
matioo, among other&, Jultilu-cl tnm''"'" .'WI!Jtill,. Ilm
Ki111flikdu, 'lil,rtirll.:lt, :J/ttl/tltt-6 f.Wdm,,, 1Ia6i6u-
Si!J rr, s,tfa, T l><tkut-i rl, Fm.ut ... ,Jolt4o-arci,
TariH .41r1, and TarllA-i B 1tfuu11l; it wouJ.ltlartfo"' !>..
worth prilllin::, if ec>ITt'<'tly edited, ftor the uc of lhu Pcnian
.. tutleut.zt or uur collt-g( ...
Tho only eopy \Thiel I know of th" Jma!!l Fin/"'Jt i in the
I'., . ..,ion of llijotG"' ml T. P. Smith, of the n.,,.,.,.,
Stu-Ho., 162 !"':>"" uf 19 linea""'"
T.iRfJill-1 ll ENRY
Talll ie " c-nmpilation by Saiyid llluhnmnlAd D&kir .\ U Kluin,
""" of Hnzmt Sh&b Kallmu-Uah Dukh&rl, dt-dic:u .J to Mr. or the Ciil S.rvi.., and entitll Tarildli lltnry w
comrlimtUl to tlut ;;ontlrm:lll'S CluUtia.n WUllO.
The ProiAe. ehowio; tho OAuo ut' hi$ wrilin'-( bL.tory, with
copies e111eo in prai"' of the )la::i>trate abd C.,ll..-tor .,.,J
Jud.;e, and Sir Cbarlee p. I.-The lntroduotion o)l)-
taw an ll'.tOlDt of Adam, tho. ProJ,IIotll, Muhnmmlld, Saint>.
and Philu"oplcl'!\ l' 11.-lloox I. comprideo lUI nc'<>unl of thu
K.U6.oian, 'Un>mayidca and 'Abb6-<iolet, and Chao;;iz KhAn. I'
8ii; II. Tinuir ;m,J hiJ in India, duwn to tho battle
T.tRrKn-1 UJ:\JIY.
of Bunr, 1'- 182; nL Tho RnjM of Dahl! preeediug Lbll
inln>duetiuu p. ;2{!j: !\'. Th
and .!Un;s of Dtloll LO time of p. 200; V. Tbu
S:tljukillll., and aome other dyruuties. p.
365.-Tbo Condnsoon d ribe.o the 1<>\'CII rUmatea, wilh geo-
graphical ol!'lnilll, and the wondon of tho world, p. 31!7.
Stt&-Folio. 4-41 t:lf"h 23 lin . .
This work, whirh """ in 183/i, i chiefly nn ubst.r:lot,
without ..-knowl!'lll(rllent, of tho Jlir-dt-1 .-(jldb-mrllla, and is of
no value, thuugh of aom r rote in Buolt-lldUUid, whero it '"'"
eorroposllt!. Thnc iM no1hing o.-igiunlthroughout doe wbolo work.
Tho authqr ay hl aoeeeton ... ,... frequ utly appointtJ
totoro to tlu Prinet of the lmpcrilll f<Lmily of Dthll; that tlou
FlJ/uorui '.J.'Iam!Jiri and J.ldd.rai JJ;,.,r, went eorn1iltJ l.y them:
that ho bim-.-lf """ tutor to :\Jim J:iliingir and BAbar:
thnt thinking it hi duty to iolruct them iu hitoo:y, ho diU-
K<\<l tho Sluih- from Li toric:"ll
in tlu Librnry; thM ou rewovnl of Poincc
Jalo6ncir to .\UfW&b&d, tho authur'a ddooL &on, !'3iyid .\hmod
'Ali Kh6n, ..., Of'(oointtJ oodtr hlm a. tho Prinre'a tutor;
dont ho himclf, fiouliugtloo Princu'M to lllnling, ld\
All&hab6tl, and W'> appointed )lr. W. Dick to be> MuOL>if
of Utunirpur; and tlmL .1\lr. Pideook ooe day
" l>ook .,.peeLing the Sallto, on.! ob.ening tlo.&t gt"nthruan'a
w;;tr to ltJU'J ancient he lhuoght that u, general
hitury would bo neecp14blo to hirn, 3Ud in furtlfl'rnneu of thi
,-iew he eoonpiiPd tho T.i.rlkA-; II. ''!I
Thu TtirMh-i nOL\1 ithotnnding that it i lu
n.n Euqli ... h gentleman, t" M it.! CCJffil1lt1Jt'<l mdtt a !!ely
insiuu3tion a;:>inn the doctriou of tloa Trinity and Incarnation.

Tms ;. a hi<tory of tho Riju of Bena...,., and of tho oerun-en.,..,
in th:>t 1ronnee duriol! tho middle of tho IA.t century. whn it
wn.s lhc of eo mnny Nenll important. io &hl' hi .. tory nf
lt11\io. h was eompo..,'ll at tho of ROmr
by Fakir Khnlnt-d din lllnhnmmnd of .AIIr.lt4b61,
tlc author of tho 'Ilirni-IIJ,,,, (:So. CXTX.), and of tho llbtory
of Jaunpur tmnsloteJ by Mnjor PO<.;'()n. The MrrMivo i
!'tlltctimas broken by inlernntion of irrrlevan&. uUI.tttr, aurh
M, for ll lun; t<>ntro .. ,..y l>d..-een a anl 11
llindu on .objeel6 eonnt't"tl'<l with thir ""'perti but
barrio:: thi dof..,t, the olumo !a Tcry u.-eful
[Tho \\Ork ;. dindt'd into fi Chapkrs. Chop. I. t:h.- '"'
ncronut of tho cise of the ltujM of Dcntlrcs, :Uid tho ulhl'l" funr
c!Hlptl"l"l aro devoted rc<pN1tivuly tu tho R8jll8 8ingh,
() Singh, X{arltin, tnul Udit N,\1-Qin Sin:th.)
Thor i a oopy of tbo work Sir II . .\1. Elliot" MSS.)
SW!-Su:ill Svo., litO uf !:}

THa author of thii mluruinous ,.-ork iii &bUur Singh, onn of
HotAri Mal, a 1lhntn61:ftt K,_,Rth of th& Goudiwal 8ub-diviion,
onl" woi<lot of Sh&lo-Jllh!n&bad, who fioioht.J !JU work io the
ycoar 1249 u1. (1833-1 \,D.).
Ila tells us very little about him'"u: tun! there is no l""'t of
th ,..,,It rnai,Jeo us to fill up the Ho flays mrely
lloot cirrumatonco,. iuduet>d him to his nnthe country,
IbM Joe w>. in s-t dio n" whon he arrived AL Lucknow in tho
yrnr 1232 A.n. (1817 .A.n.), in tho limo of GloA:du-d din llnitlllr.
It WM thore that he relltl ,..,,,.raJ Hindi and Pcnoian work.,
eontaining IL<'OounLS ofkinJ!S, nobles, mini.ters, tlhinM And philo-
ttncl thnt he induced to writ.e a conneel4ol hislory of
tloom, in order thnt tloo grent mm .,r the present day might
bcnc6t by their Thill work be r!lllt-d 4ftcr hio own
name, r iJgb-i .Ba!Wtlurl, Tbo llemorial of DllhUat."
This is n.ll wo lonrn frorn tho whido is usuolly full of
I" ,.,nal olctailo, but at pa:;e 20-10 we ""' th work was
linih<-d. in tho Y""' obovo mentioned on lot of the
mqnth" R.vnu,n, after oceupil"'l a lou6 tim in il3 com-
pilation. Tho 11urk, wu "rc tohl, a merc copy fNm olhrl'll,
om! tho author Ions not addO<I a \\ON, ami that afttr ,....,fin;:
... rcraJ Joi.tories, 1110me of wiJith lltt JauoJotory !Lad 80tne
tory, nnd few without a one way or other, lou loa como
1'01.. YUI. "17
to the condusion that thtre are more lies than truth in hi!tory.
One would havo hoped for something philosopbic.-.1 after 3ucl
a but ho evidently adhel"'lS to his determinAtion of
giving nothing origiMI; and it is only at the close of the work,
whon nn nccouot of tho Nllwubs of Oudh, U1eir tlamilies
nnd tninit4ln!, tllllt \VO nro r.tvoured \Vith anything historical
which we eanoot obtAin elsewltllre.
There are, however, se.veral in tbo work, besides its
lustorical ones, which render it of vnlue. Tb.o Hiatory of the
IDnd<o se<llS nnd devol-, the biographies of tho Poele, the
Chllptora on tho useful art.5, rmd the Gcog:rophy, arc epecinlly to
be commenrled. 'rbe lattor to be chiefly token,
acknowlodgmtnt, from tho H<Ui/knfu.l.4krinm, (No. OVTT., atprd,
p.180), but it contAins some notices not to be found iu llwt work.
Th< auU1or enlortninod great mncour agninst the KMluo1riane,
and in his history of that country be speaks of their a
from their iilegitimacy, and ends by anying rich and
poor Phould .,bhor this pooplo, and oven destroy them when
possible, and he who is their friend cannol bo quito free from
in his own deecont." H is probable thot ho ml\y
bao been thworted in abWning some employment by tho
rulroitness ruJd iuhigue of one of met, and this oppor-
tunity of venting his spleen upon tho whole nnlioo. It mu8t bo
confessed, however, that. they beGr a b."\d in ITindu<tnn,
nnd cort.niu populnr verses show tho IQw cslimnl-ion in wbieh thry
arc held. Tho coost.>ot oppression they b:we undergone for tho
ln.t lhousmul years, and whioh tboy arc still suhjeet to, is
enough to degrade l11e momle of any with "bntever
excellences it mny b.avo been endowed by its Maker.
Dook I. ITi!wry of the. Pnt riarehs, p. 2.-Book II., in
Chpt'I'S. Chap. i. The firgt Khalif3S, p. 44; ii. The Tm6rn,
p. 50; iii. The u mmnyides, p. 6.5 ; h'. Tho Abbasi des, p. 69 ;
v. Tho hma'ilians, p. OG; vi. The Sniyid Dynasties, p. 112;
TKOG&JI.f B!llKDUnr.
vii. The of Me.=ca and l i ed loa, p. 113.- Dook n I.
contains Ohaplera. Chap. i. Pbilo . .'oopbrs of Greece and
Europo. including Columbu3 and Cop<'ruicU! (whose ;,
explained), India and P ersia (including ZoroMler), and lll)mo or
the Yod.rn5, p. 13-5; ii. Com1.anions of tho Prophet, p. 102 :
iii. His chief n.-pendents, p. 195; iY. Masluukbs, Sufis, and
Hindu Slliot., in four S..,tion. Section 1. Sunni, p. 19,q;
2. Shi'M, p. 28!1; 3. SuM of '( nin (ohifly from the
I n.), p. 206; 4. Hindu Thooeoplti.ts, and their
p. 314. Chap. " l\Juhommudnn Dootol'l', p.llOS; vi. The eele-
brated cto., and misellaneous mntl<!ro, in Sl'etiom.
Secli>n 1. Poos of Anbi:>, p. 626; 2. Poets of p. 628'
3. Voriou' kind ol' p. 690; 4. Poets of India.
p. ()!)(i; (). Rules of ver><ification, p. Gi l ; 6. Physiognomy,
p. 7. Iotorpr.tatiou of dre:uno, p. 614; 8. Science of
""'JlJtation "" peculiarly taught in p. 661; 9. A,._
trolo;:y, und profesooro of it, p. 666; 10. 1\tusie. p. 696:
11. lh beooL of all tho arts, p. 7:!0: 12. MAaOur.v,
p. 728; 13. I ronmon-l"ry, p. ;:l:!: H. CMp<mtry, p. 7:)3;
lCi. p. 736; 16. Pioting, p. 737: 17. Thlimnn.
p. 739; 18. Ma;ie, p. 761; 19. Handicrafts ofnrion descrip-
tion, including eookcry, p. 757; 20. Saying. of and witty
por.oon'l, p. 767. Chap. vii. Oclebmted porsont of bl&m, p. (?).
-Boolc lY. embmees nn lutroduetion nne! eight ChnptN'8.
Introduction. The new anl tlce old worlds, cities, p. SOG:
Chop. i. ol' t rau, p.l072; ii. Sultans of p. 12!10;
iii. SuMnt of Rum, p. 13-'lO; Rulrs of Egypt and Sh&m,
p. l362: ..-. SovercigM of the W p. 136.3; Ti. Sultano of
Torkist(lll, p. 1378; vii. Kings of Europ, inclucling the illl!titn-
tion of Uritib in lndi,., their nnny, of jlll!tiet>,
rcvenue,;:, eto., p. 1457; " iii. Rulers of llindust(lll: it
Provin""" aod inhabitant., p. 150'2.
Tho lust ehapler, thou;:h not $ubolivided in the Tablo of
Oontnr..., contains dill'crent ch:aptera on the Drahrniru<,
llintlii Ceremonios, AvolAra, Early Hindu Raja, of D.Wi,
from Kutbu-d din to Akbar Shah n., l\U.twO, tbo Dakhin,
Kashmir, ,Jaunplir, !:iind, Ouu!t, tho Mahi'nUII!I, etc.
Stzs.- L:u-go Svo., coot.nining 2082 ,.;th li olosalJ
wriLton lines in caeh page.
I beHove lhero is only ono eopy of the Ytidyliri JJnhU<lurl in
existence, lho autogroph of tho onthor in my possosoion. 1
proeured it from a bookseller nt Lncknow .
[A oonaidamble portion ot' this work, including tho History of
KASitmlr, was trall8lated for Sit H. }1. Elliot-, IUld the tto118lation
a IUliODg his pope!>!.)
Kannuj n city, and is knoll'lt to be very :llleient.
Some that it was built tho reign of tho inc:u-n11.le Ram
Chand, tho lord of A_rodhyn (Oudh). Howo1er thnt may Lo,
city WI\S from tllltient limes the of tho throne of Ute Rajas or
HindtistAn. It appear$ from Hindi books thnt the city of Kannnj
was eeml times popnlatecl, nud orevernl limes dt!i'erted. 'fhe
city which at presont exilii 191>8 founded by Raj<> Fur Kanonji,
nod in his time ill is snid to hnvo beon so densely inlmbitetl, that
thcru wcl1l one bnndretl and forty thoWillnd shops for the "''" of
betel-leaves only, from whiah we may derive an idcn of its site.
Tho rity stands on lhc bonks of tho Ganges, which now rttns
two kOJ< from it, but during tho rnins it it. It is tlllid thnt l
Fur Knnaujl bll.d n !roll, who, being offended with his mtber, wont
to\b{ul, IUld mndo it his ra.iduoeo. Whon his fatlter diod,
be succeeded him in tho govermnent, ond mnde Allab&biW tho
sent of his throne. R e as;;umod tho name ond title of his father. '..
In hi time, Alexander of Rum came to Krud Jlajn,
tho chief
The dimnto of K:\llnuj is good ond temperate. It uow lies in
ruins, "nd i iuhnbi_ted here nod Uocrc like a H i
I [It w not .. .,. Sir """'!' )tSS.]
TJrirtr ibOUW'ld iltbc Ul\1al Cl.xtnl\'llgtnlr sllcnnmce ln Olbcr
[J. ptgo of tlu> imJWalio a ben: .....wt;:.]
CanlOUI for ita rbintz, tltimh (:l kind or tnrb:ln), IU)r) fruit$ ot"
olilf<'l'ent kinl. At it is chielly ooupird by the S:>i) iJ.
(rl Bukhiril). S.iyid llnbammad of the tutor or tho
k:mperor Aumngzob, is celebrawd in the whole of Dioduot&n.
Thrre were fin vry <Irons fort.! which btlougwd to city,
of wltich lk"'"""ly 1\ Ye3Ugtl DOW mmaio.l
Nrurah! ()/ Oudll.
Be it not conccmloo that in tho country of Jlitxhislnn thoro
n et of lmbl>lo,.. ami fools, who sit in the hops of hernp-,tlle..,,
and whatever comM into their minrls they any with re:,'l\nl to
tho noblt,., miui<tNS, nuol the King lumselr. '1'housh thuir
"""I no cuunuion truth, yet i!l"ornut foolhh
p>tle, c:ouco. i ving them to be true, spread them in all pL.,,.,..
ror WoiAno<', the following tory ""-' ori!(iuMN by th!H ah,ul\l
Wk"' Thai one olay Nadir Shih !Wd to Burh&na-1 .\lulk an.l
){ulk .(<af Jib, "You wroto me wbon 1 wa& iu
Kauolala6r, tlont if my royal serVAnts houltl collie in thit diroctioo,
)'OU wooalll fifty kron of into tho tnMury. Where
nre now tloo"" MIJWCS Go, nud bring them within throe days.
tolhcnvie I wltl I'"' you to with wrturo." 'fhoso
noble. hnving taken their, with othur to
kill llllanelvo, 3lld lhllS oAvo their honour. Niznmu-1 Mulk
tuok unly 11 tup ol' Dlixed with while Durhituu-1
;\lulk. on hel\ring of it, 114lloally poison"- himrlf, anol dlivcr.oJ.
loit liru to hi Mucr. This t. a fabtbood. Tho truth i.,
Xawab Uurh6nu-lllulk been tn>Dbl.-.1 r.r IQOIU mouths
"ith a boil. l'llt,.itht:onding hi$ he took part in tlao
LGtdo .. toich wu fought with Sadir Shih, and "itb the
.. r tho pain his holy !oOol dcpoarud to the beann. J&h
h>J no nnianosily Hurbauu-1 :11ulk.
' 111.8 H..tlht./ .4.Jrlli l" th ...,.,. tbt lhc (c rta ltr tl,e
"''ll,/J u befn d4uror-J bflbhmdd"ll. ooo dJ i bat n._,.t,
caontion tenD wbi('h were 10 i::rl'llkd..
' [::lot I'P 81, IH]
Nawab Borhlmu-1 )fulk Itt\ four daughten and one eon by ,
we dau"hter of S'lih MubammaJ Khan :!3AI J6.b, L<sidu
mother of Shuja'u-d daniA. 1lia eon, anor 101110 timo, diud of
It wAS nt this timo that tho Nnwllb (Shuja'u-d d:>Uln) nmre!Jed
towards and b3ing piteh..J hi. tt-nts at Karya-ganj ...,nt
word to D Rahmnt Khan that ho should uow pny Lim tho utu
of furty Ina of rupees whieh bad b. u paid on hi auount to tho
Although D6fiL Ral.unot Khlln endeavoured to per-
>uado the ehitli< to pay tho money doe to the ;)\a wah, yet
the Uohilln.a, "ho in their cxces.ivo pride thought that no one
could staod wem, pn pared to Ji;;ht, and a
mont cneuod between tho parties. Just as the Robilliu had utarly
eompltted tho battle "ith tho Xawab Wur, lite En;!IU.h artuy
<'llnto up to oppoo and threw t!Jcm into eonfoion by tho
hc-ay lire of ita mrtil!ery. In the midst tho 6gh1., ll t.fiz Rohmat
Kh6n with grent intrepidity the English army, nnd
hning killtJ a namb.:r of men, drank the cu1 of
Joou in tltu Geld. Tltu Robillas t0<1k to flight, and Snlt&n Khan,
!.rothu of :Yurtau KMn &riichi, cut off tho hc.1d of
Rnluunt Khan, nnd pmcuted it to the Nn"&b \V.uir, """
urdu..! hi. joy to be pi'CS!IOd by tlao uf drunts. Zu-1 fikar
Kh6u nnd .Multabbat 1\han, aolll or llaGz Rnluuat Khan """
"en> t.oktn pi""""" "ere honoun-d "ith tho gmut of A-Mftlll.
Bohla'u-d daniA 'Abdu-llnh 1\laan ot' Ka.hmir, and Khan ;lln-
luunm:wl Kh&.n, the tiOD <of tl.o itt'l' or Hafiz RnlmlBL KhAn,
tho origlunlun of thia qua.rrd. Khlin Muhammad Khan
""" gi<en over to liMn, but 'AIJ<lu-lloh Kh&u wa
ut to pri!on. Ilia fce .... bhukeued, and he "" ploc. J ou
an "'' and. Jl!U11dc-d round tle whole ca.n1p.
this, tho Now!b \Va1ir m=hal towards
anJ !> the Rohilln territory under the charge of t:ildl
Khlut. lie 11\ Mint. Sa'.W..t '.Ali in &reilly, aud onlcreol
)lurtaz4 Kh&u B:u-oiChi, .Mahbub Ali Kh(m, and Lnt6fitt 'Ali
I [S.. ........ p. 310.)
1" JIDGXJl.I B.Ul.tDUnr.
Khan to remain with hi oon, and nner to ottp beyond tho
opbtre or obtdience. Aller .ome time, the Nawib Wuir ltll
&od altbuogh Tory ditrerent accounts are ginn or hio
clisl':l8<', yet the m<>et eo!Tt"L one is that "boil broke out in hia
thigh, which, notwillllltandiug :ill the endeavouns uf tho physi-
ci31l!, waa nover cured. It go. To him more and more ecry
d&y. lu short, ho au!Tered fron it for "' month ftnd thirteoon
dftya, nnd expired on tho night of tho 24lh Zi-1 ka'Jn, 1188 A.u.
(28 Jnu. 1776).t 'fbe next morning bo Wll8 iu
Bart, which ""' d""igued for the burial-pl.., of big vonor3l<'<l
mother. 'l'bough the sorYllllts of tho Nawt.b struck their heads
$tonoo in their grier, yet the objt..:ta of l'..Uab&d were
rery gl:all at the evtnt.
&foro thi, dsola had dbbanolcod the battali<>ua
which,..,.. uudrr tloe comm:\Dd of .\f'ul ',\11. He""" also
&etkin;: to injure both the G....Uns, t; mriu (Jir, and
Bah!Jur. He m:my clibion of II eualry, anJ
iL wu ltil int .. ntioo to the whole nu,l l'n1ist a
UOW <>nO or hi. OWU cbuiee. fie Wll!! Also waiting U> fioJ :10
ol'portuuity or "''l""'ing .. ,fu..d dsulu, ""d himaelf
mlll!tcr. Ae Nnwul> X!lll1it-d clanl:. \\118 as much as a
rhitcl to Hports nud tri vil>l rursuita, 31ld hall uu nrqunintnnct with
tho bnine<a or tho Stnte, dnula, who ltacl tho power
or employhtg nncl dirnisaing all tho cJ;tablilllllnouta, di<l whnt ho
likt.J. Tho Nnw at. W azir \\111 at W.t sorry tltol '"' luw obtaint-d.
>0 much iu6uenec, om! endeavoured to remon him.
lo these d:.ys, )lir .\ful 'Ali \\'rote" louor to R&jn Jht.u Ul,
\\bu auLtnitt<"l it tu tho Xaill W:ulr. Tho after
it. kept ilnee, ant! tore tho t>3por in pio:c.:.t. In abort, all the
uffioons of the oourt of the Xaw&l> Wuir nre united to
'(;tlr to
ruin daub. But be wa. not'"''"' of it, :.nJ ra>etl
Jay aucl night drinking in the company of woutn. ll.=llt
'Ali Kluiu, the eunuch, wa. introduced to dania,
nnJ "tl:j auol'ttd him u his suo. Ho woro tho rill); or
t (S.. ro,.-.J, p. 39.1.]
in hia ear, and wa.o lay anl oig:bt 1M luro him.
:llin..i S3'id11t .Ali Khan joinud B"""nt, nod it wu a;:n;od
should kill .lt{ukluuru<l nnd thM he shouW kill
."'-sl'u-J .Lwla, and .,.,., him olf opou the - d. lh-'<lDl 'All
Khan diol not tell thi eecrot 10 hi otlu-r friumls. HIUI be
them hU. eonJid mta, the dtoi;n might hue b..,n follillcd; bot by
hi. eonc- almnt. tho opportu11ity wu lo,t. :llir :\I ulwmmlld A min,
aon of l\Lirz& Yusuf tho blind, bcctlmo Ae<Juninted with
the d <i::n,"' "'iatod witb )ljnA Sa'alat 'Ali Kh&n.
Ono dny, Ba.'llnt ',\li Khlln invited 1\lukhtaru-d tlaula tn
dine in hi .. houc, to 8.., the eold bath wbiclt h had Dllld.'
daub, i:;nornnt of lite trenehcroll3 doetination of
thu heaven, neceptod thia ltusl entrtnimncnl, rutd to tht
bath, the }lloco of hi murder, which h...t prepan-.1 fur him.
After the dinner w:11 over, dancing llnd drinking "\\'lttu
l\fukhtAru-<1 dula bnIIJccomo drook, lhsnt '.\11 1nau 11\ th
ria .... on some JINlU'D<t', afwr \\hich, live ruffians, who lwd IJt .. u
''l'l"'intetl for tlto pnrrosc, ontcrod the room, and one of tlotm,
\"tho uam ""' )lir T61ib 'Ali, puL au end to :\luldnirn-J
existonC'O with a tlt\gger.
\\'btu tit news of tn:;edy p....-1 in the e:amp, Tafa:uul
Ilu.. .. in :Kb&n report! it to Mirza S'MM 'All 1\hAn, \\IIQ,
himself, proceeded llllrsei!Mk lo\\llrds the ltul or
"t..afu-d daula ; buL Bll!ant '.Ali KhAn h.J arrind 31 tlw
N:t"a!J' bcforn him, awcrd in hand, onu e.xelnimed tlmL ),., hnd
kill .. ! :\lukht6rud d:onla. The :'law &It "\\'hat! had
you tome hero with a dra\\0 nord to lay mo ., p n llo
""iJ this, and m<Ule a sigunl to :R&ja Nnw6J. Singh, "Ito with
one ulo" of hit swonl puL &..ant to dtath. Jn tho m. :w tim.-.
oamo tho uuole of llMauL who.e nome "'" Kbw6ja GhuiAtu
::llulwnmt.d KhAn, and he ain1ed a blow at Rij" Nawiz Siugh.
Ouo Ghulam 'Ali Khan rutH! 10 Gltul&m ::lluhanunad
KMn t but Nnwi\.b d11uln pn>vcutod him, :wtl .. nl
Gbuliu1 llnbarumad a"'"Y with = honour. 11 """ im-
mediotely nfter 1hia tbnt Sa'oonl 'All KMn rcocbetl 1hu

n:ooxB-r IUILlll&nr.
tent of AMft1-d daula; bul lulVing heard what lwl r:w-d. I'<'
turol to hia own. and ac-ompanitl by Tmuul RII.04iu
:Kht.n, to tho tent of Gusm Urnr&o Glr, "ho ]Ia<.,.!
him in "bont which belonged to himself, and givoln hirn
a marc and .. )lilt mon<y, nt him off to a r-1- of ... f.ty, whtro
omo frientL. llftenunlo joined him. Thoo e<ent took l'lac<
io tho month of Safar, uno A..U. ( April, 1776 A.D.).
F A K ( R l\1 U II A M M A D.
Tmt utltor of this work i Fakir :lluhannnnd, son uf R.hi l\Jn-
hannuBd RiU., inlulbiLnnt of .R6jnpllr, 1"''11'"'" of S&ot.apur in

Thu llnthor says t loot Ito wruo fmm hi youth dootrd to
atutli1s, '""' ho gillS a of all the worlu< which lte
ll!ld colltcteol and .-1; but none of tltem are of any oo.-eily nr
J<-<uliar intl',....t. ilia c:omP""dium, ltowcv<r, U. uoful to tho
tudont of biatio hiltory. II waa priott'tl At Calcutto. in 18.111
.1.0., At the pre-- of )Junshi Ilidatu-ILW, and the press wo.
c-urn..,totl. by )lnulavi Kh6diln nu..,.in, a teacher in tho
work ;. dividt.J into foortetn Sections.
Tho fin< tlc'retl Seer ions oont:un, after tho llllivt1'831
m<>ll, atc:QUDta or the Angel, Jinns, Phil050pltora,
KinWJ <>f Muhnrnmnd, his wivea nnd bAttles, tho KhnHfa,
luuiuu, the '0 uunayid.., the 'Abba.ides, and their contemporary
F .UUB l!CllllUIAD.
Kin!;", anl tho KIWa of the Ent nod Turlci-tao, p. 1.
twelfth 1o tho of Tioui.r, tbe l\bhratu..., the
Rulrra of Oulb aoJ B011gal, and tho comrueoccmont of tho Britih
dominion io ludia, p. 334. Section thirt..,nth a d-ription
nf tho inhabit.,.! portion of lhe world, and it.s e-.en J:"'lld dhi-
eion"o p. :.176. S"'-'tion fourteenth lo tho H indlit, the
iuvu.iou of tho nod the Royol familios of lndi:o. j
nud oloce with brief >econnt of Arncrien, p. 391.
coutdiuiug 410 pages of 2i lines cnoh.
Lf11MIIwor11l qf JJrifiV. Supnmacy, Ill ]), nih qf NaorJb
Sirdju-d dnufa.
Tho <11priciou.s ADd puen1e oonduct porsu..J. by Siriju-d dAub.
from tirno to time, sueb as plAnting J,>un ll!:"int plllAct of
)llr Ja'far Khan, pbdog R'j 1>ulabh Rim undtr
the cornnranl of Mohan Lil, and threal.t'niog Ja;;at Seth that he
would bn,o him cil'lUmeisod, actullted lbo and other
iuOu ntial JlC'I'I!OtlJ to rater into" confudomoy n:;:Umttho Xaw!b.
With tho view, therefore, of overthrowing bit t>>wer,
Seth eont n mCSflago to tho Englih, lo tlto that, could
but to acoond the ell'ort.o of Ill! pnrty in nttncklng nnu
overcoming Sirajnd daula, thourond of pt.'Oplo would be re.cwd
from lri< oppn..,.ion and tyranny. Jngnt SLth Rl tho 1111010 tino
promi<!d to tho English with lbo sum of thl1!o kror of
10 tho event of lbe sue<:eo.ful ismo of tlrcir opemtion,,
On tho receipt of tbi3 m"'!3,"l!. tbe gallant Eogli.b, on U1u plea
of tho dtby oo the put of tho lo P'Y the norollnt of
C'OID('<'D-ation duo by 'biru, to take tho tiold agnin.t him,
"ith a body of '"o or thn!e tboll!alld lrooi" Sir6j11-<l dania
nw no ahernatio bot to llllln:h from :Mul'l!hidAbAd with hit <li--
oll'oct<'d dricf. Tho adverse parties mtt at Pla-oy, "here the
ftaun'l of war bl:u.ed on Thursday, the 6th of Shaww,l, 1170
A.U. (23N Juno, . o.).
I [S..pnl,p.


i\fir Urul11n and La!, oovauciug furomot, nponed n
g:>lling fire &om their j!IUI3. J .. Ill this time a cannon-ball
aeeideutally striking :llir MAA!:t.n, be 1111a left dead in the field of
'J'bis end event ollogetlter dipiriled Sir6ju-d who
now enlt'eated Mlr Muhammad Ja'fAr Khan and Mui!Ammal
Slodik Khh (alitn ;\liru), in the rnon humiliatiog AnJ
terlllll, to do tl1oir utmost to preserve his lifo uud honour, in con
idention of ties of r'1:1Ati001hip wbieb nb:J.t.J wtw .. n
them, and on of mouy favoun1 whieb he and hi
fttmily hnd formerly besto11od on thoau. Tbo M!r, thinking d.ais
:1. fair opportunity of deiving him, ud thu.a depriviu;: him of
his l"'"r, aihi.. J him to recall tho trooP" in 00\'3Dt:e, ('&<io.lly
o.s hoo t-ome to a eloso, nnd to roconunenco hostilhie
on the j;,Uowin:; day.
Si,..jud dania, the victim of dewit, iS!ued ordcn1 "'
L.U, who , vru; theu eugng<.J, to drdil from fighting may longer
tb:ll day. Mob:lu Ul l'l!lUOruttn>ted, 1\ltJUrking if h were to
"ithdr:1" the "'"'!"' ftoltl the field, wool.! not bo po,ible to
conecntrnto t.hcrn ug.:\iu. But thu unfortuuato Nn.\\(,b prrsistin;;
in his determination, Mohan La! waa obligu.l to ce.> 6,;htim;.
& htld be, bowoor, lft the field, when IU. troops ll,.J,
whilo tho chief who were disnflC<lted to tho Nawub luuked o11
with imliiTerenc. Sirtlju-d daula, .... ,jug that all waa lo..t, in
great of min.! ,..paired to :\lM3Ur011Dj : hero he plaol
Lat!fu-n Ni&a, nnd l!tlvorol othor foumlos, on cnrs or litter$, with
tocb p<lrtioWJ of l'reciouo oton .. and gold M he
t,., ufdy conYyed in them. With th ><!, aDll rlcphant.
lru!eu \\ith bnggn.;c, he quitted tho plaao nnor mioluight, :llld 011
llrl'iYiu;: nl Dba:,.,.angul:a, he with his Cnmily embarko.J in
and "nt towlll'll Palo!\.
.anur tho Ntl'lM of l)iraju-d dauln, l[ir 1\lnhanuMd Jn'fnr
Klah rcmniot'li one day al Plas,sy, and concluding a trtMy with
c..Ioocl Clive and the other :Eu.;lioh ullite1'11, on his arrhru at
ltansur-gaoj, ho was p\nc..,t oo tiJe lllflfllfllf. On bio ncte$Sion tu
power, he caoacd to bo eD!,'TilYed on his aenl titles of Shuja'ul
'F\IUII lltU.\loUI.ID.
)!ulk IIisamu-1 dnola Mlr 11ullllmmlld JaTar Khan Dnlui<lur
Mnhl<bul Jong; anti in conjunction with Raja Dul11bh lta111,
he directed hie to U1u aUioulont o the a!C.Ura of tlte
State. He al.o onlor&J all tlu of Siriju-d daula to I"'
.,,ized, and bi:l owo I!ODin-law, )fu 11ubAumiAd
Ki:,im Khan, in portuit of Siriju-d dllola.
The fugiti,, Na..-ab lllld about lhi time orrived orJ"'ilo Rlj
mahul, where hP nntl put up :u the dwelling of n
fitklr named JJ6n& Shah. While Sirllju-d duola '"ns in
preparing hi food, tho fnklr gavo II<!N-ct infomntiou to bit pur-
>uers, who ttize.l tloe Nllwab, together with his unity, anJ
broughtthm to on the 16th ofSbawwal, on which
JJuo be ....... by ONI'f or llir put to death by tho hanoi.
of ll:ullllmmlld Bog. Siniju-d doula wns SMhadar of fur
one year two montlw and twllllty-oevcn days.
)[fr Mullllnmuw J11'fAr Khu1 hi' son Mlran, tinuing the
time <uited to their purpose, rtSigned themelvos to a of -
:wtl pleao;orc, and ,_ed to P"Y tribute to the King. u-
hmmol Ja'fu aJ,., .-ed giin;; alma. On boin;:: aokod tloo
.....son or it, he 113id that while under Jan!! ('Aihnrui
Kh&n) he fdt no in money, il ",_. Ilk<>
-towing a little wator from 4 river; but now thot ho himtlf wa
in posse&!ioin of tho whole ho could 11ot spore" f"'""Y
to a friend. J:>lilr Kb&n soon nfter irupmoor<l Gltn.lti
Begam :and Anoina Dcg:un,dllogltterw nDinbibat Jang ('.\lh,.nli
Kht'.n). and the wifr, daugbttr, and mother or Siriju-d dnula,
aud sent then1 to Jabingir-DJI,"'\1'.
The impure l\llran used without tho leMt he<itation tt> commit
murder. llo kilhxl Khlfllja IIficli 'Ali lOuin and }tlr KMim
Kh,n, and blow Slld&kat l\luhnrumnd Khan Zaminu6r anti
Sh:>ikh 'AbJu-l Wahab Kambu from the mouth or a c3nnou.
He moruor&J many others, both men and women.
Mirau wu prtparing to Khi<liru BUAain KbiD, nephew
oi :llir ){ohautmlld Ja'fu Khan, who ...... at th:>t umo raiing
diturboneea 011 the other side of Honng concdvod


!!Otne ru.picioo or the t \\0 <hugh tellS or :llahib&t he orJ.r<'<i
them 14 l>e eoonyed in a boat 14 the midJle of the and to
bo thro thru,.n ovcn-N; in tho moan time making th Br;:ams
believe that thoy ""ro 14 go to :ll orshic!Abad. When AmiD!\ 11<-gam
and Gl""'itl Jl.;.'lltn were t.:>ken w the appoint<od plarc, they were
inrorm!'d of tho cauo or their being conveyed thither. Tho two
si!teno, nf\er bathing and putting on clenn clothe!, eUI'Iloo }flran,
1!3yiug, "0 \10 hao dono no lu>nn w Mlmn, who, having
hrought ruin on our family, and doprhed our b1'0thors of their
right, uow about to put us to deoth. We pmy thnt he may
AOOn bo ttruek tll-:ul by lightning for his cruel Their
prayer ""-' hi'M\1; for i\Ur:m, :Uter a.rrimg in the vieinity of
H&jipllr, Kl6dim llu.sain KhAn, and allr d,-f,.,.ting
lum, f>UNu'<i hio1 : but during the pursuit, oo ui;:ht,
thelOU1 Zi-1 ka'ds, in tho year ll73 A.B. (4th July,litlO \.D. ) ,
wlu1 it wu raininz. a tbunderoolt and truck )lirau
anl hu un-ant
were burie.l at R!j=hal. )IJr ::\luhamma.l
Ja'far Khan '"""'"'"insane af\er hearing of the cl<oath or hi . lD,
and thiled to grat dillorder in the rnlllll\,;eweul of StAlo

"The Oup or Mirror of Jnmhld," who i confounded by E:.stern
fabuliJIL5 with Solomon.' This cup ,..,.. found filll'<i with the
Elixir of ImmortAlity, upon the occa.<iou of digging tho found-
ntions of Pe"'of>Oiis, Md M mirrored lite wholo world, thi
or aomo other nlhuoivc to it, is not nnoommonly
llppliod to works on aud the J,;,...; JaM -uma, i.r.
"th tnfutioned in page 168 of thi1 Yolome, i
n title commonly IM-towcd upon tho Mrno mngio mirror. Nizami
tells us tluu Aloxnnder invented the ettotl mirror, by hioh it
bu bfoen !!Uppo .. od all.Won i nude to the improd n.O..,torw
introolaced by tho Grtclta.
Tho Jifln-i Jnm compri tnbles of tho of tho houo"
of 'l'im6r, bfginning with dtnl EmP"ror; iueludin;: nlso tb
Sa.iyid 110d and enoling with .\lub:ammol
B...!t&dor Shlh, tho n:igning King of Dthll at the time of
publicntion ; alloflCIIwr forty-three rdgna. 'Tho Ulblra
ohow the uam of eACh father onl mother. hi lnbe. dato
or birth, plaeo of -ion, &:;" at tho time of ........ ion, IIijra
ye!\r of ebronngram of pt'riod or _rpjgn,
logmd ou coin", ago at limo of death, year of d03th, cltronogmm
or death, honorific title ;r.f\or death, place of buri:ll, aud " vrrv
brier nlm=t of important events.
Ramptldi .Ao4li Jl..t._.,,, YOI. ii. p. t03. Qd W'. Thompeon, .. UJsJJ! ..
J*''' pp. 37, .f,Ga. TI1e Hft If-::... )'I i.l it ru11ro correct to co11 uiCT We tqp a-
tb ntanl.clun o(

Th- ocful tables Were lithogmpheJ at in the year lS.lO
A.TI., and o.t the ccoclusion is gien a list of several exeellrnL
outhoritito, from which tho compiler drow infonnatiun,
though it muL be ronfessod tltnL eome doubt mny reasonably bo
whether these authorities wore r.mlly app<>oJcd to, for
a pri vaw correspondence which 1 ltue held with the author on
th aubjed boa failed to elicit any infonnotioo with respect either
to contents or their present pos.>CS'OOt8. Indeed, eomo which
are quoted contain nothing "hatovn to elucidate the
p<>ri0ol he had undor roiew.
The author is Munsbl Saiyid Ahrnnd Khan. Man!!if of Dehli.
who hna olo written nnd lithogmphed :tt Dohli e> \'try good
dt!!!rription of tho remorknblo buildings of thtlt 113pilnl, nc
compnni<d with litbogropluxl l'tlpro<entatioos of them. In tho
PrtfMo to tho JO.m-i Jum, he giveo hi. g"uenlogy, and dctnil
tho .,.vrml hononrs acquired by hio fnt.hors. His ancestor in
the ninth g,-nera.tioo, who e:an>e nriginally from Hin.t., wao ap
poiotl Sl011flir or Didllr, "hid> he LAkes C:ue to u
i in the EngiU.h to H Go1'emor .. (;eoeml:'
Anothrr was a K<i=l, oquinlrnt to "Sessions IIi
Fnriolu-d din Ahmad Khan, wn
sent to condo! with lbo Ring of Pentin when hia amb.'lll&,.lor,
lltiji Khnlil Khtin, wM killed in nn nfi"rny ot Bomlmy. 'l'ho
oaonc priole of nocest.ry ia exhibited hy hia elder brotJ>er, Sniyid
:Uuhamm:ul Kluln, in tho Prtfaco to the t-opy of
.\utobio;rraphy eollatl'd by him ; only, io.tcad or
NJU11lnling to JU80 n Govc:nJorGeneml,""' be is c:ontfllt
"ida hnmblor definition of"
MAJ::IL\'U-L :Ml!LltK

'fnv. nuthor of work3 ill Muluunm:.J son of Abi\.J
Xbin> ll:\&'lnl who wM honourt'd \\illt tho of
Xojmu-<1 d>ula Inikb(tno-ll\lulk llioAm Jong.
Tho author i,; a &iyid of tho TiMtiba li>ntily, which, an.r
leonng M:oJioa, went lo ..... at [,faluin, :mJ n:tnaiueol for
nt>lllY ;;em rationo employ .. ! iu tho Roy"l )lecord In tho
tiono of Bah&dnr ShAh hio Rnstor in tho Sft.b e:uue
to UindU.tftn, :md nfter bo iog rorcivoJ with grcnt kiodueu ly
thnt BnaJl<'ror, thu or Naw&b BurMuu-1 ::llnlk
,\11\i-ll\IMslir Rhim Snfdnr Jnug, :uod over since th:ol hi fnmily
laavc continued in tbo IKtrvieo of tho N "" &bs of Otulh.
II is father w:os employed for 110mo timo in Dnrdlly, nod ut..&-
<JUCntly bocune mini>ter to tho pageGnt King of Dthli. 'fho
Anthor bim;elf remained for nino yecus ll5 X:uiro
of &mlly. Aft. r tlaat diotriet bad ._o co. led to tho
Comr .. ny, and :d\n tho death of his fAther, ho became doputy
lt\\ard of tho hoo!l<'hold, tutd rlli.roglan of l.ho trta.<ury of tlae
l(ing of DohH. Wlton ll>o of Nti.,"Ptir ttud Gondwlmn
\\'!.f\1 Unth!r th.e rn:wogcuumt or tho C001pany, ho WIUI\iuoc:l for
""oml yoon employed in thoso pn1vinrea by tho Dritih Oovurn-
'"nl: and being held in great r\!l<peeL by bia ul"'rio,..., he paau.l
hio time in gn::>L eoutfort aud h"ppme.s, except "beu Lho *
tlueLion came over him, lhaL he WM far romo,od from his re-
lotive, ruul, being urroumlod by Suonfa and K(lfirs, run
$Oillb rik of :W:wdoning tho Shfa rnligion. At IMt, he roturnL<I
10 Lueknow, GOd baa remained ever !!ineo without :my publio
He us thia aoeount of biJDJ;elf in the Prei'Me 10 tho
.B.Unat, and that his lcisuru """ by no means idly
w:uotod, for ho was not of tho JI:U.<ing ovru.ts of tho
dny, nnd knowing tbnt 1;oltllilld jewllls woro fleeting possession,
nnd wore not regarded in 10 prccioU!I 11 light "" ";sdom in tho
J''" of discorning patrons, ho dctemrin"l upon writing a work
which wouW imwortaliu. hi name; and in furthcn10ce of thia
Ito abstrAded ouo hundred and fif\y works, whioh treattd
of I'Cligion and binory, and mrulo Ul!C of tho io doe
large work of which tho J>rtSMt Yolumo is n purtioo.
'!'too ontiro work i$ onlloo Bakru-t ZlHI11Jr, "'l'he 'f empestuoua
&-a," lUlU oorupriee tho t;,Uowing volurnee :-
1. U :liMro-I..Jdvdn, wbioh l.rmts of the diffeNnt religions of
tho world, and ehictly of tho 1\lubamrn.ilan flaitb. tbo Mu-
hamrMdan &inl4 and Saiyid Ahmad, <te., compns..t iu
M2 l"'k;"-' folio, r:outaiuiug 23 liue:s cacb.-U . .JfmJ;(I,.,._/'.J: lmu,
wbinh u-e:us of Alrouomy :md Googrophy, and is .till iQcom- for of IWIIIO philosophiCAl inotrumcntr! "hieh tho
author unablo to prueuro. It is ako ealk.U I:&mr,
"Tbo Resplendent Sun," as wont:. conl.aiu the chronognm
,,( d1t 1late l2G1 Lll. A.D.). ho >iU extad. to
:.>21 ra.,..,. !olio, of 20 lines ..dt.-111. Jlqj , _, JlJiftl:, tbe
ubjO<t of tbe 1'..-nt artile.-1\
.Akhlu!r6t-i lliml, tho aubjoot of tho ucoctling ;u-tido.-YJ.
Nnylwmi 'A.ndtrllb, ou tho subject ol'j>OCtry, muoio, Hindu nwl
Pr ian, the rule$ of vt.,ifitation, and a of the
.-\ m:Ul folio wlumo o aoo png..., 20 (it.., to a """""
This work '"'' eommtDeed "bout tho yev 1260 ,.u.
A.D.). It m:t)" be oollllidercd the ""''<clition of anolhr
\\Ork, which tho indutriuua author compo..OO in five volumes
bet't'"n tho 1816 nd 1S.30, under the nome of ZuW41ol
GAardib,' "Tho lWTt>w of lfarrel; bat it it atran:;e thnt in
the to his l'\ter "ork be nev.r alludos to tho former one.
Though it it not diTiJeJ in the !amo way. be b fully s.-aileol
himlf in tloe 114/mtl Znldrhdr of tho ml\lltr c:oubiueJ in the
Znbdnlu-1 Ghn,dib. That work is in tho fullol'lin;:
mAnner, but oaoh volume hAs not a eopsrato
I. Tbo liroL to the fifth Dook on ncount of tho
C=tion, Jinn, early Prophets, .Muhamml, tho Khllliti; nntl
II. Tho oixlb and Uooka givo nn oeoonnt of
thn early Kin!;' of Pmi3, the 'Ummayide!, 'Ahb&.iuc, Salj"k,
At&baka, aut! othor in<lcp<!nW>nt Mnhammlldnn ){onon:bi 1; II I.
The eighth Dook, on tho HindU.. 3nd tho SultAn of l)c.bll,
Gnjar&t, the DAkbin. etc.: rv. The ninth Jlook, nn tho
Tlmurian dyno.<ty of BindU.stAn. and the eetabli,hmrat of Dritih
npro1111><y; Y. Tioe tenth Book. on the Phil-[hn. Poot-,
&int, and litI'IU')' cbnracttrs.
Tbft outhor, not satisfied with eo much hM aloo indit...t
poetry, nntl hM a..umed the poeticru d"'ignotion of .Yt!jm ""
tnr," uu<lor which h...d be >ppropriot"s !lU nrticlo to himorlf in
iho portions of these worb. 1 n thM articlo wo find
lhnL iL intontion eomo day or other to writo hi trsnnnl
momoil'l', nnd givo an nocottnl of tho eelobmtl oh1U'3<wrs ";ll,
"hom ho hM o.-iJUl>d.
Tho J{trjlllll'lll Jlufuk u not regularly diiul into
or Dook.

p,...rlt'e, p. 1 ; On E...,. and Hiod6. J 11!:'1 an<l Raja. p. 2 ;
On tba .,.rly Pu>isn Dynasties and othtr King. prteediu:;
t.l&n1. p. 36; On the 'Umm:>yides. '.Abb'-id" and their b=et ...
p. 128: On th" Salllri"ns, &mani, hma'ilin., . p. 170;
On tho Turko, Saljtilc., Afbiu ... A b<it\11, etc., p. 23"2;
On tho Gha.miiol.., Gborillllll, Khiljb, Tngblib, ami
To tb<> ch-ao whl<b giToo tho da"' of 1231 " (IR4G . n.),tbo ..
call \be ww\ Z.eb.:.I.J OANl6. withoat. the .\ra11ic

nf J>ehli, p. 250; On tho Kings of 1\l!lwB, Gujnrlit,
tho Dakbin, etc., p. 288; On the Thniariru1 Sovereigll8 of
Iodin, p. 360.
Sa- Folio, 4,58 J>'l,""", witb 26 to a p3g0
The 1.r1111!!3clion.. in thi do not b. yon <I the hort
rei:;n of Shih Jnbin I l , and are reoord,..) in eo abricJ.,..OO a
fo>rm M 1.0 be of very Ind....,), of hot.h works,
tiJu Bnnru-1 Zakkl11ir lllll Zulllifltu-f hn Mya thnL " ho
h/18 his matter ao sOUIII n 1p:we, it is like
tlnein!t tho ooean in tho Jllllrn of the hand, or n desert within a
pan' kngtb.
JlajtNI't<f JfHII.k is At rreseot .... , little known. :\[y
l'llP.Y WliS obtained wu1 tbo author
Tw volume il by the I!Atlle :.ud fortl\l of tloe Ba4r-i
Zt.kkloar. Tbo words of the title form tho dato of the completion
of tloe v"lurne, Yiz. 1264. A.R. (1847-8 .\.D.).
Tho work contoirul at the be:;inning OC>WO m:mer which iJI
incluJ .J in the Jllfim'l'll-1 :Jl.Uilk, but the great-. of the
volumo tnobm s much b.ter period than lhet extendt to,
for .... hue an """"nuL of 1 be Sntlej CIWI(>ip, n111l onr fir.t
entry imo Uhore. of thia letter 110rtiou il ineludod iu
tho fuurth volumo, the Mtlja/ilou-r BiiWlt,
Prfneo, p. 1 ; Hindu date$ lllld religion, tho boundaries of
Inuthhtb, it.. subjection to the Kiug.. of trllu, and tho in-
troduction ol' tho l\Iuhnmn.Mau reli:;ion iuto HiudW.t{n, etc.,
p. Z; Ulllll'.nividt'll, GhoriMo, Khiljls, Tughliko, anl of
lkhli. I' 31; Kit:< ot' J3nupU., M61wA, and the
ete., p. 48; Timtiril>o .ovorei<!llA of Dcloli, duwo to
'AIm=lr II., p. 6S; 5Mb 'Xbm, p. 12.5; MubJunm..d ..Uw
II., p. 173; Ellglbh in lodiA, p. 200; of Oudh,
p. 263; AigltiDB of F31'l"llkh&bid, p. 3-56; lUjpul and Jau,
p. 374; Niz(uns of tloo Dillin, HaiJar 'Ali, Tipu Sultan, etc.,
p. IOi ; p. 437; Sikh! and Buudolas, p.
Sl.lP.-}'oli<>, eout&ining 522 pages of 20 lint each.
Althvugu lhis volume WM 110 lntcly <'ODI(IO!Ied, tho author

... m to be a;:ain re-writing it, for in a le\ter with which he h!L<
fnollftd me, I find he i3 enbtging it, and lw diiled it into
diff,....,nt Chapters. ln his old nge ho Hems to hue
Pl't'"""ed his litonuy energies uniml"'irt'd, :llld it i to hoped
thllt he hu in the merut time studied to make himself btotter
acquainted "ilh of Europe:w politics :tnd edcnoo, thnn
he was whro he inditod his first edition.
Gortrn&r GeneJa1 Mai"'JIIIt Wtlltlry.
This noblomnu resembling Joseph in beauty nnd Suhr6b in tho
lidtl of b:ttlle, waelortl of the eountry of gcneroeity, noul
nf libfmlity and Tho pon in writing his nsme
turna to :> in the lu.ud of the composer, and the
of pring is rendm!d fra,"'":lllt by !tis mWJificonC<'. ll o re-
hie inotntetion in from tho brothr of L<>rtl
Comwnllia. The of Hindustan w<re tho chid object oi
his study. Sumo yeMO before, he bad boon in tho J)mkhin, and
rendered VliiUAble there. First, tho Frendo h:rtl aequir,-d
groat power and influence in the eountry nround IJniolunb&d, an
nccount of which ehnll bo given in the oheptcr which contnino n
hitory of thnt city ; but this 1vise nobleman by his
meosures them thooco io such " mnnnor thnt they puL
lum their nnn8, noknowledged their pusillanimity, anti
<!riven out of tho ,\'811rs (NizAm's) Stnte. lntto3d cf" k'rtnoh,
an Enulillb nrmy Wl\ll employed, and a hnndsorne nnmml con-
tribution of of thirty /nco wns fixed t;,r il-l m"intennnco
by tho goemmenL of HAid:uibid.
Aner thiil, the army which W3S stationed in Ma.lmo, nt the
very timo that an expedition \1138 tettio; out a;:aioot Tlpu Sultan
tloe eon or Haidar N iilc. espon-....J the intel'dta of Tipu, such an
tncmy os tho never hove bad or will hove to oonttml ,vjth
in lodiiL Wellooloy, h.wing seltled nffni"' nt llnid11r&blod, went
to Madras, collected tbo English forces, and lrnving omimntrd nnd
cncoum:;od tbo troops, who wore quito cxh"u!ted nml dispirited,
vu accouut of l.:1<iu6 Lteu eo;;a;ed in for t"dve or
fc>urteen yOAI'II, ;wd having gh en them of obt:>iuiu)l'
plunder, propartd thcn1 to sell their u,...,, lie thua dtroy.U
the Sul1au, 1uolc pooaesaion of Smngapetam IUld iU i<>rt, a.ud
obtaiuod Iluudcr to tho amouut of or rupees; IWJong which
there was .. lcnt which WliS prt'1'lDIW to tho N!1wab Wazlr or
Lutlmow, lUld the like of which ,..,. neter J>l'\:pcuOO even in that
In short, ho ndornod tho nhllir or governorship in 1798 A.D.
Eory ont rdt AIId con.oltd, bo.'4u.oe be C.l'l>reci4thl
mmt, lUld was a maatcr or wi.dom lUlU tho I" D. A thll
Hunourablo Company iu debt, nu ooo wauld tnlw
the govcrnlno>Ut J>3p<'r at four per cent., eo in bill time it was
raioed to lwei per cent. The anoy wa. largdy augmented by
ntw levi... lu hi time, too, ordcn were given to tho Engli.ah
pre"ca to 11riut boolul relAting to tho Hindu religion, such u the
Rimiy1111a, etc. The College of l'ort William was found...J, and
rrry ollie. r who 13nJ.od from sbir,. iu ruudU.tin .,...,.
flrat taught in iL tho l:u1gua:;e of thia couutry, nnd wM admittod
into tho public tl!n'ico only after oxiUIJill3tioo.
Noxt yU" the Govemor-Genr:ll lkl'llAlldtd a coutriboiou
from the Na"ab W:uir, 1\Ild tho territory which was pooco5,.J by
him WWI dhiJod equttlly betwcou both tho govvronu:ut.. Terri
tory to tho \'lllue of ono l:ror :uW thirty-fio lnea or rupt which
aft<nrard.t iurrc:Loed to an annual revcou.e of two kro,.., """ adde<l
to tho posocions or tho Dritish Government. Tho copy o!' !.lw
treaty, wilh a full dotail or it, will bo gion in the chapU!l' on
tlac W:uirat.
Alter tho of theso two territoric, vi?.. U1a1 of Ti('u
and that cl>tlcJ by tho Wnzi:r, wbiolt oxtcn<ll..! Cruua
.\IIIIMbaJ. up to Fnrrulr.h&bS.d, lho Engli.ah propcued ..
lor t.he )Jalaratl3 t:lmpoil,''D, :wd in 1803 A.D. o battle \\:11 fought
"ith Sinuhia and l!ulknr, nu ru:count of which ahtill be given iu
th history of the Peohw&!t and the Dakhioi cltia&.
G.:ner:U \\' clleoley, tl1e brother f>f the Govcrnor-Geucr:U, wln1
romman<lod tho fukhin army, defoated tlo )iahrattaa, and
luning (liMed Biji Rio Pe.hd on the 10 <f, took a .-II
portion of the territory of tho D:Uc.hi.u lll!d half of Gujarnt for
tle Britih Gov=moot. Afterwards, tho English dcfl:!ltod the
BbollOila Mahrattaa, and took oonlo territory from them lllso.
Then tby conquered the entire pro-rin"a of Dehli and .igrn,
ru>d ropulsed tho French nrmy which was in tho p:>y of the
Jllehratw. They lll$0 gave.- signal dofoM to Il4r N6lh, tho
Londll13u of Rolkar, at Sh!h-Jahioabad.
General Gerard Lon! Lake was appointed to command the
nrmy which W33 despntcbed towards Ute Wlllt. ITo Mhioved
an aC<unt of which baa been given llbovo, in the
general lilitory of the Empire. &ules wre also fought with
Amir Kh&n, and a large lr:l<!t of country fdl into the lwlde of
the Enj(lith in tho dialrict.s of lUI pi nod JJandn. Tho Oovoru
mcnl then regu14tad Uo nlf,.ino of U1o King of Debll ; IWd au
annUJl! um of fiftetn ltta of rupees \TU :wetioned for H'L!I
Mnjcoty'a expell!ioe. After thi-. lhey mlldt an amm::emonl for
the touplu of Jngnuu(tb, which i "eolobmtad Hindu plnco of
wonsbip Md pilgrima
'< in the ditriet of Ori...n.; and n
am:UI portion of tbo income deriveJ from it to tbe Brahmin.t and
l,'Unrdiaus of the tumtlo. Tbey rrobibitod the CWilO!U of drown
ing children nt
I o abort, beforu lho uf this Govcroor-Oenoral, tho
llooolU'IIble O,wpany'e territory diJ uot esceod seeu krora nf
rupees iu reVl:DDO ; but lhrough the great prosperity of this
couquoring noblo, it iucronsod to such nn extent that it yielded
au annUAl revenue of llbout fifu...,n kror1.
The lt..-gubtion, lll.'<ording to whieb tala il<lur> were aUowed to
take one-tenth of tho rovenuo re:ilited through lhem rem:uned in
torco lor six years, nml tho dour of prosperity \fore opened upou
tho {x< of the world. Xotwitl!M.nwling that for tho conquest of
territory an expe11<liture oi lm>rf of rape..-s is neeb<S3y, yet lhe
Court of Diroetofll \\ould not upeo tbcir eyee to the necessity.
They till thought that, as of old, their scrvauta might reside in

lrt1L\)UI.Ul R I ZX.
tho country u merchlUlls an.! aliellll, without laking lho whole of
Hinduth into Jr.Ul> They did. not lrnow thAt now, on
t<Cry inch of land, onotnilll!, who 1)()8.!essod large forces, eneh M
the Mabr:Uw and the PindUi1, lmJ arisen. They aloo diJ not
do tho tho justicu to consider how much
conlllry he bad COilljncred, and to whllt e:.lcnt he had augmrnkd
the annu:>l reocnuo of tbe Go'l'\'roment. From want of in
fommtioo, thoy reproached him for tho enormous OJ<PCIIl!C8 he
b:l ineUI'I'Bd in bU. undertakings. In the !IIU!Ie m:r.nnrr o.s they
hM Coloncl Olivo anl Govpmor HMtings, they brought
j,>roundle,;s :ICtli!:Ltionl a,""i01t this abo. Lord
:Yoim in :EoglliDd P""'isted more than :my one ebo in his oppo-
sition. Lord Wollesley resigned tho government
and returned home. Lon! Cornwallia wu then a <''lld time
to IIinduetan by tbc Court of Dil't' He tmveiiLl ""'
li\r M GMzlptir, nnd then txpi,.,.l. In hort, the l\[orqoi
go.emod with faD authority for a poriod nf ten rntire ynt$,
lutving gnincd thousonds of thanks anl prniIIJ! in Bindtlstin .


T IT 0 l\1 AS W 1 L L I A M D E A L E.
"Koy of i8 n work highly crcdilAblo to tho
iuuutry anu ingtnuity of tho compi!H, Mr. Thomas William
& .Jerk in tho nflke of lhe Board of Rovenuo at
llo h11:1 eollectw in lltia volumo tho mlllly ehronogmnuutir
d!ltee to imporuut cvenu in A.si3, and e.peciaUy in India,
siuoo the introduttion of tho Uijm or:>. In thcao nro inoludel
tho exad unte of tho bir1bs and deetb.s of Mulwumadan
kiulr'o philooophcno, and other eminent men. Ro luiS oxtr:>cwd
them from the mot celebrntcd in whieh thoy are care-
fully and ho hA.. copied tho memorial i!WTiptiona on
tomb., moii()UCS. ganlona, tClni<JI, fort! nod p:.tac.... Fie hu him-
11: as hno at,_... hio frienda, compoo.l severn! new ones, which
are inserted in the work. The ChristiAn, Uindi, Fasli, llltibl
and JGIIiU oms :tro oloo giVlln.
Although, to a ftl("'rfiei<ll obooervcr, thia modo of reoording
rvents mny n verilnblo mntnioteohnit>, yet It is not with-
out!:"'"' u..o iu any dil!putud point of chronology, for i d- not
S<lmit of any errono, M in tho ca..o of numernL!, einco not only
menning, but io m0<1t instances rhyme and leAl!Sion, are requin!d
for 1\ perf .. comp..,.beolion of the dales. To them we
with justice transfer Josoph Scnligor'a nddress to tho vcnorablc
Olylllpiads' "IWl, yc guardi:lOS of time, ye vindicators of
ITOth of hitory, yo bridleno of the fa011ticnl liceuco of chrono-
logi .. ta !
This kind of memoria IA!Chnica w:t.1 uevtr in much uoe in
Eurono althou"h the Roman "P"lem of uot&lion aJmiu of it.
. ::t
I o anciut littratnre it """"'" to Jm.-e beta alto;ethtr unknown.
11od oen in moJ= times, whro, in tho mil<llo of the aixu.enth
Ct'ntury, the l:l.'\0 fur ana.,...-..mm3tic WAllO ttroug, it ,..,..
oeldom applied to this more useful purpo
Tile following illlltances will ehow to tbo Europt3n reador tho
u.o ancl npplietllion of a cbronogmm, by eombining the
vnlues nUMbed to lho lcUcrs according to tho Jtom:LD
S.)'tCDI :-
gloria IA""'!UO lJco <SalCLorVli in lll'OVlA IIW>to,
but this is a very lAme in..<tance, as 1101110 lttt<rs, which have a
value u.igned to tlcm, aro omitkd from tho oomputation.
A hotter 6AtDpla i.s to be founcl in the clitich compooeol by
c;oJo.rt, on the birth of Louis XIV., in year 1638, on a d:ly
wbtrtin thtte happened to be a C<oDjiiDcLioo of tho Engle with
tho Lion' a Heart:
oXodena DeLph!D CorDI..)\'e Leow
pLLo. tpe Lu:tithqVc r.foCIL
In the Pension ayst(llll, "hicb i.s callod Ju11mnl (Acllition), th
httenl of tho lliphnbet haven numerical valuu o.iguod to thorn,
n..:cr.Jing to ., [lllrticol:u- scale styled Afdutl, bocnuso tho forst
lour unit& nro roproseutad by that word ; 11 bulng t'<)onl to 1,
b to 2, j to 3, d to 4. 'rho liCDtonoo which contnin1 tho dAte
boulcl nl"nys be &ignifirnut: lhe eonc<juenc U.,
nwthJ<I are sometime.. resortod to in order to eoldl>ino l.otb sense
Tbere are fuur principal modes of lllin:; tho acale.
ln. JlullaJ:, in "hicb .U the are ""lui..ito to (ortn4
tiou of tbe dAte. There is :lD infrior kiud of .JiullaJ:, in hith
only oome of thelottel'll of Lho text aro us.d.
Tu'mi!Jildtikl.i/1, in which tho numcrienl nlue of the
htl<lrs WIOO iJ 11'88 then the dAte rt>quin,d; in whitb caao we nre
told tiiAt .omo other wold or letter will compl<to the clot e.
3rd. Tu'1nlya-khdri;l, lho contrary of tbo Jtrecediug, in wbioh
tltu numerical vnlue is oxcessivo, nnol we are thoreforo told
w,. tnut deduct oome won! or Iotter.
tth. Ta Jill:, an atrotic, in which the initial or final letter
of oMb Vll:t!IO C<IIDJlOSOII tho dnto.
AU nre illustrated in '"llrious p:lrta of this work,
and ,.. may tuppose that, under lho licence granted in the &<ud
nod thin! intnnoos, aomo of them nre vuy ill-oonstruolccl Mnuy
howover, e;dubit, to say tho '-' great inventive E>c:ulty.
Take, for iiiOIAD<e, the example at p. 309, when> in thirty-one
distiohs the fil'llt line throughout represents tho datu of Akbar's
acroion, :wd tho line throughout rcpr!Seo!JJ the dnlo of
Jabangir',. birth. Or lake tba following from p. 219:
Tbi quatrain repi"Oolcnls tho of JUbar in eight difij,reut
way; each hembtieh by iLSelf repreoents the dMe: thoy tltrl'<
foro givo the dnto four times. Tho llftb is obtained by combining
the unpointOO letters of the filllt hemil!tieb with the pointed
letltl'll of tbe bomistieb. The sixth, by taking the un-
poinled lctlol'll of the acoontl homiatieh. The seven !It, by t.king
the i"'inted lctten1 of tbe HeOnd liue, :wd tho eighth, by eombiu-
ing !Ito unpoinl.ed I<Llel'l! or tbe second lioo.
1 I have " obronogranun!\tiMI trt-Mise in my po$SCMion which
even lllOI'Il labour thAD thio. ln it tbe of lJ<ongul
in 1170 A.D. are related in proot', lllld each sepe.r:ue sentence
glVO! tho dnto of 1170, IIDd the number of 6COteneca liDlOWIU
ulso to 1170. 'fbe narrGtivo runt in so C!GS.)' A flow that it would
be diflicull., without knowing it, to anrm;.c tbnt thcro was any
anificiru nbout its
'l'bero :oro other worb vf "' aiutilar Dllturo to thiJ IVhich have
"""n writlen in Indi2, !Ucb as tho TJrlkll-nd""'- and r,.,.. oth'"
with like nftmeA, bnL none so copiOU$ or so well arratt;ed u
Tho Jrlfltl41H TIWllriklo ,.,.. litho::t'apbod at in 1SI9.
Tho outer IIIJlJ1lin nry conenieolly contai01 a column, in which
i illl!tried e:w:h date in nnmcnl!!, and in
ucceaaoion. IL po._ other b<idoe the
more dotes. H :;ivos shon nolic01 of ooeh Aoiatio dynMty,
and n brief account of e:>ch roign, liS well M l!<lvcml bio::rophic:\1
nutieUI of distinguiJ!hed individWlla who have hono in tho poUti.-
1\nd lit<rntnro of the :Uuh=mndnn world.
The Mif/d/111-i Trncltrlkl is divided. into rhirt,n Soctiollll, e:\Ch
rt'[rc a Century of the H ijro.
P....r-. p. 1 ; Fi111i C4'ntnl'y, p. 7; p. 23; T!ai,.l, p.
31 ; Fourtb, p. 11; F'rllh. p. 46; SixrJa, p. G.t ; S.cnth, p. i!f;
Eighth, p. Ill : }\inth, p. 158; Ttnth, p. 203: Elcvrnth. p.
288; T-elfth, p. 429; Thi!'Uenth, p. 542.
Somo of tho most coru;picuoua Jndiau dyn .. til'e and
oeur at the following p:l,"l!ft :-Gha1nivide Dynn<t)', p. 61;
Waori1111 DynMty, p. 79; Tlmlll-, p. 159; of ;'llalwlo.
I' 186; Snh6ns of the l>nkhin, p. 190; Sultans of Gujnrat, I'
202: n&bnr, p. 2111; S!ter Shflh, p. 226; II umay6n, p. 237;
Akbar, p. 246; JaMngir, p. 308: Slttila-JaMn, p. 3-H;
>"b, p. !l94 ; lbh&dur Sbilh, p. 446; Sh&h, p. lli9 ;
f'h&h p. 616; AkbAr U., p. 5611.
S1zs-Quarto, containing G09 pages or 211 ceb.
EXD OY ;oJ... Hll.
u.n, Ylli. 33"!
..t dio. if 0 !')<!
,.f.l;da.4 T.,...h\, Iii. U
.. ,.. J'oniM, u .
.Ahlltlld iL u
--al GluoJ!Ui,ll601
--n........n, ri. fb7
-- ' t.
--iba YahJl ibn ltbir a! Biadmi,
i. Ill
.ll-- s.uu. :Sii
41-< T......W, fl
_,_ Ar A-w., flu. tar
.(J. .... .Ju.ri, ... n. 0
' .. lboo-1 .. -{UUr, ii. 167
--Jr.Iki, Hl
' .. f/Ji6N-l .Duldti, i. lh
--JfolA/i./1<11, i. Ul
4W.O. .. "- (.AMI uJ), ri. I
----(of llhh<JM\, fl. Ill
A!41ri7'Cti HuJ, 1'\li 4U..4
.J.t.&.Wtw-l.dU,..,iT, U!-.631, f'i.l16,
t:G, tS
--IJMd..a., n. 167
--p. ... J, Tl. 470
--JIMAdHI, iL f34. fili. 376
-&Ad .. , u. ::46
AUld- Jlcit
u;, Yi.
.... I"_,Jf,j,hl, Tbi. I.SI
.n .,tr.--. Tii ra . 154
'.Ailu4 dia. J-waiat, li. "''
AI Du...,d. &. I ..US.
.. \JbGID&W', ... 6'iJ
.. "'" h. 200
AI Uallllin bin'\ uld Ul :;trt..n, i. LH
' Alr, Tii. 200
- Ab.JuJ 'L fl9
--WD Matlala.U..t;, 4!,
--a. KUa. i .. n;
--Shit. i"t". 128., lU,i::i
--ila Smi, li. !
.U Ju.ui, ii. .2
41f'UJ, ii. 3
".A,. .. r.; rii.
Amlla1 1\qwlnt. or ' han .. ld, i1. I
IT.afdar Iluulol, vill. 193
..... n-u, ili. 110
lllliLIOOltU'liiC.\L IXDEX.
JH,W-1 Jdbflr, n. r.s
Boolo. T. '' , itil. HI
lkf/Ar..J... L Z.t
n. :t: ,.m.
Jlbrb .u.. .,,, 11'1
BUD ll1a. TWo a::
lhl, TIL I till
Ill: !LfU
BuolkiU. U. 400; tU. U
Bi.lolrilbu o.,
Dlr6Dl, i. 4'2.. ti.l. 408: ,., '71
Jld. SN Al>6.
JJ .u ... ..a...., Ill. t:ta
B14rAdntt-l htU, "W1J.L !$
G14t'AIIQ..., L 111
CA.Atlr OWM., iii. 2"
$AP YiiL !01
t'h ... l, ri.

Dc:JU-i r;,. ,f\lwtW, .,.. a:a
IKkb, .. l K" rli.109. !02, W
v.-,., rill, a;a
.Do.t .... .J .1 "' r ,.w. iL :Jl3, !!OJ
-- Jr-4. '' IU, US
Dnlat iL Ml
1>'-d , .,.., TL Ul

p...a.; ,d_ i. 61t
--.S. .. I, id. IIO
I...ah .'io/1 n. 262,
Faial, t-ihaikh, T. 017, .,,. 1 i. l, U7,
Fold Birlolndf, i. 110
}'tti'trllt J:IH.rl, 41
Fakir Kb.liru-.1 .ttn )hab11n1maJ, nu.
Foklt llalwonwl, niL U6
r.r.1.-.w. 1u. 2:13
Pull, i. 624
F.w,j A'MA E. Jt.;
.F .. .., h'*Prl, u. ,,
r.,.,..,._ soi:irl., ,.w. 111
F......! U..ta, Yii1. 1119
,.,.., .tt..,lrl, diL "15
--Diali, nu. tl6
--Ttiltb A"UI, lil .ltti
F""- l. Ul
FllW"J.i Gr111-llll4,.,,, ii. 151, ..;. 6;t
}innu..f TlrhaA, ,,11, tiS
JOmJ6 .... 1Y. l"'C)
ii. 11:1.. Ufl. U:S.; ti. 101,
FiroA Shr.ll, iii. 37,
J,.u .... , .rM,.. .A;,p, TUI.
At.;A"-.1 Jl.,lll.n., i. 1111
- &.tou,, Ti. 612
Ft4AJt.; .. a.-girl, rii. HI!!
--F- $WI, iti. 614

Ohtiut n.
Q4c"/l'.,..t ,Jtrfir, iY, US
Ghulcua '.\It Kh.b, Tiii. 49J
--fl"'i'r 'riii. !WO
--UWIUQ h.Aln, riU. HH
r"'"""''-1-dl, iiL .m
(J.J ... ,..i llwd;.i, ,;, 2ll
(:tJ I:AA..Jt riiL 30'l
riii. 1
(lol;.u..; R.U...4 nii. JOI
lfcl/M.o q,,.,l SU; IL iSI1 it. I 'I
JIIJJ,l,.-l llIJ#kl, ii. IGO
Jl.doU. U. tlR
H .AJ.ul/,., liii. 1"0
- ,A,.UfiJ, i #'Ja;
--/f11J:/J.:11t, iY. 2li'J
"'"' ti. 1-,.. t
1/(t fJId, Yiil 13
Jrtl]l/411 . .,u_ tSO
llalbatu..J 4la, ii. 16
Hlidu )1,.. ISO
Haldu L 113; 11 Ul
Dl.ii lloh.......J Laobbiri, L 6;,;
..lo1. 201, .au
B1ll. t.; A.U &,. Yi. UO
Jlam1Ju.11a "01l4ti. h .f30; ih. GO
lf"" hl1hf,nf. i.. un
n.,. ... ,., l'tmin, vt. tnt
Jl"rtlfiiM, ii. 7
U rl Cloaru Did. .m.
n ..u.. .m. uo
ll.:&Mlk h tw. Tiu.. 306
u ... 1o1a ;v.-.w. n :ot
-- W. MuU...l i. fli
-- tha!U.. ti. *''
-- u. 1:04
J(J,A,;. .. i /JuWI, i. 311
uaun. nil. 377
Dw;.,4 l .fR7
H"..,'".J ' ..
lb'-lp, ri. RS
llo..t,_.....c-, ' IIG
- ' 116: Ti.. 1 H
n.w. Kbloa M:toa. Ul.lll
J]., ./ li.Mtt, iT.$49
ibm .bir, ii. ZH, U.3. .......
- ltatutJa, ' 6S; 1ii.
-- Uauhl. i. 26, 81; iL fU
Ibn Jaad, h. 171
-- J\)bl, lo lit
--K .. lr Shluol, i. ITO
--Khalddn, I. IR
--A1uallakb, iL 't:S; ttt
--KlwnlUba, I. 12
-->J' ta. tiu. ua
--"'ohu. H.413
--w lrdC. ru. 1:
llrihi Jit&b, 'Ylil.
n,._.,_ .-.. ,&41. " ;o
'11tNt ..... , iii .. 2J7
JWN, 1. ;.&
llb'kbr.r Khwo, .;L 163
',Q.:-l Aluur.l, ih 67, Ufl
JUctJ ,U.,, Ti. 202.,
--J.u.J.,,,., n 2;s. no
/Uto.Jn..t 11ontl.U, .til. :lr-
llhlldlool. d II&
n-...: ? .... .au.wr, ,;. a:o
r.-..., nu. 14H""
I IIJQ,..._. S4141M. riu.. "1
"Iaa.rat ,.-i,i. sa
--Aht.n, .,ii. 13
'lnt.ratu..U.h, ..... toa
huM;.., .AJil..l J't.d, ri. G; 'rlli. 103
--"'""' l(ht .. ilL 68G
--. ..v.,.,_,...,., .... ti. 211
Jltli!JdA SUA I, ri. 444
I'il:,...._. T.-lri11, 131
lrlool.ol Khb. m. Nl
J,,AUJ_ TL .C,_;
In!UQ.l N '-4. b. u
l.uklnt. i . 78: [c U!
'h.n-d dlo. iL 2U
' !La 1ili. 8, JH.
Xblja At1hol 1Un1tl, .til. 154. .,_
..... u.x.
--Jilfeadl, ii. tOt
Ehwlj.,;, 1. 117
Gia,..i UU..I, iii 11
rinl-tw Iii. 62J, ,,. : riii. 11
Eiolwo Da11l. Yiil. til
AAt ...... 1. :6
--,d .. , SiwtA!, Till.

- l!.uu,Lllt
- - .lo.l-.ii. i iQ
--JI...JI<k _/ .. oollloA, L II, II
--J/"6.111. iT, 1fii9
-- iii. u
"""""'llah, ni 15t
GliJt-i llflda, Y. 145
-- lii. 1
r.,.,..,,._, J/rJ!, " tH
1. lO'l

.UUttr;.l' A, ri. t!Jl
Uri, 11. tn, t. 6jt
... 1n
U.U.- nu. m
T...CrlU, b. Ul, it. !SJ
--T.clirllA HWJ, n.i. 168
Jlirl"'-"'' i. &tP
Jl..wlr riL 181
--J.U.,.rl, n. r.G, tiU
Yi. 1.19
--lbcl'l, u. HS
- ..-. 4H(t: '"f_ 237
--t'..N, 1. l'H. riaL 187
Jltl"-.1, I
--.dlUV-i .d...n, T!iL W
--.'t4"rltl.t, fiiL. Ut, Ut
i. llt
JI,Hidl(itNt ,.\'.ANftt, ri. l7tl
J/6/drtA, Yl. Ul8
J/611,.. ... Ti. 17t
)l..a..t.-1'/'ta. riiL 161
Jl .. (ot.4fl4 J:i4Mt, 1'\U.. tU
i. 11'
Jfdd-IAJ,..t,l 101, ,., 1, 416, t!U.
1.21, .$il' Yi su. 611 'lL '!01
:1Wua6d ... 'I:- lll .. li. IG
--W ...... ii.l16
Jl ... i ... , ,,, .. '16
--,4),tdtl,., Tit. n
Maj<!o-<lh ltinalull,ll 16
ll.ojdo..l ollo.!. .sot
Jl ...... , ... ,t ..... ytU.. u.s
--..u,u,w, rill. ;o
ltf1'Jwl A .... l. ii. Uf
--.1 .U, i. 3111
- - Jllil; rill. lU
- - iL 486
- &< .. , .. ii. 180
_. -- lf"'ll,....t, i. .07
-- ,r ii. """
J4Qr., Ja,...,lrl, "
Jrdt:Jut .. -..- .Y'tvr, i1 .as i W. 63
--JI"W, D. 6
Jld.tln I AUid.l, 14:!
Jldtl.l.t-1'-w..t. ft.
...V...U..-e AfiWai, , '!, C1
J{c.U.-111 OlulrUIII, TU. 200
i.. lU8
Jf4fj-.;rit..., TJLJt;,;, iii. h. 91,660
x....uw-. s""'",. r.,Ma, iii. .:;o
ll...,., w. m-L 1u
ll.udo Lll. mi. m
.JI:-..1" .(la, Ti.ii. tU
llanhbf Ill. 614
Jl...u ... .J.,,.,., m. 67a
)r,l....,a.n_k.t. n. IGo
llu6di,.l. IS. -U.&, fi ttl, 41&
lb-.. ,12
.. ,.,..a,., ri. 6G4; 'ri.ii. t01
--t;.'d,,.;, if'. bU, 6U, 669, "
Jl_t..,..,l ... i. 47
lta- AllmML .
--:<6"'-<1 dill Tn. r;. 1w
--' tY. 63f
- - TiiL 317
--TDJoad, TUi. 1. &. 'l:uwi
Jt.-4.,-l .. IJyd., ..W.. .U,J
li.....,'AU Klab,l,ao:l
Jf.jtah../ IWtid, i1i., N. tJG, 634
--llu. u. 167
--1'11/lu,., iii. -4
- r .. rill. -tfti
xa,. "'"-' n. .,.
Tiii. Ill
--Jlltllllil, t 131
--'hrlfl, 1J.. UQ
l1ir 'Abdu-l l..:atlf, i.Y, 294
-- AU i-lbtr, h. 1 u. 621'
- - <;bolioa '.All, Tiii. 18<1
- - UhUa Ali :la\awf, :I'H, :aM
- - u ... .a, " ... v
--J\""btnrruDd {Mlrkbond), ii. Ult
iT, l'l7
--ltubam.aaar,l lh'd-. i. !12
--ll aloa......t Y .. ,., .a an
--Tl.lou lla!wuild .SUJ'bl, &.
Jlvat-1 A,.ni,, iii. It
--,.fftttA ri1L #32, 410
--A & .. flJ, T, .$d2
-- rn, rii., ii. ua, 611
..-en u.a.
Jli,-4t l n..J.J .... ... i. til
--J.u,..,. ...... \it to
i.J. i &;.l, .... , 613; Jij
--.. rii.i. 21. ao
-- YU&.
:llird ,\, Tii. I
--Jalili Tlbltibl.d 61i; rii.lS2
--J\ ILll, iit. 07
--)1 ... <11. <iii Ul
-- .!\(.-! nu, Tit
--Kkaglr. n ::.;e
-- ......... u.kboh, nil. 232
--bloh....,...S Jln lllaabh.o.ti, Till.

--)I u..-1 llalwll, Yiil. It
-- n .. 11. nu. 11
:u.., biB lloblbil. 84,""
-- llu.I}')'OIIu-<1 doa Umrtnl, vi.
)t'.JkrD, 1iii. 100
J/ <'.;q-. nii.
l UG
.lfllllintl.,; " tSO
lruraual Kb Til. Ill
lllxld UAillll'tf, "t.. uts
.).(;.hal>bcal Kb:..a. nil. #i4
llu.tlib .... .llc.a-1 ....
i. 102
x.-....,. .. -. Tfii. tt'IJ
.\bdu-1 Ullt, l'f:. 231
--..\hfl1 i 32
--.\11al, iii. I'J3
-- AU. UU. 2.S
--'.\11.\116-1 ........ ii.
--'.AH blA Rara:id, a. 1.11
-- Ah .h.Ub, ti&l, Jlf
--'All l(llb Aootolrl, Yiil. 23.1
--.._\mta, ,.;, 2U
--,\.U.. W.oal riL I
-- nn. 141
--J,;.\Ir'Ali KM1.1, f11i.4U
--U.df, Ti. 392 I Tiio. IS, 11
- - Ubla.i., Tii. 20;, HI
--Js'W SUah1.. TW. 1U
--K Uim, Til. 6C11
__ K..,,., n1 n
--lifl 1\l.tlt.nDd, iY'. 127
--\h'a6m. rlt 198
--\lllb.ia. I. riU.. ;l
-- u.
--ol '""" u..IOO, lk, H6
--ltllqt), .... 161
--lhda vtil.
-- .1\D.b. '"' 133
-- ll"'u ;&I Khb, Tii. 181
--.. Wll K..w. 11. 6, 1.21
rll. t.u
,.\"rMI,-.t .... Tiii . ,,
.z.-. ._ nrt.. 70
-'' .... /F ... .,.. Tnt. 161
- -x ..-.. ,, .....
ii. 626 i h. 20{1
--/n, i1'. 6S8; Yiii. 410
'.dNIJI, riii. 433
' , .. ,. LHU, ii$
N .. u... riiL _..,
til-. ii. Yt5
. T...,U, ii. .U3
Kbb, i. 2tl5
N.-J .JJ.a .. "A-til; ril. u;
:ru.r..-.. a. su, ur
x-......... 'riil7
.. , ., ,,.,., i. t6l
x ............ ri. 21 t,
BiH,Jt, lY. 417
K.bll 'All, rl. 611; Tii.. 200,

...... no. 11
B..d. .ut 1M
YipN.t " U. " 20!\; T\, 197.
-- i. tal
!\'ikbf, li. t33
:\1T ..
YUi. .C03
... ria. M
SuWo..d .t1:a ..u....l. li. n!; ,. . l i1,
6U1ri UO
Nl.lln1t11 llttlk T6JI, U.
711rirlU., h. 241, .31J
--...,..---- ,V;,c.J, 480
X 1.1lri.. lL 245.
S.U.lw .62:Jol
xu Hi. i.l7
1<11na..t diO Molwomad rn. ii. 1M
Uu\. n. 182, tDO
......... j, h. 208
S Dairi, L ll-4
,.,.u..t.ol A M.A. m .0, 6H
--,Valt...a, I. i6
,,u., hl4.i & .,.,... n.
sa.. Dlt, 'riiL 131
Sbeo l'n"ht.d, nu. 176
Sllor 'AU Ta'fuf Ar-, riiL I
6.._,_ ri. 1111
6/Ur.s!.IM, a. 41
tibukruIW>. iiL 17
ii. 1
hil..,W.,..,. ..... Iii. !ZIG
Bilk- SolO, ri. 8i
8io,w- BottiM, 61:1, 611; 'IUL s,
'Afi.f, i 84. .Y,. Shamo-i Sitlj.
--U"Ji, noi. 161
--,_ ... ".u ,;, Ut
/il'lt lo/4/o-o/ Ill,., II.
s.,.. .. , .dror44,.;;;.
--UiMIJ, TUi. .1
--Jt-...UUirl., mL
--RAl.ill. 5
8oloiab,lln )! ......... " 1
,\ino-1 /loll"" i. 1.1
btNndli, r. 671
TMo.b./.; .4 ......... d. n. 461. 4flll,
t63, iS7,,.73,4i7i 1. t:l; r.171
--.d.U.r SA4At. ' 117
--....,, i'f'. X,!\$
--.. ii. 20$, uv, uo. 7.:
iiL 93
-- ,., US: rii. lU
Tebui, 102; 1j. olll
r-p.;-., '' 6-
TI.fltl' T4rfi/. l ., . ..... -
T/Mt Tatar XLUu, iu. Mi
1'4J11eirlfl./ Jlwrftl., j, S2S
Tllur \halwll-t L L 196
Td.hhtol It'd, iii. lfl
f'iii.. 100
T!.....-.1 u-.. mi. m
Tijo-d 4lo, .,;, 1>9
_:. __ ., .... ii.l6
.,.. .. u .. "
--Jl'...,, ii. 2(H
--T.nrurf.U, ii. :tOt
Takiu.d dlD. n. 2S9 .... ..-.-..., ,;. toa
Tdrtl'{ .. JJ.JJG,.. iL 407
r.,ld..."' .var. ri. -4'>'l
Talif' K.rJ. t$C..., Ti. t'J"l
r..,JJ}j.,./ JJAill-. 'rilL fO-t
r._,. .... - . .- r.u, i. s-n
11iriU-..I'-1....,.., ii Ui"
--'.4101 H.U, .,;,
- ,/!-8..._., nil IIH
--Alteal qij. r.t
--....... ,, 'f'1ii.
--.ll'Nr $foiAI, rill. (1,11<
Ollt 1 ... ,.., .. .,!I'Vf',.L
9t1 'A! g,lii_I .. Ji.( --
.It 'H
IWI 'Pr.t --
! -a:t 'W 't 1 "'A 'Jir1 ... c --
" 1!l '/ ....... --
!61 ,. 'crt ,.,...Y".l --
Ltl 'A ""11"!<.\ --
9 '!! --
Zit'! .,.,.,. --
lot t'lfmuyg --
"c "!!! ... ..,_-; --
' 'n" ,.,.,r-m --
!!t 'l'l' --
Mtg --
It .. !!!-' 'lfPf"Y v --
! "1!!-' 'I'"'/() .., ,...,..,, --
w. JIIIR'Pfl fl"fY --
!!.C-1lJ -.1)', V''Y-'l --
tet ma. 'IM'IJ', --
'IR !'- --
i:'lt tp .,..H .'..,!li'PS - -
"!-!11-' .-.o --
' . -.lfl!'y r<'lllf"li --
ttt .,,_I'Pr !-.6..'r --
&!.9 'l' 'PYf. --
U:I 'A. 11'1W'ttlJ --
819 '.l! ..,, .... "
,.,.,/, !""''f!"l'P1\( --
!41 ,. t! 1 '1 '..&. --
'{tf Ut 'til 'ut; 't9 'P.RP,'t --
ett 'lf)A .... ,.. - -
0! m ... ,., ..... .;e ;....,.,P.\' --
c1.'!A ' --
!t11J'--fr.!f:!1ftJr - -
,.,..X .nt.-..C 8Y-S "ftt
1! ,......,.K .,...}'( --
601 '!!"' .,,,, t:rf'llr --
tat 'LA "!}' .. t'"Jr --
u . 'u-JieJ( --
G "l '111-r!S f'U!'t"lr --
t!t ,.-.-.u """K --
;r; ,,., --
!ot 'tt "!! 'f11'J,nJr --
'II! 'It 11!-'
/Y,.'tll fi'IWWUif"'Jr --
; "!!!A "'"'',..Wilt(,./( --
ttl '!!!> '"'"./ J-1( --
oo; "!!!-' 'f"'H - -
tv; 1! '(!,, --

'( ... nta1}-J)) l'fWfJr --
1> '&
"" ttt 1! 'll"f.Y.If --
; & ... -...,o ,_,.K --
! 9 .,., .,.,. f "''f}f '""""" J:
m "!!A ""'a lf"Y.11 -
!lt 'l!l.t.
Ptyr..r. -
tU '!! '1
OOt "'!!!A ....... ,..l' fdt!.f-

10 1!1'
(_,. .. ...,.sl ..,,., -
wt '
' 'UUfL'&Dt) ,.,,..Y 'VJ'-
Ill& 1A 'JIIIll"ff ,. .... ,,.,.,./'-
t ll '!!.U :.S'81 ., '/f.IJ Jo --
tH g.a. ._1'1.Y lfiPP.II -
trt '&- -sP-11-
"' n:: 11 .att ._. --
oct.a :ct;1'-9A,..,.H--
un ., "I"'HJ ut ,._.JI -
Ot '!!!"'
t O<tt '"'! tuv. vma J.,) ,,.,u --
ttr -..... teo t '!17-lH --
tit 1!!-' u..u --
'A! . .,.._0 --
f'!l ,.. 'lfiH --
t!9 1"' .,.,,II --
prnmqal\ sr'IR ""!i '1L9
..... 'fll'f.,.,..11 ,...,;,..,.If r'u --
t!g 1" _....g --
1 ... ! .,..,, ifu --
Oil '!!1 'n 'ott "11'"1'1"'0-
; 'H!-l "f.'IV4\L .,,.,. --
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"!!I '(ftns !-) mtli "'1 I --
1 !!t 'tit
'(atp p--ttUJ JO) fl'Py,-; ..,,.{ --
110 1H '{1Wf1.T f N.tJ.f --
"!1);, '!4
It'!!!-' MO(og ff"UU.( --
t!l '"J!!.I "'RI1C ru( --
C:."'t "!! ,.PQJ 1-,.,--q --
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W m 'n.r..'tJ*.'lT --
oo.,. ''!'""' --
ttl 'It,.,. __ _
tiC 'i<f'PII --
!!S: :m m "!''
t$lt 'L!l 1A 'IW,.'tS ,,_.,11-
Ll.t -. ! 'lt#J,.,.Il -
"I"H',.JEt' --
091 ._. ! ;n u "Ut -a 'J/rY--
ot .,.,., . .;s.u,>.-
9fl 'no' -"!'-!>', --

a "1!J.l 'lfj_r._v .. ,, """'"'--
!II m ,-rur,,-, --
tt9 '!9 1!! --
H '!! .. rJJ" --
!!I ----:-14 'JMffY

nt 1 :, 1
'(tuq:v lllnl .u,. .. ..,.u
19 m turp
t-Q' '!.!!' 'h.JI'Ifll ua11nqo --- -
""''("'l"'ll 1-111"11') nM"'.t - -
Htt"l!\A "'-0 - -
0! "'!'9' "IIUJift'JY - -
t!lt '.JJ!tfffY ,_,.IJ'l'f"Z
001 - -
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!11: ""m t"f'/
t t r "t8 -m -,.nu w,p P"". ;z-
1.1 t 1' '!Y,..B t.NfUif!{ 'Nfff
fi'LI ".a
fG 1 'IU ... WV)( (I v.ltn'\V/.
LH ! tt ... mrr ,... ..
'it '!& ,..'l'P(I '1'1'2

llu : 16 .. ! : su oec
tGI ,. '1Aw, ,_..m
S"!t 'IIJ 'lf'R\
tG '!
Ct; ""l 'JttY'J tD;tqV, --
0 ! "'"""'v "!'' &lqo .I
! It 1!\A ..,.,'1/ ,..,./.
ott "P 'IIU flltrY ,dltf!.J/
U' 11t'lr-A"1J
t; 11J ! 1n "'!! ,....,.\\

Al !

011 ,._ ff"'l'.\' - -
,Ct '.i.J ' '.PJffltJV - -
001 "9!a: .,.,,.,..,r --
'" '.&! ,,..., - -
fU "IDA ,.11 .. 't"JI
G 1l "J..flllfY .. rtJI
"!tf .... .,./f!'.J/
otlt '1!-l 'l"fX 1,.....!,\f JPI.Jt
L!t 1.f!.' tttn .. r
$81 ! . "!'! 'jqi.J
l9t .!!U 'if'.L ,.,._l
tt '! 'J!!i. mn .,,
t!t 1'!!-'
C!91!l ' ........ ?. - -
as; 1!l M'"l.L --
9!Z m 'tn - -
iH: .,! .,.,..lfl
'to .. m - -
91lt 'Oto .,, ,,,,,.,.g - -
0\lt .,,,,""'Jir --
POt'!'\> """"""Jr --

ue nu
t tot 'lot "l'f1'1f9 ....,.., .. 1-n{f".l
C "tgl '1lU.
.... "'ucat m '.ll)mU.
trt '"-! 'f.n-rnt9 "ff'.t
!.It 1 tptt ... --
Ut 1!-' !tt:; --
N '!!\A ._ .... - -
$!111 - -
fr. !TIA '11t"fft.l - -
109 11 'fpy,q ,./""</ --
! t nu tM: 1"- - -
9! "ml -wtn"K -nr ,.,..,
t t 1!1'...-,.. ,..,..r_op..z
&;t .tz9 'Gt9 "!' "!P:-PK - -
en; 'J.! ,_,Ar*"JI - -
l n '.,.-qnn
G; 1!! JPI'f"'J/IIJif.r:tlf,L
ur,. w,._Jf
Ut 1-'- 'MS.PfPf J-'f'.
n t ,. 'I* !"a ""''L
AUW. .m. 31
Akldj, nL "o
A:k-liloh!ol. an
Ill, . 2110 : riii. I 84
.u.pu., iii. 101
6. 674
Alahwlr (I..Aharv), L 118,
ii ... ,
.\lahwU. IL 411
,A1aUaand .. l60
'&.lamg(Nllflt, rii.. Jf.f,
.lln6l, IL 674
.1W.., m. 10, II, 10
AI Jloltamla, l. IU, 120,
Al&U.,LIID,IU, ...

Allari, U.a!O, I
AI Daur, ht
.Uddr (AI llw ,!b '
.\lhW, 610
Ah. 200
Allju (Ill, i. 601
'AtllhJiJ.n.Jtt, 9UL 77
Alpoatra. ;. ns
AUro. YL 124
Alb. Yil 67
ri.tll, rii.!1
tfit; til182., 22U, -40!5
.UW.lp4r (AI....,p4rl ,
T. ill
Allahbotod. L 403
Al lhhft.Ja,L IN
Alocb, .,1. 29fl
.u.t.. tUl. liS, 110
AI, ..... u. 27.a7.4!,
19. liS. 1$!, 188., UU,
lllo'I,UO, $11,111lS, <66
AI IWr, i. 23. 27, 28, 10,
31, l n, ttS. 8H .u.
Alrur lfl), i. U'l
AJ.okl. L 12ll, 203
AI 11allluo, L 120, 461
'A,..,, TiiL 1110
'A.-;urrft(lr, "' 318. Iii t
"t"i. liJ
.Knrh'ljtm.ii. 6il; iii. J.f,.j
.hl.ltt. . :117
tfll. 128, 1:10

--(T.,.IIri), ii. 2\14
Aue.i ... 206
&.&af, , ...
Rbou.'Klnfio, h. Gl
BbO"n,.r, 'rii. tll, H!
BbdJ>rl CI!J ...U. 64, 110
8bu4 i. U. 39.3
Hbu...,.l. 61,03
l!t&b,} L 4$, 142. A ,.
Br.hll .,., DiyU
Inblpdr, ..m. 215
'Bidar,}UL W., 2U. !,7,
Bidt, 248, !38; ri. ;o,
HM. 4H. Ni; Tii. &t,
12<. L'!tl,
BUlrUt, h. 101
Bib, i. 34
Jj;lwJ4. ii. 438
lb"ht.r, ii. 300, aos, soo
iii. 36, 8l2-; t ... to. ::u;.
863-. -l6i i T. 2'!! t 'fi. 3D
Blh""- Ti. <!3
Dihir.btiblid, T!. 116
Btjaprh, iw. 3tll; ,., 2i$.
fOG,-" ll; ti. lS, o-49 l
Tii. 18, 306, iOO
B;il>lir, I. 72
BIJilUpr, m. 80; tT. 00,
soa, . n. ;o,ua.
lllj6pelr 4311: i. 163.
niknir,l Y.2U.26l
Bikrluo, {'f, !31); T. 2U
liilAda.-cl dA. ar, tL V; 6
DlldWtgb, Til. 70
1Wgrl&u1, ,., 2i ; ,-i
ti. 'f'iii. 176
llilta: j, 17
lutb., ii. 677
llillllr, L .f6
Dillur-tioj;h. 1. CO
Uilor. h. 10-t
BO.W, i. 0.&; tY. 2H
BUJ\, " lOi
BilOchpOr, ri 338
llinAg..-... i. 393
Bindrfanc.b, Till.
Blbh6r (R), iii. SS
mol llw.t:, ' !!2'2
IJir. 'ri. 416; ii. 12, H,
16, 17, 63,00
Drrllb!m, I G3
8111lm.put. T, - UO, <&46
BUlt,.". 1; ri.
u. 10, 68, tag, 36t,
408 4PS
llirt.r ni.
DinlhaJ, fii.!>O, Dl
lJir Gn.J .,., lifl
JJJt .. , .u. soc ,312,aoa
n,tinllrdr. rl.. 6:!0; Tiii.
lJatflDpur, ill. 60 JIO
B.athkbt. iT, 66, Gl, G;
T. lot
n .. ,., ,;. sos-9
lllu11-, i.
lla.u.ti '.Alii, iii. '!215
--Rllnl. a. as2
- - Rltullana, 'f. 69
RnriOn, I. 72
R.W., 30:1, SO. ; .
22-3, :32 j fi. 168; Tili ..
Rou4nl P/uirh. L 388

llulrmard, L !!5
RlM:ll 400 101
.lblm , I. .J:G7
Htmtdoc., i. I-tO
Dt'a.tamud, L 467. S..-
Jlijll, ril. 83
llilf, t eR
lllmn, 16
lJimt.; i. 1!!8
4i, 43; iii. 2S
llind .. d Slod. i. 188
n illdal, i. 296
llirulllft IR), ml. t<7
RiPifbfu1, L 169
Jliadl, ii. 370
lJindiA,IT. 391,898.503;
" ri.. &t, l2i,
Bind.,and, L 117, ii. 415
nludo.u..169, 396
nlnda Kqb., Til. 78,
81. S'J
JfhJd4p1t., h. 20
Uiod6lAn, i. 141
liindo.wfua.. -.. 398
lllmlwflu if.81
Jlinttwfu1, if, 67
Dlr, I. 60
ntr .. 1. ao
lllrlpdr. vii. M
B.Iat, l flO; i.L 138i '"
toe, ur.; i. 664
Bi.r.r Sb{u:JmAn, "' 308
R!J4r Firodb, J 61. 298,
"'D J.l'in.r.a, 304-_; h.
8. !Wl: ri. 226
Ukar, '1', 230, 2.:!7
mdant, I. 00
lt(ldl. ' 27
Rodh.., i. 648
Uorita, i. iOS
00G1LU'R1C.U. INDE..'C.
J 1kbr. Tii. l44
J,l, iiL "'" 4!SS
T. W,4!4 j ti..
.1l:S, Tit. flG i YU&.
li2, u.. a62: iii. lc.J;
'' .... ; " 74, &6
J61o.aclhur, i. 0!11: i 11. 2n;
iii. ltl, lG2. Gtl ; '" 01-.
73. O'.!u " ts7; i
Jle. ri.. U7
J aL.A.r t ii. RoD. h. 11. :s,
!e, -47, a\'i.&,
4 H, 6Ct; ri. lbG; tifi.
nthl.r, i. 39, ll8, TilL 31ill 9
Ja.iUn:1. 'f'iiL I;'IS
Jaikoca, rii. 00
Jll.., Til. 11, 105
J(tloap6r, ri. JUJ, na. 11
JC.IM, ii. U38: Y. 283, 36<!,.
ioa, uo
Jotarr. t
Jaldpm. 107
Jalll(R). L li'G, IS&
JaDtt, " a.5Q
lallbbll, i.
JlltQbc),lf, $fJ
Jnmd (It). iii. 410, 413,
47d, "'2. 488, Ci'l!!; ''
.hllllhir, Til 1&
Jammd. iii. -JGi, 171, iti,
619 i tT, $1., 6!11, fl.);
Ti. 3if, 6., "GZ;
fiif. 12't
Jammrt fR), UL 61$
.JIIl.maA, L 6-l
J .... .wt, t6<1
J.&mpa. i.. n
Jolmlfid,Y, 4.SS!ri.JH;
ltad, U.l49
J 6n1 dd, 'Iii. Ul6
Jaman, viL 2UJ; lll. oo
J amdll<l, IT. !OS
Jon>.-.l.l8<!, 167
Joalor, i.
111111on, t m
Jud.raa;i. tO, 380
Jnnth6.r, i. 3b0
JrmUttwit, i. _.08
I L 2;, :u,
J:a.aJur. ;;, N, 380
Jbpr. i. 3b7, ..

1aiJrh. i. 68
1'01.. nu.
1'-"hln fR), ir. M, 68
J.usld tJUMl n. w. aot
J.ojlla, .... llf, 119, 41'6,
Iii. 637; ir. 233,
Jnnk&u, 1. 168, 178,
Jaakl, u. 6;1
Jaabiod. 71
Y. !'01
rii. II
Iank, t.. 3\16, tOO ... 01
JA.ran Alanj6r, m. iO, 71,
Jarum.aajar, m. 6:!1
Jir<oll, 101
1...:..Z.., if. lo.J, 1i. H
JW, w. 30
J..niu, 120. 1.27
l la,ntll, il. 624
J ru, ni. ao t
1 Jaunt.ilJUr, rl U l
Jll.Wilwp4r, lit-. 307

iY.IO, U, 29, 242.168.

169,!ai0,3U7; Ti.lO,!!Oi
Yli. 3(19
J aurlut, i. Ill
420; Ti.
Ul. S..C .......
Jln. ... 10, 11 iii. :!i
, ..... 11. ti.
Ja-. .. uri, i. ISO
J6.wiJ ..... ul. 1f.S
Julm, 1"11 '2-bS
Jclam, u. 11, 6:!, 23t; m.
'"""'P"' ii. 610
u. e&
1-:lnllf, L '2:96. "-b:1;
y, ill rl. 197
Je.un, "' i:t
Jetnr, L 41 &
1taur, i. lti';. 168
JMiD.. w.. t, 10'1. e.
l7J, 1iti,lt3,

ir. 10
llua:,ij11r \Y. 8
Jhnj ' 413
1bS. .... 46S
.1llll.s" 1r, " 3; """*
Jhaa. J. ta;
1haa4, L tGa
Ku.Jibd,ll.ll, 10,
K 1,81,106,
K...dhlb<L 127. 12$.
IA:l, 38J, HO, illS; iL
K ... f..hrlr (oncl .. l\ i. 14,
Z'l 6:!, 63, :a.
l!i. 11.2 . s; Yi.
--C"""'-""), i. II;,
us.aoa, ao1; iL<Io;
Y, 207. 21U. ''" ISO,
ao2, ni. c-t, t.r.

--(Dakt.a), oi. ;o,
.S!l,-412. TU. u. 6!-.68
Kuubhat, tL
l(nnliUl. l
l\: .,.d lk. ri. 84
.... ...._ ii. 413
ltudlaa. -u. 2:2. !11.
iii ....
KtmMu, iY. 26&
l(, Yii.i. !tRG
K .. odariao. 1. so
KddW... I. 814\r. i. ui iY. uo
Kaod6r, ih. 90
Ktul<'r, i?. tO a
Kinj!no. ii.ll, 6M;
ua...1M. ;. ass,
107: Yi. lit.Ul, 614
"' ts Kuhiyat (& ... bay), iii.
Mohll(lllia, ill. i3'.!
1\Ulap<&r, 1i. tOI
K.aelula, iii.IG
K.u!\ula1l, i Sl
Kuja, i. II, M, 90
Kt.fljh ha),.Si
J\ t fiG,
1\ Yii. 63
J\.uaba. i. Gi, '"
Kubn..t 6S
Koald.uh. i. 6$1
K...irlnla, f 1. sg,ti,IO,
Kaan"&LOr, 1\0,
J\..J"O'-*t1 U), i.ii. IKI
KU.. .U. 3.14
Kubt,Y. -UO
Klltlo.raJ. lli. "''
Kbt Gull. "' J.111t t "
4U, t9!o!, f\.10
Kuuhl1r. iY. 1:1
K ,"u vii. OJ
K til tit.. i. 6oS i 1'. I l, U.S
1\an.l.tlk. T\. 669; -rii.lM,
1\ nu\1. rl.t.
K .,00,., Ill. 206 08
lT, JD8
u. :i-tS, 162, W,
aoo. aso
1ii. 163.
2GU, au, it>. !S:I;
... 11,, ...Ui..
!15, .a 408
Xarra-llbi\p6r. ii. W,
lit iii. H ; U'. '!SO
Kon h. L 6t
l(orul, . "
Kortr,l U,la=l, l<J, :01
K.rn, l.ll
K11rd .ll. ' tiO
GEOGI!..\1 UIC.U. [Sl)E:!.
Ku-wC.a. i. IS!:!
lir' -tSI!
KaryJnj, nfl. d7
Ji ......... 1'.>6
)\ .... h. 477
KfaM, Yii. $66
Ji.,.hl.o (B), ii. UO, U!,
J\uair, i. i1
Ku:U, ti. 6:7
:K...U., L !II
liP!.ir, L '' Ja .. n
\ w.u. ..... 2,;9
Ka.hbl,"' ' Mt

K .. hnau, i. lt,2.3,..S,53,
1 it', . .... il. 4:!,
ttl, 44$; lli. 4iG; {Y.
t'i6 i " t<HS, m . .. u,
4"0; tt. 3tH. :107, i'o67,
"' b7, u
lC iii .6U
X..hWla. ii. 6ii
K..,...M&.,, wl. 3!!6
nii. <.1
Ka.\. u.. 247
K l'blr,l..;;
Kuu, .-tit 19'!
1\atr-bud, i. 7i,6l
Mttr"-J4tt..D. i1.
H .. ruhd. i. u. at
x._ ... ll, i 121. tu, 201
't\.,ilr, iit 62j , ,.U. <&9 l
h'-''- ni. ttiJ,
Kt1.11\..1, HI; .t. iriS
Kt!nkllua .......... tse,
ll, 6U
)\ ...... ui. 69b
E ... j&lu 'lL 6t
Kialr, iY. 18
Jius. i. 1.!
Jt;ia.V, IY. .t ll
Ei:aln.t Bau, iii ftU
i. tOO
E"tat...t.. i. 2H
Kia\6\.1 \Gug\lt), n
Kihn&Wa. t l'f;
Jifcfti, riL
lircb' i .... : . 145
1\{r, i 77, bO, 83: TU. 318
Kill, i. !t i. !f 4
Xlnj, i. l!-6. 189,
1110. 3tll, u i n. to.3
1\imoj. i. 6,
1\irAt, ii fM, 466
Klrbdo,!. lt
Kittbn, i.
xrn.. u. t60, iT.tas.
1\'uhum. i.f\0
'"&. Jayie. i n, st. n.
IUraiA. L u, 2f, Ja,l.l,
fli ..U; U.. IOJ,. 181,
.fOl.. 661; i1'. N
Klrlui, i. 10
liu, i. IJ. G7. 3M
iloh, i. ill; iL Ut. 616
KW...., ..-,1.."1. 2..28
lihoo-G"ff: ( R), n. 8;'t,
a:J; Tii. ao
1\uhongult. riii. 347.
Khh'-t ... .en
K1Abt.iw4t. Ti.. 871
Kinaa ( fl), Til. 3Bii, 'all
Kit, L s
Kly.,._ .W. 311
KlyAo.& i. JO!)
KU, l 12,3t, 3S. SO, ::J,IJO,
Abho:b. i. 19,
i.. "I-I
K.xbi,h. :ZU 6S
K :d. iY. :!;O. 1iZ; 1'Ui.
IIi. S.. .ul
1\ li. r;;; if'.SI
Ji..U., UL JSl
Kalaltt, rii. N
Koll-haub, 'rii,. 6J
A9b-P'!&. i.W. ii.:lil,
Kobilll, i $$
KobUtb. i. tiO: iL
i..IG7:ri.6G7;Tiii.U.! I

owon.untc.u. n-DEX

GEOGR.\PWC.\L crDt.:t.
GEOGRAriiiC.U. llCDE.'C.
00GllAJ'II1C.U. TliD:&.'I:.
GEOOlLI.l'ntC.I.L Th"l>ll x x ~
B. au. a;s, r.a
su(ar, i,, 2U
bU.aU-prh. ri.. M (It', a. 63, 6'!1
.n. 65
Sllrt.r rirL 278
-- ri. 313
-ll .... ri. 313
.. to1. t57
- (Mbbr. ' :\6
(81, t. 60
&nUt:, L, 619; &... 'l'SI1,
6i ....... .,j ....... M4
Sus.tp6r, rlu. 16i
Siraa. b .146. " tt7
a,la, ao, n.
SUIJIIIIIp.l oe, '') N, u.
2:4'1, 47$; .,... 103
S:n1t.IIJtVUr, iT. '!ii,
atx, ot .,.,. 210.
sn i '" ,., i . m. 14&
f.'anlh,lf ....
tR), iu. t H, H5
S rt.w.r," !96
s.ubor, ut ,.o

&rc-41"" m. tta,

,. taied. "" Suhi!!d
utp6J. rl. ISS
s"l (Rl
1 ii.
.... ; tu. 11-f
i M
&.Uj, ' 6
R.utb .. (S&nlkh.t}. il l1'0
ia. :.184
fohnnall, Ul. 01.1
!'i&nl'l racha, .,.,
h.a, :u.J, ..w;;
"'" Sj
... .,. n), i. 6!6
.... iii. !:!1. s,.,
:8anl. !1ti. h. 108. S
P. !9'1.
at-\ ; Ill. 36. n..s, 300,
U7,4V:!i b.&", 69,
IH;vL t"15
f'"'"'' Hft), i. tO;
A'" nU l.K,ll: l'i.7.$,6U
St.r4 (It/, ii. 3i-t, iO ..
lt1, :w,4nl;n.tb3
K. 3o
S-ri\ (Suf.rl. ,. 218
I. '137
GEOORiriiii'IL l:SDU.

Twlnar, ri. 3M
Hl (ft), iu.
1u0., I. '" 6IH
I''" 66. it7, o;,
14. &I
Tthblflan, iii. 4!t, 650:
ti. tut, 6i'J. ni u,
T lw. fi8
T na"", ' lt)Q
... lf, U. u:
n ... llof, ri. IM, i. a. n. no.
iJ.-tD,'J'N, fS:t, j.l;t,
liti,dll. 116.
:!6, 300,
Th.tua br r so.
'J hIT
t 4U:I
1 hum, 1, U6
ffluri,ll :218,
Tinm, au, co, .asd
'lllMh, i JtO
'J_b tlu') I. 217,
1twu, IH, .soo; m.
IGI, !GI. SlO; Ti.
il en. 4'IU.
Tbb,. LItO, SCl
'J brt,a.:O.U,U.U,.1i,
IL 107, ni. Ci:!., iJ
U. 110
T1l!,\ c.ltunkn, ii. JOI
ui. 7t., !!Jl, 0:18,
v-i 6tU
Yii , 10
Tllla.r, " 416: rlii. 303.
"' Ttt btar
TU.:l{rUit, 200
Tll .. apOh. 'riia.lJ(I)
Tali> I (lill'"'),li. 3:4
TDJa. u. t $0. n. IOi
Tilptt. I ii. :IH i w.. 1 ''
1 il, :m:. .S:!S.
Til !II,!. G1

nr.t 1:e
'fir, ,i. 1bn
til. 10
ranuri, 11,
l'trtlllhl, 'fi. 333. 6M
Tarrirr&n, '
'' -:_)j
llrlt.(a, u. 37$. iit ,3-l,
t lt.:?;t.M,.t!O:
41-)J, ..w. uo
'"""" tlll.
t"bb6d. ii. 7 6

rwwv, i. !ll
Clri R), il. U
GEOGR..U'IliC,tL L'\ru:x.

iii. 61;
''f'ar..p.a, no 3;b.S
' Ul
Wbit,lL vUI. tM
W......d,. 1:1.1
Wauak. (R}, " Ht
w .utn.lllkt, it '!lt. tt'!:
iii. 3,j.t 1 603 0 'fl1L
Wunl, it 21U
\\1rholu, I OJG
Wl\6t', \. 'H
Wttltar, " IOl
Waswri, t. Ul
x.n.g.r., i. 3$G
Ylblloo. i. l
Yollt.lifl'. u. iH
\'aa..ap6r. aa
, . lr:iu. bL.
YlbAt. L
Yajbn (k)t iii. n
Y..utlhcJa, 1 , 64 L
Yud., U. 2i"O
l1Ulb1, ri. U1
itlf1.j&U\, ', L II
i. 7, 181
Z:lha tl ' u ; IY. '!3 .. ,

Z1balit L 1!!. u;; ii.
lU, 1iO,I7.!,4tSt; n,
.\.DDITIO:XS ..\:\11 CORREm10:XS.
Tujo<; .P.rW, tllo :Val.y ,.,.. o(
tQ:t Dl&810rtd I 'oint. u a trillltle.
.,f tho t)l l'rt>lak l)r Jlrld:
,..( the it i- rDt-OlJc)D.I in 1M
ll aU' .... uol '" lolatev l'olo'
.. -J ...
\ .. b611ar, pr.b.bly
Aw1U1ttar. "'flte ".Jt"R'(L- Dalllt it
fL 7'1). '"Tln might tc1
1m tha o( M1uw 1
(1]u lr "W(l lM lff'lpc'f-matluL;.''-JW.
n...rkad !\a.M(I, i'l), ._,, ..... thea-.
or w. l off &he "ntil .... , or
F1munra, cam h..rdlr n-Crm:d
1o in ah.: knn JJtwf,, .. J .. Vilu llt
wnl4:r tt r-un- ,. the
to Ch.iDa... Nmftl in
bt1 oat! h.nsuri; . .v .,.. does ran
ti.H! rolM. "th term JJ,Jrlw.J
pnb:aP- f'OiG'-- tq tM !;ttaila ol Snlgt
... _ J.,u.
If btu ruJy4u 6&) Tho mrc nAIII-C iJ
D!aK. r1 (. '' . l""l'"'t a....
Aa.-Iuf, . IW'\1 ,. rif4 tu in Urpa,
Dubl&Lan i u Dub.1hlhrm, .. a011r Ddllt.
Faj .. r, Tiii. p. nii. rnt..e.
Yo- (c lll!l. !'robohlr h llago
nC.f' u( .\b! UrtaJr1ak, weU kuowu in
l4Lb a ad 17lh tt:utu.rittt DM#JII_,., ..
Patm (i. u Tbt
and ]thUf"UUJ h dttldtnmuu. P11tu
Is mt!ndonotll.iy Ibn &tuta u a na.
oo Uw bore whh aa c:ucl
Jwbout-. ::.lbcr -s,.,.u.. or
'tN'J" ppaa.a: w alllW'CJ' \let.l to tbcte
frafi d,ac,. AI tJu.\ AIMN :ihi(Ore &lid
Pal..4 lllike tipity u the otr.'' pet
upo iJ b 10 ldcouSoot "'"" l';;ohlt
wbith rtt.uud a IQIIlmt or
ru.reigcl tmtfe. ttpt.'t'lo.lly wub An:bi-
111\r JMt 1110. wb.atettr oaar

Gimil, I.
Omdhiu. rwJ u K wcl!ma."
OorU:bpdr, ia DOte :a. p J.."'l TDl. T
rtwl K&t"'kbpllt,' NUth .t lhurt!tr.
! (I 71) obuuld prut.ably bo
o,,..,., ud. ... ,_... (If

Jlsrfl.. in f1.1U, .. (lr
IIIII (i. M). "l'bo gnonl pooltiOD f
Uili pbio lo Mill awUd hy l!oo
J)cl,., '' l10ndmrk t>D tbll
to.ul bthH'f n and
GEOOll.\PntC.\L f)1)EX.
Kldh6r, ..! "OIJhnr," ia Dhr.,.-.Jp6r
K 16to, l""'"ri! fiiiiJiL"
Ail.U ltitw, ~ 1 Ood.ab "
u GWi ... t.l. the (rt:.mtL
K6dl (or G6dl). Tho lourti rinr.
Kt!oa. "lie K""-. lloloaNooo,
te.lult., of 1114UlJ ltliY.ik,.. from lhc
atu1h etaltt'1 ,!,wnw ard, mniri.DS' he
dear u QtW .. - r.
Kuni. riii. p. six. l'rdlft
Kmkhllt. prot.hl
.. Gorakhar."
, .. ~ n o (i ;1). TUo m..ld ""
dlahc. bt '"d..,. ... , ... .,,-,...,...
r Polo.JS-.T.wxt.. 1\oir ...
brrRril aDd 11.\nS Mk IU't' tlaadi.D
t.upfetdn'W'11 l..teg f!t,,i.a tlr tnanlltn
UR16rl (p. 70) " Tht lolod or u..
tn6rlil c:t.ttainly ...... tn.. with t!lpC'd1l
Mmaot tn t11 DOfth..we.t ntrftllit'l'
(111J1 86r1Jrl..-.t, U II !'ll U. El!Ki\"e
lti.!W) .... - T ""
Ojbu, u ptrhr- on the Pri.m-r..
in 20 mll<o bdo,. San-

Pitrg1aaw, proNbly .." in.Aho:ukl-
.upr. onee a (Ott.
.A'''bWl KMa writtt tbit:
"'IJAn.pnp." but u VlJin iJ the
righL DIUJHt, ad Arman (flf Uman), i. 12..
'-Tb._ 1 .. bould to rtpn!l'l'tl
(llU11 tu Rdu}, ud
Barma uodlr lOin"' fonu of p,1o'
ll:llDe fori' (.lltt or .dir)."-Y .. t-. ("L
Thi it perpl.cxing AI
it llland-. bat th1 nrittuOn in
t.btt notr- th.,ll'l tWarty 1fh:u, th tumat:!
oouht .U. f'<nobmlur., pori
mtAilUIIt!d uttdn that. OJ.Uat" b<Jth bf
F,dri.a and Ibn &1tU o &atliramt.
'Ih11 pliko lw ton1: dt11pt oot of our
mal", bat podUcs-n it tlnd by Var.
tbema. who lhat orrofttc thP port.
lrom abtll't', w .. u llnin-
blAnd. T.bil raU!t be tbll
S.l'fiRw R.-1-, non.b
ol r.alit1U.
Sakr6t!ih 1.11 '' in S.h&.nmpdr.
'\Jfi.lir, &.&.lh\rud UuJhir,'"
u $41bu 11nd Mulhcr.'' "''fbe
billi. oo whil'b Lhtl.t at.wd an U'l't.o:t
-woo r .. hlh "
Su,.;-i Surkb, -,.ifi. p. :J'rii. Prtf"t't'-
11\aj, ' ur "'Sttr\bec,ob."
$4rUt, ,_t"' &ror- in Sarlli .Ka.oaaj.
&;._n.,lJrnbnbJr u $nt,..-t..."
Flor.Jmlbil pro;.-.11 .. SUdllilir.d"
SlJAn anJ Sanw1Jrp (i. 70). u rhf!' pu.
.age caboat. LU!.n astd. SUa:wUp it P'O"
l>oblr -"5.\;, . . . . AD llrtitl oa
!:::: f ... ..
S.....<lip, pu1ilug lbt laltn in lbe
interior tJ( tb
Sill. war.
For t'Ud N-DJurmr,
nnd wo lht nottbf."m limit or
what wu ullilmwod br 31A'bu.''-
1'1 ...
SioUkber." Sn
Onnt, TOL l f 811.
Si.DdabOr (i. 87). ' btU._., it to ban
t...o idC.ulcoi with Coo."- r.u.
SiodCa.Ua:rl. tiii. p. mt. Prrltl(e.
s-w, iii. m. 8N S6nuh.
S6mdtm. M'eatlunbl with rt(
to .I.Amori in the ta.lno way ..a btre by
Pria.r .. The kingdom ia
11tu.ti0b ll &be S..i.Jni o( du1
ann.!L tM &.....,. of M'aroo Pll&O
(Probo.h]y a elerif'-Al enor far .Stm J"'")
IRd thl'l of lb:o Balut.t.. who
TUittJ tbt ooart of ittlliham-
Saltm ncar tho middle of lho
Con:rtnth :nturr. h by lo1l!f
ocrtb of and tbe
caplt41 {)fOb.lbly !ClOd ft, ...,. Uu bed of
u.. &r or Puoi."-J'.U.
Trlm'blk-hr alto writh!Q
Tn,)'lllJibct.k.'' A hill f()rt lid p!Jiec
of &< ,.,L tii. p. td.
llu, propttly ond in the nuapt
Owu nnd u Owv.a." h llaboat
lS milia '\"' u{ the ri1t:r.
.AIIofl, Dblnlr and l'llrirula form o
ill tbo mop.
Zait0n (i. 71). Q11Ht.\tti, "pi'Ollltblf
in tlw .. c Up by f'&r the fllDI
JW!rl in be world. 1Lia
btt.:a wnliUl aboctL'-J'tdt.
S36; CJUDpolgn in GajJUU&, 330;
.!dory at, 3H, .L a; ; lli<go
and coaqtu!il or Swit, :S4G; &U41tbtf'
in Gaj11ri1, 3Gl ; bfa. l'lipid
rid.... 36:!; 36G proYi.tJOa
!!Qitut dAmage in his rru1.rcbct. 311 :
ll.lld oooqa of i,._ 6"12 i
'I', 3'1-1; PUJ'I\U:f Ili6d.
or '1. 381,414, .. !8; rM'thM
llrnDJ;l!metlU, 3'83., 613. ri. 0 I ; hit
,., 390, .f(W, 617,
ri .19; prociaioo ror tlll!l piJ:.;rinl!,
394; at 402. -luo u
A1Wif, ! ; K'tui, CIQ:YQ.)"I tit
hllhr, .fl a; t.o.lh aru1
C'WWm.11, t 11; aaumr:a u(
K!&bul, 9; alt mplll COGI'w:s,' of
K.,..badr, t.$0; joumtry to Aubmlt aai.l
Katx.L..-ar .-ez. """; ouoflu
i.1.C0,!!97. '1.469, 4tH; inJ(*:b rort of
Surt.t., 601; Ill UN ol ..AI/Jb .. -tuu,.,
burtic:al M.VJdaU:t.. o>::tt j
diftlrultia, ri. Ui9 ; Cbhtdl\rt
626; Wl)('atip or tb
WD, llrt 'lrOI'bip, adopu
"lne Uind6 MUtom, 031 ; lJia in r .. m-
biJity, 631; UJ.!cri:m.t.nbJ 1K.elm.-ic>11 n(
iaruu. 61S; 6M ; bW
"DhioeY.Ull."636, '1'\. 163 boUM
o!eho.nty, -..638
Ti. 111 .. t i
ooinagf', 5-tl, -n. bt, mmll, Gi:
rJIWtlnlg'flllfat of leaming! T. 670;
bb IM.W.tiona r ... m
priaoprrt W'Ar IWt IAns. vi. 2.5 ;_
nmiu jr.q and pU}trim tu, 29 ;'hrUri:aQta&. Sarkt...&O: wk .. a
rrrtrictiow: ou witow bum
ing, 68; dc(mb:d in SAt. v. 460, ri.
SO; ttbel.lWt'l llil &ft31ll, 78, iO, 106;
'E.urtlP.'n tt hi eoert-
86: r''lhtnBt
ar on..u.. 86, 88 ; with Bur
Mwul Molk. 70, fj7 ; of
flirQr, 8t; ar in tht. Du.lcbin. ?1, Olf
$6, 106, lllt 113, l!l.'2j t.allix; 0
Ahnuuln.'<f'U, Dll; jll'id for Ab61
FW, 1$0: o.tmded. 101,203; tbrow1
1 KOaut (rom a tcnrff, 104;. &Ieath,
ll6, 11)8.. 1!43, rclp, :! .. :!1. U
tent of hi. '2-42 ; hit
eluuu.eter. tt!O, U2, 29U i &nmb,
319; porlnlit, :lW
Akbu, l'ri.nat, ""' of Aum.s.ttcb. vii.
'''" api"'L lh< IU.nt., m;
301; abtuwiiJa.tll, 301; tli;bt.
with Sa.m.bhajl, 30U, 3l'l; ,"011!11
ro. Pcnla, 311, :l61; du:a in GIIIUI{r
313, a8i
Akboohr.hl '"t>"o 370
AlhAus l .. .t I. 146,
14G, H7
',niboo :UIIhro611 Khan, .;rr. 111, 11?,
.. 1\,unlil, i. 209; TL

.\U, Tii, .488, -40<!! 497
'.Kiam KMm, 100 ()( U&JIM lt.Mlt,
2d, :n, 106
'A'Ina1gf.r. SH Au.rans.,"teb
n. raU.r4 t \he thmne. Tiii.
HO, Hl, ll:!; to bi.kf! OU
d'u d clio pl'ilwmrr, ; inddtm\IJ of
t8S. 170; intutit'W 'With
Abm.1d '!fi t, 26.$; matduo of,
.. 3, 110, 241,1.08
"AIA.u.d<bnla, i-r. '.lOIS
' thn Ghotl, ii. 248, :l66 at.Wb
aDtl bauv Ghunt, iii. 36, h. 208
'AJ:U..-d din KbOji n'C'l'-"'
ot Kura, iii. uO; of Oudh. ltt'" bi
14'ht-nt"' 1441, 149, li'' 1 ntt&n!tl'
Sultb Jalll F\r:oa, tO.S; 1ut1rt'h tu
O.bll. 168 ; ......... pd. ' 165
goW [zun ()daJl, t I j. lt.liCtmJ*
lbt Lbrooc, il, ti,, 1.$7, ltSU; hit
i4, 8tS, 6-19, lM:. cua-
flUt-WJ in Stud, i.
Dtn,th', iii. to. 17; IU!mt.y ..,,,1
Somnfit. 42, llJD, Mlt Chltnr, 11:\9,
5111; Gu.urat. 183, li-l-8;
and Dur SamuwliU', co, 7ft. MO: im
prboa 51 , bts
l60; bu ft&t prujectll, ut.Wwpl
w lull. l7t, 6UO; m-1 n&a
mt'.Ol:a. 170
18'2; lt!\'ent: rnmtnL,
1811:: hit: lsnontlte, ISS: a
J.nwyn ft1J gotmtuttU-, lS, hard
-<I by ll11!1bl.o. luG, I """1
mtttttmciU.e,. 101; lti
tino11.'' 192. h:attJ8 with
gbah, d, ,.1, 107-200; his 111m ... , '104,
2oG, :.!:0(1, 217, 600, 601. lllatl!fbtt,.
"Nmr hidoc!itu,
20i 1 Crlf ltllik MfGr, n,
!olaub, 20!1., 66'.!
' .\tlati-d din fttu'Cid, Sultrto, ii. 34!1. 346
Aliu.d din Sbloh vi. 23'!
'Al!..u-d din Sllmad&r, Suh6o.. h. U
'Allu-d d.i.J:a, Sultb. 10n or t-Cu.hlilol"*'
h.&&, ,.,1f., 76: tMW-k .. tht
88, . i8. WMtb, iT. " 86
'Aliu-d dtnt Su1U.Il, riv-Al oJ lbrtbim, "
23. 2'1
clln, Sulllul, ul Jlm;;>l. h. :!<10,
Alb.,rl, il. 320,
Alf, the Khnur. i 110. -'21
'.\ll.\rJhUn, Suhan, i 308
',I.)J JHa inod<t Indio. ilL
-11, 12. lOS, Dbn huo .. T\1.1:11!,
'All G>uhar. &. Sb:.b X1w
A!tJlh, Me
.Ill K bu el J\1wo&,o, 403,
oe. '"u. u?. co. tL "'
.&i,&,,r.,. Ill, Ut, IIG, l U, !!It;
'.111 K....U.....t, 1i. 456, lOS,
t(ll. IU
'All .)la"lio J.'\la ........&n 1\&o
d.tM.r, di.. Gt : hf ... ,_Q
J&.b-tn, 16: etoh'nl vf Kulaellr, a;:
11: ''"'ra r ul Panlfth, tr: o hb esd. tii' ,
tn llli.h, C)U, ;b, ;r,tcl; fka1b, l.!t
'AH )hnlhl\h1J,,li, 31l, :na
..\h hin \t.. ... u,t, u. 2.)7, 2H, ..-.
.\U :Slur {Jrun), 1. 'ln
'.\It {:-.uJt,n), 11. Z<\1, 'li-t
'"U Til, iS07
'Ainu 1\Lla, 11.\bct.r't h.
'.\n:::rdlKbl\0. TU1. dctiJt.
'AitAG.t, or' \IU..11b., 1. t.,d, 1::;, t'.!l'i
,\Ulll.\bW, bailJ!Olr el, Ol%; """"'"
drft to \ arua:"' wii.. 23J; dr.reJ,-1"4
.\ , "L ;1, fK
.\'Jab "'s .......... ol. Al1a-4 dia, ill.
112. .. ... . .....w .. n41;h """"
u;, 'AW.. )t.llh. let o G...,.t..
lP, tl8)', 18-t, li9
... .....
AIM, )hlaa11111:1ad KU!:D &1, i. Hi!; cJe..

.Alp \nJb, li. ttl,
.Alp tol1l.U, bJ. 63,
.-\lp Kbb, iu. 16!1, 2nl, lJ$a, &:Itt
u. 'I, GO, 'it!
.11\t'in,u. liU. 110. iii.. !1, h.
/lf, t1 6t1V
Ahmh ( .. htttutd JCIIlltd), Y, S87
.\llla,,a 11. n.,,
..\lh1nta h,ai. ,n,-trll, t,. &11, 116,
ltJ,j, IU6
\alar !'i(qh. lt-tn.l. Ti. IM, almsitt,
ICIIIb IQD so eoout, 31t t tklllh.
Aada. lk'ptn. f"Ut..
.,\nur \d\, il. l81,! j
AU Jadld:L- d.L 'Ul E Iii. l6
Aadr I\ lab.:'\ 1h.' l. Ill
Amir 1\hb. 11 t.I.S!. t3'
Adr au. f.)%, ww.. 18
.11 lo .. ;-;b. L aoa
\mrt.a.. L 4 5t,t
.lrbl. i. 'U'\
Aasri bU lataal. i. u
Amrd l,.ai.i.lL li;l, 413
AtlJIDd i1. U ... j, 11
!WJ. 4o3,
U4, t.:IO, 4-':Zz It, 113, n.
w U66
.\.ncuut. lhl<Jf), }uiabt.a' n:mmJJ'f,

.uc;..., r...iD Km;s ol.laolio, Yi. 4U
.una tril>o, I. %If
1 .U... K 1Wa. .U. le&
.\aw!on.-<1 olio K\b, .ui II> I
Gaikawlt, tbl<COO
-'PI"llWI"''..,lru..J .tiL :os
'.\ri.liM. i. 1.SI, :!.S.S,. 26
.(tt.\ &Udar, u11, ue, n. n,
'&rabi Kihi.1. 3!:0
A.nb!l ill hUid. i. tU, t lrJ110 W11b
4Gii; Ml dwu- pvwcr,
CODqQ.I!'l'1' i. Atll
.-t'ri:m Sht\b, Sult 111, li. aot
.\.ranJ:at, takllll, 111. 'JJJ, 6 t lott, 'lt!S
i. -407
Ari)"U'lk (U:.Jib), il. Gt, tno
Kbr.,,, luab \I t hhJd. iii.
138, at \lu1t.aa,

bl!a.lal, II,
of '""L i t'la
iit.. 60. 11.$, tUl, l07, 211,
ll\$, 3.1,1'l:. 16$,117,31'),
f..3.9, -t '' n, :!");, 116,
"' 2!1., 84, !OJ. 616,
no. IS", -too
Anlb .1'-a:th.l'f, lil.l';l '.J.Lb, U. lfP, C J; {T,
ArC.. C'QI'lOU .. "'of. tl . .,J
.a-1 llcl:. Ti. UO, IN, tel%; I1WiiaB
t.o lobe ltaUu. lOT
.u.d Khft.D (JI..IIIIILaa-1 llttlkt
)1 ulk, .l[.oca.fu"'41 W.ul). di. 343 , .. ,
t)( J1Djl, ltij; "''PP"'n. l'ril'ltt
306, -&ot i Jj '"'
l1i ut.l, tOI ;am ttl
JaMilldkr un, iull nt, .- ""'h
Pnnukh SiJat, "''; arrrw.ttd, UO;
m1<1h, IUO
X..Juood dA1tla Sbnjfl'ud Waul,
'f'iii. 183, 369. pt ... u arint, t1J
Wa.JTU llwr. 'iau, amllh
x..r Jlh. ,.,
AaJ KloU. .\IW-l 14, rdaN w
... dr.laiiy by .lkbu, ' 100. "' ',.
a!r. T. !. .. ; U:&rha KataaU.
t67, ... n. ao. 1 n: J'O"ti'1UIIItll' .r
Garta&, "' zti. ritil.1 .\U.v. 'l'i1. 29-S o
..- Garb, (<MC1'
...,.;... ki-. so?. llal uol taplllt<,
a to: pordoood. a to, p .
Dftl" of t Wt of,
3Q, Mol
.<sr .Kbla. Gbi' t.lo-d dla hJIIIIt '" the
c..LIL ' )4,, ,._'"lCOir.o 3i7
,j. 61 (difd m VOl a.u.)
A.Nr Ja'(ar lk&, " '6T , i. lti,
130, 14:1, lH
GD"E.ll.IL 1:\DEX.

0.\t:IUL D1>:EX.
I rl chrU'1ct.-r. 10.) i MU lh.
IUa11 ... 299; ill Uei:hin
311 ;
""' og.bat I<IJlpior, at <i'l" I
Ool\...S., $ ... ""' .P..
:llollrat- =j. w..- jeolo&o
of b., rldu hruthn, It Aer
of aJ4 ; off'I!Dif. ht1 (athCT,
a 'U; tiaa.a bls d,-lDJ;" f'u.!l r, S3. hi
,........-, ... clioa.i-.1 llr 1!1.
1 bet, 1&5; ........... oboeqoHo of
td.htT, lO-t .. tbe 381,
C)i; j-.lvu. of h1- ft, J ,, lidhl,
J.litJ i atLIJ(IUD<'ft ld11 II,; 391.
";, ......... _rn-.ll-
101 .. 1. 6JS ..! dca1!1:, DO,
143 1 cband&'f'. 63t
.. \lh'IUallh Shln, l'tiJH:r, .-il. 38.4,
3'11, f!W, 21'1. 00., 619, &it,
6. dd'.-. .. dotb, no,
t , ldl sou. 66;
'.\A.Jv.d cJ.ala, .. I, 4<1, I"" 610
.\.ui \(lhauuaur! Kub.. S!w Kh&.n
lll.hl 1\llb . no, ,.s, ut,
Ul 418, n. 1:, 68
' l<>d.hlh, KUaJ. . -
Ji:aod.d,b, 3117; bY "'nno)U'&,
iT 218r chartd.-r, !19. ('nft
mal babi.U. 2'..1.5 ; itrnl4al tu I adia.
1!1, " !l, 106; IM Ill...- I
IDdt.t.. ,,., no. IMt i:an:doa.. L 31!.
i 239; ht. .. tnocc dtbCid,
Jbrl't.blm. eGi
a1 I lc-bll. j,.. :!:66: resbLant
.,..,. dtt.Lra s.o ntua. !'1-(. cl4:aiat
t ,liar .. Ge. fotiW"eAft .... -
ne. cta.Pt t.;. .,.. 2.4$. ..
lltuat S.mb. Zti8, tAte. Ck.Aull.lri,
274. Ggbt. .,,b :,:s,, " 34
..... ,.. u. ll...Jlllm, " w. 1Mt
ia!OIIIC 1o lloahda, 4!, ohlb. <S
S:.hla p.. .IU. D{ :-.ladb..t a&
an I t1 lt'!ltfoll bJ Psroa tSUh, 2!1',
ill. UJ. J.,.. 12 ubtan:.,lii. 33&; L4bn
I J>.biJ, 134, 3
1o<h:oU 13
lbdalta.bJ.,a.: T, .'Jj, 2t9J; TU. i0. 1J,
&el11o fi.tnrh J'L Hi. 41'11\.J
l"di"' z..,b. \loru, L 306
lloprt. 1\bla llchd 1\llb
--of, no. 116
lab6Lhor tl611fll., ol%'9
).eh6clur .. libint ruin:t.,rn( Ala:tutr,! 2t;O,
to:t, 2,3: 1'\)0t\, .v,, :sot .6. aot, aotJ.
au. ltP, ,1. ::t, ..u.. &DJ \ilkd.
a 1
Bahltlru Kllb, oftlttr or Aana,u\, rii. Khlul of Kbr..dab, fi 133-HO
GI:.'\&ILIL L'\'DEX.
fr!4U Sibod#r, 2J8: kilt. TanH
1\t,in, 01, lllm6, 6!.
kill WU., W ; IUipidou ,,(
a.u a rtlatiTl! v( .t:mpcrvr. hs
trii(UI.;tJ nt,'lllntt ham, lltil ; fall, i. :!:3,
ltte lht . i nod f"t
tipa. 264 ; I .S. ,
21S6; ..tmri&Ao, ; farxiom. 46-fs;
d'1llril for !thcC'a.. 2b!f; aaunk:ftd,
chu,.errr. ti. 24-
BaitlDJthAl', l"rin(l("
d. U6, L II
JS.nw, h. IGO
.&J ut, ..U.bu'l DtUtk: OD, "f' 50. "f'i. S0
.ua. ttr ObtUid&r', 1. !&$:[ IGO
.Btjl JUu) betf"'!l vh hla
lar .MI i3, ""'
tru h fNal Delair, N . m J:Ol"Cftor
o( "'lli. 67, ddn4L. t.i-Jo ":1 '!;
il lllh, 66:. td3
ltlUI, ll(lll. fir ltll.blln&.lb, tU.;t4,;.4-d.l IU
,(' hn, rill. a.11
D r. t.ltlCI or. rlU. JS-"2
... t.told b"f 1\"h.aJa."b..:..c. Lvdl..ri.. 7
Ilt.l.t.jl,tta, rii. 1, H;
'ill. :.!GO
.8U4ji ltio (Ut'ftilda U6.jl ltln, &1i. 263,
Dhfm w !!i' I , deah
ii. 613
llnll>a11, liN Obly( .. -d din
..lJt.l11r6, tbt, i. 3, IS, 2!, 21.76, 8G,
M. ""' 36i
Bsl.An. .. u..ckut 1'1 a .,. ......... :!30;
lm ftlth" ttui'N by SliL.h:
ltbJ!n, ri.L 11,, 71, '12, iG, i7
Bta1tttJna, ii. Hll, IG7
bio Jlanuh. L 144
U1t ' JOO
&.nJI SahA.rt..n, u.
Barbo.&\ l:'biib, nl h. o&Sof, .eGG,
iU,l, 00 i "'"'lliiOQt if, Ol$
Barboroae, the. L 63
n..rr. n .. j ... n
U.... ''Y'D""'cr o(, L j39
ia_D. Ti.. 33.1, 3fl1.
.UArha Nnpdt, v, IJ.6a, 3&1. 178; G-t,
litl, 21i8; rli. 'J$Ct
Of, C37,
J, 470. 100, 601, 60t. 604.,. 610,
613, 6i6; of. ni:l. 66
Batlitt!On, ii.. 9. C03. UO
Dar\rtlnJ.rt.., t llll
n .... ,.. bbk. i. 10
"&.mr-.. U.. kla,, I. 21, ZJ
ll.anJ, i. 63.
n., ... , 1Wo<Uo1 br Sibad.r Lodl,
tM, .93
UfiJPr1d, tt Clf ftul.aimtan Klrbl, i'f",
PIJU, T. 3j:!, n. 8G
lliJuld JAm, r.
Ud &h\.c)ur, lv. G:U. T, ltiJ!, 2H, !r.O,
2i0; 111iti2c., 1.-. '!70, r.--
COTU'i )f,Uq. ..-u, tiG;
du.b, ....
DetUar l!!lilJ"' Jaftna., ... lll ,\'un,
..U. 343,361,369, llrt, JoiS-9, :NO,
631,&30, 6:17, 4\0; a...u.. 311l!,
400, 6ti'J: hit--. M7
llo.IU Beldu (""' ol .\h...!
n.i.ted W l1a lbtvnt", fiil. '!t7
l. tg!l
Uuumo, lol\ro br Ghouul>idoo, il. 6.
by Kut!Kt..d. d:ta. U.. o
by Sb. ... r n. J6B
Dongal, king11 of, l.-. :tM; ron
of. " 3tJ, ;j$1; war 1111309, ll t, U!l
tbiN 'fl. 06;
io, e,g : ...,. ia. 3'18
ll<olllohr.IOT, RAj>, nu. 2011,210, :%0,
!!16, 3t", <lOti
&, trrm, how u.-..d. n't 19.
llto..J. 1. I H
Ub.aa.iyu. riii.. .Q, '!if:!
!>h ...... llU. Boj loo calla1
tr.tnt), " 213. :uo, 101, S93, tlt2.
4Z'1, .. 4 I, 461.1
{6:!, 11. k. tl 4111,
m.., .. , Kbldw-, .. nil. 31 I
l ZWalll S ;.D:trh, Tlii. 60
.Ubai-. Jl6ra11 .\h.L ['11ru )fal
a bf LhC! SJo.l!llllU and
1! 'o\Uua 1l tlin. 1. t!.l6: OCt'UJUt '' Lf
:Kp. 1\llb, :to, :!1 : nlln 'r. '14
d ,_..;CAl"' by )lo)<JWIGhlzl,
awd . 1 b} ft. T. rUuur, 3-.f;
h1 cUa iL 16-'. ::H.H
Ubr,n witb \t.braUI.l llrt1tf,
riii. l4.l, 11-l D"hll. ti. 110,
.,.,, 91.l, IUtmWtt.
tOO, rntl't'IW.i.u 'b1 .f.
1 , Pf""'
tc-nu to 4\blliA'I .. \bdlU,
do .lith, 1.S4, lil
2G-t, 27:1,
JlUo tb :kr, ,.tU. 28Z. 2'1 ot Ji.., ., . Ti. 619, :,lf
llba.npdr, 1oi1 .. (t(. 1in. S.:::l
llhrlli.:l, I;J\I''""' H. 2tJ, 2iH, t39;,
iii. 61
Ulu..taolr, M e ud ncJu, li G!, U.i.. t !tl.
Uhar.ut, mho. iii. ,.., 3;
lJbfll"" til. 214
Hbid, kl' f Pnaa. '" ttl
Ilblklwl Kbt.o. l'ri-. rar
IJhl-. Dhlp.\l. ii. 11. -t;, tO). !:,
dl, .. fil, tf.
Ohim dtO, Rill oC 2!.ll
469, -t.13
Ilium !Ujlo, we of >i. iiO,

GE:"EI(.U, ISDL'!:.

'"'It'd, ulllOI' ()(, 4'\2:; g..,.
()ot riel('(, h. 4H, <( Dtj!I.II:1JIU', ll!)
or tiGju.1. ri. 11, .. ..
"'t S$o tqure.. 6i; ;o;,
t. .\U&Dsuh, &&. !It, ol
kahldar Rblh, 4 II
Collhcatioo 1:0 i, 6](
Collllllflj.. mr:weJ bT 'Finu.,
W.. S.SO; n .. u.d by '"Tlua6r, W, u.. .IO.i: "to;, .; .. tt)G
CDCIIJU!, Ea.t ln.dta. ii1. U l
C'\n ... l. T1U. :s;o-1, u;. uo
C tmn h.n, to, Yi. 3JJ,

CMOtltl of mbta ua ::0 i :f.'
ii. 11, i.
ltnint!. if, -4Jl, 6Jt, " t-t,
lhbld Jldd. Tii. ''' a;e, aso
D1 "i Kur; of .\for, i. lit, 1St; at
n,ll 11\J: I"C!llf'i'fl't mbiall-
1.11 I,,.. rtom \ 1\Uim, 115;
.. u. .. U.,,!Jl. bit batW. Uti datil,
I!J, 119, liO, Hl: o(: at
1 :!10, :u
Dlllt SlJ, i. aJ h
.\kbar' lnu.lion a.ncl ttunqae.,t,
n VI, 9S, v.\ 131. 111, :U(),
Ul Ja!lbr'tr" qn ua, O!J., al!,
J.U. 3;6. Ul, U-t, r.:, Ul,
cS,:s, ,rhou vr a:sd ItA tJ,,ilfl'l1lt, ni.
(ar.tuo in, ':H, !'oh!i.h J il.b(l.n' W'ILN
.,1b, $.. a:., an., at .s .&4. ,.....,
.-an ia. ,_.,_
u.. ua
lldu lUi. lo
1os, 1ur, 122
(I Qi, Ill, Prinoc, birth " !UO: Mr
,left ia du: Oakhia. t :. n.
tl, W. lo-t, 110, 123, S4 , :s;.
_,;,. w 1'1'1- of L'ij1p4, 16?,
lfs.!. IUS: hi h1bi11 uJ clrioiLtng, 107
ll '.!, 1 ... : t1t'llth, ll.f
flhlh Kh;.;.a, 1. JIG, a.t-.:-., 189, filO,
... ...... n.
nrut ., 1\J.l)Ql, ni. !JG. Jrnt
1 in!ll .1\ontlht.r, 1011, hHJIIutl be.
t vn, 1M, ld, :.:H ; ink1
f"" b the- II:OTfn.IDIIII ud
hi. hrotbln. 1 tt. m to..d rliiiA
R4ja Ja,ullt, Ill; a lwlir &.ol
thofma, l7t', 21 ... b!Jt bnt-J, t;l\
!Ut: llliDtn u .11$; Ji 1$hlb
..... k', 216t bud by .\\lra=pcb,
... n,'f .. O; diK't,'!2.S. t:::, m, !30.
231, 23ft. 2:3:. ;,tt,rt.,t alld
K.\ml .. ,., t38. wl;.- II. potl:iIR IMI\f
Ajmu, dJ011.wd, 24(1, tli&ht..
OaiMing-, G9; 'Alh-d din buill" Slrl,
ii Hl1,200;
at!a<W "'" lolub&l>. 166, d<-
-la!N 'by loloalouu .. 4 'hrhlil<.
!!3 , llU; Rtonl flftipnt-.
61 2i :
Mit: at. iY. 31 t
or lot Jt'S;
au..ebd ud u.ha 'M Taetr. -C3!1,
<tl3, n. U; acUd l'l.ntdr, ht. 4 f:S.,
6CJ3, br a hatar, H7, 5t';
JlftllltDl'e &'t. 36: ita tHfitriGI
a;, icW, a .. by .\aolr Kh .. nl.
id.. , .. ,, by <.;;laQI!bQ..d dlD, 6;,$,
... ,. or,;;a: oleoml>< by I loa tr..u ..,
OMI, dl:l .D4bt ir. 2\9; a.t.o.
lr launpUr. 3Gtl, ,., ;!', So,
S1. !:'' I ,,., tl9,
4;G. lolla bblb'o,l9:1; looiH Ylod
PI looir, ...,..,..J "tliom:lo.-
)4n, IUII!Utf1t t.t, 'f'lll. %3, 6-1,
1ust to I"'::P"'" bJ Sldlr 00;
b)" SJJ,u JaUJ:
U4, .\bmtd
.\Wlll at. UC: !'lomolo'r of, 118, lt7,
!!'fJ, ow. Ui. .Ji6, u:. 60S
Dcbhwlll ("""") ZIZ
i. tH
Dror1r u\.rn, ii1 40, 11; nhf-1 and
.. .-<!"'""- "' ...
llle '"P' I, m,
Ol&, tnbat.,U;..A; lo.l,:lil
.D.oJAl llambmn, ,., lGt
Df'U k61, ,,f IU!nnpr. i. 121
Dr II iU.a1. UL 4.&. 6.&1, 6.\'!, r.
.Dr.ev, ruler ol lola"har, i. 69, 2. 'i!:
Dbalolo, L 1r6
Dh.,ohl ..-..!3 Ajlt Slash.
Yiii. II, 3t0
Dbar lllJ, Rill of J-llr. i. tll3
JJUnl)'o - of C:U... I. I I , clioo,
IAk('fl, Tii 21)
1)11111 Wt-, iT. 237
fli. l\-1: miBIII, vi.
Dlb H.,..t.AI, RL 21
h w. .. t:.,tloll, Yiii. 112. a;o
Klib, ..a or .Du1at Kbaa.
... '.!1'. 31.1
D1lh1r Khb, of!lcrT of JoMnkir, Ti.
296 7
00.. b, tl. 31!
Dilu Ja.. s .. .\bla ... s.Gal
D1kt KU.n, rii. 2tUt, 27 i, 2'17, 2i0,

DiJiir, I 451, Jl
Dt:ap b.. ... l:!l. mL 11
Dirhlm. t. oi'SI, '""' n
Dimuuntmr fQr c:o mt..t, i. 63.5
Oitnhl' m Yii tG2
"!.Iori. hish," "'"' tl. a. ua
nt Siad. I 110
floztt;palla. ill, t.:!.\
1>..,._ ""P'<tiat, L "9
[)f'Ue_ Mr., 'f 1...
lh'Khma. i te 1
'Ht.hi" of, ii. 11)1'. U?, Ut,
188; iit 102, tif.. U1. Iii.
l!W, '11 Ui,IOG. i %!;i; ti. ;,
Itt 1-\;, S51, tSt
Db ui.. -t:!
OM,, I,
lloldJdl., i. 217
0\&U.r. i. 12i
Dol.blo m,._ II kja. oiu. J. <. '!4. t tll
Wl CltUD. (l'1aua ol ltbatalr. Ut. u: .
llurt.rl trihP, i1. 413
""""' ou, .u. a.r., :101. aoc, -101
l)urpnu, ltW ot Gorloa, 241,
n. Jl, liS
Odt $.muaad.u, ul. 49, A';', to3
&lrtbqu\ ... IT. 1111: rii 1M,

fllpt, t """" a... ... , ......
riti. 3.)7
f:lerhanta. i. Ui U. 1.1, tO, UZ, ::JI,
>15-t: iii. 1'19, VI, 103, li)O, !!OJ.
2:19, '2!1.\. SO.\ JO'l, SIS, llG,
tQ, tJ-:", .. .......... ,lOt,
6;'4.8ll'i. ,,
l'.! .. , Nl,
21U. !!Ui, 300, 37V, tM.
Ti. 63. 61J, 121; tU. 3SO,tfl3; ni.
t t".aTCS of. rii. tn
t"'{!Uh, - ot lho w...S Aqru,
" 310. ct. ra.t aao. &.
f UI'OpN_%1 .. flUUlt"A. i, ff.ll liCk IUIIJ
J!TD! - t.. obipo 10 M-
atcour1t r Aklliar,i. i!.61 ,u.u.

lifr;. dr:;tnuhnct Cit"' "U t.
12. 211 ... )I.UhOl' ..... IS5: ..w..
.-an of ....,...,. ahaa:lof, 1.:;
raiai.. t6.S, MQ,
fl. !39, 210 : tmblcu] to.J Dakbln:
.460,oiS7,ri.,.'< tt,,btb..UI,:OJ
f.,....t;ab Kbl!l RoiiUia, au
um...d clua, 'tiillt.Q ol 'oaair-pP',
til. 303
1-'.-u}ab, thr, l. S6
.... L %8Ct, Ul' iil. t46. tt
2d. ' 490, ,;__ '11.0&,
1 fii, I Dl, TtL '2t
m, .M0 nti.
M, t.:!S,
Parbat Khtan, fi. oi.G, 48
Forid ,<;,. Sb SUh
Farfol 1,.\h&JI, 5Ua\, liar
lU1 KhiA. "w .ell. U: . n. C6. D.
t;.IIG, 114. IU, 1$0,1":!.-IU,.
,,; m.. aoa
Yorid4o. - et .lliln n.u.. ..
&114-J. .Cttt,
Farmttlli, n.: 2. CU, <tlf,
6inr, of hi fa.tber ia
Bra,. I, ni. US;. c:tanP tb. t"NYll,
Ul, ana1 te .CI';
til"lhfJ, n:,, deloa&. Jahlod!.r, U7,
661 IN.qhltA It, 1-t:!;
l'11.arackr, H:l, t'f'l; bl Del
uthf'r 4U; f't"tOCb of hit
t 18; bl.l rhaJ vrintre bllndtod.
diUiculti with tl1ot'iipd.t. UO:
dtr d. Hi,
bllltJ.a, U. t8:1; i.
:03, 201
of. ttn.a..L:t SHad, i4 tall. l-10
Hn\U.o, ,).117
Jaey: ':'#f .!\itbal ).fgl'
hlh J>hlo, Jlm, L :.:9
Khta, ... r 1-lrol, h.
n. 't8
Jalh Ku.. - el lhllL '.\ .. lw,
Folh .lhlab.l.,.,.,
J'al\p4r '"""""'""' oL 33.,::11
huhU-Uab Kllb,u. UK.llo;o.aH.m
}'adna-ll.aft ' 4GV, Ti. e..
\ff '.\adu..d d.u1a
FlatU J\ bllhb, l11r, i. aoo,
AI faa.. tl tHI, t)O,
litle ur
Khlh, uh lliJ
Yit\lllllllll"\f,td, liiJe of bbrah lab&n,
1'11. 213
}'udCvl, n t80
"' Y3n
}'ar. .. cullfl, il. 111
' 6:10 ia l;PI*

Fuiap. .w ar J*U
Jt.. l Ut, 2;4, lOt', 210, S12.
' 1$l
Fuoa Jn,. ""' 0\Waoellla
F\1'0.1 .... th. birlh.. ""'
1T3. tt.G. '2;. . '!;
i.. !10.. liL Yl.
!'21 , riult., us. '- t;& 1;'-s..
li,P.lo. r.s. rl. .!3 - ,.
lkh lil. :181, 2S;, J>kt tolill.
h t hi .lhtJ., iii. !9! rditb.
:!. npdltKJft a. l.akb.l !9:3,
ti, !l'.,, a;, tt 1111tt t u1.
2:-Ji hti!Lh J.'ff\111bld. 10::, n !!l4;
uJ*ittiutt &o ta\bMtll, iii.
aos, n. liiJ.>hr hi. !l06,
found J!lufiJtllr, IOi; 1na\.u
wi&li l$t-1 f\11
:JUU, Dliart\ia W JC.jra
UL. \UI,
0 L'mX.
Bolbr, Ttbjl. - "''\ <flo I
};oblliH, T!u. :106 , I f 1...!. lOIS
fit>"" laapod 1'nlode, l &V, 1ti. S3
U.ont't 1.nd llorterue:o, iii. 101
\6K, 107,
d." I, ' 7 ; ..
B:.buf, :,tllh ot '" ,j.,i2. n.

Sorpuili. m. $0:1 .,;, ..
.BCich, w\rn fi'01Q '"1L :u, 211
fiu1U.l1 \lu!flud, it 3tU, 3St, 674:
iU. 3" 102. 103
U->11 ! Empaw). hlo lno,
h' ll?, :!JG. teo. .....
btbtr' bat iljnctlcn-, u;
-.,a, ..-. 118, b .. bfhatioar to M
brolhtrt. ij,, a.tat,e arriUI& wrnlt., I I rl;
f>biUa lr\.1\!iuio.r. fl. D: Ollll'llli;;n in
Caj.ult. 'f,l .. il, .-i. lt: dcft..a.1
... ' Jl.abWir, 101. &aket
liWo\, llt.l: ud
.ad t:taampflnlr, tt S.hh
lttlnaGt.lf.9,,., U!!.l. btodtptl&q.
nftr u 360, 36i, v. 1\1!.1, '"\t11 GArhl,

ult"f Cla1111fu, J4.t.l, " lkt, 11ttk
l#1'tl:a. th :V.!,
Jlinlpl, Ia, T. 200, tl II, 19 OC
i,... 3G',"' It!, IU, n-
t.ln'f rrunl h. 3119, dt (.:.t ,tat
110; lkfe,,ltd t.s
Af I i'f', .11
dronbt; 1t rbaa!Hl,
Ill, IIJ, IJt q- oade pn
IOIId', a;.s, ,.., f7\'lY tM
(t&Difl"', 1'L to. ckt kid al KmaTJj.
i,., I '' ' lSO, lU, -:!M
b{ J\t.mtfm, 130, tO I; tliJrbt "(, L
3 t!, u. ssa. asr. ,.., 20.5o at,
i a!S - ll UJ= )I Ubi. '
IDAJ'tbn Tan., !01,
olttti :-.,hb. t J17. T, _o ... . ,....
tltn "' JWdl:lpdr, 311, " '!11; t<3
SIS.. 2l:J, ':118; at.JC.n,
I. 31H. 21t blrtlu( A .. 1)ar ...- :lU ,
I""' 1 KU<bhlor,i ;I&: r.......Jo '""
Yard. lrik, 1'.1.1':, I 11t
l. Ur -.l E..W.. '11';. 1DWb
:-. n 1lJiudaUr,
2.1U, t.!J;. o1llint Ktb11l, ll;t'Z: lnQ
iJ, 'lO:t, !"f'ctr.-rn II, 2ttl; al 11111'1
t\llll"11", H6, d .. and 1h
8\'t'' K'111rb.. m. an.uh &lk
' t 0 rortns'-" 2ll t letts lOIII """
tonr li"-1. !32, m lite
hill .... 4.98. ' 'tJ4. btiad.
KlHulln, 147, !36: nt ,,. Elilt,ll,
h. u<J " Ut; m .. h"ht'!t ruin 1(1
lntlll.. :!:36; I Abert, 13T;
ot t.n: , ...

Eh1o (.Ubor'o rdp), m,
llrihno 1\Ua (JohiaJit'o ..!;11), ri.
au. avo. .. 1
lbrihl J..a.. tilrdl, YUL \S.S, Ht, ttS,
t7.S, l'iiJ, tOO; doth.
Jbrlllli Kla .. :->llr, bn:lttr-io-l&w of
',\d.all.,. .61, fru111' ALli..j:!; dd'e:..m
his tore.. ..,ot !!tl; a.111uo royallJ,
;i:l: 1lf I .. by S1k1t11dar, 66, 2-t&;
olt'fOiW.1l bf lllwd, '" $01, " 24-t,
:i4!l; ftiN 10 un-a., t ... lk7. " 246;
takr.p [lrilllllt.'f aod abdiJ, h, 6011 Y, 26
lltr&hlm l ...... acm1b
dJ 1brun,., 7t u1unlli- J'alf&lu..J dlo,
13. d .. r('.h h11,nl 1\b!tn, 10:
1\, lOot; t.d."- Owillcr, l:S,
ll.iCI to) &J.tA
l'JO f lat. Mblat &.
CQRt. nttd, '" 3:lt o stl..ld..
... uk._ " 11; lab enwhy, !t;
fliW t.-., iY, '!3 \ , &-.
r--... llAbu't ad..-Uted (oree, :!11,
2-l'!. cbnctl;r, dd'&!ldN ..,.
IWaat. ,.,., .w." '!46, 3:!6, "
2t. plc1tt" an., lti. tdp. h. :&
f ... 2!7,
uo, -:rJt, tu .. 21
llrihl )'iidJoo.l \lulk, rl. PI
6( Jauf16t, i"r. liS,
tl, G3,.,
1t't1. liUI, It :M, .u.:; coa-
q_utl Ul INa, '"
t.leatrtlttl Q uf, it. au. 1'. tb&., Tii.
lkb.l Kh .. ,l. 31; Jol"' Xt..lru.d .Ua,
3;,; \>f>(II1CftN n&IIIT, ft.; dl'-
(tst.c.J by 'rltaOr, Mi
:111 wcan, U , 11 .u.b, tO
lkb',hn.ullll, Mu;chtl, lit lOll, bcd._.f,.J, iH. :.,.l-UG. it. 8, 10
Jk.htullr Jibr.a,' lOt, ltJ
lkh_laflr....a .\t# :\la.bJuaiU&Il B.Ult-
lidau1lnal \lull:, ' Jd,W, JV', 361;
daiUa, US
111hr .,,.._, .,.. 2U
Ua\ KUa. U. 12, HI, UJ., iii. " h.
lGG. uo, 11!
'JiI.A.h&r. I. Jal
...... .d ... u......,n.6<
Jadtdo-d dla wu.a, u .. 3$4, M9,
a;o, a:t
. ...., .j )lolk (l'tlp .r n .... '>Iillo),
Lu. AI, S;.:
'lno.lola-1 Malk. "- Uboda.d du.
'ltaMlul \lwllt tt foUJUilt., v.
lrup.U lu :t3, '"' JiJ, ;.Qt,
JahM.ti 1\lhbl. ..... ,._, ..... .10. 64,&\ ;2
JW6 llU, m. 10,
Ja tu '.Ah Ab .. \'l.b )hr )l
._.t), lit 11'1', 17'1, .!lo-:ru,
3!ti. 3:!P. aa. Jti-0, 151, :tf!-..42.,
J ..... ... il. nv
.TaU'Ill S1b
..-m .. f:!l
J;uzatat!ir ( din). ni.
m.J, 6tn.n, 3411 . rlam ... U1tl'CI"
ti.i. 42\i; btc:U!oUll -4:U, 4.)1J

h ;;;


KA.rnh ATI'Itf;or, ii.
Kiitr.ldU Kblu:l, .... 207, 21"
li.'JinJ. !33
Ti. 10
R .. tun(r.tAtLftlt hid.ory, t. 107: ill fX
SS. R.W or, I 13, l7!i;
"ntrw1r"1 arn:Jl("riDRCI Wllb.. IU .. il$9,
"'' su: Kb;;t or.
N, W; .U.US. lftl b,- .\kbar,
u lo COOIIIDMI ol, 45o, &!I 1 "-
..,.,._ Oli<IOpleo. ,;, niJpo.
lt9t1 bl ... ia. Yii. 9.!
t\i\_tli II 'Ali KhQ. riii. 1l3, 2U, 216,
I\ 'ulm .84-:.f Ur
i. 20:.!
l\fa11im libln (.Aunmgxeb'a nign), Yi.i.
216, 3$,S.
l\1W01 I(.... ,llit ll.-....), Till.
K .... IChoorooo}, lloo, L
A.-tanya....,., i.. 1'6
Katarta ,-.. re. i. 11
"''"'"" lib..,. w.&-. u.191', Ml
1\tl.P Khb ("""..! do .\Jbol<), ;;,
13<6, 3Sl 6, ... 37G-"
Ktlqb 1\hrut, pn!l""'r (lr D(!t)J.,oir, iii.
'.!II. :.H7, Ul-3; hi.tdtlllth, 2f!t
Kh&Ja, naltn:bce
.,.W ... t l>thlf. Ui. &%. ltifJ.
!ioll6 l.l>b, Krlal M.raru., " 611,
61S. " a;;. 4%9, 611, ri. 66,
&7,111. il. 1'1. i7, M
Eton. u. u, 1'!1, tOG,_..; lit 400,
tO:", Uaftr territury, 401; Tlr'a
u wi.s.b, 40l, !"!J',T. tU, ri.
l\t-rntf.A,I .. l:J "J 0$ 4"0
kurmn, lt... '-t., '

Kl'uiul K111lt, iii. 67", 61-11.1
J\nb11 lUll, Tt 2, 276
Kh .. hm U...U. KUn, Iii. 211
Kh nt. t
l\h.zi.l\b6ya. Lho, i. ss
1\lulrr., l.
1\IWnl..t diA. 1io& L 2td
KUkla, l 06, iY. 99, lOl. 192
ri. 100
KhaLaf bin iii. fH, h. lG& 1
llt!di.Oirl I U 1 ... .a
nl l \lahm6d aad odat
1i ,,.,

J\luUt\1 6[ .Y10"Pt.1L 01,9:1,07, roalimu
Muhammad 'fqhlik, hi. 66j
t rube.) ; lntN suhU
t', au, Yi.. tid:
liltln-1 1.., (.IUor't, Cbolau llflr by
D!IW', r. 3;;. i.l9, U
K b .. ..WUU \>h11>4 dlol .W.O.
JaJbr, \'JL 60-.!, .. t. th:W It),._ GO
1\Mt,lt .... l.awi.a ('a), ,-jj, m
Kh!moiJ,uur.a. S.. &.nuruaud daula

)h'b.r,t4!); ian..lW,lii.GO; 1\inglo(,
f&. A2; ChAI!Df'!tt, 203. 000; rnoh
ar Sniyid 11&411,
)f taRn, ti. bi'
)Uclb.u Jlh Vethl. flil 55,
:ltl ;, -
0.\ll,lr. a., 41: bow lilllo t<rriury
t n, 4:!. JoatA, u o( Jl.ebU, trrn of Sibn-
du, '" ddULhiJ, 3-&6
alldiaa.rta. a60

JUTft Wb1rt hil t'.u!Mr, 10, U:!,
t. let, U!Rll W Lhrwr, ii. !n,
i1'.164. nocftn:. .,,..,_ aa..t tut.,. It\ m
tltr 1\bu.Ur,. i.i. '2-! 17--&, Us1,
h. 16G, 108: ddcu.tot J, ii.
it. t;ll, Kbalal,iii. ra.
dJ8II lJU. X\ib, " iT, 171:
nd::a 4 Jbbf', iL :!"-$, b1. G.i, lY,
l1!; nptdboD "' KbwlNnl, lil5,
aad C'OCii:lU<I!Ot U. U, 43l, i.
l10, t';S, 114; takea 'tulttn,l 215,
ii. 30, 4-41, h. 110, U!i; .u4eb
.!aaH lltl, d. U:!_ ri.ll'S; bettl
.. "' lloltb, loot !a tb<
d.-r1, u. tr-. tH, " 220: We.
K.Aabmlr,il.i1,4, MalbW'tt,TI.11,
$t1 1 Kuauj, U. 46, fl4, {T, 171t,, L VS. H. lD:.t, t48;
of 'lrik.aY,ISt; b)."*'- ii. dioi'J, n
1'7, ai. '!;O, '" I :u, 1&1, 1 S..IC ,
krill, l U; ba pmoa, ua.. A; cfu ..
IT, 11<$; )it-nalm \Q lf.arJWd
m.;n, iii.o.:J;
of boyt. or, ii. U12,, aoe, u. 118, 16t; lnmtd .....
., hM "'P to,
611. """" -. oa!Ua upo!>...-,
u ... ,.
llbmdd of Gqjdt, ;.,, 37tc. 60.$
lLt.b.mOl Snhlln or Jtar4r, attatb
DOll, 'f. "l. Hi: maka Ul
llohlol, 50 ; da1h. II
ltab6d K\.ilj, ..., !\a tJ. \f!t!l w
h. '260, 11;1,
)labnodJ lihllD, SW.t&.Q ut \lultb, " IGtJ
llai.Jna., tht! i. tM
lt..h,.,, chi r u( JalpO.r, i tll
lUlannu, iiP'- meuu. 1 1. tli.

J akb@'lf' tOf'CCI., n. &J.'\ an; ClftClG
of, T TIU. 2$1\,
.,_,.,!, Yii. SU; UilCU npon ... \u:ralll
,, b' -rit 317, au:1:
n.,-aJ lnDl"o S-).5.
3A: o( t.beir poww, Itt,
46t. J'l'f .. ......
": ....... o( Wtdl "-
aeb. ai&; CIOWA 1t.. C".U.4 ad
. hnU, too, tm. 26i. ::no:
111ttac'k Yli. -122 ;
.\ol' Wdb, 4$:1 , ....... I (
- tk, i6e, nu. 'MO, njocl.ol by
)luki.P, i. 241
lluHtl. ,... )I oar 1\"IWI 6 u
Ylll96r K\b. lW ,;i\udar !>it.W.a
.ll..aaRra. o(, lo )Ji 1 ta\t:t hf
llollat.l. ll. tiV
lluo6rptb, takca. ..;, li
llarita :\tai.S..OJ, IQIIInliiC"o T, 207;
rG(IIrd at t1unua.&l, llJ: nuu1: 11
Jadua, :ZU, nS, ,i V\1, 1011;
dcoolh. 111
lda'r-Uf J.'anauU, 'llb, h. 6Hl, '" IG
Mlnll,l. I
)l""'ln 1.
Khlll, L 4t0
lanrh 11., i, 1-41
.... nnd 'o\11, iw, 3\n, -487
i1i. 71'1. H.;;, UCJ.. I tPt J!l,
by 'l'fnu1r, n. IL tl. '35, tOi,
br lllbar. 217, bJ Nt.Jr tib'-b Ill
lkbli. 'ilL u. nt, 81
lf'dd . .Wtm.., 6os. 61o
ll'iod (holt ' WI), ... of \hhmdol.
di..-t-n"Dea .w. lUI .a.dwr' ',.. u 7
.t, II, ll!J, :71: utedut.ts
c(. .... ,, 6(,, iw. lD.t.
I .. , olq>ooibOtl ol
iT, UT, ..,.,.;..,..s
"""IJll04, Jll! .-
ll.oo'611 II. ' .\lbo<ltllo, iL :.17,
lll .. h.M, - u. nu:
IGtab, iu 2 (n. 110
NaUm D1d.Uari,l. tl2, " UJ.G,irl.\
lla'daa Khb faru\h61l, U7, iiO,
4:1, i. {2
l11!'116m .KI!AD J\t.1,ull ('.1\f ?th'Una), 'f,
iU1J, 413, .. 16-0, 4111.,

vL oiJ, 11.a, tn2-

1. 447, Yil UU
.Maudt.d, 1'rilu't nl l:luh I. il.
a;:,, I H. 2.i6, 'liJ, tb2, i. laf,
:!00, . Jljij
M Jw \lah=OI>J. l 236
ll'ldl. 1-. u. JM, 162, U'ol,
a;o, hl. 1 :ss
Mrdt.. i.. :t. 12.1f,-9, uo-, no, Itt
... '2i6
fAll o(a .... "l a;a
lh'-n. ua. 103_ 64).1, G6-1,
!'.:t, nL. ao;, ,.,

lUU .bh41 ., Bb6dll, \)xo i,..itltr, ir.
HI. ' , iaJJrioo-1 U.S .-.nlcnd,
. u,u
lhbb, T. 2H
)hct, of, 1i. 407
lfkh, 1i.
lii!U !Joo, ol. 32j (Ti. lOG
:Milltt, aaed Ia airp, hi. ...
GE.'1R.\L L'10:t.
nu u.
3-8, u
X1 n.<l dbl, \isle, iii.
!Uood dia.
:\l!111-clthn Ka.b!atba, i. Ill:
:S91i, "" 641,
6ti3; '' ue
!\._ iru-d d&u SJltlan, ii.. 241,
::J 16, 3Cli. itl. 3'5. !.t!t,
:uira..J diJ>. &. llalwamool
X..U..-<1 &, ""' d &!boa. kilW lor
R!lllku nu. iii ss. tz:!
:\ ..t & Bo;ttari !iSla'. ' t1a
flllJcr.;d. lU, 1!0wt, 12?,. t.
67i, ,,..1
)(...,.-d olla llal:unood Slloh, of
Uqjuil.o iw. 3D
SIWnl-d dlo Swnt Sbr.h, h. 314
dlll ol ll:..n.lO, ,j
,tl), MO
;>a.;..,.J Mlllk, Yi. S.. blo

!'iatiOJC, rii. 27&.7,
L -1 lT, ri.. 161, IAI
,.\ual ti:hu i . .ZU,J t 2if
S'1ib lbblda:r. :s.a Kh.b
\awlh 1\lllltip.. l'data lW
Shih; 1L Ul, -'&1, w. C.S:
lY, l:J
sm. 'All ... 24G
\_d :"',,..,, Jlrioet, TtL .S, &S!-9 A09
!\ ... \a:Urs (or forri;u Allain}. 10,
18, !B
):, .... )fuua!lllAM. iii.. 16, t!!;, .... 1&4,
n:z. ra-,, tlll
iY. 42M, i31, n;, 4M, '93
uo. Y. tqs
XU Slnd1ua,l 3G2 iOR f;)Z
s,ndbia, u, '
.. lu HhiM. 1L z;, fiSt
Xi;tluUrf lha;bala, tii. 4!\
Kbar, L 119, c ;
XIJ:.. '.\I. Khb bl:l'Un.l, ..-id.. tSG
\ !liol ' I I> lop, rl.
1'izu. &'ldbil. n.. ;o. a;, fU, Ul, U&,
llt, JU., lit, -412. l14-0. tU: h.
It ; 11"{ lw fath K\ln,
'i, dt.ild ,., U.. i
-"*" oo;;om.t, child to\ou-
eonffanl, 61; tcni:orifl -1-nJ, '2.54
SV.ron.d 1Ha Ahmad, IIi ni n, t.
17M; al 1\llnll, Ui ; ia l.Jujarltl,. 4:!'
4l7; r"!tlled, Hi, t.'lS. lf\'UIId M
aht., t82 .. 433; Wtb, l' lJO
dJo .Aulira. iii. fSjf, i
'StJAmll-d &1111 n., )m. i. -:!:li, :1.3:1
:\ldlllQ.o.d diu 1n:bttr or Kw.lC:ClbA-l.,
olaip apoa. Uae li:I'OIIIC. an. l tG kit
mukrl. l ti ; pcB->Di!ll. I l"l
lif"SEitAL 1:'\DEX

Su\la!.. raul, tii.. ar.;. rmr.. YR. 81
S!o:m ot 'llwu. Tb. II ; &t OoicaWI,
til. m.o. at u.r.twv.
S lbo.o. Klq of ll1!lo, L I N
ori&l or, II. m, m. u: !do
"" %61 '. udo mt. I
at C.iMAt. '" IP: Bu.\ a.!
Kald.U. 1&. ll, i". ltl; indca
Dhad., il. 1,., 22; ftiii'(Qall, :SS;
nr. . ..;, 6GD
SOd.ariil'Aih, 1. 10
Skbail, ()( 117;
Sa bail Bdlll, 1. ZU
:;.u\hJiil, it u01
tiuU.imt.n, h.,nnt1tlll .. r J\uhmlr, ri. 67
th11 1:\hhf. i. I:J9
S.Wmb 1\bbt. \UI SaiU...
lbr,bhn. iY.6u7,T 2\.';, Ti. :JG; obt:.J,lm
ol .... ...
u. obbi:D.t Or....a. ,. 4 . s, 611, 91..
:1.'1, $&: plou oploo Jlu'ia ILloh,
n. u. &.u.,, a:t. n. an
lliru, o( lw.kloahb.
m4Z. %'J:t,IIO.

Hi&. t
:;a.labah "'ha\ob. l'riDtt, Yit lSI'!.
2u, !'!0, m. tat\ 'S3
.._of the DI"'Il. iY.
lh t11la lf'l1 lO ll.abmGd. ii.
2GU, t !Sn, u lUi
Suhln '.\lt. (lr h.uhmrr, iY. &f
1)u1tlan Khtatrd e11arb-. i.
'luhmiUIId. ti. ll\0
Sumn, KinK h( i.
fiQmnu, CUIIUtr) 4.>(, \, :&jl
Sl1ilua dfn,)',l.

4t':S; hi. 20 lf.t
Sutl. nr-hip cr, .,., 6t0,
Sudlb, ltl'-'rr,,'ll ! lOO l"l! :t.
" u. i. 2tli
&.nt.., h. ao!\, no
s.,.,j Mal &!lyl Tiii.
1U...S U2. lOS. tGJ. '!;t, !H...S.
2if, U3,11i. $!0..1, 14!"2..1U
> onl. balr;pl by ,u,.,, T, tll-
omp<ioo <ll. T. JIO boilditot: of , ...
lort.;, 601; 14\rtl hf !"lYIJl. rii. b; I
-lailo>l.DJIPia. nU. 202
SAri. Kior .r m ..... iL iii. &I
UU 1:'0:., ZW, .93
... , . .1U
tiwt.. A'-bar" lilt tack oa, T. t!W, ri.. SO
r.1 n ... u. n

ii. t!U
Ta'ollakdu, Tiil. IU
'rCJL. Till,
YiiU,, ia StaJ, i. U j, Ul. 195
\ ~ a h. Ul
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