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Woodmont Christian Churchs Mission: Growing Disciples of Christ by Seeking God, Sharing Love and Serving Others.


July 7, 2014

Volume 42, Issue 22

Mission Trip to Guatemala, June 21st-27th 2014 (more on pg 7)

Welcome New Members!

In This Issue
This Editions Highlights


From Your Ministers


Birthdays & Appreciation Cookout

Hooper Classic Golf Tournament

June 29, 2014 - Ashley & Eric Hartfelder

WCC and WCPS Welcomes

Martha Duff!

VBS & Guatemala Mission Trip 6-7

Summer Reading & Hymn Choir 8
News/Events/Grant Recipients

We are happy to announce the

long awaited arrival of WCPSs
new Director Martha Duff.
Please stop by the preschool and
say hello!

Classes/Moment for Missions 10

Bulletin Board


Upholding Our Church back cover

Core Values

Appreciation Cookout (more on pg 4)

Hooper Classic Golf Tournament, June 21st 2014 (more on pg 5)

Hale Hooper and Clay Stauffer

Forrest Crossing Golf Course

VBS 2014 at Woodmont June 24th - 27th, 2014 (more on page 6)

2014 Areas of Focus
Small Groups
Strategic Planning

Volume 42, Issue 22

The Spire

The Future

by Clay Stauffer

As a church, Woodmont continues to be strong. Seventy-one

years ago, a group of members from Vine Street Christian Church
had a vision to plant a new congregation South of town. They
held their first meeting at Woodmont School on Sunday evening
of July 18, 1943. That era brought its own challenges; Pearl
Harbor, World War II raging abroad, and the growing threat of
Nazi Germany and Hitlers Third Reich. Fathers were away from
families and yet in the midst of all that, a new church was born.
Committed leadership, vision, and sacrifice is what started this
church and is what will continue to lead it forward. Throughout
its history, Woodmont has had its share of ups and downs, good
times and bad. Since our beginning, we have strived to be a
bridge church that welcomes Christians of all backgrounds and
denominations, focusing on the unity of Christ and the priesthood
of all believers. Dr. Drowota referred to Woodmont as an
umbrella church, noting that if you can keep your hand on the
center (a belief in Christ), there is room for diversity of opinions,
perspectives, and politics. We believe whole-heartedly in the
saying that which
unites us is greater
than that which divides
us, and we encourage
our members to think
for themselves, to
learn from each other,
and to have civil and
when disagreements
arise. Just like with our country, we must continue to ask
ourselves, What are we doing to make this church great for our
children in the future? After all, Paul reminds us that we are the
body of Christ, and whatever we want the church to be, we must
be ourselves. Love is the only thing that holds it all together.
Paul also says that no one can lay any foundation other than the
one that has been laid; that foundation is Jesus Christ. We have
just completed a strategic planning process and now it is time
to start implementing it. We are strengthening our preschool,
improving that facility, and will now be focused on addressing
space challenges at South Hall to accommodate the growing
outreach ministries that we are committed to supporting.
Mission and outreach has always been and will continue to be a
defining part of why Woodmont is here.
What do you think about the future in regards to our nation
and our church? What worries you? What gets you excited?
What have we learned from the past? What are your dreams and
visions? How can we continue to spread the love of Christ in new
ways to new generations? I think these are questions well worth
pondering. Happy Birthday to America and to Woodmont!

Last Friday, we celebrated the 238th

birthday of our great nation the United
States of America. This Sunday ( July
13th), we will celebrate the 71st birthday
of Woodmont Christian Church. As I
write this today ( July 7th) our family
is celebrating the 4th birthday of our
daughter Montgomery.
We went to Whitland
Ave. to celebrate the
fourth of July last Friday
morning. Our kids love
to be in the parade and
hear the patriotic music.
Clayton (age 2) drove his
motorized jeep despite
his inability to steer or
stop. The weather was
perfect, unusually cool
for this time of year. We
also have a number of
who live on Whitland and
help host the festivities.
When you become a
parent, you begin to think a lot about the future. Specifically, what
type of world will my kids be growing up in? We live in a great
country and enjoy freedoms that others in the world long to have
life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Many have given their lives
to ensure that freedom. But along with the unknown future, there
are always many questions. What will it mean for our kids to grow
up in a world of terrorism where a radical group like ISIS is trying to
take over Iraq to set up an Islamic State? What will it mean for our
kids to grow up in a world where many hate and despise western
culture? What will it mean for
our kids to grow up in a country
that has a national debt of 17
trillion dollars? What will it
mean for our kids to grow up in
a country where the American
Dream that many have enjoyed
seems far out of reach for far too
many families? Challenges are
not new. Every generation has
challenges and must rise to meet
them. But if this experiment that
is the United States of America is
to continue for many generations
to come, how will we meet these

pg. 2

The Spire

Report from Guatemala

July 7, 2014

by Trey Flowers

barrier, we undoubtedly made new friendships and

memories that will last a lifetime.
Tuesday - the group stretched themselves in new ways,
passing out live pigs and chickens to people in the
community who had saved up their benefits to help
support their families.
Wednesday - we spent the morning helping reforest
trees that had been destroyed for firewood (planting
240 trees in all). After a 30 minute hike through the
forest, our guides took us on a surprise visit to see a
beautiful 50 foot waterfall!
Thursday - on our last full day we visited two houses
that had been built with money given in 2012 by the
Woodmont Outreach Committee. They were small but
dignified, and the families were thrilled to show us how
our church had helped change their lives. We were
overwhelmed when we got to the houses to find a live
mariachi-style band and a basket of peaches for each
one of us (many days worth of labor for the families).
They helped us understand radical hospitality in a
whole new way! On this last night of the trip, our
Unbound hosts surprised us with an elegant banquet
and slideshow of our trip. We all shared memories
and stories from the trip, and the youth accepted a
challenge to raise $100 each so that our youth group
could help build a new house for a Guatemalan family.
Friday - another 3:30 am wakeup followed by a safe
arrival in Nashville!

Please take the time to ask one of our high school
students about the trip. I know they have many pictures and
stories to share with the congregation, and you will certainly be
touched by the way they share their experience. For those of you
who are able, the biggest show of support as we return would
be to sponsor a child in Guatemala through Unbound. At just
$30 a month, you can offer a child a transformational change
and begin a relationship that will nourish you far more than you
give. To sponsor a child, please contact me or visit http://www.
In Christ,

On behalf of the high school youth

group, thank you to the entire Woodmont
congregation for your love, prayers, and
support during our recent mission trip
to Guatemala. We took 19 youth and 5
adults to San Lucas Toliman, Guatemala
on June 21-27. Each youth received a
financial scholarship of $350 thanks to the
generosity of those who made the Pumpkin Patch possible. Over the
last three years since our last trip to Guatemala, the Pumpkin Patch
raised more than $19,000 to help fund our youth mission trips!
One aspect of the Guatemala trip that was unique compared
to previous mission trips I had been on was how relationshipbased it was. As many of you know, Woodmonts partnership
with Unbound (formerly CFCA) goes back to 2007 when WCC
youth Ellen Thomas took an interest in Guatemala. Since that
time, the youth group has taken three mission trips to San Lucas
Toliman, and there will be a first-ever WCC adult trip there this
coming November. Over the last seven years, members of our
church have individually sponsored more than 60 children
living in Guatemala to help pay for education, food, and other
resources (including Lester, who is sponsored by the entire
Childrens Ministry and Lidia, who is sponsored by the Youth
Ministry). While we were in Guatemala we were able to meet
25 of the children sponsored by members of our church. It was
amazing to actually meet and spend time with so many people
whose lives have been transformed because of the generosity of
Woodmont members. We played soccer and Jenga, told jokes,
and saw a talent show with the sponsored children. It was an
important reminder that when we give, it makes a real difference
in an actual persons life.
It was truly amazing to see how the trip transformed lives
(especially our own). Here is a quick recap of our trip:
Saturday - the 3:30 am wake up got us off to a quick start!
Trucking 19 teenagers through international airports was a new
adventure for the adults, but we all made it safe and sound.
Sunday - the first full day in Guatemala, we worked in tomato
fields helping local families harvest their crops. The twentyfour of us worked for a combined 5 weeks of labor that the
families would have otherwise done on their own. Afterwards
we went to a Catholic mass. Because we were unable to take
communion there, we had our own brief communion service
back at the lodge. What a powerful experience to have the
youth lead their own worship service!
Monday - we met many of the youth and children
sponsored by various members of the Woodmont
community, including Lester and Lidia.
sponsored child participated in a talent show, either
singing or dancing for the crowd. The WCC youth
group performed one of our favorite Thom Schuyler
songs, Lead Me to the Rock. Despite the language

To see more photos and read daily journal entries, visit and click on the GUATEMALA
JOURNAL link. There are more photos on pg. 6 of The Spire.
pg. 3

Volume 42, Issue 22

The Spire
Wesley White
Katie Sheridan
Kate Allen
Amelie Webb
Tigist Webb
Julia Hermann

Steve C. Smith
Phillip Coderre
Allison Cannon
Abigail Norton

Walter G. Elliott
Mary Lynn Skinner
Frank F. Drowota, III
Shaun Larson
Montgomery Stauffer

Farrell Mason
Shirley Taylor

Robert F. Howell
Lady Bird
Bob Johnson

Gloria Welch
Chuck Welch

Eliza Musick
Kathy Patten

Mary A. Ramsey
Jeanie Taylor
Merillat Flowers
Brad French
Lindsey Thomas

Carol Parsons
Beth Easter
Diane French

Dallas Flowers
Elijah Collins
Ladonna Cooper

Michael Dunn
Chris Smith
Ava Rumsey
Nix Joyner
Seth Joyner
Brax Templin

Beth Meador
Lindsay Jenkins
Anna Lora Whitley
Richard Anderson
Alex Smith
Talbott Ottinger
Andy Donahoe
Lucy Kate McIntyre
Leigh Ann Wilhite
Elisa Clark
Neil Dyer
Bobby MacAllister
Gail Berry
Michael Holscher
Roy Smith

John Hermann
Sallie Walker
Denice Johnson
Corri Musterman
Sharon Lloyd
John Reeder
Alex Rollins
Bette Jefcoat
Chris Drahman
Bart Pride
Josie Quin
Thom McHugh
Joann Daugherty
Katie Voorhis
Jessica Collins
Andrew Dever
Natalie Copeland
Wendell Brown
Jerry Hughes
Alex Woodard
Stacia Vetter
Riley Best
James Cropp
Ellen Andserson

Becky Coffey
Lowell Stokes
L.A. Galyon
Brody Wallace
Andrew Brown
Hal Tevebaugh
Scott Pierce
Mike McConnell
Anne Arney
Sam Hawksley
Steve McHugh
Emily Carpenter
Lila Faricy
Charlie Brinkley
Abbey Coderre
Mary Beth McLaurine
Clay Stauffer
Jonathan Farmer
Lynne Bowers
David Stewart
Michele Payne
Donnie Creighton
Jan Goans
Ann Luther
Ruby Grace Good

Frank Russell
Drowota, Jr.
Donovan McAbee
Thatcher Paisley
Lucy Hermann
Alma Norton


Leadership Appreciation Cookout at the Parsonage June 29th, 2014

pg. 4

The Spire

July 7, 2014

13 Teams, 52 Players, 18 Holes, 94 Degrees, 17 Volunteers & 1 Special Honoree - Hale Hooper
This years Hooper Classic Golf Tournament was on June 21st at Forrest Crossing in Franklin, TN and had the most
number of participants ever. It is because of the players, sponsors and volunteers that lives are saved and stroke
is being prevented. THANK YOU FOR PARTICIPATING! Special thanks to those who gave of their time, talent
and treasure by sponsoring teams, donating prizes, preparing meals, snapping photos and helping to coordinate

Seeking God, Sharing Love, Serving Others


pg. 7

Volume 42, Issue 22

The Spire

STAFF PICKS Summer Reading *available in Spire Books!

*Re-Claiming the Bible for a Non-Religious World
by John Shelby Spong
Evolution of the Word by Marcus Borg
Putting Away Childish Things, A Tale of Modern Faith
by Marcus Borg
Misquoting Jesus by Bart D. Ehrman
The Next 100 Years by George Friedman
The Essential Wisdom of the Saints by Carol Kelly-Gangied

*The Meaning of Jesus by Marcus Borg and N.T. Wright
Gift from the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Bread of Angels by Barbara Brown Taylor
One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp
Take This Bread by Sara Miles
Bach - Music in the Castle of Heaven by John Eliot Gardiner
Broken Alleluia -The Life of Leonard Cohen by Liel Leibovitz
The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupry
East of Eden by John Steinbeck

* Tattoos on the Heart by Father Greg Boyle
Toxic Charity by Robert Lupton
Art of the Commonplace by Wendell Berry
The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of
Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander
What Does God Look Like by Lawrence and Karen Kushner
*The Truth About God by Stanley Hauerwas and Will Willimon
Making Sense of the Bible by Adam Hamilton
American Gospel by Jon Meacham
Strange Glory: A Life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer by Charles Marsh
Leadership Without Easy Answers by Ronald Heifetz

*Simple Church by Thom Ranier
The Angel and the Raven by Farrell Mason
Brim by Andra Moran
Celebration of Discipline by Richard J. Foster
The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom
*Craddock Stories by Fred Craddock
The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Living the Questions by Jeff Procter-Murphy
The Heart of Christianity by Marcus Borg
Tales of the Hasidim by Martin Buber

Hymn Choir - A Sound Adventure

For as long as I can remember, the Chancel Choir has taken a singing vacation from the week after Birthday Sunday
until our September Kickoff. It is much deserved, since they discipline their time to include every Wednesday night and
Sunday morning between September and middle of July in the pursuit of worship enhancement. That totals 135+ hours
of service per year. May the good Lord bless them and keep me...
This year, I would like to pursue a new adventure during those 6-7 weeks while they vacate - a Hymn Choir, if you will.
It will be made of volunteers from the congregation who love to sing but dont have the time to commit to 45 weeks of
service. It will require showing up on Sunday mornings at 10:30 (in the choir room) and learning an easy arrangement of
a well-known hymn to be performed as the anthem for the 11:00 A.M. service.
For those whose attention I have, let me answer some questions:
Do I have to read music?
No. The anthems will be well-known hymns with which you are familiar.
Do I have to wear a robe?
No. We will not robe.
Will we process?
Is this user-friendly?
Yes, very.
Can I miss a week during the 6-7 week period?
Yes. Two, if you must.
Since this is a hymn choir, are hers invited, too?
Yes, definitely!
If you have any further questions, email me at Hope to see you on Sunday, July 27!

Michael Graham

pg. 8

The Spire

July 7, 2014

The WCC Book Club is taking the summer off from

meeting, but not from reading. Stay in; stay cool, and
enjoy reading THE BOYS IN THE BOAT by Daniel James
Brown. Our next meeting will be September 16th at
10:30 in Room 107. Virginia Lewis will be our discussion
leader. Everyone is invited!

Happy Birthday Woodmont!

This Sunday marks
Woodmonts 71st Birthday.
Please join us in the Gathering Hall
at 10:30 a.m. for a reception.

Seeking, Sharing, Serving

Wednesdays Led by Clay Stauffer and
Our Ministerial Staff

Sept 10 Seeking
Sept 17 Sharing
Sept 24 Serving
more details coming soon!

Woodmont Youth Groups Day Trip to Cummins Falls!

We will meet at WCC on the morning of July 29th at 9am for a
day trip to Cummins Falls State Park.
There will be a moderate hike to the water falls where we will
spend time swimming, having a sack lunch & enjoying the
beautiful falls! A detailed packing list will be sent as the day
approaches. There is NO COST for this youth group trip.
We will return to WCC at approximately 4:30pm.

The Outreach Grants committee awarded the following grants for the 4th quarter of this fiscal year:
Bethany Fellowships
Mobile Meals
World Convention
Christian Church of TN
Community Nashville
Renewal House
Family and Childrens Svcs
First Steps, Inc
Rooftop Foundation
Ministers Discretionary Fund
Men of Valor
Safe Haven Family Center
Bethany Hills Camp
Society of St. Andrew
pg. 9

Volume 42, Issue 22

The Spire

Woodmont Kids Sunday School

Wed. & Sun. Kids & Adult Classes

9:30 a.m. Classes

ChristQuest - Ronda Hirst
Stars (2 Yrs) - Jane Clay and Porter Meadors - Lesson: Good Samaritan
Pandas (3 Yrs) - Becky Griffith - Lesson: Jonah
Frogs (4 Yrs) - Joy Jackson - Lesson: Jesus Heals a Boy
Monkeys (5 Yrs/K) - Lesson: Jesus Heals a Boy
11:00 a.m. Classes
Childrens Church - Sarah Drury
4th/5th Grade Class - Topher Endress

Woodmont Adult Sunday School

9:30 a.m. Classes

Disciples Class Led by Roy Stauffer - Rm. 105
Challenge Class Led by Bob Herrick - Rm. 200
Young Adult Class Led by Rob Quinn - BR
Spiritual Journeys Class for Women
Led by Rev Anne Stauffer - The Bay

11:00 a.m. Classes

2nd Hr. Spiritual Journeys - Open to Men - Led by Rev Anne Stauffer - The Bay
Reflections - Rm. 200
Points of View Discussion Group - Rm. 105
College & University-Aged Young Adults Led by Thom Schuyler - Rm. 107
Pathways Class for Parents - BR


Join us for a Sing-A-Long with David Regen and The Wednesday Evening
Wailers then a Potluck Supper followed by Bible Study led by Roy Stauffer.

5:30 pm
6:15 pm
6:45 pm

July 9, 2014

Sing-A-Long with David Regen and the Wednesday Evening Wailers in Rm 105.
Potluck Supper (DH) - Please bring one dish: salad, meat, vegetable or dessert.
Bible Study The Five Blocks of Jesus Teaching in Matthews Gospel in Rm 105

The Five Blocks of Jesus Teaching in Matthews Gospel - Week by Week

July 9
July 16
July 23
July 30

2nd Block of Teaching, chapter 9-10, Work and Behavior of Disciples

3rd Block of Teaching, chapter 13, Parables of the Kingdom
4th Block of Teaching, chapter 18-19:9, Greatness and Forgiveness
5th Block of Teaching, chapters 24-25, The End of the Age

Through the generous spirit of our membership and the diligent and
prayerful work of our Outreach Committee, Woodmont Christian Church
provides significant gifts and grants to a host of local, regional and global
organizations whose goals and efforts align with our mission of Seeking
God, Sharing Love and Serving Others. Beginning with this issue of The
Spire and continuing through June 2015 this column will highlight these
partner organizations by sharing brief overviews of their missions. Several
organizations will be included in each issue. (Since WCCs Outreach grants are awarded on a quarterly basis
this column will identify those organizations funded between July 2013 and June 2014).
Better Decisions - Our mission is to teach and foster decision-making and life-planning skills among women
who are incarcerated, and others expressing interest, by means of a structured curriculum delivered by trained
volunteers. The ultimate goal is to reduce recidivism among female offenders and to break the intergenerational
cycle of crime by teaching women (most of whom are mothers) how to gain more control over their lives by setting
goals, deciding rather than reacting, and making and sticking to concrete plans for changing their attitudes and
Disciples Divinity House - We are called to prepare excellent Disciple ministers through our supportive community
of faith.
Faith Family Medical Clinic - Seeks to follow the commitment of people of faith to provide hope and medical care
for the working uninsured by meeting their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.

pg. 10

The Spire

Opportunities at Woodmont

Sunday July 13
9:30 a.m.
Worship Service & Child Dedication (Sanc)
11:00 a.m.
Worship Service & Child Dedication (Sanc)
9:30 & 11:00 a.m. Sunday School
10:30 a.m.
Woodmonts 71st Birthday Reception (GH)
5:15 p.m.*
The Bridge Worship Service (DH)
6:00 p.m.
The Bridge Soup
Monday, July 14
4:00 p.m.
The Geezers (BR)
Tuesday, July 15
9:00 a.m.
Womens Prayer Group (C/S)

July 7, 2014

Wednesday, July 16
6:15 a.m.
Mens Small Group 107)
7:00 a.m.
Mens Bible Study (105)

Younger Mens Bible Study (BR)
5:30 p.m.
Wed. Night Sing-A-Long (105)
6:15 p.m.
Potluck Dinner
6:30 p.m.
Stephen Ministry (107/LIB/Camp-Stn)
6:45 p.m.
Wed. Night Bible Study (105)
Thursday June 17 Library Workday

Prayers for our Church Family

In the Hospital:
Suzannah King Watson, daughter of Doug and Terri King, Womack
Army Medical Center Fort Bragg, NC
John Collins, Sumner County Hospital
New Concerns:
Andy York, husband of Mary Glynn Williamson, St. Thomas, Nashville
Susan Murphy
Continuing Concerns:
Mim Ingman - Visitors or cards: Temporary address: Elmcroft of

Brentwood, 5436 Edmondson Pike, Rm #37, Nashville, TN 37211
Jim and Denese Griffin, Sister/brother-in-law of Karen Conrad
Wayne Puckett
Debbie McPherson, daughter of Rita Baldwin
Dorothy Forlidas, mother of Nick Forlidas
John Crowe, godson of Glenn & Mary Kiger
Mike Stewart
Ellen Anderson
Maddie Murphy
Jeannette Miller

Military Prayer List:

Dan King & wife, Ashley King, brother and sister-in-law of
Stephen Daniel King
Richie Mercado, Afghanistan, son-in-law of Barbara and
Doug Schoerke
Dave Albritton, nephew of Dave and Pat Malone
Those Serving Abroad:
Jesse Garrison, Peace Corp in Armenia
Courtney Valk, Peace Corp in Republic of Georgia
Lindsey and Clark Rollins on the birth of their daughter Sarah Margaret
Rollins. Proud grandparents are Milton and Denice Johnson
JR and Kailey Hand on the birth of their son, Jackson Hand on
Thursday, June 26th
Sympathy to:
Marion Adams Greenlee, Seth Norman and family on the death of
Marions aunt and Seths cousin, Ann Sneed Adams. Mrs. Adams
passed away on July 8th in Knoxville, TN.
Give Thanks:
Penny Stelling

Elders Prayer Corner

Gods comfort to our members and friends who are experiencing health issues or grief
Divine discernment and guidance for our church leaders

All members to feel loved and included in our church family

All of us to commit ourselves fully to God as willing servants to Him and others
pg. 11

Woodmont Christian Church

3601 Hillsboro Rd. Nashville, TN 37215

The Spire

The Mansion Foyer



Sunday School

Total Atd.


June 15
June 22
June 29
July 6




9:30 and 11:00 a.m.

Clay Stauffer, Preaching
Title: Pain and Resilience
Scripture: Romans 5:1-5, II Corinthians 4:7-12
5:15 p.m. - The Bridge
Justin Gung, Preaching
Title: "Iron & Gold"
Scripture: Genesis 50:19-20

DEACON SCHEDULE- July 13, 2014

Communion Prep: Nora Rich
Service Coordinator: 9:30 -David Reynolds
11:00 - OPEN
5:15 - Jay Everett
Video Camera:
9:30 - Grant Smothers
11:00 - OPEN
9:30 a.m.
Kasey Clymer
Mark Clymer
Chris Smith
Laura Beth Brown
Hope Walker
Paula Forcht
Steven McGinty
Monte Good

11:00 a.m.
Cynthia Beck
Jim Hester
Laurie Hester
Patricia Taylor
Christy Brown
Steve LaForge
Katherine Hartle
Robin Heyne

5:15 p.m.
Jay Everett
Glenn Kiger
Mary Kiger
Rebecca Everett
Tami Buchanan


July 13, 2014
9:30 a.m.
Pat Malone
Wendell Brown
11:00 a.m.
Kathy Patten
Pete Kyne
Pat Malone - Hospital
5:15 p.m.
Bryan Sargent
The Journey Church, Cordova


Rev. Clay Stauffer, Senior Minister

Dr. C. Roy Stauffer, Minister of Adult Education & Church Life
Rev. Trey Flowers, Minister of Youth & The Bridge
Rev. Justin Gung, Minister of Children & Congregational Care
Thom Schuyler, Director of College, Young Adults, Missions & Outreach
Farrell Mason, Minister of Family Life & Pastoral Care
Andra Moran & Stephen Daniel King, Creative Directors for The Bridge
Carla CJ Schooler, Minister of Jr. High Youth
Tallu Quinn, Director of TNFP
Michael Graham, Director of Music Ministry
Topher Endress, Ministerial Intern
Sarah Huffman, Accompanist
Mary Clare Pyron, Parish Nurse &Small Groups Coordinator
Sara Koppelman, Communications Director
Rebecca Vaughan, Receptionist
Chris Beck, Finance Manager
Beverly Honeycutt, Housekeeping
Sam Marsh, Property Manager - Housekeeping Supervisor

Martha Duff, Director of Preschool

Linda Whitson, Staff Administrator
Steven Austin, Housekeeping
Shirley Taylor, Housekeeping
Nancy Holmes, Childrens Ministry Assistant

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