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GNU Radio Installation Instructions

1. Access the terminal window by clicking Applications then Accessories, and finally

2. Then type the following commands in the terminal

mkdir 3.0.3-usb-fix (this creates a directory called gnuradio)
cd 3.0.3-usb-fix (this changes the directory to the one just created)

3. Type the following command line in the terminal to download gnuradio. This
subversion is used because the version available under the Download link will not
recognize the USRP.

svn co

4. Copy the following command line into the terminal and press enter. This command
line is taken from the Ubuntu build guide under Install required packages
sudo apt-get -y install g++ automake1.9 libtool python-dev
fftw3-dev libcppunit-dev libboost-dev sdcc libusb-dev
libasound2-dev libsdl1.2-dev python-wxgtk2.6 subversion guile-
1.6 libqt3-mt-dev python-numpy-ext

A message may appear telling the user to remove the y from the commands to be
entered in steps 4 and 5. If the message appears remove the y and repeat steps 4
and 5.

Also a prompt may appear asking the user to continue, simply press Y and hit

5. Copy the following command line into the terminal. This command was taken from
the Ubuntu build guide under the heading Install optional packages with the exception
of the added packages gnuplot, r-base, gsl and swig

sudo apt-get -y install gkrellm wx-common libwxgtk2.6-dev
alsa-base autoconf xorg-dev g77 gawk bison openssh-server
emacs cvs usbview octave gnuplot r-base gsl swig

7. Copy the qwt-5.0.2.tar.bz2 into your home directory. The tarball can be obtained by
entering the following command in the terminal


8. To compile and install the qwt type the following
tar jxf qwt-5.0.2.tar.bz2
cd qwt-5.0.2
sudo make install

9. Copy the 3.0.3-usb-fix.tar.gz into your home directory. The tarball can be accessed by
using the following command
svn co

10. To bootsrap, configure, and compile gnuradio enter the following commands
tar xzvf 3.0.3-usb-fix.tar.gz
cd 3.0.3-usb-fix
make check

11.Now run the following command to install GNU Radio
sudo make install
FYI: To uninstall GNU Radio type the following
sudo make uninstall

12. Now the USRP can be enabled to work under Linux by entering the following
commands in the terminal

sudo addgroup usrp
sudo addgroup <YOUR_USERNAME> usrp
echo 'ACTION=="add", BUS=="usb", SYSFS{idVendor}=="fffe",
SYSFS{idProduct}=="0002", GROUP:="usrp", MODE:="0660"' >
sudo chown root.root tmpfile
sudo mv tmpfile /etc/udev/rules.d/10-usrp.rules

Replacing YOUR_USERNAME with your actual username. If unknown type in the

13. Plug in the USRP if you have not already done so and reboot the computer.

14. Now to test the throughput of the USB port on your computer. Running properly at
full speed the system rate should be 32MB/s. The following commands are an example
to test if the USRP has been installed correctly.
cd gnuradio-examples/python/usrp

15. The operating system may be upgraded by entering the following command lines in
the terminal
sudo apt-get -y upgrade
sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade
16.Reboot the computer and you are now ready to use GNU Radio!
Simple exercise that does not use the USRP:

cd gnuradio-examples/python/audio

17. We now need to add a line to octaverc so that octave can use GNU Radio files:

cd /usr/share/octave/2.1.73/m/startup
sudo gedit octaverc
If you receive an error message stating that there is no such file, go to Places -> Search
for Files and enter octaverc; remember to change Look in folder to the File System.

Put this in the file and save, replacing <YOUR_USERNAME> with your login name.
LOADPATH = [ ":/home/<YOUR_USERNAME>/3.0.3-usb-fix/gnuradio-
core/src/utils", LOADPATH ];

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