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)*inally+ -o. !an Prevent /lzheimer0s+
Parkinson0s+ and emory 1oss)
A Renowned Neurosurgeon's
Simple Tips to Protect Your Brain . . .
Hello and welcome to our special presentation showcasing the
work of renowned neurosurgeon and nutritionist r. Russell
When both of Dr. Blaylock's parents died of Parkinson's disease, this highly
respected physician dedicated his career to discovering the hidden causes of:
Memory loss
Parkinson's disease
nd other neurodegenerative disorders
#hortly, you'll hear about the preventable causes of these disorders $
information that can literally save your life, or the life of someone you love.
Dr. Blaylock has spent thousands of hours studying the medical research on these
disorders, and he has developed simple strategies and natural therapies to
prevent, treat, and reverse them.
%he good ne&s is that memory loss, l!heimer's"dementia, and Parkinson's D'
('% )*+ %' )PP+( to you as you gro& older.
nd during today's presentation, you'll find simple things you can do, ,-.)%
('W, to protect !our "rain# !our memor!# and !our life$
+ven if you or a loved one has already been diagnosed &ith one of these dreaded
diseases, you'll discover Dr. Blaylock's strategies on ho& to repair the brain
During Dr. Blaylock's distinguished /01year career he &as an esteemed
neurosurgeon at the Medical 2niversity of #outh 3arolina at 3harleston. nd
today, since retiring from his practice . . .
)e is editor of the &idely read (e&sma4's Bla!lock %ellness Report. )e also
serves on the editorial staff of the prestigious merican (utraceutical
ssociation, and is *isiting Professor in the Department of Biology at Belhaven
#adly, during his three1decades1long career as a neurosurgeon, Dr. Blaylock
&itnessed the ravages of memory loss, l!heimer's"dementia, and Parkinson's on
a daily basis.
What he discovered is that e&er!one o&er age '( needs to "e concerned
a"out these disorders, because they typically:
%ake decades to develop . . .
nd rarely sho& symptoms in their early stages . . .
)nfortunatel!# man! people with "rain damage don't know it . . . until
it's too late.
%here are specific reasons for these problems that have to do &ith dietary
deficiencies, harmful ingredients in common foods, and to4ins in the
environment and everyday household products.
%he good ne&s is that this brain damage can be repaired, and further damage can
be prevented. nd sho&ing you ho& to protect your brain and avoid $ or reverse
$ these disorders is the purpose of today's presentation.
But first, you might be &ondering ho& Dr. Blaylock became an authority on these
Dr. Blaylock &as motivated to find the 5causes and cures5 of these
neurodegenerative diseases because both of his parents &ere afflicted &ith, and
ultimately killed by, Parkinson's disease.
)is father &as struck first, and over a period of years, he &atched helplessly as
his father's condition &ent from bad to &orse.
Dr. Blaylock &as very close to his dad, and to see him go from a robust energetic
man of great intelligence and &it to a &eak, emaciated shado& of his former self
&as devastating.
s a doctor, Dr. Blaylock tried to help his father. But everything he tried using
conventional medical treatment failed miserably.
-n desperation, he even subscribed to a neuropharmacology 6ournal to have
access to the very latest drugs for Parkinson's. But, sadly, to no avail.
-t &as emotionally &renching to &atch his dad steadily decline, and then die, in
spite of his medical specialty and access to the most advanced conventional
nd then, tragically, &ithin a fe& years, his mother began to sho& signs of
Parkinson's, and he relived the nightmare all over again.
But by then, having seen ho& conventional medicine had failed his dad, he had
discovered some promising natural therapies. 2nfortunately, his mom &as so
depressed over the death of his father that she soon gave up and died, too.
%he trauma of losing both of his parents to Parkinson's had a profound effect on
Dr. Blaylock. )e found it totally unacceptable that the most advanced
conventional medical treatments could not help them. %hat's &hen . . .
)e &owed to dedicate his career to finding the root cause of A** the
diseases . . .
And to find safe and effecti&e natural solutions for them# so that other
families would N+T suffer as his did.
nd because of his specialty, he &as particularly interested in stopping the
ravaging effects of memory loss, l!heimer's"dementia, 7ou .ehrig's 87#9,
Parkinson's, and other neurodegenerative disorders.
Because of Dr. Blaylock's &ork, today you &ill discover simple lifestyle changes
and easy1to1adopt natural therapies that can help prevent, treat, and reverse
these disorders.
%he good ne&s is that you can remain mentally sharp, retain your memory, avoid
Parkinson's and l!heimer's"dementia, and even repair brain damage caused by
But before &e get started, - &ant to assure you that, even though this
presentation today is limited by time, you can get everything you need to kno& in
Dr. Blaylock's Brain Protection :it . . .
2ow to Prevent emory 1oss+
/lzheimer0s/"ementia+ and Parkinson0s "isease
nd this kit is Y+)RS ,R-- in a special offer today. -'ll share some of the most
important information in it 6ust ahead, but first . . . .
;ou need to understand &hy conventional medicine has failed us. )ere's part of
the reason . . .
.on&entional medicine is N+T concerned a"out the underl!ing causes
of diseases# nor a"out cures.
;ou may find that shocking and even cold1hearted. But there are t&o reasons for
this . . .
<irst, our medical system is based on drug therapy. Pharmaceutical companies
have been the controlling influence in our medical system from the earliest days
of so1called 5modern5 medicine.
-n merican medical schools, doctors are taught to diagnose diseases, and then
&hich drugs to prescribe to treat the symptoms of those diseases.
7et me be clear on this $ the emphasis is on drug therap! to treat the
s!mptoms of diseases, not on prevention or cures.
%he second reason for the failure of conventional medicine is closely related to
the first, and that's because there is little money in cures, &hile there is a lot of
money in drug treatments.
%hink about it . . . -f doctors taught their patients ho& to avoid diseases and stay
healthy, a =0>> billion1per1year medical industry &ould be drastically reduced to
treating rare disorders and
Most people never consider
that medicine is a profit1
driven business . . .
nd the greatest profits lie in
ongoing treatments, &hich
are primarily drugs
administered for months, for
years, and best of all from a profit perspective, for life.
But as you'll learn from Dr. Blaylock:
Heart disease is N+T a result of a lack of cholesterol/lowering
statin drugs.
High "lood pressure is N+T a result of a lack of h!pertensi&e
And Parkinson's and Al0heimer's are N+T a result of a lack of
their common drug treatments.
Wouldn't it be smarter to 6ust find the causes of these diseases $ and then avoid
them? nd &ouldn't it also be better to stop, reverse and repair the damage,
rather than try to manage it &ith drugs?
Dr. ,ussell Blaylock passionately believes so . . .
nd that's &hy he &rites The Bla!lock %ellness Report every month, &hich
is filled &ith the kind of unreported medical research and practical advice that
can actually prevent, treat, and reverse the ma6or diseases, including . . .
Asthma and Allergies
2astrointestinal isorders
nd also . . .
Heart isease and Strokes
4emor! *oss
And man! more ailments
The Bla!lock %ellness Report focuses on pre&ention and cures.
nd it's been &elcomed into tens of thousands of merican and 3anadian homes.
3learly, people are looking for solutions $ not more drugs.
But the best part about the success of The Bla!lock %ellness Report is that it
has allo&ed Dr. Blaylock to focus on medical research that goes unreported by the
media and ignored by doctors. nd it's truly making a difference . . .
%hat's &hy he &ants to make his Brain Protection :it, How to Pre&ent
4emor! *oss# Al0heimer's1ementia# and Parkinson's isease
available to you today <,++ of charge . . .
@ust for trying a no1risk subscription to The Bla!lock %ellness Report for a
fe& small pennies a day.
%his kit consists of / in1depth #pecial ,eports of great importance to everyone
over age A> $ and especially over age B>:
7et's first look at the causes and solutions for the neurodegenerative disorders.
nd then -'ll tell you ho& to get your <,++ kit &ith a no1risk subscription to The
Bla!lock %ellness Report for a fe& cents a day.
%he first thing to kno& is that . . .
emory 1oss+ Parkinson0s+ and
/lzheimer0s/"ementia /re Primarily
!a.sed 3y 4wo 4hin5s . . .
1 3nflammation
2 ,ree Radical amage
nd these t&o are closely related, because brain inflammation generates more
free radical activity. But if you can get these culprits under control, you'll
drastically reduce your risk for memory loss, l!heimer's, and Parkinson's.
%he medical establishment says it doesn't kno& &hat causes these disorders.
%hey also say there are no cures for them. But that's only because they ignore the
research in favor of drug treatments. s you'll see in a moment . . .
There are specific triggers for inflammation and free radical
generation. 'nce you kno& &hat they are, you can easily avoid or neutrali!e
them. 7et me sho& you . . .
6hat0s Really 7oin5 on 8nside -o.r 3rain . . .
+ach brain cell is a little factory that performs do!ens of vital functions, including
generating energy, making en!ymes and proteins, storing information including
D(, and performing numerous mental tasks.
-deally, &e &ant our brain cells to do everything .od intended them to do, so &e
can retain our memory, stay mentally sharp, and be capable of dealing &ith
&hatever life thro&s at us.
%he problem is that free radicals damage our cellular factories, so that, over time,
they don't &ork as &ell and eventually fail and die.
(o doubt you've heard about free radicals but may be unclear on &hat they are.
#imply put . . .
,ree radicals are highl! reacti&e# su"microscopic particles that
"ounce around inside !our cells like red/hot BBs# "urning e&er!thing
the! touch.
-n the beginning, the damage they do is small and insignificant. But over time, if
free radical activity goes unchecked, the cells' function becomes impaired. -t's a
lot like &ater dripping on a stone, slo&ly and continually chipping a&ay at it.
<ortunately, your body has antio4idant defenses that, at least &hen you're young,
neutrali!e the free radicals.
But your antio4idant defenses decline &ith age. Plus, if you're e4posed to any of
the triggers that cause inflammation or create more free radicals, your
antio4idant defenses can be over&helmed.
(o&, hold that thought, because . . .
Neurodegenerati&e diseases "egin to appear when the free radical
damage reaches a certain le&el.
nd depending on your e4posure to the triggers, this can occur at age B>, C>, D>,
or E>.
What's alarming is that &e're seeing an escalation in free radical damage, so &hat
used to be common in the D>s and E>s age group is no& sho&ing up in the B>s
and C>s, and sometimes as early as the />s and A>sF
3n fact# the a&erage age of onset of Parkinson's has dropped to 56.
nd for every full blo&n case of Parkinson's and l!heimer's"dementia, there are
do!ens of lesser cases, beginning &ith memory loss, that are incorrectly
dismissed as 5normal aging.5
%hat's &hy it's so important that you get Dr. Blaylock's Brain Protection :it, How
to Pre&ent 4emor! *oss# Al0heimer's1ementia and Parkinson's
isease, and put a stop to inflammation and free radical damage ('WF
4he 4ri55ers for 3rain 8nflammation and
*ree Radical 7eneration . . .
Pesticides and herbicides
)armful ingredients in foods and beverages
%o4ic metals in the air, &ater, and consumer products
*arious sugars and sugar substitutes
'mega1C fats
*accines 8including flu shots9
+4citoto4ins 8&hich -'ll e4plain 6ust ahead9
dditional problems include nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, a
lack of e4ercise, and, surprisingly, too much aerobic exercise!
7et's look at some of these triggers and see ho& to avoid or neutrali!e them. nd
please put this preventive advice to use right a&ay.
Parkinson0s "isease: -o. !an Prevent 8t9
Parkinson's disease is caused by brain inflammation, specifically by an intense
activation of the brain's immune cells, the 5microglia.5
When over1activated, the microglia actually destroy parts of the mid1section of
the brain, and the result is &hat &e kno& as Parkinson's.
What causes an over1activation of the microglia?
Mostly infections, trauma, obesity, ingestion of certain harmful ingredients in
processed foods, and e4posure to to4ic metals, pesticides and herbicides.
2nfortunately, it's difficult to avoid e4posure to pesticides. ;ou can avoid
spraying your home, but it's harder to avoid this at &ork, in public buildings, golf
courses and public parks $ or the pesticide residue on the produce you consume.
#ome people are more sensitive to these to4ins then others, but repeated
e4posures, even to very small subto4ic doses, can create a 5to4ic synergism5 that
activates the microglia and sets the brain cell destruction in motion.
<or e4ample, farmers &ho routinely spray their crops have a much higher
incidence of Parkinson's disease than the general population.
But since some e4posure to pesticides is almost impossible to avoid, &hat can you
do about it?
<irst, be sure to "u! certified organic produce. 'r, if buying regular produce,
wash it thoroughl! before eating. lso, 6ust ahead, -'ll tell you about some
natural supplements you can use to cleanse your body of these to4ins, as &ell as
antio4idants to neutrali!e the free radicals.
very important one is glutathione . . .
6hy -o. :eed 7l.tathione for Protection /5ainst
emory 1oss+ /lzheimer0s/"ementia+ and Parkinson0s
-t's a kno&n fact that Parkinson's and l!heimer's patients have very lo& brain
levels of the antio4idant glutathione.
.lutathione is a miracle molecule that plays a ma6or role in protecting your brain
cells. -ts highest concentration is in the mitochondria of the neuron, &hich is
&here GBH of free radicals are produced.
-f you're lo& on glutathione, you &on't get the brain cell protection you need, nor
the moderating effect that glutathione has on your brain's immune function.
%he result is inflammation and free radical production $ the t&o brain1
destroying culprits you must control to avoid the neurodegenerative diseases.
What causes lo& glutathione?
-nfections, brain in6ury, strokes, diabetes, autoimmune disorders, harmful foods,
environmental to4ins such as mercury, lead, and aluminum, and also high levels
of glutamate, &hich deplete your body's store of glutathione.
n easy start here is to a&oid the fla&or enhancer monosodium glutamate
74S28, &hich is used at some restaurants and in many processed foods.
;our safest route is to eat fresh, natural foods, rather than processed packaged
But al&ays read food labels and avoid M#.. lso be a&are that, after M#. got a
bad rap 8it causes migraine headaches, for one9, food manufacturers sneakily
gave M#. several ne& names and kept using it.
-n your Brain Protection :it, How to Pre&ent 4emor! *oss#
Al0heimer's1ementia# and Parkinson's isease, you'll find all of the ne&
names for M#. that are used on food labels today, so you'll have a fighting
But Dr. Blaylock &ould tell you, from his e4perience as a neurosurgeon, that most
people have lo& brain levels of glutathione, especially as they age. %he good ne&s
is that you can increase these levels.
-f you have access to a doctor &ho practices holistic or integrative medicine, you
can get an -* drip of immune1supporting nutrients that includes glutathione.
nother &ay to get your glutathione levels up is to simply take a specific
supplement that promotes your o&n body's production of this important
-n your Brain Protection :it, you'll discover the name and dosage of this
supplement. ;ou can readily find it at vitamin stores and online, and you'll also
find a good source for it.
nd let me make this clear: Dr. Blaylock's loyalty is to readers of his Bla!lock
%ellness Report, and his interests lie solely &ith your good health, not in
padding the bottom line of the pharmaceutical industry.
What else can you do to protect your brain? #top the e4citoto4ins.
4he Problem 6ith 3rain #xcitotoxins
+arlier - mentioned e4citoto4ins as one of the triggers. %hese are substances that
e4cite the microglia and cause a storm of inflammation and free radical
%hey're called e4citoto4ins because they can literally 5e4cite5 a brain cell to death.
Brain cell e9citoto9ins are often the ingredients used in processed
foods to enhance their fla&ors. M#. is one, of course, and another is the
artificial s&eetener aspartame, &hich is called 5safe for diabetics5 but in fact is
not safe for anyoneF
+4citoto4ins can also be produced by your o&n body.
<or instance, elevated levels of homocysteine, a condition typically caused by a
poor diet 8also implicated in heart disease9, cause accumulation of t&o types of
e4citoto4ins that can do brain damage.
Mercury is another e4citoto4in. %he same is true of lead, cadmium, and
-f you're &ondering ho& these
to4ic metals get into your
body, they're in certain fish,
such as tuna, shark, and
s&ordfishI they're in the &ater
you drink, in the air you
breathe, and also in
household products, such as
antiperspirants and
aluminum cook&are.
-f you use fluoridated &ater or
toothpaste, even in small
amounts, it &ill increase your
aluminum absorption and
trigger a dramatic destruction
of the same brain cells &e see destroyed in l!heimer's patients.
Mercury is also highly to4ic to your brain and immune system, and it's the main
ingredient in amalgam dental fillings. -f you still have this type of filling, see a
Jualified dentist for their proper removal and replacement.
nd stop getting vaccines, especially flu shots, &hich contain mercury.
'ne of the &orld's leading immunologists, Dr. )ugh <udenberg, has conducted
studies sho&ing that those who recei&e the flu &accine !earl! for : to 5
!ears increase their risk of Al0heimer's ten/fold.
Perhaps you've been getting the flu shot regularly for years, and you're no& at
much higher risk for l!heimer's. #o, &hat can you do?
-n your Brain Protection :it, How to Pre&ent 4emor! *oss#
Al0heimer's1ementia and Parkinson's isease, you'll find a detailed
program to reverse this problem. But let me tell you a fe& things right no& . . .
,irst# immediatel! stop getting
%he drug industry has done a great 6ob
convincing the public, especially seniors,
that they need flu shots. Doctors go
along &ith this propaganda because this
is &hat they learn in medical schools,
&hich are supported by drug companies.
But this idea that you need flu shots is
purely marketing hype. nnual flu shots
provide hundreds of millions of dollars
in profits every year, &hich is &hy you
see them so aggressively promoted.
<ind a doctor practicing holistic or
integrative medicine &ho can administer
heavy metal deto4 through -* chelation
therapy, and &hile you're at it, get a
glutathione -* drip. %his one1t&o punch
&ill give your brain a big boost of
Plus, there's a simple home remedy
&aiting for you . . .
When you start your no1risk subscription to The Bla!lock %ellness Report
for 6ust 0B cents a day, you'll receive your <,++ copy of How to Pre&ent
4emor! *oss# Al0heimer's1ementia# and Parkinson's isease . . .
nd in it, you'll see ho& to get mercury and other metals out of your brain, using
five readily available supplements. 'ne is a specific blend of t&o types of
magnesium. ;ou'll need both together, in the right balance, and neither is in the
common o4ide form.
%his special blend of magnesium &ill also boost your production of glutathione,
&hich, as you've already learned, protects your brain cells against free radical
;ou'll get details on all of the chelating supplements $ to help cleanse your brain
of mercury, lead, and aluminum $ in your Brain Protection :it. nd let me
say . . .
-f you've been getting flu shots for years, - urge you to get started on this regimen
as soon as possible, as these to4ic metals put you at a much higher risk for
memory loss, l!heimer's"dementia, and Parkinson's.
Ome5a(; Oils 1inked to
Parkinson0s and /lzheimer0s . . .
)ere's something that &ill probably surprise you. 'mega1C oils beyond the
smallest amounts &ill cause brain inflammation $ and that inflammation &ill
e4cite the microglia into destroying your brain cells.
What's more, the inflammation &ill generate even more free radical activity that
can over&helm your antio4idant defenses and cause a steady deterioration of
brain1cell function.
'mega1C oils line your
supermarket's shelves and are
&idely used in cooking,
baking, and salad dressings.
)ere are the ones to avoid:
3 So!"ean +il
4 Sunflower +il
5 .anola +il
6 Safflower +il
7 .orn +il
8 Peanut +il
When you receive your Brain
Protection :it, How to
Pre&ent 4emor! *oss# Al0heimer's1ementia# and Parkinson's
isease . . .
;ou'll find the t&o types of oils you can safely use for cooking, baking, salad
dressings, and as a condiment. nd these are delicious1tasting oils, too.
-f you still &ant to use the omega1C oils, do so sparingly, and at the same time
significantly increase your intake of the omega1/ oils, &hich can be found in some
fish 8although fish can be polluted9, as &ell as cod liver oil.
'mega1/s are also found in fla4seed oil 8often in capsules9, but it contains 7,
&hich can be a problem for men because it has the potential to increase the risk
of prostate cancer.
%he safest &ay to get your omega1/s is to use the
modern cod liver oils, &hich have been vastly improved
in recent years to get any fish flavor out, so today they
typically have a mild lemon1lime flavor and are very easy
to take.
@ust one tablespoon of high Juality cod liver oil a day,
especially one high in D), &ill give you a big boost in
brain protection by neutrali!ing the e4citoto4ins and
reducing inflammation 8see your kit for details9.
3od liver oil is also a good prevention against arthritis
and heart disease 8also caused by inflammation9, as &ell as a good general health
tonic. But specifically regarding l!heimer's . . .
+ne stud! found that ingesting omega/:s once or more per week
reduced the risk of Al0heimer's "! ;(<. And this research shows that
if !ou do it dail!# !our risk goes down e&en more.
Do you like &hat you're learning today? .reat, because these are the kinds of
valuable things you'll come across in The Bla!lock %ellness Report each
nd - &ant you to kno& that &hen you try a no1risk subscription to The
Bla!lock %ellness Report for 6ust 0B cents a day, not only &ill you receive
your <,++ kit, How to Pre&ent 4emor! *oss# Al0heimer's1ementia#
and Parkinson's isease, but you'll get Dr. Blaylock's advice in his monthly
ne&sletter for the ne4t 0K months.
%hat's not all: ;ou'll have full access to all GB of his previous issues, each one on
an important health topic. 7et me sho& you 6ust a handful of titles, so you can see
the &ealth of valuable preventive and healing information you'll get . . .
The ia"etes Solution
-liminate H!pertension ,ore&er
=e! >itamins that Sa&e Your Heart and Pre&ent .ancer
The 2reat .ancer *ie? 3t 3s Pre&enta"le and Beata"le
6 Strategies to Stop Heart isease
Arthritis? .onfronting .hronic @oint Pain
Plus these valuable titles . . .
+&ercome epression and 3ts eadl! -ffects
,ood Additi&es? %hat You -at .an =ill You
The Secret Science of *osing ,at
How to .ut Your Risk of a eadl! Stroke
Protecting Your -!es
%hat rug .ompanies on't %ant You to =now A"out Heart
isease and .holesterol
,emember, there are currently GB titles in all, covering virtually every health
problem, and many on achieving your best health through good nutrition and key
vitamins, minerals, and antio4idants.
@ust ahead, you'll see a "ig orange "utton at the bottom of this page . . .
#imply by clicking on this button, you can take advantage of Dr. Blaylock's special
offer to receive The Bla!lock %ellness Report, your <,++ Brain Protection
:it, plus full and free access to his archive of GB past issues $ for 6ust 0B cents a
;ou'll see the big orange button in 6ust a couple of minutes, but first, - &ant to
give you a fe& more tips on ho& to prevent memory loss, l!heimer's"dementia,
and Parkinson's . . .
4he 2ealth 4hreat of <.5ar = and
!hemical <.5ar <.bstit.tes
n e4cellent &ay to reduce inflammation, avoid e4citoto4ins, and neutrali!e free
radicals, not to mention improve your overall health, is to . . .
3ut &ay back on sugars and fats, and high1glycemic carbohydrates, such as &hite
bread, &hite rice, &hite potatoes, pasta, cakes, cookies, and chips.
#adly, you probably remember that President ,onald ,eagan &as afflicted by
l!heimer's, and you may also remember that he &as addicted to 6elly beans. Dr.
Blaylock suspects ,eagan's high daily intake of sugar may have contributed to his
'ne study sho&ed that a high1calorie diet 8boosted by sugars9 caused a B>H
increase in the risk for l!heimer's"dementia, and if combined &ith a high1fat
diet, the risk &ent up K/>HF
nd remember, you can have high fats in your blood &ithout being significantly
over&eight. #uch a condition is caused by getting too many of your calories from
sugar and high1glycemic carbohydrates.
But don't s&itch out the sugar for the chemical s&eetener aspartame, &hich is in
diet sodas and many foods called 5safe for diabetics.5
spartame is a potent e4citoto4in that can literally e4cite brain cells to death.
-nstead, use natural sugar substitutes, such as stevia, &hich are safe and &on't
cause inflammation or generate free radicals.
lready, you've learned that inflammation and free radicals are the t&o main
culprits that cause memory loss, l!heimer's"dementia, and Parkinson's. nd
you've discovered the primary triggers for them, too.
But in your Brain Protection :it, you'll also hear about several vitamins, minerals
and antio4idants that reduce inflammation, boost glutathione, deto4ify your
brain of heavy metals, and protect you from e4citoto4ins and free radicals.
@ust a fe& of these include:
N/Acet!lc!steine 7NA.8
Blue"err! -9tract
.urcumin and Auercetin
>itamin B/BC
-n How to Pre&ent 4emor! *oss# Al0heimer's1ementia# and
Parkinson's isease, you'll get the specific types, dosages, and best sources for
these important brain1protecting nutrients.
<or instance, most people don't get enough *itamin B10K, and then if they do, it's
the &rong kind. %he same is true of *itamin D. 3n !our Brain Protection =it#
!ou'll disco&er which kinds to use# and also the correct dosages.
Most people are getting only one1tenth of the *itamin D they need on a daily
basis. #o 5upping5 your *itamin D levels is critically important, not 6ust for brain
health, but also to prevent cancer.
nd by the &ay, if you've heard or read reports in the media that *itamin D can
be to4ic 8and even cause cancer9, you should kno& that is 6ust propaganda from
the pharmaceutical industry. ,est assured, Big Pharma doesn't &ant you to kno&
that an ine4pensive vitamin can do far more for your health than its drugs.
-f everybody got enough *itamin D, took their cod liver oil, and added a fe&
antio4idants, the rates for cancer, Parkinson's, and l!heimer's &ould plummetF
#ee your kit for full details . . .
"on0t Over(#xercise: 8t !an 2arm -o.r 3rain
When - first mentioned this earlier, -'m sure it surprised you. But &hile a
complete lack of e4ercise can cause numerous health problems, Dr. Blaylock has
found that too much aero"ic e9ercise is actuall! harmful to !our "rain.
%he reason is that aerobic e4ercise dramatically increases free radical generation,
&hich leads to brain cell deterioration and the neurodegenerative disorders.
(umerous studies have sho&n that moderate e4ercise, such as a brisk />1to1A>1
minute &alk every other day, is protective against l!heimer's"dementia and
other neurodegenerative diseases. What's also protective is to e4ercise your brain
by reading, &riting, memori!ing facts, and participating in mental1skill games
such as bridge, chess, or cross&ord pu!!les.
Well, -'m 6ust about out of time. %here is so much more - &ant to tell you. - feel
-'ve barely scratched the surface, but &e've made a good start. Please use &hat
you've learned today . . .
nd most important, get your copy of How to Pre&ent 4emor! *oss#
Al0heimer's1ementia and Parkinson's isease $ <,++ &ith your
Bla!lock %ellness Report subscription $ and start reversing inflammation
and free1radical damage ('WF
;ou can easily follo& Dr. Blaylock's guidelines, make ad6ustments to your diet,
add some vitamins and antio4idants, and deto4ify your brain. ll of this &ill give
you significant protection against memory loss, l!heimer's"dementia, and
nd you'll love the side benefits, too . . .
;ou'll gain energy, lose &eight,
become mentally sharper, sleep
better, and feel younger.
;ou'll also have peace of mind,
kno&ing that you're stopping and
reversing the brain damage that's
been going on $ probably for too
long $ &ithout you even kno&ing
about it.
'h $ and - almost forgot to tell
you. -f you order your kit today,
&e're also going to thro& in yet
another <,++ Bonus ,eport:
Think ,aster# Think Smarter?
How to Speed )p Your
4ental Performance.
-n this e4tra report, you'll discover
ho& easy and fun it is to rev up
your o&n 5mental speedometer.5
;ou'll see ho& to boost crucial
neurotransmitters in your brain
that not only speed up your thinking, but also help &ith &eight loss, diabetes
prevention and remission, and even improve your general outlook on life . . .
%his report is an e4ample of the high1Juality content you'll find in the monthly
(e&sma4 publication The 4ind Health Report# designed for people &ho
&ant to:
-mprove their memory and mental functioning . . .
+nhance their relationships . . .
Prevent mental decline, dementia, and l!heimer's . . .
nd live longer, healthier, and happier lives . . .
#o this gift &ill be a great addition to your <,++ Brain Protection :it, and an
additional =0B.>> valueF
#o, let me invite you to 6oin me and tens of thousands of health1minded people
like you each month, &ho are getting real solutions to health problems $ not 6ust
more drugs to treat symptoms.
@ust click on the B-. ',(.+ B2%%'( at the bottom of this page, and you can
try a no1risk subscription to The Bla!lock %ellness Report for 6ust 0B cents a
nd remember, &ith your subscription, you'll get full access to Dr. Blaylock's
archive of GB past issues on every important health issue. - guarantee you'll find
valuable healing advice on any health problem you have no&, or on any problem
you &ish to prevent.
Plus, you'll receive your <,++ kit, How to Pre&ent 4emor! *oss#
Al0heimer's1ementia and Parkinson's isease, directly to your door.
Do it no&, because the three brain1saving reports in this kit could be the most
important reading of !our life$ nd reading The Bla!lock %ellness
Report each month &ill keep you healthy and full of vim and vigorF
3lick on the Big 'range Button no& and thanks readingF

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)*inally+ -o. !an Prevent /lzheimer0s+
Parkinson0s+ and emory 1oss)
A Renowned Neurosurgeon's
Simple Tips to Protect Your Brain . . .
Hello and welcome to our special presentation showcasing the
work of renowned neurosurgeon and nutritionist r. Russell
When both of Dr. Blaylock's parents died of Parkinson's disease, this highly
respected physician dedicated his career to discovering the hidden causes of:
Memory loss
Parkinson's disease
nd other neurodegenerative disorders
#hortly, you'll hear about the preventable causes of these disorders $
information that can literally save your life, or the life of someone you love.
Dr. Blaylock has spent thousands of hours studying the medical research on these
disorders, and he has developed simple strategies and natural therapies to
prevent, treat, and reverse them.
%he good ne&s is that memory loss, l!heimer's"dementia, and Parkinson's D'
('% )*+ %' )PP+( to you as you gro& older.
nd during today's presentation, you'll find simple things you can do, ,-.)%
('W, to protect !our "rain# !our memor!# and !our life$
+ven if you or a loved one has already been diagnosed &ith one of these dreaded
diseases, you'll discover Dr. Blaylock's strategies on ho& to repair the brain
During Dr. Blaylock's distinguished /01year career he &as an esteemed
neurosurgeon at the Medical 2niversity of #outh 3arolina at 3harleston. nd
today, since retiring from his practice . . .
)e is editor of the &idely read (e&sma4's Bla!lock %ellness Report. )e also
serves on the editorial staff of the prestigious merican (utraceutical
ssociation, and is *isiting Professor in the Department of Biology at Belhaven
#adly, during his three1decades1long career as a neurosurgeon, Dr. Blaylock
&itnessed the ravages of memory loss, l!heimer's"dementia, and Parkinson's on
a daily basis.
What he discovered is that e&er!one o&er age '( needs to "e concerned
a"out these disorders, because they typically:
%ake decades to develop . . .
nd rarely sho& symptoms in their early stages . . .
)nfortunatel!# man! people with "rain damage don't know it . . . until
it's too late.
%here are specific reasons for these problems that have to do &ith dietary
deficiencies, harmful ingredients in common foods, and to4ins in the
environment and everyday household products.
%he good ne&s is that this brain damage can be repaired, and further damage can
be prevented. nd sho&ing you ho& to protect your brain and avoid $ or reverse
$ these disorders is the purpose of today's presentation.
But first, you might be &ondering ho& Dr. Blaylock became an authority on these
Dr. Blaylock &as motivated to find the 5causes and cures5 of these
neurodegenerative diseases because both of his parents &ere afflicted &ith, and
ultimately killed by, Parkinson's disease.
)is father &as struck first, and over a period of years, he &atched helplessly as
his father's condition &ent from bad to &orse.
Dr. Blaylock &as very close to his dad, and to see him go from a robust energetic
man of great intelligence and &it to a &eak, emaciated shado& of his former self
&as devastating.
s a doctor, Dr. Blaylock tried to help his father. But everything he tried using
conventional medical treatment failed miserably.
-n desperation, he even subscribed to a neuropharmacology 6ournal to have
access to the very latest drugs for Parkinson's. But, sadly, to no avail.
-t &as emotionally &renching to &atch his dad steadily decline, and then die, in
spite of his medical specialty and access to the most advanced conventional
nd then, tragically, &ithin a fe& years, his mother began to sho& signs of
Parkinson's, and he relived the nightmare all over again.
But by then, having seen ho& conventional medicine had failed his dad, he had
discovered some promising natural therapies. 2nfortunately, his mom &as so
depressed over the death of his father that she soon gave up and died, too.
%he trauma of losing both of his parents to Parkinson's had a profound effect on
Dr. Blaylock. )e found it totally unacceptable that the most advanced
conventional medical treatments could not help them. %hat's &hen . . .
)e &owed to dedicate his career to finding the root cause of A** the
diseases . . .
And to find safe and effecti&e natural solutions for them# so that other
families would N+T suffer as his did.
nd because of his specialty, he &as particularly interested in stopping the
ravaging effects of memory loss, l!heimer's"dementia, 7ou .ehrig's 87#9,
Parkinson's, and other neurodegenerative disorders.
Because of Dr. Blaylock's &ork, today you &ill discover simple lifestyle changes
and easy1to1adopt natural therapies that can help prevent, treat, and reverse
these disorders.
%he good ne&s is that you can remain mentally sharp, retain your memory, avoid
Parkinson's and l!heimer's"dementia, and even repair brain damage caused by
But before &e get started, - &ant to assure you that, even though this
presentation today is limited by time, you can get everything you need to kno& in
Dr. Blaylock's Brain Protection :it . . .
2ow to Prevent emory 1oss+
/lzheimer0s/"ementia+ and Parkinson0s "isease
nd this kit is Y+)RS ,R-- in a special offer today. -'ll share some of the most
important information in it 6ust ahead, but first . . . .
;ou need to understand &hy conventional medicine has failed us. )ere's part of
the reason . . .
.on&entional medicine is N+T concerned a"out the underl!ing causes
of diseases# nor a"out cures.
;ou may find that shocking and even cold1hearted. But there are t&o reasons for
this . . .
<irst, our medical system is based on drug therapy. Pharmaceutical companies
have been the controlling influence in our medical system from the earliest days
of so1called 5modern5 medicine.
-n merican medical schools, doctors are taught to diagnose diseases, and then
&hich drugs to prescribe to treat the symptoms of those diseases.
7et me be clear on this $ the emphasis is on drug therap! to treat the
s!mptoms of diseases, not on prevention or cures.
%he second reason for the failure of conventional medicine is closely related to
the first, and that's because there is little money in cures, &hile there is a lot of
money in drug treatments.
%hink about it . . . -f doctors taught their patients ho& to avoid diseases and stay
healthy, a =0>> billion1per1year medical industry &ould be drastically reduced to
treating rare disorders and accidents.
Most people never consider that medicine is a profit1driven business . . .
nd the greatest profits lie in
ongoing treatments, &hich
are primarily drugs
administered for months, for
years, and best of all from a
profit perspective, for life.
But as you'll learn from Dr.
Heart disease is
N+T a result of a lack
of cholesterol/
lowering statin drugs.
High "lood
pressure is N+T a
result of a lack of
h!pertensi&e drugs.
And Parkinson's and Al0heimer's are N+T a result of a lack of
their common drug treatments.
Wouldn't it be smarter to 6ust find the causes of these diseases $ and then avoid
them? nd &ouldn't it also be better to stop, reverse and repair the damage,
rather than try to manage it &ith drugs?
Dr. ,ussell Blaylock passionately believes so . . .
nd that's &hy he &rites The Bla!lock %ellness Report every month, &hich
is filled &ith the kind of unreported medical research and practical advice that
can actually prevent, treat, and reverse the ma6or diseases, including . . .
Asthma and Allergies
2astrointestinal isorders
nd also . . .
Heart isease and Strokes
4emor! *oss
And man! more ailments
The Bla!lock %ellness Report focuses on pre&ention and cures.
nd it's been &elcomed into tens of thousands of merican and 3anadian homes.
3learly, people are looking for solutions $ not more drugs.
But the best part about the success of The Bla!lock %ellness Report is that it
has allo&ed Dr. Blaylock to focus on medical research that goes unreported by the
media and ignored by doctors. nd it's truly making a difference . . .
%hat's &hy he &ants to make his Brain Protection :it, How to Pre&ent
4emor! *oss# Al0heimer's1ementia# and Parkinson's isease
available to you today <,++ of charge . . .
@ust for trying a no1risk subscription to The Bla!lock %ellness Report for a
fe& small pennies a day.
%his kit consists of / in1depth #pecial ,eports of great importance to everyone
over age A> $ and especially over age B>:
7et's first look at the causes and solutions for the neurodegenerative disorders.
nd then -'ll tell you ho& to get your <,++ kit &ith a no1risk subscription to The
Bla!lock %ellness Report for a fe& cents a day.
%he first thing to kno& is that . . .
emory 1oss+ Parkinson0s+ and
/lzheimer0s/"ementia /re Primarily
!a.sed 3y 4wo 4hin5s . . .
9 3nflammation
10 ,ree Radical amage
nd these t&o are closely related, because brain inflammation generates more
free radical activity. But if you can get these culprits under control, you'll
drastically reduce your risk for memory loss, l!heimer's, and Parkinson's.
%he medical establishment says it doesn't kno& &hat causes these disorders.
%hey also say there are no cures for them. But that's only because they ignore the
research in favor of drug treatments. s you'll see in a moment . . .
There are specific triggers for inflammation and free radical
generation. 'nce you kno& &hat they are, you can easily avoid or neutrali!e
them. 7et me sho& you . . .
6hat0s Really 7oin5 on 8nside -o.r 3rain . . .
+ach brain cell is a little factory that performs do!ens of vital functions, including
generating energy, making en!ymes and proteins, storing information including
D(, and performing numerous mental tasks.
-deally, &e &ant our brain cells to do everything .od intended them to do, so &e
can retain our memory, stay mentally sharp, and be capable of dealing &ith
&hatever life thro&s at us.
%he problem is that free radicals damage our cellular factories, so that, over time,
they don't &ork as &ell and eventually fail and die.
(o doubt you've heard about free radicals but may be unclear on &hat they are.
#imply put . . .
,ree radicals are highl! reacti&e# su"microscopic particles that
"ounce around inside !our cells like red/hot BBs# "urning e&er!thing
the! touch.
-n the beginning, the damage they do is small and insignificant. But over time, if
free radical activity goes unchecked, the cells' function becomes impaired. -t's a
lot like &ater dripping on a stone, slo&ly and continually chipping a&ay at it.
<ortunately, your body has antio4idant defenses that, at least &hen you're young,
neutrali!e the free radicals.
But your antio4idant defenses decline &ith age. Plus, if you're e4posed to any of
the triggers that cause inflammation or create more free radicals, your
antio4idant defenses can be over&helmed.
(o&, hold that thought, because . . .
Neurodegenerati&e diseases "egin to appear when the free radical
damage reaches a certain le&el.
nd depending on your e4posure to the triggers, this can occur at age B>, C>, D>,
or E>.
What's alarming is that &e're seeing an escalation in free radical damage, so &hat
used to be common in the D>s and E>s age group is no& sho&ing up in the B>s
and C>s, and sometimes as early as the />s and A>sF
3n fact# the a&erage age of onset of Parkinson's has dropped to 56.
nd for every full blo&n case of Parkinson's and l!heimer's"dementia, there are
do!ens of lesser cases, beginning &ith memory loss, that are incorrectly
dismissed as 5normal aging.5
%hat's &hy it's so important that you get Dr. Blaylock's Brain Protection :it, How
to Pre&ent 4emor! *oss# Al0heimer's1ementia and Parkinson's
isease, and put a stop to inflammation and free radical damage ('WF
4he 4ri55ers for 3rain 8nflammation and
*ree Radical 7eneration . . .
Pesticides and herbicides
)armful ingredients in foods and beverages
%o4ic metals in the air, &ater, and consumer products
*arious sugars and sugar substitutes
'mega1C fats
*accines 8including flu shots9
+4citoto4ins 8&hich -'ll e4plain 6ust ahead9
dditional problems include nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, a
lack of e4ercise, and, surprisingly, too much aerobic exercise!
7et's look at some of these triggers and see ho& to avoid or neutrali!e them. nd
please put this preventive advice to use right a&ay.
Parkinson0s "isease: -o. !an Prevent 8t9
Parkinson's disease is caused by brain inflammation, specifically by an intense
activation of the brain's immune cells, the 5microglia.5
When over1activated, the microglia actually destroy parts of the mid1section of
the brain, and the result is &hat &e kno& as Parkinson's.
What causes an over1activation of the microglia?
Mostly infections, trauma, obesity, ingestion of certain harmful ingredients in
processed foods, and e4posure to to4ic metals, pesticides and herbicides.
2nfortunately, it's difficult to avoid e4posure to pesticides. ;ou can avoid
spraying your home, but it's harder to avoid this at &ork, in public buildings, golf
courses and public parks $ or the pesticide residue on the produce you consume.
#ome people are more sensitive to these to4ins then others, but repeated
e4posures, even to very small subto4ic doses, can create a 5to4ic synergism5 that
activates the microglia and sets the brain cell destruction in motion.
<or e4ample, farmers &ho routinely spray their crops have a much higher
incidence of Parkinson's disease than the general population.
But since some e4posure to pesticides is almost impossible to avoid, &hat can you
do about it?
<irst, be sure to "u! certified organic produce. 'r, if buying regular produce,
wash it thoroughl! before eating. lso, 6ust ahead, -'ll tell you about some
natural supplements you can use to cleanse your body of these to4ins, as &ell as
antio4idants to neutrali!e the free radicals.
very important one is glutathione . . .
6hy -o. :eed 7l.tathione for Protection /5ainst
emory 1oss+ /lzheimer0s/"ementia+ and Parkinson0s
-t's a kno&n fact that Parkinson's and l!heimer's patients have very lo& brain
levels of the antio4idant glutathione.
.lutathione is a miracle molecule that plays a ma6or role in protecting your brain
cells. -ts highest concentration is in the mitochondria of the neuron, &hich is
&here GBH of free radicals are produced.
-f you're lo& on glutathione, you &on't get the brain cell protection you need, nor
the moderating effect that glutathione has on your brain's immune function.
%he result is inflammation and free radical production $ the t&o brain1
destroying culprits you must control to avoid the neurodegenerative diseases.
What causes lo& glutathione?
-nfections, brain in6ury, strokes, diabetes, autoimmune disorders, harmful foods,
environmental to4ins such as mercury, lead, and aluminum, and also high levels
of glutamate, &hich deplete your body's store of glutathione.
n easy start here is to a&oid the fla&or enhancer monosodium glutamate
74S28, &hich is used at some restaurants and in many processed foods.
;our safest route is to eat fresh, natural foods, rather than processed packaged
But al&ays read food labels and avoid M#.. lso be a&are that, after M#. got a
bad rap 8it causes migraine headaches, for one9, food manufacturers sneakily
gave M#. several ne& names and kept using it.
-n your Brain Protection :it, How to Pre&ent 4emor! *oss#
Al0heimer's1ementia# and Parkinson's isease, you'll find all of the ne&
names for M#. that are used on food labels today, so you'll have a fighting
But Dr. Blaylock &ould tell you, from his e4perience as a neurosurgeon, that most
people have lo& brain levels of glutathione, especially as they age. %he good ne&s
is that you can increase these levels.
-f you have access to a doctor &ho practices holistic or integrative medicine, you
can get an -* drip of immune1supporting nutrients that includes glutathione.
nother &ay to get your glutathione levels up is to simply take a specific
supplement that promotes your o&n body's production of this important
-n your Brain Protection :it, you'll discover the name and dosage of this
supplement. ;ou can readily find it at vitamin stores and online, and you'll also
find a good source for it.
nd let me make this clear: Dr. Blaylock's loyalty is to readers of his Bla!lock
%ellness Report, and his interests lie solely &ith your good health, not in
padding the bottom line of the pharmaceutical industry.
What else can you do to protect your brain? #top the e4citoto4ins.
4he Problem 6ith 3rain #xcitotoxins
+arlier - mentioned e4citoto4ins as one of the triggers. %hese are substances that
e4cite the microglia and cause a storm of inflammation and free radical
%hey're called e4citoto4ins because they can literally 5e4cite5 a brain cell to death.
Brain cell e9citoto9ins are often the ingredients used in processed
foods to enhance their fla&ors. M#. is one, of course, and another is the
artificial s&eetener aspartame, &hich is called 5safe for diabetics5 but in fact is
not safe for anyoneF
+4citoto4ins can also be produced by your o&n body.
<or instance, elevated levels of homocysteine, a condition typically caused by a
poor diet 8also implicated in heart disease9, cause accumulation of t&o types of
e4citoto4ins that can do brain damage.
Mercury is another e4citoto4in. %he same is true of lead, cadmium, and
-f you're &ondering ho& these
to4ic metals get into your
body, they're in certain fish,
such as tuna, shark, and
s&ordfishI they're in the &ater
you drink, in the air you
breathe, and also in
household products, such as
antiperspirants and
aluminum cook&are.
-f you use fluoridated &ater or
toothpaste, even in small amounts, it &ill increase your aluminum absorption and
trigger a dramatic destruction of the same brain cells &e see destroyed in
l!heimer's patients.
Mercury is also highly to4ic to your brain and immune system, and it's the main
ingredient in amalgam dental fillings. -f you still have this type of filling, see a
Jualified dentist for their proper removal and replacement.
nd stop getting vaccines, especially flu shots, &hich contain mercury.
'ne of the &orld's leading immunologists, Dr. )ugh <udenberg, has conducted
studies sho&ing that those who recei&e the flu &accine !earl! for : to 5
!ears increase their risk of Al0heimer's ten/fold.
Perhaps you've been getting the flu shot regularly for years, and you're no& at
much higher risk for l!heimer's. #o, &hat can you do?
-n your Brain Protection :it, How to Pre&ent 4emor! *oss#
Al0heimer's1ementia and Parkinson's isease, you'll find a detailed
program to reverse this problem. But let me tell you a fe& things right no& . . .
,irst# immediatel! stop getting
%he drug industry has done a great 6ob
convincing the public, especially seniors,
that they need flu shots. Doctors go
along &ith this propaganda because this
is &hat they learn in medical schools,
&hich are supported by drug companies.
But this idea that you need flu shots is
purely marketing hype. nnual flu shots
provide hundreds of millions of dollars
in profits every year, &hich is &hy you
see them so aggressively promoted.
<ind a doctor practicing holistic or
integrative medicine &ho can administer
heavy metal deto4 through -* chelation
therapy, and &hile you're at it, get a
glutathione -* drip. %his one1t&o punch
&ill give your brain a big boost of
Plus, there's a simple home remedy
&aiting for you . . .
When you start your no1risk subscription to The Bla!lock %ellness Report
for 6ust 0B cents a day, you'll receive your <,++ copy of How to Pre&ent
4emor! *oss# Al0heimer's1ementia# and Parkinson's isease . . .
nd in it, you'll see ho& to get mercury and other metals out of your brain, using
five readily available supplements. 'ne is a specific blend of t&o types of
magnesium. ;ou'll need both together, in the right balance, and neither is in the
common o4ide form.
%his special blend of magnesium &ill also boost your production of glutathione,
&hich, as you've already learned, protects your brain cells against free radical
;ou'll get details on all of the chelating supplements $ to help cleanse your brain
of mercury, lead, and aluminum $ in your Brain Protection :it. nd let me
say . . .
-f you've been getting flu shots for years, - urge you to get started on this regimen
as soon as possible, as these to4ic metals put you at a much higher risk for
memory loss, l!heimer's"dementia, and Parkinson's.
Ome5a(; Oils 1inked to
Parkinson0s and /lzheimer0s . . .
)ere's something that &ill probably surprise you. 'mega1C oils beyond the
smallest amounts &ill cause brain inflammation $ and that inflammation &ill
e4cite the microglia into destroying your brain cells.
What's more, the inflammation &ill generate even more free radical activity that
can over&helm your antio4idant defenses and cause a steady deterioration of
brain1cell function.
'mega1C oils line your
supermarket's shelves and are
&idely used in cooking,
baking, and salad dressings.
)ere are the ones to avoid:
11 So!"ean +il
12 Sunflower +il
13 .anola +il
14 Safflower +il
15 .orn +il
16 Peanut +il
When you receive your Brain
Protection :it, How to
Pre&ent 4emor! *oss# Al0heimer's1ementia# and Parkinson's
isease . . .
;ou'll find the t&o types of oils you can safely use for cooking, baking, salad
dressings, and as a condiment. nd these are delicious1tasting oils, too.
-f you still &ant to use the omega1C oils, do so sparingly, and at the same time
significantly increase your intake of the omega1/ oils, &hich can be found in some
fish 8although fish can be polluted9, as &ell as cod liver oil.
'mega1/s are also found in fla4seed oil 8often in capsules9, but it contains 7,
&hich can be a problem for men because it has the potential to increase the risk
of prostate cancer.
%he safest &ay to get your omega1/s is to use the
modern cod liver oils, &hich have been vastly improved
in recent years to get any fish flavor out, so today they
typically have a mild lemon1lime flavor and are very easy
to take.
@ust one tablespoon of high Juality cod liver oil a day,
especially one high in D), &ill give you a big boost in
brain protection by neutrali!ing the e4citoto4ins and
reducing inflammation 8see your kit for details9.
3od liver oil is also a good prevention against arthritis and heart disease 8also
caused by inflammation9, as &ell as a good general health tonic. But specifically
regarding l!heimer's . . .
+ne stud! found that ingesting omega/:s once or more per week
reduced the risk of Al0heimer's "! ;(<. And this research shows that
if !ou do it dail!# !our risk goes down e&en more.
Do you like &hat you're learning today? .reat, because these are the kinds of
valuable things you'll come across in The Bla!lock %ellness Report each
nd - &ant you to kno& that &hen you try a no1risk subscription to The
Bla!lock %ellness Report for 6ust 0B cents a day, not only &ill you receive
your <,++ kit, How to Pre&ent 4emor! *oss# Al0heimer's1ementia#
and Parkinson's isease, but you'll get Dr. Blaylock's advice in his monthly
ne&sletter for the ne4t 0K months.
%hat's not all: ;ou'll have full access to all GB of his previous issues, each one on
an important health topic. 7et me sho& you 6ust a handful of titles, so you can see
the &ealth of valuable preventive and healing information you'll get . . .
The ia"etes Solution
-liminate H!pertension ,ore&er
=e! >itamins that Sa&e Your Heart and Pre&ent .ancer
The 2reat .ancer *ie? 3t 3s Pre&enta"le and Beata"le
6 Strategies to Stop Heart isease
Arthritis? .onfronting .hronic @oint Pain
Plus these valuable titles . . .
+&ercome epression and 3ts eadl! -ffects
,ood Additi&es? %hat You -at .an =ill You
The Secret Science of *osing ,at
How to .ut Your Risk of a eadl! Stroke
Protecting Your -!es
%hat rug .ompanies on't %ant You to =now A"out Heart
isease and .holesterol
,emember, there are currently GB titles in all, covering virtually every health
problem, and many on achieving your best health through good nutrition and key
vitamins, minerals, and antio4idants.
@ust ahead, you'll see a "ig orange "utton at the bottom of this page . . .
#imply by clicking on this button, you can take advantage of Dr. Blaylock's special
offer to receive The Bla!lock %ellness Report, your <,++ Brain Protection
:it, plus full and free access to his archive of GB past issues $ for 6ust 0B cents a
;ou'll see the big orange button in 6ust a couple of minutes, but first, - &ant to
give you a fe& more tips on ho& to prevent memory loss, l!heimer's"dementia,
and Parkinson's . . .
4he 2ealth 4hreat of <.5ar = and
!hemical <.5ar <.bstit.tes
n e4cellent &ay to reduce inflammation, avoid e4citoto4ins, and neutrali!e free
radicals, not to mention improve your overall health, is to . . .
3ut &ay back on sugars and fats, and high1glycemic carbohydrates, such as &hite
bread, &hite rice, &hite potatoes, pasta, cakes, cookies, and chips.
#adly, you probably remember that President ,onald ,eagan &as afflicted by
l!heimer's, and you may also remember that he &as addicted to 6elly beans. Dr.
Blaylock suspects ,eagan's high daily intake of sugar may have contributed to his
'ne study sho&ed that a high1calorie diet 8boosted by sugars9 caused a B>H
increase in the risk for l!heimer's"dementia, and if combined &ith a high1fat
diet, the risk &ent up K/>HF
nd remember, you can have high fats in your blood &ithout being significantly
over&eight. #uch a condition is caused by getting too many of your calories from
sugar and high1glycemic carbohydrates.
But don't s&itch out the sugar for the chemical s&eetener aspartame, &hich is in
diet sodas and many foods called 5safe for diabetics.5
spartame is a potent e4citoto4in that can literally e4cite brain cells to death.
-nstead, use natural sugar substitutes, such as stevia, &hich are safe and &on't
cause inflammation or generate free radicals.
lready, you've learned that inflammation and free radicals are the t&o main
culprits that cause memory loss, l!heimer's"dementia, and Parkinson's. nd
you've discovered the primary triggers for them, too.
But in your Brain Protection :it, you'll also hear about several vitamins, minerals
and antio4idants that reduce inflammation, boost glutathione, deto4ify your
brain of heavy metals, and protect you from e4citoto4ins and free radicals.
@ust a fe& of these include:
N/Acet!lc!steine 7NA.8
Blue"err! -9tract
.urcumin and Auercetin
>itamin B/BC
-n How to Pre&ent 4emor! *oss# Al0heimer's1ementia# and
Parkinson's isease, you'll get the specific types, dosages, and best sources for
these important brain1protecting nutrients.
<or instance, most people don't get enough *itamin B10K, and then if they do, it's
the &rong kind. %he same is true of *itamin D. 3n !our Brain Protection =it#
!ou'll disco&er which kinds to use# and also the correct dosages.
Most people are getting only one1tenth of the *itamin D they need on a daily
basis. #o 5upping5 your *itamin D levels is critically important, not 6ust for brain
health, but also to prevent cancer.
nd by the &ay, if you've heard or read reports in the media that *itamin D can
be to4ic 8and even cause cancer9, you should kno& that is 6ust propaganda from
the pharmaceutical industry. ,est assured, Big Pharma doesn't &ant you to kno&
that an ine4pensive vitamin can do far more for your health than its drugs.
-f everybody got enough *itamin D, took their cod liver oil, and added a fe&
antio4idants, the rates for cancer, Parkinson's, and l!heimer's &ould plummetF
#ee your kit for full details . . .
"on0t Over(#xercise: 8t !an 2arm -o.r 3rain
When - first mentioned this earlier, -'m sure it surprised you. But &hile a
complete lack of e4ercise can cause numerous health problems, Dr. Blaylock has
found that too much aero"ic e9ercise is actuall! harmful to !our "rain.
%he reason is that aerobic e4ercise dramatically increases free radical generation,
&hich leads to brain cell deterioration and the neurodegenerative disorders.
(umerous studies have sho&n that moderate e4ercise, such as a brisk />1to1A>1
minute &alk every other day, is protective against l!heimer's"dementia and
other neurodegenerative diseases. What's also protective is to e4ercise your brain
by reading, &riting, memori!ing facts, and participating in mental1skill games
such as bridge, chess, or cross&ord pu!!les.
Well, -'m 6ust about out of time. %here is so much more - &ant to tell you. - feel
-'ve barely scratched the surface, but &e've made a good start. Please use &hat
you've learned today . . .
nd most important, get your copy of How to Pre&ent 4emor! *oss#
Al0heimer's1ementia and Parkinson's isease $ <,++ &ith your
Bla!lock %ellness Report subscription $ and start reversing inflammation
and free1radical damage ('WF
;ou can easily follo& Dr. Blaylock's guidelines, make ad6ustments to your diet,
add some vitamins and antio4idants, and deto4ify your brain. ll of this &ill give
you significant protection against memory loss, l!heimer's"dementia, and
nd you'll love the side benefits, too . . .
;ou'll gain energy, lose &eight,
become mentally sharper, sleep
better, and feel younger.
;ou'll also have peace of mind,
kno&ing that you're stopping and
reversing the brain damage that's
been going on $ probably for too
long $ &ithout you even kno&ing
about it.
'h $ and - almost forgot to tell
you. -f you order your kit today,
&e're also going to thro& in yet
another <,++ Bonus ,eport:
Think ,aster# Think Smarter?
How to Speed )p Your
4ental Performance.
-n this e4tra report, you'll discover
ho& easy and fun it is to rev up
your o&n 5mental speedometer.5
;ou'll see ho& to boost crucial neurotransmitters in your brain that not only
speed up your thinking, but also help &ith &eight loss, diabetes prevention and
remission, and even improve your general outlook on life . . .
%his report is an e4ample of the high1Juality content you'll find in the monthly
(e&sma4 publication The 4ind Health Report# designed for people &ho
&ant to:
-mprove their memory and mental functioning . . .
+nhance their relationships . . .
Prevent mental decline, dementia, and l!heimer's . . .
nd live longer, healthier, and happier lives . . .
#o this gift &ill be a great addition to your <,++ Brain Protection :it, and an
additional =0B.>> valueF
#o, let me invite you to 6oin me and tens of thousands of health1minded people
like you each month, &ho are getting real solutions to health problems $ not 6ust
more drugs to treat symptoms.
@ust click on the B-. ',(.+ B2%%'( at the bottom of this page, and you can
try a no1risk subscription to The Bla!lock %ellness Report for 6ust 0B cents a
nd remember, &ith your subscription, you'll get full access to Dr. Blaylock's
archive of GB past issues on every important health issue. - guarantee you'll find
valuable healing advice on any health problem you have no&, or on any problem
you &ish to prevent.
Plus, you'll receive your <,++ kit, How to Pre&ent 4emor! *oss#
Al0heimer's1ementia and Parkinson's isease, directly to your door.
Do it no&, because the three brain1saving reports in this kit could be the most
important reading of !our life$ nd reading The Bla!lock %ellness
Report each month &ill keep you healthy and full of vim and vigorF
3lick on the Big 'range Button no& and thanks readingF

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