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Size comparison to help you choose the

most appropriate Chromebook

011 years after the first sale for the consumer market, Google Chromebook cloud operating system
platform presents the amazing growth in the system function continuously improved while HP,
sus notebook including a number of giants to !oin the camp, so that consumers have a more
multi"market choice, the foreign media on the current mainstream market Chromebook data
collection and statistics, let us compare the following products to help consumers choose the right
$irst let us introduce to participate in this comparison Chromebook%
& cer C'(0)C'(0P
& HP Chromebook 11
& HP Chromebook 1*
& sus Chromebook C(00
& sus Chromebook C+00
& ,amsung Chromebook ( 11#- .
& ,amsung Chromebook ( 1+#+ .
& Chromebook Pi/el
0espite the size of the body depends largely on the screen size, but by comparing the above we
can see that the device is basically the same as the gap between the screen is not very big in size,
which is the thinnest device Chromebook Pi/el, a thickness of 1-#( mm#
1n these Chromebook in HP2s Chromebook 11 is undoubtedly the lightest weight, but HP2s
Chromebook 1* is e3uipped with a larger screen, but also the heaviest of all the e3uipment# cer2s
trackpad than the non"touch version of the C'(0 C'(0P be a little heavier#
Chromebook parts are made of plastic material, which is dominated by Chromebook product
pricing decision# 4ut which also has an e/ception, and that is from Google Pi/el, it uses aluminum
alloy material#
HP Chromebook Chromebook 1* is provided in all colors at most, while the white version HP
Chromebook 11 provides a red, blue, yellow or green accent color#
Currently, most have adopted Chromebook 11#- inches and 1+#+ inches in two versions, with the
e/ception of HP2s Chromebook 1* with a 1*"inch screen, while the Chromebook Pi/el uses a
1(#56 inches screen, in addition to the traditional 1-%7 compared to the screen also uses +%( aspect
$or Chromebook purchase screen is one of the very important aspect, though HP2s Chromebook
1* is one of the largest, but remains 11#- inches 1+-- 8 '-5 resolution, so it2s pi/el density is
lowest# 9he sus Chromebook C+00 is also the same problem#
,amsung Chromebook ( 1+#+ pi/el density of 1--ppi, while Google2s Chromebook Pi/el pi/el
density is reached (+7ppi#
4y comparing the figure to many Chromebook processor, basically can be divided into three
camps# HP Chromebook 11 which ,amsung Chromebook ( and two have adopted the :/ynos
processor# lso represented is the sus Chromebook 1ntel camp, most of them e3uipped with 1ntel
Celeron processor Chromebook, such as the sus (5+0 is e3uipped with a (#*(GHz Celeron
processor# $inally, Google2s Chromebook Pi/el, his e3uipment more powerful 1ntel Core i6
processor, although based on the third"generation 1vy 4ridge 1#5GHz processor architecture may
be a bit outdated, but still able to provide smooth performance for Chrome ;,#
$or Chromebook is even less important for the graphics card, select all devices integrated
graphics# 9he Pi/el is e3uipped with the 1ntel H0 Graphics *000 is undoubtedly one of the best
4asically Chromebook are e3uipped with (G4 or *G4 of memory
$or cloud system Chrome ;,, Google wants to transfer more content to the network, so the
storage space inside the fuselage are only about 1-G4)+(G4 range, while Pi/el also offers -*G4
:ach Chromebook basically offers two"year right to use Google 0rive 100G4, while the Pi/el
will be able to en!oy three 194 Google 0rive storage space#
ll devices running Chrome ;,# ll functions of the device are basically relying on the browser
to complete, in addition you can access the Chrome <eb ,tore to download dobe Photoshop or
vid Pro 9ools and other applications#
9he new e3uipment often means life aspects improved, sus Chromebook 4oth have said life can
reach more than 10 hours# 9he Pi/el is !ust only 6 hours#
ll Chromebook are e3uipped with at least two =,4 ports, and provide the relevant video output
cer2s C'(0P variants can be e3uipped with a touch screen, in addition to high"end Chromebook
Pi/el also able to have a touch screen#
s a cloud laptop, all the Chromebook can not optional additional hard disk#
t present, only three Chromebook launch >9: version#
9his choice has been available Chromebook basically where sus C(00 and C+00 program will be
launched this month#

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