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Who Made

Many years ago Sir Isaac
Newton had an exact replica
of our solar system made in
miniature. At its center was
a large golden ball
representing the sun, and
revolving around it were
smaller spheres attached at
the ends of rods of varying
lengths. They represented
Mercury, Venus, Earth,
Mars and the other planets.
These were all geared
together by cogs and belts to
make them move around
the sun in perfect
One day as Newton was studying
the model, a friend stopped by for a
visit. Marveling at the device and
watching as the scientist made the
heavenly bodies move in their orbits,
the man exclaimed, My, Newton,
what an exquisite thing! Who made
it for you?
Without looking up, Sir Isaac
replied, Nobody.
Nobody? his friend asked.
Thats right! I said nobody! All of
these cogs and belts and gears just
happened to come together, and
wonder of wonders, by chance they
began revolving in their set orbits
and with perfect timing.

So how did the universe and all that is
in it come into existence? Did some
inexplicable event set off the process or
was it the work of an intelligent

Materialistic science proposes two
major theories for our origins. First the
big bang theory to explain how the
universe came into existence, and then
evolution for how life began.
Because neither of these theories
nor the belief in the Creation being
wrought by God can be observed or
repeated under observable
experimental conditions, they are all
belief systems that remain within the
realm of faith. It comes down to what
and whomyou choose to believe.
However, more and more evidence
is being uncovered that indicates the
universe and all that is in it was the
work of an intelligent designer, not
chance. The truth is that the theories of
the big bang and evolution are not as
factual and convincing as their
proponents pretend.

At the core of Evolutionary theory is
the assumption that life somehow
arose from non-life by pure
blind chance.That there simply
`happened to be the
right chemicals in the
right place, in the right
arrangement, it was just
the right time and
conditions, and then
suddenly!Presto! Some
unknown electro-chemical
process took place
and life created itself!
But as Princetown
University Professor of
Biology, Edwin Conklin,
said, The probability
of life originating from
accident is comparable
to the probability of a
dictionary resulting from
an explosion in a printing shop.

We have never heard yet that any dog ever became
a cat or a cat a dog! There are all kinds of dogs and all
kinds of cats, but there are no dog-cats or cat-dogs!
These facts even disturbed Darwin, who questioned:
Why, if species have descended from the other species
by fine gradation, do we not everywhere see innumerable
transitional forms? Why is not all nature in confusion,
instead of the species being as we see them, well
Evolution claims that all
of Creation is constantly
evolving into more
complex forms. This
assumption, however, is
directly contrary to a
universally accepted,
proven law of physics
known as the Second
Law of Thermodynamics
which states: All
processes (left to
themselves) go toward a
greater state of disorder,
disarrangement and less
In Natural Theology, British
theologian and philosopher
William Paley (1743-1805)
likened the origin of the universe
to that of a watch: When we
come to inspect the watch, we
perceive that its several parts are
framed and put together for a
purpose. The inference we think is
inevitable, that the watch must
have had a maker. The universe
must have had a designer. That
designer must have been a
person. That person is God.

In other words, the existence of an
invisible Creator is manifest or
made evident by the wonderful
world which He has created, His
creation, the things which we can
see.The greatest credentials of
the Creator are the marvelous
things He has made!

The sea, the sky, the mountains,
the valleys, the trees, the
flowers, theyre all telling us
something! When you gaze into
the heavens on a clear night,
beholding the stars, planets, and
wonders of the cosmos, havent
you ever felt that there must be
a reason, a purpose behind it
all? As if it all means
something, says something?
Well, it is saying something!
Its all crying out, Look!There
is a God! Look at the wonders
He has made!

Gods entire creation is a
constant testimony of not only
His existence but also of His
love, concern, and care for us in
giving us such a beautiful world
to live in!
Image Credits:

Page 1 - Vectorolie /
Page 4 Public domain clipart/Microsoft Clipart
Page 6 Art by Zeb; featured on

All other art by Phillip Martin; Used under CC license. Text TFI.

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