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Om Sri Sai Ram


'The Song of the Lord'
Sri Satha Sai Ba!a an"#er" $%% &'e"tion" on the Gita(
Ba"ed on the Di)ine Di"*o'r"e" of Bhaga#an Sri Satha Sai Ba!a
$( In #hi*h "a*red te+t i" the Gita in*or,orated-
The Gita i" in*or,orated in the "a*red "*ri,t're of the .aha!haratha/ Bhi"hma01ar)a/ 2h( 3405%(
3( What i" the ",e*ia6 name gi)en to ea*h *ha,ter in the Gita-
Ea*h *ha,ter i" *a66ed "7OGA"(
4( Ho# man *ha,ter" are there in the Gita-
There are eighteen *ha,ter" in the Gita(
5( .ention them(
Ar8'na Vi"h9dha 7oga/ San:ha 7oga/ ;arma 7oga/ <nana 7oga/ ;arma Sana"a 7oga/ Atma Samamana
7oga/ Vi8nana 7oga/ A:"hara 1ara!rahmah 7oga/ Ra8a Vidha Ra8a G'ha 7oga/ Vi!h'thi 7oga/
Vi"h#aroo, 7oga/ Bha:ti 7oga/ ;"hetra ;"hetra8na Vi!h9ga 7oga/ G'nathraa Vi!h9ga 7oga/
1'r'"hothama 1r9,thi 7oga/ Dhai)9"'ra Sam,ad)i!h9ga 7oga/ Shraddh9tharaa Vi!h9ga 7oga/ .o:"ha
Sana"a 7oga(
=( Ho# man S6o:a" >)er"e"? are there in the Gita-
There are @%% "6o:a" in the Gita(
A( What i" the *on*6'ding *ommentar of ea*h *ha,ter-
The *on*6'ding *ommentar of e)er *ha,ter i" a"B
'iti "rimad!haga)adgCt9"'/ ',ani"hith "'/ Brahm9 )id99m/ oga "9"thre/ Sri ;ri"hna Ar8'na "am)adheD'
'In the Bhaga)ad Gita/ #hi*h i" the te+t a!o't the *on)er"ation !et#een Lord ;ri"hna and Ar8'na/ the
,hi6o"o,h of ,'re *on"*io'"ne"" and the a!"o6'te tr'th of oga i" ,ro,agated'
@( Where and #hen #a" the Gita ta'ght-
The Gita #a" ta'ght on the e)e of the ;'r':"hetra !att6e/ in the midd6e of the t#o armie" of the ;a'ra)a"
and the 1anda)a"(
E( Wh #a" the Gita ta'ght-
The Gita #a" ta'ght to tran"form Ar8'na #ho had "'dden6 !e*ome a DhCna >#ea:? into a DhCra/ a heroi*
F( Wh #a" Ar8'na o)er#he6med ! de",onden* tho'gh he had *ome ,re,ared to fight-
Ar8'na "'r)eed at a g6an*e the entire ;a'ra)a arm( Beho6ding the grandfather Bhi"hma #ho had !ro'ght
him ',/ hi" g'r' Drona*hara/ #ho had trained him a" an a*e ar*her/ hi" friend" and re6ati)e"/ he #a"
o)er#he6med ! ,it( He !e*ame #ea:G the #ea,on" fe66 do#n from hi" hand( He *riedB "OhH ;ri"hna/ ho#
*an I fight and :i66 tho"e #ith #hom I "ho'6d ha)e !een 6i)ing in ha,,ine"" and harmon( Of #hat a)ai6
#o'6d !e the )i*tor at the e+,en"e of "o man 6i)e"- I" it not tr'e a**ording to Shr'ti that after a #ar there
#i66 !e *orr',tion and in8'"ti*e- E",e*ia66 it i" "aid that #omen ma !e 6ed a"tra from the ,ath of )irt'e(
When #omen !e*ome immora6/ the generation #o'6d !e immora6( I *annot fight e)en if I #ere to #in the
Lord"hi, of a66 the three #or6d"( I am in a di6emma( 16ea"e "teer me a*ro"" the "tate of inde*i"i)ene"" and
in"tr'*t me #hat I "ho'6d do-"
$%( Ho# did Lord ;ri"hna di",e6 Ar8'naI" de6'"ion-
In order to di",e6 Ar8'naI" de6'"ion that he #a" the :i66er and hi" :in"men #ere going to !e :i66ed/ ;ri"hna
ta'ght the Gita J that tea*he" the :no#6edge of Atma( Lord ;ri"hna "a" that there i" none #ho :i66"/ none
#ho #i66 !e :i66ed( It i" the !od that ,eri"he" and the Atma i" im,eri"ha!6e( A!o)e a66 death i" the fina6 end of
man( "<9ta"a maranam dr')am"( Death i" not in the hand" of an one !'t God( So it i" foo6i"h to entertain
"'*h tho'ght"( The d't of a ;"hatria i" to fight(
$$( What i" the *entra6 me""age of the Gita-
The *entra6 me""age of the Gita i" that e)er one "ho'6d regard ,erforman*e of KS)a0dharmaI i" of 'tmo"t
im,ortan*e( It i" indi*ated in the fir"t #ord of the fir"t )er"e of the o,ening *ha,ter and the 6a"t #ord of the
6a"t )er"e in the *on*6'ding *ha,ter( .amaB mine/ DharmaB D't(
$3( What i" KS)a0dharmaI and #hat i" K1ara0dharmaI-
KS)a0dharmaI i" Atma0dharmaG K1ara0dharmaI i" the dharma re6ated to the !od(
$4( Wh did Lord ;ri"hna im,art :no#6edge of Atma on6 to Ar8'na and not either to Bhi"hma or
Lord ;ri"hna ta'ght the Gita on6 to Ar8'na and not either to Bhi"hma or 7'dhi"thira for the fo66o#ing
rea"on"B Bhi"hma :ne# that 8'"ti*e #a" on the "ide of the 1anda)a" and had e)en made a ,'!6i*
,ro*6amation of thi"( B't he too: to the "ide of the ;a'ra)a" and 6ed the arm( There #a" no harmon
!et#een hi" tho'ght/ #ord and deed( Harmon of tho'ght/ #ord and deed i" the greate"t )irt'e/ and it"
a!"en*e i" h,o*ri"(
A" for Dharmara8a >7'dhi"thira? he had on6 K,a"*ha0th9,aI and not K,'r)a0t9,aI >f'ti6e regret of the ,a"t
*on*ern for the f't're?( Dharmara8a #a" "'!8e*t to *ommon h'man fai6ing of re,entan*e rather than ,rior
*on"ideration tho'gh he #a" a no!6e "o'6( He 6a*:ed fore"ight and #a" g'i6t of remor"e for hi" ,a"t mi"ta:e"(
Ar8'na a6one #a" fit to re*ei)e the :no#6edge of the ",irit !e*a'"e he had 1'r)a0t9,a/ a #i"e *on*ern for the
#e6fare of the ,eo,6e( In the mid"t of the !att6efie6d e)en #hen he had *ome ,re,ared for the #ar/ he tho'ght
of the f't're "#hat #o'6d ha,,en after the #ar"- He at on*e a":ed for the ad)i*e of ;ri"hna and a*ted
.oreo)er/ he had the fo66o#ing &'a6ifi*ation" ne*e""ar for a ",irit'a6 a",irantB S'rrender/ de"ire6e""ne""/
di",a""ion and deta*hment a" re)ea6ed in hi" #ord"B "I do not *are e)en for the Lord"hi, of a66 the three
$5( ;ri"hna addre""e" Ar8'na d'ring the *o'r"e of the dia6og'e ! man name"( .ention them(
The areB 1rth9/ ;a'ntea/ ;'r'nandana/ G'da:e"a/ Ana"La/ Vi8aa/ 1aranta,a/ Dhanan8aa(
$=( Gi)e the meaning of ea*h name(
The areB
Ar8'naB One #ho i" ,'re and 'n"'66ied
1rth9B One #ho i" the "on of 1rith)i the earth/ that i"/ one #ho i" the re,re"entati)e of man:ind( >1rth9B
M'een ;'nthi/ mother of Ar8'na?
;a'nteaB One #ho *an 6i"ten #ith ra,t attention to the di)ine tea*hing(
G'da:e"aB One #ho ,'ni"he" the enemie"
;'r'nandanaB One #ho de6ight" in #or: >a*tion?(
Ana"LaB One #ho i" free from 8ea6o'"(
1aranta,aB One #ho "tri:e" fear in the heart" of hi" enemie"(
Vi8aaB One #ho i" e)er )i*torio'"(
Dhanan8aaB One #ho ha" earned the merit to re*ei)e the #ea6th of ",irit'a6 #i"dom(
$A( What 6ight thro#" the"e name" on the ,er"ona6it of Ar8'na-
The "ho# "e)era6 )irt'e" that Ar8'na ,o""e""ed and ne*e""ar for a di"*i,6e #ho i" read to re*ei)e
:no#6edge from the G'r'(
$@( What i" the meaning of oga-
7oga mean" 'nion #ith God/ ,ath#a to 'nion #ith God a" #e66(
$E( Ho# i" 'oga' defined in the Gita-
":arma"' :a'"a6am oga"B Doing the a66otted #or: #e66 to the 'tmo"t *a,a*it i" 7oga(
"*itta)ritti niroda oga"B 2ontro6 of inner and o'ter "en"e" and "ti66ing the mind i" 7oga(
""amat)am oga m'*hate"B .aintaining e&'animit 'nder a66 *ir*'m"tan*e" i" 7oga(
$F( What are the ,rin*i,a6 7oga" in the Gita-
;arma 7oga/ Bha:ti 7oga/ <nana 7oga and Ra8a 7ogaB Wor:/ Wor"hi,/ Wi"dom and 7oga of .ind 2ontro6(
3%( What i" ;arma 7oga-
;arma 7oga mean"B 1erforming one'" d'tie" and a*tion #itho't intere"t in the fr'it" of a*tion( 1erforming
a*tion" #ith a ",irit of dedi*ation and de)otion to God(
3$( Ho# doe" S#ami e+,6ain ;arma/ Vi:arma and A:arma-
S#ami e+,6ain" ;arma/ Vi:arma and A:arma a" fo66o#"B S',,o"e there i" a <othi >a f6ame?G the "tead
f6ame i" ;arma/ #hen the f6ame f6i*:er" d'e to *ertain e+terna6 fa*tor"/ it i" Vi:armaG the 6ight that #e get
from the f6ame i" A:arma( A:arma i" *om,6ete deta*hment from a*ti)it( It i" the *hara*teri"ti* of Atma
33( E+,6ain the meaning of the )er"eB
:arman e)9dhi:9ra" te
m9 ,ha6e"' :ad9*ana
m9 :arma0,ha6a0het'r !hLr
m9 te "ango '"t) a:armani
It "ho'6d !e remem!ered that the Lord ha" "aid that it doe" not mean the doer ha" no right for the fr'it/ the
doer ha" a right for the fr'it !'t he "ho'6d not "e6fi"h6 de"ire the fr'it( The e+,re""ion 'm9 ,ha6e"'' the
re"'6t" deed ie6d"/ "ho'6d !e ta:en into a**o'nt(
"7o' *ertain6 ha)e the right to do o'r d't !'t not the *6aim o)er the fr'it" #hene)erG ne)er "ee o'r"e6f a"
the *a'"e of the re"'6t" a" o' "ho'6d ne)er 6et atta*hment a**om,an a re6igio'" d't"(
34( What i" Bha:ti 7oga-
Bha:ti 7oga mean" the ,ath of attaining 'nion #ith the Lord thro'gh inten"e 6o)e of God( It i" not 6o)ing God
for an "e6fi"h !enefit !'t it i" "ing6e0minded de)otion to God and tota6 "'rrender to God(
35( Ho# man t,e" of Bha:ti are there-
There are fo'r t,e" of Bha:tiB Artha/ Arth9rthi/ <i8naa"' and <nani( An Artha ,ra" to God inten"e6 #hen
he i" in dire di"tre""( He ,6ead" for re6ief from diffi*'6tie" and "'ffering"( God grant" re6ief and !6e""e" him
#ith #or6d6 ha,,ine""( An Arth9rthi ,ra" for mone/ ,o#er/ ,o"ition and ,ro",erit( God grant" hi" #i"he"
too( A <i8naa"' ,ra" to God to en6ighten him #ith "e6f0:no#6edge( Hi" aim i" to 'nra)e6 the m"ter of
e+i"ten*e( God f'6fi66" hi" 6onging ! "ending a G'r' to en6ighten him( A <nani i" one #ho "ee" in e)er one
and in e)er thing di)init(
3=( Gi)e e+am,6e" of ea*h(
Dra',adi i" an e+am,6e of Artha Bha:ti( 1rah6ada and Sa::' Bai >a famo'" ;ri"hna de)otee? are other
e+am,6e" of thi" Bha:tiG Dhr')a/ S'dama and Ar8'na are Arth9rthi'"G Pddha)a i" an e+*e66ent e+am,6e of
<i8naa"'G S':a .ahari"hi i" an e+am,6e of <nani(
3A( What are the &'a6itie" that a tr'e de)otee "ho'6d ha)e-
A tr'e de)otee "ho'6d ha)e the fo66o#ing &'a6itie"B He "ho'6d hate none in*6'ding a66 other 6i)ing !eing"( He
"ho'6d !e friend6/ *om,a""ionate/ #itho't ego/ and "ho'6d remain e&'a6 minded in 8o and "orro#( He
"ho'6d !e "e6f *ontro66ed/ end'ring/ and e)er *ontent( The ,ath of rea6iQing God ! the e+,erien*e of "eeing
'nit in thi" #or6d of d'a6it and m'6ti,6i*it >di)er"it?( Thi" :no#6edge *an !e a*&'ired ! "er)ing a
gen'ine G'r'(
3@( What i" <nana oga-
<nana oga i" the ,ath of "e6f0en&'ir #ith "'*h &'e"tion" a"B Who am I- Rrom #here ha)e I *ome- Where
#i66 I go- It !egin" #ith negating e)erthing e6"e >Thi" i" not/ Thi" i" not? and end" in an int'iti)e e+,erien*e
of the Atmi* rea6it(
3E( Ho# man t,e" of <nana are there-
There are t#o t,e" of :no#6edgeB Se*'6ar and S,irit'a6(
3F( Ho# *an one earn <nana-
<nana *an !e earned on6 ! Shraddha and inten"e faith in one'" "e6f( Shraddha mean"B earne"tne""/
,er"e)eran*e and determination(
4%( What i" Ra8a 7oga-
Ra8a 7oga i" *on*erned #ith the o**'6t or hidden ",irit'a6 e+,erien*e and inner m"terie" of the h'man "o'6(
4$( ;ing <ana:a/ Sant Namde)/ Sant <nanade)/ are rea6iQed "o'6"( What #a" the oga the ,ra*ti*ed-
;ing <ana:a i" the e+,onent and ,ra*titioner of ;arma 7oga/ Namde) of Bha:ti 7oga/ and <nanade) of
<nana 7oga(
Ror "'re e)en :ing" 6i:e <ana:a Nfather of Sita/ the #ife of RamaO and other" attained to ,erfe*tion thro'gh
thi" #or: and a6"o in *on"ideration of #hat the #or6d need" o' "ho'6d a*t(
43( Ho# doe" S#ami e+,6ain the inter0re6ation"hi, !et#een ;arma/ <nana and Bha:ti .arga-
;arma i" 6i:e a f6o#er/ Bha:ti i" the ra# fr'it and <nana i" the ri,ened fr'it/ one 6eading to the other(
44( What i" it that ,re)ent" a ",irit'a6 a",irant from ta:ing to the"e ,ath"-
It i" the mind that i" e)er in agitation that i" re",on"i!6e(
45( What i" mind-
It i" a !'nd6e of tho'ght" and de"ire"(
4=( Wh "ho'6d mind !e *ontro66ed-
.ind i" re",on"i!6e for !oth man'" !ondage and 6i!eration( So it "ho'6d !e *ontro66ed(
4A( Ho# *an mind !e *ontro66ed-
The mind *an !e *ontro66ed on6 ! !eing a ma"ter of the "en"e" and not !e a "er)ant of them( It "ho'6d o!e
the di*tate" of the B'ddhi or inte66e*t(
4@( What are the other *om,onent" of the mind-
The other *om,onent" of the mind are B'ddhi/ 2hittha and Aham:9r( The mind i" the "eat of e)er0#a)ering
tho'ght"( It i" *a66ed the 'B'ddhi' #hen it di"*riminate" >inte66e*t?G the '2hittha' i" that mind #hi*h "tore"
im,re""ion" of e+,erien*e" of the ,a"t and ,a"t 6i)e"( 'Aham:9r' i" the ego0mind(
4E( What are the im,'ritie" that affe*t the mind-
The im,'ritie" that affe*t the mind are .a6a/ S)arana and Vi:"he,a(
4F( What i" .a6a-
'.a6a' i" the dirt and d'"t that "oi6" the mind in the form of the im,rint" of the offen*e" *ommitted in thi" 6ife
and the ,re)io'" 6i)e"( It i" trea"'red in the 2hittha or "toreho'"e of memor( A" a *on"e&'en*e the mind
*annot ref6e*t the Atmi* eff'6gen*e(
5%( What i" S)arana-
'S)arana' i" that #hi*h *on*ea6" rea6it and ma:e" man identif #ith the !od(
5$( What i" Vi:"he,a-
'Vi:"he,a' i" *on"tant #a)ering of the mind and the ,ro8e*tion of the 'nrea6 a" the rea6( It i" 6i:e one
mi"ta:ing a ro,e for a "er,ent in the t#i6ight or da#n(
53( Ho# *an the"e im,'ritie" !e remo)ed-
'.a6a' *an !e got rid of ! Ni"h:9ma ;arma( Hen*e it i" "aidB '2hittha"a S'ddhae ;armah'(
S)arana' *an !e got rid of ! #i"dom/ 'Vi:"he,a' ! Bha:ti or de)otion(
54( What i" it that i" re",on"i!6e for the"e im,'ritie"-
The three g'na" or the attri!'te" that are inherent in Nat're >1ra:riti?(
55( What are G'na"-
The Tama"/ the Ra8a" and Sat)a &'a6itie" are re",on"i!6e for the im,'ritie"(
5=( De"*ri!e the *hara*teri"ti*" of the"e G'na"(
The *hara*teri"ti*" of the"e g'na" areB
Tama"i* i" *hara*teriQed ! inte66e*t'a6 inertia/ #a)ering mind/ inde*i"i)ene""/ non0di"*riminating and
heed6e""ne""( The Ra8a"i* i" *hara*teriQed ! ,a""ion/ anger/ 8ea6o'"/ greed and re"t6e""ne""( The Sat#i* i"
f'66 of #i"dom/ i" *a6m and "erene !'t e+,erien*e" ha,,ine""( Wi"dom !e6ong" to Sat)a0g'na/ a*ti)it to Ra8o0
g'na and de6'"ion to Tamo0g'na(
5A( What i" the !a"i" for the"e G'na"-
The food that #e eat i" the !a"i" for the"e g'na"(
5@( Ho# man t,e" of food are there-
There are three t,e" of foodB Tama"i*/ Ra8a"i* and Sat#i*( The Tama"i* food i" "ta6e/ ta"te6e""/ ,'trid( The
Ra8a"i* food i" !itter/ "o'r/ "a6ine/ e+*e""i)e6 hot/ ,'ngent and !'rning( The Sat#i* food i" "a)or/ o6eagino'"
and "'!"tantia6/ *onfer" energ/ hea6th/ "trength/ 8o and *heer(
5E( What e+a*t6 i" food a**ording to S#ami-
Rood a**ording to S#ami i" not 8'"t #hat #e ta:e ! mo'th a6one( A66 that #e ta:e in thro'gh a66 the "en"e
organ" i" food( Hen*e/
We "ho'6d not "ee e)i6 !'t "ee on6 good(
We "ho'6d not hear e)i6 !'t hear on6 good(
We "ho'6d not ",ea: e)i6 !'t ",ea: on6 good(
We "ho'6d not thin: e)i6 !'t thin: on6 good(
We "ho'6d not do e)i6 !'t do on6 good(
5F( What "ho'6d #e do to ,'rif the food-
We ha)e to "a ,raer and offer the food to God !efore eating(
=%( What are the im,'ritie" re6ated to food-
The ,'rit of food materia6" 0 ho# it #a" !o'ght/ #hether ! fair or fo'6 mean"( The ,'rit of the *oo:ing
'ten"i6"( The ,'rit of the ,er"on #ho *oo:"(
=$( Who dige"t" the food that #e eat-
The dige"ti)e fire ! name Vai"h)9nara dige"t" the food(
=3( What are the t,e" of food that He dige"t"-
Rood that i" eaten ! ma"ti*ation >*he#ing?/ ! "'*:ing in/ ! de)o'ring and ! 6i*:ing(
=4( Ho# *an #e get rid of the"e G'na'"-
We *an get rid of the"e 8'"t a" a thorn in the foot *an !e ea"i6 remo)ed ! a thorn 0 ! "'!d'ing the Tama"i*
! Ra8a"i* and the Ra8a"i* ! the Sat#i* and '6timate6 tran"*end the three G'na"(
=5( What are the three gate" to he66-
Anger/ greed and de"ire are the three gate#a" to he66(
==( Ho# do the affe*t man-
":9mam :arma n9"hanam"( De"ire #i66 ma:e one ta:e to im,ro,er a*tion"(
":rodham 8n9na n9"hanam"( Anger #i66 de"tro #i"dom(
"6o!ham !ha:ti na"anam"( Greed #i66 de"tro de)otion(
=A( Ho# doe" the Gita i66'"trate that 'de"ire 6ead" to de",air'-
Brooding o)er "en"e o!8e*t" atta*hment" i" !ornG from atta*hment *ome" de"ire/ from de"ire ",ro't" anger/
from anger ,ro*eed" de6'"ion/ from de6'"ion re"'6t" *onf'"ed memor and r'in of rea"on( D'e to the r'in of
rea"on he ,eri"he"(
In the )er"eB NBGB 30A3O
"dh9ato )i"a9n ,'m"ah
"anga" te"L,'89ate
"ang9t "an89ate :9mah
:9m9t :rodho '!hi89ate"
Ra*ing "en"e0o!8e*t" a ,er"on de)e6o," atta*hment for tho"e o!8e*t"( Rrom that atta*hment de"ire de)e6o,"
and from that de"ire anger Nthe drift of ,a""ionO ari"e"(
and in the )er"eB NBGB 30A4O
":rodh9d !ha)ati "ammohah
"ammoh9t "mrt0)i!hramah
"mrti0!hram"9d !'ddhi0n9"o
!'ddhi0n9"9t ,rana"ati"
Rrom anger N6o"ing one'" orderO one get" i66'"ioned and from i66'"ion the memor get" !e#i6dered( With the
memor di"t'r!ed one 6o"e" one'" inte66igen*e and from that 6o"" of inte66igen*e one fa66" do#n(
=@( What are the three "tage" that ma:e an a",irant merge in God-
<n9th'm 0 :no#ing a!o't GodG Dhra"ht'm0 "eeing God fa*e to fa*e/ and 1ra)e"ht'm 0 merging in God(
=E( What i" the i66'"tration gi)en ! S#ami to e+,6ain the"e "tage"-
We fir"t hear the ne#" that "#eet mangoe" are a)ai6a!6e in the mar:et( Thi" i" the "tage of '<n9th'm'(
Ret*hing the mangoe" and fee6ing ha,, of the ,o""e""ion i" 'Dhra"ht'm'( Ta"ting and en8oing the fr'it" i"
=F( Whi*h i" more fr'itf'6/ the #or"hi, of God #ith name and form or the #or"hi, of God #itho't form and
Both the t,e" of #or"hi, i" im,ortant !'t a" 6ong a" a de)otee i" !od *on"*io'" and doe" Sadhana thro'gh
the !od0/ mind0/ inte66e*t0*om,6e+/ he ha" to ta:e to the #or"hi, of God #ith name and form(
A%( What doe" the GCt9 "a a!o't A)at9ri* mi""ion-
A)atharana mean" de"*ent/ A)atharana i" the de"*ent of God for the a"*ent of man:ind(
The Lord "a"B "Whene)er there i" a de*6ine in de ,ra*ti*e of Dharma and Adharma ,re)ai6"/ I in*arnate( I
in*arnate to ,rote*t the )irt'o'" and ,'ni"h the #i*:ed"(
ad9 ad9 hi dharma"a
g69nir !ha)ati !h9rata
a!h'tth9nam adharma"a
tad9tm9nam "r89m aham
Whene)er and #here)er it i" "'re that one #ea:en" in righteo'"ne"" and a ,redominan*e of in8'"ti*e doe"
manife"t/ o de"*endant of Bharata/ at that time I do manife"t ."e6f(
A$( What i" the me""age of the Vi!h'thi 7oga-
The Vi!h'thi 7oga e+em,6ifie" ho# di)init i" immanent in the *reation(
A3( What i" the ,'r,o"e of the Vi"h#aroo, Samdhar"hana 7oga-
The Vi"h#aroo, Samdhar"hana 7oga ,ro8e*t" the entire *o"mo" in the form of the Lord( God i" not
e+ha'"ted in Hi" *reation(
A4( What are the &'a6itie" of a Stitha 1ragna-
A Stitha 1ragna i" one #ho ha" *om,6ete *ontro6 o)er hi" "en"e"/ ha" "tead mind/ 'naffe*ted ! the #or6d of
,6'ra6itie"/ he i" e)er e"ta!6i"hed in God( He i" e&'a6 minded and e)er a6ert( He i" free and i" a6#a" at ,ea*e
and 8o(
A5( Ho# *an the de",onden* of Ar8'na !e *a66ed a 7oga-
The de",onden* of Ar8'na #a" not an ordinar t,e of de",onden* *hara*teriQed ! 6a*: of *o'rage and
fear( Ar8'na'" de",onden* #a" !enefi*ia6( It te"ted hi" "in*erit and "teadfa"tne""( It ind'*ed him to "ee:
'n&'e"tioning ref'ge in the Lord( Hen*e Ar8'na'" Vi"h9dha or de",onden* i" gi)en a dignified name 0 7oga(
A=( Ho# doe" Lord ;ri"hna e+,6ain the effi*a* of the *a"te ""tem-
Lord ;ri"hna "a" that He Him"e6f ha" *reated the *a"te ""tem a**ording to ,eo,6e'" nat'ra6 attri!'te" and
a,tit'de"( It i" !a"ed on G'na and ;arma( The fo'r *a"te"/ the !r9hmana/ the ;"hatria/ the Vai"ha and the
"Ldra are 6i:e the fo'r 6im!" of the h'man !od( It i" "aid that the !r9hmana'" are !orn from the head of the
Lord/ the ;"hatria" from the "ho'6der"/ the Vai"ha" from the thigh" and the S'dra" from the feet( <'"t a"
ea*h 6im! i" im,ortant and ha" a f'n*tion of it" o#n/ !'t interde,endent/ "o too a66 the"e *a"te" are e&'a66
im,ortant( R'rther ! )irt'e of the G'na" the ,o""e""/ the *an tran"*end the *a"te"(
AA( What doe" the Gita "a a!o't ",ee*h ha!it-
The #ord" ",o:en m'"t !e tr'e/ m'"t !e de)oid of ,a""ion and "ho'6d not h'rt other" e)en if it !e tr'e(
A@( What i" the meaning of the term" Sadh'/ Samadhi/ .o:"ha and 1andit a" gi)en ! S#ami-
A 'Sadh'' i" not 8'"t a mon: or a "ana"i #ho #ear" an o*hre ro!e( A 'Sadh'' i" one #ho ha" Sat)a G'na/
#ho ,ra*ti*e" Satha >Tr'th? and Dharma >*om,a""ion?( One #ho fo"ter" Sat)a G'na in "o*iet and ",read"
"a*red )a6'e" of 6ife(
'Samadhi' i" made of t#o "66a!6e"B Sama and dhi( Sama mean" e&'a6 and dhi mean" !'ddhiG "o it mean"
e&'a6 mindedne""(
'.o:"ha' i" .oha0:"haa(
'1andit' i" one #ho ha" e&'a6 )i"ion 0 Samadar"an(
AE( What i" the "ignifi*an*e of Dhai)9"'ra Sam,ad)i!h9ga 7oga-
Dhai)9"'ra Sam,ad)i!h9ga 7oga de"*ri!e" the )irt'e" that one "ho'6d *'6ti)ate and the )i*e" that one "ho'6d
AF( De"*ri!e the Tree of Sam"ara(
The tree of Sam"ara i" *om,ared to the im,eri"ha!6e A")attha tree >!ananT1ee,a6? #ith it" root" a!o)e and
!ran*he" !e6o#( The 6ea)e" are the Veda'"( The !ran*he" ",read a!o)e and !e6o#( The are no'ri"hed ! the
three g'na"B "en"e o!8e*t" are it" !'d"/ the root" "tret*h forth no'ri"hing the tree( I"#ara i" the ta, root of the
tree "'"taining from a!o)e( The root" "tret*h forth !e6o# in the #or6d of men originating in a*tion( It" form i"
not ,er*ei)ed here 0 neither it" end/ nor it" origin/ nor it" e+i"ten*e i" )i"i!6e( The ,henomenon )ani"he" to
one/ attaining Brahma <nana( B't it *ontin'e" to e+i"t for a66 other"/ in ignoran*e( Non0atta*hment i" the a+e
to *'t do#n the tree of Sam"ara/ "ee:ing ref'ge in the eterna6 *o"mi* ",irit(
@%( What are the "e)en e+*e66en*e" >Sthree? of #omen a" mentioned in the Vi!h'thi 7oga-
The e+*e66en*e" in a #oman areB Rame/ fort'ne/ ",ee*h/ memor/ inte66igen*e/ *on"i"ten* and end'ran*e(
@$( Ho# doe" S#ami e+,6ain the eterna6 6onging of man"I #ant ,ea*e" and ho# *an one attain ,ea*e-
"I #ant ,ea*e"B Remo)e the I/ #hi*h i" the Ego/ remo)e a6"o Want #hi*h i" De"ire and #hat remain" i" 1ea*e(
@3( 2om,6ete the"e &'otation" of S#amiB
a( Death i" the dre"" of 6ife(
!( Death i" "#eeter than the !6indne"" of ignoran*e(
*( A" o' "o#/ "o o' rea,(
d( The "6o:a" of the Gita #i66 !ani"h the "o:a in o'r heart"(
e( .ind i" the ,',,et of the food #e ta:e(
@4( What i" the "ignifi*an*e of the fo66o#ing "imi6ie"B
a( Good" #agonB <'"t a" on the good" #agon the date of it" ret'rn i" #ritten/ "o too man i" "ent into the #or6d
#ith hi" death date a6read fi+ed(
!( Ran #ith three !6ade"B The three !6ade" "tand for the three G'na"( When the"e three G'na" >Sat)a
>harmon?/ Ra8a" >,a""ion? and Tama" >,a""i)it?? are in 'nion and #hen there i" !a6an*e/ the indi)id'a6 i"
ha,,/ 8'"t a" the fan gi)e" good !reeQe #hen the three !6ade" mo)e in one dire*tion on6(
*( .at*h !o+B If #e #ant to 6ight fire/ #e need not "tri:e a66 the mat*h"ti*:" in the !o+/ one or t#o #o'6d do(
Simi6ar6 if #e #ant to attain <nana >#i"dom/ :no#6edge?/ #e need not memoriQe a66 the )er"e" in the Gita( It
i" eno'gh if #e 6earn one or t#o and ,ra*ti*e them in dai6 6ife(
@5( The fo66o#ing &'otation" of S#ami thro#" 6ight on *ertain tea*hing" of the Gita0e+,6ain(
a( Le"" 6'ggage more *omfort ma:e tra)e6 a ,6ea"'reB
It mean"/ the 6e"" de"ire" o' ha)e/ the more *omforta!6e #i66 !e o'r 8o'rne of 6ife( Then the 6ife #i66 !e f'66
of 8o(
!( Be in the #or6d !'t 6et not the #or6d enter o'B
7o' ma 6i)e in the #or6d !'t "ho'6d not a66o# the #or6d6 tenden*ie" to !ind o'( 7o' m'"t de)e6o,
deta*hment >Vairaga?(
*( Rood 0 Head 0 GodB
A" the food "o i" the head( A" the head "o i" the mind( A" i" the mind/ "o i" the *ond'*t( A" i" the *ond'*t "o i"
God'" gra*e(
d( .an min'" de"ire i" GodB
A man #itho't de"ire *an rea6iQe God(
e( What matter" i" ren'n*iation in a*tion and not ren'n*iation of a*tionB
Thi" i" the "'m and "'!"tan*e of ;arma oga( One "ho'6d not de"i"t from doing #or:( One m'"t do #or:
#itho't de"ire for the fr'it"(
@=( What are the t#o )er"e" that "er)e a" t#o !an:" of the ri)er of 6ife-
""raddh9)9n 6a!hathe <naanam"B One #ho ha" "teadfa"tne"" and "in*erit *an o!tain #i"dom(
""am"a9tm9 )ina"ati"B One #ho do'!t" #i66 *ome to r'in(
@A( What i" the "ignifi*an*e of the )er"eB
",atram ,'",am ,ha6am toam
o me !ha:t9 ,raa**hati
tad aham !ha:t0',ahrtam
a"n9mi ,raat9tmanah"
Thi" )er"e mean" that God #i66 a**e,t anthing o' offer #ith 6o)e and de)otion/ !e it a 6eaf/ a f6o#er or
#ater( B't S#ami "a" that !od "ho'6d !e the 6eaf/ the f6o#er i" the heart and the #ater i" tear" of 8o( We
ha)e to offer on6 the"e three(
"Whoe)er offer" .e a 6eaf/ a f6o#er/ a fr'it/ and #ater #ith de)otion/ that offer !ro'ght from the heart ! a
"o'6 of good ha!it" I a**e,t"(
@@( Ho# *an a 6aQ fe66o# inter,ret the )er"eB
"ar)a0dharm9n ,arita8a
m9m e:am "aranam )ra8a
aham t)9m "ar)a0,9,e!ho
mo:"ai"9mi m9 "'*ah
A 6aQ fe66o# #ho doe" not #or: #i66 &'ote the )er"e and 8'"tif hi" 6aQine"" "Ha" not the Lord "aidB Gi)e ',
a66 dharma and "ee: m ref'ge/ I "ha66 grant .o:"ha >6i!eration from the **6e of !irth and dead?"(
"Go/ 6ea)e the )ariet of re6igion" !ehind for "'rrendering to .e on6G I #i66 de6i)er o' from a66 the
*on"e&'en*e" of "in/ don't #orrH"
@E( .ention at 6ea"t three )er"e" that ,oint o't the immanent di)init(
!C8am m9m "ar)a0!hLt9n9m
N)iddhi ,9rtha "an9tanam
!'ddhir !'ddhimat9m a"mi
te8a" te8a")in9m ahamO
I am ,re"ent a" the "eed in a66 the 6i)ing !eing"( ;no# .e a" the eterna6 "eed of a66 !eing"(
mamai)9m"o 8C)a06o:e
8C)a0!hLtah "an9tanah
,ra:rti "th9ni :ar"atiO
An eterna6 ,ortion of m"e6f ha)ing !e*ome the <i)a(
C")arah "ar)a0!hLt9n9m
Nhrd0de"e 'r8'na ti"thati
!hr9maan "ar)a0!hLt9ni
antr9rLdh9ni m9a9O
The Lord d#e66" in a66 !eing"(
@F( What are the three t,e" of Saran9gati >a!"o6'te "e6f0"'rrender?
The areB
$( "ta)ai)9ham" meaning 'I am Thine'(
3( "mamai)a t)am" meaning '7o' are mine'(
4( "t)ame )9ham" meaning 'Tho' art I'(
E%( What i" the meaning of tota6 "'rrender-
Tota6 "'rrender mean" "'rrendering to the Lord #ith !od/ mind and heart 0 #ith a fee6ing "nothing i"
mine"( E)erthing i" 7o'r"( Th #i66 "ha66 ,re)ai6(
E$( What i" the :e to gain ",irit'a6 #i"dom-
The :e i"B "en"e *ontro6(
E3( Ho# doe" Lord ;ri"hna de"*ri!e Stm9-
Atma *an not !e *'t ! an #ea,on/ *annot !e !'rnt ! fire/ *annot !e #etted ! #ater and *annot !e dried(
It i" imm'ta!6e/ a66 ,er)ading/ "ta!6e and firm(
nainam *hindanti "a"tr9ni
nainam dahati ,9)a:ah
na *ainam :6edaant 9,o
na "o"aati m9r'tah
Ne)er *an thi" "o'6 >Atma? !e *'t to ,ie*e"/ !e !'rnt ! fireG nor *an it dro#n in #ater or #ither in the #ind(
E4( What i" the meaning gi)en ! S#ami to .AN-
.AN mean" .aa remo)ed/ Atma "een and Nir)ana attained(
E5( What i" the fo'ndation for the man"ion of the Gita-
Ar8'na Vi"h9dha 7oga or the 7oga of Ar8'na'" de",onden* i" the fo'ndation of the Gita(
E=( Ho# "ho'6d one regard and re)ere the GCt9/ the "ong and #ord of God-
The Gita i" not a te+t to !e #or"hi,,ed #ith f6o#er"/ nor i" it a te+t the )er"e" of #hi*h "ho'6d !e *ommitted
to memor( It i" the Song of the Lord/ the Word of God/ "o the Word "ho'6d !e o!eed and ,'t into ,ra*ti*e(
EA( "Dharma:"etre ;'r':"etre" i" the 6ine #ith #hi*h the Gita "tart"B #hat i" the meaning of the"e term"-
Dharma:"etre and ;'r':"etre mean"B .an/ #hen he i" !orn a" a *hi6d/ hi" heart i" ,'re and i" a
dharma:"etraG a" he gro#" it !e*ome" ;'r':"hetra/ a !att6e gro'nd( ;'r' mean" to do( Hen*e ! !eing good
and doing good/ ;'r':"hetra *an !e tran"formed into dharma:"etra(
E@( Atma i" de"*ri!ed a" free and inde,endent/ then #hat i" the meaning of Stma0"amamana 7oga-
In thi" *onte+t Atma mean" mind( So it "tand" for mind *ontro6 >Dhanam?(
EE( What i" meditation-
.editation i" *on*entration on God to the e+*6'"ion of e)erthing e6"e( In meditation Dh9ta/ one #ho
meditate" and Dhanam the ,ro*e"" of meditation/ Dhea the o!8e*t of meditation/ a66 the three "ho'6d merge(
The ,er"on #ho meditate" "ho'6d !e*ome one #ith the o!8e*t of meditation(
EF( Ho# *an #e "a that the GCt9 i" the Pni)er"a6 S*ri,t're-
The Gita i" a te+t !oo: on the *ond'*t of 6ife/ #hat man "ho'6d do to !e ha,, and ,ea*ef'6( It i" a ,ra*ti*a6
g'ide to the art and "*ien*e of 6ife in the "e*'6ar #or6d and ",irit'a6 #or6d( It" me""age i" for the entire
F%( Ho# *o'6d Ar8'na ri"e to the o**a"ion and fight-
Ar8'na "aid ":ari"e )a*anam ta)a" I "ha66 a*t a**ording to o'r #ord( He fo'ght and #on(
F$( What i" the "m!o6i*a6 "ignifi*an*e of the ;'r':"etre !att6e-
The t#o armie" ,itted again"t one anotherG the 1anda)a arm and the ;a'ra)a arm "tand for the eterna6
"tr'gg6e !et#een good end e)i6 for*e" #ithin man(
F3( What i" A:"hara 1ara!rahma 7oga-
A:"hara 1ara!rahmah 7oga mean" attainment of oga thro'gh the *ontem,6ation of AP. >Om:ara? the
im,eri"ha!6e( A:"hara mean" that #hi*h i" im,eri"ha!6e(
F4( ;ri"hna "a" that He had fir"t ta'ght the Gita to the S'n god NVi)a")anO and the S'n god to the father of
man:ind NVai")ata .an'O #ho in hi" t'rn ",o:e it to I:")a:' Nfo'nder of the dna"t #here Rama de"*ended
inO a" He i" tea*hing it to Ar8'na( What i" the meaning-
"rC !haga)9n ')9*a
imam )i)a")ate ogam
,ro:ta)9n aham a)aam
)i)a")9n mana)e ,r9ha
man'r i:")9:a)e '!ra)Ct
It mean"B "Ar8'na/ I am 'n!orn/ I am infinite/ I am omni"*ient and omni,re"ent( I ha)e neither !eginning
nor an end"( He i" the eterna6 Sarathi >*harioteer? of man:ind(
F5( Ho# *an ignoran*e or A8nana !e remo)ed-
B '"ing the "#ord of <nana/ ! '"ing the fire of <n9na/ A8nana *an !e *'t off and !'rnt(
F=( What i" the )er"e that "a" "nothing i" greater than "e6f0di"*i,6ine"-
:9ram it e)a at :arma
niatam :riate 'r8'na
"angam ta:t)9 ,ha6am *ai)a
"a t9gah "9tt)i:o matah
Witho't the o!"er)an*e of di"*i,6ine/ no good *an !e a**r'ed(
1re"*ri!ed #or: then indeed done o't of di"*i,6ine/ o Ar8'na/ and in a""o*iation #ith gi)ing ', on the re"'6t 0
that ren'n*iation i"/ in . )ie#/ of goodne""(
FA( What i" the )er"e that "a" "o' "ha66 rai"e "e6f ! o'r o#n "e6f"-
Let man rai"e him"e6f ! hi" o#n "e6fG 6et him not de!a"e him"e6f( Ror he i" him"e6f hi" friend/ him"e6f hi" foe(
'ddhared 9tman9tm9nam
n9tm9nam a)a"9daet
9tmai)a h 9tmano !andh'r
9tmai)a ri,'r 9tmanah
One m'"t free one"e6f ! mindf'6ne"" and ne)er ,'t one"e6f do#n/ a" "'re6 that "e6f0intere"t i" indeed a" #e66
the friend of the "o'6 a" the "e6f it" enem(
F@( Who #ere the ,eo,6e other than Ar8'na #ho heard the Gita-
Han'man on the f6ag"taff/ San8aa and Dhrithara"htra(
FE( Did ;ri"hna tea*h the Gita on6 to en6ighten Ar8'na-
;ri"hna Him"e6f "a"B "Ar8'na/ o' are 8'"t a ,rete+t for the *e6e"tia6 "ong to emanate from .e"( 'nimitta0
m9tram !ha)a "a)a"9*in'/ Sage Va"a #ith hi" ,oeti* geni'" de"*ri!e" that the GCt9mrita i" 6i:e the mi6:
dra#n from the P,ani"hadi* *o#"/ ha)ing Ar8'na a" the *a6f ! the *o#herd Go,a6a for the !enefit of men of
,'rified inte66e*t(
NBG $$B44O
ta"m9t t)am 'tti"tha a"o 6a!ha")a
8it)9 "atrLn !h'n:")a r98am "amrddham
maai)aite nihat9h ,Lr)am e)a
nimitta0m9tram !ha)a "a)a"9*in
Therefore 7o' m'"t get ', and gain fame *on&'ering the enemie" and en8o the :ingdom f6o'ri"hing ! .eG
for "'re a66 the"e #ere de"tined to !e :i66ed/ !e mere6 the in"tr'ment of that/ o 6eft0handed one(
FF( Gi)e the meaning of the 6a"t )er"e of the Gita(
The 6a"t )er"e mean"B Where)er there i" ;ri"hna/ the '7oge")arah'/ one #ho #or:" for the #e6fare of the
#or6d/ one #ho em!odie" "a*rifi*e #ith a66 di)ine attri!'te"/ #here i" Ar8'na Dhan'rdhara the #ie6der of the
!o#/ there #i66 !e ,ro",erit/ g6or and fe6i*it(
atra oge")arah :r"no
atra ,9rtho dhan'r0dharah
tatra "rCr )i8ao !hLtir
dhr')9 nCtir matir mama
I am *on)in*ed that #here)er there i" the Lord of 7oga ;ri"hna and the "on of 1rth9 *arring the !o# and
arro#"/ that there o,'6en*e/ )i*tor/ great ,o#er and mora6it are a""'red("
$%%( What i" the famo'" &'otation of S#ami that ,ortra" the greatne"" of the Gita-
Ba!a "a"B
Gita i" the 'ni)er"a6 .other(
Gita i" the me""enger of God(
Gita i" the 6ife!oat to *ro"" the o*ean of 6ife(
Gita i" the "taff and "',,ort for ",irit'a6 "ee:er"(
Gita i" a *a":et of "a*red mantra"(
Gita i" a !ea'tif'6 garden of f6o#er"(
Gita i" the roa6 road to 6i!eration(
Thi" i" the #ord of Sai
<aned' 1otta Nim,':ona 2hi::'6a Nond'*h'
;oti Vida6an' 1'ni:a .ira Ner*hi
1ari,'rna S':hamm' Nonda Le:a
Vi .ana)a <athi Lo:am'na .raggaga Neti:i
Sri 1arath,r'n) Dhanam' 2he' Bha:th'6a:'
Darini 2h',,a:a Pnne .ana)a .ana)a .ana)a
Wh do o' "'ffer in thi" #or6d of h'man" 'na!6e to "ati"f the !e66 >mea"'ring ', to one ",an? #ith the
he6, of 'm,teen >)er man? n'm!er of ":i66"( Wi66 not the S',reme Lord "ho# the #a if o' !'t !e"o'ght
hi" ref'ge O man-
Origina6 Te+tB M'iQ on the Bhaga#at Gita
1'!6i"hed in India !B The 2on)enor/
Sri Satha Sai Boo:" and 1'!6i*ation" Tr'"t/
1ra"hanthi Ni6aam/ India
>Lin:" and ,i*t're" ! Vahini(org?

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