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MSF / Epicentre / CeForLog
O.C. Paris 2014 (first version)


Sommaire / Summary :

Planning des Formations / Training calendar 2014 ..................................................................... 4
Processus dinscription une formation...................................................................................... 7
Training registration process ....................................................................................................... 8
Mmo : ........................................................................................................................................ 9
OCP training unit team Equipe formation OCP ...................................................................... 10

MEDICAL TRAINING COURSES.............................................................................................. 11

Advanced Life Support Obstetrics (ALSO) Provider course ...................................................... 12
DR TB Workshop ...................................................................................................................... 14
Formation Coordination Pharmacie (FR)................................................................................... 15
E-learning Nutrition (franais).................................................................................................... 16
E-learning Nutrition (English)..................................................................................................... 17
Family planning & post abortion care (FP/PAC) ........................................................................ 18
Formation de formateurs BASIC DHS....................................................................................... 20
HIV Programmatic Course......................................................................................................... 21
HIV & TB Clinical Training: Advanced Level (South Africa)....................................................... 23
Laboratory Workshop................................................................................................................ 25
Medical Supply & Stock Management course ........................................................................... 27
Mental Health Course (MH)....................................................................................................... 29
Nutrition - Vaccination Encadrement ......................................................................................... 30
Prparation Au Premier Dpart Pharma.................................................................................... 33
Responding to Epidemics.......................................................................................................... 34
Rponse aux Epidmies............................................................................................................ 35
Sant Sexuelle et Reproductive (SRH) ..................................................................................... 36
Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) .................................................................................... 37
Semaine Mdicale..................................................................................................................... 38
Medical Week............................................................................................................................ 39
Pharmacist Week / Semaine pharma........................................................................................ 40
Surgical Workshop .................................................................................................................... 41
Tropical paediatrics ................................................................................................................... 42

LOGISTIC TRAINING COURSES............................................................................................. 43

Logistic Preparation Days (PPDL)............................................................................................. 44
Prparation Premier Dpart Logistique (PPDL)......................................................................... 46
Applied Security Course for field logisticians............................................................................. 48
Techniques Logistiques de Base (TLB)..................................................................................... 49
Basic Technical Logistics Course (TLB) .................................................................................... 51
AdHoc Biomedelec English ....................................................................................................... 53
Adhoc Biomedelec (Franais) ................................................................................................... 55
Eau en Situation Prcaire.......................................................................................................... 57
Meca Adhoc training (English)................................................................................................... 58

Mcanique Adhoc...................................................................................................................... 60
Nva : Nut Vacci Appro............................................................................................................... 62
Water, Hygiene and Sanitation (WHS) in Emergencies Course................................................ 65
Water, Hygiene and Sanitation (WHS) in Emergencies Course................................................ 66
LOT / Logistics Organizational Training..................................................................................... 67

FORMATIONS ADMINISTRATIVES......................................................................................... 68
ADMINISTRATIVE TRAINING COURSES................................................................................ 68

Prparation au Premier Dpart Administrateur (PPDA)............................................................. 69
Training for first departure as Admin (PPDA) ............................................................................ 70
Formation Des Administrateurs Expriments (FOREXPAD)..71
Experimented Admin Training (FOREXPAD) ............................................................................ 72
HRCC : Formation Pour les Coordinateurs de Ressources Humaines ..................................... 73
HRCC (Human Resources Coordination Course) ..................................................................... 74
Semaine RH.............................................................................................................................. 75
Semaine Des Responsables RH............................................................................................... 76
HR Managers week................................................................................................................... 77
Semaine Des Responsables Comptables ................................................................................. 78
Accounting Managers week ...................................................................................................... 79

OPERATIONNAL AND TRANSVERSAL TRAINING COURSES.............................................. 80

Field Management Training....................................................................................................... 81
Formation Oprationnelle Oriente Terrain - F.O.O.T. .............................................................. 83
Field Oriented Operational Training - F.O.O.T. ......................................................................... 84
Formation Responsable Logistique - FORELOG ...................................................................... 85
Hospital Management Training - FORGHO............................................................................... 88
Formation Gestion Hospitalire - FORGHO.............................................................................. 91
Formation de Formateurs.......................................................................................................... 95
Training of Trainers - TOT......................................................................................................... 96
Logistical Management Course................................................................................................. 97
Methods for evaluation and assessment ................................................................................... 98
Populations in Precarious Situation (PSP) ................................................................................ 99

Planning des Formations / Training calendar 2014

Les informations sont donnes titre indicatif, des modifications seront certainement apportes en cours
danne, et vous seront communiques au fur et mesure.

All information below is correct at time of printing; you will be informed of any changes made.

for OCP
ALSO 15/09/2014 19/09/2014 ENG OCB COPENHAGEN TBC
DRTB WORKSHOP 26/01/2014 31/01/2014 ENG INT NAIROBI
E-LEARNING NUT 17/03/2014 30/03/2014 FR/ENG OCBA AT HOME 5
Formation de formateurs BASIC TBC PARIS
HIV PROGRAMMATIC 11/03/2014 27/03/2014 ENG OCB CAPE TOWN 5
HIV TB ADVANCED 03/02/2014 21/02/2014 ENG OCB CAPE TOWN 2
HIV TB ADVANCED 12/05/2014 31/05/2014 ENG OCB CAPE TOWN 2
HIV TB ADVANCED 20/10/2014 07/11/2014 ENG OCB CAPE TOWN 2
LAB WORKSHOP 07/04/2014 11/04/2014 OCA NAIROBI 2
LAB WORKSHOP 08/09/2014 13/09/2014 ENG VIENNA +/- 6
13/10/2014 18/10/2014 FR AUTRE KAMPALA 6
PREMIER DEPART PHARMA 30/06/2014 01/07/2014 FR OCP PARIS 6
PREMIER DEPART PHARMA 22/09/2014 23/09/2014 FR OCP PARIS 6
REPEPI 17/02/2014 21/02/2014 ENG EPICENTRE PARIS 8
REPEPI 01/12/2014 05/12/2014 FR EPICENTRE PARIS
16/03/2014 28/03/2014 FR OCG GENEVE
10/11/2014 21/11/2014 ENG OCP PARIS 10
SEMAINE MEDICALE 30/01/2014 05/02/2014 FR/ENG OCP PARIS 24



TRAINING START END LANG Organizing section Location
seats for
31/03/2014 04/04/2014 FR OCBA ABIDJAN 2
BIOMEDELEC / NRJ 16/06/2014 25/06/2014 ENG CP MERIGNAC
BIOMEDELEC / NRJ 15/09/2014 24/09/2014 FR OCP MERIGNAC
EAU ADHOC 04/08/2014 13/08/2014 FR OCP MERIGNAC
LOT 09/03/2014 22/03/2014 FR/ENG OCG KAMPALA 2
LOT 15/11/2014 29/11/2014 ENG OCBA KAMPALA 2
16/06/2014 25/06/2014 ENG OCP MERIGNAC
15/09/2014 24/09/2014 FR OCP MERIGNAC
05/10/2014 18/10/2014 FR OCP BREVILLE
09/02/2014 14/02/2014 ENG OCP MERIGNAC 12-16
01/06/2014 07/06/2014 FR OCP MERIGNAC 12-16
31/08/2014 06/09/2014 ENG OCP MERIGNAC 12-16
02/11/2014 08/11/2014 FR OCP MERIGNAC 12-16
12/05/2014 23/05/2014 FR OCP MERIGNAC 54
19/01/2014 31/01/2014 ENG OCB KAMPALA 2
25/08/2014 05/09/2014 FR OCB BRUXELLES 2


seats for
FOREXPAD & FMT 03/03/2014 12/03/2014 FR OCP PARIS 16
FOREXPAD & FMT 08/09/2014 19/09/2014 ENG OCP PARIS 16
HRCC 16/02/2014 28/02/2014 ENG OCG GENEVE 3
HRCC 23/06/2014 04/07/2014 ENG OCB BRUXELLES 3
HRCC & JOURS RH 28/09/2014 15/10/2014 FR OCP PARIS 9
HRCC 08/12/2014 19/12/2014 ENG OCA AMSTERDAM 3
PPDA 03/02/2014 07/02/2014 FR OCP PARIS 12
PPDA 31/03/2014 04/04/2014 ENG OCP PARIS 12
PPDA 23/06/2014 27/06/2014 FR OCP PARIS 12
PPDA 27/10/2014 31/10/2014 ENG OCP PARIS 12
PPDA 15/12/2014 19/12/2014 FR OCP PARIS 12
SEMAINE RRH 12/05/2014 16/05/2014 FR OCP PARIS 10
SEMAINE RRH 02/06/2014 06/06/2014 ENG OCP DUBAI 18
SEMAINE RH 17/11/2014 21/11/2014 TBC OCP DUBAI TBC



seats for
FOOT 17/03/2014 28/03/2014 ENG OCP PARIS
FOOT (formation oprationnelle
oriente terrain)
13/10/2014 24/10/2014 FR OCP PARIS
03/03/2014 14/03/2014 FR OCP MERIGNAC 14
13/01/2014 24/01/2014 FR OCP MERIGNAC 15
31/03/2014 12/04/2014 ENG OCP MERIGNAC
01/12/2014 12/12/2014 FR OCP MERIGNAC
19/05/2014 30/05/2014 ENG OCA AMSTERDAM
13/10/2014 24/10/2014 ENG OCA EGMOND (HOLLAND)
PSP 16/03/2014 29/03/2014 ENG EPICENTRE

PSP 21/09/2014 04/04/2014 ENG EPICENTRE SAINT PRIX (FR)

OCP training courses open to the other sections:
Training Start End Language Location
Total nb of
HRCC 28/09/2014 10/11/2014 FR PARIS 21 9 3 3 3 3
Vaccination 2
05/10/2014 18/10/2014

21 13 2 2 2 2
Sexual &
10/11/2014 21/11/2014 ENG PARIS 22 10 3 3 3 3

Processus dinscription une formation

Pour les personnes en mission :

- 3 mois avant le dbut de la formation : Information et projet de candidatures

La gestionnaire formation envoie un mail de rappel aux CRH/GP afin dannoncer la formation.
Discutez avec votre responsable afin de valider la pertinence de la formation et la possibilit de
quitter le terrain. La demande de formation doit tre valide au niveau de la coordination et du

- Maximum 2 mois avant le dbut de la formation : Rassemblement des candidatures

Pour toutes les personnes de ses missions, le CRH propose la formation via la fiche individuelle
des candidats (Homre ou Oracle) statut demand .

Pour les employs nationaux : le terrain doit galement proposer la formation via la fiche
individuelle sur Homre, afin que linformation soit conserve en base. Il faut galement avoir
renvoy la fiche dinformation la gestionnaire formation : Cette fiche
permet davoir les informations ncessaires pour la priorisation, et doit tre reue 2 mois avant.

- 6 semaines avant le dbut de la formation : Priorisation

Une fois que la priorisation est faite, (il y a gnralement plus de candidatures que de places
disponibles) la gestionnaire formation vous enverra, via votre CRH, la confirmation de votre
participation ainsi que des documents et informations sur la formation.
Vous ne serez pas contact si votre participation nest pas retenue. Vous pouvez bien entendu
en demander la raison au CRH.

Si vous avez besoin dun visa pour vous rendre sur le lieu de la formation :
Cest ds ce moment-l quil faut contacter la charge des dparts pour la formation
( pour quelle vous envoie les documents ncessaires la
demande de visa. (joindre imprativement un scan de votre passeport !)

Pour les expatris qui ne sont pas en mission :

-Votre demande de formation passera par le gestionnaire de pool, qui proposera votre
participation via la base Oracle.
-Si votre participation est retenue, vous recevrez directement un mail de confirmation sur votre
boite personnelle. Vous ne serez pas contacts par le service formation si vous ntes pas
prioriss, mais vous pouvez vous tourner vers votre gestionnaire de pool pour en connaitre les
Il est ensuite de votre responsabilit dorganiser votre venue :
Contactez rapidement la charge des dparts pour la formation
( pour le transport, le visa et lhbergement si ncessaire.


Training registration process

If you are on mission:

- 3 months prior to the start of the course: Information and applications

The training administrator will inform the HRO 3 months before the start of a course.
If you are interested in a course, you can talk with your manager, in order to validate the
relevance of this training for you, as well as the possibility to leave the field. Every training
request has to be validated by the coordination and by the desk.

- Maximum 2 months prior to the start of the course: Gathering of all applications

The HRO has to propose the participation of people working in his/her fields, via Oracle or
Homre, on the persons individual page. They will be shown on the status demand .

For National Staff: the field has to add the request as well, via the field Homre, so that the
information isnt lost in the data base. You have to also send back the completed application
form to, as this form contains important information for prioritizing
candidates. In all cases, we need to receive it 2 months before each session.

- 6 weeks before the start of the course: Prioritisation

Once the prioritization has been done (there are always more applications than available seats)
the training administrator will send the invitations to the course, via your HRO.
You wont be contacted if your application has not been selected, but naturally you can refer to
your HRO to know the reason why.

If you need a visa to enter the country where the training will be held:
It is now the moment to contact the Departure Officer for Training, so that she can send you the necessary documents.

For the expatriates who are not on mission:

- Your request has to be discussed with your pool manager, who will propose your application
via the Oracle database.
- If your application has been selected, you will be contacted directly on your personal mail.
Please note that you wont be contacted if your application has not been selected, but naturally
you can refer to your pool manager to be updated and know the reason why.
It is then your responsibility to organize your arrival:
-contact quickly the Departure Officer for Training ( to organize
your flight/train, visa and accommodation according to your needs.

Mmo :

Dans quels cas le salaire est maintenu pendant une formation ?

In what cases are salaries / indemnities maintained during the training

pendant une
juste avant ou juste
aprs une mission
(moins de 3 jours
de gap)
formation interne MSF
salaire /
pas de salaire /
pas de
salaire /
formation langues
salaire /
dbute au premier
jour du cours
pas de
salaire /

during a mission
just before / after a
(less than 3 days
internal MSF training
current salary /
indemnity is
no salary /
no salary /
language training
current salary /
indemnity is
future mission salary
/ indemnity starts on
the first day of the
no salary /

Les volontaires Amricains peroivent des indemnits dans tous les cas.

American volunteers receive their indemnities whatever the case.

OCP training unit team Equipe formation OCP

Isabelle Beauquesne
Responsable Formation
01 40 21 55 20

Brigitte Dlas
Coordinatrice pdagogique des formations
Administrative Training Coordinator
01 40 21 27 86

Delphine Munos
Charge des dparts pour la formation
Departure Officer for Training
01 40 21 27 93

Richard Jabot
Coordinateur pdagogique des formations logistiques
Logistic Training Coordinator
05 56 13 73 49

Irne Joshi
Gestionnaire formation
Training administrator
01 40 21 56 58


- 1 -


* * *


Advanced Life Support Obstetrics (ALSO) Provider course

Course Run by OCB

Target Group

Expatriate midwives and medical doctors (priority to gynecologists) with at least one mission
prior to course.
Priority will be given to expats in-between missions.

Objectives & Content

General Objective

To improve the maternal and neonatal outcome of obstetric emergencies faced in the field.

Specific Objective

To help the participants maintain the knowledge and skills they need to effectively
manage obstetrical emergencies. The training aims to bring the participants to a high
performance level in situations that, in most settings, are only rarely occurring, acutely
presenting and that, consequently, not many birth attendants have routine in handling.
Training in these situations increases the level of security and quality of the response to the
life threatening complications occurring in pregnancy and childbirth. The course also serves
as a multidisciplinary aid for training in obstetrics.

Furthermore we hope that the training will:

Ensure coherence and quality in obstetrical training at all levels by equipping
medical staff working in obstetrics with a pedagogical framework for training national staff
and colleagues in improved response to obstetric emergencies.
Build capacities in and outside MSF projects by allowing our medical staff working in
obstetrics to acquire qualifications that are recognized outside MSF and thus help validate
the knowledge, skills and courage they usually obtain in MSF missions in regards to obstetric
Build a pool of MSF-ALSO-Instructors within MSF by certifying a small group of
MSF-ALSO instructors who, in turn, will provide further certification to MSF staff with
external supervision of the ALSO organisation.


Focusing on the management of obstetric emergencies, topics covered in the course are:
Pregnancy induced hypertension, pre-eclampsia and HELLP
Post and safe abortion care
Caesarean section indication
Twin deliveries
Neonatal care and resuscitation

Malpresentations, shoulder dystocia, Post partum haemorrhage, balloon tamponade,
manual vacuum aspiration, vacuum delivery, craniotomy and symphysiotomy.

Teaching Methods

Individually reading of 400 pages of obstetric pathology documentation beforehand.
For expats in the field we recommend arriving three days before the certification for reading
as field life usually does not allow for this kind of preparation.
Lectures, case discussions and workshops using mnemonics (memo-technical tools)
and hands-on exercises on mannequins.
Theoretical exam by multiple choice tests and practical exam by demonstration

DR TB Workshop

The content and scope of this workshop will be focused on the African context.

30 Participants
Medical doctors involved in DR TB patients management (or soon to be involved) in African
projects and in the headquarters.
Open to projects from the region and to HQ (from med or ops).
Participants from other context will also be considered.
Participants should attend the whole workshop.

Language: English

Permanent experts:
Michael Rich, M.D. MPH, Partners in Health
Carole Mitnick, Sc.D. Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School

General objectives:
To address current problems faced by teams treating DR TB in the region
To address the specific challenges of DR TB management in settings with high HIV
To improve knowledge of clinicians in DR TB projects and HQ
To stimulate in-house dynamics for DRTB care

Content :
Epidemiology of DRTB
DRTB impact on TB control
DRTB- HIV co-infection
DRTB Paediatric
Treatment of DRTB
Clinical cases
Case finding strategies
Model of care
DRTB case registration and evaluation of treatment outcomes
Infection control
Drug supply
New drugs under development
Field illustration

Francis Varaine, workshop coordinator,
Catherine Barouhiel, pedagogical adviser,

Formation Coordination Pharmacie (FR)

Les participants sont des pharmaciens actuellement sur un poste de CoPharma dans les
missions MSF-OCP ou valid pour ce type de poste.

Objectif Gnral
Assurer une quivalence des connaissances des procdures et politiques de MSF-OCP pour
permettre aux participants dassumer activement le rle dun Coordinateur Pharmacie dans
les quipes de coordination.


Les diffrents modules sont prpar et prsent avec des spcialistes du dpartement
mdicale, du dpartement logistique, du dpartement finance, du dpartement juridique et
de MSF Logistique pour permettre une approche transversale des sujets.

Approvisionnement internationale
Planification, Commande, Dlais, Contraintes pays, Contraintes Bordeaux, Type
de Transport, Suivi, Responsabilits
Politique achat local
Procdure, Validation, Suivi
Collecte et traitement des donnes
Rapports, Utilisation pays sige, Isystock, Fichier OPD/IPD
Campagne de Vaccination
Mise en place, suivi, chane de froid, fermeture
Tableau de calcul, FUSHIA
DM, Biomed, Kits, Appro des units, Plan de contingence, CLIN
Tests rapides, Transport chantillons
Assurance qualit, gestion, achat local
Prise en charge de la douleur, Matriel
Budget, Indicateurs
Management dquipe, Suivi de parcours, Organigramme
EPREP, Stupfiants, Dispensation, Stockage, Pharmacovigilance

Chaque module contient une partie pratique de prsentation des procdures et outils
en place et un temps dchange et discussion entre participants et responsables du sige.

E-learning Nutrition (franais)

Formation organise par OCB

Lieu Chez vous, devant votre ordinateur ;-)
Dure 30 heures en 15 jours
Langue Franais
Groupe maximum 40 - 45
Public concern
Staff mdical ou paramdical qui sera en charge de grer un programme de Nutrition sur le

Objectifs & Contenu

Objectif Gnral
Prparer le staff Mdical et Paramdical de MSF la gestion dun programme nutritionnel.

Objectifs Spcifiques
Aprs cette formation, les participants seront en mesure de:
Dfinir les diffrents types de malnutrition
Identifier les erreurs courantes pendant la prise de mesures
Calculer les indices anthropomtriques partir des mesures prises

Module 1: Cas Cliniques
Dtecter la malnutrition chez les enfants
Analyser des mesures afin de dcider dune admission ou non
Calculer les indices anthropomtriques partir des mesures prises
Prescrire le traitement nutritionnel adapt un enfant malnutri
Prescrire un traitement systmatique adapt afin de prvenir les complications
Traiter les complications mdicales les plus courantes
Faire sortir les enfants du programme en fonction de leur sant et de leur statut Nutritionnel
Utiliser les lignes directrices et outils nutritionnels de MSF

Module 2: Management
Organiser et adapter la mise en place des CNTH & CNTA et du flot dactivits
Assurer une bonne gestion des mdicaments et de la nourriture
Mettre en place une supervision adquate des activits

Module 3: Monitoring
Faire des statistiques bases sur le dossier des patients et les registres
Analyser les donnes statistiques et les indicateurs

Techniques Pdagogiques
Ce cours est un des premiers cours technique MSF dispens en e-learning. Il
contient des tudes de cas, des films, des photos, etc. Il est bas sur des situations prcises
et transporte le participant dans un centre de soins ambulatoires ou dans un centre de
nutrition quil/elle doit diriger. Ceci inclut le diagnostique, le traitement et le suivi des enfants
mais aussi la rdaction de rapports et le monitoring des diffrents aspects dune telle
mission: suivi des statistiques, gestion logistique et journalire du centre.
Des experts nutritionnels seront vos tuteurs et vous guideront travers le cours avec
des changes interactifs et un suivi rgulier de vos progrs.

E-learning Nutrition (English)

Target Group
Medical or paramedical staff who will be in charge of managing a nutritional program in the

Objectives & Content:

General Objective
To prepare the MSF medical and paramedical staff to handle a nutritional program.

Specific Objectives
After this training, the participants will be able to:
Define the different types of malnutrition.
Identify the common mistakes made while taking the measures.
Calculate the anthropometric indices from the measures taken

Module 1: Clinical Cases
Detect malnutrition in children.
Analyse the measures in order to make a decision of admission or referral.
Calculate the anthropometric indices from the measures taken.
Prescribe adapted nutritional treatment to a malnourished child.
Prescribe adapted systematic treatment to prevent complications.
Treat most common medical complications.
Discharge children according to their health and nutritional status.
Use the MSF nutritional guidelines and tools.

Module 2: Management
Organise an adapted physical set-up for ITFC & ATFC and flow of activities.
Ensure proper drugs and food management.
Put in place a proper supervision of activities.

Module 3: Monitoring
Make statistics based on a patients register.
Analyze statistical files.

Teaching Methods
This course is the first technical e-learning course of MSF including case studies,
movies, pictures, etc.
The course is situation-based. It transports the learner in an ambulatory or in-patient feeding
centre that he/she has to manage. This includes diagnosing, treating and following children,
but also all the reporting and monitoring aspects of such a mission: statistics follow-up,
logistics and day-to-day management of the centre. Nutritional Experts will be your tutors and
guide you through this course, interacting with you and following your progression

Family planning & post abortion care (FP/PAC)

Course run by OCA
Duration: 3 weeks
Dates: September 29 October 17
Location/ Marie Stopes Kenya (MSK) Eastleigh training centre, Nairobi, Kenya
Course languages : English and french

Target Group:
MSF midwives, medical doctors and nurses working in reproductive health projects where
post-abortion care is provided and where contraceptive implants and intra-uterine devices
are in use or there is a plan to expand family planning services to include these methods.

Overall Objective:
Participants will gain knowledge and skills in provision of long-acting reversible contraceptive
methods and proper management of post-abortion complications in resource-limited settings,
in order to increase the scope and quality of these aspects of reproductive health care in
their projects.


Family Planning
Apply effective counselling techniques for the provision of FP methods
Discuss latest advances in all FP methods, including in the context of HIV/AIDS epidemic
Provide short and long-term methods to clients
Have knowledge of and apply the latest WHO eligibility criteria for contraceptive use
Apply best IP practices
Manage the logistic of FP commodities
Monitor and evaluate the FP services delivery system

Post Abortion Care
Use the recommended IP practices for all aspects of PAC
Describe the process of rapid initial assessment and management of a woman who present
with a problem
Describe and identify the presenting signs and symptoms of complications of shock and
describe immediate and specific management
Describe and identify the presenting signs and symptoms of complications of unsafe or
incomplete abortion
Provide post-abortion family planning counselling and methods

The course is a collaborative training between MSF and Marie Stopes Kenya (MSK).
It will include 6 days of theory and practice with mannequins in a classroom setting, and 10
days of supervised use of newly acquired skills during direct patient care in a clinical setting.
The specific skills to be built include medical abortion protocol and manual vacuum
aspiration and insertion technique for intrauterine device and contraceptive implant.
By the end of the course, participants should experience a sufficient number of cases
(under the supervision of the clinical supervisor) that they achieve competency to perform
these skills independently in their projects.

Note: This course includes performing newly acquired skills, under supervision, in a
clinical setting with actual patients. Cases encountered in the clinical setting are women
seeking safe abortion care (termination of pregnancy). Participants should be willing to
provide this care in order to benefit fully from the clinical component.
The Kenya medical board or nursing council must give approval for each participant
before they can do this clinical part of the course. Following selection, participants will be
asked to complete an extra application form (for the appropriate board) and submit copies of
their diploma/certificate and job profile, and nurses/midwives should submit a photo.

Formation de formateurs BASIC DHS

DUREE : 2 jours
NOMBRE DE PARTICIPANTS : 20 personnes par session
LANGUE : 1 session en franais, 1 session en anglais

Mdecins spcialistes (anesthsie, ranimation, mdecine durgence) partis en mission
antrieurement et intgrant le groupe de formateurs BASIC DHS (Basic Assessment and
Support in Intensive Care for Developing Health Systems) amen dispenser cette
formation sur le terrain

Formation de formateurs pour BASIC DHS : formation la prise en charge initiale des
patients en tat grave, destination des mdecins non spcialistes assurant la continuit
des soins sur le terrain.

Familiarisation des formateurs avec le contenu et la mthode pdagogique de BASIC DHS

Prsentation : technique danimation des prsentations interactives et ateliers pratiques
Mise en situation (jeux de rle) : prsentations interactives et ateliers pratiques

HIV Programmatic Course

Course run by OCB / SAMU

A 10-day course for coordinators for HIV programs and for non-HIV programs integrating
HIV/TB services

Target participants (max 25) :
Participants should have a medical background and be currently or will be in charge of
coordination, management and supervision of HIV programs or of programs with other
operational priorities but integrating HIV/TB services:
- Heads of mission
- Medical coordinators
- Field coordinators
- Medical team leaders

Experience with HIV/TB services.
- Medical, para-medical and/or public health background.
- MSF international and national staff
- English proficiency.

Course Outline
This 10 day course entails lectures, case-discussions, site visits and case study based group
The course modules cover:

HIV epidemiology & natural history with evidence on prevention, care and treatment.
The HIV response at international, regional and national level with view on the role
and priorities for MSF.
Needs assessment and priority setting.
Organization of HIV testing, care and treatment according to Cascade concept.
Organization of integration of HIV with TB services.
Organization of PMTCT and pediatric HIV/TB care and treatment.
Support to HIV/TB services: laboratory and supply.
Integration in MSF programs/interventions with other operational priorities.
Monitoring & evaluation Supervision.
Operational research.
HIV mobilization and advocacy.
Combining Treatment and Prevention to bend the Epidemic Curve.
Exit strategies and handover.


The successful coordination, integration and implementation of specific HIV programs as
well as of HIV/TB services integrated in programs with other operational priorities requires a
high-level understanding of context (global, regional and national); HIV response priorities,
policies, strategies and tools; areas for innovation and advocacy; and of program planning
and evaluation. Coordinators of HIV programs as well as non-HIV programs integrating

HIV/TB services are challenged in all these aspects due to the rapidly changing context and
the advent of new strategies and tools.

This 10 day course aims to set the HIV scene in terms of policies, politics, funding, actors
and areas requiring innovation and advocacy; and will reinforce HIV coordination and
management capacity through sessions on planning, developing, implementing and
evaluating relevant HIV/TB services.

Course developers:
Roger Teck, Eric Goemare, Ian Proudfoot

HIV & TB Clinical Training: Advanced Level (South Africa)

Target Group:

MSF expat or national clinical staff, including doctors, clinical officers, physician
assistants and experienced nurses with HIV experience. This is a clinical not a
programmatic course. It is a clinical course aiming at clinical doctors or medical team
leaders needing to update or augment their HIV knowledge and skills.


1. English fluency is essential (level B2)
2. At least four months clinical experience in HIV management (not just TB ).

Objectives & Content

General Objective
To be able to diagnose and comprehensively manage complex HIV and TB patients
using current evidence-based medicine within a resource limited MSF context

Learning Objective
Opportunistic infections (including TB)
o To be able to diagnose and manage:
Smear negative TB
Drug resistant TB
Complications of combined HIV & TB treatment
Non tuberculous mycobacteria (MAC etc.)
Advanced Kaposis sarcoma
Cryptococcal meningitis and its complications

Systems HIV disease
o To be able to manage common HIV clinical presentations in:
Neurology (Space occupying lesions, meningitis, leg weakness)
Respiratory (PCP, Bacterial pneumonia)
Hepatology (Hepatits B, drug induced hepatitis)
Gastroenterology (acute vs chronic diarrhoea)
Nephrology (including HIVAN)
Haematology (cytopaenias, lymphoma)
Ophthalmology (Common presentations including ophthalmic zoster
and CMV retinitis)

Antiretroviral therapy (ART)
o To be able to:
Recognize and manage serious ART toxicities (especially nevirapine-
Recognize and manage immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome
Tailor a salvage regimen based on principles of drug resistance
Manage complex adherence issues

o To be able to:
Diagnose and treat TB in an HIV positive child
Manage acute pneumonia in HIV positive child
Appropriately assess when to initiate ART in a child
Manage adherence challenges in paeds ART

o To be able to recognize chest X-ray features of TB, PCP, LIP, KS and
pneumonia in HIV positive adults and children.

Course Organization, Background and Teaching Methods

The course has been developed over several years in collaboration with the many
participants from all over the world. Participants feedback remains an essential component
in its continuing development. Each course runs over two weeks in Cape Town, South
Africa. Two groups of 4 trainees each overlap for a central lecture week, with a practical
week before for the first group, and afterwards for the second group.

The practical training will take place in a variety of formats and at a number of
different sites. We will attend teaching ward rounds in a few different hospitals, visit specific
programs in different clinics and attend participate in round-table discussions at the MSF
offices in Observatory. Two clinics in Khayelitsha provide HIV care to over 10 000 patients
so are ideally positioned as training sites for HIV medicine. Khayelitsha and Mitchells Plain
District Hospitals are the referral sites for patients from the worst HIV- and TB-affected areas
in Cape Town and as a result have a high burden of complex HIV and TB problems. Red
Cross Childrens Hospital is a specialist paediatric hospital also with a strong infectious
disease unit and Tygerberg hospital is one of two large tertiary hospitals in Cape Town also
with a strong paediatric HIV/TB unit.

The lecture week happens mostly in the medical school of the University of Cape
Town, near Groote Schuur Hospital and will cover the core theory for the course. Teaching is
shared between local MSF doctors and a number of local infectious disease consultants and
paediatricians. A highly experienced radiologist gives some practical chest X-ray
interpretation teaching. The teaching style will be clinical case orientated with as much group
participation as possible.

Laboratory Workshop

Place / Organizer Vienna Austria/MSF Austria
Dates 08/09 13/09
Duration 6 days
Language French
Maximum Group 15 participants from all OCs

Target group:
- Laboratory technicians before or on their first mission
- 2nd mission lab technicians who want to exchange experiences and reinforce their
skills in laboratory management in a humanitarian aid project context.
- National Staff Lab Supervisors and Lab Technicians assuming responsibilities.
- Open to international and national staff

Objectives & Content

General Objective
The workshop aims at promoting skills in laboratory management and the most common
technical issues of a laboratory in a humanitarian aid project context.

Specific Objective
By the end of the course the participants will be familiar with
- The specificities of MSF laboratory set ups
- Laboratory management
- The most common technical issues
- Quality assurance

Course contents

1. Laboratory management
- Management general
- Role and tasks of a Lab supervisor
- Quality assurance (standard operational
checklists, quality control)
- Stock management and ordering
- HR management (job descriptions, supervision,
training, evaluation)
- Safety & hygiene
- Data collection
- Lab design and facilities

- HIV & AIDS general introduction
- HIV testing and testing algorithms (rapid
tests, introduction to CD4 counting methods
and viral load)
- Opportunistic infections & biochemistry
(liver/kidney function)

3. Malaria
- Basics on disease and transmission
- Lab diagnosis of malaria (malaria smear, rapid
tests), with a focus on how to avoid common

4. Tuberculosis
- Pathophysiology
- Lab diagnosis of TB (smear microscopy,
culture techniques, GeneXpert, Hain test)

5. Blood transfusion
- MSF policy and challenges of management a
transfusion activities in MSF
- Blood donation to blood delivery process
- Blood bank management

6. Practical exercises
- Exercises on management issues
(job descriptions, ordering, standard
operational procedures, checklists, etc.)

7. Outbreak preparedness

8. Experience exchange

Teaching Methods

The course will build on examples & experiences from the field.
Teaching methods: Lectures, case studies, demonstrations, videos, group work, discussions.

Medical Supply & Stock Management course

Intersection course the program will be reviewed in 2014

Language: English or French
Duration: 6 days training
Number of participants per OC: 6

Objectives of the course

The general objective of the course is to provide theoretical and practical knowledge on medical
supply chain and stock management, from main stocks to end user units.

At the end of the training, participants will be able to understand, implement, improve and follow
standard procedures and practices related to medical order/request, reception, storage,
distribution and dispensing of medical products.
They should also be able to plan and assess related activities as well as supervise and train the
staff involved.

The course is aimed at expatriate and national staff In charge of pharmacy management.

Topics Covered

Module pharmacy management
Main stock management: organisation, storage, hygiene and maintenance, security,
physical inventory, order reception, distribution,
End-user unit management: definition, distribution system, request calculation
Stock related tools
Supply system

Module specific stock management:
EPREP, kits
Cold chain
Regulated drugs (narcotics, psychotropics)
Dangerous goods
Mixed supplies
Expired/damaged products, batch recall

Module stock follow-up/analysis
Risk of and shortage, overstock, not moving stock, soon expired drugs, standard list
Donation, loan, borrowing
Extra orders

Module Medical orders:
Internal orders
International orders
Module tools
ITC catalogues, guidelines


Module dispensing practices

Module activity management
Communication flow
Planning of activities
Human resources

A summary of key points will be presented each morning by a group of participants.
Teaching methods will consist on: power point presentation, cases studies, practical exercises
and discussions. A CD rom with hand outs and documents of references will be provided to
each participant at the end of the course

Mental Health Course (MH)

Course run by OCA

Target Group
- Expatriate Mental Health Officers with one or two missions.
- Experienced national Mental Health staff.

Objectives & Content:

- General Objectives
Enhance participants awareness, skills and knowledge on Mental Health (MH) issues within

- Specific Objectives
Improve MH intervention strategies.
Improve knowledge, skills and cross cultural attitudes among participants.
Improve application of MSF standard tools, including training and monitoring protocols.
Improve the quality of regular formal and informal evaluations of activities.
Improve retention within MH staff.

- Content
Overview of MH programs in MSF
Community approach
Counseling approach and 5 types of problems
Sexual violence
Training of trainers (MHO)
Counseling trauma symptoms (NS)
Motivation Enhancing Therapy
Working with children
Mental health and nutrition
Counseling: An additional language using dolls
Clinical supervision
Mental health in emergencies
Monitoring (data tool)

Teaching Methods

Classroom presentations, demonstrations, group work, case studies, movies, discussions

Nutrition - Vaccination Encadrement

DUREE : 2 semaines
NOMBRE DE PARTICIPANTS : 21 personnes par session, dont 13 places pour OCP
LANGUE : franais
LOCALISATION: Brville-les-Monts (Calvados)

-mdicaux et paramdicaux ayant au moins une exprience terrain en nutrition et/ou en
vaccination, amens encadrer des activits nutrition et/ou vaccination.
-Engagement dau moins 12 mois (modulable - une ou plusieurs missions - pour les expatris).

A l'issue de cette formation, les participants seront capables de :

Nutrition : Discuter, Mettre en place et coordonner des programmes alimentaires et
nutritionnels :

Identifier un problme nutritionnel et/ou alimentaire dans une population :
- Dcrire les diffrents contextes de survenue dun problme nutritionnel et/ou
alimentaire et en expliquer les mcanismes,
- Raliser ou participer lvaluation initiale dune situation :
Justifier la ncessit et dfinir les objectifs de lvaluation initiale
Identifier les indicateurs de lvaluation (gnraux et spcifiques nutritionnels et
Dfinir les mthodes et choisir les moyens ncessaires lvaluation (mise en place,
Recueillir, analyser et interprter les donnes
Rdiger les recommandations nutritionnelles

Raliser une valuation nutritionnelle rapide en urgence
Expliquer les notions de reprsentativit et de prcision
Dcrire les mthodes dchantillonnage possibles ainsi que leurs avantages, inconvnients
(biais possibles)
Utiliser une mthodologie fiable et valide (choix des sites / villages, chantillon) selon le
Compiler, analyser et interprter les donnes recueillies
Prsenter les rsultats et proposer des actions
Recruter, former sur les mesures et superviser

Evaluer le statut nutritionnel dun individu (enfant) :
- Citer les diffrentes causes de la malnutrition (maladies, carences),
- Expliquer les consquences de la malnutrition (mcanismes physio-pathologiques),
- Raliser un diagnostic clinique de la malnutrition aigu et des maladies carentielles (signes et
- Argumenter le choix des mesures et indices anthropomtriques (P-T, PB, IMC) utiliser selon
lindividu et la situation

Proposer et mettre en place des programmes adapts :
- Assurer la prise en charge globale dune personne mal-nourrie (malnutrition aigu et
maladies carentielles) :

Justifier le choix des traitements et mesures systmatiques mettre en place (par rapport
tous les aspects : mdicaux, dittiques, gnraux)
Discuter la spcificit de la prise en charge des pathologies associes et des maladies

- Proposer et justifier le choix dune stratgie nutritionnelle dans un contexte donn :
Dfinir les stratgies nutritionnelles possibles
Discuter des avantages et inconvnients de chaque stratgie en fonction de chaque contexte
- Mettre en place des programmes nutritionnels dans un contexte donn :
Dimensionner les moyens mettre en place pour la prise en charge des
mal-nourris (aliments, stockage, transports, RH, structures, etc.)
Proposer un chronogramme
- Mettre en place et utiliser un systme de supervision des programmes nutritionnels :
Dfinir les objectifs, les indicateurs et outils de la surveillance
Recueillir, analyser et interprter les donnes
Rajuster les activits selon les rsultats

vaccination : Planifier, mettre en place et valuer des activits de vaccination

Expliquer les principes de base de la vaccination :
Citer et dcrire les vaccins utiliss en situations d'urgence et en programmes rguliers
(efficacit, ge, dose, conservation).
Expliquer les diffrentes stratgies de vaccination
Expliquer la politique de vaccination de MSF

Organiser et planifier la mise en place dune chane de froid en coordination avec la logisitique :
Dcrire le fonctionnement de la chane de froid
Dcrire les spcificits du matriel.
Evaluer les besoins et participer la mise en place de la chane de froid
Surveiller la validit de la chane de froid

Mettre en place et superviser les activits de vaccination (activits rgulires, campagne
de vaccination)
Evaluer les activits de vaccination rgulires (objectifs, outils, mcanismes, acteurs / rles et
responsabilits) lchelon national
Analyser la situation vaccinale dans le projet
Dfinir, argumenter les actions mettre en place
Estimer les besoins en ressources humaines, matriel & vaccins
Interprter lvolution des maladies cibles
Discuter la scurit des injections : AES ; respect de rgles dinjection; collecte & limination
des dchets

Participer linvestigation et la prise en charge dune pidmie de mningite :
Identifier une alerte pidmique
Investiguer une pidmie
Recueillir et analyser les donnes pour suivre lvolution dune pidmie
Discuter les stratgies de prise en charge curative
Identifier la population cible pour la vaccination
Planifier une campagne de vaccination en zone urbaine

Mettre en place un suivi des programmes de vaccination. Analyser et rajuster les
programmes :

Dfinir les objectifs & identifier les indicateurs de la surveillance
Organiser le systme de collecte de linformation
Recueillir, analyser et interprter les donnes
Raliser les rajustements si ncessaires
Utiliser les donnes du systme de surveillance pour dfinir les actions prioritaires

Epidmiologie :
Dfinir, calculer et utiliser des indicateurs pidmiologiques
Dcrire lintrt et lutilit dun indicateur
Calculer les indicateurs pidmiologiques
Analyser et interprter des rsultats

Prparation Au Premier Dpart Pharma

Dtails pratiques
Expatris avant leur premire mission seulement
(priorit pour les pharmaciens et infirmires incrits au JA)
Nombre de participants : minimum 8 / maximum 12
Dure : 2 jours, en franais


La Formation Pharma s'adresse tous les futurs pharmaciens expatris, slectionns
par le dpartement RH, amens partir en mission pour MSF pour la premire fois.
A la fin de la formation, les stagiaires, en tant que pharmacien d'une quipe de
terrain/coordination, doivent tre capables d'appliquer les procdures et les mthodes utilises
par MSF aprs avoir pris conscience des spcificits des interventions de MSF.
Cette formation est ncessaire en 2013 pour palier au manque dencadrement sur le terrain par
des pharmaciens sniors . Il faudra rvaluer la ncessit de cette formation quand un
nouveau pool de sniors aura t recr.


Structure et organisation du monde MSF et de la place du pharmacien dans ce monde
Circuit des informations et dcisions (terrain, coordination, desk, dpartement mdical, MSF
Outils disponibles (catalogues, guides, toolbox, procdures et protocoles) avec distribution des
guides vert, blanc et orange
Bases de la gestion des pharmacies dans les projets MSF-OCP en lien avec Isystock
(prsentation et exercice) avec distribution du manuel
Prparation dune commande internationale (Mirland)
Prsence de Mdecin desk, Admin, Log interaction dans les quipes
Possibilit de session commune avec la formation admin
Assurance qualit de lapprovisionnement chez MSF
Responsabilits du pharmacien dans les projets, profils de poste type

Responding to Epidemics

Course run by Epicentre

DURATION : 5 days
NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS : 24 participants per session
LANGUAGE : 1 session in French, 1 session in English

Target Group
- Doctors or nurses with basic knowledge of epidemiology and at least one experience in an
epidemic context
- Priority to capital coordinators, emergency coordinators and national deputy coordinators
- Second line of recruitment: Field coordinators with at least two missions in this position
- Committed for at least another 12 months (for the expatriate in one or several missions)

Overall Objective
To improve the quality of field interventions for outbreak control by informing participants about
recent data and future perspectives and giving them operational tools to be alert and reactive
towards potentially epidemic diseases.

Pathologies involved are: measles, cholera, haemorrhagic fevers, malaria and meningitis
By the end of the course, the trainees will be able to:
Carry out an outbreak investigation
- Explain the objectives of the investigation
- Describe and implement the different steps of an outbreak investigation
Detect an outbreak
- Describe an epidemic
- Analyse collected data and interpret them
Use the adequate laboratory tools
Define necessary strategies and organise effective management of epidemics
- Define and discuss vaccination strategies regarding meningitis and measles epidemics
- Describe and discuss medical care measures (meningitis, malaria, cholera)
- Discuss preventive measures to implement in case of haemorrhagic fevers
- Describe a vaccine effectiveness evaluation
- Follow-up and evaluate medical care measures
Communicate about the situation:
- Write up a summary of the evaluation or of the investigation
- Write up a final report of the activities
- Formulate the recommendations for public health decision making
- Communicate with the partners

Teaching Techniques
Interactive lectures, group dynamics techniques, case studies, laboratory equipment
demonstrations, videos, discussions, presentation of reports and current articles.

Rponse aux Epidmies

Formation organise par Epicentre
DUREE : 5 jours
NOMBRE DE PARTICIPANTS : 20-24 personnes par session
LANGUE : 1 session en franais, 1 session en anglais

Public concern
Mdecins ou infirmiers/res ayant des connaissances de base en pidmiologie
et au moins une exprience dans le cadre d'une pidmie
- Priorit aux coordinateurs de capitale et coordinateurs durgence ainsi quaux adjoints
nationaux des coordinateurs mdicaux.
- Ouvert en deuxime intention aux coordinateurs de projet (CP)

But de la formation
Amliorer la qualit des interventions sur le terrain dans la lutte contre les pidmies, en
donnant aux participants les informations (donnes actuelles et perspectives davenir) et les
outils leur permettant dtre attentifs (en alerte) et ractifs face des maladies potentiel

Les pathologies abordes: mningite, rougeole, cholra, fivres hmorragiques, paludisme
A lissue de la formation les participants seront capables de :
Raliser une investigation dpidmie
- Expliquer les objectifs de linvestigation
- Dcrire et mettre en application les tapes dune investigation dpidmie
Dtecter un pisode pidmique
- Dcrire une pidmie
- Analyser et interprter les donnes de surveillance
- Utiliser les moyens de laboratoire appropris
Dfinir et mettre en place les stratgies de prise en charge et de contrle des pidmies
- Dfinir et discuter les stratgies de vaccination en cas dpidmie de mningite et de
- Dcrire et discuter les mesures de prise en charge curative (mningite, rougeole,
paludisme, cholra)
- Discuter les prcautions prendre en cas de fivres hmorragiques
- Raliser une valuation de lefficacit vaccinale
- Surveiller et valuer la prise en charge curative
Communiquer sur la situation
- Rdiger une synthse de lvaluation ou de linvestigation
- Rdiger le rapport dactivits final
- Formuler les recommandations ncessaires
- Communiquer avec les partenaires

Techniques Pdagogiques
Prsentations interactives, tudes de cas, techniques de dynamique de groupe,
dmonstrations, projections de films, discussions, prsentations de rapports et d'articles actuels
de rfrence, discussions.

Sant Sexuelle et Reproductive (SRH)

Cette formation est organise par OCG
Dates et lieu 16-28 mars, 2014 Genve
Langue : franais.
3 Places pour OCP

Public concern
Sages-femmes, infirmires, mdecins, obsttriciens ayant un des profils suivants:
- Travaillant actuellement dans une mission MSF avec une composante SSR
- Impliqu dans la planification de dveloppement dune composante SSR
- Planifiant de travailler dans une mission MSF ayant des activits
- Ayant prfrablement au moins 1 mission MSF son actif

Objectifs & Contenu
Le professionnel de sant MSF impliqu dans un projet MSF avec composantes de sant
sexuelle et reproductive sera mme didentifier les besoins prioritaires et de mettre en place
les actions SSR appropries.

Objectifs spcifiques
A lissue de la formation, les participants :
- Auront compris limportance de la Sant sexuelle et reproductive et son impact sur la
sant globale (physique, psychologique et sociale).
- Auront acquis des connaissances et de lassurance pour appliquer un ensemble
dactivits en Sant Sexuelle et reproductive (soins pr- et post-nataux, soins dobsttriques de
base et complets, planning familial et soins lis aux violences sexuelles.
- Se seront familiariss avec les politiques inhrentes la sant sexuelle et reproductive,
aux protocoles de soin.
- Auront acquis des comptences en soins obsttricaux durgence
- Auront amlior leur connaissances en gestion et collectes de donnes.

Contenu du cours :
- Politique MSF de SSR
- Stratgies de rduction de la mortalit maternelle et prinatale
- Prise en charge dun service de soin prnatal et postnatal de qualit
- Soins obsttricaux durgence de base et complets
- Soins et ranimation nonatale
- Prvention de la transmission mre-enfant du VIH
- Soin aux victimes de violences sexuelles
- Problmatique de la fistule obsttrique
- Avortement et soins post avortement
- Mutilations gnitales de la femme
- Planning familial
- Promotion de la sant
- Traitement des infections sexuellement transmissibles

Mthodes Pdagogiques
La formation est compose de prsentations thoriques interactives illustres par une riche
iconographie, de dbats, danalyses de cas, de vido, de sances de simulation et dateliers

Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH)

Dates & location: November TBC, in Paris
Duration: 2 weeks
Language: English
Group maximum: 22 participants in total
(10 OCP / 3 places allocated to each of the other OCs)

Target Group
Midwives, nurses, MDs (expatriate or national staff) with one of the following profiles:
Currently working in the SRH program component of an MSF mission
Involved in the planning and development of the SRH component in a current mission
Planning to work in a mission with SRH activities within the next 3-6 months
Preferably having done more than 1 mission with MSF; experienced staff will have priority over

Objectives & Content
General Objective
MSF health staff involved in SRH activities will be better equipped to implement the main
components of the MSF SRH Policy in their projects

Specific Objectives
Participants will understand the importance of SRH and its impact on global health (physical,
psychological and social)
Participants will have gained the knowledge and the confidence necessary to implement a
(minimum) package of SRH activities, like various components of ante and post natal care,
basic and comprehensive obstetric care and family planning, SGBV care
Participants will be familiar with several SRH sub-policies and care protocols (eg regarding
abortion care/ToP, care for victims of SGBV, STI treatment, FGM, fistula)
Competences of participants in practical life saving skills (vacuum extraction, MVA,
management of PPH, sepsis, eclampsia management, breech delivery, insertion of IUD,
neonatal resuscitation) will have increased
Participants will have a better knowledge of issued regarding set-up, management, data
collection and monitoring of SRH program components

MSF SRH Policy
- Strategies to reduce maternal and
perinatal mortality
- Implementation of quality antenatal
care services
- Basic and comprehensive
emergency obstetric care
- Managing childbirth complications
- Prevention of mother-to-child
transmission of HIV
- Implementation of quality postnatal
care services
- Care of rape survivors
- Laboratory services in SRH
- Programming for obstetric and
traumatic fistula care
- Safe abortion care and post-
abortion care
- Female Genital Cutting
- Neonatal care and neonatal
- Family Planning
- Reproductive tract infection,
including HIV/AIDS
- Teaching aids

Semaine Mdicale

Dure : 5 jours
Participants : environ 25
Langue : franais/anglais (traduction simultane)
Lieu: Paris
Le public : Les participants sont des mdecins ou des infirmiers, dexprience variable,
nationaux et internationaux.

Objectif Gnral :
Etablir un change entre les soignants sur le terrain et le Dpartement Mdical autour des
aspects pratiques de la prise en charge des patients afin de proposer des amliorations
possibles tous les niveaux de notre fonctionnement. Il s'agit donc la fois d'une semaine
de rflexion et de formation.
Les travaux en groupe sont favoriss ce qui permet chaque participant d'exprimer son
point de vue ainsi que dinstaurer une bonne dynamique collective.

Objectifs spcifiques
Dbattre autour des difficults rencontres au quotidien par les quipes.
Mettre en lumire nos responsabilits, les bnfices et les risques de nos choix.
Discuter des pistes et stratgies pour faciliter la mise en uvre de nos programmes de
Les diffrents sujets ne sont pas envisags que sous leurs seuls aspects techniques.

Le programme sera communiqu en cours danne.

Medical Week

Duration: 5 days
Number of participants: about 25
Language: French / English (simultaneous translation)
Location: Paris

Target group: doctors or nurse with variable field experience, national or international

General objective:
to set up exchanges between health care providers in the field and the Medical Department
about the practical aspects of the medical care in our missions in order to carry out
improvements at all levels. Therefore, its a reflection week and also a training session.

Specific objectives:
to discuss difficulties encountered by the teams in the field
to acquire some knowledge of our responsibilities, the benefits and risks of our choices
to discuss strategies for implementing our health care programs
Topics are not only viewed in relation to technical aspects.

The curriculum of this week will be communicated before the session.

Pharmacist Week / Semaine pharma

Overall Objective:
To provide an advanced learning opportunity and sharing platform for MSF pharmacists in
order to further develop the MSF pharmacist pool and enhance its value to missions.

Target Group:
Field Pharmacists

Relevant core topics:
MSF Quality Assurance and Procurement
Pharmacovigilance and Rational Drug Use
Pharmaceutical regulation (and relationship with National Drug Authorities)
Pharmaceutical distribution flow (including MSF tools)

To introduce new topics of interest and updates of relevance to MSF pharmacists (for
example Pharmacy in Emergency context, TB, HIV/AIDS and Malaria, MSF Access
To develop other non-technical, but essential skills for working as a pharmacist in MSF
missions (HR management- evaluation, negotiation and delegation skills)
To provide a forum of discussion and feedback that can enhance the pharmacists role in the

Surgical Workshop
Course run by OCB
Dates &location: 17/09 20/09 in Dsseldorf, Germany
Duration 5 days
Language English

Target Group: Junior and senior MSF Surgeons

Surgeons with limited experience in external fixation, lower limp flaps / reconstructive + burn
surgery, hand surgery, craniotomy and vascular surgery

Objectives & Content
General Objective
To deepen the knowledge and practical expertise in external fixation, bone trauma
management, craniotomy,
vascular and reconstructive surgery

Course contents
This course is a hands-on workshop in trauma surgery with practical training sessions on
dead bodies.

Theoretical part
External fixation - history, advantages, indications, pitfalls, practical aspects in the field
Hand surgery - treatment of tendon and nerve lesions of the hand
Neurosurgery - craniotomy, when, why and where to do?
Reconstructive surgery - general aspects in precarious situations, skin grafts, flaps lower
limp, essentials of burn treatment
Vascular surgery surgical approach of vascular lesions (indications and procedures)
Amputation - where and why
MSF and surgery

Practical part

External fixation
external fixation lower + upper limp

Hand surgery
flexor and extensor tendon sutures
nerve sutures


Reconstructive surgery
skin grafts
Flaps lower + upper extremities
Procedures in burn trauma

Vascular Surgery
Repair of traumatic vascular lesions
Thorax drainage

Tropical paediatrics

Course run by OCA
Number of Participants: 2 OCP participants
Duration: 8 days
Dates & Location: November 17 25 Blantyre, Malawi

Target Group:
MSF doctors, Clinical Officers and Consulting Nurses (national or expatriates).
Priority will be given to staff currently working in clinical practice and involved in paediatric
care. Ideally candidates should have completed at least one MSF mission.

Overall Objective:
To improve the basic knowledge in tropical paediatrics (common syndromes and diseases)
To improve paediatrics differential diagnostic skills through interactive sessions and case
To improve confidence with paediatric issues and treating critically ill children


Intro and ETAT
Heart and lung diseases
Paediatric HIV & TB
Paediatric Surgery
Child abuse and neglect
Diarrhoeal diseases
Palliative care
Teaching ward rounds
Skin diseases


- 2 -


* * *


Logistic Preparation Days (PPDL)

Number of participants: 10 to 16
Language: English

Target Audience:
The PPDL is designed for individuals chosen by the human resources department to prepare
to depart on their first MSF mission as logisticians.
This session is also opened to national logisticians with more than 1 year of field experience
with MSF France.

Overall Goal:
By the end of the session, trainees will have learned the particulars of MSF interventions and
will be prepared to take on the role of field team logistician, capable of carrying out MSF
procedures and methods.

Intermediate/specific objective by modules:
At the conclusion of this training, the trainee will be prepared:

For the role of logistician:
- To identify the responsibilities of a first-mission logistician
- To place the first-mission logistician in the larger organization.

To draw on MSFs history:
- To identify the technical resources MSF has built based on its past interventions.

To list the 10 priorities in emergency
To identify the key parameters to considere in an initial assessment

- To understand the dangers to which MSF is exposed:
- To identify ways of responding to security problems:

Health indicators:
- To define basic health indicators:

- To describe fundamentals of electricity
- To be able to use basic energy resources available to MSF

- To List the different means of communication available to MSF:
- To program and use VHF / HF
- To diagnose simple HF/VHF malfunctions

To list the range of possible interventions in a malnutrition situation
To describe the issues involved in setting up a therapeutic feeding center

To develop the principles of medical and nutritional management in treating severe

- To be responsible for supply management on a mission:
- To prepare orders from the field
- To receive orders:

- To receive/send local deliveries

Local purchasing:
To identify the local purchasing criteria
To organize local purchasing activities according to MSF procedures

Cold chain:
- To list the stages in the cold chain
- To identify the different items that require cold storage
- To compare the methods of producing PASSIVE & ACTIVE cold

To identify the logisticians tasks during a vaccination campaign
To describe what is involved in setting up a vaccination site

- To identify disease transmission routes linked to water and sanitation
- To become familiar with watsan tools

Fleet management:
- To organise the fleet management of a mission:

To list the areas of interventions during an epidemic
To describe how to plan building and organizing a cholera camp

- To use the basic HRM tools in its mission

- To describ MSF abuses policy

- To list the good practices of cash management
- To use the tools and validate the invoices

- Install basic biomedical equipment (Niv 1 + CNT)
- Apply biomedical fleet management policy

To maintain IT equipment in working conditions and manage files.

Prparation Premier Dpart Logistique (PPDL)

Nombre de participants: 10 ou 16
Langue: Franais
Localisation: CEFORLOG, Chartreuse Mrignac

Public concern:
En gnral, le PPDL s'adresse tous les futurs logisticiens, slectionns par le dpartement
RH, amens partir en mission pour MSF pour la premire fois. Ils auront prfrablement
particip aux journes d'accueil au sige.
Il est galement ouvert aux logisticiens nationaux ayant plus de 1 an de mission avec MSF

Mthodes pdagogiques:
Alternance de cours magistraux, dmonstrations de matriel, travaux pratiques, travaux de
groupe, tudes de cas, dbats, vidos.

Objectif gnral:
A la fin de la formation, les stagiaires, en tant que logisticien d'une quipe de terrain, doivent
tre capables d'appliquer les procdures et les mthodes utilises par MSF aprs avoir pris
conscience des spcificits des interventions de MSF.

Objectifs intermdiaires / spcifiques par module:
A l'issue de cette formation, le stagiaire sera capable de:

Le Rle du logisticien:
- Identifier les responsabilits rattaches au poste de Logisticien PM
- Situer le Logisticien PM dans l'organigramme d'une mission

Mmoire MSF:
Identifier les supports techniques lis la mmoire des interventions de MSF:

-lister les 10 priorits en urgence
-Identifier les lments prendre en compte lors d'une valuation initiale

- Prendre conscience des dangers auxquels MSF est expos:
- Identifier les moyens pour rpondre ces problmes de scurit:

Indicateurs de sant: Dfinir les indicateurs de sant de base

- Dfinir les notions fondamentales de l'lectricit
- Utiliser le matriel d'nergie de base prsent MSF

- Lister les diffrents moyens de comm. disponible MSF:
- Programmer et utiliser VHF / HF
- Diagnostiquer les pannes simples en HF / VHF

- Lister les diffrentes interventions possibles dans des situations de malnutrition
- Dfinir les lments considrer pour l'organisation d'un centre CNT
- Formuler les principes de la prise en charge mdicale et nut. dans le traitement de la
malnutrition aigue

- Assurer la gestion du matriel sur une mission:
- Rdiger des commandes de terrain:
- Rceptionner des commandes:

Transport: Rceptionner / envoyer un fret local

Achat local:
- Dterminer les critres prendre en compte pour raliser de l'achat local
- Organiser les activits de l'achat local selon la procdure MSF

Chaine de froid:
- Lister les tapes de la chaine de froid
- Identifier les diffrents types de produits conserver
- Comparer les moyens de production de froid PASSIF et ACTIF

- Identifier les activits du log durant une campagne de vacci
- Dfinir les lments considrer pour organiser un site de vaccination

- Identifier les voies de transmission des maladies lies l'EHA.
- Se familiariser avec certains outils de l'EHA.

Gestion Parc Auto: Organiser le parc auto dune mission:

- Lister les diffrents axes d'intervention lors d'une pidmie de cholra
- Dfinir les lments considrer pour construire / organiser un camp cholra

Gestion de l'argent:
- Identifier les rgles de base d'une bonne gestion de la trsorerie
- Utiliser les outils et valider les factures

RH: Utiliser les outils de base de la gestion des RH dans sa mission

Gestion des abus:
- formuler la politique de gestion des abus MSF.

- Installer le matriel biomdical courant
- appliquer la politique de gestion du parc biomdical

Informatique : - Maintenir en tat le parc informatique dune mission et assurer la gestion des

Applied Security Course for field logisticians

Course run by OCBA
Duration: 5 Days
Language: English

Target Group
Field logistician managers with at least 6 months of operational experience, national or

Good command of written and spoken English, 2 missions or 12 months of MSF experience

General Objective
The course aims to improve overall security management.
The ASC increases the capacities of field logistic staff in the practical set up of risk reduction
measures and their daily follow-up. It does not aim at designing security strategy for a
mission but for sure aim at creating a link between a specific strategy and practical measures

Specific Objectives:

Risk understanding and awareness
Recognize the principal security strategy
Develop knowledge about security management roles
Perform matching between Risk analysis and prevention measures
Relate the security guide line and annexes with the role of logistic in the field

Vehicle and travel movements
Road transport security
Air transport security
Boat transport security
Other transportation means

Personal protection / Site protection

Standard Telecommunication Set-up
Movement Tracking

Contingency plan
Preparation for Evacuation, Hibernation/confinement
Medical Emergency / Critical Incident

Measures for specific risks
Prevent risk trough specific measures implementation
IED's, UXO, Landmines
Armed robbery, arrest, assault, carjacking

Practical case study, presentations and group discussion

Techniques Logistiques de Base (TLB)

Date: du 12 au 23 Mai 2014
Nombre de participants: 54
Langue: Franais, Anglais
Localisation: CEFORLOG, Mrignac

Fin 2004, un nouveau parcours de formation des logisticiens a t cr. Aprs le PPDL qui
est obligatoire, nous avons introduit le TLB. Ce stage est conu sur la base de la 2ime
semaine de lancien Forelog, uniquement centr sur la pratique et la technique. Nous
considrons quil sagit l des techniques de base que tout log MSF doit matriser au

Public concern:
Le TLB s'adresse des logisticiens ayant une exprience de terrain d'au moins 6 mois. Il est
obligatoire et sinscrit dans le parcours du logisticien MSF, suite au PPDL.
Il est ouvert au personnel national expriment.

Objectif gnral:
A la fin de la formation, les stagiaires, en tant que logisticiens expriments, doivent tre
capables d'appliquer les procdures et les mthodes utilises par MSF dans 13 domaines
techniques de base : mcanique, EHA, Radiocom, informatique, Gestion des dchets,
Energie, Construction, MFH, Biomdical, Ressources humaines, approvisionnement, chaine
de froid, scurit.

Objectifs intermdiaires / spcifiques par module:
A l'issue de cette formation, le stagiaire sera capable de:

Evaluer l'tat technique d'un vhicule, circuit par circuit

Slectionner les moyens de radiocommunication pertinents pour la mission
Installer le matriel de radiocommunication des missions
Etablir les rgles et les procdures dutilisation de ces quipements

Calculer les besoins en nergie lectrique de la mission
Dimensionner les moyens de production, de stockage et de protection lectrique en fonction
des besoins
Mettre en place les rgles et procdures dutilisation et les priodicits d'entretien des

Maintenir en tat le parc informatique et assurer la gestion des fichiers
Mettre en place les rgles, les procdures dutilisation et les priodicits dentretien de ces

Appliquer le cycle dun projet dappro en eau

Assurer la lutte antivectorielle dans nos structures

Appliquer les techniques de base de la construction : implantation, fondation, dosage,
dallage, charpente et couvertures, revtement
Concevoir les quipements de traitement des eaux uses
Concevoir les latrines

Chaine de froid:
Grer la chane du froid au quotidien d'une mission classique: identification, surveillance,
chargement, entretien
Prparer une livraison chane du froid avec emballage isotherme (caisse, glacire)
Grer la chaine du froid au quotidien pendant une campagne de vaccination

Gestion des dchets:
Identifier les diffrents types de dchets mdicaux
Assurer la collecte de ces dchets
Eliminer les dchets coupants , organiques , soft

Raliser l'entretien prventif du matriel biomdical courant (Niv 1 + CNT)
Diagnostiquer les pannes simples
Identifier les pannes devant tre traites chez le constructeur

Montage MFH:
Monter et dmonter les tentes gonflables
Installer les tentes 40m

Mettre en application les principes de base de la scurit (communication, transport,
protection des sites)

Ressources humaines:
Dfinir lorganisation logistique dune mission
Russir une dlgation
Organiser des runions

Choisir et dimensionner un entrepot
Organiser la gestion dun entrepot
Instaurer une gestion rationnelle du matriel dquipement
Calculer les quantits commander
Appliquer les critres fondamentaux avant de raliser de lachat local
Grer et transporter les stocks de nourriture

Mthodes pdagogiques:
Dmonstration de matriel, travaux pratiques, discussions.

Basic Technical Logistics Course (TLB)

Date: 12 - 23 May 2014
Number of participants: 54
Language: English
Location: CEFORLOG, Mrignac

A new series of logistics training courses was introduced at the end of 2004. In addition to
the PPDL, which is compulsory, we have started the TLB. This course is based on the
second week of the old Forelog, and focuses solely on the practical implementation of
technical skills. The skills covered are considered to be the minimum basic techniques that
all MSF logs need to be familiar with. This course is now compulsory.

Target groups:
The TLB is designed for logisticians with at least 6 months of field experience. It is
compulsory and is part of a logisticians progression at MSF after the PPDL.
It is also open to experienced national staff.
Trainees must commit to going on mission with MSF for at least one year after the end of the

General objective:
At the end of the training course, the trainees as experienced logisticians- will be able to
apply the procedures and methods used by MSF in the 13 core technical domains:
mechanics, WATSAN, Radiocom, IT, Waste management, energy, construction, Biomedical,
coldchain, Human resources, Supply, MFH, security.
Specific objectives of each module:

At the end of this course the trainee will be able to:

Evaluate the technical condition of a vehicle, circuit by circuit

Radio Communication:
Select the appropriate radio-communication systems for a mission
Install the necessary radio-communication materials for a mission
Define the rules and instructions for use of this equipment

Calculate the electrical needs of the mission
Calculate the necessary means of production, storage and protection of electricity in
accordance with the needs.
Set up the rules and procedures of use, as well as a maintenance calendar, for the

Upkeep of computers and ensure the management of computer files
Set up the rules and instructions for use, as well as, the maintenance calendar for this

Apply a water supply project cycle
Maintain vector control in our structures

Apply basic construction techniques: foundations, paving, structural framework,
Design treatment of waste water system
Design latrines

Cold chain:
Manage daily cold chain: identification, control, loading, maintenance
Prepare a cold chain delivery with isotherm packing
Manage cold chain during a mass vaccination campaign

Waste management:
dentify the different types of medical waste
Collect the waste
Eliminate sharps, organic, soft waste

Realise preventive weekly maintenance of basic biomedical equipment (Niv 1 + CNT)
Diagnose simple breakdowns
Identify complex breakdowns requiring Compagny's skills

MFH setup:
Put up and take down the inflatable tents
Install 40m tents

Apply the basic principles of security (communication, transportation, site protection)

Human Resources:
Define the logistics organisation in a mission
Delegate work
Organise meetings

Choose and size a warehouse
Organise warehouse management
Setup a rational follow-up of equipment
Calculate quantities to be ordered
Purchase locally based on local purchasing
Archive logistics documents
Store and transport food stock

Teaching methods:
Demonstration of material, practical work, discussions.

AdHoc Biomedelec English

Date: from 16th to 25th June 2014
Number of participants: 8
Language: English
Location: CEFORLOG, Chartreuse Mrignac

Target Audience:
This training session Adhoc Biomedelec is intended for skilled logisticians, selected by the
technical referents, working or on the way to working in level 2 or 3 medical structures
TLB is a prerequisite.

General objective:
By the end of the session, trainees will be able to evaluate, analyze and maintain biomed
and energy equipments and systems in their missions.

Intermediate/specific objective by modules:
At the conclusion of this training, the trainee will be able:



Identify the risks linked to electricity
Define fundamental parameters of electricity

Evaluation of electrical installations:

Evaluate the electrical installation of a structure
Realise the electrical balance of the structure with the estimation of the needs
Draw up the network

Protection & grounding:

Identify the necessary means to secure a structure
Setup the appropriate technical solutions


Identify the necessary means to realise appropriate connections
Setup the appropriate technical solutions


Setup the appropriate technical solutions for MFH

Tri-phase generators:

Run properly a tri-phase generator
Discover and fix major breakdowns


Size an installation from the electrical balance to the drawing
Adapt an existing installation to match new needs


Maintenance policy:

Run a biomedical fleet in the field:
Setup the maintenance policy
Use the biomedical reference model
Diagnose basic breakdowns and identify serious ones for manufacture maintenance.
Follow SAV

Technical follow-up:

Install, evaluate, maintain and fix:
Oxygen concentrators
TBM sterilizer
Monal anaesthetist equipment
surgical pump suction
other small equipment

Pedagogical methods:
Lectures, equipment demonstration, group work, case studies, practical work.

Adhoc Biomedelec (Franais)

Date: du 15 au 24 Septembre 2014
Nombre de participants: 8
Langue: Franais
Localisation: CEFORLOG, Chartreuse Mrignac

Public concern:
Le stage Adhoc Biomedelec s'adresse des logisticiens expriments, slectionns par les
rfrents techniques, travaillant ou qui vont travailler dans des structures mdicales de
niveau 2 ou 3.
La participation au TLB est un prrequis.

Objectif gnral:
A la fin de la formation, les stagiaires doivent tre capables d'valuer, d'analyser et
d'entretenir les parcs biomed et nergie de leur mission en proposant des actions correctives
si ncessaires.

Objectifs intermdiaires / spcifiques par module:
A l'issue de cette formation, le stagiaire sera capable de:



Identifier les risques lis l'lectricit
Dfinir les grandeurs fondamentales et les lois de l'lectricit

Evaluation des installations lectriques:

Expertiser l'installation lectrique d'une structure
Raliser le bilan lectrique de cette structure en dterminant les besoins
Schmatiser le rseau lectrique existant

Protection & terre:

Identifier les moyens ncessaires pour scuriser une structure
Mettre en oeuvre les solutions techniques appropries


Identifier les moyens ncessaires pour raliser des branchements de qualit
Mettre en oeuvre les solutions techniques appropries


Mettre en oeuvre les solutions techniques appropries au MFH

Gnrateurs triphass:

Assurer le fonctionnement lectrique d'un gnrateur triphas
Rechercher et traiter les pannes


Dimensionner une installation en partant du bilan lectrique et en ralisant les schmas
unifilaires de base
Adapter une installation existante en fonction de nouveaux besoins


Politique d'entretien:

Assurer le fonctionnement dun parc biomdical sur le terrain:
Mettre en place la politique de maintenance du matriel biomdical
Utiliser le rfrentiel biomdical
Diagnostiquer les pannes simples et Identifier les pannes devant tre traites chez le
Assurer le suivi en SAV

Gestion technique:

Installer, valuer, entretenir et dpanner:
Les concentrateurs d'oxygene
Les strilisateurs TBM
L'appareil d'anesthsie Monal
Les diffrents aspirateurs chirurgicaux
Le petit appareillage

Mthodes pdagogiques:

Cours magistraux, dmonstration de matriel, travaux de groupe, tudes de cas, travaux

Eau en Situation Prcaire

Date: du 04 au 13 Aout 2014
Nombre de participants: 8 maxi
Langue: Franais
Localisation: CEFORLOG, Chartreuse - Mrignac

Public concern :
Le stage EauSP s'adresse des logisticiens, slectionns par la cellule EHA, expriments,
une ou plusieurs missions, qui souhaitent dvelopper leurs connaissances et leur pratique de
l'approvisionnement en eau en situation prcaire. Ils auront prfrablement dj travaills sur
des programmes MSF forte activit EHA.

Objectif gnral:
A la fin de la formation, les stagiaires doivent tre capables d'appliquer les stratgies et
mthodes ncessaires l'approvisionnement en eau potable en situation prcaire en utilisant
les outils dvelopps par MSF.

Objectifs intermdiaires / spcifiques par module:
A l'issue de cette formation, le stagiaire sera capable de:

Formuler le lien entre maladie et eau
Identifier les points essentiels d'une valuation sanitaire initiale
Interprter les indicateurs de sant
Calculer les besoins en eau
Comparer les diffrents types d'appro en eau
Identifier les points essentiels de la prise en charge d'une pidmie de cholra
Dfinir la qualit de l'eau
Utiliser une eau de source
Utiliser les eaux souterraines (puits, forages)
Utiliser les eaux de surface
Choisir le pr-traitement de l'eau adapt
Choisir le traitement de l'eau adapt
Organiser la distribution gravitaire
Traiter les eaux uses des points d'eau
Organiser le contrle des excretas
Organiser la gestion des dchets mdicaux
Appliquer les politiques de lutte antivectorielle

Mthodes pdagogiques:
Cours magistraux, dmonstration de matriel, travaux de groupe, tudes de cas, travaux

Meca Adhoc training (English)

Date: 16 25 June, 2014
Number of participants: 8
Language: English
Location: CEFORLOG (Logistics Training Center), Chartreuse-Mrignac

Target Audience:
The meca adhoc session is intended for experienced logisticians, one or several missions,
willing to develop their knowledge and skills in MSF standard vehicles maintenance. A strong
interest in mechanics is required.

General Objective of the session:
By the end of the session, the trainees will be able to carry out MSF policies on fleet
management and to evaluate the technical conditions of the vehicles used on the missions.

In a week, this training is not intended to turn you into a mechanic but to give you the
appropriate tools to supervise local mechanics.

Intermediate/specific objectives by modules:
At the conclusion of this training, the trainees will be able to:

Fleet management:

- Follow MSF policy on maintenance: services, checks, logbook,
- Follow the administrative work on vehicles: registration number, importation, insurances
- Follow the management of vehicles: kms, costs, consumption, inventory, planning

Weekly check:

- Do a weekly check on land cruiser


- Manage drivers & mechanics: selection, evaluation, briefing

Fuel & oil management:

- Purchase, transport, store and distribute fuel & oil in regard of the level of quality expected

Technical circuits:

- Describe how the circuits function
- Identify & check the main elements of those circuits


- Select the type of tyres according to the use
- Read instructions on the tyre
- Store in appropriate conditions

Service C:

- Do a service C

Electrical & radio Circuits:

- Describe how the electrical circuits function
- Evaluate the conditions of the battery and its installation
- Control the setup of HF & VHF radios in vehicles

Thermal engines:

- Use, install & maintain motopumps & generators in MSF:
- Look after the main breakdowns

Stocks & orders management:

- Setup a rational management of spare parts
- Follow MSF policy on local purchase
- Do an inventory
- Use the MSF international order form


- Estimate the needs in infrastructure: size, equipment, tools, plan

Use of 4 wheels drive:

- Compare the different positions of 4 wheels drive: H2, H4, L4
- Explain the differentials role
- Choose the best position according to ground conditions
- Use the Hilift & Tirefort


- Run properly a triphase generator
- Look for and repair basic breakdowns

Mcanique Adhoc

Date: du 15 au 24 Septembre 2014
Nombre de participants: 8
Langue: Franais
Localisation: CEFORLOG, Chartreuse Mrignac

Public concern:
Le stage mca adhoc s'adresse des logisticiens expriments, une ou plusieurs missions,
qui souhaitent dvelopper leurs connaissances et leur pratique du suivi et de l'entretien de
nos vhicules standards. Un intrt certain pour la mcanique est souhait.

Objectif gnral:
A la fin de la formation, les stagiaires doivent tre capables de mettre en place les politiques
de gestion de parc auto dfinies par MSF et d'valuer l'tat technique des vhicules utiliss
dans les missions.

En une semaine, cette formation n'a pas pour but de former des mcaniciens en tant que
tels mais de donner aux stagiaires les lments permettant de superviser le travail de
mcaniciens locaux.

Objectifs intermdiaires / spcifiques par module:
A l'issue de cette formation, le stagiaire sera capable de:

Gestion parc auto:

Assurer le fonctionnement dun parc de vhicules sur le terrain:
- Appliquer la politique d'entretien dfinie MSF: services, checks, logbook,
- Participer au suivi administratif des vhicules: importation, immatriculation, assurances
- Assurer la gestion des vhicules: suivi kms, couts, consommation, inventaire, planning


Raliser un weeklycheck sur landcruiser

Gestion RH:

Encadrer les chauffeurs et mcaniciens: embauche, valuation, briefing

Gestion du carburant & des huiles:

Acheter, transporter, stocker, distribuer le carburant et les huiles dans les conditions de
qualit requises

Circuits techniques:

- Dcrire le fonctionnement des diffrents circuits
- Identifier et contrler les lments principaux de chaque circuit


- Slectionner le type de pneus en fonction de l'utilisation
- Lire les indications d'un pneu
- Stocker dans les rgles de l'art

Service C:

- Raliser un service C

Circuit lectrique & radio:

- Dcrire le fonctionnement des circuits lectriques
- Evaluer l'tat d'une batterie et son montage
- Contrler le montage radio HF et VHF sur un vhicule

Moteurs industriels:

- Utiliser, installer et entretenir les motopompes et gnrateurs standards MSF:
- Rechercher les pannes les plus courantes


- Mettre en place une gestion rationnelle des pices dtaches
- Appliquer la politique MSF d'achat local
- Faire un inventaire
Utiliser la feuille de commandes MSF


- Dterminer les besoins en infrastructure: taille, quipement, outillage, plan

4x4 et car recovery:

Comparer les diffrentes positions du 4x4: H2, H4, L4
Expliquer le rle du diffrentiel
Choisir la meilleure position en fonction du terrain
Utiliser le cric Hilift et le tirefort


Assurer le fonctionnement d'un gnrateur triphas
Recherche et traiter les pannes


Nva : Nut Vacci Appro

Date: du 05 au 18 Octobre 2014
Nombre de participants: 15
Langue: Franais
Localisation: France, Brville

Public concern:
Le NutVacci Adhoc s'adresse des logisticiens ayant dj une exprience de terrain en Nut
ou Vacci et qui sont / seront amens intervenir sur des programmes nut ou vacci.
Les candidats ont les connaissances techniques de base dans les diffrents domaines de la
logistique d'une mission MSF. Ils auront prfrablement suivis les premires tapes du
parcours de formation des logisticiens: PPDL, TLB.

Objectif gnral:
A la fin de la formation, les stagiaires doivent tre capables dvaluer, de dfinir, dencadrer
et de suivre les activits logistiques des programmes nutritionnels et/ou vaccination.

Objectifs intermdiaires / spcifiques par module:
A l'issue de cette formation, le stagiaire sera capable de:

Rappel Nut:
Dcrire les diffrents contextes de survenue dun problme nutritionnel et/ou
alimentaire et en expliquer les mcanismes
Citer les diffrentes causes de la malnutrition (maladies, carences, psy)
Expliquer les consquences de la malnutrition

Produits & Qualit:
Identifier les types de produits utiliss
Assurer l'utilisation de produits nutritionnels en valuant leur qualit

Gestion des commandes terrain:
Analyser l'expression des besoins
Calculer les quantits commander
Passer les commandes et assurer le suivi/archivage
Vrifier l'application et le respect des procdures de commande
Grer les reliquats

Gestion des stocks:
Choisir et dimensionner un entrepot / une pharmacie
Prparer un entrepot et optimiser l'agencement
Organiser la gestion dun entrepot et le suivi des stocks
Assurer l'hygine de la structure
Evaluation rapide au MUAC:
Raliser une valuation nutritionnelle rapide en urgence

Contexte alimentaire et approche de la malnutrition:
Identifier la survenue dun problme alimentaire et/ou nutritionnel et le dfinir
Raliser lvaluation dune situation :

Stratgie nutritionnelle:
Proposer et justifier le choix dune stratgie nutritionnelle dans un contexte donn

Site de distribution
Mettre en place des sites de distribution (nourriture, NFI):

Mettre en place des structures pour la prise en charge des malnutris
Dfinir lorganisation spatiale en prenant en compte les diffrentes activits et les
moyens existants
Identifier les mesures dhygine de base mettre en place

Ressources humaines:
Grer son planning
Dlguer, planifier et organiser le travail des quipes

Achat local / Donation:
Appliquer les critres fondamentaux avant de raliser de lachat local
Vrifier l'application et le respect des procdures d'achat local

Transport international
Identifier le rle des douanes et des transitaires
Rceptionner un fret international

Transport local
Organiser le transport local et la gestion documentaire
Evaluer et slectionner les transporteurs locaux et tablir des contrats
Identifier les produits dangereux sur les terrains

Vacci : Rappel:
Citer et dcrire les vaccins utiliss en situations d'urgence et en programmes
rguliers (efficacit, ge, dose, conservation).
Expliquer la politique de vaccination de MSF
Expliquer les diffrentes stratgies de vaccination

Vacci Routine:
Estimer et commander le matriel & les vaccins
Organiser la mise en place dune chane de froid
Grer les dchets lis la vaccination de routine

Campagne de vaccination:
Organiser et planifier une campagne de vaccination:
Evaluer la situation
Dfinir et argumenter l'approche pour raliser la campagne
Estimer les besoins en ressources humaines, matriels et vaccins

Site de vaccination:
Identifier et organiser un site de vaccination
Organiser la fermeture des sites

Logistique de la vaccination:

Grer la logistique des dplacements des quipes fixes et mobiles
Organiser le transport des quipes et du matriel
Assurer une gestion rationnelle des dchets spcifiques la vaccination
Garantir un approvisionnement en nergie de la chaine de froid

Mthodes pdagogiques:
Cours magistraux, dmonstration de matriel, travaux de groupe, tudes de cas,
travaux pratiques, dbats.
Il est important de noter qu'un certain nombre de thmes seront abords en session
commune avec les participants du stage Nutrition Vaccination niveau 2 qui aura lieu

Water, Hygiene and Sanitation (WHS) in Emergencies Course

Target Group
Field logisticians and watsans (expat and national staff) with responsibilities in emergency
WHS response

Pre-requisites Applicants must have completed:
For the Log profiles: Basic Logistics Course BloC (or its equivalent: TLB, LOT, TLC), and
WEDC 1 Course or 1 year in the field with MSF with responsibilities in emergency WHS
response. For Watsan profiles: a master degree in a Watsan related subject.

Objectives & Content
General Objective
The WHS course is a level 3 vertical course. At the end of the WHS, the participants should
understand the importance of WHS within a medical organisation like MSF and should be
able to practically implement the various emergency WHS techniques used within MSF, and
to adapt them to the needs of a given environment.

Specific Objectives
The aim of this hands-on course is to ensure first aid WHS competence on the field
amongst logisticians and watsans.
At the end of the hands-on course, the participants will be able to use emergency WHS
assessment techniques and know how to use the MSF emergency WHS equipment and
techniques as per Public Health Technician.

Course Modules
WHS assessment techniques & tools
Topographical survey
Water supply
Water sources & intakes
Water analysis
Pumps: installation & maintenance (motor pumps, hand pumps & electrical pumps)
Groundwater making, cleaning & disinfecting wells & appropriate tools, pumping test, jetting
Surface water: water treatment (analyses, assisted sedimentation, WTU, disinfection,
household water treatment)
Emergency water distribution
Pipe installations: PE, PVC, GI
Site preparation
Excreta disposal
Waste water
Solid waste (refuse)
Medical waste
Vector Control Techniques & Material used on the field
o Insecticide Residual Spraying
o Fogging
Dead bodies
Health promotion
Diseases: Cholera, Ebola, Marburg
Teaching Methods
Lectures and case studies, Hands-on practical workshops in small groups, Various evening
sessions, WHS related movies

Water, Hygiene and Sanitation (WHS) in Emergencies Course

Formation organise par OCB

Population cible
Logisticiens du terrain et watsans (national ou expatri) avec responsabilits en rponse
WHS pendant les urgences
Pr-requis Les candidats doivent avoir accompli :
Pour les profils Log : Basic Logistics Course ou lquivalent: TLB, LOT, TLC et WEDC 1 ou
1 anne sur le terrain avec MSF dans un poste responsabilits Watsan
Pour les profils Watsan : un master en Watsan

Objectifs & Contenu
Objectif gnral
Le WHS est une formation verticale de niveau 3. A la fin du cours, les participants devraient
comprendre limportance de la WHS dans une organisation mdicale comme MSF et
devraient tre capables dimplmenter les techniques WHS employes pendant une urgence
et de les adapter lenvironnement de terrain.

Objectifs spcifiques
Le but de cette formation pratique est dassurer le dveloppement de comptences WHS
durgence sur le terrain parmi les logisticiens et watsans.
A la fin du cours, les participants seront capables dutiliser les techniques dvaluation WHS
durgence et lquipement durgence MSF comme Techniciens de Sant Publique.

Techniques et outils dvaluation WHS
Topographique Survey
Approvisionnement deau
Sources deau
Analyse deau
Pompes: installation, opration & maintenance (motopompes, pompes main & lectrique)
Eau: creuser, nettoyer, dsinfecter des puits et les outils associs: test de pompage, jetting
Eau de surface: Traitement deau (analyse, sdimentation assiste, WTU, dsinfection,
traitement deau dans des habitations)
Distribution deau en urgence
Installation des tuyaux: PE, PVC, GI
Prparation du site
Eaux uses
Dchets solides
Dchets mdicaux
Techniques de contrle des vecteurs
o Insecticide Residual Spraying
o Fogging
Promotion de la sant
Maladies: Cholra, Ebola, Marburg

Mthodes pdagogiques :
Cours magistral et cas dtude, dmonstrations pratiques et exercices, films sur WHS

LOT / Logistics Organizational Training

This course is run by OCG and OCBA

Location: Kampala
Language: English and french
Duration: 11 days

Target Group
Logisticians with at least 6 months of field experience, Assistant / Deputy COTL, Assistant /
Deputy Log with at least one year of professional experience.

This training is a part of a logisticians progression at MSF after the PPD logistics training.

Basic scholar level is required to enable participant to understand theoretical principles used
during the modules (formulas as calculation of percentage, fractions, energy formulas)
English or French speaking level need to be appropriated to fully understand theoretical
modules in OCG Edition.
English speaking level needs to be appropriated to fully understand theoretical modules and
to be able to participate and actively contribute to the different dynamics and group work, in
OCBA Edition.

General objective
The objective of this course aims to support trainees to be able to respond to varied,
complex situations through analysis and problem solving.
The objective of this course is not to provide ready-made answers but to help trainees
to be able to respond to varied, complex situations through analysis and problem-solving.
The aim of the training is not to make participants become experts in all the technical
families. It is much more important that they learn how to boost MSF operations, how to find
solutions and how to solve problems, using the tools they will have in the field.

Learning by doing.
Demonstration of material, practical work, discussions.


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Prparation au Premier Dpart Administrateur (PPDA)

Dure : 5 jours
Nombre de participants : 12 personnes par session
Langue : franais ou anglais selon la session

Public concern
S'adresse des personnes prenant un premier poste d'administrateur en gnral (personnel
international ou personnel national changeant de poste).
Reste un pr-requis pour un premier dpart.

Objectif Gnral de la formation :
Donner aux participants la connaissance des mthodes, comptences, outils, des
documents et des politiques ncessaires leur prise de poste sur le terrain, en termes de
Finances et de Ressources Humaines.

Objectifs spcifiques
A l'issue de cette formation, les participants seront capables de :

- Identifier les responsabilits attaches aux diffrents postes admin et les situer dans
l'organigramme d'une mission.
- Connatre les politiques de rfrence et tre capable de les mettre en uvre sur leur terrain
(ressources humaines et financires).
- Connatre les procdures et les outils (logiciels Homre, Saga, matrices budgtaires, etc.)
et savoir les utiliser.
- Identifier les enjeux juridiques lis la gestion des ressources humaines dans leur pays,
sassurer de la prise en compte du cadre lgal dans le fonctionnement de la mission.
- Connatre les outils principaux pour suivre, valuer, accompagner, former les membres de
leur quipe, et savoir les utiliser.
- Identifier le lien entre comportement et abus

Mthodes pdagogiques :
Cours magistraux, dmonstration de matriel, travaux de groupe, tudes de cas, travaux
pratiques, dbats, films, lecture de documents.

Les participants doivent avoir effectu les modules dauto-formation (administration
des ressources humaines, comptabilit) avant le dbut de la formation (ncessitent environ 5
jours pleins et doivent tre termins temps pour renvoyer les exercices raliss, recevoir et
tudier la correction).

Training for first departure as Admin (PPDA)

Duration: 5 days
Number of participants: 12 participants per session
Language: sessions in French or English

Target Group :
Persons taking a position of administrator for the first time (international staff or national staff
changing of position)
Stay a pre-requisite for a first departure.

General objective of the training:
Provide participants with knowledge of methods, skills, tools, documents and policies
necessary to their position in the field, in terms of Finances and Human resources.

Specific Objectives :
At the end of the training, participants will be able to:

- Identify the responsibilities attached to the various admin positions and situate them in the
organization chart of a mission.
- Understand the reference policies and be able to implement them in their mission.
- Know the procedures and tools (software Homre, Saga, etc.) and how to use them.
- Identify the legal issues linked to HR management in their country of mission and ensure
legal aspects are integrated in the running of the mission.
- Know the main tools to follow, evaluate and train the members of their teams, and how to
use them.
- Identify the link between behaviour and abuses

Teaching Technics :
Lectures, discussions/debates, case studies, demonstration, workshops, videos, group work,

Participants must have completed self-training modules (HR administration, accountancy)
prior to the beginning of the course (requires 5 full days and must be completed in time to
send back homework, receive and review corrections).

Formation Des Administrateurs Expriments (FOREXPAD)

Dure : 6 jours + 2 jours de Field Management Training (FMT)
Nombre de participants : 14 personnes par session
Langue : franais ou anglais selon la session.

Public concern
Membres du pool admin tant amens occuper des responsabilits d'encadrement
dans les domaines financiers et RH (Coordinateur Finance et RH CoFiRH).

Les candidats auront dj ralis une mission dau moins 6 mois, ou seront en cours de
mission sur un poste de coordinateur finance/RH.

Objectif Gnral de la formation :
A la fin de la formation, les stagiaires, en tant que membres d'une quipe de coordination,
doivent tre capables de participer la dfinition et la gestion des ressources des projets
sous leur responsabilit en adquation avec les objectifs stratgiques et oprationnels de la

Objectifs spcifiques
A l'issue de cette formation, les participants seront capables de :
- Identifier les enjeux et les axes des politiques Ressources Humaines et Finances et les
mettre en uvre sur leur terrain.
- Savoir utiliser et diffuser les procdures et les outils de gestion financire et ressources
- Suivre, valuer, accompagner et former les membres de leur quipes
- Identifier les enjeux juridiques lis la gestion des ressources humaines dans leur pays et
sassurer de la prise en compte du cadre lgal et fiscal dans le fonctionnement de la mission.
- Etre le rfrent des quipes de terrain en matire de gestion des ressources humaines et
des finances.
- Participer la dfinition des orientations des projets.

Mthodes pdagogiques :
Cours magistraux, dmonstration de matriel, travaux de groupe, tudes de cas, travaux
pratiques, dbats, films, lecture de documents.

Experimented Admin Training (FOREXPAD)

Duration: 8 days * + 2 days FMT (Field Management Training)
Number of participants: 14 persons per session
Language: session in French or in English

Members of the admin pool who will occupy supervision responsibilities in HR and
Financial fields (CoFiRH Financial Coordinator HR Coordinator).

The candidates :
-either already have realised a 6-month mission at least,
-or are currently on a Finance/RH coordinator position

Main Objective of the training:
At the end of the training, the trainees, as member of the coordination team, will be able to
participate to the definition and to the management of the resources of their projects under
their responsibilities, in adequacy with the strategic and operational objectives of the mission.

Specific Objectives
At the conclusion of this training, participants will be able to:

- Identify HR and Financial stakes and political axes and implement them on their
- Know how to use and to relay the HR and financial procedures and tools
- Follow, assess, go with and train members of their teams
- Identify the legal stakes linked to the management of HR in their country and make
sure the legal and fiscal frameworks have been taken into account in the functioning of the
- Be the referent of the teams on the field in terms of HR and Financial management
- Participate in the definition of the orientations of the projects

Educational methods :
Lectures, work in groups, role plays, case studies, practical works, debates, reading of

*: 2 days added for the English version, corresponding to the introductions of new HR
elements and their applications

HRCC : Formation Pour les Coordinateurs de Ressources
( Human Resources Coordination Course)

Dure: 10 jours + 3 jours RH uniquement pour les participants dOCP*

Nombre de participants: 21 par session (maximum) 9 participants dOCP pour la session
du HRCC OCP; 3 participants dOCP pour les HRCC organiss par les autres OC.

Langue : Franais ou Anglais

Lieu :
OCG : 16/02 28/02 (Anglais) Genve
OCB : 23/06 04/07 (Anglais) Bruxelles
OCP : 28/09 10/10 (Franais) Paris
(jusquau 15/10 uniquement pour les participants OCP)
OCA : 08/12 12/12 (Anglais) Amsterdam

Public concern:

Personnel international ou national, qui a pris ou doit prendre un poste de Coordinateur en
Ressources Humaines ou Adjoint au coordinateur en ressources humaines.

Objectif Gnral:

A la fin de la formation, les participants seront capables de garantir une gestion efficace des
ressources humaines de la mission.

Objectifs spcifiques:

Promouvoir le rle et les responsabilits des ressources humaines et informer la mission des
challenges RH que rencontre MSF.
Identifier les enjeux des ressources humaines dans un projet, une mission ou un pays.
Assurer la gestion administrative et lgale de la mission
Assurer la gestion du personnel national et international sur le terrain
Assurer le bien-tre des employs et le bon fonctionnement de lquipe chaque tape de la
vie professionnelle de lemploy

Mthodes pdagogiques:
Cours magistraux, travaux de groupe, tudes de cas, dbats avec des personnes de MSF et
des consultants extrieurs.

* : 3 jours de plus, uniquement pour les participants OCP, correspondant lintroduction de
nouveauts RH et de leurs applications.

HRCC: Human Resources Coordination Course

Duration: 10 days + 3 HR days for OCP participants only*

Number of participants: 21 per session (maximum) 9 OCP participants for the OCP
HRCC; 3 OCP participants for the HRCCs organized by the other OCs.

Language : French/English

Date :
OCG : 16/02 28/02 (English) Geneva
OCB : 23/06 04/07 (English) Brussels
OCP : 28/09 10/10 (French) Paris (until 15/10 for OCP participants only)
OCA : 08/12 19/12 (English) Amsterdam

Location: See above

Target group:
Expats or national staff who will become, or recently have become Human Resources
Coordinator (HRCo) or Deputy Human Resources Coordinator.

General Objective:
At the end of the course, the participants will be able to guarantee an efficient HR
management of the mission.

Specific Objectives:
To promote the HR position, roles and responsibilities and inform the mission of the HR
challenges facing MSF
To identify the stakes of human resources in a project, mission, country
To ensure the administrative and legal management of the mission
To ensure the career management of national and international staff in the field
To ensure the well being of the employees and the correct functioning of the team at each
step of the employee, team cycle

Teaching Methods :
Lectures, case studies: group discussion, debates with MSF facilitators and external

*: 3 days added for OCP participants, corresponding to the introductions of new HR elements
and their applications.

Semaine RH

Dure : 5 jours
Nombre de participants : 12
Langue : anglais
Localisation : Duba

Public concern :
Les Coordinateurs Finances et RH CoFiRH en poste ou prochainement en poste et qui
nont pas assist aux sessions du FOREXPAD ou HRCC en 2014.

Objectif Gnral de la formation :
Prsenter les nouvelles politiques RH dfinies au sein de MSF-F (politique mdico-sociale,
Les mettre en application au travers de cas pratiques.

Objectifs spcifiques
A l'issue de cette formation, les participants seront capables de :
- Identifier les enjeux de leurs terrains au regard de ces nouvelles politiques
- Savoir utiliser et diffuser ces nouvelles procdures
- Former les membres de leurs quipes
- Participer la dfinition des orientations des projets en lien avec ces nouvelles politiques

Mthodes pdagogiques :
Cours magistraux, travaux de groupe, tudes de cas, travaux pratiques, dbats, lecture de

Semaine Des Responsables RH

Dure : 5 jours
Nombre de participants : 1 session en Franais (10 pers. environ) et 1 en anglais (18 pers.
Langue : franais ou anglais
Localisation : Paris (Franais) et Duba (Anglais)

Public concern :
Les responsables RH

Objectif gnral :
Prsenter les politiques et outils RH (Grille de fonction, grille de salaire, contrats, plan de
paie, fiscalit)
Apprhender Homre comme un outil de gestion global et en comprendre les implications
Savoir utiliser Homre comme un outil admin / RH et en amliorer lutilisation
Acqurir de lautonomie dans la gestion quotidienne de ces ressources
Partager leurs expriences et leurs pratiques avec les autres participants
Organiser et prparer une visite / audit terrain
Comprendre les enjeux et responsabilits du Responsable RH

Objectifs spcifiques:

A lissu de cette formation, les participants seront capables, de :

Mettre en uvre / assurer / vrifier le respect des procdures admin / RH
Raliser la consolidation et la clture Homre (tant qualitativement que dans le respect des
Matriser et effectuer des tches avances dans le logiciel Homre
Contribuer aux changements RH lis la lgislation nationale / politique MSF
Savoir extraire, via les statistiques, les donnes de vrification et tre en capacit de faire les
corrections ou de les demander aux terrains
Former et accompagner les terrains sur lamlioration de la qualit

Mthodes pdagogiques :
Prsentation, utilisation de logiciel, travaux de groupe, tudes de cas, travaux pratiques,
partage dexprience, entretien individuel.

HR Managers week

Duration: 5 days
Number of participants: 10 participants for the French session, 18 for the English session
Language: French or English
Location: Paris (French) and Duba (English)

Target group:
HR managers

General objectives of the training:
Present the HR policies and tools (function grid, salary grid, contracts, payroll, taxation)
Treat Homre as a global management tool and understand what it implies
Know how to use Homre as an admin tool/HR and improve its use
Acquire autonomy in the daily management of those resources
Share their experience and their practice with the other participants
Organize and prepare a field visit/field audit
Understand stakes and responsibilities of the HR Manager

Specific objectives:

At the end of the training, participants will be able to:

- Implement/assure/check the respect of the procedures admin/HR
- Realize consolidation and Homre closure (qualitatively but also in the respect of the
- Monitor and make advanced tasks in Homre
- Contribute to HR changes linked to national legislation/MSF policy
- Know how to extract verification data using statistics and be able to do the corrections or to
ask them to the fields
- Train and support the fields on how to improve quality

Teaching technics:
Lectures, discussions/debates, case studies, demonstration, workshops, group work,

Semaine Des Responsables Comptables

Dure : 5 jours
Nombre de participants : 12 personnes
Langue : franais ou anglais
Localisation : Paris

Public concern :
Les responsables comptables

Objectif gnral :
Amliorer la qualit technique de la gestion des ressources comptables sur le terrain, en
approfondissant leur connaissance des outils, des documents et des procdures financires
utiliser/mettre en uvre sur le terrain.
Acqurir de lautonomie dans la gestion quotidienne de ces ressources
Partager leur exprience et leur pratique avec les autres participants
Organiser et prparer une visite terrain
Comprendre les enjeux et responsabilits du Responsable Comptable

Objectifs spcifiques:

A lissu de cette formation, les participants seront capables, de :

- Mettre en uvre et assurer le respect des procdures de gestion de largent tant pour les
achats locaux que pour lensemble des paiements
- Assurer/vrifier le respect des procdures comptables
- Raliser la consolidation et la clture comptable tape par tape
- Paramtrer, matriser et effectuer des tches avances dans le logiciel Saga
- Former, animer et encadrer son quipe dans le domaine de la comptabilit

Mthodes pdagogiques :
Prsentation, utilisation de logiciel, travaux de groupe, tudes de cas, travaux pratiques,
dbat, entretien individuel.

Accounting Managers week

Duration: 5 days
Number de participants: 12 participants
Language: French or English
Localisation: Paris

Target group:
Accounting managers

General objective of the training:
Improve the technical quality of the management of the accounting resources on the field, by
deepening the knowledge of the tools, the documents and of the financial procedures to
use/set up on the field.
Acquire some autonomy in the daily management of these resources
Share their experience and their practice with the other participants
Organize and prepare a field visit
Understand stakes and responsibilities of the accounting Manager

Specific objectives:

At the end of the training, participants will be able to:

- Implement and assure the respect for the procedures of management of the money both for
local purchases and for all payments
- Assure/Check the respect for the accounting procedures
- Realize the consolidation and the accounting closure step by step
- Parameterise, master and make advanced tasks in Saga software
- Train, lead and supervise his/her team in accounting field

Teaching techniques:
Lectures, discussions/debates, case studies, demonstration, workshops, group work,


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Field Management Training

Basic logistics (Numbers, candidate profiles, timing etc)

The training takes place across 4 days wherever the co-ordination team is based or in
each projects location. Depending on the number of eligible participants in each individual
mission the course can be repeated up to 3 times within a two-week period.
Usually participants include ALL national and international project activity managers. However,
each class should include no more than 12 participants. Each participant has to have a very
good level of English (speaking, reading).
The CRH, in consultation with the country coordination team (including the projects Field
Coordinators), determines which supervisors are invited to attend the training.
2 F/T facilitators are required for each training, one of whom should/could be the Desk CRH.

Course content and methodology

Given that all the transversal competencies identified are relevant to MSF field projects, the
selection of topics for the initial training course was a combination of skills from all several
key areas (see below for the current list of modules).

Each module has been designed:
for use as small group training sessions (6 to 12 people maximum), with the option to
be used as individual coaching tutorials if absolutely necessary
to last about 2 hours, with more complex modules designed to be delivered in 2 x 2
hour blocks, thereby allowing the team to schedule sessions around project activities
to include a short, structured lecture-style presentation, together with a participatory
activities to reinforce key messages. These are supplemented by handouts & other
to require minimal training materials essentially a facilitator with access to a laptop,
printer & a small toolbox of materials could deliver the program either in a remote
field location or in a capital setting.
Detailed facilitator notes are provided for each module.

Based on experience developing Info Days (PPD) modules, reference is made to as many of
the facilitators own field experiences as possible. This helps to ensure that the theory behind
each topic remains relevant and less abstract. Different learning activities provide
opportunities for each participant to visualize how the different skills to can be applied to their
regular function within the project.
The program exists also in French. This means that the training can be offered in most
project locations and gives participants the option of following the course using either a
French or English language workbook.

Field Management modules

1. Introduction
- Definition of being a manager/supervisor
- Setting expectations for the course

2. Essential MSF
- Be familiar with MSF tools (find & apply information from MSF guidelines)
- Identify MSF 'experts' & other resource individuals (know how MSF works, the roles
of support depts, how to access advice)

3. Writing job descriptions
- Provide a clear frame of reference for a job (break goals into activities, tasks,
responsibilities; formalize a job description)
- Formalize job selection criteria (establish a job description with context,
responsibilities, profile / skill requirements)

4. Interviewing for your team
- Be familiar with & know how to use several different interview techniques
- Develop technical skills' tests related to specific roles
- Review interviews & tests to determine best candidate

5. Briefing & orienting new team members
- Support new people when they join your team (brief him/her about their role, project &
context, give advice, show him/her 'the ropes')
- Guide team members towards the right resources

6. & 7. Delivering reviews (evaluations) Parts 1 & 2
- Set individual goals for the whole team (identify each team member's strong & weak
- Evaluate a person (prepare & lead an evaluation interview based on previously set
goals. Formalize an acquired / required skill differential)

8. Activity management & time management
- Be familiar with the benefits of working as a team & obstacles which inhibit effective
communication within teams.
- Provide a clear activity plan using the activity planning cycle.
- Identify a comprehensive list of tasks within a single activity.
- Clarify essential deadlines & be able to prepare a realistic work plan, understanding
how to balance competing priorities & using different time management tools.

9. Assigning tasks to your team
- Set activity objectives with measurable indicators
- Identify appropriate measures of success so that it is clear when an activitys, or
tasks, objectives have been met.
- Review the tasks required in an activity plan & allocate work evenly through the team.
Be aware of obstacles to effective delegation of tasks.

10. Managing meetings
- Know & use different types of meetings, depending on communication goals (prepare
an agenda, lead a meeting, share 'talk time', write minutes / meeting notes)

11. Coaching your team
- Identify skill deficiencies & provide clear direction & support using a coaching
- Monitor work quality (be familiar with different tools for planning & monitoring each
step & role within an activity plan)

Formation Oprationnelle Oriente Terrain - F.O.O.T.

Coordinateurs de projet (CP), Coordinateurs mdicaux (CoMed), Chefs de mission (CDM)
(rcemment en poste ou sur le point de prendre leurs fonctions).

Dvelopper des comptences de coordinateur doprations mdicales humanitaires.

A lissue de la formation, les participants seront capables de:
- Analyser une situation sanitaire dans un contexte donn (diagnostic et valuation,
qualification de situation, connaissance des acteurs et positionnements MSF) ;
- Construire une proposition de projet (dfinition dobjectifs et dindicateurs
associs, de stratgies oprationnelles; planification des activits et des moyens
matriels, humains, financiers ; intgration des contraintes internes et
environnementales) ;
- Suivre et accompagner le droulement dun projet (collecte, analyse et
interprtation des donnes pour adapter les activits).

Prsentations interactives, tudes de cas, mises en situation, travaux de groupe, partage
dexpriences et discussions.
Des documents pr-requis seront fournis avant la formation.
Un document de support (cl USB) comprenant des documents de rfrence et une
bibliographie sur les sujets abords seront distribus chaque participant en fin de

La formation sera structure par tapes (traduisant une dmarche de construction de projets
de faon la plus intgre possible). La diversit/spcificit des domaines dintervention de
MSF sera reflte dans le choix des tudes de cas.

Field Oriented Operational Training - F.O.O.T.

Project Coordinators (PC), Medical Coordinators (MedCo), Heads of Mission (HoM)
(recently in this position or about to take on this post).

Develop the competencies of medical humanitarian operations coordinator.

By the end of the training course, the trainees will be able to:
- Analyze the health situation in a given context (assessment, description of the
situation, understanding of the actors and MSF position) ;
- Develop a project proposal (define the objectives and related indicators,
operational strategies; plan the activities and means (material, human, financial) ;
take into account the limitations (internal and contextual);
- Ensure the follow-up of a project (data collection, analysis and interpretation in
order to adapt the activities).

Interactive lectures, case studies, group work, sharing of experience and discussions.
A pre-requisite will be provided prior to the training course.
A support document (USB key) including reference documents and relevant bibliography, will
be given to each participant at the end of the training course.

The training course is organized in steps (replicating the project cycle in the most adapted
The diversity and specific of MSF interventions will be illustrated through the case-studies.

Formation Responsable Logistique - FORELOG

Nombre de participants: 16 MSFF
Langue: Franais
Localisation: CEFORLOG, MERIGNAC (33)

Public concern:
Le FORELOG s'adresse des logisticiens ayant une exprience de terrain d'au moins 1 an
et demi, qui sont / seront amens prendre des responsabilits d'encadrement logistique.
En tant que Coordinateur logistique (Colog), ils seront membres de l'quipe de coordination
en capitale.
Les candidats ont les connaissances techniques de base dans les diffrents domaines de la
logistique d'une mission MSF. Ils auront prfrablement suivis les premires tapes du
parcours de formation des logisiticiens: PPDL, TLB.

Objectif gnral:
A la fin de la formation, les stagiaires, en tant que membres d'une quipe de coordination,
doivent tre capables dvaluer, de dfinir, dencadrer et de suivre les programmes
logistiques des missions de leur pays, en encadrant les quipes sous leur responsabilit.
Le but du stage n'est pas de donner des rponses toutes faites mais de permettre aux
stagiaires de faire face des situations floues, varies et complexes en privilgiant l'analyse
et la rsolution de problmes.

Objectifs intermdiaires / spcifiques par module:
A l'issue de cette formation, le stagiaire sera capable de:

Responsabilits et outils du Colog:
Identifier les responsabilits attaches au poste de Colog
Situer le Colog dans l'organigramme d'une mission
Utiliser les outils de suivi, de reporting et de gestion de projet

Appliquer et faire appliquer les politiques OCP des diffrentes familles techniques

MOU & juridique:
Participer la rdaction d'un MOU et louverture dune mission.
Analyser un MOU (spcifications d'importation: clauses, exceptions, droits et taxes)
Evaluer les implications juridiques des activits logistiques (droits, contrat, assurance)

Dcrire la nature du droit international humanitaire: Formuler les implications concrtes des
principes oprationnels
Dfinir: impartialit, neutralit, indpendance

A partir de lanalyse d'une situation d'inscurit:
Expliciter les mesures prises visant rduire les risques sans paralyser l'action
Identifier et analyser des menaces pour la scurit de MSF et de ses activits
Construire/laborer des mesures -plan de scurit-
Les diffuser et vrifier leur respect,

Chaine d'approvisionnement:
Concevoir et organiser la chaine d'approvisionnement d'une mission
Identifier les contraintes du contexte oprationnel
Analyser la nature de la demande
Evaluer la performance de la chaine d'approvisionnement

Gestion des stocks:
Organiser et encadrer la gestion rationnelle des stocks sur les missions
Appliquer cette gestion aux produits NFOO/NFOS
Achat local:
Appliquer la politique d'achat local

Commande internationale:
Saisir une commande internationale (entte, commentaires, articles)
Appliquer les rgles de base (sparation, frquence, prvisionnel)
Suivi les commandes en utilisant le site web MSFlog
Faire le lien avec les rfrencements MSFLog
Lister les documents et certificats disponibles MSFlog
Grer les reliquats partir du site MSFLog

Transport international
Lister les caractristiques des modes de transport internationaux (planification, contraintes,
dlais, frquence, disponibilit, types de fret)
Identifier les lments du cout intervenant dans le choix du mode
Analyser les transferts de responsabilit selon les incoterms
Lire les contrats de transport selon chaque mode
Suivre les expditions sur le site MSFLog
Organiser la gestion documentaire des commandes internationales
Appliquer la procdure de transport des mdicaments

Dterminer les besoins en termes d'autorisations d'import/export, contraintes et procdures
Rceptionner et ddouaner des commandes (green light)
Emettre des rserves et grer les litiges
Grer les rappels de lots
Choisir un transitaire sur des bases rationnelles
Analyser une facture de transitaire

Produits dangereux et chantillonnage
Identifier les produits dangereux sur les terrains
Mettre en place les mesures de protection lors du stockage et du transport
Raliser un envoi d'chantillon de matire infectieuse ou de substance biologique en
respectant les normes IATA

Dfinir les actions lies lEHA lors de la prise en charge dune population:
Analyser le contexte,
Identifier les problmes lis l'EHA
Dfinir et prioriser les solutions,
Suivre et valuer les activits EHA

Gestion des Ressources Humaines:
Contribuer la gestion des quipes logistiques (Description de poste, organigramme,
parcours, expatriation)
Participer au recrutement
Evaluer les performances de ses quipes
Grer son emploi du temps et la dlgation
Gestion des abus:
Contribuer la gestion des comportements et aux traitements des abus

Formuler les principes de base d'une ngociation
Raliser une ngociation

Gestion du stress:
Dcrire limpact dun incident traumatique
Identifier les syndromes de stress post traumatique

Enumrer les 10 priorits tenir lors d'une situation d'urgence
Faciliter l'intervention des quipes d'urgence
Dterminer les points fondamentaux de l'Eprep.

Projet de construction:
Prparer un suivi de projet en listant des actions programmes dans un chronogramme
Estimer les ressources ncessaires
Formuler les tapes de suivi d'un projet de construction/rhabilitation
Lister les outils de chacune des tapes

Projet: Evaluation initiale
Mener une valuation rapide d'une situation sanitaire
Interprter et analyser une situation en analysant l'environnement
Identifier les problmes et les contraintes logistiques majeures.

Projet: Objectifs & moyens
Dfinir les objectifs logistiques sur la base de lanalyse des besoins des populations et des
objectifs mdicaux dans le contexte gnral.
Traduire ces objectifs en activits en utilisant les indicateurs d'activit appropris
Mettre en place les moyens ncessaires la ralisation de ces activits logistiques
Rdiger le plan d'action logistique
Dfinir une organisation RH adapt aux objectifs de la mission pour permettre une meilleure
rpartition des responsabilits

Projet: Prsentation
Justifier la stratgie choisie, les hypothses envisages, les objectifs au reste de la
coordination / Paris.
Argumenter les choix et les analyses faites.
Prsenter les plans de substitution.

Elaborer le budget logistique de la mission
Assurer le suivi et la rvaluation rgulire de ce budget

Hospital Management Training - FORGHO

Date: 31st March 12
April 2014
Number of Participants: 15
Language: English
Location: CEFORLOG, Mrignac

Target groups:
The FORGHO is designed for skilled MSF staff (at least 2 missions) who:
are already in a mission in a medical structure level 2 or 3
, in a position of activity manager
or higher (level 9 in the MSF function scale) or plan to leave on a mission for this type of
position within 6 months.

For medical staff, the target group is mainly Hospital directors, hospital managers, doctors
and nursing care managers.
For logisticians, completion of the TLB is a prerequisite.
The FORGHO is also open to Medical coordinators and Cologs who have to supervise
projects with large hospital structures.

Goal of the session:
By the end of the session, trainees will be able to:
Describe how a hospital functions, with a general and comprehensive approach of the
patient and the organization of the work around it
Adapt human resources according to the medical activity
Select the appropriate technical answers
in order to deliver a satisfactory quality of care to the patients.

The content of the session is therefore including MSF kits, materials and structures but also
existing medical facilities where we are working.
Please note, this training is not dedicated to the inflatable tent and the MFH.

Specific objectives of each module:
The session is split into 3 parts: Management, Services and Techniques.
Each part is made up of different modules. Management and Services blocs are followed by
all trainees medical and non-medical. Other modules in the techniques part are specific to
logs or meds and will be followed separately.

1/ Management

Introduction & needs:
Identify the type of medical structures based on levels A, B, C, X and the different
List the basics recommendations for a medical structure
List the essential needs of patients (NFI, food, hygiene...)

Project management:
Define the objectives of a project in a medical structure (relevance) and if the resources used
are adequate to the needs (efficiency)

1 medical structure level 2: General Hospital with separated services and surgery/ceasarian section
Medical structure level 3: Hosital with specialised surgery

Define the indicators of success of a program (efficacy)

Identify the specific budget lines to follow according to the activities

Define the human resources needed in relation to the estimated activity (number,
Define the organisational chart in regards to the structure and in line with activity, the
organisation of care and the size of the teams
Deliver a review
Evaluate the real workload of the staff

Formulate the medical/legal elements at stake in hospital structures
Evaluate the legality of our practice

Stress management:
Describe the impact of a traumatic incident
Identify post-traumatic stress syndromes

Indicators :
Identify the key indicators to analyse the hospital activity (quantitative and qualitative)
Analyse those indicators in order to identify problems of quality of care and propose relevant

2/ Services

Medical Services:
Identify the essential medical needs in the following services
Define needs in term of: surface, materials, ventilation, air-conditioning, heating, lighting,
electricity, coldchain, water, equipment for staff

Support services:
Define needs in term of: surface, materials, ventilation, air-conditioning, heating, lighting,
electricity, coldchain, water, equipment for staff

Site planning & flow management:
Determine global need in term of surface
Evaluate the site planning of a structure
Define patient flow

Construction project:
Evaluate the construction/rehabilitation needs of a medical structure
List the tools to prepare and follow a project of construction/rehabilitation

3/ Techniques

Pharmacy / orders (MED):
Define the organisation and the running of a pharmacy
Define the job description of a pharmacist in a hospital

Use Isystock to improve pharmacy management and plan orders
Determine the relevant modules of the kit according to the context/activities.

Apply norms for protection of the structures against fire

Disabled (LOG):
Apply norms for adaptation of the structures for access of disabled persons

MFH Setup/Taking down:
Describe the contexts of use and the different setups of the MFH
Setting up and taking down the inflatable tents

Ventilation, Air-Conditioning, Heating (LOG):
Evaluate the global needs of a structure in term of ventilation, air-conditioning, heating
Setup the appropriate technical solutions (MFH and others)

Good practices :
Define the quality of care and good practices
Define the needs to achieve this quality of care
Introduce the different quality committees

Install and maintain the specific biomedical equipment
Setup the maintenance policy of the biomedical equipment

Define the policy for waste management in large structures

Hospital hygiene:
Be aware of hygiene protocols and minimum requirements
Use of the different types of products

Use the sterilisation room, respecting protocols and flows

Nosocomial infections control:
Evaluate the general hygiene of a structure
Apply nosocomial infections control rules
Define rules for the isolation of patients
Define job descriptions of each actor (med, log)
Define the role of the hygiene committee

Mass casualties plan:
Write and implement mass casualties plan

Emergency unit:
Organise the emergency unit
Use option 1 of MFH

Formation Gestion Hospitalire - FORGHO

Date: du 13 au 24 Janvier 2014 / du 1 au 12 Dcembre 2014
Nombre de participants: 15
Langue: Franais
Localisation: CEFORLOG, Chartreuse - Mrignac

Public concern:
Le FORGHO est ouvert du personnel MSF expriment (au moins 2 me mission) qui est :
dj en mission dans une structure mdicale de niveau 2 ou 3
, un poste de responsable
d'activit ou au-del (niveau 9 sur la grille de fonction) ou qui va partir sur ce type de poste
dans un avenir proche (6 mois).

Pour les mdicaux, le public concern est en priorit les directeurs dhpitaux, hospital
managers, mdecins rfrents et infirmires responsables des soins infirmiers (infirmire
cadre/responsable de soins infirmiers).
Pour les logisticiens, la participation au TLB est un pr-requis.
Le FORGHO est galement ouvert des coordinateurs mdicaux et Cologs qui doivent
encadrer des projets incluant des structures hospitalires.

Objectif gnral:
A la fin de la formation, les stagiaires doivent tre capables de:

-Dcrire le fonctionnement d'une structure hospitalire partir d'une vision globale
centre sur le patient,
-Adapter les moyens humains ncessaires lactivit hospitalire,
-Slectionner les rponses techniques appropries
afin dassurer une qualit des soins aux patients.

Le contenu du stage est donc orient aussi bien vers les structures, matriels et kits propres
MSF que vers les structures mdicales dj existantes dans lesquels nous intervenons.
Attention, cette formation n'est pas centre sur la tente gonflable et le kit hpital.

Objectifs intermdiaires / spcifiques par module:
Le contenu du stage se rpartit en 3 blocs principaux: Management, Services et Techniques.
Chaque bloc est lui-mme compos de modules. Les blocs Management et Services sont
raliss dans leur totalit avec tous les stagiaires qu'ils soient mdicaux ou non mdicaux.
Par contre, certains modules du bloc Techniques sont spcifiques aux logisticiens ou aux
mdicaux et sont donc suivis sparment.

1/ Bloc Management

Introduction & besoins:
Identifier le type de structure mdicale en rfrence la typologie de base (Niv A,B,C,X) et
aux partenariats avec les acteurs impliqus.
Lister l'ensemble des recommandations de base pour une structure hospitalire
Lister les besoins essentiels des patients (NFI, nourriture, hygine...)

2 Structure mdicale de niveau 2: Hpital gnral avec services distinct s et offre de soins chirurgicaux/csarienne
Structure mdicale de niveau 3: Hpital avec offre de soins de chirurgie spcialise

Gestion de projet:
Dfinir les objectifs d'un projet dans une structure mdicale (pertinence) et suivre
l'adquation des ressources dployes (efficience)
Dfinir les indicateurs de russite du programme (efficacit)

Identifier les lignes budgtaires spcifiques suivre en fonction de lactivit

Organisation des RH
Dfinir les besoins humains en fonction de lactivit prvue (nombre, comptences)
Dfinir l'organigramme le mieux adapt la structure en fonction de lactivit et de
lorganisation des soins ainsi que le dimensionnement des quipes
Raliser un bilan
Evaluer la charge de travail relle du personnel

Gestion du stress:
- Dcrire limpact dun incident traumatique
- Identifier les syndromes de stress post traumatique

Formuler les enjeux mdico-lgaux en milieu hospitalier
Examiner la lgalit de nos pratiques

Indicateurs :
Identifier les indicateurs essentiels lanalyse de lactivit hospitalire (quantitative et
Analyser ces indicateurs afin didentifier les problmes lis la qualit des soins (ex.
maladies nosocomiales) et proposer des solutions adaptes

2/ Bloc Services

Services mdicaux:
Identifier les besoins mdicaux essentiels ncessaires la prise en charge des patients dans
les services
Dfinir les besoins len terme de: surface, matriaux, ventilation, climatisation, chauffage,
clairage, lectricit, chane de froid, eau, matriels, quipement du personnel pour les

Services de support:
Dfinir les besoins logistiques en terme de: surface, matriaux, ventilation, climatisation,
chauffage, clairage, lectricit, chane de froid, eau, matriels, quipement du personnel
pour les services

Organisation spatiale et gestion des flux :
Dterminer les besoins globaux en terme de surface
Evaluer l'organisation spatiale d'un site en respectant les diffrents flux (plans type
Dfinir le circuit type d'un patient

Projet construction :
Evaluer les besoins de construction/rhabilitation d'une structure hospitalire
Lister les outils de prparation et de suivi d'un projet de construction/rhabilitation

Dcrire les contextes d'utilisation et les configurations possibles de montage des MFH

3/ Bloc Techniques

Pharmacie/commandes (MED):
Dfinir les besoins dorganisation et de fonctionnement d'une pharmacie
Dfinir le rle du pharmacien dans lhpital
Se familiariser avec Isystock et comprendre son utilit pour amliorer la gestion de la
pharmacie et planifier une commande
Dterminer les modules ncessaires au montage dun hpital en fonction des contextes

Appliquer les normes de protection incendie des structures

Handicap (LOG):
Appliquer les normes dadaptation des batiments pour laccs aux handicaps

Ventilation, climatisation, chauffage(LOG):
Evaluer les besoins globaux d'une structure en terme de ventilation, climatisation, chauffage
Installer les solutions techniques appropries (MFH et autres)

Qualit des soins et bonnes pratiques organisationnelles :
Dfinir la qualit des soins et les fondements des bonnes pratiques
Dfinir les moyens pour atteindre des soins de qualit
Introduire les diffrents comits de qualit : Analyse de la morbidit et de la mortalit, comit
de transfusion, comit dhygine, etc.

Installer et entretenir les quipements biomdicaux spcifiques
Mettre en place la politique de maintenance du matriel biomdical

Hygine hospitalire:
Appliquer les protocoles dhygine et les standards minimums en lien avec lhygine
Utiliser les diffrents types de produits utiliss

Utiliser la salle de strilisation en respectant protocoles et flux

contrle des infections nosocomiales:
Evaluer l'hygine gnrale d'une structure
Appliquer les rgles de base du des infections nosocomiales
Dfinir les rgles de lisolement des patients : Qui isoler, comment, pourquoi ? Quand lever
lisolement ?
Dfinir le rle et les domaines d'intervention de chaque acteur (med, log)
Dfinir le rle et limportance dun comit dhygine

Dfinir la politique de gestion des dchets dans des grandes structures mdicales

- Organiser un service d'urgence
- Utiliser l'option 1 du MFH

Plan Victimes Multiples:
Rdiger et appliquer un PVM

Mthodes pdagogiques:
Cours magistraux, dmonstration de matriel, travaux de groupe, tudes de cas, travaux
pratiques, visite.

Formation de Formateurs

DUREE : 6 jours
LANGUE : dterminer
Date : 2014 dterminer
Lieu : dterminer

Buts de la formation
Acqurir une mthodologie pour raliser des activits de formation dadultes.
Dvelopper des comptences de formateur.

Public concern
Mdicaux, paramdicaux ou logisticiens (personnel national et expatri), ayant dj une
exprience de terrain de prfrence en formation, qui seront amens former du personnel
national dans le cadre de missions mdicales en situation prcaire.

Objectifs gnraux
A l'issue de cette formation, les participants seront capables de :

Faire une analyse de situation initiale et identifier les conditions pralables la mise en place
dune formation
Planifier, prparer une action de formation adapte au contexte
Utiliser les mthodes d'enseignement et d'valuation appropries aux tches enseignes.
Prendre en compte les principes dapprentissage des adultes pour lorganisation des
sances denseignement
Identifier et utiliser les principes danimation et de gestion dun groupe
Assurer le suivi post-formation et la supervision

Techniques pdagogiques
Exposs, techniques de dynamique de groupe, laboration de matriel pdagogique,
simulations, tudes de cas, ateliers.

Training of Trainers - TOT

Duration : 6 days
Number of participants : 20 participants per session
Language : to be decided
Date : to be decided
Location : to be decided

Overall objective of the course
This course intends to provide a methodology that allows trainees to realise adult learning
activities. This course intends to develop also teaching skills.

Target Group
Medical, para-medical or logistics officer, with prior field experience, preferably in training,
likely to train personnel in the context of a medical mission in precarious situation.

By the end of the course, the trainees will be able to:

General objectives
Analyse a given initial situation and identify preliminary conditions in order to implement
Plan and prepare a training activity (adapted to the context)
Select teaching and evaluation methods adapted to the learning objective and the context
(public, available time)
Take into account learning principles for adults when organising teaching sessions
Identify and use the principles for animating and managing a group
Ensure post-training follow-up and supervision

Teaching Techniques
Lectures, group-dynamics techniques, development of teaching materials, simulations, case
studies, workshops.

Logistical Management Course

Course run by OCA
Number of Participants: TBC
Duration: 14 days (classroom training)
+ 20 hours (online preparation for the security module)
Date & Location: May 19 30 Amsterdam, Holland
October 13 24 Egmond, Holland

Target Group / Entrance Criteria:

The LMC is open to logistics staff identified to become a LogCo in their next mission, or staff
already in the LogCo position.

Overall Objective:

The course aims to improve the performance of the (potential) logistical coordinators, by:

- Enhancing skills and knowledge for the full involvement of logistical coordinators in
the Country Management Team.

- Provide management tools and methods to safeguard and where needed enhance
quality of logistics support from the perspective of a functional manager.


In most of the evenings and during the weekend you are asked to work on a case study on
your own. At the end of the course you will receive individual feedback on your work.

During the course several larger topics are addressed :

- Influencing styles
- MSF project planning
- Logistics Project Management
- Monitoring, evaluation and logistic reporting
- Policy development and implementation
- Security Management
- Finance and Logistics

Methods for evaluation and assessment

Target group:

Potential evaluators i.e. MSF staff with:
- an interest in program evaluation and an intention to be involved in the future
- operational experience (min. 2 years, ideally coordination experience),
- proven communication, analytical and writing skills,
- previous exposure to assessments/research/evaluation

Course Description:

This course gives a comprehensive introduction to frameworks and methods for evaluation in

Learning objectives:
By the end of the workshop, participants will be familiar with:
- Key concepts around humanitarian aid evaluation
- A choice of tools and methods available for evaluation

Participants will also have improved skills to:
- Judge and contribute to Terms of reference
- formulate evaluation questions
- use qualitative methods and analyse qualitative data
- collect and analyse quantitative data
- present data and write reports

Course contents:

- Introduction to evaluation in Humanitarian Aid
- Evaluation frameworks (objects, criteria, standards)
- Terms of reference
- Using qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis methods
- Analysis, presentation and writing up findings

Teaching Methods:

The course will build on real examples & experience from recent evaluations in MSF.
Teaching methods: presentations, discussions/debates, case studies, group work

Populations in Precarious Situation (PSP)

Course run by Epicentre

DURATION : 12 days
NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS : 40 participants per session (maximum)
LANGUAGE : English

Priority to medical personnel who are or could become Field Coordinators, Medical Focal
Point or Emergency Pool Members
With a minimum of 18 months of MSF experience and two different types of programme, at
least one of which was an emergency.

Train participants to answer to medical humanitarian emergency situations in an appropriate
way and in accordance with MSF policies.

By the end of the PSP, the trainees will be able to:
General Skills
Evaluate the population needs (medical and essential: Watsan, shelter, food,
Define intervention strategies adapted to health problems, to the context, to the
population and to MSF objectives and policies
Plan the implementation of programme activities
Ensure follow up of population health status
Ensure programme monitoring and re-orientation according to context evolution

Specific Skills by module :

1) Epidemiology
Assess the situation of a population in an emergency context (rapid health
Define, implement and use epidemiological surveillance systems
Organize and participate in a survey by sampling
Discuss the validity of the data available in the field
Use epidemiological data for decision making

2) Nutrition
Assess the food and nutritional situation of a population
Plan an intervention addressing identified needs
Implement nutritional programs in emergency situations
Monitor and evaluate a nutrition program


3) Vaccination
Assess the situation
Discuss the place of measles vaccination during an emergency situation
Plan and set-up a vaccination campaign
Monitor vaccination activities

4) Water, hygiene and sanitation (Watsan)
Explain the importance and the routes of transmission of the diseases related
to Watsan
Define the place of Watsan in MSF interventions
Interpret the results of an initial assessment from a Watsan perspective
Collaborate in the definition of Watsan strategies
Support the implementation of Watsan activities
Participate in the monitoring and adjustment of Watsan strategies/activities
taking into account the medical/environmental indicators

5) Emergencies
- Identify the priority problems and constraints imposed by the context
- Define immediate-, short-, and medium-term response strategies
- Plan the implementation of emergency programs
- Adapt data-gathering tools to the specific context
- Negotiate an operational plan with various partners
- Discuss the appropriateness of MSF taking a position and the communication
methods involved

Interactive lectures, discussions, case studies, demonstrations, workshops, outdoor
exercises, videos, group work...

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