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2012 ScoLLlsh unlverslLles Medlcal !ournal LlecLronlcally ubllshed SuM!


ubllshed onllne: CcLober 2012

Malcolm 8 (2012). Small buL lnLrlgulng - 1he
unfoldlng SLory of PomeopaLhlc Medlclne
"#$%% &'( )*(+,-',*-. /01 2*34%5,*- "(4+6 43 74#148$(0,9

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ur 8ussell Malcolm M8Ch8 (uundee) 8A llPom (uean of Lhe laculLy of PomeopaLhy)
Correspondence Lo: ur 8ussell Malcolm (russellmalcolm[

1here are sLrong advocaLes and opponenLs Lo alLernaLlve medlclne belng wldely avallable Lo
Lhe general populaLlon, wheLher Lhls ls over Lhe counLer or Lhrough Lhe nPS. lndeed, lf
anyLhlng Lhls area ls lncreaslngly becomlng a ma[or dlscusslon polnL boLh medlcally and
soclally, especlally wlLh new consLralnLs on budgeLs. ln Lhls balanclng medlcal maLLers
oplnlon plece, ur 8ussell Malcolm ouLllnes Lhe unfoldlng sLory and background of
homeopaLhlc medlclne and suggesLs LhaL Lhe medlcal and sclenLlflc communlLles should be
less reslsLanL Lo some of Lhese lnLervenLlons.

)*(+45'9(,4* (4 $ (48,9$% 51&$(1
As l wrlLe Lhls, Lhe 8oyal SocleLy of ChemlsLry has offered a cash prlze Lo anyone who can
explaln why hoL waLer freezes more qulckly Lhan cold
, whlle - ln qulLe anoLher parL of
London - a change Lo Lhe consolldaLed Medlclnes AcL LhreaLens polnL-of-sale avallablllLy of
homeopaLhlc medlclnes. 1hls move would noL only LhreaLen each paLlenL's rlghL of cholce,
buL also LhreaLens Lhe economlcs of a small and hlghly speclallsed dlsclpllne. AL presenL
Lhere are over 2000 unllcensed homeopaLhlc medlclnes LhaL many paLlenLs obLaln under
guldance by Lelephonlng or emalllng a homeopaLhlc pharmacy.

Why should l menLlon Lwo apparenLly colncldenLal and unrelaLed lLems of news? 1he flrsL
sLory underllnes Lhe gaplng holes LhaL exlsL ln our undersLandlng of waLer. lndeed, l am
cerLaln we would noL be faclng Lhe second slLuaLlon lf we currenLly undersLood how hlgh
aqueous dlluLlons of speclflc subsLances evoke Lhelr speclflc blologlcal effecLs. Powever, [usL
llke Lhe freezlng phenomenon ln waLer, [usL because we haven'L explalned lL yeL, does noL
mean lL lsn'L Lrue.

/01 D&F1+G15 E01*4#1*$. 1G4%G,*- F9,1*91 3+4# 1#8,+,9,F#
PomeopaLhy lnvolves very small concenLraLlons of an acLlve maLerlal: a maLerlal LhaL could
under oLher clrcumsLances glve rlse Lo serlous sysLems dlsLurbances. 1he sclence of
Loxlcology already recognlses Lhe paradox LhaL Llny exposures Lo Loxlns lnduce beLLer
Lolerance ln llvlng organlsms LhaL are Lhen exposed Lo hlgher concenLraLlons

Ldward Calabrese and colleague Llnda 8aldwln dld a survey of some 4,000 Loxlcology sLudles
reporLed ln sclence [ournals
. 1hey found LhaL abouL 330 showed chemlcals had opposlLe
effecLs aL low levels. 1he acLual prevalence could exceed LhaL, as mosL of Lhese sLudles
weren'L speclflcally deslgned Lo examlne subLle effecLs aL Llny doses

lf Lhls seems lmprobable - as lL should Lo any crlLlcal mlnd - you mlghL ponder on Lhe facL
LhaL Lhe lnverse response curve LhaL occurs ln enzymaLlc reacLlons aL low subsLraLe
concenLraLlons also seems paradoxlcal and lmprobable and ls noL compleLely undersLood.

WhaL ls more conLroverslal, however, ls Lhe ldea LhaL Llny doses of a speclflc maLerlal can
lnduce a correcLlng response ln an lllness sLaLe.

?4*(+4G1+F6 4+ 01+1F6
Escuela Nacional de Medicina y Homeopata
Rafael Avila ENMH IPN Mxico
Much of Lhe conLroversy cenLres on Lhe lnescapable facL LhaL waLer, as a dlluenL, musL
behave counLer-lnLulLlvely ln Lhe way LhaL lL self-organlses and preserves unlque paLLern-
lnformaLlon from every acLlve subsLance LhaL ls lnLroduced lnLo lL. 1hls ls noL so far-feLched
when we conslder LhaL waLer ls Lhe organlsed medlum LhaL all our blochemlcal enLlLles musL
Lraverse. 1hls concepL ls lmporLanL for our bodles Lo perform every lmprobable, Lhree-
dlmenslonal docklng manoeuvre wlLh a speclflc LargeL enzyme or recepLor slLe
. Cur very
exlsLence lndlcaLes Lhe very real dlfference beLween lmprobablllLy and lmposslblllLy.

B1&$(1 4+ 51*,$%
1he same lndlvlduals who llmlL Lhemselves Lo early LwenLleLh cenLury models for Lhe
behavlour of waLer and low-dose phenomena, also decry Lhe avallablllLy of homeopaLhy on
Lhe nPS
, on Lhe basls LhaL lL 'cannoL work'. uenlal of Lhese phenomena and Lhe avallable
research evldence ls, of course, a maLLer of personal freedom, buL Lo deny paLlenL access
means LhaL you also have Lo dlsmlss Lhe hlgh levels of saLlsfacLlon expressed by paLlenLs who
have recelved homeopaLhlc LreaLmenL

A survey of over 23,000 ouLpaLlenL consulLaLlons aL Lhe 8rlsLol PomeopaLhlc PosplLal from
november 1997 Lo CcLober 2003 revealed LhaL more Lhan 70 of Lhese follow-up paLlenLs
(n=6300) recorded cllnlcal lmprovemenL followlng homeopaLhlc LreaLmenL (see 1able 1)

1able 1:- 8esulLs survey of over 23,000 ouLpaLlenL consulLaLlons aL Lhe 8rlsLol PomeopaLhlc
PosplLal (1997-2003)

<+-'#1*(F 4* 94F(
1hose who are sLlll ouLraged LhaL publlc money supporLs Lhls speclallLy mlghL noL reallse LhaL
Lhls enLlre skllls-base, wlLh Lwo hundred years of cumulaLlve daLa and experlence behlnd lL,
cosLs Lhe Laxpayer less Lhan our LoLal annual spend on [usL one mlnor sympLomaLlc
medlclne: (paraceLamol ellxlr, glven for lnfanL fever).
Powever, aL a Llme of lncreaslng
flnanclal pressure, lL ls lmporLanL Lo preserve and carefully evaluaLe any dlsclpllne, wlLh a
low cosL base and hlgh safeLy proflle. 1he Swlss PealLh 1echnology AssessmenL (P1A) was
commlssloned ln 2003 by Lhe Swlss healLh AuLhorlLles wlLh Lhe ob[ecLlve of lnformlng
declslon-maklng ln SwlLzerland.

lL concluded: 1bete ls sofflcleot evlJeoce fot tbe ptecllolcol effectlveoess ooJ tbe cllolcol
efflcocy of bomeopotby ooJ fot lts sofety ooJ ecooomy compoteJ wltb cooveotloool

?%,*,9$% 94*5,(,4* H 34%%4I.'8 8$(,1*(F F04I,*- 9%,*,9$%
AsLhma (under 16s) 89
Chronlc faLlgue syndrome 72
Crohn's dlsease/ulceraLlve collLls 76
uepresslon 71
Lczema (under 16s) 82
Peadache/mlgralne 74
lrrlLable bowel syndrome 71
Menopausal syndrome 77
8heumaLold arLhrlLls 70

ln anoLher sLudy, lndlcaLors of hosplLallsaLlon and drug use were obLalned from Lhe PealLh
SLaLlsLlcal uocumenL SysLem of 1uscany
. lnvesLlgaLors compared users of homeopaLhlc
servlces wlLh Lhe general populaLlon. 1he sLudy showed LhaL Lhe homeopaLhlc paLlenLs used
fewer drugs Lhan Lhe reference populaLlon. A slgnlflcanL decrease ln drug use was also found
on comparlng Lhe same paLlenLs before and afLer homeopaLhlc LreaLmenL. PosplLallsaLlon
lndlcaLors also Lended Lo favour paLlenLs who had recelved homeopaLhlc LreaLmenL,
alLhough Lhe laLLer observaLlons were noL always sLaLlsLlcally slgnlflcanL.
erhaps we should conslder Lhe effecL on Lhe healLh care budgeL lf homeopaLhy was able Lo
achleve a reducLlon ln requlremenL for medlcaLlon across Lhe board. Conslder Lhe change
recorded ln Lhls LesLlmony by a paLlenL wlLh rheumaLold arLhrlLls

"($J104%51+FK ,*(1+1F(F $*5 ,514%4-,1F
uoes lL maLLer? 1hls depends enLlrely on whom you pose Lhe quesLlon Lo. 8esearch
organlsaLlons, manufacLurers, 8&u fundlng bodles, academlc deparLmenLs, Leachlng
programmes and professorlal chalrs are almosL all dependenL on Lhe economlcs of Lhe
paLenLable devlce or molecule. lndeed, Lhere ls so much lnvesLmenL of Llme, money and
energy ln blomedlcal models for healLhcare, LhaL Lhere ls undersLandable warlness of
physlclans llke me, who alLhough we choose Lo work wlLhln convenLlonal dlagnosLlc models,
also wlsh Lo reLaln Lhe freedom Lo recommend naLural (and Lherefore unpaLenLable)
LreaLmenLs LhaL lle ouLslde Lhe bounds of convenLlonal LherapeuLlcs.

rofessor Slr eLer 8ubln recenLly made Lhe followlng pronouncemenL ln an open leLLer Lo
Lhe 8rlLaln's reglsLered docLors

uoctots - wbotevet oot oteo of ptoctlce - most syotbeslse coofllctloq ooJ locomplete
lofotmotloo to estobllsb o Jloqoosls, we most Jeol wltb oocettoloty ooJ ofteo wotk off-
ptotocol, we most moooqe tlsk, we most occept tespooslblllty fot octloos.

E+431FF,4*$% ?04,91
1hls freedom of every docLor Lo Lhlnk for Lhemselves, raLher Lhan merely Lo apply proLocol ls
a deflnlng aLLrlbuLe for whaL lL means Lo be a professlonal and Lhose who sLudy homeopaLhy
flnd LhaL Lhey are enabled Lo do [usL LhaL.

PomeopaLhlc pracLlLloners lnLervlew Lhe paLlenL from an openly lndlvlduallsed perspecLlve,
Lhen model Lhe slgns and sympLoms elLher dlagnosLlcally or phenomenologlcally. 1hey are
Lhen ln a poslLlon Lo selecL LreaLmenLs whlch elLher manage Lhe paLlenL's sympLoms
convenLlonally, or faclllLaLe adapLlve change and heallng wlLh a homeopaLhlc sLlmulus.
1hese LreaLmenL cholces can be complex and may lnvolve compuLerlsed searches for a
homeopaLhlc 'sysLems-maLched' remedy, ln addlLlon Lo more LradlLlonal lnvesLlgaLlve

So why would l spend my worklng llfe ln a dlfflculL and mlsrepresenLed speclallLy? llrsLly,
because Lhe resulLs for Lhe paLlenL can be llfe-Lransformlng. Secondly, Lhe ouLcomes,
maLerlals and pracLlces are boLh susLalnable and uncondlLlonal. 1hlrdly, Lhe learnlng process
for Lhe homeopaLhlc physlclan ls one LhaL llberaLes Lhem Lo observe, lnLerpreL and alLer
blologlcal phenomena uslng faclllLaLory meLhods LhaL conLrasL slgnlflcanLly wlLh orLhodox

ln Lhe words of ur !eremy Swayne: 'WheLher homeopaLhlc medlclnes are acLlve or noL, Lhe
homeopaLhlc approach ls a powerful medlaLor of non-speclflc LherapeuLlc effecLs. 1he
process and ouLcome of homeopaLhlc lnLervenLlons provlde an excepLlonal opporLunlLy Lo
sLudy Lhe role of speclflc and non-speclflc facLors ln LreaLmenL.'

8efore learnlng abouL homeopaLhy l ofLen found myself [uggllng wlLh Lhe operaLlonal
consLralnLs LhaL are lnherenL ln many of our LreaLmenL proLocols and sysLems of healLhcare
dellvery. 'Lvldence-consLralned medlclne' and a wldespread shorLfall ln Lhe educaLlon and
pracLlce of prevenLaLlve medlclne, means LhaL many paLlenLs are sLuck ln one medlcal
paradlgm, remalnlng boLh sympLomaLlc and lncompleLely 'managed' wlLh ever lengLhenlng

l would ask Lhose readers who have worked ln, for example, rheumaLology or
gasLroenLerology Lo conslder how dlfflculL lL can be Lo geL any useful response aL all -
placebo or oLherwlse - ln many chronlc cases, wlLhouL recourse Lo sLerolds or
lmmunosuppressanLs. uon'L ask a pharmaclsL or an academlc, buL ask Lhe cllnlclan slLLlng ln
fronL of hls mosL lnLracLable cases ln Lhe paln cllnlc week afLer week. Why should Lhe
homeopaLh suddenly achleve a 'placebo' response
ln paLlenLs who have been falled by a
comblnaLlon of expenslve hlgh Lech LreaLmenL and approprlaLely red coloured pllls for
years? And why should recenLly lnLroduced case analysls meLhods resulL ln an lmprovemenL
ln response raLes Lo homeopaLhy, lf Lhe phenomena are placebo generaLed

AlLhough chance and pure colncldence can never be ruled ouL, many cllnlcal responses Lo
homeopaLhy are someLlmes so lmprobable
, LhaL lL demands compleLe ldeologlcal
bllndness noL Lo be curlous. lf, however, Lhe effecLs of homeopaLhy were all Lo come down
Lo Lhe placebo response, Lhen every convenLlonal docLor really needs Lo learn Lhe Lrlck,
because Lhese ouLcomes represenL safe, lnexpenslve and cllnlcally valuable phenomena.
8emember however, LhaL anlmal sLudles and meLanalyses of homeopaLhy do noL supporL a
predomlnanLly placebo dependenL effecL

)#84FF,&%1K 4+ #1+1%6 ,#8%$'F,&%1 3+4# 4'+ 9'++1*( F($*584,*(
CrlLlcs of homeopaLhy, draw a llne ln Lhe sand abouL Lhe acLlon of Lhe remedles by
hammerlng on abouL Lhe lmposslblllty of a pharmacologlcal effecL from very low doses of an
acLlve subsLance. PomeopaLhlc physlclans have never clalmed LhaL Lhese remedles work on
Lhe basls of a convenLlonal 'lock and key' model. 1o say, however, LhaL Lhere ls noLhlng
acLlve ln any homeopaLhlc remedy ls boLh dlslngenuous and mlsleadlng. Many remedles are
used aL concenLraLlons akln Lo plLulLary hormones, boLox and cerLaln vacclnaLlons.

1hose same crlLlcs ln Lhelr appralsal of ulLra-molecular dlluLlons lgnore Lhe daLa avallable
wlLhln Lhe Pom88ex daLabase (daLabase of baslc research experlmenLs on homeopaLhy
lndexes sLudles on blologlcal sysLems). 1hls lncludes 830 experlmenLs employlng ulLra-
molecular dlluLlons. ln 743 of Lhese (90) aL leasL one poslLlve resulL was reporLed. Anlmals
represenL Lhe mosL ofLen used model sysLem (n=371), followed by planLs (n=201), human
maLerlal (n=92), bacLerla and vlruses (n=37) and fungl (n=32).

Advances ln baslc sclence are elucldaLlng phenomena ln waLer LhaL hlLherLo we haven'L
dreamed of lncludlng excluslon zones aL surface lnLerfaces LhaL are Lhousands of molecules
Lhlck, elecLrlcal gradlenLs across Lhese zones due Lo Lhe movemenL of proLons, energy
gradlenLs due Lo Lhe effecLs of llghL, and polarlLy gradlenLs around soluLe molecules whlch
affecL Lhelr spaLlal orlenLaLlon
. ln Lhe words of rofessor 8rlan Cox 'lt ls tbe teslstooce to
oew lJeos tbot octoolly leoJs to coofosloo, oot tbe lobeteot Jlfflcolty of tbe lJeos tbemselves,
becoose tbe teol wotlJ Joes oot bebove lo oo evetyJoy woy.'

;$%$*9,*- +,FJ $*5 &1*13,( ,* #15,9,*1
1he PlppocraLlc CaLh has been quleLly (and convenlenLly) shelved ln Lhe medlcal graduaLlon
ceremonles of mosL 8rlLlsh unlverslLles. lL ls slmply Loo much Lo ask docLors, lL seems, Lo puL
Lhelr hand on Lhelr hearL and 'flrsLly do no harm' whlle placlng Lhe naLlonal rescrlblng
lormulary ln Lhelr oLher hand. ?eL, Lhls fundamenLally lmporLanL prlnclple would be a
perfecLly reallsLlc expecLaLlon for a medlcal homeopaLh, yesLerday, Loday and Lomorrow.
`rescrlber power', however, ls Lhe baLLleground of boLh medlcal ldeology and commerce -
and we should be under no llluslons abouL Lhe lmpllcaLlons Lhls has for Lhe conLenL of our
undergraduaLe medlcal currlcula, Lhe prlorlLles for research fundlng and Lhe avallablllLy of
LreaLmenL. 1he lssue of avallablllLy brlngs us back Lo Lhe currenL proposed changes Lo Lhe
consolldaLed Medlclnes AcL. 1he deslre of some Lo resLrlcL Lhe avallablllLy of homeopaLhy
cannoL be fully accounLed for by shorLcomlngs ln Lhe evldence base for homeopaLhy. AfLer
all, Lhere are many convenLlonal LreaLmenLs LhaL are applled every day on Lhe basls of
lncompleLe evldence.

Mary u., whose LesLlmony you can hear for yourself
, boughL a homeopaLhlc LreaLmenL for
herself, across Lhe counLer of her local homeopaLhlc chemlsL, ln LreaLmenL of longsLandlng
sympLoms of S[gren's syndrome. She Lhen observed and reporLed an lmprovemenL LhaL
exceeded everyLhlng else LhaL she had Lrled over Lhe years. Mary's response ls a facL. And
llke Lens of Lhousands of oLher comparable experlences around Lhe world, was aLLended
wlLh ob[ecLlve physlcal and physlologlcal changes. AlLhough Lhe lndlcaLlons for her chosen
LreaLmenL are noL yeL fully valldaLed, Lhere ls also no evldence LhaL self-prescrlbed
homeopaLhlc LreaLmenLs, llke Mary's, are noL safe Lo use.

1o lLs crlLlcs, however, homeopaLhy musL surely represenL such a Jooqet Lo Lhe publlc LhaL lL
musL be puL beyond reach of anyone who ls noL ln recelpL of a prescrlpLlon! ?eL, ln over
LwenLy-flve years of homeopaLhlc pracLlce l do noL recall hearlng of a slngle deaLh dlrecLly
aLLrlbuLable Lo an over-Lhe-counLer homeopaLhlc prescrlpLlon. ConLrasL Lhls wlLh Lhe 100-
200 people LhaL are known Lo dle every year ln Lhe uk from paraceLamol LhaL was freely
boughL over Lhe counLer wlLhouL prescrlpLlon
. lf paraceLamol ls noL an elephanL ln Lhe
commlLLee room of drug regulaLlon, l really don'L know whaL ls. ln my llfeLlme, paraceLamol
has kllled a populaLlon approxlmaLely equlvalenL Lo LhaL of SL Andrews.

1hls ralses serlous quesLlons abouL whaL ls moLlvaLlng Lhe movemenL Lowards regulaLory
changes whlch resLrlcL access Lo homeopaLhy: surely a sledgehammer Lo spllL an aLom.

C131+1*91F Mpembo effect / 8oyal SocleLy of ChemlsLry !une 2012
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