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Anatomy and Physiology

Respiratory System

Upper Respiratory Tract
- Refers to the:

- Consists of the external nose and nasal cavity.
External nose - is the visible structure that forms a prominent feature of the face.
Nasal cavity - extends from the nares to the choanes, it is where air can flow when the
mouth is closed or when the oral cavity is full of food.

- Is the common passageway of both respiratory tract and digestive system. The pharynx leads to
the rest of the respiratory system through the esophagus. It can be divided in to three regions:
the nasopharynx, oropharynx and laryngopharynx.
Nasopharynx it is the superior part of the pharynx
Oropharynx- extends from the uvula to the epiglottis, and the oral cavity open into the
oropharynx. Thus food, drink, and all air pass through the oropharynx.
Laryngopharynx food and drink pass through the laryngopharynx to the esophagus. A
small amount of air is usually swallowed with food and drink.

Lower Respiratory Tract

- organ of voice production between the pharynx and the tracheal; it consists of a framework of
cartilages and elastic membranes housing the vocal folds and the muscles that control the
position and tension of these elements.

- trachea or windpipe, is a membranous tube that consists of connective tissue with c-shaped
cartilages. It is lined with pseudostratified columnar epithelium, which contains numerous cilia
and goblet cells.

- the trachea divides into the left and right main bronchi, each of which connects to a lung. The
left main bronchus is more horizontal than the right main bronchus because it is displaced by
the heart.

- are the principal organs of respiration. Each lung is cone-shaped, with its base resting on the
diaphragm and its apex extending superiorly to appoint about 2.5 cm above the clavicle.
- The right lung has three lobes: the superior, middle, and inferior lobes. While the left lung has
two lobes called the superior and inferior lobes.
- Each lobe is divided into bronchopulmonary segments separated from one another by
connective tissue septa, but these separations are not visible as surface fissures.
- Each main bronchus divides into lobar bronchi as they enter their respective lungs. The lobar
(secondary) bronchi two in the left lung and three in the right lung, conduct air to each lobes.
- The lobar bronchi in turn give rise to segmental (tertiary) bronchi, which extend to the
bronchopulmonary segments of the lung. The bronchi continue to branch many times, finally
giving rise to bronchioles.


- A small airway of the respiratory system extending from the bronchi into the lobes of the lung. The
bronchioles are made up of smooth muscle cells and are smaller than 1 millimeter in diameter. The
bronchioles do not have glands or cartilage. The epithelial cells of the bronchioles are cuboidal in shape.

Two divisions of Brocnhioles:

1. Terminal bronchioles- passively conduct inspired air from the bronchi to the respiratory bronchioles
and expired air from the respiratory bronchioles to the bronchi.
2. Respiratory bronchioles- these are short tubes regarded as areas of transition between the
conducting and respiratory portion of the respiratory system. The diameter of the respiratory
bronchioles is about 0.5 mm
Respiratory portion of the lungs:

The functional unit of the lungs includes the:
Alveolar ducts- The alveolar duct is the connection between the alveoli and the smaller bronchi.
It is a passage way for air.
Alveolar sacs- these are chambers connected to two or more alveoli
Alveoli- Alveoli are the tiny pockets in your lungs that store air for brief periods to allow time for
oxygen to absorb into the blood-stream.
-These form sponge-like, elastic, thin-walled air filled structure with extensive capillary beds, where
respiratory gas exchange occurs.

The Pores of Kohn are pores between adjacent alveoli, or interalveolar connections. They functions as a
means of collateral ventilation; that is, if the lung is partially deflated, ventilation can occur to some
extent through these pores. The pores also allow the passage of other materials such as fluid and

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