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MATLAB for engineers part 2
Display formats
short format format that displays only 4 decimal rounding others
long format deploys 14 whole digit
bank format deploys 2-digit format used for financial calculations
format short e exponential notation displays 4 decimals more exponent
format long e exponential notation displays 14 decimal places more exponent
format rat deploys the rational expression more close that corresponds to the result
Manager built-in
> > pi
PI = 3.1416
> > exp (f) e(exponential)
> > sqrt (a) a (square root)
> > log (a) log (natural logarithm)
> > log10 (a) log10to (base 10 logarithm)
Note: In the case of negative logarithms MATLAB returns it as a complex number
Trigonometric functions
Inverse function
> > without (a) > > asin (a)
> > cos (b) > > acos (b)
> > as (c) > > bind (c)

Scripts: Collection of executed commands written in matlab with extension *.m saved as MATLAB files editor.

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Debugging tolos: Runs the step by step program and locate mistakes (logical errors).
Real time error check: Czech syntax is correct
Green good syntax
Orange (Warning) run the program
Red (Error) do not run the program
White (indefinite) while we are typing
Reviews: In MATLAB is recommended to add comments that will help us to put a comment without affecting
the execution only must prepend the "%" sign
String: String
Matrix of numbers (double or complex)
Arrays of objects (data structure more advanced)
Vector line: values are enclosed in brackets and are separaso by fields or comma
> > row = [2-1 - 3.4 5.6]; = row = [1, 2, - 3.4, 5.6];
row =
1 2 - 3.4 5.6

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Vector column: values in brackets and separated by a comma
> > column = [9; 8 - 7.4; 5.4];
column =
Differences between vector line and column vector
1. Looking within the Workspace
2. Deploying the variable in the command window
3. Using the function size)
> > size (row)
1 4 1 line x 4 columns
> > size (column)
4 1 4 line x 1 columns

Length: length of a vector length)
> > length (row) > > length (column)
4 4
Are 4 elements which composed this vector

There are two ways to create arrays
1. Element by element
> > A = [1, 2, 3 4]
2. Concateneando vectors or matrices
> > a = [2-1]; b = [4-3]; c = [5, 6];
> > d = [a; b];
>>E= [D c ];

>> Str= [Hello, I am MATLAB];
Plot (Grafica Simple)
Funcion Plot: Genera puntos en cada par (x, y) para despus conectar dichos puntos con una linea
Funcion linspace: crea un vector con elemetnos uniformemente espaciados

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>> x=linspace (0 , 4*pi , 1000);
>>plot(y) Grafica los valores de y contra sus indices
>>plot (x , y) Grafica los valores de x contra los valores de y
Nota: si se desea hacer que una funcin luzca mas suave es necesario evaluar mas puntos
>> x=linspace (0 , 4*pi , 1000);
>> plot (x, sin(x)); %% Se estn anidando funciones

Nota: Los vectores x y y deben ser del mismo tamao de lo contrario obtendremos un error
>> plot ([1 2], [1 2 3]);
??? Error using ==> plot
Vectors must be the same lengths.

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