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Proposal for Library System to

Run Run Shaw Library

Prepared by
Wai Fung System Design Co. Ltd.
Working Team ID
Au Yeung Kit (Kit) 50577811
Wong Man Chun (Anthony) 50590009
eung Ka Wai (!eon) 5055"#"0
Date of Submission: 25th April 2005
LS20171 / System Proposal / Library System
Establish in 19!" lo#ate$ in the A#a$emi# %uil$in& of the main #ampus of 'ity
(ni)ersity of *on& +on&" an$ it is hel$ to support an$ au&ment learnin&" tea#hin&"
an$ resear#h by pro)i$in& a &oo$ en)ironment for stu$yin& an$ to $eli)erin& an
effi#ient an$ ,uality library ser)i#es throu&h -ell.traine$ staff" outstan$in&
#olle#tions an$ intera#ti)e fa#ilities/
0his proposal in#lu$es a $etaile$ solution to the problems that 1un 1un Sha-
Library en#ountere$ at present/ %esi$es" -e ha)e in#lu$e$ a $etaile$
implementation plan an$ bu$&et re,uirement for your referen#e" so that you may
#onsi$er ha)in& some feasibility on our proposal/
0he follo-in& are some ma2or problems en#ountere$:
3neffi#ient of the #urrent manual operatin& system
La#4 a #entrali5e$ #ontrol of $ata
6ot able to han$le the lar&e in#rease of -or4loa$ in the future
3n or$er to sol)e the problems" there are some possible su&&estions to fit your
nee$s/ 0he main theme of the solutions is as follo-s:
7ully #omputeri5e$ library system
A #entrali5e$ #ontrol ser)er
*i&h spee$ system that is able to han$le numerous pro#ess at the same
8e $o belie)e that this pro2e#t #an brin& 1un 1un Sha- Library to a ne-
&eneration an$ pro)i$in& both ,uantitati)e an$ ,ualitati)e ser)i#es to your
LS20171 / System Proposal / Library System
0his proposal is ma$e in response to the re,uest ma$e by 9r/ E$mon$" the
mana&er of 1un 1un Sha- Library in 'ity (ni)ersity of *on& +on&/ 0he
ob2e#ti)e of the proposal is to su&&est $etail solutions in #omputeri5in& the library
so that all the operations -ithin the library #an be more pre#ise an$ effi#ient/ 0he
proposal -ill $es#ribe features an$ the $ifferen#es of the #urrent system an$ the
su&&este$ system an$ hen#e sho-s the importan#e to the birth of the ne- system/
Reasons for new system
'urrent manual operate$ library system results in ineffi#ient an$ ina##urate $aily
operations/ 3t is ineffi#ient as all the pro#ess ha)e to be pro#esse$ by human effort
-hi#h the librarian ha)e to be fill in a lot of information into a boo4 re#or$ in or$er
to #omplete a sin&le an$ simple transa#tion li4e borro-in& an$ returnin& of boo4s/
3na##urate as it is an instan#e of ineffi#ien#y as human errors may be #ommitte$
easily" espe#ially $urin& pea4 hours of the library usa&e/ 9oreo)er" it is ina##urate
-hen $ata are 4ept by many $epartments: $ata in#onsisten#y an$ re$un$an#y are
#ommon problems/ 0herefore" a reliable an$ effi#ient system shoul$ be impose$ in
the library to ma4e 1un 1un Sha- Library more #ompatible to the future nee$s/
A #lient.ser)er system is re#ommen$e$/ 0he system -ill #onsist of t-o types of
#omputers an$ one soft-are system that embe$$e$ all tools an$ fun#tions that 1un
1un Sha- Library may nee$e$ to perform its $aily -or4s/ 0here -ill be one ser)er
that pro)i$es all the ne#essary utilities of the operations -ithin the system/ 0he
ser)er -ill pro)i$e a #entrali5e$ #ontrol to all the terminals in the system/ 0he
other #omputers are the #lient of the system" -hi#h must a##ess to files an$ $ata
#ontain in the ser)er to e;e#ute the operations/ 0his set up enables the library to
#ontrol all the $ata flo- an$ maintain a hi&h se#urity #omputer system/
LS20171 / System Proposal / Library System
0o $e)elop a best fit system to the library" there are three sta&es of $e)elopin& the
ne- system/ 0hey are &ather information" $esi&n an$ implementation an$ final
testin&/ 8ithin these three se#tions" $ifferent ta#ti#s -ill be a$opte$ so that -e #an
$esi&n a system that #an maintain hi&h usability an$ a##essibility/ %elo- are some
i$eas to the pro#ess/
Gather Information
%efore settin& up the system by soft-are $e)elopment tools" -e -ill &ather
information from the staff about the nee$ for the users of the system li4e the staff
of library an$ those rea$ers/ 0he inter)ie- -ith the staff of in the library has been
#arrie$ out at present sta&e/ %efore startin& implementin& the system" -e -ill
inter)ie- some of the rea$ers to &et their )ie- on the system before -e a#tually $o
the $esi&n -or4s/
Design and Implementation
3n this sta&e" -e -ill first $e#i$e the &oals of the system by tas4 analysis/ 6e;t" -e
-ill start -or4in& on the first prototype of the system/ 0hen -e -ill test on its
usability an$ $esi&n -ith some $esi&n theories/ 8e -ill then amen$ the prototype
#orrespon$in&ly/ 0hen a more #omplete prototype -ill be teste$ by potential users
to #olle#t fee$ba#4s/ 7inally" the system -ill be finali5e$ -ith the amen$ment on
some problems of the user interfa#e/
Final esting
8hen the pro$u#t is finali5e$" it -ill be run on a real -orl$ en)ironment an$ test
on its performan#e/ 3f the performan#e is satisfa#tory" it -ill be applie$" else
amen$ment -ill be ma$e to #orre#t the problems/ After the system has been run for
$aily operation" #ontinue maintenan#e an$ a$ministration shoul$ be #arrie$ out to
han$le any system errors an$ se#urity issues/
LS20171 / System Proposal / Library System
echnology !se
Development ool"its # echnology
$isual Stuio%&'
=isual Stu$io/6E0 is a professional $e)elopment soft-are on lar&e
appli#ation publishe$ by 9i#rosoft for #omputer professionals to $e)elop user.
#entere$" hi&h performan#e appli#ations for their #lients/ 0his soft-are enables
$e)eloper to $e)elop both stan$.alone an$ -eb appli#ation -ith lar&e e;ten$
of fle;ibility/ Pro&rammer #an #ustomi5e$ the appli#ation -ith $ifferent
#ontrols to a##ess other #omputer relate$ te#hnolo&ies su#h as inte&rate the
soft-are -ith a $atabase/ 0his feature best fit those or&ani5ations that maintain
hu&e amount of $ata for mana&in& their business/ 0herefore" it is SRO&G()
re#ommen$e$ to use this $e)elopment appli#ation in this #ase/
Relational Database Model
1elational Database 9o$el is a $atabase of table form/ 3t is the most
popular $atabase mo$el at present/ >)er 90? of the e;istin& $atabases are
usin& the mo$el at present/ 3n this mo$el" relations bet-een $ata are store$ in
tables/ A table is #olle#tion of ro-s of re#or$s an$ #olumns of fiel$s/ Some of
the fiel$s #an be use$ as a uni,ue fiel$ to i$entify ea#h ro- of re#or$" it is
4no-n as @Primary +eyA/ 8ithin this $atabase mo$el" SBL statements #an be
use$ to perform operations to retrie)e" manipulate" $efine an$ #ontrol the $ata/
0his te#hnolo&y is SRO&G() re#ommen$e$ sin#e the stru#ture of the $ata
#ontains in a library is similar to the $ata stru#ture -ithin this mo$el/
0herefore" $ifferent $ata #an be a##ess throu&h the #orrespon$in& SBL
statement an$ soft-are fun#tions/
'thernet* +,, -.S'/
Ethernet is the most popular use type of Lo#al Area 6et-or4 CLA6D
te#hnolo&y/ 0here are a lot of stan$ar$ in Ethernet te#hnolo&y/ 0he stan$ar$
that -e ha)e #hosen no-" i/e/ 100 %ASE.0" spe#ify that the net-or4 #an affor$
a transmission spee$ of 100 9e&a %its per se#on$ at ma;imum/ Eou may also
$e#i$e to run on a hi&her or lo-er net-or4 spee$ a##or$in& to your
LS20171 / System Proposal / Library System
0rogramming (anguage
.ctive Server 0age 1.S0%&'2
A#ti)e Ser)er Pa&e CASP/6E0D is a s#riptin& en)ironment for 9i#rosoft
3nternet 3nformation Ser)er in -hi#h you #an #ombine *09L" s#ripts an$
reusable A#ti)eF ser)er #omponents to #reate $ynami# -eb pa&es/7eatures
in#lu$e inno)ati)e -eb publishin&" #ustomisable tools" -i5ar$s" #ustomisable
mana&ement tools" fle;ible a$ministration options" an$ analysis tools/ 3nternet
3nformation Ser)er C33SD ma4es it easy to share $o#uments an$ information
a#ross a #ompany intranet or the 3nternet" an$ is #ompletely inte&rate$ -ith
8in$o-s 60 Dire#tory Ser)i#es/
$- Script
=%S#ript is a s#riptin& lan&ua&e/ A s#riptin& lan&ua&e is a li&ht-ei&ht
pro&rammin& lan&ua&e/ =%S#ript is a li&ht )ersion of 9i#rosoftGs
pro&rammin& lan&ua&e =isual %asi#/ 8hen a =%S#ript is inserte$ into a
*09L $o#ument" the 3nternet bro-ser -ill rea$ the *09L an$ interpret the
=%S#ript/ 0he =%S#ript #an be e;e#ute$ imme$iately" or at a later e)ent/
9i#rosoftGs s#riptin& lan&ua&e -hi#h is an e;tension of their =isual %asi#
lan&ua&e/ =%S#ript #an be use$ -ith 9i#rosoft >ffi#e appli#ations an$ others/
3t #an also be embe$$e$ in -eb pa&es but #an only be un$erstoo$ by 3nternet
Structured 3uery (anguage 1S3(2
SBL is a pro&ram -hi#h is use$ to $ata #ontrol" retrie)e $ata an$ ,uery
$ata/ >ne or more lar&e stru#ture$ sets of persistent $ata" usually asso#iate$
-ith soft-are to up$ate an$ ,uery the $ata/ A simple $atabase mi&ht be a
sin&le file #ontainin& many re#or$s" ea#h of -hi#h #ontains the same set of
fiel$s -here ea#h fiel$ is a #ertain fi;e$ -i$th/ 'ertain fiel$s may be
$esi&nate$ as 4eys" -hi#h allo- sear#hin& for spe#ifi# )alues of that fiel$ -ill
use in$e;in& to spee$ them up/
LS20171 / System Proposal / Library System
I-M 5677 Server 8 -6-
0his is a $atabase ser)er is a #omputer system that
pro#esses $atabase ,ueries an$ mana&es net-or4 resour#es/

0his mo$el of
ser)er is $esi&n to business to business an$ it has lar&e e;tension/
9isco u-R:6;<$5R Router
0he 'is#o u%172!H=F1 uni)ersal broa$ban$ router pro)i$es mo$ular"
stan$ar$s.base$ pro$u#ts that $eli)er hi&h.,uality 3nternet Proto#ol C3PD $ata
ser)i#es o)er #able an$ fi;e$ -ireless broa$ban$ infrastru#tures/ 0his pro$u#t
brin&s intelli&en#e to the e$&e of the net-or4 -ith inte&rate$ 3P rout/
Dell=s Dimension ;:,, erminals
0erminal enables user to #ommuni#ate -ith a ser)er/ 3t #ontain a
#ombination of 4eyboar$ an$ $isplay s#reen" user #an &et $ata from the ser)er
si$e easier" so Dimension !700 is suitable/
9at 7 !nshielded wist/paired 9able 1!02 9able
(nshiel$e$ t-iste$ pair" a popular type of #able that #onsists of t-o
unshiel$e$ -ires t-iste$ aroun$ ea#h other/ Due to its lo- #ost" (0P #ablin& is
use$ e;tensi)ely for lo#al.area net-or4s CLA6sD/ (0P #ablin& $oes not offer
as hi&h ban$-i$th or as &oo$ prote#tion from interferen#e as #oa;ial or fiber
opti# #ables" but it is less e;pensi)e an$ easier to -or4 -ith/
LS20171 / System Proposal / Library System
Operation System
Microsoft >indows 6,,? Server
0his )ersion of -in$o-s is spe#ially $esi&ne$ for ser)erIs operatin&
system/ 3t -as built base on 8in$o- 2000 Ser)erIs te#hnolo&y -hi#h pro)i$e
effi#ient file an$ printer sharin&/ 8hatIs more important is that it pro)i$es
se#ure an$ reliable net-or4 utilities/ 0his operatin& system also pro)i$es some
internet utilities -hi#h may be useful as there are any future e;pansions/
Microsoft >indows 50 0rofessional
0his )ersion of -in$o-s is spe#ially $esi&ne$ for businesses of all si5es/ 3t
also pro)i$es hi&h se#urity/ 8ith FP Professional" you #an buil$ your o-n
net-or4 easily/ 3t pro)i$es reliable file an$ har$-are sharin&/ 0o most
business" sharin& means e)erythin&/ 8ith this features" business #an set up a
#lient.ser)er system an$ thus ma$e e)erythin& effi#ient/ 'ost is a bi&
#onsi$eration of e)ery business" -ith the abo)e features: #ost #an be &reatly
re$u#e$ by #entrali5e$ #ontrol an$ sa)e in human resour#es/

LS20171 / System Proposal / Library System

Operation of the system
0he operation of the library system is $i)i$e$ into three ma2or parts/
Operation of the >eb borrowing system
0he borro-in& system is use$ the -eb te#hnolo&y to buil$ up/ 0he
user #an a##ess the -eb -ithin the library Cthrou&h intranetD or outsi$e
the library Cthrou&h internetD/0he -eb borro-in& system is $i)i$e$
into t-o parts/
1/ (ser information
0his part -ill #ontain user a##ount information/ (ser #an #he#4
his borro-in& status" rene-al the boo4 an$ reser)ation of the
2/ Library 'atalo&ue/
0his part -ill #ontain the boo4 status/ (ser #an #he#4 the boo4s
he -ants are len$ out or not/ Also" it #an #he#4 the $etail of the
Operation of erminal system
0here -ill be 100 terminal #omputers in the library an$ all of them are
#onne#te$ to the ser)er/ 0he terminals #an #he#4 the information in
the library/ 0he terminal system is $i)i$e$ into t-o parts/
1/ Library $etail/
0he $etails of the library/ (ser #an &et more information of the
library/ 3t -ill ha)e the map of the library an$ the boo4 lo#ation
in the library/ (ser #an see the -hole library map an$ the sear#h
the boo4 lo#ation in the library/
2/ %oo4 $etail/
3t -ill use the -eb borro-in& system to #he#4 the boo4 status
in the library/

Operation of Database Server system
0he $atabase ser)er a#ts a )ery important role in the library/ 3t stores
LS20171 / System Proposal / Library System
all the boo4 an$ user $ata in it/ So the $atabase ser)er system -ill be
$i)i$e$ into t-o parts in or$er to maintain the ser)er stable/
1/ (p$ate the $atabase/
3t has user frien$ly soft-are to the librarian to a$$ the ne-
boo4" mo$ify e;istin& boo4/
2/ Se)er 9ana&ement
3t -ill pre)ent unauthori5e$ a##ess of sites/
</ %a#4up
0he $atabase ser)er system -ill be ba#4up the $ata $aily
LS20171 / System Proposal / Library System
Resource Re@uired
Soft-are 1esour#e
&ew -ar/9oding automatic identification system -ill be use$ in the
Windows 2000 Terminal Server -ill be use$ to run on the ser)er base$/
Windows 2000 -ill be use$ to run the LA6 ar#hite#ture -ith the #lient base$/
Microsoft SQL Server -ill be runnin& on a 8in$o-s 2000 Ser)er as the
InterDev -ill be use$ as a #an$i$ate $atabase a##ess te#hnolo&y/
Microsoft Visual Basic -ill be the $e)elopment of the most appli#ation/
Borland J-Builder -ill be use$ to $e)elopment a Ja)a.base$ appli#ation/
Microsoft Internet Information Server IIS! runnin& on 8in$o-s 2000
Ser)er -ill be the internet an$ intranet 8eb Ser)er/
Windows 2000 wit" Internet #$%lorer -ill be the #lient -or4stations/
Intersolv &V'S )ersion #ontrol soft-are -ill be use$ to mana&e the $ire#tory
-hi#h is storin& the #harter an$ all subse,uent $o#umentation an$
pro&ress #omponents/
S(stem )rc"itect 200* -ill $e)elop all mo$el.$ri)en $o#umentation as the
'ASE tools/
LS20171 / System Proposal / Library System
*uman 1esour#e
Kalen +ir#hoff is the e;e#uti)e sponsor -ho #ommits the entire &roup at least
one.,uarter time an$ he -ill $ire#t this pro2e#t/
San$ra CPro2e#t mana&erD -ho -ill also -or4 as a senior system analyst in the
%ob 9artine5 CSystems analystsD -ho -ill pro&ram in the rapi$ appli#ation
$e)elopment or prototypin& sense of the -or$/
Sarah *artman -ho ser)es a 2.year appointment to 3nformation Ser)i#es as a
business analyst -ill be the business $ire#tor/
All 30 $ire#tors -ill ha)e the minutes an$ report of the meetin& -hi#h is the
-ee4ly status meetin&s #haire$ by the pro2e#t mana&er/
LS20171 / System Proposal / Library System
As one of the #riti#al ser)i#e pro)i$er in a tertiary institute" a user.frien$ly system
an$ hi&h ,uality ser)i#es help in#rease the ran4in& of a uni)ersity/ 0herefore" it is
important to pro)i$e a user.#entere$ library ser)i#es
Old Manual Operating System Suggested 9omputeriAed System
System 0erformance
8hen the system is still un$er manual
operations" the effi#ien#y is lo-er $o-n as
it ta4es lon& time to fill in forms an$
passin& of information is not ,ui#4 enou&h
to sol)e hu&e number of re,uest/ Also"
$ata re$un$an#y an$ in#onsisten#y is a
&reat problem/
%y #omparin& the performan#e" the
#omputeri5e$ system $efinitely is mu#h
more a better #hose then the e;istin&
system as $ata #an be share on the
#entrali5e$ ser)er/ 0hus" the problem of
$ata re$un$an#y an$ in#onsisten#y #an be
a)oi$e$ by up$ate the only #opy of all
0he ol$ system $oes not pro)i$e suffi#ient
utilities to ensure the a##ura#y of the result
of e)ery operation/ 0he most #ommon
problem is fillin& in in)ali$ or -ron& $ata/
9oreo)er" -hen up$ate of $ata is
ne#essary" the up$ate is not applie$ on
e)ery $epartment 4eepin& the same re#or$/
As a result" $ata in#onsisten#y appeare$/
7or the si$e of the ne- system" the
problem of $ata in#onsisten#y -ill not
appeare$ as $ata are only up$ate$ in the
$atabase of the system/ 9oreo)er" -hen
users are enterin& $ata for their operations"
)ali$ity #he#4in& #an be employe$ on $ata
entry fiel$s to impro)e the a##ura#y of the
system/ Espe#ially on some important
information li4e the serial number of
boo4s" et#/
!ser Friendly
0he ol$ system is not user.frien$ly as it
$oes not pro)i$e an easy -ay for user to
#omplete a tas4/ (sually" users ha)e to &o
throu&h #ompli#ate$ pro#ess in or$er to
#omplete a simple operation li4e re&ister
to the library an$ reser)e boo4s/
(ser.frien$ly are &reatly impro)e -ith the
ai$ of #omputer te#hnolo&y/ 0he ne-
system pro)i$es utilities in or$er to help
users in #ase of any en,uiries/ Also" user
oriente$ #ustomi5ations enable hi&h
fle;ibilities to use to system/
System Management
LS20171 / System Proposal / Library System
9anual operatin& system is $iffi#ult to
mana&e as e)ery $epartment -or4 on its
o-n set of $ata an$ there arenIt any
#ommuni#ations bet-een $epartments to
e;#han&e $ata/ E)en if it $oes" problems
li4e effi#ien#y an$ a##ura#y an$ resulte$
in a hi&h mana&ement #ost/ Also" a lot of
mana&ement staff ha)e to be employe$ in
or$er to $i)ert all the $ata flo- to ensure
the system to run properly to minimi5e the
9ana&ement is mu#h easier un$er a hi&h
#omputeri5ation en)ironment/ 7or $ata
mana&ement" -e nee$ to employ only fe-
$atabase a$ministrators CD%AD instea$ of
many mana&ement staff to #ontrol the $ata
flo-/ 9oreo)er" -ith D%A" -e #an set up
se#urity &ates so that $ata are -ell.
prote#te$ an$ -ill only be a)ailable to
those people -ho &et the authenti#ation/
0herefore" system a$ministration -or4s
#an be -or4 in a more effi#ient an$ lo-
#ost un$er the ne- system e)en the settin&
up #ost or runnin& #ost is hi&her than the
ori&inal one/
Future 'Bpand
(n$er human pro#essin& system" future
e;pan$ means a nee$ to in#rease the
number of -or4in& people to or$er to
satisfy a lar&er number of re#or$ 4eepin&
or an in#rease in the number of #ustomers
that are nee$e$ to ser)e them at the same
time/ 3f the abo)e measure is #arrie$ out" it
-ill $efinitely -orsen the situation of
effi#ien#y an$ a##ura#y/ 0hus maintenan#e
#ost -ill be pull to a hi&her le)el in this
8ith a #omputer en)ironment" e;pansion
#an be a#hie)e$ simply by repla#in& out
$ate$ har$-are or up$atin& the soft-are
-ith better fun#tions/ 0herefore" it $oes
not $eman$ for any physi#al in#rease in
spa#e or in#rease in staffs to up&ra$e the
system/ 9oreo)er" maintenan#e #ost
remains stable o)er time as the
a$ministrati)e -or4s are more or less the
same e)en there are #han&es in har$-are
or soft-are bein& use$/
LS20171 / System Proposal / Library System
Implementation 0lan
0here are H sta&es in our implementation plan/
1D %orro-in& Analysis an$ Desi&n
2D *ar$-are 3nstallation an$ 0estin&
<D Soft-are 3nstallation an$ 0estin&
!D Database Desi&nin& an$ 3mplementation
5D 6et-or4 3nstallation an$ 0estin&
HD Staff 0rainin&
10 11 12
1 2 < ! 1 2 < ! 1 2 < !
1/1 Analysis
1/2 Desi&n
1/< 0estin&
2/1 3nstallation
2/2 0estin&
</1 3nstallation
</2 0estin&
!/1 Desi&nin&
!/2 3mplementation
5/1 3nstallation
5/2 0estin&
Staff 0rainin&
H/1 *ar$-are 0rainin&
H/2 Soft-are 0rainin&
LS20171 / System Proposal / Library System
Stage + / -orrowing >eb/page .nalysis and Design
3n this sta&e -e -ill buil$ up a -ebsite/ 8e -ill $esi&n a user frien$ly
-ebsite aims for borro-in& an$ rene-al the boo4 on the internet or
insi$e the library throu&h the intranet/ 3t -ill be $i)i$e$ into three parts/
0he first part is the analysis" -e -ill &et the information by inter)ie- the
inter)ie-er an$ this pro#ess -ill last for t-o -ee4s/ 0he se#on$ part is
the $esi&nin&" re&ar$in& to the information that -e ha)e &ot from
analysis" -e -ill start $oin& the $esi&nin&/ After the fi)e.-ee4.
$esi&nin&" -ith the finishe$" -e -ill $o a testin&/ Library staff
are as4e$ to $o a testin& on the system" then -e may re.$esi&n the -eb.
pa&e a##or$in& to the usersI fa)or/
Stage 6 / 4ardware Installation and esting
0he har$-are -ill be installe$ after the analysis an$ $esi&n is
finishe$/ Ser)er -ill be installe$ to allo- #onne#tion to internet/ Apart
from this" terminal #omputers -ill be installe$ in the library/ 0hese
terminal #omputers pro)i$e ser)i#es users to use for boo4 sear#hin&"
borro-in& an$ rene-al of boo4s/ 0he installation -ill be pro&resse$ for
one -ee4/ After all" -e -oul$ in)ite users to $o testin& in or$er to $efine
any errors o##ur/
Stage ? / Software Installation and esting
After the har$-are installation" the ne;t step is to install soft-are to the
#omputers/ 9i#rosoft -in$o-s 200< ser)er -ill be installe$ in ser)er for
the effi#ient file an$ printer sharin&/ 7or terminal #omputers that tar&et
for users" 9i#rosoft 8in$o-s FP Professional soft-are -ill be use$/
0hese t-o soft-are -oul$ be the main tools in the system/ 0he
installation pro#ess -ill ta4e one -ee4 to $o/ Durin& a one.-ee4 testin&"
library staff -ill try to use the soft-are to tra#4 the boo4 sales an$ sto#4/
(sers are in)ite$ to try the entire boo4 ser)i#e system/
Stage ; / Database Designing and Implementation
Database -ill be $esi&ne$ to store boo4 $etails an$ personal information
of the users/ 8e -ill spen$ t-o -ee4s to $o the $esi&nin&/ 8e -ill
#olle#t all the library boo4 $es#riptions" storin& the $ata into the
#omputers/ 0hen" -e -ill start implementation on the follo-in& -ee4/
Stage 7 / &etwor" Installation and esting
0his sta&e -ill last for t-o -ee4s/ 7irst" -e -ill or$er the ne#essary
har$-are for buil$in& up the net-or4/ 6e;t" -e -ill lin4 up all the
terminal #omputers to the ser)er/ After all" -e -ill $o a test on it to
LS20171 / System Proposal / Library System
ensure the ser)er system run properly/
Stage < 8 Staff raining
3n this sta&e" it -ill be $i)i$e$ to t-o sub.sta&es" in#lu$in& soft-are
trainin& an$ har$-are trainin&/ 0he entire #ourse -ill last for t-o
months/ 8e -ill hire professional instru#tor to &i)e a #omplete trainin&
#ourse/ 0he trainin& #ourse -ill be &i)en in lessons an$
pra#ti#al e;er#ises/ %oth soft-are an$ har$-are trainin& #ourse -ill be
hel$ in the same phase/ Soft-are trainin& #ourse -ill be pro)i$e$ to
tea#h basi# s4ill of usin& 9i#rosoft 200< Ser)er/ Also" there -ill be
tea#hin& on sa)in& $ata an$ mana&in& files/ *ar$-are trainin& #ourse
-ill mainly tar&et on the bar #o$e rea$er" printin& ma#hine an$ the
fun$amental net-or4in& 4no-le$&e" so the librarians #an repair the
minor problems/
'ourse -ill also fo#us on ho- to $eal -ith the 3ntranet" the internal
-ebsite/ E)ery staff -ill ha)e their o-n personal lo&in pass-or$ an$
i$entity/ Staff -ill learn sharin& information $ire#tly in an or&ani5ation/
LS20171 / System Proposal / Library System
A##or$in& to the implementation plan" there are si; sta&es of system testin& -ithin
the $e)elopment perio$/ *ere are the $etails of ea#h test/
See" users categoriAation of functions
'ar$ sortin& metho$ -ill be use$ to &ather information about the userIs
#on#eptual mo$el/ 'ar$ sortin& -ill &i)e users #ertain #ar$s -ith label of the
fun#tionIs name/ 0hen users -ill #ate&ori5e the #ar$s into $ifferent #ate&ories/
8ith this metho$" -e #an 4no- the #on#eptual min$ of users so that it ma4es
the users easier to perform a tas4 if -e put the fun#tions un$er the same
#ate&ories to&ether/
Debugging on system design
1untime Errors
Pro&rammer -ill $ebu& the soft-are to #he#4 if there are any run.time
errors of the pro&ram/ 7or e;ample" they -ill #he#4 if there are any
unusual beha)iour of the pro&ram -hen #ertain #on$itions are fulfill/ 3n
#ase of this" they -ill then fi; the problems an$ pro#ee$ the #he#4in& on
other pa&es or fun#tions of the soft-are/
*euristi#s E)aluation
0hin4 Alou$ 0estin&
est on hardware installation
est on networ" performance
est on the whole system

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