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Learning disabilities: signs and factors that cause it.

Do you know what is learning disabilities? Learning disabilities is a
problem that affect the brains ability to receive, process, analyze or store
information. Learning disabilities can interfere with a persons ability to
concentrate or focus. It also can cause someone s mind to wander too much.
Besides that, learning disabilities can make it difficult for a student to read,
write, spell or solve mathematic problem.
There are many signs of learning disabilities. First, people with learning
disabilities has difficulty speaking, reading, writing, figuring out a math
problem, communicating with a parent, or paying attention in class. Second,
the sign of learning disabilities is cant follow direction for a game or is
struggling to do work he or she should be able to do easily. For example, the
student in year 6 must know and can identify the alphabets but the student
with learning disabilities still cant do that.
Third, the sign of learning disabilities is have trouble recognizing or
processing letters and the sounds associated with them. For example, student
with learning disabilities is confuse to differentiate alphabet j and g with their
sounds. And the last sign of someone that suffering learning disabilities is
cant relate to the words in ways that will allow them to make sense of what
theyre reading. They cant form a picture of a thing or a situation.

There two categories of learning disabilities namely verbal and non-
verbal. People with verbal learning disabilities have difficulty with words, both
spoken and written. The example of verbal learning disabilities is Dyslexia.
Dyslexia is a problem that cause people to have trouble recognizing or
processing letters and the sounds associated with them.
The non-verbal learning disabilities is a problem that cause someone
have difficulty processing what they see. They also may have trouble making
sense of visual details like numbers on a blackboard. Besides that, some
abstract concepts like fractions may be difficult to master for people with non-
verbal learning disabilities.
There are many factors that cause learning disabilities namely genetic
influences, brain development and environmental impacts. Expert have
noticed that learning disabilities tend to run in families and they think that
heredity could play a role. Some expert think that learning disabilities can be
traced to brain development, both before and after birth. Others, infants and
young kids are susceptible to environmental toxin (poison) cause learning


After finished this course work, I have saw many types of grammar question.
There are many types of question namely objective questions, subjective
questions and question based on an article. Besides that, I also have learning
about how to make a mind map and graphic organizer to present or show an
idea and information. The information in the mind map must in short form. We
can use any shapes and colours to make our mind map more interesting. In
my opinion, presentation of data using the mind map and graphic organizer
enables us to explain the information with easily and the audience also more
easy to understand the information in the presentation. Besides that, I also
have learns about how to writing an academic paper. This course work want
us to make an academic paper based to our major course. I choose learning
disabilities for my short course work. The academic paper must following the
convention of academic writing. After do this course work, finally I can make
my own academic paper based on the convention of academic writing.

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