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kpd;dpay; kw;Wk; ntg; gtpay;



tFg;G - 7
kpd;dpay; kw;Wk; ntg;gtpay; (Electricity and Heat)
1. ,e;jpuhfhe;jp mZ Muha;r; rp ikak; cs;s ,lk; fy;ghf;fk; .
Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research is situated at Kalpakkam.
2. Nkl;^upy; ePu; kpd; epiyak; cs;sJ. In Mettur Dam, hydroelectric power station is located.
3. vz;Z}upy;> mdy; kpd; epiyak; cs;sJ. In Ennore, Thermal Power Plant is located.
4. Kj Kjyhf fhth vw jha Phah fy cUthfglJ.
The first electric cell was developed by an Italian scientist Luigi Galvani.
5. #upa kpd;fyq;fs;> xspahw;wiy kpd;dhw;wyhf khw;W. Solar cells convert light energy into electric energy.
6. fhwhiyf f bga fhwhof _y fhW Mw dhwyhf khwgLwJ.
In a wind farm, huge wind mills convert wind energy into electric energy.
7. jeho fhwhiy _y 5000 bkfh th dhw cg bragLwJ.
In Tamil Nadu, wind power generating capacity is about 5,000 MW.
8. fy vgJ nt Mwiy dhwyhf kh jU mik MF.
An electric cell is a device which converts chemical energy into electric energy.
9. ndhl vgJ }lf myJ vyuhf af MF.
Electric current is the flow of electrons or charge
10. RW vgJ fy neKid UJ vKidF ndhl brY _oa ghij.
An electric circuit is the closed path in which electric current flows from the positive to the negative terminal of the battery.
11. sD ll Nlh xwJ. F dhw x Mwyhf khwgLwJ.
In a bulb, the tungsten gets heated and glows when the current flows. Here electric energy is converted into light energy.
12. j tna ndhlij mDkF bghUf flf MF.
vLJfhL: jhu, U nghw vyh cnyhff kW kj cl.
The materials which allow electric current to pass through them are called conductors.
Examples: All metals like Copper,Iron and Human body.
13. j tna ndhlij mDkfhj bghUf. vLJfhL: sho, ku, ug, fzho.
The materials which do not allow electric current to pass through them. Examples: Plastic, Wood, Rubber and Glass
14. ndhldh cUthF btgisit mogilahf bfhL aF xU y rhjdf : bt
bfhfy (Electric kettle), sF (Electric bulb), ryit bgo (Electric iron), buho RL mL (Electric
toaster) MFk;.
A few appliances that work on the heating effect of current are Electric kettle, electric bulb, electric iron and electric toaster.
15. ndhl brY fia R fhjy Ugij cW brjt lR ehil rhj mP oa
xabl ( ML : 1820 )
Around a wire carrying current conductor, magnetic field is produced. This was observed by Christian Oersted in 1820
16. fhj CahdJ vnghJ tlF-bjF ir F.
The pivoted magnetic needle will always point in the North-South direction.


tFg;G - 7
kpd;dpay; kw;Wk; ntg;gtpay; ( Electricity and Heat ) Page -2
17. zhd bghUf Fa UJ U bjLf fhjf gagLwd.
Huge electromagnets are used to remove iron scraps in the scrap yard.
18. ndhl brYnghJ bghU fhjkhfglh, mJ fhj vdgL.
A material that becomes a magnet when current is passed is called an electromagnet.
19. nkhlh, jfU, bjhiyng, rhuk nghw rhjdf fhjf gagLjgLwd.
Electromagnets are used in many appliances like Electric motor, Telegraph, Telephones, Electric bell,etc.
20. n u h vgJ f kW Fnuha nrj cnyhf fyit MF.
Nichrome consists mainly of nickel and chromium.
21. Na dhoF 3.8 x 10
#] btg Mwiy btLwJ.
The sun gives us 3.8 x 10
joule of heat energy per second.
22. Na Mw mQfU iz vw fdh cUthwJ.
The solar energy is produced by nuclear fusion.
23. Na mLfY, Na btggLfY Na Mw gagLjgLwJ.
In solar cookers and solar heaters, solar energy is used.
24. bghU xW vts Nlhf csJ? myJ vts Fahf csJ vgij msLtnj btgiy .
Temperature measures the degree of hotness or coldness of a body.
25. btgiykh vw fU btgiyia msLwJ.
Thermometers are used to measure the temperature.
26. utf NlhfgL nghJ til. FfgL nghJ RUF.
Liquids expand on heating and contract on cooling.
27. btgiyia Fl bra kW ~ghu vw U myFfis gagLjyh.
Both Celsius and Fahrenheit are used in the measurement of temperature.
28. bra msoUJ ~ghu msoF khw gagL bjhl: C / 100 = ( F -32 ) / 180
C = bra btgiykh fhL msL ; F = ~ghu btgiykh fhL msL
To convert Celsius into Fahrenheit we use the relation:
C / 100 = ( F -32 ) / 180
C : Reading as shown by the Celsius Thermometer;
F : Reading shown by the Fahrenheit Thermometer
29. Mtf btgiykh msLf -10
C Kj 110
C tiu FfgoUF.
The graduations are marked from -10
C to 110
C in the Laboratory Thermometer.
30. kj ruhr cl btgiy 36.9
C (m) 98.4
The normal body temperature is 36.9
C (98.4

***** Best wishes *****


tFg;G - 8
kpd;rhutpay; kw;Wk; ntg;gtpay; ( Electricity and Heat )
1. ekJ Lf cs midJ rhjdfS gfRW Kiwnyna izfgLwd.
The electrical appliances of our houses are all connected in a parallel circuit.
1. x c ilnahL vgJ Fiw fl bghUfsh braglJ.
LED is Light Emitting Diode, made up of semiconductor materials.
2. thiyto xU fljh bghUshF. Distilled water is a poor conductor.
ndhlij flJ utf midJ my, fhu kW c fiurfshfnt csd.
The liquid that conduct electricity are solutions of acids, bases and salts.
3. fiurf tna ndhl ghnghJ mtD xU nt khwij VgLJwJ.
jidna ndhl nt is MF.
The current will produce a chemical change when it is passed through solutions. This is known as
chemical effect of current.
4. xU gF fiur tahf ndhl brYjgLnghJ gFfiur mafshf
f dhgF vdgL.
The process by which an electrolyte is decomposed with the help of electricity is called as electrolysis.
5. R bragLnghJ vbghU J kbwhU cnyhfij goa itf ntLnkh mbghU
v thahF. In electroplating the metal to be coated is taken as cathode.
6. Jjehf Kyh rgl U fhtidRL U (GI) vdgL.
Zinc coated iron is called Galvanized Iron (GI).
7. vyuh vgJ vRikila Jf. nuhlh vgJ neRikila Jf.
uh vgJ Rikaw xU Jf.
The electron is negatively charged, the proton is positively charged and the neutron has no charge, it is neutral.
8. xU mQ eLiy jik cilaJ. An atom is electrically neutral.
9. U tifahd }lf csd. mit ne }l, v }l.
There are two types of charges. They are positive and negative charges.
10. xnu tifahd }lf xiwbahW yFwd. Like charges repel each other.
11. vbu }lf xiwbahW <F. Unlike charges attract each other.
12. fljh bghU x wgu }lf nrU fiana iy a vnwh.
The accumulation of electric charges on the surface of a non- conducting material is called Static electricity.
13. }lfis fltjF mtiw msgjF gagL fUna }lfho vdgL.
A device used to detect and measure electric charges is called an electroscope.


14. }lfho flJj myJ Lj _y }lkila br jJt aFwJ.
Electroscope works on the principle of transfer of charges by conduction or Induction.
15. fbgUks Mw XlUJ knwh lF gh f d vdgL.
A high energy electric discharge is called lightning.
16. bgU ghY nkf nk ghf mf ms ne }lfis , ghf mf ms
v }lfis cilajhf mikwJ.
The lower portion of a cloud generally carries negative charges and the upper portion carries positive charges.
17. caukhd fllfis d UJ ghJfhf d jhf (o jhf) gagLwd.
In order to protect tall buildings from lightning, lightning arresters are used.
18. o jhia fLojt bgr ~uh Mth.
Lightning arrester was invented by Benjamin Franklin.
19. btg vgJ xU tifahd Mw. Heat is defined as a form of energy.
20. btg iyahdJ btgiykhf _y mslyh .Temperature is measured by using thermometers.
21. Na btg Mw f wj Mw _y The sun is a major source of heat.
22. jiu l vbz iu btgkil. Oil gets heated up faster than water.
23. xU fl jil k mjid btggLJ nghJ mfwJ.
The electrical resistance of a conductor increases on heating.
24. xU fhj btggLjgLnghJ mj fhjjikia HwJ.
A magnet loses its magnetism on being heated.
25. bghUf btggLjgL nghJ tilwd. Substances expand on heating.
26. btggLjgL nghJ , utf lbghUfisl mfkhf til.
On heating, the expansion of liquids is greater than that of solids.
27. xU bghUUJ kbwhU bghUSF btg khw _W tf eilbgWwJ. mit
m) btgflj M) btgryd ) btg fr
There are three different ways in which heat is transferred from one body to the other.
They are (i) Conduction (ii) convection and (iii) radiation.
28. _yTWf cikahd afjh btg gu Kiw btg ryd vdgL.
The transfer of heat due to the actual movement of particles is called convection.
29. _y TWf af gu f btg flj vdgL.
The transfer of heat without the actual movement of particles is called conduction.
30. btg XlUJ kbwhU lF vj gUbghU ClfK gu KiwF
btgfr vW bga.
The process by which heat is transferred without the help of any material or medium is called radiation.


tF 9
myF 16 ntiy, w, Mw kW btg
Unit 16 : Work, power , energy and Heat
1. ntiy W = ir F X efj bjhiy S
Work W = Force F X distance S
2. ntiy myF #] MF.
Unit of work is joule.
3. 1 nyh #] = 1000 J ; 1 bkfh #] = 10
1 kilo joule = 1000 J ; 1 mega joule = 10
4. Mw mik ia nrhjid _y rghjt #& , lid nrjt.
The law of conservation of energy was verified by Joule.
5. bghU xW mj iyia myJ mj ig bghWJ bgWs Mw iy Mw .
The energy possessed by a body by virtue of its position or due to state of strain, is called potential energy.
6. iy MwYfhd nfhit Ep = mgh
Expression for potential energy Ep = mgh
7. bghU xW mj afdh bgWs Mw, af Mw vdgL.
Energy possessed by an object due to its motion
is called kinetic energy.
8. af MwYfhd nfhit E
= mv
Expression for potential energy E
= mv
9. Mwiy Mfnth, mfnth ayhJ. xUtif Mw kiwjh mJ kbwhU tif Mwyhf khwkil. J
Mw mik MF.
Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but it is transformed from one form to another. This is law of conservation of
10. ntiy bragL j w vdgL. The rate of doing work is called power.
11. w myF #& / dho. J th vdgL. The unit of power is joule/second or watt.
12. uh vuij nkgL totikjt n# th.
Improvements to the steam engine were made by James Watt.
13. 1 = 1 nyh th k = 3.6 X 10
1 Unit = 1 kWh = 3.6 X 10
14. 1 nyhuh iws bghU btgiyia
1 K caj njitgL btg Mw ms, mbghU j btg V w vdgL.
The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 kg substance by 1 K is defined as specific heat capacity.
15. j btg V w myF : J kg

Unit of specific heat capacity is J kg


tF 9
myF 16 ntiy, w, Mw kW btg
Unit 16 : Work, power , energy and Heat Page 2
16. bghU btgiyia 1 K caj njitgL btg Mw ms, mbghU btg V w
The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a body by 1 K is defined as heat capacity.
17. btg V w myF : J K

Unit of specific heat capacity is J K

18. jbtg Vw = 4180 J kg
Specific heat capacity of water is 4180 J kg

19. ghjur jbtg Vw = 140 J kg

Specific heat capacity of mercury is 140 J kg

20. btggLJ nghJ btgij vLJ bfhL l bghU utkhf khW f cUFj vdgL.
The process in which a substance changes from the solid state into liquid state on heating is called melting or fusion.
21. gfo cUFiy = 0
C. Melting point of ice is 0
22. bkG cUF iy 57
C. The melting point of wax is 57
23. bfhiy btgiy = 100
C The boiling point of water is 100
24. jR btgiy _yTWf af KGtJkhf WL. bghU btg Mw R.
At absolute zero there is no molecular motion and hence there is no heat energy.
25. T
= T
+ 273 Here, T
= kelvin temperature : T
= Celsius temperature
26. th rkghL PV = nRT : The gas equation is PV = RT
27. ea th rkghL PV = nRT ; n vgJ th cs nkhf vif
The perfect gas equation is PV = nRT ; n is the number of mole in the gas.
28. fdms : V T kW mGj : P T .
Law of volume: V T and Law of pressure: P T .

,aw;if md;id toq; fpl;l mz;lkpjd;
,ay;ghd jd;ik kOq;fhky; mDjpdKk;
,ad;kzk; fko;jy; Ntz;Lnkd mofhf
,ak;Gjy; Ntz;Lk; ,q;Fs;s midtUf;Fk;.
cUthf;fpatu; - gh.,sq;Nfhtd;. M.Sc.,M.Ed.,M.Phil.,
gr;irag;gd; Nkdpiyg; gs;sp , fhQ;rpGuk;.

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