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This Paper Consists of 50 Qust!"#s $#% & P$'s including this page.
1 Question One to Question
50 x 2 =
0 !inutes
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1. """""""""""" are anything that can li#it or restrict the actions of the
pro$ect tea# #e#%ers fro# acco#plishing the goals of a pro$ect.
&. Pro$ect 'cope
B1 P2"34t C"#st2$!#ts
C. Pro$ect !anage#ent
(. Pro$ect )ife Cycle
2. Pro$ect constrains consists of the follo*ing %asic constraint+
A1 T!5. Qu$6!t7. C"sts
,. Ti#e !oney- and people
C. Ti#e- .eather and people
(. Quality- Quantity- )ife
3. """""""""""" is the process of #anaging tas/s- or series of tas/s 0the
pro$ects1- that is te#porary and focuses on speci2c results3 *hereas
#anage#ent has inde2nite techni4ue.
A1 P2"34t M$#$'5#t
,. Pro$ect success
C. Pro$ect ris/
(. Pro$ect coordination
4. The three phases in5ol5ed in the #anage#ent of large pro$ects are
A1 86$##!#'. s49%u6!#'. 4"#t2"66!#'1
,. scheduling- designing- operating.
C. scheduling- operating- e5aluating.
(. planning- scheduling- e5aluating
5. The triangle illustrates the relationship a#ong three pri#ary forces in
a pro$ect- *hich are costs- ti#e- resource a5aila%ility is called
A1 S4"8 428
,. 'cope scheduling
C. Quality triangle
(. Pro$ect #anage#ent triangle
6. 6arious para#eters that a7ect the pro$ect in its planning and
for#ulation refers to
&. Pro$ect cost
,. Process
C. 8esource
D1 P2"34t S4"8
7. The pro$ect during the course of its progress #ay %e su%$ected to
%ecause of so#e external factors.
A1 49$#'s
,. errors
C. pressure
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(. threats
8. The """"" the pro$ect can %e esti#ated %ased upon the nor#al
distri%ution cur5e.
&. #anpo*er re4uire#ent of
,. funds re4uire#ent of
C1 82":$:!6!t7 "; 4"586t!"# ";
(. design re4uire#ent of
9. & syste# of internal """""""" gets initiated al#ost auto#atically
resulting in highly e9cient organi:aton as a *hole.
&. &uditing
,. 6eri2cation
C. 6alidation
D1 B#495$2<!#'
10. """"""perfor#s day to day pro$ect #anage#ent- de5elop pro$ect
deli5era%les- prepare pro$ect #anage#ent re5ie* and senior
#anage#ent re5ie* presentations- present pro$ect status- #anage
resolution of pro$ect issues
&. CFO
,. ClO
C1 P2"34t M$#$'2s
(. Progra# #anagers
11. """""""""""" is the result of a pro$ect tea# #e#%er;s getting
%ehind schedule- reporting that he or she is on schedule- %ut hoping to
get %ac/ on schedule %y the next report date.
A1 H"8 C28
,. 'cope Creep
C. <7ort creep
(. Feature creep
12. """"""""""" is the result of the tea# #e#%er;s *or/ing %ut not
#a/ing progress proportionate to the *or/ expended. <5ery #e#%er
has *or/ed on a pro$ect that al*ays see#s to %e =5 percent co#plete
no #atter ho* #uch e7ort is expended to co#plete it.
&. >ope Creep
,. 'cope Creep
C1 E="2t C28
(. Feature Creep
13. """"""""""""" results *hen the tea# #e#%ers ar%itrarily add
features and functions to the deli5era%le that they thin/ the custo#er
*ould *ant to ha5e.
&. >ope Creep
,. 'cope Creep
C. <7ort Creep
D1 -$tu2 C28
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14. The ______________ tells us that proper planning is painful %ut
pays o7 in less pain later in the pro$ect
&. Pro$ect !anage#ent
,. P$!# Cu2?
C. 'cope Creep cur5e
(. Pro$ect !anage#ent )ife Cycle
15. This is a ti#e line that sho*s the cu#ulati5e cost of the pro$ect
against the cu#ulati5e re5enue or sa5ings fro# the pro$ect.
&. 'cope Creep
,. Quality Ti#e
C1 B2$<@?# 8"!#t
(. Pain Cur5e
16. This section analyses the total costs as co#pared *ith the
increased re5enue that *ill accrue o5er the life of the pro$ect
&. Quality arrange#ent
,. ,rea/e5en point
C1 Rtu2# "# !#?st5#t
(. Point of 'ale
17. The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a hierarchical
description of the *or/ that #ust %e done to co#plete the pro$ect as
de2ned in the Pro$ect O5er5ie* 'tate#ent.
&. P<8T
B1 ("2< B2$<%"A# St2u4tu2
C. CP!
(. Flo*charts
18. Perfor#ance closer or %eyond expectation is the degree of
&. assurance
,. error
C. precision
D1 Bu$6!t7
19. ."""""""re5ie* and co##ent on pro$ect deli5era%les and *or/
products- schedule and support the re5ie* #eetings- pro5ide support
to syste#s o*ners and pro$ect #anagers- ad5ise the ClO and associate
&. C!?P progra# sta7
,. 'yste#s o*ners
C. C!?P coordinator
D1 P2"'2$5 5$#$'2s

Page 4 of &
20. ,rea/ing do*n *or/ into a hierarchy of acti5ities- tas/s- and
*or/ pac/ages is called """"""""""".
&. Co#position
,. D4"58"s!t!"#
C. ,rea/e5en
(. Progra# #anage#ent
21. The """""""""" approach %egins at the goal le5el and
successi5ely partitions *or/ do*n to lo*er le5els of de2nition until the
participants are satis2ed that the *or/ has %een su9ciently de2ned.
&. T"8@%"A#
,. ,otto# up
C. Co#position
(. (eco#position
22. """""""""""" approach is #ore li/e an organi:ed %rainstor#ing
session used to %uild the .,'.
&. Top@do*n
,. B"tt"5 u8
C. Co#position
(. (eco#position
23. & ____________ is si#ply the list of things to do to co#plete the
&. .or/ ,rea/ do*n structure
,. ("2< 8$4<$'
C. P<8T
(. CP!
24. These analyses are al*ays di9cult to do %ecause you need to
include intangi%le %ene2ts in the decision situation.
A1 C"stC:#Dt $#$67s!s
,. ,rea/e5en analysis
C. 8eturn on ?n5est#ents
(. Feasi%ility 'tudies
25. 'o#e organi:ations re4uire a preli#inary 2nancial analysis of the
pro$ect %efore granting appro5al to perfor# the detailed planning.
&lthough such analyses are 5ery rough %ecause not enough
infor#ation is /no*n a%out the pro$ect at this ti#e- they *ill o7er a
trip*ire for pro$ect@planning appro5al- that is called"""""""""""
&. Feasi%ility study
B1 -!#$#4!$6 $#$67s!s
C. 8is/ analysis
(. ,rea/ e5en study
Page 5 of &
26. &n o%$ecti5e state#ent should contain four of the follo*ing parts
&. & ti#e fra#e
,. & #easure
C. &n action
27. The follo*ing are the PO' co#ponent parts except
&. Pro%le#Aopportunity
,. Pro$ect goal
C. Pro$ect o%$ecti5es
D1 S6$4< t!5
28. The """"""""""""""""""" pro5ides the input you need to generate
the PO'
,. PO'
C. 8<'
(. C8T
29. _______________ are *hat the 5endors use to deter#ine ho* they
should respond to your needs.
A1 RBust ;"2 P2"8"s$6s
,. Procure#ent !anage#ent
C. Pain Cur5e
(. Pro$ect Boal
30. ______________ is used to relate critical success factors to
%usiness processes.
&. Progra##e Quality
B1 P2"4ss Qu$6!t7 M$#$'5#t
C. Procure#ent !anage#ent
(. ,rea/e5en Point
31. <xecuting the pro$ect plan is e4ui5alent to authori:ing the sta7
to perfor# the tas/s that de2ne their respecti5e $o%s.
&. Planning
,. Csing
C1 EE4ut!#'
(. Crashing
32. .hat is a 5isual representation of a pro$ect;s planned acti5ities
against a calendar calledD
A1 A G$#tt 49$2t1
,. & critical path net*or/.
C. & product Eo* diagra#.
Page 0 of &
(. & Pareto chart.
33. """""""""" is a de2ned chun/ of *or/
!. Bantt chart
B. $4t!?!t7
". Critical path
#. Product Flo* diagra#
34. & pro$ect is typically de2ned in ter#s of scope- ti#e- cost and
*hich other para#eterD
&. ,ene2ts.
B1 Qu$6!t71
C. Tolerance.
(. Controls.
35. .hich structure sho*s the reporting relationships and
co##unications channels for a pro$ectD
A1 ("2< B2$<%"A# St2u4tu21
,. Organisational ,rea/do*n 'tructure.
C. Product ,rea/do*n 'tructure.
(. 8esponsi%ility assign#ent structure.
36. Pro$ect #anage#ent is+
&. Fust li/e any other /ind of #anage#ent %.
,. (one di7erently in the Cnited 'tates and <urope
C. & $o% that should only %e underta/en %y technical sta7
D1 T9 86$##!#' $#% 4"#t2"66!#' "; 2s"u24s ;"2 $ s84!D4
t!5 t" $49!? $ 82@ %t25!#% '"$6
37. Pro$ects can fail %ecause+
&. The pro$ect is planned in too #uch detail
B1 T9 82"34t !s #"t 4"#t2"66% 46"s67
C. 'ta/eholder re4uire#ents are too speci2c
(. Pro$ect ris/s are identi2ed too early in the pro$ect
38. & pro$ect is
&. &n acti5ity *ith a 2xed start date- %ut no end date
,. & nu#%er of ongoing tas/s an organisation underta/es
C1 A st "; $4t!?!t!s A!t9 DE% st$2t $#% #% %$ts
(. & tas/ *ithout a %udget
39. .hich of the follo*ing is not considered to %e part of Pro$ect
8esource !anage#entD
&. .or/ing sta7.
,. !aterials.
C. <4uip#ent.
D1 T!5 $#% 5"#71
Page F of &
G0. .ho is ulti#ately responsi%le for 4uality #anage#ent on the
&. Pro$ect engineer
B1 P2"34t 5$#$'2
C. Quality #anager
(. Tea# #e#%er
G1. (eco#posing the #a$or deli5era%les into s#aller- #ore
#anagea%le co#ponents to pro5ide %etter control is called+
&. 'cope planning.
B1 S4"8 %D#!t!"#1
C. 'cope %ase lining.
(. 'cope 5eri2cation.
G2. Quality is
&. #eeting and exceeding the custo#erHs expectations.
,. adding extras to #a/e the custo#er happy.
C1 t9 %'2 t" A9!49 t9 82"34t 5ts 2Bu!25#ts1
(. confor#ance to #anage#entHs o%$ecti5es.
GI. The %rea/do*n structure the lo*est le5el of the %rea/do*n for
the pro$ect #anager is called the+
&. &cti5ity.
,. Tas/.
C1 ("2< 8$4<$'1
(. Cost account.
GG. The .,' for the pro$ect represents+
&. &ll the tangi%le ite#s that #ust %e deli5ered to the client.
B1 A66 t9 A"2< t9$t 5ust : 4"586t% ;"2 t9 82"34t1
C. The *or/ that #ust %e perfor#ed %y the pro$ect tea#.
(. &ll the acti5ities of the pro$ect.
G5. .hich phase of the pro$ect is li/ely to ha5e the greatest a#ount
of its funding spentD
&. ?nitiating
B1 EE4ut!#'
C. Planning
(. Closeout
G. The lo*est le5el at .,' is one of the follo*ing+
&. The tas/.
,. The acti5ity.
C1 T9 A"2< 8$4<$'1
(. The ele#ent.
Page G of &
GJ. & pro$ect #anager is using a cause and e7ect diagra# *ith the tea#
to deter#ine ho* 5arious factors #ight %e lin/ed to potential
pro%le#s. ?n *hat part of the 4uality #anage#ent process is the
pro$ect #anager in5ol5edD
&. Quality analysis
,. Perfor# 4uality assurance
C. Perfor# 4uality control
D1 Qu$6!t7 86$##!#'
GK. (uring *hat part of the pro$ect #anage#ent process is the pro$ect
scope state#ent createdD
&. ?nitiating
B1 P6$##!#'
C. <xecuting
(. !onitoring and controlling
G=. T*o people are arguing a%out *hat needs to %e done to co#plete a *or/
pac/age. if the pro$ect #anager *ants to /no* *hat is going on- she
should pay !O'T attention to+
&. *hat is %eing said and *hen.
,. *hat is %eing said- *ho is saying it- and the ti#e of day.
C. physical #anneris#s and *hat is %eing said.
D1 t9 8!t49 $#% t"# "; t9 ?"!4s. $#% 897s!4$6 5$##2!s5s1
50. The pro$ect is not co#pleted until+
&. the pro$ect scope is co#pleted- ad#inistrati5e closure is co#pleted
and pay#ent is recei5ed.
B1 ;"25$6 $448t$#4 !s 24!?%. $#% $#7 "t92 2Bu!25#ts
;"2 82"34t 46"su2 $s st$t% !# t9 4"#t2$4t $2 5t1
C. the custo#er is satis2ed and 2nal pay#ent is recei5ed.
(. lessons learned are co#pleted.
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