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NC A&T Alumni Association

Washington, DC Chapter
North Carolina A&T State University
Alumni Association
Washington DC Chapter

Constitution and By-Laws

As revised J une 2004
C&BL revision J une 2004
NC A&T Alumni Association
Washington, DC Chapter

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C&BL revision J une 2004
NC A&T Alumni Association
Washington, DC Chapter
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University Alumni Association, Inc.
Washington, DC Chapter - Constitution and By-Laws
Table of Contents



Section I - Active Members.5
Section II - Associate Members5



Section I - President.....6
Section II - First Vice President...7
Section III - Second Vice-President.....................7
Section IV - Recording Secretary.7
Section V - Treasurer. . .7
Section VI - Corresponding Secretary.....8
Section VII - Financial Secretary8
Section VIII - Chaplain.......8
Section IX - Reporter..8
Section X - Sergeant-At-Arms....8
Section XI Parliamentarian...9

Section I Nominating Committee.9
Section II - Campaign..9
Section III Voting.9
Section IV - Election Committee.9
Section V - Committees Structure....9
Section VI - Ballots and Proxies..10
Section VII - Methods and Use of Absentee Balloting...10
Section VIII - Time of Ba1loting10
Section IX Vacancy10
Section X Family Members as Officers..10
Section XII Family Members as Candidates..11
Section XII Multiple Positions...11

Section I - Members 11
C&BL revision J une 2004
NC A&T Alumni Association
Washington, DC Chapter
Section II - Planning and Development.11
Section III - Policy Making...11
Section IV - Emergency Powers11

Section I Authority.11
Section II Officers..11
Section III - Policy Making...12
Section IV Power...12
Section V Term of Office...12
Section VII Responsibility...12
Section VIII Funding...13
Section IX Reporting Requirements.13


Section I - Standing Committees..13
Section II - Special Committees15






Section I - Regular Meetings16
Section II - Executive Board Meetings...16

Section I Amount...17
Section II Power to Assess Members 17




C&BL revision J une 2004
NC A&T Alumni Association
Washington, DC Chapter
of the
North Carolina A&T State University Alumni Association, Inc -
Washington, DC Chapter


We, former members of the North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University,
hereafter referred to as the University, of Greensboro, North Carolina, being united upon a
common intent, embodying inspiration, scholarship, and school spirit, founded upon open
manifestation, do hereby ordain and establish this Constitution for the organization known as the
N.C. A&T State University Alumni Association Inc - Washington, DC Chapter, hereafter
referred to as the Washington, DC Chapter.


This organization shall be known as the N.C. A&T State University Alumni Association, Inc -
Washington, DC Chapter.


Section I - Active Members

Any graduate, former student or former faculty member of the University, may become an active
member of the Washington, DC Chapter by paying the yearly membership dues, and complying
with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Washington, DC Chapter.

Section II - Associate Members

Any person who does not qualify as an active member may become an associate member by
paying the yearly membership dues, and complying with the Constitution and By-Laws of the
Washington, DC Chapter with the privilege of participating in discussions of the Washington,
DC Chapter. Associate members shall not have a vote nor hold any office, elected or appointed.


The objectives of this organization shall be:
A. To encourage and promote such activities that will best serve the interests and further
the ideals of the University.
B. To encourage persons possessing specialized talents to attend the University.
C. To encourage graduates, former students and former faculty members in this area to
further their education.
D. To promote scholarship.
C&BL revision J une 2004
NC A&T Alumni Association
Washington, DC Chapter
E. To encourage former members of the University to support the local, regional and
national organizations financially.
F. To encourage former members of the University to assist each other in occupational
advancement transfers, promotion, new career etc.
G. To encourage and promote greater interest, participation and cooperation of the
former members of the University in the community in which they reside.
H. To promote goodwill among the former, present, and future members of the


The officers of the Washington, DC Chapter shall be active members in good financial standing
each year no later than the October meeting. The term of office for the Presidents and the
Financial Secretary shall be no more than two consecutive two years terms. The elected officers
shall be as follows:

A. President
B. First Vice President
C. Second Vice President
D. Recording Secretary
E. Treasurer
F. Corresponding Secretary
G. Financial Secretary
H. Chaplain
I. Reporter
J . Sergeant-At-Arms
K. Parliamentarian
L. Alumni House Board of Directors


The duties of the various officers shall be those which usually pertain to the respective official
positions, as defined in the following sections.

Section I - President

It shall be the duty of the President: To preside at all meetings of the Washington, DC Chapter;
to enforce a due observance of the Constitution, By-Laws and Robert's Rules of Order; to decide
all questions of order; to offer for consideration all motions regularly made; to apportion duties
in a timely manner; to call all special meetings; to appoint a nominating committee; to appoint all
committees not otherwise provided for; to be knowledgeable of the content of the official
correspondences pertaining to the Washington, DC Chapter's activities; and to perform such
other duties as this office may require; and to serve as Chairperson of the Executive Board. The
President shall also be a member of the Annual Fund committee.

C&BL revision J une 2004
NC A&T Alumni Association
Washington, DC Chapter
Section II - First Vice President

It shall be the duty of the First Vice President: To perform, in the absence of the President, the
duties of that office specified in Section I and to assist the President in organized programs and
selected projects. In case of resignation or death of the President, the First Vice-President shall
automatically become President for the unexpired term.

Section III - Second Vice President

It shall be the duty of the Second Vice President: To perform in the absence of the President and
the First Vice President, the duties of that office specified in Section I; and to assist the President
in organized programs and selected projects. In the case of resignation or death of the First Vice
President, the Second Vice-President shall automatically become First Vice-President for the
unexpired term. If the office of the Second Vice-President becomes vacant, the unexpired term
shall be filled by an active member selected by the Executive Board.

Section IV - Recording Secretary

It shall be the duty of the Recording Secretary: To keep a book, provided for that purpose, a
record of all of the proceedings of the Washington, DC Chapter, except those necessary for the
Financial Secretary and Treasurer's Offices which will become a matter of record. An official
copy of all records will be maintained on file at the Alumni House in a designated area. The
Recording Secretary is either a member of the Elections Committee or appoints a designee.

Section V - Treasurer

It shall be the duty of the Treasurer: To receive from the Financial Secretary all monies paid to
the Washington, DC Chapter and verify amount received; to accept approved vouchers for
payment of authorized expenses; to disburse payments with approved voucher; to reconcile bank
accounts; to coordinate reconciliation with the Financial Secretary; and to make a quarterly,
written report, of the financial status of the Washington, DC Chapter beginning with the
September meeting. The Treasurer shall be a member of the Budget Committee.

Withdrawals from the Treasury shall be signed by the Treasurer and cosigned by the President or
in the absence of the President, the First Vice-President.

No checks shall be signed and issued without the payee's name, amount, voucher's number, when
applicable, and/or reason for payment as prescribed on the voucher. The voucher number and/or
reason for payment must be indicated in the Note Section of the check. No check shall be
written to cash.

This office shall carry a twenty thousand dollar bond.

C&BL revision J une 2004
NC A&T Alumni Association
Washington, DC Chapter
Section VI - Corresponding Secretary

It shall be the duty of the Corresponding Secretary: To keep a roll of active and inactive
members; to inform members, after confirming with the president, of regular scheduled
meetings; to send out correspondences relating to the Washington, DC Chapter's activities, and
to perform other related duties as directed by the President. In the absence of the Recording
Secretary, the Corresponding Secretary performs the duties of the Recording Secretary.

Section VII - Financial Secretary

It shall be the duty of the Financial Secretary: To receive all monies payable to the Washington,
DC Chapter; to keep an account of all funds received; to maintain financial records of monies
received (including sources, amount, date received, and date transferred to the Treasurer);
receive and approve vouchers. Receives and reviews bank statements. Transfers vouchers and
bank statements to the Treasurer for final action to be kept on file for audit. To prepare monthly
written financial reports; and to perform financial reconciliation with the Treasurer; to turn over
to the Treasurer all monies so received within forty-eight hours for final deposit. The records
shall be available at all times for periodic inspection by the Auditing Committee and the books
shall be audited at least once a year and prior to election of officers. The Financial Secretary
shall also be a member of the budget committee. The Financial Secretary is either a member of
the Elections Committee or appoints a designee.

This office shall carry a twenty thousand dollar bond.

Section VIII - Chaplain

It shall be the duty of the Chaplain to offer prayer at the opening of each meeting and all
devotional services of the Chapter.

Section IX - Reporter

It shall be the duty of the Reporter: To make periodic reports through local and out-of-town
news media of all activities of interest to the Washington, DC Chapter: including all university
publications; and, in general, to concern themselves with giving the general public a better
understanding of the purposes and policies of the Washington, DC Chapter. The Reporter will
serve as Chairperson of the Public Relations Committee.

Section X - Sergeant-At-Arms

It shall be the duty of the Sergeant-At-Arms: To preserve order at all meetings and activities of
the Washington, DC Chapter: and to assume the responsibilities of host or hostess at all meetings
of the Washington, DC Chapter where guests are present. This would include recording
information, such as name, address, and class year, on all guest and forwarding this information
to the Recording Secretary and the Membership Committee Chairperson.

C&BL revision J une 2004
NC A&T Alumni Association
Washington, DC Chapter
Section XI - Parliamentarian

The duties of the Parliamentarian are to know and share information about parliamentary law,
based on the current version of "Robert's Rules of Order," and assist members in proper meeting
procedure and etiquette so that we can accomplish the business of the chapter. The
Parliamentarian should assure that every member will be heard and that the majority will prevail.
The Parliamentarian shall also be the chair of the Constitution and By-laws Committee.


Section I Nominating Committee

Each year, the President shall appoint a Nominating Committee at the J anuary meeting, four
months prior to the election of officers, with instructions to submit candidates names at the
March meeting, two months prior to the May election.

Section II - Campaign

The candidates may campaign for the designated office after approval of all official candidates
by the body at the March meeting. All candidates must run independently and not as a voting

Section III - Voting

The election of officers shall be held at the regular monthly meeting in May of each year and the
results announced as the last order of business of that meeting. The elections shall be by ballot
and shall be determined by a majority of votes cast; and the newly-elected officers will take
office effective J uly 1. The outgoing officers will assist the newly elected officers during the
vacation period to provide for a smooth transition of administrations.

Section IV - Election Committee

The Election Committee Chairperson and members shall be appointed by the President and shall
have full authority to supervise all phases of the election of officers of the Chapter.

Section V Committees Structure

The Committee shall be composed of the appointed Chairperson, Chapter's Recording and
Financial Secretaries or their designee(s) and one member from the following: Constitution and
By-Laws Committee, Chairperson of the Membership Committee and one person selected by
each candidate may serve as monitors of the balloting process. The Chapter Recording and
Financial Secretaries designee shall serve only on the night of the election.

C&BL revision J une 2004
NC A&T Alumni Association
Washington, DC Chapter
Section VI - Ballots and Proxies

All Ballots will be prepared, opened and tallied by the Election Committee members only.
Monitors may only observe the proceedings. In the event of a tie, the tie must be resolved
through a special election within 45 days of the election date. All active members will be
notified by mail of the time, date, and place of the special election. All established rules will
pertain to the special election.

Absentee Balloting shall be made a part of the election.

Proxies shall be made a part of the election. The use of proxies must comply with Roberts Rule
of Order. A proxy is a power of attorney in writing given by one person to another to vote in that
persons absence. The proxy also designates who holds the power of attorney.

Section VII - Methods and Use of Absentee Balloting

Members wishing to exercise their voting privilege by means of the absentee Ballot must request
said Ballot in writing, from the Chairperson of the Elections Committee by the last Friday in

One month prior to the Election, the Election Committee will forward by mail, a Ballot and
return envelope addressed to the Washington, DC Chapter's mailing address with BALLOT
printed in bold print on the front, to the requesting members. Ballots must be received at the
Alumni House prior to the May meeting. The Election Committee Chairperson must announce
the procedures for Absentee and Proxies ballot(s) after the approval of the official candidates at
the. March meeting.

Section VIII - Time of Balloting

The Ballot Box will open at 6 p.m. and close at 8:30 p.m. at the May meeting.

Section IX - Vacancy

In the event of a vacancy occurring in any office, the Executive Board shall have the authority to
appoint a member of the Washington, DC Chapter to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the
unexpired term, except the office of the President and First Vice-President.

Section X Family Members as Officers

The officers of the Association shall be restricted to two persons from the same family except the
Treasurer and Financial Secretary or Treasurer and President shall not be from the same family.

C&BL revision J une 2004
NC A&T Alumni Association
Washington, DC Chapter
Section XI Family Members as Candidates

Candidates for elected offices of the Washington, DC Chapter shall be restricted to two persons
from an immediate family.

Section XII Multiple Positions

No member shall serve concurrently in more than one of the elected positions as listed under
Article IV.


Section I - Members

The Executive Board shall consist of the elected officers and the immediate past President. The
Executive Council shall consist of (a) all elected officers, including the Board of Directors, (b)
the chairpersons of the standing committees, and (c) the immediate past President.

Section II - Planning and Development

The Executive Board shall have the responsibility for providing leadership and guidance in
establishing desired goals and activities for the betterment of the Washington, DC Chapter.

Section III - Policy Making

The Executive Board shall have the responsibility for formulating all policies with respect to
acquiring property, and governing the Washington, DC Chapter.

Section IV - Emergency Powers

The Executive Board shall have the authority to act on any emergency that may occur between
scheduled meetings and/or during the summer recess, but may not spend in excess of three
hundred dollars ($300.00) for any one emergency.

The total spending for all emergencies shall not exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00) before a
special meeting of the Washington, DC Chapter is called.


Section I - Authority

The Board of Directors is hereby perpetuated (established in 1969) under the auspices of the
Washington, DC Chapter to oversee and direct the operation of all real property of the
Washington, DC Chapter. The Board of Directors shall have the responsibility for establishing
the policy and conducting the business of, and relating to, the operation of the Alumni house
C&BL revision J une 2004
NC A&T Alumni Association
Washington, DC Chapter
including the maintenance thereof, scheduling of social functions, and the collection and
payment of all moneys relating to the operation of the Alumni house.

Section II - Members

The Board of Director shall consist of eleven (11) members, nine (9) members of whom shall be
elected, and two (2) members of whom shall be appointed by the President.

Section III Officers of the Board

The Board of Director shall elect a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Financial
Secretary, and Treasurer from among the members thereof.

Section IV - Power

The Board of Director shall make Rules and Regulations for the management and regulation of
its affairs. This information must be approved by the Washington, DC Chapter.

Section V Term of Office

The members of the Board of Directors shall serve terms as follows:
(a) The elected members shall serve terms of three years each, with three (3) members being
elected each year
(b) The two (2) appointed members shall serve terms consecutive with the term of the
President, at the pleasure of the President.

Section VI - Vacancy

Vacancies on the Board of Directors due to death, resignation, transfer out of the area, or
otherwise shall be filled as follows:
(a) Elected member vacancies will be filled by a special election of a candidate if a vacancy
occurs during the first two years of a term and last for the remainder of such term,
otherwise by appointment by the President if the vacancy occurs during the last year of
the term.
(b) Appointed member vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the president for the
remaining period.

Section VII - Responsibility

The Board of Directors, having the responsibility enumerated in this Constitution, shall have
absolute autonomy for operation of the Alumni House subject only to recommendations made by
the Washington, DC Chapter and budgetary restrictions imposed by the Washington, DC

C&BL revision J une 2004
NC A&T Alumni Association
Washington, DC Chapter
Section VIII - Funding

The Board of Directors shall be appropriated adequate funds from the Treasury of the
Washington, DC Chapter quarterly to pay current expenses and shall further have a contingency
fund of five hundred dollars ($500.00) for unforeseen emergencies.

Section IX Reporting Requirements

The Board of Directors shall submit to the Washington, DC Chapter at least quarterly a written
report detailing the activities and financial status with respect to the operation of the Alumni


Any officer or member may be suspended or removed from office or membership, at any time,
by a two-thirds vote of those present at a regular monthly meeting; for any reason deemed
prejudicial to the Washington, DC Chapter Subject to the following provisions: that the officer or
member in question is first presented with charges, and is given a reasonable opportunity to
defend one's self against such charges; and that all members are notified of such pending
removal of suspension action one meeting in advance of the proposed vote.

Notice of the removal of any officer will be forwarded to the National Chapter and the Northeast
Region, N.C. A&T State University Alumni Associations.


All standing committees shall consist of not less than 3 persons and shall serve for a period of (2)
two years, unless otherwise designated.

Section I - Standing Committees

After the election of officers for the chapter, the president shall appoint the following standing

A. Budget
This committee shall make a study of the contemplated actions of the Washington, DC
Chapter and prepare an estimate of their amount of monies to be received and the amount to
be spent for the various purposes of the Washington, DC Chapter during the year.

The Treasurer and Financial Secretary shall be members of this committee, but neither shall
be its Chairperson.

B. Audit
This committee shall examine the record of financial transactions of the Washington, DC
Chapter twice a year. It shall also provide for an annual audit in J une of the Chapter's
C&BL revision J une 2004
NC A&T Alumni Association
Washington, DC Chapter
financial transactions. The audit shall be performed by a committee appointed by the
President. Such audit shall include the total liabilities and assets of the Chapter's holdings.
The Second Vice-President shall be a member of this committee.

C. Constitution and By-Laws
This committee shall be responsible for recommending proposed revisions to the
Constitution and By-Laws of the Washington, DC Chapter. Recommendations of proposed
changes are to be presented to the body in writing at open meeting. This committee is
responsible for updating changes, insertions, and deletions into the Constitution and By-Laws
of the Washington, DC Chapter, as provided by any active member of the Washington, DC

This committee shall formulate and present resolutions to the body that are designed to
strengthen the Washington, DC Chapter and promote clearer understanding of the goals and
objectives of the Washington, DC Chapter.

D. Membership
This committee shall maintain a continuous drive for a 100 percent active membership of
Aggies in the area; and shall endeavor especially to obtain financial support of all Aggies in
the Annual Fund Campaign. The Membership Chairperson is also a member of the Election

E. Social and Recreation
This committee shall be responsible for implementing and coordinating all social and
recreational programs of the Washington, DC Chapter.

F. Benevolence
This committee shall be responsible for maintaining such contact with the individual
members of the Washington, DC Chapter, that attention of the Washington, DC Chapter may
be brought to any instance connected with the welfare of the members (sickness or
financial need). It shall send a card in the case of an active members sickness and report to
the Washington, DC Chapter with recommendations on financial needs. The committee shall
act as a steering committee with respect to community welfare programs in which the
Washington, DC Chapter may participate. When illness or death occurs in the immediate
family (spouse, child, brother, sister, or parents), a card will be sent.

G. Scholarship
This committee shall be responsible for administering the scholarship programs of the
Washington, DC Chapter to include the selection of scholars.

H. Public Relations
This committee shall be responsible for keeping the news media informed of pertinent
Washington, DC Chapter activities, initiate Chapter involvement in community programs
and, with the approval of the Executive Board, shall develop and implement ways to assist in
C&BL revision J une 2004
NC A&T Alumni Association
Washington, DC Chapter
accomplishing these programs. The Public Relations Committee Chairperson shall be the
chapter Reporter.

I. Student Recruitment
This committee shall be responsible for developing recruitment strategies designed to enroll
high school students and non-traditional students at N.C. A&T State University.

J . Annual Fund
This committee in conjunction with the President, shall plan and execute the Annual Fund
campaign to raise funds through individual, corporate and chapter donations.


The President shall identify special committees as appropriate and appoint Chairpersons of said


This constitution may be amended by resolution adopted by a two-thirds vote of active members
present with such amendment proposed in writing by an active member at least one regularly
scheduled meeting preceding the time at which the amendment is voted on, and upon submission
to the Constitution and By-Laws Committee for review.

The amendment shall be distributed to the membership via separate mailing from the
Constitution and By-Laws Committee. Reasons/rationale for the proposed amendment shall be
afforded by the author mailing. The Constitution and By-Laws Committee shall also be afforded
an opinion pro or con the amendment via the mailing.

C&BL revision J une 2004
NC A&T Alumni Association
Washington, DC Chapter


The regular monthly meeting shall be held on the first Friday of each month at the Alumni
House. The meeting shall begin at 7:00 p.m.


A. Call to Order
B. Invocation
C. Reading of minutes of previous meeting
D. Reading of minutes of Executive Board meeting
E. Reading of Financial report
F. Correspondence
G. Unfinished Business
H. Standing Committee Reports
I. Special Committee Reports
J . New Business
K. Remarks of Good Association (Subject to Dictates of the Chair)
L. Singing of the Alma Mater
M. Adjournment


The Executive Board and Council shall meet at least semi-annually to plan and discuss the
programs of the Washington, DC Chapter and to perform such other duties as authorized by the
body. There will be meetings held solely for the Executive Board.


Section I - Regular Meetings

Ten (10) members, other than the President shall constitute a quorum for the transaction
of the business of the Washington, DC Chapter; and the action taken by such assembly
shall be binding upon the entire membership.

Section II - Executive Board and Council Meetings

Seven (7) members, including the President, or designee, shall constitute a quorum for
the business of the Executive Board of the Washington, DC Chapter.

Seven (7) members, of which 3 must be elected officers, including the President, or
designee, shall constitute a quorum for the business of the Executive Council of the
Washington, DC Chapter.
C&BL revision J une 2004
NC A&T Alumni Association
Washington, DC Chapter

Section I Amount

Each member shall pay annual dues of Fifty dollars ($50.00). Yearly membership cards
shall be issued to each member who has paid his or her annual dues. New graduates shall
be allowed a one-year free membership dues waiver.

Section II Power to Assess Members

The Washington, DC Chapter shall have the power to lay and levy all necessary
assessments upon its members. The said assessments are to be levied by appropriate


All important issues brought to the floor at a regular or call meeting may be subject to a ballot
vote. All elections of officers shall be by ballot or absentee vote. Only financial members shall
be able to vote by show of hand at a regular or call meeting. Member must be financial by the
March meeting in order to vote in the May election.

When, or if the Washington, DC Chapter votes to endorse or support a member of the
Washington, DC Chapter for any National elected office, within the Alumni Association, the
Washington, DC Chapter shall render financial support to the amount that may be voted from the

The Washington, DC Chapter shall not endorse or support any member of the Chapter to be a
candidate for National office unless the said member is actively supporting the programs of this


This chapter shall send condolences in the form of a card to members that are sick and shut-in.

This chapter shall send condolences in the form of a card/letter and $50.00 to the family of an
active deceased member in the form of a specified charity donation, flowers or monetary

An active member is defined as one who is in good financial standing or was a member who
supported the chapter faithfully in years past, but due to current illness or illness, which led to
death, prevented their membership from being made current.

C&BL revision J une 2004
NC A&T Alumni Association
Washington, DC Chapter

The rules contained in the current version of Roberts Rules of Order shall govern the
Washington, DC Chapter in all cases to which they are applicable and which they are not
inconsistent with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Washington, DC Chapter.


These By-Laws may be amended by simple majority vote at any regular meeting.

Pamela J ohnson

Respectively submitted,

Constitution & By-Laws Committee
Anthony TJ J ackson, Parliamentarian, Chairperson
Angie Brice
Tracey Freeman
J oey Ruffin

Revised J une 2004
C&BL revision J une 2004

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