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about us

The Ekoonibaje Foundation is a non-governmental and not-for-profit research and policy

organization aiming to promote sustainable development through the planning and
implementation of people oriented programs, targeted mainly at fighting poverty and
bringing about prosperity to Lagos State. This will in turn give the populace a fighting
and survival chance and a future.

The Ekoonibaje Foundation is bringing fresh thinking to environmental and social

challenges, we intend to be key player (in planning, evaluation, management of) in
planning of resources and environmental (remediation.) strategies, which in turn will help
shape the embryonic field of sustainable development.

The Foundation unfolds in the context of positive changes within the City of Lagos. The
key challenges are the issues of energy, water, sustainable communities, environment ,
economy, housing, employment, health, and security. As( these issues are becoming ever
challenging) this issues have become more complex now, our time horizon has
lengthened and our perspective has broadened to include a global panorama; thus, the
introduction of the “thinking globally, acting locally” inititative.

The Ekoonibaje Foundation will work at three levels : State, local, and ward level,
bringing both vision and analytic rigor to fashioning strategies, policies and decision-
support tools. Our strategies will be distinguished by integrated perspectives illuminating
the important linkages across spatial scales and among environmental, social, and
economic dimensions of development.

Thinking Globally; Acting Locally

At this perilous juncture in human affairs, the Ekoonibaje Foundation will(serve) toil
night and day -to advance the(course civilization of sustainability, equity and well-being
of the City of Lagos and its residents through research, education, and action. We will
labour hard to attain the cusp of a new historical epoch.

our programmes
Our Programmes to be initiated will be founded on the following six guiding principles:
Protection, preservation and restoration of the natural environment is a high
priority of the City of Lagos;
 Environmental quality and economic health are mutually dependent;
 All decisions have environmental implications in Lagos;
 Community awareness, responsibility, involvement and education are key
elements of successful programs/policies within the State;
 Lagos State recognizes its linkage with the regional, national, and global
 Those issues most important to the City of Lagos, should be addressed first, and
the most cost-effective programs and policies selected.

The policies/programmes of The Ekoonibaje Foundation will focus on both current and
future City programmes that adhere to the guiding principles listed above and thus
striving to attain specific targets established for the varying locality.

We live in a challenging era, a time when a culture of greed and mania for growth
undermines human amity and degrades the City. Yet, we still have time and the City;
enough to shape an alternative future where the health of the environment, the breadth of
human solidarity, and the quality of lives become the legitimate measures of development
and true wealth.

The Ekoonibaje Foundation is an independent voice for advancing these goals. Rooted in
analytic rigor, the “thinking globally, acting locally” inititative offer's visions of hope and
strategies for change. Now, more than ever, we are committed to researching critical
problems, developing scenarios of the future from the local to the global which will lead
to the dynamic transformation of City of Lagos into the beautiful, working. people
friendly economic capital of Nigeria.

The key to such a “thinking globally, acting locally” inititative transition, is the capacity
and willingness of the residents of the City of Lagos to gain new insights, embrace new
values, and take common actions

OUR PURPOSE(our objective)

The primary interest(objective) of The Ekoonibaje Foundation is to play an active
part(roles) in finding innovative solutions in the context of community and economic
development, transportation, pollution prevention and public health, security and resource
conservation and their impact on the future of humanity in City of Lagos at different
stages of development.
Like in the catch phrase "Eko O Ni Baje", we will do all that is possible to see that the
City of Lagos maintain its steady and continous transformation..


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