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FIDE-CiS FSM Magazine 078

FIDE Chess in Schools

This time of year is awash with sport. In
Brazil, the FIFA World Cup is well under
way, with all the top soccer teams.

On the chessboard, we hae the World
!apid and Blitz Championships in "ubai.
They are the sub#ect of our ne$t special

Tennis also has some top eents. The
French Open finished recently in %aris and
Wimbledon is about to start in &ondon.

This issue of your ma'azine features some
tennis. We hae "#o(oic playin' Bec(er.
Can you construct the se)uence of moes
that led to the position on pa'e *+

We 'ie a 'ame played by ,ir -eor'e
Thomas .photo from Wi(ipedia below/. 0e
was a ery 'ood tennis player 1 he played
at Wimbledon. 0e was twice British Chess
Champion, but his real forte was
badminton 1 he was the world2s best
player in the early 3456s.

In this issue7
5 In the Be'innin'
by I'or ,u(hin
8 "aid . -oliath
Ta(e heart and build your
confidence for 'ames a'ainst hi'her
rated opponents.
* "#o(oic9Bec(er
: -eor'e Thomas9"eos
; &idia Tomni(oa .!ussia/
World u3< -irls Champion
< %uzzles
by F,T =ein O2Connell

Gens Una Sumus
(We are one famil!

FIDE-CiS FSM Magazine 078
FIDE Chess in Schools

In the Beginning Chess Camp 4 by Igor Sukhin
King + rook vs. King + knight

In the Beginning 217 .Chess Cam" #-$%&/
Blac( to moe. Blac( wins the (ni'ht.

In the Beginning 218 .Chess Cam" >9553/
White to moe. White wins the (ni'ht.

217. 1...e2g2 threatenin' 2...g2g1+.

218. 1.h5h8+ and 2.h8h7+.

In the Beginning 219 .Chess Cam" >955</
Blac( to moe. ?a(e a draw.

In the Beginning 220 .Chess Cam" #-$'$/
White to moe. Chec(mate in two moes.

219. 1...e7d6 (1...e7e6?? 2.g5f4).

220. 1.g7g5 .and mate on '< or h*
accordin' to Blac(@s moe/.
FIDE-CiS FSM Magazine 078
FIDE Chess in Schools

David v. Goliath
What do you do when you face a much
hi'her9rated opponent+ "o you simply
assume that you are 'oin' to lose the
'ame+ If you ma(e that assumption, you
will almost certainly be proed ri'htA Or
do you do your leel best, fi'htin' as hard
as you can eery inch of the way+ That2s
the way to ta(e the part of "aid a'ainst
The idea of "aid . -oliath is based on
the mythical tale of the youn' boy "aid,
armed only with a slin'shot, sent out to
fi'ht a'ainst a 'iant called -oliath. A well9
aimed stone from the slin'shot hit the
'iant on the head and (illed him.
Our 'ood friend -? Batalia %o'onina runs
an e$cellent web site .po' and
one of the most interestin' re'ular items
is the section called Da(i) (s* Golia+h ,
U"se+s of +he Wee-*
In that section, Candidate ?aster %eter
Chdano 'ies the most une$pected
upsets of the past wee(. 0e has done this
for D6 wee(s now, so there are a lot of
'ames to be found there.
The usual cut off for %eter2s choice of
'ames is a ratin' difference of 866 points,
but it can be a lot more. ?ost of the
'ames are played between adults, but
sometimes a 'ame between a child and an
adult is featured. One such is the followin'
'ame between an adult rated 5855,
playin' White and a ten9year9old boy
rated more than *66 points lower .3<63/.
The 'ame was played in a tournament in
&a !oda, Albacete, ,pain.
B"#$%: &edro A'to'io (IE) E)TEO

1.d2d* +g8,6 2.+g1-,. e7e6 ..g2
g. /7/6 *.0,1-g2 0$8/7 5.1-1 $7$5
6.$2$* $52d* 7.3d12d* 0,8$5 8.3d*
d1 1-1 4.+/1-$. +,6e* 11.3d1-$2
+e*2$. 11.3$22$. d7d5 12.,1-d1
3d8e7 1..#2#. ,8$8 1*./2/.
d52$* 15././* 0$5d6 16.3$.$2 h7

FIDE-CiS FSM Magazine 078
FIDE Chess in Schools

17.d12d65 [17.f3g5 h6xg5 18.c1xg5
f7f6 19.g5xf6 g7xf6 20.c2g6+ g8
f8 21.g2xb7 e7xb7 22.g6xf6+ b7f7
23.f6h8+ f7g8 (23...f8e7?
24.h8xc8+) 24.h8f6+ g8f7=
(24...f8e8? 25.d1xd6+ g8f7
26.d6xe6+ e8f8 27.f6h6+ f7g7
28.e6f6+ f8g8 29.f6g6) ]
17...3e72d6 18.+,.g5 0/72g26
14.3$2h7+ g8,8 21.3h7h8+ ,8
e7 21.3h82$8

21...h62g57 [21...g2c6!+] 22.g12g2
3d6d5+ 2..,2,. +/8d7 2*.3$8$7
,7,6 25.#1-#2 #8d8 26.#2d2
3d5/5 27.d2$2 $*$. 28.3$72$.
+d7e5 24.g2,2 d8h8 .1.3$.$7+
3/5d7 .1.,2g2 h8d8 .2.0$1-/2
+e5,7 ...3$7$. +,7d6 .*.$2d2
3d7$8 .5.3$./. 3$8$* .6.3/.d1
3$*$7 .7.d2d. +d6$* .8.0/2$1
/6/5 .4.#.#* #7#6 *1.h2h.5
[40."#3x#8 c7x#8 41.#1x#8+ e7x#8
42.$4xb5 $6xb5=] *1...d82d. *1.e22d.
[41.#1x#3 c4e5 42.#3#1 b5x$4%]
*1...3$7d6 *2.#*2/5 #62/5
%edro Antonio2s "ad, #ustifiably proud,
proided the 'ame and photo. %edro
scored >E4 in that tournament in April. 0e
is now rated 3<;6.

*..,.,* g52,* **.g.2,* +$*/6 *5.0$1-
e. +/6d5 *6.3d1-$1 +d52e.+
*7.3$12e. 3d62/* *8.3e.#7+ e7,8
*4.3#7#8+ ,8,7 51.g2,. 3/*$5
51.3#8/7+ ,7g6 52.3/7/8 3$5
d5+ 5..,.e. g6h7 5*.3/8/6 e6
e5 55.,*2e5 3d52e5+ 56.e.d2 3e5
/2+ 57.d2e. 3/2$1+

58.e.e*56 3$1-e1+ 54.e*,. 3e1-
,1+ 61.,.e* 3,1-e2+ 61.e*d5
3e22d.+ 62.d5e6 3d.2h.+ 6..e6
,7 3h.d7+ 6*.,7,8 3d7$8+ 65.,8
e7 h7g8 66.3/62/5 3$8,8+
67.e7e6 3,8,7+ 68.e6d6 ,6,5
64.d6e5 3,7,6+ 71.e5d5 g7g5
71.3/5e8+ g8g7 1-1.
FIDE-CiS FSM Magazine 078
FIDE Chess in Schools

Novak Dokovi! " Boris Be!ker
Fou no doubt (now that many famous personalities also li(e to play chess. The photo'raph
here was posted by "#o(oic on his Twitter feed. It shows him playin' Boris Bec(er in %aris
the day before the final of the French Open .tennis A/ Championship.

There are some stran'e thin's about the position. For e$ample, what route did Blac(2s
)ueen ta(e from d<9b5+ 0ere2s a 'ame played by a real chess player, but one who also
reached the Wimbledon semi9final in doubles.
-eor'e Alan T0O?A, 1 %aul "GHO,
0astin's 34>*9>;

1.e2e* $7$5 2.+/1-$. +/8$6 ..g2g.
g7g6 *.d2d. 0,8g7 5.0,1-g2 +g8,6
6.+g1-e2 1-1 7.0$1-e. d7d6 8.h2h. 0$8
d7 4.1-1 3d8$8 11.g1-h2 +$6e5 11.,2,.
/7/5 12.3d1-d2 /5/* 1..+$.d1 ,8d8
1*.0e.h6 0g7h8 15.0h6g5 0d7$6
16.+d1-e. 3$8/7 17.#1-d1 #8$8 18.,.
,* +e5d7 14.,*,5 +d7/6 21.0g52,6
0h82,6 21.+e.g* d8,8 22.+g*2,6+ e72,6
2..3d2h6 +/6d7 2*.,1-,* g6g5 25.,*
g* g8h8
26.+e2,* ,8g8 27.+,*h5 3/7$7
28.+h52,6 [28.h5xf6 #7xf6 29.h6xf6+
"g8g7 30."g4xg5 "c8g8 and White has all
the adanta'es 9 two e$tra pawns and the
better position. White will win most easily by
adancin' the central pawns.I 10.

FIDE-CiS FSM Magazine 078
FIDE Chess in Schools

#idia $%&NIK%'( )*ussia+ " ,orld -nder ./ Girls Champion
The winners of the championship with distin'uished officials
&idia, a WF? .Woman FI"G ?aster/, rated
only 53;D tied for first with her hi'her
rated collea'ues Ciaziul(ina .58*>/ and
Ibrahimoa .556*/, all three scorin'
<.*E33. Tomni(oa .second from the left
on the picture/ had the best tie9brea(
score and so too( the 'old medal and title
of World Champion.
Tomni(oa won D 'ames, drew three and
lost one, to "inara ,adua(assoa, who was
amon' those scorin' D.*.
As usual, in order to win such an eent,
some luc( was necessary. That popped up
in her 'ame a'ainst Alshaeby Boshra
.rated 3488/, who mi'ht hae won, and
also a'ainst Tran, who blundered badly,
albeit in a worse position.
The top si$ at the end of the eent7

FIDE-CiS FSM Magazine 078
FIDE Chess in Schools

0ere it is Tran, White, to moe.

39.h5f4 e4g3+ 40.f1!e1 (eeps
White in the 'ame.

The 'ame continuation was .4.+,.h*5

.4...#2,2+ *1.,1-e1 [40.f1!g1 "f2
f7+] *1...0$5/*+ *1.e1-d1 ,2d2+
*2.d1-e1 [42.#1!c1 b4$3+ 43.c1!
b1 e4c3+ 44.b1!$1 $3b2&]
*2...d2d5+ 1-1
A conincin' finish by &idia came in her
'ame, as White, a'ainst Ale$andra Botez

25.+g*2h6+ g72h6 [25...g8h8 26.f5
h5] 26.3,5g6+ g8h8 [26...g8f8
27.c1xh6&] 27.3g62h6+ h8g8
28.3h6g6+ g8h8 24.0$1-,*+
[29."e1!e5] 24...+$5e* .1.e12e*
d52e* .1.0,*e5+ 0e7,6 .2.0e52,6+
3d82,6 ...3g62,6+ 1-1.

!emember 1 always loo( at chec(s in a
position 1 both for you and those for your
opponent. If you did not do that in the last
dia'ram, you mi'ht easily miss the win.

FIDE-CiS FSM Magazine 078
FIDE Chess in Schools

Puzzles selected by FST & FM e!in "#$%nnell .www.(

1 White to play. ,imple techni)ue.

Anna ?JCFC0J= 1 "elphine -!A,
World Fouth Ch u3; -irls, Belfort 566*

2 Blac( to moe. "efend the Bf; or BeD+

G'le ?O!=JBAITG 1 Glisabeth %AG0TC
World Fouth Ch u3< -irls, Oropesa del ?ar 344<

3 White to play. "o you see pins : for(s+

Glisabeth %AG0TC 1 Tamara C0I,TIA=OHA
World Fouth Ch u35 -irls, Cannes 344D

4 Blac( to play. A bit more difficult.

Glisabeth %AG0TC 1 C0AO Kue
World Fouth Ch u35 -irls, Cannes 344D

S"&'TI"(S T" P'))&*S

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