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What is advertising?
Advertising is a form of communication for marketing and used to encourage or persuade
an audience (viewers, readers or listeners; sometimes a specific group) to continue or take
some new action. Most commonly, the desired result is to drive consumer behavior with
respect to a commercial offering, although political and ideological advertising is also
common. In atin, ad vertere means !to turn the mind toward." #he purpose of
advertising may also be to reassure employees or shareholders that a company is viable or
successful. Advertising messages are usually paid for by sponsors and viewed via
various traditional media; including mass media such as newspaper, maga$ines,
television commercial, radio advertisement, outdoor advertising or direct mail; or new
media such as blogs, websites or te%t messages.
In &'(', spending on advertising was estimated at )(*&.+ billion in the ,nited -tates and
)*./ billion worldwide.
Internationally, the largest (0big four0) advertising conglomerates are
Interpublic, 1mnicom, 2ublicis, and 322.
Features of Advertising
(. Advertising provides information4 #he basic purpose of advertising is to provide
information about products5services to prospective buyers. #he details of products
such as features, uses, prices, benefits, manufacturer6s name, and instructions to
be followed while using the product are given in the advertisements. #he
advertising message and brand name are also given. #he information supplied
gives education and guidance to consumers and facilitates correct selection of
goods by them.
&. 2aid form of communication4 #he advertiser has to pay to the media for giving
publicity to his advertising message. 7e pays for the advertisement and naturally
he decides the si$e, slogan, etc. given in the advertisement. Advertising is a form
of paid communication.
8. 9on:personal presentation4 Advertising is non:personal in character as against
salesmanship which is personal (face to face communication) in character. In
advertising, the message is given to all and not to one specific individual. #his
rule is applicable to all advertising media including press. 7owever even in
advertising target consumers or target market can be selected for making an
advertising appeal.
*. ;ives publicity to goods, services and ideas4 Advertising is basically for giving
information to consumers. #his information is always related to the features and
benefits of goods and services of different types. Advertising gives new ideas to
consumers as its contents are meaningful. #he aim is to make the ideas popular
and thereby to promote sales. <or e%ample, advertising on family planning, family
welfare, and life insurance is useful for placing new ideas before the people.
+. =asically for persuasion4 Advertising aims at persuasion of potential customers.
Advertising attracts attention towards a product, creates desire to have the same
and finally induces consumers to visit the market and purchase the same.
Advertising has psychological impact on consumers. It influences the buying
decisions of consumers.
.. #arget oriented4 It is possible to make intensive advertising by selecting a specific
market or specific segment of consumers (e.g. children, housewives, etc.) for the
purpose of advertising. #his selection of a specific market is called target market.
Advertising becomes effective and result oriented when it is target oriented. #he
waste in advertising can be minimi$ed through such target oriented advertising.
/. An Art, -cience and 2rofession4 It is now universally accepted that advertising is
an art, science and a profession. It is an art as it needs creativity for raising its
effectiveness. Advertising is a science as it has its principles and rules.
Advertising is now treated as a profession with its professional bodies and code of
conduct for members. Advertising agencies and space brokers function as
professionals in the field of advertising.
>. Important element in marketing mi%4 Advertising is an important element in
marketing mi%. It supports the sales promotion efforts of the manufacturer and
makes positive contribution in sales promotion provided other elements in the
marketing mi% are reasonably favorable. #his is natural as advertising alone is not
ade?uate for promoting sales. Many companies now spend huge funds on
advertising and public relations
@. Areativity : the essence of advertising4 Advertising is a method of presenting a
product in an artistic, attractive and agreeable manner. #his is possible through the
element of creativity which is the essence of advertising. Areativity can be
introduced by creative people (professionals) in the field of advertising. #hey
introduce new techni?ues for introducing creativity. 3ithout creativity,
advertising will be like a body without a soul.
Five Ms of Advertising
An advertiser has to take decisions on the following aspects4
(. Mission 4 #his refers to the purpose5obBective behind advertising. #he obBectives
behind advertising are varied in character. #hey include sales promotion,
information and guidance to consumers, developing brand loyalty, market
goodwill, facing market competition effectively, making the products
popular5successful and introduction of a new product. Cecision in regard to
mission is a basic one as other decisions are to be adBusted as per the mission or
obBective or purpose of advertising decided. <or consumer products like
chocolate, tooth paste, soap, the mission5obBective include facing market
competition, sales promotion and making the product popular in the market.
&. Money 4 #his refers to the finance provided for advertising purpose (advertising
budget). It means the budget allocation made by the company for advertising.
Money provided is a limiting factor as effectiveness of advertising, media used,
coverage of advertising, etc. are related to the funds provided for advertising
purpose. Advertising is costly and companies have to spend crores of rupees for
this purpose. Advertising should be always within the limits of funds provided.
9aturally, decisions on advertising package should be adBusted as per the budget
allocation for advertising. It may be noted that consumer products like tooth paste
or chocolate are highly competitive with many substitutes easily available in the
market. 9aturally, e%tensive advertising on #D, newspapers, radio, etc. is
re?uired. #hese media are costly. 9aturally, the manufacturing5marketing
company will have to provide huge money for advertising purpose.
8. Message 4 Message is provided through the te%t of advertisement. #he message is
given through written words, pictures, slogans and so on. #he message is for the
information, guidance and motivation of prospective buyers. Attractive and
meaningful messages give positive results and the advertising becomes result:
oriented. #he services of creative writers, artists, etc. are used for giving attractive
message to the consumers. 7ere, the advertiser has to decide the message to be
given, the media to be used for communicating the message, the e%tent of
creativity, the specific customer group selected for giving the message and so on.
#he message is also related to the decisions taken as regards mission and money
provided for advertising. <or advertising consumer product like chocolate, the
message is important. #he buyers are mainly children and others of lower age
groups or for the benefit (pleasure and satisfaction) of younger generation. #he
advertising message should be simple and easily understandable with the help of
picture or slogan. It should be also attractive and agreeable to younger generation.
#he pictures or slogans used should be short and impressive.
*. Media 4 Media of advertising are already noted previously. #he advertiser has to
take decision about the media to be used for advertising purpose. Media differ as
regards cost, coverage, effectiveness and so on. #he selection of media depends
on the budget provided, products to be advertised, and features of prospective
buyers and so on. 3rong decision on media may make advertising ineffective and
money spent will be wasted. #his suggests that media should be selected properly
and decision in this regard is important and critical.
<or advertising popular and e%tensively used consumer items like chocolate, the
media should be selected properly. #D advertising particularly a cartoon channel,
advertising in children books or newspaper supplements for children, advertising
on radio programmes for children, etc.
+. Measure 4 Measure relates to the effectiveness of advertising. An advertiser will
like to make evaluation of advertisement in order to Budge its effectiveness. If an
advertisement is not effective 5purposeful, it will be modified or withdrawn. #his
is necessary for avoiding e%penditure on the advertisement which is not effective
or is not likely to give positive results. An advertiser has to measure the
effectiveness of his advertisement programme5campaign and take suitable
decisions. #his decision:making as regards effectiveness of advertising is e?ually
important and essential. -uch testing facilitates introduction of suitable remedial
measures, if re?uired.
Types of advertisement
An advertisement for a diner. -uch signs are common on
2aying people to hold signs is one of the oldest forms of
advertising, as with this human billboard pictured above.
#elevision advertising 5 Music in advertising
#he #D commercial is generally considered the most effective mass:market
advertising format, as is reflected by the high prices #D networks charge for
commercial airtime during popular #D events. #he annual -uper
=owl football game in the ,nited -tates is known as the most prominent
advertising event on television. #he average cost of a single thirty:second #D spot
during this game has reached ,-)8.+ million (as of &'(&). -ome television
commercials feature a song or Bingle that listeners soon relate to the product.
Dirtual advertisements may be inserted into regular television programming
through computer graphics. It is typically inserted into otherwise blank backdrops
or used to replace local billboards that are not relevant to the remote broadcast
audience. More controversially, virtual billboards may be inserted into the

where none e%ist in real:life. #his techni?ue is especially used in
televised sporting events. Dirtual product placement is also possible.
An infomercial is a long:format television commercial, typically five minutes or
longer. #he word 0infomercial0 is a portmanteau of the words 0information0 E
0commercial0. #he main obBective in an infomercial is to create an impulse
purchase, so that the consumer sees the presentation and then immediately buys
the product through the advertised toll:free telephone number or website.
Infomercials describe, display, and often demonstrate products and their features,
and commonly have testimonials from consumers and industry professionals.
Fadio advertising
Fadio advertising is a form of advertising via the medium of radio. Fadio
advertisements are broadcast as radio waves to the air from a transmitter to an
antenna and a thus to a receiving device. Airtime is purchased from
a station or network in e%change for airing the commercials. 3hile radio has the
limitation of being restricted to sound, proponents of radio advertising often cite
this as an advantage. Fadio is an e%panding medium that can be found not only on
air, but also online. According to Arbitron, radio has appro%imately &*(.. million
weekly listeners, or more than @8 percent of the ,.-. population.
1nline advertising
1nline advertising is a form of promotion that uses the Internet and 3orld 3ide
3eb for the e%pressed purpose of delivering marketing messages to attract
customers. 1nline ads are delivered by an ad server. G%amples of online
advertising include conte%tual ads that appear on search engine results
pages, banner ads, in te%t ads, Fich Media Ads, social network advertising, online
classified advertising, advertising networks and e:mail marketing, including e:
mail spam.
2roduct placements
Aovert advertising, also known as guerrilla advertising, is when a product or
brand is embedded in entertainment and media. <or e%ample, in a film, the main
character can use an item or other of a definite brand, as in the movie Minority
Report, where #om Aruise6s character Hohn Anderton owns a phone with
the Nokia logo clearly written in the top corner, or his watch engraved with
the Bulgari logo. Another e%ample of advertising in film is in I, Robot, where
main character played by 3ill -mith mentions his Converse shoes several times,
calling them 0classics,0 because the film is set far in the future. I,
Robot and Spaceballs also showcase futuristic cars with the Audi and Mercedes-
Benz logos clearly displayed on the front of the vehicles. Aadillac chose to
advertise in the movie Te Matri! Reloaded, which as a result contained many
scenes in which Aadillac cars were used. -imilarly, product placement for 1mega
3atches, <ord, DAI1, =M3 and Aston Martin cars are featured in recent Hames
=ond films, most notably Casino Royale. In 0<antastic <our4 Fise of the -ilver
-urfer0, the main transport vehicle shows a large Codge logo on the front. Blade
Runner includes some of the most obvious product placement; the whole film
stops to show a Aoca:Aola billboard.
2ress advertising
2ress advertising describes advertising in a printed medium such as a newspaper,
maga$ine, or trade Bournal. #his encompasses everything from media with a very
broad readership base, such as a maBor national newspaper or maga$ine, to more
narrowly targeted media such as local newspapers and trade Bournals on very
speciali$ed topics.
A form of press advertising is classified advertising, which allows private
individuals or companies to purchase a small, narrowly targeted ad for a low fee
advertising a product or service. Another form of press advertising is the Cisplay
Ad, which is a larger ad (can include art) that typically run in an article section of
a newspaper.
=illboard advertising
=illboards are large structures located in public places which display
advertisements to passing pedestrians and motorists. Most often, they are located
on main roads with a large amount of passing motor and pedestrian traffic;
however, they can be placed in any location with large amounts of viewers, such
as on mass transit vehicles and in stations, in shopping malls or office buildings,
and in stadiums.
Mobile billboard advertising
Mobile billboards are generally vehicle mounted billboards or digital screens.
#hese can be on dedicated vehicles built solely for carrying advertisements along
routes pre:selected by clients, they can also be specially e?uipped cargo trucks or,
in some cases, large banners strewn from planes. #he billboards are often lighted;
some being backlit, and others employing spotlights. -ome billboard displays are
static, while others change; for e%ample, continuously or periodically rotating
among a set of advertisements. Mobile displays are used for various situations in
metropolitan areas throughout the world, including4 #arget advertising, 1ne:day,
and long:term campaigns, Aonventions, -porting events, -tore openings and
similar promotional events, and =ig advertisements from smaller companies.
In:store advertising
In:store advertising is any advertisement placed in a retail store. It includes
placement of a product in visible locations in a store, such as at eye level, at the
ends of aisles and near checkout counters (aka 212I2oint 1f 2urchase display),
eye:catching displays promoting a specific product, and advertisements in such
places as shopping carts and in:store video displays.
-treet advertising
#his type of advertising first came to prominence in the ,J by -treet Advertising
-ervices to create outdoor advertising on street furniture and pavements. 3orking
with products such as Feverse ;raffiti, air dancer6s and 8C pavement advertising,
the media became an affordable and effective tool for getting brand messages out
into public spaces.
-heltered 1utdoor Advertising
#his type of advertising opens the possibility of combining outdoor with indoor
advertisement by placing large mobile, structures (tents) in public places on
temporary bases. #he large outer advertising space e%erts a strong pull on the
observer; the product is promoted indoor, where the creative decor can intensify
the impression.
Aelebrity branding
#his type of advertising focuses upon using celebrity power, fame, money,
popularity to gain recognition for their products and promote specific stores or
products. Advertisers often advertise their products, for e%ample, when celebrities
share their favorite products or wear clothes by specific brands or designers.
Aelebrities are often involved in advertising campaigns such as television or print
adverts to advertise specific or general products. #he use of celebrities to endorse
a brand can have its downsides, however. 1ne mistake by a celebrity can be
detrimental to the public relations of a brand. <or e%ample, following his
performance of eight gold medals at the &''> 1lympic ;ames in =eiBing, Ahina,
swimmer Michael 2helps6 contract with Jellogg6s was terminated, as Jellogg6s
did not want to associate with him after he was photographed smoking mariBuana.
Aelebrities such as =ritney -pears have advertised for multiple products including
2epsi, Aandies from Johl6s, #wister, 9A-AAF, #oyota and many more.
Rise in ne media
,- 9ewspaper Advertising Fevenue
Ne"spaper Association o# A$erica publised data
3ith the Internet came many new advertising opportunities. 2opup, <lash, banner, 2op:
under, adver:gaming, and email advertisements (all of which are often unwanted or spam
in the case of email) are now commonplace. 2articularly since the rise of 0entertaining0
advertising, some people may like an advertisement enough to wish to watch it later or
show a friend. In general, the advertising community has not yet made this easy, although
some have used the Internet to widely distribute their ads to anyone willing to see or hear
them. In the last three ?uarters of &''@ mobile and internet advertising grew by (>.(K
and @.&K respectively. 1lder media advertising saw declines4 L('.(K (#D), L((./K
(radio), L(*.>K (maga$ines) and L(>./K (newspapers).
Fesearch is a procedure of logical and systematic application of the fundamentals of
science to the general and overall ?uestions of a study and scientific techni?ue which
provide precise tools, specific procedure and technical rather than philosophical means
for getting and ordering the data prior to their logical analysis and manipulation.
(. Analy$ing the advertising and marketing strategies of the company.
&. #o analy$e its performance as compared to its competitors.
8. #o identify and analy$e the position of Jurkure in the market.
It is the blueprint for the fulfillment of obBectives and answering ?uestions. It is a master
plan specifying the method and procedures for collecting and analy$ing needed
(. G%ploratory research4 Feached the conclusion on the basis of the research.
&. Cescriptive research4 Aharacteristics of the situation are described.
Data "our)es*
(. 2rimary -ources
Muestionnaires were asked to be filled by the target population. Ciscussions followed,
with the Advertising G%ecutive of the Aompany to get relevant information.
&. -econdary -ources
i. Internet
ii. Articles
Aonclusions and recommendations have been thereby given.
:) #his was the best method, that could have been used which included the use of both the
primary and secondary sources since only the secondary or the primary sources could not
have provided such an in:depth and detailed information.
#he tool used for the study is ?uestionnaire.
,uestionnaire Design
In this proBect, open end method for ?uestionnaire was used because of the choices
available to the customers, and to see the market share of this company.
Target -opu+ation
#he population targeted is the youth i.e. people ranging from age (+ to &+.
"amp+e si.e
+' respondents
"amp+ing te)hni/ue
Fandom sampling techni?ue and convenience were used. A survey was carried out online
through, where respondents were asked the ?uestions.
H3# is one of the largest advertising agencies in the ,nited -tates and the fourth:largest
in the world. It is one of the key companies of -ir Martin -orrell6s 322 ;roup
(9A-CAM4322;N) and is head?uartered in 9ew Nork. #he global agency is led by
3orldwide Ahairman and ;lobal AG1 =ob Heffrey who took over the role in (@@>. H3#
was named Adweek maga$ine6s &''@ 0;lobal Agency of the Near.0

#he company that was to become H3# was founded by 3illiam Hames Aarlton in (>.*.
Aarlton6s company was renamed by Hames 3alter #hompson in (>// to Te %a$es
&alter To$pson Co$pany, by #hompson6s purchase of the company from Aarlton,
which eventually became %' &alter To$pson. It was ac?uired by 322 ;roup in (@>/. In
&''+, the agency was 0relaunched0 by dropping the name %' &alter To$pson in
e%change for %&T.
#he O7all of <ameP at H3#, Celhi (;urgaon) 1ffice.
H3# claims to be the first to4
build the first full:service advertising agency
create the first international network. Its ondon office opened in (>@@. =y (@8',
the agency had established offices in some 8' countries.
pioneer ad careers for women. It hired the first female creative director in (@'>.
create the first:ever testimonial ad (it was for 2ond6s Aold Aream), in (@&+.
invent the grilled cheese sandwich for its client Jraft

in (@8'.
produce the first:ever #D commercial in (@8@.
develop account planning in (@.>.
create the first advertisement in -econd ife (<ord Argentina)
be the first agency to create its own television Ahristmas special in &''@, Macy6s
0Nes, Dirginia0 (H3# 9ew Nork)
Alients of H3# include4
Hohnson E Hohnson
An advertisement campaign carried out by
H3# for the launch of 91JIA 1vi Maps.
0WT 1 India
Aompany 1verview
H3# is IndiaPs most admired marketing communications agency brand. 7ead?uartered in
Mumbai since (@&@, H3# India is a truly integrated network with si% offices across
Celhi, Mumbai, Jolkata, Ahennai, =angalore and 7yderabad. H3# India provides
powerful 8.' degrees total communication solutions to its clients4 Mainstream
advertising; Cigital, Felationship Marketing and loyalty solutions; Gncompass
for e%periential marketing; I2A9 7ill E Jnowlton for 2ublic Felations and 2ublic
Affairs; CesignRH3# for branding, Aorporate Identity and Fetail Cesign -olutions;
#hompson -ocial for -ocial Cevelopment -ector Aommunications, Footmap for Fural
Aommunications; and Cesign A for 8C displays and e%hibitions.
An agency is Budged by the company it keeps. IndiaPs most admired brands choose H3#4
Airtel, Aditya =irla <inancial -ervices, =harti Fetail, 2epsico, <ritoay, I#A, ;odreB,
7industan ,nilever, ;-J Aonsumer 7ealthcare, 7ero Moto Aorp, <ord, 9ike, 9estle,
9okia, evi6s, 2i$$a 7ut, ,nited =rewery, Jingfisher, JelloggPs, #isco and G%ide among
others. H3# works with &. of the top ('' super brands ranked by -uperbrands India, and
@ of the top &' Most #rusted =rands in India as per the Gconomic #imes =rand G?uity
As the future evolves and throws open absolutely new communication opportunities :
from user created content to virtual communities : H3# India is committed to creating
ideas that consumers want to spend time with.
1ur guiding creative principle is the creation of effective and distinctive advertising. 3e
believe that, to be effective, advertising must act as a planned stimulus to evoke a desired
predetermined response. 1ur unflinching adherence to these basic principles has helped
us, Bust the Celhi office to become the fourth largest agency in the world.
A campaign carried out by H3# Celhi, for 7eli% (by #ime%) watches.
-rodu)t -rofi+e
Jurkure is a brand of cheese puffs, developed and produced by 2epsico India, the Indian
division of 2epsiAo. 9amed after the 7indi word for 0crunchy0, the snack was developed
entirely in India. It was launched in (@@@. #he snack comes in numerous spicy Indian
In &''*, actor:celebrity Huhi Ahawla was featured in advertisements for Jurkure. In
2akistan, actor:celebrity 9adia Jhan advertises it.
Masala Munch (1riginal)
;reen Ahutney FaBasthani -tyle
Ahilli Ahatka
#amatar 7yderabadi -tyle
Malabar Masala -tyle
Masala #wists (-olid Masti)
Cesi =eats
9aughty #omatoes
2uffcorn (Nummy Aheese)
2rand #istory
aunched in (@@@, this perfect OnamkeenP snack, developed entirely in India, has come to
be identified with fun and lovable human ?uirks. It developed an even stronger identity
through associations with celebrities like Huhi Ahawla (&''8) and Jareena Japoor
(&''>), well:known Indian actors.
=rand 2romise
Jurkure is a crunchy new:age namkeen snack brand which symboli$es light:hearted fun.
Gmbodying the spirit of India, Jurkure has found a home in millions of hearts and minds
and enBoys the position of a strong ovemark brand in India.
HuhiPs vibrant and fun:loving personality complements and embodies the essence of
Jurkure. 1ver the years, Jurkure has Bourneyed effortlessly from being a snack with a
twist to becoming an integral part of IndiaPs teatime menu and an embodiment of
endearing human OimperfectionsP or OtedhapanP.
=rand Advantage
Made with trusted kitchen ingredients4 (''K vegetarian
All the raw materials used in Jurkure comply with the 2revention of <ood
Adulteration Act and rules that govern the manufacture, distribution and
sale of Jurkure.
All Jurkure ingredients are used daily in households for the preparation of
various edible items.
Jurkure has constantly re:invented itself to sustain its relevance to Indian culture and the
Indian ethos. 9ot only does Jurkure provide an inimitable taste and superior ?uality, it
has also brought fame and happiness to many through its OAhai:time:achieversP face on
pack initiative.
:) aunched in (@@@, Jurkure soon became the perfect 9amkeen -nack of the 9ation.
Gmbodying the spirit of our lovable country, this tedha shaped snack has found a home in
the hearts and minds of all. 1ur inimitable taste coupled with superior ?uality has made
us the choice of millions and an inevitable part of their families. ittle wonder that it is
one of India6s most loved snack food brands.
And we have constantly innovated over the years to keep ourselves continually relevant
to ever evolving generations, going from being an integral part of the tea time ritual to
bringing fame and Boy to faceless individuals (via the Ahai #ime Achievers6s initiative) to
being the epitome of 0#hedhapan0.
And going forward, we will continue to do even more to live up to your e%pectations and
reciprocate all the trust and love you have given us.
-ource4 Jurkure, official website.
S In the OcolletsP category
3 2IN%O Tedhe Medhe
Marketing strategy4
- ;iving +'K e%tra contents in the pack. #his helps tremendously, in pulling
the population towards buying the product.
- Making a fan page on <acebook, and other social media sites to keep the
fans updated and hooked to the brand.
- I#APs =I9;1 is giving 2epsiAo. a run for its money.
- 2epsiPs share in the snack market has dropped from a whooping .'K to
*+K since the launch of =I9;1.
- =I9;1Ps market share at present is (.K and it hope to touch +'K in a
3 -AR$! Fu++Toss
Marketing strategy4
- 3as earlier on, knows as OMusst -ti%P, whose market share as for &''@
was +:/K.
- 2arle hopes to grab a &+K share of the snack industry in & yearPs time.
- #he companyPs market share is >K currently, of the Fs. /+'' crore snack
market and is growing at the rate of &'K yearly.
3 &!$$OW DIAMOND Chu+'u+e
Marketing techni?ues4
- Advertisement through radio is the main means, and appears very
fre?uently. #hus increasing the popularity.
- It is launched in a variety of flavors, giving the customer more choice.
- #he tune and the lyrics of the Bingle are very catchy, thus building brand
3 2A$A0I Chata4a -ata4a
- It claims to have >+K to @'K market in ;uBarat.
- Apart from ;uBarat, it has a strong presence in Madhya 2radesh, FaBasthan
and Maharashtra.
- In &'((, O313T CesignP attempted to add $ing to the product logo as the
previous design lacked brand essence and was losing out on brand impact.
3 #A$DIRAM Ta4a Ta4
Marketing -trategy4
- aunch of a Fs.85: pack. -trategies like these are implemented to target
the lower section of the society. It is Opocket:friendlyP.
- OFecipe Femi%P campaign. #his campaign aroused innovation and interest
amongst consumers, as they were asked to send in entries which were in
conte%t to making recipes using 7aldiramPs products. #he winnerPs recipe
would be printed at the back of the pack.
- 8+K e%tra. ;iving the consumers, e%tra 8+K of contents in the pack
without charging e%tra. #his helps in increasing the sale of the product as
the people are provided with a positive incentive to purchase it.
Mar4et Findings
: Modern #rading -tore
=rands available4
: =I9;1 #edhe Medhe
: 7ACIFAM #aka #ak
: 2AFG <ull#oss
: #raditional #rade -tore
=rands available4
: NG13 CIAM19C Ahulbule
: =AAHI Ahataka 2ataka
: 2AFG <ull#oss
2arent Aompany <rito ay
Aategory Aollets
-ector <ood 2roducts
#agline5 -logan #edha hai par mera hai; #ry tedha yaar
=ridge -nack category between Indian namkeens and 3estern
offerings like potato chips
-31# Analysis
(. G%cellent branding and advertising
&. G%cellent distribution and availability
8. oyal customers
*. 7AAA2 (7a$ard analysis and critical control point)
certification : Australia
(. 7ealth conscious people avoid high fat and cholesterol
&. Aontains large amount of salt, spices and other condiments
8. Aonsists of various added flavors and preservatives
(. everage successful brand 2epsi
&. Advertise more
8. =uy out competition
*. More brand recognition
+. More flavors as compared to =ingo, etc.
#hreats (. #hreat from local substitute snacks
&. =oycott by health conscious people
8. Availability of comparatively more healthy products in the
,56 Do you eat sna)4s?
,76 If yes8 hat do you prefer eating the most?
,96 #o fre/uent+y do you eat sna)4s?
,:6 Amongst the fo++oing8 hi)h 'rand are you most fami+iar
,;6 #o did you get to 4no a'out the 'rand you have
se+e)ted in the a'ove /uestion?
,<6 =eeping taste in mind8 hi)h is the produ)t you prefer to
,>6 When 'uying the mentioned produ)t8 do you even )onsider
your ?hea+th fa)tor@?
,A6 Do you persona++y fee+ that effe)tive advertisements trigger
the se++ing of produ)ts?
,B6 Amongst the given tagC+ines8 hi)h gra's your attention
,5D6 What amongst the fo++oing attra)ts you in a produ)t?
- MaBority of the population i.e. @>K stated that they ate snacks.
- 3afers5chips with a whooping //K were found out to be preferred over
collets and namkeens.
- #he maBor part of the target consumers ate snacks once a week whereas
the least portion included people who intake snacks everyday.
- 7ACIFAM #aka #ak was the most common brand with 8.K whereas
nobody out of the target population was aware of =AAHI Ahataka
- #D commercials were the main source of them, getting to know about the
- =I9;1 #edhe MedhePs taste was the most preferred amongst the lot.
- 1nly a small 8K of the population worries about their health i.e. because
of the salt and spices, etc. when consuming the product.
- #he whole lot believes that effective advertisements trigger sales.
- #he tagline OA twist in every stickP of =I9;1 #edhe Medhe was found out
to be the most liked.
- #he theme and the making of the ad attract peoplePs attention the most and
following it is catchy music and celebrities in ads.
- 3ith the coming in of the foreign brands the industry and the market are
likely to grow but this might be at the e%pense of our own Indian
- Aompetition is increasing day by day due to increase in new players in this
- -ubstitute products available in the market.
- Advertisement should not be too e%pensive as higher the e%penditure on
advertisement, more will be the increase in the price of the product.
- Media should be selected according to the choice of the customers.
- In rural areas, efforts should be made to advertise products5institutions
according to the means available there i.e. newspapers, pamphlets, etc.
rather than internet and so on.
- More attention should be given to effective advertising, so that the
message is conveyed accurately.
- #he advertisement should be attractive and catchy, so that people are
attracted towards buying the product.
- Gfforts must be made to strengthen the comparatively less popular media
of advertisement, so as to spread awareness.
- In order to reap long term benefits, the company should go in for certain
honest schemes
- Dalue for money and customer care4 9ow a days consumers have change
their attitude so, company should give the right cost as they have
alternative choice.
- #he proBect relied mainly on the primary data.
- Aonsumers give a very unclear picture.
- imited time and target population.
- #he study is based on a limited sample.
- <irst attempt to undertake such a study, thus the ine%perience is also an
obstacle to accomplish the proBect in a proper way.
- Cetailed views and opinions of the people couldnPt be asked.
- ack of reliability of secondary data

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