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Fire Alarm Using Thermistor

Many fire alarm circuit is published in different website. But, here in this website is a simple and
inexpensive proect of fire alarm using thermistor. where thermistor is used as temperature sensor of fire
alarm.!or"ing principle of thermistor is same as #$% &change their resistance with change in heat where
#$% change their resistance with change in light fall on it'.
(ircuit $escription of fire alarm using thermistor
The whole circuit of fire alarm using thermistor is build and fabricated around thermistor &T)*' and timer
+( &+(*' with its driver transistor. The timer +( &+(*' used in this circuit is as astable multivibrator oscillator
used to oscillate in audio fre,uency band. The two transistor T* and T- used to drive the timer +( &+(*'. The
output from pin . of +(* is fed to loudspea"er through transistor T. to generate sound. The value of resistor
&%/ and %0' and capacitor &(-' determines the fre,uency of +(-.
The low resistance path of extend positive voltage to the base of transistor is provided when the thermistor
T)* become hot. Further collector of transistor T* is connected to base of transistor T- provides positive
voltage to reset pin 1 of +(* for reset. Fire alarm using thermistor circuit wor"s on wide range of input
power supply voltage i.e. 0v to *-2.
3A%T4 #+4T
Resistors (all -watt, 5% Carbon)
2%* 5 *6 7ohms 2ariable %esistor for changing the sensitivity of the circuit.
%., %8, %9 5 186 :
%- 5 .. 7 :
%1 5 /06 :
%/ 5 18 7:
%0 5 -.- 7:
(* 5 *6 ;F<*02
(- 5 6.61 ;F
(. 5 6.6* ;F
+(* 5 =>/// &timer +('
T* 5 B(/19
T- 5 B(//9
T. 5 4#*66B or any Medium power general purpose =3= transistor li"e? -=1@-- , -=1@-*,-=1-.9,
$* 5 *=166*
T)* 5 Thermistor *6 7:
#4* 5 9 :, *! spea"er
..%ead more http?<<<fireBalarmBusingBthermistor<

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