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P.O. Box 46, Mae Ping
Chlangmal, 50301, Thailand
Paul & Doylene Grimm, 12652 Susan Lane, Garden Grove, CA 92641, Forwarding Agents
July 6, 2000
Dear brother and sister in Ghrist,
Greetings to you In the name of our Lord, King Jesus
Christ. I am very happy to take this time to think about
the greatest blessing that God blessed me by allowing
me to share life with you and joy of Christian fellowship.
I was touched so much by your love and your Christian
love. I pray that God will retum the blessing to you as
at Food
I am very happy to share with you that there are many
exciting things in the Lord's work in Southeast Asia. Our
team in Southwest China had sent the report that they
had finished the translation of the book on facts concern
ing the New Testament Church both in Chinese and Lisu.
They also had printed the first 1,000 copies for the
churches who were hungry for spiritual food. It is exciting
thing because we knew that it is quite impossible to do lit
erature work within China. Praise to the Lord for making
this possible. We are planning to do the translation for the
Tai, also.
From my last visit to Dallas, I met brother Mark Barrier, a
professor at Dallas Christian College. It was a great day
there. We had not met each other before but because we
senre the same Lord, we were like long time friends. He
gave me two great books with permission to translate
and print in any Asian language than I can translate. One
is the "Bible for Busy People in Old Testamenf, and the
other is "Bible for Busy People in New Testamenf wow!
This is a big surprise. I am not waiting to get back to Asia
to start translating these two books. I am reading and
working on Old Testament. These books will be very
easy for new believers to understand difficuit issue in the
Bible. These books will be very handy for farmer in
Southeast Asia to carry with them when they go to field
and read at the lunchbreak. It also good for the Christians
who travel to different villages to spread the good news.
These books are like story telling book. Anybody who can
read will like to carry small book instead of big book.
I had a wonderful time with the brothers and sisters at
Lake Highland Church of Christ. Brother Pat picked me
up at the airport and he took me directly to the church. I
got there at the right time, the staffs were praying. It was
great blessing for me to be with these brothers and sis
ters in Christ. They prayed for me arid welcomed me and
make me feel at home there. I was taken to the Thai
Restaurant called "Tukkata". The food was good but the
people who I had food with were better. That night I had
a good fellowship in the home church with David and
Donjalea and the group. It was very uplifting praise and
prayer home church. Here everybody laid hand and
prayed for me. I spent the first night in Dallas in David
and Donjalea's house. The hails damaged the roof of
their house; the man was still working on his roof that
was damaged by the hail while I was there. It was good
that there was no rain or hail the night I was there, except
the thunderstorm in my room (I snore very loud).
The second day, brother Clint pick me up and took me to
the home church where he and other friends met. He
stopped at restaurant to buy me dinner. 1 was not real
hungry; he bought me chicken sandwiches. It was so
good. I had not had it before in mylife. Itwas so good that
I ate two of them even though I was not very hungry.
The people in the home church were very friendlyto me.
We prayed together and at the end they got around and
prayed for me. I did not know the man that I was going to
stay with that night. Pat only said that I would stay with
two headhunters. One was on Wednesday and the other
was on Friday. I was kind of scared to spend with head-
hunter. I read book on missionary who worked with head-
hunter Naga, in Northeast India, but there is no more
headhunter now. I was surprised that this headhunter
had a big house, his bed was so soft, and I could not
sleep. Ifelt like I was swimming the whole night. I had a
great time at his place, great food and wonderful time
checking mail with his computer. His name is Mark and
he is former Orthodox Jewish. He was something similar
to me. I am former Orthodox Buddhist Monk. He took me
out for sightseeing around the neighbors. Rich neigh
bors. ! could not believe the price on those houses. It
something two million up to 28 million dollars (not Baht).
Thursday night was the time that I met with the mission
committee. I was blessed so much for the honor to be the
cook for the dinner that we had together. Ijust picked out
some food from Asian store where Pat took me. We did
not have rice cooker but we used regular pot and cook
rice the way my mother taught me and came out very
good. I cook tom ka Kai; it was Thai food in American
kitchen. Stir-fried cabbage with noodle, and chicken and
cashew nuts stir fried, and Num prik (hot pepper with
green onion and cilantro mix in soy sauce). About 16
people came. The fellowship was good that everybody
forgot how hot the food was. I saw many people sweat
and have runny nose. Besides having good fellowship
around the table, I was blessed so much to speak in front
of the committee what God had used me in His work and
what I needed. With the love and care that everybody
had for me was beyond my imagination. I went to bed
very late at night. I slept on the floor at Pat's house
because I still had seasick from Mark's bed. I had a good
night at Pat's House.
We got up very early in the morning to go to pray at
church. Brother Jim and brother Clayton were there wait
ing for us. We prayed for missionaries, prayed for the
Lord's works in Dallas, prayed for the power of God to
break the walls of Satan in Thailand, Srilangka and
China. This prayer time was very good prayer time. Tear
came to my eyes and same to each one of us. We had a
great talk with God in that morning at that church build
Brother Jim who was going to Srilangka in the latter
week, took us to the restaurant for breakfast. We had a
long time of encouraging one another there, it was so
good for me to be with these prayer warriors. Brother Pat
took me to brother Jim's house in the afternoon so that I
could spend some more time with him. I had the great
time meeting brother Jim's family. We had lunch with the
best American pizza at his house. From there he took me
and drop me off at another headhunter's house. David
and Nancy was the owner of the ht use. They did not
chop my head off, instead they gave me a wonderful hos
I met new friends from Sudan, Stephen and family. I also
met Christian sister that just got back from Brazil, Sharon
j I Newman. I also met
J WUfiUUftUi Christian sister who
I hospitality and 5,Tsconswhefe'my
I aenerous qift
I name sound very
^ much "Lisu Amy"
in Lisu she
daughter. The night was veryshort because we had good
fellowship and prayer time. Some people left earlier but
David, Nancy and I stayed up till past midnight. Brother
David had prepared me a big bouncing bed, but I chose
the floor. I had good sleep that night. I got up inthe morn
ing and brother David and his wife had made me a big
surprise. David said this to me "Nancy and I discussed
about it and we decided that we will buy a lap top com
puter for you." Both David and Nancy were very serious
and I just felt overwhelm with surprise. Well, a man like
me who saw the first automobile in 1967 and now had a
chance to use this hightech equipment. It was a big, big
surprise for me. I am very thankful to God and to David
and Nancy for their wonderful hospitality and their gener
ous gift.
From David's house I was
transferred brother
Greg's house. I met brothe.r
Greg years ago as
unexpected patient. I past
out kidney stone but I still
have urinary infection. It was very painful experience. I
could not afford to be sick in America; God knew that so
he allowed me to be sick where I could find help. I
remember that Jeane Sloane took me to Dr. Greg Muns
clinic. He worked on me and gave me the prescription for
medicine. I did not have much chance to thank him or get
to know him. But this time 1really get to know him more.
I was blessed so much to be with him and the family. I
was nothing compared to their standard but they had
lower themselves down to meet me and minister to me.
We had very good time of Christian fellowship. In my
whole life I have not been to any place like that before. I
slept on the gigantic bed. I did not know if I used the right
thing or did things right with the bed and the bath. I was
in America for a few times but still had not been into a
place like this.
Well! My heart was touched so much by the love that this
family had for God. On Sunday on our way to church, Dr.
Greg took me to the hospital where he worked as doctor.
We visit two patients. Both were very aged people. I was
very encouraged to be with him and to see him help his
patients with true love and care. I was benefitted so
much just to be with him. The worship service at Lake
Highland was good. The message from brother Jim
Reynolds was so powerful. I enjoyed and I was blessed
so much till it came to my turn to go up to use my ten min
utes time to speak. I was very nervous, i did not know
how to take off and how to make a landing. But God was
so good He carried me through and helped me land after
wondering for a while. Thanks to the Lord for the prayer
and encouragement of the whole body of Christ at Lake
Highland Church of Christ. Before I left for Dallas I had a
good time with the Walker Home group. The food was
wonderful and the fellowship around the table was very
uplifting for me. It was so good to have double blessing
to have fellowship with faithful servants of God like Leroy
Garret and his wife.
I met Leroyin 1982 when he came to teach at Chiang Mai
Bible Institute. He was the man who taught me to use
sticky rice and tea for the Lord's Supper. We could not
find bread and grape juice there. So we use what we had
to have the Lord's Supper. He was also the one who
helped my parents work in the rice field. How could the
Harvard graduate do such a thing. He did it. He is the real
servant of Christ. He showed me how to be like Christ.
Thank you very much my brother and my teacher.
From this lunch I had a short time at Jackie's house for
rest and bath before going to the airport. We got to the
airport on time but I did not get on board at the right time.
It was about 30 minutes late. The flight from Dallas to
Twin City in Minnesota was not smooth as I thought. The
captain said that he had to take plane around and go over
New Mexico and Colorado and then to Twin City because
there was bad weather in Kansas. So 1 in was about two
hours behind the schedule. My shuttle bus from Eau
Claire was gone when I got there. I checked the cab and
the price was so expensive. I check the price of car rental
place and it was even more expensive. I tried to make a
phone call to tell my friends in Wisconsin with the public
phone. But I did not know how to use the card that I paid
for $20.00. It took me the whole night to learn that. This
Is the disadvantage of being primitive. But I am happy
that I was the first Lisu in the world spent a night in that
expensive building. I arrived at the airport at 11:30 p.m.
and got out at 9:15 a.m. on the following day.
During June 26-29, 2000, I was in the camp with young
Christian of Wisconsin, i was one day late because the
extra times that I spent at Minnesota airport. I met good
faculty and good campers there, met friends who I knew
12 years ago and friend who 1 met five years ago. I was
accepted with much love and wonderful hospitality. It was
so good to see how God worked in different people's
hearts. Six young people decided to give their lives to
Jesus and to accept Him as their Savior. It was the sad
time also. Two members of two different churches where
two faculties came from, died in that week while we were
in the camp. Two faculty members had to leave before
the end of the camp. Even though we were in sorrow but
we had joy that they left the present world to go to be with
the Lord in a better place for eternity. The campers were
doing very well in their giving to the mission. Faculties
and campers have given more than $500 toward the hos
tel kids of Thailand. I challenged them that if they could
come out with one-month support for 16 kids ($320) they
could throw me into the take. They were very excited to
see big Lisu man going under the lake. I had fun teaching
my young friends to sing "Thank You Jesus in My Heart"
in five languages: English, Lisu, Hmong, Thai and
Visits Ladysmith, Wisconsin
On the following Sunday, I was invited to speak at
Ladysmith First Church of Christ, where brother Russ
Kinney ministers. My nephew Danai and my long time
Hmong preacher friend Chong Chang Her took me there
early in the morning. I spoke for two services. I did not
know how the services would be like. I did not know
whether the message would fit or not. But everything
turned out very good. I sang with my young friends that
were with me In the camp. We sang in five languages to
give thanks to God for the freedom that we had both
physically and spirituality. Ladysmith was a church that I
met many new friends and they still consider me as their
friend. Russ Kinney also introduced me to golf. I did not
become somebody like Tiger Woods. Compare to Tiger
Woods I am more like Tiger Food. I am very dangerous
golf player in the world. Anybody around me could end up
in the hospital. Helen Dodson, the lady who owns the golf
course, came to me after the service and told me that I
was welcomed there any time. Just come and play (I think
I should play by myself so that nobody would get hurt. Ha
Ha Ha). It was a good worship service and fellowship time
there. The only negative thing was that I miss some of my
long time friends; some had gone for a week long vaca
tion; and some had moved to different churches.
Right now i am with my family in St. Ignace, Michigan. It
is very peaceful place. We are at a very beautiful place.
We can see the lake from where we live. The Hmong
friends who we are staying with are very loving and car
ing Christian family. We hope we will stay here till they
run out of rice.
Just last week that I heard that the church in Xang Lai
Mo, Southwest China, is doing well. Timothy, a young
man that work with me for many years now, is serving
with 38 Christian assemblies in that area.
Timothy is not highly educated in secular education but
he was highly educated in the words of God. I used my
monthly support to send him and his wife to Chinese
Bible Seminary in Myanmar. Now he is back in his home
country serving the Lord Jesus. He works with 38 church
es plus God is leading him to work with city people, gov
ernment officers. Many people who were his classmates
in middle school now are working in government office.
This Timothy of mine and of course of the Lord Jesus
went and shared Jesus with his people. Many had
accepted and they start coming to church. This is great
news to me but this is risky for a man to go and convert
government officers or working in the city. Please pray
that God will protect our brother Timothy.
When I think of the village kids in the mountains of
Thailand, I see dirty, sickly and skinny boys and girls. The
world has gone so far ahead of them. Some of the hill
tribe people had to catch up with the world development.
Some had the success some did not. Some made the
right choice some did not make the right choice. One of
the choices that they made was to get rich by dealing
drugs. With the ways tribal people live and work they
become probiem. Outsiders approach them as a prob
lem. I remember reading a book that tell how will it effect
on people if we keep telling or treating them that they are
in problem or they are not equal to the rest of the world.
I am happy that God had blessed our Pamai Dang
Christian Hostel, through the donation of Lake Highland
Church of Christ. With $5,000 we were able to build a
dormitory for boys and girls. The building has three big
rooms. Boys in one room and girls in one room with the
big room in between for dorm parents. The kids get up at
five in the morning to have praise and prayer devotion.
They will go to school at seven after finish cleaning and
eating. Joseph Leeja, their dorm dad, will take them to
school and pick them up at four with the truck that was
purchased by the Lord's money three years ago. When
the kids get home they will do homework, play and then
they learn new praise songs and have Bible study with
On weekend, Sam from Chiang f^ai Bible Institute, will
come and help the team.
A few days ago I got the message from Doris Downey
said, "some of the kids' parents came and was very
happy that the children were taken care so well and they
all were fat." Fat is what people in this country do not like
but in the villages on the mountain of Thailand. I was very
thankful to the Lord that we can serve God and serve
needy people and make the difference in the lives of poor
i hope that my newsy letter will not make you tired. I pray
that you all have a good summer, fvlay God bless you
and grant you wisdom, good health and wealth.
With joy in serving Him together with you,
Your brother Ahtapah Sinlee
You shall know the Truth
and the Truth shall set you free.
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