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txt 1523 2013-07-24 22:23:27Z dcollins $

This document provides links on getting started with the World Wind Java SDK, pr
ovides instructions on running the a
World Wind demo application, and outlines the key changes between each World Win
d Java SDK release.
Getting Started With the World Wind Java SDK
Key files and folders in the World Wind Java SDK:
- build.xml: Apache ANT build file for the World Wind Java SDK.
- src: Contains all Java source files for the World Wind Java SDK, except the Wo
rld Wind WMS Server.
- server: Contains the World Wind WMS Server Java source files, build file, and
deployment files.
- lib-external/gdal: Contains the GDAL native binaries libraries that may option
ally be distributed with World Wind.
Links to important World Wind sites that will help you get started using the Wor
ld Wind Java SDK in your
World Wind Developer's Guide:
World Wind Main Website:
World Wind Forum:
World Wind API Documentation:
World Wind Bug Base:
Running a Basic Demo Application
To run the basic demo on Mac OS X or Linux:
1) Open a terminal.
2) cd to the World Wind release folder.
3) chmod +x run-demo.bash
4) ./run-demo.bash gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.ApplicationTemplate
To run the basic demo on Windows:
1) Open a command prompt.
2) cd to the World Wind release folder.
3) run-demo.bat gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.ApplicationTemplate
Your computer must have a modern graphics card with an up-to-date driver. The s
ource of most getting-up-and-running
problems is an out-of-date graphics driver. To get an updated driver, visit your
graphics card manufacturer's web site.
This will most likely be either NVIDIA, ATI or Intel. The drivers are typically
under a link named "Downloads" or
"Support". If your computer is a laptop, then updated drivers are probably at th
e laptop manufacturer's web site rather
than the graphics card manufacturer's.
Using World Wind on Windows or Linux 64-bit
NOTE: Running World Wind on Linux currently (1/21/13) causes a JVM crash. We hav
e not been able to run release 1.5.0
on Linux, including Ubuntu, CentOS and Fedora versions using the current Oracle
JVM (both Java 6 and Java 7). See to track this issue.
To run World Wind on Windows with a 64-bit Java Virtual Machine, you must extrac
t the 64-bit native libraries:
1) Open a terminal.
2) cd to the World Wind release folder.
3) jar xf jogl-natives-windows-amd64.jar
4) jar xf gluegen-rt-natives-windows-amd64.jar
This will replace the 32-bit JOGL libraries with 64-bit libraries.
64-bit libraries for Linux are not included with the release, but can be downloa
ded from:
Follow instructions above to extract the archives into the World Wind release fo
New features and improvements in World Wind Java SDK 1.5.1 - July 24, 2013
- Repaired an issue where the DTED file reader incorrectly added a 1/2 pixel bor
der to the DTED bounding box.
- Repaired an issue where the WWJ data importer's BIL writer output BIL world fi
les with an incorrect pixel size.
- Modified the DTED file reader to interpret values outside the practical range
of [-12000,+9000] as missing values.
See MIL-PRF-89020B sections 3.11.2 and 3.11.3 for more information on why this
change is valid for DTED files.
New features and improvements in World Wind Java SDK 1.5.0 - January 21, 2013
- See for a description of this release's major
NOTE: Running World Wind on Linux currently (1/21/13) causes a JVM crash. We hav
e not been able to run release 1.5.0
on Linux, including Ubuntu, CentOS and Fedora using the current Oracle JVM (both
Java 6 and Java 7). See to track this issue.
- Added global text decluttering. See the ClutterFilter and Declutterable interf
- Added support for refreshing KML icons.
- Added support for applying Earth Gravitational Model offsets (EGM96) to Ellips
- Added support for HighResolutionTerrain line intersection.
- Added an OpenStreetMap layer provided by a NASA hosted MapServer instance.
- Added delegate owner support to ScreenImage.
- Added a section to the Javadoc overview outlining the behavior of World Wind p
ath types.
- Added static utility methods for equirectangular interpolation to LatLon.
- Added the PersistSessionState example, which demonstrates how to persist a ses
sion's layer and view state.
- Removed erroneous inclusion of the BGCOLOR parameter in WMS elevation requests
. This parameter causes GeoServer to return an exception.
- Increased the texture cache size from 300 MB to 500 MB.
- Improved shutdown behavior by simplifying automatic retrieval of WMS capabilit
ies documents in WMSTiledImageLayer and WMSBasicElevationModel.
- Improved the performance of SectorGeometryList.getSurfacePoint.
- Repaired Path and Polyline's handling of the LINEAR path type.
- Repaired Path and Polyline's handling of the LOXODROME alias for RHUMB_LINE pa
th types.
- Repaired an OpenGL state leak of GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER binding in terrain re
- Repaired an OpenGL state leak of the normal pointer binding in COLLADA models,
which caused a JVM crash on certain machines.
- Repaired BasicShapeAttributes' handling of the enableLighting attribute in its
restorable state.
- Repaired Matrix.getInverse, which now returns a correct inverse for all nonsin
gular matrices.
- Fixed an issue where World Wind does not compile on Java 7 in IntelliJ IDEA.
- Fixed a regression bug where Box ignores the R axis while computing its effect
ive radius.
- Fixed a bug where enabling Path lighting caused the JVM to crash.
- Fixed a bug where enabling ExtrudedPolygon side lighting with cap lighting dis
abled caused a NullPointerException.
- Fixed a bug where the MIL-STD-2525 Fire Support Line graphic appears in the wr
ong place.
- Fixed a bug preventing COLLADA models from updating after a position change.
- Fixed a bug in Triangle.intersectTriangleTypes preventing triangle strip inter
section from operating correctly.
- Fixed a bug in WMSTiledImageLayer causing WMS 1.3 GetMap requests to use the W
MS 1.1.1 "srs" query parameter for coordinate system.
- Fixed a bug in WMSBasicElevationModel causing WMS 1.3 GetMap requests to use t
he WMS 1.1.1 "srs" query parameter for coordinate system.
- Fixed a bug where clicking in browser balloons or view controls prevents focus
- Fixed a bug where the MeasureToolUsage example hangs on Mac.
- Fixed a bug where the WorldWindDiagnostics app hangs on Mac.
- Fixed a bug where the Path shape changes the default shape attributes and affe
cts the color of other AbstractShapes.
- Fixed a bug preventing the copying of text from browser balloons.
- Fixed a bug where keyboard input did not work in browser balloons.
- Modified MIL-STD-2525 symbol code parsing to correctly handle symbol modifier
codes without an echelon in the second character.
- Modified MIL-STD-2525 symbol code parsing to correctly compose the modifier co
de for the feint/dummy installation modifier.
- Modified MIL-STD-2525 TacticalGraphicFactory to enable application configurati
on of MIL-STD-2525 implementation classes.
- Modified MIL-STD-2525 TacticalGraphicSymbol to enable subclasses to change and
extend the symbol layout.
- Modified SurfaceText to add control over the text size in meters.
- Modified the World Wind release build script to include the resources director
y. This directory is missing from the
World Wind 1.3 and 1.4 releases, and will be included in all subsequent releas
New features and improvements in World Wind Java SDK 1.4.0 - July 20, 2012
- See for a description of this release's major
- Calculate expiration time using the difference between the Expires and Date he
aders. This guards against clock skew between client and server.
- Added ZeroElevationModel example.
- Fixed bug in KML NetworkLinkControl. NetworkLinkControl expiration time should
be read from NetworkLinkControl in the target document, not the document that c
ontains the link. Added test file to make sure that the NetworkLinkControl expir
ation time takes priority over expiration time set in the HTTP headers.
- Modified pre-cache methods of HighResolutionTerrain to throw InterruptedExcept
ion rather than converting it to WWRuntimeException.
- Added example that shows how to build a custom renderable.
- Removed normalization of line in HighResolutionTerrain intersection calculatio
ns. Added pre-caching by Sector to HighResolutionTerrain.
- Implemented expiration of KML NetworkLinks expiration set in HTTP headers.
- Added missing constant for Drop Zone graphic to list of supported graphics in
BasicArea. (Reported in forum:
t=33071). Added unit test to make sure that the tactical graphic factory support
s all of the graphics that are listed as supported at
- Added documentation to the Globes package.
- Added Bing imagery to default layer list.
- Minor corrections to HighResolutionTerrain.
- Added readme file for Windows WebView implementation.
- PhaseLine class did not include Release Line in its list of supported graphics
- Corrected problem in SurfaceObjectTileBuilder that caused surface shapes to ap
pear blurry when drawn in a small window. See
- Added COLLADA files to KML manual test instructions.
- Added missing icon for MIL-STD-2525C Forward Edge of Battle Area (FEBA) graphi
c in Anticipated state. Apply changes in status to the FEBA symbols. See http://
- Modified KMLRoot.parse to only accept XML documents that begin with a tag from
the KML schema. This allows malformed KML documents that do not contain a <kml>
root tag to be parsed, but does not allow COLLADA files to be accidentally pars
ed as KML. Changed KMLRoot.resolveRemoteReference to make sure that a file was s
uccessfully parsed before returning a KMLRoot. These changes allow KML files tha
t contain COLLADA models to be loaded by URL (for example
- Enable backface culling in COLLADA models. Some models (such as http://sketchu
0) do not render correctly without culling.
- Modified globe-dragging code to use the terrain object even if it's not the to
p object.
- Use one buffer in ColladaMeshShapes for vertex coordinates, normal vectors, an
d texture coordinates.
- COLLADA documentation.
- Do not convert entities in EntityMap to lower case. The entities are case sens
itive. Also fixed error in the entity map. &lang; and &rang; entities were liste
d twice.
- Fixed infinite loop in EntityMap.replaceAll. The loop never terminated when an
entity was matched in the input string that did not have a replacement. See ht
- Marked XMLEventParserContext.resolveInternalReferences as deprecated. This met
hod was an early attempt to handle KML reference resolution that was accidentall
y left in the code. This reference resolution is now handled by KMLRoot and KMLS
- Set position of COLLADA node shapes every frame so that the nodes will pickup
changes in the ColladaRoot position. Added test program that moves a model along
a path.
- Split COLLADA number array strings on any whitespace, not just spaces.
- Added a test program to load a COLLADA file directly (not part of a KMZ archiv
- Added package document for COLLADA packages.
- Modified MeasureToolController to use the terrain position for rubber-banding
rather than the current position, which incorporates shape positions in addition
to terrain. Also modified MeasureTool so that the readouts both on-screen and i
n the position-list panel correspond.
- Modified ScreenCreditController placement factors and enabled it by default.
- Added Bing image layer.
- Fixed NullPointerException thrown while attempting to render a 2525 target gra
phic without a text string. Also, do not put "null" into a route graphic's text
if the text modifier is missing. See
- Fixed bug in MIL-STD-2525C Route class. Route was incorrectly applying route h
ighlight attributes to the normal attributes of the control points.
- Highlight a COLLADA model as a single unit.
- Removed quirky logic in BasicDragger that computed a different reference point
based on the current altitude. This logic was implemented several places in the
WW system and has proven to be problematic because the calculations don't come
close to the results computed by the alternative logic.
- Reverted change 578 that was specifying EPSG:4326 but lon/lat ordering, which
is incorrect for that CRS. The original specified CRS:84, which has lon/lat orde
- Cache results of some computations in ColladaMeshShape.
- Added support for COLLADA bind_vertex_input element.
- Added configuration for DocumentSource to KML parser and double_sided to COLLA
DA parser. These elements are included in most files produced by SketchUp.
- Added parser configuration for COLLADA elements that are valid COLLADA markup,
but are not used by World Wind. This eliminates warnings about unsupported XML
tags when parsing some COLLADA files.
- Fix bug that prevented the TacticalGraphicFactory from creating the MIL-STD-25
25C Unmanned Aircraft Route graphic.
- Apply KML Model's scale and orientation to COLLADA shape.
- Added support for COLLADA lines primitive.
- Support COLLADA nodes that contain multiple instance_geometry elements.
- Do not apply material to COLLADA shapes when in picking mode.
- Reset ColladaTraversalContext between traversals (fixes bug applying transform
matrix). Check to make sure that a COLLADA model has geometry before trying to
create a shape for it.
- Do not retrieve network links in inactive regions. Even though KMLNetworkLink
extends KMLAbstractContainer, it should behave a feature for purposes of region
- Several small optimizations to COLLADA and KML network link code. Mostly cachi
ng results of hash map lookups that are accessed many times while rendering a de
ep tree of network links.
- Augmented documentation for WorldWindow.getGpuResourceCache() to indicate that
it should not be called by applications.
- Modified ColladaTriangleMesh to render all the Triangles elements in a COLLADA
node instead of just one. This allows batch rendering to work correctly, and el
iminates unnecessary GL state switching.
- Compute extent of COLLADA model for view frustum culling. Extent calculation d
oes not yet handle nodes that are rendered multiple times with different transfo
- Changed KMLUtil.getPositions to handle Model geometry.
- Added test files for COLLADA models.
- Added flag to override horizon clipping in PointPlacemark.
- Use one ordered renderable to draw an entire COLLADA node, instead of one for
each shape within the node. Some COLLADA models render the same geometry multipl
e times with different materials, and treating each piece as its own ordered ren
derable was causing z-fighting.
- Support loading COLLADA from a URL.
- Moved EntityMap to core to remove core dependency on worldwindx package.
- Added support for resource maps in KML models.
- ColladaTriangleMesh now creates a new object to represent the mesh as an order
ed renderable. We can't add the mesh itself to the ordered renderable queue beca
use the same mesh may be rendered multiple times with different transform matric
- Partial handling of materials defined in COLLADA models.
- Moved parallel path generator methods to WWMath.
- Added equality test to TiledImageLayer's test for expired texture tiles.
- Made TextureTile.updateTime atomic.
- Improved how COLLADA code finds the texture for an effect. Now actually uses t
he shader element to locate the texture instead of just grabbing the texture fro
m the param element.
- Added COLLADA schema (version 1.4.1).
- Convert units COLLADA doc to meters.
- Added support for transform matrices in COLLADA nodes.
- More work on COLLADA textures. Resources with a KMZ are now resolved correctly
- Added CacheLocationConfiguration example.
- Made the renderables collection in RenderableLayer protected rather than priva
- Apply textures to COLLADA models.
- Fixed bug that caused TacticalSymbol text to not change opacity when the symbo
l opacity changed. See
- Fixed a bug which can cause a TacticalSymbol to incorrectly reuse a partially
complete cached layout, causing the symbol to render without a graphic modifier
that was not available when the layout was computed. See http://issues.worldwind
- Changed border on Alternative Operational Condition modifiers from white to bl
ack. Black looks better, and matches the examples images in MIL-STD-2525C (pg 19
- Draw 2525 Alternate Operational Condition when the SymbologyConstants.OPERATIO
NAL_CONDITION_ALTERNATE modifier is set. See http://issues.worldwind.arc.nasa.go
- Handle resolution and rendering of COLLADA instance_nodes. Added generic class
ColladaLibrary that handles all COLLADA library elements.
- Added method to read data from a COLLADA accessor into a Buffer.
- Repaired DTED reader per forum post
- Added classes for parsing Collada files.
- Marked SymbologyConstants.SHOW_LOCATION as deprecated. Use TacticalSymbol.setS
howLocation instead.
- Performance improvement in TacticalGraphicLabel: Cache the bounds of each line
of text. Computing text bounds is expensive, and only needs to happen when the
text or text size changes.
- Modified Sector.splitBoundingSectors to handle the edge case where the radius
of the circle is equal to one quarter of the globe radius. (tan(r) is not define
d in this case.)
- Modified Sector.computeBoundingBox to compute the correct bounding box for a s
ector that spans 360 degrees of longitude. This resolves problem picking surfac
e shapes that cover a pole.
- Fixed problem in AbstractSurfaceShape: bounding sector was not computed correc
tly for a polygon that enclosed a pole.
- Changed how Sector.splitBoundingSector(LatLon,double,Globe) computes min and m
ax longitude. The previous method did not compute the correct bounding sector wh
en the circle was close to a pole.
- Corrected documentation on SurfaceImageLayer.addImage. The error was reported
- Use StringBuilder instead of StringBuffer in Sector.toString. This object is o
nly used by one thread, so there's no reason to use a StringBuffer.
- Fixed rendering of surface shapes that cover either the North or South pole.
- Reapply: Disable writes to depth buffer in AbstractShape when the shape is tra
- Disable writes to depth buffer in AbstractShape when the shape is transparent.
- Commented out Path optimization that was causing Paths' eye distance not to be
- Updated address of USGS NAIP.
- Corrected globe-based calculation of icon point to account for the elevation.
- Reduced the test for equality when checking WMS server names.
New features and improvements in World Wind Java SDK 1.3.0 - April 27, 2012
- 2525C Symbology
- KML NetworkLinkControl and Update
New features and improvements in World Wind Java SDK 1.2.0 - July 19, 2011
- KML file parsing and display.
- Improved Shapefile parsing and display performance.
- GeoJSON file parsing and display.
- Vector Product Format (VPF) database parsing and display
- Web-browser balloons on Mac OS X and Windows that display HTML5 and JavaScript
- 3D polygon and extruded polygon shapes.
- 3D rigid shapes: ellipsoid, wedge, cylinder, cone, pyramid, box.
- Improved 3D path/polyline shape.
- Editors for 3D polygon and extruded polygon shapes.
- Editors for 3D rigid shapes.
- Line of sight intersections with 3D shapes and high-resolution terrain.
- Improved on-screen layer manager. Integrated with KML file parsing and display
- Image and elevation data import using GDAL.
- Adds support for most common image and elevation data formats.
- Reduces the hard drive footprint and time required to import large datasets.
- Bulk download / cache building support for surface image layers, place name la
yer, and elevation models.
- Screen credit support for surface image layers.
- New high resolution topographic maps for the United States.
- High resolution NAIP imagery for the United States.
- Improved image layer rendering performance.
- Improved XML parsing performance.
- WorldWindow application framework.
- Simplified project structure and build scripts.
- Applications and examples separated into a new JAR file: worldwindx.jar.
- WMS server integrated into the World Wind project.

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