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How to optimize your code

February 6th, 2011

Disclaimer 1: This post was influenced heavily by my good friend, co-worker, and Haskell hacker Evan.
Disclaimer 2: Unless otherwise noted, I am completely making up terms in this article. I pulled them
right out of the ether. Dont expect to find industry conventions that agree with me.
Bob is a fictitious developer on my software team, who suggested that we could speed up some of our
Qt/C++ code. The code under scrutiny is this:
for(int i=0; i<someList.count(); i++)
SomeClass *ptr = someList[i];
// Do something with "ptr" here
Bob suggested that we do this instead:
SomeClass *ptr;
for(int i=0; i<someList.count(); i++)
ptr = someList[i];
// Do something with "ptr" here
Notice how we moved the ptr declaration outside the loop? That way, Bob surmised, the program
doesnt allocate memory for ptr once per iteration of the loop. That should speed things up, right?
This is an example of what I call Intuition-based Optimization, or IBO for short. IBO is a method of
speeding up your code where the only tool you use is the raw power of your brain. Its where you apply
human intuition to optimize your code, and no other tools, like profilers or measurements of any kind.
When you use IBO to speed up your code (or attempt to speed up your code), you should always
remember the first and only rule of IBO:
The First and Only Rule of IBO: You are wrong.
Theres only one rule. You are wrong. If your computer program has a performance problem, and all
youve done is think about what might be causing it and try to fix it, even if you use the almighty
power of your human brain, which in its own right is a pretty advanced computer, you are wrong. You
just are. Even if you arent wrong (hint: you are wrong), and the only tool you use for optimizing your
code is IBO, then you dont have a way to measure the effect of your code changes on your programs
actual speed.
All but the most obvious performance problems require tools to measure the effect of your code
changes, and the most heinous problems require tools to identify where the bottle-necks are even
Ive lost track of the number of times Ive used IBO to try to speed up some code, and failed. For
example, it should be faster to use a hash-based lookup, like QHash, instead of a BST-based lookup,
like QMap, in theory. In practice, though, there are other considerations. How many elements are in
your data structure? How fast are the elements hash-code functions vs. their comparison operators?
Just because an algorithm is O(1) doesnt mean its faster than an O(n) algorithm. There are just too
many other variables besides order of complexity (not to mention, big O notation really only applies
to theoretically very large datasets anyway).
So, if Intuition-based Optimization is so crappy at actually making code faster, then what is the right
Evidence-based Optimization
Or EBO, for short. This is where you use actual evidence to diagnose performance problems and
measure the speed impact of your code changes. There are several techniques for doing this. Lets look
at a few.
Technique 1: The time command
In the simplest of situations, all you want to know is how long it takes your (command line) program to
run. If youre using a Unix-ish operating system like Linux or Mac OS X, you can use the time
command to do this. Heres an example:
$ time some-program

real 0m2.235s
user 0m0.155s
sys 0m0.075s
In a nutshell, the time command will tell you how long your program took to run. Look at the real
time to get this info. The other two times listed tell you a little about where your program spent its time,
and you can read a lot of cryptic details about these numbers from the time man page. For most simple
applications, the real time is adequate.
Technique 2: Measuring time in your program
A more common case is that a subset of your application is running slowly, but you dont know
exactly where. Maybe you have an educated guess where the code is getting bogged down, but you
want to use actual evidence to identify the code that is causing the problem (congratulations on wanting
to use evidence instead of intuition by the way).
If youre using Qt and C++ (which by the way is the only non-insane way to write C++ code), you can
use the QTime class to do this. If you are using version 4.7 or newer, you can use the QElapsedTimer
class for a little bit more precision, but I have not needed that much more precision.
Heres how you use QTime:
QTime time;

// Code to measure goes here

qDebug() << "Took:" << time.elapsed() << "ms";
Its fairly simple. There are caveats to be aware of, though. If you are measuring code that executes in
less than a few milliseconds, QTime will not give meaningful results. There are a few ways to work
around this problem. You can simply increase the number of iterations, using a naive approach like this:
QTime time;

for(int i=0; i<10000; i++)
// Code to measure goes here

qDebug() << "Took:" << ((float)time.elapsed() / 10000) <<
"ms per iteration";
You can also get more clever about where to put your calls to QTime::start(). You can use a QTime
instance as a member variable and start it whenever it makes sense to begin measuring (perhaps as the
result of a user action, like a button click). This can be handy when there are multiple threads involved
to measure the sum total execution time.
Lets use this technique to measure Fictitious Bobs opening example from above.
Which of these two approaches is faster?
Exhibit A:
for(int i=0; i<someList.count(); i++)
SomeClass *ptr = someList[i];
// Do something with "ptr" here
Exhibit B:
SomeClass *ptr;
for(int i=0; i<someList.count(); i++)
ptr = someList[i];
// Do something with "ptr" here
Intuition tells me that Exhibit B might be faster, because there is less code inside the loop, but I am
cautious because I know that when it comes to performance profiling, intuition is wrong (see rule #1 of
IBO above). Lets see what the evidence tells me. Heres how you measure that using QTime:
QTime time;
for(int i=0; i<someList.count(); i++)
SomeClass *ptr = someList[i];
// Do something with "ptr" here
qDebug() << "Exhibit A took" << time.elapsed() << "ms";

SomeClass *ptr;
for(int i=0; i<someList.count(); i++)
ptr = someList[i];
// Do something with "ptr" here
qDebug() << "Exhibit B took" << time.elapsed() << "ms";
The results: In this example, I filled someList with a few million pointers and replaced Do something
with actual code that just incremented an integer by a random number. I ran the code a few times in a
row and the answer is:
Theyre the same speed
Those of you who are assembly heads would have guessed this already, and the rest of us will probably
come to a rational explanation after seeing the results. Evidence-based Optimization has that effect on
you: Youll take a wild guess about the cause of the slowness, and then after you gather some evidence,
you refine (or completely discard!) that guess to match the measurements.
Technique 3: Unit Tests
There are times when you create some code that is particularly sensitive to performance changes.
Perhaps its a piece of code that gets used in a lot of time-sensitive areas of your application, and you
want it to be fast, and you want to make sure it stays fast for the life of the project. This is where unit
testing is your friend. In the case of Qt, the Trolls have provided us with QBENCHMARK.
QBENCHMARK allows you to write a unit test that reliably measures the execution speed of a code
snippet by running it multiple times as needed. It produces nice output that you can capture for
posterity. Months later, you can double check that your code is still running as fast as you originally
measured by re-running the unit test. Ive used this technique on a few rare occasions and have been
happy to have it.
Technique 4: Web Techniques
Sometimes an applications slowness seems like its out of the developers hands to influence. Take for
instance a web application where there are many pieces of software interacting. You may have a
database, a web server, a browser, and other stuff, all vying for CPU time. In these cases, it makes
sense to use tools that are able to observe the application state from an outside source, like Yahoos
YSlow Firebug add-on.
In this case, YSlow will tell you which parts of your web display are taking the longest to appear on the
users web browser, which sometimes can tell you a great deal about where your code needs to be
Technique 5: Profilers
Profilers are a special animal and require careful usage to produce useful results. Almost all of my
profiler experience comes from Valgrind on Linux. Running your application under Valgrind produces
a log file that lists every function call and how long was spent in each. This can be both useful and
overwhelming in sheer quantity of information.
Of course, Valgrind is a very complicated tool, but here are some simple usage examples to get you
To profile your application fully, use the callgrind tool like so:
valgrind --tool=callgrind /path/to/your/application
That produces a file (sometimes multiple files) called something like callgrind.out. Dont try to read
that file with an editor. Instead, use an application called KCacheGrind, like so:
kcachegrind callgrind.out
Youll see something like this:

Theres no easy path at this point. Youll have to look at the flood of results and carefully try to learn
where your application is spending its time. Notice that KCacheGrind will show you how much time is
spent in each function and how much time is spent in callee functions, which lets you determine
where the heavy lifting is actually happening.
I often like to use the callee graph on the right-hand side to see, by geometry, which functions are the
most used. This often tells you which standard library or Qt core classes are being used the most, which
can provide a hint as to which of your own code is the culprit
Technique 6: Stochastic Profiling
Disclaimer: I did not invent this term. I heard it first from my brilliant co-worker, Shane, who I believe
borrowed it from another discipline.
Sometimes an application will go into a CPU hogging run-away state and its impossible to tell where
in the code this is happening. If it lasts for more than a moment, you can use a technique called
stochastic profiling to sample the programs state to get a snapshot of the current function call tree.
There are several techniques for doing this.
On Mac OS X, you can use the Activity Monitors Sample Process button, and see a nice call graph,
shown below for the Mail application:

On Linux, you can achieve the same thing using gdb to attach to a process by pid (make sure you have
the right permissions), and run the bt command to see where its currently executing.
If you do this a few times, you can start to get a feel for where the program is spending its time.
There you have it. Remember that when it comes to optimizing your code for speed, dont believe your
intuition, and learn to use tools to measure your code. Remember to measure, modify, and re-measure.
Happy optimizing!

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