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Reflective Essay Andrew Chee Kiong Chee Man Shing (0316202)


Nature is the world surrounding us, except for human-made world. As we, humans, are the
only animal species that consciously manipulates the environment, we are sole responsible
of the effects of our occupancy in nature. As we spend our life surrounded by nature, we get
inspired by it, which then affects our daily activities and likings. Personally, the trip was a
very good opportunity to get closer to nature and to experience individually the nature and
draw inspiration; which is unlikely in the city.

As we started our journey to Taman Negara, the landscape of the surroundings changed. I
noticed the slight contrast in the infrastructure as we went from a concrete jungle to a natural
jungle. I already understood that we moved in totally different site, especially about the
context. Upon our arrival, it was obviously noticeable that the built environment was very
different compared to the likes of Kuala Lumpur. We were allocated our accommodation and
had the rest of the day to rest and settle. The architecture of the hostels seemed not
sustainable. As soon as I entered the room, I felt very uncomfortable, as the room was
smelly, which means that it was not well-ventilated. The design of the hostels was not
blending with the landscape of the natural environment. I really felt the impact of human
occupancy and built environment, as the resort consisted of hostels, restaurants, roads and
wasteland. We can imagine the deforestation which happened on the forest.

On our way to the other side of the
river, where we were visiting, I
noticed that we had to cross the river
by boats. I found it quite useful, in
terms of time management, but I
imagine that boat operators think
only about profits. No consideration
is made to the carrying capacity of
the tank. The to and fro travels were
also prone to create major problems.
Risks of pollution could have been

(Photos from Taman Negara Website)

The first activity of many others was the Night Jungle Walk, which consisted of discovering
and experiencing the night walk among the nocturnal insects and animals. The fact that we
had to venture in the darkness of the jungle was very interesting and also very thoughtful for
the animals, because it is understandable that bright light would have disturbed the peace
and serenity of the wildlife. Although through the dark we were fortunate to encounter some
rare species of insects and animals, as small and as well hidden as they could be. So it
came to me that in the darkness, we were in the insects and animals territory. We could
hardly see them whereas they could see us very clearly due to the disturbance that we
caused. So I understood that before engaging a site, I have to learn and know about the site
context, or else, I would not have been able to identify each part of the pathway and the
habitats around us that we visited.
Reflective Essay Andrew Chee Kiong Chee Man Shing (0316202)


So we had to follow a wooden pathway, and it was strictly advisable not to venture out of the
pathway. Careless people may damage any plants or habitats in trying to approach a tree or
try to reach to something. The wooden pathway is a recommended idea, so that visitors
know where to walk. I liked the design of having the pathway elevated by some centimetres,
so that we wont be in direct contact with the ground. However there is a mixed feeling about
the pathway. I think it would have been more natural to have a more natural pathway. Yes it
was made using wood, but it looks like a built environment component. So it is difficult to
make it better, but still the design is acceptable as it is minimalist and does not really alter
the landscape.

Our second activity was the Jungle Trekking. Basically we again had to walk in the jungle,
but on a different pathway. I said to myself: Oh no, more trees. I was right about the trees
but I was wrong that I would think that it would have been boring. We were about to learn
and study about the biodiversity of this region. Accompanied by our guide, we ventured
through another man-made pathway. Along the way, the guide showed and taught us about
the species of trees. Again as an architecture student, it is very important to analyse the
visited site. In this case, it was about the vegetation. I learned a lot about the significance of
each plant and trees standing in this forest. Every plant had its own abilities and benefaction
which in this situation and site context could be very useful in terms of survival. The guide
demonstrated us his very own skills how to take fully advantage of the trees and plants.

The most amazing part of this activity was the canopy walk. The way up to the top of the hill
was challenging but worth the effort. Upon the start of the canopy walk, I already felt the
excitement of getting forward. The canopy walk gives us a good experience and the
interesting factor is that we are able to have a look at the surrounding from above. So
basically we are able to visit this part of the jungle without setting foot on natural ecosystem.
My opinion was that everything was done so that nature is less affected by the human
Photo taken by Tan Wen Yee
Reflective Essay Andrew Chee Kiong Chee Man Shing (0316202)


occupancy, but as long as the activity is still
maintained for the tourists. I noticed that
little damage was made to the huge trees,
so that the canopy platform could be
attached to them.

The third and final activity was the visit to
the Orang Asli village. Getting to the village
required the use of boats to get there. The
fun reigned on our way to the village as we
splashed each other. The issue with this
activity was that I found inappropriate that
contact between two very different
communities were made. The fact that our
cultures and norms are different as theirs could have caused a culture shock. I found it a bit
uneasy for them to welcome groups of tourist almost everyday. There is the advantage that
they are receiving a lot of help in terms of resources, capital and services by the Taman
Negara. But it is only my opinion.

Throughout our stay at Taman Negara, there are numerous factors that were easily
noticeable, in the goal of preserving the nature and also bring balance between nature and
us. For example, beside our accommodation unit, a forest of trees was standing. The height
of all trees was practically almost the same. It meant that those trees were rooted into the
soil of this piece of land, so that a natural landscape was given to us, the visitors. However
the built environment affects the nature because of the deforestation, pollution and
resources exploitation.

As an architecture student, it is very important for me to understand the balance between
nature and us. Sustainability has become a big concern in modern society nowadays.
Everyday has become a task for us to maintain this balance. I have learned about the project
which consists of preserving the forest. I have also learned that its not only the plant species
or environment that they are protecting, but also the ecosystem and biodiversity.

Photo by Taman Negara Website

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