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Advantages Of Internet For Students

Nevertheless, students and teachers have experienced following 10

advantages of Internet.
1. Assortment of Information
ots of information of di!erent "inds is "ept on the we# server on the Net.
$his means that millions we# sites include various data in the shape of
images and text. On ever% su#&ect of the planet information can #e easil%
collected #% %ou.
For this function, special sites, called search engines can #e found on the
Internet to search data of each and ever% su#&ect of the planet.
'. Online (edical )uidance
Several we# sites will also #e on the *e# to o#tain details a#out various
conditions. +ou are a#le to consult with a cell of on,line ph%sicians to o#tain
guidance a#out an% medical pro#lem. In addition, lots of material can also #e
on the *e# for research in medical industr%.
-. oo"ing for .o#s
+ou are a#le to search various "inds of &o#s throughout their vacant vacancies
are advertised #% the world, (ost of the organi/ations0departments around
the world, on the we#.
$he search engines will also #e emplo%ed to search the &o#s on the we#. +ou
are a#le to ma"e an application for the necessar% wor" through the *e#.
1. 2ommunication
+ou are a#le to "eep in touch with other through Internet all over the world.
+ou could spea" #% seeing to 1 another3 onl% %ou4re spea"ing with %our pals
in %our drawing room.
For this function, various services are supplied on the Internet such as3
spea"ing, video conferencing, 5mail and Internet telephone an such li"e.
6. Information
$he *e# ena#les students to see the most recent news on a particular topic
the%4re learning. If the%4re learning American politics the% ma% do an
information search and discover what is happening on the planet of politics at
that ver% time.
It will help them lin" what the%4re understanding how to real life. Additionall%,
it ma% "eep them thin"ing a#out a topic.
7. Online $raining
$he facilit% is provided #% the internet to o#tain an online training. Several
we# sites of di!erent colleges o!er lessons and classes on di!erent su#&ects
or su#&ects. +ou ma% also o#tain these classes or lessons in %our personal
+ou are a#le to hear these classes repeatedl% and o#tain a large amount of
understanding. It4s ver% simple and cheap method to get training.
8. 5nc%clopedia
Occasionall%, enc%clopedia mightn4t constantl% #e accessi#le to individuals
and so the% might have trou#le with in getting the use of the actual guides
within the selection.
If that4s the case, the enc%clopedia of various topics on the *e# could #e
9. Online :ailwa% and Airplane Schedules
$oda%, railwa% and several Airline #usinesses o!er their timing of trains and
routes respectivel% on the we#.
;. Online :esults
$oda%, all of the training #oards and colleges present result on the we#. $heir
results can #e watched #% the students from an% "ind of nation or world.
10. Advertisement
$oda%, products are advertised #% most of the commercial organi/ations
through Internet. It4s e!ective and inexpensive method for the mar"eting of
$he services and products could #e given lovel% and attractive method to the
people round the world.
$he Internet o!ers a world of information in one place. It is a helpful tool in
communicating and researching all di!erent su#&ects. It is also a great wa%
for students to use computers with proper supervision. +et using the Internet
in an educational s%stem can #e controversial.
Some of the disadvantages include students giving out too much information
a#out themselves, sites too commerciali/ed with little educational value, and
access to material that parents might not want their children exposed to.
<owever, teachers and students have seen man% #ene=ts.
$he Internet helps students develop their computer s"ills. It can also help
students with their writing s"ills. In some forms, the Internet can help
students with critical thin"ing s"ills. Students are faced with more information
than the% could ever use or need. $his re>uires them to sort through the
information and decide what is most important and relevant.
*ith e,mail, students can have contact with other students around the world
stud%ing the same things the% are.
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School ?ro&ects and <omewor"
$he Internet can #e a huge source for children tr%ing to loo" up information
for a school pro&ect or do homewor". It also eliminates #arriers for
handicapped students who ma% have trou#le getting to a li#rar%. It allows all
students to have access to information whether or not their famil% has a set
of enc%clopedias.
$he Internet allows students to read the latest news of a certain su#&ect the%
are stud%ing. If the% are stud%ing American politics the% can do a news
search and =nd out what is happening in the world of politics at that ver%
moment. $his can help them connect what the% are learning to the real world.
It can also "eep them interested in a su#&ect. Students ma% have longer
attention spans with technolog% than with other forms of traditional learning.
Student@s Future
Students will have to use the computer for research in college, in their &o#s
and their ever%da% lives. $he Internet is a wa% of life for almost ever%one
now. Asing it in a classroom is one of the #est and safest wa%s to help them
learn a#out this tool.
$he Internet is a part of our lives toda% and has #ecome an inevita#le part for
most of us Btr% to condense %our sentence here since the two points are
similar, %ou can writeC $he internet has #ecome an important part of our lives
toda%D. $here are certainl% man% #ene=ts it o!ers and draw#ac"s people
might a#use. In this essa% I shall ela#orate these two things as follows. B the
two sentences a#ove are grammaticall% correct, #ut %ou can improve. For
example, @there are certainl%.. might a#use@ is a wea" connected #etween '
di!erent ideas, I would write it li"e thisC Eesides man% #ene=ts the Internet
can o!er, it also creates some draw#ac"s that a!ect human life...D
$he #ene=ts and contri#ution of Internet to human life are unthin"a#le huge
and crucial. $he most signi=cant advantage of the Internet can purve% is that
it #ecomes a li#rar% that, perhaps. the most extensive, the cheapest, and the
>uic"est people can a!ordBfragment,,F $he most signi=cant advantage of the
Internet is that it has #ecome the most extensive, cheapest, and >uic"est
li#rar% for ordinar% people to accessD. For example, people can use =nd on
the Internet for an% "ind of information and "nowledge the% need such as
gender relationship in secluded countr% li"e Iran without going there
ph%sicall%. Another instance is that a student living in Ama/on &ungle can
learn how to ma"e American cupca"e at a push of #utton on +outu#e. $hat
would save him hundreds of dollars without a need to visit the AS, compared
with the cost of using the Internet at an% Internet cafe, which is a#out G1.
Not onl% internet is #ene=cial for ever%one, from a primar% school student to
senior citi/en, #ut it also #rings its negatives, ranging from pornograph% to
how to ma"e a nuclear #om#. In the past a "id would have to prove that the%
were he was mature enough to #u% an adult maga/ine. <owever, now the%
he can o#tain the same adulter% on the Internet with some pla%ing truanc%
for this purpose. ?roliferation of nuclear #om# at the hands of terrorists is
#rought a#out #% the Internet technolog%, with some we#sites detailing the
simpler techni>ue, ma"ing the *orld no longer safe.
In conclusion, Internet delivers unlimited "nowledge and science at no cost,
which urges governments all around the *orld to regulate it to maximi/e the
#ene=ts and minimi/e the draw#ac"s
$he Advantages and Hisadvantages of Internet
In the histor% of man"ind, the Internet is the greatest development in the
domain of communication industr%. Similar to each and ever% invention, the
Internet carries a num#er of advantages and disadvantages. Nevertheless,
the advantages of the Internet are so huge in num#er that the% outperform
the disadvantages >uite easil%.
*hat is InternetI
According to the de=nition provided #% Oxford dictionar%, the Internet is an
arrangement of connected computers, which lets the computer users all over
the glo#e exchange data. At the present time, approximatel% --J of the
world population has accessi#ilit% to the Internet. $he Internet is an
extraordinar% entertainment and learning tool that ma% #e utili/ed in a
num#er of modes to increase the a#ilit% of a user to collect information. $he
principal components of the Internet are the *orld *ide *e# B***D and e,
mail. *ith the passage of time, the Internet has #ecome the most e!ective
#usiness tool in the contemporar% world. It can #e descri#ed as a glo#al
meeting place where people from ever% corner of the world can come
$he advantages of Internet
Following are the advantages provided #% the InternetC
1D Information $he #iggest #ene=t o!ered #% the Internet is information. It
functions as a valua#le resource of information. +ou can =nd an% t%pe of
information on an% su#&ect with the help of the search engines li"e +ahoo and
'D 2ommunication $he primar% goal of the Internet is communication. It has
done extremel% well in this =eld, however the development process is still
going on to ma"e it more dependa#le and >uic". E% sending an e,mail, we
can contact a person who is ph%sicall% present thousand miles awa% within
the fraction of a second4s time.
-D 5ntertainment Internet functions as a popular medium of entertainment. A
wide variet% of entertainment including video games, music, movies, chat
room, news and others can #e accessed through the Internet.
1D 5,commerce 5,commerce is the idea that is implemented for an% form of
commercial strateg% or #usiness transactions that entails transmission of
data from one corner of the world to another. 5,commerce has #ecome a
fantastic option through which %ou can shop an%thing.
6D Formation of communities Internet helps in formation of communities or
forums. <ere a num#er of people can participate in di!erent t%pes of de#ates
and discussions, express their views and gather valua#le "nowledge.
7D Services A variet% of services are o!ered via Internet, for example &o#
searching, online #an"ing, #u%ing movie tic"ets, hotel reservations and
consultation services etc. *hen %ou avail these services oKine, the% #ecome
more expensive.
$he disadvantages of Internet
Following are the disadvantages of InternetC
1D SpammingC Spamming denotes distri#ution of unsolicited e,mails in large
num#ers. $he% are meaningless and the% unnecessaril% #loc" the whole
s%stem. $hese activities are treated as illegal.
'D $heft of personal details *hile using the Internet, there is high pro#a#ilit%
that %our personal details li"e name, address and credit card num#er ma% #e
accessed #% con artists and used for fraudulent purposes.
-D ?ornograph%C ?ornograph% is de=nitel% harmful for %our children. $here are
numerous pornographic sites availa#le over the Internet and watching an% of
those can have ver% #ad inLuence on the mental health of %our children.
1D Mirus threat Mirus is a program that interrupts the usual operation of %our
personal computer s%stem. ?2s lin"ed to the Internet have high pro#a#ilit% of
virus attac"s and as a result of this %our hard dis" can crash, giving %ou a lot
of trou#le.
2ommunication via the *e#
Although there are man% advantages, researchers argue some disadvantages
of an internet #ased societ%. (ost of these draw#ac"s are a result of
decreased face,to,face communication and the a#ilit% to escape identit%.
Negative e!ects on famil% communication
Although there are conLicting research =ndings on this topic, an article
pu#lished #% Science Hail% reported that time spent on the Internet was
associated with later declines in within house famil% communication and a
decrease in the num#er of friends and ac>uaintances with which the% "ept
ac" of conLict resolution
$he same article suggests that communication on the we# is ta"ing awa%
necessar% human conLict. For example, if an Internet conversation starts
getting heated or if someone gets angr%, it is too eas% to &ust sign o! and not
deal with the issue. :esolving conLict is a part of life that shouldn4t #e
avoided and is usuall% ps%chologicall% helpful.
Another proposed disadvantage is that a couple of studies have found strong
correlations #etween fre>uenc% of Internet use and loneliness. ?eople that
use the Internet often are more li"el% to #ecome lonel% and depressed than
those that don4t. One proposal as to wh% this is the case is #ecause of a
potential reduced social support s%stem as a result of the Internet.
Internet addiction
$here is some controvers% over whether it is possi#le to actuall% #e addicted
to the Internet or not. Some researchers, li"e .ohn (. )rohol, claim that it is
simpl% people tr%ing to escape their pro#lems in an online world and cannot
#e classi=ed as an addiction. <e demonstrates his theor% with this model and
states that what some people call an addiction is &ust someone that is caught
in stage one.
Other ps%chologists, including .ennifer :. Ferris, #elieve that Internet
addiction is a true ps%chological disorder with de=na#le s%mptoms. $he
s%mptoms are compara#le to an% addiction, withdrawal, loss of relationships
or &o# and signi=cant time consumption.
If an actual addiction exists or doesn4t exist, the underl%ing themes that
support the addiction theor% are still an issue. *hether people are tr%ing to
escape pro#lems and realit% or the% will go through withdrawal if the% aren4t
sur=ng the net or chatting, it is still ps%chologicall% unhealth%.
Advantages and Hisadvantages of Internet
Internet is undou#tedl% the most crucial technolog% of the modern world, the
useful application has not onl% made our lives easier than ever #efore #ut it
also pla%s a ver% important role in the future developments.
5ver%one is of course ver% well "nown that internet has the glo#al
advantages than &ust a few concentrated ones. *ith the introduction of the
internet the glo#al communication has #ecome a matter of &ust the =nger tips
of the users. $he internet has #rought a#out the various di!erent, innovative
communication means li"e the emailing, chatting, and the voice conversation
s%stem over the internet.
$hese s%stems have not onl% made the communication eas% #ut also the
dail% lives interactions following the #usiness of people living on the other
sides of the world. $he other #lessings of the internet include the umpteen
resources that we can get on an%thing at all over the net and also the
entertainment via the games, we#sites, and media access which was never
so eas% #efore.
5ver%thing has the negative aspect to it and so does the internet, the #iggest
threat of the internet is in the pornograph% and the securit% threats.
?ornograph% is widespread over the internet ma"ing it inappropriate to #e
used #% the children #elow certain age so as to prevent the ps%chological
damage from the earl% da%s. $hese sites are easil% accessi#le and attractive
for the teenagers and %oung "ids.
$he securit% over the internet cannot #e guaranteed due to the ma&or
hac"ing techni>ues and theories, even the interaction #etween the two
strangers can lead to friendship and then serious cases of murders and serial
"illers plots which have #ecome increasingl% popular #ecause of the internet
Hespite of a few ma&or pro#lems the Advantages of the Internet use clearl%
outweigh the few disadvantages.
<ow $o ?roperl% (anage +our $ime
Author C 5xfors%s Inc. ?u#lished onC '1st .ul '007 N ast Apdated onC
'7th .ul '007
<ow $o ?roperl% (anage +our $ime
If %ou feel that %ou are not as productive as %ou should #e, this is generall% a
sign that %ou are not practicing good time management. $ime management
is ver% important for students or people who have their own #usinesses.
If %ou have %our own #usiness, it is li"el% that %ou are carr%ing out a wide
variet% of di!erent tas"s each da%. If this is the case, there are a num#er of
things %ou can do to enhance %our productivit% and properl% manage %our
time. $he =rst thing %ou will want to do is alter %our perception of time
5ven if %ou are well organi/ed, there is onl% a certain amount of time
availa#le in each da%. $ime cannot change. If %ou want to #ecome #etter at
time management, %ou must change %our #ehavior and the wa% %ou loo" at
time. $he next thing %ou will want to do is =nd out which areas %ou are
wasting time in. 5ven the most productive people can waste time, and it is
important to =nd the areas that need to #e improved. Are %ou spending too
much time sur=ng the internetI Ho %ou =nd that %ou are constantl% on the
phoneI $o #ecome good at managing %our time, %ou will want to #egin
"eeping trac" of %our activities each da%.
E% trac"ing %our activities each da%, %ou will #e a#le to get an image of how
%ou are managing %our time. $he most important factor in #eing more
productive is to change the wa% %ou #ehave. Once %ou have #egun trac"ing
%our activities each da%, %ou can #egin to =nd areas where %ou will need to
improve. Eut how do %ou trac" %our dail% activitiesI One wa% %ou can do it is
#% writing down the amount of time %ou are spending doing things that are
not important compared to those that are important. For example, how much
time are %ou spending sur=ng the internetI <ow much time are %ou spending
tal"ing on the phone a#out matters that are not #usiness relatedI
<ow much time do %ou spend reading or tal"ing to people a#out things that
are not #usiness relatedI If %ou can write down the approximate amount of
time %ou spend doing these things, %ou will #egin to develop an idea for how
much time %ou are wasting. +ou ma% #e surprised with the results. *hile -
minutes ma% not sound li"e a lot of time, it will add up over the course of 9
hours. Once %ou understand where %ou need to improve, %ou will next need
to set goals. For example, if %ou notice that %ou are spending a lot of time
tal"ing on the phone, %ou will set a personal goal to not ta"e personal calls
while %ou@re wor"ing.
If %ou have a cell phone, %ou ma% need to turn it o! to reach this goal. If %ou
=nd that %ou are spending lots of time sur=ng the internet, %ou should set a
goal to stop doing it and focus on what is important. $his can #e diOcult for
people who have their own #usinesses, #ecause the% don@t have a #oss
loo"ing over their shoulder. $he% are the #oss. *hile #eing the #oss can give
%ou large amounts of power, it also comes with responsi#ilit%. Once %ou have
set goals that will help %ou manage %our time, %ou will next want to created
what is called a time management plan.
$he goal of a time management plan is to assist %ou in reaching the goals
%ou have set up. Not onl% will %ou want to set up a plan, #ut %ou will also
want to monitor %our progress to =nd out how well %ou are doing.
+ou ma% =nd it helpful to use a software program that can help %ou manage
%our time. $here are a num#er of da% planners availa#le on the mar"et that
can assist %ou with this. Another techni>ue that can assist %ou with time
management is prioriti/ing %our duties. +ou should have a list of things
written down that %ou need to do each da%. $r%ing to =gure out what %ou
need to do in %our head can waste time, and can cause %ou to forget
important tas"s.
:ead NextC <ow Setting )oals 2an <elp +ou (anage +our $ime
Sort %our life as a teenager. Are friends important to #e around at this timeI
Ho %ou =nd %ourself on the internet a lotI Are %ou someone who goes to the
li#rar% to stud% in a >uiet environmentI Are %our parents around to assist %ou
or prefer to as" for teachers@ helpI
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)reen#ox Smart Irrigation A!orda#le, eas% smart irrigation 2ontrol with %our
'?rioriti/e %our wee"l% schedule as a student. An% educational0academic
studies must come =rst, then extra curriculum activities, and then social life.
Friends will want to hang out with %ou on the wee"ends, #ut the% will
understand if %ou explain to them that %ou need to stud% or catch up on
college,related wor".
-ist the exact due dates for events, pro&ects, essa%s, and other homewor".
$his will greatl% help %ou to alert %ou when things need to #e done #%. Next,
sort extra curriculum activities. An% activit% dealing with scholarships should
#e placed #efore the 5lective or After School ones. $hen, input non,
educational events, such as #a#%sitting, miscellaneous &o#s, etc. Finall%, treat
%ourself for a night out with friends.
1Set a time limit on how long %ou stud% for each class. Hon@t go over#oard on
one su#&ect and forget that %ou have several others to catch up on #efore
going to #ed. Also, don@t rush through stud%ing3 ta"e %our time and
concentrate. +ou ma% want to set an alarm cloc" at a certain hour, so when it
rings, go to another su#&ect, and reset the alarm.
6)et at least 7,; hours of sleep. If %ou have more or less sleep than %ou
should have, %ou ma% start lac"ing in %our coursewor" and #ecome la/%
#ecause of the urge or want to sleep.
7$r% to ta"e showers #efore going to school. +ou@ll #e more refreshed, alert,
and relaxed as %ou start the da%. Night showers are sometimes QmissedQ if
%ou have %our face covered in #oo"s and reali/e that it@s time to go to sleep.
$his is also a start of procrastination.
8)o over %our scholarship essa%s and college applications with %our parents.
It@s alwa%s a positive action to get parents involved in students@ lives #%
sharing opinions a#out futures and careers. If this is not possi#le, share it
with a school counselor. Not onl% that the% will give their opinions, #ut the%
have the a#ilit% to search what college classes or ma&ors is within %our
preferred goal.
9$hin" of how non,educational activities are a!ecting %our schedule. If %ou
are #a#%sitting, compromise with the mother on set da%s and times that goes
around %our academic life. If %ou cannot commit to %our studies #ecause of
foot#all practice, then %ou must ta"e action. *hen something gets in the
wa%, %ou need to drop it, even if it@s temporaril%.
;Hon@t neglect %our health. .ust #ecause %ou@re short of time doesn@t mean
%ou should live on &un" food. $r% to get %our fruits and vegeta#les ever%da%.
:emem#er to exercise at least -0 minutes a da%. Hoing these things will
support mental, ph%sical and emotional function.
10$r% to have a =xed timeta#le.

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