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1. Acknowledgement 1
2. The Writer 2
3. The Story 4
4. Literary Criticism 5
5. Biliogra!hy "
#. $e%erences &
Alhamd)lillah. Thanks to Allah SWT( who with *is willing gi+ing me the
o!!ort)nity to com!lete this task with %lying colors.
,irstly( - wo)ld like to e.!ress my dee!est thanks to my lect)rer( /n. 0ohd. 12aki
in S)da( who had gi+en +al)ale in%ormation( s)ggestions and g)idance in the
com!ilation and !re!aration o% this task.
1ee!est thanks and a!!reciation to my h)sand( !arents( %amily( and others %or
their coo!eration( enco)ragement( constr)cti+e s)ggestion and %)ll o% s)!!ort %or the
re!ort com!letion( %rom the eginning till the end.
Last )t not least( thanks to all o% my T/SL classmates( %riends and e+eryone( that
has een contri)ted y s)!!orting my work and hel!s mysel% d)ring the !rogress till it is
%)lly com!leted.
The Writer
3esse *ilton St)art was orn near $i+erton( 4ent)cky in 5reen)! Co)nty to
0itchell and 0artha *ilton St)art on A)g)st &( 16'". -n 1636( he married 7aomi 1eane
7orris( a school teacher and they settled in W8*ollow.
*e was an American writer who is known %or writing short stories( !oetry and
no+els ao)t So)thern A!!alachia. Born and raised in 5reen)! Co)nty( 4ent)cky( he
relied hea+ily on the r)ral locale o% 7ortheastern 4ent)cky %or his writing. St)art was
named the 9oet La)reate o% 4ent)cky in 1654. *e also recei+ed the 5)ggenheim Award
in 163" and Thomas 3e%%erson 0emorial Award in 1643. -n 16#1( he recei+ed the award
%rom American Academy o% 9oets.
Some o% his %amo)s ooks are Man with a Bull Tongue Plow (1934), Album of
Destiny (1944), Kentu!y is My "an# (19$%), &ol# A'(il (19)%), Beyon# Da(! &ills
(193*), To Teah, To "o+e (19,-), Daughte( of the "egen# (19)$), T(ees of &ea+en
(194-), .e# Mule (19$$), /l# Ben (19,-), Plowsha(es in &ea+en (19$*), 0a+e 1+e(y
"amb (19)4), A 2esse 0tua(t &a(+est (19)$), 3% 3otes Befo(e B(ea!fast (19,4), 0'lit
4he((y T(ee (1939) an# many othe(s5
3esse St)art died at the aged o% "# at 3o8Lin n)rsing home in -ronton( :hio( ;SA(
which is near his oyhood home on ,er)ary "( 16&4. 9rior to his death( he donated "14
acres <2.&6 km2= o% woodlands in W8*ollow to the 4ent)cky State 7at)re 9reser+es
Commission. The 3esse St)art State 7at)re 9reser+es is dedicated to !rotect the legacy o%
St)art and ens)res that a signi%icant !ortion o% W8*ollow will remained )nde+elo!ed in
!er!et)ity. The trail system is o!en to the !)lic %rom dawn to d)sk all year long.
The Story
-n 0'lit 4he((y T(ee story( a high school teacher in a one8room schoolho)se( kee!s
a oy a%ter school to work and !ay %or damage he did to a cherry tree. *is %ather scolded
him %or eing late and let him do all the works in arn y himsel%. The oy>s )ned)cated
%ather comes to school to arg)e with the teacher( )t comes to a!!reciate the +al)e o%
higher ed)cation.
The story introd)ces con%licts etween the rich and the !oor as well as the
ed)cated and )ned)cated as 1a+e>s %ather con%ronts the schoolteacher. The e+ent)al
lesson o% the story is not one that asserts the s)!remacy o% any o% these gro)!s( nor 1a+e(
the oy who is trying to na+igate etween them. $ather( The 0'lit 4he((y T(ee shows
how o!en comm)nication can e.!lain di%%erences and mediate resol)tions.
Literary Criticism on Split Cherry Tree by Jesse Stuart
This short story seems to to)ch directly on c)lt)ral side. While the other high
school st)dents en?oying their yo)ng li%estyle( 1a+e ha+e to work with his %ather at their
%arm a%ter school ho)rs e+eryday since they are not a wealthy %amily. The central con%lict
o% the story arise eca)se 1a+e does not ha+e the money to !ay %or the tree that he and
his %riends roke while trying to catch a li2ard %or the class. -nstead( 1a+e m)st work o%%
his det y s!ending two ho)rs a%ter school on two se!arate days. This kee!s him away
%rom home( where @it took 9a and - oth to do the %arm work. Se+en cows to milk.
7ineteen heads o% cattle to %eed( %o)r m)les( twenty8%i+e hogs( %irewood and sto+ewood
to c)t( and water to draw %rom the wellA.<!aragra!h 6( line 2=. *is %ather( L)ster( work all
days( and he cannot do the e+ening work all on his own. 0r. *erert( the school teacher(
did not know ao)t the li%e in the hills( where 1a+e and his %amily li+ed. @*e didn>t know
the way the hill oys had to work so they co)ld go to schoolA( and L)ster was determined
to make *erert )nderstandB with his g)n that @has always een a %riend to him when he
goes to settle dis!)tesA.
To !eek on the social side( 1a+e is the %irst !erson in his %amily that goes to the
high school. B)t his )ned)cated %ather doesn>t )nderstand ao)t thing in school
nowadays. The !resence o% L)ster>s g)n adds tension to the scene as he enters into an
arg)ment with 9ro%essor *erert o+er the nat)re o% ed)cation. L)ster does not )nderstand
@all this )g larnin>( %rog larnin>( and %indin> germs on yo)r teethA( and neither
)nderstands nor likes that the oys and the girls are allowed to go to the %ield tri!s
together. What he does )nderstand( is that a )llet @will kill a schoolteacher same as it
will any other man. -t will kill a rich man same as the !oor manA. 5)ns( to L)ster(
re!resent eC)ality. A )llet does not care ao)t age( ed)cation( classB it kills
indiscriminately. Det 9ro%essor *erert C)ietly asserts @- was right with these st)dentsA
<!aragra!h 54( line 1= and in+ites L)ster to stay at the school %or a day and see how things
ha+e changed. 9ro%essor *erert shows L)ster the germs on his teeth thro)gh a
microsco!e( teaches him ao)t the new ed)cation L)ster had een so dismissi+e o%(
teaching oth L)ster and 1a+e something in the !rocess. L)ster learns not only ao)t
germs and dissection( )t he learns that his time %or learning has !assed( and he m)st tr)st
9ro%essor *erert to lead his son>s generation. A%ter a day s!ent together( L)ster has een
shown the im!ortance o% a ook ed)cation and 9ro%essor *erert has een shown the
im!ortance o% a li%e ed)cationB !rotecting those less %ort)nate and ha+ing !ride in one>s
-t is only %itting %or 6The 0'lit 4he((y T(ee7 to end with L)ster e.citedly telling
his wi%e what he learned at school that day. 4nowledge is the +ictor in the m)lti!le
con%licts that arise thro)gho)t the story whether the knowledge is im!arted y the teacher
or a %armerB regarding iology and dissection or how to h)manely threat animals. The
deli+ery is also signi%icant. 9ro%essor *erert shows L)ster thro)gh a microsco!e the
germs on his teethB L)ster shows 9ro%essor *erert %amily !ride y hel!ing his son
swee!. There are no condescending lect)res( no sho)tingB all these lessons are ta)ght y!le( which allows them to e a !ower%)l %or mediation and learning rather than
intensi%ying the con%lict
1= htt!EFFwww.americanliterat)re.comFSSFSS2'.*T0L
2= htt!!edia.orgFwikiF3esse8St)art

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