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Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!

lic Ac" #$72%

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress
SECTION 1. Short Title. This Act shall h!c"#$th % &!#'! as th (H)*a!
Sc)$it+ Act #" 2,,7.-
The title is adequately apt and sufficiently serves the contents of the law as it
contemplates the security and safety of human life.
The Human Security Act of 2007 incepted from two bills representing the House of
epresentatives and the Senate. The House!s bill was designated as "ill #o. $%&' entitled(
)A# A*T +,-.#.#/ T,0.S12 ,STA"3.SH.#/ .#ST.T4T.0#A3 1,*HA#.S1 T0
5,6,#T A#+ S45,SS .TS *011.SS.0#2 506.+.#/ 5,#A3T.,S TH,,-0 A#+
-0 0TH, 5450S,S.
The Senate "ill on the other hand was designated as "ill 27&7 entitled(
)A# A*T T0 +,T, A#+ 54#.SH A*TS 0- T,0.S1 A#+ -0 0TH,
The consolidated proposals concluded with the present title( The Human Security Act of 2007.
.ts enactment was purposefully done in pursuant to the 4nited #ations /lobal *ounter9
Terrorism Strategy in 200' where 1ember States have agreed that each country they are
representing e:ert efforts to produce a global strategy to counter terrorism
. Such strategy
includes the measures on how to deter and obliterate the possibilities of terrorism in each and
every country. The 4nited States of America2 for instance2 enacted the 5AT.0T A*T as their
strategy to counter terrorism and was enacted $& days after the ';77 bombing incident happened
at the <orld Trade *enter in #ew =or> *ity on the 77
of September of 2007. The act is an
Oa'inal( C)P) (200*%) T+e H'an Sec,i"- Ac" ./ 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72% (A Manal /.,
"+e 0e/en1e,s ./ H'ani"-%) 2e3.n Ci"-: Cen",al 4..5 Sppl- Inc) (pa6e 7( 8%
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
acronym which stands for 5roviding Appropriate Tootles equired to .ntercept and 0bstruct
Terrorism Act of 2007.

SEC. 2. eclaration of Policy. (It is .cla$. a /#lic+ #" th Stat t# /$#tct li"0
li%$t+0 a!. /$#/$t+ "$#* acts #" t$$#$is*0 t# c#!.*! t$$#$is* as i!i*ical a!.
.a!1$#)s t# th !ati#!al sc)$it+ #" th c#)!t$+ a!. t# th 'l"a$ #" th /#/l0 a!. t#
*a& t$$#$is* a c$i* a1ai!st th Fili/i!# /#/l0 a1ai!st h)*a!it+0 a!. a1ai!st th la'
#" !ati#!s.
I! th i*/l*!tati#! #" th /#lic+ stat. a%#20 th Stat shall )/h#l. th %asic $i1hts a!.
")!.a*!tal li%$tis #" th /#/l as !sh$i!. i! th c#!stit)ti#!.
Th Stat $c#1!i3s that th "i1ht a1ai!st t$$#$is* $4)i$s a c#*/$h!si2 a//$#ach0
c#*/$isi!1 /#litical0 c#!#*ic0 .i/l#*atic0 *ilita$+0 a!. l1al *a!s .)l+ ta&i!1 i!t#
acc#)!t th $##t ca)ss #" t$$#$is* 'ith#)t ac&!#'l.1i!1 ths as 5)sti"icati#!s "#$
t$$#$ist a!.6#$ c$i*i!al acti2itis. S)ch *as)$s shall i!cl). c#!"lict *a!a1*!t a!.
/#st7c#!"lict /ac7%)il.i!10 a..$ssi!1 th $##ts #" c#!"lict %+ %)il.i!1 stat ca/acit+ a!.
/$#*#ti!1 4)ita%l c#!#*ic .2l#/*!t.
N#thi!1 i! this Act shall % i!t$/$t. as a c)$tail*!t0 $st$icti#! #$ .i*i!)ti#! #"
c#!stit)ti#!all+ $c#1!i3. /#'$s #" th 8c)ti2 %$a!ch #" th 1#2$!*!t. It is t# %
)!.$st##.0 h#'2$0 that th 8$cis #" th c#!stit)ti#!all+ $c#1!i3. /#'$s #" th
8c)ti2 ./a$t*!t #" th 1#2$!*!t shall !#t /$5).ic $s/ct "#$ h)*a! $i1hts 'hich
shall % a%s#l)t a!. /$#tct. at all ti*s.

The obligation of the State to protect the citi?ens of the 5hilippines has originally sprung
and is primarily grounded on the *onstitution itself. The sovereign!s security is an imperative
duty incumbent upon them. To wit(
Sec. 4.The prime duty of the Government is to serve and protect the people. The Government
may call upon the people to defend the State and in the fulfillment thereof, all citizens may be
required, military or civil service.
Oa'inal( C)P) (200*%) T+e H'an Sec,i"- Ac" ./ 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72% (A Manal /.,
"+e 0e/en1e,s ./ H'ani"-%) 2e3.n Ci"-: Cen",al 4..5 Sppl- Inc) (pa6e &%
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
Sec. 5.The maintenance of peace and order, the protection of life, liberty, and property, and the
promotion of the eneral !elfare are essential for the en"oyment by all the people of the
blessins of democracy.
SEC. 3. Terrorism. (A!+ /$s#! 'h# c#**its a! act /)!isha%l )!.$ a!+ #" th
"#ll#'i!1 /$#2isi#!s #" th R2is. P!al C#.9
1. A$ticl 122 :Pi$ac+ i! ;!$al a!. M)ti!+ i! th Hi1h Sas #$ i! th Phili//i! <at$s=>
2. A$ticl 13? :R%lli#! #$ I!s)$$cti#!=>
3. A$ticl 13?7a :C#)/ .@ Etat=0 i!cl).i!1 acts c#**itt. %+ /$i2at /$s#!s>
?. A$ticl 2?A :M)$.$=>
B. A$ticl 2C7 :Di.!a//i!1 a!. S$i#)s Ill1al Dt!ti#!=>
C. A$ticl 32? :C$i*s I!2#l2i!1 Dst$)cti#!=
O$ )!.$9
1. P$si.!tial Dc$ N#. 1C13 :Th La' #! A$s#!=>
2. R/)%lic Act N#. C9C9 :T#8ic S)%sta!cs a!. Ha3a$.#)s a!. N)cla$ <ast C#!t$#l Act
#" 199,=>
3. R/)%lic Act N#. B2,70 :At#*ic E!$1+ R1)lat#$+ a!. Lia%ilit+ Act #" 19CA=>
?. R/)%lic Act N#. C23B :A!ti7Hi5ac&i!1 La'=>
B. P$si.!tial Dc$ N#. B32 :A!ti7/i$ac+ a!. A!ti7hi1h'a+ R#%%$+ La' #" 197?=> a!.0
C. P$si.!tial Dc$ N#. 1ACC0 as a*!.. :Dc$ C#.i"+i!1 th La's #! Ill1al a!.
U!la'")l P#ssssi#!0 Ma!)"act)$0 Dali!1 i!0 Ac4)isiti#! #$ Dis/#siti#! #" Fi$a$*s0
A**)!iti#!s #$ E8/l#si2s=
th$%+ s#'i!1 a!. c$ati!1 a c#!.iti#! #" 'i.s/$a. a!. 8t$a#$.i!a$+ "a$ a!. /a!ic
a*#!1 th /#/)lac0 i! #$.$ t# c#$c th 1#2$!*!t t# 1i2 i! t# a! )!la'")l .*a!.
shall % 1)ilt+ #" th c$i* #" t$$#$is* a!. shall s)""$ th /!alt+ #" "#$t+ :?,= +a$s #"
i*/$is#!*!t0 'ith#)t th %!"it #" /a$#l as /$#2i.. "#$ )!.$ Act N#. ?1,30 #th$'is
&!#'! as th I!.t$*i!at S!t!c La'0 as a*!...
5hilippine 3aw does not precisely define Terrorism into a concise manner which confines
the understanding in a limited depiction but instead2 enumerates unlawful acts already defined as
felony under the evised 5enal *ode of the 5hilippines and other special laws which may
consequently result into Terrorism.
ART) II( Sec"i.ns) 7( 8) &#*7 C.ns"i""i.n
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
Terrorism is not e:actly unfathomable and a list of felonies would actually amount to such.
There has been no consensus yet as to what is its precise definition. However2 one of the bills of
the Senate from which the Human Security incepted categorically defined Terrorism which
apparently was not adopted in the enacted law. To wit(
House "ill #o. $%&'2 Section & defines terrorism as(
)Sec. &. Terrorism @ Terrorism is the premeditated threatened or actual use of violence or force or
any other means that deliberately tend to cause or actually harm to persons2 or of force and other
destructive means against property or the environment2 with the intention of creating or sowing a
state of danger2 panic2 fear2 or chaos to the general public or segment thereof2 or of coercing or
intimidating the government to do or refrain from doing an act.8
Section $ of the same house bill describes how it is committed(
Sec. $. TerrorismA How *ommitted. @ Terrorism is committed by any person or group of persons
whether natural or Buridical2 state or non9state actors ali>e who deliberately causes harm to
persons and property2 and creates a state of danger2 panic2 fear2 and chaos to the general civilian
population2 or who coerces or intimidates the government to do any invalid act or refrain from
doing a valid act by the commission of any of the following acts(
C7D Threatening or causing death or serious bodily harm to person or personsA
C2D Threatening or causing serious ris> to health or safety of the public or any segment of the
C&D Threatening or causing substantial damage or wanton destruction or resorting to arson on
critical infrastructure or property2 public or privateA
C$D HiBac>ing or threatening to hiBac> any >ind of aircraft2 electric or railroad train2 locomotive2
passenger bus of other means of mass transportation2 or public conveyance2 or privacy of ship or
sea vesselA
CED Fidnapping or serious illegal detention of any civilianA
Oa'inal( C)P) (200*%) T+e H'an Sec,i"- Ac" ./ 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72% (A Manal /.,
"+e 0e/en1e,s ./ H'ani"-%) 2e3.n Ci"-: Cen",al 4..5 Sppl- Inc) (pa6e #( &0%
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
CGD Filling or violently attac>ing an internationally protected person or depriving such person of
liberty in violation of the *onvention of the 5rotection and 5unishment of *rimes Against
.nternationally 5rotected 5ersons2 including diplomatic agents2 and other international
C7D Attac>ing or threatening to attac> the cyberspace by destroying information and
communication infrastructure or the information technology underlying the internet2 government
or private networ>s or system( or committing any act against networ>s or systemsA or committing
any act against networ> servers2 computers or other information and communication systemsA
C%D <illfully destroying natural resources in land2 water and air2 such as forests or marine mineral
resources2 or internationally causing oil or to:ic spillages2 or other similar acts of destruction
against the environment that threatens ecological securityA
C'D 4nlawfully manufacturing2 processing2 selling2 acquiring2 possessing2 using2 diverting2
supplying2 or transporting chemical2 biological2 radiological or nuclear agents or equipment and
instruments used in their production2 distribution2 release or spreadA or
C70D 4nlawfully manufacturing2 selling2 acquiring2 supplying2 disposing2 using or possessing
e:plosives2 bombs2 grenades2 proBectiles2 devices2 or other lethal weapons or substances of
machinery used or intended to be used for the manufacture of e:plosives in furtherance of2
incident to or in connection with an act of terrorism as defined herein.8
The following are felonies under the evised 5enal *ode which the Human Security Act of 2007
considers as acts of Terrorism(
1.= A$ticl 122. Pi$ac+ i! ;!$al a!. M)ti!+ i! th Hi1h Sas #$ i! th Phili//i! <at$s.
E Th /!alt+ #" $cl)si#! /$/t)a shall % i!"lict. )/#! a!+ /$s#! 'h#0 i! th hi1h
sas #$ Phili//i! 'at$s0 shall attac& #$ si3 a 2ssl #$0 !#t %i!1 a **%$ #" its
c#*/l*!t !#$ a /ass!1$0 shall si3 th 'h#l #$ /a$t #" th ca$1# #" sai. 2ssl0 its
4)i/*!t0 #$ /$s#!al %l#!1i!1s #" its c#*/l*!t #$ /ass!1$s.
Oa'inal( C)P) (200*%) T+e H'an Sec,i"- Ac" ./ 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72% (A Manal /.,
"+e 0e/en1e,s ./ H'ani"-%) 2e3.n Ci"-: Cen",al 4..5 Sppl- Inc) (pa6e &0( &&%
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
Th sa* /!alt+ shall % i!"lict. i! cas #" *)ti!+ #! th hi1h sas #$ i! Phili//i!
'at$s. :As a*!.. %+ Sc. 30 R.A. 7CB9=
.n the case of $eople v. %ol&lo, et al., '4# $hil. ()*2 5iracy is defined as a )robbery or forcible
depredation on the high seas2 without lawful authority and done with animo furandi and in the
spirit and intention of universal hostility.8
The evised 5enal *ode provides that there are two ways to commit piracy2 to wit( 7D "y
attac+in or seizin a vessel on the high seas or in the 5hilippine watersA 2D "y seizin in the
vessel while on the high seas or in 5hilippine waters the !hole or part of its caro, its equipment
or personal belonins of its complement or passengers.
-or 5iracy to be consummated2 the following elements must concur( 7. That a vessel is on the
high seas or in 5hilippine watersA 2. That the offenders are not members of its complement or
passengers of the vesselA &. That the offenders CaD attac> or sei?e the vessel2 or CbD sei?e the
whole or part of the cargo of said vessel2 its equipment or personal belongings of its complement
or passengers.
1utiny on the other hand2 is defined as to rise aainst lawful or constituted authority2
particularly in the naval or military service.
The code provides that it may be committed by
passengers of the vessel itself but is usually committed by other members of the complement and
is done on the high seas or in the 5hilippine waters.
-ormer *ourt of Appeals Assoc. Hustice 3uis ". eyes classified 5iracy and 1utiny when it is
considered Terrorism(
)4nder epublic Act #o. '&722 otherwise >nown as the ),uman Security -ct of .//082 approved on
1arch G2 20072 a persons who commits an act punishable as piracy and mutiny under Article 722 thereby
sowing and creating a condition of widespread and e:traordinary fear and panic among the populace2 in
Re-es( L)4) (Ei6+"een"+ E1)%) (20&2%) T+e Re:ise1 Penal C.1e (4..5 Tw.%) Manila: RE; 4..5
S".,e (pa6e $&( $2%
I1) (pa6e $2%
4lac5( H) (Si<"+ E1)% (&##0%) 4lac5=s Law 0ic",-) S") Pal( Minnes."a: >es" P!lis+in6 C.(
Re-es( L)4) (Ei6+"een"+ E1)%) (20&2%) T+e Re:ise1 Penal C.1e (4..5 Tw.%) Manila: RE; 4..5
S".,e (pa6e $$%
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
order to coerce the government to give in to an unlawful demand shall be guilty of the crime of terrorism2
and shall suffer the penalty of forty years of imprisonment without the benefit of parole.8
2.= A$ticl 13?. R%lli#! #$ I!s)$$cti#!> H#' c#**itt.. F Th c$i* #" $%lli#! #$
i!s)$$cti#! is c#**itt. %+ $isi!1 /)%licl+ a!. ta&i!1 a$*s a1ai!st th ;#2$!*!t
"#$ th /)$/#s #" $*#2i!1 "$#* th all1ia!c t# sai. ;#2$!*!t #$ its la's0 th
t$$it#$+ #" th Phili//i! Isla!.s #$ a!+ /a$t th$#"0 #" a!+ %#.+ #" la!.0 !a2al #$
#th$ a$*. "#$cs0 ./$i2i!1 th Chi" E8c)ti2 #$ th L1islat)$0 'h#ll+ #$
/a$tiall+0 #" a!+ #" thi$ /#'$s #$ /$$#1ati2s. :As a*!.. %+ R.A. C9CA=.
ebellion and .nsurrection2 defined and distinguished(
ebellion is to completely overthro! the ob"ect of the movement and to supersede the e1istin
overnment. .nsurrection on the other hand is usually referred to a movement which see>s
merely to effect some chane of minor importance or to prevent the e1ercise of overnmental
authority with respect to particular matters or subBects.
The elements of Article 7&$ are as follows(
1.= That there be CaD public uprising2 and CbD ta>ing arms against the /overnmentA
2.= That the purpose of the uprising or movement is either @
aD to remove from the allegiance to said /overnment or its laws(
iD the territory of the 5hilippines or any part thereofA or
iiD any body of land2 naval or other armed forcesA or
bD to deprive the *hief ,:ecutive or *ongress2 wholly or partially2 of any of their powers of
cD their prerogatives.
At par with the crime of 5iracy and 1utiny on the high seas or 5hilippine waters2 for ebellion
and .nsurrection to be committed as Terrorism2 a person is considered guilty of terrorism if he
)commits an act punishable as rebellion or insurrection2 thereby sowing and creating a condition
of widespread and e:traordinary fear and panic among the populace2 in order to coerce the
government to give in to an unlawful demand.8
I1) (pa6e $7%
Re-es( L)4) (Ei6+"een"+ E1)%) (20&2%) T+e Re:ise1 Penal C.1e (4..5 Tw.%) Manila: RE; 4..5
S".,e (pa6e *8( *9%
I1) (pa6e *8%
I1) (?a6e **%
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
3.= A$ticl 13?7A. C#)/ .Gtat> H#' c#**itt.. F Th c$i* #" c#)/ .Gtat is a s'i"t
attac& acc#*/a!i. %+ 2i#l!c0 i!ti*i.ati#!0 th$at0 st$at1+ #$ stalth0 .i$ct.
a1ai!st .)l+ c#!stit)t. a)th#$itis #" th R/)%lic #" th Phili//i!s0 #$ a!+ *ilita$+
ca*/ #$ i!stallati#!0 c#**)!icati#!s !t'#$&0 /)%lic )tilitis #$ #th$ "acilitis !..
"#$ th 8$cis a!. c#!ti!). /#ssssi#! #" /#'$0 si!1l+ #$ si*)lta!#)sl+ ca$$i. #)t
a!+'h$ i! th Phili//i!s %+ a!+ /$s#! #$ /$s#!s0 %l#!1i!1 t# th *ilita$+ #$
/#lic #$ h#l.i!1 a!+ /)%lic #""ic #" */l#+*!t 'ith #$ 'ith#)t ci2ilia! s)//#$t #$
/a$tici/ati#! "#$ th /)$/#s #" si3i!1 #$ .i*i!ishi!1 stat /#'$. :As a*!.. %+
R.A. C9CA=.
The last portion of Article 7&$9A which provides )for the purpose of sei?ing or diminishing state
power82 portrays the principal purpose of overthrowing the government. The act of *oup d!etat
may also be committed by even a single individual which may be a police2 military2 public
officer or employee. .t may be committed with or without a participation of a civilian. However2
if the *oup d!etat is considered Terrorism2 acts committed by private persons2 sowing and
creating a condition of widespread and e:traordinary fear and panic among the populace in order
to coerce the government to give in to an unlawful demand2 is also included.
?.= A$t. 2?A. M)$.$. F A!+ /$s#! 'h#0 !#t "alli!1 'ithi! th /$#2isi#!s #" A$ticl 2?C
shall &ill a!#th$0 shall % 1)ilt+ #" *)$.$ a!. shall % /)!ish. %+ $cl)si#! t*/#$al
i! its *a8i*)* /$i#. t# .ath0 i" c#**itt. 'ith a!+ #" th "#ll#'i!1 att!.a!t

1. <ith t$ach$+0 ta&i!1 a.2a!ta1 #" s)/$i#$ st$!1th0 'ith th ai. #" a$*. *!0 #$
*/l#+i!1 *a!s t# 'a&! th ."!s #$ #" *a!s #$ /$s#!s t# i!s)$ #$ a""#$.

2. I! c#!si.$ati#! #" a /$ic0 $'a$.0 #$ /$#*is.

3. B+ *a!s #" i!)!.ati#!0 "i$0 /#is#!0 8/l#si#!0 shi/'$c&0 st$a!.i!1 #" a 2ssl0
.$ail*!t #$ assa)lt )/#! a st$t ca$ #$ l#c#*#ti20 "all #" a! ai$shi/0 %+ *a!s #"
*#t#$ 2hicls0 #$ 'ith th )s #" a!+ #th$ *a!s i!2#l2i!1 1$at 'ast a!. $)i!.
?. O! #ccasi#! #" a!+ #" th cala*itis !)*$at. i! th /$c.i!1 /a$a1$a/h0 #$ #" a!
a$th4)a&0 $)/ti#! #" a 2#lca!#0 .st$)cti2 c+cl#!0 /i.*ic #$ #th$ /)%lic
B. <ith 2i.!t /$*.itati#!.
Re-es( L)4) (Ei6+"een"+ E1)%) (20&2%) T+e Re:ise1 Penal C.1e (4..5 Tw.%) Manila: RE; 4..5
S".,e (pa6e #2%
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
C. <ith c$)lt+0 %+ .li%$atl+ a!. i!h)*a!l+ a)1*!ti!1 th s)""$i!1 #" th 2icti*0 #$
#)t$a1i!1 #$ sc#""i!1 at his /$s#! #$ c#$/s.
The elements of murder are as follows(
7. That a person was >illed.
2. That the accused >illed him.
&. That the >illing was attended by any of the qualifying circumstances mentioned in
Article 2$%.
$. The >illing is not parricide or infanticide.
The circumstances which qualify a >illing of a person as murder are(
7.D <ith treachery @ .n $eople v. -uilar, the >illing of victims was done treacherously when
the shooting une:pected and sudden that the victims are not in the position to defend
The means2 methods or forms of attac> must be consciously adopted by the perpetrator of the
crime as to amount to treachery.
Ta>ing advantage of superior strength @ An e:ample of which is when a man has a weapon
and ta>es advantage of such fact to >ill someone.
<ith the aid of armed men @ .n 2.S. v. -baiar2 it was held that for the circumstance to be
present2 the armed men must ta>e part in the commission of the crime whether directly or
,mploying means to wea>en the defense @ .n 2.S. v. 3evala2 a person who une:pectedly
throws a cloa> over the head of another while in the event of murdering him is an
instance of such qualifying circumstance.
2D .n consideration of a price2 reward or promise @ .n 2.S. v. $arro and 2.S. v. -lim2 there are
two personalities illustrated(
aD 5rincipal by induction @ the person who gave the price or reward or who made the
I1) (pa6e 7#9%
Re-es( L)4) (Ei6+"een"+ E1)%) (20&2%) T+e Re:ise1 Penal C.1e (4..5 Tw.%) Manila: RE; 4..5
S".,e (pa6e 7#*%
I1) (pa6e 7##%
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
bD 5rincipal by direct participation @ the person who received the price or who accepted a
promise of price or reward were it not for such consideration2 he would not have >illed
the victim.
&D "y means of fire2 poison2 e:plosion2 etc. @ an e:ample of which is when a homicide is
committed by poison2 the intent to >ill must be intertwined with the actual use of poison
and such would be used to attain the desire to murder a person.
$D <ith evident premeditation @ Three things which the prosecution must prove to constitute
that such circumstance is present inculcated in the cases of $eople v. %eano and $eople v.
aD the time the perpetrator determined the >illing of his victimA
bD the act of the perpetrator that he pursued to >ill the victim grounded on his desire and
cD that there was a sufficient lapse of time between the period of determination I
ED <ith cruelty @ Such circumstance e:ist if the wounds inflicted upon the victim are
deliberately or intently done by the perpetrator of the crime and such has nothing to do
with the >illing of the victim. <hile inBuries are inflicted upon the victim2 he has to be
B= A$t. 2C7. Di.!a//i!1 a!. s$i#)s ill1al .t!ti#!. F A!+ /$i2at i!.i2i.)al 'h# shall
&i.!a/ #$ .tai! a!#th$0 #$ i! a!+ #th$ *a!!$ ./$i2 hi* #" his li%$t+0 shall s)""$
th /!alt+ #" $cl)si#! /$/t)a t# .ath9

1. I" th &i.!a//i!1 #$ .t!ti#! shall ha2 last. *#$ tha! "i2 .a+s.
2. I" it shall ha2 %! c#**itt. si*)lati!1 /)%lic a)th#$it+.
I1) (pa6e 800%
I1) I1)
Re-es( L)4) (Ei6+"een"+ E1)%) (20&2%) T+e Re:ise1 Penal C.1e (4..5 Tw.%) Manila: RE; 4..5
S".,e (pa6e 802%
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
3. I" a!+ s$i#)s /h+sical i!5)$is shall ha2 %! i!"lict. )/#! th /$s#! &i.!a//. #$
.tai!.> #$ i" th$ats t# &ill hi* shall ha2 %! *a..
?. I" th /$s#! &i.!a//. #$ .tai!. shall % a *i!#$0 "*al #$ a /)%lic #""ic$.

Th /!alt+ shall % .ath 'h$ th &i.!a//i!1 #$ .t!ti#! 'as c#**itt. "#$ th
/)$/#s #" 8t#$ti!1 $a!s#* "$#* th 2icti* #$ a!+ #th$ /$s#!0 2! i" !#! #" th
ci$c)*sta!cs a%#27*!ti#!. '$ /$s!t i! th c#**issi#! #" th #""!s.
<h! th 2icti* is &ill. #$ .is as a c#!s4)!c #" th .t!ti#!0 #$ is $a/. #$ is
s)%5ct. t# t#$t)$ #$ .h)*a!i3i!1 acts0 th *a8i*)* /!alt+ shall % i*/#s.. :As
amended by R.!. "o. #$%&'
The elements of >idnapping are as follows(
7. That the offender is a private individual.
2. That he +idnaps or detains another2 or in any other manner deprives the latter of his
&. That the act of detention or >idnapping must be illeal.
$. That in the commission of the offense2 any of the following circumstances is present(
a. That the >idnapping or detention lasts for more than & daysA
b. That it is committed simulating public authorityA
c. That any serious physical inBuries are inflicted upon the person >idnapped or detained
orthreats to >ill him are madeA or
d. That the person >idnapped or detained is a minor2 female2 or a public officer C5eople v.
1ercado2 7&7 S*A E07D
The offender must be a private individual otherwise it would be arbitrary detention if he is a
public officer. .n 2.S. v. 4abana, it was stated that there must also be actual confinement or
restriction of the person of the offended party. "ut it was countered in $eople v. 4risostomo that
it need not be the case that the person is placed in an inclosure but the act of detaining him and
depriving him of his liberty unlawfully in each and every manner constitutes illegal detention.
Re-es( L)4) (Ei6+"een"+ E1)%) (20&2%) T+e Re:ise1 Penal C.1e (4..5 Tw.%) Manila: RE; 4..5
S".,e (pa6e 87#%
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
C.= A$t. 32?. C$i*s i!2#l2i!1 .st$)cti#!. F A!+ /$s#! 'h# shall ca)s .st$)cti#! %+
*a!s #" 8/l#si#!0 .ischa$1 #" lct$ic c)$$!t0 i!)!.ati#!0 si!&i!1 #$ st$a!.i!1 #" a
2ssl0 i!t!ti#!al .a*a1i!1 #" th !1i! #" sai. 2ssl0 ta&i!1 )/ th $ails "$#* a
$ail'a+ t$ac&0 *alici#)sl+ cha!1i!1 $ail'a+ si1!als "#$ th sa"t+ #" *#2i!1 t$ai!s0
.st$#+i!1 tl1$a/h 'i$s a!. tl1$a/h /#sts0 #$ th#s #" a!+ #th$ s+st*0 a!.0 i!
1!$al0 %+ )si!1 a!+ #th$ a1!c+ #$ *a!s #" .st$)cti#! as ""cti2 as th#s a%#2
!)*$at.0 shall % /)!ish. %+ $cl)si#! t*/#$al i" th c#**issi#! has !.a!1$.
th sa"t+ #" a!+ /$s#!0 #th$'is0 th /!alt+ #" /$isi#! *a+#$ shall % i*/#s..
The elements of crimes involving destruction are as follows(
7. The offender causes destruction.
2. +estruction is caused by any of the following means(
a. e:plosion
b. discharge of electric current
c. inundation2 sin>ing or stranding of a vessel2 or intentional damaging of the engine of
d. ta>ing up the rails from railway trac>
e. maliciously changing railway signals for the safety of moving trains
f. destroying telegraph wires and telegraph posts or those of any other system
g. using any other agency or means of destruction as effective as those above enumerated
*ontrasting crimes involving destruction with terrorism2 a person who commits an act which
amounts to *rimes .nvolving +estruction of the evised 5enal *ode under Article &2$2 which
sows and creates a condition of widespread and e:traordinary fear and panic among the populace
with the intent to coerce the government to give in to an unlawful demand shall be guilty of
terrorism and shall suffer $0 years of imprisonment without the benefit of parole.
S/cial La's
1. P$si.!tial Dc$ 1C13
I1) (pa6e *7#( **0%
I1) (pa6e **0%
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
This statute which was enacted by 5resident -erdinand 1arcos amended the law on arson
found under the evised 5enal *ode it was again amended by epublic Act #o. 7GE'.
Scti#! 2. 3estructive -rson. The penalty of eclusion Temporal in its ma:imum period to
eclusion 5erpetua shall be imposed if the property burned is any of the following(
7. Any ammunition factory and other establishment where e:plosives2 inflammable or
combustible materials are stored.
2. Any archive2 museum2 whether public or private2 or any edifice devoted to culture2
education or social services.
&. Any church or place of worship or other building where people usually assemble.
$. Any train2 airplane or any aircraft2 vessel or watercraft2 or conveyance for
transportation of persons or property
$. Any building where evidence is >ept for use in any legislative2 Budicial2 administrative
or other official proceedings.
E. Any hospital2 hotel2 dormitory2 lodging house2 housing tenement2 shopping center2
public or private mar>et2 theater or movie house or any similar place or building.
G. Any building2 whether used as a dwelling or not2 situated in a populated or congested
2. R/)%lic Act N#. C9C9
Scti#! 13. $rohibited -cts. @ The following acts and omissions shall be considered
aD Fnowingly use a chemical substance or mi:ture which is imported2 manufactured2
processed or distributed in violation of this Act or implementing rules and regulations or
bD -ailure or refusal to submit reports2 notices or other information2 access to records2 as
required by this Act2 or permit inspection of establishment where chemicals are
manufactured2 processed2 stored or otherwise heldA
cD -ailure or refusal to comply with the pre9manufacture and pre9importation
requirementsA and
dD *ause2 aid or facilitate2 directly or indirectly2 in the storage2 importation2 or bringing
into 5hilippines territory2 including its maritime economic ?ones2 even in transit2 either by
Oa'inal( C)P) (200*%) T+e H'an Sec,i"- Ac" ./ 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72% (A Manal /.,
"+e 0e/en1e,s ./ H'ani"-%) 2e3.n Ci"-: Cen",al 4..5 Sppl- Inc) (pa6e 89%
P,esi1en"ial 0ec,ee &9&$ (&#7#%( Sec) 2
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
means of land2 air or sea transportation or otherwise >eeping in storage any amount of
ha?ardous and nuclear wastes in any part of the 5hilippines.
3. R/)%lic Act N#. B2,7
?. R/)%lic Act N#. C23B
Scti#! 1. .t shall be unlawful for any person to compel a change in the course or
destination of an aircraft of 5hilippine registry2 or to sei?e or usurp the control thereof2
while it is in flight. An aircraft is in flight from the moment all its e:ternal doors are closed
following embar>ation until any of such doors is opened for disembar>ation.
.t shall li>ewise be unlawful for any person to compel an aircraft of foreign registry to land
in 5hilippine territory or to sei?e or usurp the control thereof while it is within the said
Scti#! 2. Any person violating any provision of the foregoing section shall be punished by
an imprisonment of not less than twelve years but not more than twenty years2 or by a fine
of not less than twenty thousand pesos but not more than forty thousand pesos.
The penalty of imprisonment of fifteen years to death2 or a fine of not less than twenty9five
thousand pesos but not more than fifty thousand pesos shall be imposed upon any person
committing such violation under any of the following circumstances(
7. <henever he has fired upon the pilot2 member of the crew or passenger of the aircraftA
2. <henever he has e:ploded or attempted to e:plode any bomb or e:plosive
to destroy the aircraftA or
&. <henever the crime is accompanied by murder2 homicide2 serious physical inBuries or
Rep!lic Ac" N.) 9#9# (&##0%( Sec) &$
Rep!lic Ac" N.) 8207 (&#9*%
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
Scti#! 3. .t shall be unlawful for any person2 natural or Buridical2 to ship2 load or carry in
any passenger aircraftoperating as a public utility within the 5hilippines2 and e:plosive2
flammable2 corrosive or poisonous substance or material.
B. P$si.!tial Dc$ B32
Scti#! 2. 3efinition of Terms. The following terms shall mean and be understood2 as
: : :
.. Pi$ac+. Any attac> upon or sei?ure of any vessel2 or the ta>ing away of the whole or part
thereof or its cargo2 equipment2 or the personal belongings of its complement or passengers2
irrespective of the value thereof2 by means of violence against or intimidation of persons or
force upon things2 committed by any person2 including a passenger or member of the
complement of said vessel2 in 5hilippine waters2 shall be considered as piracy. The offenders
shall be considered as pirates and punished as hereinafter provided.
. Hi1h'a+ R#%%$+6B$i1a!.a1. The sei?ure of any person for ransom2 e:tortion or other
unlawful purposes2 or the ta>ing away of the property of another by means of violence
against or intimidation of person or force upon things of other unlawful means2 committed by
any person on any 5hilippine Highway.
: : :
Scti#! ?. !iding pirates or high(ay robbers)brigands or abetting piracy or high(ay
robbery)brigandage. Any person who >nowingly and in any manner aids or protects pirates
or highway robbers;brigands2 such as giving them information about the movement of police
or other peace officers of the government2 or acquires or receives property ta>en by such
pirates or brigands or in any manner derives any benefit therefromA or any person who
directly or indirectly abets the commission of piracy or highway robbery or brigandage2 shall
be considered as an accomplice of the principal offenders and be punished in accordance
with the ules prescribed by the evised 5enal *ode.
C. P$si.!tial Dc$ 1ACC
Rep!lic Ac" N.) 92$8 (&#7&%( Sec) &@$
P,esi1en"ial 0ec,ee 8$2 (&#77%( Sec) 2 (1% an1 (e%
P,esi1en"ial 0ec,ee 8$2 (&#77%( Sec) 7
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
.f the offender committed illegal possession of firearms in furtherance of terrorism2 he
can be held liable for the crime of terrorism under Section & of epublic Act #o. '&72 or illegal
possession of e:plosives under Section & of 5residential +ecree 7%GG C5+ 7%GGD as amended by
epublic Act #o. 'E7G.
4nder Section &9* of 5+ 7%GG2 when illegal possession of e:plosives is a necessary
means for committing any of the crimes defined in the evised 5enal *ode or special laws2 or is
in furtherance of2 incident to2 in connection with2 by reason of2 or on occasion of any of the
crimes defined in the evised 5enal *ode or special laws2 the penalty of reclusion perpetua and a
fine ranging from 0ne hundred Thousand pesos C57002000.00D to 0ne million pesos
C5720002000.00D shall be imposed.
SECTION ?. Conspiracy to Commit Terrorism.*** P$s#!s 'h# c#!s/i$ t# c#**it
th c$i* #" t$$#$is* shall s)""$ th /!alt+ #" "#$t+ :?,= +a$s #" i*/$is#!*!t.
Th$ is c#!s/i$ac+ 'h! t'# #$ *#$ /$s#!s c#* t# a! a1$*!t c#!c$!i!1 th
c#**issi#! #" th c$i* #" t$$#$is* as ."i!. i! Scti#! 3 h$#" a!. .ci. t# c#**it
th sa*.
There are three versions of the definition of the conspiracy and proposal to commit
terrorism from the evised 5enal *ode2 House 6ersion and the Senate 6ersion. However2 in the
human security act2 only conspiracy is mentioned and left out proposal to commit terrorism.
Article % of the evised 5enal *ode states( ) 4onspiracy and proposal to commit felony.&
*onspiracy and proposal to commit felony are punishable only in cases in which the law
specially provides a penalty therefor.
Ca'panilla( M)4) (20&0%) Special Penal Laws A.l'e II) Manila: Re< 4..5s".,e (pa6e 209%
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
A conspiracy e:ists when two or more persons come to an agreement concerning the
commission of a felony and decide to commit it.
There is proposal when the person who has decided to commit a felony proposes its
e:ecution to some other person or persons.8
H#)s 2$si#!9
)Sec. G. 4onspiracy and $roposal to 4ommit Terrorism.&&& There is a conspiracy to
commit terrorism when two or more persons come to an agreement to commit any act of
terrorism as defined herein and decide to commit it.
There is proposal to commit terrorism when any person who has decided to commit any
act of terrorism as defined herein proposes its e:ecution to some other person or persons.
There is conspiracy and proposal to commit any act of terrorism shall be punished by
imprisonment of not less than si8 +a$s a!. #! .a+ %)t !#t *#$ tha! t'l2 +a$s a!. a
"i! #" #! *illi#! /s#s. 5rovided2 that2 if the offender is a government official or employee
who used or abused his office in the commission of a terrorist act2 the ma:imum penalty and the
accessory penalty of perpetual absolute disqualification to hold public office shall be imposed.8
S!at 2$si#!9
)4onspiracy or $roposal to 4ommit Terrorism.&&& There is conspiracy to commit
terrorism when two or more persons come to an agreement to commit any act of terrorism as
defined herein and decided to commit it.
There is proposal to commit terrorism when any person who has decided 2 to commit any
act of terrorism as defined herein proposes its e:ecution to some other person or persons.
Any person who conspires to commit any act of terrorism shall be punished by
imprisonment of not less than t! +a$s t# "i"t! +a$s a!. a "i! #" "i2 *illi#! /s#s.
Any person who proposes the commission of any act of terrorism shall be punished by
imprisonment of not less than si8 +a$s a!. #! .a+ %)t !#t *#$ tha! t! +a$s a!. a "i! #"
th$ *illi#! /s#s.
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
5rovided if the offender is a government official or employee or has retired2 resigned
dismissed2 or otherwise separated from the government service2 the ma:imum penalty and the
accessory penalty of perpetual disqualification to hold public office shall be imposed.8
All three definitions of what conspiracy and proposal to commit terrorism is2 are ali>e
and the difference from all the versions is the penalty imposable to the offenders. However2 in
the definitions given2 proposal to commit terrorism was covered in the same article or section
while in section $ of the Human Security Act of 20072 only conspiracy to commit terrorism is
punishable. *onspiracy2 again2 is when t'# #$ *#$ persons come to an agreement concerning
the commission of the crime of terrorism and decide to commit it.
) .t is a common design which is the essence of conspiracy999 conspirators may act separately or
together by commission on different manner but always leading to the same unlawful result. The
character and effect of conspiracy are not to be adBudged by dismembering it and viewing its
separate parts but only by loo>ing at it as a whole99 acts done to give effect to conspiracy may
be2 in fact2 wholly innocent facts.8 C5referred Home Specialties2 .nc. vs. *A2 $7% S*A &%7D
)"y statutory definition2 conspiracy e:ists when two or more persons come to an agreement
concerning the commission of a felony and decide to commit it. 6enturing into the gray areas of
the concept of conspiracy2 petitioner cites the following obiter defining )implied conspiracy28
<hen by their acts2 two or more persons proceed toward the accomplishment of the same
felonious obBect2 with each doing his act2 so that their acts though seemingly independent were in
fact connected2 showing a closeness of formal association and concurrence of sentiment2
conspiracy may be inferred.
Admittedly2 direct proof is not essential to establish conspiracy. Since by its nature
conspiracy is planned in utmost secrecy2 it can rarely be proved by direct evidence.
*onsequently2 the presence of the concurrence of minds which is involved in conspiracy may be
Oa'inal( C)P) (200*%) T+e H'an Sec,i"- Ac" ./ 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72% (A Manal /.,
"+e 0e/en1e,s ./ H'ani"-%) 2e3.n Ci"-: Cen",al 4..5 Sppl- Inc) (pa6e &27@&28%
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
inferred from proof of facts and circumstances which2 ta>en together2 apparently indicate that
they are merely parts of some complete whole. .f it is proved that two or more persons aimed by
their acts towards the accomplishment of the same unlawful obBect2 each doing a part so that
their combined acts2 though apparently independent2 were in fact connected and cooperative2
indicating a closeness of personal association and a concurrence of sentiment2 a conspiracy may
be inferred though no actual meeting among them to concert is proved. That would be termed an
implied conspiracy.8 C5eople vs. Hose )Hinggoy8 ,strada2 /.. #o. 7E%7E$2 August 702 2007D
SEC. B !ccomplice.*** A!+ /$s#! 'h#0 !#t %i!1 a /$i!ci/al )!.$ A$ticl 17 #" th
R2is. P!al C#. #$ a c#!s/i$at#$ as ."i!. is Scti#! ? h$#"0 c##/$at. i! th
8c)ti#! #" ith$ th c$i* #" t$$#$is* #$ c#!s/i$ac+ t# c#**it t$$#$is* %+ /$2i#)s #$
si*)lta!#)s acts shall s)""$ th /!alt+ #" "$#* s2!t! +a$s0 "#)$ *#!ths #! .a+ t#
t'!t+ +a$s #" i*/$is#!*!t.
T# h#l. a /$s#! lia%l as a! acc#*/lic0 t'# l*!ts *)st c#!c)$9
a. the community of criminal design of the principal by direct participation2 he concurs with
the latter in his purposeA
b. the performance of previous or simultaneous acts that are not indispensable to the
commission of the crime. C5eople vs. 5ilola2 $0E S*A 7&$D
Article 7% of the evised 5enal *ode defines accomplices as Jthose persons who2 not being
included in Article 772 cooperate in the e:ecution of the offense by previous or simultaneous
)1ere commission of an act2 which aids the perpetrator2 is not enough.8 C5eople v.
*astillo2 $2E S*A 7&GD
SEC. C. !ccessory.*** A!+ /$s#! 'h#0 ha2i!1 &!#'l.1 #" th c#**issi#! #" th
c$i* #" t$$#$is* #$ c#!s/i$ac+ t# c#**it t$$#$is*0 a!. 'ith#)t ha2i!1 /a$tici/at.
th$i!0 ith$ as /$i!ci/al #$ acc#*/lic )!.$ A$ticls 17 a!. 1A #" th R2is. P!al
C#.0 ta&s /a$t s)%s4)!t t# its c#**issi#! i! a!+ #" th "#ll#'i!1 *a!!$9 :a= %+
I1) (pa6e &2*%
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
/$#"iti!1 hi*sl" #$ assisti!1 th #""!.$ t# /$#"it %+ th ""cts #" th c$i*> :%= %+
c#!cali!1 #$ .st$#+i!1 th %#.+ #" th c$i*0 #$ th ""cts0 #$ i!st$)*!ts th$#"0 i!
#$.$ t# /$2!t its .isc#2$+> :c= %+ ha$%#$i!10 c#!cali!10 #$ assisti!1 i! th sca/ #" th
/$i!ci/al #$ c#!s/i$at#$ #" th c$i*0 shall s)""$ th /!alt+ #" t! +a$s a!. #! .a+ t#
t'l2 +a$s #" i*/$is#!*!t.
N#t 'ithsta!.i!1 th a%#2 /a$a1$a/h0 th /!altis /$sc$i%. "#$ accss#$is shall
!#t % i*/#s. )/#! th#s 'h# a$ s)ch 'ith $s/ct t# thi$ s/#)ss0 asc!.a!ts0
.sc!.a!ts0 l1iti*at0 !at)$al0 a!. a.#/t. %$#th$s a!. sist$s0 #$ $lati2s %+ a""i!it+
'ithi! th sa* .1$s0 'ith th si!1l 8c/ti#! #" accss#$is "alli!1 'ithi! th
/$#2isi#!s #" s)%/a$a1$a/h :a=.
Section G of the Human Security Act of 2007 is the same as Article 7' of the evised 5enal
)The three manner or means of act2 that ma>es a person liable as accessory(
7. "y profiting himself or assisting the offender to profit by the effects of
the crime.
2. "y concealing or destroying the body of the crime2 or the effects2 or
instruments thereof2 in order to prevent its discovery.
&. "y harboring2 concealing2 or assisting in the escape of the principal of
the crime of conspirator of the crime.
5enalty is 70 years and 7 day to 72 years.
.f the person who commits the means or manner is a relative2 no criminal liability can be
imputed to the former. However2 the e:empting act does not apply to paragraph CaD which
is profiting the fruits of the crime.
The rationale why the framers of the evised 5enal *ode and as acquised by the framers
of this Act2 that a relative is e:empted from any criminal liability is because of human
This is not based on any flimsy a:iom but on the logical ground that human nature forces
man to conceal; assist from arrest and prosecution a relative suspected to have committed
a crime.8
Oa'inal( C)P) (200*%) T+e H'an Sec,i"- Ac" ./ 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72% (A Manal /.,
"+e 0e/en1e,s ./ H'ani"-%) 2e3.n Ci"-: Cen",al 4..5 Sppl- Inc) (pa6e &$&%
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
SEC. 7. Surveillance of Suspects and +nterception and Recording of Communications
* Th /$#2isi#! #" R/)%lic Act N#. ?2,, :A!ti7 <i$ Ta//i!1 La'= t# th c#!t$a$+
!#t'ithsta!.i!10 a /#lic #$ la' !"#$c*!t #""icial a!. th **%$s #" his ta* *a+0
)/#! a '$itt! #$.$ #" th C#)$t #" A//als0 list! t#0 i!t$c/t a!. $c#$.0 'ith th )s #"
a!+ *#.0 "#$*0 &i!. #$ t+/ #" lct$#!ic #$ #th$ s)$2illa!c 4)i/*!t #$ i!t$c/ti!1
a!. t$ac&i!1 .2ics0 #$ 'ith th )s #" a!+ c#**)!icati#!0 *ssa10 c#!2$sati#!0
.isc)ssi#!0 #$ s/#&! #$ '$itt! '#$.s %t'! **%$s #" a 5).iciall+ .cla$. a!.
#)tla'. t$$#$ist #$1a!i3ati#!0 ass#ciati#!0 #$ 1$#)/ #" /$s#!s #$ #" a!+ /$s#! cha$1.
'ith #$ s)s/ct. #" th c$i* #" t$$#$is* #$ c#!s/i$ac+ t# c#**it t$$#$is*.
P$#2i..0 that s)$2illa!c0 i!t$c/ti#! a!. $c#$.i!1 #" c#**)!icati#!s %t'!
la'+$s a!. cli!ts0 .#ct#$s a!. /ati!ts0 5#)$!alists a!. thi$ s#)$cs a!. c#!"i.!tial
%)si!ss c#$$s/#!.!c shall !#t % a)th#$i3..
"ased on section 7 of the Human Security Act of 20072 there are requirements before an
interception or a recording of communications be made legal. 0ne is that there must be a written
order from the *ourt of Appeals and another requirement is that the subBect of the surveillance is
between members of a Budicially declared and outlawed terrorist organi?ation2 association2 or
group of persons or any person charged with or suspected of the crime of terrorism or conspiracy
to commit terrorism. Along with the requirements before it be made legal2 there are e:ceptions to
the rule of legal wiretapping. *ommunications between lawyers and clients2 doctors and patients2
Bournalists and their sources and confidential business correspondence are e:empted from
)4nder Sec. & of .A. #o. $2002 otherwise >nown as Anti9 <ire Tapping 3aw2 the
egional Trial *ourt may issue an order allowing a peace officer to secretly overhear2 intercept2
or record a private communications by means of the devices in cases involving the crimes of
treason2 espionage2 provo>ing war and disloyalty in case of war2 piracy2 mutiny in the high seas2
rebellion2 conspiracy2 and proposal to commit rebellion2 inciting to rebellion2 sedition2 conspiracy
to commit sedition2 inciting to sedition2 >idnapping and violations of espionage law and other
offenses against national security.
Terrorism is not one of those crimes mentioned in Sec. & of .A. #o. $200. However2
under sec.7 of .A.#o. '&722 the *ourt of Appeals may authori?e the surveillance2 interception
and recording of communication between members of terrorist organi?ation or of any person
charged with or suspected of the crime of terrorism or conspiracy to commit terrorism.
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
The prohibition on surveillance2 interception and recording of communications between
lawyers and clients2 doctors and patients2 Bournalists and their sources and business
correspondence is a $c#1!iti#! #" c#!"i.!tial cha$act$ of such communication.8
According to the case of amire? vs. *ourt of Appeals(
)5etitioner vigorously argues2 as her Jmain and principal issueJ that the applicable
provision of epublic Act $200 does not apply to the taping of a private conversation by one of
the parties to the conversation. She contends that the provision merely refers to the unauthori?ed
taping of a private conversation by a party other than those involved in the communication. .n
relation to this2 petitioner avers that the substance or content of the conversation must be alleged
in the .nformation2 otherwise the facts charged would not constitute a violation of .A. $200.
-inally2 petitioner agues that .A. $200 penali?es the taping of a Jprivate communication2J not a
Jprivate conversationJ and that consequently2 her act of secretly taping her conversation with
private respondent was not illegal under the said act.
< .isa1$.
-irst2 legislative intent is determined principally from the language of a statute. <here the
language of a statute is clear and unambiguous2 the law is applied according to its e:press terms2
and interpretation would be resorted to only where a literal interpretation would be either
impossible or absurd or would lead to an inBustice.
Section 7 of .A. $200 entitled2 J An Act to 5rohibit and 5enali?ed <ire Tapping and 0ther
elated 6iolations of 5rivate *ommunication and 0ther 5urposes2J provides(
Sec. 7. .t shall be unlawful for any person2 not being authori?ed by all the parties to any
private communication or spo>en word2 to tap any wire or cable2 or by using any other
device or arrangement2 to secretly overhear2 intercept2 or record such communication or
Special Penal Laws A.l) II p) 20*@20#
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
spo>en word by using a device commonly >nown as a dictaphone or dictagraph or
detectaphone or wal>ie9tal>ie or tape recorder2 or however otherwise described.
The aforestated provision clearly and unequivocally ma>es it illegal for any person2 not
authori?ed by all the parties to any private communication to secretly record such
communication by means of a tape recorder. The law ma>es no distinction as to whether the
party sought to be penali?ed by the statute ought to be a party other than or different from those
involved in the private communication. The statuteKs intent to penali?e all persons unauthori?ed
to ma>e such recording is underscored by the use of the qualifier JanyJ. *onsequently2 as
respondent *ourt of Appeals correctly concluded2 Jeven a CpersonD privy to a communication
who records his private conversation with another without the >nowledge of the latter CwillD
qualify as a violatorJ under this provision of .A. $200.8 Camire? vs. *ourt of Appeals2 /..
#o. '&%&&.2 September 2%2 7''ED
SEC. A. ,ormal !pplication for -udicial !uthori.ation.777 Th '$itt! #$.$ #" th
a)th#$i3i!1 .i2isi#! #" th C#)$t #" A//als t# t$ac& .#'!0 ta/0 list! t#0 i!t$c/t0 a!.
$c#$. c#**)!icati#!s0 *ssa1s0 c#!2$sati#!s0 .isc)ssi#!s0 #$ s/#&! #$ '$itt! '#$.s
#" a!+ /$s#! s)s/ct. #" th c$i* #" t$$#$is* #$ th c$i* #" c#!s/i$ac+ t# c#**it
t$$#$is* shall #!l+ % 1$a!t. %+ th a)th#$i3i!1 .i2isi#! #" th C#)$t #" A//als )/#! a!
8 /a$t '$itt! a//licati#! #" a /#lic #$ #" a la' !"#$c*!t #""icial 'h# has %! .)l+
a)th#$i3. i! '$iti!1 %+ th A!ti7T$$#$is* C#)!cil c$at. i! Scti#! B3 #" this Act t# "il
s)ch 8 /a$t a//licati#!0 a!. )/#! 8a*i!ati#! )!.$ #ath #$ a""i$*ati#! #" th a//lica!t
a!. th 'it!sss h *a+ /$#.)c t# sta%lish9 :a= that th$ is /$#%a%l ca)s t# %li2
%as. #! /$s#!al &!#'l.1 #" "acts #$ ci$c)*sta!cs that th sai. c$i* #" t$$#$is* #$
c#!s/i$ac+ t# c#**it t$$#$is* has %! c#**itt.0 #$ is %i!1 c#**itt.0 #$ is a%#)t t#
% c#**itt.> :%= that th$ is /$#%a%l ca)s t# %li2 %as. #! /$s#!al &!#'l.1 #"
"acts #$ ci$c)*sta!cs that 2i.!c0 'hich is ss!tial t# th c#!2icti#! #" a!+ cha$1. #$
s)s/ct. /$s#! "#$0 #$ t# th s#l)ti#! #$ /$2!ti#! #"0 a!+ s)ch c$i*s0 'ill % #%tai!.>
a!.0 :c= that th$ is !# #th$ ""cti2 *a!s $ a2aila%l "#$ ac4)i$i!1 s)ch 2i.!c.
)The written order mentioned in the preceding provision is discussed in the proviso as to
its application and procedure(
.t shall be granted only by the authori?ing division of the *ourt of Appeals to the
e:clusion of all other courts.
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
+one through an ,:9 5arte <ritten Application by a police or law enforcement
That the police or law enforcement officer who prepares for the ,:95arte <ritten
Application must have the written authori?ation from the Anti9 Terrorism *ouncil.8
-rom the forgoing2 without following the proper procedure and requisites2 any and all acts of
recording2 tapping2 intercepting communication between individuals2 even if it could be valuable
evidence2 is inadmissible if it was gotten outside the procedure given by law. The inadmissible
recording is an e:ample of a fruit from the poisonous tree doctrine.
)5rocedural requisites in the hearing of the application(
9The applicant must be e:amined under oath or affirms his application or the witnesses he
may produce. The e:amination must establish the following(
a. That there is probable cause to believe based on personal >nowledge of facts or
circumstances that the said crime of terrorism or conspiracy to commit terrorism has been
committed2 or is being committed2 or is about to be committedA
b. That there is probable cause to believe based on personal >nowledge of facts or
circumstances that evidence2 which is essential to the conviction of any charged or
suspected person for2 of to the solution or prevention of2 any such crimes2 will be
obtained and that there is !# other effective means readily available for acquiring such
-rom the procedure given by law2 probable cause is an indispensible requirement before a
police or law enforcer may apply for wire9tapping.
)5robable cause is defined as such facts and circumstances that will engender a well9
founded belief that a crime has been committed and that the respondent is probably guilty thereof
and should be held for trial.8 C"aviera v. 5aglinawan2 /.. #os. 7G%&%0 and 770G022 -ebruary %2
20072 E7E S*A 7702 7%$D
Oa'inal( C)P) (200*%) T+e H'an Sec,i"- Ac" ./ 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72% (A Manal /.,
"+e 0e/en1e,s ./ H'ani"-%) 2e3.n Ci"-: Cen",al 4..5 Sppl- Inc) (pa6e &80%
I1) a" pa6e &80@&8&
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
)5robable cause has been defined in the leading case of "uchanan vs. 6da. de ,steban
C&2 5hil. &GED as the e:istence of such facts and circumstances as would e:cite the belief2 in a
reasonable mind2 acting on the facts within the >nowledge of the prosecutor2 that the person
charged was guilty of the crime for which he was prosecuted. 5robable cause is a reasonable
ground of presumption that a matter is2 or may be2 well founded2 such a state of facts in the mind
of the prosecutor as would lead a person of ordinary caution and prudence to believe2 or entertain
an honest or strong suspicion2 that a thing is so.8 C5ilapil vs. Sandiganbayan /.. #o. 707'7%.
April 72 7''&.D
SEC. 9. Classification and Contents of the /rder of the Court.777 Th '$itt! #$.$
1$a!t. %+ th a)th#$i3i!1 .i2isi#! #" th C#)$t #" A//als as 'll as its #$.$0 i" a!+0 t#
8t!. #$ $!' th sa*0 th #$i1i!al a//licati#! #" th a//lica!t0 i!cl).i!1 his
a//licati#! t# 8t!. #$ $!'0 i" a!+0 a!. th '$itt! a)th#$i3ati#!s #" th A!ti7T$$#$is*
C#)!cil shall % .*. a!. a$ h$%+ .cla$. as classi"i. i!"#$*ati#!9 P$#2i..0 That
th /$s#! %i!1 s)$2ill. #$ 'h#s c#**)!icati#!s0 ltt$s0 /a/$s0 *ssa1s0
c#!2$sati#!s0 .isc)ssi#!s0 s/#&! #$ '$itt! '#$.s a!. ""cts ha2 %! *#!it#$.0
list!. t#0 %)11. #$ $c#$.. %+ la' !"#$c*!t a)th#$itis has th $i1ht t# % i!"#$*.
#" th acts .#! %+ th la' !"#$c*!t a)th#$itis i! th /$*iss #$ t# chall!10 i" h #$
sh i!t!.s t# .# s#0 th l1alit+ #" th i!t$"$!c %"#$ th C#)$t #" A//als 'hich
iss). th '$itt! #$.$. Th '$itt! #$.$ #" th a)th#$i3i!1 .i2isi#! #" th C#)$t #"
A//als shall s/ci"+ th "#ll#'i!19 :a= th i.!tit+0 s)ch as !a* a!. a..$ss0 i" &!#'!0 #"
th cha$1. #$ s)s/ct. /$s#! 'h#s c#**)!icati#!s0 *ssa1s0 c#!2$sati#!s0
.isc)ssi#!s0 #$ s/#&! #$ '$itt! '#$.s a$ t# % t$ac&. .#'!0 ta//.0 list!. t#0
i!t$c/t.0 a!. $c#$.. a!.0 i! th cas #" $a.i#0 lct$#!ic0 #$ tl/h#!ic :'hth$
'i$lss #$ #th$'is= c#**)!icati#!s0 *ssa1s0 c#!2$sati#!s0 .isc)ssi#!s0 #$ s/#&! #$
'$itt! '#$.s0 th lct$#!ic t$a!s*issi#! s+st*s #$ th tl/h#! !)*%$s t# % t$ac&.
.#'!0 ta//.0 list!. t#0 i!t$c/t.0 a!. $c#$.. a!. thi$ l#cati#!s #$ i" th /$s#!
s)s/ct. #" th c$i* #" t$$#$is* #$ c#!s/i$ac+ t# c#**it t$$#$is* is !#t ")ll+ &!#'!0
s)ch /$s#! shall % s)%5ct t# c#!ti!)#)s s)$2illa!c /$#2i.. th$ is a $as#!a%l
1$#)!. t# .# s#> :%= th i.!tit+ :!a*0 a..$ss0 a!. th /#lic #$ la' !"#$c*!t
#$1a!i3ati#!= #" th /#lic #$ #" th la' !"#$c*!t #""icial0 i!cl).i!1 th i!.i2i.)al
i.!tit+ :!a*s0 a..$sss0 a!. th /#lic #$ la' !"#$c*!t #$1a!i3ati#!= #" th **%$s
#" his ta*0 5).iciall+ a)th#$i3. t# t$ac& .#'!0 ta/0 list! t#0 i!t$c/t0 a!. $c#$. th
c#**)!icati#!s0 *ssa1s0 c#!2$sati#!s0 .isc)ssi#!s0 #$ s/#&! #$ '$itt! '#$.s> :c= th
#""!s #$ #""!ss c#**itt.0 #$ %i!1 c#**itt.0 #$ s#)1ht t# % /$2!t.> a!.0 :.= th
l!1th #" ti* 'ithi! 'hich th a)th#$i3ati#! shall % )s. #$ ca$$i. #)t.
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
)<hat are considered classified information under this actL
<ritten order granted by the authori?ing division of the *ourt of Appeals.
The order e:tending or renewing the authori?ation.
0riginal application.
Application for e:tending or renewing the authori?ation.
<ritten authori?ation from the Anti Terrorism *ouncil.8
Section ' of this law stated that the person being surveilled has the right to be informed and has
the right to challenge the legality of the interference. Also2 the section enumerated the contents of
the written order. The contents are as follows(
7. .dentity2 name and address of the person charged or suspected.
2. .dentity of the applicant police officer2 law enforcement officer and his team.
&. The offense or offenses committed or to be committed.
$. The length of time within which the authori?ation is carried out.
SEC. 1,. 0ffective Period of -udicial !uthori.ation.777 A!+ a)th#$i3ati#! 1$a!t. %+
th a)th#$i3i!1 .i2isi#! #" th C#)$t #" A//als0 /)$s)a!t t# Sc. 9 :.= #" this Act0 shall
#!l+ % ""cti2 "#$ th l!1th #" ti* s/ci"i. i! th '$itt! #$.$ #" th a)th#$i3i!1
.i2isi#! #" th C#)$t #" A//als0 'hich shall !#t 8c. a /$i#. #" thi$t+ :3,= .a+s "$#*
th .at #" $ci/t #" th '$itt! #$.$ #" th a)th#$i3i!1 .i2isi#! #" th C#)$t #" A//als
%+ th a//lica!t /#lic #$ la' !"#$c*!t #""icial.
Th a)th#$i3i!1 .i2isi#! #" th C#)$t #" A//als *a+ 8t!. #$ $!' th sai.
a)th#$i3ati#! "#$ a!#th$ !#!78t!.i%l /$i#.0 'hich shall !#t 8c. thi$t+ :3,= .a+s
"$#* th 8/i$ati#! #" th #$i1i!al /$i#.9 P$#2i..0 That th a)th#$i3i!1 .i2isi#! #" th
C#)$t #" A//als is satis"i. that s)ch 8t!si#! #$ $!'al is i! th /)%lic i!t$st9 a!.
P$#2i..0 ")$th$0 That th 8 /a$t a//licati#! "#$ 8t!si#! #$ $!'al0 'hich *)st %
"il. %+ th #$i1i!al a//lica!t0 has %! .)l+ a)th#$i3. i! '$iti!1 %+ th A!ti7T$$#$is*
I! cas #" .ath #" th #$i1i!al a//lica!t #$ i! cas h is /h+sicall+ .isa%l. t# "il th
a//licati#! "#$ 8t!si#! #$ $!'al0 th #! !8t i! $a!& t# th #$i1i!al a//lica!t a*#!1
th **%$s #" th ta* !a*. i! th #$i1i!al '$itt! #$.$ #" th a)th#$i3i!1 .i2isi#! #"
th C#)$t #" A//als shall "il th a//licati#! "#$ 8t!si#! #$ $!'al9 P$#2i..0 That0
'ith#)t /$5).ic t# th lia%ilit+ #" th /#lic #$ la' !"#$c*!t /$s#!!l )!.$ Scti#!
2, h$#"0 th a//lica!t /#lic #$ la' !"#$c*!t #""icial shall ha2 thi$t+ :3,= .a+s a"t$
th t$*i!ati#! #" th /$i#. 1$a!t. %+ th C#)$t #" A//als as /$#2i.. i! th /$c.i!1
I1) a" pa6e &*$
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
/a$a1$a/hs 'ithi! 'hich t# "il th a//$#/$iat cas %"#$ th P)%lic P$#sc)t#$Ms O""ic
"#$ a!+ 2i#lati#! #" this Act.
I" !# cas is "il. 'ithi! th thi$t+ :3,=7.a+ /$i#.0 th a//lica!t /#lic #$ la' !"#$c*!t
#""icial shall i**.iatl+ !#ti"+ th /$s#! s)%5ct #" th s)$2illa!c0 i!t$c/ti#! a!.
$c#$.i!1 #" th t$*i!ati#! #" th sai. s)$2illa!c0 i!t$c/ti#! a!. $c#$.i!1. Th
/!alt+ #" t! :1,= +a$s a!. #! .a+ t# t'l2 :12= +a$s #" i*/$is#!*!t shall % i*/#s.
)/#! th a//lica!t /#lic #$ la' !"#$c*!t #""icial 'h# "ails t# !#ti"+ th /$s#! s)%5ct
#" th s)$2illa!c0 *#!it#$i!10 i!t$c/ti#! a!. $c#$.i!1 as s/ci"i. a%#2.
Heretofore2 Section 70 will be discussed into different important parts of the whole. )The
effectivity of the Budicial authori?ation given by the authori?ing division of the *ourt of Appeals
shall be as specified in the written authori?ation but shall not e:ceed thirty days from receipt of
the order by the applicant police or law enforcement officer. The police or law enforcement
officer applicant in its motion for e:tension must be authori?ed by the Anti9 Territorial *ouncil in
<.T.#/. The police or law enforcement officer must prove to the authori?ing division of the
*ourt of Appeals that the e:tension is for public interest and that the e:tension must be filed by
the original applicant.
.n case of the death of the original applicant or physical disability2 substitution is allowed
if the one to substitute is the one ne:t in ran> to the applicant by the team that is mentioned in the
written order by the *ourt of Appeals. The e:tension shall li>ewise e:tend for another thirty days
the reglementary period for the filing of the complaint against the person surveilled before the
5ublic 5rosecutors office for any violation of this Act.8
The police or law enforcement officer in the event that no case has been filed within the
thirty day period shall notify the person subBect of the surveillance the termination of the coirt
granted surveillance. And if the officer fails to notify the penalty of ten years to twelve years
shall be meted to the officer who fails to notify the person surveilled.
SEC. 11. Custody of +ntercepted and Recorded Communications. 7 All ta/s0 .iscs0 a!.
$c#$.i!1s *a. /)$s)a!t t# th a)th#$i3ati#! #" th a)th#$i3i!1 .i2isi#! #" th C#)$t #"
I1) a" pa6e &#0@&#&
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
A//als0 i!cl).i!1 all 8c$/ts a!. s)**a$is th$#" as 'll as all '$itt! !#ts #$
**#$a!.a *a. i! c#!!cti#! th$'ith0 shall0 'ithi! "#$t+7i1ht :?A= h#)$s a"t$ th
8/i$ati#! #" th /$i#. "i8. i! th '$itt! #$.$ #" th a)th#$i3i!1 .i2isi#! #" th C#)$t
#" A//als #$ 'ithi! "#$t+7i1ht :?A= h#)$s a"t$ th 8/i$ati#! #" a!+ 8t!si#! #$ $!'al
1$a!t. %+ th a)th#$i3i!1 .i2isi#! #" th C#)$t #" A//als0 % ./#sit. 'ith th
a)th#$i3i!1 Di2isi#! #" th C#)$t #" A//als i! a sal. !2l#/ #$ sal. /ac&a10 as th
cas *a+ %0 a!. shall % acc#*/a!i. %+ a 5#i!t a""i.a2it #" th a//lica!t /#lic #$ la'
!"#$c*!t #""icial a!. th **%$s #" his ta*. I! cas #" .ath #" th a//lica!t #$ i!
cas h is /h+sicall+ .isa%l. t# 8c)t th $4)i$. a""i.a2it0 th #! !8t i! $a!& t# th
a//lica!t a*#!1 th **%$s #" th ta* !a*. i! th '$itt! #$.$ #" th a)th#$i3i!1
.i2isi#! #" th C#)$t #" A//als shall 8c)t 'ith th **%$s #" th ta* that $4)i$.
a""i.a2it. It shall % )!la'")l "#$ a!+ /$s#!0 /#lic #""ic$ #$ a!+ c)st#.ia! #" th ta/s0
.iscs a!. $c#$.i!10 a!. thi$ 8c$/ts a!. s)**a$is0 '$itt! !#ts #$ **#$a!.a t#
c#/+ i! 'hat2$ "#$*0 t# $*#20 .lt0 8/)!10 i!ci!$at0 sh$. #$ .st$#+ i! a!+
*a!!$ th it*s !)*$at. a%#2 i! 'h#l #$ i! /a$t )!.$ a!+ /$t8t 'hats#2$.
A!+ /$s#! 'h# $*#2s0 .lts0 8/)!1s0 i!ci!$ats0 sh$.s #$ .st$#+s th it*s
!)*$at. a%#2 shall s)""$ a /!alt+ #" !#t lss tha! si8 +a$s a!. #! .a+ t# t'l2
:12= +a$s #" i*/$is#!*!t.
The applicant police officer or law enforcement officer is required to deposit the tapes2
recordings or e:cerpt or summary of the communication surveilled within $% hours. They shall
be placed in a sealed envelope2 accompanied by a Boint9affidavit of the applicant and the
members of his team. .f case the applicant dies or incurred physical disability2 he shall be
substituted by the ne:t in ran>.
The removing2 deleting2 e:punging2 incinerating2 shredding2 or destroying of such items
is prohibited and the offender shall be penali?ed by imprisonment of not less than G years and 7
day to 72 years.
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
SEC. 12. Contents of -oint !ffidavit. 9 Th 5#i!t a""i.a2it #" th /#lic #$ #" th la'
!"#$c*!t #""icial a!. th i!.i2i.)al **%$s #" his ta* shall stat9 :a= th !)*%$ #"
ta/s0 .iscs0 a!. $c#$.i!1s that ha2 %! *a.0 as 'll as th !)*%$ #" 8c$/ts a!.
s)**a$is th$#" a!. th !)*%$ #" '$itt! !#ts a!. **#$a!.a0 i" a!+0 *a. i!
c#!!cti#! th$'ith> :%= th .ats a!. ti*s c#2$. %+ ach #" s)ch ta/s0 .iscs0 a!.
$c#$.i!1s> :c= th !)*%$ #" ta/s0 .iscs0 a!. $c#$.i!1s0 as 'll as th !)*%$ #"
8c$/ts a!. s)**a$is th$#" a!. th !)*%$ #" '$itt! !#ts a!. **#$a!.a *a. i!
c#!!cti#! th$'ith that ha2 %! i!cl).. i! th ./#sit> a!. :.= th .at #" th #$i1i!al
'$itt! a)th#$i3ati#! 1$a!t. %+ th A!ti7T$$#$is* C#)!cil t# th a//lica!t t# "il th 8
/a$t a//licati#! t# c#!.)ct th t$ac&i!1 .#'!0 ta//i!10 i!t$c/ti!10 a!. $c#$.i!10 as
'll as th .at #" a!+ 8t!si#! #$ $!'al #" th #$i1i!al '$itt! a)th#$it+ 1$a!t. %+ th
a)th#$i3i!1 .i2isi#! #" th C#)$t #" A//als. Th 5#i!t a""i.a2it shall als# c$ti"+ )!.$
#ath that !# .)/licats #$ c#/is #" th 'h#l #$ a!+ /a$t #" a!+ #" s)ch ta/s0 .iscs0 a!.
$c#$.i!1s0 a!. that !# .)/licats #$ c#/is #" th 'h#l #$ a!+ /a$t #" a!+ #" s)ch
8c$/ts0 s)**a$is0 '$itt! !#ts0 a!. **#$a!.a0 ha2 %! *a.0 #$0 i" *a.0 that all
s)ch .)/licats a!. c#/is a$ i!cl).. i! th sal. !2l#/ #$ sal. /ac&a10 as th
cas *a+ %0 ./#sit. 'ith th a)th#$i3i!1 .i2isi#! #" th C#)$t #" A//als. It shall %
)!la'")l "#$ a!+ /$s#!0 /#lic #$ la' !"#$c*!t #""icial t# #*it #$ 8cl). "$#* th
5#i!t a""i.a2it a!+ it* #$ /#$ti#! th$#" *!ti#!. i! this Scti#!. A!+ /$s#!0 /#lic #$
la' !"#$c*!t #""ic$ 'h# 2i#lats a!+ #" th acts /$sc$i%. i! th /$c.i!1 /a$a1$a/h
shall s)""$ th /!alt+ #" !#t lss tha! t! :1,= +a$s a!. #! .a+ t# t'l2 :12= +a$s #"
The affidavit shall contain the following(
7. the number of tapes2 discs2 and recordings that have been made2 as well as the
number of e:cerpts and summaries thereof and the number of written notes and
memoranda2 if any2 made in connection therewithA
2. the dates and times covered by each of such tapes2 discs2 and recordingsA
&. the number of tapes2 discs2 and recordings2 as well as the number of e:cerpts and
summaries thereof and the number of written notes and memoranda made in
connection therewith that have been included in the depositA and
$. the date of the original written authori?ation granted by the Anti9Terrorism
There must also be a certification under oath that no duplicates or copies of the whole or
part thereof have been made or if there is any it is included in the envelope deposited at the
+ivision of the *ourt of Appeals.
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
SEC. 13. isposition of eposited 1aterial. 9Th sal. !2l#/ #$ sal. /ac&a1
a!. th c#!t!ts th$#"0 'hich a$ ./#sit. 'ith th a)th#$i3i!1 .i2isi#! #" th C#)$t #"
A//als0 shall % .*. a!. a$ h$%+ .cla$. classi"i. i!"#$*ati#!0 a!. th sal.
!2l#/ #$ sal. /ac&a1 shall !#t % #/!. a!. its c#!t!ts :i!cl).i!1 th ta/s0 .iscs0
a!. $c#$.i!1s a!. all th 8c$/ts a!. s)**a$is th$#" a!. th !#ts a!. **#$a!.a
*a. i! c#!!cti#! th$'ith= shall !#t % .i2)l1.0 $2al.0 $a.0 $/la+.0 #$ )s. as
2i.!c )!lss a)th#$i3. %+ '$itt! #$.$ #" th a)th#$i3i!1 .i2isi#! #" th C#)$t #"
A//als0 'hich '$itt! #$.$ shall % 1$a!t. #!l+ )/#! a '$itt! a//licati#! #" th
D/a$t*!t #" N)stic "il. %"#$ th a)th#$i3i!1 .i2isi#! #" th C#)$t #" A//als a!.
#!l+ )/#! a sh#'i!1 that th D/a$t*!t #" N)stic has %! .)l+ a)th#$i3. i! '$iti!1 %+
th A!ti7T$$#$is* C#)!cil t# "il th a//licati#! 'ith /$#/$ '$itt! !#tic th /$s#!
'h#s c#!2$sati#!0 c#**)!icati#!0 *ssa1 .isc)ssi#! #$ s/#&! #$ '$itt! '#$.s ha2
%! th s)%5ct #" s)$2illa!c0 *#!it#$i!10 $c#$.i!1 a!. i!t$c/ti#! t# #/!0 $2al0
.i2)l10 a!. )s th c#!t!ts #" th sal. !2l#/ #$ sal. /ac&a1 as 2i.!c. A!+
/$s#!0 la' !"#$c*!t #""icial #$ 5).icial a)th#$it+ 'h# 2i#lats his .)t+ t# !#ti"+ i!
'$iti!1 th /$s#!s s)%5ct #" th s)$2illa!c as ."i!. a%#2 shall s)""$ th /!alt+ #"
si8 +a$s a!. #! .a+ t# i1ht +a$s #" i*/$is#!*!t.
The sealed envelope or pac>ages are considered as classi"i. i!"#$*ati#!. Thus2 its
contents cannot be divulged2 revealed2 read2 replayed2 or used as evidence unless a written order
was obtained from the authori?ing division of the *ourt of Appeals2 where the pac>age is
R4)i$*!ts "#$ sc)$i!1 th '$itt! #$.$9
7. <ritten application by the +epartment of Hustice
2. Such written application must have a written authori?ation from the Anti9Terrorism
&. <ith proper notice to the person subBect of the surveillance
SEC. 1?. !pplication to /pen eposited Sealed 0nvelope or Sealed Pac2age. 7 Th
'$itt! a//licati#! 'ith !#tic t# th /a$t+ c#!c$!. t# #/! th ./#sit. sal.
!2l#/ #$ sal. /ac&a1 shall cla$l+ stat th /)$/#s #$ $as#!9 :a= "#$ #/!i!1 th
sal. !2l#/ #$ sal. /ac&a1> :%= "#$ $2ali!1 #$ .iscl#si!1 its classi"i. c#!t!ts> :c=
"#$ $/la+i!10 .i2)l1i!10 a!. #$ $a.i!1 a!+ #" th list!. t#0 i!t$c/t.0 a!. $c#$..
c#**)!icati#!s0 *ssa1s0 c#!2$sati#!s0.isc)ssi#!s0 #$ s/#&! #$ '$itt! '#$.s
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
:i!cl).i!1 a!+ #" th 8c$/ts a!. s)**a$is th$#" a!. a!+ #" th !#ts #$ **#$a!.a
*a. i! c#!!cti#! th$'ith=> O a!.0 :.= "#$ )si!1 a!+ #" sai. list!. t#0 i!t$c/t.0 a!.
$c#$.. c#**)!icati#!s0 *ssa1s0 c#!2$sati#!s0 .isc)ssi#!s0 #$ s/#&! #$ '$itt!
'#$.s :i!cl).i!1 a!+ #" th 8c$/ts a!. s)**a$is th$#" a!. a!+ #" th !#ts #$
**#$a!.a *a. i! c#!!cti#! th$'ith= as 2i.!c. A!+ /$s#!0 la' !"#$c*!t
#""icial #$ 5).icial a)th#$it+ 'h# 2i#lats his .)t+ t# !#ti"+ as ."i!. a%#2 shall s)""$ th
/!alt+ #" si8 +a$s a!. #! .a+ t# i1ht +a$s #" i*/$is#!*!t.
The written application to open the sealed envelope or sealed pac>age must state the following
7. for opening the sealed envelope or sealed pac>ageA
2. for revealing or disclosing its classified contentsA
&. for replaying2 divulging2 and or reading any of the listened to2 intercepted2 and recorded
communications2 messages2 conversations2discussions2 or spo>en or written words A and
$. for using any of said listened to2 intercepted2 and recorded communications2 messages2
conversations2 discussions2 or spo>en or written words
SEC. 1B. 0videntiary 3alue of eposited 1aterials. 7 A!+ list!. t#0 i!t$c/t.0 a!.
$c#$.. c#**)!icati#!s0 *ssa1s0 c#!2$sati#!s0 .isc)ssi#!s0 #$ s/#&! #$ '$itt!
'#$.s0 #$ a!+ /a$t #$ /a$ts th$#"0 #$ a!+ i!"#$*ati#! #$ "act c#!tai!. th$i!0 i!cl).i!1
thi$ 8ist!c0 c#!t!t0 s)%sta!c0 /)$/#$t0 ""ct0 #$ *a!i!10 'hich ha2 %! sc)$. i!
2i#lati#! #" th /$ti!!t /$#2isi#!s #" this Act0 shall a%s#l)tl+ !#t % a.*issi%l a!.
)sa%l as 2i.!c a1ai!st a!+%#.+ i! a!+ 5).icial0 4)asi75).icial0 l1islati20 #$
a.*i!ist$ati2 i!2sti1ati#!0 i!4)i$+0 /$#c.i!10 #$ ha$i!1.
<hat is inadmissible are listened2 intercepted and recorded communications that have been
secured in violation of this Act2 such as proper application for written authori?ation from the
division of the *ourt of Appeals. Therefore2 communications2 messages2 conversations2 spo>en
or written words are secured in compliance with the formal and substantial requisites under this
Act are admissible evidence.
SEC. 1C. Penalty for 4nauthori.ed or 1alicious +nterceptions and)or Recordings. 7 A!+
/#lic #$ la' !"#$c*!t /$s#!!l 'h#0 !#t %i!1 a)th#$i3. t# .# s# %+ th a)th#$i3i!1
.i2isi#! #" th C#)$t #" A//als0 t$ac&s .#'!0 ta/s0 list!s t#0 i!t$c/ts0 a!. $c#$.s i!
'hat2$ *a!!$ #$ "#$* a!+ c#**)!icati#!0 *ssa10 c#!2$sati#!0 .isc)ssi#!0 #$
s/#&! #$ '$itt! '#$. #" a /$s#! cha$1. 'ith #$ s)s/ct. #" th c$i* #" t$$#$is* #$
I1) a" pa6e 22#
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
th c$i* #" c#!s/i$ac+ t# c#**it t$$#$is* shall % 1)ilt+ #" a! #""!s a!. shall s)""$
th /!alt+ #" t! :1,= +a$s a!. #! .a+ t# t'l2 :12= +a$s #" i*/$is#!*!t.
I! a..iti#! t# th lia%ilit+ attachi!1 t# th #""!.$ "#$ th c#**issi#! #" a!+ #th$
#""!s0 th /!alt+ #" t! :1,= +a$s a!. #! .a+ t# t'l2 :12= +a$s #" i*/$is#!*!t a!.
th accss#$+ /!alt+ #" /$/t)al a%s#l)t .is4)ali"icati#! "$#* /)%lic #""ic shall %
i*/#s. )/#! a!+ /#lic #$ la' !"#$c*!t /$s#!!l 'h# *alici#)sl+ #%tai!. a!
a)th#$it+ "$#* th C#)$t #" A//als t# t$ac& .#'!0 ta/0 list! t#0 i!t$c/t0 a!. $c#$. i!
'hat2$ *a!!$ #$ "#$* a!+ c#**)!icati#!0 *ssa10 c#!2$sati#!0 .isc)ssi#!0 #$
s/#&! #$ '$itt! '#$.s #" a /$s#! cha$1. 'ith #$ s)s/ct. #" th c$i* #" t$$#$is* #$
c#!s/i$ac+ t# c#**it t$$#$is*9 P$#2i..0 That !#t'ithsta!.i!1 Scti#! 13 #" this Act0 th
/a$t+ a11$i2. %+ s)ch a)th#$i3ati#! shall % all#'. accss t# th sal. !2l#/ #$
sal. /ac&a1 a!. th c#!t!ts th$#" as 2i.!c "#$ th /$#sc)ti#! #" a!+ /#lic #$ la'
!"#$c*!t /$s#!!l 'h# *alici#)sl+ /$#c)$. sai. a)th#$i3ati#!.
U!a)th#$i3. S)$2illa!c
This is committed by any police or law enforcement personnel2 who without authority
given by the division of the *ourt of Appeals2 trac>s down2 taps2 listens to2 intercepts2 and
records in whatever manner or form any communication2 message2 conversation2 discussion2 or
spo>en or written word of a person charged with or suspected of the crime of terrorism or the
crime of conspiracy to commit terrorism.
Malici#)sl+ O%tai!i!1 a! A)th#$it+
The police or law enforcement personnel2 has obtained maliciously the authority from the
division of the *ourt of Appeals to trac> down2 tap2 listen to2 intercept2 and record in whatever
manner or form any communication2 message2 conversation2 discussion2 or spo>en or written
word of a person charged with or suspected of the crime of terrorism or the crime of conspiracy
to commit terrorism.
SEC. 17. Proscription of Terrorist /rgani.ations5 !ssociation5 or 6roup of Persons. 7 A!+
#$1a!i3ati#!0 ass#ciati#!0 #$ 1$#)/ #" /$s#!s #$1a!i3. "#$ th /)$/#s #" !1a1i!1 i!
t$$#$is*0 #$ 'hich0 alth#)1h !#t #$1a!i3. "#$ that /)$/#s0 act)all+ )ss th acts t#
t$$#$i3 *!ti#!. i! this Act #$ t# s#' a!. c$at a c#!.iti#! #" 'i.s/$a. a!.
8t$a#$.i!a$+ "a$ a!. /a!ic a*#!1 th /#/)lac i! #$.$ t# c#$c th 1#2$!*!t t# 1i2
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
i! t# a! )!la'")l .*a!. shall0 )/#! a//licati#! #" th D/a$t*!t #" N)stic %"#$ a
c#*/t!t R1i#!al T$ial C#)$t0 'ith .) !#tic a!. #//#$t)!it+ t# % ha$. 1i2! t# th
#$1a!i3ati#!0 ass#ciati#!0 #$ 1$#)/ #" /$s#!s c#!c$!.0 % .cla$. as a t$$#$ist a!.
#)tla'. #$1a!i3ati#!0 ass#ciati#!0 #$ 1$#)/ #" /$s#!s %+ th sai. R1i#!al T$ial C#)$t.
The Budicial declaration of as a terrorist and outlawed organi?ation2 association2 or group of
persons shall be made upon application of the +epartment of Hustice. Such organi?ation2
association2 or group of persons are given the opportunity to refute such application as
proscription shall be done with due process of law.
SEC. 1A. Period of etention 7ithout -udicial 7arrant of !rrest. 7 Th /$#2isi#!s #"
A$ticl 12B #" th R2is. P!al C#. t# th c#!t$a$+ !#t'ithsta!.i!10 a!+ /#lic #$ la'
!"#$c*!t /$s#!!l0 'h#0 ha2i!1 %! .)l+ a)th#$i3. i! '$iti!1 %+ th A!ti7T$$#$is*
C#)!cil has ta&! c)st#.+ #" a /$s#! cha$1. 'ith #$ s)s/ct. #" th c$i* #" t$$#$is*
#$ th c$i* #" c#!s/i$ac+ t# c#**it t$$#$is* shall0 'ith#)t i!c)$$i!1 a!+ c$i*i!al
lia%ilit+ "#$ .la+ i! th .li2$+ #" .tai!. /$s#!s t# th /$#/$ 5).icial a)th#$itis0
.li2$ sai. cha$1. #$ s)s/ct. /$s#! t# th /$#/$ 5).icial a)th#$it+ 'ithi! a /$i#. #"
th$ .a+s c#)!t. "$#* th *#*!t th sai. cha$1. #$ s)s/ct. /$s#! has %!
a//$h!.. #$ a$$st.0 .tai!.0 a!. ta&! i!t# c)st#.+ %+ th sai. /#lic0 #$ la'
!"#$c*!t /$s#!!l9 P$#2i..0 That th a$$st #" th#s s)s/ct. #" th c$i* #"
t$$#$is* #$ c#!s/i$ac+ t# c#**it t$$#$is* *)st $s)lt "$#* th s)$2illa!c )!.$
Scti#! 7 a!. 8a*i!ati#! #" %a!& ./#sits )!.$ Scti#! 27 #" this Act. Th /#lic #$ la'
!"#$c*!t /$s#!!l c#!c$!. shall0 %"#$ .tai!i!1 th /$s#! s)s/ct. #" th c$i*
#" t$$#$is*0 /$s!t hi* #$ h$ %"#$ a!+ 5).1 at th latt$Gs $si.!c #$ #""ic !a$st
th /lac 'h$ th a$$st t##& /lac at a!+ ti* #" th .a+ #$ !i1ht. It shall % th .)t+ #"
th 5).10 a*#!1 #th$ thi!1s0 t# asc$tai! th i.!tit+ #" th /#lic #$ la' !"#$c*!t
/$s#!!l a!. th /$s#! #$ /$s#!s th+ ha2 a$$st. a!. /$s!t. %"#$ hi* #$ h$0 t#
i!4)i$ #" th* th $as#!s 'h+ th+ ha2 a$$st. th /$s#! a!. .t$*i! %+
4)sti#!i!1 a!. /$s#!al #%s$2ati#! 'hth$ #$ !#t th s)s/ct has %! s)%5ct. t# a!+
/h+sical0 *#$al #$ /s+ch#l#1ical t#$t)$ %+ 'h#* a!. 'h+. Th 5).1 shall th! s)%*it a
'$itt! $/#$t #" 'hat h6sh ha. #%s$2. 'h! th s)%5ct 'as %$#)1ht %"#$ hi* t# th
/$#/$ c#)$t that has 5)$is.icti#! #2$ th cas #" th /$s#! th)s a$$st.. Th 5).1 shall
"#$th'ith s)%*it his6h$ $/#$t 'ithi! th$ cal!.a$ .a+s "$#* th ti* th s)s/ct 'as
%$#)1ht t# his6h$ $si.!c #$ #""ic. I**.iatl+ a"t$ ta&i!1 c)st#.+ #" a /$s#!
cha$1. 'ith #$ s)s/ct. #" th c$i* #" t$$#$is* #$ c#!s/i$ac+ t# c#**it t$$#$is*0 th
/#lic #$ la' !"#$c*!t /$s#!!l shall !#ti"+ i! '$iti!1 th 5).1 #" th c#)$t !a$st
th /lac #" a//$h!si#! #$ a$$st9 P$#2i.. 0That 'h$ th a$$st is *a. .)$i!1
Sat)$.a+s0 S)!.a+s0 h#li.a+s #$ a"t$ #""ic h#)$s0 th '$itt! !#tic shall % s$2. at th
$si.!c #" th 5).1 !a$st th /lac 'h$ th acc)s. 'as a$$st.. Th /!alt+ #" t!
:1,= +a$s a!. #! .a+ t# t'l2 :12= +a$s #" i*/$is#!*!t shall % i*/#s. )/#! th
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
/#lic #$ la' !"#$c*!t /$s#!!l 'h# "ails t# !#ti"+ a!. 5).1 as P$#2i.. i! th
/$c.i!1 /a$a1$a/h.
This provision covers only warrantless arrest. Arrests with Budicial warrants are covered
by the ules on *riminal 5rocedure.
4nder the law2 a person must be presented withing the period the longest of which is &G
hours2 for crimes punishable with a""licti2 /!altis. However2 a person arrested for allegedly
violating the provisions of this act could only be legally detained up to three days ante the filing
of the complaint.
The three day period applies only when the arrest falls under Section 7 and 27. Arrests
with post discovery of acts of terrorism must follow the normal procedure under Article 72E of
the evised 5enal *ode.
SEC. 19. Period of etention in the 0vent of an !ctual or +mminent Terrorist !ttac2. 7
I! th 2!t #" a! act)al #$ i**i!!t t$$#$ist attac&0 s)s/cts *a+ !#t % .tai!. "#$
*#$ tha! th$ .a+s 'ith#)t th '$itt! a//$#2al #" a *)!ici/al0 cit+0 /$#2i!cial #$
$1i#!al #""icial #" a H)*a! Ri1hts C#**issi#! #$ 5).1 #" th *)!ici/al0 $1i#!al t$ial
c#)$t0 th Sa!.i1a!%a+a! #$ a 5)stic #" th C#)$t #" A//als !a$st th /lac #" th
a$$st. I" th a$$st is *a. .)$i!1 Sat)$.a+s0 S)!.a+s0 h#li.a+s #$ a"t$ #""ic h#)$s0 th
a$$sti!1 /#lic #$ la' !"#$c*!t /$s#!!l shall %$i!1 th /$s#! th)s a$$st. t# th
$si.!c #" a!+ #" th #""icials *!ti#!. a%#2 that is !a$st th /lac 'h$ th acc)s.
'as a$$st.. Th a//$#2al i! '$iti!1 #" a!+ #" th sai. #""icials shall % sc)$. %+ th
/#lic #$ la' !"#$c*!t /$s#!!l c#!c$!. 'ithi! "i2 .a+s a"t$ th .at #" th
.t!ti#! #" th /$s#!s c#!c$!.9 Provided5 ho(ever0 That 'ithi! th$ .a+s a"t$ th
.t!ti#! th s)s/cts0 'h#s c#!!cti#! 'ith th t$$#$ attac& #$ th$at is !#t sta%lish.0
shall % $las. i**.iatl+.
R4)i$*!ts "#$ *#$ tha! 3 .a+ .t!ti#!9
7. actual or imminent terrorist attac>
2. written approval of the office of the *ommission on Human ights or by a municipal or
regional trial court Budge2 *ourt of Appeals Bustice or of the Sandiganbayan.
I1) a" pa6e 277
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
The period to secure approval is within five days after the date of detention of the person. .f the
connection to the threat is not established he shall be released three days after detention.
SEC. 2,. Penalty for ,ailure to eliver Suspect to the Proper -udicial !uthority (ithin
Three ays. 7 Th /!alt+ #" t! :1,= +a$s a!. #! .a+ t# t'l2 :12= +a$s #"
i*/$is#!*!t shall % i*/#s. )/#! a!+ /#lic #$ la' !"#$c*!t /$s#!!l 'h# has
a//$h!.. #$ a$$st.0 .tai!. a!. ta&! c)st#.+ #" a /$s#! cha$1. 'ith #$
s)s/ct. #" th c$i* #" t$$#$is* #$ c#!s/i$ac+ t# c#**it t$$#$is* a!. "ails t# .li2$
s)ch cha$1. #$ s)s/ct. /$s#! t# th /$#/$ 5).icial a)th#$it+ 'ithi! th /$i#. #" th$
SEC. 21. Rights of a Person under Custodial etention. 7 Th *#*!t a /$s#!
cha$1. 'ith #$ s)s/ct. #" th c$i* #" t$$#$is* #$ th c$i* #" c#!s/i$ac+ t# c#**it
t$$#$is* is a//$h!.. #$ a$$st. a!. .tai!.0 h shall "#$th'ith % i!"#$*.0 %+ th
a$$sti!1 /#lic #$ la' !"#$c*!t #""ic$s #$ %+ th /#lic #$ la' !"#$c*!t #""ic$s t#
'h#s c)st#.+ th /$s#! c#!c$!. is %$#)1ht0 #" his #$ h$ $i1ht9 :a= t# % i!"#$*. #"
th !at)$ a!. ca)s #" his a$$st0 t# $*ai! sil!t a!. t# ha2 c#*/t!t a!. i!./!.!t
c#)!sl /$"$a%l+ #" his ch#ic. I" th /$s#! ca!!#t a""#$. th s$2ics #" c#)!sl #" his #$
h$ ch#ic0 th /#lic #$ la' !"#$c*!t #""ic$s c#!c$!. shall i**.iatl+ c#!tact th
"$ l1al assista!c )!it #" th I!t1$at. Ba$ #" th Phili//i!s :IBP= #$ th P)%lic
Att#$!+Gs O""ic :PAO=. It shall % th .)t+ #" th "$ l1al assista!c )!it #" th IBP #$
th PAO th)s c#!tact. t# i**.iatl+ 2isit th /$s#!:s= .tai!. a!. /$#2i. hi* #$ h$
'ith l1al assista!c. Ths $i1hts ca!!#t % 'ai2. 8c/t i! '$iti!1 a!. i! th /$s!c #"
th c#)!sl #" ch#ic> :%= i!"#$*. #" th ca)s #$ ca)ss #" his .t!ti#! i! th /$s!c #"
his l1al c#)!sl> :c= all#'. t# c#**)!icat "$l+ 'ith his l1al c#)!sl a!. t# c#!"$
'ith th* at a!+ ti* 'ith#)t $st$icti#!> :.= all#'. t# c#**)!icat "$l+ a!. /$i2atl+
'ith#)t $st$icti#!s 'ith th **%$s #" his "a*il+ #$ 'ith his !a$st $lati2s a!. t# %
2isit. %+ th*> a!.0 := all#'. "$l+ t# a2ail #" th s$2ic #" a /h+sicia! #$ /h+sicia!s #"
The rights enumerated can be found under the "ill of ights. 4nder Article ...2 Section
72 of the 7'%7 *onstitution it states @
)Any person under investigation for the commission of an offense shall have the
right to be informed of his right to remain silent and to have competent and
independent counsel preferably of his own choice. .f the person cannot afford the
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
services of counsel2 he must be provided with one. These rights cannot be waived
e:cept in writing and in the presence of counsel.8
SEC. 22. Penalty for 3iolation of the Rights of a etainee. 9 A!+ /#lic #$ la'
!"#$c*!t /$s#!!l0 #$ a!+ /$s#!!l #" th /#lic #$ #th$ la' !"#$c*!t c)st#.ial
)!it that 2i#lats a!+ #" th a"#$sai. $i1hts #" a /$s#! cha$1. 'ith #$ s)s/ct. #" th
c$i* #" t$$#$is* #$ th c$i* #" c#!s/i$ac+ t# c#**it t$$#$is* shall % 1)ilt+ #" a!
#""!s a!. shall s)""$ th /!alt+ #" t! :1,= +a$s a!. #! .a+ t# t'l2 :12= +a$s #"
i*/$is#!*!t. U!lss th /#lic #$ la' !"#$c*!t /$s#!!l 'h# 2i#lat. th $i1hts #" a
.tai! #$ .tai!s as stat. a%#2 is .)l+ i.!ti"i.0 th sa* /!alt+ shall % i*/#s.
#! th /#lic #""ic$ #$ ha$ #$ la.$ #" th la' !"#$c*!t )!it ha2i!1 c)st#.+ #" th
.tai! at th ti* th 2i#lati#! 'as .#!.
SEC. 23. Re8uirement for an /fficial Custodial 9ogboo2 and its Contents. 7 Th /#lic
#$ #th$ la' !"#$c*!t c)st#.ial )!it i! 'h#s ca$ a!. c#!t$#l th /$s#! cha$1. 'ith
#$ s)s/ct. #" th c$i* #" t$$#$is* #$ th c$i* #" c#!s/i$ac+ t# c#**it t$$#$is* has
%! /lac. )!.$ c)st#.ial a$$st a!. .t!ti#! shall &/ a sc)$l+ a!. #$.$l+
*ai!tai!. #""icial l#1%##&0 'hich is h$%+ .cla$. as a /)%lic .#c)*!t a!. #/!. t#
a!. *a. a2aila%l "#$ .th i!s/cti#! a!. sc$)ti!+ #" th la'+$ #$ la'+$s #" th /$s#!
)!.$ c)st#.+ #$ a!+ **%$ #" his #$ h$ "a*il+ #$ $lati2 %+ c#!sa!1)i!it+ #$ a""i!it+
'ithi! th "#)$th ci2il .1$ #$ his #$ h$ /h+sicia! at a!+ ti* #" th .a+ #$ !i1ht 'ith#)t
a!+ "#$* #" $st$icti#!. Th l#1%##& shall c#!tai! a cla$ a!. c#!cis $c#$. #"9 :a= th
!a*0 .sc$i/ti#!0 a!. a..$ss #" th .tai!. /$s#!> :%= th .at a!. 8act ti* #" his
i!itial a.*issi#! "#$ c)st#.ial a$$st a!. .t!ti#!> :c= th !a* a!. a..$ss #" th
/h+sicia! #$ /h+sicia!s 'h# 8a*i!. hi* /h+sicall+ a!. *.icall+> :.= th stat #" his
halth a!. /h+sical c#!.iti#! at th ti* #" his i!itial a.*issi#! "#$ c)st#.ial .t!ti#!> :=
th .at a!. ti* #" ach $*#2al #" th .tai!. /$s#! "$#* his cll "#$ i!t$$#1ati#! #$
"#$ a!+ /)$/#s> :"= th .at a!. ti* #" his $t)$! t# his cll> :1= th !a* a!. a..$ss #"
th /h+sicia! #$ /h+sicia!s 'h# /h+sicall+ a!. *.icall+ 8a*i!. hi* a"t$ ach
i!t$$#1ati#!> :h= a s)**a$+ #" th /h+sical a!. *.ical "i!.i!1s #! th .tai!. /$s#!
a"t$ ach #" s)ch i!t$$#1ati#!> :i= th !a*s a!. a..$sss #" his "a*il+ **%$s a!.
!a$st $lati2s0 i" a!+ a!. i" a2aila%l> :5= th !a*s a!. a..$sss #" /$s#!s0 'h# 2isit
th .tai!. /$s#!> :&= th .at a!. ti* #" ach #" s)ch 2isits> :1= th .at a!. ti* #"
ach $4)st #" th .tai!. /$s#! t# c#**)!icat a!. c#!"$ 'ith his l1al c#)!sl #$
c#)!sls> :*= th .at a!. ti* #" ach 2isit0 a!. .at a!. ti* #" ach ./a$t)$ #" his
l1al c#)!sl #$ c#)!sls> a!.0 :!= all #th$ i*/#$ta!t 2!ts %a$i!1 #! a!. all $l2a!t
.tails $1a$.i!1 th t$at*!t #" th .tai!. /$s#! 'hil )!.$ c)st#.ial a$$st a!.
.t!ti#!. Th sai. /#lic #$ la' !"#$c*!t c)st#.ial )!it shall )/#! .*a!. #" th
a"#$*!ti#!. la'+$ #$ la'+$s #$ **%$s #" th "a*il+ #$ $lati2s 'ithi! th "#)$th
CONSTITUTION( A,") $ Sec) &2
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
ci2il .1$ #" c#!sa!1)i!it+ #$ a""i!it+ #" th /$s#! )!.$ c)st#.+ #$ his #$ h$ /h+sicia!
iss) a c$ti"i. t$) c#/+ #" th !t$is #" th l#1%##& $lati2 t# th c#!c$!. .tai!.
/$s#! 'ith#)t .la+ #$ $st$icti#! #$ $4)i$i!1 a!+ "s 'hats#2$ i!cl).i!1
.#c)*!ta$+ sta*/ ta80 !#ta$ial "s0 a!. th li&. This c$ti"i. t$) c#/+ *a+ % attst.
%+ th /$s#! 'h# has c)st#.+ #" th l#1%##& #$ 'h# all#'. th /a$t+ c#!c$!. t#
sc$)ti!i3 it at th ti* th .*a!. "#$ th c$ti"i. t$) c#/+ is *a..
Th /#lic #$ #th$ la' !"#$c*!t c)st#.ial )!it 'h# "ails t# c#*/l+ 'ith th /$c.i!1
/a$a1$a/h t# &/ a! #""icial l#1%##& shall s)""$ th /!alt+ #" t! :1,= +a$s a!. #! .a+
t# t'l2 :12= +a$s #" i*/$is#!*!t.
The police officer or law enforcement custodial unit has care and control of the person
suspected to have committed violations of acts under this statute shall >eep a securely and
orderly maintained logboo> which is considered as a public document and shall be available for
his lawyer2 member of his family within the fourth civil consanguinity and his physician. The
logboo> can be e:amined at any time of the day and night without any form of restriction.
SEC. 2?. "o Torture or Coercion in +nvestigation and +nterrogation. 7 N# th$at0
i!ti*i.ati#!0 #$ c#$ci#!0 a!. !# act 'hich 'ill i!"lict a!+ "#$* #" /h+sical /ai! #$
t#$*!t0 #$ *!tal0 *#$al0 #$ /s+ch#l#1ical /$ss)$0 #! th .tai!. /$s#!0 'hich shall
2itiat his "$'ill0 shall % */l#+. i! his i!2sti1ati#! a!. i!t$$#1ati#! "#$ th c$i* #"
t$$#$is* #$ th c$i* #" c#!s/i$ac+ t# c#**it t$$#$is*> #th$'is0 th 2i.!c #%tai!.
"$#* sai. .tai!. /$s#! $s)lti!1 "$#* s)ch th$at0 i!ti*i.ati#!0 #$ c#$ci#!0 #$ "$#*
s)ch i!"lict. /h+sical /ai! #$ t#$*!t0 #$ *!tal0 *#$al0 #$ /s+ch#l#1ical /$ss)$0 shall
%0 i! its !ti$t+0 a%s#l)tl+ !#t a.*issi%l a!. )sa%l as 2i.!c i! a!+ 5).icial0 4)asi7
5).icial0 l1islati20 #$ a.*i!ist$ati2 i!2sti1ati#!0 i!4)i$+0 /$#c.i!10 #$ ha$i!1.
According to Article ...2 Section 72 of the 7'%7 *onstitution(
)#o torture2 force2 violence2 threat2 intimidation2 or any other means which vitiate
the free will shall be used against him. Secret detention places2 solitary2
incommunicado2 or other similar forms of detention are prohibited.
Any confession or admission obtained in violation of this or Section 77 hereof
shall be inadmissible in evidence against him.
The law shall provide for penal and civil sanctions for violations of this Section as
well as compensation to the rehabilitation of victims of torture or similar
practices2 and their families.8
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
SEC. 2B. Penalty for Threat5 +ntimidation5 Coercion5 or Torture in the +nvestigation
and +nterrogation of a etained Person. 7 A!+ /$s#! #$ /$s#!s 'h# )s th$at0
i!ti*i.ati#!0 #$ c#$ci#!0 #$ 'h# i!"lict /h+sical /ai! #$ t#$*!t0 #$ *!tal0 *#$al0 #$
/s+ch#l#1ical /$ss)$0 'hich shall 2itiat th "$7'ill #" a cha$1. #$ s)s/ct. /$s#!
)!.$ i!2sti1ati#! a!. i!t$$#1ati#! "#$ th c$i* #" t$$#$is* #$ th c$i* #" c#!s/i$ac+
t# c#**it t$$#$is* shall % 1)ilt+ #" a! #""!s a!. shall s)""$ th /!alt+ #" t'l2 :12=
+a$s a!. #! .a+ t# t'!t+ :2,= +a$s #" i*/$is#!*!t. <h! .ath #$ s$i#)s /$*a!!t
.isa%ilit+ #" sai. .tai!. /$s#! #cc)$s as a c#!s4)!c #" th )s #" s)ch th$at0
i!ti*i.ati#!0 #$ c#$ci#!0 #$ as a c#!s4)!c #" th i!"licti#! #! hi* #" s)ch /h+sical /ai!
#$ t#$*!t0 #$ as a c#!s4)!c #" th i!"licti#! #! hi* #" s)ch *!tal0 *#$al0 #$
/s+ch#l#1ical /$ss)$0 th /!alt+ shall % t'l2 :12= +a$s a!. #! .a+ t# t'!t+ :2,=
+a$s #" i*/$is#!*!t.
SEC. 2C. Restriction on Travel. 7 I! cass 'h$ 2i.!c #" 1)ilt is !#t st$#!10 a!.
th /$s#! cha$1. 'ith th c$i* #" t$$#$is* #$ c#!s/i$ac+ t# c#**it t$$#$is* is
!titl. t# %ail a!. is 1$a!t. th sa*0 th c#)$t0 )/#! a//licati#! %+ th /$#sc)t#$0 shall
li*it th $i1ht #" t$a2l #" th acc)s. t# 'ithi! th *)!ici/alit+ #$ cit+ 'h$ h $si.s #$
'h$ th cas is /!.i!10 i! th i!t$st #" !ati#!al sc)$it+ a!. /)%lic sa"t+0 c#!sist!t
'ith A$ticl III0 Scti#! C #" th C#!stit)ti#!. T$a2l #)tsi. #" sai. *)!ici/alit+ #$ cit+0
'ith#)t th a)th#$i3ati#! #" th c#)$t0 shall % .*. a 2i#lati#! #" th t$*s a!.
c#!.iti#!s #" his %ail0 'hich shall th! % "#$"it. as /$#2i.. )!.$ th R)ls #" C#)$t.
H6sh *a+ als# % /lac. )!.$ h#)s a$$st %+ #$.$ #" th c#)$t at his #$ h$ )s)al /lac
#" $si.!c. <hil )!.$ h#)s a$$st0 h #$ sh *a+ !#t )s tl/h#!s0 cll/h#!s0 7
*ails0 c#*/)t$s0 th i!t$!t #$ #th$ *a!s #" c#**)!icati#!s 'ith /#/l #)tsi. th
$si.!c )!til #th$'is #$.$. %+ th c#)$t. Th $st$icti#!s a%#2*!ti#!. shall %
t$*i!at. )/#! th ac4)ittal #" th acc)s. #$ #" th .is*issal #" th cas "il. a1ai!st
hi* #$ a$li$ )/#! th .isc$ti#! #" th c#)$t #! *#ti#! #" th /$#sc)t#$ #$ #" th
The accused right to travel is restricted within the municipality or city he resides or the
case is pending. Any travel outside of said municipality of city without any Budicial authori?ation
is a violation of his bail and shall be forfeited.
.f the accused is under house arrest2 no form of communication is allowed unless
authori?ed by the court.
SEC. 27. -udicial !uthori.ation Re8uired to 0:amine Ban2 eposits5 !ccounts5 and
Records. 9 Th /$#2isi#!s #" R/)%lic Act N#. 1?,B as a*!..0 t# th c#!t$a$+
!#t'ithsta!.i!10 th 5)stics #" th C#)$t #" A//als .si1!at. as a s/cial c#)$t t# ha!.l
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
a!ti7t$$#$is* cass a"t$ satis"+i!1 th*sl2s #" th 8ist!c #" /$#%a%l ca)s i! a
ha$i!1 call. "#$ that /)$/#s that9 :1= a /$s#! cha$1. 'ith #$ s)s/ct. #" th c$i* #"
t$$#$is* #$0 c#!s/i$ac+ t# c#**it t$$#$is*0 :2= #" a 5).iciall+ .cla$. a!. #)tla'.
t$$#$ist #$1a!i3ati#!0 ass#ciati#!0 #$ 1$#)/ #" /$s#!s> a!. :3=#" a **%$ #" s)ch
5).iciall+ .cla$. a!. #)tla'. #$1a!i3ati#!0 ass#ciati#!0 #$ 1$#)/ #" /$s#!s0 *a+
a)th#$i3 i! '$iti!1 a!+ /#lic #$ la' !"#$c*!t #""ic$ a!. th **%$s #" his6h$ ta*
.)l+ a)th#$i3. i! '$iti!1 %+ th a!ti7t$$#$is* c#)!cil t#9 :a= 8a*i!0 #$ ca)s th
8a*i!ati#! #"0 th ./#sits0 /lac*!ts0 t$)st acc#)!ts0 assts a!. $c#$.s i! a %a!& #$
"i!a!cial i!stit)ti#!> a!. :%= 1ath$ #$ ca)s th 1ath$i!1 #" a!+ $l2a!t i!"#$*ati#!
a%#)t s)ch ./#sits0 /lac*!ts0 t$)st acc#)!ts0 assts0 a!. $c#$.s "$#* a %a!& #$
"i!a!cial i!stit)ti#!. Th %a!& #$ "i!a!cial i!stit)ti#! c#!c$!.0 shall !#t $")s t# all#'
s)ch 8a*i!ati#! #$ t# /$#2i. th .si$. i!"#$*ati#!0 'h! s#0 #$.$. %+ a!. s$2.
'ith th '$itt! #$.$ #" th C#)$t #" A//als.
SEC. 2A. !pplication to 0:amine Ban2 eposits5 !ccounts5 and Records. 9 Th '$itt!
#$.$ #" th C#)$t #" A//als a)th#$i3i!1 th 8a*i!ati#! #" %a!& ./#sits0 /lac*!ts0
t$)st acc#)!ts0 assts0 a!. $c#$.s9 :1= #" a /$s#! cha$1. 'ith #$ s)s/ct. #" th c$i*
#" t$$#$is* #$ c#!s/i$ac+ t# c#**it t$$#$is*> :2= #" a!+ 5).iciall+ .cla$. a!. #)tla'.
t$$#$ist #$1a!i3ati#!0 ass#ciati#!0 #$ 1$#)/ #" /$s#!s0 #$ :3= #" a!+ **%$ #" s)ch
#$1a!i3ati#!0 ass#ciati#!0 #$ 1$#)/ #" /$s#!s i! a %a!& #$ "i!a!cial i!stit)ti#!0 a!. th
1ath$i!1 #" a!+ $l2a!t i!"#$*ati#! a%#)t th sa* "$#* sai. %a!& #$ "i!a!cial
i!stit)ti#!0 shall #!l+ % 1$a!t. %+ th a)th#$i3i!1 .i2isi#! #" th C#)$t #" A//als )/#!
a! 8 /a$t a//licati#! t# that ""ct #" a /#lic #$ #" a la' !"#$c*!t #""icial 'h# has
%! .)l+ a)th#$i3. i! '$iti!1 t# "il s)ch 8 /a$t a//licati#! %+ th A!ti7T$$#$is*
C#)!cil c$at. i! Scti#! B3 #" this Act t# "il s)ch 8 /a$t a//licati#!0 a!. )/#!
8a*i!ati#! )!.$ #ath #$ a""i$*ati#! #" th a//lica!t a!.0 th 'it!sss h *a+ /$#.)c
t# sta%lish th "acts that 'ill 5)sti"+ th !. a!. )$1!c+ #" 8a*i!i!1 a!. "$3i!1 th
%a!& ./#sits0 /lac*!ts0 t$)st acc#)!ts0 assts0 a!. $c#$.s9 :1= #" th /$s#! cha$1.
'ith #$ s)s/ct. #" th c$i* #" t$$#$is* #$ c#!s/i$ac+ t# c#**it t$$#$is*> :2= #" a
5).iciall+ .cla$. a!. #)tla'. t$$#$ist #$1a!i3ati#!0 ass#ciati#! #$ 1$#)/ #" /$s#!s> #$
:3= #" a!+ **%$ #" s)ch #$1a!i3ati#!0 ass#ciati#!0 #$ 1$#)/ #" /$s#!s.
.n applying for Budicial authori?ation(
7. there must be an e:9parte application by a police officer
2. the applicant has a written authori?ation from the Anti9Terrorism *ouncil
&. he is e:amined under oath by the *ourt of Appeals or the witnesses produced
$. the applicant or witnesses must establish facts that will Bustif the need and urgency
of e:amining and free?ing the ban> deposits or records
SEC. 29. Classification and Contents of the Court /rder ! the 0:amination
of Ban2 eposits5 !ccounts5 and Records. 9 Th '$itt! #$.$ 1$a!t. %+ th a)th#$i3i!1
.i2isi#! #" th C#)$t #" A//als as 'll as its #$.$0 i" a!+0 t# 8t!. #$ $!' th sa*0 th
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
#$i1i!al 8 /a$t a//licati#! #" th a//lica!t0 i!cl).i!1 his 8 /a$t a//licati#! t# 8t!.
#$ $!'0 i" a!+0 a!. th '$itt! a)th#$i3ati#!s #" th A!ti7T$$#$is* C#)!cil0 shall %
.*. a!. a$ h$%+ .cla$. as classi"i. i!"#$*ati#!9 P$#2i..0 That th /$s#!
'h#s %a!& ./#sits0 /lac*!ts0 t$)st acc#)!ts0 assts0 a!. $c#$.s ha2 %! 8a*i!.0
"$#3!0 s4)st$. a!. si3. %+ la' !"#$c*!t a)th#$itis has th $i1ht t# % i!"#$*.
#" th acts .#! %+ th la' !"#$c*!t a)th#$itis i! th /$*iss #$ t# chall!10 i" h #$
sh i!t!.s t# .# s#0 th l1alit+ #" th i!t$"$!c. Th '$itt! #$.$ #" th a)th#$i3i!1
.i2isi#! #" th C#)$t #" A//als .si1!at. t# ha!.l cass i!2#l2i!1 t$$#$is* shall
s/ci"+9 :a= th i.!ti"+ #" th sai.9 :1= /$s#! cha$1. 'ith #$ s)s/ct. #" th c$i* #"
t$$#$is* #$ c#!s/i$ac+ t# c#**it t$$#$is*> :2= 5).iciall+ .cla$. a!. #)tla'. t$$#$ist
#$1a!i3ati#!0 ass#ciati#!0 #$ 1$#)/ #" /$s#!s> a!. :3= **%$ #" s)ch 5).iciall+ .cla$.
a!. #)tla'. #$1a!i3ati#!0 ass#ciati#!0 #$ 1$#)/ #" /$s#!s0 as th cas *a+ %. 'h#s
./#sits0 /lac*!ts0 t$)st acc#)!ts0 assts0 a!. $c#$.s a$ t# % 8a*i!. #$ th
i!"#$*ati#! t# % 1ath$.> :%= th i.!tit+ #" th %a!& #$ "i!a!cial I!stit)ti#! 'h$ s)ch
./#sits0 /lac*!ts0 t$)st acc#)!ts0 assts0 a!. $c#$.s a$ hl. a!. *ai!tai!.> :c= th
i.!tit+ #" th /$s#!s 'h# 'ill c#!.)ct th sai. 8a*i!ati#! a!. th 1ath$i!1 #" th
.si$. i!"#$*ati#!> a!.0 :.= th l!1th #" ti* th a)th#$i3ati#! shall % ca$$i. #)t.
N#tic R4)i$*!t9
The person whose ban> accounts and records are e:amined2 fro?en2 sequestered or sei?ed
shall have the right to be notified by the law enforcement authority.
SEC. 3,. 0ffective Period of Court !uthori.ation to 0:amine and /btain +nformation on
Ban2 eposits5 !ccounts5 and Records. 9 Th a)th#$i3ati#! iss). #$ 1$a!t. %+ th
a)th#$i3i!1 .i2isi#! #" th C#)$t #" A//als t# 8a*i! #$ ca)s th 8a*i!ati#! #" a!. t#
"$3 %a!& ./#sits0 /lac*!ts0 t$)st acc#)!ts0 assts0 a!. $c#$.s0 #$ t# 1ath$
i!"#$*ati#! a%#)t th sa*0 shall % ""cti2 "#$ th l!1th #" ti* s/ci"i. i! th '$itt!
#$.$ #" th a)th#$i3i!1 .i2isi#! #" th C#)$t #" A//als0 'hich shall !#t 8c. a /$i#. #"
thi$t+ :3,= .a+s "$#* th .at #" $ci/t #" th '$itt! #$.$ #" th a)th#$i3i!1 .i2isi#! #"
th C#)$t #" A//als %+ th a//lica!t /#lic #$ la' !"#$c*!t #""icial. Th a)th#$i3i!1
.i2isi#! #" th C#)$t #" A//als *a+ 8t!. #$ $!' th sai. a)th#$i3ati#! "#$ a!#th$
/$i#.0 'hich shall !#t 8c. thi$t+ :3,= .a+s $!'a%l t# a!#th$ thi$t+ :3,= .a+s "$#*
th 8/i$ati#! #" th #$i1i!al /$i#.9 P$#2i..0 That th a)th#$i3i!1 .i2isi#! #" th C#)$t
#" A//als is satis"i. that s)ch 8t!si#! #$ $!'al is i! th /)%lic i!t$st9 a!.0
P$#2i..0 ")$th$0 That th a//licati#! "#$ 8t!si#! #$ $!'al0 'hich *)st % "il. %+ th
#$i1i!al a//lica!t0 has %! .)l+ a)th#$i3. i! '$iti!1 %+ th A!ti7T$$#$is* C#)!cil. I!
cas #" .ath #" th #$i1i!al a//lica!t #$ i! cas h is /h+sicall+ .isa%l. t# "il th
a//licati#! "#$ 8t!si#! #$ $!'al0 th #! !8t i! $a!& t# th #$i1i!al a//lica!t a*#!1
th **%$s #" th $a* !a*. i! th #$i1i!al '$itt! #$.$ #" th a)th#$i3i!1 .i2isi#! #"
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
th C#)$t #" A//als shall "il th a//licati#! "#$ 8t!si#! #$ $!'al9 P$#2i..0 That0
'ith#)t /$5).ic t# th lia%ilit+ #" th /#lic #$ la' !"#$c*!t /$s#!!l )!.$ Scti#!
19 h$#"0 th a//lica!t /#lic #$ la' !"#$c*!t #""icial shall ha2 thi$t+ :3,= .a+s a"t$
th t$*i!ati#! #" th /$i#. 1$a!t. %+ th C#)$t #" A//als as /$#2i.. i! th /$c.i!1
/a$a1$a/hs 'ithi! 'hich t# "il th a//$#/$iat cas %"#$ th P)%lic P$#sc)t#$Gs O""ic
"#$ a!+ 2i#lati#! #" this Act. I" !# cas is "il. 'ithi! th thi$t+ :3,=7.a+ /$i#.0 th
a//lica!t /#lic #$ la' !"#$c*!t #""icial shall i**.iatl+ !#ti"+ i! '$iti!1 th /$s#!
s)%5ct #" th %a!& 8a*i!ati#! a!. "$3i!1 #" %a!& ./#sits0 /lac*!ts0 t$)st acc#)!ts0
assts a!. $c#$.s. Th /!alt+ #" t! :1,= +a$s a!. #! .a+ t# t'l2 :12= +a$s #"
i*/$is#!*!t shall % i*/#s. )/#! th a//lica!t /#lic #$ la' !"#$c*!t #""icial 'h#
"ails t# !#ti"+ i! '$iti!1 th /$s#! s)%5ct #" th %a!& 8a*i!ati#! a!. "$3i!1 #" %a!&
./#sits0 /lac*!ts0 t$)st acc#)!ts0 assts a!. $c#$.s. A!+ /$s#!0 la' !"#$c*!t
#""icial #$ 5).icial a)th#$it+ 'h# 2i#lats his .)t+ t# !#ti"+ i! '$iti!1 as ."i!. a%#2 shall
s)""$ th /!alt+ #" si8 +a$s a!. #! .a+ t# i1ht +a$s #" i*/$is#!*!t.
SEC. 31. Custody of Ban2 ata and +nformation /btained after 0:amination of eposits5
Placements5 Trust !ccounts5 !ssets and Records. 7 All i!"#$*ati#!0 .ata0 8c$/ts0
s)**a$is0 !#ts0 **#$a!.a0 '#$&i!1 shts0 $/#$ts0 a!. #th$ .#c)*!ts #%tai!.
"$#* th 8a*i!ati#! #" th %a!& ./#sits0 /lac*!ts0 t$)st acc#)!ts0 assts a!. $c#$.s
#"9 :1= a /$s#! cha$1. 'ith #$ s)s/ct. #" th c$i* #" t$$#$is* #$ th c$i* #"
c#!s/i$ac+ t# c#**it t$$#$is*> :2= a 5).iciall+ .cla$. a!. #)tla'. t$$#$ist
#$1a!i3ati#!0 ass#ciati#!0 #$ 1$#)/ #" /$s#!s> #$ :3= a **%$ #" a!+ s)ch #$1a!i3ati#!0
ass#ciati#!0 #$ 1$#)/ #" /$s#!s shall0 'ithi! "#$t+7i1ht :?A= h#)$s a"t$ th 8/i$ati#! #"
th /$i#. "i8. i! th '$itt! #$.$ #" th a)th#$i3i!1 .i2isi#! #" th C#)$t #" A//als #$
'ithi! "#$t+7i1ht :?A= h#)$s a"t$ th 8/i$ati#! #" th 8t!si#! #$ $!'al 1$a!t. %+ th
a)th#$i3i!1 .i2isi#! #" th C#)$t #" A//als0 % ./#sit. 'ith th a)th#$i3i!1 .i2isi#! #"
th C#)$t #" A//als i! a sal. !2l#/ #$ sal. /ac&a10 as th cas *a+ %0 a!. shall
% acc#*/a!i. %+ a 5#i!t a""i.a2it #" th a//lica!t /#lic #$ la' !"#$c*!t #""icial a!.
th /$s#!s 'h# act)all+ c#!.)ct. th 8a*i!ati#! #" sai. %a!& ./#sits0 /lac*!ts0
t$)st acc#)!ts0 assts a!. $c#$.s.
All information obtained as a result of the written order shall be deposited within $%
hours with the authori?ing division of the *ourt of Appeals.
SEC. 32. Contents of -oint !ffidavit. 7 Th 5#i!t a""i.a2it shall stat9 :a= th i.!ti"+i!1
*a$&s0 !)*%$s0 #$ s+*%#ls #" th ./#sits0 /lac*!ts0 t$)st acc#)!ts0 assts0 a!. $c#$.s
8a*i!.> :%= th i.!tit+ a!. a..$ss #" th %a!& #$ "i!a!cial i!stit)ti#! 'h$ s)ch
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
./#sits0 /lac*!ts0 t$)st acc#)!ts0 assts0 a!. $c#$.s a$ hl. a!. *ai!tai!.> :c= th
!)*%$ #" %a!& ./#sits0 /lac*!ts0 t$)st acc#)!ts0 assts0 a!. $c#$.s .isc#2$.0
8a*i!.0 a!. "$#3!> :.= th #)tsta!.i!1 %ala!cs #" ach #" s)ch ./#sits0 /lac*!ts0
t$)st acc#)!ts0 assts> := all i!"#$*ati#!0 .ata0 8c$/ts0 s)**a$is0 !#ts0 **#$a!.a0
'#$&i!1 shts0 $/#$ts0 .#c)*!ts0 $c#$.s 8a*i!. a!. /lac. i! th sal. !2l#/ #$
sal. /ac&a1 ./#sit. 'ith th a)th#$i3i!1 .i2isi#! #" th C#)$t #" A//als> :"= th .at
#" th #$i1i!al '$itt! a)th#$i3ati#! 1$a!t. %+ th A!ti7T$$#$is* C#)!cil t# th
a//lica!t t# "il th 8 /a$t A//licati#! t# c#!.)ct th 8a*i!ati#! #" th sai. %a!&
./#sits0 /lac*!ts0 t$)st acc#)!ts0 assts a!. $c#$.s0 as 'll as th .at #" a!+ 8t!si#!
#$ $!'al #" th #$i1i!al '$itt! a)th#$i3ati#! 1$a!t. %+ th a)th#$i3i!1 .i2isi#! #" th
C#)$t #" A//als> a!. :1= that th it*s E!)*$at. '$ all that '$ "#)!. i! th %a!&
#$ "i!a!cial i!stit)ti#! 8a*i!. at th ti* #" th c#*/lti#! #" th 8a*i!ati#!. Th 5#i!t
a""i.a2it shall als# c$ti"+ )!.$ #ath that !# .)/licats #$ c#/is #" th i!"#$*ati#!0 .ata0
8c$/ts0 s)**a$is0 !#ts0 **#$a!.a0 '#$&i!1 shts0 $/#$ts0 a!. .#c)*!ts ac4)i$.
"$#* th 8a*i!ati#! #" th %a!& ./#sits0 /lac*!ts0 t$)st acc#)!ts0 assts a!. $c#$.s
ha2 %! *a.0 #$0 i" *a.0 that all s)ch .)/licats a!. c#/is a$ /lac. i! th sal.
!2l#/ #$ sal. /ac&a1 ./#sit. 'ith th a)th#$i3i!1 .i2isi#! #" th C#)$t #" A//als.
It shall % )!la'")l "#$ a!+ /$s#!0 /#lic #""ic$ #$ c)st#.ia! #" th %a!& .ata a!.
i!"#$*ati#! #%tai!. a"t$ 8a*i!ati#! #" ./#sits0 /lac*!ts0 t$)st acc#)!ts0 assts a!.
$c#$.s t# c#/+0 t# $*#20 .lt0 8/)!10 i!ci!$at0 sh$. #$ .st$#+ i! a!+ *a!!$ th
it*s !)*$at. a%#2 i! 'h#l #$ i! /a$t )!.$ a!+ /$t8t 'hats#2$0 A!+ /$s#! 'h#
c#/is0 $*#2s0 .lts0 8/)!1s0 i!ci!$ats0 sh$.s #$ .st$#+s th it*s !)*$at.
a%#2 shall s)""$ a /!alt+ #" !#t lss tha! si8 +a$s a!. #! .a+ t# t'l2 :12= +a$s #"
SEC. 33. isposition of Ban2 1aterials. 7 Th sal. !2l#/ #$ sal. /ac&a1 a!. th
c#!t!ts th$#"0 'hich a$ ./#sit. 'ith th a)th#$i3i!1 .i2isi#! #" th C#)$t #" A//als0
shall % .*. a!. a$ h$%+ .cla$. classi"i. i!"#$*ati#! a!. th sal. !2l#/ #$
sal. /ac&a1 shall !#t % #/!. a!. its c#!t!ts shall !#t % .i2)l1.0 $2al.0 $a.0 #$
)s. as 2i.!c )!lss a)th#$i3. i! a '$itt! #$.$ #" th a)th#$i3i!1 .i2isi#! #" th
C#)$t #" A//als0 'hich '$itt! #$.$ shall % 1$a!t. #!l+ )/#! a '$itt! a//licati#! #"
th D/a$t*!t #" N)stic "il. %"#$ th a)th#$i3i!1 .i2isi#! #" th C#)$t #" A//als a!.
#!l+ )/#! a sh#'i!1 that th D/a$t*!t #" N)stic has %! .)l+ a)th#$i3. i! '$iti!1 %+
th A!ti7T$$#$is* C#)!cil t# "il th a//licati#!0 'ith !#tic i! '$iti!1 t# th /a$t+
c#!c$!. !#t lat$ tha! th$ .a+s %"#$ th sch.)l. #/!i!10 t# #/!0 $2al0 .i2)l10
a!. )s th c#!t!ts #" th sal. !2l#/ #$ sal. /ac&a1 as 2i.!c. A!+ /$s#!0 la'
!"#$c*!t #""icial #$ 5).icial a)th#$it+ 'h# 2i#lats his .)t+ t# !#ti"+ i! '$iti!1 as
."i!. a%#2 shall s)""$ th /!alt+ #" si8 +a$s a!. #! .a+ t# i1ht +a$s #"
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
SEC. 3?. !pplication to /pen eposited Ban2 1aterials. 7 Th '$itt! a//licati#!0 'ith
!#tic i! '$iti!1 t# th /a$t+ c#!c$!. !#t lat$ tha! th$ .a+s #" th sch.)l. #/!i!10
t# #/! th sal. !2l#/ #$ sal. /ac&a1 shall cla$l+ stat th /)$/#s a!. $as#!9 :a=
"#$ #/!i!1 th sal. !2l#/ #$ sal. /ac&a1> :%= "#$ $2ali!1 a!. .iscl#si!1 its
classi"i. c#!t!ts> a!.0 :c= "#$ )si!1 th classi"i. i!"#$*ati#!0 .ata0 8c$/ts0 s)**a$is0
!#ts0 **#$a!.a0 '#$&i!1 shts0 $/#$ts0 a!. .#c)*!ts as 2i.!c.
C#!t!ts #" th a//licati#!9
7. written notice to the concerned party
2. clear purpose and reason
a. for opening the sealed envelope or pac>age
b. for revealing and disclosing its classified contents
c. for using the classified information2 data2 e:cerpts2 summaries2 notes2 memoranda2
wor>ing sheets2 reports2 and documents
SEC. 3B. 0videntiary 3alue of eposited Ban2 1aterials. 7 A!+ i!"#$*ati#!0 .ata0 8c$/ts0
s)**a$is0 !#ts0 **#$a!.a0 '#$& shts0 $/#$ts0 #$ .#c)*!ts ac4)i$. "$#* th
8a*i!ati#! #" th %a!& ./#sits0 /lac*!ts0 t$)st acc#)!ts0 assts a!. $c#$.s #"9 :1= a
/$s#! cha$1. #$ s)s/ct. #" th c$i* #" t$$#$is* #$ th c$i* #" c#!s/i$ac+ t# c#**it
t$$#$is*> :2= a 5).iciall+ .cla$. a!. #)tla'. t$$#$ist #$1a!i3ati#!0 ass#ciati#!0 #$
1$#)/ #" /$s#!s> #$ :3= a **%$ #" s)ch #$1a!i3ati#!0 ass#ciati#!0 #$ 1$#)/ #" /$s#!s0
'hich ha2 %! sc)$. i! 2i#lati#! #" th /$#2isi#!s #" this Act0 shall a%s#l)tl+ !#t %
a.*issi%l a!. )sa%l as 2i.!c a1ai!st a!+%#.+ i! a!+ 5).icial0 4)asi75).icial0
l1islati20 #$ a.*i!ist$ati2 i!2sti1ati#!0 i!4)i$+0 /$#c.i!10 #$ ha$i!1.
SEC. 3C. Penalty for 4nauthori.ed or 1alicious 0:amination of a Ban2 or a ,inancial
+nstitution. 7 A!+ /$s#!0 /#lic #$ la' !"#$c*!t /$s#!!l 'h# 8a*i!s th ./#sits0
/lac*!ts0 t$)st acc#)!ts0 assts0 #$ $c#$.s i! a %a!& #$ "i!a!cial i!stit)ti#! #"9 :1= a
/$s#! cha$1. 'ith #$ s)s/ct. #" th c$i* #" t$$#$is* #$ th c$i* #" c#!s/i$ac+ t#
c#**it t$$#$is*> :2= a 5).iciall+ .cla$. a!. #)tla'. t$$#$ist #$1a!i3ati#!0
ass#ciati#!0 #$ 1$#)/ #" /$s#!s> #$ :3= a **%$ #" s)ch #$1a!i3ati#!0 ass#ciati#!0 #$
1$#)/ #" /$s#!s0 'ith#)t %i!1 a)th#$i3. t# .# s# %+ th C#)$t #" A//als0 shall % 1)ilt+
#" a! #""!s a!. shall s)""$ th /!alt+ #" t! :1,= +a$s a!. #! .a+ t# t'l2 :12= +a$s
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
#" i*/$is#!*!t. I! a..iti#! t# th lia%ilit+ attachi!1 t# th #""!.$ "#$ th c#**issi#! #"
a!+ #th$ #""!s0 th /!alt+ #" t! :1,= +a$s a!. #! .a+ t# t'l2 :12= +a$s #"
i*/$is#!*!t shall % i*/#s. )/#! a!+ /#lic #$ la' !"#$c*!t /$s#!!l0 'h#
*alici#)sl+ #%tai!. a! a)th#$it+ "$#* th C#)$t #" A//als t# 8a*i! th ./#sits0
/lac*!ts0 t$)st acc#)!ts0 assts0 #$ $c#$.s i! a %a!& #$ "i!a!cial i!stit)ti#! #"9 :1= a
/$s#! cha$1. 'ith #$ s)s/ct. #" th c$i* #" t$$#$is* #$ c#!s/i$ac+ t# c#**it
t$$#$is*> :2= a 5).iciall+ .cla$. a!. #)tla'. t$$#$ist #$1a!i3ati#!0 ass#ciati#!0 #$
1$#)/ #" /$s#!s> #$ :3= a **%$ #" s)ch #$1a!i3ati#!0 ass#ciati#!0 #$ 1$#)/ #" /$s#!s9
P$#2i..0 That !#t'ithsta!.i!1 Scti#! 33 #" this Act0 th /a$t+ a11$i2. %+ s)ch
a)th#$i3ati#! shall )/#! *#ti#! .)l+ "il. % all#'. accss t# th sal. !2l#/ #$
sal. /ac&a1 a!. th c#!t!ts th$#" as 2i.!c "#$ th /$#sc)ti#! #" a!+ /#lic #$ la'
!"#$c*!t /$s#!!l 'h# *alici#)sl+ /$#c)$. sai. a)th#$i3ati#!.
SEC. 37. Penalty of Ban2 /fficials and 0mployees efying a Court !uthori.ation. 7 A!
*/l#+0 #""icial0 #$ a **%$ #" th %#a$. #" .i$ct#$s #" a %a!& #$ "i!a!cial i!stit)ti#!0
'h# $")ss t# all#' th 8a*i!ati#! #" th ./#sits0 /lac*!ts0 t$)st acc#)!ts0 assts0 a!.
$c#$.s #"9 :1= a /$s#! cha$1. 'ith #$ s)s/ct. #" th c$i* #" t$$#$is* #$ th c$i* #"
c#!s/i$ac+ t# c#**it t$$#$is*> :2= a 5).iciall+ .cla$. a!. #)tla'. #$1a!i3ati#!0
ass#ciati#!0 #$ 1$#)/ #" /$s#!s> #$ :3= a **%$ #" s)ch 5).iciall+ .cla$. a!. #)tla'.
#$1a!i3ati#!0 ass#ciati#!0 #$ 1$#)/ #" /$s#!s i! sai. %a!& #$ "i!a!cial i!stit)ti#!0 'h!
.)l+ s$2. 'ith th '$itt! #$.$ #" th a)th#$i3i!1 .i2isi#! #" th C#)$t #" A//als0 shall
% 1)ilt+ #" a! #""!s a!. shall s)""$ th /!alt+ #" t! :1,= +a$s a!. #! .a+ t# t'l2
:12= +a$s #" i*/$is#!*!t.
SEC. 3A. Penalty for ,alse or 4ntruthful Statement or 1isrepresentation of 1aterial ,act in
-oint !ffidavits.7 A!+ "als #$ )!t$)th")l stat*!t #$ *is$/$s!tati#! #" *at$ial "act i!
th 5#i!t a""i.a2its $4)i$. $s/cti2l+ i! Scti#! 12 a!. Scti#! 32 #" this Act shall
c#!stit)t a c$i*i!al #""!s a!. th a""ia!ts shall s)""$ i!.i2i.)all+ th /!alt+ #" t! :1,=
+a$s a!. #! .a+ t# t'l2 :12= +a$s #" i*/$is#!*!t.
SEC. 39. Sei.ure and Se8uestration. 7 Th ./#sits a!. thi$ #)tsta!.i!1 %ala!cs0
/lac*!ts0 t$)st acc#)!ts0 assts0 a!. $c#$.s i! a!+ %a!& #$ "i!a!cial i!stit)ti#!0 *#!+s0
%)si!sss0 t$a!s/#$tati#! a!. c#**)!icati#! 4)i/*!t0 s)//lis a!. #th$ i*/l*!ts0
a!. /$#/$t+ #" 'hat2$ &i!. a!. !at)$ %l#!1i!19 :1= t# a!+ /$s#! s)s/ct. #" #$
cha$1. %"#$ a c#*/t!t R1i#!al T$ial C#)$t "#$ th c$i* #" t$$#$is* #$ th c$i* #"
c#!s/i$ac+ t# c#**it t$$#$is*> :2= t# a 5).iciall+ .cla$. a!. #)tla'. #$1a!i3ati#!0
ass#ciati#!0 #$ 1$#)/ #" /$s#!s> #$ :3= t# a **%$ #" s)ch #$1a!i3ati#!0 ass#ciati#!0 #$
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
1$#)/ #" /$s#!s shall % si3.0 s4)st$.0 a!. "$#3! i! #$.$ t# /$2!t thi$ )s0
t$a!s"$0 #$ c#!2+a!c "#$ /)$/#ss that a$ i!i*ical t# th sa"t+ a!.sc)$it+ #" th
/#/l #$ i!5)$i#)s t# th i!t$st #" th Stat. Th acc)s. #$ a /$s#! s)s/ct. #" *a+
'ith.$a' s)ch s)*s as *a+ % $as#!a%l+ !.. %+ th *#!thl+ !.s #" his "a*il+
i!cl).i!1 th s$2ics #" his #$ h$ c#)!sl a!. his #$ h$ "a*il+Gs *.ical !.s )/#!
a//$#2al #" th c#)$t. H #$ sh *a+ als# )s a!+ #" his /$#/$t+ that is )!.$ si3)$ #$
s4)st$ati#! #$ "$#3! %ca)s #" his6h$ i!.ict*!t as a t$$#$ist )/#! /$*issi#! #" th
c#)$t "#$ a!+ l1iti*at $as#!.
A!+ /$s#! 'h# )!5)sti"ia%l+ $")ss t# "#ll#' th #$.$ #" th /$#/$ .i2isi#! #" th C#)$t
#" A//als t# all#' th /$s#! acc)s. #" th c$i* #" t$$#$is* #$ #" th c$i* #"
c#!s/i$ac+ t# c#**it t$$#$is* t# 'ith.$a' s)ch s)*s "$#* s4)st$. #$ "$#3!
./#sits0 /lac*!ts0 t$)st acc#)!ts0 assts a!. $c#$.s as *a+ % !cssa$+ "#$ th $1)la$
s)st!a!c #" his6h$ "a*il+ #$ t# )s a!+ #" his6h$ /$#/$t+ that has %! si3.0
s4)st$. #$ "$#3! "#$ l1iti*at /)$/#ss 'hil his6h$ cas is /!.i!1 shall s)""$ th
/!alt+ #" t! :1,= +a$s a!. #! .a+ t# t'l2 :12= +a$s #" i*/$is#!*!t.
SEC. ?,. "ature of Sei.ed. Se8uestered and ,ro.en Ban2 eposits5 Placements5 Trust
!ccounts5 !ssets and Records. 7 Th si3.0 s4)st$. a!. "$#3! %a!& ./#sits0
/lac*!ts0 t$)st acc#)!ts0 assts a!. $c#$.s %l#!1i!1 t# a /$s#! s)s/ct. #" #$
cha$1. 'ith th c$i* #" t$$#$is* #$ c#!s/i$ac+ t# c#**it t$$#$is* shall % .*. as
/$#/$t+ hl. i! t$)st %+ th %a!& #$ "i!a!cial i!stit)ti#! "#$ s)ch /$s#! a!. th
1#2$!*!t .)$i!1 th /!.!c+ #" th i!2sti1ati#! #" th /$s#! s)s/ct. #" #$ .)$i!1
th /!.!c+ #" th t$ial #" th /$s#! cha$1. 'ith a!+ #" th sai. c$i*s0 as th cas *a+
% a!. thi$ )s #$ .is/#siti#! 'hil th cas is /!.i!1 shall % s)%5ct t# th a//$#2al #"
th c#)$t %"#$ 'hich th cas #$ cass a$ /!.i!1.
Sei?ed2 Sequestered and -ro?en "an> +eposits2 5lacements2 Trust Accounts2 Assets and
ecords of a person suspected or charged with the crime of terrorism or conspiracy to commit
terrorism shall be deemed property held in trust by a ban> during the pendency of the
investigation or pendency of trial as the case may be. The use and disposition of such accounts
while the case is pending shall be subBect to approval of the court.
SEC. ?1. isposition of the Sei.ed5 Se8uestered and ,ro.en Ban2 eposits5
Placements5 Trust !ccounts5 !ssets and Record. 7 I" th /$s#! s)s/ct. #" #$ cha$1. 'ith
th c$i* #" t$$#$is* #$ c#!s/i$ac+ t# c#**it t$$#$is* is "#)!.0 a"t$ his i!2sti1ati#!0
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
t# % i!!#c!t %+ th i!2sti1ati!1 %#.+0 #$ is ac4)itt.0 a"t$ his a$$ai1!*!t #$ his cas is
.is*iss. %"#$ his a$$ai1!*!t %+ a c#*/t!t c#)$t0 th si3)$0 s4)st$ati#! a!.
"$3i!1 #" his %a!& ./#sits0 /lac*!ts0 t$)st acc#)!ts0 assts a!. $c#$.s shall "#$th'ith
% .*. li"t. %+ th i!2sti1ati!1 %#.+ #$ %+ th c#*/t!t c#)$t0 as th cas *a+ %0
a!. his %a!& ./#sits0 /lac*!ts0 t$)st acc#)!ts0 assts a!. $c#$.s shall % .*.
$las. "$#* s)ch si3)$0 s4)st$ati#! a!. "$3i!10 a!. shall % $st#$. t# hi* 'ith#)t
a!+ .la+ %+ th %a!& #$ "i!a!cial i!stit)ti#! c#!c$!. 'ith#)t a!+ ")$th$ acti#! #! his
/a$t. Th "ili!1 #" a!+ a//al #! *#ti#! "#$ $c#!si.$ati#! shall !#t stat th $las #"
sai. ")!.s "$#* si3)$0 s4)st$ati#! a!. "$3i!1.
I" th /$s#! cha$1. 'ith th c$i* #" t$$#$is* #$ c#!s/i$ac+ t# c#**it t$$#$is* is
c#!2ict. %+ a "i!al 5).1*!t #" a c#*/t!t t$ial c#)$t0 his si3.0 s4)st$. a!. "$#3!
%a!& ./#sits0 /lac*!ts0 t$)st acc#)!ts0 assts a!. $c#$.s shall % a)t#*aticall+
"#$"it. i! "a2#$ #" th 1#2$!*!t.
U/#! his #$ h$ ac4)ittal #$ th .is*issal #" th cha$1s a1ai!st hi* #$ h$0 th a*#)!t #"
Fi2 h)!.$. th#)sa!. /s#s :PB,,.,,,.,,= a .a+ "#$ th /$i#. i! 'hich his /$#/$tis0
assts #$ ")!.s '$ si3. shall % /ai. t# hi* #! th c#!c/t #" li4) .a*a1s. Th
a*#)!t shall % ta&! "$#* th a//$#/$iati#!s #" th /#lic #$ la' !"#$c*!t a1!c+
that ca)s. th "ili!1 #" th !)*$at. cha$1s a1ai!st hi*6h$.
.f such person suspected or charged with the crime of terrorism or conspiracy to commit
terrorism is found to be innocent or is acquitted2 the sei?ure2 sequestration and free?ing of his
ban> deposits2 placements2 trust accounts2 assets and records shall forthwith be deemed lifted and
shall be deemed released from such sei?ure2 sequestration and free?ing and shall be restored to
him without any delay and without any further action on his part.
.f such person is convicted by a final Budgment2 his sei?ed2 sequestered and fro?en ban>
deposits2 placements2 trust accounts2 assets and records shall be automatically forfeited in favor
of the government.
SEC. ?2. Penalty for 4n;ustified Refusal to Restore or elay in Restoring Sei.ed5 Se8uestered
and ,ro.en Ban2 eposits5 Placements5 Trust !ccounts5 !ssets and Records. 7 A!+ /$s#!
'h# )!5)sti"ia%l+ $")ss t# $st#$ #$ .la+s th $st#$ati#! #" si3.0 s4)st$. a!.
"$#3! %a!& ./#sits0 /lac*!ts0 t$)st acc#)!ts0 assts a!. $c#$.s #" a /$s#! s)s/ct.
#" #$ cha$1. 'ith th c$i* #" t$$#$is* #$ c#!s/i$ac+ t# c#**it t$$#$is* a"t$ s)ch
s)s/ct. /$s#! has %! "#)!. i!!#c!t %+ th i!2sti1ati!1 %#.+ #$ a"t$ th cas
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
a1ai!st s)ch cha$1. /$s#! has %! .is*iss. #$ a"t$ h is ac4)itt. %+ a c#*/t!t
c#)$t shall s)""$ th /!alt+ #" t! :1,= +a$s a!. #! .a+ t# t'l2 :12= +a$s #"
Any person who unBustifiably refuses to restore or delays the restoration of the account of
the person found innocent by the investigating body or after the case has been dismissed shall
suffer the penalty of ten C70D years and one C7D day to twelve C72D years of imprisonment.
SEC. ?3. Penalty for the 9oss5 1isuse5 iversion or issipation of Sei.ed5 Se8uestered
and ,ro.en Ban2 eposits5 Placements5 Trust !ccounts5 !ssets and Records. 7 A!+ /$s#!
'h# is $s/#!si%l "#$ th l#ss0 *is)s0 .i2$si#!0 #$ .issi/ati#! #" th 'h#l #$ a!+ /a$t #"
th si3.0 s4)st$. a!. "$#3! %a!& ./#sits0 /lac*!ts0 t$)st acc#)!ts0 assts a!.
$c#$.s #" a /$s#! s)s/ct. #" #$ cha$1. 'ith th c$i* #" t$$#$is* #$ c#!s/i$ac+ t#
c#**it t$$#$is* shall s)""$ th /!alt+ #" t! :1,= +a$s a!. #! .a+ t# t'l2 :12= +a$s
#" i*/$is#!*!t.
Any person who will violate this section shall suffer the penalty of ten C70D years and one
C7D day to twelve C72D years of imprisonment.
SEC. ??. +nfidelity in the Custody of etained Persons. 7 A!+ /)%lic #""ic$ 'h# has .i$ct
c)st#.+ #" a .tai!. /$s#! #$ )!.$ th /$#2isi#!s #" this Act a!. 'h# %+ his .li%$at
act0 *isc#!.)ct0 #$ i!8c)sa%l !1li1!c ca)ss #$ all#'s th sca/ #" s)ch .tai!.
/$s#! shall % 1)ilt+ #" a! #""!s a!. shall s)""$ th /!alt+ #"9 :a= t'l2 :12= +a$s a!.
#! .a+ t# t'!t+ :2,= +a$s #" i*/$is#!*!t0 i" th .tai!. /$s#! has al$a.+ %!
c#!2ict. a!. s!t!c. i! a "i!al 5).1*!t #" a c#*/t!t c#)$t> a!. :%= si8 +a$s a!.
#! .a+ t# t'l2 :12= +a$s #" i*/$is#!*!t0 i" th .tai!. /$s#! has !#t %! c#!2ict.
a!. s!t!c. i! a "i!al 5).1*!t #" a c#*/t!t c#)$t.
Title 6.. *hapter of the evised 5enal *ode gives the meaning of crimes committed by
public officers and is related to Sec. $$ of the Human Security Act.
.t lists of three crimes(
Art. 22&. *onniving with or consenting to evasion. Cpenalty of prision correccionalD
Art. 22$. ,vasion through negligence. Cpenalty of arresto mayor to prision correccionalD
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
Art. 22E. ,scape of prisoner under the custody of a person not a public officer. Cpenalty
ne:t lower in degree than that prescribed for the public officerD
The present section of this Act however provides a stiffer penalty as that compared to the
evised 5enal *ode. The elements of the crime(
The public officer has direct custody of the person charged for violation of this Act.
*auses or allows the escape of the detained person through the following acts(
o "y his deliberate act.
o 1isconduct.
o .ne:cusable #egligence.
5enalty distinction(
aD <hen the escapee detainee has already been convicted and sentenced in a final Budgment(
72 years and 7 day to 20 years.
bD <hen the escapee detainee has not yet been convicted and sentenced in a final Budgment(
G years and 7 day to 72 years.
SEC. ?B. +mmunity and Protection of 6overnment 7itnesses. 7 Th /$#2isi#!s #"
R/)%lic Act N#. C9A1 :<it!ss P$#tcti#!0 Sc)$it+ a!. B!"its Act= t# th c#!t$a$+
!#t'ithsta!.i!10 th i**)!it+ #" 1#2$!*!t 'it!sss tsti"+i!1 )!.$ this Act shall %
1#2$!. %+ Scti#!s 17 a!. 1A #" R)l 119 #" th R)ls #" C#)$t9 P$#2i..0 h#'2$0 That
sai. 'it!sss shall % !titl. t# %!"its 1$a!t. t# 'it!sss )!.$ sai. R/)%lic Act
SEC. ?C. Penalty for 4nauthori.ed Revelation of Classified 1aterials. 7 Th /!alt+ #" t!
:1,= +a$s a!. #! .a+ t# t'l2 :12= +a$s #" i*/$is#!*!t shall % i*/#s. )/#! a!+
/$s#!0 /#lic #$ la' !"#$c*!t a1!t0 5).icial #""ic$ #$ ci2il s$2a!t 'h#0 !#t %i!1
a)th#$i3. %+ th C#)$t #" A//als t# .# s#0 $2als i! a!+ *a!!$ #$ "#$* a!+ classi"i.
i!"#$*ati#! )!.$ this Act.
Oa'inal( C)P) (200*%) T+e H'an Sec,i"- Ac" ./ 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72% (A Manal /.,
"+e 0e/en1e,s ./ H'ani"-%) 2e3.n Ci"-: Cen",al 4..5 Sppl- Inc) (pa6e 2*0%
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
Any person not being authori?ed by the *ourt of Appeals to reveal in any manner or form
of any classified information under Human Security Act shall be punished 70 years and one day
to twelve years of imprisonment.
SEC. ?7. Penalty for ,urnishing ,alse 0vidence5 ,orged ocument5 or Spurious
0vidence. 7 Th /!alt+ #" t'l2 :12= +a$s a!. #! .a+ t# t'!t+ :2,= +a$s #"
i*/$is#!*!t shall % i*/#s. )/#! a!+ /$s#! 'h# &!#'i!1l+ ")$!ishs "als tsti*#!+0
"#$1. .#c)*!t #$ s/)$i#)s 2i.!c i! a!+ i!2sti1ati#! #$ ha$i!1 )!.$ this Act.
Any person who >nowingly furnishes false testimony2 forged document or spurious
evidence in any investigation or hearing under this Act shall be punished 72 years and one day to
20 years of imprisonment.
SEC. ?A. Continuous Trial. 7 I! cass #" t$$#$is* #$ c#!s/i$ac+ t# c#**it t$$#$is*0 th
5).1 shall st th c#!ti!)#)s t$ial #! a .ail+ %asis "$#* M#!.a+ t# F$i.a+ #$ #th$ sh#$t7
t$* t$ial cal!.a$ s# as t# !s)$ s/.+ t$ial.
)To determine whether the right to speedy trial has been violated2 the following factors
maybe considered(
7D 3ength of delayA
2D The reasons for such delayA
&D The assertion or failure to assert such right by the accusedA and
$D The preBudice caused by the delay.8 C=ulo vs. 5eople2 $E2 S*A 70ED
)The right to speedy trial is deemed violated only when the proceeding is attended by
ve:atious2 capricious and oppressive delays.8 C6alencia vs2 Sandiganbayan2 $7& S*A 27'D
SEC. ?9. Prosecution 4nder This !ct Shall be a Bar to !nother Prosecution under the
Revised Penal Code or any Special Penal 9a(s. 7 <h! a /$s#! has %! /$#sc)t. )!.$
a /$#2isi#! #" this Act0 )/#! a 2ali. c#*/lai!t #$ i!"#$*ati#! #$ #th$ "#$*al cha$1
s)""ici!t i! "#$* a!. s)%sta!c t# s)stai! a c#!2icti#! a!. a"t$ th acc)s. ha. /la..
t# th cha$10 th ac4)ittal #" th acc)s. #$ th .is*issal #" th cas shall % a %a$ t#
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
a!#th$ /$#sc)ti#! "#$ a!+ #""!s #$ "l#!+ 'hich is !cssa$il+ i!cl).. i! th #""!s
cha$1. )!.$ this Act.
This section is a>in to double Beopardy as used in the evised 5enal *ode. The elements
enumerated under this section are similarly the requisites for double Beopardy to set it. Therefore
law enforcement officers must be circumspect in determining whether a person shall be indicted
under this Act or under the evised 5enal *ode or any other special penal law.
)The right against double Beopardy can be invo>ed if CaD the accused is charged with the
same offense in two separate pending cases2 or CbD the accused is prosecuted anew for the same
offense after he had been convicted or acquitted of such offense2 or CcD the prosecution appeals
from a Budgment in the same case.8 C5hilippine Savings "an> vs. "ermoy2 $77 S*A '$D
)The defense of double Beopardy places upon the accused the burden of providing the
following three requisites( C7D the first Beopardy must have attached prior to the secondA C2D the
first Beopardy must have been validly terminatedA and C&D the second Beopardy must be for the
same offense as that in the firstA or the second offense is necessarily included in the first.8 CSuero
vs. 5eople2 $E0 S*A &E0D
)As a general rule2 the following requisites must be present for double Beopardy to attach(
C7D a valid indictment2 C2D before a court of competent Burisdiction2 C&D the arraignment of the
accused2 C$D a valid plea entered by him2 and CED the acquittal or conviction of the accused2 or the
dismissal or termination of the case against him without his e:press consent.8 C3asoy vs.
Menarosa2 $EE S*A &G0D
)The general rule in this Burisdiction is that a Budgment of acquittal is final and
unappealable. The fundamental philosophy behind the constitutional proscription against double
Beopardy is to afford the defendant2 who has been acquitted2 final repose and safeguard him from
government oppression through the abuse of criminal processes.8 C5eople vs. 4y2 $77 S*A
I1) a" pa6e 2#0
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
SEC. B,. amages for 4nproven Charge of Terrorism. 7 U/#! ac4)ittal0 a!+ /$s#!
'h# is acc)s. #" t$$#$is* shall % !titl. t# th /a+*!t #" .a*a1s i! th a*#)!t #"
Fi2 h)!.$. th#)sa!. /s#s :PB,,0,,,.,,= "#$ 2$+ .a+ that h #$ sh has %! .tai!.
#$ ./$i2. #" li%$t+ #$ a$$st. 'ith#)t a 'a$$a!t as a $s)lt #" s)ch a! acc)sati#!. Th
a*#)!t #" .a*a1s shall % a)t#*aticall+ cha$1. a1ai!st th a//$#/$iati#!s #" th /#lic
a1!c+ #$ th A!ti7T$$#$is* C#)!cil that %$#)1ht #$ sa!cti#!. th "ili!1 #" th cha$1s
a1ai!st th acc)s.. It shall als# % $las. 'ithi! "i"t! :1B= .a+s "$#* th .at #" th
ac4)ittal #" th acc)s.. Th a'a$. #" .a*a1s *!ti#!. a%#2 shall % 'ith#)t
/$5).ic t# th $i1ht #" th ac4)itt. acc)s. t# "il c$i*i!al #$ a.*i!ist$ati2 cha$1s
a1ai!st th#s $s/#!si%l "#$ cha$1i!1 hi* 'ith th cas #" t$$#$is*.
A!+ #""ic$0 */l#+0 /$s#!!l0 #$ /$s#! 'h# .la+s th $las #$ $")ss t#
$las th a*#)!ts a'a$.. t# th i!.i2i.)al ac4)itt. #" th c$i* #" t$$#$is* as
.i$ct. i! th /a$a1$a/h i**.iatl+ /$c.i!1 shall s)""$ th /!alt+ #" si8 *#!ths #"
I" th ..)cti#!s a$ lss tha! th a*#)!ts .) t# th .tai!. /$s#!s0 th a*#)!t
!.. t# c#*/lt th c#*/!sati#! shall % ta&! "$#* th c)$$!t a//$#/$iati#!s "#$
i!tlli1!c0 *$1!c+0 s#cial #$ #th$ ")!.s #" th O""ic #" th P$si.!t.
I! th 2!t that th a*#)!t ca!!#t % c#2$. %+ th c)$$!t %).1t #" th /#lic
#$ la' !"#$c*!t a1!c+ c#!c$!.0 th a*#)!t shall % a)t#*aticall+ i!cl).. i! th
a//$#/$iati#!s #" th sai. a1!c+ "#$ th c#*i!1 +a$.
The period to be paid is only the day or days where the detention is without a warrant of
arrest2 this logically means the period before the filing of the complaint and during the conduct
of the preliminary investigation. "ut when a commitment order has been issued by the court the
period stops to be counted.
However2 it is immaterial considering that the amount of damages is five hundred
thousand pesos for everyday if detention.
<h! a!. h#' /a+*!t *a..
.t shall be released within 7E days from the time of the release of the accused.
Amount of damages shall be automatically charged from the appropriations of the police
agency of from the Anti9Terrorism *ouncil that instituted the complaint.
1onetary security cap of the event that the amount to be deducted to the police is not
enough2 it shall be ta>en from the funds of the 0ffice of the 5resident. .n the event that it
cannot satisfy2 it shall be ta>en for the appropriations of the following year.
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
Any person who delays the release of the amount shall suffer the penalty of si: months
SEC. B1. uty to Record and Report the "ame and !ddress of the +nformant. 7 Th /#lic
#$ la' !"#$c*!t #""ic$s t# 'h#* th !a* #$ a s)s/ct i! th c$i* #" t$$#$is* 'as
"i$st $2al. shall $c#$. th $al !a* a!. th s/ci"ic a..$ss #" th i!"#$*a!t.
Th /#lic #$ la' !"#$c*!t #""icials c#!c$!. shall $/#$t th i!"#$*a!tGs !a* a!.
a..$ss t# thi$ s)/$i#$ #""ic$ 'h# shall t$a!s*it th i!"#$*ati#! t# th C#!1$ssi#!al
O2$si1ht C#**itt #$ t# th /$#/$ c#)$t 'ithi! "i2 .a+s a"t$ th s)s/ct 'as /lac.
)!.$ a$$st #$ his /$#/$tis '$ s4)st$.0 si3. #$ "$#3!.
Th !a* a!. a..$ss #" th i!"#$*a!t shall % c#!si.$. c#!"i.!tial a!. shall !#t %
)!!cssa$il+ $2al. )!til a"t$ th /$#c.i!1s a1ai!st th s)s/ct shall ha2 %!
SEC. B2. !pplicability of the Revised Penal Code. 7 Th /$#2isi#!s #" B##& I #" th R2is.
P!al C#. shall % a//lica%l t# this Act.
"oo> . of the evised 5enal *ode consists of 77& articles. .t is the foundation of our
criminal law2 even as the Three *ardinal ules or 5rinciples of *riminal 3aw2 namely( 5rinciple
of 3egality and 5rospectivity2 5rinciple of Territoriality and 5rinciple of /enerality are
enunciated in the first 2E articles therein.
"oo> . consists(
5,3.1.#A= T.T3,2 +ate of effectiveness and Application of the 5rovisions of this
*ode. Articles 792.
T.T3, 0#,2 -elonies and *ircumstances which Affect *riminal 3iability. Articles &97E.
*hapter 0ne2 -elonies.
*hapter Two2 Hustifying *ircumstances and *ircumstances which e:empt
from *riminal 3iability.
*hapter Three2 *ircumstances which 1itigate *riminal 3iability.
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
*hapter -our2 *ircumstances which Aggravate *riminal 3iability.
*hapter -ive2 Alternative *ircumstances.
T.T3, T<02 5ersons *riminally 3iable for -elonies. Articles 7G920.
T.T3, TH,,2 5enalties. Articles 279%%.
*hapter 0ne2 5enalties in /eneral
*hapter Two2 *lassification of 5enalties
*hapter Three2 +uration and ,ffects of 5enalties
*hapter -our2 Application of 5enalties
*hapter -ive2 ,:ecution and Service of 5enalties
T.T3, -042 ,:tinction of *riminal 3iability. Articles %'9''.
*hapter 0ne2 Total ,:tinction of *riminal 3iability
*hapter Two2 5artial ,:tinction of *riminal 3iability
T.T3, -.6,2 *ivil 3iability. Articles 700977&.
*hapter 0ne2 5ersons *ivilly 3iable for -elonies.
*hapter Two2 <hat *ivil 3iabilities .ncludes.
*hapter Three2 <hat ,:tinction and Survival of *ivil 3iability.
SEC. B3. !nti*Terrorism Council. 7 A! A!ti7T$$#$is* C#)!cil0 h$i!a"t$ $"$$.
t#0 "#$ %$2it+0 as th PC#)!cil0P is h$%+ c$at.. Th **%$s #" th C#)!cil a$9 :1= th
E8c)ti2 Sc$ta$+0 'h# shall % its Chai$/$s#!> :2= th Sc$ta$+ #" N)stic0 'h# shall %
its Jic Chai$/$s#!> a!. :3= th Sc$ta$+ #" F#$i1! A""ai$s> :?= th Sc$ta$+ #" Nati#!al
D"!s> :B= th Sc$ta$+ #" th I!t$i#$ a!. L#cal ;#2$!*!t> :C= th Sc$ta$+ #"
Fi!a!c> a!. :7= th Nati#!al Sc)$it+ A.2is#$0 as its #th$ **%$s.
Th C#)!cil shall i*/l*!t this Act a!. ass)* th $s/#!si%ilit+ "#$ th /$#/$
a!. ""cti2 i*/l*!tati#! #" th a!ti7t$$#$is* /#lic+ #" th c#)!t$+. Th C#)!cil shall
&/ $c#$.s #" its /$#c.i!1s a!. .cisi#!s. All $c#$.s #" th C#)!cil shall % s)%5ct t#
s)ch sc)$it+ classi"icati#!s as th C#)!cil *a+0 i! its 5).1*!t a!. .isc$ti#!0 .ci. t#
a.#/t t# sa"1)a$. th sa"t+ #" th /#/l0 th sc)$it+ #" th R/)%lic0 a!. th 'l"a$ #"
th !ati#!.
Th Nati#!al I!tlli1!c C##$.i!ati!1 A1!c+ shall % th Sc$ta$iat #" th
C#)!cil. Th C#)!cil shall ."i! th /#'$s0 .)tis0 a!. ")!cti#!s #" th Nati#!al
I!tlli1!c C##$.i!ati!1 A1!c+ as Sc$ta$iat #" th C#)!cil. Th Nati#!al B)$a) #"
I!2sti1ati#!0 th B)$a) #" I**i1$ati#!0 th O""ic #" Ci2il D"!s0 th I!tlli1!c
S$2ic #" th A$*. F#$cs #" th Phili//i!s0 th A!ti7M#!+ La)!.$i!1 C#)!cil0 th
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
Phili//i! C!t$ #! T$a!s!ati#!al C$i*0 a!. th Phili//i! Nati#!al P#lic i!tlli1!c
a!. i!2sti1ati2 l*!ts shall s$2 as s)//#$t a1!cis "#$ th C#)!cil.
Th C#)!cil shall "#$*)lat a!. a.#/t c#*/$h!si20 a.4)at0 ""ici!t0 a!.
""cti2 a!ti7t$$#$is* /la!s0 /$#1$a*s0 a!. c#)!t$7*as)$s t# s)//$ss a!. $a.icat
t$$#$is* i! th c#)!t$+ a!. t# /$#tct th /#/l "$#* acts #" t$$#$is*. N#thi!1 h$i!
shall % i!t$/$t. t# */#'$ th A!ti7T$$#$is* C#)!cil t# 8$cis a!+ 5).icial #$
4)asi75).icial /#'$ #$ a)th#$it+.
Section E& of this act shows how the Anti9Terrorism *ouncil is formed. .t enumerates its
policy and rule9ma>ing body as well as the members of the said council.
SEC. B?. ,unctions of the Council. 7 I! /)$s)it #" its *a!.at i! th /$2i#)s
Scti#!0 th C#)!cil shall ha2 th "#ll#'i!1 ")!cti#!s 'ith .) $1a$. "#$ th $i1hts #" th
/#/l as *a!.at. %+ th C#!stit)ti#! a!. /$ti!!t la's9
1. F#$*)lat a!. a.#/t /la!s0 /$#1$a*s a!. c#)!t$7*as)$s a1ai!st t$$#$ists
a!. acts #" t$$#$is* i! th c#)!t$+>
2. C##$.i!at all !ati#!al ""#$ts t# s)//$ss a!. $a.icat acts #" t$$#$is* i! th
c#)!t$+ a!. *#%ili3 th !ti$ !ati#! a1ai!st t$$#$is* /$sc$i%. i! this Act>
3. Di$ct th s/.+ i!2sti1ati#! a!. /$#sc)ti#! #" all /$s#!s acc)s. #$ .tai!.
"#$ th c$i* #" t$$#$is* #$ c#!s/i$ac+ t# c#**it t$$#$is* a!. #th$ #""!ss
/)!isha%l )!.$ this Act0 a!. *#!it#$ th /$#1$ss #" thi$ cass>
?. Esta%lish a!. *ai!tai! c#*/$h!si2 .ata7%as i!"#$*ati#! s+st* #!
t$$#$is*0 t$$#$ist acti2itis0 a!. c#)!t$7t$$#$is* #/$ati#!s>
B. F$3 th ")!.s /$#/$t+0 %a!& ./#sits0 /lac*!ts0 t$)st acc#)!ts0 assts a!.
$c#$.s %l#!1i!1 t# a /$s#! s)s/ct. #" #$ cha$1. 'ith th c$i* #" t$$#$is* #$
c#!s/i$ac+ t# c#**it t$$#$is*0 /)$s)a!t t# R/)%lic Act N#. 91C,0 #th$'is
&!#'! as th A!ti7M#!+ La)!.$i!1 Act #" 2,,10 as a*!..>
C. ;$a!t *#!ta$+ $'a$.s a!. #th$ i!c!ti2s t# i!"#$*$s 'h# 1i2 2ital
i!"#$*ati#! la.i!1 t# th a//$h!si#!0 a$$st0 .t!ti#!0 /$#sc)ti#!0 a!.
c#!2icti#! #" /$s#! #$ /$s#!s 'h# a$ lia%l "#$ th c$i* #" t$$#$is* #$
c#!s/i$ac+ t# c#**it t$$#$is*>
7. Esta%lish a!. *ai!tai! c##$.i!ati#! 'ith a!. th c##/$ati#! a!. assista!c #"
#th$ !ati#!s i! th st$)11l a1ai!st i!t$!ati#!al t$$#$is*> a!.
A. R4)st th S)/$* C#)$t t# .si1!at s/ci"ic .i2isi#!s #" th C#)$t #" A//als
a!. R1i#!al T$ial C#)$ts i! Ma!ila0 C%) Cit+ a!. Ca1a+a! . O$# Cit+0 as th
cas *a+ %0 t# ha!.l all cass i!2#l2i!1 th c$i* #" t$$#$is* #$ c#!s/i$ac+ t#
c#**it t$$#$is* a!. all *att$s i!ci.!t t# sai. c$i*s. Th Sc$ta$+ #" N)stic
shall assi1! a ta* #" /$#sc)t#$s "$#*9 :a= L)3#! t# ha!.l t$$#$is* cass "il. i!
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
th R1i#!al T$ial C#)$t i! Ma!ila> :%= "$#* th Jisa+as t# ha!.l cass "il. i!
C%) Cit+> a!. :c= "$#* Mi!.a!a# t# ha!.l cass "il. i! Ca1a+a! . O$# Cit+.
Section E$ of this act enumerates the functions of the council as to how protect the rights
of the people under the *onstitution.
SEC. BB. Role of the Commission on Human Rights. 7 Th C#**issi#! #! H)*a!
Ri1hts shall 1i2 th hi1hst /$i#$it+ t# th i!2sti1ati#! a!. /$#sc)ti#! #" 2i#lati#!s #"
ci2il a!. /#litical $i1hts #" /$s#!s i! $lati#! t# th i*/l*!tati#! #" this Act> a!. "#$
this /)$/#s0 th C#**issi#! shall ha2 th c#!c)$$!t 5)$is.icti#! t# /$#sc)t /)%lic
#""icials0 la' !"#$c$s0 a!. #th$ /$s#!s 'h# *a+ ha2 2i#lat. th ci2il a!. /#litical
$i1hts #" /$s#!s s)s/ct. #"0 #$ .tai!. "#$ th c$i* #" t$$#$is* #$ c#!s/i$ac+ t#
c#**it t$$#$is*.
*ommission on Human ights plays a big role in the Human Security Act. .t shall give
the highest priority to the investigation and prosecution of civil and political rights of persons in
relation to the implementation of this act.
SEC. BC. Creation of a 6rievance Committee. 7 Th$ is h$%+ c$at. a ;$i2a!c
C#**itt c#*/#s. #" th O*%).s*a!0 as chai$0 a!. th S#licit#$ ;!$al0 a!. a!
)!.$sc$ta$+ "$#* th D/a$t*!t #" N)stic :DON=0 as **%$s0 t# $ci2 a!. 2al)at
c#*/lai!ts a1ai!st th act)ati#!s #" th /#lic a!. la' !"#$c*!t #""icials i! th
i*/l*!tati#! #" this Act. Th C#**itt shall h#l. #""ic i! Ma!ila. Th C#**itt
shall ha2 th$ s)%c#**itts that 'ill % $s/cti2l+ ha.. %+ th D/)t+ O*%).s*!
i! L)3#!0 th Jisa+as a!. Mi!.a!a#. Th s)%c#**itts shall $s/cti2l+ h#l. #""ic at
th O""ics #" D/)t+ O*%).s*a!. Th$ Assista!t S#licit#$s ;!$al .si1!at. %+ th
S#licit#$ ;!$al0 a!. th $1i#!al /$#sc)t#$s #" th DON assi1!. t# th $1i#!s 'h$
th D/)t+ O*%).s*! h#l. #""ic shall % **%$s th$#". Th th$ s)%c#**itts
shall assist th ;$i2a!c C#**itt i! $ci2i!10 i!2sti1ati!1 a!. 2al)ati!1 c#*/lai!ts
a1ai!st th /#lic a!. #th$ la' !"#$c*!t #""ic$s i! th i*/l*!tati#! #" this Act. I"
th 2i.!c 'a$$a!ts it0 th+ *a+ "il th a//$#/$iat cass a1ai!st th $$i!1 /#lic a!.
la' !"#$c*!t #""ic$s. U!lss sas#!a%l+ .is#'!. #$ .!#)!c. %+ th c#*/lai!a!ts0
.cisi#!s #$ 5).1*!ts i! th sai. cass shall /$cl). th "ili!1 #" #th$ cass %as. #! th
sa* ca)s #$ ca)ss #" acti#! as th#s that '$ "il. 'ith th ;$i2a!c C#**itt #$ its
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
A grievance committee is formed in order to maintain peace within the police and citi?ens
in the implementation of this act.
SEC. B7. Ban on 0:traordinary Rendition. 7 N# /$s#! s)s/ct. #$ c#!2ict. #" th
c$i* #" t$$#$is* shall % s)%5ct. t# 8t$a#$.i!a$+ $!.iti#! t# a!+ c#)!t$+ )!lss his
#$ h$ tsti*#!+ is !.. "#$ t$$#$ist $lat. /#lic i!2sti1ati#!s #$ 5).icial t$ials i! th
sai. c#)!t$+ a!. )!lss his #$ h$ h)*a! $i1hts0 i!cl).i!1 th $i1ht a1ai!st t#$t)$0 a!.
$i1ht t# c#)!sl0 a$ #""iciall+ ass)$. %+ th $4)sti!1 c#)!t$+ a!. t$a!s*itt.
acc#$.i!1l+ a!. a//$#2. %+ th D/a$t*!t #" N)stic.
,:traordinary endition is the e:traBudicial transfer of a suspect to another Burisdiction or
his home country. The grounds for banning such practice in international law is to deter when
there is substantive grounds to believe that torture or where there is real ris> that the death
penalty could be applied.
SEC. BA. 0:tra*Territorial !pplication of this !ct. 7 S)%5ct t# th /$#2isi#! #" a!
8isti!1 t$at+ #" 'hich th Phili//i!s is a si1!at#$+ a!. t# a!+ c#!t$a$+ /$#2isi#! #" a!+
la' #" /$"$!tial a//licati#!0 th /$#2isi#!s #" this Act shall a//l+9 :1= t# i!.i2i.)al
/$s#!s 'h# c#**it a!+ #" th c$i*s ."i!. a!. /)!ish. i! this Act 'ithi! th
t$$st$ial .#*ai!0 i!t$i#$ 'at$s0 *a$iti* 3#!0 a!. ai$s/ac #" th Phili//i!s> :2= t#
i!.i2i.)al /$s#!s 'h#0 alth#)1h /h+sicall+ #)tsi. th t$$it#$ial li*its #" th Phili//i!s0
c#**it0 c#!s/i$ #$ /l#t t# c#**it a!+ #" th c$i*s ."i!. a!. /)!ish. i! this Act
i!si. th t$$it#$ial li*its #" th Phili//i!s> :3= t# i!.i2i.)al /$s#!s 'h#0 alth#)1h
/h+sicall+ #)tsi. th t$$it#$ial li*its #" th Phili//i!s0 c#**it a!+ #" th sai. c$i*s #!
%#a$. Phili//i! shi/ #$ Phili//i! ai$shi/> :?= t# i!.i2i.)al /$s#!s 'h# c#**it a!+ #"
sai. c$i*s 'ithi! a!+ *%ass+0 c#!s)lat0 #$ .i/l#*atic /$*iss %l#!1i!1 t# #$ #cc)/i.
%+ th Phili//i! 1#2$!*!t i! a! #""icial ca/acit+> :B= t# i!.i2i.)al /$s#!s 'h#0
alth#)1h /h+sicall+ #)tsi. th t$$it#$ial li*its #" th Phili//i!s0 c#**it sai. c$i*s
a1ai!st Phili//i! citi3!s #$ /$s#!s #" Phili//i!s .sc!t0 'h$ thi$ citi3!shi/ #$
th!icit+ 'as a "act#$ i! th c#**issi#! #" th c$i*> a!. :C= t# i!.i2i.)al /$s#!s 'h#0
alth#)1h /h+sicall+ #)tsi. th t$$it#$ial li*its #" th Phili//i!s0 c#**it sai. c$i*s
.i$ctl+ a1ai!st th Phili//i! 1#2$!*!t.
$rinciple of Territoriality.
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
.t is an accepted doctrine in .nternational 3aw vis9N9vis *riminal 3aw that is under the
purview of municipal law that penal laws could only be enforced within its territory.
4nder our Burisdiction it is a dictum in criminal law that crimes committed outside of our
territory could not be the subBect of our Budicial system. However2 under Article 2 of the evised
5enal *ode2 which is an e:ception of the 5rinciple of Territoriality2 there are certain crimes that
even if such was committed outside the 5hilippine Territory still the person could be prosecuted
under 5hilippine 3aws.
The following instances or circumstances are categorically enumerated under the quoted
#ote that the Title that this provision falls is )+AT, 0- ,--,*T.6,#,SS A#+
A553.*AT.0# 0- TH, 506.S.0#S 0- TH.S *0+,8.
) AT. 2. Application of its provisions. @ ,:cept as provided in treaties and laws of
preferential application2 the provisions of this *ode shall be enforced not only within the
5hilippine Archipelago2 including its atmosphere2 its interior waters and maritime ?one2 but also
outside of its Burisdiction2 against those who(
7. Should commit an offense while on a 5hilippine Ship or airshipA
2. Should forge or counterfeit any coin or currency note of the 5hilippine .slands or
obligations and securities issued by the /overnment of the 5hilippine .slandsA
&. Should be liable for acts connected with the introduction to these .slands of the
obligations and securities mentioned in the preceding numberA
$. <hile being public officers or employees2 should commit an offense in the e:ercise of
their functionsA or
E. Should commit any of the crimes against national security and the law of nations2 defined
in Title 0ne of "oo> Two of this *ode.8
SEC. B9. -oint /versight Committee. 7 Th$ is h$%+ c$at. a N#i!t O2$si1ht
C#**itt t# #2$s th i*/l*!tati#! #" this Act. Th O2$si1ht C#**itt shall %
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
c#*/#s. #" "i2 **%$s ach "$#* th S!at a!. th H#)s i! a..iti#! t# th Chai$s #"
th C#**itts #" P)%lic O$.$ #" %#th H#)ss 'h# shall als# Chai$ th O2$si1ht
C#**itt i! th #$.$ s/ci"i. h$i!. Th **%$shi/ #" th C#**itt "#$ 2$+
H#)s shall at last ha2 t'# #//#siti#! #$ *i!#$it+ **%$s. Th N#i!t O2$si1ht
C#**itt shall ha2 its #'! i!./!.!t c#)!sl. Th Chai$ #" th C#**itt shall $#tat
2$+ si8 *#!ths 'ith th S!at chai$i!1 it "#$ th "i$st si8 *#!ths a!. th H#)s "#$ th
!8t si8 *#!ths. I! 2$+ cas0 th $a!&i!1 #//#siti#! #$ *i!#$it+ **%$ #" th
C#**itt shall % th Jic Chai$. U/#! th 8/i$ati#! #" #! +a$ a"t$ this Act is
a//$#2. %+ th P$si.!t0 th C#**itt shall $2i' th Act /a$tic)la$l+ th /$#2isi#!
that a)th#$i3 th s)$2illa!c #" s)s/cts #" #$ /$s#!s cha$1. 'ith th c$i* #"
t$$#$is*. T# that !.0 th C#**itt shall s)**#! th /#lic a!. la' !"#$c*!t
#""ic$s a!. th **%$s #" th A!ti7T$$#$is* C#)!cil a!. $4)i$ th* t# a!s'$
4)sti#!s "$#* th **%$s #" C#!1$ss a!. t# s)%*it a '$itt! $/#$t #" th acts th+
ha2 .#! i! th i*/l*!tati#! #" th la' i!cl).i!1 th *a!!$ i! 'hich th /$s#!s
s)s/ct. #" #$ cha$1. 'ith th c$i* #" t$$#$is* ha2 %! .alt 'ith i! thi$ c)st#.+
a!. "$#* th .at 'h! th *#2*!ts #" th latt$ '$ s)%5ct. t# s)$2illa!c a!. his
#$ h$ c#$$s/#!.!cs0 *ssa1s0 c#!2$sati#!s a!. th li& '$ list!. t# #$ s)%5ct.
t# *#!it#$i!10 $c#$.i!1 a!. ta//i!1. <ith#)t /$5).ic t# its s)%*itti!1 #th$ $/#$ts0
th C#**itt shall $!.$ a s*ia!!)al $/#$t t# %#th H#)ss #" C#!1$ss. Th $/#$t
*a+ i!cl). 'h$ !cssa$+ a $c#**!.ati#! t# $assss th ""cts #" 1l#%ali3ati#! #!
t$$#$ist acti2itis #! th /#/l0 /$#2i. a s)!st cla)s t# #$ a*!. a!+ /#$ti#! #" th Act
#$ t# $/al th Act i! its !ti$t+. Th c#)$ts .ali!1 'ith a!ti7t$$#$is* cass shall s)%*it
t# C#!1$ss a!. th P$si.!t a $/#$t 2$+ si8 *#!ths #" th stat)s #" a!ti7t$$#$is*
cass that ha2 %! "il. 'ith th* sta$ti!1 "$#* th .at this Act is i*/l*!t..
Hoint oversight committee is formed in order to oversee the implementation of the Human
Security Act.
SEC. C,. Separability Clause. 7 I" "#$ a!+ $as#! a!+ /a$t #$ /$#2isi#! #" this Act is
.cla$. )!c#!stit)ti#!al #$ i!2ali.0 th #th$ /a$ts #$ /$#2isi#!s h$#" 'hich a$ !#t
a""ct. th$%+ shall $*ai! a!. c#!ti!) t# % i! ")ll "#$c a!. ""ct.
SEC. C1. Repealing Clause. 7 All la's0 .c$s0 8c)ti2 #$.$s0 $)ls #$ $1)lati#!s #$
/a$ts th$#"0 i!c#!sist!t 'ith th /$#2isi#!s #" this Act a$ h$%+ $/al.0 a*!..0 #$
*#.i"i. acc#$.i!1l+.
SEC. C2. Special 0ffectivity Clause. 7 A"t$ th %ill shall ha2 %! si1!. i!t# la' %+ th
P$si.!t0 th Act shall % /)%lish. i! th$ !'s/a/$s #" !ati#!al ci$c)lati#!> th$
!'s/a/$s #" l#cal ci$c)lati#!0 #! ach i! ll#c#s N#$t0 Ba1)i# Cit+ a!. Pa*/a!1a> th$
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%
!'s/a/$s #" l#cal ci$c)lati#!0 #! ach i! C%)0 ll#il# a!. Tacl#%a!> a!. th$
!'s/a/$s #" l#cal ci$c)lati#!0 #! ach i! Ca1a+a! . O$#0 Da2a# a!. ;!$al Sa!t#s
Th titl #" th Act a!. its /$#2isi#!s ."i!i!1 th acts #" t$$#$is* that a$ /)!ish.
shall % ai$. 2$+.a+ at /$i*ti* "#$ s2! .a+s0 *#$!i!10 !##! a!. !i1ht #2$ th$
!ati#!al tl2isi#! a!. $a.i# !t'#$&s> th$ $a.i# a!. tl2isi#! !t'#$&s0 #! ach i!
C%)0 Tacl#%a! a!. ll#il#> a!. i! "i2 $a.i# a!. tl2isi#! !t'#$&s0 #! ach i! La!a# .l
S)$0 Ca1a+a! . O$#0 Da2a# Cit+0 C#ta%at# Cit+ a!. Ia*%#a!1a Cit+. Th /)%licati#! i!
th !'s/a/$s #" l#cal ci$c)lati#! a!. th a!!#)!c*!ts #2$ l#cal $a.i# a!. tl2isi#!
!t'#$&s shall % .#! i! th .#*i!a!t la!1)a1 #" th c#**)!it+. A"t$ th /)%licati#!
$4)i$. a%#2 shall ha2 %! .#!0 th Act shall ta& ""ct t'# *#!ths a"t$ th lcti#!s
a$ hl. i! Ma+ 2,,7. Th$a"t$0 th /$#2isi#!s #" this Act shall % a)t#*aticall+
s)s/!.. #! *#!th %"#$ a!. t'# *#!ths as a"t$ th h#l.i!1 #" a!+ lcti#!.
Spea>er of the House of epresentatives
5resident of the Senate
This Act which is a consolidation of Senate "ill #o. 27&7 and House "ill #o. $%&' was finally
passed by the Senate and the House of epresentatives on -ebruary %2 2007 and -ebruary 7'2
20072 respectively.
Secretary /eneral
House of epresenatives
Secretary of Senate
Approved( 1A*H 0G2 2007
$resident of the $hilippines
Special Penal Laws: THE HUMAN SECURITY ACT OF 2007 (Rep!lic Ac" #$72%

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