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::Company:: is located in ::Location:: and has been operating ::Publication:: for
::Time::. ::Publication:: is a ::Timeframe:: periodical that goes out to
::DescribeRecipients::. We pride ourselves on being one of the most informative sources
relating to ::Subect!atter:: and have been recogni"ed by ::DescribeRecognition::.
We are prepared to offer you ::Describe#dvertisement:: in ::Publication:: for
::Timeframe:: $hich entails ::%umber:: of issues of ::Publication::. What this means is
that you $ill be featured ::&o$::' $hich is one of the most sought after spots in
::Publication:: by advertisers. (our advertisement $ill surely be noticed by our readers.
This #dvertising Contract )the *Contract+, states the terms and conditions that govern the
contractual agreement bet$een ::Company:: having its principal place of business at
::Company#ddress:: )the *Company+,' and ::#dvertiser:: )the *#dvertiser+, $ho agrees
to be bound by this #greement.
W&-R-#S' the Company operates ::Publication:: )the *Publication+, and the
#dvertiser $ould li.e to engage the Company in placing an advertisement )the *#d+,
$ithin the Publication.
%/W' T&-R-0/R-' 1n consideration of the mutual covenants and promises made
by the parties hereto' the Company and the #dvertiser )individually' each a *Party+ and
collectively' the *Parties+, covenant and agree as follo$s:
1. ADVERTISEMENT. The Company shall place the #d' attached hereto as -2hibit #'
and feature it $ithin the Publication ::DescribeLocationandDuration::.
2. ADVERTISING FEE. 1n consideration for placing the #d' the #dvertiser shall pay to
the Company ::#mount:: dollars )3::%umber::, per ::Timeframe::. Such amounts $ill be
due and payable every ::Timeframe:: starting ::Date::.
3. NO INFRINGEMENT. The #dvertiser represents and $arrants that the #d is
completely original and does not infringe on the intellectual property rights of any third
4. INDEMNIFICATION. The #dvertiser agrees to indemnify' defend' and protect the
Company from and against all la$suits and costs of every .ind )including reasonable
legal fees, due to any infringement of any third party4s intellectual property rights due to
the content of the #d.
5. NO MODIFICATION UNLESS IN WRITING. %o modification of this Contract shall
be valid unless in $riting and agreed upon by both Parties.
6. APPLICABLE LAW. This Contract and the interpretation of its terms shall be governed
by and construed in accordance $ith the la$s of the State of ::State:: and subect to the
e2clusive urisdiction of the federal and state courts located in ::County::' ::State::.
1% W1T%-SS W&-R-/0' each of the Parties has e2ecuted this Contract' both Parties
by its duly authori"ed officer' as of the day and year set forth belo$.
555555555555555555555555555555555 55555555555555
::%ame:: 6 D#T-
555555555555555555555555555555555 55555555555555
::%ame:: D#T-

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