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And I will pray the Father, and He

will give you another Helper, that

He may abide with you forever

(John 14:16, NKJV).
The Holy Spirit

The Church at Study 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Superintendent: Dawn and Aubrey
Praise & Worship.. Esther, Larris, Juliana, Nadia

Hymn of Prais.. Does Jesus Care...#181

Intercessory Prayer... Ernie Eccles

Central California, Revival and Repentance
Hope for the discouraged
Next Week:
Hawaii/ Micronesia. Praying for the salvation of loved ones
Breaking down of Strongholds

Childrens Story.......................................

Offering......Church Budget........... Gene Bernardo

Special Music... Mario Simoes

Scripture...Isaiah 65:24.. Betty Haskell & Trevor Palmateer

Before We Call He Answers
Gord Rayner

Hymn of Commitment.Day by Day...# 532

Benediction....Teresa Ferreira

Sunset Today: 8:59 p.m. Next week: 8:55 p.m.
Please send all bulletin related information by
WEDNESDAY 9:00 p.m. to


1. Inviting ALL to an hour of prayer, Bible Study
and testimonies on Wednesday night at 7 pm.
Come and be blessed.

2. Your financial assistance is needed to make VBS (July
21-25) a success this year. Mark ''VBS snacks" on your
tithe envelope, or give funds to Doris or Teresa, you may
also donate cookies and frozen juices if you wish.
Your VBS Team!

3. Ruth SDA Church from Brampton has
requested donations to purchase chairs for
their new facility. The Church Board voted to
sponsor 5 chairs gift at $350 cost. Your
donations for the sister church could be
directed to our treasurer, mark on the envelopes Ruth
Church chairs.

4. Redcross paperwork. Anyone who have
forms for Redcross please complete and
return to Teresa Ferreira no later than July

5. A new church plant is in the works to
start by September in Hyde
Park/Oakridge area. Organizing
meeting will take place at the end of
August. If you are interested in being a
part of the core group for this church plant, please
email pastor Alex:

6. Mens Ministry meeting on Sunday
July 27th at 8:30 AM. Our study
will be from the book A Place For
Us Guys: at chapter 14 to the end
of the book


7. July 27 Pathfinders are
holding the yard sale in the
parking lot, from 8 am to 2
pm. If you would like to de-
clutter your home, garage,
basement and have
valuable items to contribute, please do so on that
Sunday. If you would like to join in and use the table for
our own sale join the Club at a cost per table.

8. When Daniel and his fellow
Israelites were taken in captivity
from Israel to Babylon, they
would have traveled a distance
of at least 544 miles, or 876
km. This year, more than
45,000 Pathfinders will travel
even farther to reach Oshkosh, Wisconsin. 26
people from our church will travel together 940 kms,
stopping on the way at the Adventist Pioneer Village
in Battle Creek on August 10. The Live webstream
broadcasts will be available courtesy Hope Channel,
August 12-16 starting at 9 pm, till 10:30 pm.
Suppor our team in your prayers and with
donations .

9. The youth and some church families are away today,
camping together with Sarnia & Windsor youth at the
annual youth spiritual retreat. Pray for good weather,
safety and their spiritual growth experience.

Birthday Wishes for July

July 1 Andres Perez
July 3 Carolyn Dowdell
July 4 Jenny Mickle
July 8 Renate Weidner
Jul 9 Kasha Kindness
Jul 9 Matvey Pandaleke
July 11 Cameron Munro
July 11 Kara Topper
July 11 Rachael Taylor
July 12 Jaiden Munro
July 12 Lucy Simoes

July 12 Gene Bernardo
July 15 Isabel Erazo
July 16 Kamron Bancroft
July 17 Chris Keim
July 18 Jesse Reeve
July 20 Joaquino Sampaio
July 21 Marilyn Topper
July 21 Sam Stajfer
July 22 Jackie Lima
July 22 Viola Reeve

July 23 Pat Carter
July 25 Chris Paul
July 26 Julia Mahon
July 26 Sheldon
July 28 Akwasi Boah-
July 29 Doris
July 31 Larry Tait

Purpose of our Church

As elders met on Sunday, after and during a work-out of cleaning flower
gardens at the church yard, to discuss the church planting strategy, a
question was on minds of many what is the purpose of the church plant?
As I grappled with this question preparing for the Board meeting on Monday
I took some time to read the Counsel to Churches, a compilation of Ellen G.
White works regarding the reason we do church. As I shared a few
paragraphs with the Board members I am moved to share over the next
few weeks with all who read our blog and this church bulletin these
The Church is a Theater in which the power of Gods Grace is to be
displayed before the Universe (1
Cor.4:9)! And, in case you are
wondering whats showing get this: There is a great work to be done
in fashioning the character after the divine similitude. The grace of Christ
must mold the entire being, and its triumph will not be complete until
the heavenly universe shall witness habitual tenderness of feeling,
Christlike love, and holy deeds in the deportment of the children of
God. (August 3, 1899 Youth Instructor). And read also this: The
church, endowed with the righteousness of Christ, is His depositary,
in which the riches of His mercy, His grace, and His love, are to
appear in full and final display. Christ looks upon His people in their
purity and perfection, as the reward of His humiliation, and the
supplement of His glory,--Christ, the great Center, from whom radiates all
glory. (Desire of ages, p.680).
The universe looks at the Church to see if the Sacrifice of Jesus
made a difference, if we are being transformed by His Grace, if Holy Spirit
is at work in us. Our purity is Christs reward for all the suffering and
dishonour He endured to set us free, to give us new beginning. Our
Church has no intrinsic glory of its own. We cannot manufacture any
glory to exalt Christ. Our church is simply the vehicle through which
Christ exhibits His Love and His Glory.
In a letter written to the Battle Creek church in 1896 Ellen White
explained why we exist as a church, and it is valid for us today, in
London, Ontario: The church of Christ, enfeebled, defective as she may
appear, is the one object on earth upon which he bestows, in a special
sense, his love and his regard. The church is the theater of His grace,
in which He delights in making experiments of mercy on human
hearts. The Holy Spirit is His representative, and He works to effect
transformations so wonderful that angels look upon them with
astonishment and joy. Heaven is full of rejoicing when the members
of the human family are seen to be full of compassion for one
another, loving one another as Christ has loved them. The church is
God's fortress, his city of refuge, which he holds in a revolted world.
So, why do we exist, why do we come together, a corporate body,
visible church gathering, instead of staying as a small independent
atoms? To show the world that Jesus is alive among us, and the Holy
Spirit makes us loving toward each other, just as Jesus foretold!(John

your servant, pastor Alex Golovenko


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