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a diamond
in the rough
World Masters
Golf Championship
rebirth to
a family destination
Rescue Paws
Issue 07 Volume 02 Jul 15 - Aug 15 , 2014 | nmagazi ne Complimentary copy
L u x u r y l i v i n g & E x c l u s i v e l i f e s t y l e
Tel: 09-4562-4560 (Tai)
08-4387-5699 (English)
RED Mountain Hua Hin, Hua Hin 88 Soi, Hua Hin, Prachuabkirikhan, 77110, Thailand
Tel : 032 533 333 Fax : 032 523 991
Please contact +66 (0) 852-662-255 for more details
Following the unprecedented success of Red Mountain
Boutique Residences, 38 houses sold in less than 6
months, we are pleased to announce the opening of our
next project called Woodlands Residences just 2 km
from our existing site.
Woodlands will retain the same award winning features which has made Red Mountain a runaway success: Great value modern
designed homes with a quality fnish, fabulous mountain views, lake and water features along with a new characteristic: Many
large beautiful old trees which are being kept in the land to maintain the natural environment and beauty of the area and in
which the project takes its name.
Graphic Design
Whale Studio |
Nanta Samran |
Copy Editor
Kritpapat P. |
Manag|ng Ld|tor, Creanve Adm|n|strator
Tanya Siri Vijitsomphong |
Creanve Consu|tant
Dany Heyer |
Sa|es & Markenng Manager
8rlglue ersson | brlglue[
1anya S|r| V|[|tsomphong
HOT Hua Hin Magazine
He l l o J u l y 1 5
De a r Fr i e n d s
our magazlne you wlll know LhaL PC1 Pua Pln's enure
team are dog lovers. On page 34 read how the Rescue
aw's organlzauon ls bulldlng a rehab cenLer for our
furry friends. Our Spa Review takes us to the world
famous Chlva Som. Afer readlng our revlew on page
50 youll see why it is consistently rated as one of the
10 Best Spas in the World.
Our property feature on page 54 takes us to Yambay
on the beach in Khao Tao. Yambay gives every owner
beauuful ocean vlews when enLerlng Lhelr dream
condo and fabulous golf course mountain views when
exlung. lL also has a free golf membershlp, greaL renLal
reLurns and several lnLeresung ownershlp opuons. Cur
resldenL experL on [usL abouL everyLhlng, uany Peyer,
gives us his take on Hua Hins weather and why people
are drawn here, LhaL's on page 66. PC1 Pua Pln ls
pleased Lo announce our newesL conLrlbuLor, Shawn
CarpenLer, who on page 64 explalns how we can deal
with uncertainty in our daily lives.
llnally, Lhe enure sLa of PC1 Pua Pln Magazlne and
PC1 Pua Pln roperLy would llke Lo wlsh a hearuelL
Pappy 8lrLhday Lo her Ma[esLy, Cueen SlrlklL.
Long llve Lhe Cueen!
As usual, Lhe years go by fasLer and noL surprlslngly,
we are now on Lhe downward slope of 2014. So, Lo geL
on wlLh lL whlle Lhe mlnuLes pass us by, Lake a look aL
our Hot Getaway this month which takes us just across
Lhe bay Lo auaya. Cnce known only for lLs exceedlngly
large red llghL dlsLrlcL, we aL PC1 Pua Pln were surprlsed
and pleased to see how it has revitalized itself into a
famlly frlendly Lown wlLh many wholesome acuvlues
for chlldren. Check ouL our feaLure on page 16 and Lhen
read our recommendauon on where Lo sLay on page 20.
Cne of Pua Pln's favorlLe sporung evenLs, Lhe annual
Kings Cup Elephant Polo tournament has headed north
this year to the Siam Polo Park at the VR Sports Club in
8angkok. 1o nd ouL all Lhe deLalls check ouL our sLory
on page 24. 1he rsL annual CenLara World MasLers
Golf Championship was a roaring success with over 500
golfers [olnlng from 23 dlerenL counLrles, lnLeresungly
only 8 were from Thailand. Read why you should be
slgnlng up for nexL year's LournamenL on page 26.
1he Pua Pln !azz lesuval ls back Lhls year wlLh a
change of venue, sull on Lhe beach buL wlLh much
more parklng. 8ead Lhe who's, whaL's and where's on
page 32. if you have read more than a few issues of
nC1 SA kev|ew: Ch|vasom & N|ran|ada Med| Spa

nea|th & 8ody
ambay, A d|amond |n the rough

nC1 nomes of nua n|n

now to take advantage of uncerta|nty

nua n|n Weather

nua n|n's 8est 8uys














Luxury living & Exclusive lifestyle
Med|a artner of the
1ha||and roperty Awards 2014
Although all materials are published
in good faith and based on
lnformauon sollclLed Lo us aL Lhe ume
of publlcauon, Lhe publlsher Lakes no
responslblllLy for any errors, loss or
omissions that may occur.
no parL of Lhls publlcauon may be
reproduced in full or in part without the
prevlous wrluen consenL of
nC1 nua n|n Co. Ltd.

A|| mater|a|s copyr|ght.
A|| r|ghts are reserved.
r|nted by
We p|us Group (1ha||and) Co., Ltd.

Contact us to hnd out how to get
the most for your adverns|ng baht
Edited and published by
nC1 nua n|n Co. Ltd.
1el : +66 (0) 32 S36 203
+66 (0) 9 4S62 4S60
a diamond
in the rough
World Masters
Golf Championship
rebirth to
a family destination
Rescue Paws
Issue 07 Volume 02 Jul 15 - Aug 15 , 2014 | nmagazi ne Complimentary copy
L u x u r y l i v i n g & E x c l u s i v e l i f e s t y l e
nC1 Getaway auaya

nC1 note| kev|ew: Centara Grand M|rage auaya

Anantara's k|ng's Cup

Centara Wor|d Masters Go|f Champ|onsh|p

nua n|n Iazz Iesnva| 2014

Steve Canon roh|e

kescue aw's kehab Center

nC1 Iood kev|ew: La kumba Venezue|a kestaurant

nC1 Around 1own
rovvn vao .o.svs
:ovr a.vra.. ra.v..ra
ns:av v.r. v..vs:r
.rav..r rans:a. rs.ns:..s
..........:.. ..:....:.:...-
... :.: .:.:: .
500 meters to beach, 5 minutes to golf.
se.e. osee . 146/47 Soi Hua Hin 91, Hua Hin re. . 081 860 3364 (Eng),, te.. .,
s.-- s:.s- s\: .|e| - :\ ..\ :--
. -.-
+ ---
Hungry for
something different ?

The first and only
Venezuelan restaurant
in Hua Hin

WHERE ? 5oi 94. 250m rom PheLkasem Rd. ,on Lhe righL hand side,
beLween Smile Hua Hin ResorL and Narawan HoLel.
Chef : Adrian Yanez. (Fxperience . Malabar resLauranL, Peru, 8rd besL
resLauranL in LaLin America according Lo San Pelegrino Review , Casa
Marcial, Spain, 2 sLars in Lhe Michelin guide)
Opening hours : From Wednesday Lo Monday 2am - 0pm.
Booking and special events :
South American Gourmet Food, International Food, Grill & Pizzas
:o- :ac:o+
Huay Mongkol Temple
<< Pranburi
aoc so!.-:- c
Railway Hua Hin
ls:+sc ecs
Amari Hotel
. occ: :.c e:-:- c .co.o ac
Khao Ta Kieb Mountain View
. o
aoc os:. -:- c
Police Station















Hua Hin
ca-o-:- c
Hua Hin Beach
!s e: c-:- c
Hua Hin Vineyard
.ooc+-:- c
Hua Hin Municipality
.c e:ce
Cha Am City

Klai Kang Won Royal Palace c
Hua Hin Fishing Pier
occ: :.c e:-:- c - c.-+ o!.
n Lek Fai Mountain View
-ec. o
Clock Tower
-:- c ce++ c
Hua Hin Balloon
ls:+sc o a osc
Dusit Thani Hotel
::.: ac - :ac:o+
Huay Mong Kol Circle
aoc so!.ce
Cha-Am Train Station
Noo Na - EM Modeling
Sty||st & Costume:
Tanya Siri Vijitsomphong
Ass|stant hotographer:
Sawitree Ying
Hua Hin Beach
Co-Sponsors: Media Partners: J udging Supervised By:
Organised By:
L u x u r y l i v i n g & E x c l u s i v e l i f e s t y l e
5 vaccinated puppies
for urgent adoption!
For more information
at Tan Diau
Pet Hospital
Can I have a Home please!
Name: Mehmai
Gender: Female
Age: Not determined
Details: Shunned by pack in
Temple were she lives.
Gentle and shy.
Temple Dog Organization
Name: Tatters
Gender: Male
Age: Not determined
Details: Currently lives in a temple.
Dumped at the temple and bullied
by larger dogs. Cuddly and friendly.
For more information Email:
JUL 15 - AUG 15 , 2014
HOT Getaway
Not that |ong ago, when enqu|r|ng about the c|ty of
auaya, our ne|ghbor across the Gu|f, the norma| response of
a nua n|n expat was of wa|k|ng street and the seed|er s|des of
1ha||and. Wa|k|ng street sn|| ex|sts but through a concerted
eort of |oca| government and bus|ness, auaya has r|sen to
become a fam||y or|ented seas|de desnnanon and 1ha||and's
most popu|ar resort c|ty w|th over 4 m||||on v|s|tors every
year. Iust 4 hours by car from nua n|n, the tr|p |s easy to do
w|th the freeway dropp|ng you r|ght |nto the center of town.
Llke Pua Pln, auaya was a small sleepy shlng vlllage
unul Lhe early 60's when durlng Lhe vleL nam war Amerlcan
servlcemen began arrlvlng for a llule resL and relaxauon.
auaya qulckly became a popular beach resorL whlch has
greaLly expanded. vlslLors Loday are now drawn Lo auaya Lo
wlndsurf, waLer skl, swlm, sunbaLhe, snorkel, sall, or Lake Lrlps
Lo nearby lslands. CLher acuvlues lnclude 8ungee [umplng,
cycllng, skydlvlng, go-karung, Muay 1hal (1hal boxlng), and
Colfers, boLh novlce and experL, are well caLered Lo as well,
wlLh a wlde selecuon of golf courses around auaya. We ln Pua
Hin like to boast about all of the golf courses we have close by
buL auaya ralses Lhe bar wlLh 2S courses ln close proxlmlLy.
Accordlng Lo Lhose ln Lhe know, Lhe besL golf course's ln auaya
are found aL Lhe Slam CounLry Club and lnclude Lhelr lanLauon
Course followed by their Old Course and the SCC Waterside
lf you haven'L been Lo auaya ln a whlle, one of Lhe rsL
Lhlngs you wlll nouce ls LhaL auaya has gone upscale. 1here
are now LwenLy S SLar PoLels, lncludlng 3 CenLara Crand's wlLh
Lhree more llve SLar hoLel's under consLrucuon.
AnoLher ma[or draw for vlslLors Lo auaya ls Lhe wlde
selecuon of resLauranLs servlng some of 1halland's freshesL
seafood. Due to the high number of expatriate foreigners in
auaya Lhere ls also an excellenL selecuon of auLhenuc forelgn
eaLerles servlng lrench, lLallan, Swlss, 8usslan, Cerman,
Pungarlan, Scandlnavlan, Lngllsh, lndlan, Arablc, !apanese, and
Chinese cuisine. A few restaurants that should certainly be
Lrled are 8runo's, hup://, MaLaharl's,
hup:// & Au 8on Coln Culslne, whlch has been consldered Lhe
best in Phuket for over ten years.
8A1AMnAk vlLWCln1
JUL 15 - AUG 15 , 2014
Whlle ln auaya Lhere are a few slLe's LhaL
shouldn'L be mlssed. 1lany's CabareL show ls
world famous and a must-see for anyone who
hasnt been. Running three shows nightly for
over LhlrLy years, a surglcally and hormonally-
enhanced army of transgender performers
puL on a show LhaL shauers Lhelr fearsome
repuLauon performlng a breaLhless hour-long
show LhaL spans Lhe enure hemlsphere Lhrough
song, dance and sklLs. lL ls Lame so even Lhe
kids can enjoy
8lslng 10S meLers lnLo Lhe sky, 1he SancLuary
of Truth looks to be part temple and part palace
buL lL ls nelLher. 8ullL enurely of Leakwood
its amazing sculptures and carvings are a
LesLamenL Lo 1hal crafsmanshlp. Whlle
wandering through this impressive structure
you can'L help buL admlre Lhe equally
impressive and ornate carvings that adorn
every square lnch of Lhe bulldlng and Lhe
hundreds of thousands of man hours that
have gone into the project.
Voted The Best Commercial Development
ln 1halland" by Lhe 1halland roperLy Awards,
Mlmosa auaya ls a cross beLween Pua Pln's
Clcada MarkeL & venezla. 1hls Cne 8llllon
JUL 15 - AUG 15 , 2014
Baht project on 40 rai of land was built
under the concept of The City of Love
and the buildings architecture is based on
what you would see if you visited Colmar
ln lrance, a border Lown nexL Lo Cermany.
lL ls an exLremely popular desunauon and
has been ever since it opened last year.
Mlmosa has plenLy of shops, resLauranLs
and of course many places to have your
plcLure Laken. Speaklng of plcLure Laklng,
khao auaya vlew olnL on raLumnak
Hill is the best viewpoint in the region
and the place to visit day or night to get
LhaL classlc shoL of auaya's sweeplng,
crescent bay.
underworld auaya ls one of Lhe largesL
and mosL modern aquarlums ln Asla and
ls home Lo over 200 dlerenL marlne
species. Here you can see predator
and prey swim side by side as you walk
through the 100-meter acrylic tunnel
brilliantly displaying the sea life above and
all around you.
auaya's relaxlng Lroplcal amblence
oers every lngredlenL for memorable
holldays. Accommodauon ranges from
luxurlous hoLels wlLh superb convenuon
faclllues Lo slmple guesLhouses. 1here ls
a plenLy of sporung opporLunlues boLh
on land and waLer lncludlng golng, game
shlng and scuba-dlvlng. 1heme and
amusemenL parks, oMeaL museums and
boLanlcal gardens oer a varleLy of lelsure
acuvlues and enLerLalnmenL for all famlly
members. With its close proximity to Hua
Pln, auaya denlLely deserves elLher a
rsL vlslL or a re-vlslL Lo see for yourself
how Lhe clLy has re-dened lLself.
now to get there: Hua Hin has daily
Mlnl van servlce Lo auaya and back. A
more comfortable bus trip can be had
by Laklng Lhe Suvarnabhuml vl Coach
LhaL leaves Pua Pln 6 umes dally Lo Lhe
Suvarnabhumi Airport and then pick up a
bus, Laxl or mlnlvan Lo auaya. 8y prlvaLe
car you can bypass downtown Bangkok by
taking the Rama 2 Bridge as if you were
going to the Suvarnabhumi Airport and
Lhen conunue souLh followlng Lhe slgns.
Where to stay: auaya has
accommodauons Lo L everyone's budgeL
but if youre taking the family a highly
recommended hotel is the beachfront
Centara Grand Mirage. The kids will love
the hotels waterpark.
nlCP1 1lML [ A11A?A Cl1?
HOT Hotel
Centara Grand Mi rage - Pattaya
Imag|ne, two g|gannc rock formanons
connected by suspended br|dges, a cavern
that opens onto |ush [ung|e |andscapes w|th a
meander|ng r|ver and waterfa||s, then a pathway
|ead|ng down to a go|den beach and the b|ue
ocean. ou are now |n the Lost Wor|d of Centara
Grand M|rage kesort, a p|ace of enchantment and
auaya's Lransformauon Lo a famlly frlendly
desunauon ls compleLe and one of Lhe very besL
family hotels you could take your loved ones to
is the Centara Grand Mirage. Located on the
beach, Lhls hoLel has a losL world" Lheme Lo lL
along with a wonderful waterpark that will keep
Lhe klds happy for days. Pere' you'll nd plenLy of
waLerslldes, rock [umplng plauorms and a lazy rlver
wlLh a consLanL currenL LhaL oaLs you Lhrough Lhe
The Centara Grand Mirage is a place of
lndulgence and greaL fun. 1hls exclung Lhemed
ve-sLar resorL ls a desunauon ln lLs own rlghL
oerlng ocean-faclng rooms, sulLes and famlly
resldences, elghL dlnlng venues, Lhelr award-
wlnnlng spa, a klds' club, waLer sporLs and an
extensive water park.
1he hoLel ls qulLe large wlLh all SSS rooms and
sulLes faclng Lhe ocean, oerlng specLacular vlews
of the gardens and the sea. Each room features a
furnlshed balcony or expanslve Lerrace, and LoLal
llvlng space ranges from 42 Lo 326 square meLres.
MosL room caLegorles oer Lhe cholce of a klng-
slzed bed or Lwo double beds, whlle Lhe ueluxe
Ocean Facing Family Residences feature bunk beds
suitable for up to three children in a separate area
and ample llvlng space, and Lhus make Lhe ldeal
family retreat.
CuesLs wlll en[oy superb beneLs when opung
for Lhe Club caLegory, whlch lnclude access Lo Lhe
Club prlvaLe lounge, ve meal presenLauons dally,
evening cocktails and complimentary internet
1he lelsure faclllues here lnclude Lhe huge
Lost World themed water park with free-form
swlmmlng pools, a meanderlng lazy rlver,
waterfalls and thrilling water slides. With 230
metres of its own white sandy beach the resort
oers a cholce of waLer sporL acuvlues.
1here ls a fully-equlpped Lness cenLre, Lennls
courLs, and oLher recreauonal acuvlues lncludlng
yoga, llaLes, volleyball, Lable Lennls, snooker and
rock-cllmblng. SeL ln lLs own oceanfronL vlllage, SA
JUL 15 - AUG 15 , 2014
Cenvaree oers Lradluonal aromaLherapy, Lherapeuuc massages and
modern re[uvenauon pracuces.
Younger guests are well taken care of with the professionally
supervlsed klds' Club, feaLurlng Camp Safarl for Lhose aged four Lo
nlne and L-Zone for Leenagers, and a separaLe games room.
Here at the Grand Mirage there are so many restaurants that
there is no need to leave the property. The resorts all-day dining
resLauranL, Oasis, serves a hearLy breakfasL bueL wlLh regular
themed dinners. G|nger & L|me oers a fasclnaung Lake on Aslan
culslnes lncludlng 1hal, !apanese, Chlnese and vleLnamese.

Acqua serves modern lLallan culslne wlLh Lhe accenL on fresh
seafood, whlle I|ames is a barbecue and grill restaurant where
magnlcenL meaL and sh dlshes are prepared. WlLh a sLrlklng decor
and greaL vlews, Vistas is a perfect rendezvous point and lounge for
anyume of Lhe day. 2u|u is a lively bar with a DJ and karaoke rooms.
In-room d|n|ng is also available.
lf you happen Lo be looklng for a venue for your nexL conference
the Mirage can help you there too. The resort has a dedicated
Meeung vlllage oerlng a cholce of versaule meeung venues
lncludlng several break-ouL rooms LhaL hold beLween 70 and 90
persons, Lwo lnLerconnecLed uLopla SulLes, and Lhe Mlrage Crand
8allroom wlLh a maxlmum capaclLy of 1,200 persons seaLed LheaLre-
sLyle and whlch can be dlvlded up lnLo Lhree self-conLalned secuons.
lf you do feel llke havlng a wander Lhrough Lown you can reach
Lhe hearL of auaya ln 10 mlnuLes. Shopplng aclonados en[oy
compllmenLary shuule servlce Lo CenLral lesuval shopplng and
lifestyle complex across the street from the beach.
CenLara PoLels & 8esorLs ls 1halland's leadlng operaLor of hoLels,
wlLh 46 deluxe and rsL-class properues coverlng all ma[or LourlsL
desunauons ln Lhe klngdom. 1hls parucular CenLara ls an excellenL
cholce when decldlng where Lo sLay ln auaya.
JUL 15 - AUG 15 , 2014
JUL 15 - AUG 15 , 2014
aorded ln Lhelr 'normal' llves.

Due to the popularity of the tournament
the event will move from the Royal
seaside town of Hua Hin to the Siam Polo
Park at VR Sports Club in Bangkok. The
four day fesuval wlll have someLhlng for
everyone including an impressive opening
parade, Chlldren's uay, Ladles uay and
a wide range of fun elephant related
acuvlues for Lhe whole famlly.

Ior more |nformanon on the 13th
Annua| k|ng's Cup L|ephant o|o
1ournament, p|ease v|s|t
Mark |t |n your d|ar|es, Anantara
note|s, kesorts and Spas has announced
the 2014 dates for the h|gh|y popu|ar
k|ng's Cup L|ephant o|o 1ournament.
1h|s year's event w||| move from |ts
or|g|na| home of nua n|n to the 1ha|
cap|ta| of 8angkok from August 28th -
31st and prom|ses to have more na||-
b|nng acnon both on and o the he|d.

1he annual LournamenL, now ln lLs
LhlrLeenLh year, has become one of Lhe
biggest charitable events in SE Asia.
LasL year's evenL whlch had 16 Leams
encompasslng over S0 players, lncludlng
1hal supermodels, professlonal horse polo
players and the New Zealand All-Blacks
rugby team was a far cry from the small
two teamed event back when it started in
2001. Cver $uS7S0,000 has been ralsed
and donaLed Lo pro[ecLs LhaL beuer Lhe
llves of 1halland's wlld and domesucaLed
elephanL populauon.

Fundraising from last years event has
been donated to a number of projects in
1halland lncludlng supporung research
and clinics using elephants in therapy
sesslons for chlldren llvlng wlLh auusm,
bulldlng Lhe rsL elephanL hosplLal ln
Krabi in the southern part of Thailand and
donaung a ganLry Lo help lame elephanLs
sLand Lo Lhe 1hal LlephanL Conservauon
CenLre (1LCC).

A total of 50 street elephants will
Lake parL ln Lhls year's LournamenL,
durlng whlch Lhey are well fed, provlded
wlLh a nauve foresL envlronmenL, and
recelve essenual vlLamln supplemenLs,
full veterinary checks and care for the
durauon of Lhe evenL. SLreeL llfe and
'unemploymenL' can be Lough for an
elephanL, walklng Lhrough crowded
tourist areas and busy roads for ten hours
a nlghL, forced Lo resL durlng Lhe day on
small green spaces wlLhln Lhe clues, ofen
without shade and water.

The Kings Cup schedule is deliberately
designed to give these elephants rest
and relaxauon on a scale Lhey are never
Anantara s Ki ng s Cup
Elephant Polo Tournament
Packs i ts Trunk and Moves to Bangkok
JUL 15 - AUG 15 , 2014
A|most 300 Austra||an go|fers
and 42 from New 2ea|and trave|ed
to nua n|n |n 1ha||and to compete |n
the |naugura| Centara Wor|d Masters
Go|f Champ|onsh|p wh|ch ran from
1S to 21 Iune. 1hey were among the
S00 parnc|pants from 23 countr|es,
represennng 193 go|f c|ubs. It was the
|argest event of |ts k|nd ever p|ayed
|n As|a. 1he success of th|s week-|ong
tournament has prompted organ|sers to
p|an an expanded event for 201S.
The tournament is hosted by Gold Coast
based Co Colng and Lhe week-long
event was modeled on the successful
Masters tournaments they have hosted
on the Gold Coast and in Tasmania for
nearly 20 years. The Centara Masters
is open to male and female club golfers
aged 35 and over and is played in age and
handlcap dlvlslons. urawn ln a dlerenL
foursome each day, playlng parLners are
always of a slmllar age and handlcap, wlLh
the added bonus of playing alongside
golfers from all over the world.

A very happy Cll Almond from
Carbrook rated the event his best-ever
golng experlence. 8lack MounLaln and
Banyan would have to be the best courses
l have played anywhere and Ma[esuc
Creek and lmperlal Lake vlew were also
a great challenge. We all received caddie
bibs printed with our names and country
ag, whlch our caddles wore each day.
laylng wlLh caddles ls always a LreaL, buL
Lhese caddles knew Lhelr sLu and were
greaL fun. l know LhaL when my caddle
says 50/50 it means my ball is probably

AL lLs peak, Co Colng's World MasLers
LournamenL on Lhe Cold CoasL auracLed
more Lhan 1,000 golfers and LournamenL
director Peter McCarthy is convinced the
Centara World Masters will rival those
numbers in a couple of years. We are so
dellghLed wlLh Lhe success of Lhe evenL,
and based on Lhe overwhelmlng posluve
feedback from paruclpanLs, we are
planning for 700 plus players next year.

l have hosLed LournamenLs all over Lhe
world for nearly 20 years and never have
l been so overwhelmed by Lhe hosplLallLy
we received in Hua Hin.
Centara World Masters
Golf Champi onshi p
JUL 15 - AUG 15 , 2014
Cne of Lhe hosLcourses, lmperlal
Lake vlew, knowlng LhaL Lhey only had
1S female lockers, made avallable 20
adjoining hotel rooms for the ladies
Lo sLore Lhelr valuables, shower and
change afer golf. Cn Lhe 1uesday aL 8lack
Mountain we had rain just before the end
of play and all clubs were put in a drying
room overnight with industrial fans.
1he servlce aL Lhe hoLels, courses and
everywhere was just so helpful that we
cant wait to return in 2015.

8oss and 8arbara Popklns, of Caloundra
on Cueensland's Sunshlne CoasL were
Lyplcal of many paruclpanLs who sald Lhe
LournamenL exceeded all expecLauons.
lL was a greaL experlence and very
professionally organized from start to
nlsh," 8arbara sald aL Lhe concluslon
of the event. We met some wonderful
people, played some greaL courses and
had a week to remember.

1he headllne sponsor, CenLara PoLels
and 8esorLs, was backed by 1aylorMade-
adldas Colf, Chang 8eer, Coca-Cola, Lhe
1ourlsm AuLhorlLy of 1halland, Lhe ClLy of
Hua Hin and Dablo Sportswear.
JUL 15 - AUG 15 , 2014
A gala prize giving party at the Centara Grand Hotel saw the
maln lucky draw prlze go Lo Su[urd 1sao of 1alwan, who won a
return trip to the TaylorMade World Masters on the Gold Coast
ln CcLober. 8unner-up, naL Anderson of WesLern AusLralla, won a
trip to next years Centara World Masters which will run 14 to 20
June 2015.

The tournament is a four round single stableford event with A
grade golfers also eligible to compete for the gross event. Players
from SouLh Afrlca, AusLralla, lreland, Slngapore, Lhe hlllpplnes
and lndla won Lhe 16 ladles and men's dlvlslons conLesLed durlng
the tournament.

Scores for all players and photos from the event can be viewed
on the tournament website www.ThailandWorldMasters.
com whlch wlll also soon feaLure lnformauon abouL Lhe 201S
Co Colng's MasLers LournamenLs for over 3S's ln AusLralla
include the TaylorMade World Masters Golf Championship on
Lhe Cold CoasL. lormerly sponsored by MlLsublshl MoLors, Lhe
19Lh annual LournamenL runs 19-2S CcLober 2014. Celebraung
1S years ls Lhe WresL olnL lnLernauonal MasLers ln PobarL
from 11- 16 !anuary 201S wlLh Lhe opuon Lo sLay on for Lhe
Barnbougle 4 Ball Challenge which runs 17-23 January. View Go
Colng's LournamenL schedule aL
Central Hua Hin, adjacent to Hilton Hotel and 50m from the beach.
Shop renovated in October 2013 includes an outside area and 2 air con.
Include also new furniture.
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(Last order at 9:30pm)
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!ee Ierrace9.cem fer ear qreat spec|a|s
Del i ci ous Internati onal ,
Ital i an, and Thai Cui si ne
L ocat ed on t he Gr ound Fl oor of
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Enj oy gr eat f ood, wi ne, cockt ai l s and chi l l ed out t unes
Openi ng hours: 9am- 10pm
Tel : 081 1744647
JUL 15 - AUG 15 , 2014
kumors that the nua n|n Iazz Iesnva|
2014 was cance||ed due to the po||nca|
s|tuanon are thankfu||y untrue. nC1
nua n|n was p|eased to auend a press
conference at the InterConnnenta| nua
n|n kesort on Iune 26th announc|ng
to a|| [azz |overs that the 8angkok
based 8oo company has been g|ven
omc|a| author|zanon by the nua n|n
Mun|c|pa||ty to put on the show.
1he annual Pua Pln !azz lesuval, Lhe
mosL recognlzed [azz fesuval ln 1halland
for the past 12 years will be happening
on SaLurday evenlng, !uly 26Lh. 1hls year
Lhe !azz fesuval ls movlng Lo Lhe beach ln
fronL of Lhe Cueen's ark, also known as
19 8al glvlng [azz aclonado's much more
needed parklng, maklng Lhe evenlng more
pleasurable with less hassle.
This years lineup consists of Saxophone
Madness, a [am sesslon of leadlng
saxophonists in Thailand with the
legendary saxophonlsL, 1ong 1ewan, as a
speclal guesL. lollowed by SLeve Cannon,
one of the most recognized trumpet
masters with his special show tribute
Lo CheL 8aker". 1hen for Lhe rsL ume on
sLage LogeLher, a new genre of [azz sLars
who proved themselves to Thai audiences
through various singing contest shows
such as 1he SLar, 1he volce, kn and
the Thailand Jazz Singing Contest. Jazz
fans will then be entertained by a very
LalenLed band from !apan, 1he 1ravelers,
who represent Hip Jazz the perfect
comblnauon of [azz-rock-swlng and bosa-
nova. The jazz keeps jazzing with the
legendary 1he lnnlLy", 1halland's rsL
jazz fusion band.
llnally, Soul Afer Slx wlll conclude Lhe
nlghL wlLh Lhelr well-known 'slng along
songs and will also feature many songs
from their new album.
lor more lnformauon (ln 1hal) can be
found aL hups://
Steve Cannon
Trumpeter - Recordi ng Arti st
Steve Cannon |s a forty-hve year veteran of the trumpet,
master|ng many sty|es, Steve has performed and recorded
|n a w|de var|ety of s|tuanons and w|th some of the mus|c
|ndustry's top names. Comfortab|e |n any cha|r of the trumpet
secnon, from a command|ng |ead p|ayer to a sw|ng|ng [azz
so|o|st, h|s tenure on the trumpet has prov|ded h|m w|th
an unm|stakab|e sound and sty|e, and an unusua| |eve| of
A nauve of Los Angeles Callfornla, SLeve relocaLed Lo
orLland Cregon ln 1993 and qulckly become one of Lhe aclc
norLhwesL's mosL soughL afer LrumpeL players, regularly
appearlng ln a varleLy of slLuauons, leadlng hls own bands
as well as in support of a long list of the music industrys top
names. Pls vasL experlence nds hlm playlng everyLhlng from
Laun salsa muslc Lo bebop [azz, ranglng from local lnumaLe
restaurants and nightclub engagements to television and
radlo commerclal recordlngs, and ma[or concerL appearances
supporung an lmpresslve llsL of lnLernauonally acclalmed
recordlng arusLs, Lo lnclude: ArLuro Sandoval, uavld Sanborn,
!ames Morrlson, uelberL McCllnLon, Manhauan 1ransfer, ulane
Schuur, composer and comedlan SLeve Allen, 1he Clarence
CaLemouLh" 8rown 8lg 8and, Mary Wllson and Lhe Supremes,
1he 1empLauons, 1he lour 1ops, 1he Splnners, lrankle valle and
Lhe lour Seasons, and Lhe llfh ulmenslon.
Whlle llvlng ln Los Angeles, SLeve worked ln Lhe Lelevlslon and
lm lndusLry wlLh credlLs LhaL lnclude repeaLed appearances on
such shows as Lhe 1racy ulman Show, lalcon CresL, uynasLy, and
A8C's 1elevlslon Speclal SLory of a Maa Wlfe" sLarrlng Mellssa
CllberL, as well as soundLrack recordlngs for ubllc 8roadcasung
and countless commercial television and radio jingles.
As a recordlng arusL, SLeve has been lnvolved ln counLless Cu
pro[ecLs supporung varlous arusLs buL sLepped lnLo Lhe spoLllghL
wlLh hls own 1999 debuL Cu release enuLled nowhere Man",
a smooth jazz style recording co-produced with acclaimed
planlsL and broLher, 8andy Cannon. More recenLly SLeve has
reLurned Lo hls muslcal rooLs, leadlng a swlngln' 8lg 8and LhaL
romps and roars behind him as he amazes audiences with his
collecuve experlence of over Lhree decades as a professlonal
enLerLalner. 1he award wlnnlng 2006 release of lull 8lown" by
SLeve Cannon and Lhe 8low Pard 8lg 8and conunues Lo recelve
rave revlews. named 2006 8esL Album of Lhe ?ear" by All
AbouL !azz" Magazlne and a nallsL ln Lhe 2007 lnLernauonal
lndependenL Muslc Awards, Lhe lull 8lown" recordlng also
found Steve invited to Bangkok Thailand in January 2007 along
with a list of legendary jazz musicians called the Jazz Giants
for a command performance for His Majesty The King Of
8esldlng ln 8angkok 1halland slnce 2007, SLeve has been
regularly appearlng aL Lhe SheraLon Crande SukhumvlL PoLel,
leadlng hls own quarLeL as well as appearances wlLh hls plano
playlng broLher, 8andy Cannon. known LhroughouL S.L. Asla
as Lhe premler [azz and commerclal LrumpeL player, SLeve also
makes regular appearances and recordings with popular Thai
arusLs such as Saxman koh and 1akeshl 8and, neung !akkawal
8and, L1C 8and, and ls called on frequenLly Lo perform wlLh
Lhe Malayslan hllharmonlc CrchesLra, Lhe 8angkok Symphony
V|s|t Steve Cannon's web s|te ( for
more |nformanon and to prev|ew or purchase e|ther of h|s
ce|ebrated CD re|eases. Contact |oca||y at +668S-SS1-0808 or
JUL 15 - AUG 15 , 2014
There are thousands of stray street dogs
and cats |n the nua n|n area and unfortunate|y
many of them fa|| v|cnm to d|sease and |n[ury
from acc|dents. 1here are no fac|||nes |n the
area for stray's to rece|ve free med|ca| auennon
or for anyone to br|ng them to treatment ,
mean|ng that for many an|ma|s d|sease and
|n[ury ohen means a s|ow and agon|z|ng
death. A|so there |s a rea| need for the stray
popu|anon to be system|ca||y ster|||zed to
make the popu|anon |n nua n|n |nto a more
manageab|e s|ze, therefore eas|er to care for.
8escue aws 8ehab CenLer ls a nonproL
seL up by a local educauonal company called
XploreAsia. The company is passionate about the
welfare of Lhe sLray populauon ln Pua Pln and
hopes LhaL by semng up Lhe 8ehab CenLer Lhey
can give back to the community by caring for the
animals in our town.
Recue Paws Rehab Center is currently in the
process of bulldlng a small anlmal rehablllLauon
cenLer on WaL khao 1ao (MonasLery) ln ranburl.
Wat Khao Tao is a large temple complex and
the monks of the Temple have been generous
enough to allow the use their extensive land to
build a small center to care for wounded and sick
dogs and cats.
Rescue Paws Rehab Center
Helpi ng the Street Dogs and Cats of Hua Hi n
JUL 15 - AUG 15 , 2014
1he Leam handllng Lhe nonproL are
hoplng Lo collecL uSu 20,000 Lo bulld Lhls
rescue Centre which will include kennels
(10), lsolauon rooms (S) for slck dogs,
purchase equlpmenL for ln house veL
cllnlc, purchase supplles and food needed
for running a 24 hour clinic. They intend
to use volunteer vets from around the
world to provide 24 hour care for dogs
and cats in their care.
The Centre will not act as a shelter
but as a free medical clinic for strays
with any owners to care for them. The
idea is to treat them and release them
back to where they were found. Smaller
pupples LhaL cannoL be placed back afer
treatment of injuries will be placed in a
speclal adopuon corner. 1he CenLre wlll
sLarL o wlLh a modesL capaclLy buL wlll
be the only center of its kind in Hua Hin.
Currently Rescue Paws cares for 250
dogs around Hua Hin by providing food
and medical assistance and expect this
number Lo rlse. 1he bllls for dog charlues
tend to be very high as they have to use
regular vets to treat the animals. They
are hoplng by semng up Lhe CenLre LhaL
Lhey can more eecuvely care for more
animals in need.

Also Lhey hope Lo be able Lo sLarL o
sterilizing up to 35 dogs a month. This
may not seem like a lot but it is indeed
more than what has been able to be done
in the past.
Rescue Paws is up for this big job but
need help. They are currently looking for
donauons of any amounL Lo bulld Lhls
much needed Center but are also keen
ln donauons of elecLrlcal goods and used
or new furniture to furnish volunter vets
rooms and kennels.
Ior more |nformanon on kecue aws
"||ke" kescue aws on Iacebook or go
center. If you Love Dogs and Cats th|s |s a
pro[ect you shou|d support!
JUL 15 - AUG 15 , 2014
There |s a new must v|s|t restaurant
|n town, La kumba. 1he restaurant
opened |ts doors |n Iune th|s year and
|s a|ready ga|n|ng popu|ar|ty and from
what we hear they are exper|enc|ng a
h|gh percentage of repeat customers.
Not a bad start for a new restaurant.
Ior examp|e, I was |nv|ted to rev|ew
the restaurant w|th my co||eagues and I
heard aherwards they showed up aga|n
two days |ater to eat there.

This should tell us that Hua Hin was in
need of Lhe exouc", Lhe SouLh Amerlcan
klnd of exouc", ln Lhls case ln Lhe form
of a Venezuelan family that likes good
food, wlLh a venezuelan cook and
fabulous Venezuelan food. How can the
food not be good?
The venue is conveniently located on
Lhe slde of eLchkasem road of Sol 94
in a very cozy Thai meets Venezuelan
outdoor restaurant. With a fun team
in charge and a renowned chef from
venezuela runnlng Lhe klLchen l expecL
to hear more and more about this place.
Chef Adrian Yanez might be young but
he is very well known in Venezuela for
his fabulous cooking and especially as he
makes such an appealing food both for
the mouth and the eyes.
The restaurant serves Venezuelan food
buL also asLas and lzzas. l was lnlually
a blL unsure abouL Lhe asLa & lzza
combos, because how would LhaL go wlLh
venezuelan food? 8uL everyLhlng l Lrled
was very good plus the owners are such
fun and nice people it is hard to resist to
go back.
venezuelan food ls lnuenced by
indigenous peoples and its European
ancesLry malnly lLallan, orLugese, lrench
and Spanish with a bit of African thrown
in. Common foods used in cooking are
corn, rlce, beans and meaLs ln an enuclng
So keeping this in mind imagine my
surprlse when l was served Lnsalada
Lomito for a starter and the dish looked
Thai. The starter looked to me like it had
been creaLed ln 1halland, wlLh maybe
a Venezuelan guardian angel helping
with the cooking. Ensalada Lomito is
a 1enderloln salad mlxed wlLh mango,
green papaya, red onlon, lemon based
vlnalgreue and frled rlce noodles. l loved
Lhls, and lL seemed popular wlLh my 1hal
colleague ,who sald she would come back
[usL for Lhls. So apparenLly, venezuelan
food is appealing not only to my taste but
Thai taste buds as well. The dish tasted
like a Royal cousin of our own humble
La Rumba Venezuela has arri ved i n town!
Asado Negro
managed to eat most of it.
We spent an enjoyable evening in this
lovely warm restaurant and we are very
grateful that we were allowed to sample
Lhelr dellclous food & PosplLallLy!
1he nC1 Score: I|rst th|ng you nonce
when you get served your food |s how
beaunfu||y Chef Adr|an anez p|ates
the food. It makes you fee| ||ke you are
eanng |n a b|g metropo||tan c|ty |n an
a|r-cond|noned room |n a top 4 star
hote|. Second the food |s very good. My
favor|te be|ng the Cr|ch|em con queza
azu| y po||o a| v|no nnto, pasta |n b|ue
cheese |n p|a|n Lng||sh. 1he owners of
not nua n|n Magaz|ne ||ked the Lnsa|ada
Lom|to and ked Snapper and we a||
agreed that everyth|ng was de||c|ous,
|t was [ust a quesnon wh|ch d|shed we
each preferred. n|gh|y recommended.
We|| done La kumba and Chef Adr|an
La kumba
2S0]200 So| 94, nua n|n
1e|: 096 S73 38S3
Papaya salad. This starter was the perfect
start to an otherwise hearty meal.
1he rsL maln courses we sampled
was Crlchlem con queza azul y pollo al
vlno unLo, a beauuful dlsh wlLh a mlghLy
sexy name. ls lL me or does everyLhlng ln
Spanlsh sound good? 1he Crlchlem pasLa
was served with a Danish blue cheese
cream, broccoll and cherry LomaLoes,
accompanied with chicken breast stewed
in red wine. This Pasta dish was to die
for. l ofen nd LhaL 8lue cheese pasLa
sauce ls elLher Loo bland, Lo fake Lasung
or too strong and this one was none of
Lhese. 1hls ls Lhe dlsh LhaL l would come
back for. laLed llke no pasLa dlsh l have
seen, looklng Mlchelln sLar worLh wlLh
small ear shaped pastas in a delicious
tender blue cheese sauce topped by
Chicken cooked in wine. My only regret
regardlng Lhls dlsh ls LhaL l had Lo share lL.
The dish is very generous and you will not
be hankerlng for a snack afer eaung Lhls.
Next we tried the Asado Negro a very
Lradluonal venezuelan dlsh. Asado negro
has lLs orlglns from Caracas, where lL
ls ofen served durlng Lhe ChrlsLmas
holldays, alongslde frled sweeL planLalns
or white rice. Our Asado Negro was a cut
of pork meat stewed in its juices with
jasmine rice and sweet bananas looking
so chlc and plaLed agaln beauufully. 1he
meat was sliced thinly and so tender it
melted in your mouth.
Served next was the Pargo en salsa de
curry y coco. A Red Snapper dish with
coconut and curry sauce served with
sauLeed [asmlne rlce and fresh herbs. 1hls
dlsh was llghL and cooked Lo perfecuon.
l can agaln lmaglne Lhls as an Aslan
fuslon dlsh buL l suspecL agaln lLs a pure
venezuelan creauon.
nexL came Lhe lzza, whlch l had
doubLed before Lrylng. l heard LhaL
businesses neighboring La Rumba had
gouen ln Lhe hablL of orderlng Lhese
plzzas as a Lakeaway buL l sull dld noL
expect it to be as good as it was. We
were served 1he 8umba Speclal, a plzza
covered ln 1omaLo sauce, whlLe sauce,
mozzarella cheese, black ollves, cherry
LomaLoes, asparagus, frled bacon, rockeL
salad, mushrooms oregano. ?um.. very
nlce, wlLh a perfecL crusL, llghL wlLh [usL
right amount of fresh toppings. This
was a favorlLe for me. lull as l was l sull
La kumba |zza
argo en sa|sa de curry y coco 1endre|o|n Sa|ad
JUL 15 - AUG 15 , 2014
ulrecLor and Lxecuuve Chef of Amarl Pua Pln, Mr nauapol holylam,
(rsL from Lhe lef) LogeLher wlLh Chef ChuuwaL unyadee, (rsL from
Lhe rlghL) Lxecuuve asLry and klLchen Chef recenLly congraLulaLed
chefs who recelved medals and cerucaLes whlle represenung Amarl
Hua Hin during the Thaifex-World food Asia event held 21 to 25
May 2014.
Medals and cerucaLes recelved by chefs from Amarl Pua Pln ln
varlous compeuuons:
Mr SCMCnC kun8AnCCPCnC (second from Lhe lef)
- Sllver medal ln Lhe Mekong Cullnary Challenge" (1eam)
- 8ronze medal ln Lhe Modern resenLauon - 1hal Culslne"
(rofesslonal Chef)
Ms vLL8A?A SunuuSl1 (Lhlrd from Lhe lef)
- Sllver Medal ln Lhe Mekong Cullnary Challenge" (1eam)
- 8ronze medal ln Lhe lour Classlc 1hal lndlvldually laLed uesserLs"
- CerucaLe ln Lhe Modern resenLauon - 1hal Culslne" (rofesslonal
Ms !unnLL PuMPuAnC (fourLh from Lhe lef)
- 8ronze ln Lhe lour Classlc 1hal lndlvldually laLed uesserLs"
- CerucaLe ln Lhe euLs lours / rallnes"
Ms kCnCkAn A11CnC (fh from Lhe lef)
- CerucaLe ln Lhe Modern resenLauon - 1hal Culslne" (!unlor Chef)
Mr nCPAuCn nCn1PA8Ak (slxLh from Lhe lef)
- Cold medal ln Lhe lrulL and/or vegeLable Carvlng Challenge"
- 8ronze medal ln Lhe lrulL and/or vegeLable Carvlng Challenge"
1nL nLkI1AGL nIS1Ck CI 1nL
!acques Mury (lef) Ceneral Manager of CenLara Crand
Beach Resort and Villas Hua Hin gave a warm welcome
Lo aLcha AnekayuwaL (rlghL), a Lelevlslon program hosL
of Klai Changon who visited and revealed the historical
rsL beach hoLel of Slam for a documenLary Lalk-show
Mlguel !aun (lef), Lxecuuve AsslsLanL Manager 8ooms
of Centara Grand Beach Resort and Villas Hua Hin gave a
warm welcome Lo 8oy" ldsanu nlmsakul (rlghL), a famous
slnger and acLor durlng hls vacauon aL Lhe hoLel recenLly.
nIN kLSCk1
Big bike team- Harley
Davidson of Bangkok visited
AnanLara Pua Pln 8esorL &
Spa where they received a
warm welcome from
management of resort.
JUL 15 - AUG 15 , 2014
!acques Mury (7Lh from Lef), Ceneral Manager and Mlguel !aun
(8Lh from Lef), Lxecuuve AsslsLanL Manager 8ooms of CenLara
Grand Beach Resort and Villas Hua Hin led management team and
sLas Lo [oln Lhe annual CenLara Crand 8each 8esorL and vlllas Pua
Pln's lamlly uay, an evenL whlch was organlzed for all Lhe resorL sLa
famlly members Lo gaLher and [oln Lhe fun ume LogeLher. uurlng Lhe
day, varlous acuvlues were provlded such as green hoLel exhlbluon
and entertainment shows performed by every department.
Ananda Everingham famous
actor visited at Spa and Rim Nam
Restaurant of Anantara Hua Hin
8esorL & Spa where he recelved a
warm welcome from Mr. Thomas
8argull, CM of 8esorL.
uuslL 1hanl Pua Pln's SporLs and CuesL Acuvlues
Department recently organized the 2013 Dusit Charity
5-A-Side Football League to support the Dusit Smiles for
Cperauon Smlle pro[ecL. 8 Leams compeLed and Lo help
bondlng amongsL Lhe enure hoLel sLa, each conslsLed
of no more than one player from any single department.
Funds were raised through agreed transfer fees for
players belng pald lnLo a donauon box whlch was swelled
by dlsclpllnary nes for red or yellow cards dlshed ouL by
All charlLable money, afer cosL deducuon, was passed
on Lo uuslL Smlle for Cperauon Smlles, Lhe organlsauon
that helps fund remedial surgery for children born with
clef llps and palaLes around 1halland.
This accolade honoring hospitality excellence is given to
establishments who are consistent in their achievements
wlLh ouLsLandlng Lraveler revlews on 1rlp Advlsor (world
renowned Lravel revlew webslLe).
Banyan The Resort is proud to have this
acknowledgmenL and consLanLly sLrlve Lo oer our
customers with an experience matching with their
Banyan thanks their team and their dearly valued
JUL 15 - AUG 15 , 2014
DJ Chao Chao and A Time Media team famous DJ and
acLor vlslLed aL AnanLara Pua Pln 8esorL & Spa where
he recelved a warm welcome from Mr. uanlel SmlLh,
Lxecuuve AsslsLanL Manager of 8esorL.
Municipality to get Hua Hin prepared for the upcoming AEC in 2015.
BU together with Hua Hin Municipality aim to prepare and develop the
[uvenlle & Lhe new generauon people as soon as posslble ,especlally ln
Lhe eld of Lngllsh and oLher languages of Lhe Aslan reglon ln order Lo
produce Lhe quallLy human resource Lo geL Lhe" Clobal Cenerauon Age"
and to stand by for the careers in the region which are going to have
hlgher compeuuons ,
On 21st June Hua Hin residents and Power Of Love
Church goers celebrated founder of Power of Love
Church Andrew Stocks Birthday with a sumptuous
breakfasL aL Amarl Pua Pln. Andrew, here wlLh hls
adopLed grandmoLher Connle, along wlLh hls good frlend
Llzzy, wanLed Lo lnvlLe local people LhaL had helped wlLh
Lhe ower of Love Chlldren's Pome and oLher charlues ln
Hua Hin. The morning was a great success with delicious
food and much rejoicing and singing.
JUL 15 - AUG 15 , 2014
Daily 10:00 a.m. 11:00 p.m.
Experience The New Palm Beach Lounge
@ Centara Grand Beach Resort. Enjoy a
relaxed atmosphere under the blue sky
or under Lhe sLars. 1hls luxury locauon
is complemented perfectly by limited
edluon premlum Champagne MoeL
Chandon lce lmperlal".
lor more lnformauon please conLacL 1el.
032 512021-38
LeL your llule ones unleash Lhelr
cullnary creauvlLy and nd ouL lf Lhere
ls a fuLure klng or queen of Lhe klLchen!
We have cooked up a tasty 2-night Junior
Super Chef Package where great food and
family fun are the main ingredients.
Your child will enjoy a hands-on
60-mlnuLe cooklng class, learnlng baslc
baklng Lechnlques under Lhe waLchful
guidance of one of our own Master Chefs.
Afer Lasung your SuperChef's creauons,
everyone gets to enjoy the delectable

Dus|t buet d|nner.
1P8 17,000++ per package
- 2 nlghLs accommodauon aL Club SulLes
(wlLhouL Club beneLs)
- ually bueL breakfasL for 2 AdulLs and 1
- Cne bueL dlnner for 2 AdulLs and 1
- One complimentary extra bed
- aruclpauon ln !unlor Super Chef for
one chlld (arenLs can [oln and
supervlse), learn how Lo bake and dlnlng
- One apron and photo
- 2 hours lesson on elLher swlmmlng,
Lennls, squash or badmlnLon
1erms and cond|nons app|y.
Va||d unn| 1Sth December 2014
Ior more |nformanon contact:
032 S20 009
JUL 15 - AUG 15 , 2014
WlLh each room booklng recelve free uckeLs
for Lwo adulLs Lo SanLorlnl WaLer lanLasy, a seL
dlnner for Lwo aL Mouon 8esLauranL, mockLalls
on arrlval aL PoLel de la alx, 2 hoLel caps and 2
hoLel polo shlrLs. An lncredlble oer you can'L
aord Lo mlss.
Ior more |nformanon Ca||: 032 709 SSS or
Lma||: bookQhote|de|apa|
uaLe: SaLurday 26Lh !uly 2014
Time: 18:00 Midnight
rlce: 9S0 1P8 neL / seL (lncludlng one compllmenLary Shlsha)
Lxperlence keLel Cne vodka ul?.
CreaLe your own mlx & maLch cockLalls (uo lL ?ourself),
spendlng an unforgeuable evenlng wlLh our compllmenLary
Shlsha for all keLel Cne ul? seLs and Lhe lnsplrlng sounds of u!
*keservanons recommended
Ior more |nformanon contact: 032 S31 470
valid: 1st June - 30th September 2014
rlce sLarLs aL 16,000 1P8++ per person
- lndlvldual PealLh & Wellness ConsulLauon (60 mln)
- 3 spa culslne meals per nlghL sLay (beglnnlng wlLh dlnner)
- CompllmenLary physlcal analysls (30 mln) and skln consulLauon are
avallable lf requlred
- A dally LreaLmenL per nlghL sLay choose from 1hal Massage, Chlva-
Som Massage, lnvlgoraung
Massage, 8elaxlng looL Massage, CrlenLal Scalp Massage or Chlva-
Som Heaven Body Polish
- ually llLness and lelsure acuvlues
- unllmlLed use of WaLer 1herapy SulLes (SLeam, Sauna and !acuzzl)
- stay 2 nights and only pay for 1 night
- for Lhe mlnlmum 3 nlghLs sLay, recelve a cash credlL of 2,000 1P8++
per person (exclude vlslung consulLanLs and nlranlada LreaLmenLs)
- for Lhe mlnlmum S nlghLs sLay, recelve LreaLmenLs equal Lo 3
nlghLs sLay of elLher A 1asLe of Chlva-Som, MovemenL for Llfe, Spa
amperlng, ?oga for Llfe or Cpumal erformance
Please be advised that the Getaway Package is especially for Thai
Residents and Local Expatriates who live in Thailand only
Ior more |nformanon Ca||: 032 S36 S36
1nAI 8UIIL1 WI1n
ulscover auLhenuc 1hal dlnlng
by Chef Lek who hand picks
Lhe freshesL local produce,
combined with cool live jazz
for a perfecL evenlng aL lrom,
lnLerConunenLal Pua Pln
Dine amidst our oriental
interior or in the open air where
you can choose from terrace
seaung or seml-prlvaLe pool
Lvery Wednesday from 6pm Lo
Cnly aL 1P8 690 neL per
person lncluslve of sof drlnk,
drinking water and juice
Ior more |nformanon p|ease
contact 032 616 999
held 20-21 !une 2014 aL Cueen SlrlklL ark 19 8al 8y Pua Pln
Tel No : 081 442 0990 (English)
Tel No : 032 534 699
Address : 5/55 - 56 Soi Hua Hin
JUL 15 - AUG 15 , 2014
?eL anoLher successful Mulu CulLural evenL was held on 28 !une aL Pyau 8egency Pua Pln. Cnce agaln Pua Pln's beloved khun Llzzy
managed Lo organlze an evenL full of good food, good muslc and greaL people. 1he proceeds of Lhe proLs and Lhe much anuclpaLed
raMe wenL Lowards ower Cf Love's fuLure Chlldren's Pome ln kao 1aklab. eople of all nauonallues [olned LogeLher for a good
cause and a good ume. AL Lhls evenL Lhe hlghllghL of Lhe evenlng were Lhe many performances lncludlng one by khun Llzzy and !erry
Mosselman dolng a dueL. lor more lnformauon and plcLures go Lo and Llke" ower of Love Church on lacebook.
A huge crowd on Sunday Lhe 29Lh of !une paruclpaLed ln Lhe
Walk - 8un Clymplc uay sponsored by Lhe lnLernauonal Clymplc
Commluee ln con[uncuon wlLh Lhe rachuab khlrl khan rovlnclal
AdmlnlsLrauve Crganlzauon and Lhe vana nava Pua Pln WaLer
!ungle and Lhe lnLerconunenLal Pua Pln 8esorL. Walker's and
runners started assembling at 4:00 am for the event.

F00l 008l 8 008lf00ll0
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F00l 0l08l
F00l 000Ml08l8
GDL Poolshop Co Ltd. 146/24, Petchkasem Road, Hua Hin, 77110, Thailand.
Tel: 032 536699 Fax: 032 536698 Mobile: Thai 081 - 7360612 English 081 - 3780425
Hua Hins frst, largest and most well established swimming pool designers and builders.
We build Domestic / Commercial pools and are specialists in skimmer box / overfow / infnity style pools.
Swimming Pools and Water Quality that you desire!!
The Lounge Bar
156 Nar es damr i Road, Hua Hi n
Phone: 092 244 9200
Emai l : huahi n@t hai vi s a. com
f acebook . com/ TheLoungeHuaHi n
JUL 15 - AUG 15 , 2014
Many peop|e see Ch|va-Som (Ch|va-Som
Internanona| nea|th kesort) as possess|ng a|most
myth|ca| qua||nes, the reason for th|s be|ng so few of us
has actua||y been |ns|de. Contrary to other hote|s and
resorts Ch|va-Som has a sense of pr|vacy and exc|us|v|ty,
a|most a|| the|r fac|||nes are for guests on|y thus mak|ng
|t re|ax|ng and tranqu|| to the|r guests but not access|b|e
to outs|ders or so |t had seemed to me. 1herefore I was
very exc|ted to be |nv|ted to try the Spa treatments |n
Ch|va-Som and N|ran|ada Med| Spa wh|ch |s a|so housed
on the|r prem|ses. N|ran|ada Med| Spa |s open to non-
hote| guests a|| year around.
Chiva-Som is centered around seven acres of lush
Lroplcal gardens, doued wlLh small 1hal sLyle luxury
couages and rooms and of course fronung Lhe beach
and Lhe beauuful vlews. Chlva-Som ls rsL and foremosL
a Health retreat and so it is not surprising that they have
over 70 LreaLmenL rooms, and all Lhe mood cons LhaL go
wlLh LhaL such as 8esorL lncludlng a klnesls sLudlo, gym,
oLauon pool, sauna, large ouLdoor swlmmlng pool, and
sLeam room [usL menuon few.
Chiva-Som encompasses all the various treatments
posslble lL seems, Lhelr healLh & wellness LreaLmenL menu
reads as thick as a telephone directory. Treatments vary
from Lradluonal Aslan LreaLmenLs wlLh WesLern Lheraples
as well. 1hey are famous for havlng hlghly Lralned sLa
speclallzed ln Lhe varlous LreaLmenLs and healLh &
wellbeing counseling. Chiva-Soms core belief is that a
healLhy body and mlnd leads Lo personal fulllmenL.
AL rsL l have Lo say l was a blL lnumldaLed by Chlva-
Som's grandeur buL Lhe excellenL servlce l recelved and
the fabulous care given to me soon set me at ease. To
move around the Resort golf cars are used to ferry guests
from LreaLmenL areas Lo common & guesL accommodauon
areas. 1he feel of Lhe resorL ls of all Lhlngs Zen, Lhe words
quleL, Lranqull and lovlng care comes Lo mlnd.
Chi vasom & Ni ranLada medi Spa
JUL 15 - AUG 15 , 2014
All treatments start with at least a 30
mlnuLe PealLh & Wellness ConsulLauon
whlch l found very lnLeresung. 1he
LheraplsL asks quesuons on healLh, hablLs,
nuLrluon eLc. l found Lhls sesslon very
lnformauve. l goL advlce on whaL noL
to eat to improve my skin and advice
on how to further enhance my total
personal health and well-being. There
was nothing vague or structured about
Lhe consulLauon, Lhe nexL Loplc llLerally
depended on Lhe responses l gave. lL's llke
Lalklng Lo your own docLor, Spa 1heraplsL,
psychologlsL, Lralner and nuLrluonlsL all
rolled into one. This service makes Chiva-
Som dlerenL and world class.
Afer Lhe consulLauon l was led Lo Lhe
changing room areas to change into a
robe. l was Lo have a one hour Chlva-
Som Signature Massage to de-stress. This
classic massage promotes a sense of well-
belng by lncreaslng blood clrculauon and
lymphauc ow and by lmprovlng muscle
Lone, skln LexLure and LoLal relaxauon.
The massage is top notch and starts by
massage LheraplsL oerlng your cholce
of massage oil from their three Chiva-
Som Signature blends. The massage was
professlonal, relaxlng and as usual when
recelvlng a good massage l was ouL for
the count for an hour.
l do have Lo menuon here Lhe LreaLmenL
& Spa common areas ln Chlva-Som, Lhey
are the most impressive in size of all the
luxury Spa's l have enLered. lL seems llke
a brlghL & classy labyrlnLh of changlng
rooms, !acuzzl's, LreaLmenLs rooms,
relaxauon areas and so on. lL almosL
seems unbelievable expansive and has to
be seen to believe.

My massage was followed by a short
golf cart trip to Niranlada Medi Spa for a
Skln laclal ConsulLauon and a 8lo lasma
treatment. The Medi Spa is run by a
world-renowned cosmeuc dermaLologlsL
and surgeon, Cllnlcal rofessor ur.
Niwat Polnikorn and his specialist
Leam. 1he Medl Spa oers mlnlmally
lnvaslve cosmeuc surgery, such as laser
skln re[uvenauon, laser halr removal,
llers, ughLenlng of face and neck, scar
LreaLmenLs, CellullLe LreaLmenL and more.

Niranlada starts all treatments using a
3 dimensional computerized facial
imaging and color photography to
evaluaLe your skln condluon. 1he
lnformauon ls used as a basls Lo dlscuss
Lhe cllenL's personal requlremenLs and
to evaluate which treatments or surgery
best suits you. My picture was a horrible
reallzauon l have olly bacLerla laden skln,
wlLh masslve skln dlscolorauon, wrlnkles
and oLher sLu l won'L menuon here.
1he cholce of Skln Cleanlng &
8e[uvenauon by 8lo plasma was chosen
for me to help my adult acne and the
masses of bacteria thriving on my possum
skin... Bio plasma is generated from a
hlgh energy radlo frequency elecLrode
posluoned close Lo Lhe skln Lo reduce
bacteria on skins surface and deep into
hair follicles. Most of the bacteria can be
eliminated within just a few second of
The treatment is very fast and Dr. Niwat
and hls sLa make lL a comforLable and
professional experience. The apparatus
whlch l guess ls Lhe elecLrode ls run
across your face wlLh a sensauon of
minimal pinching but nothing that
ls uncomforLable or palnful. l was so
Lerrled of lmaglnary horrors LhaL Lhe
nurses massaged my legs to relax me
before and during treatment. The pain
was [usL ln my mlnd! 1he LreaLmenL was
nlshed o ln no ume wlLh whaL felL llke
a blast of cold air power hose on my face
and l was done. My skln was noL red or
bloLchy aferwards as l had lmaglned. l
was noL sure of Lhe resulLs aL Lhe ume buL
got many compliments saying my skin was
clear and fresher looklng aferwards. So
l was very happy wlLh Lhe appearance of
my skin.
1he nC1 Score:
1he nC1 Score for th|s exper|ence |s
Ch|va-Som |tse|f, tranqu|| and beaunfu|
||ke no other kesort. 1here |s not a
s|ght of anyone rush|ng and there |s a
m|n|ma| amount of da||y c|amor |n the
a|r. 1he profess|ona| sta serv|ce and
the auennon to deta|| |n the Ch|va-Som
Spa are very |mpress|ve espec|a||y when
see|ng the s|ze of the kesort. Crch|ds
abound w|th beaunfu| decoranon deta||s
th|s |s not an easy task to ma|nta|n.
1he treatments g|ve you exact|y what
you are pay|ng for, |uxury, exc|us|v|ty,
out of the wor|d surround|ngs and S
star serv|ces. Cn top of th|s you get a
massage to d|e for and c|ear sk|n. 1h|s
shou|d be |n everyone's bucket ||st!

73/4 eLchkasem 8oad, Pua Pln
1el: 0 32S3-6S36
1,000 sqm of Workout Space - More Than 45 Machines
Large Class Area for Zumba, Yoga and Spinning
t||| ||:I|||NI :|| M|::|0| t|| \|:| |||\|I| |||||N0
JUL 15 - AUG 15 , 2014
more than a bit of my day. Funny thing
is my colleagues have joined me in the
quesL for a healLhy llfe, l dld noL Lry Lo
convince them but one day they just
showed up and now we ofen schedule
meeungs around nlshlng Lhe day aL
Lhe gym. We keep [oklng we'll be one L
publishing team.
l am very pleased Lo geL commenLs
such as oh you losL welghL", you look
dlerenL" followed by quesuons on how
much l work ouL, whaL l do and how
ofen. So l Lake Lhls as a huge compllmenL.
l also keep feellng beuer and aL Lhls polnL
l am denlLely sLronger. Cone are Lhe days
were l hu and pu aL a mere 10 sLeps
up Lhe sLalrs. My sllhoueue ls shrlnklng
especlally my legs, buL my kangaroo
pouch sLomach sull looks much Lhe same
as lL seems Lo be shrlnklng aL a dlerenL
ume warp. 8uL l gure l dld noL acqulre
Lhe pouch ln one day of [unk food eaung
and lnacuvlLy, so l guess lLs ok for lL Lo
disappear at its one pace.

1oday l sorLed Lhrough my cloLhes
and l was glad Lo see LhaL many Lhlngs
are going to charity as they are just too
blg. l always clalm l am noL valn buL l am
secreLly pleased wlLh my more L body.

klm lalcon owner of [Leuc seems
pleased with my progress but he is now
auempung Lo klck my exerclse reglme up
a noLch. l am wlLh lmmedlaLe eecL Lo
start taking exercise classes in the form
of splnnlng classes, whlch ln my mlnd ls
LorLure on blcycles. Also l wlll conunue
Lo do cardlo (blcycle, Lreadmlll) aL leasL 2
umes a week buL fasLer and welghL llflng
2 umes a week buL wlLh more welghLs.
l am agreeable Lo Lhe lncrease ln speed
and more welghLs buL l am sull doubuul
of survlvlng Lhe Spln class as l have seen lL
and lL looks hard!
l wlll auempL all Lhls and reporL on Lhe
progress in the August issue of HOT Hua
Pln Magazlne. l am convlnced l wlll look
like our HOT Hua Hin Magazine cover girls
ln no ume even lf lL kllls me.
See you aL Lhe Cym! l am Lhe one wlLh a
speclal pouch!
Three months |nto my s|x month
hea|th & htness boot camp at QLenc
I am fee||ng conhdent and happy w|th
the ongo|ng revamp of my body. I'd ||ke
to mennon yet aga|n I d|d abso|ute|y
noth|ng resemb||ng exerc|se for the hrst
month but aher that I have more than
made up for |t. I connnue to put my
exerc|se reg|me on top of my to-do ||st
as |t seems to he|p me w|th do|ng the
other th|ngs on my to-do ||st |n a more
energenc and ca|m manor. It |s amaz|ng
that a person that never exerc|sed
before, even by acc|dent, |s now on he||o
goodbye terms w|th the regu|ar's |n the

1he frequency of gym vlslLs hovers very
close Lo 6 umes a week wlLh one o day.
Might seem a bit extreme but the reason
for Lhls ls l work hard and Lend Lo sLress
easily thus doing a bit of work out most
days leaves all my troubles and tense
muscles aL Lhe gym oor when l am done.
l gure lL's worLh lL. 8esldes Pua Pln ls
small and [Leuc ls cenLrally locaLed and
easy Lo geL Lo, Lhe whole Lhlng Lakes no
JUL 15 - AUG 15 , 2014
A few years ago, 1ha||and based property
deve|opment company, ambay and |ts
acc|a|med I|nn|sh des|gner Ianne kas|mus saw an
opportun|ty |n an ex|snng condom|n|um bu||d|ng
s|tuated on a stunn|ng beachfront |ocanon |n
nua n|n. 1hey descr|bed |t "hav|ng a|| the r|ght
amen|nes for a wor|d c|ass ho||day desnnanon".
We saw Lhe locauon and Lhe bulldlng wlLh
amazlng vlews, whlch open from every unlL of Lhe
bulldlng and lLs 31 oors. We creaLed a concepL
which we felt was totally missing from Hua Hin and
which is able to provide the elements of genuine
beachfront living for the holiday home buyers as
well as greaL renLal revenues for lnvesLors, 8aslmus
The newly launched concept of Yambay Hua Hin
converLs already exlsung condomlnlums, ranglng
from 48 square meLer sLudlo unlLs Lo spaclous 1 and
2 bedroom resldences and up Lo 600 square meLer
luxury penLhouses, all wlLh sLunnlng, undlsLurbed
views towards the sea and to the surrounding
mounLalns. 1he properLy, whlch lncludes a prlvaLe
Colf course, several hundred meLers of beachfronL
and a varleLy of resorL faclllues acLs as a plauorm
where Yambay has now taken as its task to renovate
over 200 condominium units and to turn them
lnLo modern hollday homes wlLh auracuve renLal
wi th a free golf membershi p
JUL 15 - AUG 15 , 2014
1he renLal operauons aL ?ambay have a
great importance in the process as most of
the buyers are looking to capitalize on their
lnvesLmenLs durlng Lhe umes when Lhe unlL
would oLherwlse sLay empLy. ?ambay oers
a fully managed, hoLel sLyle renLal program,
whlch provldes for Lhe owners an esumaLed
annual rental return of 10% net. This while
sull allowlng Lhe owners Lo freely use Lhe
unlLs upon Lhelr own deslres, 8aslmus
1he bulldlng, currenLly operaLed under
Lhe name Mllford aradlse", has been an
acuve hoLel for Lwo decades and has a loL
of characLer Lo lL. uue Lo lLs superb locauon
it has a regular clientele of both Thai and
forelgn hollday makers, from lndlvldual
Lravelers Lo weddlng parues and corporaLe
meeungs. AlLhough Lhe Mllford PoLel ls
somewhaL daLed, owners and guesLs aL
Yambay have their own separate entrance
/ recepuon LhaL resembles a modern S sLar
hotel lobby. The Yambay team also has in
lLs plans Lo lmprove Lhe exlsung faclllues of
Lhe resorL Lo beuer sulL lLs upscale cllenLele
and has as well seL lLs eyes on developlng Lhe rsL
lnLernauonal sLyle beach club of Pua Pln on lLs beach.
1he condomlnlums LhaL are oered have undenlably
some of Lhe besL ocean vlews ln Pua Pln, are fully
renovated and include a ready-to-move-in furniture
package along with stylish living accessories. Yambay
condomlnlums are sold wlLh all Lhe needed lLems,
such as klLchen equlpmenL, bed llnen, 1v's and oLher
loose furnlLure. As an lclng on Lhe cake, every ?ambay
condominium also includes a free Golf Membership
(annual fees wlll apply), whlch allows unlL owners and
rental tenants to enjoy free green fees at the Milford
Lagle Colf course, one of Lhe only sea vlew Colf
courses in Thailand.
The unit prices for fully renovated and furnished
Yambay condominiums with Golf memberships start
from [usL 2.9S mllllon 1hal 8ahL (SLudlo unlLs) and
are available with freehold and leasehold ownership
Moblle: 094 2700 6S7
HOT Homes of Hua Hi n
The word "enthouse" evokes
an emonon of |uxury. 1h|s |s
certa|n|y true when descr|b|ng
th|s |uxur|ous enthouse home
at 8aan San Dao. In the wor|d of
kea| Lstate |t's a|| about "|ocanon,
|ocanon and |ocanon" and the
abso|ute beachfront |ocanon
cou|dn't be beuer, espec|a||y s|nce
|t's [ust across the street from
Market V|||age, nua n|n's prem|er
shopp|ng ma|| and m|nutes away
from nua n|n's c|ty center. It
|s a|so wa|k|ng d|stance to nua
n|n's new S b||||on baht 8|uport
Shopp|ng Ma|| current|y under
JUL 15 - AUG 15 , 2014
1hls large unlL ls 2S0 square meLers
in size and includes 3 bedrooms with
mald's quarLers. 1he open klLchen,
dlnlng, llvlng room plan exudes Lhe
feellng of space wlLh mosL all wlndows,
overlooking the oceanfront pool and
the sandy Hua Hin beach beyond. Large
decks allow you to enjoy Hua Hins
superb climate while listening to the
waves lap up against the shore.

The master suite is big and the
bathroom features a large bathtub
with ocean views. The other two
bedrooms are equally spaclous maklng
for a perfecL hollday home or full ume
residence. The unit would also be highly
desirable as a rental given its absolute
beachfronL locauon and lLs exLremely
close proximity to shops and restaurants
making not having a car a non-issue.
There are actually 3 pools in this
development and the whole complex is
magnlcenLly malnLalned and emclenLly
JUL 15 - AUG 15 , 2014
This property is
be|ng oered for sa|e
furn|shed at S2 M||||on
1ha| 8aht. Ior more
|nformanon or to
arrange a tour (ser|ous
enqu|r|es on|y) contact
kuss Down|ng w|th
nC1 nua n|n roperty,
084 387 S699 or russQ
TV and DVD surround system
Hot water system in kitchen and bathroom
True Visions Box
High quality furniture and fttings
Swimming Pool & Fitness Center
Parking & Trolley transport to beach
Minutes to Market Village Shopping Center
and city center
Ocean and Mountain Views
For more information contact Owner at: Mobile: 080 6790801 Email :
Uncerta|nty ohen gets the best of
us. It can get |n the way of our tak|ng
that hrst step toward our goa|s. Ior
most, uncerta|nty generates a parncu|ar
emonona| response: fear. 1h|s fear can
take many forms, some of the most
common be|ng: fear of re[ecnon, fear of
fa||ure, fear of not be|ng good enough,
fear of the unknown... 1he catch |s to
fee| the fear and do |t anyway.

Pave a look aL someone ln a posluon of
power. They exude a sense of certainty.
They know where they were going - no
mauer whaL ls currenLly happenlng
around them. But where does certainty
come from? ls lL only Lhe selecL few who
get to experience it? Can you experience
lL? 1he answer ls, ?es." no mauer who
you are or whaL's happened Lo you, you
can learn to create this state of certainty
within yourself.

Try this: imagine that for one day
you decide to move at a very slow
pace, sLoop over ln your posLure,
slump your shoulders, speak
slowly, wlLh no enLhuslasm ln your
voice... what happens? How is your
mindset? Your state?
8lghL. lL's noL very good, ls lL?

?ou see, our mlnd ls dlrecLly aecLed
by whaL we do wlLh our body. lf you
change Lhe Lempo of your movemenL,
your breaLhlng, Lhe lnexlon ln your
volce, eLc., you are llLerally changlng
your physiology. When you change your
physlology, you change your emouonal
and menLal sLaLe, and your acuons and
Lhe resulLanL quallLy of Lhose acuons
change dramaucally. 1he resulL? ?ou geL
what you want.

So how do you change your
physiology? You can start by monitoring
Lhe above-menuoned aspecLs of
your physical body. You can also
look to what you do on a daily
basls. More speclcally, change your
daily rituals. We are a product of our
rituals and most of us perform these
How to Take
Advantage of Uncertai nty
The Secret to Shi fti ng Your State
JUL 15 - AUG 15 , 2014
get aroused. The subconscious mind
belleved Lhe fanLasy Lo be real, and
expressed it through your body accordingly.
now, one way you can begln Lo lnLenuonally
imprint what you really desire upon your
subconsclous mlnd. 1ake ve mlnuLes
before you go to sleep at night and just
as you wake up in the morning to pretend
that you already have whatever it is you
desire. Do this as if it were real now. Use all
your senses - everyLhlng you see, hear, feel,
taste and touch. Youll be programming
your subconsclous mlnd Lo alLer your sLaLe,
come up wlLh soluuons, and nouce cues ln
your environment to move toward whatever
it is that you want.

When you perform all three tasks on a
daily basis - as your new ritual - youll see a
dramauc change ln your sLaLe and you'll be
taking advantage of uncertainty.

Need a ||u|e v|sua|? Shawn K. Carpenter
shows you exactly how to take advantage of
uncerLalnLy ln 3 easy sLeps, eLc. Co Lo hup://
begins/ to watch this amazing step-by-step
vldeo serles Lo creaLe Lransformauon ln your
business and life today.
rituals unconsciously. Change your
rlLuals, change your resulLs. Pere are
a couple sLraLegles LhaL l use regularly
wlLh my cllenLs, LhaL l wlll share wlLh
you now. You can begin to apply them
1.8epeaL posluve amrmauons such
as l love my llfe. All l need ls wlLhln
me now." lL wlll make a Lremendous
dlerence when you repeaL lL several
umes over and wlLh enough emouonal
intensity that you believe what you are
saylng. lL's a greaL way Lo sLarL your day
in an empowered and resourceful state.
2.CeL physlcal! uo someLhlng - go for
a walk or a run or anything else that will
work for you - every day.
3.1lme Lravel. no, LhaL wasn'L a Lypo,
ume Lravel ls real. AL leasL Lo your
subconscious mind. Without going into
Loo much deLall here, lL ls lmporLanL
to note that the subconscious mind
(abouL 90 of your menLal faculues) ls
deducuve by naLure. 1hls means LhaL
lL Lakes everyLhlng llLerally, lL can'L Lell
Lhe dlerence beLween whaL ls real
and what is imagined. And because
lL ls deducuve, lL also musL express
whaLever ls lmprlnLed upon lL (and,
agaln, we usually do Lhls unconsclously)
Lhrough Lhe body. A slmple, albelL
crude, example of Lhls ls when you have
a sexual fantasy. What happens? You
JUL 15 - AUG 15 , 2014
One of the ma|n factors that make nua n|n one of the best
p|aces on the p|anet for me |s the c||mate: It |s true, |t's on the
warmer s|de so for peop|e that treasure coo| c||mate zones |t
may not app|y. 8e|ng a Sw|ss I have had my fa|r share of co|d
and m|serab|e weather and I tru|y en[oy the constant|y warm
temperatures. 1here may not be the b|g seasona| changes but
there |s sn|| a spr|ng and autumn a|be|t the w|nter m|ss|ng
8uL Lhe maln facLor ls Lhe humldlLy, albelL consLanLly hoverlng
around 70% it rarely exceeds the 80% mark and thus has a very
Lherapeuuc eecL on humans. 1he humldlLy ls enough Lo help ln
curing many ailments without adding new ones. For people with
generaung bone dlsease, arLhrlus, osLeoporosls, and for people
wlLh breaLhlng problems, lung problems and oLher resplraLory
AnoLher really nlce facLor ls Lhe vasLly polluuon-free
envlronmenL. Slnce Lhere ls pracucally nelLher heavy lndusLry
Hua Hi n Weather
nor manufacLurlng locaLed ln Lhe wlder Pua Pln/Cha Am area,
Lhere ls llule Lo no polluuon. 8ased prlmarlly ln Pong kong,
this is of course a major advantage and adds to the bonanza
for me. The Bypass road that swallows most of the heavy
vehlcle Lramc conLrlbuLes a greaL deal Lo Lhe healLhy" alr ln
Pua Pln. neverLheless Lhe Lramc ls bulldlng up buL l hope LhaL
the improving emission standards will compensate for this.
8ecenLly we have also seen some posluve acuons from Lhe clLy
governmenL Lo beuer regulaLe Lramc and ease congesuon, a
good eorL alLhough noL sumclenL Lo avold Lramc [ams especlally
during weekends and public holidays when many weekenders
from Bangkok crowd the streets.
As compared Lo many oLher places ln 1halland, Lhere are less
perlods of consLanL raln. ?es, we geL our falr share of raln durlng
the rainy season but usually they are very intense but short. The
typical day during the rainy season will see some sunshine mixed
wlLh clouds ln Lhe mornlng. 1owards Lhe early afernoon Lhe
clouds move in followed by an hour or two of intense rain but
JUL 15 - AUG 15 , 2014
of Lhe year. WlLh pracucally no raln you
can expect sunshine every day. Outdoor
acuvlLy plannlng ls a no bralner and llfe ls
absolutely carefree.
Hua Hin is an excellent place for many
reasons but the climate plays a very
speclal and posluve role. 1he vlslLor Lo
Hua Hin will recognize this within a few
days from arrlval, when many of Lhe
small ailments have disappeared and the
remainders are taken care of by a visit to
a good 1hal massage!
Good websites to look up the weather
1hal MeLeorologlcal SaLelllLe (shows Lhe
blg plcLure) hup://www.saumeL.Lmd.
WeaLher lorecasL hup://www.
Lhen Lhe sun rounds o Lhe day. 1hls ls
parucularly greaL slnce Lhe sewage sysLem
ls noL able Lo swallow conunue raln well.
But the short and intense rain is just
about what the system can swallow and
dlgesL" mosL of Lhe ume. Cf course Lhere
are umes when oodlng hampers llfe or
may even cause some damage but this
is rare and most people have provided
for this by raising their houses or other
physical measures to prevent damage.
8eecung Lo Lhe wonderful cllmaLe,
Hua Hin has become a golf mecca. The
almost constant breeze alleviates the
sLrengLh of Lhe sun durlng Lhe day. Sull
in the plain sun it can get extremely hot
with temperatures exceeding 40 C. The
Caucasian player/holiday maker is best
advised to cover up with long sleeve polo
and hat. Fortunately there is always some
shade available almost everywhere you
go and the last resort is the small Thai
resLauranL, whlch ls rarely more Lhan a
few footsteps away.
The dry months stretching from end of
November to mid-April are very pleasant
wlLh dayume LemperaLures of max. 30
C and nlghL ume LemperaLures around
22-2S C. lor Lhe resldenL Lhls ls ume Lo
puL on Lhe [ackeL and pullovers, however
for Lhe forelgn vlslLor Lhls ls Lhe besL ume
About the Author:
Dany ls a Swlss nauonal llvlng ln Pong kong and has been based ln Asla for 20 years. Pe ls marrled Lo karen, a
Pong kong nauonal. uany owns and manages a group of companles ln Pong kong LhaL speclallze ln envlronmenL
Lechnologles, servlces and producLs employlng a sLa of S0.
uany spends close Lo S0 of hls ume ln Pua Pln and ls shuullng beLween Pong kong and 1halland regularly.
JUL 15 - AUG 15 , 2014
Pranburi 6,500,000 THB
|a:a|e1 ' m|aa|e: :aa|| a| ||aaaa|| |ea|e|
|a|a |||:|ea, |a|| ||| |aa, |aa:, le||a:e
|aa| wJ:w|m je| aa1 la:att|, |a| |a||, |a|a|:|e1
Beds : 2 Baths : 3
Land area : 756 sqm. Living area : 210 sqm.
|aa ||a We:| 7,900,000 THB
#AG-B56 |aaa||:|1e
|a:a|e1 IJ m|aa|e: We:| a| |aa ||a
|a|a |||:|ea, a|| :aa aa1 |aa:, ae:| |aa:e
,aa|, :,a, a|1ea, 1a| :a| ,a||, e|e:|||: a|e
Beds : 4 Baths : 3
Land area : 796 sqm. Living area : 192 sqm.
|aa ||a |a||| II,7JJ,JJJ l||
|a:a|e1 a,,|a\|ma|e| IJ m|aa|e: ||am |aa ||a
|a|a |||:|ea, |aa:, ||| |aa:, |aa|
ca|| ||aa aa1 |||ae:: ||aa |emae|:||,
Beds : 4 Baths : 4
Land area : 1,200 sqm. Living area : 420 sqm.
ca|| |aa|:e
Pranburi 7,750,000 THB
|a:a|e1 ' m|aa|e: :aa|| a| ||aaaa|| |ea|e|
|a|a |||:|ea, |a|| ||| |aa, |aa:, le||a:e
|aa| w la:att|, |a| |a||, |a|a|:|e1
Beds : 3 Baths : 3
Land area : 802 sqm. Living area : 250 sqm.
|aa ||a We:| 5,400,000 THB
IJ m|aa|e: We:| a| |aa ||a
|a|a |||:|ea, a|| :aa, |aa: |||aa|aa|
|aa|, ae:| |aa:e, a|1ea, ,||.a:
Beds : 3 Baths : 2
Land area : 500 sqm. Living area : 160 sqm.
|aa ||a We:|
|aa ||a We:| 4,600,000 THB
||c|!I |aaa||:|1e
IJ m|aa|e: We:| a| |aa ||a :ea|e|
|a|| |||e1 |a|a |||:|ea, + / 7 me|e| ,aa|
||| ,||.a: wa||:, a|1ea
Beds : 3 Baths : 2
Land area : 450 sqm. Living area : 135 sqm.
||c|!I |aaa||:|1e
IJ m|aa|e: We:| a| |aa ||a :ea|e|
|a|| |||e1 |a|a |||:|ea, + / 7 me|e| ,aa|
||| ,||.a: wa||:, a|1ea
Beds : 3 Baths : 2
Land area : 450 sqm. Living area : 135 sqm.
List your home
HOT Hua Hin Property
for maximum exposure.
Contact us at
for full details
|aa ||a |a||| 5,900,000 THB
#AG-V64 |aaa||:|1e
|a:a|e1 |ea m|aa|e: |a||| a| |aa ||a
|a|a |||:|ea, a|| :aa X |aa:
,aa|, la:att|, :a.e|e1 |e||a:e
Beds : 3 Baths : 4
Land area : 800 sqm. Living area : 247 sqm.
Ie|. + (JJ &+ J&l J77 (|NJ, + (JJ 7+ JZ +JJ (Ih/J |ma||. www.|e||ca||ajrejer|.tem
|aa ||a :aa|| IJ,'JJ,JJJ l||
|a:a|e1 IJ m|aa|e: aa||| a| |aa ||a
|a|a |||:|ea, ||| |aa, |aa:
|a|e ,aa|, :a.e|e1 ea|e||a|amea| a|ea
Beds : 3 Baths : 4
Land area : 785 sqm. Living area : 220 sqm.
|aa ||a We:| 9,800,000 THB
|a:a|e1 IJ m|aa|e: We:| a| |aa ||a
|a|a |||:|ea, a|| :aa, |aa: |||aa|aa|
|a|e ,aa|, ae:| |aa:e, :am,|e|e1 1e.e|a,mea|
Beds : 4 Baths : 5
Land area : 1,200 sqm. Living area : 260 sqm.
|aa ||a We:|
JUL 15 - AUG 15 , 2014
|aa ||a :aa|| I1,JJJ,JJJ l||
||c\I'' ||||:|1e :eaa \|ew:
|a:a|e1 I' m|aa|e: :aa|| a| |aa ||a
|a|a |||:|ea, a|| :aa X |aa:, waa1 1aa|:
,aa|, :a|a, a|1ea, 1a|. :a|,a||, e|e:|||: a|e
Beds : 3 Baths : 4
Land area : 1,440 sqm. Living area : 400 sqm.
|aa ||a :aa|| II,JJJ,JJJ l||
|a:a|e1 ' m|aa|e: :aa|| a| |aa ||a
|a|a |||:|ea, a|| :aa, |aa:
|a|e ,aa|, la:att|, ame: |aam
Beds : 4 Baths : 5
Land area : 1,120 sqm. Living area : 300 sqm.
|aa ||a We:| IZ,JJ,JJJ l||
|a:a|e1 IJ m|aa|e: We:| a| |aa ||a
|a|a |||:|ea, a|| :aa aa1 |aa:, we|| aa|||
|aa:e :a||aaa1: ,aa| |a| ma\|mam ,||.a:
Beds : 4 Baths : 6
Land area : 800 sqm. Living area : 230 sqm.
|aa ||a We:| 9,900,000 THB
#AG-B88 |aaa||:|1e
IJ m|aa|e: We:| a| |aa ||a
|. |a|a |||:|ea, a|| :aa, |aa:
|a|e |aa| :a.e|e1 |e||a:e aa1 a|1ea
Beds : 4 Baths : 3
Land area : 600 sqm. Living area : 200 sqm.
|aa ||a |a||| IJ,7JJ,JJJ l||
|a:a|e1 IJ |a I' m|aa|e: |a||| a| |aa ||a
|a|a |||:|ea, a|| :aa, |aa:, :a.e|e1 |e||a:e
,aa|, :,a, :|eam|aam w||| :|awe|, a|ae
Beds : 3 Baths : 3
Land area : 1,600sqm. Living area : 230 sqm.
|aa ||a :aa|| 8,800,000 THB
|a:a|e1 IJ m|aa|e: :aa|| a| |aa ||a
| :|a,e1 |a|a |||:|ea, a|| :aa aa1 |aa:
|a|e :a.e|e1 |e||a:e, ,aa|, :,a, :a|,a||
Beds : 3 Baths : 3
Land area : 800 sqm. Living area : 250 sqm.
|aa ||a We:| 9,000,000 THB
' m|aa|e: We:| a| |aa ||a
|a|a |||:|ea, a|| :aa aa1 |aa: |||aa|aa|
|aa|, :,a, :a|,a||, :|a|||e aa: :e|.|:e
Beds : 3 Baths : 4
Land area : 650 sqm. Living area : 250 sqm.
|aa ||a We:| 9,900,000 THB
|a:a|e1 IJ m|aa|e: We:| a| |aa ||a
|a|a |||:|ea, a|| :aa aa1 |aa: |||aa|aa|
' / IJ me|e| ,aa|, a|1ea, a|a|m ::|em
Beds : 3 Baths : 3
Land area : 648 sqm. Living area : 299 sqm.
|aa ||a :aa|| II,JJJ,JJJ l||
|a:a|e1 IJ m|aa|e: :aa|| a| |aa ||a
|a|a |||:|ea, |a|| ||| |aa, |aa:, le||a:e
|aa|, :a| ,a||
Beds : 3 Baths : 4
Land area : 433 sqm. Living area : 280 sqm.
||||:|1e :eaa \|ew:
|a:a|e1 IJ m|aa|e: :aa|| a| |aa ||a
| :|a,e1 |a|a |||:|ea, a|| :aa aa1 |aa:
|a|e :a.e|e1 |e||a:e, ,aa|, :,a, :a|,a||
Beds : 3 Baths : 3
Land area : 800 sqm. Living area : 250 sqm.
List your home
HOT Hua Hin Property
for maximum exposure.
Contact us at
for full details
Ie|. + (JJ &+ J&l J77 (|NJ, + (JJ 7+ JZ +JJ (Ih/J |ma||. www.|e||ca||ajrejer|.tem
JUL 15 - AUG 15 , 2014
IZ,'JJ,JJJ l|| |aa ||a :aa||
#AG-B77 #AG-V74 |aaa||:|1e |aaa||:|1e
|a:a|e1 a,,|a\.IJ m|aa|e: :aa|| a| |aa ||a
| :|a,e1 |a|a |||:|ea, a|| :aa X |aa:
|a|e :a.e|e1 |e||a:e, ,aa|, 1a| :a|,a||
|a:a|e1 a,,|a\. IJ m|aa|e: |a||| a| |aa ||a
|a|e |am|| |ame aa |a|e |aa1 ,|a|
|aa|, :,a, :e,a|a|e aae ae1|aam ae:| |aa:e
Beds : 3 Baths : 3
Living area : 350 sqm.
Land area : 1,200 sqm.
Beds : 4 Baths : 5
Living area : 320 sqm.
Land area : 1,272 sqm.
I7,7JJ,JJJ l|| ||aa la||aa
#AG-B45 #AG-B74 ||.e|||aa| |aaa||:|1e
|a:a|e1 I' |a ZJ m|aa|e: :aa|| a| |aa ||a
|||.a|e 1a:||1ea| |a| aaa|e|
||aa|e: ||am |a| |am ||aa |a||aa
|a:a|e1 a,,|a\. ' m|aa|e: ||am |aa ||a
|a1e|a |a|a |||:|ea, ||| :aa aa1 |aa:
,aa|, 1a| :a|,a||, ' m|aa|e: |a aea:|
Beds : 4 Baths : 5
Living area : 280 sqm.
Land area : 1,600 sqm.
Beds : 4 Baths : 5
Living area : 360 sqm.
Land area : 1,000 sqm.
2,950,000 THB II,ZZJ,JJJ l|| ||aa laa ||aa laa
#AG-A53 #AG-A54 |ea:| |ea:|
|a:a|e1 a,,|a\|ma|e| I' m|aa|e: ||am |aa ||a
:eaa ||aa|, |a|| |a|a|:|e1, |a|a |||:|ea, ||| |aa:
|aa|, |e:|aa|aa|, ca|| |aa|:e |emae|:||,:
|a:a|e1 a,,|a\|ma|e| I' m|aa|e: ||am |aa ||a
:eaa ||aa|, |a|| |a|a|:|e1, |a|a |||:|ea, ||| |aa:
|aa|, |e:|aa|aa|, ca|| |aa|:e |emae|:||,:
Beds : :|a1|a
Baths : I
Living area : 48 sqm.
Beds : 2
Baths : 3
Living area : 187 sqm.
I1,'JJ,JJJ l|| |aa ||a |a|||
|a| |am ||aa
Ie|. + (JJ &+ J&l J77 (|NJ, + (JJ 7+ JZ +JJ (Ih/J |ma||. www.|e||ca||ajrejer|.tem
I',JJJ,JJJ l||
JUL 15 - AUG 15 , 2014
Ie|. + (JJ &+ J&l J77 (|NJ, + (JJ 7+ JZ +JJ (Ih/J |ma||. www.|e||ca||ajrejer|.tem
2,700,000 THB ||aa la||aa
#AG-A50 ||c|'I |aaa||:|1e |aaa||:|1e
|a:a|e1 a,,|a\. IJ m|aa|e: ||am |aa ||a |ea|e|
:eaa \|ew, ZJJ me|e|: ||am |ea| aea:|
|a|a |||:|ea, |aa:, ||| |aa:, |aa|
|a:a|e1 a,,|a\. IJ m|aa|e: ||am |aa ||a |ea|e|
:eaa \|ew, ZJJ me|e|: ||am |ea| aea:|
|a|a |||:|ea, |aa:, ||| |aa:, |aa|
Beds : I
Baths : I
Living area : 45 sqm.
Beds : 2
Baths : 2
Living area : 85 sqm.
8,000,000 THB ||aa la||aa
#AG-A49 #AG-A52 |aaa||:|1e |aaa||:|1e
|a:a|e1 a,,|a\. IJ m|aa|e: ||am |aa ||a |ea|e|
:eaa \|ew, ZJJ me|e|: ||am |ea| aea:|
|a|a |||:|ea, |aa:, ||| |aa:, |aa|
|a:a|e1 a,,|a\. IJ m|aa|e: ||am |aa ||a |ea|e|
:eaa \|ew, ZJJ me|e|: ||am |ea| aea:|
|a|a |||:|ea, |aa:, ||| |aa:, |aa|
Beds : 2
Baths : I
Living area : 90 sqm.
Beds : 2
Baths : 2
Living area : 105 sqm.
IJ,7JJ,JJJ l|| 35,000,000 THB ||aa la||aa |aa ||a |a|||
#AG-A48 #AG-A47 |aaa||:|1e :eaa ||aa| |a:|| l|aa| |aa1am|a|am
|a:a|e1 a,,|a\|ma|e| ' m|aa|e: ||am |aa ||a
:eaa \|ew, |a:a|a|e aea:|||aa| aa||1|a
|a|a |||:|ea, |aa:, ||| |aa:, |aa|
|a|e| 1ae: aa a,,a||aa|| a||:e |a ,a|:|a:e a aa|| aa ||e
,|e|e|aa|e aa||| :|1e a| |||: |a\a| :aa1am|a|am aa||1|a |a:|1e
||e |a:|| l|aa| |e:a||! l||: :,a:|aa: + ae1|aam, + aa|||aam
aa|| w||| :ea .|ew: ||am e.e| ae1|aam |a: aeea :am,|e|e|
|e1aae aa1 |e1e:|ae1 ma||a || ma|e :,a:|aa: aa1 a,ea.
Beds : 2
Baths : 2
Living area : 153 sqm.
Beds : 4
Baths : 4
Living area : 317 sqm.
4,800,000 THB ||aa la||aa
||aa la||aa 8,000,000 THB
JUL 15 - AUG 15 , 2014
Located in Palm Hills, a a|| :aa|:e :ammaa|| a,,|a\|ma|e| |ea m|aa|e: aa|||
a| |aa ||a |: |||: e\a||: ||a,|:a| ,a|a1|:e. |||e| ,a::|a |||aa| aa |a1|aa aa||)ae
waa1ea 1aa| aa .ea|a|e a:|a:: aa e|e.a|e1 wa||wa a.e| a |a|e |a| ,aa1 ae|aw |a
ea|e| ||e |ame. :||||a aa a |aa1 ,|a| a| I,JJ :)aa|e me|e|: |||: |am|| |ame a||e|:
we||a,,a|a|e1 ea:a||e ae1|aam:. l|e ma:|e| :a||e aaa:|: ||: aa1 |e| 1|e::|a
|aam: a: we|| a: ||: aa1 |e| aa|||aam:. l|e ||.|a |aam :aa a,ea a, aa 1 :|1e: |a a
aa|:aa .|a :aa:e|||aa |a|1|a 1aa|:. l|e ||.|a |aam |e||a:e a.e||aa|: ||e ,aa| aa1
Beds : 6
Baths : 7
Land : 1,600 sqm.
Living : 700 sqm.
70,000,000 THB |aa ||a |a||| ||c\IJ
Ie|. + (JJ &+ J&l J77 (|NJ, + (JJ 7+ JZ +JJ (Ih/J |ma||. www.|e||ca||ajrejer|.tem
I||: |arje |caja|ew |: ler :a|e |a |a|m h|||:, |aa ||a: ,|em|e| a||
1e.e|a,mea| |a:a|e1 ! |m aa||| a| |aa ||a: |awa :ea||e. la:| a |ew a| ||e
maa |ea|a|e: |||: |ame |a: |a:|a1e: aa |a1a:|||a| :|te1 |||:|ea, aa a.e|:|te1
|a|a|| ,aa| w||| a|ea|||a||a .|ew: a| ||e a|| :aa|:e, a la:att| ||a| :ea|:
ZJ, a :|eam |aam, |wa :e,a|a|e aae ae1|aam ea:a||e ae:| :a||e:, aa
aa1e||aaa1 m w||| a .|ew|a w|a1aw |a|a ||e 1ee, ea1 a| ||e :w|mm|a
,aa| aa1 ma|1: )aa||e|:. l||: |ame |: ae|a :a|1 |a|| |a|a|:|e1 aa1 :ame:
w||| |||e||me |am|| memae|:||,: |a ||e ca|| ||aa X |||ae:: ||aa.
teaa \|ew: w||| i|ret| atte:: |e ||e |eat|.
l||: ea1 aa|| + :|a|e |a\a| .|||a |a a aa||1|a a| 1 |a: ||: awa e|e.a|a|
|ea1|a |a ||e |aa||a, ea|e||a|a|a a|ea w||| aa|1aa| |||:|ea. l||: aa|| |: ||e
|a:| ae|a|e ||e aea:| aa1 |: :|a:e:| |a ||e aea:|||aa| ,aa| aa1 :|aa|aa:e. l||:
.|||a |: ||:ea:e1 aa1e| :aa1am|a|am |a|e: aa1 :aa ae awae1 ||ee|a|1 a a
Beds : 7
Baths : 8
Land : 2,400 sqm.
Living : 600 sqm.
Beds : 4
Baths : 5
Land : 150 sqm.
Living : 461 sqm.
22,000,000 THB |aa ||a |a||| #AG-B87
||c\I' 49,500,000 THB |aa ||a |a|||
JUL 15 - AUG 15 , 2014
Ie|. + (JJ &+ J&l J77 (|NJ, + (JJ 7+ JZ +JJ (Ih/J |ma||. www.|e||ca||ajrejer|.tem
+ |||ame|e|: ||am |a |aaaa |a w||| I7J me|e|: a| wa|e|||aa|.
Wa|e| aa1 ||e:|||: |ea1.
W||| aeaa|||a| '|a1amaa |||e wa|e| aa1 aea:|e: |||: |aa1 |: ,e||e:| |a| a :aa1am|a|am, |aa:|a ,|aje:| a| |aa1 aaa||a.
W||| ||e ||| :am|a ae\| ea| aa1 ||e :|a||aa |mm||a||aa a,ea|a, |||: aea:|||aa| |aa1 w||| ja:| :aa||aae |a :||ma |a ,||:e.
!JJ me|e|: a| wa|e|||aa|.
Wa|e| aa1 ||e:|||: |ea1.
W||| aeaa|||a| '|a1amaa |||e wa|e| aa1 aea:|e: |||: |aa1 |: ,e||e:| |a| a :aa1am|a|am, |aa:|a ,|aje:| a| |aa1 aaa||a.
W||| ||e ||| :am|a ae\| ea| aa1 ||e :|a||aa |mm||a||aa a,ea|a, |||: aea:|||aa| |aa1 w||| ja:| :aa||aae |a :||ma |a ,||:e.
290,000,000 THB ||a:|aaa ||||| ||aa |ea:|||aa| 72 Rai ||c|I7
823,000,000 THB |aa \aa |ea:|||aa| 284 Rai ||c|ZJ
JUL 15 - AUG 15 , 2014
Classic Thai Style Estate Home / Resort
|eta|ei jc:| |ea m|ac|e: we:| el hca h|a |a a c|e| aai jeatelc| area |:
|||: a|ae |eireem, e|eea |a||reem I|a| :||ei |:|a|e temjecai.
Luxurious lake Front Golf Course Home.
|eta|ei jc:| |ea m|ac|e: aer|| el hca h|a': tea|er aai m|ac|e: awa
lrem ||e aew \eaet|a :|ejj|aj ma|| |: |||: |arje lam|| |eme ea +,&JJ
square meters of manicured garden land.
IJJ,JJJ,JJJ l|| 45,000,000 THB |aa ||a We:| |aa ||a |a||| ||c\I17 #AG-V27
l|e ma|a |aa:e |: I,1' :)aa|e me|e|: |a :|te aa1 |a: |aa| |||:|ea:. l|e |a|a|
aa1e| |aa| ||.|a a|ea |: I,!7 :)aa|e me|e|: |a:|a1|a a 'J :)aa|e me|e| :a|a
aa1 a .e| |a|e aa|1aa| |||:|ea J 1|a|a J aa1 ea|e||a|amea| ,a.|||aa ae\| |a ||e
1e:a1ea| ZJJ :)aa|e me|e| :w|mm|a ,aa| aa1 la:att|. l||: :ea:a||aaa| ,|a,e||
:aa:|:|: a| 7 ea:a||e ae1|aam:, |aa| |||:|ea:, a |a|e :aa|e|ea:e |aam, ,|a|e::|aaa|
aa|, ,|a|e::|aaa| |||:|ea, aa1 :,a.
l||: |ame |ea|a|e: ' ae1|aam X ' aa|||aam: |a:|a1|a aa e\||eme| |a|e ma:|e| :a||e
w||| a||a:|e1 :,a |aam, a ma::|.e |||:|ea 1e:|ae1 |a| ea|e||a|a|a aa1 a 1|a|a |aam w|||
|aam :ea||a |a| IZ. |a a11|||aa |a ||e !!' :)aa|e me|e|: a| |a1aa| ||.|a :,a:e ||e|e
|: 1Z :)aa|e me|e|: a| |e||a:e |a:|a1|a I+J :)aa|e me|e|: a| |ea| 1e:||a :a||aaa1|a
a .e| |a|e ! \ ZI me|e| |aa |a|a|| ,aa|. l||: |ame a|:a |a:|a1e: aa a||:e, ||a|a|,
:e,a|a|e ae:| |aa:e aa1 :e,a|a|e ma|1: )aa||e|: w||| Z ea:a||e ae1|aam:. l||: ,a|||a||
|a|a|:|e1 |ame a|:a |a:|a1e: a |||e||me |a|m ||||: |am|| a|| memae|:||, aa1 a :e,a|a|e
|||e||me |am|| memae|:||, |a |a|m ||||: ||ae:: |a:||||.
Beds : 9 Baths : II Land : 3,200 sqm. Living : 1,769 sqm. Beds : 5 Baths : 5 Land : 4,800 sqm. Living : 775 sqm.
33 Pool Villas
24 Hours Security
Maid Service
Shutle Bus to
Hua Hin City Center
and Banyan Golf Club
Energy Efcient
+ 66 85 704 6731
+ 66 89 510 1203
Tel: 09-4562-4560 (Tai)
08-4387-5699 (English)

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